[med-svn] [Git][python-team/packages/tifffile][upstream] New upstream version 20201208

Ole Streicher gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Dec 11 08:50:11 GMT 2020

Ole Streicher pushed to branch upstream at Debian Python Team / packages / tifffile

11e8b78e by Ole Streicher at 2020-12-11T09:44:47+01:00
New upstream version 20201208
- - - - -

7 changed files:

- README.rst
- tests/test_tifffile.py
- tifffile.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- tifffile/tifffile.py
- tifffile/tifffile_geodb.py


@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
+    Pass 4376 tests.
+    Fix corrupted ImageDescription in multi shaped series if buffer too small.
+    Fix libtiff warning that ImageDescription contains null byte in value.
+    Fix reading invalid files using JPEG compression with palette colorspace.
+    Fix reading some JPEG compressed CFA images.
+    Make index of SubIFDs a tuple.
+    Pass through FileSequence.imread arguments in imread.
+    Do not apply regex flags to FileSequence axes patterns (breaking).
-    Pass 4372 tests.
     Add option to pass axes metadata to ImageJ writer.
     Pad incomplete tiles passed to TiffWriter.write (#38).
     Split TiffTag constructor (breaking).

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: tifffile
-Version: 2020.11.26
+Version: 2020.12.8
 Summary: Read and write TIFF(r) files
 Home-page: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/
 Author: Christoph Gohlke
@@ -51,28 +51,37 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         :License: BSD 3-Clause
-        :Version: 2020.11.26
+        :Version: 2020.12.8
         This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
         (other versions may work):
-        * `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.0 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+        * `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.1 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
         * `Numpy 1.19.4 <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/>`_
         * `Imagecodecs 2020.5.30 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
           (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
         * `Matplotlib 3.3.3 <https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib/>`_
           (required only for plotting)
-        * `Lxml 4.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
+        * `Lxml 4.6.2 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
           (required only for validating and printing XML)
-        * `Zarr 2.5.0 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
+        * `Zarr 2.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
           (required only for opening zarr storage)
+        2020.12.8
+            Pass 4376 tests.
+            Fix corrupted ImageDescription in multi shaped series if buffer too small.
+            Fix libtiff warning that ImageDescription contains null byte in value.
+            Fix reading invalid files using JPEG compression with palette colorspace.
+        2020.12.4
+            Fix reading some JPEG compressed CFA images.
+            Make index of SubIFDs a tuple.
+            Pass through FileSequence.imread arguments in imread.
+            Do not apply regex flags to FileSequence axes patterns (breaking).
-            Pass 4372 tests.
             Add option to pass axes metadata to ImageJ writer.
             Pad incomplete tiles passed to TiffWriter.write (#38).
             Split TiffTag constructor (breaking).
@@ -298,6 +307,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         Other tools for inspecting and manipulating TIFF files:
         * `tifftools <https://github.com/DigitalSlideArchive/tifftools>`_
+        * `Tyf <https://github.com/Moustikitos/tyf>`_

@@ -41,28 +41,37 @@ For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
 :License: BSD 3-Clause
-:Version: 2020.11.26
+:Version: 2020.12.8
 This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
 (other versions may work):
-* `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.0 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+* `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.1 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
 * `Numpy 1.19.4 <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/>`_
 * `Imagecodecs 2020.5.30 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
   (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
 * `Matplotlib 3.3.3 <https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib/>`_
   (required only for plotting)
-* `Lxml 4.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
+* `Lxml 4.6.2 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
   (required only for validating and printing XML)
-* `Zarr 2.5.0 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
+* `Zarr 2.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
   (required only for opening zarr storage)
+    Pass 4376 tests.
+    Fix corrupted ImageDescription in multi shaped series if buffer too small.
+    Fix libtiff warning that ImageDescription contains null byte in value.
+    Fix reading invalid files using JPEG compression with palette colorspace.
+    Fix reading some JPEG compressed CFA images.
+    Make index of SubIFDs a tuple.
+    Pass through FileSequence.imread arguments in imread.
+    Do not apply regex flags to FileSequence axes patterns (breaking).
-    Pass 4372 tests.
     Add option to pass axes metadata to ImageJ writer.
     Pad incomplete tiles passed to TiffWriter.write (#38).
     Split TiffTag constructor (breaking).
@@ -288,6 +297,7 @@ Some libraries are using tifffile to write OME-TIFF files:
 Other tools for inspecting and manipulating TIFF files:
 * `tifftools <https://github.com/DigitalSlideArchive/tifftools>`_
+* `Tyf <https://github.com/Moustikitos/tyf>`_

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Private data files are not available due to size and copyright restrictions.
 :License: BSD 3-Clause
-:Version: 2020.11.26
+:Version: 2020.12.8
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import math
 import os
 import pathlib
 import random
+import re
 import struct
 import sys
 import tempfile
@@ -173,17 +174,19 @@ from tifffile.tifffile import (
 # skip certain tests
-SKIP_HUGE = False
+SKIP_LARGE = False  # skip tests requiring large memory
 SKIP_PUBLIC = False  # skip public files
 SKIP_PRIVATE = False  # skip private files
 SKIP_VALIDATE = True  # skip validate written files with jhove
 SKIP_ZARR = False
-SKIP_32BIT = sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32
 SKIP_BE = sys.byteorder == 'big'
 REASON = 'just skip it'
+if sys.maxsize < 2 ** 32:
+    SKIP_LARGE = True
@@ -250,22 +253,22 @@ def config():
-def data_file(pathname, base):
+def data_file(pathname, base, expand=True):
     """Return path to test file(s)."""
     path = os.path.join(base, *pathname.split('/'))
-    if any(i in path for i in '*?'):
+    if expand and any(i in path for i in '*?'):
         return glob.glob(path)
     return path
-def private_file(pathname, base=PRIVATE_DIR):
+def private_file(pathname, base=PRIVATE_DIR, expand=True):
     """Return path to private test file(s)."""
-    return data_file(pathname, base)
+    return data_file(pathname, base, expand=expand)
-def public_file(pathname, base=PUBLIC_DIR):
+def public_file(pathname, base=PUBLIC_DIR, expand=True):
     """Return path to public test file(s)."""
-    return data_file(pathname, base)
+    return data_file(pathname, base, expand=expand)
 def random_data(dtype, shape):
@@ -398,7 +401,7 @@ def test_issue_imread_kwargs():
             for image in data:
                 tif.write(image)  # create 5 series
-        image = imread(fname)  # reads first series
+        image = imread(fname, pattern=None)  # reads first series
         assert_array_equal(image, data[0])
         image = imread(fname, is_shaped=False)  # reads all pages
         assert_array_equal(image, data)
@@ -463,6 +466,23 @@ def test_issue_jpeg_ia():
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
+def test_issue_jpeg_palette():
+    """Test invalid JPEG compressed intensity image with palette."""
+    # https://forum.image.sc/t/viv-and-avivator/45999/24
+    fname = private_file('issues/FL_cells.ome.tif')
+    with TiffFile(fname) as tif:
+        page = tif.pages[0]
+        assert page.compression == JPEG
+        assert page.colormap is not None
+        data = tif.asarray()
+        assert data.shape == (4, 1024, 1024)
+        assert data.dtype == 'uint8'
+        assert data[2, 512, 512] == 10
+        assert_aszarr_method(tif, data)
+        assert__str__(tif)
 def test_issue_specific_pages():
     """Test read second page."""
     data = random_data('uint8', (3, 21, 31))
@@ -710,13 +730,21 @@ def test_issue_imagej_grascalemode():
-def test_issue_valueoffset():
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize('byteorder', ['>', '<'])
+def test_issue_valueoffset(byteorder):
     """Test read TiffTag.valueoffsets."""
     unpack = struct.unpack
-    data = random_data('uint16', (2, 19, 31))
+    data = random_data(byteorder + 'u2', (2, 19, 31))
     software = 'test_tifffile'
-    with TempFileName('valueoffset') as fname:
-        imwrite(fname, data, software=software, photometric='minisblack')
+    bo = {'>': 'be', '<': 'le'}[byteorder]
+    with TempFileName(f'valueoffset_{bo}') as fname:
+        imwrite(
+            fname,
+            data,
+            software=software,
+            photometric='minisblack',
+            extratags=[(65535, 3, 2, (21, 22), True)],
+        )
         with TiffFile(fname, _useframes=True) as tif:
             with open(fname, 'rb') as fh:
                 page = tif.pages[0]
@@ -724,8 +752,11 @@ def test_issue_valueoffset():
                 assert (
-                    == unpack(tif.byteorder + 'H', fh.read(2))[0]
+                    == unpack(tif.byteorder + 'I', fh.read(4))[0]
+                # two inline values
+                fh.seek(page.tags[65535].valueoffset)
+                assert unpack(tif.byteorder + 'H', fh.read(2))[0] == 21
                 # separate value
                 assert page.software == bytes2str(fh.read(13))
@@ -2495,7 +2526,7 @@ def test_func_pformat_xml():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_func_lsm2bin():
     """Test lsm2bin function."""
     # Convert LSM to BIN
@@ -3968,7 +3999,7 @@ def test_read_lzw_12bit_table():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_lzw_large_buffer():
     """Test read LZW compression which requires large buffer."""
     # https://github.com/groupdocs-viewer/GroupDocs.Viewer-for-.NET-MVC-App
@@ -4116,9 +4147,7 @@ def test_read_jpeg12_mandril():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_jpeg_lsb2msb():
     """Test read huge tiled, JPEG compressed, with lsb2msb specified.
@@ -4313,6 +4342,33 @@ def test_read_zstd():
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
+def test_read_dng():
+    """Test read JPEG compressed CFA image in SubIFD."""
+    fname = private_file('DNG/IMG_0793.DNG')
+    with TiffFile(fname) as tif:
+        assert len(tif.pages) == 1
+        assert len(tif.series) == 2
+        page = tif.pages[0]
+        assert page.index == 0
+        assert page.shape == (640, 852, 3)
+        assert page.bitspersample == 8
+        data = page.asarray()
+        assert_aszarr_method(tif, data)
+        page = tif.pages[0].pages[0]
+        assert page.is_tiled
+        assert page.index == (0, 0)
+        assert page.compression == JPEG
+        assert page.photometric == CFA
+        assert page.shape == (3024, 4032)
+        assert page.bitspersample == 16
+        assert page.tags['CFARepeatPatternDim'].value == (2, 2)
+        assert page.tags['CFAPattern'].value == b'\x00\x01\x01\x02'
+        data = page.asarray()
+        assert_aszarr_method(tif.series[1], data)
+        assert__str__(tif)
 @pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_cfa():
     """Test read 14-bit uncompressed and JPEG compressed CFA image."""
@@ -4519,9 +4575,7 @@ def test_read_lena_be_rgb48():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_huge_ps5_memmap():
     """Test read 30000x30000 float32 contiguous."""
     fname = private_file('large/huge_ps5.tif')
@@ -4556,7 +4610,7 @@ def test_read_huge_ps5_memmap():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_movie():
     """Test read 30000 pages, uint16."""
     fname = public_file('tifffile/movie.tif')
@@ -4600,7 +4654,7 @@ def test_read_movie():
         assert__str__(tif, 0)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_movie_memmap():
     """Test read 30000 pages memory-mapped."""
     fname = public_file('tifffile/movie.tif')
@@ -4617,9 +4671,7 @@ def test_read_movie_memmap():
         assert__str__(tif, 0)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_100000_pages_movie():
     """Test read 100000x64x64 big endian in memory."""
     fname = public_file('tifffile/100000_pages.tif')
@@ -4658,7 +4710,7 @@ def test_read_100000_pages_movie():
         assert__str__(tif, 0)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_EXTENDED, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_chart_bl():
     """Test read 13228x18710, 1 bit, no bitspersample tag."""
     fname = public_file('tifffile/chart_bl.tif')
@@ -4687,13 +4739,12 @@ def test_read_chart_bl():
         assert data.dtype.name == 'bool'
         assert data[0, 0] is numpy.bool_(True)
         assert data[5000, 5000] is numpy.bool_(False)
-        assert_aszarr_method(tif, data)
+        if not SKIP_LARGE:
+            assert_aszarr_method(tif, data)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_EXTENDED or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_srtm_20_13():
     """Test read 6000x6000 int16 GDAL."""
     fname = private_file('large/srtm_20_13.tif')
@@ -4731,7 +4782,7 @@ def test_read_srtm_20_13():
 def test_read_gel_scan():
     """Test read 6976x4992x3 uint8 LZW."""
@@ -4946,7 +4997,7 @@ def test_read_tiles():
                     assert_array_equal(tile, next(segments)[0])
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_lsm_mosaic():
     """Test read LSM: PTZCYX (Mosaic mode), two areas, 32 samples, >4 GB."""
     # LSM files are little endian with two series, one of which is reduced RGB
@@ -4996,7 +5047,7 @@ def test_read_lsm_mosaic():
         assert__str__(tif, 0)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_lsm_carpet():
     """Test read LSM: ZCTYX (time series x-y), 72000 pages."""
     # reads very slowly, ensure colormap is not applied
@@ -5265,9 +5316,7 @@ def test_read_lsm_earpax2isl11():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_lsm_mb231paxgfp_060214():
     """Test read LSM with many LZW compressed pages."""
     # TZCYX (Stack mode), (60, 31, 2, 512, 512), 3720
@@ -5603,7 +5652,7 @@ def test_read_stk_10xcalib():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_EXTENDED, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_stk_112508h100():
     """Test read MetaMorph STK large time-series."""
     fname = private_file('stk/112508h100.stk')
@@ -5677,7 +5726,7 @@ def test_read_ndpi_cmu1():
 def test_read_ndpi_cmu2():
     """Test read Hamamatsu NDPI slide, JPEG."""
@@ -5831,7 +5880,7 @@ def test_read_svs_jp2k_33003_1():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_scn_collection():
     """Test read Leica SCN slide, JPEG."""
     # collection of 43 CZYX images
@@ -5902,7 +5951,7 @@ def test_read_scanimage_no_framedata():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_HUGE or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_scanimage_2gb():
     """Test read ScanImage non-BigTIFF > 2 GB.
@@ -6521,7 +6570,7 @@ def test_read_ome_zen_2chzt():
         assert__str__(tif, 0)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_ome_multifile():
     """Test read OME CTZYX series in 86 files."""
     # (2, 43, 10, 512, 512) CTZYX uint8 in 86 files, 10 pages each
@@ -6575,7 +6624,7 @@ def test_read_ome_multifile():
     #         self.assertTrue(page.parent.filehandle._fh)
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_ome_multifile_missing(caplog):
     """Test read OME referencing missing files."""
     # (2, 43, 10, 512, 512) CTZYX uint8, 85 files missing
@@ -6755,7 +6804,7 @@ def test_read_ome_cropped(caplog):
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_ome_corrupted_page(caplog):
     """Test read OME with corrupted but not referenced page."""
     # https://forum.image.sc/t/qupath-0-2-0-not-able-to-open-ome-tiff/23821/3
@@ -7388,7 +7437,7 @@ def test_read_imagej_fluorescentcells():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_EXTENDED, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PUBLIC or SKIP_LARGE or SKIP_EXTENDED, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_imagej_100000_pages():
     """Test read ImageJ with 100000 pages."""
     # 100000x64x64
@@ -7541,7 +7590,7 @@ def test_read_fluoview_lsp1_v_laser():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_HUGE or SKIP_32BIT, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_read_fluoview_120816_bf_f0000():
     """Test read FluoView TZYX."""
     fname = private_file('fluoview/120816_bf_f0000.tif')
@@ -7644,7 +7693,8 @@ def test_read_metaseries_g4d7r():
         assert data.shape == (12113, 13453)
         assert data.dtype.name == 'uint16'
         assert round(abs(data[512, 2856] - 4095), 7) == 0
-        assert_aszarr_method(series, data)
+        if not SKIP_LARGE:
+            assert_aszarr_method(series, data)
@@ -10984,10 +11034,10 @@ def test_write_volumetric_striped_contig_rgb_empty():
-def test_write_multiple_save():
-    """Test append pages."""
+def test_write_contiguous():
+    """Test contiguous mode."""
     data = random_data('uint8', (5, 4, 219, 301, 3))
-    with TempFileName('append') as fname:
+    with TempFileName('write_contiguous') as fname:
         with TiffWriter(fname, bigtiff=True) as tif:
             for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                 tif.write(data[i], contiguous=True)
@@ -10995,6 +11045,8 @@ def test_write_multiple_save():
         with TiffFile(fname) as tif:
             assert tif.is_bigtiff
             assert len(tif.pages) == 20
+            # check metadata is updated in-place
+            assert tif.pages[0].tags[270].valueoffset < tif.pages[1].offset
             for page in tif.pages:
                 assert page.is_contiguous
                 assert page.planarconfig == CONTIG
@@ -11008,7 +11060,7 @@ def test_write_multiple_save():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_write_3gb():
     """Test write 3 GB no-BigTiff file."""
     # https://github.com/blink1073/tifffile/issues/47
@@ -11021,7 +11073,7 @@ def test_write_3gb():
             assert not tif.is_bigtiff
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_write_bigtiff():
     """Test write 5GB BigTiff file."""
     data = numpy.empty((640, 1024, 1024), dtype='float64')
@@ -11514,7 +11566,7 @@ def test_write_imagej_append():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_write_imagej_raw():
     """Test write ImageJ 5 GB raw file."""
     data = numpy.empty((1280, 1, 1024, 1024), dtype='float32')
@@ -12138,9 +12190,7 @@ def test_sequence_zip_container():
     assert_array_equal(data, imread(container=fname))
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
 def test_sequence_wells_axesorder():
     """Test FileSequence with well plates and axes reorder."""
     ptrn = r'(?:_(z)_(\d+)).*_(?P<p>[a-z])(?P<a>\d+)(?:_(s)(\d))(?:_(w)(\d))'
@@ -12161,6 +12211,31 @@ def test_sequence_wells_axesorder():
             assert_array_equal(data, zarr.open(store, mode='r'))
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
+def test_sequence_tiled():
+    """Test FileSequence with tiled OME-TIFFs."""
+    # Dataset from https://github.com/tlambert03/tifffolder/issues/2
+    ptrn = re.compile(
+        r'\[(?P<U>\d+) x (?P<V>\d+)\].*(C)(\d+).*(Z)(\d+)', re.IGNORECASE
+    )
+    fnames = private_file('TiffSequenceTiled/*.tif', expand=False)
+    tifs = TiffSequence(fnames, pattern=ptrn)
+    assert len(tifs) == 60
+    assert tifs.shape == (2, 3, 2, 5)
+    assert tifs.axes == 'UVCZ'
+    data = tifs.asarray(is_ome=False)
+    assert isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
+    assert data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
+    assert data.shape == (2, 3, 2, 5, 2560, 2160)
+    assert data.dtype == 'uint16'
+    assert data[1, 2, 1, 3, 1024, 1024] == 596
+    if not SKIP_ZARR:
+        with tifs.aszarr(is_ome=False) as store:
+            assert_array_equal(
+                data[1, 2, 1, 3:5], zarr.open(store, mode='r')[1, 2, 1, 3:5]
+            )
 @pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_CODECS, reason=REASON)
 def test_sequence_imread():
     """Test TiffSequence with imagecodecs.imread."""
@@ -12249,7 +12324,7 @@ def test_depend_czifile():
         assert data[0, 0, 52, 182, 182, 0] == 10
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_depend_czi2tif():
     """Test czifile.czi2tif."""
     from czifile.czifile import CziFile, czi2tif
@@ -12270,7 +12345,7 @@ def test_depend_czi2tif():
- at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_32BIT or SKIP_HUGE, reason=REASON)
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(SKIP_PRIVATE or SKIP_LARGE, reason=REASON)
 def test_depend_czi2tif_airy():
     """Test czifile.czi2tif with AiryScan."""
     from czifile.czifile import czi2tif

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: tifffile
-Version: 2020.11.26
+Version: 2020.12.8
 Summary: Read and write TIFF(r) files
 Home-page: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/
 Author: Christoph Gohlke
@@ -51,28 +51,37 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         :License: BSD 3-Clause
-        :Version: 2020.11.26
+        :Version: 2020.12.8
         This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
         (other versions may work):
-        * `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.0 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+        * `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.1 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
         * `Numpy 1.19.4 <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/>`_
         * `Imagecodecs 2020.5.30 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
           (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
         * `Matplotlib 3.3.3 <https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib/>`_
           (required only for plotting)
-        * `Lxml 4.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
+        * `Lxml 4.6.2 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
           (required only for validating and printing XML)
-        * `Zarr 2.5.0 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
+        * `Zarr 2.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
           (required only for opening zarr storage)
+        2020.12.8
+            Pass 4376 tests.
+            Fix corrupted ImageDescription in multi shaped series if buffer too small.
+            Fix libtiff warning that ImageDescription contains null byte in value.
+            Fix reading invalid files using JPEG compression with palette colorspace.
+        2020.12.4
+            Fix reading some JPEG compressed CFA images.
+            Make index of SubIFDs a tuple.
+            Pass through FileSequence.imread arguments in imread.
+            Do not apply regex flags to FileSequence axes patterns (breaking).
-            Pass 4372 tests.
             Add option to pass axes metadata to ImageJ writer.
             Pad incomplete tiles passed to TiffWriter.write (#38).
             Split TiffTag constructor (breaking).
@@ -298,6 +307,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         Other tools for inspecting and manipulating TIFF files:
         * `tifftools <https://github.com/DigitalSlideArchive/tifftools>`_
+        * `Tyf <https://github.com/Moustikitos/tyf>`_

@@ -71,28 +71,37 @@ For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
 :License: BSD 3-Clause
-:Version: 2020.11.26
+:Version: 2020.12.8
 This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
 (other versions may work):
-* `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.0 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+* `CPython 3.7.9, 3.8.6, 3.9.1 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
 * `Numpy 1.19.4 <https://pypi.org/project/numpy/>`_
 * `Imagecodecs 2020.5.30 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
   (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
 * `Matplotlib 3.3.3 <https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib/>`_
   (required only for plotting)
-* `Lxml 4.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
+* `Lxml 4.6.2 <https://pypi.org/project/lxml/>`_
   (required only for validating and printing XML)
-* `Zarr 2.5.0 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
+* `Zarr 2.6.1 <https://pypi.org/project/zarr/>`_
   (required only for opening zarr storage)
+    Pass 4376 tests.
+    Fix corrupted ImageDescription in multi shaped series if buffer too small.
+    Fix libtiff warning that ImageDescription contains null byte in value.
+    Fix reading invalid files using JPEG compression with palette colorspace.
+    Fix reading some JPEG compressed CFA images.
+    Make index of SubIFDs a tuple.
+    Pass through FileSequence.imread arguments in imread.
+    Do not apply regex flags to FileSequence axes patterns (breaking).
-    Pass 4372 tests.
     Add option to pass axes metadata to ImageJ writer.
     Pad incomplete tiles passed to TiffWriter.write (#38).
     Split TiffTag constructor (breaking).
@@ -318,6 +327,7 @@ Some libraries are using tifffile to write OME-TIFF files:
 Other tools for inspecting and manipulating TIFF files:
 * `tifftools <https://github.com/DigitalSlideArchive/tifftools>`_
+* `Tyf <https://github.com/Moustikitos/tyf>`_
@@ -596,7 +606,7 @@ as numpy or zarr arrays:
-__version__ = '2020.11.26'
+__version__ = '2020.12.8'
 __all__ = (
@@ -688,7 +698,7 @@ def imread(files=None, aszarr=False, **kwargs):
         zarr storage instead of numpy array (experimental).
     kwargs : dict
         Parameters 'name', 'offset', 'size', and 'is_' flags are passed to
-        TiffFile().
+        TiffFile or TiffSequence.imread.
         The 'pattern', 'sort', 'container', and 'axesorder' parameters are
         passed to TiffSequence().
         Other parameters are passed to the asarray or aszarr functions.
@@ -734,8 +744,8 @@ def imread(files=None, aszarr=False, **kwargs):
         kwargs['key'] = kwargs.pop('pages')
-    if not kwargs_seq:
-        if isinstance(files, str) and any(i in files for i in '?*'):
+    if kwargs_seq.get('container', None) is None:
+        if isinstance(files, str) and ('*' in files or '?' in files):
             files = glob.glob(files)
         if not files:
             raise ValueError('no files found')
@@ -754,8 +764,8 @@ def imread(files=None, aszarr=False, **kwargs):
     with TiffSequence(files, **kwargs_seq) as imseq:
         if aszarr:
-            return imseq.aszarr(**kwargs)
-        return imseq.asarray(**kwargs)
+            return imseq.aszarr(**kwargs, **kwargs_file)
+        return imseq.asarray(**kwargs, **kwargs_file)
 def imwrite(file, data=None, shape=None, dtype=None, **kwargs):
@@ -1054,7 +1064,7 @@ class TiffWriter:
         if append:
             self._fh = FileHandle(file, mode='r+b', size=0)
-            self._fh.seek(0, 2)
+            self._fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
             self._fh = FileHandle(file, mode='wb', size=0)
             self._fh.write({'<': b'II', '>': b'MM'}[byteorder])
@@ -1428,6 +1438,8 @@ class TiffWriter:
                 elif metadata is not None:
+                    # description might have been appended to file
+                    fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                 if self._subifds:
                     if self._truncate or truncate:
@@ -1861,7 +1873,7 @@ class TiffWriter:
                 count = len(value)
                 if code == 270:
                     self._descriptiontag = TiffTag(270, 2, count, None, 0, 0)
-                    rawcount = value.rfind(b'\x00\x00')
+                    rawcount = value.find(b'\x00\x00')
                     if rawcount < 0:
                         rawcount = count
@@ -1974,21 +1986,19 @@ class TiffWriter:
                 self._colormap is not None,
+            description += '\x00' * 64  # add buffer for in-place update
         elif metadata or metadata == {}:
             if self._truncate:
             description = json_description(inputshape, **self._metadata)
+            description += '\x00' * 16  # add buffer for in-place update
         # elif metadata is None and self._truncate:
         #     raise ValueError('cannot truncate without writing metadata')
             description = None
         if description is not None:
             description = description.encode('ascii')
-            if not self._ome:
-                # add 64 bytes buffer
-                # the description might be updated later inplace with the
-                # final shape
-                description += b'\x00' * 64
             addtag(270, 2, 0, description, writeonce=True)
         del description
@@ -2372,14 +2382,14 @@ class TiffWriter:
                     ifdsize += 1
             # write IFD later when strip/tile bytecounts and offsets are known
-            fh.seek(ifdsize, 1)
+            fh.seek(ifdsize, os.SEEK_CUR)
             # write image data
             dataoffset = fh.tell()
             if align is None:
                 align = 16
             skip = (align - (dataoffset % align)) % align
-            fh.seek(skip, 1)
+            fh.seek(skip, os.SEEK_CUR)
             dataoffset += skip
             if contiguous:
                 if data is None:
@@ -4433,11 +4443,14 @@ class TiffFile:
         info = [info]
         info.append('\n'.join(str(s) for s in self.series))
         if detail >= 3:
-            info.extend(
-                TiffPage.__str__(p, detail=detail, width=width)
-                for p in self.pages
-                if p is not None
-            )
+            for p in self.pages:
+                if p is None:
+                    continue
+                info.append(TiffPage.__str__(p, detail=detail, width=width))
+                for s in p.pages:
+                    info.append(
+                        TiffPage.__str__(s, detail=detail, width=width)
+                    )
         elif self.series:
                 TiffPage.__str__(s.pages[0], detail=detail, width=width)
@@ -4742,13 +4755,11 @@ class TiffFile:
     def micromanager_metadata(self):
-        """Return consolidated MicroManager metadata as dict."""
+        """Return MicroManager non-TIFF settings from file as dict."""
         if not self.is_micromanager:
             return None
         # from file header
         return read_micromanager_metadata(self._fh)
-        # from MicroManagerMetadata tag
-        # result.update(self.pages[0].tags[51123].value)
     def scanimage_metadata(self):
@@ -4787,7 +4798,7 @@ class TiffPages:
-    def __init__(self, parent):
+    def __init__(self, parent, index=None):
         """Initialize instance and read first TiffPage from file.
         If parent is a TiffFile, the file position must be at an offset to an
@@ -4803,6 +4814,7 @@ class TiffPages:
         self._keyframe = None  # page that is currently used as keyframe
         self._cache = False  # do not cache frames or pages (if not keyframe)
         self._nextpageoffset = None
+        self._index = (index,) if isinstance(index, int) else index
         if isinstance(parent, TiffFile):
             # read offset to first page from current file position
@@ -4835,9 +4847,11 @@ class TiffPages:
             self._indexed = True
+        pageindex = 0 if self._index is None else self._index + (0,)
         # read and cache first page
-        page = TiffPage(self.parent, index=0)
+        page = TiffPage(self.parent, index=pageindex)
         self._keyframe = page
         if self._nextpageoffset is None:
@@ -4937,8 +4951,11 @@ class TiffPages:
             keyframe = self._keyframe
         for i, page in enumerate(pages):
             if isinstance(page, (int, numpy.integer)):
+                pageindex = i if self._index is None else self._index + (i,)
-                page = self._tiffpage(self.parent, index=i, keyframe=keyframe)
+                page = self._tiffpage(
+                    self.parent, index=pageindex, keyframe=keyframe
+                )
                 pages[i] = page
         self._cached = True
@@ -4965,13 +4982,16 @@ class TiffPages:
             for index, offset in enumerate(
                 range(page1.offset + delta, filesize, delta)
-                d = (index + 2) * delta
+                pageindex = index + 2
+                d = pageindex * delta
                 offsets = tuple(i + d for i in page.dataoffsets)
                 offset = offset if offset < 2 ** 31 - 1 else None
+                if self._index is not None:
+                    pageindex = self._index + (pageindex,)
-                        index=index + 2,
+                        index=pageindex,
@@ -5153,8 +5173,9 @@ class TiffPages:
                     raise RuntimeError('page hash mismatch')
                 return page
+        pageindex = key if self._index is None else self._index + (key,)
-        page = tiffpage(self.parent, index=key, keyframe=self._keyframe)
+        page = tiffpage(self.parent, index=pageindex, keyframe=self._keyframe)
         if validate and validate != page.hash:
             raise RuntimeError('page hash mismatch')
         if self._cache or cache:
@@ -5318,7 +5339,7 @@ class TiffPage:
         if tiff.version == 42 and tiff.offsetsize == 8:
             # patch offsets/values for 64-bit NDPI file
             tagsize = 16
-            fh.seek(8, 1)
+            fh.seek(8, os.SEEK_CUR)
             ext = fh.read(4 * tagno)  # high bits
             data = b''.join(
                 data[i * 12 : i * 12 + 12] + ext[i * 4 : i * 4 + 4]
@@ -5596,7 +5617,8 @@ class TiffPage:
             def decode(*args, **kwargs):
                 raise ValueError(
                     f'TiffPage {self.index}: data type not supported: '
-                    f'{self.sampleformat}{self.bitspersample}'
+                    f'SampleFormat {self.sampleformat}, '
+                    f'{self.bitspersample}-bit'
             return cache(decode)
@@ -5690,16 +5712,19 @@ class TiffPage:
                     data = data[:size]
                 if data.size == size:
                     # complete tile
-                    data.shape = shape
+                    # data might be non-contiguous; cannot reshape inplace
+                    data = data.reshape(shape)
                     # data fills remaining space
                     # found in some JPEG/PNG compressed tiles
-                        data.shape = (
-                            min(imdepth - indices[1], shape[0]),
-                            min(imlength - indices[2], shape[1]),
-                            min(imwidth - indices[3], shape[2]),
-                            samples,
+                        data = data.reshape(
+                            (
+                                min(imdepth - indices[1], shape[0]),
+                                min(imlength - indices[2], shape[1]),
+                                min(imwidth - indices[3], shape[2]),
+                                samples,
+                            )
                     except ValueError:
                         # incomplete tile; see gdal issue #1179
@@ -5797,7 +5822,7 @@ class TiffPage:
             elif self.photometric == 2:
                 if self.planarconfig == 1:
                     colorspace = outcolorspace = 2  # RGB
-            elif self.photometric > 2:
+            elif self.photometric > 3:
                 outcolorspace = TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC(self.photometric).value
             def decode(
@@ -6292,21 +6317,40 @@ class TiffPage:
         """Return sequence of sub-pages (SubIFDs)."""
         if 330 not in self.tags:
             return ()
-        return TiffPages(self)
+        return TiffPages(self, index=self.index)
     def maxworkers(self):
-        """Return maximum number of threads for decoding strips or tiles."""
-        if self.is_contiguous:
-            return 1
+        """Return maximum number of threads for decoding segments.
+        Return 0 to disable multi-threading also for stacking pages.
+        """
+        if self.is_contiguous or self.dtype is None:
+            return 0
+        if self.compression in (
+            6,
+            7,
+            33003,
+            33005,
+            34712,
+            34933,
+            34934,
+            50001,
+        ):
+            # image codecs
+            return min(TIFF.MAXWORKERS, len(self.dataoffsets))
+        bytecount = product(self.chunks) * self.dtype.itemsize
+        if bytecount < 2048:
+            # disable multi-threading for small segments
+            return 0
+        if self.compression != 1 or self.fillorder != 1 or self.predictor != 1:
+            if self.compression == 5 and bytecount < 16384:
+                # disable multi-threading for small LZW compressed segments
+                return 0
         if len(self.dataoffsets) < 4:
             return 1
-        if 0 < self.databytecounts[0] < 512:
-            return 1
         if self.compression != 1 or self.fillorder != 1 or self.predictor != 1:
-            if self.compression == 5 and self.databytecounts[0] < 8192:
-                # disable multi-threading for small LZW compressed segments
-                return 1
             if imagecodecs is not None:
                 return min(TIFF.MAXWORKERS, len(self.dataoffsets))
         return 2  # optimum for large number of uncompressed tiles
@@ -6875,7 +6919,7 @@ class TiffFrame:
     is_mdgel = False
-    pages = None
+    pages = ()
     # tags = {}
     def __init__(
@@ -7250,7 +7294,8 @@ class TiffTag:
         The new packed value is appended to the file if it is longer than the
-        old value. The old value is zeroed.
+        old value. The old value is zeroed. The file position is left where it
+        was.
         if self.offset < 8 or self.valueoffset < 8:
@@ -7338,7 +7383,7 @@ class TiffTag:
                     fh.write(struct.pack(tiff.tagformat2, count, packedvalue))
                     # inline -> separate: append to file
-                    fh.seek(0, 2)
+                    fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                     valueoffset = fh.tell()
                     if valueoffset % 2:
                         # value offset must begin on a word boundary
@@ -7374,7 +7419,7 @@ class TiffTag:
                 if erase:
                     fh.write(b'\x00' * oldsize)
-                fh.seek(0, 2)
+                fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
                 valueoffset = fh.tell()
                 if valueoffset % 2:
                     # value offset must begin on a word boundary
@@ -8595,7 +8640,7 @@ class FileHandle:
         if self._size is None:
             pos = self._fh.tell()
-            self._fh.seek(self._offset, 2)
+            self._fh.seek(self._offset, os.SEEK_END)
             self._size = self._fh.tell()
@@ -8712,7 +8757,7 @@ class FileHandle:
         """Append size bytes to file. Position must be at end of file."""
         if size < 1:
-        self._fh.seek(size - 1, 1)
+        self._fh.seek(size - 1, os.SEEK_CUR)
     def write_array(self, data):
@@ -9469,13 +9514,15 @@ class OmeXml:
             from lxml import etree  # noqa: delayed import
             parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
-            xml = etree.fromstring(xml, parser)
+            tree = etree.fromstring(xml, parser)
             xml = etree.tostring(
-                xml, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True
-            )
-            return xml.decode()
-        except Exception:
-            return xml
+                tree, encoding='utf-8', pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True
+            ).decode()
+        except Exception as exc:
+            warnings.warn(f'OmeXml.__str__: {exc}', UserWarning)
+        except ImportError:
+            pass
+        return xml
     def _escape(value):
@@ -9586,11 +9633,11 @@ class OmeXml:
         if _schema and _schema[0] is not None:
             if omexml.startswith('<?xml'):
                 omexml = omexml.split('>', 1)[-1]
-            xml = etree.fromstring(omexml)
+            tree = etree.fromstring(omexml)
             if assert_:
-                _schema[0].assert_(xml)
+                _schema[0].assert_(tree)
                 return True
-            return _schema[0].validate(xml)
+            return _schema[0].validate(tree)
         return None
@@ -10684,7 +10731,7 @@ class TIFF:
     def PLANARCONFIG():
         class PLANARCONFIG(enum.IntEnum):
-            CONTIG = 1
+            CONTIG = 1  # CHUNKY
             SEPARATE = 2
         return PLANARCONFIG
@@ -11127,7 +11174,7 @@ class TIFF:
     def FILE_PATTERNS():
         # predefined FileSequence patterns
         return {
-            'axes': r"""
+            'axes': r"""(?ix)
                 # matches Olympus OIF and Leica TIFF series
@@ -12538,7 +12585,7 @@ def read_cz_lsminfo(fh, byteorder, dtype, count, offsetsize):
     magic_number, structure_size = struct.unpack('<II', fh.read(8))
     if magic_number not in (50350412, 67127628):
         raise ValueError('invalid CZ_LSMINFO structure')
-    fh.seek(-8, 1)
+    fh.seek(-8, os.SEEK_CUR)
     if structure_size < numpy.dtype(TIFF.CZ_LSMINFO).itemsize:
         # adjust structure according to structure_size
@@ -13966,7 +14013,8 @@ def parse_filenames(files, pattern, axesorder=None):
     if not pattern:
         raise ValueError('invalid pattern')
-    pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
+    if isinstance(pattern, str):
+        pattern = re.compile(pattern)
     def parse(fname, pattern=pattern):
         # return axes and indices from file name
@@ -14377,7 +14425,7 @@ def stack_pages(pages, out=None, maxworkers=None, **kwargs):
         # auto-detect
         page_maxworkers = page0.maxworkers
         maxworkers = min(npages, TIFF.MAXWORKERS)
-        if maxworkers == 1 or page0.is_contiguous:
+        if maxworkers == 1 or page_maxworkers < 1:
             maxworkers = page_maxworkers = 1
         elif npages < 3:
             maxworkers = 1
@@ -14388,9 +14436,6 @@ def stack_pages(pages, out=None, maxworkers=None, **kwargs):
             and page0.predictor == 1
             maxworkers = 1
-        elif page0.compression == 5 and page0.databytecounts[0] < 8192:
-            # disable for small LZW compressed segments
-            maxworkers = page_maxworkers = 1
             page_maxworkers = 1
     elif maxworkers == 1:
@@ -15099,12 +15144,12 @@ def pformat_xml(xml):
         if not isinstance(xml, bytes):
             xml = xml.encode()
-        xml = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(xml))
+        tree = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(xml))
         xml = etree.tostring(
-            xml,
+            tree,
-            encoding=xml.docinfo.encoding,
+            encoding=tree.docinfo.encoding,
         xml = bytes2str(xml)
     except Exception:

@@ -1839,12 +1839,14 @@ class Datum(enum.IntEnum):
     Reseau_National_Belge_1972 = 6313
     Deutsche_Hauptdreiecksnetz = 6314
     Conakry_1905 = 6315
+    Dealul_Piscului_1930 = 6316
+    Dealul_Piscului_1970 = 6317
     WGS72 = 6322
     WGS72_Transit_Broadcast_Ephemeris = 6324
     WGS84 = 6326
     Ancienne_Triangulation_Francaise = 6901
     Nord_de_Guerre = 6902
-    Dealul_Piscului_1970 = 6317
 class ModelType(enum.IntEnum):

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