[med-svn] [Git][med-team/multiqc][master] Add list of software to Enhances

Dylan Aïssi gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Jun 5 10:25:15 BST 2020

Dylan Aïssi pushed to branch master at Debian Med / multiqc

84079012 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-06-05T11:24:57+02:00
Add list of software to Enhances

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- debian/control


@@ -50,22 +50,98 @@ Recommends:
-Suggests: fastqc,
-          fastp,
-          bowtie,
-          bowtie2,
-          trimmomatic,
-          hisat2,
-          salmon,
-          rna-star,
-          tophat,
-          bamtools,
-          bcftools,
-          htseq,
-          picard-tools,
-          rsem,
-          samtools,
-          vcftools
+         adapterremoval,
+         afterqc,
+         bamtools,
+         bbmap,
+         bcftools,
+         bcl2fastq,
+         biobambam2,
+         biobloomtools,
+         biscuit,
+         bismark,
+         bowtie,
+         bowtie2,
+         busco,
+         clipandmerge,
+         clusterflow,
+         conpair,
+         cutadapt,
+         damageprofiler,
+         dedup,
+         deeptools,
+         disambiguate,
+         dragen,
+         fastp,
+         fastq_screen,
+         fastqc,
+         featurecounts,
+         fgbio,
+         flash,
+         flexbar,
+         gatk,
+         goleft_indexcov,
+         happy,
+         hicexplorer,
+         hicpro,
+         hicup,
+         hisat2,
+         homer,
+         htseq,
+         interop,
+         ivar,
+         jellyfish,
+         kaiju,
+         kallisto,
+         kat,
+         kraken,
+         leehom,
+         longranger,
+         macs2,
+         malt,
+         methylqa,
+         minionqc,
+         mirtop,
+         mirtrace,
+         mosdepth,
+         mtnucratio,
+         multivcfanalyzer,
+         peddy,
+         phantompeakqualtools,
+         picard-tools,
+         preseq,
+         prokka,
+         pycoqc,
+         qorts,
+         qualimap,
+         quast,
+         rna_seqc,
+         rockhopper,
+         rsem,
+         rseqc,
+         salmon,
+         samblaster,
+         samtools,
+         sargasso,
+         seqyclean,
+         sexdeterrmine,
+         sickle,
+         skewer,
+         slamdunk,
+         snpeff,
+         snpsplit,
+         somalier,
+         sortmerna,
+         stacks,
+         rna-star,
+         supernova,
+         theta2,
+         tophat,
+         trimmomatic,
+         varscan2,
+         vcftools,
+         verifybamid
 Description: output integration for RNA sequencing across tools and samples
  The sequencing of DNA or RNA with current high-throughput technologies
  involves an array of tools and these are applied over a range of samples.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/multiqc/-/commit/840790128b5ad7f0d02c40cd77da7a52653460aa

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/multiqc/-/commit/840790128b5ad7f0d02c40cd77da7a52653460aa
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