[med-svn] [Git][med-team/last-align][upstream] Import Upstream version 1066

Michael R. Crusoe gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Jun 19 15:44:00 BST 2020

Michael R. Crusoe pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / last-align

9b12cf2c by Michael R. Crusoe at 2020-06-19T16:43:07+02:00
Import Upstream version 1066
- - - - -

22 changed files:

- ChangeLog.txt
- doc/last-train.html
- doc/last-train.txt
- doc/lastal.html
- doc/lastal.txt
- doc/lastdb.html
- doc/lastdb.txt
- doc/maf-convert.html
- doc/maf-convert.txt
- scripts/last-dotplot
- scripts/last-train
- scripts/maf-convert
- scripts/maf-cut
- src/LastalArguments.cc
- src/LastdbArguments.cc
- src/SequenceFormat.hh
- src/last.hh
- src/lastal.cc
- src/lastdb.cc
- src/split/cbrc_split_aligner.cc
- src/split/last-split.cc
- src/version.hh


@@ -1,8 +1,39 @@
+2020-06-11  Martin C. Frith  <Martin C. Frith>
+	* doc/last-train.txt, scripts/last-train, src/lastal.cc:
+	Make inconsistent last-train/lastal -Q an error
+	[f2071b3c3173] [tip]
+	* doc/last-train.txt, doc/lastal.txt, doc/lastdb.txt, scripts/last-
+	train, src/LastalArguments.cc, src/LastdbArguments.cc,
+	src/SequenceFormat.hh, src/last.hh, src/lastdb.cc,
+	src/split/cbrc_split_aligner.cc, src/split/last-split.cc, test/last-
+	test.out, test/last-test.sh:
+	Add option to keep but ignore fastq quals
+	[0315c96a5a9b]
+2020-06-08  Martin C. Frith  <Martin C. Frith>
+	* scripts/maf-convert:
+	Fix small bug in maf-convert -J
+	[cd67e8009c78]
+	* doc/maf-convert.txt, scripts/maf-convert, test/maf-convert-test.out,
+	test/maf-convert-test.sh:
+	Add maf-convert -J option
+	[bc7b2cdbcb32]
+	* doc/maf-convert.txt, scripts/last-dotplot, scripts/last-train,
+	scripts/maf-convert, scripts/maf-cut, test/maf-convert-test.out,
+	test/maf-convert-test.sh:
+	Add maf-convert to gff (with help from C. Plessy)
+	[6d8d56a74b14]
 2020-05-07  Martin C. Frith  <Martin C. Frith>
 	* src/tantan.cc:
 	Make tantan repeat-finding faster
-	[543d36d39ce3] [tip]
+	[543d36d39ce3]
 2020-03-16  Martin C. Frith  <Martin C. Frith>

@@ -491,22 +491,23 @@ Ns/Xs as ambiguous.</p>
 output, so it will override lastal's default.</p>
 <tr><td class="option-group">
-<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NUMBER</var></span></kbd></td>
-<td><p class="first">How to read the query sequences.  By default, they must
-be in <tt class="docutils literal">fasta</tt> format.  <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-Q0</span></tt> means <tt class="docutils literal">fasta</tt> or
-<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-ignore</span></tt>.  <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-Q1</span></tt> means <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-sanger</span></tt>.</p>
+<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NAME</var></span></kbd></td>
+<td><p class="first">How to read the query sequences (the NAME is not
+<pre class="literal-block">
+Default         fasta
+"0", "fastx"    fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+"1", "sanger"   fastq-sanger
 <p>The <tt class="docutils literal">fastq</tt> formats are described here:
-<a class="reference external" href="lastal.html">lastal.html</a>.  <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-ignore</span></tt> means that the
-quality data is ignored, so the results will be the same
-as for <tt class="docutils literal">fasta</tt>.</p>
-<p>For <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-sanger</span></tt>, last-train assumes the quality
-codes indicate substitution error probabilities, <em>not</em>
-insertion or deletion error probabilities.  If this
+<a class="reference external" href="lastal.html">lastal.html</a>.  last-train assumes the per-base
+quality codes indicate substitution error probabilities,
+<em>not</em> insertion or deletion error probabilities.  If this
 assumption is dubious (e.g. for data with many insertion
-or deletion errors), it may be better to use
-<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-ignore</span></tt>.  For <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-sanger</span></tt>, last-train finds
-the rates of substitutions not explained by the quality
-data (ideally, real substitutions as opposed to errors).</p>
+or deletion errors), it may be better to discard the
+quality data.  For <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">fastq-sanger</span></tt>, last-train finds the
+rates of substitutions not explained by the quality data
+(ideally, real substitutions as opposed to errors).</p>
 <p class="last">If specified, this parameter is written in last-train's
 output, so it will override lastal's default.</p>

@@ -114,23 +114,22 @@ Alignment options
              If specified, this parameter is written in last-train's
              output, so it will override lastal's default.
-  -Q NUMBER  How to read the query sequences.  By default, they must
-             be in ``fasta`` format.  ``-Q0`` means ``fasta`` or
-             ``fastq-ignore``.  ``-Q1`` means ``fastq-sanger``.
+  -Q NAME    How to read the query sequences (the NAME is not
+             case-sensitive)::
-             The ``fastq`` formats are described here:
-             `<lastal.html>`_.  ``fastq-ignore`` means that the
-             quality data is ignored, so the results will be the same
-             as for ``fasta``.
+               Default         fasta
+               "0", "fastx"    fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+               "1", "sanger"   fastq-sanger
-             For ``fastq-sanger``, last-train assumes the quality
-             codes indicate substitution error probabilities, *not*
-             insertion or deletion error probabilities.  If this
+             The ``fastq`` formats are described here:
+             `<lastal.html>`_.  last-train assumes the per-base
+             quality codes indicate substitution error probabilities,
+             *not* insertion or deletion error probabilities.  If this
              assumption is dubious (e.g. for data with many insertion
-             or deletion errors), it may be better to use
-             ``fastq-ignore``.  For ``fastq-sanger``, last-train finds
-             the rates of substitutions not explained by the quality
-             data (ideally, real substitutions as opposed to errors).
+             or deletion errors), it may be better to discard the
+             quality data.  For ``fastq-sanger``, last-train finds the
+             rates of substitutions not explained by the quality data
+             (ideally, real substitutions as opposed to errors).
              If specified, this parameter is written in last-train's
              output, so it will override lastal's default.

@@ -844,16 +844,18 @@ letters.)</p>
 <tr><td class="option-group">
-<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NUMBER</var></span></kbd></td>
-<td><p class="first">Specify how to read the query sequences:</p>
+<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NAME</var></span></kbd></td>
+<td><p class="first">Specify how to read the query sequences (the NAME is not
 <pre class="literal-block">
-Default    fasta
-   0       fasta or fastq-ignore
-   1       fastq-sanger
-   2       fastq-solexa
-   3       fastq-illumina
-   4       prb
-   5       PSSM
+Default           fasta
+"0", "fastx"      fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+"keep"            fasta or fastq: keep but ignore per-base quality data
+"1", "sanger"     fastq-sanger
+"2", "solexa"     fastq-solexa
+"3", "illumina"   fastq-illumina
+"4", "prb"        prb
+"5", "pssm"       PSSM
 <p><em>Warning</em>: Illumina data is not necessarily in fastq-illumina
 format; it is often in fastq-sanger format.</p>
 <p>The "+" may be followed by text (ignored).  The symbols below
 the "+" are quality codes, one per sequence letter.  The
 sequence and quality codes may wrap onto more than one line.</p>
-<p>fastq-ignore means that the quality codes are ignored.  For the
-other fastq variants, lastal assumes the quality codes indicate
-substitution error probabilities, <em>not</em> insertion or deletion
-error probabilities.  If this assumption is dubious (e.g. for
-data with many insertion or deletion errors), it may be better
-to use fastq-ignore.</p>
+<p>lastal assumes the quality codes indicate substitution error
+probabilities, <em>not</em> insertion or deletion error probabilities.
+If this assumption is dubious (e.g. for data with many insertion
+or deletion errors), it may be better to discard or ignore them.</p>
 <p>For fastq-sanger, quality scores are obtained by subtracting 33
 from the ASCII values of the quality codes.  For fastq-solexa
 and fastq-illumina, they are obtained by subtracting 64.</p>

@@ -474,16 +474,18 @@ Miscellaneous options
       * The count of delete opens (= count of delete closes).
       * The count of insert opens (= count of insert closes).
-      Specify how to read the query sequences::
-        Default    fasta
-           0       fasta or fastq-ignore
-           1       fastq-sanger
-           2       fastq-solexa
-           3       fastq-illumina
-           4       prb
-           5       PSSM
+  -Q NAME
+      Specify how to read the query sequences (the NAME is not
+      case-sensitive)::
+        Default           fasta
+        "0", "fastx"      fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+        "keep"            fasta or fastq: keep but ignore per-base quality data
+        "1", "sanger"     fastq-sanger
+        "2", "solexa"     fastq-solexa
+        "3", "illumina"   fastq-illumina
+        "4", "prb"        prb
+        "5", "pssm"       PSSM
       *Warning*: Illumina data is not necessarily in fastq-illumina
       format; it is often in fastq-sanger format.
@@ -499,12 +501,10 @@ Miscellaneous options
       the "+" are quality codes, one per sequence letter.  The
       sequence and quality codes may wrap onto more than one line.
-      fastq-ignore means that the quality codes are ignored.  For the
-      other fastq variants, lastal assumes the quality codes indicate
-      substitution error probabilities, *not* insertion or deletion
-      error probabilities.  If this assumption is dubious (e.g. for
-      data with many insertion or deletion errors), it may be better
-      to use fastq-ignore.
+      lastal assumes the quality codes indicate substitution error
+      probabilities, *not* insertion or deletion error probabilities.
+      If this assumption is dubious (e.g. for data with many insertion
+      or deletion errors), it may be better to discard or ignore them.
       For fastq-sanger, quality scores are obtained by subtracting 33
       from the ASCII values of the quality codes.  For fastq-solexa

@@ -456,11 +456,18 @@ lastdb will refuse to process any single sequence longer than
 about 4 billion.</p>
 <tr><td class="option-group">
-<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NUMBER</var></span></kbd></td>
-<td>Specify how to read the sequences.  The default is fasta, 0
-means fasta or fastq-ignore, 1 means fastq-sanger, 2 means
-fastq-solexa, and 3 means fastq-illumina.  The fastq formats are
-described in <a class="reference external" href="lastal.html">lastal.html</a>.</td></tr>
+<kbd><span class="option">-Q <var>NAME</var></span></kbd></td>
+<td><p class="first">Specify how to read the sequences (the NAME is not case-sensitive):</p>
+<pre class="literal-block">
+Default           fasta
+"0", "fastx"      fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+"keep"            fasta or fastq: keep but ignore per-base quality data
+"1", "sanger"     fastq-sanger
+"2", "solexa"     fastq-solexa
+"3", "illumina"   fastq-illumina
+<p class="last">The fastq formats are described in <a class="reference external" href="lastal.html">lastal.html</a>.</p>
 <tr><td class="option-group">
 <kbd><span class="option">-P <var>THREADS</var></span></kbd></td>
 <td>Divide the work between this number of threads running in

@@ -124,11 +124,17 @@ Advanced Options
       lastdb will refuse to process any single sequence longer than
       about 4 billion.
-      Specify how to read the sequences.  The default is fasta, 0
-      means fasta or fastq-ignore, 1 means fastq-sanger, 2 means
-      fastq-solexa, and 3 means fastq-illumina.  The fastq formats are
-      described in `<lastal.html>`_.
+  -Q NAME
+      Specify how to read the sequences (the NAME is not case-sensitive)::
+        Default           fasta
+        "0", "fastx"      fasta or fastq: discard per-base quality data
+        "keep"            fasta or fastq: keep but ignore per-base quality data
+        "1", "sanger"     fastq-sanger
+        "2", "solexa"     fastq-solexa
+        "3", "illumina"   fastq-illumina
+      The fastq formats are described in `<lastal.html>`_.
       Divide the work between this number of threads running in

@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ table.field-list { border: thin solid green }
 <p>This script reads alignments in <a class="reference external" href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5">maf</a> format, and writes them in
 another format.  It can write them in these formats: <a class="reference external" href="https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/axt.html">axt</a>, blast,
-blasttab, <a class="reference external" href="https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html">chain</a>, html, <a class="reference external" href="https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2">psl</a>, sam, tab.  You can use it like this:</p>
+blasttab, <a class="reference external" href="https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/chain.html">chain</a>, gff, html, <a class="reference external" href="https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format2">psl</a>, sam, tab.  You can use it like this:</p>
 <pre class="literal-block">
 maf-convert psl my-alignments.maf > my-alignments.psl
@@ -350,9 +350,17 @@ nucleotides.  This affects psl format only (the first 4
 <tr><td class="option-group">
 <kbd><span class="option">-j <var>N</var></span>, <span class="option">--join=<var>N</var></span></kbd></td>
-<td>Join neighboring alignments if they are co-linear and
-separated by at most N letters.  This affects psl format
+<td>Join alignments that are co-linear (align different parts of
+the same sequences and strands, with the parts being in the
+same order in each sequence), are separated by at most N
+letters in each sequence, and are consecutive in the input.
+This affects psl and gff formats only.</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="option-group">
+<kbd><span class="option">-J <var>N</var></span>, <span class="option">--Join=<var>N</var></span></kbd></td>
+<td>Join alignments that are co-linear, are separated by at most
+N letters in each sequence, and are nearest in each sequence.
+This affects psl and gff formats only, and reads the whole
+input into memory.</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="option-group">
 <kbd><span class="option">-n</span>, <span class="option">--noheader</span></kbd></td>
 <td>Omit any header lines from the output.  This may be useful if

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ maf-convert
 This script reads alignments in maf_ format, and writes them in
 another format.  It can write them in these formats: axt_, blast,
-blasttab, chain_, html, psl_, sam, tab.  You can use it like this::
+blasttab, chain_, gff, html, psl_, sam, tab.  You can use it like this::
   maf-convert psl my-alignments.maf > my-alignments.psl
@@ -35,9 +35,17 @@ Options
   -j N, --join=N
-         Join neighboring alignments if they are co-linear and
-         separated by at most N letters.  This affects psl format
-         only.
+         Join alignments that are co-linear (align different parts of
+         the same sequences and strands, with the parts being in the
+         same order in each sequence), are separated by at most N
+         letters in each sequence, and are consecutive in the input.
+         This affects psl and gff formats only.
+  -J N, --Join=N
+         Join alignments that are co-linear, are separated by at most
+         N letters in each sequence, and are nearest in each sequence.
+         This affects psl and gff formats only, and reads the whole
+         input into memory.
   -n, --noheader
          Omit any header lines from the output.  This may be useful if

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Martin C. Frith 2008
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 # Read pair-wise alignments in MAF or LAST tabular format: write an
 # "Oxford grid", a.k.a. dotplot.

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright 2015 Martin C. Frith
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 # References:
 # [Fri19] How sequence alignment scores correspond to probability models,
@@ -576,14 +577,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     og = optparse.OptionGroup(op, "Initial parameter options")
     og.add_option("-r", metavar="SCORE",
-                  help="match score (default: 6 if Q>0, else 5)")
+                  help="match score (default: 6 if Q>=1, else 5)")
     og.add_option("-q", metavar="COST",
-                  help="mismatch cost (default: 18 if Q>0, else 5)")
+                  help="mismatch cost (default: 18 if Q>=1, else 5)")
     og.add_option("-p", metavar="NAME", help="match/mismatch score matrix")
     og.add_option("-a", metavar="COST",
-                  help="gap existence cost (default: 21 if Q>0, else 15)")
+                  help="gap existence cost (default: 21 if Q>=1, else 15)")
     og.add_option("-b", metavar="COST",
-                  help="gap extension cost (default: 9 if Q>0, else 3)")
+                  help="gap extension cost (default: 9 if Q>=1, else 3)")
     og.add_option("-A", metavar="COST", help="insertion existence cost")
     og.add_option("-B", metavar="COST", help="insertion extension cost")
@@ -610,16 +611,15 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     og.add_option("-X", metavar="NUMBER", help="N/X is ambiguous in: "
                   "0=neither sequence, 1=reference, 2=query, 3=both "
-    og.add_option("-Q", metavar="NUMBER", help=
-                  "input format: 0=fasta or fastq-ignore, 1=fastq-sanger "
-                  "(default=fasta)")
+    og.add_option("-Q", metavar="NAME",
+                  help="input format: fastx, sanger (default=fasta)")
     (opts, args) = op.parse_args()
     if len(args) < 1:
         op.error("I need a lastdb index and query sequences")
     if not opts.sample_number and (len(args) < 2 or "-" in args):
         op.error("sorry, can't use stdin when --sample-number=0")
-    if not opts.p and (not opts.Q or opts.Q == "0"):
+    if not opts.p and (not opts.Q or opts.Q in ("0", "fastx", "keep")):
         if not opts.r: opts.r = "5"
         if not opts.q: opts.q = "5"
         if not opts.a: opts.a = "15"

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 Martin C. Frith
-# Read MAF-format alignments: write them in other formats.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 # Seems to work with Python 2.x, x>=6
 # By "MAF" we mean "multiple alignment format" described in the UCSC
@@ -9,8 +9,15 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 from itertools import *
+import collections
+import functools
 import gzip
-import math, optparse, os, signal, sys
+import math
+import operator
+import optparse
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
     from future_builtins import map, zip
@@ -161,6 +168,41 @@ def mafGroupInput(opts, lines):
         yield x
+def linkedMafBegSortKey(sequenceNumber, mafAndLinks):
+    return operator.itemgetter(0, 2, 4)(mafAndLinks[0][1][sequenceNumber])
+def colinearMafInput(opts, lines):
+    mafs = list(mafInput(opts, lines))
+    if not mafs:
+        return
+    numOfSeqs = max(len(maf[1]) for maf in mafs)
+    linkedMafs = [(maf, [None] * numOfSeqs) for maf in mafs]
+    for s in range(numOfSeqs):
+        begFunc = functools.partial(linkedMafBegSortKey, s)
+        linkedMafs.sort(key=begFunc)
+        maxEnd = "", "+", 0
+        for j in range(1, len(linkedMafs)):
+            xMaf, xLinks = linkedMafs[j - 1]
+            yMaf, yLinks = linkedMafs[j]
+            x = xMaf[1][s]
+            y = yMaf[1][s]
+            newEnd = x[0], x[2], x[5]
+            if newEnd > maxEnd:
+                maxEnd = newEnd
+                if (x[:4] == y[:4] and 0 <= y[4] - x[5] <= opts.Join):
+                    k = j + 1
+                    yBeg = y[0], y[2], y[4]
+                    if k == len(linkedMafs) or yBeg < begFunc(linkedMafs[k]):
+                        yLinks[s] = xMaf
+    colinearMafs = []
+    for maf, links in linkedMafs:
+        if colinearMafs:
+            if any(i is not colinearMafs[-1] for i in links):
+                yield colinearMafs
+                colinearMafs = []
+        colinearMafs.append(maf)
+    yield colinearMafs
 ##### Routines for converting to AXT format: #####
 axtCounter = count()
@@ -185,7 +227,7 @@ def writeAxt(maf):
     if score:
-    print(" ".join(outWords))
+    print(*outWords)
     for i in sLines:
     print()  # print a blank line at the end
@@ -243,7 +285,7 @@ def writeChain(maf):
     outWords.append(str(next(axtCounter) + 1))
-    print(" ".join(outWords))
+    print(*outWords)
     letterSizes = [i[3] for i in sLines]
     rows = [i[6] for i in sLines]
@@ -360,15 +402,16 @@ def writePsl(opts, mafs):
     blockCount = len(blocks)
     blockSizes, blockStartsA, blockStartsB = map(pslCommaString, zip(*blocks))
-    outWords = (matches, mismatches, repMatches, nCount,
-                numInsertB, baseInsertB, numInsertA, baseInsertA, strand,
-                seqNameB, seqLenB, begB, endB, seqNameA, seqLenA, begA, endA,
-                blockCount, blockSizes, blockStartsB, blockStartsA)
-    print("\t".join(map(str, outWords)))
+    print(matches, mismatches, repMatches, nCount,
+          numInsertB, baseInsertB, numInsertA, baseInsertA, strand,
+          seqNameB, seqLenB, begB, endB, seqNameA, seqLenA, begA, endA,
+          blockCount, blockSizes, blockStartsB, blockStartsA, sep="\t")
 def mafConvertToPsl(opts, lines):
-    if opts.join:
+    if opts.Join:
+        for i in colinearMafInput(opts, lines):
+            writePsl(opts, i)
+    elif opts.join:
         for i in mafGroupInput(opts, lines):
             writePsl(opts, i)
@@ -679,8 +722,8 @@ def writeBlastTab(opts, maf):
     mismatches = alnSize - matches - rowA.count("-") - rowB.count("-")
     gapOpens = gapRunCount(rowA) + gapRunCount(rowB)
-    out = [seqNameB, seqNameA, matchPercent, str(alnSize), str(mismatches),
-           str(gapOpens), begB, endB, begA, endA]
+    out = [seqNameB, seqNameA, matchPercent, alnSize, mismatches,
+           gapOpens, begB, endB, begA, endA]
     score, evalue = scoreAndEvalue(aLine)
     if evalue:
@@ -689,12 +732,79 @@ def writeBlastTab(opts, maf):
             bitScore = opts.bitScoreA * float(score) - opts.bitScoreB
             out.append("%.3g" % bitScore)
-    print("\t".join(out))
+    print(*out, sep="\t")
 def mafConvertToBlastTab(opts, lines):
     for maf in mafInput(opts, lines):
         writeBlastTab(opts, maf)
+##### Routines for converting to GFF format: #####
+def writeGffHeader():
+    print("##gff-version 3")
+def gffFromMaf(maf):
+    aLine, sLines, qLines, pLines = maf
+    fieldsA, fieldsB = pairOrDie(sLines, "GFF")
+    seqNameA, seqLenA, strandA, letterSizeA, begA, endA, rowA = fieldsA
+    seqNameB, seqLenB, strandB, letterSizeB, begB, endB, rowB = fieldsB
+    score = "."
+    for i in aLine.split():
+        if i.startswith("score="):
+            score = i[6:]
+    if strandA == "-":
+        begA, endA = seqLenA - endA, seqLenA - begA
+    if strandB == "-":
+        begB, endB = seqLenB - endB, seqLenB - begB
+    begA += 1
+    begB += 1
+    strand = "+" if strandA == strandB else "-"
+    return seqNameA, begA, endA, strand, score, seqNameB, begB, endB
+def writeOneGff(gff, typeOfThing, parentId):
+    seqNameA, begA, endA, strand, score, seqNameB, begB, endB = gff
+    target = "Target={0} {1} {2}".format(seqNameB, begB, endB)
+    name = "Name={0}:{1}-{2}".format(seqNameB, begB, endB)
+    attributes = [target, name]
+    if parentId:
+        attributes.append("Parent=" + parentId)
+    print(seqNameA, "maf-convert", typeOfThing, begA, endA, score, strand, ".",
+          ";".join(attributes), sep="\t")
+def writeGffGroup(qryNameCounts, mafs):
+    gffs = [gffFromMaf(i) for i in mafs]
+    seqNameA, begA, endA, strand, score, seqNameB, begB, endB = gffs[0]
+    endA = gffs[-1][2]
+    if strand == "+":
+        endB = gffs[-1][7]
+    else:
+        begB = gffs[-1][6]
+    qryNameCounts[seqNameB] += 1
+    parentId = "{0}.{1}".format(seqNameB, qryNameCounts[seqNameB])
+    myId = "ID=" + parentId
+    name = "Name={0}:{1}-{2}".format(seqNameB, begB, endB)
+    attributes = [myId, name]
+    print(seqNameA, "maf-convert", "match", begA, endA, ".", strand, ".",
+          ";".join(attributes), sep="\t")
+    for i in gffs:
+        writeOneGff(i, "match_part", parentId)
+def mafConvertToGff(opts, lines):
+    qryNameCounts = collections.defaultdict(int)
+    if opts.Join:
+        for i in colinearMafInput(opts, lines):
+            writeGffGroup(qryNameCounts, i)
+    elif opts.join:
+        for i in mafGroupInput(opts, lines):
+            writeGffGroup(qryNameCounts, i)
+    else:
+        for i in mafInput(opts, lines):
+            writeOneGff(gffFromMaf(i), "match", None)
 ##### Routines for converting to HTML format: #####
 def writeHtmlHeader():
@@ -812,6 +922,8 @@ def mafConvertOneFile(opts, formatName, lines):
         mafConvertToBlastTab(opts, lines)
     elif isFormat(formatName, "chain"):
         mafConvertToChain(opts, lines)
+    elif isFormat(formatName, "gff"):
+        mafConvertToGff(opts, lines)
     elif isFormat(formatName, "html"):
         mafConvertToHtml(opts, lines)
     elif isFormat(formatName, "psl"):
@@ -832,6 +944,8 @@ def mafConvert(opts, args):
     opts.bitScoreB = None
     if not opts.noheader:
+        if isFormat(formatName, "gff"):
+            writeGffHeader()
         if isFormat(formatName, "html"):
         if isFormat(formatName, "sam"):
@@ -859,6 +973,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
   %prog blast mafFile(s)
   %prog blasttab mafFile(s)
   %prog chain mafFile(s)
+  %prog gff mafFile(s)
   %prog html mafFile(s)
   %prog psl mafFile(s)
   %prog sam mafFile(s)
@@ -869,8 +984,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
     op.add_option("-p", "--protein", action="store_true",
                   help="assume protein alignments, for psl match counts")
-    op.add_option("-j", "--join", type="float", metavar="N",
-                  help="join co-linear alignments separated by <= N letters")
+    op.add_option("-j", "--join", type="float", metavar="N", help="join "
+                  "consecutive co-linear alignments separated by <= N letters")
+    op.add_option("-J", "--Join", type="float", metavar="N", help=
+                  "join nearest co-linear alignments separated by <= N letters")
     op.add_option("-n", "--noheader", action="store_true",
                   help="omit any header lines from the output")
     op.add_option("-d", "--dictionary", action="store_true",

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Martin C. Frith 2018
 from __future__ import print_function

@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ E-value options (default settings):\n\
 -E: maximum expected alignments per square giga (1e+18/D/refSize/numOfStrands)\n\
 Score options (default settings):\n\
--r: match score   (2 if -M, else  6 if 0<Q<5, else 1 if DNA)\n\
--q: mismatch cost (3 if -M, else 18 if 0<Q<5, else 1 if DNA)\n\
+-r: match score   (2 if -M, else  6 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
+-q: mismatch cost (3 if -M, else 18 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
 -p: match/mismatch score matrix (protein-protein: BL62, DNA-protein: BL80)\n\
 -X: N/X is ambiguous in: 0=neither sequence, 1=reference, 2=query, 3=both ("
     + stringify(ambiguousLetterOpt) + ")\n\
--a: gap existence cost (DNA: 7, protein: 11, 0<Q<5: 21)\n\
--b: gap extension cost (DNA: 1, protein:  2, 0<Q<5:  9)\n\
+-a: gap existence cost (DNA: 7, protein: 11, 1<=Q<=4: 21)\n\
+-b: gap extension cost (DNA: 1, protein:  2, 1<=Q<=4:  9)\n\
 -A: insertion existence cost (a)\n\
 -B: insertion extension cost (b)\n\
 -c: unaligned residue pair cost (off)\n\
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Miscellaneous options (default settings):\n\
 -N: stop after the first N alignments per query strand\n\
 -R: repeat-marking options (the same as was used for lastdb)\n\
 -u: mask lowercase during extensions: 0=never, 1=gapless,\n\
-    2=gapless+postmask, 3=always (2 if lastdb -c and Q<5, else 0)\n\
+    2=gapless+postmask, 3=always (2 if lastdb -c and Q!=pssm, else 0)\n\
 -w: suppress repeats inside exact matches, offset by <= this distance ("
     + stringify(maxRepeatDistance) + ")\n\
 -G: genetic code (" + geneticCodeFile + ")\n\
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ Miscellaneous options (default settings):\n\
                  4=column ambiguity estimates, 5=gamma-centroid, 6=LAMA,\n\
                  7=expected counts ("
     + stringify(outputType) + ")\n\
--Q: input format: 0=fasta or fastq-ignore, 1=fastq-sanger, 2=fastq-solexa,\n\
-                  3=fastq-illumina, 4=prb, 5=PSSM (fasta)\n\
+-Q: input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina, prb, pssm\n\
+                  (default=fasta)\n\
 Report bugs to: last-align (ATmark) googlegroups (dot) com\n\
 LAST home page: http://last.cbrc.jp/\n\
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ void LastalArguments::writeCommented( std::ostream& stream ) const{
   if( outputType > 4 && outputType < 7 )
     stream << " g=" << gamma;
   stream << " j=" << outputType;
-  stream << " Q=" << (inputFormat % sequenceFormat::fasta);
+  stream << " Q=" << (inputFormat < sequenceFormat::fasta ? inputFormat : 0);
   stream << '\n';
   stream << "# " << lastdbName << '\n';

@@ -70,8 +70,7 @@ Advanced Options (default settings):\n\
 -S: strand: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=both ("
     + stringify(strand) + ")\n\
 -s: volume size (unlimited)\n\
--Q: input format: 0=fasta or fastq-ignore,\n\
-                  1=fastq-sanger, 2=fastq-solexa, 3=fastq-illumina (fasta)\n\
+-Q: input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina (default=fasta)\n\
 -P: number of parallel threads ("
     + stringify(numOfThreads) + ")\n\
 -m: seed pattern\n\
@@ -160,7 +159,8 @@ LAST home page: http://last.cbrc.jp/\n\
     case 'Q':
       unstringify( inputFormat, optarg );
-      if( inputFormat >= sequenceFormat::prb ) badopt( c, optarg );
+      if (inputFormat == sequenceFormat::prb ||
+	  inputFormat == sequenceFormat::pssm) badopt(c, optarg);
     case '?':
       ERR( "bad option" );

@@ -3,19 +3,33 @@
+#include <cctype>
 #include <istream>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string>
 namespace cbrc {
 namespace sequenceFormat {
-enum Enum { fastx, fastqSanger, fastqSolexa, fastqIllumina, prb, pssm, fasta };
+enum Enum { fastx, fastqSanger, fastqSolexa, fastqIllumina, prb, pssm, fasta,
+	    fastxKeep };
 inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &s, sequenceFormat::Enum &f) {
-  int i = 0;
-  s >> i;
-  if (i < 0 || i > sequenceFormat::pssm) s.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
-  if (s) f = static_cast<sequenceFormat::Enum>(i);
+  std::string w;
+  s >> w;
+  if (!s) return s;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i) {
+    w[i] = std::tolower(w[i]);
+  }
+  /**/ if (w == "0" || w == "fastx") f = sequenceFormat::fastx;
+  else if (w == "keep") f = sequenceFormat::fastxKeep;
+  else if (w == "1" || w == "sanger") f = sequenceFormat::fastqSanger;
+  else if (w == "2" || w == "solexa") f = sequenceFormat::fastqSolexa;
+  else if (w == "3" || w == "illumina") f = sequenceFormat::fastqIllumina;
+  else if (w == "4" || w == "prb") f = sequenceFormat::prb;
+  else if (w == "5" || w == "pssm") f = sequenceFormat::pssm;
+  else s.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
   return s;

@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ inline std::istream &appendSequence(MultiSequence &m, std::istream &in,
     m.appendFromFasta(in, maxSeqLen);
   } else if (f == sequenceFormat::fastx) {
     m.appendFromFastx(in, maxSeqLen, false);
+  } else if (f == sequenceFormat::fastxKeep) {
+    m.appendFromFastx(in, maxSeqLen, true);
   } else if (f == sequenceFormat::prb) {
     m.appendFromPrb(in, maxSeqLen, a.size, a.decode);
   } else if (f == sequenceFormat::pssm) {

@@ -1143,7 +1143,11 @@ void lastal( int argc, char** argv ){
     matrixFile = ScoreMatrix::stringFromName( matrixName );
     args.fromString( matrixFile );  // read options from the matrix file
+    sequenceFormat::Enum f = args.inputFormat;
     args.fromArgs( argc, argv );  // command line overrides matrix file
+    if (isUseQuality(f) != isUseQuality(args.inputFormat)) {
+      ERR("option -Q is inconsistent with the matrix file");
+    }
   if( minSeedLimit > 1 ){

@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ void writePrjFile( const std::string& fileName, const LastdbArguments& args,
     f << "masklowercase=" << args.isCaseSensitive << '\n';
     if( isFastq ){
-      f << "sequenceformat=" << args.inputFormat << '\n';
+      f << "sequenceformat="
+	<< (args.inputFormat % sequenceFormat::fastxKeep) << '\n';
     if( args.minimizerWindow > 1 ){
       // Maybe this should be written (and read) by the indexes, so

@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ void SplitAligner::calcBaseScores(unsigned i) {
   const char *rAlign = a.ralign;
   const char *qAlign = a.qalign;
-  const char *qQual = a.qQual;
+  const char *qQual = qualityOffset ? a.qQual : 0;
   while (*qAlign) {
     unsigned char x = *rAlign++;

@@ -370,7 +370,8 @@ void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts) {
 	    : 0.0;
 	  int jumpCost =
 	    (jumpProb > 0.0) ? -scoreFromProb(jumpProb, scale) : -(INT_MIN/2);
-	  int qualityOffset = (sequenceFormat == 3) ? 64 : 33;
+	  int qualityOffset =
+            (sequenceFormat == 0) ? 0 : (sequenceFormat == 3) ? 64 : 33;
 	  sa.setParams(-gapExistenceCost, -gapExtensionCost,
 		       -insExistenceCost, -insExtensionCost,

@@ -1 +1 @@

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