[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/helper-scripts][master] automatic update

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Mar 15 13:44:25 GMT 2020

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / helper-scripts

a108c306 by Andreas Tille at 2020-03-15T13:44:21+00:00
automatic update

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian-med-tests.txt
- outdated_med-packages.txt


@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
+Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:42:04 +0000
  Source                        | Vote   | Tasks                                      |                                 Tags                                 
  dcmtk                         |    179 | {imaging}                                  | 
  orthanc                       |    102 | {practice,imaging}                         | 
- gdcm                          |     46 | {imaging-dev}                              | 
+ gdcm                          |     47 | {imaging-dev}                              | 
  dcm2niix                      |     43 | {imaging}                                  | 
  orthanc-wsi                   |     39 | {oncology,laboratory,imaging,his,practice} | 
  amide                         |     36 | {imaging}                                  | 
- dicomscope                    |     32 | {imaging}                                  | 
- dicom3tools                   |     30 | {imaging}                                  | 
- htsjdk                        |     28 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
- gdcm                          |     21 | {imaging}                                  | 
- pixelmed                      |     19 | {imaging}                                  | 
+ dicomscope                    |     33 | {imaging}                                  | 
+ htsjdk                        |     32 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
+ dicom3tools                   |     29 | {imaging}                                  | 
+ gdcm                          |     20 | {imaging}                                  | 
  gnumed-server                 |     18 | {practice}                                 | 
+ pixelmed                      |     18 | {imaging}                                  | 
  king                          |     17 | {imaging,typesetting}                      | 
  invesalius                    |     16 | {imaging}                                  | 
  minc-tools                    |     16 | {imaging}                                  | 
  ngs-sdk                       |     16 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
+ insighttoolkit4               |     15 | {imaging-dev}                              | 
  openslide                     |     15 | {imaging}                                  | 
  adun.app                      |     13 | {bio}                                      | 
  biojava-live                  |     13 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
- insighttoolkit4               |     13 | {imaging-dev}                              | 
- jebl2                         |     12 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
- plastimatch                   |     12 | {imaging}                                  | 
+ plastimatch                   |     13 | {imaging}                                  | 
  psychopy                      |     12 | {psychology}                               | 
  vtk-dicom                     |     12 | {imaging}                                  | 
+ jebl2                         |     11 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
  mia                           |     11 | {imaging}                                  | 
  tree-puzzle                   |     11 | {bio,bio-phylogeny,cloud}                  | 
  biosig4c++                    |     10 | {imaging,physics}                          | 
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  libsbml                       |      6 | {bio-dev}                                  | 
  paraclu                       |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                | 
  perm                          |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                | 
+ poretools                     |      6 | {bio}                                      | 
  predictprotein                |      6 | {bio}                                      | 
  prime-phylo                   |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                | 
  probabel                      |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                | 
@@ -109,11 +110,9 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  orthanc-webviewer             |      5 | {imaging}                                  | 
  phast                         |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  placnet                       |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
- poretools                     |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  proalign                      |      5 | {bio-phylogeny,bio}                        | 
  pscan-chip                    |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  pymia                         |      5 | {imaging-dev}                              | 
- salmon                        |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  scythe                        |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  seer                          |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
  sickle                        |      5 | {bio}                                      | 
@@ -145,6 +144,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  rdp-classifier                |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
  relion                        |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
  repeatmasker-recon            |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
+ salmon                        |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
  seqtools                      |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
  sprai                         |      4 | {bio}                                      | 
  tracetuner                    |      4 | {bio}                                      | 

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
+Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:42:04 +0000
  source                        |             version             |        upstream_version         |                       uploaders                                             | Last uploader        |     Last uploaded      
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  artemis                       | 17.0.1                          | 18.1.0                          | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-02-08 11:19:24+00
  atropos                       | 1.1.24                          | 2.0.0-alpha.4                   | Andreas Tille                                                               | Steffen Moeller      | 2019-11-30 12:19:31+00
  baitfisher                    | 1.2.7+git20180107.e92dbf2       | 1.2.7+git20190123.241d060       | Olivier Sallou                                                              | Andreas Tille        | 2018-09-24 13:04:18+00
+ beagle                        | 5.1-191125                      | 200313                          | Dylan Aïssi                                                                | Dylan Aïssi         | 2019-12-14 18:34:10+00
  beast2-mcmc                   | 2.6.0                           | 2.6.2                           | Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou                                                | Andreas Tille        | 2019-07-31 13:08:02+00
  biobambam2                    | 2.0.153                         | 2.0.158+ds                      | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-02-05 13:20:41+00
  biojava-live                  | 1.7.1                           | 1.9.3                           | Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou,Steffen Moeller                                | Andreas Tille        | 2018-11-12 15:49:23+00
@@ -27,10 +28,12 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  fis-gtm                       | 6.3-007                         | 6.3-010                         | Amul Shah,Andreas Tille                                                     | Amul Shah            | 2019-02-28 14:12:19+00
  gatb-core                     | 1.4.1+git20191209.9398f28       | 1.4.1+git20200118.1dc23ff       | Andreas Tille,Nadiya Sitdykova                                              | Michael R. Crusoe    | 2020-02-17 14:52:30+00
  gdcm                          | 3.0.4                           | 3.0.5                           | Gert Wollny,Sébastien Jodogne,Steve M. Robbins                             | Gert Wollny          | 2019-11-07 11:49:02+00
+ gmap                          | 2019-09-12                      | 2020-03-12                      | Alexandre Mestiashvili,Andreas Tille,Shaun Jackman                          | Steffen Moeller      | 2019-12-30 12:37:15+00
  hdmf                          | 1.5.4                           | 1.6.1                           | Yaroslav Halchenko                                                          | Yaroslav Halchenko   | 2020-02-03 03:01:25+00
  htsjdk                        | 2.18.2                          | 2.21.3                          | Andreas Tille,Charles Plessy,Olivier Sallou,Vincent Danjean                 | Andreas Tille        | 2019-03-01 22:19:40+00
  hyphy                         | 2.5.1                           | 2.5.5                           | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-01-07 21:19:50+00
  igdiscover                    | 0.11                            | 0.12.2                          | Steffen Moeller                                                             | Andreas Tille        | 2019-09-06 07:04:02+00
+ igraph                        | 0.8.0                           | 0.8.1                           | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-03-14 20:10:56+00
  igv                           | 2.4.17                          | 2.8.1                           | Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou                                                | Andreas Tille        | 2019-01-30 15:11:57+00
  imagej                        | 1.52r                           | 1.52t                           | David Miguel Susano Pinto                                                   | Andreas Tille        | 2019-12-04 14:55:11+00
  ismrmrd                       | 1.4.0                           | 1.4.1                           | Ghislain Antony Vaillant                                                    | Andreas Tille        | 2019-01-26 07:49:20+00
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  libbioparser-dev              | 2.0.1                           | 2.1.2                           | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-07-15 13:35:45+00
  libedlib                      | 1.2.4                           | 1.2.6                           | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-08-19 00:34:56+00
  libgclib                      | 0.11.4                          | 0.11.7                          | Andreas Tille,Michael R. Crusoe,Steffen Moeller                             | Michael R. Crusoe    | 2020-02-14 13:04:26+00
- libjloda-java                 | 0.0+git20180523.cbaf6d1         | 0.0+git20200310.2bd973e         | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2018-05-25 21:49:43+00
+ libjloda-java                 | 0.0+git20180523.cbaf6d1         | 0.0+git20200313.db8cd8f         | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2018-05-25 21:49:43+00
  libmaus2                      | 2.0.698                         | 2.0.709                         | Andreas Tille,Steffen Moeller                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-02-05 10:04:12+00
  libsis-base-java              | 18.09~pre1+git20180827.fe4953e  | 18.09~pre1+git20180928.45fbd31  | Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou,Tim Booth                                      | Andreas Tille        | 2018-09-26 08:35:30+00
  libundead                     | 1.0.10                          | 1.1.1                           | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-09-13 21:06:10+00
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  mothur                        | 1.42.1                          | 1.43.0                          | Andreas Tille,Steffen Moeller,Tomasz Buchert                                | Andreas Tille        | 2019-08-01 19:09:05+00
  mummer                        | 3.23                            | 4.0.0~beta2                     | Andreas Tille,Charles Plessy,Steffen Moeller                                | Andreas Tille        | 2018-06-11 07:19:31+00
  mypy                          | 0.761                           | 0.770                           | Michael R. Crusoe                                                           | Michael R. Crusoe    | 2020-01-01 22:05:46+00
- nanopolish                    | 0.11.3                          | 0.12.0                          | Andreas Tille                                                               | Steffen Moeller      | 2019-12-22 12:49:21+00
+ nanopolish                    | 0.11.3                          | 0.12.1                          | Andreas Tille                                                               | Steffen Moeller      | 2019-12-22 12:49:21+00
  ncbi-blast+                   | 2.9.0                           | 2.10.0                          | Aaron M. Ucko,Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou                                  | Aaron M. Ucko        | 2020-02-17 01:50:53+00
  ncbi-entrez-direct            | 12.0.20190816                   | 13.5.20200306                   | Aaron M. Ucko                                                               | Aaron M. Ucko        | 2020-02-03 03:53:53+00
  ncbi-vdb                      | 2.10.3                          | 2.10.4                          | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-02-24 21:12:17+00
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  unanimity                     | 3.3.0                           | 4.2.0                           | Afif Elghraoui,Andreas Tille                                                | Adrian Bunk          | 2019-02-06 07:34:42+00
  vsearch                       | 2.14.1                          | 2.14.2                          | Andreas Tille,Tim Booth                                                     | Andreas Tille        | 2019-12-17 10:07:09+00
  xmedcon                       | 0.16.1                          | 0.16.2                          | Andreas Tille,Roland Marcus Rutschmann                                      | Andreas Tille        | 2019-01-25 18:23:59+00
-(99 rows)
+(102 rows)
  source                        |   id   | severity  |                                                                                           title                                                                                           
@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  arb                           | 926017 | minor     | arb: Typo in package description: "website links unreachable, description outdated"
  ariba                         | 951944 | serious   | ariba: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-nose -i python{version} -p 3.7 returned exit code 13
  bamtools                      | 865130 | important | reapr FTBFS on big endian: Error sampling from files '00.Sample/fragCov.gz', '00.assembly.fa.gc.gz'
+ bamtools                      | 953939 | important | bamtools: autopkgtest failure: times out on arm64
  bcbio                         | 928076 | important | bcbio: Workflows not ready for non-developers to depend on.
  bcftools                      | 819617 | important | FTBFS: any-i386 - floating point idiosyncracies
  bcftools                      | 860682 | important | bcftools: FTBFS on i386: Test failures
@@ -176,6 +180,7 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  htsjdk                        | 920588 | normal    | htsjdk: Autopkgtest for htsjdk
  htslib                        | 922860 | normal    | Packages do not contain the upstream README file
  idba                          | 909716 | minor     | idba: Please provide autopkgtest
+ igraph                        | 953941 | serious   | igraph - Incomplete debian/copyright
  igv                           | 940606 | normal    | new upstream (2.6.3)
  insighttoolkit4               | 724711 | wishlist  | insighttoolkit4: Drops architecture support
  insighttoolkit4               | 759794 | wishlist  | insighttoolkit4: FTBFS on amd64 with ENOSPC
@@ -302,5 +307,5 @@ Last-Update: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  xmedcon                       | 671828 | normal    | xmedcon: Cannot open file with YBR photometric interpretation
  xmedcon                       | 779707 | normal    | Errors when reading dicomdir file: "No images found" / "Loading: DICM Error reading file"
  xmedcon                       | 924017 | normal    | desktop entry
-(196 rows)
+(198 rows)

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