[med-svn] [Git][med-team/beagle][master] 5 commits: New upstream version 5.1-200324+dfsg
Dylan Aïssi
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Mar 27 09:06:24 GMT 2020
Dylan Aïssi pushed to branch master at Debian Med / beagle
19dc4045 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-03-27T09:31:35+01:00
New upstream version 5.1-200324+dfsg
- - - - -
eb519b43 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-03-27T09:31:35+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.1-200324+dfsg'
Update to upstream version '5.1-200324+dfsg'
with Debian dir bcaea9ddd96b17a288445fc927275586c5ab1436
- - - - -
4d7fda49 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-03-27T09:47:23+01:00
Update changelogs
- - - - -
00d41b26 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-03-27T09:59:04+01:00
Standards-Version: 4.5.0 (no changes needed)
- - - - -
a17476f0 by Dylan Aïssi at 2020-03-27T10:06:02+01:00
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
13 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/upstream.docs/release_notes
- debian/upstream.docs/run.beagle.example
- main/Main.java
- phase/HapImputer.java
- phase/HmmUpdater.java
- phase/Ibs2.java
- phase/ImputeBaum.java
- phase/PhaseLS.java
- phase/RecombRegress.java
- vcf/PlinkGenMap.java
- vcf/RefIt.java
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+beagle (5.1-200324+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Standards-Version: 4.5.0 (no changes needed).
+ -- Dylan Aïssi <daissi at debian.org> Fri, 27 Mar 2020 10:05:43 +0100
beagle (5.1-191125+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
Build-Depends-Indep: default-jdk,
-Standards-Version: 4.4.1
+Standards-Version: 4.5.0
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/beagle
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/beagle.git
Homepage: https://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/beagle.html
@@ -89,3 +89,16 @@ Beagle 5.1 (20Nov19.573) release notes
Beagle 5.1 (25Nov19.28d) release notes
* Increased robustness to genetic maps with small inter-marker distances
+Beagle 5.1 (13Mar20.38e) release notes
+* Improve robustness to rounding error
+* Fix a concurrency bug
+Beagle 5.1 (21Mar20.d65) release notes
+* Fix a bug in reference-based phasing
+Beagle 5.1 (24Mar20.5f5) release notes
+* Improve robustness when some samples have high rates of missing genotypes
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-if [ ! -f beagle.20Nov19.573.jar ]; then
+if [ ! -f beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar ]; then
- echo "Downloading beagle.20Nov19.573.jar"
- wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/beagle.20Nov19.573.jar
+ echo "Downloading beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar"
+ wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar
-if [ ! -f bref3.20Nov19.573.jar ]; then
+if [ ! -f bref3.24Mar20.5f5.jar ]; then
- echo "Downloading bref3.20Nov19.573.jar"
- wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/bref3.20Nov19.573.jar
+ echo "Downloading bref3.24Mar20.5f5.jar"
+ wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/bref3.24Mar20.5f5.jar
-if [ ! -f test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz ]; then
+if [ ! -f test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz ]; then
- echo "*** Downloading some 1000 Genomes Project data to file: test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz ***"
- wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz
+ echo "*** Downloading some 1000 Genomes Project data to file: test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz ***"
+ wget http://faculty.washington.edu/browning/beagle/test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz
-echo "*** Creating test files: ref.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz target.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz ***"
+echo "*** Creating test files: ref.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz target.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz ***"
-zcat test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz | cut -f1-190 | tr '/' '|' | gzip > ref.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz
-zcat test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz | cut -f1-9,191-200 | gzip > target.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz
+zcat test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz | cut -f1-190 | tr '/' '|' | gzip > ref.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz
+zcat test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz | cut -f1-9,191-200 | gzip > target.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz
echo "*** Running test analysis with \"gt=\" argument ***"
-java -jar beagle.20Nov19.573.jar gt=test.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz out=out.gt
+java -jar beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar gt=test.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz out=out.gt
echo "*** Running test analysis with \"ref=\" and \"gt=\" arguments ***"
-java -jar beagle.20Nov19.573.jar ref=ref.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz gt=target.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz out=out.ref
+java -jar beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar ref=ref.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz gt=target.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz out=out.ref
echo "*** Making \"bref3\" file ***"
-java -jar bref3.20Nov19.573.jar ref.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz > ref.20Nov19.573.bref3
+java -jar bref3.24Mar20.5f5.jar ref.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz > ref.24Mar20.5f5.bref3
echo "*** Running test analysis with \"bref3\" file ***"
-java -jar beagle.20Nov19.573.jar ref=ref.20Nov19.573.bref3 gt=target.20Nov19.573.vcf.gz out=out.bref3
+java -jar beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar ref=ref.24Mar20.5f5.bref3 gt=target.24Mar20.5f5.vcf.gz out=out.bref3
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ public class Main {
* The program name and version.
public static final String VERSION = "(version 5.1)";
- public static final String PROGRAM = "beagle.25Nov19.28d.jar";
- public static final String COMMAND = "java -jar beagle.25Nov19.28d.jar";
+ public static final String PROGRAM = "beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar";
+ public static final String COMMAND = "java -jar beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar";
* The copyright string.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class Main {
public static final String SHORT_HELP = Main.PROGRAM + " " + VERSION
+ Const.nl + Main.COPYRIGHT
- + Const.nl + "Enter \"java -jar beagle.25Nov19.28d.jar\" to "
+ + Const.nl + "Enter \"java -jar beagle.24Mar20.5f5.jar\" to "
+ "list command line argument";
private final Par par;
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ import vcf.Samples;
public class HapImputer {
private final Markers markers;
- private final Samples samples;
- private final int nHaps;
- private final AtomicReferenceArray<LongArray> haps;
+ private final Samples targSamples;
+ private final int nTargHaps;
+ private final AtomicReferenceArray<LongArray> targHaps;
private final AtomicReferenceArray<List<PartlyImputedAllele>> missing;
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ public class HapImputer {
public HapImputer(Markers markers, Samples samples) {
this.markers = markers;
- this.samples = samples;
- this.nHaps = 2*samples.nSamples();
- this.haps = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(nHaps);
- this.missing = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(nHaps);
- for (int j=0; j<nHaps; ++j) {
+ this.targSamples = samples;
+ this.nTargHaps = 2*samples.nSamples();
+ this.targHaps = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(nTargHaps);
+ this.missing = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(nTargHaps);
+ for (int j=0; j<nTargHaps; ++j) {
missing.set(j, new ArrayList<>(4));
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class HapImputer {
* @return the list of target samples
public Samples targSamples() {
- return samples;
+ return targSamples;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public class HapImputer {
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code alleles == null}
public void setHap(int hap, int[] alleles) {
- haps.set(hap, markers.allelesToBits(alleles));
+ targHaps.set(hap, markers.allelesToBits(alleles));
@@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ public class HapImputer {
* {@code (0 <= h && h <= 2 * this.targSamples().nSamples())}
public GT imputedHaps() {
- GT oldGT = new HapsGT(markers, samples, haps);
- LongArray[] newHaps = IntStream.range(0, nHaps)
+ GT oldGT = new HapsGT(markers, targSamples, targHaps);
+ LongArray[] newHaps = IntStream.range(0, nTargHaps)
.mapToObj(h -> imputeHap(h, oldGT))
- return new HapsGT(markers, samples, newHaps);
+ return new HapsGT(markers, targSamples, newHaps);
private LongArray imputeHap(int h, GT oldGT) {
- LongArray oldHap = haps.get(h);
+ LongArray oldHap = targHaps.get(h);
List<PartlyImputedAllele> partlyImputedAlleles = missing.get(h);
if (partlyImputedAlleles.isEmpty()) {
return oldHap;
@@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ public class HapImputer {
private final int marker;
private final float[] alProbs;
- private final int[] refHaps;
+ private final int[] targHaps;
private final float[] stateProbs;
private PartlyImputedAllele(Markers markers, int marker,
- float[] alProbs, IntList refHaps, FloatList stateProbs) {
+ float[] alProbs, IntList targHaps, FloatList stateProbs) {
int nAlleles = markers.marker(marker).nAlleles();
this.marker = marker;
this.alProbs = Arrays.copyOf(alProbs, nAlleles);
- this.refHaps = refHaps.toArray();
+ this.targHaps = targHaps.toArray();
this.stateProbs = stateProbs.toArray();
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ public class HapImputer {
private int imputeAllele(GT phasedGT) {
assert phasedGT.isPhased();
float[] updatedProbs = alProbs.clone();
- for (int j=0; j<refHaps.length; ++j) {
- int allele = phasedGT.allele(marker, refHaps[j]);
+ for (int j=0; j<targHaps.length; ++j) {
+ int allele = phasedGT.allele(marker, targHaps[j]);
updatedProbs[allele] += stateProbs[j];
int imputedAllele = 0;
@@ -90,4 +90,57 @@ public class HmmUpdater {
bwd[k] = scale*bwd[k] + shift;
+ /**
+ * Updates the forward values and returns the sum of the updated forward
+ * values.
+ * @param fwd the array of forward values that will be updated
+ * @param pSwitch the probability of jumping to a random state
+ * @param sum the sum of forward values in the specified array
+ * @param mismatch the number of allele mismatches (0 or 1) for
+ * each HMM state
+ * @param nStates the number of states
+ * @return the sum of the updated forward values
+ * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if
+ * {@code fwd.length < nStates || mismatch.length < nStates}
+ * @throws NullPointerException if
+ * {@code fwd == null || mismatch == null}
+ */
+ public double fwdUpdate(double[] fwd, double sum, double pSwitch,
+ byte[] mismatch, int nStates) {
+ double shift = pSwitch/nStates;
+ double scale = (1.0f - pSwitch)/sum;
+ sum = 0.0f;
+ for (int k=0; k<nStates; ++k) {
+ fwd[k] = pMismatch[mismatch[k]]*(scale*fwd[k] + shift);
+ sum += fwd[k];
+ }
+ return sum;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the backward values.
+ * @param bwd the array of backward values that will be updated
+ * @param pSwitch the probability of jumping to a random state
+ * @param mismatch the number of allele mismatches (0 or 1) for
+ * each HMM state
+ * @param nStates the number of states
+ * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if
+ * {@code bwd.length < nStates || mismatch.length < nStates}
+ * @throws NullPointerException if
+ * {@code bwd == null || mismatch == null}
+ */
+ public void bwdUpdate(double[] bwd, double pSwitch, byte[] mismatch,
+ int nStates) {
+ double sum = 0.0f;
+ for (int k=0; k<nStates; ++k) {
+ bwd[k] *= pMismatch[mismatch[k]];
+ sum += bwd[k];
+ }
+ double shift = pSwitch/nStates;
+ double scale = (1.0f - pSwitch)/sum;
+ for (int k=0; k<nStates; ++k) {
+ bwd[k] = scale*bwd[k] + shift;
+ }
+ }
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ import vcf.RefGT;
public final class Ibs2 {
private static final int MIN_STEP_MARKERS = 100;
- private static final int MAX_STEP_MARKERS = 1500; // value for high-frequency markers
+ private static final int MAX_STEP_MARKERS = 1500; // high-frequency markers
+ private static final float MAX_MISS_PROP = 0.1f;
private static final double MAX_IBD_GAP_CM = 4.0;
private final GT targGT;
@@ -163,9 +164,8 @@ public final class Ibs2 {
int wP1 = w + 1;
int start = wStarts.get(w);
int end = (wP1 < wStarts.size()) ? wStarts.get(wP1) : targGT.nMarkers();
- int nSamples = targGT.nSamples() + (refGT!=null ? refGT.nSamples() : 0);
List<SampClust> equivLists = new ArrayList<>(1);
- equivLists.add(new SampClust(nSamples));
+ equivLists.add(initCluster(targGT, refGT, start, end));
for (int m=start; m<end; ++m) {
int mm = m;
equivLists = equivLists.stream()
@@ -175,10 +175,29 @@ public final class Ibs2 {
return results(equivLists, targGT.nSamples());
+ private static SampClust initCluster(GT targGT, RefGT refGT, int start,
+ int end) {
+ int nTargSamples = targGT.nSamples();
+ int nSamples = targGT.nSamples() + (refGT!=null ? refGT.nSamples() : 0);
+ int maxMiss = (int) Math.ceil(MAX_MISS_PROP*(end - start));
+ int[] missCnt = new int[nSamples];
+ for (int m=start; m<end; ++m) {
+ for (int s=0; s<nTargSamples; ++s) {
+ if (targGT.allele1(m, s)==-1 || targGT.allele2(m, s)==-1) {
+ ++missCnt[s];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int[] initCluster = IntStream.range(0, nSamples)
+ .filter(s -> s>=nTargSamples || missCnt[s]<=maxMiss)
+ .toArray();
+ return new SampClust(initCluster, true);
+ }
private static Stream<SampClust> partition(GT targGT, RefGT refGT,
SampClust parent, int m) {
// this method assumes int[] parent.samples is sorted in increasing order
- int[] a = new int[2]; // alleles
+ int[] gt = new int[2];
int nAlleles = targGT.marker(m).nAlleles();
int nTargSamples = targGT.nSamples();
IntList[] gtToList = new IntList[nAlleles*nAlleles];
@@ -186,8 +205,8 @@ public final class Ibs2 {
IntList gtIndices = new IntList(16);
IntList missingTargSamples = new IntList(32);
for (int s : parent.samples) {
- setAlleles(m, s, targGT, refGT, a);
- if (a[0]<0 || a[1]<0) {
+ setAlleles(m, s, targGT, refGT, gt);
+ if (gt[0]<0 || gt[1]<0) {
assert s<nTargSamples;
for (int k=0, n=gtIndices.size(); k<n; ++k) {
@@ -195,13 +214,13 @@ public final class Ibs2 {
else {
- int gtIndex = a[0]<=a[1] ? a[0]*nAlleles + a[1] : a[1]*nAlleles + a[0];
+ int gtIndex = gt[0]<=gt[1] ? gt[0]*nAlleles + gt[1] : gt[1]*nAlleles + gt[0];
if (gtToList[gtIndex]!=null) {
else if (s<nTargSamples || missingTargSamples.size()>0) { // assumes int[] parent.samples is increasing
- areHom[gtIndex] = parent.areHomozygous && (a[0]==a[1]);
+ areHom[gtIndex] = parent.areHomozygous && (gt[0]==gt[1]);
gtToList[gtIndex] = new IntList();
for (int k=0, n=missingTargSamples.size(); k<n; ++k) {
// if s>=nTargSamples, put s in list w/ missTargSamples
@@ -212,8 +231,8 @@ public final class Ibs2 {
return gtIndices.stream()
- .filter(gt -> gtToList[gt].size()>1)
- .mapToObj(gt -> new SampClust(gtToList[gt].toArray(), areHom[gt]));
+ .filter(i -> gtToList[i].size()>1)
+ .mapToObj(i -> new SampClust(gtToList[i].toArray(), areHom[i]));
private static void setAlleles(int m, int s, GT targGT, RefGT refGT,
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public class ImputeBaum {
int b1 = allele(m, hap);
int b2 = allele(m, hap ^ 0b1);
if (b1>=0 && b2>=0) {
- if (b1==b2) {
+ if (b1==b2 || hap>=nTargHaps) {
alProbs[b1] += prob;
else {
@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ public class PhaseLS {
private static void updateRecombFactor(ExecutorService es,
PhaseData phaseData, PhaseIbs phaseIbs) {
int nThreads = phaseData.par().nthreads();
- double maxSumY = Math.max(5000.0/nThreads, 200.0);
+ double maxSumY = 5000.0;
+ double maxThreadSumY = Math.max(maxSumY/nThreads, 200.0);
+ int maxUpdates = 20000/nThreads + 1;
Regress regress = new Regress();
int nSamples = phaseData.targGT().nSamples();
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(nThreads);
@@ -75,8 +77,9 @@ public class PhaseLS {
Random rand = new Random(phaseData.seed() + j);
es.submit(() -> {
try {
+ int nUpdates = 0;
RecombRegress rr = new RecombRegress(phaseIbs, regress);
- while (rr.sumY()<maxSumY) { // thread-confined for reproducability
+ while (rr.sumY()<maxThreadSumY && ++nUpdates <= maxUpdates) { // thread-confined for reproducability
@@ -88,12 +91,12 @@ public class PhaseLS {
float recombFactor = (float) regress.beta();
- if (recombFactor>0.0 && Float.isFinite(recombFactor)) {
+ if (regress.sumY()>=maxSumY && recombFactor>0.0
+ && Float.isFinite(recombFactor)) {
else {
- System.out.println(Const.nl + "WARNING: no recombFactor update: "
- + recombFactor + Const.nl);
+ System.out.println(Const.nl + "WARNING: no recombFactor update");
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ public class RecombRegress {
private final int[] hap1;
private final int[] hap2;
- private final float[] fwd;
+ private final double[] fwd;
+ private final double[] fwdM1;
private final float[] bwd;
- private final float[] fwdM1;
private final float[][] savedBwd;
- private final float[] pMismatch;
+ private final double[] pMismatch;
private final HmmUpdater hmmUpdater;
private final Regress regress;
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ public class RecombRegress {
this.hap1 = new int[nMarkers];
this.hap2 = new int[nMarkers];
- this.savedBwd = new float[nMarkers][maxStates];
- this.fwd = new float[maxStates];
this.bwd = new float[maxStates];
- this.fwdM1 = new float[maxStates];
- float pErr = phaseData.err();
- this.pMismatch = new float[] {1.0f - pErr, pErr};
- this.hmmUpdater = new HmmUpdater(pErr);
+ this.savedBwd = new float[nMarkers][maxStates];
+ this.fwd = new double[maxStates];
+ this.fwdM1 = new double[maxStates];
+ double pErr = phaseData.err();
+ this.pMismatch = new double[] {1.0f - pErr, pErr};
+ this.hmmUpdater = new HmmUpdater((float) pErr);
this.regress = regress;
@@ -126,31 +126,36 @@ public class RecombRegress {
hmmUpdater.bwdUpdate(bwd, pRecomb.get(mP1), alMatch[mP1], nStates);
System.arraycopy(bwd, 0, savedBwd[m], 0, nStates);
- float hFactor = (float) (nStates / (nStates - 1.0));
+ double hFactor = nStates / (nStates - 1.0);
Arrays.fill(fwd, 0, nStates, 1.0f/nStates);
- float sum = 1.0f;
+ double sum = 1.0f;
sum = hmmUpdater.fwdUpdate(fwd, sum, pRecomb.get(0), alMatch[0], nStates);
for (int m=1; m<nMarkers; ++m) {
sum = fwdUpdate(m, alMatch[m], sum, hFactor);
- private float fwdUpdate(int m, byte[] alMatch, float lastSum, float hFactor) {
- float pSwitch = pRecomb.get(m);
- float f = ((1.0f - pSwitch) + (pSwitch/nStates))/lastSum;
- float partNumer = 0.0f;
- float denom = 0.0f;
+ private double fwdUpdate(int m, byte[] alMatch, double lastSum, double hFactor) {
+ double pSwitch = pRecomb.get(m);
+ double shift = pSwitch/nStates;
+ double scale = (1.0f - pSwitch)/lastSum;
+ double partScale = ((1.0f - pSwitch) + (pSwitch/nStates))/lastSum;
+ double numer = 0.0f;
+ double denom = 0.0f;
float[] storedBwd = savedBwd[m];
System.arraycopy(fwd, 0, fwdM1, 0, nStates);
- float sum = hmmUpdater.fwdUpdate(fwd, lastSum, pRecomb.get(m), alMatch, nStates);
+ double sum = 0.0f;
for (int k=0; k<nStates; ++k) {
- partNumer += pMismatch[alMatch[k]]*f*fwdM1[k]*storedBwd[k];
+ fwd[k] = pMismatch[alMatch[k]]*(scale*fwdM1[k] + shift);
+ double partFwd = pMismatch[alMatch[k]]*(partScale*fwdM1[k]);
+ numer += fwd[k]<partFwd ? 0.0 : (fwd[k] - partFwd)*storedBwd[k];
denom += fwd[k]*storedBwd[k];
+ sum += fwd[k];
- float num = denom - partNumer;
- float xVal = genDist.get(m);
- float yVal = (hFactor*num/denom);
+ double xVal = genDist.get(m);
+ double yVal = (hFactor*numer/denom);
regress.add(xVal, yVal);
sumY += yVal;
return sum;
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ public final class PlinkGenMap implements GeneticMap {
public int basePos(int chrom, double geneticPosition) {
- int minEndBasepairDist = 5_000_000;
+ double minEndCmDist = 5.0;
int mapSizeM1 = genPos[chrom].length - 1;
assert mapSizeM1>0;
assert basePos[chrom].length==genPos[chrom].length;
@@ -361,42 +361,36 @@ public final class PlinkGenMap implements GeneticMap {
int aIndex = insPt - 1;
int bIndex = insPt;
if (aIndex==mapSizeM1) {
- insPt = Arrays.binarySearch(basePos[chrom], basePos[chrom][mapSizeM1] - minEndBasepairDist);
+ insPt = Arrays.binarySearch(genPos[chrom], genPos[chrom][mapSizeM1] - minEndCmDist);
if (insPt<0) {
insPt = -insPt - 2;
assert insPt<mapSizeM1;
aIndex = Math.max(insPt, 0);
bIndex = mapSizeM1;
- while (genPos[chrom][aIndex]==genPos[chrom][bIndex] && aIndex>0) {
- --aIndex;
- }
else if (bIndex==0) {
- insPt = Arrays.binarySearch(basePos[chrom], basePos[chrom][0] + minEndBasepairDist);
+ insPt = Arrays.binarySearch(genPos[chrom], genPos[chrom][0] + minEndCmDist);
if (insPt<0) {
insPt = -insPt - 1;
assert insPt>0;
aIndex = 0;
bIndex = Math.min(insPt, mapSizeM1);
- while (genPos[chrom][aIndex]==genPos[chrom][bIndex] && bIndex<mapSizeM1) {
- ++bIndex;
- }
double x = geneticPosition;
double a = genPos[chrom][aIndex];
double b = genPos[chrom][bIndex];
int fa = basePos[chrom][aIndex];
int fb = basePos[chrom][bIndex];
- double interp = ((x-a)/(b-a)) * (fb-fa);
+ double interp = fa + ((x-a)/(b-a)) * (fb-fa);
if (interp>=Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
String s = "Base position exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE"
+ blbutil.Const.nl
+ "Are all genetic distances in cM units (in command line and in genetic map)?";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
- return fa + (int) Math.round(interp);
+ return (int) Math.round(interp);
@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
* The default number of {@code GTRec} objects that are
* stored in a buffer.
- public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1<<10;
+ private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1<<10;
+ private static final String[] SENTINAL = new String[0];
+ private static volatile boolean stopFileReading = false;
private final VcfHeader vcfHeader;
private final FileIt<String> it;
private final Function<String, RefGTRec> mapper;
private final Filter<Marker> markerFilter;
- private int lastChrom;
- private boolean eof = false;
private final ArrayBlockingQueue<String[]> stringBuffer;
- private final List<RefGTRec> midBuffer;
+ private final List<RefGTRec> lowFreqBuffer;
private final Deque<RefGTRec> recBuffer;
private final SeqCoder3 seqCoder;
private final int maxSeqCodedAlleles;
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
private final ExecutorService es;
+ private int lastChrom = -1;
* Create and returns a new {@code RefIt} instance from the specified
* iterator.
@@ -146,9 +148,8 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
this.maxSeqCodedAlleles = Math.min(seqCoder.maxNSeq(), SeqCoder3.MAX_NALLELES);
this.maxSeqCodingMajorCnt = maxSeqCodingMajorCnt(vcfHeader.samples());
- this.lastChrom = -1;
this.stringBuffer = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(1);
- this.midBuffer = new ArrayList<>();
+ this.lowFreqBuffer = new ArrayList<>();
this.recBuffer = new ArrayDeque<>(bufferSize);
this.es = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
@@ -165,35 +166,45 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
ArrayBlockingQueue<String[]> q, String firstRec, FileIt<String> it,
int bufferSize) {
es.submit(() -> {
- List<String> recs = new ArrayList<>(bufferSize);
- recs.add(firstRec);
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- if (recs.size()==bufferSize) {
- String[] sa = recs.toArray(new String[0]);
- MultiThreadUtils.putInBlockingQ(q, sa);
- recs.clear();
+ try {
+ List<String> recs = new ArrayList<>(bufferSize);
+ recs.add(firstRec);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ if (recs.size()==bufferSize) {
+ if (stopFileReading) {
+ recs.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ String[] sa = recs.toArray(new String[0]);
+ MultiThreadUtils.putInBlockingQ(q, sa);
+ recs.clear();
+ }
+ recs.add(it.next());
+ }
+ try {
+ if (recs.size()>0) {
+ q.put(recs.toArray(new String[0]));
+ recs.clear();
+ }
+ q.put(SENTINAL);
+ } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
+ Utilities.exit("ERROR: " + it.file(), ex);
- recs.add(it.next());
- try {
- assert recs.size()>0;
- q.put(recs.toArray(new String[0]));
- q.put(new String[0]);
- recs.clear();
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- Utilities.exit("ERROR: " + it.file(), ex);
+ catch (Throwable t) {
+ Utilities.exit(t);
private void fillEmissionBuffer() {
assert recBuffer.isEmpty();
- boolean finished = false;
- while (recBuffer.isEmpty() && finished==false) {
+ while (recBuffer.isEmpty()) {
String[] sa = MultiThreadUtils.takeFromBlockingQ(stringBuffer);
if (sa.length==0) {
- finished = true;
stringBuffer.add(sa); // put sentinal back in qeueue
+ flushToRecBuffer();
+ return;
else {
RefGTRec[] recs = parseLines(sa);
@@ -203,29 +214,25 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
if (lastChrom == -1) {
lastChrom = chrom;
- if (chrom!=lastChrom || midBuffer.size()==Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
- flushMidBufferToRecBuffer();
+ if (chrom!=lastChrom || lowFreqBuffer.size()==Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
+ flushToRecBuffer();
lastChrom = chrom;
if (applySeqCoding(rec)==false) {
- midBuffer.add(rec);
+ lowFreqBuffer.add(rec);
else {
boolean success = seqCoder.add(rec);
if (success == false) {
- flushMidBufferToRecBuffer();
+ flushToRecBuffer();
success = seqCoder.add(rec);
assert success;
- midBuffer.add(null);
+ lowFreqBuffer.add(null);
- if (finished) {
- flushMidBufferToRecBuffer();
- eof = true;
- }
private RefGTRec[] parseLines(String[] lines) {
@@ -236,29 +243,30 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
- private void flushMidBufferToRecBuffer() {
+ private void flushToRecBuffer() {
List<RefGTRec> list = seqCoder.getCompressedList();
int index = 0;
- for (int j=0, n=midBuffer.size(); j<n; ++j) {
- GTRec ve = midBuffer.get(j);
+ for (int j=0, n=lowFreqBuffer.size(); j<n; ++j) {
+ GTRec ve = lowFreqBuffer.get(j);
if (ve==null) {
- midBuffer.set(j, list.get(index++));
+ lowFreqBuffer.set(j, list.get(index++));
- recBuffer.addAll(midBuffer);
- midBuffer.clear();
+ recBuffer.addAll(lowFreqBuffer);
+ lowFreqBuffer.clear();
public void close() {
- it.close();
- recBuffer.clear();
- midBuffer.clear();
- // empty string buffer in order to stop ExecutorService
+ stopFileReading = true;
+ // empty string buffer
String[] sa = MultiThreadUtils.takeFromBlockingQ(stringBuffer);
while (sa.length>0) {
sa = MultiThreadUtils.takeFromBlockingQ(stringBuffer);
+ recBuffer.clear();
+ lowFreqBuffer.clear();
+ it.close();
@@ -283,7 +291,7 @@ public class RefIt implements SampleFileIt<RefGTRec> {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
RefGTRec first = recBuffer.removeFirst();
- if (recBuffer.isEmpty() && eof==false) {
+ if (recBuffer.isEmpty()) {
return first;
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