[med-svn] [Git][med-team/kaptive][master] kaptive 0.7.3-3: Further extend crash recognition (#986592).
Aaron M. Ucko
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Apr 16 22:37:45 BST 2021
Aaron M. Ucko pushed to branch master at Debian Med / kaptive
61bc03e0 by Aaron M. Ucko at 2021-04-16T17:35:21-04:00
kaptive 0.7.3-3: Further extend crash recognition (#986592).
d/p/extend_bad_versions: Account for crashes with error output too.
If a relevant tblastn version failed with error text starting with
"terminate called ", prepend the usual "tblastn crashed!" message.
Team upload, urgency high.
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/patches/extend_bad_versions
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+kaptive (0.7.3-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Team upload.
+ * d/p/extend_bad_versions: Account for crashes with error output too.
+ If a relevant tblastn version failed with error text starting with
+ "terminate called ", prepend the usual "tblastn crashed!" message.
+ (Closes: #986592.)
+ -- Aaron M. Ucko <ucko at debian.org> Fri, 16 Apr 2021 17:33:52 -0400
kaptive (0.7.3-2) unstable; urgency=high
* Team upload.
@@ -8,12 +8,37 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
from Bio import SeqIO
-@@ -912,7 +913,7 @@ def get_blast_hits(database, query, thre
+@@ -904,22 +905,27 @@ def get_blast_hits(database, query, thre
+ out, err = process.communicate()
+ out = convert_bytes_to_str(out)
+ err = convert_bytes_to_str(err)
+- if err:
+- quit_with_error(command[0] + ' encountered an error:\n' + err)
+- if process.returncode != 0:
++ if err or process.returncode != 0:
+ msg = command[0] + ' crashed!\n'
# A known crash can occur with tblastn and recent versions of BLAST+ when multiple threads
# are used. Check for this case and display an informative error message if so.
version = get_blast_version(command[0])
- bad_version = (version == '2.4.0') or (version == '2.5.0') or (version == '2.6.0')
+- if threads > 1 and bad_version:
+ bad_version = re.match(r'2\.(?:[4-9]|1[01])\.\d+$', version)
- if threads > 1 and bad_version:
++ if threads > 1 and bad_version \
++ and (not err or err.startswith("terminate called ")):
msg += '\nYou are using BLAST+ v' + version + ' which may crash when running with '
msg += 'multiple threads.\n\n'
+ msg += 'To avoid this issue, try one of the following:\n'
+ msg += ' 1) Use an unaffected version of BLAST+ (v2.3.0 or earlier should work)\n'
+ msg += ' 2) Run Kaptive with "--threads 1" (will probably be slower)\n'
+- quit_with_error(msg)
++ if err:
++ msg += "\nRaw error:\n" + err
++ quit_with_error(msg)
++ elif err:
++ quit_with_error(command[0] + ' encountered an error:\n' + err)
++ else:
++ quit_with_error(msg)
+ if genes:
+ blast_hits = [GeneBlastHit(line) for line in line_iterator(out)]
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/kaptive/-/commit/61bc03e075a93af23653f5d3aabec210444f91a7
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/kaptive/-/commit/61bc03e075a93af23653f5d3aabec210444f91a7
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