[med-svn] [Git][med-team/pydicom][master] 3 commits: New upstream version 2.2.2

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Dec 7 15:52:33 GMT 2021

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / pydicom

83d1cf1b by Andreas Tille at 2021-12-07T16:40:53+01:00
New upstream version 2.2.2
- - - - -
224df7d6 by Andreas Tille at 2021-12-07T16:40:53+01:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
dbf90924 by Andreas Tille at 2021-12-07T16:41:00+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.2.2'

Update to upstream version '2.2.2'
with Debian dir c78238f4174d3b5a6ae6aa7ad91ae8b0d7d7f64f
- - - - -

16 changed files:

- + .github/codespell_ignore_words.txt
- + .github/workflows/codespell.yml
- + .lgtm.yml
- debian/changelog
- pydicom/_dicom_dict.py
- pydicom/_private_dict.py
- pydicom/_uid_dict.py
- pydicom/_version.py
- pydicom/dataset.py
- pydicom/pixel_data_handlers/pillow_handler.py
- setup.cfg
- source/generate_cids/generate_concept_dicts.py
- source/generate_dict/generate_dicom_dict.py
- source/generate_dict/generate_private_dict.py
- source/generate_dict/generate_uid_dict.py
- source/generate_uids/generate_storage_sopclass_uids.py


@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+name: Codespell
+  push:
+    branches: [master]
+  pull_request:
+    branches: [master]
+  codespell:
+    name: Check for spelling errors
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout at v2
+      - uses: codespell-project/actions-codespell at master

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  # https://lgtm.com/rules/1510014536001/
+  - exclude: py/clear-text-logging-sensitive-data
+  # https://lgtm.com/rules/1510006386081/
+  - exclude: py/clear-text-storage-sensitive-data

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-pydicom (2.2.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+pydicom (2.2.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Andreas Tille ]
   * Team upload.

@@ -482,6 +482,8 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x00143077: ('TM', '1', "Time of Gain Calibration", '', 'TimeOfGainCalibration'),  # noqa
     0x00143080: ('OB', '1', "Bad Pixel Image", '', 'BadPixelImage'),  # noqa
     0x00143099: ('LT', '1', "Calibration Notes", '', 'CalibrationNotes'),  # noqa
+    0x00143100: ('LT', '1', "Linearity Correction Technique", '', 'LinearityCorrectionTechnique'),  # noqa
+    0x00143101: ('LT', '1', "Beam Hardening Correction Technique", '', 'BeamHardeningCorrectionTechnique'),  # noqa
     0x00144002: ('SQ', '1', "Pulser Equipment Sequence", '', 'PulserEquipmentSequence'),  # noqa
     0x00144004: ('CS', '1', "Pulser Type", '', 'PulserType'),  # noqa
     0x00144006: ('LT', '1', "Pulser Notes", '', 'PulserNotes'),  # noqa
@@ -562,9 +564,9 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x0014409C: ('DS', '1', "Translation Rate X", '', 'TranslationRateX'),  # noqa
     0x0014409D: ('DS', '1', "Translation Rate Y", '', 'TranslationRateY'),  # noqa
     0x0014409F: ('DS', '1', "Channel Overlap", '', 'ChannelOverlap'),  # noqa
-    0x001440A0: ('LO', '1', "Image Quality Indicator Type", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorType'),  # noqa
-    0x001440A1: ('LO', '1', "Image Quality Indicator Material", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorMaterial'),  # noqa
-    0x001440A2: ('LO', '1', "Image Quality Indicator Size", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorSize'),  # noqa
+    0x001440A0: ('LO', '1-n', "Image Quality Indicator Type", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorType'),  # noqa
+    0x001440A1: ('LO', '1-n', "Image Quality Indicator Material", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorMaterial'),  # noqa
+    0x001440A2: ('LO', '1-n', "Image Quality Indicator Size", '', 'ImageQualityIndicatorSize'),  # noqa
     0x00145002: ('IS', '1', "LINAC Energy", '', 'LINACEnergy'),  # noqa
     0x00145004: ('IS', '1', "LINAC Output", '', 'LINACOutput'),  # noqa
     0x00145100: ('US', '1', "Active Aperture", '', 'ActiveAperture'),  # noqa
@@ -1869,7 +1871,7 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x00221628: ('SQ', '1', "Ophthalmic En Face Image Quality Rating Sequence", '', 'OphthalmicEnFaceImageQualityRatingSequence'),  # noqa
     0x00221630: ('DS', '1', "Quality Threshold", '', 'QualityThreshold'),  # noqa
     0x00221640: ('SQ', '1', "OCT B-scan Analysis Acquisition Parameters Sequence", '', 'OCTBscanAnalysisAcquisitionParametersSequence'),  # noqa
-    0x00221642: ('UL', '1', "Number of B-scans Per Frame", '', 'NumberofBscansPerFrame'),  # noqa
+    0x00221642: ('UL', '1', "Number of B-scans Per Frame", '', 'NumberOfBscansPerFrame'),  # noqa
     0x00221643: ('FL', '1', "B-scan Slab Thickness", '', 'BscanSlabThickness'),  # noqa
     0x00221644: ('FL', '1', "Distance Between B-scan Slabs", '', 'DistanceBetweenBscanSlabs'),  # noqa
     0x00221645: ('FL', '1', "B-scan Cycle Time", '', 'BscanCycleTime'),  # noqa
@@ -2803,9 +2805,9 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x00480112: ('DS', '1', "Objective Lens Power", '', 'ObjectiveLensPower'),  # noqa
     0x00480113: ('DS', '1', "Objective Lens Numerical Aperture", '', 'ObjectiveLensNumericalAperture'),  # noqa
     0x00480120: ('SQ', '1', "Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence", '', 'PaletteColorLookupTableSequence'),  # noqa
-    0x00480200: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced Image Navigation Sequence", '', 'ReferencedImageNavigationSequence'),  # noqa
-    0x00480201: ('US', '2', "Top Left Hand Corner of Localizer Area", '', 'TopLeftHandCornerOfLocalizerArea'),  # noqa
-    0x00480202: ('US', '2', "Bottom Right Hand Corner of Localizer Area", '', 'BottomRightHandCornerOfLocalizerArea'),  # noqa
+    0x00480200: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced Image Navigation Sequence", 'Retired', 'ReferencedImageNavigationSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x00480201: ('US', '2', "Top Left Hand Corner of Localizer Area", 'Retired', 'TopLeftHandCornerOfLocalizerArea'),  # noqa
+    0x00480202: ('US', '2', "Bottom Right Hand Corner of Localizer Area", 'Retired', 'BottomRightHandCornerOfLocalizerArea'),  # noqa
     0x00480207: ('SQ', '1', "Optical Path Identification Sequence", '', 'OpticalPathIdentificationSequence'),  # noqa
     0x0048021A: ('SQ', '1', "Plane Position (Slide) Sequence", '', 'PlanePositionSlideSequence'),  # noqa
     0x0048021E: ('SL', '1', "Column Position In Total Image Pixel Matrix", '', 'ColumnPositionInTotalImagePixelMatrix'),  # noqa
@@ -2999,6 +3001,7 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x0066001F: ('US', '1', "Vector Dimensionality", '', 'VectorDimensionality'),  # noqa
     0x00660020: ('FL', '1-n', "Vector Accuracy", '', 'VectorAccuracy'),  # noqa
     0x00660021: ('OF', '1', "Vector Coordinate Data", '', 'VectorCoordinateData'),  # noqa
+    0x00660022: ('OD', '1', "Double Point Coordinates Data", '', 'DoublePointCoordinatesData'),  # noqa
     0x00660023: ('OW', '1', "Triangle Point Index List", 'Retired', 'TrianglePointIndexList'),  # noqa
     0x00660024: ('OW', '1', "Edge Point Index List", 'Retired', 'EdgePointIndexList'),  # noqa
     0x00660025: ('OW', '1', "Vertex Point Index List", 'Retired', 'VertexPointIndexList'),  # noqa
@@ -3115,6 +3118,22 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x00687003: ('SQ', '1', "Model Usage Code Sequence", '', 'ModelUsageCodeSequence'),  # noqa
     0x00687004: ('UI', '1', "Model Group UID", '', 'ModelGroupUID'),  # noqa
     0x00687005: ('UR', '1', "Relative URI Reference Within Encapsulated Document", '', 'RelativeURIReferenceWithinEncapsulatedDocument'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0001: ('CS', '1', "Annotation Coordinate Type", '', 'AnnotationCoordinateType'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0002: ('SQ', '1', "Annotation Group Sequence", '', 'AnnotationGroupSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0003: ('UI', '1', "Annotation Group UID", '', 'AnnotationGroupUID'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0005: ('LO', '1', "Annotation Group Label", '', 'AnnotationGroupLabel'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0006: ('UT', '1', "Annotation Group Description", '', 'AnnotationGroupDescription'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0007: ('CS', '1', "Annotation Group Generation Type", '', 'AnnotationGroupGenerationType'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0008: ('SQ', '1', "Annotation Group Algorithm Identification Sequence", '', 'AnnotationGroupAlgorithmIdentificationSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0009: ('SQ', '1', "Annotation Property Category Code Sequence", '', 'AnnotationPropertyCategoryCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000A: ('SQ', '1', "Annotation Property Type Code Sequence", '', 'AnnotationPropertyTypeCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000B: ('SQ', '1', "Annotation Property Type Modifier Code Sequence", '', 'AnnotationPropertyTypeModifierCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000C: ('UL', '1', "Number of Annotations", '', 'NumberOfAnnotations'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000D: ('CS', '1', "Annotation Applies to All Optical Paths", '', 'AnnotationAppliesToAllOpticalPaths'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000E: ('SH', '1-n', "Referenced Optical Path Identifier", '', 'ReferencedOpticalPathIdentifier'),  # noqa
+    0x006A000F: ('CS', '1', "Annotation Applies to All Z Planes", '', 'AnnotationAppliesToAllZPlanes'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0010: ('FD', '1-n', "Common Z Coordinate Value", '', 'CommonZCoordinateValue'),  # noqa
+    0x006A0011: ('OL', '1', "Annotation Index List", '', 'AnnotationIndexList'),  # noqa
     0x00700001: ('SQ', '1', "Graphic Annotation Sequence", '', 'GraphicAnnotationSequence'),  # noqa
     0x00700002: ('CS', '1', "Graphic Layer", '', 'GraphicLayer'),  # noqa
     0x00700003: ('CS', '1', "Bounding Box Annotation Units", '', 'BoundingBoxAnnotationUnits'),  # noqa
@@ -4208,6 +4227,7 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x300A029C: ('DS', '1', "Source Applicator Wall Nominal Thickness", '', 'SourceApplicatorWallNominalThickness'),  # noqa
     0x300A029E: ('DS', '1', "Source Applicator Wall Nominal Transmission", '', 'SourceApplicatorWallNominalTransmission'),  # noqa
     0x300A02A0: ('DS', '1', "Source Applicator Step Size", '', 'SourceApplicatorStepSize'),  # noqa
+    0x300A02A1: ('IS', '1', "Applicator Shape Referenced ROI Number", '', 'ApplicatorShapeReferencedROINumber'),  # noqa
     0x300A02A2: ('IS', '1', "Transfer Tube Number", '', 'TransferTubeNumber'),  # noqa
     0x300A02A4: ('DS', '1', "Transfer Tube Length", '', 'TransferTubeLength'),  # noqa
     0x300A02B0: ('SQ', '1', "Channel Shield Sequence", '', 'ChannelShieldSequence'),  # noqa
@@ -4386,7 +4406,7 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x300A062F: ('SQ', '1', "C-Arm Photon-Electron Control Point Sequence", '', 'CArmPhotonElectronControlPointSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0630: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Radiation Sequence", '', 'ReferencedRTRadiationSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0631: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Instance Sequence", '', 'ReferencedRTInstanceSequence'),  # noqa
-    0x300A0632: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Patient Setup Sequence", '', 'ReferencedRTPatientSetupSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0632: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Patient Setup Sequence", 'Retired', 'ReferencedRTPatientSetupSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0634: ('FD', '1', "Source to Patient Surface Distance", '', 'SourceToPatientSurfaceDistance'),  # noqa
     0x300A0635: ('SQ', '1', "Treatment Machine Special Mode Code Sequence", '', 'TreatmentMachineSpecialModeCodeSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0636: ('US', '1', "Intended Number of Fractions", '', 'IntendedNumberOfFractions'),  # noqa
@@ -4415,7 +4435,7 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x300A064D: ('SQ', '1', "RT Beam Limiting Device Definition Sequence", '', 'RTBeamLimitingDeviceDefinitionSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A064E: ('CS', '1', "Parallel RT Beam Delimiter Opening Mode", '', 'ParallelRTBeamDelimiterOpeningMode'),  # noqa
     0x300A064F: ('CS', '1-n', "Parallel RT Beam Delimiter Leaf Mounting Side", '', 'ParallelRTBeamDelimiterLeafMountingSide'),  # noqa
-    0x300A0650: ('UI', '1', "Patient Setup UID", '', 'PatientSetupUID'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0650: ('UI', '1', "Patient Setup UID", 'Retired', 'PatientSetupUID'),  # noqa
     0x300A0651: ('SQ', '1', "Wedge Definition Sequence", '', 'WedgeDefinitionSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0652: ('FD', '1', "Radiation Beam Wedge Angle", '', 'RadiationBeamWedgeAngle'),  # noqa
     0x300A0653: ('FD', '1', "Radiation Beam Wedge Thin Edge Distance", '', 'RadiationBeamWedgeThinEdgeDistance'),  # noqa
@@ -4516,6 +4536,33 @@ DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] = {
     0x300A0780: ('SQ', '1', "Additional Parameter Recording Instance Sequence", '', 'AdditionalParameterRecordingInstanceSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300A0782: ('US', '1', "", 'Retired', ''),  # noqa
     0x300A0783: ('ST', '1', "Interlock Origin Description", '', 'InterlockOriginDescription'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0784: ('SQ', '1', "RT Patient Position Scope Sequence", '', 'RTPatientPositionScopeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0785: ('UI', '1', "Referenced Treatment Position Group UID", '', 'ReferencedTreatmentPositionGroupUID'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0786: ('US', '1', "Radiation Order Index", '', 'RadiationOrderIndex'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0787: ('SQ', '1', "Omitted Radiation Sequence", '', 'OmittedRadiationSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0788: ('SQ', '1', "Reason for Omission Code Sequence", '', 'ReasonforOmissionCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0789: ('SQ', '1', "RT Delivery Start Patient Position Sequence", '', 'RTDeliveryStartPatientPositionSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078A: ('SQ', '1', "RT Treatment Preparation Patient Position Sequence", '', 'RTTreatmentPreparationPatientPositionSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078B: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Treatment Preparation Sequence", '', 'ReferencedRTTreatmentPreparationSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078C: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced Patient Setup Photo Sequence", '', 'ReferencedPatientSetupPhotoSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078D: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Method Code Sequence", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationMethodCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078E: ('LT', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Procedure Parameter Description", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureParameterDescription'),  # noqa
+    0x300A078F: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Device Sequence", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationDeviceSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0790: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Procedure Sequence", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0791: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Procedure Code Sequence", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0792: ('LT', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Method Description", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationMethodDescription'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0793: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Procedure Parameter Sequence", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureParameterSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0794: ('LT', '1', "Patient Setup Photo Description", '', 'PatientSetupPhotoDescription'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0795: ('US', '1', "Patient Treatment Preparation Procedure Index", '', 'PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedureIndex'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0796: ('US', '1', "Referenced Patient Setup Procedure Index", '', 'ReferencedPatientSetupProcedureIndex'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0797: ('SQ', '1', "RT Radiation Task Sequence", '', 'RTRadiationTaskSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0798: ('SQ', '1', "RT Patient Position Displacement Sequence", '', 'RTPatientPositionDisplacementSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A0799: ('SQ', '1', "RT Patient Position Sequence", '', 'RTPatientPositionSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A079A: ('LO', '1', "Displacement Reference Label", '', 'DisplacementReferenceLabel'),  # noqa
+    0x300A079B: ('FD', '16', "Displacement Matrix", '', 'DisplacementMatrix'),  # noqa
+    0x300A079C: ('SQ', '1', "Patient Support Displacement Sequence", '', 'PatientSupportDisplacementSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A079D: ('SQ', '1', "Displacement Reference Location Code Sequence", '', 'DisplacementReferenceLocationCodeSequence'),  # noqa
+    0x300A079E: ('CS', '1', "RT Radiation Set Delivery Usage", '', 'RTRadiationSetDeliveryUsage'),  # noqa
     0x300C0002: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced RT Plan Sequence", '', 'ReferencedRTPlanSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300C0004: ('SQ', '1', "Referenced Beam Sequence", '', 'ReferencedBeamSequence'),  # noqa
     0x300C0006: ('IS', '1', "Referenced Beam Number", '', 'ReferencedBeamNumber'),  # noqa

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ dictionary key is a map of DICOM tag to (VR, VM, name, is_retired).
 from typing import Dict, Tuple
 private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
     '1.2.840.113663.1': {
         '0029xx00': ('US', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '3103xxa0': ('DA', '1', 'AMI Annotation Creation Date (RET)', ''),  # noqa
         '3103xxb0': ('TM', '1', 'AMI Annotation Creation Time (RET)', ''),  # noqa
         '3103xxc0': ('DA', '1', 'AMI Annotation Modification Dates (RET)', ''),  # noqa
-        '3103xxd0': ('TM', '1', 'AMI Annotation Mofification Times (RET)', ''),  # noqa
+        '3103xxd0': ('TM', '1', 'AMI Annotation Modification Times (RET)', ''),  # noqa
         '3103xxe0': ('US', '1', 'AMI Annotation Frame Number (RET)', ''),  # noqa
     'AMI Sequence Annotations_02': {
@@ -1081,7 +1082,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0009xx00': ('LO', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
         '0009xx01': ('LO', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
-    'Eclispe 60': {
+    'Eclipse 60': {
         '0029xx30': ('UL', '1', 'Private data', ''),  # noqa
         '0029xx31': ('UL', '1', 'Private data', ''),  # noqa
         '0029xx32': ('UL', '1', 'Private data', ''),  # noqa
@@ -1941,7 +1942,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0019xxdd': ('DS', '1-n', 'DRM Strength', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xxde': ('CS', '1', 'Acquisition Plane', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xxdf': ('FL', '1-n', 'LP off longitudinal position Z', ''),  # noqa
-        '0019xxe0': ('FL', '1', 'DAP of currect record', ''),  # noqa
+        '0019xxe0': ('FL', '1', 'DAP of current record', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xxe1': ('FL', '1', 'Pivot Lateral Angle', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xxe2': ('FL', '1', 'Carm Lateral Angle', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xxe3': ('FL', '1-n', 'Pivot Lateral Angle increment', ''),  # noqa
@@ -2054,7 +2055,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0015xx9d': ('IS', '1', 'Study record time lateral', ''),  # noqa
     'GEMS_DRS_1': {
-        '0037xx10': ('LO', '1', 'Refering Department', ''),  # noqa
+        '0037xx10': ('LO', '1', 'Referring Department', ''),  # noqa
         '0037xx20': ('US', '1', 'Screen Number', ''),  # noqa
         '0037xx40': ('SH', '1', 'Left Orientation', ''),  # noqa
         '0037xx42': ('SH', '1', 'Right Orientation', ''),  # noqa
@@ -2425,7 +2426,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0045xx02': ('FL', '1', 'Macro width at ISO Center', ''),  # noqa
         '0045xx03': ('SS', '1', 'DAS type', ''),  # noqa
         '0045xx04': ('SS', '1', 'DAS gain', ''),  # noqa
-        '0045xx05': ('SS', '1', 'DAS Temprature', ''),  # noqa
+        '0045xx05': ('SS', '1', 'DAS Temperature', ''),  # noqa
         '0045xx06': ('CS', '1', 'Table Direction', ''),  # noqa
         '0045xx07': ('FL', '1', 'Z smoothing Factor', ''),  # noqa
         '0045xx08': ('SS', '1', 'View Weighting Mode', ''),  # noqa
@@ -3495,7 +3496,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0057xx02': ('UI', '1', 'SOPClassUID', ''),  # noqa
         '0057xx03': ('UI', '1', 'SOPInstanceUID', ''),  # noqa
         '0057xx10': ('IS', '1', 'ROINumber', ''),  # noqa
-        '0057xx11': ('UI', '1', 'Dimentions', ''),  # noqa
+        '0057xx11': ('UI', '1', 'Dimensions', ''),  # noqa
         '0057xx12': ('UI', '1', 'Points', ''),  # noqa
         '0057xx13': ('UI', '1', 'Type', ''),  # noqa
         '0057xx14': ('UI', '1', 'Description', ''),  # noqa
@@ -5001,7 +5002,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '2001xx3a': ('CS', '1', 'Pixel Shift', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx3d': ('UL', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx3f': ('CS', '1', 'Interpolation Method', ''),  # noqa
-        '2001xx42': ('CS', '1', 'Substraction Land Marking Active', ''),  # noqa
+        '2001xx42': ('CS', '1', 'Subtraction Land Marking Active', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx46': ('CS', '1', 'Graphic Line Style', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx47': ('FL', '1', 'Graphic Line Width', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx48': ('SS', '1', 'Graphic Annotation ID', ''),  # noqa
@@ -5062,10 +5063,10 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '2001xx9a': ('SQ', '1', 'Graphic Number Sequence', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx9b': ('UL', '1', 'Graphic Number', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx9c': ('LO', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
-        '2001xx9d': ('LO', '1', 'PIIM Substraction Type', ''),  # noqa
+        '2001xx9d': ('LO', '1', 'PIIM Subtraction Type', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xx9f': ('US', '2', 'Pixel Processing Kernel Size', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xxa1': ('CS', '1', 'Is Raw Image', ''),  # noqa
-        '2001xxa2': ('US', '1', 'LOG Substraction Curve Taste', ''),  # noqa
+        '2001xxa2': ('US', '1', 'LOG Subtraction Curve Taste', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xxa3': ('UL', '1', 'Text Color Foreground', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xxa4': ('UL', '1', 'Text Color Background', ''),  # noqa
         '2001xxa5': ('UL', '1', 'Text Color Shadow', ''),  # noqa
@@ -6255,7 +6256,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0019xx42': ('US', '1-n', 'Processing Mask', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx44': ('UL', '1-n', 'IRS Data Number', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx45': ('UL', '1-n', 'IRS Data Length', ''),  # noqa
-        '0019xx62': ('IS', '1', 'Number of Virtuell Channels', ''),  # noqa
+        '0019xx62': ('IS', '1', 'Number of Virtual Channels', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx70': ('IS', '1', 'Number of Reading', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx71': ('CS', '1', 'Reading Code', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx74': ('IS', '1', 'Number of Projections', ''),  # noqa
@@ -6384,9 +6385,9 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0017xx71': ('LO', '1', 'Landmark Current', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx72': ('US', '1', 'Zoom Factor', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx73': ('US', '1', 'Roam Horizontal', ''),  # noqa
-        '0017xx74': ('US', '1', 'Roam Vertikal', ''),  # noqa
+        '0017xx74': ('US', '1', 'Roam Vertical', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx77': ('IS', '1', 'Pixel Shift Horizontal', ''),  # noqa
-        '0017xx78': ('IS', '1', 'Pixel Shift Vertikal', ''),  # noqa
+        '0017xx78': ('IS', '1', 'Pixel Shift Vertical', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx79': ('US', '1', 'Image Flip', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx7a': ('US', '1', 'Invers Current', ''),  # noqa
         '0017xx80': ('US', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
@@ -7120,8 +7121,8 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0031xx17': ('SS', '1-n', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
         '0031xx20': ('ST', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
         '0031xx21': ('SS', '1', 'Unknown', ''),  # noqa
-        '0033xx00': ('FL', '1-n', 'Flood correction Matrix Det 1 upto SR 2.0', ''),  # noqa
-        '0033xx01': ('FL', '1-n', 'Flood correction Matrix Det 2 upto SR 2.0', ''),  # noqa
+        '0033xx00': ('FL', '1-n', 'Flood correction Matrix Det 1 up to SR 2.0', ''),  # noqa
+        '0033xx01': ('FL', '1-n', 'Flood correction Matrix Det 2 up to SR 2.0', ''),  # noqa
         '0033xx10': ('FL', '1-n', 'COR Data for Detector 1', ''),  # noqa
         '0033xx11': ('FL', '1-n', 'COR Data for Detector 2', ''),  # noqa
         '0033xx14': ('FL', '1', 'MHR ( Y-Shift) data for detector 1', ''),  # noqa
@@ -8476,7 +8477,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0019xx50': ('US', '1', 'Video Scan Mode', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx51': ('US', '1', 'Video LineRate', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx60': ('US', '1', 'Xray Technique', ''),  # noqa
-        '0019xx61': ('DS', '1', 'Image Identifier Fromat', ''),  # noqa
+        '0019xx61': ('DS', '1', 'Image Identifier Format', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx62': ('US', '1', 'Iris Diaphragm', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx63': ('CS', '1', 'Filter', ''),  # noqa
         '0019xx64': ('CS', '1', 'Cine Parallel', ''),  # noqa
@@ -9063,7 +9064,7 @@ private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] = {
         '0029xx01': ('IS', '1', 'Storage State', ''),  # noqa
         '0029xx02': ('IS', '1', 'Referenced Image SOP Class', ''),  # noqa
         '0029xx03': ('LO', '1', 'Ref. Image Instance UID', ''),  # noqa
-        '0029xx04': ('IS', '1', 'Rel. Pres. State Number', ''),  # noqa
+        '0029xx04': ('IS', '1', 'Rel. Presentation State Number', ''),  # noqa
         '0029xx05': ('LO', '1', 'Rel. Presentation State UID', ''),  # noqa
     'Siemens Ultrasound Miscellaneous': {

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ UID_dictionary = {
     '1.2.840.10008.1.1': ('Verification SOP Class', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'Verification'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.2': ('Implicit VR Little Endian', 'Transfer Syntax', 'Default Transfer Syntax for DICOM', '', 'ImplicitVRLittleEndian'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1': ('Explicit VR Little Endian', 'Transfer Syntax', '', '', 'ExplicitVRLittleEndian'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Encapsulated Uncompressed Explicit VR Little Endian', 'Transfer Syntax', '', '', 'EncapsulatedUncompressedExplicitVRLittleEndian'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian', 'Transfer Syntax', '', '', 'DeflatedExplicitVRLittleEndian'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.2.2': ('Explicit VR Big Endian', 'Transfer Syntax', '', 'Retired', 'ExplicitVRBigEndian'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('JPEG Baseline (Process 1)', 'Transfer Syntax', 'Default Transfer Syntax for Lossy JPEG 8 Bit Image Compression', '', 'JPEGBaseline8Bit'),  # noqa
@@ -48,33 +49,6 @@ UID_dictionary = {
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('SMPTE ST 2110-20 Uncompressed Interlaced Active Video', 'Transfer Syntax', '', '', 'SMPTEST211020UncompressedInterlacedActiveVideo'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('SMPTE ST 2110-30 PCM Digital Audio', 'Transfer Syntax', '', '', 'SMPTEST211030PCMDigitalAudio'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.3.10': ('Media Storage Directory Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'MediaStorageDirectoryStorage'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Talairach Brain Atlas Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'TalairachBrainAtlas'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2T1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 T2 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2T2'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 PD Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2PD'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 EPI Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2EPI'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 FIL T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2FILT1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 PET Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2PET'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 TRANSM Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2TRANSM'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 SPECT Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2SPECT'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 GRAY Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2GRAY'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 WHITE Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2WHITE'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 CSF Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2CSF'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 BRAINMASK Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2BRAINMASK'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG305T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG305T1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152T1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152T2 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152T2'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152PD Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152PD'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 SINGLESUBJT1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2SINGLESUBJT1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('ICBM 452 T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'ICBM452T1'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('ICBM Single Subject MRI Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'ICBMSingleSubjectMRI'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('IEC 61217 Fixed Coordinate System Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'IEC61217FixedCoordinateSystem'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Standard Robotic-Arm Coordinate System Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'StandardRoboticArmCoordinateSystem'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SRI24 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SRI24'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Colin27 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'Colin27'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/AIR Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40AIR'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/FLIRT Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40FLIRT'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/SPM5 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40SPM5'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.5.1': ('Hot Iron Color Palette SOP Instance', 'Well-known SOP Instance', '', '', 'HotIronPalette'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.5.2': ('PET Color Palette SOP Instance', 'Well-known SOP Instance', '', '', 'PETPalette'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.1.5.3': ('Hot Metal Blue Color Palette SOP Instance', 'Well-known SOP Instance', '', '', 'HotMetalBluePalette'),  # noqa
@@ -288,6 +262,7 @@ UID_dictionary = {
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Performed Imaging Agent Administration SR Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'PerformedImagingAgentAdministrationSRStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Enhanced X-Ray Radiation Dose SR Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'EnhancedXRayRadiationDoseSRStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Content Assessment Results Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'ContentAssessmentResultsStorage'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'MicroscopyBulkSimpleAnnotationsStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Encapsulated PDF Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'EncapsulatedPDFStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Encapsulated CDA Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'EncapsulatedCDAStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Encapsulated STL Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'EncapsulatedSTLStorage'),  # noqa
@@ -326,6 +301,8 @@ UID_dictionary = {
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Tomotherapeutic Radiation Record Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'TomotherapeuticRadiationRecordStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation Record Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'CArmPhotonElectronRadiationRecordStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('Robotic Radiation Record Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'RoboticRadiationRecordStorage'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('RT Radiation Set Delivery Instruction Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'RTRadiationSetDeliveryInstructionStorage'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('RT Treatment Preparation Storage', 'SOP Class', '', '', 'RTTreatmentPreparationStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('DICOS CT Image Storage', 'SOP Class', 'DICOS', '', 'DICOSCTImageStorage'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('DICOS Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation', 'SOP Class', 'DICOS', '', 'DICOSDigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('DICOS Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Processing', 'SOP Class', 'DICOS', '', 'DICOSDigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing'),  # noqa
@@ -447,5 +424,32 @@ UID_dictionary = {
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('dicomNetworkConnection', 'LDAP OID', '', '', 'dicomNetworkConnection'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('dicomUniqueAETitle', 'LDAP OID', '', '', 'dicomUniqueAETitle'),  # noqa
     '1.2.840.10008.': ('dicomTransferCapability', 'LDAP OID', '', '', 'dicomTransferCapability'),  # noqa
-    '1.2.840.10008.15.1.1': ('Universal Coordinated Time', 'Synchronization Frame of Reference', '', '', 'UTC')  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.15.1.1': ('Universal Coordinated Time', 'Synchronization Frame of Reference', '', '', 'UTC'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Talairach Brain Atlas Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'TalairachBrainAtlas'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2T1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 T2 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2T2'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 PD Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2PD'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 EPI Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2EPI'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 FIL T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2FILT1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 PET Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2PET'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 TRANSM Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2TRANSM'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 SPECT Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2SPECT'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 GRAY Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2GRAY'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 WHITE Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2WHITE'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 CSF Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2CSF'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 BRAINMASK Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2BRAINMASK'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG305T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG305T1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152T1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152T2 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152T2'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 AVG152PD Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2AVG152PD'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SPM2 SINGLESUBJT1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SPM2SINGLESUBJT1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('ICBM 452 T1 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'ICBM452T1'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('ICBM Single Subject MRI Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'ICBMSingleSubjectMRI'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('IEC 61217 Fixed Coordinate System Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'IEC61217FixedCoordinateSystem'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Standard Robotic-Arm Coordinate System Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'StandardRoboticArmCoordinateSystem'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('SRI24 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'SRI24'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('Colin27 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'Colin27'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/AIR Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40AIR'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/FLIRT Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40FLIRT'),  # noqa
+    '1.2.840.10008.': ('LPBA40/SPM5 Frame of Reference', 'Well-known frame of reference', '', '', 'LPBA40SPM5'),  # noqa

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import re
 from typing import cast, Match
-__version__: str = '2.2.1'
+__version__: str = '2.2.2'
 result = cast(Match[str], re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*', __version__))
 __version_info__ = tuple(result.group(1).split('.'))
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ __version_info__ = tuple(result.group(1).split('.'))
 # DICOM Standard version used for:
 #   _dicom_dict, _uid_dict and _storage_sopclass_uids
-__dicom_version__: str = '2021b'
+__dicom_version__: str = '2021d'

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import os.path
 import re
 from types import TracebackType
 from typing import (
-    TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple, Union, List, Any, cast, Dict, ValuesView,
+    Optional, Tuple, Union, List, Any, cast, Dict, ValuesView,
     Iterator, BinaryIO, AnyStr, Callable, TypeVar, Type, overload,
     MutableSequence, MutableMapping, AbstractSet
@@ -2904,5 +2904,5 @@ _RE_CAMEL_CASE = re.compile(
     # Ensure mix of upper and lowercase and digits, no underscores
     # If first character is lowercase ensure at least one uppercase char
-    "(?P<last>[A-za-z0-9][^_]$)"  # Last character is alphanumeric
+    "(?P<last>[A-Za-z0-9][^_]$)"  # Last character is alphanumeric

@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def should_change_PhotometricInterpretation_to_RGB(ds: "Dataset") -> bool:
     This affects JPEG transfer syntaxes.
-    should_change = ds.SamplesPerPixel == 3
+    # return ds.SamplesPerPixel == 3
     return False

@@ -3,3 +3,7 @@ test=pytest
+skip = _private_dict.py,_concepts_dict.py,test1.json
+ignore-words = .github/codespell_ignore_words.txt

@@ -269,68 +269,6 @@ def write_snomed_mapping(snomed_codes):
-def write_concepts(concepts, cid_concepts, cid_lists, name_for_cid):
-    from pprint import pprint
-    lines = ['# Auto-generated by {}.\n'.format(os.path.basename(__file__)),
-             '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n',
-             '\n',
-             '# Dict with scheme designator keys; value format is:\n',
-             '#   {keyword: {code1: (meaning, cid_list}, code2:...}\n',
-             '#\n',
-             '# Most keyword identifiers map to a single code, but not all\n',
-             '\n',
-            ]
-    with open("_concepts_dict.py", 'w', encoding="UTF8") as f_concepts:
-        f_concepts.writelines(lines)
-        f_concepts.write("concepts = {}\n") # start with empty dict
-        for scheme, value in concepts.items():
-            f_concepts.write("\nconcepts['{}'] = \\\n".format(scheme))
-            pprint(value, f_concepts)
-    lines = (DOC_LINES +
-             ['# Dict with cid number as keys; value format is:\n',
-              '#   {scheme designator: <list of keywords for current cid>\n',
-              '#    scheme_designator: ...}\n',
-              '\n',
-             ]
-            )
-    with open("_cid_dict.py", 'w', encoding="UTF8") as f_cid:
-        f_cid.writelines(lines)
-        f_cid.write("name_for_cid = {}\n")
-        f_cid.write("cid_concepts = {}\n")
-        for cid, value in cid_lists.items():
-            f_cid.write("\nname_for_cid[{}] = '{}'\n".format(
-                         cid, name_for_cid[cid]))
-            f_cid.write("cid_concepts[{}] = \\\n".format(cid))
-            pprint(value, f_cid)
-def write_snomed_mapping(snomed_codes):
-    with open("_snomed_dict.py", 'w', encoding="UTF8") as f_concepts:
-        lines = (DOC_LINES +
-                 ['# Dict with scheme designator keys; value format is:\n',
-                  '#   {concept_id1: snomed_id1, concept_id2: ...}\n',
-                  '# or\n',
-                  '#   {snomed_id1: concept_id1, snomed_id2: ...}\n',
-                  '\n',
-                 ]
-                )
-        f_concepts.writelines(lines)
-        f_concepts.write("mapping = {}\n") # start with empty dict
-        f_concepts.write("\nmapping['{}'] = {{\n".format('SCT'))
-        for sct, srt, meaning in snomed_codes:
-            f_concepts.write("    '{}': '{}',\n".format(sct, srt))
-        f_concepts.write("}\n")
-        f_concepts.write("\nmapping['{}'] = {{\n".format('SRT'))
-        for sct, srt, meaning in snomed_codes:
-            f_concepts.write("     '{}': '{}',\n".format(srt, sct))
-        f_concepts.write("}")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ from pydicom import _version
 from pydicom.values import converters
-_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = os.path.join(
-    _DIRECTORY, '../../pydicom/_dicom_dict.py'
+_PKG_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(__file__),
+    '..',
+    '..',
+    'pydicom'
+PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = os.path.join(_PKG_DIRECTORY, '_dicom_dict.py')
 MAIN_DICT_NAME = 'DicomDictionary: Dict[int, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]'
     'RepeatersDictionary: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]'

@@ -16,7 +16,13 @@ GDCM_PRIVATE_DICT = "%s/privatedicts.xml" % (GDCM_PRIVATE_DICT)
     'private_dictionaries: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]]'
-PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = '_private_dict.py'
+_PKG_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(__file__),
+    '..',
+    '..',
+    'pydicom'
+PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = os.path.join(_PKG_DIRECTORY, '_private_dict.py')
 PYDICOM_DICT_DOCSTRING = """DICOM private dictionary auto-generated by generate_private_dict.py.
 Data generated from GDCM project\'s private dictionary.
@@ -36,10 +42,10 @@ def parse_private_docbook(doc_root):
         tag = entry.attrib['group'] + entry.attrib['element']
-        # Covert unknown element names to 'Unknown'
+        # Convert unknown element names to 'Unknown'
         if entry.attrib['name'] == '?':
             entry.attrib['name'] = 'Unknown'
-        # If backslash in element name escape it
+        # Escape backslash in element names
         if "\\" in entry.attrib['name']:
             entry.attrib['name'] = entry.attrib['name'].replace("\\", "\\\\")
@@ -95,19 +101,13 @@ def write_dict(fp, dict_name, dict_entries):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir,
-                                               "..",
-                                               "..",
-                                               "pydicom"))
-    output_file = os.path.join(project_dir, PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME)
     response = urllib2.urlopen(GDCM_PRIVATE_DICT)
     tree = ET.parse(response)
     root = tree.getroot()
     entries = parse_private_docbook(root)
-    py_file = open(output_file, "w")
+    py_file = open(PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME, "w")
     py_file.write('"""' + PYDICOM_DICT_DOCSTRING + '"""')
     py_file.write("from typing import Dict, Tuple\n\n")

@@ -27,7 +27,13 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 from pydicom import _version
-PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = '../../pydicom/_uid_dict.py'
+_PKG_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(__file__),
+    '..',
+    '..',
+    'pydicom'
+PYDICOM_DICT_FILENAME = os.path.join(_PKG_DIRECTORY, '_uid_dict.py')
 DICT_NAME = 'UID_dictionary'


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