[med-svn] [Git][med-team/tiddit][upstream] New upstream version 2.12.1+dfsg

Nilesh Patra (@nilesh) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jun 3 21:09:41 BST 2021

Nilesh Patra pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / tiddit

dd8fe12d by Nilesh Patra at 2021-06-04T01:31:32+05:30
New upstream version 2.12.1+dfsg
- - - - -

5 changed files:

- + Dockerfile
- src/TIDDIT.cpp
- + versioned_singularity/TIDDIT.2.12.1


@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+FROM python:3.8-slim
+RUN apt-get update && \
+    apt-get upgrade -y && \
+    apt-get install -y \
+    autoconf \
+    automake \
+    build-essential \
+    cmake \
+    libbz2-dev \
+    libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
+    liblzma-dev \
+    libncurses5-dev \
+    libssl-dev \
+    make \
+    unzip \
+    wget \
+    zlib1g-dev && \
+    apt-get clean && \
+    apt-get purge && \
+    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
+## Install samtools for cram processing
+RUN wget --no-verbose https://github.com/samtools/samtools/releases/download/1.10/samtools-1.10.tar.bz2 && \
+    bunzip2 samtools-1.10.tar.bz2 && \
+    tar -xf samtools-1.10.tar && \
+    cd samtools-1.10 && \
+    ./configure && \
+    make all all-htslib && \
+    make install install-htslib && \
+    rm /app/samtools-1.10.tar
+## Set TIDDIT version
+## Add some info
+LABEL base_image="python:3.8-slim"
+LABEL software="TIDDIT.py"
+LABEL software.version=${TIDDIT_VERSION}
+## Download and extract
+RUN wget https://github.com/SciLifeLab/TIDDIT/archive/TIDDIT-${TIDDIT_VERSION}.zip && \
+    unzip TIDDIT-${TIDDIT_VERSION}.zip && \
+## Install
+    ./INSTALL.sh && \
+    chmod +x /app/TIDDIT-TIDDIT-${TIDDIT_VERSION}/TIDDIT.py && \
+    ln -s /app/TIDDIT-TIDDIT-${TIDDIT_VERSION}/TIDDIT.py /usr/local/bin 
+CMD ["--help"]

@@ -83,28 +83,56 @@ The reference is required for analysing cram files.
 NOTE: It is important that you use the TIDDIT.py wrapper for SV detection. The TIDDIT binary in the TIDDIT/bin folder does not perform any clustering, it simply extract SV signatures into a tab file.
-TIDDIT may be fine tuned by altering these optional parameters:
-    -o - The prefix of the output files(default = output)
-    -i - The maximum allowed insert size of a normal pair. Pairs having larger insert 
-         than this is treated as discordant pairs. Default is 99.9th percentile + 100 bp
-    -d - The pair orientation, use this setting to override the automatic orientation selection
-    -l - The density parameter, to create a cluster, more than l signals (split reads+ discordant pairs) must be present, signals are added to a cluster if they are neighbouring atleast this  number of signals (defualt 3, minimum 2)
-    -p - The minimum number of discordant pairs and supplementary alignments used to call large SV. Default is 3
-    -r - The minimum number of supplementary alignments used to call small SV. Default is 3
-    -q - The minimum mapping quality of the discordant pairs/supplementary alignments 
-         forming a variant. Default value is 5.
-    -n - The ploidy of the organism ,(default = 2)
+TIDDIT may be fine-tuned by altering these optional parameters:
+	-o	output prefix(default=output)
+	-i	paired reads maximum allowed insert size. Pairs aligning
+		on the same chr at a distance higher than this are
+		considered candidates for SV (default= 99.9th percentile of insert size)
+	-d	expected reads orientations, possible values "innie" (-> <-) or "outtie" (<- ->). 
+		Default: major orientation within the dataset
+	-p	Minimum number of supporting pairs in order to call a variation event (default 3)
+	-r	Minimum number of supporting split reads to call a small variant (default 3)
+	-q	Minimum mapping quality to consider an alignment (default= 5)
+	-Q	Minimum regional mapping quality (default 20)
+	-n	the ploidy of the organism,(default = 2)
+	-e	clustering distance parameter, discordant pairs closer
+		than this distance are considered to belong to the same
+		variant(default = sqrt(insert-size*2)*12)
+	-l	min-pts parameter (default=3),must be set >= 2
+	-s	Number of reads to sample when computing library statistics(default=25000000)
+	-z	minimum variant size (default=100), variants smaller than
+		this will not be printed ( z < 10 is not recomended)
+	--force_ploidy	force the ploidy to be set to -n across the entire genome
+			(i.e skip coverage normalisation of chromosomes)
+	--no_cluster	Run only the TIDDIT signal extraction
+	--debug		rerun the tiddit clustering procedure
+	--n_mask	exclude regions from coverage calculation if they contain more than this fraction of N (default = 0.5)
+	--ref		reference fasta, used for GC correction and for reading cram
+	--p_ratio	minimum discordant pair/normal pair ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=0.2)
+	--r_ratio	minimum split read/coverage ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=0.1)
-    --force_ploidy - set the ploidy of all chromosomes to -n (including the sex chromosomes), this option will disable the ploidy estimation.
-                     This option is meant to be used for low quality data or for species having equal ploidy across all chromosomes

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ wd=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
 sys.path.insert(0, '{}/src/'.format(wd))
 import TIDDIT_calling
-version = "2.12.0"
+version = "2.12.1"
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("""TIDDIT-{}""".format(version),add_help=False)
 parser.add_argument('--sv'       , help="call structural variation", required=False, action="store_true")
 parser.add_argument('--cov'        , help="generate a coverage bed file", required=False, action="store_true")
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ if args.sv:
 	parser.add_argument('--debug',action="store_true", help="rerun the tiddit clustering procedure")
 	parser.add_argument('--n_mask',type=float,default=0.5, help="exclude regions from coverage calculation if they contain more than this fraction of N (default = 0.5)")
 	parser.add_argument('--ref', type=str, help="reference fasta, used for GC correction and for reading cram")
-	parser.add_argument('--p_ratio', type=float,default=0.2, help="minimum discordant pair/normal pair ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=20%)")
-	parser.add_argument('--r_ratio', type=float,default=0.1, help="minimum split read/coverage ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=10%)")
+	parser.add_argument('--p_ratio', type=float,default=0.2, help="minimum discordant pair/normal pair ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=0.2)")
+	parser.add_argument('--r_ratio', type=float,default=0.1, help="minimum split read/coverage ratio at the breakpoint junction(default=0.1)")
 	args= parser.parse_args()

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 	int min_variant_size= 100;
 	int sample = 100000000;
 	string outputFileHeader ="output";
-	string version = "2.12.0";
+	string version = "2.12.1";
 	//collect all options as a vector
 	vector<string> arguments(argv, argv + argc);

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+BootStrap: debootstrap
+OSVersion: trusty
+MirrorURL: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
+    echo "This is what happens when you run the container..."
+    echo "Hello from inside the container"
+    sed -i 's/$/ universe/' /etc/apt/sources.list
+    apt-get update
+    apt-get -y --force-yes install build-essential cmake make zlib1g-dev python python-dev python-setuptools git wget libbz2-dev unzip
+    easy_install pip
+    pip install numpy cython
+    wget https://github.com/SciLifeLab/TIDDIT/archive/TIDDIT-2.12.1.zip
+    unzip TIDDIT-2.12.1.zip
+    mv TIDDIT-TIDDIT-2.12.1/* /bin/
+    cd /bin/ && ./INSTALL.sh
+    chmod +x /bin/TIDDIT.py

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/tiddit/-/commit/dd8fe12d3be8d99d50569eeb3d072f9e52177bc3

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/tiddit/-/commit/dd8fe12d3be8d99d50569eeb3d072f9e52177bc3
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