[med-svn] [Git][med-team/praat][master] d/p/honor-cppflags.patch: New patch
Rafael Laboissière (@rafael)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Nov 4 13:13:02 GMT 2021
Rafael Laboissière pushed to branch master at Debian Med / praat
d385b0ac by Rafael Laboissière at 2021-11-04T10:12:45-03:00
d/p/honor-cppflags.patch: New patch
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- + debian/patches/honor-cppflags.patch
- debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+Description: Honor the value of the environment variable CPPFLAGS
+Author: Rafael Laboissière <rafael at debian.org>
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2021-11-04
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/EEG/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/EEG/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../fon
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../fon
+ OBJECTS = EEG.o EEGWindow.o ERPTier.o ERP.o ERPWindow.o \
+ praat_EEG.o manual_EEG.o
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/FFNet/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/FFNet/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwtools -I ../fon -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../gram
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwtools -I ../fon -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../gram
+ OBJECTS = FFNet.o \
+ FFNet_Eigen.o FFNet_Matrix.o FFNet_PatternList.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/LPC/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/LPC/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ # -save-temps=cwd
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I . -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../fon -I ../dwtools -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat
++CPPFLAGS += -I . -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../fon -I ../dwtools -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat
+ OBJECTS = Cepstrum.o Cepstrumc.o Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.o \
+ Cepstrogram.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/artsynth/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/artsynth/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../fon -I ../stat
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../fon -I ../stat
+ OBJECTS = Speaker.o Articulation.o Artword.o \
+ Art_Speaker.o Art_Speaker_to_VocalTract.o Artword_Speaker.o Artword_Speaker_Sound.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/dwsys/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/dwsys/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../melder -I ../stat -I ../sys -I ../fon -I ../external/gsl -I ../external/clapack -I ../kar
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../melder -I ../stat -I ../sys -I ../fon -I ../external/gsl -I ../external/clapack -I ../kar
+ all: libdwsys.a
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/dwtools/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/dwtools/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I . -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../LPC -I ../fon -I ../sys -I ../stat -I ../dwsys -I ../external/portaudio -I ../external/espeak -I ../external/clapack -I ../EEG -I ../external/vorbis -I ../external/opusfile
++CPPFLAGS += -I . -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../LPC -I ../fon -I ../sys -I ../stat -I ../dwsys -I ../external/portaudio -I ../external/espeak -I ../external/clapack -I ../EEG -I ../external/vorbis -I ../external/opusfile
+ OBJECTS = ActivationList.o AffineTransform.o AnalyticSound.o \
+ Categories.o CategoriesEditor.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/external/clapack/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/external/clapack/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ include ../../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../melder
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../../melder
+ OBJECTS = blas.o \
+ lapack.o lapack_dg.o lapack_dlaq.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/external/espeak/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/external/espeak/Makefile
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ include ../../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../kar -I ../../melder -I ../../dwtools -I ../../sys -I ../../dwsys -I ../../stat
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../../kar -I ../../melder -I ../../dwtools -I ../../sys -I ../../dwsys -I ../../stat
+ OBJECTS = categories.o compiledata.o compiledict.o \
+ dictionary.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/external/mp3/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/external/mp3/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ include ../../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../melder
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../../melder
+ OBJECTS = mp3.o \
+ mad_bit.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/external/opusfile/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/external/opusfile/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../melder -I ../vorbis -I opus -I opus/celt -I opus/silk -I opus/silk/float
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../../melder -I ../vorbis -I opus -I opus/celt -I opus/silk -I opus/silk/float
+ OPUSFILE_OBJECTS = opusfile.o opusfile_info.o opusfile_internal.o opusfile_stream.o
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/external/vorbis/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/external/vorbis/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../melder
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../../melder
+ OBJECTS = ogg_bitwise.o ogg_framing.o \
+ vorbis_block.o vorbis_bitrate.o vorbis_codebook.o vorbis_envelope.o vorbis_floor0.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/fon/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/fon/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../LPC -I ../fon -I ../external/portaudio -I ../external/flac -I ../external/mp3 -I ../external/espeak
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../LPC -I ../fon -I ../external/portaudio -I ../external/flac -I ../external/mp3 -I ../external/espeak
+ OBJECTS = Transition.o Distributions_and_Transition.o \
+ Function.o Sampled.o SampledXY.o Matrix.o Vector.o Polygon.o PointProcess.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/gram/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/gram/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../fon
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../stat -I ../dwtools -I ../fon
+ OBJECTS = Network.o \
+ OTGrammar.o OTGrammarEditor.o manual_gram.o praat_gram.o OTMulti.o OTMultiEditor.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/kar/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/kar/Makefile
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ include ../makefile.defs
+ OBJECTS = ipaSerifRegularPS.o longchar.o
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../melder
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../melder
+ .PHONY: all clean
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/main/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/main/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../fon
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../fon
+ .PHONY: clean
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/melder/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/melder/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../melder
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../melder
+ OBJECTS = melder.o complex.o melder_alloc.o melder_colour.o \
+ melder_ftoa.o melder_console.o melder_textencoding.o melder_atof.o melder_files.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/stat/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/stat/Makefile
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../dwtools -I ../fon -I ../stat
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../kar -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys -I ../dwtools -I ../fon -I ../stat
+ OBJECTS = Table.o TableEditor.o Regression.o manual_statistics.o \
+ praat_TableOfReal.o praat_Stat.o \
+--- praat-6.1.55.orig/sys/Makefile
++++ praat-6.1.55/sys/Makefile
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ include ../makefile.defs
+ # -I ../sys is there because e.g. Graphics.cpp include fon/Function.h, which again includes something from sys
+-CPPFLAGS = -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys
++CPPFLAGS += -I ../melder -I ../sys -I ../dwsys
+ OBJECTS = Thing.o Data.o Simple.o Collection.o Strings.o \
+ Graphics.o Graphics_linesAndAreas.o Graphics_text.o Graphics_colour.o \
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/praat/-/commit/d385b0ac50021865e6fc815cae8a9411e407fc82
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