[med-svn] [Git][med-team/python-biom-format][master] 2 commits: Patch: Python 3.10 support.
Andreas Tille (@tille)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Nov 23 05:37:29 GMT 2021
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / python-biom-format
84e0ed50 by Stefano Rivera at 2021-11-22T17:48:13-04:00
Patch: Python 3.10 support.
- - - - -
3bf950b5 by Andreas Tille at 2021-11-23T05:37:13+00:00
Merge branch 'python3.10' into 'master'
Patch: Python 3.10 support.
See merge request med-team/python-biom-format!1
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/python3.10.patch
- debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+python-biom-format (2.1.10-2.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Patch: Python 3.10 support.
+ -- Stefano Rivera <stefanor at debian.org> Mon, 22 Nov 2021 17:47:55 -0400
python-biom-format (2.1.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Fix watchfile to detect new versions on github
@@ -0,0 +1,2377 @@
+From: Nicola Soranzo <nicola.soranzo at gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2021 17:45:13 -0400
+Subject: Add support for Python 3.10 (#865)
+* Add support for Python 3.10
+- Cleanup pre-3.6 code with pyupgrade
+- Add requirement for `>=3.6` to `setup.cfg`
+* Run `build` job also on Python 3.10
+* remove skbio from build
+* remove unneeded packages
+* readd flake8 for make test
+* Remove unused Travis configuration
+* restore six / future for the moment
+* Remove six and future for good
+* Use conda-forge
+* Fix test_from_hdf5_custom_parsers on h5py >=3.0
+* Fix "VLEN strings do not support embedded NULLs"
+Fix the following traceback with h5py 3.1.0 :
+test_table.py:1025: in test_to_hdf5_missing_metadata_sample
+ t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+../table.py:4563: in to_hdf5
+ formatter[category](grp, category, md, compression)
+../table.py:315: in general_formatter
+ compression=compression)
+/usr/share/miniconda/envs/env_name/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/group.py:148: in create_dataset
+ dsid = dataset.make_new_dset(group, shape, dtype, data, name, **kwds)
+/usr/share/miniconda/envs/env_name/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/dataset.py:140: in make_new_dset
+ dset_id.write(h5s.ALL, h5s.ALL, data)
+h5py/_objects.pyx:54: in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
+ ???
+h5py/_objects.pyx:55: in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
+ ???
+h5py/h5d.pyx:232: in h5py.h5d.DatasetID.write
+ ???
+h5py/_proxy.pyx:145: in h5py._proxy.dset_rw
+ ???
+h5py/_conv.pyx:443: in h5py._conv.str2vlen
+ ???
+h5py/_conv.pyx:94: in h5py._conv.generic_converter
+ ???
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+> ???
+E ValueError: VLEN strings do not support embedded NULLs
+* Quotes
+* Require pytest >=6.2.4 for Python 3.10
+* Replace `@npt.dec.skipif()` with `@pytest.mark.skipif()`
+Co-authored-by: Daniel McDonald <d3mcdonald at eng.ucsd.edu>
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/biocore/biom-format/pull/865
+ .travis.yml | 31 ---
+ biom/_filter.pyx | 3 +-
+ biom/_subsample.pyx | 1 -
+ biom/_transform.pyx | 1 -
+ biom/cli/__init__.py | 1 -
+ biom/cli/installation_informer.py | 3 +-
+ biom/cli/metadata_adder.py | 5 +-
+ biom/cli/table_converter.py | 5 +-
+ biom/cli/table_head.py | 1 -
+ biom/cli/table_normalizer.py | 1 -
+ biom/cli/table_subsetter.py | 5 +-
+ biom/cli/table_summarizer.py | 1 -
+ biom/cli/table_validator.py | 27 +-
+ biom/cli/uc_processor.py | 5 +-
+ biom/cli/util.py | 1 -
+ biom/err.py | 2 +-
+ biom/exception.py | 4 +-
+ biom/parse.py | 59 ++--
+ biom/table.py | 203 +++++++-------
+ biom/tests/test_cli/test_subset_table.py | 22 +-
+ biom/tests/test_cli/test_table_converter.py | 177 +++++++-----
+ biom/tests/test_cli/test_validate_table.py | 19 +-
+ biom/tests/test_err.py | 4 +-
+ biom/tests/test_parse.py | 13 +-
+ biom/tests/test_table.py | 414 ++++++++++++++--------------
+ biom/tests/test_util.py | 12 +-
+ biom/util.py | 10 +-
+ doc/conf.py | 11 +-
+ setup.cfg | 4 +
+ setup.py | 25 +-
+ 30 files changed, 542 insertions(+), 528 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 .travis.yml
+diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 35c386b..0000000
+--- a/.travis.yml
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
+-# Modified from https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio
+-language: python
+- - wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O miniconda.sh
+- - chmod +x miniconda.sh
+- - ./miniconda.sh -b
+- - export PATH=/home/travis/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
+- - conda create --yes -n env_name python=$PYTHON_VERSION pip click numpy "scipy>=1.3.1" pep8 flake8 coverage future six "pandas>=0.20.0" nose h5py>=2.2.0 cython
+- - source activate env_name
+- - if [ ${PYTHON_VERSION} = "3.7" ]; then pip install sphinx==1.2.2 "docutils<0.14"; fi
+- - pip install coveralls
+- - pip install anndata
+- - pip install -e . --no-deps
+- - make test
+- - biom show-install-info
+- - if [ ${PYTHON_VERSION} = "3.7" ]; then make -C doc html; fi
+- # we can only validate the tables if we have H5PY
+- - for table in examples/*hdf5.biom; do echo ${table}; biom validate-table -i ${table}; done
+- # validate JSON formatted tables
+- - for table in examples/*table.biom; do echo ${table}; biom validate-table -i ${table}; done;
+- - python biom/assets/exercise_api.py examples/rich_sparse_otu_table_hdf5.biom sample
+- - python biom/assets/exercise_api.py examples/rich_sparse_otu_table_hdf5.biom observation
+- - sh biom/assets/exercise_cli.sh
+- - coveralls
+diff --git a/biom/_filter.pyx b/biom/_filter.pyx
+index e66f10f..12ee562 100644
+--- a/biom/_filter.pyx
++++ b/biom/_filter.pyx
+@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division, print_function
+ from itertools import compress
+-from collections import Iterable
++from collections.abc import Iterable
+ from types import FunctionType
+ import numpy as np
+diff --git a/biom/_subsample.pyx b/biom/_subsample.pyx
+index 13aeff7..e59e778 100644
+--- a/biom/_subsample.pyx
++++ b/biom/_subsample.pyx
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import numpy as np
+ cimport numpy as cnp
+diff --git a/biom/_transform.pyx b/biom/_transform.pyx
+index 03ab65b..8a15018 100644
+--- a/biom/_transform.pyx
++++ b/biom/_transform.pyx
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import numpy as np
+ cimport numpy as cnp
+diff --git a/biom/cli/__init__.py b/biom/cli/__init__.py
+index ee4beaa..73cd488 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/__init__.py
++++ b/biom/cli/__init__.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ from importlib import import_module
+diff --git a/biom/cli/installation_informer.py b/biom/cli/installation_informer.py
+index 7e0c755..3fb9e4c 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/installation_informer.py
++++ b/biom/cli/installation_informer.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import sys
+@@ -118,4 +117,4 @@ def _format_info(info, title):
+ def _get_max_length(info):
+- return max([len(e[0]) for e in info])
++ return max(len(e[0]) for e in info)
+diff --git a/biom/cli/metadata_adder.py b/biom/cli/metadata_adder.py
+index 3913151..4012344 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/metadata_adder.py
++++ b/biom/cli/metadata_adder.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+@@ -82,11 +81,11 @@ def add_metadata(input_fp, output_fp, sample_metadata_fp,
+ """
+ table = load_table(input_fp)
+ if sample_metadata_fp is not None:
+- sample_metadata_f = open(sample_metadata_fp, 'U')
++ sample_metadata_f = open(sample_metadata_fp)
+ else:
+ sample_metadata_f = None
+ if observation_metadata_fp is not None:
+- observation_metadata_f = open(observation_metadata_fp, 'U')
++ observation_metadata_f = open(observation_metadata_fp)
+ else:
+ observation_metadata_f = None
+ if sc_separated is not None:
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_converter.py b/biom/cli/table_converter.py
+index 21388d4..02b5d34 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/table_converter.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_converter.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+@@ -113,12 +112,12 @@ def convert(input_fp, output_fp, sample_metadata_fp, observation_metadata_fp,
+ table = load_table(input_fp)
+ if sample_metadata_fp is not None:
+- with open(sample_metadata_fp, 'U') as f:
++ with open(sample_metadata_fp) as f:
+ sample_metadata_f = MetadataMap.from_file(f)
+ else:
+ sample_metadata_f = None
+ if observation_metadata_fp is not None:
+- with open(observation_metadata_fp, 'U') as f:
++ with open(observation_metadata_fp) as f:
+ observation_metadata_f = MetadataMap.from_file(f)
+ else:
+ observation_metadata_f = None
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_head.py b/biom/cli/table_head.py
+index bb03e34..682be6e 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/table_head.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_head.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_normalizer.py b/biom/cli/table_normalizer.py
+index d209306..1f05a14 100755
+--- a/biom/cli/table_normalizer.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_normalizer.py
+@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_subsetter.py b/biom/cli/table_subsetter.py
+index aac3415..e091da8 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/table_subsetter.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_subsetter.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+@@ -60,10 +59,10 @@ def subset_table(input_hdf5_fp, input_json_fp, axis, ids, output_fp):
+ """
+ if input_json_fp is not None:
+- with open(input_json_fp, 'U') as f:
++ with open(input_json_fp) as f:
+ input_json_fp = f.read()
+- with open(ids, 'U') as f:
++ with open(ids) as f:
+ ids = []
+ for line in f:
+ if not line.startswith('#'):
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_summarizer.py b/biom/cli/table_summarizer.py
+index 18f5edc..edf30dc 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/table_summarizer.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_summarizer.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ from operator import itemgetter
+ import locale
+diff --git a/biom/cli/table_validator.py b/biom/cli/table_validator.py
+index 09e6639..8b16c5d 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/table_validator.py
++++ b/biom/cli/table_validator.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2011-2017, The BIOM Format Development Team.
+ #
+@@ -8,7 +7,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import json
+ import sys
+ from datetime import datetime
+@@ -61,15 +59,21 @@ def _validate_table(input_fp, format_version=None):
+ # Refactor in the future. Also need to address #664
+-class TableValidator(object):
++class TableValidator:
+ FormatURL = "http://biom-format.org"
+- TableTypes = set(['otu table', 'pathway table', 'function table',
+- 'ortholog table', 'gene table', 'metabolite table',
+- 'taxon table'])
+- MatrixTypes = set(['sparse', 'dense'])
++ TableTypes = {
++ 'otu table',
++ 'pathway table',
++ 'function table',
++ 'ortholog table',
++ 'gene table',
++ 'metabolite table',
++ 'taxon table',
++ }
++ MatrixTypes = {'sparse', 'dense'}
+ ElementTypes = {'int': int, 'str': str, 'float': float, 'unicode': str}
+- HDF5FormatVersions = set([(2, 0), (2, 0, 0), (2, 1), (2, 1, 0)])
++ HDF5FormatVersions = {(2, 0), (2, 0, 0), (2, 1), (2, 1, 0)}
+ def run(self, **kwargs):
+ is_json = not is_hdf5_file(kwargs['table'])
+@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ class TableValidator(object):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return self._validate_hdf5(**kwargs)
+ else:
+- raise IOError("h5py is not installed, can only validate JSON "
++ raise OSError("h5py is not installed, can only validate JSON "
+ "tables")
+ def __call__(self, table, format_version=None):
+@@ -448,11 +452,10 @@ class TableValidator(object):
+ def _valid_format(self, table_json):
+ """Format must be the expected version"""
+- formal = "Biological Observation Matrix %s" % self._format_version
++ formal = f"Biological Observation Matrix {self._format_version}"
+ if table_json['format'] not in [formal, self._format_version]:
+- return "Invalid format '%s', must be '%s'" % (table_json['format'],
+- self._format_version)
++ return f"Invalid format '{table_json['format']}', must be '{self._format_version}'" # noqa: E501
+ else:
+ return ''
+diff --git a/biom/cli/uc_processor.py b/biom/cli/uc_processor.py
+index 8dc2c0a..0eeb522 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/uc_processor.py
++++ b/biom/cli/uc_processor.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import click
+@@ -44,9 +43,9 @@ def from_uc(input_fp, output_fp, rep_set_fp):
+ $ biom from-uc -i in.uc -o out.biom --rep-set-fp rep-set.fna
+ """
+- input_f = open(input_fp, 'U')
++ input_f = open(input_fp)
+ if rep_set_fp is not None:
+- rep_set_f = open(rep_set_fp, 'U')
++ rep_set_f = open(rep_set_fp)
+ else:
+ rep_set_f = None
+ table = _from_uc(input_f, rep_set_f)
+diff --git a/biom/cli/util.py b/biom/cli/util.py
+index 9906363..b350d84 100644
+--- a/biom/cli/util.py
++++ b/biom/cli/util.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import biom.util
+ import biom.parse
+diff --git a/biom/err.py b/biom/err.py
+index 0cbcf0a..013875e 100644
+--- a/biom/err.py
++++ b/biom/err.py
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def _create_error_states(msg, callback, exception):
+ 'print': lambda x: stdout.write(msg + '\n')}
+-class ErrorProfile(object):
++class ErrorProfile:
+ """An error profile
+ The error profile defines the types of errors that can be optionally
+diff --git a/biom/exception.py b/biom/exception.py
+index 0969ac4..e4dc7ac 100644
+--- a/biom/exception.py
++++ b/biom/exception.py
+@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ class DisjointIDError(BiomException):
+ class UnknownAxisError(TableException):
+ def __init__(self, axis):
+- super(UnknownAxisError, self).__init__()
++ super().__init__()
+ self.args = ("Unknown axis '%s'." % axis,)
+ class UnknownIDError(TableException):
+ def __init__(self, missing_id, axis):
+- super(UnknownIDError, self).__init__()
++ super().__init__()
+ self.args = ("The %s ID '%s' could not be found in the BIOM table." %
+ (axis, missing_id),)
+diff --git a/biom/parse.py b/biom/parse.py
+index ad29f02..e329c57 100644
+--- a/biom/parse.py
++++ b/biom/parse.py
+@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import numpy as np
+-from future.utils import string_types
+ import io
+ import h5py
+@@ -33,26 +31,27 @@ __maintainer__ = "Daniel McDonald"
+ __email__ = "daniel.mcdonald at colorado.edu"
+ MATRIX_ELEMENT_TYPE = {'int': int, 'float': float, 'unicode': str,
+- u'int': int, u'float': float, u'unicode': str}
++ 'int': int, 'float': float, 'unicode': str}
+ QUOTE = '"'
+-JSON_OPEN = set(["[", "{"])
+-JSON_CLOSE = set(["]", "}"])
+-JSON_SKIP = set([" ", "\t", "\n", ","])
+-JSON_START = set(
+- ["0",
+- "1",
+- "2",
+- "3",
+- "4",
+- "5",
+- "6",
+- "7",
+- "8",
+- "9",
+- "{",
+- "[",
+- '"'])
++JSON_OPEN = {"[", "{"}
++JSON_CLOSE = {"]", "}"}
++JSON_SKIP = {" ", "\t", "\n", ","}
++ "0",
++ "1",
++ "2",
++ "3",
++ "4",
++ "5",
++ "6",
++ "7",
++ "8",
++ "9",
++ "{",
++ "[",
++ '"',
+ def direct_parse_key(biom_str, key):
+@@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ def direct_slice_data(biom_str, to_keep, axis):
+ elif axis == 'sample':
+ new_data = _direct_slice_data_sparse_samp(data_fields, to_keep)
+- return '"data": %s, "shape": %s' % (new_data, new_shape)
++ return f'"data": {new_data}, "shape": {new_shape}'
+ def strip_f(x):
+@@ -170,13 +169,13 @@ def strip_f(x):
+ def _remap_axis_sparse_obs(rcv, lookup):
+ """Remap a sparse observation axis"""
+ row, col, value = list(map(strip_f, rcv.split(',')))
+- return "%s,%s,%s" % (lookup[row], col, value)
++ return f"{lookup[row]},{col},{value}"
+ def _remap_axis_sparse_samp(rcv, lookup):
+ """Remap a sparse sample axis"""
+ row, col, value = list(map(strip_f, rcv.split(',')))
+- return "%s,%s,%s" % (row, lookup[col], value)
++ return f"{row},{lookup[col]},{value}"
+ def _direct_slice_data_sparse_obs(data, to_keep):
+@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ def _direct_slice_data_sparse_obs(data, to_keep):
+ """
+ # interogate all the datas
+ new_data = []
+- remap_lookup = dict([(str(v), i) for i, v in enumerate(sorted(to_keep))])
++ remap_lookup = {str(v): i for i, v in enumerate(sorted(to_keep))}
+ for rcv in data.split('],'):
+ r, c, v = strip_f(rcv).split(',')
+ if r in remap_lookup:
+@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ def _direct_slice_data_sparse_samp(data, to_keep):
+ # could do sparse obs/samp in one forloop, but then theres the
+ # expense of the additional if-statement in the loop
+ new_data = []
+- remap_lookup = dict([(str(v), i) for i, v in enumerate(sorted(to_keep))])
++ remap_lookup = {str(v): i for i, v in enumerate(sorted(to_keep))}
+ for rcv in data.split('],'):
+ r, c, v = rcv.split(',')
+ if c in remap_lookup:
+@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ def get_axis_indices(biom_str, to_keep, axis):
+ axis_data = json.loads("{%s}" % axis_data)
+- all_ids = set([v['id'] for v in axis_data[axis_key]])
++ all_ids = {v['id'] for v in axis_data[axis_key]}
+ if not to_keep.issubset(all_ids):
+ raise KeyError("Not all of the to_keep ids are in biom_str!")
+@@ -480,8 +479,8 @@ class MetadataMap(dict):
+ if hasattr(lines, "upper"):
+ # Try opening if a string was passed
+ try:
+- lines = open(lines, 'U')
+- except IOError:
++ lines = open(lines)
++ except OSError:
+ raise BiomParseException("A string was passed that doesn't "
+ "refer to an accessible filepath.")
+@@ -565,7 +564,7 @@ class MetadataMap(dict):
+ {'Sample1': {'Treatment': 'Fast'}, 'Sample2': {'Treatment': 'Control'}}
+ """
+- super(MetadataMap, self).__init__(mapping)
++ super().__init__(mapping)
+ def generatedby():
+@@ -593,7 +592,7 @@ def biom_meta_to_string(metadata, replace_str=':'):
+ # Note that since ';' and '|' are used as seperators we must replace them
+ # if they exist
+- if isinstance(metadata, string_types):
++ if isinstance(metadata, str):
+ return metadata.replace(';', replace_str)
+ elif isinstance(metadata, list):
+ transtab = bytes.maketrans(';|', ''.join([replace_str, replace_str]))
+diff --git a/biom/table.py b/biom/table.py
+index 33a4d78..8e691fd 100644
+--- a/biom/table.py
++++ b/biom/table.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ """
+ BIOM Table (:mod:`biom.table`)
+ ==============================
+@@ -172,7 +171,6 @@ Bacteria; Bacteroidetes 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
+ # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-from __future__ import division
+ import numpy as np
+ import scipy.stats
+ from copy import deepcopy
+@@ -180,16 +178,13 @@ from datetime import datetime
+ from json import dumps
+ from functools import reduce, partial
+ from operator import itemgetter, or_
+-from future.builtins import zip
+-from future.utils import viewitems
+-from collections import defaultdict, Hashable, Iterable
++from collections import defaultdict
++from collections.abc import Hashable, Iterable
+ from numpy import ndarray, asarray, zeros, newaxis
+ from scipy.sparse import (coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, isspmatrix,
+ vstack, hstack)
+ import pandas as pd
+ import re
+-import six
+-from future.utils import string_types as _future_string_types
+ from biom.exception import (TableException, UnknownAxisError, UnknownIDError,
+ DisjointIDError)
+ from biom.util import (get_biom_format_version_string,
+@@ -202,15 +197,6 @@ from ._transform import _transform
+ from ._subsample import _subsample
+-if not six.PY3:
+- string_types = list(_future_string_types)
+- string_types.append(str)
+- string_types.append(unicode) # noqa
+- string_types = tuple(string_types)
+- string_types = _future_string_types
+ __author__ = "Daniel McDonald"
+ __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011-2020, The BIOM Format Development Team"
+ __credits__ = ["Daniel McDonald", "Jai Ram Rideout", "Greg Caporaso",
+@@ -224,7 +210,7 @@ __email__ = "daniel.mcdonald at colorado.edu"
+ MATRIX_ELEMENT_TYPE = {'int': int, 'float': float, 'unicode': str,
+- u'int': int, u'float': float, u'unicode': str}
++ 'int': int, 'float': float, 'unicode': str}
+ def _identify_bad_value(dtype, fields):
+@@ -280,7 +266,7 @@ def general_formatter(grp, header, md, compression):
+ name = 'metadata/%s' % header
+ dtypes = [type(m[header]) for m in md]
+- if set(dtypes).issubset(set(string_types)):
++ if set(dtypes).issubset({str}):
+ grp.create_dataset(name, shape=shape,
+ dtype=H5PY_VLEN_STR,
+ data=[m[header].encode('utf8') for m in md],
+@@ -293,16 +279,16 @@ def general_formatter(grp, header, md, compression):
+ for dt, m in zip(dtypes, md):
+ val = m[header]
+ if val is None:
+- val = '\0'
++ val = ''
+ dt = str
+- if dt in string_types:
++ if dt == str:
+ val = val.encode('utf8')
+ formatted.append(val)
+ dtypes_used.append(dt)
+- if set(dtypes_used).issubset(set(string_types)):
++ if set(dtypes_used).issubset({str}):
+ dtype_to_use = H5PY_VLEN_STR
+ else:
+ dtype_to_use = None
+@@ -380,7 +366,7 @@ def vlen_list_of_str_formatter(grp, header, md, compression):
+ compression=compression)
+-class Table(object):
++class Table:
+ """The (canonically pronounced 'teh') Table.
+@@ -831,7 +817,7 @@ class Table(object):
+ """
+ metadata = self.metadata(axis=axis)
+ if metadata is not None:
+- for id_, md_entry in viewitems(md):
++ for id_, md_entry in md.items():
+ if self.exists(id_, axis=axis):
+ idx = self.index(id_, axis=axis)
+ metadata[idx].update(md_entry)
+@@ -839,10 +825,10 @@ class Table(object):
+ ids = self.ids(axis=axis)
+ if axis == 'sample':
+ self._sample_metadata = tuple(
+- [md[id_] if id_ in md else None for id_ in ids])
++ md[id_] if id_ in md else None for id_ in ids)
+ elif axis == 'observation':
+ self._observation_metadata = tuple(
+- [md[id_] if id_ in md else None for id_ in ids])
++ md[id_] if id_ in md else None for id_ in ids)
+ else:
+ raise UnknownAxisError(axis)
+ self._cast_metadata()
+@@ -1547,9 +1533,9 @@ class Table(object):
+ """
+ return id in self._index(axis=axis)
+- def delimited_self(self, delim=u'\t', header_key=None, header_value=None,
++ def delimited_self(self, delim='\t', header_key=None, header_value=None,
+ metadata_formatter=str,
+- observation_column_name=u'#OTU ID', direct_io=None):
++ observation_column_name='#OTU ID', direct_io=None):
+ """Return self as a string in a delimited form
+ Default str output for the Table is just row/col ids and table data
+@@ -1595,12 +1581,13 @@ class Table(object):
+ "You need to specify both header_key and header_value")
+ if header_value:
+- output = [u'# Constructed from biom file',
+- u'%s%s%s\t%s' % (observation_column_name, delim,
+- samp_ids, header_value)]
++ output = [
++ '# Constructed from biom file',
++ f'{observation_column_name}{delim}{samp_ids}\t{header_value}'
++ ]
+ else:
+ output = ['# Constructed from biom file',
+- '%s%s%s' % (observation_column_name, delim, samp_ids)]
++ f'{observation_column_name}{delim}{samp_ids}']
+ if direct_io is not None:
+ direct_io.writelines([i+"\n" for i in output])
+@@ -1616,7 +1603,7 @@ class Table(object):
+ if header_key and obs_metadata is not None:
+ md = obs_metadata[self._obs_index[obs_id]]
+ md_out = metadata_formatter(md.get(header_key, None))
+- output_row = u'%s%s%s\t%s%s' % \
++ output_row = '%s%s%s\t%s%s' % \
+ (obs_id, delim, str_obs_vals, md_out, end_line)
+ if direct_io is None:
+@@ -1624,12 +1611,12 @@ class Table(object):
+ else:
+ direct_io.write(output_row)
+ else:
+- output_row = u'%s%s%s%s' % \
++ output_row = '%s%s%s%s' % \
+ (obs_id, delim, str_obs_vals, end_line)
+ if direct_io is None:
+ output.append(output_row)
+ else:
+- direct_io.write((output_row))
++ direct_io.write(output_row)
+ return '\n'.join(output)
+@@ -2324,7 +2311,7 @@ class Table(object):
+ md = self.metadata(axis=self._invert_axis(axis))
+- for part, (ids, values, metadata) in viewitems(partitions):
++ for part, (ids, values, metadata) in partitions.items():
+ if axis == 'sample':
+ data = self._conv_to_self_type(values, transpose=True)
+ samp_ids = ids
+@@ -2589,11 +2576,11 @@ class Table(object):
+ if include_collapsed_metadata:
+ # reassociate pathway information
+- for k, i in sorted(viewitems(idx_lookup), key=itemgetter(1)):
++ for k, i in sorted(idx_lookup.items(), key=itemgetter(1)):
+ collapsed_md.append({one_to_many_md_key: new_md[k]})
+ # get the new sample IDs
+- collapsed_ids = [k for k, i in sorted(viewitems(idx_lookup),
++ collapsed_ids = [k for k, i in sorted(idx_lookup.items(),
+ key=itemgetter(1))]
+ # convert back to self type
+@@ -3968,17 +3955,11 @@ html
+ shape = h5grp.attrs['shape']
+ type_ = None if h5grp.attrs['type'] == '' else h5grp.attrs['type']
+- if isinstance(id_, six.binary_type):
+- if six.PY3:
+- id_ = id_.decode('ascii')
+- else:
+- id_ = str(id_)
++ if isinstance(id_, bytes):
++ id_ = id_.decode('ascii')
+- if isinstance(type_, six.binary_type):
+- if six.PY3:
+- type_ = type_.decode('ascii')
+- else:
+- type_ = str(type_)
++ if isinstance(type_, bytes):
++ type_ = type_.decode('ascii')
+ def axis_load(grp):
+ """Loads all the data of the given group"""
+@@ -3996,7 +3977,7 @@ html
+ # fetch ID specific metadata
+ md = [{} for i in range(len(ids))]
+- for category, dset in viewitems(grp['metadata']):
++ for category, dset in grp['metadata'].items():
+ parse_f = parser[category]
+ data = dset[:]
+ for md_dict, data_row in zip(md, data):
+@@ -4065,8 +4046,9 @@ html
+ # load the subset of the data
+ idx = samp_idx if axis == 'sample' else obs_idx
+ keep = np.where(idx)[0]
+- indptr_indices = sorted([(h5_indptr[i], h5_indptr[i+1])
+- for i in keep])
++ indptr_indices = sorted(
++ (h5_indptr[i], h5_indptr[i+1]) for i in keep
++ )
+ # Create the new indptr
+ indptr_subset = np.array([end - start
+ for start, end in indptr_indices])
+@@ -4596,28 +4578,28 @@ html
+ str
+ A JSON-formatted string representing the biom table
+ """
+- if not isinstance(generated_by, string_types):
++ if not isinstance(generated_by, str):
+ raise TableException("Must specify a generated_by string")
+ # Fill in top-level metadata.
+ if direct_io:
+- direct_io.write(u'{')
+- direct_io.write(u'"id": "%s",' % str(self.table_id))
++ direct_io.write('{')
++ direct_io.write('"id": "%s",' % str(self.table_id))
+ direct_io.write(
+- u'"format": "%s",' %
++ '"format": "%s",' %
+ get_biom_format_version_string((1, 0))) # JSON table -> 1.0.0
+ direct_io.write(
+- u'"format_url": "%s",' %
++ '"format_url": "%s",' %
+ get_biom_format_url_string())
+- direct_io.write(u'"generated_by": "%s",' % generated_by)
+- direct_io.write(u'"date": "%s",' % datetime.now().isoformat())
++ direct_io.write('"generated_by": "%s",' % generated_by)
++ direct_io.write('"date": "%s",' % datetime.now().isoformat())
+ else:
+- id_ = u'"id": "%s",' % str(self.table_id)
+- format_ = u'"format": "%s",' % get_biom_format_version_string(
++ id_ = '"id": "%s",' % str(self.table_id)
++ format_ = '"format": "%s",' % get_biom_format_version_string(
+ (1, 0)) # JSON table -> 1.0.0
+- format_url = u'"format_url": "%s",' % get_biom_format_url_string()
+- generated_by = u'"generated_by": "%s",' % generated_by
+- date = u'"date": "%s",' % datetime.now().isoformat()
++ format_url = '"format_url": "%s",' % get_biom_format_url_string()
++ generated_by = '"generated_by": "%s",' % generated_by
++ date = '"date": "%s",' % datetime.now().isoformat()
+ # Determine if we have any data in the matrix, and what the shape of
+ # the matrix is.
+@@ -4635,30 +4617,30 @@ html
+ # Determine the type of elements the matrix is storing.
+ if isinstance(test_element, int):
+- matrix_element_type = u"int"
++ matrix_element_type = "int"
+ elif isinstance(test_element, float):
+- matrix_element_type = u"float"
+- elif isinstance(test_element, string_types):
+- matrix_element_type = u"str"
++ matrix_element_type = "float"
++ elif isinstance(test_element, str):
++ matrix_element_type = "str"
+ else:
+ raise TableException("Unsupported matrix data type.")
+ # Fill in details about the matrix.
+ if direct_io:
+ direct_io.write(
+- u'"matrix_element_type": "%s",' %
++ '"matrix_element_type": "%s",' %
+ matrix_element_type)
+- direct_io.write(u'"shape": [%d, %d],' % (num_rows, num_cols))
++ direct_io.write('"shape": [%d, %d],' % (num_rows, num_cols))
+ else:
+- matrix_element_type = u'"matrix_element_type": "%s",' % \
++ matrix_element_type = '"matrix_element_type": "%s",' % \
+ matrix_element_type
+- shape = u'"shape": [%d, %d],' % (num_rows, num_cols)
++ shape = '"shape": [%d, %d],' % (num_rows, num_cols)
+ # Fill in the table type
+ if self.type is None:
+- type_ = u'"type": null,'
++ type_ = '"type": null,'
+ else:
+- type_ = u'"type": "%s",' % self.type
++ type_ = '"type": "%s",' % self.type
+ if direct_io:
+ direct_io.write(type_)
+@@ -4666,24 +4648,26 @@ html
+ # Fill in details about the rows in the table and fill in the matrix's
+ # data. BIOM 2.0+ is now only sparse
+ if direct_io:
+- direct_io.write(u'"matrix_type": "sparse",')
+- direct_io.write(u'"data": [')
++ direct_io.write('"matrix_type": "sparse",')
++ direct_io.write('"data": [')
+ else:
+- matrix_type = u'"matrix_type": "sparse",'
+- data = [u'"data": [']
++ matrix_type = '"matrix_type": "sparse",'
++ data = ['"data": [']
+ max_row_idx = len(self.ids(axis='observation')) - 1
+ max_col_idx = len(self.ids()) - 1
+- rows = [u'"rows": [']
++ rows = ['"rows": [']
+ have_written = False
+ for obs_index, obs in enumerate(self.iter(axis='observation')):
+ # i'm crying on the inside
+ if obs_index != max_row_idx:
+- rows.append(u'{"id": %s, "metadata": %s},' % (dumps(obs[1]),
+- dumps(obs[2])))
++ rows.append(
++ f'{{"id": {dumps(obs[1])}, "metadata": {dumps(obs[2])}}},'
++ )
+ else:
+- rows.append(u'{"id": %s, "metadata": %s}],' % (dumps(obs[1]),
+- dumps(obs[2])))
++ rows.append(
++ f'{{"id": {dumps(obs[1])}, "metadata": {dumps(obs[2])}}}],'
++ )
+ # turns out its a pain to figure out when to place commas. the
+ # simple work around, at the expense of a little memory
+@@ -4692,55 +4676,66 @@ html
+ built_row = []
+ for col_index, val in enumerate(obs[0]):
+ if float(val) != 0.0:
+- built_row.append(u"[%d,%d,%r]" % (obs_index, col_index,
+- val))
++ built_row.append(
++ "[%d,%d,%r]" % (obs_index, col_index, val)
++ )
+ if built_row:
+ # if we have written a row already, its safe to add a comma
+ if have_written:
+ if direct_io:
+- direct_io.write(u',')
++ direct_io.write(',')
+ else:
+- data.append(u',')
++ data.append(',')
+ if direct_io:
+- direct_io.write(u','.join(built_row))
++ direct_io.write(','.join(built_row))
+ else:
+- data.append(u','.join(built_row))
++ data.append(','.join(built_row))
+ have_written = True
+ # finalize the data block
+ if direct_io:
+- direct_io.write(u"],")
++ direct_io.write("],")
+ else:
+- data.append(u"],")
++ data.append("],")
+ # Fill in details about the columns in the table.
+- columns = [u'"columns": [']
++ columns = ['"columns": [']
+ for samp_index, samp in enumerate(self.iter()):
+ if samp_index != max_col_idx:
+- columns.append(u'{"id": %s, "metadata": %s},' % (
++ columns.append('{{"id": {}, "metadata": {}}},'.format(
+ dumps(samp[1]), dumps(samp[2])))
+ else:
+- columns.append(u'{"id": %s, "metadata": %s}]' % (
++ columns.append('{{"id": {}, "metadata": {}}}]'.format(
+ dumps(samp[1]), dumps(samp[2])))
+- if rows[0] == u'"rows": [' and len(rows) == 1:
++ if rows[0] == '"rows": [' and len(rows) == 1:
+ # empty table case
+- rows = [u'"rows": [],']
+- columns = [u'"columns": []']
++ rows = ['"rows": [],']
++ columns = ['"columns": []']
+- rows = u''.join(rows)
+- columns = u''.join(columns)
++ rows = ''.join(rows)
++ columns = ''.join(columns)
+ if direct_io:
+ direct_io.write(rows)
+ direct_io.write(columns)
+- direct_io.write(u'}')
++ direct_io.write('}')
+ else:
+- return u"{%s}" % ''.join([id_, format_, format_url, matrix_type,
+- generated_by, date, type_,
+- matrix_element_type, shape,
+- u''.join(data), rows, columns])
++ return "{%s}" % ''.join([
++ id_,
++ format_,
++ format_url,
++ matrix_type,
++ generated_by,
++ date,
++ type_,
++ matrix_element_type,
++ shape,
++ ''.join(data),
++ rows,
++ columns,
++ ])
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_adjacency(lines):
+@@ -5090,7 +5085,7 @@ html
+ >>> with open("result.tsv", "w") as f:
+ table.to_tsv(direct_io=f)
+ """
+- return self.delimited_self(u'\t', header_key, header_value,
++ return self.delimited_self('\t', header_key, header_value,
+ metadata_formatter,
+ observation_column_name,
+ direct_io=direct_io)
+@@ -5341,7 +5336,7 @@ def dict_to_sparse(data, dtype=float, shape=None):
+ rows = []
+ cols = []
+ vals = []
+- for (r, c), v in viewitems(data):
++ for (r, c), v in data.items():
+ rows.append(r)
+ cols.append(c)
+ vals.append(v)
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_subset_table.py b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_subset_table.py
+index bd38c18..9848a69 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_subset_table.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_subset_table.py
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ import os
+ import unittest
+-import numpy.testing as npt
++import pytest
+ from biom.cli.table_subsetter import _subset_table
+ from biom.parse import parse_biom_table
+@@ -55,24 +55,24 @@ class TestSubsetTable(unittest.TestCase):
+ _subset_table(json_table_str=self.biom_str1, hdf5_biom='foo',
+ axis='sample', ids=['f2', 'f4'])
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_subset_samples_hdf5(self):
+ """Correctly subsets samples in a hdf5 table"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if '/' in __file__:
+ os.chdir(__file__.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
+ obs = _subset_table(hdf5_biom='test_data/test.biom', axis='sample',
+- ids=[u'Sample1', u'Sample2', u'Sample3'],
++ ids=['Sample1', 'Sample2', 'Sample3'],
+ json_table_str=None)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ obs = obs[0]
+ self.assertEqual(len(obs.ids()), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(len(obs.ids(axis='observation')), 5)
+- self.assertTrue(u'Sample1' in obs.ids())
+- self.assertTrue(u'Sample2' in obs.ids())
+- self.assertTrue(u'Sample3' in obs.ids())
++ self.assertTrue('Sample1' in obs.ids())
++ self.assertTrue('Sample2' in obs.ids())
++ self.assertTrue('Sample3' in obs.ids())
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_subset_observations_hdf5(self):
+ """Correctly subsets samples in a hdf5 table"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ class TestSubsetTable(unittest.TestCase):
+ os.chdir(__file__.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
+ obs = _subset_table(hdf5_biom='test_data/test.biom',
+ axis='observation',
+- ids=[u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_3', u'GG_OTU_5'],
++ ids=['GG_OTU_1', 'GG_OTU_3', 'GG_OTU_5'],
+ json_table_str=None)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ obs = obs[0]
+ self.assertEqual(len(obs.ids()), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(len(obs.ids(axis='observation')), 3)
+- self.assertTrue(u'GG_OTU_1' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
+- self.assertTrue(u'GG_OTU_3' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
+- self.assertTrue(u'GG_OTU_5' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
++ self.assertTrue('GG_OTU_1' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
++ self.assertTrue('GG_OTU_3' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
++ self.assertTrue('GG_OTU_5' in obs.ids(axis='observation'))
+ biom1 = ('{"id": "None","format": "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0",'
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_table_converter.py b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_table_converter.py
+index a0a7dc1..af20013 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_table_converter.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_table_converter.py
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class TableConverterTests(TestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(len(obs.ids(axis='observation')), 14)
+ self.assertNotEqual(obs.metadata(), None)
+ self.assertNotEqual(obs.metadata(axis='observation'), None)
+- self.assertEqual(obs.metadata()[obs.index(u'p2', u'sample')],
++ self.assertEqual(obs.metadata()[obs.index('p2', 'sample')],
+ {'foo': 'c;b;a'})
+ self.assertEqual(obs.metadata()[obs.index('not16S.1', 'sample')],
+ {'foo': 'b;c;d'})
+@@ -127,41 +127,73 @@ class TableConverterTests(TestCase):
+ obs = load_table(self.output_filepath)
+ exp = Table(np.array([[0., 1.], [6., 6.], [6., 1.],
+ [1., 4.], [0., 2.]]),
+- observation_ids=[u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_2', u'GG_OTU_3',
+- u'GG_OTU_4', u'GG_OTU_5'],
+- sample_ids=[u'skin', u'gut'],
++ observation_ids=[
++ 'GG_OTU_1',
++ 'GG_OTU_2',
++ 'GG_OTU_3',
++ 'GG_OTU_4',
++ 'GG_OTU_5',
++ ],
++ sample_ids=['skin', 'gut'],
+ observation_metadata=[
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria', u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia', u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria', u'p__Cyanobacteria',
+- u'c__Nostocophycideae',
+- u'o__Nostocales', u'f__Nostocaceae',
+- u'g__Dolichospermum', u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Archaea', u'p__Euryarchaeota',
+- u'c__Methanomicrobia',
+- u'o__Methanosarcinales',
+- u'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
+- u'g__Methanosarcina', u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria', u'p__Firmicutes',
+- u'c__Clostridia', u'o__Halanaerobiales',
+- u'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
+- u'g__Halanaerobium',
+- u's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria', u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia', u's__']}],
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Cyanobacteria',
++ 'c__Nostocophycideae',
++ 'o__Nostocales',
++ 'f__Nostocaceae',
++ 'g__Dolichospermum',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Archaea',
++ 'p__Euryarchaeota',
++ 'c__Methanomicrobia',
++ 'o__Methanosarcinales',
++ 'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
++ 'g__Methanosarcina',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Firmicutes',
++ 'c__Clostridia',
++ 'o__Halanaerobiales',
++ 'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
++ 'g__Halanaerobium',
++ 's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]}],
+ sample_metadata=[
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'Sample4', u'Sample5',
+- u'Sample6']},
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'Sample1', u'Sample2',
+- u'Sample3']}
+- ],
+- type=u'OTU table')
++ {'collapsed_ids': [
++ 'Sample4',
++ 'Sample5',
++ 'Sample6',
++ ]},
++ {'collapsed_ids': [
++ 'Sample1',
++ 'Sample2',
++ 'Sample3',
++ ]}
++ ],
++ type='OTU table')
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+ def test_json_to_hdf5_collapsed_metadata(self):
+@@ -176,42 +208,51 @@ class TableConverterTests(TestCase):
+ [0., 0., 1., 4., 0., 2.],
+ [5., 1., 0., 2., 3., 1.],
+ [0., 1., 2., 0., 0., 0.]]),
+- observation_ids=[u'p__Firmicutes', u'p__Euryarchaeota',
+- u'p__Cyanobacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria'],
+- sample_ids=[u'Sample1', u'Sample2', u'Sample3',
+- u'Sample4', u'Sample5', u'Sample6'],
++ observation_ids=[
++ 'p__Firmicutes',
++ 'p__Euryarchaeota',
++ 'p__Cyanobacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ ],
++ sample_ids=[
++ 'Sample1',
++ 'Sample2',
++ 'Sample3',
++ 'Sample4',
++ 'Sample5',
++ 'Sample6',
++ ],
+ observation_metadata=[
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'GG_OTU_4']},
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'GG_OTU_3']},
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'GG_OTU_2']},
+- {u'collapsed_ids': [u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_5']}],
++ {'collapsed_ids': ['GG_OTU_4']},
++ {'collapsed_ids': ['GG_OTU_3']},
++ {'collapsed_ids': ['GG_OTU_2']},
++ {'collapsed_ids': ['GG_OTU_1', 'GG_OTU_5']}],
+ sample_metadata=[
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CGCTTATCGAGA',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CATACCAGTAGC',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCTACCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTAACTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'}],
+- type=u'OTU table')
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CGCTTATCGAGA',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CATACCAGTAGC',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCTACCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTAACTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'}],
++ type='OTU table')
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_validate_table.py b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_validate_table.py
+index cf7558f..a454d53 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_cli/test_validate_table.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_cli/test_validate_table.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2011-2017, The BIOM Format Development Team.
+ #
+@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
+ from shutil import copy
+ import numpy as np
+-import numpy.testing as npt
++import pytest
+ from biom.cli.table_validator import TableValidator
+ from biom.util import HAVE_H5PY
+@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ for f in self.to_remove:
+ os.remove(f)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_valid_hdf5_metadata_v210(self):
+ exp = {'valid_table': True, 'report_lines': []}
+ obs = self.cmd(table=self.hdf5_file_valid,
+@@ -66,11 +65,11 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ format_version='2.1')
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_valid_hdf5_metadata_v200(self):
+ pass # omitting, not a direct way to test at this time using the repo
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_valid_hdf5(self):
+ """Test a valid HDF5 table"""
+ exp = {'valid_table': True,
+@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ obs = self.cmd(table=self.hdf5_file_valid)
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_invalid_hdf5(self):
+ """Test an invalid HDF5 table"""
+ exp = {'valid_table': False,
+@@ -290,7 +289,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+- table['matrix_element_type'] = u'int'
++ table['matrix_element_type'] = 'int'
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+@@ -298,7 +297,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+- table['matrix_element_type'] = u'float'
++ table['matrix_element_type'] = 'float'
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+@@ -306,7 +305,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+- table['matrix_element_type'] = u'str'
++ table['matrix_element_type'] = 'str'
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) == 0)
+@@ -314,7 +313,7 @@ class TableValidatorTests(TestCase):
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) > 0)
+- table['matrix_element_type'] = u'asd'
++ table['matrix_element_type'] = 'asd'
+ obs = self.cmd._valid_matrix_element_type(table)
+ self.assertTrue(len(obs) > 0)
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_err.py b/biom/tests/test_err.py
+index 339ecd5..67ae1af 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_err.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_err.py
+@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ class ErrorProfileTests(TestCase):
+ def test_state(self):
+ self.ep.state = {'all': 'ignore'}
+- self.assertEqual(set(self.ep._state.values()), set(['ignore']))
++ self.assertEqual(set(self.ep._state.values()), {'ignore'})
+ self.ep.state = {'empty': 'call'}
+- self.assertEqual(set(self.ep._state.values()), set(['ignore', 'call']))
++ self.assertEqual(set(self.ep._state.values()), {'ignore', 'call'})
+ self.assertEqual(self.ep.state['empty'], 'call')
+ with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_parse.py b/biom/tests/test_parse.py
+index 9d4a77a..28da0b6 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_parse.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_parse.py
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
+ import numpy as np
+ import numpy.testing as npt
++import pytest
+ from biom.parse import (generatedby, MetadataMap, parse_biom_table, parse_uc,
+ load_table)
+@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ class ParseTests(TestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(tab.metadata(), None)
+ self.assertEqual(tab.metadata(axis='observation'), None)
+- tablestring = u'''{
++ tablestring = '''{
+ "id":null,
+ "format": "Biological Observation Matrix 0.9.1-dev",
+ "format_url": "http://biom-format.org",
+@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ class ParseTests(TestCase):
+ obs = Table.from_adjacency(''.join(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_parse_biom_table_hdf5(self):
+ """Make sure we can parse a HDF5 table through the same loader"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ class ParseTests(TestCase):
+ Table.from_hdf5(h5py.File('test_data/test.biom'))
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_load_table_filepath(self):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if '/' in __file__[1:]:
+@@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ class ParseTests(TestCase):
+ load_table('test_data/test.biom')
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_load_table_inmemory(self):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if '/' in __file__[1:]:
+@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ class ParseTests(TestCase):
+ t_json = parse_biom_table(t_json_stringio)
+ self.assertEqual(t, t_json)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_parse_biom_table_with_hdf5(self):
+ """tests for parse_biom_table when we have h5py"""
+ # We will round-trip the HDF5 file to several different formats, and
+@@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ K00507 0.0 0.0 Metabolism; Lipid Metabolism; Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatt\
+ y acids|Organismal Systems; Endocrine System; PPAR signaling pathway
+ """
+-biom_minimal_sparse = u"""
++biom_minimal_sparse = """
+ {
+ "id":null,
+ "format": "Biological Observation Matrix v0.9",
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_table.py b/biom/tests/test_table.py
+index fe33b69..2403c17 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_table.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_table.py
+@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+ from unittest import TestCase, main
+ from io import StringIO
+-import six
+ import numpy.testing as npt
+ import numpy as np
+ from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csr_matrix, csc_matrix
+@@ -628,12 +627,12 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ obs = general_parser(test)
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_non_hdf5_file_or_group(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ Table.from_hdf5(10)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_empty_md(self):
+ """Parse a hdf5 formatted BIOM table w/o metadata"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -645,10 +644,10 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ self.assertTrue(t._sample_metadata is None)
+ self.assertTrue(t._observation_metadata is None)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_custom_parsers(self):
+ def parser(item):
+- return item.upper()
++ return general_parser(item).upper()
+ parse_fs = {'BODY_SITE': parser}
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -661,13 +660,13 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ for m in t.metadata():
+ self.assertIn(m['BODY_SITE'], (b'GUT', b'SKIN'))
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_issue_731(self):
+ t = Table.from_hdf5(h5py.File('test_data/test.biom'))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(t.table_id, str))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(t.type, str))
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5(self):
+ """Parse a hdf5 formatted BIOM table"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -676,72 +675,83 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ t = Table.from_hdf5(h5py.File('test_data/test.biom'))
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), (u'Sample1', u'Sample2', u'Sample3',
+- u'Sample4', u'Sample5', u'Sample6'))
++ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), ('Sample1', 'Sample2', 'Sample3',
++ 'Sample4', 'Sample5', 'Sample6'))
+ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(axis='observation'),
+- (u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_2', u'GG_OTU_3',
+- u'GG_OTU_4', u'GG_OTU_5'))
+- exp_obs_md = ({u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Cyanobacteria',
+- u'c__Nostocophycideae',
+- u'o__Nostocales',
+- u'f__Nostocaceae',
+- u'g__Dolichospermum',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Archaea',
+- u'p__Euryarchaeota',
+- u'c__Methanomicrobia',
+- u'o__Methanosarcinales',
+- u'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
+- u'g__Methanosarcina',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Firmicutes',
+- u'c__Clostridia',
+- u'o__Halanaerobiales',
+- u'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
+- u'g__Halanaerobium',
+- u's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia',
+- u's__']})
++ ('GG_OTU_1', 'GG_OTU_2', 'GG_OTU_3',
++ 'GG_OTU_4', 'GG_OTU_5'))
++ exp_obs_md = (
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Cyanobacteria',
++ 'c__Nostocophycideae',
++ 'o__Nostocales',
++ 'f__Nostocaceae',
++ 'g__Dolichospermum',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Archaea',
++ 'p__Euryarchaeota',
++ 'c__Methanomicrobia',
++ 'o__Methanosarcinales',
++ 'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
++ 'g__Methanosarcina',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Firmicutes',
++ 'c__Clostridia',
++ 'o__Halanaerobiales',
++ 'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
++ 'g__Halanaerobium',
++ 's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]})
+ self.assertEqual(t._observation_metadata, exp_obs_md)
+- exp_samp_md = ({u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CGCTTATCGAGA',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CATACCAGTAGC',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCTACCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTAACTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'})
++ exp_samp_md = ({'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CGCTTATCGAGA',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CATACCAGTAGC',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCTACCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTAACTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'})
+ self.assertEqual(t._sample_metadata, exp_samp_md)
+ exp = [np.array([0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]),
+@@ -751,7 +761,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ np.array([0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])]
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis="observation")), exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_sample_subset_no_metadata(self):
+ """Parse a sample subset of a hdf5 formatted BIOM table"""
+ samples = [b'Sample2', b'Sample4', b'Sample6']
+@@ -779,10 +789,10 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ np.array([1., 0., 0.])]
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis='observation')), exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_sample_subset(self):
+ """Parse a sample subset of a hdf5 formatted BIOM table"""
+- samples = [u'Sample2', u'Sample4', u'Sample6']
++ samples = ['Sample2', 'Sample4', 'Sample6']
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if '/' in __file__:
+@@ -790,51 +800,60 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ t = Table.from_hdf5(h5py.File('test_data/test.biom'), ids=samples)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), [u'Sample2', u'Sample4', u'Sample6'])
++ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), ['Sample2', 'Sample4', 'Sample6'])
+ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(axis='observation'),
+- [u'GG_OTU_2', u'GG_OTU_3', u'GG_OTU_4', u'GG_OTU_5'])
+- exp_obs_md = ({u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Cyanobacteria',
+- u'c__Nostocophycideae',
+- u'o__Nostocales',
+- u'f__Nostocaceae',
+- u'g__Dolichospermum',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Archaea',
+- u'p__Euryarchaeota',
+- u'c__Methanomicrobia',
+- u'o__Methanosarcinales',
+- u'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
+- u'g__Methanosarcina',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Firmicutes',
+- u'c__Clostridia',
+- u'o__Halanaerobiales',
+- u'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
+- u'g__Halanaerobium',
+- u's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia',
+- u's__']})
++ ['GG_OTU_2', 'GG_OTU_3', 'GG_OTU_4', 'GG_OTU_5'])
++ exp_obs_md = (
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Cyanobacteria',
++ 'c__Nostocophycideae',
++ 'o__Nostocales',
++ 'f__Nostocaceae',
++ 'g__Dolichospermum',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Archaea',
++ 'p__Euryarchaeota',
++ 'c__Methanomicrobia',
++ 'o__Methanosarcinales',
++ 'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
++ 'g__Methanosarcina',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Firmicutes',
++ 'c__Clostridia',
++ 'o__Halanaerobiales',
++ 'f__Halanaerobiaceae',
++ 'g__Halanaerobium',
++ 's__Halanaerobiumsaccharolyticum',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]})
+ self.assertEqual(t._observation_metadata, exp_obs_md)
+- exp_samp_md = ({u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CATACCAGTAGC',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTAACTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'})
++ exp_samp_md = ({'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CATACCAGTAGC',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTAACTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'})
+ self.assertEqual(t._sample_metadata, exp_samp_md)
+ exp = [np.array([1., 2., 1.]),
+@@ -843,7 +862,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ np.array([1., 0., 0.])]
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis='observation')), exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_observation_subset_no_metadata(self):
+ """Parse a observation subset of a hdf5 formatted BIOM table"""
+ observations = [b'GG_OTU_1', b'GG_OTU_3', b'GG_OTU_5']
+@@ -871,10 +890,10 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ np.array([0, 1., 1., 0., 0, 0.])]
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis='observation')), exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_observation_subset(self):
+ """Parse a observation subset of a hdf5 formatted BIOM table"""
+- observations = [u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_3', u'GG_OTU_5']
++ observations = ['GG_OTU_1', 'GG_OTU_3', 'GG_OTU_5']
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if '/' in __file__:
+@@ -883,49 +902,56 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ ids=observations, axis='observation')
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), [u'Sample2', u'Sample3', u'Sample4',
+- u'Sample6'])
++ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(), ['Sample2', 'Sample3', 'Sample4',
++ 'Sample6'])
+ npt.assert_equal(t.ids(axis='observation'),
+- [u'GG_OTU_1', u'GG_OTU_3', u'GG_OTU_5'])
+- exp_obs_md = ({u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Archaea',
+- u'p__Euryarchaeota',
+- u'c__Methanomicrobia',
+- u'o__Methanosarcinales',
+- u'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
+- u'g__Methanosarcina',
+- u's__']},
+- {u'taxonomy': [u'k__Bacteria',
+- u'p__Proteobacteria',
+- u'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
+- u'o__Enterobacteriales',
+- u'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
+- u'g__Escherichia',
+- u's__']})
++ ['GG_OTU_1', 'GG_OTU_3', 'GG_OTU_5'])
++ exp_obs_md = (
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Archaea',
++ 'p__Euryarchaeota',
++ 'c__Methanomicrobia',
++ 'o__Methanosarcinales',
++ 'f__Methanosarcinaceae',
++ 'g__Methanosarcina',
++ 's__',
++ ]},
++ {'taxonomy': [
++ 'k__Bacteria',
++ 'p__Proteobacteria',
++ 'c__Gammaproteobacteria',
++ 'o__Enterobacteriales',
++ 'f__Enterobacteriaceae',
++ 'g__Escherichia',
++ 's__',
++ ]})
+ self.assertEqual(t._observation_metadata, exp_obs_md)
+- exp_samp_md = ({u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CATACCAGTAGC',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCTACCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human gut',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'gut'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'},
+- {u'LinkerPrimerSequence': u'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
+- u'BarcodeSequence': u'CTAACTACCAAT',
+- u'Description': u'human skin',
+- u'BODY_SITE': u'skin'})
++ exp_samp_md = ({'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CATACCAGTAGC',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCTACCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human gut',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'gut'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTCTCGGCCTGT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'},
++ {'LinkerPrimerSequence': 'CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT',
++ 'BarcodeSequence': 'CTAACTACCAAT',
++ 'Description': 'human skin',
++ 'BODY_SITE': 'skin'})
+ self.assertEqual(t._sample_metadata, exp_samp_md)
+ exp = [np.array([0., 1., 0., 0.]),
+@@ -933,7 +959,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ np.array([1., 1., 0., 0.])]
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis='observation')), exp)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_subset_error(self):
+ """hdf5 biom table parse throws error with invalid parameters"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -952,7 +978,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ axis='observation')
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_from_hdf5_empty_table(self):
+ """HDF5 biom parse successfully loads an empty table"""
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+@@ -967,7 +993,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(t._sample_metadata, None)
+ npt.assert_equal(list(t.iter_data(axis='observation')), [])
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_empty_table(self):
+ """Successfully writes an empty OTU table in HDF5 format"""
+ # Create an empty OTU table
+@@ -977,7 +1003,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+ h5.close()
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_empty_table_bug_619(self):
+ """Successfully writes an empty OTU table in HDF5 format"""
+ t = example_table.filter({}, axis='observation', inplace=False)
+@@ -992,7 +1018,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+ h5.close()
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_missing_metadata_observation(self):
+ # exercises a vlen_list
+ t = Table(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'],
+@@ -1007,8 +1033,8 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ ({'taxonomy': None},
+ {'taxonomy': ['foo', 'baz']}))
+- #@npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
+- @npt.dec.skipif(False is False, msg='This test fails under Debian and is ignored as long this is not clarified')
++ #@pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skip(msg='This test fails under Debian and is ignored as long this is not clarified')
+ def test_to_hdf5_missing_metadata_sample(self):
+ # exercises general formatter
+ t = Table(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], None,
+@@ -1023,7 +1049,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ ({'dat': ''},
+ {'dat': 'foo'}))
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_inconsistent_metadata_categories_observation(self):
+ t = Table(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'],
+ [{'taxonomy_A': 'foo; bar'},
+@@ -1031,15 +1057,11 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
+ with h5py.File(tmpfile.name, 'w') as h5:
+- if six.PY3:
+- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+- 'inconsistent metadata'):
+- t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+- else:
+- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+- t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
++ 'inconsistent metadata'):
++ t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_inconsistent_metadata_categories_sample(self):
+ t = Table(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'],
+ None,
+@@ -1048,15 +1070,11 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
+ with h5py.File(tmpfile.name, 'w') as h5:
+- if six.PY3:
+- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+- 'inconsistent metadata'):
+- t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+- else:
+- with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+- t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
++ 'inconsistent metadata'):
++ t.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_malformed_taxonomy(self):
+ t = Table(np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'],
+ [{'taxonomy': 'foo; bar'},
+@@ -1070,7 +1088,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ ({'taxonomy': ['foo', 'bar']},
+ {'taxonomy': ['foo', 'baz']}))
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_general_fallback_to_list(self):
+ st_rich = Table(self.vals,
+ ['1', '2'], ['a', 'b'],
+@@ -1081,7 +1099,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ h5 = h5py.File(tmpfile.name, 'w')
+ st_rich.to_hdf5(h5, 'tests')
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5_custom_formatters(self):
+ self.st_rich = Table(self.vals,
+ ['1', '2'], ['a', 'b'],
+@@ -1117,7 +1135,7 @@ class TableTests(TestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(m1['barcode'].lower(), m2['barcode'])
+ h5.close()
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_to_hdf5(self):
+ """Write a file"""
+ with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
+@@ -3013,7 +3031,7 @@ class SparseTableTests(TestCase):
+ """
+ a = np.array([[2, 1, 2, 1, 8, 6, 3, 3, 5, 5], ]).T
+ dt = Table(data=a, sample_ids=['S1', ],
+- observation_ids=['OTU{:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(10)])
++ observation_ids=[f'OTU{i:02d}' for i in range(10)])
+ actual = set()
+ for i in range(1000):
+ obs = dt.subsample(35)
+@@ -3031,7 +3049,7 @@ class SparseTableTests(TestCase):
+ """
+ a = np.array([[2, 1, 2, 1, 8, 6, 3, 3, 5, 5], ]).T
+ dt = Table(data=a, sample_ids=['S1', ],
+- observation_ids=['OTU{:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(10)])
++ observation_ids=[f'OTU{i:02d}' for i in range(10)])
+ actual = set()
+ for i in range(1000):
+ obs = dt.subsample(35, with_replacement=True)
+@@ -3361,7 +3379,7 @@ class SparseTableTests(TestCase):
+ # two partitions, (a, c, e) and (b, d, f)
+ def partition_f(id_, md):
+- return id_ in set(['b', 'd', 'f'])
++ return id_ in {'b', 'd', 'f'}
+ def collapse_f(t, axis):
+ return np.asarray([np.median(v) for v in t.iter_data(dense=True)])
+@@ -3934,13 +3952,9 @@ class SparseTableTests(TestCase):
+ def test_extract_data_from_tsv_badvalue_complaint(self):
+ tsv = ['#OTU ID\ta\tb', '1\t2\t3', '2\tfoo\t6']
+- if six.PY3:
+- msg = "Invalid value on line 2, column 1, value foo"
+- with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
+- Table._extract_data_from_tsv(tsv, dtype=int)
+- else:
+- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+- Table._extract_data_from_tsv(tsv, dtype=int)
++ msg = "Invalid value on line 2, column 1, value foo"
++ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, msg):
++ Table._extract_data_from_tsv(tsv, dtype=int)
+ def test_bin_samples_by_metadata(self):
+ """Yield tables binned by sample metadata"""
+@@ -4252,7 +4266,7 @@ class SupportTests2(TestCase):
+ self.assertEqual((obs != exp).sum(), 0)
+-legacy_otu_table1 = u"""# some comment goes here
++legacy_otu_table1 = """# some comment goes here
+ #OTU id\tFing\tKey\tNA\tConsensus Lineage
+ 0\t19111\t44536\t42 \tBacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae; Propioniba\
+ cterineae; Propionibacterium
+@@ -4265,7 +4279,7 @@ ae; Corynebacteriaceae
+ aphylococcaceae
+ 4\t589\t2074\t34\tBacteria; Cyanobacteria; Chloroplasts; vectors
+ """
+-legacy_otu_table_bad_metadata = u"""# some comment goes here
++legacy_otu_table_bad_metadata = """# some comment goes here
+ #OTU id\tFing\tKey\tNA\tConsensus Lineage
+ 0\t19111\t44536\t42 \t
+ 1\t1216\t3500\t6\tBacteria; Firmicutes; Alicyclobacillaceae; Bacilli; La\
+@@ -4280,7 +4294,7 @@ extract_tsv_bug = """#OTU ID s1 s2 taxonomy
+ 1 123 32\t
+ 2 315 3 k__test;p__test
+ 3 0 22 k__test;p__test"""
+-otu_table1 = u"""# Some comment
++otu_table1 = """# Some comment
+ #OTU ID\tFing\tKey\tNA\tConsensus Lineage
+ 0\t19111\t44536\t42\tBacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteridae; \
+ Propionibacterineae; Propionibacterium
+diff --git a/biom/tests/test_util.py b/biom/tests/test_util.py
+index fa0ebff..e0eba37 100644
+--- a/biom/tests/test_util.py
++++ b/biom/tests/test_util.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2011-2017, The BIOM Format Development Team.
+ #
+@@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
+ import numpy as np
+ import numpy.testing as npt
++import pytest
+ from biom.table import Table
+ from biom.parse import parse_biom_table, load_table
+@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class UtilTests(TestCase):
+ tmp_f.write('foo\n')
+ tmp_f.flush()
+- obs = safe_md5(open(tmp_f.name, 'r'))
++ obs = safe_md5(open(tmp_f.name))
+ self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+ obs = safe_md5(['foo\n'])
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class UtilTests(TestCase):
+ # unsupported type raises TypeError
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, safe_md5, 42)
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, msg='H5PY is not installed')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY is False, reason='H5PY is not installed')
+ def test_biom_open_hdf5(self):
+ with biom_open(get_data_path('test.biom')) as f:
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, h5py.File))
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class UtilTests(TestCase):
+ pass
+ self.assertTrue("is empty and can't be parsed" in str(e.exception))
+- @npt.dec.skipif(HAVE_H5PY, msg='Can only be tested without H5PY')
++ @pytest.mark.skipif(HAVE_H5PY, reason='Can only be tested without H5PY')
+ def test_biom_open_hdf5_no_h5py(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+ with biom_open(get_data_path('test.biom')):
+@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ class UtilTests(TestCase):
+ def test_load_table_gzip_unicode(self):
+ t = load_table(get_data_path('bad_table.txt.gz'))
+- self.assertEqual(u's__Cortinarius grosmornënsis',
++ self.assertEqual('s__Cortinarius grosmornënsis',
+ t.metadata('otu1', 'observation')['taxonomy'])
+ def test_load_table_unicode(self):
+ t = load_table(get_data_path('bad_table.txt'))
+- self.assertEqual(u's__Cortinarius grosmornënsis',
++ self.assertEqual('s__Cortinarius grosmornënsis',
+ t.metadata('otu1', 'observation')['taxonomy'])
+ def test_is_hdf5_file(self):
+diff --git a/biom/util.py b/biom/util.py
+index 6f2695f..469b023 100644
+--- a/biom/util.py
++++ b/biom/util.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2011-2020, The BIOM Format Development Team.
+ #
+@@ -98,8 +97,7 @@ def get_biom_format_version_string(version=None):
+ if version is None:
+ return "Biological Observation Matrix 1.0.0"
+ else:
+- return "Biological Observation Matrix %s.%s.0" % (version[0],
+- version[1])
++ return f"Biological Observation Matrix {version[0]}.{version[1]}.0"
+ def get_biom_format_url_string():
+@@ -204,7 +202,7 @@ def prefer_self(x, y):
+ def index_list(item):
+ """Takes a list and returns {l[idx]:idx}"""
+- return dict([(id_, idx) for idx, id_ in enumerate(item)])
++ return {id_: idx for idx, id_ in enumerate(item)}
+ def load_biom_config():
+@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@ def parse_biom_config_files(biom_config_files):
+ for biom_config_file in biom_config_files:
+ try:
+ results.update(parse_biom_config_file(biom_config_file))
+- except IOError:
++ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return results
+@@ -428,7 +426,7 @@ def biom_open(fp, permission='r'):
+ """
+ if permission not in ['r', 'w', 'U', 'rb', 'wb']:
+- raise IOError("Unknown mode: %s" % permission)
++ raise OSError("Unknown mode: %s" % permission)
+ opener = functools.partial(io.open, encoding='utf-8')
+ mode = permission
+diff --git a/doc/conf.py b/doc/conf.py
+index 5b856ce..cf50527 100644
+--- a/doc/conf.py
++++ b/doc/conf.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ #
+ # BIOM documentation build configuration file, created by
+ # sphinx-quickstart on Mon Feb 13 08:46:01 2012.
+@@ -58,8 +57,8 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
+ master_doc = 'index'
+ # General information about the project.
+-project = u'biom-format'
+-copyright = u'2011-2020 The BIOM Format Development Team'
++project = 'biom-format'
++copyright = '2011-2021 The BIOM Format Development Team'
+ # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+ # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+@@ -195,8 +194,7 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'BIOMdoc'
+ # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
+ # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
+ latex_documents = [
+- ('index', 'BIOM.tex', u'BIOM Documentation',
+- u'The BIOM Project', 'manual'),
++ ('index', 'BIOM.tex', 'BIOM Documentation', 'The BIOM Project', 'manual'),
+ ]
+ # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
+@@ -228,8 +226,7 @@ latex_documents = [
+ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+ # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+ man_pages = [
+- ('index', 'biom', u'BIOM Documentation',
+- [u'The BIOM Project'], 1)
++ ('index', 'biom', 'BIOM Documentation', ['The BIOM Project'], 1)
+ ]
+ # Add the 'copybutton' javascript, to hide/show the prompt in code
+diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
+index d5639ae..cea11b2 100644
+--- a/setup.cfg
++++ b/setup.cfg
+@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+ [aliases]
+ test=pytest
+ [flake8]
+ exclude=biom/tests/long_lines.py
++python_requires = >=3.6
+diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
+index 3e22097..7854bff 100644
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Copyright (c) 2011-2020, The BIOM Format Development Team.
+@@ -90,6 +89,8 @@ classes = """
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
++ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
++ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+ Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
+ Operating System :: OS Independent
+ Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
+@@ -110,10 +111,15 @@ extensions = [Extension("biom._filter",
+ include_dirs=[np.get_include()])]
+ extensions = cythonize(extensions)
+-install_requires = ["click", "numpy >= 1.9.2", "future >= 0.16.0",
+- "scipy >= 1.3.1", 'pandas >= 0.20.0',
+- "six >= 1.10.0", "cython >= 0.29", "h5py",
+- "cython"]
++install_requires = [
++ "click",
++ "numpy >= 1.9.2",
++ "scipy >= 1.3.1",
++ 'pandas >= 0.20.0',
++ "cython >= 0.29",
++ "h5py",
++ "cython"
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ raise SystemExit("Python 2.7 is no longer supported")
+@@ -130,10 +136,11 @@ setup(name='biom-format',
+ maintainer_email=__email__,
+ url='http://www.biom-format.org',
+ packages=find_packages(),
+- tests_require=['pytest < 5.3.4',
+- 'pytest-cov',
+- 'flake8',
+- 'nose'],
++ tests_require=[
++ 'pytest>=6.2.4',
++ 'pytest-cov',
++ 'flake8',
++ ],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ ext_modules=extensions,
+ include_dirs=[np.get_include()],
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ posix_shell.patch
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