[med-svn] [Git][med-team/bbmap][master] 8 commits: add autopkgtest, following discussion on #995406
Étienne Mollier (@emollier)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 5 20:12:22 BST 2021
Étienne Mollier pushed to branch master at Debian Med / bbmap
344ffac4 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:35:59+02:00
add autopkgtest, following discussion on #995406
Thanks Robert Hein for the comments on testing bbmap!
- - - - -
a0e64124 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:37:00+02:00
d/control: add bbmap dependency to a JRE
This has been caught by the newly added test suite.
- - - - -
214e3f54 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:39:40+02:00
update changelog
- - - - -
94bf07b9 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:40:26+02:00
routine-update: New upstream version
- - - - -
73e56967 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:40:27+02:00
New upstream version 38.94+dfsg
- - - - -
6588166b by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T20:40:37+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/38.94+dfsg'
Update to upstream version '38.94+dfsg'
with Debian dir 6ad20ddad56ced9d20adfc17fa27bbc890256128
- - - - -
77cb4975 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T21:05:19+02:00
update changelog
- - - - -
b1ecb941 by Étienne Mollier at 2021-10-05T21:10:08+02:00
routine-update: Ready to upload to unstable
- - - - -
10 changed files:
- current/jgi/RQCFilter2.java
- current/shared/Shared.java
- − current/star/Ship.java
- − current/star/Simulate.java
- − current/star/Weapon.java
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/tests/control
- + debian/tests/run-unit-test
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
# Language: Java, Bash
# Information about documentation is in /docs/readme.txt.
-# Version 38.93
+# Version 38.94
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ public class RQCFilter2 {
final boolean addToOtherStats=(sipStatsFile==null);
decontamByMapping(in1z, in2z, out1z, out2z, null, "sipScafStats.txt", inPrefix, outPrefix, ref, step, addToOtherStats, args);
- filterstats.parseSip(sipStatsFile);
+ filterstats.parseSip("sipScafStats.txt");
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ public class Shared {
public static final int GAPCOST=Tools.max(1, GAPLEN/64);
public static final byte GAPC='-';
- public static String BBMAP_VERSION_STRING="38.93";
- public static String BBMAP_VERSION_NAME="No Null";
+ public static String BBMAP_VERSION_STRING="38.94";
+ public static String BBMAP_VERSION_NAME="Potato Parser";
public static boolean TRIM_READ_COMMENTS=false;
public static boolean TRIM_RNAME=false; //For mapped sam reads
current/star/Ship.java deleted
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-package star;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-public class Ship implements Cloneable {
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialization ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public Ship(String s){
- this(s.split("[;,]"));//should allow semi or comma delimiters
- }
- public Ship(String[] args) {
- for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++){
- String arg=args[i];
- String[] split=arg.split("=");
- String a=split[0].toLowerCase();
- String b=split.length>1 ? split[1] : null;
- if(b!=null && b.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){b=null;}
- if(a.equals("side")){
- side=Character.toUpperCase(b.charAt(0));
- assert(side=='A' || side=='B');
- }else if(a.equals("class") || a.equals("type")){
- shipClass=b.replace('_', ' ');
- }else if(a.equals("name")){
- shipName=b.replace('_', ' ');
- }else if(a.equals("hull")){
- maxHull=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("armor")){
- maxArmor=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("flux")){
- maxFlux=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("downflux")){
- downFlux=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("upflux")){
- upFlux=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("dissipation")){
- dissipation=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("shield") || a.equals("hasshield")){
- hasShield=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equals("vent") || a.equals("canvent")){
- canVent=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equals("fluxperdamage") || a.equals("efficiency")){
- fluxPerDamage=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("minarmormodifier")){
- minArmorModifier=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("strippedarmorfraction")){
- strippedArmorFraction=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("minarmor") || a.equals("bonusarmor")){
- bonusArmor=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("shieldflux") || a.equals("upkeep")){
- shieldFlux=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(addWeapon(arg)){
- //do nothing
- }else{
- assert(false) : "Unknown parameter "+args[i];
- }
- }
- reset();
- if(upFlux<0){upFlux=(int)(maxFlux*0.5);}
- if(downFlux<0){downFlux=(int)(maxFlux*0.9);}
- dissipationPerCenti=dissipation*0.01f;
- ventingDissipationPerCenti=dissipationPerCenti*2;
- fluxPerCenti=shieldFlux*0.01f;
- }
- public void reset(){
- hull=maxHull;
- armor=maxArmor;
- hardFlux=0;
- softFlux=0;
- empDamageTaken=0;
- shieldsUp=hasShield;
- venting=false;
- for(Weapon w : weapons){w.reset();}
- }
- public Ship copy(){
- try {
- Ship s=(Ship)this.clone();
- s.weapons=new ArrayList<Weapon>();
- for(Weapon w : weapons){s.weapons.add(w.copy());}
- s.reset();
- return s;
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- private boolean addWeapon(String s){
- try {
- int mult=1;
- if(Character.isDigit(s.charAt(0))){
- int x=s.indexOf('x');
- if(x<0){x=s.indexOf('X');}
- if(x>0){
- mult=Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, x));
- s=s.substring(x+1);
- }
- }
- Weapon w=Weapon.makeWeapon(s);
- for(int i=0; i<mult; i++){
- weapons.add(w.copy());
- }
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Outer Methods ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public void process(Ship b){
- assert(validate()) : this;
- adjustShields();
- if(shieldsUp){softFlux+=fluxPerCenti;}
- if(!venting){fireWeapons(b);}
- if(venting){softFlux-=dissipationPerCenti;}
- softFlux-=dissipationPerCenti;
-// assert(false) : this;
- if(softFlux<0){
- hardFlux=max(0, hardFlux+softFlux);
- softFlux=0;
- }
-// assert(false) : this;
- assert(validate()) : this;
- }
- public boolean validate(){
- assert(!hasShield || shieldFlux>0);
- assert(hardFlux>=0);
- assert(softFlux>=0);
- assert(hull==maxHull || armor==0);
- return true;
- }
- public String toString(){
- StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("side \t").append(side).append('\n');
- sb.append("shipClass \t").append(shipClass).append('\n');
- sb.append("shipName \t").append(shipName).append('\n');
- sb.append("maxHull \t").append(maxHull).append('\n');
- sb.append("maxArmor \t").append(maxArmor).append('\n');
- sb.append("maxFlux \t").append(maxFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("downFlux \t").append(downFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("upFlux \t").append(upFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("dissipation\t").append(dissipation).append('\n');
- sb.append("fluxPerDamage\t").append(fluxPerDamage).append('\n');
- sb.append("minArmorModifier\t").append(minArmorModifier).append('\n');
- sb.append("strippedArmorFraction\t").append(strippedArmorFraction).append('\n');
- sb.append("bonusArmor \t").append(bonusArmor).append('\n');
- sb.append("shieldFlux \t").append(shieldFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("dissipationPerC\t").append(dissipationPerCenti).append('\n');
- sb.append("fluxPerC \t").append(fluxPerCenti).append('\n');
- sb.append("hull \t").append(hull).append('\n');
- sb.append("armor \t").append(armor).append('\n');
- sb.append("hardFlux \t").append(hardFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("softFlux \t").append(softFlux).append('\n');
- sb.append("flux \t").append(flux()).append('\n');
- sb.append("hasShield \t").append(hasShield).append('\n');
- sb.append("canVent \t").append(canVent).append('\n');
- sb.append("shieldsUp \t").append(shieldsUp).append('\n');
- sb.append("venting \t").append(venting);
- for(Weapon w : weapons){
- sb.append('\n');
- sb.append(w);
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Inner Methods ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void adjustShields(){
- if(flux()+fluxPerCenti>=downFlux){
- shieldsUp=false;
- if(canVent){venting=true;}
- }else if(flux()<=upFlux && !venting){
- if(hasShield){shieldsUp=true;}
- }else if(venting && flux()<=0){
- venting=false;
- if(hasShield){shieldsUp=true;}
- }
- }
- void fireWeapons(Ship b){
- assert(!venting);
- for(Weapon w : weapons){
- w.use(this, b);
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Helpers ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- * Parse this argument. More liberal than Boolean.parseBoolean.
- * Null, t, true, or 1 all yield true.
- * Everything else, including the String "null", is false.
- * @param s Argument to parse
- * @return boolean form
- */
- public static boolean parseBoolean(String s){
- if(s==null || s.length()<1){return true;}
- if(s.length()==1){
- char c=Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(0));
- return c=='t' || c=='1';
- }
- if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("null") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("none")){return false;}
- return Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
- }
- public static final int min(int x, int y){return x<y ? x : y;}
- public static final int max(int x, int y){return x>y ? x : y;}
- public static final float min(float x, float y){return x<y ? x : y;}
- public static final float max(float x, float y){return x>y ? x : y;}
- public static final int roundUp(float x){return (int)Math.ceil(x);}
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialized Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- char side; //A or B
- String shipClass;
- String shipName;
- int maxHull;
- int maxArmor;
- int maxFlux;
- int downFlux=-1; //Flux at which shields drop
- int upFlux=-1; //Flux at which shields recover
- int dissipation;
- boolean hasShield=true;
- boolean canVent=false;
- float fluxPerDamage; //typically 1.0f (this is shield efficiency)
- float minArmorModifier=0.15f; //could be 0.10f
- float strippedArmorFraction=0.05f; //Residual armor when stripped
- float bonusArmor=0; //could be 150
- float shieldFlux=0; //flux per second for shield
- ArrayList<Weapon> weapons=new ArrayList<Weapon>();
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Derived Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- final float dissipationPerCenti;
- final float ventingDissipationPerCenti;
- final float fluxPerCenti;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Mutable Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- float hull;
- float armor;
- float hardFlux;
- float softFlux;
- float empDamageTaken;
- float flux(){return hardFlux+softFlux;}
- boolean shieldsUp=false;
- boolean venting=false;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Constants ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public static final int BOLT=0, BEAM=1;
- public static final int HARD=0, SOFT=1;
- public static final int KINETIC=0, HE=1, FRAG=2, ENERGY=3;
- public static final String[] types={"bolt", "beam"};
- public static final String[] fluxTypes={"hard", "soft"};
- public static final String[] damageTypes={"kinetic", "he", "frag", "energy"};
current/star/Simulate.java deleted
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-package star;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import java.util.Random;
- * Simulates combat.
- * @author SC
- * @date September 12, 2020
- *
- */
-public class Simulate {
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialization ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- * Code entrance from the command line.
- * @param args Command line arguments
- */
- public static void main(String[] args){
- //Create an instance of this class
- Simulate x=new Simulate(args);
- //Run the object
- x.process();
- }
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * @param args Command line arguments
- */
- public Simulate(String[] args){
- parse(args);
- assert(sideA.size()>0) : "No ships on side A";
- assert(sideB.size()>0) : "No ships on side B";
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialization Helpers ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /** Parse arguments from the command line */
- private void parse(String[] args){
- for(String s : args){
- parseTerm(s);
- }
- }
- void parseTerm(String term){
- if(term==null || term.length()<1 || term.charAt(0)=='#'){return;}
- int mult=1;
- if(Character.isDigit(term.charAt(0))){
- int x=term.indexOf('x');
- if(x<0){x=term.indexOf('X');}
- if(x>0){
- mult=Integer.parseInt(term.substring(0, x));
- term=term.substring(x+1);
- }
- }
- String[] split=term.split("=");
- String a=split[0].toLowerCase();
- String b=split.length>1 ? split[1] : null;
- if(term.startsWith("ship:")){
- Ship sh=new Ship(term.substring("ship:".length()));
- if(sh.shipName==null){sh.shipName=sh.shipClass;}
- ArrayList<Ship> list=(sh.side=='A' ? sideA : sideB);
- list.add(sh);
- for(int i=1; i<mult; i++){
- Ship sh2=sh.copy();
- sh2.shipName+=(i+1);
- list.add(sh2);
- }
- }else if(term.startsWith("weapon:")){
- Weapon.makeWeapon(term.substring("weapon:".length()));
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("verbose")){
- Weapon.verbose=verbose=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("printShips")){
- printShips=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("useFullName") || a.equalsIgnoreCase("printFullName") || a.equalsIgnoreCase("FullName")){
- Weapon.useFullName=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("useShortName") || a.equalsIgnoreCase("printShortName") || a.equalsIgnoreCase("ShortName")){
- Weapon.useFullName=false;
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("printShots")){
- Weapon.printShots=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("preventArmorDestuction")){
- Weapon.preventArmorDestuction=parseBoolean(b);
- }else if(a.equalsIgnoreCase("preventTorpedoes") || a.equalsIgnoreCase("preventMissiles")){
- Weapon.preventTorpedoes=parseBoolean(b);
- }else{
- assert(new File(term).exists()) : "Unknown term '"+term+"'";
- readFile(term);
- }
- }
- void readFile(String fname){
- File f=new File(fname);
- assert(f.exists()) : "Can't read "+fname;
- try {
- BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
- for(String line=br.readLine(); line!=null; line=br.readLine()){
- parseTerm(line);
- }
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Outer Methods ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void process(){
- long start=System.nanoTime();
- if(verbose || printShips){
-// printWeapons();
- printShips();
- }
- long maxRounds=1000000;
- long rounds=processInner(maxRounds);
- int dif=sideA.size()-sideB.size();
- outstream.println("\nFinished in "+String.format("%.2f seconds (simulated)", rounds/100.0));
- if(rounds>=maxRounds){
- outstream.println("Stalemate.");
- }else if(dif==0){
- outstream.println("Tie.");
- }else{
- outstream.println("Side "+(dif>0 ? "A" : "B")+" wins.");
- }
- outstream.println();
- printSide(sideA, sideA_dead, 'A');
- outstream.println();
- printSide(sideB, sideB_dead, 'B');
- long elapsed=System.nanoTime()-start;
- outstream.println(String.format("\nTime: %.3f ms", elapsed/1000000.0));
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Inner Methods ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void printWeapons(){
- outstream.println("Weapons: "+Weapon.map.keySet());
- for(Entry<String, Weapon> e : Weapon.map.entrySet()){
- outstream.println(e.getKey()+" -> "+e.getValue());
- }
- }
- void printShips(){
- if(sideA.size()>0){
- outstream.println("Side A live: ");
- for(Ship s : sideA){outstream.println(s);}
- outstream.println();
- }
- if(sideA_dead.size()>0){
- outstream.println("Side A dead: ");
- for(Ship s : sideA_dead){outstream.println(s);}
- outstream.println();
- }
- if(sideB.size()>0){
- outstream.println("Side B live: ");
- for(Ship s : sideB){outstream.println(s);}
- outstream.println();
- }
- if(sideB_dead.size()>0){
- outstream.println("Side B dead: ");
- for(Ship s : sideB_dead){outstream.println(s);}
- outstream.println();
- }
- }
- long processInner(long maxRounds){
- long round=0;
- while(round<maxRounds && !sideA.isEmpty() && !sideB.isEmpty()){
- processCenti(round);
- round++;
- }
- return round;
- }
- void processCenti(long centi){
- shotsThisTurn=0;
- processSide(sideA, sideB);
- processSide(sideB, sideA);
- cullSide(sideA, sideA_dead);
- cullSide(sideB, sideB_dead);
- if(verbose){
- if(centi%10==0){
- outstream.println("\n\n***** T = "+String.format("%.2fs", centi*0.01)+" *****\n");
- printShips();
- }
- }else if(Weapon.printShots && shotsThisTurn>0){
- outstream.println("\n\n***** T = "+String.format("%.2fs", centi*0.01)+" *****\n");
- }
- }
- void processSide(ArrayList<Ship> liveA, ArrayList<Ship> liveB){
- for(Ship a : liveA){
- int indexB=randy.nextInt(liveB.size());
- Ship b=liveB.get(indexB);
- a.process(b);
- }
- }
- void cullSide(ArrayList<Ship> live, ArrayList<Ship> dead){
- for(int i=0; i<live.size(); i++){
- Ship a=live.get(i);
- if(a.hull<=0){
- live.remove(i);
- i--;
- dead.add(a);
- }
- }
- }
- void printSide(ArrayList<Ship> live, ArrayList<Ship> dead, char side){
- outstream.println("Side "+Character.toString(side)+":");
- outstream.println("Class\tName\tHull\tArmor\tFlux\tShield\tVent\tWeapons");
- for(Ship s : live){
- outstream.println(summary(s));
- }
- for(Ship s : dead){
- outstream.println(summary(s));
- }
- }
- private String summary(Ship s){
- return s.shipClass+"\t"+s.shipName+"\t"+
- String.format("%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f", s.hull, s.armor, s.flux())+
- (s.hasShield ? "\tT" : "\tF")+(s.canVent ? "\tT" : "\tF")+
- "\t"+listWeapons(s);
- }
- private String listWeapons(Ship s){
- StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
- LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> map=new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
- for(Weapon w : s.weapons){
- String name=(w.name2!=null && !Weapon.useFullName ? w.name2 : w.name);
- Integer count=map.get(name);
- map.put(name, count==null ? 1 : count+1);
- }
- for(Entry<String, Integer> e : map.entrySet()){
- String name=e.getKey();
- int count=e.getValue();
- if(sb.length()>0){sb.append(',');}
- if(count>1){sb.append(count).append('x');}
- assert(count>=1) : name+", "+count;
- sb.append(name);
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Helpers ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- * Parse this argument. More liberal than Boolean.parseBoolean.
- * Null, t, true, or 1 all yield true.
- * Everything else, including the String "null", is false.
- * @param s Argument to parse
- * @return boolean form
- */
- public static boolean parseBoolean(String s){
- if(s==null || s.length()<1){return true;}
- if(s.length()==1){
- char c=Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(0));
- return c=='t' || c=='1';
- }
- if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("null") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("none")){return false;}
- return Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public ArrayList<Ship> sideA=new ArrayList<Ship>();
- public ArrayList<Ship> sideB=new ArrayList<Ship>();
- public ArrayList<Ship> sideA_dead=new ArrayList<Ship>();
- public ArrayList<Ship> sideB_dead=new ArrayList<Ship>();
- Random randy=new Random();
- public static boolean printShips=false;
- public static int shotsThisTurn=0;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Common Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- private PrintStream outstream=System.out;
- public static boolean verbose=false;
current/star/Weapon.java deleted
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-package star;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-public class Weapon implements Cloneable {
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialization ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public static Weapon makeWeapon(String s){
- s=s.replace('_', ' ');
- Weapon w=map.get(s.toLowerCase());
- if(w!=null){
- return w.copy();
- }
- w=new Weapon(s);
- assert(!map.containsKey(w.name)) : "Key collision: "+w.name;
- assert(!map.containsKey(w.name.toLowerCase())) : "Key collision: "+w.name+"\n"+s;
- assert(w.name2==null || !map.containsKey(w.name2)) : "Key collision: "+w.name2;
- assert(w.name2==null || !map.containsKey(w.name2.toLowerCase())) : "Key collision: "+w.name2;
- map.put(w.name.toLowerCase(), w);
- map.put(w.name2.toLowerCase(), w);
- return w;
- }
- private Weapon(String s){
- this(s.split("[;,]"));//should allow semi or comma delimiters
- }
- private Weapon(String[] args) {
- for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++){
- String arg=args[i];
- String[] split=arg.split("=");
- String a=split[0].toLowerCase();
- String b=split.length>1 ? split[1] : null;
- if(b!=null && b.equalsIgnoreCase("null")){b=null;}
- if(a.equals("name")){
- name=b.replace('_', ' ');
- }else if(a.equals("name2")){
- name2=b.replace('_', ' ');
- }else if(a.equals("type")){
- type=find(b.toLowerCase(), types);
- }else if(a.equals("fluxtype")){
- fluxType=find(b.toLowerCase(), fluxTypes);
- }else if(a.equals("damagetype")){
- damageType=find(b.toLowerCase(), damageTypes);
- }else if(a.equals("damage")){
- damage=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("fluxcost")){
- fluxCostPerBurstNominal=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("damage")){
- damage=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("empdamage")){
- empDamage=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("burst")){
- burst=Integer.parseInt(b);
- assert(burst>0);
- }else if(a.equals("bursttime") || a.equals("burstduration")){
- burstDuration=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("reload") || a.equals("reloadtime")){
- reloadTime=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("ammo") || a.equals("maxammo")){
- maxAmmo=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else if(a.equals("regen") || a.equals("ammoregen")){
- ammoRegen=Float.parseFloat(b);
- }else if(a.equals("submunitions")){
- submunitions=Integer.parseInt(b);
- }else{
- assert(false) : "Unknown parameter "+args[i];
- }
- }
-// secondsPerBolt=burstDuration/burst;
- shieldDamagePerBolt=(type==BOLT ? damage : damage*0.01f)*shieldDamageMult();
- maxArmorDamagePerBolt=(type==BOLT ? damage : damage*0.01f)*armorDamageMult();
- maxHullDamagePerBolt=(type==BOLT ? damage : damage*0.01f);
- empDamagePerBolt=(type==BOLT ? empDamage : empDamage*0.01f);
- hardFluxDamagePerBolt=shieldDamagePerBolt*(fluxType==HARD ? 1 : 0);
- softFluxDamagePerBolt=shieldDamagePerBolt*(fluxType==SOFT ? 1 : 0);
- fluxCostPerBurstActual=(type==BOLT ? fluxCostPerBurstNominal : fluxCostPerBurstNominal*0.01f);
- damageForCalculation=(type==BOLT ? maxArmorDamagePerBolt : damage*0.50f*armorDamageMult());
- centiPerReload=Math.round(reloadTime*100);
- centiPerBurst=Math.round(burstDuration*100);
- centiPerRound=Math.round(burstDuration*100/burst);
-// assert(false) : "burstDuration="+burstDuration+",centiPerReload="+centiPerReload+",centiPerBurst="+centiPerBurst+",centiPerRound="+centiPerRound;
- regenPerCenti=ammoRegen*0.01f;
- reset();
- assert(reloadTime>0);
- assert(name!=null);
- }
- public Weapon copy(){
- try {
- Weapon w=(Weapon)this.clone();
- w.reset();
- return w;
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Outer Functions ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public boolean validate(){
- assert(type>=0 && type<types.length);
- assert(fluxType>=0 && fluxType<fluxTypes.length);
- assert(damageType>=0 && damageType<damageTypes.length);
- assert(fluxCostPerBurstNominal>=0);
- assert(damage>=0); //TODO: or EMP
- assert(damage>0); //for now
- assert(burst>=1 && burst<=999); //At least one shot per burst
- assert(burstDuration>=0 && burstDuration<99); //can be zero
- assert(reloadTime>0); //Must be a minimum of 0.01s
- assert(maxAmmo>=0); //non-negative; 0 means unlimited
- assert(ammoRegen>=0 && ammoRegen<999); //nonnegative and not crazy
- assert(submunitions>=1);
- assert(shieldDamagePerBolt>0); //true in vanilla
- assert(maxArmorDamagePerBolt>0); //true in vanilla
- assert(maxHullDamagePerBolt>0); //true in vanilla
- assert(hardFluxDamagePerBolt+softFluxDamagePerBolt>0); //true in vanilla
- assert(centiPerBurst>=0);
- assert(centiPerReload>0);
- assert(centiPerRound>0 || burstDuration==0);
-// assert(burst*centiPerRound==centiPerBurst);
- assert(roundsThisBurst<=burst);
- return true;
- }
- //Reinitialize mutables
- public void reset(){
- ammo=maxAmmo;
- timeToNextBurst=0;
- timeInBurst=0;
- timeToNextRound=0;
- roundsThisBurst=0;
- inBurst=false;
- assert(validate());
- }
- /**
- * Use a weapon on the source ship against the target ship.
- * This does everything necessary for the current time cycle.
- * @param a Ship holding the weapon
- * @param b Target ship
- */
- void use(Ship a, Ship b){
- assert(validate());
- timeToNextBurst--;
- if(timeToNextBurst<=0 && (maxAmmo<=0 || ammo>=burst)){
- assert(timeInBurst==0);
- startBurst(a, b);
- }
- if(inBurst){
- continueBurst(a);
- }
- if(inBurst && roundsThisBurst>=burst){
- //This assertion ia not needed and causes problems when bursts don't have good integer divisors
-// assert(timeInBurst>=centiPerBurst) : timeInBurst+", "+centiPerBurst+", "+roundsThisBurst+", "+burst+"\n"+this+"\n";
- endBurst(a);
- }
- ammo=min(ammo+regenPerCenti, maxAmmo);
- }
- public String toString(){
- StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
- sb.append(name2==null || useFullName ? name : name2).append('\t');
- sb.append("ammo="+ammo).append(' ');
- sb.append("ttNextBurst="+timeToNextBurst).append(' ');
- sb.append("tiBurst="+timeInBurst).append(' ');
- sb.append("ttNextRound="+timeToNextRound).append(' ');
- sb.append("damage="+damage).append(' ');
- sb.append("flux="+fluxCostPerBurstNominal);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Inner Functions ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- * Start a burst from ship a to b.
- * It has already been determined that the weapon is ready to start firing and there is flux available.
- * @param source Ship holding the weapon
- * @param target Target ship
- */
- private void startBurst(Ship a, Ship b){
- assert(timeInBurst==0);
- if(a.flux()+fluxCostPerBurstActual>a.maxFlux){return;}
-// assert(a.flux()+fluxCost<a.maxFlux) : this+"\n"+a;
- target=b;
- assert(timeToNextBurst<=0);
- assert(!inBurst);
- a.softFlux+=fluxCostPerBurstActual;
- timeInBurst=0;
- inBurst=true;
- //timeToNextBurst=centiPerBurst+centiPerReload;
- timeToNextBurst=centiPerReload;
- }
- private void continueBurst(Ship a){
- assert(inBurst);
- if(timeToNextRound<=0){
- fireBolt();
- timeToNextRound=centiPerRound;
- }else{
- timeToNextRound--;
- }
- timeInBurst++;
- }
- private void endBurst(Ship a){
- assert(inBurst);
- assert(roundsThisBurst==burst) : roundsThisBurst+", "+burst+", "+this;
- timeInBurst=0;
- timeToNextRound=0;
- roundsThisBurst=0;
- inBurst=false;
- }
- private void fireBolt(){
- if(maxAmmo>0){
- if(ammo<1){return;}
- ammo--;
- }
- roundsThisBurst++;
- if(verbose || printShots){
- Simulate.shotsThisTurn++;
- System.out.println("\nFiring "+name2+" at "+target.shipName);
- System.out.println("Before: "+this);
- System.out.println(target.shipName+": soft="+target.softFlux+", hard="+target.hardFlux+
- ", armor="+target.armor+", hull="+target.hull+", shieldsUp="+target.shieldsUp);
- }
- final float shieldDamageEst=estimateShieldDamage();
- final float shieldRemainingEst=Math.round(target.maxFlux-(target.flux()+shieldDamageEst));
- final float armorDamageEst=estimateArmorDamage();
- final float armorRemainingEst=Math.round(target.armor-armorDamageEst);
- final float hullDamageEst=estimateHullDamage();
- final float hullRemainingEst=target.hull-hullDamageEst;
- if(target.shieldsUp && shieldRemainingEst<=0){//Prevent overload
- target.shieldsUp=false;
- if(target.canVent){target.venting=true;}
- }else if(target.hasShield && !target.shieldsUp && !target.venting &&
- shieldRemainingEst>0 && target.hull>0){//Can raise shields
- if(hullRemainingEst<=0){//Prevent ship destruction
- target.shieldsUp=true;
- }else if(armorRemainingEst<=0 && target.armor>0 && damageType==HE && preventArmorDestuction){
- target.shieldsUp=true;
- }else if(maxHullDamagePerBolt>=500 && damageType!=KINETIC && preventTorpedoes){
- target.shieldsUp=true;
- }
- }
- if(target.shieldsUp){
- hitShield();
- }else{
- hitArmor();
- }
- if(verbose || printShots){
- System.out.println("After: "+this);
- System.out.println(target.shipName+": soft="+target.softFlux+", hard="+target.hardFlux+
- ", armor="+target.armor+", hull="+target.hull+", shieldsUp="+target.shieldsUp);
- }
- }
- private void hitShield(){
- assert(target.shieldsUp);
- target.softFlux+=softFluxDamagePerBolt*target.fluxPerDamage;
- target.hardFlux+=hardFluxDamagePerBolt*target.fluxPerDamage;
- assert(target.flux()<target.maxFlux);
- }
- private void hitArmor(){
- if(empDamage>0){
- applyEmpDamage();
- }
- float armorForCalculation=max(target.armor+target.bonusArmor, target.strippedArmorFraction*target.maxArmor);
- float armorModifier=damageForCalculation/(damageForCalculation+armorForCalculation);
- armorModifier=max(target.minArmorModifier, armorModifier);
- float residualFraction=1f; //Amount of hull damage remaining after armor damage is dealt
- if(target.armor>0){//Reduce armor
- float modArmorDamage=maxArmorDamagePerBolt*armorModifier;
- float actualArmorDamage=min(modArmorDamage, target.armor);
- target.armor-=actualArmorDamage;
- residualFraction=(modArmorDamage-actualArmorDamage)/modArmorDamage;
- }
- float actualHullDamage=maxHullDamagePerBolt*residualFraction*armorModifier;
- target.hull-=actualHullDamage;
- }
- private void applyEmpDamage(){
- target.empDamageTaken+=empDamagePerBolt;
- }
- private float estimateShieldDamage(){
- return (softFluxDamagePerBolt+hardFluxDamagePerBolt)*target.fluxPerDamage;
- }
- private float estimateHullDamage(){
- float armorForCalculation=max(target.armor+target.bonusArmor, target.strippedArmorFraction*target.maxArmor);
- float armorModifier=damageForCalculation/(damageForCalculation+armorForCalculation);
- armorModifier=max(target.minArmorModifier, armorModifier);
- float residualFraction=1f; //Amount of hull damage remaining after armor damage is dealt
- if(target.armor>0){//Reduce armor
- float modArmorDamage=maxArmorDamagePerBolt*armorModifier;
- float actualArmorDamage=min(modArmorDamage, target.armor);
- //target.armor-=actualArmorDamage;
- residualFraction=(modArmorDamage-actualArmorDamage)/modArmorDamage;
- }
- float actualHullDamage=maxHullDamagePerBolt*residualFraction*armorModifier;
- return actualHullDamage;
- }
- private float estimateArmorDamage(){
- if(target.armor<=0){return 0;}
- float armorForCalculation=max(target.armor+target.bonusArmor, target.strippedArmorFraction*target.maxArmor);
- float armorModifier=damageForCalculation/(damageForCalculation+armorForCalculation);
- armorModifier=max(target.minArmorModifier, armorModifier);
- float modArmorDamage=maxArmorDamagePerBolt*armorModifier;
- float actualArmorDamage=(float)Math.ceil(min(modArmorDamage, target.armor));
- return actualArmorDamage;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Helpers ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- final float armorDamageMult(){
- return damageType==KINETIC ? 0.5f : damageType==HE ? 2f :
- damageType==FRAG ? 0.25f : damageType==ENERGY ? 1 : 1;
- }
- final float shieldDamageMult(){
- return damageType==KINETIC ? 2 : damageType==HE ? 0.5f :
- damageType==FRAG ? 0.25f : damageType==ENERGY ? 1 : 1;
- }
- /**
- * Find a String in an array.
- * @param a String to find.
- * @param array Array of Strings.
- * @return Index of element, or -1 if not found.
- */
- public static final int find(String a, String[] array){
- for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++){
- if(a.equals(array[i])){return i;}
- }
- assert(false) : "Can't find "+a+" in "+Arrays.toString(array);
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Parse this argument. More liberal than Boolean.parseBoolean.
- * Null, t, true, or 1 all yield true.
- * Everything else, including the String "null", is false.
- * @param s Argument to parse
- * @return boolean form
- */
- public static boolean parseBoolean(String s){
- if(s==null || s.length()<1){return true;}
- if(s.length()==1){
- char c=Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(0));
- return c=='t' || c=='1';
- }
- if(s.equalsIgnoreCase("null") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("none")){return false;}
- return Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
- }
- public static final int min(int x, int y){return x<y ? x : y;}
- public static final int max(int x, int y){return x>y ? x : y;}
- public static final float min(float x, float y){return x<y ? x : y;}
- public static final float max(float x, float y){return x>y ? x : y;}
- public static final int roundUp(float x){return (int)Math.ceil(x);}
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Initialized Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- String name;
- String name2;
- int type=BOLT; //bolt or beam
- int fluxType=HARD; //hard or soft
- int damageType=KINETIC; //kinetic, HE, frag, energy
- int fluxCostPerBurstNominal=-1;
- final float fluxCostPerBurstActual;//For beams this would be per centi
- int damage=-1; //per shot; for beams this would be dps
- float empDamage=0; //per shot; for beams this would be emp dps
- int burst=1; //shots per burst
- float burstDuration; //time per burst, in seconds
- float reloadTime=-1; //in seconds
- int maxAmmo=-1;
- float ammoRegen=0; //ammo added per second
- int rawBurstTime=0; //in 1/100s
- int rawReloadTime=0; //in 1/100s
- int rawFluxCost=-1; //per burst; for beams this would be per second
- int submunitions=1; //for MIRV / splatter / shotguns / etc
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Derived Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
-// final float secondsPerBolt; //seconds per bolt (i.e. bullet) while firing; derived.
- final float shieldDamagePerBolt;
- final float maxArmorDamagePerBolt;
- final float maxHullDamagePerBolt;
- final float hardFluxDamagePerBolt;
- final float softFluxDamagePerBolt;
- final float damageForCalculation;
- final float empDamagePerBolt;
- final int centiPerBurst; //in 1/100 second
- final int centiPerReload;
- final int centiPerRound;
- final float regenPerCenti;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Mutable Fields ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- float ammo;
- int timeToNextBurst=0; //in centis
- int timeInBurst=0; //in centis
- int timeToNextRound=0;
- int roundsThisBurst=0;
- boolean inBurst=false;
- Ship target;
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------- Constants ----------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- public static final int BOLT=0, BEAM=1;
- public static final int HARD=0, SOFT=1;
- public static final int KINETIC=0, HE=1, FRAG=2, ENERGY=3;
- public static final String[] types={"bolt", "beam"};
- public static final String[] fluxTypes={"hard", "soft"};
- public static final String[] damageTypes={"kinetic", "he", "frag", "energy"};
- static final HashMap<String, Weapon> map=new HashMap<String, Weapon>();
- static boolean verbose=false;
- static boolean printShots=false;
- static boolean useFullName=false;
- static boolean preventArmorDestuction=false;
- static boolean preventTorpedoes=false;
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-bbmap (38.93+dfsg-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+bbmap (38.94+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Team upload.
+ [ Andreas Tille ]
* Include resources files
Closes: #995406
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:04:39 +0200
+ [ Étienne Mollier ]
+ * New upstream version.
+ * add autopkgtest, following discussion on #995406; thanks Robert Hein for
+ the help with testing bbduk.sh!
+ * d/control: add bbmap dependency to a JRE.
+ -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org> Tue, 05 Oct 2021 21:06:02 +0200
bbmap (38.93+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ Rules-Requires-Root: no
Package: bbmap
Architecture: all
Depends: ${java:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends}
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ openjdk-11-jre-headless|java-runtime-headless
Provides: bbtools
Recommends: pigz
Description: BBTools genomic aligner and other tools for short sequences
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Tests: run-unit-test
+Depends: @, python-biopython-doc
+Restrictions: allow-stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+set -e
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+if [ "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}" = "" ] ; then
+ AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
+ # Double quote below to expand the temporary directory variable now versus
+ # later is on purpose.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2064
+if ! dpkg-query -s python-biopython-doc | grep -q '^Status: install' >/dev/null
+ cat <<-END
+ Notice: Please install the python-biopython-doc package to get the
+ dataset in use by the present test suite.
+cp -a /usr/share/doc/python-biopython-doc/Tests/Quality/* "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}"
+set -v
+# bbmap
+ bbmap.sh --version
+ bbmap.sh --help
+ bbmap.sh ref=example.fasta
+ test -d ref
+ bbmap.sh in=misc_dna_as_sanger.fastq out=out.sam
+ test -r out.sam
+ bbmap.sh ref=example.fasta in=example.fastq out=out2.sam nodisk
+ test -r out2.sam
+# bbduk
+ bbduk.sh --version
+ bbduk.sh --help
+ bbduk.sh in1=misc_dna_as_illumina.fastq in2=misc_rna_as_illumina.fastq \
+ qtrim=rl trimq=15 minlen=75 out=out.fastq.gz
+ test -r out.fastq.gz
+# bbnorm
+ bbnorm.sh --version
+ bbnorm.sh --help
+ bbnorm.sh in=sanger_full_range_original_sanger.fastq qin=33 \
+ out=out3.fastq outt=outt.fastq hist=hist.plt
+ test -r out3.fastq
+ test -r outt.fastq
+ test -r hist.plt
+ bbnorm.sh in=illumina_full_range_original_illumina.fastq qin=64 \
+ out=out4.fastq outt=outt2.fastq hist=hist2.plt
+ test -r out4.fastq
+ test -r outt2.fastq
+ test -r hist2.plt
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/-/compare/bd7ebbb5decc7c8bd87db33cccaae4f984f5fa2d...b1ecb941d0f6c194e443e492425e1c2d1f6bb918
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/-/compare/bd7ebbb5decc7c8bd87db33cccaae4f984f5fa2d...b1ecb941d0f6c194e443e492425e1c2d1f6bb918
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