[med-svn] [Git][med-team/python-hl7][upstream] New upstream version 0.4.2

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Oct 7 09:22:35 BST 2021

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / python-hl7

12e51917 by Andreas Tille at 2021-10-07T09:55:32+02:00
New upstream version 0.4.2
- - - - -

15 changed files:

- + .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
- .github/workflows/test.yaml
- docs/api.rst
- docs/changelog.rst
- hl7/__init__.py
- hl7/containers.py
- + hl7/exceptions.py
- hl7/mllp/streams.py
- hl7/parser.py
- hl7/util.py
- hl7/version.py
- tests/samples.py
- tests/test_parse.py
- tests/test_util.py
- tox.ini


@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
+# to commit it to your repository.
+# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
+# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
+name: "CodeQL"
+  push:
+    branches: [master]
+  pull_request:
+    # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
+    branches: [master]
+  schedule:
+    - cron: '0 16 * * 1'
+  analyze:
+    name: Analyze
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        # Override automatic language detection by changing the below list
+        # Supported options are ['csharp', 'cpp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python']
+        language: ['python']
+        # Learn more...
+        # https://docs.github.com/en/github/finding-security-vulnerabilities-and-errors-in-your-code/configuring-code-scanning#overriding-automatic-language-detection
+    steps:
+    - name: Checkout repository
+      uses: actions/checkout at v2
+      with:
+        # We must fetch at least the immediate parents so that if this is
+        # a pull request then we can checkout the head.
+        fetch-depth: 2
+    # If this run was triggered by a pull request event, then checkout
+    # the head of the pull request instead of the merge commit.
+    - run: git checkout HEAD^2
+      if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
+    # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
+    - name: Initialize CodeQL
+      uses: github/codeql-action/init at v1
+      with:
+        languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
+        # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
+        # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file. 
+        # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
+        # queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries at main
+    # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages  (C/C++, C#, or Java).
+    # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
+    - name: Autobuild
+      uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild at v1
+    # ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell..
+    # 📚 https://git.io/JvXDl
+    # ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
+    #    and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
+    #    uses a compiled language
+    #- run: |
+    #   make bootstrap
+    #   make release
+    - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
+      uses: github/codeql-action/analyze at v1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-        python-version: [3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8]
+        python-version: [3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9]
     - uses: actions/checkout at v2

@@ -13,8 +13,16 @@ python-hl7 API
 .. autofunction:: hl7.parse
+.. autofunction:: hl7.parse_batch
+.. autofunction:: hl7.parse_file
+.. autofunction:: hl7.parse_hl7
 .. autofunction:: hl7.ishl7
+.. autofunction:: hl7.isbatch
 .. autofunction:: hl7.isfile
 .. autofunction:: hl7.split_file
@@ -36,8 +44,14 @@ Data Types
 .. autoclass:: hl7.Accessor
    :members: __new__, parse_key, key, _replace, _make, _asdict, segment, segment_num, field_num, repeat_num, component_num, subcomponent_num
+.. autoclass:: hl7.Batch
+   :members: __str__, header, trailer, create_header, create_trailer, create_file, create_batch, create_message, create_segment, create_field, create_repetition, create_component
+.. autoclass:: hl7.File
+   :members: __str__, header, trailer, create_header, create_trailer, create_file, create_batch, create_message, create_segment, create_field, create_repetition, create_component
 .. autoclass:: hl7.Message
-   :members: segments, segment, __getitem__, __setitem__, escape, unescape, extract_field, assign_field, create_message, create_segment, create_field, create_repetition, create_component, create_ack
+   :members: segments, segment, __getitem__, __setitem__, __str__, escape, unescape, extract_field, assign_field, create_file, create_batch, create_message, create_segment, create_field, create_repetition, create_component, create_ack
 .. autoclass:: hl7.Segment

@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
+0.4.2 - February 2021
+* Added support for :py:class:`hl7.Batch` and :py:class:`hl7.File`, via
+  :py:func:`hl7.parse_hl7` or the more specific :py:func:`hl7.parse_batch`
+  and :py:func:`parse_file`.
+Thanks `Joseph Wortmann <https://github.com/joseph-wortmann>`_!
 0.4.1 - September 2020

@@ -7,18 +7,27 @@
 from .accessor import Accessor
 from .containers import (
+    Batch,
+    File,
 from .datatypes import parse_datetime
-from .parser import parse
-from .util import generate_message_control_id, isfile, ishl7, split_file
+from .exceptions import (
+    HL7Exception,
+    MalformedBatchException,
+    MalformedFileException,
+    MalformedSegmentException,
+    ParseException,
+from .parser import parse, parse_batch, parse_file, parse_hl7
+from .util import generate_message_control_id, isbatch, isfile, ishl7, split_file
 from .version import get_version
 __version__ = get_version()
@@ -33,8 +42,13 @@ NULL = '""'
 __all__ = [
+    "parse_hl7",
+    "parse_batch",
+    "parse_file",
+    "File",
+    "Batch",
@@ -43,8 +57,14 @@ __all__ = [
+    "isbatch",
+    "HL7Exception",
+    "MalformedBatchException",
+    "MalformedFileException",
+    "MalformedSegmentException",
+    "ParseException",

@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ import datetime
 import logging
 from .accessor import Accessor
+from .exceptions import (
+    MalformedBatchException,
+    MalformedFileException,
+    MalformedSegmentException,
 from .util import generate_message_control_id
 logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
@@ -73,20 +78,266 @@ class Container(Sequence):
         return self.__getitem__(slice(i, j))
     def __str__(self):
-        """Join a the child containers into a single string, separated
+        return self.separator.join((str(x) for x in self))
+class BuilderMixin(object):
+    """Mixin class that allows for the create functions
+    in the top-level container classes
+    """
+    def create_file(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.File` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_file(
+            self.separators[0],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators,
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_batch(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Batch` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_batch(
+            self.separators[0],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators,
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_message(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Message` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_message(
+            self.separators[0],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators,
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_segment(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_segment(
+            self.separators[1],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators[1:],
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_field(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Field` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_field(
+            self.separators[2],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators[2:],
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_repetition(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Repetition` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_repetition(
+            self.separators[3],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators[3:],
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+    def create_component(self, seq):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Component` compatible with this container"""
+        return self.factory.create_component(
+            self.separators[4],
+            seq,
+            esc=self.esc,
+            separators=self.separators[4:],
+            factory=self.factory,
+        )
+class File(Container, BuilderMixin):
+    """Representation of an HL7 file from the batch protocol.
+    It contains a list of :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
+    instances. It may contain FHS/FTS :py:class:`hl7.Segment` instances.
+    Files may or may not be wrapped in FHS/FTS segements
+    deliniating the start/end of the batch. These are optional.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, separator, sequence=[], esc="\\", separators="\r|~^&", factory=None
+    ):
+        super(File, self).__init__(
+            separator,
+            sequence=sequence,
+            esc=esc,
+            separators=separators,
+            factory=factory,
+        )
+        self.header = None
+        self.trailer = None
+    @property
+    def header(self):
+        """FHS :py:class:`hl7.Segment`"""
+        return self._batch_header_segment
+    @header.setter
+    def header(self, segment):
+        if segment and segment[0][0] != "FHS":
+            raise MalformedSegmentException('header must begin with "FHS"')
+        self._batch_header_segment = segment
+    @property
+    def trailer(self):
+        """FTS :py:class:`hl7.Segment`"""
+        return self._batch_trailer_segment
+    @trailer.setter
+    def trailer(self, segment):
+        if segment and segment[0][0] != "FTS":
+            raise MalformedSegmentException('trailer must begin with "FTS"')
+        self._batch_trailer_segment = segment
+    def create_header(self):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` FHS compatible with this file"""
+        return self.create_segment(
+            [
+                self.create_field(["FHS"]),
+                self.create_field([self.separators[1]]),
+                self.create_field(
+                    [
+                        self.separators[3]
+                        + self.separators[2]
+                        + self.esc
+                        + self.separators[4]
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ]
+        )
+    def create_trailer(self):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` FTS compatible with this file"""
+        return self.create_segment([self.create_field(["FTS"])])
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Join a the child batches into a single string, separated
         by the self.separator.  This method acts recursively, calling
         the children's __unicode__ method.  Thus ``unicode()`` is the
         approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of
         HL7 into a standard string.
-        >>> str(h) == message
-        True
+        If this batch has FHS/FTS segments, they will be added to the
+        beginning/end of the returned string.
+        """
+        if (self.header and not self.trailer) or (not self.header and self.trailer):
+            raise MalformedFileException(
+                "Either both header and trailer must be present or neither"
+            )
+        return (
+            super(File, self).__str__()
+            if not self.header
+            else str(self.header)
+            + self.separator
+            + super(File, self).__str__()
+            + str(self.trailer)
+            + self.separator
+        )
+class Batch(Container, BuilderMixin):
+    """Representation of an HL7 batch from the batch protocol.
+    It contains a list of :py:class:`hl7.Message` instances.
+    It may contain BHS/BTS :py:class:`hl7.Segment` instances.
+    Batches may or may not be wrapped in BHS/BTS segements
+    deliniating the start/end of the batch. These are optional.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, separator, sequence=[], esc="\\", separators="\r|~^&", factory=None
+    ):
+        super(Batch, self).__init__(
+            separator,
+            sequence=sequence,
+            esc=esc,
+            separators=separators,
+            factory=factory,
+        )
+        self.header = None
+        self.trailer = None
+    @property
+    def header(self):
+        """BHS :py:class:`hl7.Segment`"""
+        return self._batch_header_segment
+    @header.setter
+    def header(self, segment):
+        if segment and segment[0][0] != "BHS":
+            raise MalformedSegmentException('header must begin with "BHS"')
+        self._batch_header_segment = segment
+    @property
+    def trailer(self):
+        """BTS :py:class:`hl7.Segment`"""
+        return self._batch_trailer_segment
+    @trailer.setter
+    def trailer(self, segment):
+        if segment and segment[0][0] != "BTS":
+            raise MalformedSegmentException('trailer must begin with "BTS"')
+        self._batch_trailer_segment = segment
+    def create_header(self):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` BHS compatible with this batch"""
+        return self.create_segment(
+            [
+                self.create_field(["BHS"]),
+                self.create_field([self.separators[1]]),
+                self.create_field(
+                    [
+                        self.separators[3]
+                        + self.separators[2]
+                        + self.esc
+                        + self.separators[4]
+                    ]
+                ),
+            ]
+        )
+    def create_trailer(self):
+        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` BHS compatible with this batch"""
+        return self.create_segment([self.create_field(["BTS"])])
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Join a the child messages into a single string, separated
+        by the self.separator.  This method acts recursively, calling
+        the children's __unicode__ method.  Thus ``unicode()`` is the
+        approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of
+        HL7 into a standard string.
+        If this batch has BHS/BTS segments, they will be added to the
+        beginning/end of the returned string.
-        return self.separator.join((str(x) for x in self))
+        if (self.header and not self.trailer) or (not self.header and self.trailer):
+            raise MalformedBatchException(
+                "Either both header and trailer must be present or neither"
+            )
+        return (
+            super(Batch, self).__str__()
+            if not self.header
+            else str(self.header)
+            + self.separator
+            + super(Batch, self).__str__()
+            + str(self.trailer)
+            + self.separator
+        )
-class Message(Container):
+class Message(Container, BuilderMixin):
     """Representation of an HL7 message. It contains a list
     of :py:class:`hl7.Segment` instances.
@@ -484,56 +735,6 @@ class Message(Container):
         return "".join(rv)
-    def create_message(self, seq):
-        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Message` compatible with this message"""
-        return self.factory.create_message(
-            self.separators[0],
-            seq,
-            esc=self.esc,
-            separators=self.separators,
-            factory=self.factory,
-        )
-    def create_segment(self, seq):
-        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Segment` compatible with this message"""
-        return self.factory.create_segment(
-            self.separators[1],
-            seq,
-            esc=self.esc,
-            separators=self.separators[1:],
-            factory=self.factory,
-        )
-    def create_field(self, seq):
-        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Field` compatible with this message"""
-        return self.factory.create_field(
-            self.separators[2],
-            seq,
-            esc=self.esc,
-            separators=self.separators[2:],
-            factory=self.factory,
-        )
-    def create_repetition(self, seq):
-        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Repetition` compatible with this message"""
-        return self.factory.create_repetition(
-            self.separators[3],
-            seq,
-            esc=self.esc,
-            separators=self.separators[3:],
-            factory=self.factory,
-        )
-    def create_component(self, seq):
-        """Create a new :py:class:`hl7.Component` compatible with this message"""
-        return self.factory.create_component(
-            self.separators[4],
-            seq,
-            esc=self.esc,
-            separators=self.separators[4:],
-            factory=self.factory,
-        )
     def create_ack(
         self, ack_code="AA", message_id=None, application=None, facility=None
@@ -595,6 +796,16 @@ class Message(Container):
         return ack
     def __str__(self):
+        """Join a the child containers into a single string, separated
+        by the self.separator.  This method acts recursively, calling
+        the children's __unicode__ method.  Thus ``unicode()`` is the
+        approriate method for turning the python-hl7 representation of
+        HL7 into a standard string.
+        >>> str(hl7.parse(message)) == message
+        True
+        """
         # Per spec, Message Construction Rules, Section 2.6 (v2.8), Message ends
         # with the carriage return
         return super(Message, self).__str__() + self.separator
@@ -612,7 +823,7 @@ class Segment(Container):
         return index
     def __str__(self):
-        if str(self[0]) in ["MSH", "FHS"]:
+        if str(self[0]) in ["MSH", "FHS", "BHS"]:
             return (
                 + str(self[1])
@@ -648,6 +859,8 @@ class Factory(object):
     A subclass can be used to create specialized subclasses of each container.
+    create_file = File  #: Create an instance of :py:class:`hl7.File`
+    create_batch = Batch  #: Create an instance of :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
     create_message = Message  #: Create an instance of :py:class:`hl7.Message`
     create_segment = Segment  #: Create an instance of :py:class:`hl7.Segment`
     create_field = Field  #: Create an instance of :py:class:`hl7.Field`

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+class HL7Exception(Exception):
+    pass
+class MalformedSegmentException(HL7Exception):
+    pass
+class MalformedBatchException(HL7Exception):
+    pass
+class MalformedFileException(HL7Exception):
+    pass
+class ParseException(HL7Exception):
+    pass

@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@ class HL7StreamReader(MLLPStreamReader):
     def encoding(self, encoding):
-        assert not encoding or isinstance(encoding, str)
+        if encoding and not isinstance(encoding, str):
+            raise TypeError("encoding must be a str or None")
         self._encoding = encoding or "ascii"
@@ -257,7 +258,8 @@ class HL7StreamReader(MLLPStreamReader):
     def encoding_errors(self, encoding_errors):
-        assert not encoding_errors or isinstance(encoding_errors, str)
+        if encoding_errors and not isinstance(encoding_errors, str):
+            raise TypeError("encoding_errors must be a str or None")
         self._encoding_errors = encoding_errors or "strict"
     async def readmessage(self):
@@ -291,7 +293,8 @@ class HL7StreamWriter(MLLPStreamWriter):
     def encoding(self, encoding):
-        assert not encoding or isinstance(encoding, str)
+        if encoding and not isinstance(encoding, str):
+            raise TypeError("encoding must be a str or None")
         self._encoding = encoding or "ascii"
@@ -300,7 +303,8 @@ class HL7StreamWriter(MLLPStreamWriter):
     def encoding_errors(self, encoding_errors):
-        assert not encoding_errors or isinstance(encoding_errors, str)
+        if encoding_errors and not isinstance(encoding_errors, str):
+            raise TypeError("encoding_errors must be a str or None")
         self._encoding_errors = encoding_errors or "strict"
     def writemessage(self, message):

@@ -1,8 +1,63 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from string import whitespace
 from .containers import Factory
+from .exceptions import ParseException
+from .util import isbatch, isfile, ishl7
+_HL7_WHITESPACE = whitespace.replace("\r", "")
+def parse_hl7(line, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):
+    """Returns a instance of the :py:class:`hl7.Message`, :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
+    or :py:class:`hl7.File` that allows indexed access to the data elements or
+    messages or batches respectively.
+    A custom :py:class:`hl7.Factory` subclass can be passed in to be used when
+    constructing the message/batch/file and it's components.
+    .. note::
+        HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character
+        sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8,
+        UTF-8 is the preferred character set [#]_.
+        python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. :py:func:`hl7.parse_hl7`
+        will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings
+        into unicode strings using the optional ``encoding`` parameter.
+        ``encoding`` defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings
+        in UTF-8, but for other character sets like 'cp1252' or 'latin1',
+        ``encoding`` must be set appropriately.
+    >>> h = hl7.parse_hl7(message)
+    To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string::
+       hl7.parse_hl7(message, encoding='latin1')
+    :rtype: :py:class:`hl7.Message` | :py:class:`hl7.Batch` | :py:class:`hl7.File`
+    .. [#] http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Character_Set_used_in_v2_messages
-def parse(line, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):
+    """
+    # Ensure we are working with unicode data, decode the bytestring
+    # if needed
+    if isinstance(line, bytes):
+        line = line.decode(encoding)
+    # If it is an HL7 message, parse as normal
+    if ishl7(line):
+        return parse(line, encoding=encoding, factory=factory)
+    # If we have a batch, then parse the batch
+    elif isbatch(line):
+        return parse_batch(line, encoding=encoding, factory=factory)
+    # If we have a file, parse the HL7 file
+    elif isfile(line):
+        return parse_file(line, encoding=encoding, factory=factory)
+    # Not an HL7 message
+    raise ValueError("line is not HL7")
+def parse(lines, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):
     """Returns a instance of the :py:class:`hl7.Message` that allows
     indexed access to the data elements.
@@ -35,16 +90,211 @@ def parse(line, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):
     # Ensure we are working with unicode data, decode the bytestring
     # if needed
-    if isinstance(line, bytes):
-        line = line.decode(encoding)
+    if isinstance(lines, bytes):
+        lines = lines.decode(encoding)
     # Strip out unnecessary whitespace
-    strmsg = line.strip()
+    strmsg = lines.strip()
     # The method for parsing the message
     plan = create_parse_plan(strmsg, factory)
     # Start spliting the methods based upon the ParsePlan
     return _split(strmsg, plan)
+def _create_batch(batch, messages, encoding, factory):
+    """Creates a :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
+    """
+    kwargs = {
+        "separator": "\r",
+        "sequence": [
+            parse(message, encoding=encoding, factory=factory) for message in messages
+        ],
+    }
+    # If the BHS/BTS were present, use those to set up the batch
+    # otherwise default
+    if batch:
+        batch = parse(batch, encoding=encoding, factory=factory)
+        kwargs["esc"] = batch.esc
+        kwargs["separators"] = batch.separators
+        kwargs["factory"] = batch.factory
+    parsed = factory.create_batch(**kwargs)
+    # If the BHS/BTS were present then set them
+    if batch:
+        parsed.header = batch.segment("BHS")
+        try:
+            parsed.trailer = batch.segment("BTS")
+        except KeyError:
+            parsed.trailer = parsed.create_segment([parsed.create_field(["BTS"])])
+    return parsed
+def parse_batch(lines, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):
+    """Returns a instance of a :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
+    that allows indexed access to the messages.
+    A custom :py:class:`hl7.Factory` subclass can be passed in to be used when
+    constructing the batch and it's components.
+    .. note::
+        HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character
+        sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8,
+        UTF-8 is the preferred character set [#]_.
+        python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. :py:func:`hl7.parse_batch`
+        will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings
+        into unicode strings using the optional ``encoding`` parameter.
+        ``encoding`` defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings
+        in UTF-8, but for other character sets like 'cp1252' or 'latin1',
+        ``encoding`` must be set appropriately.
+    >>> h = hl7.parse_batch(message)
+    To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string::
+       hl7.parse_batch(message, encoding='latin1')
+    :rtype: :py:class:`hl7.Batch`
+    .. [#] http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Character_Set_used_in_v2_messages
+    """
+    # Ensure we are working with unicode data, decode the bytestring
+    # if needed
+    if isinstance(lines, bytes):
+        lines = lines.decode(encoding)
+    batch = None
+    messages = []
+    # Split the batch into lines, retaining the ends
+    for line in lines.strip(_HL7_WHITESPACE).splitlines(keepends=True):
+        # strip out all whitespace MINUS the '\r'
+        line = line.strip(_HL7_WHITESPACE)
+        if line[:3] == "BHS":
+            if batch:
+                raise ParseException("Batch cannot have more than one BHS segment")
+            batch = line
+        elif line[:3] == "BTS":
+            if not batch or "\rBTS" in batch:
+                continue
+            batch += line
+        elif line[:3] == "MSH":
+            messages.append(line)
+        else:
+            if not messages:
+                raise ParseException(
+                    "Segment received before message header {}".format(line)
+                )
+            messages[-1] += line
+    return _create_batch(batch, messages, encoding, factory)
+def _create_file(file, batches, encoding, factory):
+    kwargs = {
+        "separator": "\r",
+        "sequence": [
+            _create_batch(batch[0], batch[1], encoding, factory) for batch in batches
+        ],
+    }
+    # If the FHS/FTS are present, use them to set up the file
+    if file:
+        file = parse(file, encoding=encoding, factory=factory)
+        kwargs["esc"] = file.esc
+        kwargs["separators"] = file.separators
+        kwargs["factory"] = file.factory
+    parsed = factory.create_file(**kwargs)
+    # If the FHS/FTS are present, add them
+    if file:
+        parsed.header = file.segment("FHS")
+        try:
+            parsed.trailer = file.segment("FTS")
+        except KeyError:
+            parsed.trailer = parsed.create_segment([parsed.create_field(["FTS"])])
+    return parsed
+def parse_file(lines, encoding="utf-8", factory=Factory):  # noqa: C901
+    """Returns a instance of the :py:class:`hl7.File` that allows
+    indexed access to the batches.
+    A custom :py:class:`hl7.Factory` subclass can be passed in to be used when
+    constructing the file and it's components.
+    .. note::
+        HL7 usually contains only ASCII, but can use other character
+        sets (HL7 Standards Document, Section 1.7.1), however as of v2.8,
+        UTF-8 is the preferred character set [#]_.
+        python-hl7 works on Python unicode strings. :py:func:`hl7.parse_file`
+        will accept unicode string or will attempt to convert bytestrings
+        into unicode strings using the optional ``encoding`` parameter.
+        ``encoding`` defaults to UTF-8, so no work is needed for bytestrings
+        in UTF-8, but for other character sets like 'cp1252' or 'latin1',
+        ``encoding`` must be set appropriately.
+    >>> h = hl7.parse_file(message)
+    To decode a non-UTF-8 byte string::
+       hl7.parse_file(message, encoding='latin1')
+    :rtype: :py:class:`hl7.File`
+    .. [#] http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?title=Character_Set_used_in_v2_messages
+    """
+    # Ensure we are working with unicode data, decode the bytestring
+    # if needed
+    if isinstance(lines, bytes):
+        lines = lines.decode(encoding)
+    file = None
+    batches = []
+    messages = []
+    in_batch = False
+    # Split the file into lines, reatining the ends
+    for line in lines.strip(_HL7_WHITESPACE).splitlines(keepends=True):
+        # strip out all whitespace MINUS the '\r'
+        line = line.strip(_HL7_WHITESPACE)
+        if line[:3] == "FHS":
+            if file:
+                raise ParseException("File cannot have more than one FHS segment")
+            file = line
+        elif line[:3] == "FTS":
+            if not file or "\rFTS" in file:
+                continue
+            file += line
+        elif line[:3] == "BHS":
+            if in_batch:
+                raise ParseException("Batch cannot have more than one BHS segment")
+            batches.append([line, []])
+            in_batch = True
+        elif line[:3] == "BTS":
+            if not in_batch:
+                continue
+            batches[-1][0] += line
+            in_batch = False
+        elif line[:3] == "MSH":
+            if in_batch:
+                batches[-1][1].append(line)
+            else:  # Messages outside of a batch go into the "default" batch
+                messages.append(line)
+        else:
+            if in_batch:
+                if not batches[-1][1]:
+                    raise ParseException(
+                        "Segment received before message header {}".format(line)
+                    )
+                batches[-1][1][-1] += line
+            else:
+                if not messages:
+                    raise ParseException(
+                        "Segment received before message header {}".format(line)
+                    )
+                messages[-1] += line
+    if messages:  # add the default batch, if we have one
+        batches.append([None, messages])
+    return _create_file(file, batches, encoding, factory)
 def _split(text, plan):
     """Recursive function to split the *text* into an n-deep list,
     according to the :py:class:`hl7._ParsePlan`.
@@ -58,7 +308,11 @@ def _split(text, plan):
     # Parsing of the first segment is awkward because it contains
     # the separator characters in a field
-    if plan.containers[0] == plan.factory.create_segment and text[:3] in ["MSH", "FHS"]:
+    if plan.containers[0] == plan.factory.create_segment and text[:3] in [
+        "MSH",
+        "BHS",
+        "FHS",
+    ]:
         seg = text[:3]
         sep0 = text[3]
         sep_end_off = text.find(sep0, 4)
@@ -87,7 +341,10 @@ def create_parse_plan(strmsg, factory=Factory):
     separators = ["\r"]
     # Extract the rest of the separators. Defaults used if not present.
-    assert strmsg[:3] in ("MSH")
+    if strmsg[:3] not in ("MSH", "FHS", "BHS"):
+        raise ParseException(
+            "First segment is {}, must be one of MHS, FHS or BHS".format(strmsg[:3])
+        )
     sep0 = strmsg[3]
     seps = list(strmsg[3 : strmsg.find(sep0, 4)])

@@ -15,16 +15,29 @@ def ishl7(line):
     :rtype: bool
     # Prevent issues if the line is empty
-    return line and (line.strip()[:3] in ["MSH"]) or False
+    return line and line.strip()[:3] == "MSH" and line.count("MSH") == 1
+def isbatch(line):
+    """
+        Batches are wrapped in BHS / BTS or have more than one
+        message
+        BHS = batch header segment
+        BTS = batch trailer segment
+    """
+    return line and (
+        line.strip()[:3] == "BHS"
+        or (line.count("MSH") > 1 and line.strip()[:3] != "FHS")
+    )
 def isfile(line):
-        Files are wrapped in FHS / FTS
+        Files are wrapped in FHS / FTS, or may be a batch
         FHS = file header segment
         FTS = file trailer segment
-    return line and (line.strip()[:3] in ["FHS"]) or False
+    return line and (line.strip()[:3] == "FHS" or isbatch(line))
 def split_file(hl7file):

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Primary version number source.
 Forth element can be 'dev' < 'a' < 'b' < 'rc' < 'final'. An empty 4th
 element is equivalent to 'final'.
-VERSION = (0, 4, 1, "final")
+VERSION = (0, 4, 2, "final")
 def get_version():

@@ -21,6 +21,114 @@ rep_sample_hl7 = "\r".join(
+# Source: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/hdss/vinah/2006-07/appendix-a-sample-messages.pdf
+sample_batch = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_batch1 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778891|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|2",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_batch2 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778891|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_batch3 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_batch4 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_batch = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_batch1 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123402||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
 # Source: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/hdss/vinah/2006-07/appendix-a-sample-messages.pdf
 sample_file = "\r".join(
@@ -37,3 +145,175 @@ sample_file = "\r".join(
+sample_file1 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778891|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|2",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-2",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|2",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_file2 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778891|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_file3 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_file4 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_file5 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_file6 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_file = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_file1 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123402||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_file2 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "BHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401||||abchs20070101123401-1",
+        "MSH|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101112951||ADT^A04^ADT_A01|12334456778890|P|2.5|||NE|NE|AU|ASCII",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123402|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "BTS|1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]
+sample_bad_file3 = "\r".join(
+    [
+        "FHS|^~\\&||ABCHS||AUSDHSV|20070101123401|||abchs20070101123401.hl7|",
+        "EVN|A04|20060705000000",
+        "PID|1||0000112234^^^100^A||XXXXXXXXXX^^^^^^S||10131113|1||4|^^RICHMOND^^3121||||1201||||||||1100|||||||||AAA",
+        "PD1||2",
+        "NK1|1||1||||||||||||||||||2",
+        "PV1|1|O||||^^^^^1",
+        "FTS|1",
+        "",
+    ]

@@ -2,9 +2,30 @@
 from unittest import TestCase
 import hl7
-from hl7 import Accessor, Component, Field, Message, Repetition, Segment
-from .samples import rep_sample_hl7, sample_file, sample_hl7
+from hl7 import Accessor, Component, Field, Message, ParseException, Repetition, Segment
+from .samples import (
+    rep_sample_hl7,
+    sample_bad_batch,
+    sample_bad_batch1,
+    sample_bad_file,
+    sample_bad_file1,
+    sample_bad_file2,
+    sample_bad_file3,
+    sample_batch,
+    sample_batch1,
+    sample_batch2,
+    sample_batch3,
+    sample_batch4,
+    sample_file,
+    sample_file1,
+    sample_file2,
+    sample_file3,
+    sample_file4,
+    sample_file5,
+    sample_file6,
+    sample_hl7,
 class ParseTest(TestCase):
@@ -29,6 +50,186 @@ class ParseTest(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(str(msg), sample_hl7)
         self.assertEqual(str(msg), sample_hl7)
+    def test_parse_batch(self):
+        batch = hl7.parse_batch(sample_batch)
+        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[0], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[0][0], "BHS")
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.trailer[0][0], "BTS")
+        self.assertEqual(batch.trailer[1][0], "1")
+    def test_parse_batch1(self):
+        batch = hl7.parse_batch(sample_batch1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[0], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertEqual(batch[0][0][10][0], "12334456778890")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[1], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertEqual(batch[1][0][10][0], "12334456778891")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[0][0], "BHS")
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.trailer[0][0], "BTS")
+        self.assertEqual(batch.trailer[1][0], "2")
+    def test_parse_batch2(self):
+        batch = hl7.parse_batch(sample_batch2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[0], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertEqual(batch[0][0][10][0], "12334456778890")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[1], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertEqual(batch[1][0][10][0], "12334456778891")
+        self.assertFalse(batch.header)
+        self.assertFalse(batch.trailer)
+    def test_parse_batch3(self):
+        batch = hl7.parse_batch(sample_batch3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[0], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[0][0], "BHS")
+        self.assertEqual(batch.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(batch.trailer[0][0], "BTS")
+    def test_parse_batch4(self):
+        batch = hl7.parse_batch(sample_batch4)
+        self.assertEqual(len(batch), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(batch[0], hl7.Message)
+        self.assertIsNone(batch.header)
+        self.assertIsNone(batch.trailer)
+    def test_parse_bad_batch(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_batch(sample_bad_batch)
+        self.assertIn("Segment received before message header", cm.exception.args[0])
+    def test_parse_bad_batch1(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_batch(sample_bad_batch1)
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Batch cannot have more than one BHS segment", cm.exception.args[0]
+        )
+    def test_parse_file(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[1][0], "1")
+    def test_parse_file1(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertEqual(file[0].trailer[1][0], "2")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[1], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertEqual(file[1].trailer[1][0], "1")
+        self.assertNotEqual(file[0], file[1])
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[1][0], "2")
+    def test_parse_file2(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file2)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[1][0], "1")
+    def test_parse_file3(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file3)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+    def test_parse_file4(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file4)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsNone(file.header)
+        self.assertIsNone(file.trailer)
+    def test_parse_file5(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file5)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[1][0], "1")
+    def test_parse_file6(self):
+        file = hl7.parse_file(sample_file6)
+        self.assertEqual(len(file), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file[0], hl7.Batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.header, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[0][0], "FHS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.header[4][0], "ABCHS")
+        self.assertIsInstance(file.trailer, hl7.Segment)
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[0][0], "FTS")
+        self.assertEqual(file.trailer[1][0], "1")
+    def test_parse_bad_file(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_file(sample_bad_file)
+        self.assertIn("Segment received before message header", cm.exception.args[0])
+    def test_parse_bad_file1(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_file(sample_bad_file1)
+        self.assertIn(
+            "Batch cannot have more than one BHS segment", cm.exception.args[0]
+        )
+    def test_parse_bad_file2(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_file(sample_bad_file2)
+        self.assertIn(
+            "File cannot have more than one FHS segment", cm.exception.args[0]
+        )
+    def test_parse_bad_file3(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ParseException) as cm:
+            hl7.parse_file(sample_bad_file3)
+        self.assertIn("Segment received before message header", cm.exception.args[0])
+    def test_parse_hl7(self):
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_hl7)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.Message)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_batch)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.Batch)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_batch1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.Batch)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_batch2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.Batch)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_file)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.File)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_file1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.File)
+        obj = hl7.parse_hl7(sample_file2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(obj, hl7.File)
     def test_bytestring_converted_to_unicode(self):
         msg = hl7.parse(str(sample_hl7))
         self.assertEqual(len(msg), 5)

@@ -3,12 +3,26 @@ from unittest import TestCase
 import hl7
-from .samples import sample_file, sample_hl7
+from .samples import (
+    sample_batch,
+    sample_batch1,
+    sample_batch2,
+    sample_file,
+    sample_file1,
+    sample_file2,
+    sample_hl7,
 class IsHL7Test(TestCase):
     def test_ishl7(self):
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch1))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch2))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_file))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_file1))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_file2))
     def test_ishl7_empty(self):
@@ -20,6 +34,24 @@ class IsHL7Test(TestCase):
         message = "OBX|1|SN|1554-5^GLUCOSE^POST 12H CFST:MCNC:PT:SER/PLAS:QN||^182|mg/dl|70_105|H|||F\r"
+    def test_isbatch(self):
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch1))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_batch2))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isbatch(sample_batch))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isbatch(sample_batch1))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isbatch(sample_batch2))
     def test_isfile(self):
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_file1))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.ishl7(sample_file2))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.isbatch(sample_file))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.isbatch(sample_file1))
+        self.assertFalse(hl7.isbatch(sample_file2))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isfile(sample_file1))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isfile(sample_file2))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isfile(sample_batch))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isfile(sample_batch1))
+        self.assertTrue(hl7.isfile(sample_batch2))

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 envlist = 
-    py38, py37, py36, py35, docs
+    py39, py38, py37, py36, py35, docs
 commands =
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ basepython = python3.7
 basepython = python3.8
+basepython = python3.9
 whitelist_externals = make
 deps =

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