[med-svn] [Git][med-team/lefse][upstream] New upstream version 1.1.2

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Sep 28 07:25:46 BST 2021

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / lefse

1b6d11f2 by Andreas Tille at 2021-09-28T06:33:44+02:00
New upstream version 1.1.2
- - - - -

26 changed files:

- + .github/workflows/python_publish.yml
- − .hg_archival.txt
- − .hgtags
- + README.md
- example/run.sh → example/bioconda-lefse_run.sh
- − format_input.py
- − lefse.py
- __init__.py → lefse/__init__.py
- + lefse/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc
- + lefse/__pycache__/lefse.cpython-38.pyc
- + lefse/lefse.py
- + lefse/lefse.pyc
- lefse2circlader.py → lefse/lefse2circlader.py
- + lefse/lefse_format_input.py
- + lefse/lefse_plot_cladogram.py
- plot_features.py → lefse/lefse_plot_features.py
- plot_res.py → lefse/lefse_plot_res.py
- + lefse/lefse_run.py
- qiime2lefse.py → lefse/qiime2lefse.py
- lefsebiom/AbundanceTable.py
- lefsebiom/CClade.py
- lefsebiom/ValidateData.py
- − plot_cladogram.py
- requirements.txt
- − run_lefse.py
- + setup.py


@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This workflows will upload a Python Package using Twine when a release is created
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/en/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions#publishing-to-package-registries
+name: Upload Python Package
+  release:
+    types: [created]
+  deploy:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout at v2
+    - name: Set up Python
+      uses: actions/setup-python at v2
+      with:
+        python-version: '3.7'
+    - name: Install dependencies
+      run: |
+        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+        pip install setuptools wheel twine
+    - name: Build and publish
+      env:
+        TWINE_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.PYPI_USERNAME }}
+        TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PYPI_PASSWORD }}
+      run: |
+        python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+        twine upload dist/*

.hg_archival.txt deleted
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-repo: e20290ebdfe008633514e90d97edc6091bf0b21d
-node: 3ce86f78d59ecd02eaf168afb6e1bd898bb3facc
-branch: default
-tag: 1.0.8

.hgtags deleted
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-89e1a36a3c257de1ccab84f2318fe53229c8f7d0 1.0.5
-f9b6a0dcd6453e6da472d7972b5bddbe8c1abab1 1.0.6
-4e95b89d544e42532887f9f3e1a35d9accf5190f 1.0.7

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+LEfSe (Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size) determines the features
+(organisms, clades, operational taxonomic units, genes, or functions)
+most likely to explain differences between classes by coupling standard
+tests for statistical significance with additional tests encoding
+biological consistency and effect relevance.
+LEfSe is available as a [Galaxy module](http://huttenhower.org/galaxy/),
+a Conda formula, a Docker image, and included in bioBakery (VM and
+cloud). For additional information, please refer to the [LEfSe
+## Installation
+LEfSe can be installed with Conda or run from a Docker image. Please
+note, if you are using bioBakery (Vagrant VM or cloud) you do not need
+to install LEfSe because the tool and its dependencies are already
+Install with Conda: `$ conda install -c bioconda lefse`
+Install with Docker: `$ docker run -it biobakery/lefse bash`
+LEfSe requires R v. 3.6 or higher and the R libraries survival, mvtnorm, modeltools, coin, MASS. 
+We provide support for LEfSe users. Please join our [bioBakery Support Forum](https://forum.biobakery.org/c/Downstream-analysis-and-statistics/LEfSe) designated specifically for LEfSe users. 

example/run.sh → example/bioconda-lefse_run.sh
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
+## script changed from original by for bioconda-lefse by jfg 2017.10.31
+## adapted from the original lefse run.sh available at:
+## https://bitbucket.org/nsegata/lefse/src/54694b4b0d9e335ff1ecafff8db4f1e0cf7004da/example/run.sh?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default
 # Download a 3-classes example (with subclasses and subjects) from huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu
 # It is a small subset of the HMP 16S dataset for finding biomarkers characterizing
 # different level of oxygen availability in different bodysites
-wget http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/webfm_send/129 -O hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt
+wget https://github.com/biobakery/biobakery/raw/master/demos/biobakery_demos/data/lefse/input/hmp_small_aerobiosis.txt -O hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt
+# As using LEfSe through bioconda, need to activate the LEfSe installation:
+conda activate lefse
 # Running the LEfSe commands with -h gives the list of available options
-# format_input.py convert the input data matrix to the format for LEfSe.
+# lefse-format_input.py convert the input data matrix to the format for LEfSe.
 # In this example we use the class information in the first line (-c 1)
 # the subclass in the second line (-s 2) and the subject in the third (-u 3).
@@ -14,38 +23,42 @@ wget http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/webfm_send/129 -O hmp_aerobiosis_small.t
 # the value -1 for them.
 # -o 1000000 scales the feature such that the sum (of the same taxonomic leve)
 # is 1M: this is done only for obtaining more meaningful values for the LDA score
-../format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -c 1 -s 2 -u 3 -o 1000000
+lefse_format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -c 1 -s 2 -u 3 -o 1000000
 # run_lefse.py performs the actual statistica analysis
 # Apply LEfSe on the formatted data producing the results (to be further processed
 # for visualization with the other modules). The option available
 # can be listed using the -h option 
-../run_lefse.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.in hmp_aerobiosis_small.res
+run_lefse.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.in hmp_aerobiosis_small.res
-# plot_res.py visualizes the output
+# lefse_plot_res.py visualizes the output
 # Plot the list of biomarkers with their effect size
 # Severak graphical options are available for personalizing the output
-../plot_res.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.res hmp_aerobiosis_small.png
+lefse_plot_res.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.res hmp_aerobiosis_small.png
-# plot_cladogram.py visualizes the output on a hierarchical tree
+# lefse_plot_cladogram.py visualizes the output on a hierarchical tree
 # Plot the representation of the biomarkers on the hierarchical tree
 # specified in the input data (using | in the name of the features)
 # In this case we will obtain the RDP taxonomy.
 # This is an early implementation of the module. I'm working on an improved version
 # that will be released independently from LEfSe
-../plot_cladogram.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.res hmp_aerobiosis_small.cladogram.png --format png
+lefse_plot_cladogram.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.res hmp_aerobiosis_small.cladogram.png --format png
 # Create a directory for storing the raw-data representation of the discovered biomarkers
 mkdir biomarkers_raw_images
-# plot_features.py visualizes the raw-data features
+# lefse_plot_features.py visualizes the raw-data features
 # The module for exporting the raw-data representation of the features.
 # With the default options we will obtain the images for all the features that are
 # detected as biomarkers
-../plot_features.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.in hmp_aerobiosis_small.res biomarkers_raw_images/
+lefse_plot_features.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.in hmp_aerobiosis_small.res biomarkers_raw_images/
+## Turn lefse back off
+conda deactivate lefse
+## bonus: seasonal greetings
+# echo '~ Oíche Shamhna féile dhuit!'

format_input.py deleted
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys,os,argparse,pickle,re,numpy
-#*   Log of change                                                                                             *
-#*   January 16, 2014  - George Weingart - george.weingart at gmail.com                                           *
-#*                                                                                                             *
-#*   biom Support                                                                                              *
-#*   Modified the program to enable it to accept biom files as input                                           *
-#*                                                                                                             *
-#*   Added two optional input parameters:	                                                                   *
-#*   1. biom_c is the name of the biom metadata to be used as class                                            *
-#*   2. biom_s is the name of the biom metadata to be used as subclass                                         *
-#*   class and subclass are used in the same context as the original                                           *
-#*   parameters class and subclass                                                                             *
-#*   These parameters are totally optional, the default is the program                                         *
-#*   chooses as class the first metadata received from the conversion                                          *
-#*   of the biom file into a sequential (pcl) file as generated by                                             *
-#*   breadcrumbs, and similarly, the second metadata is selected as                                            *
-#*   subclass.                                                                                                 *
-#*   The syntax or logic for the original non-biom case was NOT changed.                                       *
-#*                                                                                                             *
-#*   <*******************  IMPORTANT NOTE   *************************>                                         *
-#*   The biom case requires breadcrumbs and therefore there is a                                               *
-#*      a conditional import of the breadcrumbs modules                                                        *
-#*   If the User uses a biom input and breadcrumbs is not detected,                                            *
-#*       the run is abnormally ended                                                                           *
-#*   breadcrumbs itself needs a biom environment, so if the immport                                            *
-#*       of biom in breadcrumbs fails,  the run is also abnormally 
-#*       ended (Only if the input file was biom)                                                               *
-#*                                                                                                             *
-#*   USAGE EXAMPLES                                                                                            *
-#*   --------------                                                                                            *
-#*   Case #1: Using a sequential file as input (Old version - did not change                                   *
-#*  ./format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -c 1 -s 2 -u 3 -o 1000000               * 
-#*   Case #2: Using a biom file as input                                                                       *
-#*  ./format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.biom hmp_aerobiosis_small.in  -o 1000000                            *
-#*   Case #3: Using a biom file as input and override the class and subclass                                   *
-#*   ./format_input.py lefse.biom hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -biom_c oxygen_availability -biom_s body_site -o 1000000
-#*                                                                                                             *
-def read_input_file(inp_file, CommonArea):
-	if inp_file.endswith('.biom'):   			#*  If the file format is biom: 
-		CommonArea = biom_processing(inp_file)  #*  Process in biom format 
-		return CommonArea 						#*  And return the CommonArea
-	with open(inp_file) as inp:
-		CommonArea['ReturnedData'] = [[v.strip() for v in line.strip().split("\t")] for line in inp.readlines()]
-		return CommonArea
-def transpose(data):
-	return zip(*data)
-def read_params(args):
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LEfSe formatting modules')
-	parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the input file, feature hierarchical level can be specified with | or . and those symbols must not be present for other reasons in the input file.")
-	parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str,
-		help="the output file containing the data for LEfSe")
-	parser.add_argument('--output_table', type=str, required=False, default="",
-		help="the formatted table in txt format")
-	parser.add_argument('-f',dest="feats_dir", choices=["c","r"], type=str, default="r",
-		help="set whether the features are on rows (default) or on columns")
-	parser.add_argument('-c',dest="class", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=1,
-		help="set which feature use as class (default 1)")	
-	parser.add_argument('-s',dest="subclass", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=None,
-		help="set which feature use as subclass (default -1 meaning no subclass)")
-	parser.add_argument('-o',dest="norm_v", metavar="float", type=float, default=-1.0,
-		help="set the normalization value (default -1.0 meaning no normalization)")
-	parser.add_argument('-u',dest="subject", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=None,
-		help="set which feature use as subject (default -1 meaning no subject)")
-	parser.add_argument('-m',dest="missing_p", choices=["f","s"], type=str, default="d",
-		help="set the policy to adopt with missin values: f removes the features with missing values, s removes samples with missing values (default f)")
-	parser.add_argument('-n',dest="subcl_min_card", metavar="int", type=int, default=10,
-		help="set the minimum cardinality of each subclass (subclasses with low cardinalities will be grouped together, if the cardinality is still low, no pairwise comparison will be performed with them)")
-	parser.add_argument('-biom_c',dest="biom_class", type=str, 
-		help="For biom input files: Set which feature use as class  ")		
-	parser.add_argument('-biom_s',dest="biom_subclass", type=str, 
-		help="For biom input files: set which feature use as subclass   ")
-	args = parser.parse_args()
-	return vars(args)	
-def remove_missing(data,roc):
-	if roc == "c": data = transpose(data)
-	max_len = max([len(r) for r in data])
-	to_rem = []
-	for i,r in enumerate(data):
-		if len([v for v in r if not( v == "" or v.isspace())]) < max_len: to_rem.append(i)
-	if len(to_rem):
-		for i in to_rem.reverse():
-			data.pop(i)
-	if roc == "c": return transpose(data)
-	return data
-def sort_by_cl(data,n,c,s,u):           
-	def sort_lines1(a,b): 
-        	return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1                                                                                           
-	def sort_lines2u(a,b):        
-        	if a[c] != b[c]: return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1                                                                  
-		return int(a[u] > b[u])*2-1
-	def sort_lines2s(a,b):        
-        	if a[c] != b[c]: return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1                                                                  
-		return int(a[s] > b[s])*2-1
-	def sort_lines3(a,b):      
-        	if a[c] != b[c]: return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1                                                                   
-		if a[s] != b[s]: return int(a[s] > b[s])*2-1                                                                          
-		return int(a[u] > b[u])*2-1 
-        if n == 3: data.sort(sort_lines3)                                                                                  
-        if n == 2: 
-	  if s is None: 
-	    data.sort(sort_lines2u)
-	  else:
-	    data.sort(sort_lines2s)
-        if n == 1: data.sort(sort_lines1)                                                                                  
-	return data  
-def group_small_subclasses(cls,min_subcl):
-	last = ""
-	n = 0
-	repl = []
-	dd = [list(cls['class']),list(cls['subclass'])]
-	for d in dd:
-		if d[1] != last:
-			if n < min_subcl and last != "":
-				repl.append(d[1])
-			last = d[1]
-		n = 1	
-	for i,d in enumerate(dd):
-		if d[1] in repl: dd[i][1] = "other"
-		dd[i][1] = str(dd[i][0])+"_"+str(dd[i][1])
-	cls['class'] = dd[0]
-	cls['subclass'] = dd[1]
-	return cls		
-def get_class_slices(data):
-        previous_class = data[0][0]
-        previous_subclass = data[0][1]
-        subclass_slices = []
-        class_slices = []
-        last_cl = 0     
-        last_subcl = 0                                                                                                                 
-        class_hierarchy = []
-        subcls = []                                                                                                                    
-        for i,d in enumerate(data):
-                if d[1] != previous_subclass:                                                                                          
-                        subclass_slices.append((previous_subclass,(last_subcl,i)))
-                        last_subcl = i                                                                                                 
-                        subcls.append(previous_subclass)                                                                               
-                if d[0] != previous_class:                                                                                             
-                        class_slices.append((previous_class,(last_cl,i)))                                                              
-                        class_hierarchy.append((previous_class,subcls))                                                                
-                        subcls = [] 
-                        last_cl = i     
-                previous_subclass = d[1]
-                previous_class = d[0]
-        subclass_slices.append((previous_subclass,(last_subcl,i+1)))
-        subcls.append(previous_subclass)
-        class_slices.append((previous_class,(last_cl,i+1)))                                                                            
-        class_hierarchy.append((previous_class,subcls))
-        return dict(class_slices), dict(subclass_slices), dict(class_hierarchy)
-def numerical_values(feats,norm):
-	mm = []
-	for k,v in feats.items():
-		feats[k] = [float(val) for val in v]
-	if norm < 0.0: return feats
-	tr = zip(*(feats.values()))
-	mul = []
-	fk = feats.keys()
-	hie = True if sum([k.count(".") for k in fk]) > len(fk) else False
-	for i in range(len(feats.values()[0])):
-		if hie: mul.append(sum([t for j,t in enumerate(tr[i]) if fk[j].count(".") < 1 ]))
-		else: mul.append(sum(tr[i]))
-	if hie and sum(mul) == 0:
-		mul = []
-		for i in range(len(feats.values()[0])):
-			mul.append(sum(tr[i]))
-	for i,m in enumerate(mul):
-		if m == 0: mul[i] = 0.0
-		else: mul[i] = float(norm) / m
-	for k,v in feats.items():
-		feats[k] = [val*mul[i] for i,val in enumerate(v)]
-		if numpy.mean(feats[k]) and (numpy.std(feats[k])/numpy.mean(feats[k])) < 1e-10:
-			feats[k] = [ float(round(kv*1e6)/1e6) for kv in feats[k]]
-	return feats
-def add_missing_levels2(ff):
-	if sum( [f.count(".") for f in ff] ) < 1: return ff
-	dn = {}
-	added = True
-	while added:
-		added = False
-		for f in ff:
-			lev = f.count(".")
-			if lev == 0: continue
-			if lev not in dn: dn[lev] = [f]
-			else: dn[lev].append(f)	
-		for fn in sorted(dn,reverse=True):
-			for f in dn[fn]:
-				fc = ".".join(f.split('.')[:-1])
-				if fc not in ff:
-					ab_all = [ff[fg] for fg in ff if (fg.count(".") == 0 and fg == fc) or (fg.count(".") > 0 and fc == ".".join(fg.split('.')[:-1]))]
-					ab =[]
-					for l in [f for f in zip(*ab_all)]:
-						ab.append(sum([float(ll) for ll in l]))
-					ff[fc] = ab
-					added = True
-			if added:
-				break
-	return ff
-def add_missing_levels(ff):
-	if sum( [f.count(".") for f in ff] ) < 1: return ff
-	clades2leaves = {}
-	for f in ff:
-		fs = f.split(".")
-		if len(fs) < 2:
-			continue
-		for l in range(len(fs)):
-			n = ".".join( fs[:l] )
-			if n in clades2leaves:
-				clades2leaves[n].append( f )
-			else:
-				clades2leaves[n] = [f]
-	for k,v in clades2leaves.items():
-		if k and k not in ff:
-			ff[k] = [sum(a) for a in zip(*[[float(fn) for fn in ff[vv]] for vv in v])]
-	return ff
-def modify_feature_names(fn):
-	ret = fn
-	for v in [' ',r'\$',r'\@',r'#',r'%',r'\^',r'\&',r'\*',r'\"',r'\'']:
-                ret = [re.sub(v,"",f) for f in ret]
-        for v in ["/",r'\(',r'\)',r'-',r'\+',r'=',r'{',r'}',r'\[',r'\]',
-		r',',r'\.',r';',r':',r'\?',r'\<',r'\>',r'\.',r'\,']:
-                ret = [re.sub(v,"_",f) for f in ret]
-        for v in ["\|"]:
-                ret = [re.sub(v,".",f) for f in ret]
-	ret2 = []
-	for r in ret:
-		if r[0] in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']:
-			ret2.append("f_"+r)
-		else: ret2.append(r)	
-	return ret2 
-def rename_same_subcl(cl,subcl):
-	toc = []
-	for sc in set(subcl):
-		if len(set([cl[i] for i in range(len(subcl)) if sc == subcl[i]])) > 1:
-			toc.append(sc)
-	new_subcl = []
-	for i,sc in enumerate(subcl):
-		if sc in toc: new_subcl.append(cl[i]+"_"+sc)
-		else: new_subcl.append(sc)
-	return new_subcl
-#*  Modifications by George Weingart,  Jan 15, 2014                                  *
-#*  If the input file is biom:                                                       *
-#*  a. Load an AbundanceTable (Using breadcrumbs)                                    *
-#*  b. Create a sequential file from the AbundanceTable (de-facto - pcl)             *
-#*  c. Use that file as input to the rest of the program                             *
-#*  d. Calculate the c,s,and u parameters, either from the values the User entered   *
-#*     from the meta data values in the biom file or set up defaults                 * 
-#*  <<<-------------  I M P O R T A N T     N O T E ------------------->>            *
-#*  breadcrumbs src directory must be included in the PYTHONPATH                     *
-#*  <<<-------------  I M P O R T A N T     N O T E ------------------->>            *	
-def biom_processing(inp_file):
-	CommonArea = dict()			#* Set up a dictionary to return
-	CommonArea['abndData']   = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(inp_file,	#* Create AbundanceTable from input biom file
-		cDelimiter = None,
-		sMetadataID = None,
-		sLastMetadataRow = None,
-		sLastMetadata = None,
-		strFormat = None)
-	#****************************************************************
-	#*  Building the data element here                              *
-	#****************************************************************
-	ResolvedData = list()		#This is the Resolved data that will be returned
-	IDMetadataName  = CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetIDMetadataName()   #* ID Metadataname 
-	IDMetadata = [CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetIDMetadataName()]  #* The first Row
-	for IDMetadataEntry in CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy()[IDMetadataName]:  #* Loop on all the metadata values
-		IDMetadata.append(IDMetadataEntry)
-	ResolvedData.append(IDMetadata)					#Add the IDMetadata with all its values to the resolved area
-	for key, value in  CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy().iteritems(): 
-		if  key  != IDMetadataName:
-			MetadataEntry = list()		#*  Set it up
-			MetadataEntry.append(key)	#*	And post it to the area
-			for x in value:
-				MetadataEntry.append(x)		#* Append the metadata value name
-			ResolvedData.append(MetadataEntry)
-	for AbundanceDataEntry in    CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetAbundanceCopy(): 		#* The Abundance Data
-		lstAbundanceDataEntry = list(AbundanceDataEntry)	#Convert tuple to list
-		ResolvedData.append(lstAbundanceDataEntry)			#Append the list to the metadata list
-	CommonArea['ReturnedData'] = 	ResolvedData			#Post the results 
-	return CommonArea   
-#*    Check the params and override in the case of biom                        *
-def  check_params_for_biom_case(params, CommonArea):
-	CommonArea['MetadataNames'] = list()			#Metadata  names
-	params['original_class'] = params['class']			#Save the original class
-	params['original_subclass'] = params['subclass']	#Save the original subclass	
-	params['original_subject'] = params['subject']	#Save the original subclass	
-	TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile = len(CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy())  # The number of metadata entries
-	for i in range(0,TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile): 	#* Populate the meta data names table
-		CommonArea['MetadataNames'].append(CommonArea['ReturnedData'][i][0])	#Add the metadata name
-	#****************************************************
-	#* Setting the params here                          *
-	#****************************************************
-	if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile > 0:		#If there is at least one entry - has to be the subject
-		params['subject'] =  1
-	if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile == 2:		#If there are 2 - The first is the subject and the second has to be the metadata, and that is the class
-		params['class'] =  2
-	if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile == 3:		#If there are 3:  Set up default that the second entry is the class and the third is the subclass
-		params['class'] =  2
-		params['subclass'] =  3
-		FlagError = False								#Set up error flag
-		if not params['biom_class'] is None and not params['biom_subclass'] is None:				#Check if the User passed a valid class and subclass
-			if  params['biom_class'] in CommonArea['MetadataNames']:
-				params['class'] =  CommonArea['MetadataNames'].index(params['biom_class']) +1	#* Set up the index for that metadata
-			else:
-				FlagError = True
-			if  params['biom_subclass'] in  CommonArea['MetadataNames']:
-				params['subclass'] =  CommonArea['MetadataNames'].index(params['biom_subclass']) +1 #* Set up the index for that metadata
-			else:
-				FlagError = True
-		if FlagError == True:		#* If the User passed an invalid class
-			print "**Invalid biom class or subclass passed - Using defaults: First metadata=class, Second Metadata=subclass\n"
-			params['class'] =  2
-			params['subclass'] =  3
-	return params
-if  __name__ == '__main__':
-	CommonArea = dict()			#Build a Common Area to pass variables in the biom case
-	params = read_params(sys.argv)
-	#*************************************************************
-	#* Conditionally import breadcrumbs if file is a biom file   *
-	#* If it is and no breadcrumbs found - abnormally exit       *
-	#*************************************************************
-	if  params['input_file'].endswith('.biom'):
-		try:
-			from lefsebiom.ConstantsBreadCrumbs import *	 
-			from lefsebiom.AbundanceTable import *
-		except ImportError:
-			sys.stderr.write("************************************************************************************************************ \n")
-			sys.stderr.write("* Error:   Breadcrumbs libraries not detected - required to process biom files - run abnormally terminated * \n")
-			sys.stderr.write("************************************************************************************************************ \n")
-			exit(1)
-	if type(params['subclass']) is int and int(params['subclass']) < 1:
-		params['subclass'] = None
-	if type(params['subject']) is int and int(params['subject']) < 1:
-		params['subject'] = None
-	CommonArea = read_input_file(sys.argv[1], CommonArea)		#Pass The CommonArea to the Read
-	data = CommonArea['ReturnedData']					#Select the data
-	if sys.argv[1].endswith('biom'):	#*	Check if biom:
-		params = check_params_for_biom_case(params, CommonArea)	#Check the params for the biom case
-	if params['feats_dir'] == "c":
-		data = transpose(data)
-	ncl = 1
-	if not params['subclass'] is None: ncl += 1	
-	if not params['subject'] is None: ncl += 1	
-	first_line = zip(*data)[0]
-	first_line = modify_feature_names(list(first_line))
-	data = zip(	first_line,
-			*sort_by_cl(zip(*data)[1:],
-			  ncl,
-			  params['class']-1,
-			  params['subclass']-1 if not params['subclass'] is None else None,
-			  params['subject']-1 if not params['subject'] is None else None))
-#	data.insert(0,first_line)
-#	data = remove_missing(data,params['missing_p'])
-	cls = {}
-	cls_i = [('class',params['class']-1)]
-	if params['subclass'] > 0: cls_i.append(('subclass',params['subclass']-1))
-	if params['subject'] > 0: cls_i.append(('subject',params['subject']-1))
-	cls_i.sort(lambda x, y: -cmp(x[1],y[1]))
-	for v in cls_i: cls[v[0]] = data.pop(v[1])[1:]
-	if not params['subclass'] > 0: cls['subclass'] = [str(cl)+"_subcl" for cl in cls['class']]
-	cls['subclass'] = rename_same_subcl(cls['class'],cls['subclass'])
-#	if 'subclass' in cls.keys(): cls = group_small_subclasses(cls,params['subcl_min_card'])
-	class_sl,subclass_sl,class_hierarchy = get_class_slices(zip(*cls.values()))
-	feats = dict([(d[0],d[1:]) for d in data])
-	feats = add_missing_levels(feats)
-	feats = numerical_values(feats,params['norm_v'])
-	out = {}
-	out['feats'] = feats
-	out['norm'] = params['norm_v'] 
-	out['cls'] = cls
-	out['class_sl'] = class_sl
-	out['subclass_sl'] = subclass_sl
-	out['class_hierarchy'] = class_hierarchy
-	if params['output_table']:
-		with open( params['output_table'], "w") as outf: 
-			if 'class' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["class"])+list(cls['class'])) + "\n" )
-			if 'subclass' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["subclass"])+list(cls['subclass'])) + "\n" )
-			if 'subject' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["subject"])+list(cls['subject']))  + "\n" )
-			for k,v in out['feats'].items(): outf.write( "\t".join([k]+[str(vv) for vv in v]) + "\n" )
-	with open(params['output_file'], 'wb') as back_file:
-		pickle.dump(out,back_file)    	

lefse.py deleted
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-import os,sys,math,pickle
-import random as lrand
-import rpy2.robjects as robjects
-import argparse
-import numpy
-#import svmutil
-def init(): 
-	lrand.seed(1982)
-	robjects.r('library(splines)')
-	robjects.r('library(stats4)')
-	robjects.r('library(survival)')
-	robjects.r('library(mvtnorm)')
-	robjects.r('library(modeltools)')
-	robjects.r('library(coin)')
-	robjects.r('library(MASS)')
-def get_class_means(class_sl,feats):
-	means = {}
-	clk = class_sl.keys()
-	for fk,f in feats.items():
-		means[fk] = [numpy.mean((f[class_sl[k][0]:class_sl[k][1]])) for k in clk] 
-	return clk,means 
-def save_res(res,filename): 
-	with open(filename, 'w') as out:
-		for k,v in res['cls_means'].items():
-			out.write(k+"\t"+str(math.log(max(max(v),1.0),10.0))+"\t")
-			if k in res['lda_res_th']:
-				for i,vv in enumerate(v):
-					if vv == max(v):
-						out.write(str(res['cls_means_kord'][i])+"\t")
-						break
-				out.write(str(res['lda_res'][k])) 
-			else: out.write("\t")
-			out.write( "\t" + (res['wilcox_res'][k] if 'wilcox_res' in res and k in res['wilcox_res'] else "-")+"\n")
-def load_data(input_file, nnorm = False):
-	with open(input_file, 'rb') as inputf:
-		inp = pickle.load(inputf)
-	if nnorm: return inp['feats'],inp['cls'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl'],inp['class_hierarchy'],inp['norm']  
-	else: return inp['feats'],inp['cls'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl'],inp['class_hierarchy']
-def load_res(input_file):
-	with open(input_file, 'rb') as inputf:	
-		inp = pickle.load(inputf)
-	return inp['res'],inp['params'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl']		
-def test_kw_r(cls,feats,p,factors):
-	robjects.globalenv["y"] = robjects.FloatVector(feats)
-	for i,f in enumerate(factors):
-		robjects.globalenv['x'+str(i+1)] = robjects.FactorVector(robjects.StrVector(cls[f]))
-	fo = "y~x1"
-    #for i,f in enumerate(factors[1:]):
-    #	if f == "subclass" and len(set(cls[f])) <= len(set(cls["class"])): continue
-    #	if len(set(cls[f])) == len(cls[f]): continue
-    #	fo += "+x"+str(i+2)
-	kw_res = robjects.r('kruskal.test('+fo+',)$p.value')
-	return float(tuple(kw_res)[0]) < p, float(tuple(kw_res)[0])
-def test_rep_wilcoxon_r(sl,cl_hie,feats,th,multiclass_strat,mul_cor,fn,min_c,comp_only_same_subcl,curv=False):
-	comp_all_sub = not comp_only_same_subcl
-	tot_ok =  0
-	alpha_mtc = th
-	all_diff = []
-	for pair in [(x,y) for x in cl_hie.keys() for y in cl_hie.keys() if x < y]:
-		dir_cmp = "not_set" #
-		l_subcl1, l_subcl2 = (len(cl_hie[pair[0]]), len(cl_hie[pair[1]]))
-		if mul_cor != 0: alpha_mtc = th*l_subcl1*l_subcl2 if mul_cor == 2 else 1.0-math.pow(1.0-th,l_subcl1*l_subcl2)
-		ok = 0
-		curv_sign = 0
-		first = True
-		for i,k1 in enumerate(cl_hie[pair[0]]):
-			br = False
-			for j,k2 in enumerate(cl_hie[pair[1]]):
-				if not comp_all_sub and k1[len(pair[0]):] != k2[len(pair[1]):]: 
-					ok += 1	
-					continue 
-				cl1 = feats[sl[k1][0]:sl[k1][1]]
-				cl2 = feats[sl[k2][0]:sl[k2][1]]
-				med_comp = False
-				if len(cl1) < min_c or len(cl2) < min_c: 
-					med_comp = True
-				sx,sy = numpy.median(cl1),numpy.median(cl2)
-				if cl1[0] == cl2[0] and len(set(cl1)) == 1 and  len(set(cl2)) == 1: 
-					tres, first = False, False
-				elif not med_comp:
-					robjects.globalenv["x"] = robjects.FloatVector(cl1+cl2)
-					robjects.globalenv["y"] = robjects.FactorVector(robjects.StrVector(["a" for a in cl1]+["b" for b in cl2]))	
-					pv = float(robjects.r('pvalue(wilcox_test(x~y,data=data.frame(x,y)))')[0])
-					tres = pv < alpha_mtc*2.0
-				if first:
-					first = False
-					if not curv and ( med_comp or tres ): 
-						dir_cmp = sx < sy
-                        #if sx == sy: br = True
-					elif curv: 
-						dir_cmp = None
-						if med_comp or tres: 
-							curv_sign += 1
-							dir_cmp = sx < sy
-					else: br = True
-				elif not curv and med_comp:
-					if ((sx < sy) != dir_cmp or sx == sy): br = True
-				elif curv:
-					if tres and dir_cmp == None:
-						curv_sign += 1
-						dir_cmp = sx < sy
-					if tres and dir_cmp != (sx < sy):
-						br = True
-						curv_sign = -1
-				elif not tres or (sx < sy) != dir_cmp or sx == sy: br = True
-				if br: break
-				ok += 1
-			if br: break
-		if curv: diff = curv_sign > 0
-		else: diff = (ok == len(cl_hie[pair[1]])*len(cl_hie[pair[0]])) # or (not comp_all_sub and dir_cmp != "not_set") 
-		if diff: tot_ok += 1
-		if not diff and multiclass_strat: return False
-		if diff and not multiclass_strat: all_diff.append(pair)
-	if not multiclass_strat:
-		tot_k = len(cl_hie.keys())
-		for k in cl_hie.keys():
-			nk = 0
-			for a in all_diff:
-				if k in a: nk += 1
-			if nk == tot_k-1: return True
-		return False
-	return True 
-def contast_within_classes_or_few_per_class(feats,inds,min_cl,ncl):
-	ff = zip(*[v for n,v in feats.items() if n != 'class'])
-	cols = [ff[i] for i in inds]
-	cls = [feats['class'][i] for i in inds]
-	if len(set(cls)) < ncl:
-		return True
-	for c in set(cls):
-		if cls.count(c) < min_cl:
-			return True
-		cols_cl = [x for i,x in enumerate(cols) if cls[i] == c]
-		for i,col in enumerate(zip(*cols_cl)):
-			if (len(set(col)) <= min_cl and min_cl > 1) or (min_cl == 1 and len(set(col)) <= 1):
-				return True
-	return False 
-def test_lda_r(cls,feats,cl_sl,boots,fract_sample,lda_th,tol_min,nlogs):
-        fk = feats.keys()
-        means = dict([(k,[]) for k in feats.keys()])
-        feats['class'] = list(cls['class'])
-        clss = list(set(feats['class']))
-        for uu,k in enumerate(fk):
-                if k == 'class': continue
-                ff = [(feats['class'][i],v) for i,v in enumerate(feats[k])]
-                for c in clss:
-                        if len(set([float(v[1]) for v in ff if v[0] == c])) > max(float(feats['class'].count(c))*0.5,4): continue
-                        for i,v in enumerate(feats[k]):
-                                if feats['class'][i] == c:
-                                        feats[k][i] = math.fabs(feats[k][i] + lrand.normalvariate(0.0,max(feats[k][i]*0.05,0.01)))
-        rdict = {}
-        for a,b in feats.items():
-                if a == 'class' or a == 'subclass' or a == 'subject':
-                        rdict[a] = robjects.StrVector(b)
-                else: rdict[a] = robjects.FloatVector(b)
-        robjects.globalenv["d"] = robjects.DataFrame(rdict)
-        lfk = len(feats[fk[0]])
-        rfk = int(float(len(feats[fk[0]]))*fract_sample)
-        f = "class ~ "+fk[0]
-        for k in fk[1:]: f += " + " + k.strip()
-        ncl = len(set(cls['class']))
-        min_cl = int(float(min([cls['class'].count(c) for c in set(cls['class'])]))*fract_sample*fract_sample*0.5) 
-        min_cl = max(min_cl,1) 
-        pairs = [(a,b) for a in set(cls['class']) for b in set(cls['class']) if a > b]
-	for k in fk:	
-		for i in range(boots):
-			means[k].append([])	
-        for i in range(boots):
-                for rtmp in range(1000):
-                        rand_s = [lrand.randint(0,lfk-1) for v in range(rfk)]
-                        if not contast_within_classes_or_few_per_class(feats,rand_s,min_cl,ncl): break
-                rand_s = [r+1 for r in rand_s]
-		means[k][i] = []
-		for p in pairs:
-	        	robjects.globalenv["rand_s"] = robjects.IntVector(rand_s)
-                	robjects.globalenv["sub_d"] = robjects.r('d[rand_s,]')
-                	z = robjects.r('z <- suppressWarnings(lda(as.formula('+f+'),data=sub_d,tol='+str(tol_min)+'))')
-			robjects.r('w <- z$scaling[,1]')
-			robjects.r('w.unit <- w/sqrt(sum(w^2))')
-			robjects.r('ss <- sub_d[,-match("class",colnames(sub_d))]')
-			if 'subclass' in feats:
-				robjects.r('ss <- ss[,-match("subclass",colnames(ss))]')
-			if 'subject' in feats:
-				robjects.r('ss <- ss[,-match("subject",colnames(ss))]')
-			robjects.r('xy.matrix <- as.matrix(ss)')
-			robjects.r('LD <- xy.matrix%*%w.unit')
-			robjects.r('effect.size <- abs(mean(LD[sub_d[,"class"]=="'+p[0]+'"]) - mean(LD[sub_d[,"class"]=="'+p[1]+'"]))')
-			scal = robjects.r('wfinal <- w.unit * effect.size')
-			rres = robjects.r('mm <- z$means')
-			rowns = list(rres.rownames)
-			lenc = len(list(rres.colnames))
-			coeff = [abs(float(v)) if not math.isnan(float(v)) else 0.0 for v in scal]
-                	res = dict([(pp,[float(ff) for ff in rres.rx(pp,True)] if pp in rowns else [0.0]*lenc ) for pp in [p[0],p[1]]])
-			for j,k in enumerate(fk):
-				gm = abs(res[p[0]][j] - res[p[1]][j])
-                        	means[k][i].append((gm+coeff[j])*0.5)
-        res = {}
-        for k in fk:
-		m = max([numpy.mean([means[k][kk][p] for kk in range(boots)]) for p in range(len(pairs))])
-                res[k] = math.copysign(1.0,m)*math.log(1.0+math.fabs(m),10)
-        return res,dict([(k,x) for k,x in res.items() if math.fabs(x) > lda_th])
-def test_svm(cls,feats,cl_sl,boots,fract_sample,lda_th,tol_min,nsvm):
-	return NULL
-	fk = feats.keys()
-	clss = list(set(cls['class']))
-	y = [clss.index(c)*2-1 for c in list(cls['class'])]
-	xx = [feats[f] for f in fk]
-	if nsvm: 
-		maxs = [max(v) for v in xx]
-		mins = [min(v) for v in xx]
-		x = [ dict([(i+1,(v-mins[i])/(maxs[i]-mins[i])) for i,v in enumerate(f)]) for f in zip(*xx)]
-	else: x = [ dict([(i+1,v) for i,v in enumerate(f)]) for f in zip(*xx)]
-	lfk = len(feats[fk[0]])
-	rfk = int(float(len(feats[fk[0]]))*fract_sample)
-	mm = []
-	best_c = svmutil.svm_ms(y, x, [pow(2.0,i) for i in range(-5,10)],'-t 0 -q')
-	for i in range(boots):
-		rand_s = [lrand.randint(0,lfk-1) for v in range(rfk)]
-		r = svmutil.svm_w([y[yi] for yi in rand_s], [x[xi] for xi in rand_s], best_c,'-t 0 -q')
-		mm.append(r[:len(fk)])
-	m = [numpy.mean(v) for v in zip(*mm)]
-	res = dict([(v,m[i]) for i,v in enumerate(fk)])
-	return res,dict([(k,x) for k,x in res.items() if math.fabs(x) > lda_th])

__init__.py → lefse/__init__.py

Binary files /dev/null and b/lefse/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/lefse/__pycache__/lefse.cpython-38.pyc differ

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+import os,sys,math,pickle
+import random as lrand
+import rpy2.robjects as robjects
+import argparse
+import numpy
+#import svmutil
+def init():
+    lrand.seed(1982)
+    robjects.r('library(splines)')
+    robjects.r('library(stats4)')
+    robjects.r('library(survival)')
+    robjects.r('library(mvtnorm)')
+    robjects.r('library(modeltools)')
+    robjects.r('library(coin)')
+    robjects.r('library(MASS)')
+def get_class_means(class_sl,feats):
+    means = {}
+    clk = list(class_sl.keys())
+    for fk,f in feats.items():
+        means[fk] = [numpy.mean((f[class_sl[k][0]:class_sl[k][1]])) for k in clk]
+    return clk,means
+def save_res(res,filename):
+    with open(filename, 'w') as out:
+        for k,v in res['cls_means'].items():
+            out.write(k+"\t"+str(math.log(max(max(v),1.0),10.0))+"\t")
+            if k in res['lda_res_th']:
+                for i,vv in enumerate(v):
+                    if vv == max(v):
+                        out.write(str(res['cls_means_kord'][i])+"\t")
+                        break
+                out.write(str(res['lda_res'][k]))
+            else: out.write("\t")
+            out.write( "\t" + (res['wilcox_res'][k] if 'wilcox_res' in res and k in res['wilcox_res'] else "-")+"\n")
+def load_data(input_file, nnorm = False):
+    with open(input_file, 'rb') as inputf:
+        inp = pickle.load(inputf)
+    if nnorm: return inp['feats'],inp['cls'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl'],inp['class_hierarchy'],inp['norm']
+    else: return inp['feats'],inp['cls'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl'],inp['class_hierarchy']
+def load_res(input_file):
+    with open(input_file, 'rb') as inputf:
+        inp = pickle.load(inputf)
+    return inp['res'],inp['params'],inp['class_sl'],inp['subclass_sl']
+def test_kw_r(cls,feats,p,factors):
+    robjects.globalenv["y"] = robjects.FloatVector(feats)
+    for i,f in enumerate(factors):
+        robjects.globalenv['x'+str(i+1)] = robjects.FactorVector(robjects.StrVector(cls[f]))
+    fo = "y~x1"
+    #for i,f in enumerate(factors[1:]):
+    #   if f == "subclass" and len(set(cls[f])) <= len(set(cls["class"])): continue
+    #   if len(set(cls[f])) == len(cls[f]): continue
+    #   fo += "+x"+str(i+2)
+    kw_res = robjects.r('kruskal.test('+fo+',)$p.value')
+    return float(tuple(kw_res)[0]) < p, float(tuple(kw_res)[0])
+def test_rep_wilcoxon_r(sl,cl_hie,feats,th,multiclass_strat,mul_cor,fn,min_c,comp_only_same_subcl,curv=False):
+    comp_all_sub = not comp_only_same_subcl
+    tot_ok =  0
+    alpha_mtc = th
+    all_diff = []
+    for pair in [(x,y) for x in cl_hie.keys() for y in cl_hie.keys() if x < y]:
+        dir_cmp = "not_set" #
+        l_subcl1, l_subcl2 = (len(cl_hie[pair[0]]), len(cl_hie[pair[1]]))
+        if mul_cor != 0: alpha_mtc = th*l_subcl1*l_subcl2 if mul_cor == 2 else 1.0-math.pow(1.0-th,l_subcl1*l_subcl2)
+        ok = 0
+        curv_sign = 0
+        first = True
+        for i,k1 in enumerate(cl_hie[pair[0]]):
+            br = False
+            for j,k2 in enumerate(cl_hie[pair[1]]):
+                if not comp_all_sub and k1[len(pair[0]):] != k2[len(pair[1]):]:
+                    ok += 1
+                    continue
+                cl1 = feats[sl[k1][0]:sl[k1][1]]
+                cl2 = feats[sl[k2][0]:sl[k2][1]]
+                med_comp = False
+                if len(cl1) < min_c or len(cl2) < min_c:
+                    med_comp = True
+                sx,sy = numpy.median(cl1),numpy.median(cl2)
+                if cl1[0] == cl2[0] and len(set(cl1)) == 1 and  len(set(cl2)) == 1:
+                    tres, first = False, False
+                elif not med_comp:
+                    robjects.globalenv["x"] = robjects.FloatVector(cl1+cl2)
+                    robjects.globalenv["y"] = robjects.FactorVector(robjects.StrVector(["a" for a in cl1]+["b" for b in cl2]))
+                    pv = float(robjects.r('pvalue(wilcox_test(x~y,data=data.frame(x,y)))')[0])
+                    tres = pv < alpha_mtc*2.0
+                if first:
+                    first = False
+                    if not curv and ( med_comp or tres ):
+                        dir_cmp = sx < sy
+                        #if sx == sy: br = True
+                    elif curv:
+                        dir_cmp = None
+                        if med_comp or tres:
+                            curv_sign += 1
+                            dir_cmp = sx < sy
+                    else: br = True
+                elif not curv and med_comp:
+                    if ((sx < sy) != dir_cmp or sx == sy): br = True
+                elif curv:
+                    if tres and dir_cmp == None:
+                        curv_sign += 1
+                        dir_cmp = sx < sy
+                    if tres and dir_cmp != (sx < sy):
+                        br = True
+                        curv_sign = -1
+                elif not tres or (sx < sy) != dir_cmp or sx == sy: br = True
+                if br: break
+                ok += 1
+            if br: break
+        if curv: diff = curv_sign > 0
+        else: diff = (ok == len(cl_hie[pair[1]])*len(cl_hie[pair[0]])) # or (not comp_all_sub and dir_cmp != "not_set")
+        if diff: tot_ok += 1
+        if not diff and multiclass_strat: return False
+        if diff and not multiclass_strat: all_diff.append(pair)
+    if not multiclass_strat:
+        tot_k = len(list(cl_hie.keys()))
+        for k in cl_hie.keys():
+            nk = 0
+            for a in all_diff:
+                if k in a: nk += 1
+            if nk == tot_k-1: return True
+        return False
+    return True
+def contast_within_classes_or_few_per_class(feats,inds,min_cl,ncl):
+    ff = list(zip(*[v for n,v in feats.items() if n != 'class']))
+    cols = [ff[i] for i in inds]
+    cls = [feats['class'][i] for i in inds]
+    if len(set(cls)) < ncl:
+        return True
+    for c in set(cls):
+        if cls.count(c) < min_cl:
+            return True
+        cols_cl = [x for i,x in enumerate(cols) if cls[i] == c]
+        for i,col in enumerate(zip(*cols_cl)):
+            if (len(set(col)) <= min_cl and min_cl > 1) or (min_cl == 1 and len(set(col)) <= 1):
+                return True
+    return False
+def test_lda_r(cls,feats,cl_sl,boots,fract_sample,lda_th,tol_min,nlogs):
+    fk = list(feats.keys())
+    means = dict([(k,[]) for k in feats.keys()])
+    feats['class'] = list(cls['class'])
+    clss = list(set(feats['class']))
+    for uu,k in enumerate(fk):
+        if k == 'class':
+            continue
+        ff = [(feats['class'][i],v) for i,v in enumerate(feats[k])]
+        for c in clss:
+            if len(set([float(v[1]) for v in ff if v[0] == c])) > max(float(feats['class'].count(c))*0.5,4):
+                continue
+            for i,v in enumerate(feats[k]):
+                if feats['class'][i] == c:
+                    feats[k][i] = math.fabs(feats[k][i] + lrand.normalvariate(0.0,max(feats[k][i]*0.05,0.01)))
+    rdict = {}
+    for a,b in feats.items():
+        if a == 'class' or a == 'subclass' or a == 'subject':
+            rdict[a] = robjects.StrVector(b)
+        else:
+            rdict[a] = robjects.FloatVector(b)
+    robjects.globalenv["d"] = robjects.DataFrame(rdict)
+    lfk = len(feats[fk[0]])
+    rfk = int(float(len(feats[fk[0]]))*fract_sample)
+    f = "class ~ "+fk[0]
+    for k in fk[1:]:
+        f += " + " + k.strip()
+    ncl = len(set(cls['class']))
+    min_cl = int(float(min([cls['class'].count(c) for c in set(cls['class'])]))*fract_sample*fract_sample*0.5)
+    min_cl = max(min_cl,1)
+    pairs = [(a,b) for a in set(cls['class']) for b in set(cls['class']) if a > b]
+    for k in fk:
+        for i in range(boots):
+            means[k].append([])
+    for i in range(boots):
+        for rtmp in range(1000):
+            rand_s = [lrand.randint(0,lfk-1) for v in range(rfk)]
+            if not contast_within_classes_or_few_per_class(feats,rand_s,min_cl,ncl):
+                break
+        rand_s = [r+1 for r in rand_s]
+        means[k][i] = []
+        for p in pairs:
+            robjects.globalenv["rand_s"] = robjects.IntVector(rand_s)
+            robjects.globalenv["sub_d"] = robjects.r('d[rand_s,]')
+            z = robjects.r('z <- suppressWarnings(lda(as.formula('+f+'),data=sub_d,tol='+str(tol_min)+'))')
+            robjects.r('w <- z$scaling[,1]')
+            robjects.r('w.unit <- w/sqrt(sum(w^2))')
+            robjects.r('ss <- sub_d[,-match("class",colnames(sub_d))]')
+            if 'subclass' in feats:
+                robjects.r('ss <- ss[,-match("subclass",colnames(ss))]')
+            if 'subject' in feats:
+                robjects.r('ss <- ss[,-match("subject",colnames(ss))]')
+            robjects.r('xy.matrix <- as.matrix(ss)')
+            robjects.r('LD <- xy.matrix%*%w.unit')
+            robjects.r('effect.size <- abs(mean(LD[sub_d[,"class"]=="'+p[0]+'"]) - mean(LD[sub_d[,"class"]=="'+p[1]+'"]))')
+            scal = robjects.r('wfinal <- w.unit * effect.size')
+            rres = robjects.r('mm <- z$means')
+            rowns = list(rres.rownames)
+            lenc = len(list(rres.colnames))
+            coeff = [abs(float(v)) if not math.isnan(float(v)) else 0.0 for v in scal]
+            res = dict([(pp,[float(ff) for ff in rres.rx(pp,True)] if pp in rowns else [0.0]*lenc ) for pp in [p[0],p[1]]])
+            for j,k in enumerate(fk):
+                gm = abs(res[p[0]][j] - res[p[1]][j])
+                means[k][i].append((gm+coeff[j])*0.5)
+    res = {}
+    for k in fk:
+        m = max([numpy.mean([means[k][kk][p] for kk in range(boots)]) for p in range(len(pairs))])
+        res[k] = math.copysign(1.0,m)*math.log(1.0+math.fabs(m),10)
+    return res,dict([(k,x) for k,x in res.items() if math.fabs(x) > lda_th])
+def test_svm(cls,feats,cl_sl,boots,fract_sample,lda_th,tol_min,nsvm):
+    return None
+    fk = feats.keys()
+    clss = list(set(cls['class']))
+    y = [clss.index(c)*2-1 for c in list(cls['class'])]
+    xx = [feats[f] for f in fk]
+    if nsvm:
+        maxs = [max(v) for v in xx]
+        mins = [min(v) for v in xx]
+        x = [ dict([(i+1,(v-mins[i])/(maxs[i]-mins[i])) for i,v in enumerate(f)]) for f in zip(*xx)]
+    else: x = [ dict([(i+1,v) for i,v in enumerate(f)]) for f in zip(*xx)]
+    lfk = len(feats[fk[0]])
+    rfk = int(float(len(feats[fk[0]]))*fract_sample)
+    mm = []
+    best_c = svmutil.svm_ms(y, x, [pow(2.0,i) for i in range(-5,10)],'-t 0 -q')
+    for i in range(boots):
+        rand_s = [lrand.randint(0,lfk-1) for v in range(rfk)]
+        r = svmutil.svm_w([y[yi] for yi in rand_s], [x[xi] for xi in rand_s], best_c,'-t 0 -q')
+        mm.append(r[:len(fk)])
+    m = [numpy.mean(v) for v in zip(*mm)]
+    res = dict([(v,m[i]) for i,v in enumerate(fk)])
+    return res,dict([(k,x) for k,x in res.items() if math.fabs(x) > lda_th])

Binary files /dev/null and b/lefse/lefse.pyc differ

lefse2circlader.py → lefse/lefse2circlader.py
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import with_statement
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 import sys
 import os
@@ -19,7 +17,8 @@ def read_params(args):
     return vars(parser.parse_args()) 
-def lefse2circlader(par):
+def lefse2circlader():
+    par = read_params(sys.argv)
     finp,fout = bool(par['inp_f']), bool(par['out_f'])
     with open(par['inp_f']) if finp else sys.stdin as inpf:
@@ -36,8 +35,7 @@ def lefse2circlader(par):
             out_file.write( "\t".join( c ) + "\n" )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    params = read_params(sys.argv)
-    lefse2circlader(params)
+    lefse2circlader()

@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys,os,argparse,pickle,re,numpy
+import functools
+from lefsebiom.ConstantsBreadCrumbs import *
+from lefsebiom.AbundanceTable import *
+#*   Log of change                                                                                             *
+#*   January 16, 2014  - George Weingart - george.weingart at gmail.com                                           *
+#*                                                                                                             *
+#*   biom Support                                                                                              *
+#*   Modified the program to enable it to accept biom files as input                                           *
+#*                                                                                                             *
+#*   Added two optional input parameters:                                                                      *
+#*   1. biom_c is the name of the biom metadata to be used as class                                            *
+#*   2. biom_s is the name of the biom metadata to be used as subclass                                         *
+#*   class and subclass are used in the same context as the original                                           *
+#*   parameters class and subclass                                                                             *
+#*   These parameters are totally optional, the default is the program                                         *
+#*   chooses as class the first metadata received from the conversion                                          *
+#*   of the biom file into a sequential (pcl) file as generated by                                             *
+#*   breadcrumbs, and similarly, the second metadata is selected as                                            *
+#*   subclass.                                                                                                 *
+#*   The syntax or logic for the original non-biom case was NOT changed.                                       *
+#*                                                                                                             *
+#*   <*******************  IMPORTANT NOTE   *************************>                                         *
+#*   The biom case requires breadcrumbs and therefore there is a                                               *
+#*      a conditional import of the breadcrumbs modules                                                        *
+#*   If the User uses a biom input and breadcrumbs is not detected,                                            *
+#*       the run is abnormally ended                                                                           *
+#*   breadcrumbs itself needs a biom environment, so if the immport                                            *
+#*       of biom in breadcrumbs fails,  the run is also abnormally
+#*       ended (Only if the input file was biom)                                                               *
+#*                                                                                                             *
+#*   USAGE EXAMPLES                                                                                            *
+#*   --------------                                                                                            *
+#*   Case #1: Using a sequential file as input (Old version - did not change                                   *
+#*  ./format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.txt hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -c 1 -s 2 -u 3 -o 1000000               *
+#*   Case #2: Using a biom file as input                                                                       *
+#*  ./format_input.py hmp_aerobiosis_small.biom hmp_aerobiosis_small.in  -o 1000000                            *
+#*   Case #3: Using a biom file as input and override the class and subclass                                   *
+#*   ./format_input.py lefse.biom hmp_aerobiosis_small.in -biom_c oxygen_availability -biom_s body_site -o 1000000
+#*                                                                                                             *
+def read_input_file(inp_file, CommonArea):
+    if inp_file.endswith('.biom'):              #*  If the file format is biom:
+        CommonArea = biom_processing(inp_file)  #*  Process in biom format
+        return CommonArea                       #*  And return the CommonArea
+    with open(inp_file) as inp:
+        CommonArea['ReturnedData'] = [[v.strip() for v in line.strip().split("\t")] for line in inp.readlines()]
+        return CommonArea
+def transpose(data):
+    return list(zip(*data))
+def read_params(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LEfSe formatting modules')
+    parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the input file, feature hierarchical level can be specified with | or . and those symbols must not be present for other reasons in the input file.")
+    parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str,
+        help="the output file containing the data for LEfSe")
+    parser.add_argument('--output_table', type=str, required=False, default="",
+        help="the formatted table in txt format")
+    parser.add_argument('-f',dest="feats_dir", choices=["c","r"], type=str, default="r",
+        help="set whether the features are on rows (default) or on columns")
+    parser.add_argument('-c',dest="class", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=1,
+        help="set which feature use as class (default 1)")
+    parser.add_argument('-s',dest="subclass", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=None,
+        help="set which feature use as subclass (default -1 meaning no subclass)")
+    parser.add_argument('-o',dest="norm_v", metavar="float", type=float, default=-1.0,
+        help="set the normalization value (default -1.0 meaning no normalization)")
+    parser.add_argument('-u',dest="subject", metavar="[1..n_feats]", type=int, default=None,
+        help="set which feature use as subject (default -1 meaning no subject)")
+    parser.add_argument('-m',dest="missing_p", choices=["f","s"], type=str, default="d",
+        help="set the policy to adopt with missing values: f removes the features with missing values, s removes samples with missing values (default f)")
+    parser.add_argument('-n',dest="subcl_min_card", metavar="int", type=int, default=10,
+        help="set the minimum cardinality of each subclass (subclasses with low cardinalities will be grouped together, if the cardinality is still low, no pairwise comparison will be performed with them)")
+    parser.add_argument('-biom_c',dest="biom_class", type=str,
+        help="For biom input files: Set which feature use as class  ")
+    parser.add_argument('-biom_s',dest="biom_subclass", type=str,
+        help="For biom input files: set which feature use as subclass   ")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return vars(args)
+def remove_missing(data,roc):
+    if roc == "c": data = transpose(data)
+    max_len = max([len(r) for r in data])
+    to_rem = []
+    for i,r in enumerate(data):
+        if len([v for v in r if not( v == "" or v.isspace())]) < max_len: to_rem.append(i)
+    if len(to_rem):
+        for i in to_rem.reverse():
+            data.pop(i)
+    if roc == "c": return transpose(data)
+    return data
+def sort_by_cl(data,n,c,s,u):
+    def sort_lines1(a,b):
+        return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1
+    def sort_lines2u(a,b):
+        if a[c] != b[c]:
+            return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1
+        return int(a[u] > b[u])*2-1
+    def sort_lines2s(a,b):
+        if a[c] != b[c]:
+            return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1
+        return int(a[s] > b[s])*2-1
+    def sort_lines3(a,b):
+        if a[c] != b[c]:
+            return int(a[c] > b[c])*2-1
+        if a[s] != b[s]:
+            return int(a[s] > b[s])*2-1
+        return int(a[u] > b[u])*2-1
+    if n == 3:
+        data.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: sort_lines3(a,b)))
+    if n == 2:
+        if s is None:
+            data.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: sort_lines2u(a,b)))
+        else:
+            data.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: sort_lines2s(a,b)))
+    if n == 1:
+        data.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: sort_lines1(a,b)))
+    return data
+def group_small_subclasses(cls,min_subcl):
+    last = ""
+    n = 0
+    repl = []
+    dd = [list(cls['class']),list(cls['subclass'])]
+    for d in dd:
+        if d[1] != last:
+            if n < min_subcl and last != "":
+                repl.append(d[1])
+            last = d[1]
+        n = 1
+    for i,d in enumerate(dd):
+        if d[1] in repl: dd[i][1] = "other"
+        dd[i][1] = str(dd[i][0])+"_"+str(dd[i][1])
+    cls['class'] = dd[0]
+    cls['subclass'] = dd[1]
+    return cls
+def get_class_slices(data):
+    previous_class = data[0][0]
+    previous_subclass = data[0][1]
+    subclass_slices = []
+    class_slices = []
+    last_cl = 0
+    last_subcl = 0
+    class_hierarchy = []
+    subcls = []
+    for i,d in enumerate(data):
+        if d[1] != previous_subclass:
+            subclass_slices.append((previous_subclass,(last_subcl,i)))
+            last_subcl = i
+            subcls.append(previous_subclass)
+        if d[0] != previous_class:
+            class_slices.append((previous_class,(last_cl,i)))
+            class_hierarchy.append((previous_class,subcls))
+            subcls = []
+            last_cl = i
+        previous_subclass = d[1]
+        previous_class = d[0]
+    subclass_slices.append((previous_subclass,(last_subcl,i+1)))
+    subcls.append(previous_subclass)
+    class_slices.append((previous_class,(last_cl,i+1)))
+    class_hierarchy.append((previous_class,subcls))
+    return dict(class_slices), dict(subclass_slices), dict(class_hierarchy)
+def numerical_values(feats,norm):
+    mm = []
+    for k,v in feats.items():
+        feats[k] = [float(val) for val in v]
+    if norm < 0.0: return feats
+    tr = list(zip(*(list(feats.values()))))
+    mul = []
+    fk = list(feats.keys())
+    hie = True if sum([k.count(".") for k in fk]) > len(fk) else False
+    for i in range(len(list(feats.values())[0])):
+        if hie: mul.append(sum([t for j,t in enumerate(tr[i]) if fk[j].count(".") < 1 ]))
+        else: mul.append(sum(tr[i]))
+    if hie and sum(mul) == 0:
+        mul = []
+        for i in range(len(list(feats.values())[0])):
+            mul.append(sum(tr[i])) 
+    for i,m in enumerate(mul):
+        if m == 0: mul[i] = 0.0
+        else: mul[i] = float(norm) / m
+    for k,v in feats.items():
+        feats[k] = [val*mul[i] for i,val in enumerate(v)]
+        if numpy.mean(feats[k]) and (numpy.std(feats[k])/numpy.mean(feats[k])) < 1e-10:
+            feats[k] = [ float(round(kv*1e6)/1e6) for kv in feats[k]]
+    return feats
+def add_missing_levels2(ff):
+    if sum( [f.count(".") for f in ff] ) < 1: return ff
+    dn = {}
+    added = True
+    while added:
+        added = False
+        for f in ff:
+            lev = f.count(".")
+            if lev == 0: continue
+            if lev not in dn: dn[lev] = [f]
+            else: dn[lev].append(f)
+        for fn in sorted(dn,reverse=True):
+            for f in dn[fn]:
+                fc = ".".join(f.split('.')[:-1])
+                if fc not in ff:
+                    ab_all = [ff[fg] for fg in ff if (fg.count(".") == 0 and fg == fc) or (fg.count(".") > 0 and fc == ".".join(fg.split('.')[:-1]))]
+                    ab =[]
+                    for l in [f for f in zip(*ab_all)]:
+                        ab.append(sum([float(ll) for ll in l]))
+                    ff[fc] = ab
+                    added = True
+            if added:
+                break
+    return ff
+def add_missing_levels(ff):
+    if sum( [f.count(".") for f in ff] ) < 1: return ff
+    clades2leaves = {}
+    for f in ff:
+        fs = f.split(".")
+        if len(fs) < 2:
+            continue
+        for l in range(len(fs)):
+            n = ".".join( fs[:l] )
+            if n in clades2leaves:
+                clades2leaves[n].append( f )
+            else:
+                clades2leaves[n] = [f]
+    for k,v in clades2leaves.items():
+        if k and k not in ff:
+            ff[k] = [sum(a) for a in zip(*[[float(fn) for fn in ff[vv]] for vv in v])]
+    return ff
+def modify_feature_names(fn):
+    ret = fn
+    for v in [' ',r'\$',r'\@',r'#',r'%',r'\^',r'\&',r'\*',r'\"',r'\'']:
+        ret = [re.sub(v,"",f) for f in ret]
+    for v in ["/",r'\(',r'\)',r'-',r'\+',r'=',r'{',r'}',r'\[',r'\]',
+              r',',r'\.',r';',r':',r'\?',r'\<',r'\>',r'\.',r'\,']:
+        ret = [re.sub(v,"_",f) for f in ret]
+    for v in ["\|"]:
+        ret = [re.sub(v,".",f) for f in ret]
+    ret2 = []
+    for r in ret:
+        if r[0] in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','_']:
+            ret2.append("f_"+r)
+        else:
+            ret2.append(r)
+    return ret2
+def rename_same_subcl(cl,subcl):
+    toc = []
+    for sc in set(subcl):
+        if len(set([cl[i] for i in range(len(subcl)) if sc == subcl[i]])) > 1:
+            toc.append(sc)
+    new_subcl = []
+    for i,sc in enumerate(subcl):
+        if sc in toc: new_subcl.append(cl[i]+"_"+sc)
+        else: new_subcl.append(sc)
+    return new_subcl
+#*  Modifications by George Weingart,  Jan 15, 2014                                  *
+#*  If the input file is biom:                                                       *
+#*  a. Load an AbundanceTable (Using breadcrumbs)                                    *
+#*  b. Create a sequential file from the AbundanceTable (de-facto - pcl)             *
+#*  c. Use that file as input to the rest of the program                             *
+#*  d. Calculate the c,s,and u parameters, either from the values the User entered   *
+#*     from the meta data values in the biom file or set up defaults                 *
+#*  <<<-------------  I M P O R T A N T     N O T E ------------------->>            *
+#*  breadcrumbs src directory must be included in the PYTHONPATH                     *
+#*  <<<-------------  I M P O R T A N T     N O T E ------------------->>            *
+def biom_processing(inp_file):
+    CommonArea = dict()         #* Set up a dictionary to return
+    CommonArea['abndData']   = AbundanceTable.funcMakeFromFile(inp_file,    #* Create AbundanceTable from input biom file
+        cDelimiter = None,
+        sMetadataID = None,
+        sLastMetadataRow = None,
+        sLastMetadata = None,
+        strFormat = None)
+    #****************************************************************
+    #*  Building the data element here                              *
+    #****************************************************************
+    ResolvedData = list()       #This is the Resolved data that will be returned
+    IDMetadataName  = CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetIDMetadataName()   #* ID Metadataname
+    IDMetadata = [CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetIDMetadataName()]  #* The first Row
+    IDMetadata.extend([IDMetadataEntry for IDMetadataEntry in CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy()[IDMetadataName]]) #* Loop on all the metadata values
+    ResolvedData.append(IDMetadata)                 #Add the IDMetadata with all its values to the resolved area
+    for key, value in  CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy().items():
+        if  key  != IDMetadataName:
+            MetadataEntry = [key] + value     #*  Set it up
+            ResolvedData.append(MetadataEntry)
+    for AbundanceDataEntry in    CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetAbundanceCopy():         #* The Abundance Data
+        lstAbundanceDataEntry = list(AbundanceDataEntry)    #Convert tuple to list
+        ResolvedData.append(lstAbundanceDataEntry)          #Append the list to the metadata list
+    CommonArea['ReturnedData'] =    ResolvedData            #Post the results
+    return CommonArea
+#*    Check the params and override in the case of biom                        *
+def  check_params_for_biom_case(params, CommonArea):
+    CommonArea['MetadataNames'] = list()            #Metadata  names
+    params['original_class'] = params['class']          #Save the original class
+    params['original_subclass'] = params['subclass']    #Save the original subclass
+    params['original_subject'] = params['subject']  #Save the original subclass
+    TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile = len(CommonArea['abndData'].funcGetMetadataCopy())  # The number of metadata entries
+    for i in range(0,TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile):  #* Populate the meta data names table
+        CommonArea['MetadataNames'].append(CommonArea['ReturnedData'][i][0])    #Add the metadata name
+    #****************************************************
+    #* Setting the params here                          *
+    #****************************************************
+    if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile > 0:     #If there is at least one entry - has to be the subject
+        params['subject'] =  1
+    if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile == 2:        #If there are 2 - The first is the subject and the second has to be the metadata, and that is the class
+        params['class'] =  2
+    if TotalMetadataEntriesAndIDInBiomFile == 3:        #If there are 3:  Set up default that the second entry is the class and the third is the subclass
+        params['class'] =  2
+        params['subclass'] =  3
+        FlagError = False                               #Set up error flag
+        if not params['biom_class'] is None and not params['biom_subclass'] is None:                #Check if the User passed a valid class and subclass
+            if  params['biom_class'] in CommonArea['MetadataNames']:
+                params['class'] =  CommonArea['MetadataNames'].index(params['biom_class'])+1  #* Set up the index for that metadata
+            else:
+                FlagError = True
+            if  params['biom_subclass'] in  CommonArea['MetadataNames']:
+                params['subclass'] =  CommonArea['MetadataNames'].index(params['biom_subclass'])+1 #* Set up the index for that metadata
+            else:
+                FlagError = True
+        if FlagError == True:       #* If the User passed an invalid class
+            print("**Invalid biom class or subclass passed - Using defaults: First metadata=class, Second Metadata=subclass\n")
+            params['class'] =  2
+            params['subclass'] =  3
+    return params
+def format_input():
+    CommonArea = dict()         #Build a Common Area to pass variables in the biom case
+    params = read_params(sys.argv)
+    if type(params['subclass']) is int and int(params['subclass']) < 1:
+        params['subclass'] = None
+    if type(params['subject']) is int and int(params['subject']) < 1:
+        params['subject'] = None
+    CommonArea = read_input_file(sys.argv[1], CommonArea)       #Pass The CommonArea to the Read
+    data = CommonArea['ReturnedData']                   #Select the data
+    if sys.argv[1].endswith('biom'):    #*  Check if biom:
+        params = check_params_for_biom_case(params, CommonArea) #Check the params for the biom case
+    if params['feats_dir'] == "c":
+        data = transpose(data)
+    ncl = 1
+    if not params['subclass'] is None: ncl += 1
+    if not params['subject'] is None: ncl += 1
+    first_line = list(zip(*data))[0]
+    first_line = modify_feature_names(list(first_line))
+    data = list(zip( first_line,
+            *sort_by_cl(list(zip(*data))[1:],
+              ncl,
+              params['class']-1,
+              params['subclass']-1 if not params['subclass'] is None else None,
+              params['subject']-1 if not params['subject'] is None else None)))
+#   data.insert(0,first_line)
+#   data = remove_missing(data,params['missing_p'])
+    cls = {}
+    cls_i = [('class',params['class']-1)]
+    if params['subclass'] is not None and params['subclass'] > 0:
+        cls_i.append(('subclass',params['subclass']-1))
+    if params['subject'] is not None and params['subject'] > 0:
+        cls_i.append(('subject',params['subject']-1))
+    cls_i.sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x,y: -((x[1] > y[1]) - (x[1] < y[1]))))
+    for v in cls_i: 
+        cls[v[0]] = data.pop(v[1])[1:]
+    if params['subclass'] is None:
+        cls['subclass'] = [str(cl)+"_subcl" for cl in cls['class']]
+    cls['subclass'] = rename_same_subcl(cls['class'],cls['subclass'])
+#   if 'subclass' in cls.keys(): cls = group_small_subclasses(cls,params['subcl_min_card'])
+    class_sl,subclass_sl,class_hierarchy = get_class_slices(list(zip(cls['class'], cls['subclass'], cls['subject'])))
+    feats = dict([(d[0],d[1:]) for d in data])
+    feats = add_missing_levels(feats)
+    feats = numerical_values(feats,params['norm_v'])
+    out = {}
+    out['feats'] = feats
+    out['norm'] = params['norm_v']
+    out['cls'] = cls
+    out['class_sl'] = class_sl
+    out['subclass_sl'] = subclass_sl
+    out['class_hierarchy'] = class_hierarchy
+    if params['output_table']:
+        with open( params['output_table'], "w") as outf:
+            if 'class' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["class"])+list(cls['class'])) + "\n" )
+            if 'subclass' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["subclass"])+list(cls['subclass'])) + "\n" )
+            if 'subject' in cls: outf.write( "\t".join(list(["subject"])+list(cls['subject']))  + "\n" )
+            for k,v in out['feats'].items(): outf.write( "\t".join([k]+[str(vv) for vv in v]) + "\n" )
+    with open(params['output_file'], 'wb') as back_file:
+        pickle.dump(out,back_file)
+if  __name__ == '__main__':
+    format_input()
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os,sys,matplotlib,argparse,string
+# from io import StringIO
+from pylab import *
+from lefse.lefse import *
+import numpy as np
+colors = ['r','g','b','m','c',[1.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.33,0.125,0.0],[0.75,0.75,0.75],'k']
+dark_colors = [[0.4,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.2,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.4],'m','c',[1.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.33,0.125,0.0],[0.75,0.75,0.75],'k']
+class CladeNode:
+    def __init__(self, name, abundance, viz = True):
+        self.id = name
+        self.name = name.split(".")
+        self.last_name = self.name[-1]
+        self.abundance = abundance
+        self.pos = (-1.0,-1.0)
+        self.children = {}
+        self.isleaf = True
+        self.color = 'y'
+        self.next_leaf = -1
+        self.prev_leaf = -1
+        self.viz = viz
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.last_name
+    def add_child(self,node):
+        self.isleaf = False
+        self.children[node.__repr__()] = node
+    def get_children(self):
+        ck = sorted(self.children.keys())
+        return [self.children[k] for k in ck]
+    def get_color(self):
+        return self.color
+    def set_color(self,c):
+        self.color = c
+    def set_pos(self,pos):
+        self.pos = pos
+def read_params(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cladoplot')
+    parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="tab delimited input file")
+    parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the file for the output image")
+    parser.add_argument('--clade_sep',dest="clade_sep", type=float, default=1.5)
+    parser.add_argument('--max_lev',dest="max_lev", type=int, default=-1)
+    parser.add_argument('--max_point_size',dest="max_point_size", type=float, default=6.0)
+    parser.add_argument('--min_point_size',dest="min_point_size", type=float, default=1)
+    parser.add_argument('--point_edge_width',dest="markeredgewidth", type=float, default=.25)
+    parser.add_argument('--siblings_connector_width',dest="siblings_connector_width", type=float, default=2)
+    parser.add_argument('--parents_connector_width',dest="parents_connector_width", type=float, default=0.75)
+    parser.add_argument('--radial_start_lev',dest="radial_start_lev", type=int, default=1)
+    parser.add_argument('--labeled_start_lev',dest="labeled_start_lev", type=int, default=2)
+    parser.add_argument('--labeled_stop_lev',dest="labeled_stop_lev", type=int, default=5)
+    parser.add_argument('--abrv_start_lev',dest="abrv_start_lev", type=int, default=3)
+    parser.add_argument('--abrv_stop_lev',dest="abrv_stop_lev", type=int, default=5)
+    parser.add_argument('--expand_void_lev',dest="expand_void_lev", type=int, default=1)
+    parser.add_argument('--class_legend_vis',dest="class_legend_vis", type=int, default=1)
+    parser.add_argument('--colored_connector',dest="colored_connectors", type=int, default=1)
+    parser.add_argument('--alpha',dest="alpha", type=float, default=0.2)
+    parser.add_argument('--title',dest="title", type=str, default="Cladogram")
+    parser.add_argument('--sub_clade',dest="sub_clade", type=str, default="")
+    parser.add_argument('--title_font_size',dest="title_font_size", type=str, default="14")
+    parser.add_argument('--right_space_prop',dest="r_prop", type=float, default=0.1)
+    parser.add_argument('--left_space_prop',dest="l_prop", type=float, default=0.1)
+    parser.add_argument('--label_font_size',dest="label_font_size", type=str, default="6")
+    parser.add_argument('--background_color',dest="back_color", type=str, choices=["k","w"], default="w", help="set the color of the background")
+    parser.add_argument('--colored_labels',dest="col_lab", type=int, choices=[0,1], default=1, help="draw the label with class color (1) or in black (0)")
+    parser.add_argument('--class_legend_font_size',dest="class_legend_font_size", type=str, default="10")
+    parser.add_argument('--dpi',dest="dpi", type=int, default=72)
+    parser.add_argument('--format', dest="format", choices=["png","svg","pdf"], default="svg", type=str, help="the format for the output file")
+    parser.add_argument('--all_feats', dest="all_feats", type=str, default="")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return vars(args) 
+def cmp_names(la,lb):
+    if len(la) != len(lb): return False
+    for p in [(a,b) for i,a in enumerate(la) for j,b in enumerate(lb) if i == j]:
+        if p[0] != p[1]: return False
+    return True    
+def build_tree(father,all_nodes,l,depth,viz):
+    cc = [n for n in all_nodes if len(n.name) > len(father.name) and cmp_names(father.name,n.name[:len(father.name)])]
+    children = [n for n in cc if len(n.name) == len(father.name)+1]
+    if len(children) == 0 and l < depth -1: # !!!
+        nc = CladeNode(father.id+"."+father.id.split(".")[-1],1.0,viz)
+        father.add_child(nc)
+        children.append(nc)
+    for child in children:
+        build_tree(child,cc,l+1,depth,viz)
+        father.add_child(child)
+def get_all_nodes(father):
+    ret = [father]
+    children = father.get_children()
+    for c in children:
+        ret += get_all_nodes(c)
+    return ret
+def read_data(input_file,params):
+    with open(input_file, 'r') as inp:
+        if params['sub_clade'] == "": 
+            rows = [line.strip().split()[:-1] for line in inp.readlines() if params['max_lev'] < 1 or line.split()[0].count(".") < params['max_lev']]
+        else: rows = [line.split(params['sub_clade']+".")[1].strip().split()[:-1] for line in inp.readlines() if ( params['max_lev'] < 1 or line.split()[0].count(".") < params['max_lev'] ) and line.startswith(params['sub_clade']+".")]
+    all_names = [lin[0] for lin in rows]
+    to_add = []
+    abundances = [float(v) for v in list(zip(*rows))[1] if float(v) >= 0.0]
+    tree = {}
+    tree['classes'] = list(set([v[2] for v in rows if len(v)>2]))
+    tree['classes'].sort()
+    all_nodes = [CladeNode("root."+row[0],float(row[1])) for row in rows]
+    depth = max([len(n.name) for n in all_nodes])
+    n2 = ["_".join(nn.name) for nn in all_nodes]
+    for i,nn in enumerate(all_nodes):
+        n = nn
+        while "_".join(n.name[:-1]) not in n2 and len(n.name) > 1:
+            n = CladeNode(".".join(n.name[:-1]),n.abundance)
+            all_nodes.append(n)
+            n2.append("_".join(n.name))
+    cls2 = []
+    if params['all_feats'] != "":
+        cls2 = sorted(params['all_feats'].split(":"))
+    for i,v in enumerate(rows):
+        if len(v)>2:
+            if len(cls2) > 0: all_nodes[i].set_color(colors[cls2.index(v[2])%len(colors)])
+            else: 
+                if v[2].count('rgbcol') > 0:
+                    ccc = [float(tt) for tt in v[2].split('_')[1:]]
+                    all_nodes[i].set_color(ccc)
+                else: all_nodes[i].set_color(colors[sorted(tree['classes']).index(v[2])%len(colors)])    
+    root = CladeNode("root",-1.0)
+    root.set_pos((0.0,0.0))
+    build_tree(root,all_nodes,0,depth,params['expand_void_lev']==1)
+    all_nodes = get_all_nodes(root)
+    tree['root'] = root
+    tree['max_abs'] = max(abundances)
+    tree['min_abs'] = min(abundances)
+    levs = []
+    for i in range(depth):
+        depthi = [n for n in all_nodes if len(n.name) == i+1]
+        levs.append(len(depthi))
+    tree['nlev'] = levs
+    return tree
+def add_all_pos(father,n,distn,seps,tsep,mlev,last_leaf=-1,nc=1):
+    children = father.get_children()
+    leaves = True if children[0].isleaf else False
+    for i,child in enumerate(children):
+        if leaves:
+            n += 1.0
+            men = 0.5 if len(children) == 1 else 0.0
+            child.set_pos((n*distn-men*float(distn)+tsep,(len(father.name))/float(mlev-1)))
+            if last_leaf != -1:
+                child.prev_leaf = last_leaf
+                last_leaf.next_leaf = child
+            last_leaf = child
+        else:
+            ln = n
+            ltsep = tsep 
+            n,tsep,last_leaf = add_all_pos(child,n,distn,seps,tsep,mlev,last_leaf,len(children))
+            nn = (ln + n)*0.5*distn
+            ssep = (ltsep + tsep)*0.5
+            if n-ln == 1:
+                ssep = ltsep
+            child.set_pos((nn+ssep,(len(father.name))/float(mlev-1)))
+    tsep += seps[len(father.name)-1]
+    return n,tsep,last_leaf
+def plot_points(father,params,pt_scale,ax):
+    children = father.get_children()
+    children.sort(key = lambda a: -int(a.get_color() == 'y')*a.abundance)
+    x,r = father.pos[0], father.pos[1]
+    for i,child in enumerate(children):
+        xc,rc = plot_points(child,params,pt_scale,ax)
+    if not father.viz: return x,r
+    ps = pt_scale[0]+father.abundance/pt_scale[1]+pt_scale[0]
+    col = father.get_color()
+    pw = params['markeredgewidth'] if col == 'y' else params['markeredgewidth']*3.0
+    if x==0 and r==0: ax.plot(x,r, 'o',markersize=ps,color=col,markeredgewidth=0.01,markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
+    else: ax.plot(x,r, 'o',markersize=ps,color=col,markeredgewidth=pw,markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
+    return x,r
+def plot_lines(father,params,depth,ax,xf):
+    children = father.get_children()
+    x,r = father.pos[0], father.pos[1]
+    for i,child in enumerate(children):
+        xc,rc = plot_lines(child,params,depth,ax,x)
+        if i == 0: x_first, r_first = xc, rc
+        if len(father.name) >= depth-params['radial_start_lev']: 
+            col = params['fore_color'] 
+            lw=params['parents_connector_width']
+            if not child.viz: continue
+            if father.get_color() != 'y' and father.get_color() == child.get_color() and params['colored_connectors']:
+                col = child.get_color()
+                lw *=2.5
+            if col != params['fore_color']:
+                ax.plot([x,xc],[r,rc],"-",color=params['fore_color'],lw=lw*1.5) 
+            ax.plot([x,xc],[r,rc],"-",color=col,lw=lw)
+    if not father.viz or (len(children) == 1 and not children[0].viz): return x,r 
+    if len(father.name) < depth-params['radial_start_lev']:
+        col = params['fore_color'] 
+        lw=params['parents_connector_width']
+        if father.get_color() != 'y':
+            f =True
+            for child in children:
+                if child.get_color() != father.get_color() or not params['colored_connectors']:
+                    f = False
+                    break
+            if f: 
+                col = father.get_color()
+                lw *= 2.5 
+        if not (x==0 and r==0):
+            xx = xc if len(children) > 0 else x
+            if len(children) == 0: rc = r
+            xt = x if len(children)>1 else xx 
+            if col != params['fore_color']:
+                ax.plot([x,xt],[r,rc],"-",color=params['fore_color'],lw=lw*1.5)
+            ax.plot([x,xt],[r,rc],"-",color=col,lw=lw)
+    if len(children) > 0 and 1 < len(father.name) < depth-params['radial_start_lev']:
+        xs = arange(x_first,xc,0.01)
+        ys = [rc for t in xs]
+        ax.plot(xs,ys,"-",color=col,lw=params['siblings_connector_width'],markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
+    return x,r 
+def uniqueid():
+    for l in string.ascii_lowercase: yield l
+    for l in string.ascii_lowercase:
+        for i in range(10):
+            yield l+str(i)
+    i = 0
+    while True:
+        yield str(i)
+        i += 1
+def plot_names(father,params,depth,ax,u_i,seps):
+    children = father.get_children()
+    l = len(father.name)
+    if len(children)==0:
+        if father.prev_leaf == -1 or father.next_leaf == -1:
+            fr_0, fr_1 = father.pos[0], father.pos[0]
+        else: fr_0, fr_1 =  (father.pos[0]+father.prev_leaf.pos[0])*0.5, (father.pos[0]+father.next_leaf.pos[0])*0.5
+    for i,child in enumerate(children):
+        fr,to = plot_names(child,params,depth,ax,u_i,seps)
+        if i == 0: fr_0 = fr
+        fr_1 = to 
+    if father.get_color() != 'y' and params['labeled_start_lev'] < l <= params['labeled_stop_lev']+1:
+        col = father.get_color()
+        dd = params['labeled_stop_lev'] - params['labeled_start_lev'] + 1 
+        de = depth - 1
+        dim = 1.0/float(de)
+        perc_ext = 0.65 if dim > 0.1 else 1.0 
+        clto = (de-l+1)*dim+dim*(dd+1-(l-dd-1))*perc_ext
+        clto = (de-l+1)*dim+dim*(dd-(l-params['labeled_start_lev'])+1)*perc_ext
+        des = float(180.0*(fr_0+fr_1)/np.pi)*0.5-90
+        lab = ""
+        txt = father.last_name
+        if params['abrv_start_lev']  < l <= params['abrv_stop_lev'] + 1:
+            ide = next(u_i)
+            lab = str(ide)+": "+father.last_name 
+            txt = str(ide)
+#        ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(depth-1), alpha = params['alpha'], color=col, edgecolor=col)
+        ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(de), alpha = params['alpha'], color=col, edgecolor=col)
+        ax.bar(0.0, 0.0, width = 0.0, bottom = 0.0, alpha = 1.0, color=col, edgecolor=params['fore_color'],  label=lab)
+        if l <= params['abrv_stop_lev'] + 1:
+            if not params['col_lab']: col = params['fore_color']
+            else: 
+                if col not in colors: col = params['fore_color']
+                else: col = dark_colors[colors.index(col)%len(dark_colors)]
+            ax.text((fr_0+fr_1)*0.5, clto+float(l-1)/float(de)-dim*perc_ext/2.0, txt, size = params['label_font_size'], rotation=des, ha ="center", va="center", color=col)    
+    return fr_0, fr_1
+def draw_tree(out_file,tree,params):
+    plt_size = 7
+    nlev = tree['nlev']
+    pt_scale = (params['min_point_size'],max(1.0,((tree['max_abs']-tree['min_abs']))/(params['max_point_size']-params['min_point_size'])))
+    depth = len(nlev)
+    sep = (2.0*np.pi)/float(nlev[-1]) 
+    seps = [params['clade_sep']*sep/float(depth-i+1) for i in range(1,len(tree['nlev'])+1)]
+    totseps = sum([s*nlev[i] for i,s in enumerate(seps[:-1])])
+    clade_sep_err = True if totseps > np.pi else False
+    while totseps > np.pi:
+        params['clade_sep'] *= 0.75      
+        seps = [params['clade_sep']*sep/(float(depth-i+1)*0.25) for i in range(1,len(tree['nlev'])+1)]
+        totseps = sum([s*nlev[i] for i,s in enumerate(seps[:-1])])
+    if clade_sep_err: print('clade_sep parameter too large, lowered to',params['clade_sep'])
+    fig = plt.figure(edgecolor=params['back_color'],facecolor=params['back_color'])
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True, frame_on=False, facecolor=params['back_color'] )
+    plt.subplots_adjust(right=1.0-params['r_prop'],left=params['l_prop'])     
+    ax.grid(False)
+    xticks([])
+    yticks([])
+    ds = (2.0*np.pi-totseps)/float(nlev[-1])
+    add_all_pos(tree['root'],0.0,ds,seps,0.0,depth)
+    plot_lines(tree['root'],params,depth,ax,0)
+    plot_points(tree['root'],params,pt_scale,ax)
+    plot_names(tree['root'],params,depth,ax,uniqueid(),seps)
+    r = np.arange(0, 3.0, 0.01)
+    theta = 2*np.pi*r
+    def get_col_attr(x):
+            return hasattr(x, 'set_color') and not hasattr(x, 'set_facecolor')
+    h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
+    if len(l) > 0:
+        # Each column allows at most 35 species (rows)
+        ncol = len(l)//35+1
+        leg = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), frameon=False, loc=2, borderaxespad=0.,
+                prop={'size':params['label_font_size']},ncol=ncol)
+        if leg != None:
+            gca().add_artist(leg)
+            for o in leg.findobj(get_col_attr):
+                o.set_color(params['fore_color'])
+    cll = sorted(tree['classes']) if params['all_feats'] == "" else sorted(params['all_feats'].split(":"))
+    nll = [ax.bar(0.0, 0.0, width = 0.0, bottom = 0.0, color=colors[i%len(colors)], label=c) for i,c in enumerate(cll) if c in tree['classes']]
+    cl = [c for c in cll if c in tree['classes']]
+    ax.set_title(params['title'],size=params['title_font_size'],color=params['fore_color'])
+    if params['class_legend_vis']:
+        l2 = legend(nll, cl, loc=2, prop={'size':params['class_legend_font_size']}, frameon=False)
+        if l2 != None:
+            for o in l2.findobj(get_col_attr):
+                    o.set_color(params['fore_color'])
+    # add bbox to deal with legnd overflow
+    plt.savefig(out_file,format=params['format'],facecolor=params['back_color'],edgecolor=params['fore_color'],dpi=params['dpi'], bbox_inches='tight')
+    plt.close()    
+def plot_cladogram():
+    params = read_params(sys.argv)
+    params['fore_color'] = 'w' if params['back_color'] == 'k' else 'k'
+    clad_tree = read_data(params['input_file'],params)    
+    draw_tree(params['output_file'],clad_tree,params)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    plot_cladogram()

plot_features.py → lefse/lefse_plot_features.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 import os,sys,matplotlib,zipfile,argparse,string
 from pylab import *
-from lefse import *
+from lefse.lefse import *
 import random as rand
 colors = ['r','g','b','m','c']
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def read_data(file_data,file_feats,params):
 	with open(file_feats, 'r') as features:
 		feats_to_plot = [(f.split()[:-1],len(f.split()) == 5) for f in features.readlines()]
 	if not feats_to_plot:
-		print "No features to plot\n"
+		print("No features to plot\n")
 	feats,cls,class_sl,subclass_sl,class_hierarchy,params['norm_v'] = load_data(file_data, True)	 	
 	if params['feature_num'] > 0: 
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ def read_data(file_data,file_feats,params):
 		if params['f'] == "one" and f[0][0] != params['feature_name']: continue
 		features[f[0][0]] = {'dim':float(f[0][1]), 'abundances':feats[f[0][0]], 'sig':f[1], 'cls':cls, 'class_sl':class_sl, 'subclass_sl':subclass_sl, 'class_hierarchy':class_hierarchy} 
 	if not features:
-                print "No features to plot\n"
+                print("No features to plot\n")
 	return features
 def plot(name,k_n,feat,params):
 	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(params['width'], params['height']),edgecolor=params['fore_color'],facecolor=params['back_color'])
-	ax = fig.add_subplot(111,axis_bgcolor=params['back_color']) 
+	ax = fig.add_subplot(111,facecolor=params['back_color']) 
 	max_m = 0.0
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ def plot(name,k_n,feat,params):
 	return name 
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def plot_features():
 	params = read_params(sys.argv)
 	params['fore_color'] = 'w' if params['back_color'] == 'k' else 'k'
 	features = read_data(params['input_file_1'],params['input_file_2'],params)
 	if params['archive'] == "zip": file = zipfile.ZipFile(params['output_file'], "w")
 	for k,f in features.items():
-		print "Exporting ", k
+		print("Exporting ", k)
 		if params['archive'] == "zip":
 			of = plot("/tmp/"+str(int(f['sig']))+"_"+"-".join(k.split("."))+"."+params['format'],k,f,params)
 			file.write(of, os.path.basename(of), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
@@ -151,3 +151,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 			if params['f'] == 'one': plot(params['output_file'],k,f,params)
 			else: plot(params['output_file']+str(int(f['sig']))+"_"+"-".join(k.split("."))+"."+params['format'],k,f,params) 
 	if params['archive'] == "zip": file.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	plot_features()
\ No newline at end of file

plot_res.py → lefse/lefse_plot_res.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 import os,sys
 import matplotlib
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ matplotlib.use('Agg')
 from pylab import *
 from collections import defaultdict
-from lefse import *
+from lefse.lefse import *
 import argparse
 colors = ['r','g','b','m','c','y','k','w']
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def read_data(input_file,output_file,otu_only):
             rows = [line.strip().split()[:-1] for line in inp.readlines() if len(line.strip().split())>3 and len(line.strip().split()[0].split('.'))==8] # a feature with length 8 will have an OTU id associated with it
     classes = list(set([v[2] for v in rows if len(v)>2]))
     if len(classes) < 1: 
-        print "No differentially abundant features found in "+input_file
+        print("No differentially abundant features found in "+input_file)
         os.system("touch "+output_file)
     data = {}
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def plot_histo_hor(path,params,data,bcl,report_features):
     cls = sorted(data['cls'])
     if bcl: data['rows'].sort(key=lambda ab: fabs(float(ab[3]))*(cls.index(ab[2])*2-1))
-        mmax = max([fabs(float(a)) for a in zip(*data['rows'])[3]])
+        mmax = max([fabs(float(a)) for a in list(zip(*list(data['rows'])))[3]])
         data['rows'].sort(key=lambda ab: fabs(float(ab[3]))/mmax+(cls.index(ab[2])+1))
     pos = arange(len(data['rows']))
     head = 0.75
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ def plot_histo_hor(path,params,data,bcl,report_features):
     ht = head + tail
     ints = max(len(pos)*0.2,1.5)
     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(params['width'], ints + ht), edgecolor=params['back_color'],facecolor=params['back_color'])
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,frame_on=False,axis_bgcolor=params['back_color'])
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,frame_on=False,facecolor=params['back_color'])
     ls, rs = params['ls'], 1.0-params['rs']
     plt.subplots_adjust(left=ls,right=rs,top=1-head*(1.0-ints/(ints+ht)), bottom=tail*(1.0-ints/(ints+ht)))
-    fig.canvas.set_window_title('LDA results')
+    fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('LDA results')
     l_align = {'horizontalalignment':'left', 'verticalalignment':'baseline'}
     r_align = {'horizontalalignment':'right', 'verticalalignment':'baseline'}
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ def plot_histo_hor(path,params,data,bcl,report_features):
         ax.barh(pos[i],vv, align='center', color=col, label=lab, height=0.8, edgecolor=params['fore_color'])
     mv = max([abs(float(v[3])) for v in data['rows']])  
     if report_features:
-        print 'OTU\tLDA_score\tCLass'
+        print('OTU\tLDA_score\tCLass')
         for i in out_data:
-            print '%s\t%s\t%s' %(i, out_data[i][0], out_data[i][1])
+            print('%s\t%s\t%s' %(i, out_data[i][0], out_data[i][1]))
     for i,r in enumerate(data['rows']):
         indcl = cls.index(data['rows'][i][2])
         if params['n_scl'] < 0: rr = r[0]
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ def plot_histo_ver(path,params,data,report_features):
     if params['n_scl'] < 0: nam = [d[0] for d in data['rows']]
     else: nam = [d[0].split(".")[-min(d[0].count("."),params['n_scl'])] for d in data['rows']]
     fig = plt.figure(edgecolor=params['back_color'],facecolor=params['back_color'],figsize=(params['width'], params['height'])) 
-    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,axis_bgcolor=params['back_color'])
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111,facecolor=params['back_color'])
     plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9, left=params['ls'], right=params['rs'], bottom=0.3) 
-    fig.canvas.set_window_title('LDA results')   
+    fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title('LDA results')   
     l_align = {'horizontalalignment':'left', 'verticalalignment':'baseline'}
     r_align = {'horizontalalignment':'right', 'verticalalignment':'baseline'} 
     added = []
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ def plot_histo_ver(path,params,data,report_features):
         vv = fabs(float(v[3])) 
         ax.bar(pos[i],vv, align='center', color=col, label=lab)
     if report_features:
-        print 'OTU\tLDA_score\tCLass'
+        print('OTU\tLDA_score\tCLass')
         for i in out_data:
-            print '%s\t%s\t%s' %(i, out_data[i][0], out_data[i][1])
+            print('%s\t%s\t%s' %(i, out_data[i][0], out_data[i][1]))
     xticks(pos,nam,rotation=-20, ha = 'left',size=params['feature_font_size'])  
     ax.set_ylabel("LDA SCORE (log 10)")
@@ -169,11 +169,13 @@ def plot_histo_ver(path,params,data,report_features):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def plot_res():
     params = read_params(sys.argv)
     params['fore_color'] = 'w' if params['back_color'] == 'k' else 'k'
     data = read_data(params['input_file'],params['output_file'],params['otu_only'])
     if params['orientation'] == 'v': plot_histo_ver(params['output_file'],params,data,params['report_features'])
     else: plot_histo_hor(params['output_file'],params,data,len(data['cls']) == 2,params['report_features'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    plot_res()
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os,sys,math,pickle
+from lefse.lefse import *
+def read_params(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LEfSe 1.1.01')
+    parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the input file")
+    parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str,
+                help="the output file containing the data for the visualization module")
+    parser.add_argument('-o',dest="out_text_file", metavar='str', type=str, default="",
+                help="set the file for exporting the result (only concise textual form)")
+    parser.add_argument('-a',dest="anova_alpha", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.05,
+                help="set the alpha value for the Anova test (default 0.05)")
+    parser.add_argument('-w',dest="wilcoxon_alpha", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.05,
+                help="set the alpha value for the Wilcoxon test (default 0.05)")
+    parser.add_argument('-l',dest="lda_abs_th", metavar='float', type=float, default=2.0,
+                help="set the threshold on the absolute value of the logarithmic LDA score (default 2.0)")
+    parser.add_argument('--nlogs',dest="nlogs", metavar='int', type=int, default=3,
+        help="max log ingluence of LDA coeff")
+    parser.add_argument('--verbose',dest="verbose", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=0,
+        help="verbose execution (default 0)")
+    parser.add_argument('--wilc',dest="wilc", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=1,
+        help="wheter to perform the Wicoxon step (default 1)")
+    parser.add_argument('-r',dest="rank_tec", metavar='str', choices=['lda','svm'], type=str, default='lda',
+        help="select LDA or SVM for effect size (default LDA)")
+    parser.add_argument('--svm_norm',dest="svm_norm", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=1,
+        help="whether to normalize the data in [0,1] for SVM feature waiting (default 1 strongly suggested)")
+    parser.add_argument('-b',dest="n_boots", metavar='int', type=int, default=30,
+                help="set the number of bootstrap iteration for LDA (default 30)")
+    parser.add_argument('-e',dest="only_same_subcl", metavar='int', type=int, default=0,
+                help="set whether perform the wilcoxon test only among the subclasses with the same name (default 0)")
+    parser.add_argument('-c',dest="curv", metavar='int', type=int, default=0,
+                help="set whether perform the wilcoxon test ing the Curtis's approach [BETA VERSION] (default 0)")
+    parser.add_argument('-f',dest="f_boots", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.67,
+                help="set the subsampling fraction value for each bootstrap iteration (default 0.66666)")
+    parser.add_argument('-s',dest="strict", choices=[0,1,2], type=int, default=0,
+                help="set the multiple testing correction options. 0 no correction (more strict, default), 1 correction for independent comparisons, 2 correction for dependent comparison")
+#       parser.add_argument('-m',dest="m_boots", type=int, default=5,
+#               help="minimum cardinality of classes in each bootstrapping iteration (default 5)")
+    parser.add_argument('--min_c',dest="min_c", metavar='int', type=int, default=10,
+                help="minimum number of samples per subclass for performing wilcoxon test (default 10)")
+    parser.add_argument('-t',dest="title", metavar='str', type=str, default="",
+                help="set the title of the analysis (default input file without extension)")
+    parser.add_argument('-y',dest="multiclass_strat", choices=[0,1], type=int, default=0,
+                help="(for multiclass tasks) set whether the test is performed in a one-against-one ( 1 - more strict!) or in a one-against-all setting ( 0 - less strict) (default 0)")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    params = vars(args)
+    if params['title'] == "":
+        params['title'] = params['input_file'].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0]
+    return params
+def lefse_run():
+    init()
+    params = read_params(sys.argv)
+    feats,cls,class_sl,subclass_sl,class_hierarchy = load_data(params['input_file'])
+    kord,cls_means = get_class_means(class_sl,feats)
+    wilcoxon_res = {}
+    kw_n_ok = 0
+    nf = 0
+    for feat_name,feat_values in list(feats.items()):
+        if params['verbose']:
+            print("Testing feature",str(nf),": ",feat_name)
+            nf += 1
+        kw_ok,pv = test_kw_r(cls,feat_values,params['anova_alpha'],sorted(cls.keys()))
+        if not kw_ok:
+            if params['verbose']: print("\tkw ko")
+            del feats[feat_name]
+            wilcoxon_res[feat_name] = "-"
+            continue
+        if params['verbose']: print("\tkw ok\t")
+        if not params['wilc']: continue
+        kw_n_ok += 1
+        res_wilcoxon_rep = test_rep_wilcoxon_r(subclass_sl,class_hierarchy,feat_values,params['wilcoxon_alpha'],params['multiclass_strat'],params['strict'],feat_name,params['min_c'],params['only_same_subcl'],params['curv'])
+        wilcoxon_res[feat_name] = str(pv) if res_wilcoxon_rep else "-"
+        if not res_wilcoxon_rep:
+            if params['verbose']: print("wilc ko")
+            del feats[feat_name]
+        elif params['verbose']: print("wilc ok\t")
+    if len(feats) > 0:
+        print("Number of significantly discriminative features:", len(feats), "(", kw_n_ok, ") before internal wilcoxon")
+        if params['lda_abs_th'] < 0.0:
+            lda_res,lda_res_th = dict([(k,0.0) for k,v in feats.items()]), dict([(k,v) for k,v in feats.items()])
+        else:
+            if params['rank_tec'] == 'lda': lda_res,lda_res_th = test_lda_r(cls,feats,class_sl,params['n_boots'],params['f_boots'],params['lda_abs_th'],0.0000000001,params['nlogs'])
+            elif params['rank_tec'] == 'svm': lda_res,lda_res_th = test_svm(cls,feats,class_sl,params['n_boots'],params['f_boots'],params['lda_abs_th'],0.0,params['svm_norm'])
+            else: lda_res,lda_res_th = dict([(k,0.0) for k,v in feats.items()]), dict([(k,v) for k,v in feats.items()])
+    else:
+        print("Number of significantly discriminative features:", len(feats), "(", kw_n_ok, ") before internal wilcoxon")
+        print("No features with significant differences between the two classes")
+        lda_res,lda_res_th = {},{}
+    outres = {}
+    outres['lda_res_th'] = lda_res_th
+    outres['lda_res'] = lda_res
+    outres['cls_means'] = cls_means
+    outres['cls_means_kord'] = kord
+    outres['wilcox_res'] = wilcoxon_res
+    print("Number of discriminative features with abs LDA score >",params['lda_abs_th'],":",len(lda_res_th))
+    save_res(outres,params["output_file"])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    lefse_run()
\ No newline at end of file

qiime2lefse.py → lefse/qiime2lefse.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 import sys
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@ def read_params(args):
-def qiime2lefse(  fin, fmd, fout, all_md, sel_md ):
+def qiime2lefse():
+    pars = read_params( sys.argv )
+    fin = pars['in']
+    fmd = pars['md']
+    fout = pars['out']
+    all_md = not pars['c'] and not pars['s'] and not pars['u']
+    sel_md = [pars['c'],pars['s'],pars['u']]
     with (fin if fin==sys.stdin else open(fin)) as inpf :
         lines = [list(ll) for ll in 
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ def qiime2lefse(  fin, fmd, fout, all_md, sel_md ):
             mdd = dict(zip(mdf,l[1:]))
             md[l[0]] = mdd
-    selected_md = md.values()[0].keys() if md else []
+    selected_md = list(md.values())[0].keys() if md else []
     if not all_md:
         selected_md = [s for s in sel_md if s]
@@ -79,10 +85,4 @@ def qiime2lefse(  fin, fmd, fout, all_md, sel_md ):
             outf.write( "\t".join(l) + "\n" )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    pars = read_params( sys.argv )
-    qiime2lefse(   fin     = pars['in'],
-                   fmd     = pars['md'],
-                   fout    = pars['out'],
-                   all_md  = not pars['c'] and not pars['s'] and not pars['u'],
-                   sel_md  = [pars['c'],pars['s'],pars['u']])
+    qiime2lefse()

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ __maintainer__ = "Timothy Tickle"
 __email__ = "ttickle at sph.harvard.edu"
 __status__ = "Development"
-import blist
 import sys
 class CClade:
@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ class CClade:
         Set all the values given as a list in the same order given.
-		self.m_adValues = blist.blist( [0] ) * len( adValues )
+		self.m_adValues = [0] * len( adValues )
 		for i, d in enumerate( adValues ):
 			if d:
 				self.m_adValues[i] = d

@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ class ValidateData:
         #Check elements
         listSize = len(parameterValue)
-        for i in xrange(0,listSize):
+        for i in range(0,listSize):
             if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidNumeric(parameterValue[i])):
                 return False
         return True
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ class ValidateData:
         #Check elements
         listSize = len(parameterValue)
-        for i in xrange(0,listSize):
+        for i in range(0,listSize):
             if(not ValidateData.funcIsValidString(parameterValue[i])):
                 return False
         return True
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ class ValidateData:
             return False
         #Check key elements
-        keyList = parameterValue.keys()
+        keyList = list(parameterValue.keys())
         keyListSize = len(keyList)
         for i in range(0,keyListSize):
             if keyList[i] == None:
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ class ValidateData:
                     return False
         #Check key elements
-        itemList = parameterValue.values()
+        itemList = list(parameterValue.values())
         itemListSize = len(itemList)
         for i in range(0,itemListSize):

plot_cladogram.py deleted
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,sys,matplotlib,argparse,string
-from pylab import *
-from lefse import *
-import numpy as np
-colors = ['r','g','b','m','c',[1.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.33,0.125,0.0],[0.75,0.75,0.75],'k']
-dark_colors = [[0.4,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.2,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.4],'m','c',[1.0,0.5,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0],[0.33,0.125,0.0],[0.75,0.75,0.75],'k']
-class CladeNode:
-	def __init__(self, name, abundance, viz = True):
-     		self.id = name
-     		self.name = name.split(".")
-		self.last_name = self.name[-1]
-		self.abundance = abundance
-		self.pos = (-1.0,-1.0)
-		self.children = {}
-		self.isleaf = True
-		self.color = 'y'
-		self.next_leaf = -1
-		self.prev_leaf = -1
-		self.viz = viz
-	def __repr__(self):
-		return self.last_name
-	def add_child(self,node):
-		self.isleaf = False
-		self.children[node.__repr__()] = node
-	def get_children(self):
-		ck = sorted(self.children.keys())
-		return [self.children[k] for k in ck]
-	def get_color(self):
-		return self.color
-	def set_color(self,c):
-		self.color = c
-	def set_pos(self,pos):
-		self.pos = pos
-def read_params(args):
-	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cladoplot')
-	parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="tab delimited input file")
-	parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the file for the output image")
-	parser.add_argument('--clade_sep',dest="clade_sep", type=float, default=1.5)
-	parser.add_argument('--max_lev',dest="max_lev", type=int, default=-1)
-	parser.add_argument('--max_point_size',dest="max_point_size", type=float, default=6.0)
-	parser.add_argument('--min_point_size',dest="min_point_size", type=float, default=1)
-	parser.add_argument('--point_edge_width',dest="markeredgewidth", type=float, default=.25)
-	parser.add_argument('--siblings_connector_width',dest="siblings_connector_width", type=float, default=2)
-	parser.add_argument('--parents_connector_width',dest="parents_connector_width", type=float, default=0.75)
-	parser.add_argument('--radial_start_lev',dest="radial_start_lev", type=int, default=1)
-	parser.add_argument('--labeled_start_lev',dest="labeled_start_lev", type=int, default=2)
-	parser.add_argument('--labeled_stop_lev',dest="labeled_stop_lev", type=int, default=5)
-	parser.add_argument('--abrv_start_lev',dest="abrv_start_lev", type=int, default=3)
-	parser.add_argument('--abrv_stop_lev',dest="abrv_stop_lev", type=int, default=5)
-	parser.add_argument('--expand_void_lev',dest="expand_void_lev", type=int, default=1)
-	parser.add_argument('--class_legend_vis',dest="class_legend_vis", type=int, default=1)
-	parser.add_argument('--colored_connector',dest="colored_connectors", type=int, default=1)
-	parser.add_argument('--alpha',dest="alpha", type=float, default=0.2)
-	parser.add_argument('--title',dest="title", type=str, default="Cladogram")
-	parser.add_argument('--sub_clade',dest="sub_clade", type=str, default="")
-	parser.add_argument('--title_font_size',dest="title_font_size", type=str, default="14")
-	parser.add_argument('--right_space_prop',dest="r_prop", type=float, default=0.1)
-	parser.add_argument('--left_space_prop',dest="l_prop", type=float, default=0.1)
-	parser.add_argument('--label_font_size',dest="label_font_size", type=str, default="6")
-	parser.add_argument('--background_color',dest="back_color", type=str, choices=["k","w"], default="w", help="set the color of the background")
-	parser.add_argument('--colored_labels',dest="col_lab", type=int, choices=[0,1], default=1, help="draw the label with class color (1) or in black (0)")
-	parser.add_argument('--class_legend_font_size',dest="class_legend_font_size", type=str, default="10")
-	parser.add_argument('--dpi',dest="dpi", type=int, default=72)
-	parser.add_argument('--format', dest="format", choices=["png","svg","pdf"], default="svg", type=str, help="the format for the output file")
-	parser.add_argument('--all_feats', dest="all_feats", type=str, default="")
-	args = parser.parse_args()
-	return vars(args) 
-def cmp_names(la,lb):
-	if len(la) != len(lb): return False
-	for p in [(a,b) for i,a in enumerate(la) for j,b in enumerate(lb) if i == j]:
-		if p[0] != p[1]: return False
-	return True	
-def build_tree(father,all_nodes,l,depth,viz):
-	cc = [n for n in all_nodes if len(n.name) > len(father.name) and cmp_names(father.name,n.name[:len(father.name)])]
-	children = [n for n in cc if len(n.name) == len(father.name)+1]
-	if len(children) == 0 and l < depth -1: # !!!
-		nc = CladeNode(father.id+"."+father.id.split(".")[-1],1.0,viz)
-		father.add_child(nc)
-		children.append(nc)
-	for child in children:
-		build_tree(child,cc,l+1,depth,viz)
-		father.add_child(child)
-def get_all_nodes(father):
-	ret = [father]
-	children = father.get_children()
-	for c in children:
-		ret += get_all_nodes(c)
-	return ret
-def read_data(input_file,params):
-	with open(input_file, 'r') as inp:
-		if params['sub_clade'] == "": rows = [line.strip().split()[:-1] for line in inp.readlines() if params['max_lev'] < 1 or line.split()[0].count(".") < params['max_lev']]
-		else: rows = [line.split(params['sub_clade']+".")[1].strip().split()[:-1] for line in inp.readlines() if ( params['max_lev'] < 1 or line.split()[0].count(".") < params['max_lev'] ) and line.startswith(params['sub_clade']+".")]
-	all_names = [lin[0] for lin in rows]
-	to_add = []
-	abundances = [float(v) for v in zip(*rows)[1] if v >= 0.0]
-	tree = {}
-	tree['classes'] = list(set([v[2] for v in rows if len(v)>2]))
-	tree['classes'].sort()
-	all_nodes = [CladeNode("root."+row[0],float(row[1])) for row in rows]
-	depth = max([len(n.name) for n in all_nodes])
-	n2 = ["_".join(nn.name) for nn in all_nodes]
-	for i,nn in enumerate(all_nodes):
-		n = nn
-		while "_".join(n.name[:-1]) not in n2 and len(n.name) > 1:
-			n = CladeNode(".".join(n.name[:-1]),n.abundance)
-			all_nodes.append(n)
-			n2.append("_".join(n.name))
-	cls2 = []
-        if params['all_feats'] != "":
-                cls2 = sorted(params['all_feats'].split(":"))
-	for i,v in enumerate(rows):
-		if len(v)>2:
-			if len(cls2) > 0: all_nodes[i].set_color(colors[cls2.index(v[2])%len(colors)])
-			else: 
-				if v[2].count('rgbcol') > 0:
-					ccc = [float(tt) for tt in v[2].split('_')[1:]]
-					all_nodes[i].set_color(ccc)
-				else: all_nodes[i].set_color(colors[sorted(tree['classes']).index(v[2])%len(colors)])	
-	root = CladeNode("root",-1.0)
-	root.set_pos((0.0,0.0))
-	build_tree(root,all_nodes,0,depth,params['expand_void_lev']==1)
-	all_nodes = get_all_nodes(root)
-	tree['root'] = root
-	tree['max_abs'] = max(abundances)
-	tree['min_abs'] = min(abundances)
-	levs = []
-	for i in range(depth):
-		depthi = [n for n in all_nodes if len(n.name) == i+1]
-		levs.append(len(depthi))
-	tree['nlev'] = levs
-	return tree
-def add_all_pos(father,n,distn,seps,tsep,mlev,last_leaf=-1,nc=1):
-	children = father.get_children()
-	leaves = True if children[0].isleaf else False
-	for i,child in enumerate(children):
-		if leaves:
-			n += 1.0
-			men = 0.5 if len(children) == 1 else 0.0
-			child.set_pos((n*distn-men*float(distn)+tsep,(len(father.name))/float(mlev-1)))
-			if last_leaf != -1:
-				child.prev_leaf = last_leaf
-				last_leaf.next_leaf = child
-			last_leaf = child
-		else:
-			ln = n
-			ltsep = tsep 
-			n,tsep,last_leaf = add_all_pos(child,n,distn,seps,tsep,mlev,last_leaf,len(children))
-			nn = (ln + n)*0.5*distn
-			ssep = (ltsep + tsep)*0.5
-			if n-ln == 1:
-				ssep = ltsep
-			child.set_pos((nn+ssep,(len(father.name))/float(mlev-1)))
-	tsep += seps[len(father.name)-1]
-	return n,tsep,last_leaf
-def plot_points(father,params,pt_scale,ax):
-	children = father.get_children()
-	children.sort(key = lambda a: -int(a.get_color() == 'y')*a.abundance)
-	x,r = father.pos[0], father.pos[1]
-	for i,child in enumerate(children):
-		xc,rc = plot_points(child,params,pt_scale,ax)
-	if not father.viz: return x,r
-	ps = pt_scale[0]+father.abundance/pt_scale[1]+pt_scale[0]
-	col = father.get_color()
-	pw = params['markeredgewidth'] if col == 'y' else params['markeredgewidth']*3.0
-	if x==0 and r==0: ax.plot(x,r, 'o',markersize=ps,color=col,markeredgewidth=0.01,markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
-	else: ax.plot(x,r, 'o',markersize=ps,color=col,markeredgewidth=pw,markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
-	return x,r
-def plot_lines(father,params,depth,ax,xf):
-	children = father.get_children()
-	x,r = father.pos[0], father.pos[1]
-	for i,child in enumerate(children):
-		xc,rc = plot_lines(child,params,depth,ax,x)
-		if i == 0: x_first, r_first = xc, rc
-		if len(father.name) >= depth-params['radial_start_lev']: 
-			col = params['fore_color'] 
-			lw=params['parents_connector_width']
-			if not child.viz: continue
-			if father.get_color() != 'y' and father.get_color() == child.get_color() and params['colored_connectors']:
-				col = child.get_color()
-				lw *=2.5
-			if col != params['fore_color']:
-				ax.plot([x,xc],[r,rc],"-",color=params['fore_color'],lw=lw*1.5) 
-			ax.plot([x,xc],[r,rc],"-",color=col,lw=lw)
-	if not father.viz or (len(children) == 1 and not children[0].viz): return x,r 
-	if len(father.name) < depth-params['radial_start_lev']:
-		col = params['fore_color'] 
-		lw=params['parents_connector_width']
-		if father.get_color() != 'y':
-			f =True
-			for child in children:
-				if child.get_color() != father.get_color() or not params['colored_connectors']:
-					f = False
-					break
-			if f: 
-				col = father.get_color()
-				lw *= 2.5 
-		if not (x==0 and r==0):
-			xx = xc if len(children) > 0 else x
-			if len(children) == 0: rc = r
-			xt = x if len(children)>1 else xx 
-			if col != params['fore_color']:
-				ax.plot([x,xt],[r,rc],"-",color=params['fore_color'],lw=lw*1.5)
-			ax.plot([x,xt],[r,rc],"-",color=col,lw=lw)
-	if len(children) > 0 and 1 < len(father.name) < depth-params['radial_start_lev']:
-		xs = arange(x_first,xc,0.01)
-		ys = [rc for t in xs]
-		ax.plot(xs,ys,"-",color=col,lw=params['siblings_connector_width'],markeredgecolor=params['fore_color'])
-	return x,r 
-def uniqueid():
-	for l in string.lowercase: yield l
-	for l in string.lowercase:
-		for i in range(10):
-			yield l+str(i)
-	i = 0
-   	while True:
-		yield str(i)
-		i += 1
-def plot_names(father,params,depth,ax,u_i,seps):
-	children = father.get_children()
-	l = len(father.name)
-	if len(children)==0:
-		if father.prev_leaf == -1 or father.next_leaf == -1:
-			fr_0, fr_1 = father.pos[0], father.pos[0]
-		else: fr_0, fr_1 =  (father.pos[0]+father.prev_leaf.pos[0])*0.5, (father.pos[0]+father.next_leaf.pos[0])*0.5
-        for i,child in enumerate(children):
-                fr,to = plot_names(child,params,depth,ax,u_i,seps)
-                if i == 0: fr_0 = fr
-		fr_1 = to 
-        if father.get_color() != 'y' and params['labeled_start_lev'] < l <= params['labeled_stop_lev']+1:
-                col = father.get_color()
-		dd = params['labeled_stop_lev'] - params['labeled_start_lev'] + 1 
-		de = depth - 1
-		dim = 1.0/float(de)
-		perc_ext = 0.65 if dim > 0.1 else 1.0 
-		clto = (de-l+1)*dim+dim*(dd+1-(l-dd-1))*perc_ext
-		clto = (de-l+1)*dim+dim*(dd-(l-params['labeled_start_lev'])+1)*perc_ext
-		des = float(180.0*(fr_0+fr_1)/np.pi)*0.5-90
-		lab = ""
-		txt = father.last_name
-		if params['abrv_start_lev']  < l <= params['abrv_stop_lev'] + 1:
-			ide = u_i.next()
-			lab = str(ide)+": "+father.last_name 
-			txt = str(ide)
-#		ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(depth-1), alpha = params['alpha'], color=col, edgecolor=col)
-		ax.bar(fr_0, clto, width = fr_1-fr_0, bottom = float(l-1)/float(de), alpha = params['alpha'], color=col, edgecolor=col)
-		ax.bar(0.0, 0.0, width = 0.0, bottom = 0.0, alpha = 1.0, color=col, edgecolor=params['fore_color'],  label=lab)
-		if l <= params['abrv_stop_lev'] + 1:
-			if not params['col_lab']: col = params['fore_color']
-			else: 
-				if col not in colors: col = params['fore_color']
-				else: col = dark_colors[colors.index(col)%len(dark_colors)]
-			ax.text((fr_0+fr_1)*0.5, clto+float(l-1)/float(de)-dim*perc_ext/2.0, txt, size = params['label_font_size'], rotation=des, ha ="center", va="center", color=col)	
-        return fr_0, fr_1
-def draw_tree(out_file,tree,params):
-	plt_size = 7
-	nlev = tree['nlev']
-	pt_scale = (params['min_point_size'],max(1.0,((tree['max_abs']-tree['min_abs']))/(params['max_point_size']-params['min_point_size'])))
-	depth = len(nlev)
-	sep = (2.0*np.pi)/float(nlev[-1]) 
-	seps = [params['clade_sep']*sep/float(depth-i+1) for i in range(1,len(tree['nlev'])+1)]
-	totseps = sum([s*nlev[i] for i,s in enumerate(seps[:-1])])
-	clade_sep_err = True if totseps > np.pi else False
-	while totseps > np.pi:
-		params['clade_sep'] *= 0.75 	 
-		seps = [params['clade_sep']*sep/(float(depth-i+1)*0.25) for i in range(1,len(tree['nlev'])+1)]
-		totseps = sum([s*nlev[i] for i,s in enumerate(seps[:-1])])
-	if clade_sep_err: print 'clade_sep parameter too large, lowered to',params['clade_sep']
-	fig = plt.figure(edgecolor=params['back_color'],facecolor=params['back_color'])
-	ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True, frame_on=False, axis_bgcolor=params['back_color'] )
-	plt.subplots_adjust(right=1.0-params['r_prop'],left=params['l_prop']) 	
-	ax.grid(False)
-	xticks([])
-	yticks([])
-	ds = (2.0*np.pi-totseps)/float(nlev[-1])
-	add_all_pos(tree['root'],0.0,ds,seps,0.0,depth)
-	plot_lines(tree['root'],params,depth,ax,0)
-	plot_points(tree['root'],params,pt_scale,ax)
-	plot_names(tree['root'],params,depth,ax,uniqueid(),seps)
-	r = np.arange(0, 3.0, 0.01)
-	theta = 2*np.pi*r
-	def get_col_attr(x):
-    		return hasattr(x, 'set_color') and not hasattr(x, 'set_facecolor')
-	h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
-	if len(l) > 0:
-		leg = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), frameon=False, loc=2, borderaxespad=0.,prop={'size':params['label_font_size']})
-		if leg != None:
-			gca().add_artist(leg)
-			for o in leg.findobj(get_col_attr):
-	                        o.set_color(params['fore_color'])
-	cll = sorted(tree['classes']) if params['all_feats'] == "" else sorted(params['all_feats'].split(":"))
-	nll = [ax.bar(0.0, 0.0, width = 0.0, bottom = 0.0, color=colors[i%len(colors)], label=c) for i,c in enumerate(cll) if c in tree['classes']]
-	cl = [c for c in cll if c in tree['classes']]
-	ax.set_title(params['title'],size=params['title_font_size'],color=params['fore_color'])
-	if params['class_legend_vis']:
-		l2 = legend(nll, cl, loc=2, prop={'size':params['class_legend_font_size']}, frameon=False)
-		if l2 != None:
-			for o in l2.findobj(get_col_attr):
-    				o.set_color(params['fore_color'])
-	plt.savefig(out_file,format=params['format'],facecolor=params['back_color'],edgecolor=params['fore_color'],dpi=params['dpi'])
-	plt.close()	
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	params = read_params(sys.argv)
-	params['fore_color'] = 'w' if params['back_color'] == 'k' else 'k'
-	clad_tree = read_data(params['input_file'],params)	
-	draw_tree(params['output_file'],clad_tree,params)

@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-- R
-- R libraries: splines, stats4, survival, mvtnorm, modeltools, coin, MASS
-- python libraries: rpy2 (v. 2.1 or higher), numpy, matplotlib (v. 1.0 or higher), argparse 
+- R (v. 3.6 or higher)
+- R libraries: survival, mvtnorm, modeltools, coin, MASS
+- python libraries: rpy2 (v. 2.1 or higher), numpy, matplotlib (v. 1.0 or higher), scipy, cython, biom-format
\ No newline at end of file

run_lefse.py deleted
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,sys,math,pickle
-from lefse import *
-def read_params(args):
-        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='LEfSe 1.0')
-        parser.add_argument('input_file', metavar='INPUT_FILE', type=str, help="the input file")
-        parser.add_argument('output_file', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE', type=str,
-                help="the output file containing the data for the visualization module")
-        parser.add_argument('-o',dest="out_text_file", metavar='str', type=str, default="",
-                help="set the file for exporting the result (only concise textual form)")
-        parser.add_argument('-a',dest="anova_alpha", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.05,
-                help="set the alpha value for the Anova test (default 0.05)")
-        parser.add_argument('-w',dest="wilcoxon_alpha", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.05,
-                help="set the alpha value for the Wilcoxon test (default 0.05)")
-        parser.add_argument('-l',dest="lda_abs_th", metavar='float', type=float, default=2.0,
-                help="set the threshold on the absolute value of the logarithmic LDA score (default 2.0)")
-        parser.add_argument('--nlogs',dest="nlogs", metavar='int', type=int, default=3,
-		help="max log ingluence of LDA coeff")
-        parser.add_argument('--verbose',dest="verbose", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=0,
-		help="verbose execution (default 0)")
-        parser.add_argument('--wilc',dest="wilc", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=1,
-		help="wheter to perform the Wicoxon step (default 1)")
-	parser.add_argument('-r',dest="rank_tec", metavar='str', choices=['lda','svm'], type=str, default='lda',
-		help="select LDA or SVM for effect size (default LDA)")
-	parser.add_argument('--svm_norm',dest="svm_norm", metavar='int', choices=[0,1], type=int, default=1,
-		help="whether to normalize the data in [0,1] for SVM feature waiting (default 1 strongly suggested)")
-        parser.add_argument('-b',dest="n_boots", metavar='int', type=int, default=30,
-                help="set the number of bootstrap iteration for LDA (default 30)")
-        parser.add_argument('-e',dest="only_same_subcl", metavar='int', type=int, default=0,
-                help="set whether perform the wilcoxon test only among the subclasses with the same name (default 0)")
-        parser.add_argument('-c',dest="curv", metavar='int', type=int, default=0,
-                help="set whether perform the wilcoxon test ing the Curtis's approach [BETA VERSION] (default 0)")
-        parser.add_argument('-f',dest="f_boots", metavar='float', type=float, default=0.67,
-                help="set the subsampling fraction value for each bootstrap iteration (default 0.66666)")
-        parser.add_argument('-s',dest="strict", choices=[0,1,2], type=int, default=0,
-                help="set the multiple testing correction options. 0 no correction (more strict, default), 1 correction for independent comparisons, 2 correction for independent comparison")
-#       parser.add_argument('-m',dest="m_boots", type=int, default=5, 
-#               help="minimum cardinality of classes in each bootstrapping iteration (default 5)")
-        parser.add_argument('--min_c',dest="min_c", metavar='int', type=int, default=10,
-                help="minimum number of samples per subclass for performing wilcoxon test (default 10)")
-        parser.add_argument('-t',dest="title", metavar='str', type=str, default="",
-                help="set the title of the analysis (default input file without extension)")
-        parser.add_argument('-y',dest="multiclass_strat", choices=[0,1], type=int, default=0,
-                help="(for multiclass tasks) set whether the test is performed in a one-against-one ( 1 - more strict!) or in a one-against-all setting ( 0 - less strict) (default 0)")
-        args = parser.parse_args()
-        params = vars(args)
-        if params['title'] == "": params['title'] = params['input_file'].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0]
-        return params 
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	init()
-	params = read_params(sys.argv)
-	feats,cls,class_sl,subclass_sl,class_hierarchy = load_data(params['input_file'])
-	kord,cls_means = get_class_means(class_sl,feats)
-	wilcoxon_res = {}
-	kw_n_ok = 0
-	nf = 0
-	for feat_name,feat_values in feats.items():
-		if params['verbose']:
-			print "Testing feature",str(nf),": ",feat_name,
-			nf += 1
-		kw_ok,pv = test_kw_r(cls,feat_values,params['anova_alpha'],sorted(cls.keys()))
-		if not kw_ok:
-			if params['verbose']: print "\tkw ko" 
-			del feats[feat_name]
-			wilcoxon_res[feat_name] = "-"
-			continue
-		if params['verbose']: print "\tkw ok\t",
-		if not params['wilc']: continue
-		kw_n_ok += 1	
-		res_wilcoxon_rep = test_rep_wilcoxon_r(subclass_sl,class_hierarchy,feat_values,params['wilcoxon_alpha'],params['multiclass_strat'],params['strict'],feat_name,params['min_c'],params['only_same_subcl'],params['curv'])
-		wilcoxon_res[feat_name] = str(pv) if res_wilcoxon_rep else "-"
-		if not res_wilcoxon_rep:
-			if params['verbose']: print "wilc ko" 
-			del feats[feat_name]
-		elif params['verbose']: print "wilc ok\t"
-	if len(feats) > 0:
-		print "Number of significantly discriminative features:", len(feats), "(", kw_n_ok, ") before internal wilcoxon"
-		if params['lda_abs_th'] < 0.0:
-			lda_res,lda_res_th = dict([(k,0.0) for k,v in feats.items()]), dict([(k,v) for k,v in feats.items()])
-		else:
-			if params['rank_tec'] == 'lda': lda_res,lda_res_th = test_lda_r(cls,feats,class_sl,params['n_boots'],params['f_boots'],params['lda_abs_th'],0.0000000001,params['nlogs'])
-			elif params['rank_tec'] == 'svm': lda_res,lda_res_th = test_svm(cls,feats,class_sl,params['n_boots'],params['f_boots'],params['lda_abs_th'],0.0,params['svm_norm'])	
-			else: lda_res,lda_res_th = dict([(k,0.0) for k,v in feats.items()]), dict([(k,v) for k,v in feats.items()])
-	else: 
-		print "Number of significantly discriminative features:", len(feats), "(", kw_n_ok, ") before internal wilcoxon"
-		print "No features with significant differences between the two classes"
-		lda_res,lda_res_th = {},{}
-	outres = {}
-	outres['lda_res_th'] = lda_res_th
-	outres['lda_res'] = lda_res
-	outres['cls_means'] = cls_means
-	outres['cls_means_kord'] = kord
-	outres['wilcox_res'] = wilcoxon_res
-	print "Number of discriminative features with abs LDA score >",params['lda_abs_th'],":",len(lda_res_th) 
-	save_res(outres,params["output_file"])

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import setuptools
+from setuptools.command.install import install
+from io import open
+import os
+install_requires = ["numpy", "matplotlib", "biom-format", "rpy2"]
+    name='lefse',
+    version='1.1.2',
+    author='Nicola Segata',
+    author_email='nicola.segata at unitn.it',
+    url='http://github.com/SegataLab/lefse/',
+    packages = ['lefse', 'lefsebiom'],
+    long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
+    long_description=open('README.md').read(),
+    entry_points={
+        'console_scripts': [
+            'lefse_format_input.py = lefse.lefse_format_input:format_input',
+            'lefse_plot_cladogram.py = lefse.lefse_plot_cladogram:plot_cladogram',
+            'lefse_plot_features.py = lefse.lefse_plot_features:plot_features',
+            'lefse_plot_res.py = lefse.lefse_plot_res:plot_res',
+            'lefse_run.py  = lefse.lefse_run:lefse_run',
+            'lefse2circlader.py = lefse.lefse2circlader:lefse2circlader',
+            'qiime2lefse.py = lefse.qiime2lefse:qiime2lefse'
+        ]
+    },
+    description="""
+    LEfSe determines the features (organisms, clades, operational taxonomic units, genes, or functions)
+    most likely to explain differences between classes by coupling standard tests for statistical significance with additional tests encoding
+    biological consistency and effect relevance.""",
+    install_requires=install_requires

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