[med-svn] [Git][med-team/kissplice][master] 2 commits: New upstream version 2.6.1

François Gindraud (@fgindraud) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Apr 5 17:25:52 BST 2022

François Gindraud pushed to branch master at Debian Med / kissplice

3f735526 by Francois Gindraud at 2022-04-05T18:22:47+02:00
New upstream version 2.6.1
- - - - -
11f7a88f by Francois Gindraud at 2022-04-05T18:22:47+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.6.1'

Update to upstream version '2.6.1'
with Debian dir 00cb50ec6796c90104ed2f4986c0d639d7f540b3
- - - - -

22 changed files:

- CMakeLists.txt
- ChangeLog
- kissplice.in.py
- − modules/CEdge.cpp
- modules/CEdge.h
- modules/CGraph.cpp
- modules/CGraph.h
- modules/CMakeLists.txt
- − modules/NEdge.cpp
- modules/NEdge.h
- modules/NGraph.cpp
- modules/NGraph.h
- − modules/NNode.cpp
- modules/NNode.h
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/Utils.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/commons.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/extension_algorithm.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/interface_libchash.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/kissReads.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/libchash.cpp
- thirdparty/kissreads/src/outputs.cpp


@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
-  VERSION 2.6.0 # Definition which is propagated through PROJECT_VERSION
+  VERSION 2.6.1 # Definition which is propagated through PROJECT_VERSION

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2022-04-05 Francois Gindraud <francois.gindraud at inria.fr>
+	* 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
+	Bug fix:
+		- Option -s 1 works again. The last version for which it worked was 2.4.0-p1
+		- Various warning fixes in C++ code 
 2022-03-16 Audric Cologne <audric.cologne at univ-lyon1.fr>
 	* 2.5.5 -> 2.6.0
 	Major bug fixes:
@@ -6,24 +12,17 @@
 	kissreads update:
 		- Kissreads is now written with C++
 	CMake update
+		- conversion to "modern CMake" conventions: targets, proper scoping of CFLAGS, find_package for requirement detection.
+		- bcalm tool is now an external dependency by default. A locally compiled version can be used as a fallback (matching previous behavior).
+		- make install functionality has been restored. Previously broken due to bcalm submodule which installed bcalm in bin/.
+		- userguide is built instead of using a cached pdf. Can be disabled if no latex dsitribution is present. A CI-generated pdf available online is linked in the readme.
+		- release simplification: version number is propagated to userguide, manpage, kissplice.py frontend script.
+		- fixes to documentation.
 	New important release. Compared to 2.5.x, 2.6.x is:
 		- Faster to install
 		- Faster to run (parallelisation of kissreads)
 		- Using information of stranded reads in kissreads (--stranded parameter)
 		- Outputting information about read mapping on the de Bruijn Graph (--get-mapping-info)
-		- Using an external version of bcalm if possible
-		- Created with a pre-compiled pdf of the user guide
-TODO François Gindraud <francois.gindraud at inria.fr>
-	* 2.5.5 -> TODO
-	Build system improvements:
-		-conversion to "modern CMake" conventions: targets, proper scoping of CFLAGS, find_package for requirement detection.
-		-bcalm tool is now an external dependency by default. A locally compiled version can be used as a fallback (matching previous behavior).
-		-make install functionality has been restored. Previously broken due to bcalm submodule which installed bcalm in bin/.
-		-userguide is built instead of using a cached pdf. Can be disabled if no latex dsitribution is present. A CI-generated pdf available online is linked in the readme.
-		-release simplification: version number is propagated to userguide, manpage, kissplice.py frontend script.
-		-fixes to documentation.
 2022-01-21 Audric Cologne <audric.cologne at univ-lyon1.fr>
 	* 2.5.4 -> 2.5.5

@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Main page: http://kissplice.prabi.fr/
 [User guide](https://gitlab.inria.fr/erable/kissplice/-/jobs/artifacts/master/file/prefix/share/doc/kissplice/user_guide.pdf?job=check_install_and_user_guide) from latest build.
+# Docker
+You can find the latest version of KisSplice, KisSplice2RefGenome and KissDE [on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dwishsan/kissplice-pipeline).
+We also propose a [stand-alone Docker image for the KissDE Shiny App](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dwishsan/kde-shiny) for KisSplice results exploration.
 # Building:

@@ -446,11 +446,11 @@ def eval_func_tuple(f_args):
 def concatenate_graph_all_log_bcc_to_all_bcc_type0(workdir, kval, output_snps):
     if output_snps==2: #concatenate all non-branching snps
-        destinationSNPS = open(workdir+"/all_bcc_type0_"+str(kval), 'ab') ## THE UNIQUE FILE ALSO CONTAINS SNPS
-        shutil.copyfileobj(open(workdir+"/bcc/graph_all_log_bcc", 'rb'), destinationSNPS)
+        destinationSNPS = open(workdir+"/all_bcc_type0_"+str(kval), 'a') ## THE UNIQUE FILE ALSO CONTAINS SNPS
+        shutil.copyfileobj(open(workdir+"/bcc/graph_all_log_bcc", 'r'), destinationSNPS)
     elif output_snps==1: #concatenate only non-branching Type-0a
-        destinationSNPS = open(workdir+"/all_bcc_type0_"+str(kval), 'ab') ## THE UNIQUE FILE ALSO CONTAINS SNPS
+        destinationSNPS = open(workdir+"/all_bcc_type0_"+str(kval), 'a') ## THE UNIQUE FILE ALSO CONTAINS SNPS
         #append the Type_0a bubbles to the destinationSNPS file
         snpsFile = open(workdir+"/bcc/graph_all_log_bcc", 'r')

modules/CEdge.cpp deleted
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* ***************************************************************************
- *
- *                              KisSplice
- *      de-novo calling alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * ***************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright INRIA 
- *  contributors :  Vincent Lacroix
- *                  Pierre Peterlongo
- *                  Gustavo Sacomoto
- *                  Vincent Miele
- *                  Alice Julien-Laferriere
- *                  David Parsons
- *
- * pierre.peterlongo at inria.fr
- * vincent.lacroix at univ-lyon1.fr
- *
- * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to detect alternative
- * splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
- * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use,
- * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
- * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
- * "http://www.cecill.info".
- * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
- * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
- * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
- * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
- * liability.
- * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
- * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
- * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
- * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
- * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
- * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
- * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
- * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
- * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
- * same conditions as regards security.
- *
- * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
- * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
- */
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Include Libraries
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Include Project Files
-// ===========================================================================
-#include "CEdge.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Declare Used Namespaces
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                                                           #
-//                                 Class CEdge                                #
-//                                                                           #
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Static attributes
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Constructors
-// ===========================================================================
-CEdge::CEdge( void ) : _pair()
-CEdge::CEdge( const CEdge& model ) : _pair( model._pair )
-CEdge::CEdge( int f, int s ) : _pair( f, s )
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                   Destructor
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                   Operators
-// ===========================================================================
-bool CEdge::operator==( const CEdge& that ) const
-	return _pair == that._pair;
-bool CEdge::operator!=( const CEdge& that ) const
-	return _pair != that._pair;
-bool CEdge::operator<( const CEdge& that ) const
-	return _pair < that._pair;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                 Public Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-CEdge& CEdge::swap_ends( void )
-  swap( _pair.first, _pair.second );
-  return *this;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                Protected Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Non inline accessors
-// ===========================================================================

@@ -57,34 +57,17 @@
 // ===========================================================================
 //                               Include Libraries
 // ===========================================================================
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
 #include <utility>
 #include <algorithm>
 // ===========================================================================
 //                             Include Project Files
 // ===========================================================================
 // ===========================================================================
 //                              Class declarations
 // ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Declare Used Namespaces
-// ===========================================================================
-using namespace std;
 //! Edge class
  * \brief Class meant to be used by CGraph (compact graph) to represent edges.
@@ -92,7 +75,6 @@ using namespace std;
  * It encapsulates a pair of int (u -> v edge), each int (u or v) being a node id
 class CEdge
   public :
@@ -104,10 +86,10 @@ class CEdge
     // =======================================================================
     //                               Constructors
     // =======================================================================
-    CEdge( void );
-    CEdge( const CEdge& model );
+    CEdge() = default;
+    CEdge( const CEdge& ) = default;
-    CEdge( int f, int s );
+    CEdge( int f, int s ) : m_pair( f, s ) {}
     // =======================================================================
     //                                Destructor
@@ -116,8 +98,8 @@ class CEdge
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Accessors: getters
     // =======================================================================
-    inline int getFirst( void );
-    inline int getSecond( void );
+    inline int getFirst() const { return m_pair.first; }
+    inline int getSecond() const { return m_pair.second; }
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Accessors: setters
@@ -126,23 +108,24 @@ class CEdge
     // =======================================================================
     //                                Operators
     // =======================================================================
-    bool operator==( const CEdge& that ) const;
-    bool operator!=( const CEdge& that ) const;
-    bool operator<( const CEdge& that ) const;
+    bool operator==( const CEdge& that ) const { return m_pair == that.m_pair; }
+    bool operator!=( const CEdge& that ) const { return m_pair != that.m_pair; }
+    bool operator<( const CEdge& that ) const { return m_pair < that.m_pair; }
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Public Methods
     // =======================================================================
-    CEdge& swap_ends( void );
+    CEdge& swap_ends() {
+      std::swap(m_pair.first, m_pair.second);
+      return *this;
+    }
     // =======================================================================
     //                             Public Attributes
     // =======================================================================
   protected :
-    pair<int, int> _pair;
+    std::pair<int, int> m_pair;
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Forbidden Constructors
@@ -157,31 +140,4 @@ class CEdge
     // =======================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Getters' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-inline int CEdge::getFirst( void )
-  return _pair.first;
-inline int CEdge::getSecond( void )
-  return _pair.second;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Setters' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                          Inline Operators' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                          Inline functions' definition
-// ===========================================================================
 #endif // EDGE_H

@@ -112,13 +112,6 @@ CGraph::CGraph(int nbNodes, vector<LabelledCEdge>& allEdges, int kValue)
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Destructors
-// ===========================================================================
-CGraph::~CGraph(void) {
 // ===========================================================================
 //                                 Public Methods
 // ===========================================================================

@@ -112,12 +112,6 @@ class CGraph
     CGraph( int nbNodes, vector<LabelledCEdge> & allEdges, int kValue );
-    // =======================================================================
-    //                               Destructors
-    // =======================================================================
-    ~CGraph(void);
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Public Attributes
     // =======================================================================
@@ -140,19 +134,8 @@ class CGraph
     //                            Forbidden Constructors
     // =======================================================================
-   CGraph(const CGraph &model)
-    {
-      printf("%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor of CGraph.\n",
-          __FILE__, __LINE__);
-      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-    };
-   CGraph( void )
-   {
-         printf("%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor of CGraph.\n",
-             __FILE__, __LINE__);
-         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-       };
+   CGraph(const CGraph &) = delete;
+   CGraph() = delete;
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Protected Methods

@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-add_executable(ks_clean_duplicates CleanDuplicates.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp CEdge.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp NNode.cpp NEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)
+add_executable(ks_clean_duplicates CleanDuplicates.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)
-add_executable(ks_bubble_enumeration  BubbleEnumeration.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp CEdge.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp NNode.cpp NEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)
+add_executable(ks_bubble_enumeration  BubbleEnumeration.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)
-add_executable(ks_run_modules run.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp CEdge.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp NNode.cpp NEdge.cpp SplitBcc.cpp Utils.cpp)
+add_executable(ks_run_modules run.cpp CycleCompression.cpp NGraph.cpp CGraph.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp SplitBcc.cpp Utils.cpp)
-add_executable(ks_error_removal ErrorRemoval.cpp CEdge.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)
+add_executable(ks_error_removal ErrorRemoval.cpp LabelledCEdge.cpp Utils.cpp)

modules/NEdge.cpp deleted
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-/* ***************************************************************************
- *
- *                              KisSplice
- *      de-novo calling alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * ***************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright INRIA 
- *  contributors :  Vincent Lacroix
- *                  Pierre Peterlongo
- *                  Gustavo Sacomoto
- *                  Vincent Miele
- *                  Alice Julien-Laferriere
- *                  David Parsons
- *
- * pierre.peterlongo at inria.fr
- * vincent.lacroix at univ-lyon1.fr
- *
- * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to detect alternative
- * splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
- * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use,
- * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
- * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
- * "http://www.cecill.info".
- * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
- * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
- * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
- * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
- * liability.
- * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
- * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
- * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
- * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
- * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
- * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
- * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
- * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
- * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
- * same conditions as regards security.
- *
- * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
- * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
- */
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Include Libraries
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Include Project Files
-// ===========================================================================
-#include "NEdge.h"
-#include "NGraph.h"
-#include "Utils.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Declare Used Namespaces
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                                                           #
-//                                Class NEdge                                #
-//                                                                           #
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Static attributes
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Constructors
-// ===========================================================================
-NEdge::NEdge( const NEdge & model )
-  node   = model.node;
-  labels = model.labels;
-NEdge::NEdge( int _node, string _labels )
-  node    = _node;
-  labels  = _labels;
-NEdge::NEdge( int _node, char label1, char label2 )
-  node = _node;
-  char buf[3] = { label1, label2, '\0' };
-  labels  = string( buf );
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Destructors
-// ===========================================================================
-NEdge::~NEdge( void )
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                   Operators
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                 Public Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-void NEdge::add_label( string label )
-  labels += label;
-void NEdge::del_all_but_first( void )
-  labels.erase( 2 );
-void NEdge::revert_dir( int i )
-  labels[i] = reverse_dir(labels[i]);
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                Protected Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Non inline accessors
-// ===========================================================================

@@ -61,28 +61,16 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <string>
 // ===========================================================================
 //                             Include Project Files
 // ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Declare Used Namespaces
-// ===========================================================================
-using namespace std;
+#include "Utils.h"
 /* The node class is used into the adjacency list of the NGraph object.
 It keeps the whole information of the link between a node u and its outgoing
 neighbours: the index of the node v and the label of the arc linking u to v.
 class NEdge
   public :
@@ -94,27 +82,26 @@ class NEdge
     // =======================================================================
     //                               Constructors
     // =======================================================================
-    NEdge( const NEdge& model );
-    NEdge( int node, string labels );
-    NEdge( int node, char label1, char label2 );
-    // =======================================================================
-    //                               Destructors
-    // =======================================================================
-    ~NEdge( void );
+    NEdge() = delete;
+    NEdge( const NEdge& ) = default;
+    NEdge( int node, string labels ) : m_node(node), m_labels(std::move(labels)) {}
+    NEdge( int node, char label1, char label2 ) : m_node(node) {
+      char buf[3] = { label1, label2, '\0' };
+      m_labels = std::string( buf );
+    }
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Accessors: getters
     // =======================================================================
-    inline int    get_node( void ) const;
-    inline string get_labels( void ) const;
+    inline int    get_node( void ) const { return m_node; }
+    inline string get_labels( void ) const { return m_labels; }
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Accessors: setters
     // =======================================================================
-    inline void set_node( int node );
-    inline void set_labels( string labels );
+    inline void set_node( int node ) { m_node = node; }
+    inline void set_labels( string labels ) { m_labels = std::move(labels); }
     // =======================================================================
@@ -124,28 +111,15 @@ class NEdge
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Public Methods
     // =======================================================================
-    void add_label( string label );
-    void del_all_but_first( void );
-    void revert_dir( int i );
+    void add_label( const string& label ) { m_labels += label; }
+    void del_all_but_first() { m_labels.erase( 2 ); }
+    void revert_dir( int i ) { m_labels[i] = reverse_dir(m_labels[i]); }
     // =======================================================================
     //                             Public Attributes
     // =======================================================================
   protected :
-    // =======================================================================
-    //                            Forbidden Constructors
-    // =======================================================================
-    NEdge( void )
-    {
-      printf( "%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-    };
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Protected Methods
     // =======================================================================
@@ -154,48 +128,10 @@ class NEdge
     //                             Protected Attributes
     // =======================================================================
     //! Index of the node 
-    int node;
+    int m_node;
     //! Label of the incoming edge
-    string labels;
+    string m_labels;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Getters' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-int NEdge::get_node( void ) const
-  return node;
-string NEdge::get_labels( void ) const
-  return labels;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Setters' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-void NEdge::set_node( int _node )
-  node = _node;
-void NEdge::set_labels( string _labels )
-  labels = _labels;
-// ===========================================================================
-//                          Inline Operators' definitions
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                          Inline functions' definition
-// ===========================================================================
 #endif // NEDGE_H

@@ -110,16 +110,6 @@ NGraph::NGraph( int kValue, int outputtedSnps )
-NGraph::NGraph( const NGraph &model )
-  _kValue     = model._kValue;
-  _nodes      = model._nodes;
-  _nbOutput  = model._nbOutput;
-  _nodeToStr  = model._nodeToStr;
-  _strToNode  = model._strToNode;
   TODO : check : Create a NGraph for the BCC passed in edges ? all_edges ?
@@ -147,14 +137,6 @@ NGraph::NGraph( CGraph& cgraph, vector<char *>& seqs,
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Destructors
-// ===========================================================================
 // ===========================================================================
 //                                 Public Methods
 // ===========================================================================

@@ -113,15 +113,9 @@ class NGraph
     //                               Constructors
     // =======================================================================
     NGraph( int kValue, int outputtedSnps );
-    NGraph( const NGraph & model );
+    NGraph( const NGraph & model ) = default;
     NGraph( CGraph & g, vector<char*> & seqs, vector<LabelledCEdge> & all_edges, vector<CEdge> & edges );
-    // =======================================================================
-    //                               Destructors
-    // =======================================================================
-    ~NGraph( void );
+    ~NGraph() = default;
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Accessors: getters
@@ -132,7 +126,7 @@ class NGraph
     inline const list<NEdge>& getAdjList( int node_id ) const;
     inline const vector<NNode>& getNodes( void ) const;
     inline int getNbNodes( void ) const;
-    inline const int getNbOutput( void ) const;
+    inline int getNbOutput( void ) const;
     int get_in_degree( int node, char dir ) const;
     int get_out_degree( int node, char dir ) const;
@@ -231,11 +225,7 @@ class NGraph
     // =======================================================================
     //                            Forbidden Constructors
     // =======================================================================
-    NGraph( void )
-    {
-      printf( "%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-    };
+    NGraph() = delete;
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Protected Methods
@@ -291,7 +281,7 @@ int NGraph::getNbNodes( void ) const
   return _nodes.size();
-const int NGraph::getNbOutput( void ) const
+int NGraph::getNbOutput( void ) const
  return _nbOutput;

modules/NNode.cpp deleted
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-/* ***************************************************************************
- *
- *                              KisSplice
- *      de-novo calling alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * ***************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright INRIA 
- *  contributors :  Vincent Lacroix
- *                  Pierre Peterlongo
- *                  Gustavo Sacomoto
- *                  Vincent Miele
- *                  Alice Julien-Laferriere
- *                  David Parsons
- *
- *
- *
- * pierre.peterlongo at inria.fr
- * vincent.lacroix at univ-lyon1.fr
- *
- * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to detect alternative
- * splicing events from RNA-seq data.
- *
- * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
- * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can  use,
- * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
- * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
- * "http://www.cecill.info".
- * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
- * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
- * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
- * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
- * liability.
- * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
- * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
- * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
- * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
- * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
- * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
- * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
- * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
- * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
- * same conditions as regards security.
- *
- * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
- * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
- */
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Include Libraries
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Include Project Files
-// ===========================================================================
-#include "NNode.h"
-// ===========================================================================
-//                             Declare Used Namespaces
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                                                           #
-//                                Class NNode                                #
-//                                                                           #
-// ===========================================================================
-//                               Static attributes
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Constructors
-// ===========================================================================
-NNode::NNode( void ) : _adjList(), _sequence()
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                  Destructors
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                   Operators
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                 Public Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-void NNode::add_to_adj_list( NEdge new_edge )
-  _adjList.push_back( new_edge );
-// ===========================================================================
-//                                Protected Methods
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===========================================================================
-//                              Non inline accessors
-// ===========================================================================

@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class NNode
     // =======================================================================
     //                               Constructors
     // =======================================================================
-    NNode( void );
+    NNode() = default;
     // =======================================================================
     //                               Destructors
@@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ class NNode
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Public Methods
     // =======================================================================
-    void add_to_adj_list( NEdge new_edge );
+    void add_to_adj_list( NEdge new_edge )
+    {   
+      _adjList.push_back( new_edge );
+    }
     // =======================================================================
     //                             Public Attributes
@@ -136,21 +139,6 @@ class NNode
   protected :
-    // =======================================================================
-    //                            Forbidden Constructors
-    // =======================================================================
-    //~ NNode( void )
-    //~ {
-      //~ printf( "%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-      //~ exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-    //~ };
-    /*NNode( const NNode& model )
-    {
-      printf( "%s:%d: error: call to forbidden constructor.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
-      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
-    };*/
     // =======================================================================
     //                              Protected Methods
     // =======================================================================

@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <iterator>
-using namespace std;
 char complement(char n)
@@ -32,18 +30,18 @@ char complement(char n)
 void reverse_complement(char *seq) {
   //get the complement
-  string seqAsStr(seq);
-  transform(
+  std::string seqAsStr(seq);
+  std::transform(
   //reverse it
-  string RC(seqAsStr.rbegin(), seqAsStr.rend());
+  std::string RC(seqAsStr.rbegin(), seqAsStr.rend());
   //put it in seq
-  for (int i=0; i<RC.size(); i++)
+  for (std::size_t i=0; i<RC.size(); i++)

@@ -346,7 +346,6 @@ int get_next_sequence_and_comments_for_fastq (gzFile file, char * sequence, char
 int get_next_fasta_sequence(gzFile file, char * sequence, char * line) {
     char *rv;
-    char *p;
     int nextchar = 0;
     //char * line = malloc(sizeof(char)*1048576);
@@ -389,7 +388,6 @@ void removeDashNDashR(char * sequence) {
 int get_next_sequence_for_fastq (gzFile file, char * sequence, char * quality, char * readid, char * qualityid){
 	char *rv, *qv;
-	char *p;
 	//does not work if the sequence is written on several lines
 //char * line = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE_LINE);

@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void feed_coherent_positions(p_fragment_info the_starter, //the fragment/path
         ) {
     int i, start_on_starter, stop_on_starter;
 	if(start<0) start_on_starter=0; else start_on_starter=start;
-	if(start+length_read<strlen(the_starter->w)) stop_on_starter=start+length_read; else stop_on_starter=strlen(the_starter->w);
+	if(std::size_t(start+length_read)<strlen(the_starter->w)) stop_on_starter=start+length_read; else stop_on_starter=strlen(the_starter->w);
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ float read_coherence (gzFile reads_file,
     uint64_t nb_seeds;
 	// working variables
-	int read_len, i, ii, j, starter_id,  pwi, stop, read_coherence;
+	int read_len, i, ii, starter_id,  pwi, stop, read_coherence;
     long int  read_number=0;
 	// map of starter -> position (for each read and direction, stores the starter and position already tested.)

@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void hash_clear(hash_t map, void (*specific_free)(const void *)){
   ssize_t hash_iterator_return_entry(hash_t map, hash_iter iter,
  		char **key, void **data){
  	assert(map != NULL);
- 	assert(iter >= 0);
+ 	//assert(iter >= 0);
  	assert(key != NULL);
  	assert(data != NULL);
  	//if ((int)iter != -1 && !hash_iterator_is_end(map, iter))

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ using namespace std;
 #include <omp.h>
-char * getVersion(){
+const char * getVersion(){
     return  "kissreads module 1.2.6 - Copyright INRIA - CeCILL License";
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 	while(number_of_read_sets+2<argc && argv[number_of_read_sets+2][0]!='-') number_of_read_sets++;
 	char ** reads_file_names = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *)*number_of_read_sets);
-    char * coherent_file_name="";
-    char * uncoherent_file_name="";
-    char * samout_file_name="";
+    const char * coherent_file_name="";
+    const char * uncoherent_file_name="";
+    const char * samout_file_name="";
     // copy the read set file names
 	while(number_of_read_sets+2<argc && argv[number_of_read_sets+2][0]!='-'){
@@ -641,10 +641,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
           explanations << "Bubble (" << all_starters[upperPathIndex]->comment << ", " <<
           all_starters[lowerPathIndex]->comment << ") " <<
           "is strand-uncoherent because the following LEFT read files: [";
-          for (int i = 0; i < leftReadFilesAgreedOnFW.size(); i++)
+          for (std::size_t i = 0; i < leftReadFilesAgreedOnFW.size(); i++)
             explanations << leftReadFilesAgreedOnFW[i] << ", ";
           explanations << "] say that the reads map on the + strand while the following LEFT read files: [";
-          for (int i = 0; i < leftReadFilesAgreedOnRC.size(); i++)
+          for (std::size_t i = 0; i < leftReadFilesAgreedOnRC.size(); i++)
             explanations << leftReadFilesAgreedOnRC[i] << ", ";
           explanations << "] say that the reads map on the - strand" << endl;
           keepGoing = 0;
@@ -661,10 +661,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
           explanations << "Bubble (" << all_starters[upperPathIndex]->comment << ", " <<
           all_starters[lowerPathIndex]->comment << ") " <<
           "is strand-uncoherent because the following RIGHT read files: [";
-          for (int i = 0; i < rightReadFilesAgreedOnFW.size(); i++)
+          for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rightReadFilesAgreedOnFW.size(); i++)
             explanations << rightReadFilesAgreedOnFW[i] << ", ";
           explanations << "] say that the reads map on the + strand while the following RIGHT read files: [";
-          for (int i = 0; i < rightReadFilesAgreedOnRC.size(); i++)
+          for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rightReadFilesAgreedOnRC.size(); i++)
             explanations << rightReadFilesAgreedOnRC[i] << ", ";
           explanations << "] say that the reads map on the - strand" << endl;
           keepGoing = 0;

@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ char grgKeyTruncMask[sizeof(ulong)][sizeof(ulong)];
    }                                                                          \
    while ( 0 )
-#define FREE_KEY(ht, key) do                                                  \
-   if ( STORES_PTR(ht) && (ht)->fSaveKeys )                                   \
-     if ( (ht)->cchKey == NULL_TERMINATED )                                   \
+#define FREE_KEY(ht, key) do {                                                \
+   if ( STORES_PTR(ht) && (ht)->fSaveKeys ) {                                 \
+     if ( (ht)->cchKey == NULL_TERMINATED ) {                                 \
         HTfree((char *)(key), WORD_ROUND(strlen((char *)(key))+1));           \
-     else                                                                     \
-        HTfree((char *)(key), WORD_ROUND((ht)->cchKey));                      \
-   while ( 0 )
+     } else {                                                                 \
+        HTfree((char *)(key), WORD_ROUND((ht)->cchKey)); }                    \
+   }} while ( 0 )
    /* the following are useful for bitmaps */
    /* Format is like this (if 1 word = 4 bits):  3210 7654 ba98 fedc ... */
@@ -314,10 +314,8 @@ unsigned long HTcopy(char *ul)
 static void HTSetupKeyTrunc(void)
-   int i, j;
-   for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned long); i++ )
-      for ( j = 0; j < sizeof(unsigned long); j++ )
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned long); i++ )
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(unsigned long); j++ )
 	 grgKeyTruncMask[i][j] = j < i ? 255 : 0;   /* chars have 8 bits */
@@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ static HTOffset EntriesUpto(HTBitmapPart *bm, int i)
        4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8};
    if ( i == 0 ) return 0;
-   for ( ; i > sizeof(*bm)*8; i -= sizeof(*bm)*8, bm++ )
+   for ( ; i > int(sizeof(*bm)*8); i -= sizeof(*bm)*8, bm++ )
    {                                       /* think of it as loop unrolling */
 #if LOG_WORD_SIZE >= 3                     /* 1 byte per word, or more */
       retval += rgcBits[*bm & 255];        /* get the low byte */
@@ -465,7 +463,7 @@ static HTOffset EntriesUpto(HTBitmapPart *bm, int i)
 #endif   /* 2 bytes */
 #endif   /* 1 byte */
-   assert("" == "word size is too big in EntriesUpto()");
+   assert("word size is too big in EntriesUpto()" == nullptr);
    return -1;
 #define SPARSE_POS_TO_OFFSET(bm, i)   ( EntriesUpto(&((bm)[0]), i) )
@@ -647,151 +645,6 @@ static ulong SparseMemory(ulong cBuckets, ulong cOccupied)
 	    SPARSE_GROUPS(cBuckets) * sizeof(SparseBin) );
-/*  Just for fun, I also provide support for dense tables.  These are
- *  just regulr arrays.  Access is fast, but they can get big.
- *  Use Table(x) at the top of chash.h to decide which you want.
- *  A disadvantage is we need to steal more of the data space for
- *  indicating empty buckets.  We choose -3.
- */
-#ifndef DenseBucket             /* by default, each bucket holds an HTItem */
-#define DenseBucket             HTItem
-typedef struct DenseBin {       /* needs to be a struct for C typing reasons */
-   DenseBucket *rgBuckets;      /* A bin is an array of buckets */
-} DenseBin;
-typedef struct DenseIterator {
-   long pos;               /* the actual iterator */
-   DenseBin *bin;          /* state info, to avoid args for NextBucket() */
-   ulong cBuckets;
-} DenseIterator;
-#define DENSE_IS_EMPTY(bin, i)     ( (bin)[i].data == EMPTY )
-#define DENSE_SET_EMPTY(bin, i)    (bin)[i].data = EMPTY      /* fks-hash.h */
-#define DENSE_SET_OCCUPIED(bin, i) (bin)[i].data = 1          /* not EMPTY */
-static void DenseClear(DenseBin *bin, ulong cBuckets)
-   while ( cBuckets-- )
-      DENSE_SET_EMPTY(bin->rgBuckets, cBuckets);
-static ulong DenseAllocate(DenseBin **pbin, ulong cBuckets)
-   *pbin = (DenseBin *) HTsmalloc(sizeof(*pbin));
-   (*pbin)->rgBuckets = (DenseBucket *) HTsmalloc(sizeof(*(*pbin)->rgBuckets)
-						  * cBuckets);
-   DenseClear(*pbin, cBuckets);
-   return cBuckets;
-static DenseBin *DenseFree(DenseBin *bin, ulong cBuckets)
-   HTfree(bin->rgBuckets, sizeof(*bin->rgBuckets) * cBuckets);
-   HTfree(bin, sizeof(*bin));
-   return NULL;
-static int DenseIsEmpty(DenseBin *bin, ulong location)
-   return DENSE_IS_EMPTY(bin->rgBuckets, location);
-static DenseBucket *DenseFind(DenseBin *bin, ulong location)
-   if ( DenseIsEmpty(bin, location) )
-      return NULL;
-   return bin->rgBuckets + location;
-static DenseBucket *DenseInsert(DenseBin *bin, DenseBucket *bckInsert,
-				ulong location, int *pfOverwrite)
-   DenseBucket *bckPlace;
-   bckPlace = DenseFind(bin, location);
-   if ( bckPlace )                /* means something is already there */
-   {
-      if ( *pfOverwrite )
-	 *bckPlace = *bckInsert;
-      *pfOverwrite = 1;           /* set to 1 to indicate someone was there */
-      return bckPlace;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      bin->rgBuckets[location] = *bckInsert;
-      *pfOverwrite = 0;
-      return bin->rgBuckets + location;
-   }
-static DenseBucket *DenseNextBucket(DenseIterator *iter)
-   for ( iter->pos++; iter->pos < iter->cBuckets; iter->pos++ )
-      if ( !DenseIsEmpty(iter->bin, iter->pos) )
-	 return iter->bin->rgBuckets + iter->pos;
-   return NULL;                        /* all remaining groups were empty */
-static DenseBucket *DenseFirstBucket(DenseIterator *iter,
-				     DenseBin *bin, ulong cBuckets)
-   iter->bin = bin;                    /* set it up for NextBucket() */
-   iter->cBuckets = cBuckets;
-   iter->pos = -1;                     /* thus the next bucket will be 0 */
-   return DenseNextBucket(iter);
-static void DenseWrite(FILE *fp, DenseBin *bin, ulong cBuckets)
-   ulong pos = 0, bit, bm;
-   WRITE_UL(fp, cBuckets);
-   while ( pos < cBuckets )
-   {
-      bm = 0;
-      for ( bit = 0; bit < 8*sizeof(ulong); bit++ )
-      {
-	 if ( !DenseIsEmpty(bin, pos) )
-	    SET_BITMAP(&bm, bit);                /* in fks-hash.h */
-	 if ( ++pos == cBuckets )
-	    break;
-      }
-      WRITE_UL(fp, bm);
-   }
-static ulong DenseRead(FILE *fp, DenseBin **pbin)
-   ulong pos = 0, bit, bm, cBuckets;
-   READ_UL(fp, cBuckets);
-   cBuckets = DenseAllocate(pbin, cBuckets);
-   while ( pos < cBuckets )
-   {
-      READ_UL(fp, bm);
-      for ( bit = 0; bit < 8*sizeof(ulong); bit++ )
-      {
-	 if ( TEST_BITMAP(&bm, bit) )            /* in fks-hash.h */
-	    DENSE_SET_OCCUPIED((*pbin)->rgBuckets, pos);
-	 else
-	    DENSE_SET_EMPTY((*pbin)->rgBuckets, pos);
-	 if ( ++pos == cBuckets )
-	    break;
-      }
-   }
-   return cBuckets;
-static ulong DenseMemory(ulong cBuckets, ulong cOccupied)
-   return cBuckets * sizeof(DenseBucket);
 /* ======================================================================== */
 /*                          HASHING ROUTINES                                */
 /*                       ----------------------                             */
@@ -1284,10 +1137,11 @@ HTItem *HashFirstBucket(HashTable *ht)
    HTItem *retval;
-   for ( retval = Table(FirstBucket)(ht->iter, ht->table, ht->cBuckets);
-	 retval;  retval = Table(NextBucket)(ht->iter) )
-      if ( !IS_BCK_DELETED(retval) )
-	 LOAD_AND_RETURN(ht, retval);
+   for ( retval = Table(FirstBucket)(ht->iter, ht->table, ht->cBuckets); retval;  retval = Table(NextBucket)(ht->iter) ) {
+      if ( !IS_BCK_DELETED(retval) ) {
+	      LOAD_AND_RETURN(ht, retval);
+      }
+   }
    return NULL;
@@ -1295,9 +1149,11 @@ HTItem *HashNextBucket(HashTable *ht)
    HTItem *retval;
-   while ( (retval=Table(NextBucket)(ht->iter)) )
-      if ( !IS_BCK_DELETED(retval) )
-	 LOAD_AND_RETURN(ht, retval);
+   while ( (retval=Table(NextBucket)(ht->iter)) ) {
+      if ( !IS_BCK_DELETED(retval) ) {
+	      LOAD_AND_RETURN(ht, retval);
+      }
+   }
    return NULL;
@@ -1428,14 +1284,15 @@ static HashTable *HashDoLoad(FILE *fp, char * (*dataRead)(FILE *, int),
       READ_UL(fp, bck->data);        /* all we need if dataRead is NULL */
       if ( IS_BCK_DELETED(bck) )     /* always 0 if defined(INSERT_ONLY) */
 	 continue;                   /* this is why we read the data first */
-      if ( dataRead != NULL )        /* if it's null, we're done */
-	 if ( !ht->fpData )          /* load data into memory */
+      if ( dataRead != NULL ) {       /* if it's null, we're done */
+	 if ( !ht->fpData ) {         /* load data into memory */
 	    bck->data = (ulong)dataRead(fp, bck->data);
-	 else                        /* store location of data on disk */
+    }else                        /* store location of data on disk */
 	    fseek(fp, bck->data, SEEK_CUR);  /* bck->data held size of data */
 	    bck->data = ftell(fp) - bck->data - sizeof(unsigned long);
+      }
       if ( ht->cchKey == NULL_TERMINATED )   /* now read the key */

@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ float rank_phi(const int *sum_up, const int *sum_lo, const int number_of_read_se
  * prints a couple using the reads starting position instead of coverage per position
-void print_couple_i(char * comment, FILE* out, const p_fragment_info * results_against_set, int cycle_id, int number_of_read_sets, int qual, const char map_snps, bool checkStrands)
+void print_couple_i(const char * comment, FILE* out, const p_fragment_info * results_against_set, int cycle_id, int number_of_read_sets, int qual, const char map_snps, bool checkStrands)
   int read_set_id;
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ void print_couple_i(char * comment, FILE* out, const p_fragment_info * results_a
  * prints a couple using the reads starting position instead of coverage per position
-void print_couple_i(char * comment, FILE* out, const p_fragment_info * results_against_set, int cycle_id, int number_of_read_sets, int qual, const char map_snps, bool checkStrands){
+void print_couple_i(const char * comment, FILE* out, const p_fragment_info * results_against_set, int cycle_id, int number_of_read_sets, int qual, const char map_snps, bool checkStrands){
   //TODO: warning bool checkStrands is not used here, just in the upper print_couple_i

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