[med-svn] [Git][python-team/packages/python-xopen][upstream] New upstream version 1.7.0

Nilesh Patra (@nilesh) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Dec 20 22:39:07 GMT 2022

Nilesh Patra pushed to branch upstream at Debian Python Team / packages / python-xopen

0cba8325 by Nilesh Patra at 2022-12-21T03:30:29+05:30
New upstream version 1.7.0
- - - - -

21 changed files:

- + .gitattributes
- − .github/workflows/ci.yml
- + .pre-commit-config.yaml
- README.rst
- pyproject.toml
- setup.cfg
- − setup.py
- src/xopen.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- src/xopen.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
- src/xopen.egg-info/requires.txt
- src/xopen/__init__.py
- src/xopen/_version.py
- + tests/conftest.py
- − tests/file.txt.bz2.test
- − tests/file.txt.gz.test
- − tests/file.txt.xz.test
- tests/file.txt.test → tests/file.txt.zst
- + tests/test_piped.py
- tests/test_xopen.py
- tox.ini


@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+tests/file.txt eol=lf
+tests/file.txt.test eol=lf

.github/workflows/ci.yml deleted
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-name: CI
-on: [push, pull_request]
-  lint:
-    timeout-minutes: 10
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        python-version: [3.7]
-        toxenv: [flake8, mypy]
-    steps:
-    - uses: actions/checkout at v2
-    - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python at v2
-      with:
-        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-    - name: Install dependencies
-      run: python -m pip install tox
-    - name: Run tox ${{ matrix.toxenv }}
-      run: tox -e ${{ matrix.toxenv }}
-  test:
-    timeout-minutes: 10
-    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        os: [ubuntu-latest]
-        python-version: ["3.6", "3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "pypy-3.7"]
-        include:
-        - os: macos-latest
-          python-version: 3.7
-        - os: ubuntu-20.04
-          python-version: 3.7
-          with-isal: true
-    steps:
-    - name: Install pigz and pbzip2 MacOS
-      if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos')
-      run: brew install pigz pbzip2
-    - name: Install pigz and pbzip2 Linux
-      if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu')
-      run: sudo apt-get install pigz pbzip2
-    - name: Install isal
-      if: matrix.with-isal && !startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos')
-      run: sudo apt-get install isal libisal-dev
-    - uses: actions/checkout at v2
-    - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-      uses: actions/setup-python at v2
-      with:
-        python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
-    - name: Install dependencies
-      run: python -m pip install tox
-    - name: Test
-      run: tox -e py
-      if: matrix.with-isal == null
-    - name: Test with isal
-      run: tox -e isal
-      if: matrix.with-isal
-    - name: Upload coverage report
-      uses: codecov/codecov-action at v1
-  deploy:
-    timeout-minutes: 10
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    needs: [lint, test]
-    if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags')
-    steps:
-    - uses: actions/checkout at v2
-      with:
-        fetch-depth: 0  # required for setuptools_scm
-    - name: Set up Python
-      uses: actions/setup-python at v2
-      with:
-        python-version: 3.7
-    - name: Make distributions
-      run: |
-        python -m pip install build
-        python -m build
-        ls -l dist/
-    - name: Publish to PyPI
-      uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish at v1.4.1
-      with:
-        user: __token__
-        password: ${{ secrets.pypi_password }}

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
+    rev: v2.3.0
+    hooks:
+    -   id: end-of-file-fixer
+    -   id: trailing-whitespace
+-   repo: https://github.com/psf/black
+    rev: 22.3.0
+    hooks:
+    -   id: black

@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: xopen
-Version: 1.2.1
+Version: 1.7.0
 Summary: Open compressed files transparently
 Home-page: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/
 Author: Marcel Martin et al.
 Author-email: mail at marcelm.net
 License: MIT
-Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Requires-Python: >=3.6
+Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Provides-Extra: dev
+Provides-Extra: zstd
 License-File: LICENSE
 .. image:: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/workflows/CI/badge.svg
   :target: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen
-  :alt: 
-.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=master
+  :alt:
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=main
   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xopen
 .. image:: https://img.shields.io/conda/v/conda-forge/xopen.svg
@@ -33,34 +34,39 @@ License-File: LICENSE
-This small Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
-built-in ``open`` function, but can also deal with compressed files.
-Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and xz. They are automatically
-recognized by their file extensions `.gz`, `.bz2` or `.xz`.
-The focus is on being as efficient as possible on all supported Python versions.
-For example, ``xopen`` uses ``pigz``, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
-to open ``.gz`` files, which is faster than using the built-in ``gzip.open``
-function. ``pigz`` can use multiple threads when compressing, but is also faster
-when reading ``.gz`` files, so it is used both for reading and writing if it is
-available. For gzip compression levels 1 to 3,
-`igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_ is used for an even greater speedup.
-For use cases where using only the main thread is desired xopen can be used
-with ``threads=0``. This will use `python-isal
+This Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
+built-in ``open`` function but also transparently deals with compressed files.
+Supported compression formats are currently gzip, bzip2, xz and optionally Zstandard.
+``xopen`` selects the most efficient method for reading or writing a compressed file.
+This often means opening a pipe to an external tool, such as
+`pigz <https://zlib.net/pigz/>`_, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
+or `igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_, which is a highly optimized
+version of ``gzip``.
+If ``threads=0`` is passed to ``xopen()``, no external process is used..
+For gzip files, this will then use `python-isal
 <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_ (which binds isa-l) if
-python-isal is installed (automatic on Linux systems, as it is a requirement).
-For installation instructions for python-isal please
-checkout the `python-isal homepage
-<https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_. If python-isal is not
-available ``gzip.open`` is used.
+it is installed (since ``python-isal`` is a dependency of ``xopen``,
+this should always be the case).
+Neither ``igzip`` nor ``python-isal`` support compression levels
+greater 3, so if no external tool is available or ``threads`` has been set to 0,
+Python’s built-in ``gzip.open`` is used.
-This module has originally been developed as part of the `Cutadapt
-tool <https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/>`_ that is used in bioinformatics to
-manipulate sequencing data. It has been in successful use within that software
-for a few years.
+For xz files, a pipe to the ``xz`` program is used because it has built-in support for multithreaded compression.
-``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.6 and later.
+For bz2 files, `pbzip2 (parallel bzip2) <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is used.
+``xopen`` falls back to Python’s built-in functions
+(``gzip.open``, ``lzma.open``, ``bz2.open``)
+if none of the other methods can be used.
+The file format to use is determined from the file name if the extension is recognized
+(``.gz``, ``.bz2``, ``.xz`` or ``.zst``).
+When reading a file without a recognized file extension, xopen attempts to detect the format
+by reading the first couple of bytes from the file.
+``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.7 and later.
@@ -70,81 +76,131 @@ Open a file for reading::
     from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.xz') as f:
+    with xopen("file.txt.gz") as f:
         content = f.read()
-Or without context manager::
+Write to a file in binary mode,
+set the compression level
+and avoid using an external process::
     from xopen import xopen
-    f = xopen('file.txt.xz')
-    content = f.read()
-    f.close()
+    with xopen("file.txt.xz", mode="wb", threads=0, compresslevel=3)
+        f.write(b"Hello")
-Open a file in binary mode for writing::
-    from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.gz', mode='wb') as f:
-        f.write(b'Hello')
+xopen writes gzip files in a reproducible manner.
+Normally, gzip files contain a timestamp in the file header,
+which means that compressing the same data at different times results in different output files.
+xopen disables this for all of the supported gzip compression backends.
+For example, when using an external process, it sets the command-line option
+``--no-name`` (same as ``-n``).
+Note that different gzip compression backends typically do not produce
+identical output, so reproducibility may no longer be given when the execution environment changes
+from one ``xopen()`` invocation to the next.
+This includes the CPU architecture as `igzip adjusts its algorithm
+depending on it <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/issues/140#issuecomment-634877966>`_.
-The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
-`utils.h file which is part of
-BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+bzip2 and xz compression methods do not store timestamps in the file headers,
+so output from them is also reproducible.
-Kyle Beauchamp <https://github.com/kyleabeauchamp/> has contributed support for
-appending to files.
-Ruben Vorderman <https://github.com/rhpvorderman/> contributed improvements to
-make reading and writing gzipped files faster.
+Optional Zstandard support
-Benjamin Vaisvil <https://github.com/bvaisvil> contributed support for
-format detection from content.
+For reading and writing Zstandard (``.zst``) files, either the ``zstd`` command-line
+program or the Python ``zstandard`` package needs to be installed.
-Dries Schaumont <https://github.com/DriesSchaumont> contributed support for
-faster bz2 reading and writing using pbzip2.
+* If the ``threads`` parameter to ``xopen()`` is ``None`` (the default) or any value greater than 0,
+  ``xopen`` uses an external ``zstd`` process.
+* If the above fails (because no ``zstd`` program is available) or if ``threads`` is 0,
+  the ``zstandard`` package is used.
-Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
-If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+To ensure that you get the correct ``zstandard`` version, you can specify the ``zstd`` extra for
+``xopen``, that is, install it using ``pip install xopen[zstd]``.
+v1.7.0 (2022-11-03)
+* #91: Added optional support for Zstandard (``.zst``) files.
+  This requires that the Python ``zstandard`` package is installed
+  or that the ``zstd`` command-line program is available.
+v1.6.0 (2022-08-10)
+* #94: When writing gzip files, the timestamp and name of the original
+  file is omitted (equivalent to using ``gzip --no-name`` (or ``-n``) on the
+  command line). This allows files to be written in a reproducible manner.
+v1.5.0 (2022-03-23)
+* #100: Dropped Python 3.6 support
+* #101: Added support for piping into and from an external ``xz`` process. Contributed by @fanninpm.
+* #102: Support setting the xz compression level. Contributed by @tsibley.
+v1.4.0 (2022-01-14)
+* Add ``seek()`` and ``tell()`` to the ``PipedCompressionReader`` classes
+  (for Windows compatibility)
+v1.3.0 (2022-01-10)
+* xopen is now available on Windows (in addition to Linux and macOS).
+* For greater compatibility with `the built-in open()
+  function <https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#open>`_,
+  ``xopen()`` has gained the parameters *encoding*, *errors* and *newlines*
+  with the same meaning as in ``open()``. Unlike built-in ``open()``, though,
+  encoding is UTF-8 by default.
+* A parameter *format* has been added that allows to force the compression
+  file format.
+v1.2.0 (2021-09-21)
 * `pbzip2 <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is now used to open ``.bz2`` files if
-  ``threads`` is greater than zero.
+  ``threads`` is greater than zero (contributed by @DriesSchaumont).
+v1.1.0 (2021-01-20)
 * Python 3.5 support is dropped.
 * On Linux systems, `python-isal <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_
   is now added as a requirement. This will speed up the reading of gzip files
   significantly when no external processes are used.
+v1.0.0 (2020-11-05)
 * If installed, the ``igzip`` program (part of
   `Intel ISA-L <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_) is now used for reading
   and writing gzip-compressed files at compression levels 1-3, which results
   in a significant speedup.
-* When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
+v0.9.0 (2020-04-02)
+* #80: When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
   available, the content is inspected (if possible) and used to determine
-  which compression format applies.
+  which compression format applies (contributed by @bvaisvil).
 * This release drops Python 2.7 and 3.4 support. Python 3.5 or later is
   now required.
+v0.8.4 (2019-10-24)
 * When reading gzipped files, force ``pigz`` to use only a single process.
   ``pigz`` cannot use multiple cores anyway when decompressing. By default,
   it would use extra I/O processes, which slightly reduces wall-clock time,
@@ -153,35 +209,88 @@ v0.8.4
 * Allow ``threads=0`` for specifying that no external ``pigz``/``gzip``
   process should be used (then regular ``gzip.open()`` is used instead).
-* When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
-  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file.
+v0.8.3 (2019-10-18)
+* #20: When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
+  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file. Contributed by @bernt-matthias.
 * Support Python 3.8
-* Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.8.0 (2019-08-14)
+* #14: Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.6.0 (2019-05-23)
 * For reading from gzipped files, xopen will now use a ``pigz`` subprocess.
   This is faster than using ``gzip.open``.
 * Python 2 support will be dropped in one of the next releases.
+v0.5.0 (2019-01-30)
 * By default, pigz is now only allowed to use at most four threads. This hopefully reduces
   problems some users had with too many threads when opening many files at the same time.
 * xopen now accepts pathlib.Path objects.
+v0.4.0 (2019-01-07)
+* Drop Python 3.3 support
+* Add a ``threads`` parameter (passed on to ``pigz``)
+v0.3.2 (2017-11-22)
+* #6: Make multi-block bz2 work on Python 2 by using external bz2file library.
+v0.3.1 (2017-11-22)
+* Drop Python 2.6 support
+* #5: Fix PipedGzipReader.read() not returning anything
+v0.3.0 (2017-11-15)
+* Add gzip compression parameter
+v0.2.1 (2017-05-31)
+* #3: Allow appending to bz2 and lzma files where possible
+v0.1.1 (2016-12-02)
+* Fix a deadlock
+v0.1.0 (2016-09-09)
+* Initial release
+The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
+`utils.h file which is part of
+BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
+If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+ at kyleabeauchamp contributed support for appending to files before this repository was created.
 * Marcel Martin
 * Ruben Vorderman
-* For more contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>
+* For a list of contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>
@@ -190,5 +299,3 @@ Links
 * `Source code <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/>`_
 * `Report an issue <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/issues>`_
 * `Project page on PyPI (Python package index) <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xopen/>`_

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 .. image:: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/workflows/CI/badge.svg
   :target: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen
-  :alt: 
-.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=master
+  :alt:
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=main
   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xopen
 .. image:: https://img.shields.io/conda/v/conda-forge/xopen.svg
@@ -17,34 +17,39 @@
-This small Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
-built-in ``open`` function, but can also deal with compressed files.
-Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and xz. They are automatically
-recognized by their file extensions `.gz`, `.bz2` or `.xz`.
-The focus is on being as efficient as possible on all supported Python versions.
-For example, ``xopen`` uses ``pigz``, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
-to open ``.gz`` files, which is faster than using the built-in ``gzip.open``
-function. ``pigz`` can use multiple threads when compressing, but is also faster
-when reading ``.gz`` files, so it is used both for reading and writing if it is
-available. For gzip compression levels 1 to 3,
-`igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_ is used for an even greater speedup.
-For use cases where using only the main thread is desired xopen can be used
-with ``threads=0``. This will use `python-isal
+This Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
+built-in ``open`` function but also transparently deals with compressed files.
+Supported compression formats are currently gzip, bzip2, xz and optionally Zstandard.
+``xopen`` selects the most efficient method for reading or writing a compressed file.
+This often means opening a pipe to an external tool, such as
+`pigz <https://zlib.net/pigz/>`_, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
+or `igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_, which is a highly optimized
+version of ``gzip``.
+If ``threads=0`` is passed to ``xopen()``, no external process is used..
+For gzip files, this will then use `python-isal
 <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_ (which binds isa-l) if
-python-isal is installed (automatic on Linux systems, as it is a requirement).
-For installation instructions for python-isal please
-checkout the `python-isal homepage
-<https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_. If python-isal is not
-available ``gzip.open`` is used.
+it is installed (since ``python-isal`` is a dependency of ``xopen``,
+this should always be the case).
+Neither ``igzip`` nor ``python-isal`` support compression levels
+greater 3, so if no external tool is available or ``threads`` has been set to 0,
+Python’s built-in ``gzip.open`` is used.
-This module has originally been developed as part of the `Cutadapt
-tool <https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/>`_ that is used in bioinformatics to
-manipulate sequencing data. It has been in successful use within that software
-for a few years.
+For xz files, a pipe to the ``xz`` program is used because it has built-in support for multithreaded compression.
-``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.6 and later.
+For bz2 files, `pbzip2 (parallel bzip2) <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is used.
+``xopen`` falls back to Python’s built-in functions
+(``gzip.open``, ``lzma.open``, ``bz2.open``)
+if none of the other methods can be used.
+The file format to use is determined from the file name if the extension is recognized
+(``.gz``, ``.bz2``, ``.xz`` or ``.zst``).
+When reading a file without a recognized file extension, xopen attempts to detect the format
+by reading the first couple of bytes from the file.
+``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.7 and later.
@@ -54,81 +59,131 @@ Open a file for reading::
     from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.xz') as f:
+    with xopen("file.txt.gz") as f:
         content = f.read()
-Or without context manager::
+Write to a file in binary mode,
+set the compression level
+and avoid using an external process::
     from xopen import xopen
-    f = xopen('file.txt.xz')
-    content = f.read()
-    f.close()
+    with xopen("file.txt.xz", mode="wb", threads=0, compresslevel=3)
+        f.write(b"Hello")
-Open a file in binary mode for writing::
-    from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.gz', mode='wb') as f:
-        f.write(b'Hello')
+xopen writes gzip files in a reproducible manner.
+Normally, gzip files contain a timestamp in the file header,
+which means that compressing the same data at different times results in different output files.
+xopen disables this for all of the supported gzip compression backends.
+For example, when using an external process, it sets the command-line option
+``--no-name`` (same as ``-n``).
+Note that different gzip compression backends typically do not produce
+identical output, so reproducibility may no longer be given when the execution environment changes
+from one ``xopen()`` invocation to the next.
+This includes the CPU architecture as `igzip adjusts its algorithm
+depending on it <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/issues/140#issuecomment-634877966>`_.
-The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
-`utils.h file which is part of
-BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+bzip2 and xz compression methods do not store timestamps in the file headers,
+so output from them is also reproducible.
-Kyle Beauchamp <https://github.com/kyleabeauchamp/> has contributed support for
-appending to files.
-Ruben Vorderman <https://github.com/rhpvorderman/> contributed improvements to
-make reading and writing gzipped files faster.
+Optional Zstandard support
-Benjamin Vaisvil <https://github.com/bvaisvil> contributed support for
-format detection from content.
+For reading and writing Zstandard (``.zst``) files, either the ``zstd`` command-line
+program or the Python ``zstandard`` package needs to be installed.
-Dries Schaumont <https://github.com/DriesSchaumont> contributed support for
-faster bz2 reading and writing using pbzip2.
+* If the ``threads`` parameter to ``xopen()`` is ``None`` (the default) or any value greater than 0,
+  ``xopen`` uses an external ``zstd`` process.
+* If the above fails (because no ``zstd`` program is available) or if ``threads`` is 0,
+  the ``zstandard`` package is used.
-Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
-If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+To ensure that you get the correct ``zstandard`` version, you can specify the ``zstd`` extra for
+``xopen``, that is, install it using ``pip install xopen[zstd]``.
+v1.7.0 (2022-11-03)
+* #91: Added optional support for Zstandard (``.zst``) files.
+  This requires that the Python ``zstandard`` package is installed
+  or that the ``zstd`` command-line program is available.
+v1.6.0 (2022-08-10)
+* #94: When writing gzip files, the timestamp and name of the original
+  file is omitted (equivalent to using ``gzip --no-name`` (or ``-n``) on the
+  command line). This allows files to be written in a reproducible manner.
+v1.5.0 (2022-03-23)
+* #100: Dropped Python 3.6 support
+* #101: Added support for piping into and from an external ``xz`` process. Contributed by @fanninpm.
+* #102: Support setting the xz compression level. Contributed by @tsibley.
+v1.4.0 (2022-01-14)
+* Add ``seek()`` and ``tell()`` to the ``PipedCompressionReader`` classes
+  (for Windows compatibility)
+v1.3.0 (2022-01-10)
+* xopen is now available on Windows (in addition to Linux and macOS).
+* For greater compatibility with `the built-in open()
+  function <https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#open>`_,
+  ``xopen()`` has gained the parameters *encoding*, *errors* and *newlines*
+  with the same meaning as in ``open()``. Unlike built-in ``open()``, though,
+  encoding is UTF-8 by default.
+* A parameter *format* has been added that allows to force the compression
+  file format.
+v1.2.0 (2021-09-21)
 * `pbzip2 <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is now used to open ``.bz2`` files if
-  ``threads`` is greater than zero.
+  ``threads`` is greater than zero (contributed by @DriesSchaumont).
+v1.1.0 (2021-01-20)
 * Python 3.5 support is dropped.
 * On Linux systems, `python-isal <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_
   is now added as a requirement. This will speed up the reading of gzip files
   significantly when no external processes are used.
+v1.0.0 (2020-11-05)
 * If installed, the ``igzip`` program (part of
   `Intel ISA-L <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_) is now used for reading
   and writing gzip-compressed files at compression levels 1-3, which results
   in a significant speedup.
-* When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
+v0.9.0 (2020-04-02)
+* #80: When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
   available, the content is inspected (if possible) and used to determine
-  which compression format applies.
+  which compression format applies (contributed by @bvaisvil).
 * This release drops Python 2.7 and 3.4 support. Python 3.5 or later is
   now required.
+v0.8.4 (2019-10-24)
 * When reading gzipped files, force ``pigz`` to use only a single process.
   ``pigz`` cannot use multiple cores anyway when decompressing. By default,
   it would use extra I/O processes, which slightly reduces wall-clock time,
@@ -137,35 +192,88 @@ v0.8.4
 * Allow ``threads=0`` for specifying that no external ``pigz``/``gzip``
   process should be used (then regular ``gzip.open()`` is used instead).
-* When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
-  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file.
+v0.8.3 (2019-10-18)
+* #20: When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
+  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file. Contributed by @bernt-matthias.
 * Support Python 3.8
-* Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.8.0 (2019-08-14)
+* #14: Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.6.0 (2019-05-23)
 * For reading from gzipped files, xopen will now use a ``pigz`` subprocess.
   This is faster than using ``gzip.open``.
 * Python 2 support will be dropped in one of the next releases.
+v0.5.0 (2019-01-30)
 * By default, pigz is now only allowed to use at most four threads. This hopefully reduces
   problems some users had with too many threads when opening many files at the same time.
 * xopen now accepts pathlib.Path objects.
+v0.4.0 (2019-01-07)
+* Drop Python 3.3 support
+* Add a ``threads`` parameter (passed on to ``pigz``)
+v0.3.2 (2017-11-22)
+* #6: Make multi-block bz2 work on Python 2 by using external bz2file library.
+v0.3.1 (2017-11-22)
+* Drop Python 2.6 support
+* #5: Fix PipedGzipReader.read() not returning anything
+v0.3.0 (2017-11-15)
+* Add gzip compression parameter
+v0.2.1 (2017-05-31)
+* #3: Allow appending to bz2 and lzma files where possible
+v0.1.1 (2016-12-02)
+* Fix a deadlock
+v0.1.0 (2016-09-09)
+* Initial release
+The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
+`utils.h file which is part of
+BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
+If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+ at kyleabeauchamp contributed support for appending to files before this repository was created.
 * Marcel Martin
 * Ruben Vorderman
-* For more contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>
+* For a list of contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>

@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "setuptools_scm>=6.2"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
 write_to = "src/xopen/_version.py"
+addopts = "--strict-markers"

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ author_email = mail at marcelm.net
 url = https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/
 description = Open compressed files transparently
 long_description = file: README.rst
+long_description_content_type = text/x-rst
 license = MIT
 classifiers = 
 	Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -12,12 +13,13 @@ classifiers =
 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-python_requires = >=3.6
+python_requires = >=3.7
 package_dir = 
 packages = find:
 install_requires = 
-	isal>=0.9.0; platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "AMD64" or platform_machine == "aarch64"
+	isal>=1.0.0; platform.python_implementation == 'CPython' and (platform.machine == "x86_64" or platform.machine == "AMD64")
+	typing_extensions; python_version<'3.8'
 where = src
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ where = src
 dev = pytest
+zstd = zstandard<1
 tag_build = 

setup.py deleted
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup

@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: xopen
-Version: 1.2.1
+Version: 1.7.0
 Summary: Open compressed files transparently
 Home-page: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/
 Author: Marcel Martin et al.
 Author-email: mail at marcelm.net
 License: MIT
-Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Requires-Python: >=3.6
+Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
 Provides-Extra: dev
+Provides-Extra: zstd
 License-File: LICENSE
 .. image:: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/workflows/CI/badge.svg
   :target: https://github.com/pycompression/xopen
-  :alt: 
-.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=master
+  :alt:
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/xopen.svg?branch=main
   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xopen
 .. image:: https://img.shields.io/conda/v/conda-forge/xopen.svg
@@ -33,34 +34,39 @@ License-File: LICENSE
-This small Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
-built-in ``open`` function, but can also deal with compressed files.
-Supported compression formats are gzip, bzip2 and xz. They are automatically
-recognized by their file extensions `.gz`, `.bz2` or `.xz`.
-The focus is on being as efficient as possible on all supported Python versions.
-For example, ``xopen`` uses ``pigz``, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
-to open ``.gz`` files, which is faster than using the built-in ``gzip.open``
-function. ``pigz`` can use multiple threads when compressing, but is also faster
-when reading ``.gz`` files, so it is used both for reading and writing if it is
-available. For gzip compression levels 1 to 3,
-`igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_ is used for an even greater speedup.
-For use cases where using only the main thread is desired xopen can be used
-with ``threads=0``. This will use `python-isal
+This Python module provides an ``xopen`` function that works like the
+built-in ``open`` function but also transparently deals with compressed files.
+Supported compression formats are currently gzip, bzip2, xz and optionally Zstandard.
+``xopen`` selects the most efficient method for reading or writing a compressed file.
+This often means opening a pipe to an external tool, such as
+`pigz <https://zlib.net/pigz/>`_, which is a parallel version of ``gzip``,
+or `igzip <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_, which is a highly optimized
+version of ``gzip``.
+If ``threads=0`` is passed to ``xopen()``, no external process is used..
+For gzip files, this will then use `python-isal
 <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_ (which binds isa-l) if
-python-isal is installed (automatic on Linux systems, as it is a requirement).
-For installation instructions for python-isal please
-checkout the `python-isal homepage
-<https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_. If python-isal is not
-available ``gzip.open`` is used.
+it is installed (since ``python-isal`` is a dependency of ``xopen``,
+this should always be the case).
+Neither ``igzip`` nor ``python-isal`` support compression levels
+greater 3, so if no external tool is available or ``threads`` has been set to 0,
+Python’s built-in ``gzip.open`` is used.
-This module has originally been developed as part of the `Cutadapt
-tool <https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/>`_ that is used in bioinformatics to
-manipulate sequencing data. It has been in successful use within that software
-for a few years.
+For xz files, a pipe to the ``xz`` program is used because it has built-in support for multithreaded compression.
-``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.6 and later.
+For bz2 files, `pbzip2 (parallel bzip2) <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is used.
+``xopen`` falls back to Python’s built-in functions
+(``gzip.open``, ``lzma.open``, ``bz2.open``)
+if none of the other methods can be used.
+The file format to use is determined from the file name if the extension is recognized
+(``.gz``, ``.bz2``, ``.xz`` or ``.zst``).
+When reading a file without a recognized file extension, xopen attempts to detect the format
+by reading the first couple of bytes from the file.
+``xopen`` is compatible with Python versions 3.7 and later.
@@ -70,81 +76,131 @@ Open a file for reading::
     from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.xz') as f:
+    with xopen("file.txt.gz") as f:
         content = f.read()
-Or without context manager::
+Write to a file in binary mode,
+set the compression level
+and avoid using an external process::
     from xopen import xopen
-    f = xopen('file.txt.xz')
-    content = f.read()
-    f.close()
+    with xopen("file.txt.xz", mode="wb", threads=0, compresslevel=3)
+        f.write(b"Hello")
-Open a file in binary mode for writing::
-    from xopen import xopen
-    with xopen('file.txt.gz', mode='wb') as f:
-        f.write(b'Hello')
+xopen writes gzip files in a reproducible manner.
+Normally, gzip files contain a timestamp in the file header,
+which means that compressing the same data at different times results in different output files.
+xopen disables this for all of the supported gzip compression backends.
+For example, when using an external process, it sets the command-line option
+``--no-name`` (same as ``-n``).
+Note that different gzip compression backends typically do not produce
+identical output, so reproducibility may no longer be given when the execution environment changes
+from one ``xopen()`` invocation to the next.
+This includes the CPU architecture as `igzip adjusts its algorithm
+depending on it <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/issues/140#issuecomment-634877966>`_.
-The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
-`utils.h file which is part of
-BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+bzip2 and xz compression methods do not store timestamps in the file headers,
+so output from them is also reproducible.
-Kyle Beauchamp <https://github.com/kyleabeauchamp/> has contributed support for
-appending to files.
-Ruben Vorderman <https://github.com/rhpvorderman/> contributed improvements to
-make reading and writing gzipped files faster.
+Optional Zstandard support
-Benjamin Vaisvil <https://github.com/bvaisvil> contributed support for
-format detection from content.
+For reading and writing Zstandard (``.zst``) files, either the ``zstd`` command-line
+program or the Python ``zstandard`` package needs to be installed.
-Dries Schaumont <https://github.com/DriesSchaumont> contributed support for
-faster bz2 reading and writing using pbzip2.
+* If the ``threads`` parameter to ``xopen()`` is ``None`` (the default) or any value greater than 0,
+  ``xopen`` uses an external ``zstd`` process.
+* If the above fails (because no ``zstd`` program is available) or if ``threads`` is 0,
+  the ``zstandard`` package is used.
-Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
-If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+To ensure that you get the correct ``zstandard`` version, you can specify the ``zstd`` extra for
+``xopen``, that is, install it using ``pip install xopen[zstd]``.
+v1.7.0 (2022-11-03)
+* #91: Added optional support for Zstandard (``.zst``) files.
+  This requires that the Python ``zstandard`` package is installed
+  or that the ``zstd`` command-line program is available.
+v1.6.0 (2022-08-10)
+* #94: When writing gzip files, the timestamp and name of the original
+  file is omitted (equivalent to using ``gzip --no-name`` (or ``-n``) on the
+  command line). This allows files to be written in a reproducible manner.
+v1.5.0 (2022-03-23)
+* #100: Dropped Python 3.6 support
+* #101: Added support for piping into and from an external ``xz`` process. Contributed by @fanninpm.
+* #102: Support setting the xz compression level. Contributed by @tsibley.
+v1.4.0 (2022-01-14)
+* Add ``seek()`` and ``tell()`` to the ``PipedCompressionReader`` classes
+  (for Windows compatibility)
+v1.3.0 (2022-01-10)
+* xopen is now available on Windows (in addition to Linux and macOS).
+* For greater compatibility with `the built-in open()
+  function <https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#open>`_,
+  ``xopen()`` has gained the parameters *encoding*, *errors* and *newlines*
+  with the same meaning as in ``open()``. Unlike built-in ``open()``, though,
+  encoding is UTF-8 by default.
+* A parameter *format* has been added that allows to force the compression
+  file format.
+v1.2.0 (2021-09-21)
 * `pbzip2 <http://compression.ca/pbzip2/>`_ is now used to open ``.bz2`` files if
-  ``threads`` is greater than zero.
+  ``threads`` is greater than zero (contributed by @DriesSchaumont).
+v1.1.0 (2021-01-20)
 * Python 3.5 support is dropped.
 * On Linux systems, `python-isal <https://github.com/pycompression/python-isal>`_
   is now added as a requirement. This will speed up the reading of gzip files
   significantly when no external processes are used.
+v1.0.0 (2020-11-05)
 * If installed, the ``igzip`` program (part of
   `Intel ISA-L <https://github.com/intel/isa-l/>`_) is now used for reading
   and writing gzip-compressed files at compression levels 1-3, which results
   in a significant speedup.
-* When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
+v0.9.0 (2020-04-02)
+* #80: When the file name extension of a file to be opened for reading is not
   available, the content is inspected (if possible) and used to determine
-  which compression format applies.
+  which compression format applies (contributed by @bvaisvil).
 * This release drops Python 2.7 and 3.4 support. Python 3.5 or later is
   now required.
+v0.8.4 (2019-10-24)
 * When reading gzipped files, force ``pigz`` to use only a single process.
   ``pigz`` cannot use multiple cores anyway when decompressing. By default,
   it would use extra I/O processes, which slightly reduces wall-clock time,
@@ -153,35 +209,88 @@ v0.8.4
 * Allow ``threads=0`` for specifying that no external ``pigz``/``gzip``
   process should be used (then regular ``gzip.open()`` is used instead).
-* When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
-  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file.
+v0.8.3 (2019-10-18)
+* #20: When reading gzipped files, let ``pigz`` use at most four threads by default.
+  This limit previously only applied when writing to a file. Contributed by @bernt-matthias.
 * Support Python 3.8
-* Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.8.0 (2019-08-14)
+* #14: Speed improvements when iterating over gzipped files.
+v0.6.0 (2019-05-23)
 * For reading from gzipped files, xopen will now use a ``pigz`` subprocess.
   This is faster than using ``gzip.open``.
 * Python 2 support will be dropped in one of the next releases.
+v0.5.0 (2019-01-30)
 * By default, pigz is now only allowed to use at most four threads. This hopefully reduces
   problems some users had with too many threads when opening many files at the same time.
 * xopen now accepts pathlib.Path objects.
+v0.4.0 (2019-01-07)
+* Drop Python 3.3 support
+* Add a ``threads`` parameter (passed on to ``pigz``)
+v0.3.2 (2017-11-22)
+* #6: Make multi-block bz2 work on Python 2 by using external bz2file library.
+v0.3.1 (2017-11-22)
+* Drop Python 2.6 support
+* #5: Fix PipedGzipReader.read() not returning anything
+v0.3.0 (2017-11-15)
+* Add gzip compression parameter
+v0.2.1 (2017-05-31)
+* #3: Allow appending to bz2 and lzma files where possible
+v0.1.1 (2016-12-02)
+* Fix a deadlock
+v0.1.0 (2016-09-09)
+* Initial release
+The name ``xopen`` was taken from the C function of the same name in the
+`utils.h file which is part of
+BWA <https://github.com/lh3/bwa/blob/83662032a2192d5712996f36069ab02db82acf67/utils.h>`_.
+Some ideas were taken from the `canopener project <https://github.com/selassid/canopener>`_.
+If you also want to open S3 files, you may want to use that module instead.
+ at kyleabeauchamp contributed support for appending to files before this repository was created.
 * Marcel Martin
 * Ruben Vorderman
-* For more contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>
+* For a list of contributors, see <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/graphs/contributors>
@@ -190,5 +299,3 @@ Links
 * `Source code <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/>`_
 * `Report an issue <https://github.com/pycompression/xopen/issues>`_
 * `Project page on PyPI (Python package index) <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xopen/>`_

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
@@ -17,13 +18,12 @@ src/xopen.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
-[:platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "AMD64" or platform_machine == "aarch64"]
+[:platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and (platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "AMD64")]
+[:python_version < "3.8"]

@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ __all__ = [
+    "PipedXzReader",
+    "PipedXzWriter",
+    "PipedZstdReader",
+    "PipedZstdWriter",
@@ -31,10 +35,18 @@ import tempfile
 import time
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, DEVNULL
-from typing import Optional, TextIO, AnyStr, IO, List, Set
+from typing import Optional, Union, TextIO, AnyStr, IO, List, Set, overload, BinaryIO
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
+    from typing import Literal
+    from typing_extensions import Literal
 from ._version import version as __version__
+# 128K buffer size also used by cat, pigz etc. It is faster than the 8K default.
+BUFFER_SIZE = max(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, 128 * 1024)
     from isal import igzip, isal_zlib  # type: ignore
@@ -42,8 +54,14 @@ except ImportError:
     igzip = None
     isal_zlib = None
+    import zstandard  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    zstandard = None
     import fcntl
     # fcntl.F_SETPIPE_SZ will be available in python 3.10.
     # https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/21921
     # If not available: set it to the correct value for known platforms.
@@ -54,11 +72,16 @@ except ImportError:
 _MAX_PIPE_SIZE_PATH = pathlib.Path("/proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size")
-    _MAX_PIPE_SIZE = int(_MAX_PIPE_SIZE_PATH.read_text())  # type: Optional[int]
+    _MAX_PIPE_SIZE = int(
+        _MAX_PIPE_SIZE_PATH.read_text(encoding="ascii")
+    )  # type: Optional[int]
 except OSError:  # Catches file not found and permission errors. Possible other errors too.
     _MAX_PIPE_SIZE = None
+FilePath = Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]
 def _available_cpu_count() -> int:
     Number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this system
@@ -69,21 +92,19 @@ def _available_cpu_count() -> int:
     except AttributeError:
     import re
-        with open('/proc/self/status') as f:
+        with open("/proc/self/status") as f:
             status = f.read()
-        m = re.search(r'(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$', status)
+        m = re.search(r"(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$", status)
         if m:
-            res = bin(int(m.group(1).replace(',', ''), 16)).count('1')
+            res = bin(int(m.group(1).replace(",", ""), 16)).count("1")
             if res > 0:
                 return res
     except OSError:
-    try:
-        import multiprocessing
-        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-    except (ImportError, NotImplementedError):
-        return 1
+    count = os.cpu_count()
+    return 1 if count is None else count
 def _set_pipe_size_to_max(fd: int) -> None:
@@ -111,8 +132,9 @@ def _can_read_concatenated_gz(program: str) -> bool:
         with open(temp_path, "wb") as temp_file:
             temp_file.write(gzip.compress(b"AB") + gzip.compress(b"CD"))
-            result = subprocess.run([program, "-c", "-d", temp_path],
-                                    check=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
+            result = subprocess.run(
+                [program, "-c", "-d", temp_path], check=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE
+            )
             return result.stdout == b"ABCD"
         except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
             # Program can't read zip
@@ -149,10 +171,20 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
     Write Compressed files by running an external process and piping into it.
-    def __init__(self, path, program_args: List[str], mode='wt',
-                 compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
-                 threads_flag: Optional[str] = None,
-                 threads: Optional[int] = None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path: FilePath,
+        program_args: List[str],
+        mode="wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        threads_flag: Optional[str] = None,
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
         mode -- one of 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'
         compresslevel -- compression level
@@ -162,14 +194,17 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
             used. At the moment, this means that the number of available CPU cores is used, capped
             at four to avoid creating too many threads. Use 0 to use all available cores.
-        if mode not in ('w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'):
+        if mode not in ("w", "wt", "wb", "a", "at", "ab"):
             raise ValueError(
-                "Mode is '{}', but it must be 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at' or 'ab'".format(mode))
+                "Mode is '{}', but it must be 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at' or 'ab'".format(
+                    mode
+                )
+            )
         # TODO use a context manager
-        self.outfile = open(path, mode)
+        self.outfile = open(path, mode[0] + "b")
         self.closed: bool = False
-        self.name: str = path
+        self.name: str = str(os.fspath(path))
         self._mode: str = mode
         self._program_args: List[str] = program_args
         self._threads_flag: Optional[str] = threads_flag
@@ -179,15 +214,18 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
         self._threads = threads
             self.process = self._open_process(
-                mode, compresslevel, threads, self.outfile)
+                mode, compresslevel, threads, self.outfile
+            )
         except OSError:
         assert self.process.stdin is not None
-        if 'b' not in mode:
-            self._file = io.TextIOWrapper(self.process.stdin)  # type: IO
+        if "b" not in mode:
+            self._file = io.TextIOWrapper(
+                self.process.stdin, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline
+            )  # type: IO
             self._file = self.process.stdin
@@ -201,14 +239,18 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
     def _open_process(
-        self, mode: str, compresslevel: Optional[int], threads: int, outfile: TextIO,
+        self,
+        mode: str,
+        compresslevel: Optional[int],
+        threads: int,
+        outfile: TextIO,
     ) -> Popen:
         program_args: List[str] = self._program_args[:]  # prevent list aliasing
         if threads != 0 and self._threads_flag is not None:
             program_args += [f"{self._threads_flag}{threads}"]
         extra_args = []
-        if 'w' in mode and compresslevel is not None:
-            extra_args += ['-' + str(compresslevel)]
+        if "w" in mode and compresslevel is not None:
+            extra_args += ["-" + str(compresslevel)]
         kwargs = dict(stdin=PIPE, stdout=outfile, stderr=DEVNULL)
@@ -216,8 +258,8 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
         # <http://bugs.python.org/issue12786>.
         # However, close_fds is not supported on Windows. See
         # <https://github.com/marcelm/cutadapt/issues/315>.
-        if sys.platform != 'win32':
-            kwargs['close_fds'] = True
+        if sys.platform != "win32":
+            kwargs["close_fds"] = True
         process = Popen(program_args + extra_args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
         return process
@@ -233,17 +275,27 @@ class PipedCompressionWriter(Closing):
         retcode = self.process.wait()
         if retcode != 0:
+            try:
+                cause = (
+                    f". Possible cause: {os.strerror(retcode)}" if retcode > 1 else ""
+                )
+            except ValueError:
+                cause = ""
             raise OSError(
-                "Output {} process terminated with exit code {}".format(
-                    " ".join(self._program_args), retcode))
+                "Output process '{}' terminated with exit code {}{}".format(
+                    " ".join(self._program_args),
+                    retcode,
+                    cause,
+                )
+            )
-    def __iter__(self):  # type: ignore
+    def __iter__(self):
         # For compatibility with Pandas, which checks for an __iter__ method
         # to determine whether an object is file-like.
         return self
     def __next__(self):
-        raise io.UnsupportedOperation('not readable')
+        raise io.UnsupportedOperation("not readable")
 class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
@@ -259,19 +311,28 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
     def __init__(
-        path,
-        program_args: List[str],
+        path: FilePath,
+        program_args: List[Union[str, bytes]],
         mode: str = "r",
         threads_flag: Optional[str] = None,
         threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
         Raise an OSError when pigz could not be found.
-        if mode not in ('r', 'rt', 'rb'):
-            raise ValueError("Mode is '{}', but it must be 'r', 'rt' or 'rb'".format(mode))
+        if mode not in ("r", "rt", "rb"):
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Mode is '{}', but it must be 'r', 'rt' or 'rb'".format(mode)
+            )
         self._program_args = program_args
-        program_args = program_args + ['-cd', path]
+        path = os.fspath(path)
+        if isinstance(path, bytes) and sys.platform == "win32":
+            path = path.decode()
+        program_args = program_args + ["-cd", path]
         if threads_flag is not None:
             if threads is None:
@@ -291,8 +352,10 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
         self._mode = mode
-        if 'b' not in mode:
-            self._file: IO = io.TextIOWrapper(self.process.stdout)
+        if "b" not in mode:
+            self._file: IO = io.TextIOWrapper(
+                self.process.stdout, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline
+            )
             self._file = self.process.stdout
         self.closed = False
@@ -342,13 +405,14 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
         # stdout is io.BufferedReader if set to PIPE
         while True:
-            first_output = self.process.stdout.peek(1)  # type: ignore
+            first_output = self.process.stdout.peek(1)
             if first_output or self.process.poll() is not None:
-    def _raise_if_error(self, check_allowed_code_and_message: bool = False,
-                        stderr_message: bytes = b"") -> None:
+    def _raise_if_error(
+        self, check_allowed_code_and_message: bool = False, stderr_message: bytes = b""
+    ) -> None:
         Raise OSError if process is not running anymore and the exit code is
         nonzero. If check_allowed_code_and_message is set, OSError is not raised when
@@ -358,6 +422,11 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
         retcode = self.process.poll()
+        if sys.platform == "win32" and retcode == 1 and stderr_message == b"":
+            # Special case for Windows. Winapi terminates processes with exit code 1
+            # and an empty error message.
+            return
         if retcode is None:
             # process still running
@@ -369,9 +438,8 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
             if retcode == self._allowed_exit_code:
                 # terminated with allowed exit code
-            if (
+            if self._allowed_exit_message and stderr_message.startswith(
-                and stderr_message.startswith(self._allowed_exit_message)
                 # terminated with another exit code, but message is allowed
@@ -395,6 +463,12 @@ class PipedCompressionReader(Closing):
     def seekable(self) -> bool:
         return self._file.seekable()
+    def tell(self) -> int:
+        return self._file.tell()
+    def seek(self, offset, whence=0) -> int:
+        return self._file.seek(offset, whence)
     def peek(self, n: int = None):
         if hasattr(self._file, "peek"):
             return self._file.peek(n)  # type: ignore
@@ -415,8 +489,13 @@ class PipedGzipReader(PipedCompressionReader):
     Open a pipe to gzip for reading a gzipped file.
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "r"):
-        super().__init__(path, ["gzip"], mode)
+    def __init__(
+        self, path, mode: str = "r", *, encoding="utf-8", errors=None, newline=None
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path, ["gzip"], mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline
+        )
 class PipedGzipWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
@@ -426,7 +505,17 @@ class PipedGzipWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
     but running an external gzip can still reduce wall-clock time because
     the compression happens in a separate process.
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "wt", compresslevel: Optional[int] = None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
         mode -- one of 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'
         compresslevel -- compression level
@@ -436,7 +525,16 @@ class PipedGzipWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
         if compresslevel is not None and compresslevel not in range(1, 10):
             raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 1 and 9")
-        super().__init__(path, ["gzip"], mode, compresslevel, None)
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["gzip", "--no-name"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            None,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPigzReader(PipedCompressionReader):
@@ -446,8 +544,27 @@ class PipedPigzReader(PipedCompressionReader):
     also faster when reading, even when forced to use a single thread
     (ca. 2x speedup).
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "r", threads: Optional[int] = None):
-        super().__init__(path, ["pigz"], mode, "-p", threads)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "r",
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["pigz"],
+            mode,
+            "-p",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPigzWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
@@ -457,6 +574,7 @@ class PipedPigzWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
     efficient than gzip on only one core. (But then igzip is even faster and
     should be preferred if the compression level allows it.)
     _accepted_compression_levels: Set[int] = set(list(range(10)) + [11])
     def __init__(
@@ -465,6 +583,10 @@ class PipedPigzWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
         mode: str = "wt",
         compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
         threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
         mode -- one of 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'
@@ -473,9 +595,22 @@ class PipedPigzWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
             used. At the moment, this means that the number of available CPU cores is used, capped
             at four to avoid creating too many threads. Use 0 to let pigz use all available cores.
-        if compresslevel is not None and compresslevel not in self._accepted_compression_levels:
+        if (
+            compresslevel is not None
+            and compresslevel not in self._accepted_compression_levels
+        ):
             raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 0 and 9 or 11")
-        super().__init__(path, ["pigz"], mode, compresslevel, "-p", threads)
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["pigz", "--no-name"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            "-p",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPBzip2Reader(PipedCompressionReader):
@@ -486,8 +621,26 @@ class PipedPBzip2Reader(PipedCompressionReader):
     _allowed_exit_code = None
     _allowed_exit_message = b"\n *Control-C or similar caught [sig=15], quitting..."
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "r", threads: Optional[int] = None):
-        super().__init__(path, ["pbzip2"], mode, "-p", threads)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "r",
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["pbzip2"],
+            mode,
+            "-p",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPBzip2Writer(PipedCompressionWriter):
@@ -501,9 +654,98 @@ class PipedPBzip2Writer(PipedCompressionWriter):
         mode: str = "wt",
         threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
         # Use default compression level for pbzip2: 9
-        super().__init__(path, ["pbzip2"], mode, 9, "-p", threads)
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["pbzip2"],
+            mode,
+            9,
+            "-p",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
+class PipedXzReader(PipedCompressionReader):
+    """
+    Open a pipe to xz for reading an xz-compressed file. A future
+    version of xz will be able to decompress using multiple cores.
+    (N.B. As of 21 March 2022, this feature is only implemented in xz's
+    master branch.)
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "r",
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["xz"],
+            mode,
+            "-T",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
+class PipedXzWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
+    """
+    Write xz-compressed files by running an external xz process and
+    piping into it. xz can compress using multiple cores.
+    """
+    _accepted_compression_levels: Set[int] = set(range(10))
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        mode -- one of 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'
+        compresslevel -- compression level
+        threads (int) -- number of xz threads. If this is set to None, a reasonable default is
+            used. At the moment, this means that the number of available CPU cores is used, capped
+            at four to avoid creating too many threads. Use 0 to let xz use all available cores.
+        """
+        if (
+            compresslevel is not None
+            and compresslevel not in self._accepted_compression_levels
+        ):
+            raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 0 and 9")
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["xz"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            "-T",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedIGzipReader(PipedCompressionReader):
@@ -513,7 +755,10 @@ class PipedIGzipReader(PipedCompressionReader):
     can only run on x86 and ARM architectures, but is able to use more
     architecture-specific optimizations as a result.
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "r"):
+    def __init__(
+        self, path, mode: str = "r", *, encoding="utf-8", errors=None, newline=None
+    ):
         if not _can_read_concatenated_gz("igzip"):
             # Instead of elaborate version string checking once the problem is
             # fixed, it is much easier to use this, "proof in the pudding" type
@@ -521,8 +766,79 @@ class PipedIGzipReader(PipedCompressionReader):
             raise ValueError(
                 "This version of igzip does not support reading "
                 "concatenated gzip files and is therefore not "
-                "safe to use. See: https://github.com/intel/isa-l/issues/143")
-        super().__init__(path, ["igzip"], mode)
+                "safe to use. See: https://github.com/intel/isa-l/issues/143"
+            )
+        super().__init__(
+            path, ["igzip"], mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline
+        )
+class PipedZstdReader(PipedCompressionReader):
+    """
+    Open a pipe to zstd for reading a zstandard-compressed file (.zst).
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "r",
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["zstd"],
+            mode,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
+class PipedZstdWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
+    """
+    Write Zstandard-compressed files by running an external xz process and
+    piping into it. xz can compress using multiple cores.
+    """
+    _accepted_compression_levels: Set[int] = set(range(1, 20))
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        threads: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        mode -- one of 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'a', 'at', 'ab'
+        compresslevel -- compression level
+        threads (int) -- number of zstd threads. If this is set to None, a reasonable default is
+            used. At the moment, this means that the number of available CPU cores is used, capped
+            at four to avoid creating too many threads. Use 0 to let zstd use all available cores.
+        """
+        if (
+            compresslevel is not None
+            and compresslevel not in self._accepted_compression_levels
+        ):
+            raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 1 and 19")
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["zstd"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            "-T",
+            threads,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedIGzipWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
@@ -539,112 +855,275 @@ class PipedIGzipWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
     filesizes from their pigz/gzip counterparts.
     See: https://gist.github.com/rhpvorderman/4f1201c3f39518ff28dde45409eb696b
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "wt", compresslevel: Optional[int] = None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
         if compresslevel is not None and compresslevel not in range(0, 4):
             raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 0 and 3")
-        super().__init__(path, ["igzip"], mode, compresslevel)
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            ["igzip", "--no-name"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPythonIsalReader(PipedCompressionReader):
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "r"):
-        super().__init__(path, [sys.executable, "-m", "isal.igzip"], mode)
+    def __init__(
+        self, path, mode: str = "r", *, encoding="utf-8", errors=None, newline=None
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            [sys.executable, "-m", "isal.igzip"],
+            mode,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
 class PipedPythonIsalWriter(PipedCompressionWriter):
-    def __init__(self, path, mode: str = "wt", compresslevel: Optional[int] = None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        path,
+        mode: str = "wt",
+        compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
+        *,
+        encoding="utf-8",
+        errors=None,
+        newline=None,
+    ):
         if compresslevel is not None and compresslevel not in range(0, 4):
             raise ValueError("compresslevel must be between 0 and 3")
-        super().__init__(path, [sys.executable, "-m", "isal.igzip"], mode, compresslevel)
+        super().__init__(
+            path,
+            [sys.executable, "-m", "isal.igzip", "--no-name"],
+            mode,
+            compresslevel,
+            encoding=encoding,
+            errors=errors,
+            newline=newline,
+        )
-def _open_stdin_or_out(mode: str) -> IO:
+def _open_stdin_or_out(mode: str, **text_mode_kwargs) -> IO:
     # Do not return sys.stdin or sys.stdout directly as we want the returned object
     # to be closable without closing sys.stdout.
     std = dict(r=sys.stdin, w=sys.stdout)[mode[0]]
-    return open(std.fileno(), mode=mode, closefd=False)
+    return open(std.fileno(), mode=mode, closefd=False, **text_mode_kwargs)
-def _open_bz2(filename, mode: str, threads: Optional[int]):
+def _open_bz2(filename, mode: str, threads: Optional[int], **text_mode_kwargs):
     if threads != 0:
             if "r" in mode:
-                return PipedPBzip2Reader(filename, mode, threads)
+                return PipedPBzip2Reader(filename, mode, threads, **text_mode_kwargs)
-                return PipedPBzip2Writer(filename, mode, threads)
+                return PipedPBzip2Writer(filename, mode, threads, **text_mode_kwargs)
         except OSError:
             pass  # We try without threads.
-    return bz2.open(filename, mode)
+    return bz2.open(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
-def _open_xz(filename, mode: str) -> IO:
-    return lzma.open(filename, mode)
+def _open_xz(
+    filename,
+    mode: str,
+    compresslevel: Optional[int],
+    threads: Optional[int],
+    **text_mode_kwargs,
+    if compresslevel is None:
+        compresslevel = 6
+    if threads != 0:
+        try:
+            if "r" in mode:
+                return PipedXzReader(filename, mode, threads, **text_mode_kwargs)
+            else:
+                return PipedXzWriter(
+                    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+                )
+        except OSError:
+            pass  # We try without threads.
-def _open_external_gzip_reader(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads):
-    assert "r" in mode
+    return lzma.open(
+        filename,
+        mode,
+        preset=compresslevel if "w" in mode else None,
+        **text_mode_kwargs,
+    )
+def _open_zst(  # noqa: C901
+    filename,
+    mode: str,
+    compresslevel: Optional[int],
+    threads: Optional[int],
+    **text_mode_kwargs,
+    assert compresslevel != 0
+    if compresslevel is None:
+        compresslevel = 3
+    if threads != 0:
+        try:
+            if "r" in mode:
+                return PipedZstdReader(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
+            else:
+                return PipedZstdWriter(
+                    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+                )
+        except OSError:
+            if zstandard is None:
+                # No fallback available
+                raise
+    if zstandard is None:
+        raise ImportError("zstandard module (python-zstandard) not available")
+    if compresslevel is not None and "w" in mode:
+        cctx = zstandard.ZstdCompressor(level=compresslevel)
+    else:
+        cctx = None
+    f = zstandard.open(
+        filename,
+        mode,
+        cctx=cctx,
+        **text_mode_kwargs,
+    )
+    if mode == "rb":
+        return io.BufferedReader(f)
+    elif mode == "wb":
+        return io.BufferedWriter(f)
+    return f
+def _open_external_gzip_reader(
+    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+    assert mode in ("rt", "rb")
-        return PipedIGzipReader(filename, mode)
+        return PipedIGzipReader(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
     except (OSError, ValueError):
         # No igzip installed or version does not support reading
         # concatenated files.
     if igzip:
-        return PipedPythonIsalReader(filename, mode)
+        return PipedPythonIsalReader(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
-        return PipedPigzReader(filename, mode, threads=threads)
+        return PipedPigzReader(filename, mode, threads=threads, **text_mode_kwargs)
     except OSError:
-        return PipedGzipReader(filename, mode)
+        return PipedGzipReader(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
-def _open_external_gzip_writer(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads):
-    assert "r" not in mode
+def _open_external_gzip_writer(
+    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+    assert mode in ("wt", "wb", "at", "ab")
-        return PipedIGzipWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel)
+        return PipedIGzipWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel, **text_mode_kwargs)
     except (OSError, ValueError):
         # No igzip installed or compression level higher than 3
     if igzip:  # We can use the CLI from isal.igzip
-            return PipedPythonIsalWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel)
+            return PipedPythonIsalWriter(
+                filename, mode, compresslevel, **text_mode_kwargs
+            )
         except ValueError:  # Wrong compression level
-        return PipedPigzWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads=threads)
+        return PipedPigzWriter(
+            filename, mode, compresslevel, threads=threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+        )
     except OSError:
-        return PipedGzipWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel)
+        return PipedGzipWriter(filename, mode, compresslevel, **text_mode_kwargs)
-def _open_gz(filename, mode: str, compresslevel, threads):
+def _open_gz(filename, mode: str, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs):
+    assert mode in ("rt", "rb", "wt", "wb", "at", "ab")
     if threads != 0:
             if "r" in mode:
-                return _open_external_gzip_reader(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads)
+                return _open_external_gzip_reader(
+                    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+                )
-                return _open_external_gzip_writer(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads)
+                return _open_external_gzip_writer(
+                    filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+                )
         except OSError:
             pass  # We try without threads.
-    if 'r' in mode:
+    if "r" in mode:
         if igzip is not None:
-            return igzip.open(filename, mode)
-        return gzip.open(filename, mode)
+            return igzip.open(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
+        return gzip.open(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
+    g = _open_reproducible_gzip(
+        filename,
+        mode=mode[0] + "b",
+        compresslevel=compresslevel,
+    )
+    if "t" in mode:
+        return io.TextIOWrapper(g, **text_mode_kwargs)
+    return g
+def _open_reproducible_gzip(filename, mode, compresslevel):
+    """
+    Open a gzip file for writing (without external processes)
+    that has neither mtime nor the file name in the header
+    (equivalent to gzip --no-name)
+    """
+    assert mode in ("rb", "wb", "ab")
+    # Neither gzip.open nor igzip.open have an mtime option, and they will
+    # always write the file name, so we need to open the file separately
+    # and pass it to gzip.GzipFile/igzip.IGzipFile.
+    binary_file = open(filename, mode=mode)
+    kwargs = dict(
+        fileobj=binary_file,
+        filename="",
+        mode=mode,
+        mtime=0,
+    )
+    gzip_file = None
     if igzip is not None:
-            return igzip.open(filename, mode,
-                              compresslevel=isal_zlib.ISAL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION
-                              if compresslevel is None else compresslevel)
+            gzip_file = igzip.IGzipFile(
+                **kwargs,
+                compresslevel=isal_zlib.ISAL_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION
+                if compresslevel is None
+                else compresslevel,
+            )
         except ValueError:
             # Compression level not supported, move to built-in gzip.
-    # Override gzip.open's default of 9 for consistency with command-line gzip.
-    return gzip.open(filename, mode,
-                     compresslevel=6 if compresslevel is None else compresslevel)
+    if gzip_file is None:
+        gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(
+            **kwargs,
+            # Override gzip.open's default of 9 for consistency
+            # with command-line gzip.
+            compresslevel=6 if compresslevel is None else compresslevel,
+        )
+    # When (I)GzipFile is created with a fileobj instead of a filename,
+    # the passed file object is not closed when (I)GzipFile.close()
+    # is called. This forces it to be closed.
+    gzip_file.myfileobj = binary_file
+    return gzip_file
-def _detect_format_from_content(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
+def _detect_format_from_content(filename: FilePath) -> Optional[str]:
     Attempts to detect file format from the content by reading the first
     6 bytes. Returns None if no format could be detected.
@@ -653,52 +1132,91 @@ def _detect_format_from_content(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
         if stat.S_ISREG(os.stat(filename).st_mode):
             with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
                 bs = fh.read(6)
-            if bs[:2] == b'\x1f\x8b':
+            if bs[:2] == b"\x1f\x8b":
                 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952#page-6
                 return "gz"
-            elif bs[:3] == b'\x42\x5a\x68':
+            elif bs[:3] == b"\x42\x5a\x68":
                 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures
                 return "bz2"
-            elif bs[:6] == b'\xfd\x37\x7a\x58\x5a\x00':
+            elif bs[:6] == b"\xfd\x37\x7a\x58\x5a\x00":
                 # https://tukaani.org/xz/xz-file-format.txt
                 return "xz"
+            elif bs[:4] == b"\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd":
+                # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8478#section-3.1.1
+                return "zst"
     except OSError:
     return None
-def _detect_format_from_extension(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
+def _detect_format_from_extension(filename: Union[str, bytes]) -> Optional[str]:
-    Attempts to detect file format from the filename extension.
-    Returns None if no format could be detected.
+    Attempt to detect file format from the filename extension.
+    Return None if no format could be detected.
-    if filename.endswith('.bz2'):
-        return "bz2"
-    elif filename.endswith('.xz'):
-        return "xz"
-    elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
-        return "gz"
-    else:
-        return None
+    for ext in ("bz2", "xz", "gz", "zst"):
+        if isinstance(filename, bytes):
+            if filename.endswith(b"." + ext.encode()):
+                return ext
+        else:
+            if filename.endswith("." + ext):
+                return ext
+    return None
+ at overload
 def xopen(
-    filename,
-    mode: str = "r",
+    filename: FilePath,
+    mode: Literal["r", "w", "a", "rt", "wt", "at"] = ...,
+    compresslevel: Optional[int] = ...,
+    threads: Optional[int] = ...,
+    *,
+    encoding: str = ...,
+    errors: Optional[str] = ...,
+    newline: Optional[str] = ...,
+    format: Optional[str] = ...,
+) -> TextIO:
+    ...
+ at overload
+def xopen(
+    filename: FilePath,
+    mode: Literal["rb", "wb", "ab"],
+    compresslevel: Optional[int] = ...,
+    threads: Optional[int] = ...,
+    *,
+    encoding: str = ...,
+    errors: None = ...,
+    newline: None = ...,
+    format: Optional[str] = ...,
+) -> BinaryIO:
+    ...
+def xopen(  # noqa: C901  # The function is complex, but readable.
+    filename: FilePath,
+    mode: Literal["r", "w", "a", "rt", "rb", "wt", "wb", "at", "ab"] = "r",
     compresslevel: Optional[int] = None,
     threads: Optional[int] = None,
+    *,
+    encoding: str = "utf-8",
+    errors: Optional[str] = None,
+    newline: Optional[str] = None,
+    format: Optional[str] = None,
 ) -> IO:
     A replacement for the "open" function that can also read and write
     compressed files transparently. The supported compression formats are gzip,
-    bzip2 and xz. If the filename is '-', standard output (mode 'w') or
+    bzip2, xz and zstandard. If the filename is '-', standard output (mode 'w') or
     standard input (mode 'r') is returned.
     When writing, the file format is chosen based on the file name extension:
     - .gz uses gzip compression
     - .bz2 uses bzip2 compression
     - .xz uses xz/lzma compression
+    - .zst uses zstandard compression
     - otherwise, no compression is used
     When reading, if a file name extension is available, the format is detected
@@ -707,45 +1225,81 @@ def xopen(
     mode can be: 'rt', 'rb', 'at', 'ab', 'wt', or 'wb'. Also, the 't' can be omitted,
     so instead of 'rt', 'wt' and 'at', the abbreviations 'r', 'w' and 'a' can be used.
-    compresslevel is the compression level for writing to gzip files.
-    This parameter is ignored for the other compression formats. If set to
-    None (default), level 6 is used.
-    threads only has a meaning when reading or writing gzip files.
-    When threads is None (the default), reading or writing a gzip file is done with a pigz
-    (parallel gzip) subprocess if possible. See PipedGzipWriter and PipedGzipReader.
-    When threads = 0, no subprocess is used.
+    compresslevel is the compression level for writing to gzip, xz and zst files.
+    This parameter is ignored for the other compression formats.
+    If set to None, a default depending on the format is used:
+    gzip: 6, xz: 6, zstd: 3.
+    When threads is None (the default), compressed file formats are read or written
+    using a pipe to a subprocess running an external tool such as ``igzip``,
+    ``pbzip2``, ``pigz`` etc., see PipedIGzipWriter, PipedIGzipReader etc.
+    If the external tool supports multiple threads, *threads* can be set to an int
+    specifying the number of threads to use.
+    If no external tool supporting the compression format is available, the file is
+    opened calling the appropriate Python function
+    (that is, no subprocess is spawned).
+    Set threads to 0 to force opening the file without using a subprocess.
+    encoding, errors and newline are used when opening a file in text mode.
+    The parameters have the same meaning as in the built-in open function,
+    except that the default encoding is always UTF-8 instead of the
+    preferred locale encoding.
+    format overrides the autodetection of input and output formats. This can be
+    useful when compressed output needs to be written to a file without an
+    extension. Possible values are "gz", "xz", "bz2", "zst".
-    if mode in ('r', 'w', 'a'):
-        mode += 't'
-    if mode not in ('rt', 'rb', 'wt', 'wb', 'at', 'ab'):
+    if mode in ("r", "w", "a"):
+        mode += "t"  # type: ignore
+    if mode not in ("rt", "rb", "wt", "wb", "at", "ab"):
         raise ValueError("Mode '{}' not supported".format(mode))
     filename = os.fspath(filename)
-    if filename == '-':
-        return _open_stdin_or_out(mode)
-    detected_format = _detect_format_from_extension(filename)
+    if "b" in mode:
+        # Do not pass encoding etc. in binary mode as this raises errors..
+        text_mode_kwargs = dict()
+    else:
+        text_mode_kwargs = dict(encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline)
+    if filename == "-":
+        return _open_stdin_or_out(mode, **text_mode_kwargs)
+    if format not in (None, "gz", "xz", "bz2", "zst"):
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"Format not supported: {format}. "
+            f"Choose one of: 'gz', 'xz', 'bz2', 'zst'"
+        )
+    detected_format = format or _detect_format_from_extension(filename)
     if detected_format is None and "w" not in mode:
         detected_format = _detect_format_from_content(filename)
     if detected_format == "gz":
-        opened_file = _open_gz(filename, mode, compresslevel, threads)
+        opened_file = _open_gz(
+            filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+        )
     elif detected_format == "xz":
-        opened_file = _open_xz(filename, mode)
+        opened_file = _open_xz(
+            filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+        )
     elif detected_format == "bz2":
-        opened_file = _open_bz2(filename, mode, threads)
+        opened_file = _open_bz2(filename, mode, threads, **text_mode_kwargs)
+    elif detected_format == "zst":
+        opened_file = _open_zst(
+            filename, mode, compresslevel, threads, **text_mode_kwargs
+        )
-        opened_file = open(filename, mode)
+        opened_file = open(filename, mode, **text_mode_kwargs)  # type: ignore
     # The "write" method for GzipFile is very costly. Lots of python calls are
     # made. To a lesser extent this is true for LzmaFile and BZ2File. By
     # putting a buffer in between, the expensive write method is called much
     # less. The effect is very noticeable when writing small units such as
     # lines or FASTQ records.
-    if (isinstance(opened_file, (gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File, lzma.LZMAFile))
-            and "w" in mode):
-        opened_file = io.BufferedWriter(opened_file)  # type: ignore
+    if (
+        isinstance(opened_file, (gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File, lzma.LZMAFile))  # FIXME
+        and "w" in mode
+    ):
+        opened_file = io.BufferedWriter(
+            opened_file, buffer_size=BUFFER_SIZE  # type: ignore
+        )
     return opened_file

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 # file generated by setuptools_scm
 # don't change, don't track in version control
-version = '1.2.1'
-version_tuple = (1, 2, 1)
+__version__ = version = '1.7.0'
+__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (1, 7, 0)

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import os
+import random
+import string
+import pytest
+from xopen import xopen
+ at pytest.fixture
+def create_large_file(tmp_path):
+    def _create_large_file(extension):
+        path = tmp_path / f"large{extension}"
+        random_text = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=1024))
+        # Make the text a lot bigger in order to ensure that it is larger than the
+        # pipe buffer size.
+        random_text *= 2048
+        with xopen(path, "w") as f:
+            f.write(random_text)
+        return path
+    return _create_large_file
+ at pytest.fixture
+def create_truncated_file(create_large_file):
+    def _create_truncated_file(extension):
+        large_file = create_large_file(extension)
+        with open(large_file, "a", encoding="ascii") as f:
+            f.truncate(os.stat(large_file).st_size - 10)
+        return large_file
+    return _create_truncated_file

tests/file.txt.bz2.test deleted
Binary files a/tests/file.txt.bz2.test and /dev/null differ

tests/file.txt.gz.test deleted
Binary files a/tests/file.txt.gz.test and /dev/null differ

tests/file.txt.xz.test deleted
Binary files a/tests/file.txt.xz.test and /dev/null differ

tests/file.txt.test → tests/file.txt.zst
Binary files a/tests/file.txt.test and b/tests/file.txt.zst differ

@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+Tests for the PipedCompression classes
+import gzip
+import io
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import time
+import pytest
+from pathlib import Path
+from itertools import cycle
+from xopen import (
+    xopen,
+    PipedCompressionReader,
+    PipedCompressionWriter,
+    PipedGzipReader,
+    PipedGzipWriter,
+    PipedPBzip2Reader,
+    PipedPBzip2Writer,
+    PipedPigzReader,
+    PipedPigzWriter,
+    PipedIGzipReader,
+    PipedIGzipWriter,
+    PipedPythonIsalReader,
+    PipedPythonIsalWriter,
+    PipedXzReader,
+    PipedXzWriter,
+    PipedZstdReader,
+    PipedZstdWriter,
+    _can_read_concatenated_gz,
+    igzip,
+extensions = ["", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz", ".zst"]
+    import fcntl
+    if not hasattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ") and sys.platform == "linux":
+        setattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ", 1032)
+except ImportError:
+    fcntl = None
+base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "file.txt")
+files = [base + ext for ext in extensions]
+TEST_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
+CONTENT_LINES = ["Testing, testing ...\n", "The second line.\n"]
+def available_gzip_readers_and_writers():
+    readers = [
+        klass
+        for prog, klass in [
+            ("gzip", PipedGzipReader),
+            ("pigz", PipedPigzReader),
+            ("igzip", PipedIGzipReader),
+        ]
+        if shutil.which(prog)
+    ]
+    if PipedIGzipReader in readers and not _can_read_concatenated_gz("igzip"):
+        readers.remove(PipedIGzipReader)
+    writers = [
+        klass
+        for prog, klass in [
+            ("gzip", PipedGzipWriter),
+            ("pigz", PipedPigzWriter),
+            ("igzip", PipedIGzipWriter),
+        ]
+        if shutil.which(prog)
+    ]
+    if igzip is not None:
+        readers.append(PipedPythonIsalReader)
+        writers.append(PipedPythonIsalWriter)
+    return readers, writers
+PIPED_GZIP_READERS, PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS = available_gzip_readers_and_writers()
+def available_bzip2_readers_and_writers():
+    if shutil.which("pbzip2"):
+        return [PipedPBzip2Reader], [PipedPBzip2Writer]
+    return [], []
+def available_xz_readers_and_writers():
+    result = [], []
+    if shutil.which("xz"):
+        result = [PipedXzReader], [PipedXzWriter]
+    return result
+def available_zstd_readers_and_writers():
+    result = [], []
+    if shutil.which("zstd"):
+        result = [PipedZstdReader], [PipedZstdWriter]
+    return result
+PIPED_BZIP2_READERS, PIPED_BZIP2_WRITERS = available_bzip2_readers_and_writers()
+PIPED_XZ_READERS, PIPED_XZ_WRITERS = available_xz_readers_and_writers()
+PIPED_ZST_READERS, PIPED_ZST_WRITERS = available_zstd_readers_and_writers()
+    list(zip(PIPED_GZIP_READERS, cycle([".gz"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_BZIP2_READERS, cycle([".bz2"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_XZ_READERS, cycle([".xz"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_ZST_READERS, cycle([".zst"])))
+    list(zip(PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS, cycle([".gz"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_BZIP2_WRITERS, cycle([".bz2"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_XZ_WRITERS, cycle([".xz"])))
+    + list(zip(PIPED_ZST_WRITERS, cycle([".zst"])))
+THREADED_READERS = set([(PipedPigzReader, ".gz"), (PipedPBzip2Reader, ".bz2")]) & set(
+ at pytest.fixture(params=PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS)
+def gzip_writer(request):
+    return request.param
+ at pytest.fixture(params=ALL_READERS_WITH_EXTENSION)
+def reader(request):
+    return request.param
+ at pytest.fixture(params=THREADED_READERS)
+def threaded_reader(request):
+    return request.param
+ at pytest.fixture(params=ALL_WRITERS_WITH_EXTENSION)
+def writer(request):
+    return request.param
+def test_reader_readinto(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    content = CONTENT.encode("utf-8")
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
+        b = bytearray(len(content) + 100)
+        length = f.readinto(b)
+        assert length == len(content)
+        assert b[:length] == content
+def test_reader_textiowrapper(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
+        wrapped = io.TextIOWrapper(f, encoding="utf-8")
+        assert wrapped.read() == CONTENT
+def test_reader_readline(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    first_line = CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
+        assert f.readline() == first_line
+def test_reader_readline_text(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", "r") as f:
+        assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0]
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("threads", [None, 1, 2])
+def test_piped_reader_iter(threads, threaded_reader):
+    opener, extension = threaded_reader
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", mode="r", threads=threads) as f:
+        lines = list(f)
+        assert lines[0] == CONTENT_LINES[0]
+def test_writer_has_iter_method(tmp_path, writer):
+    opener, extension = writer
+    with opener(tmp_path / f"out.{extension}") as f:
+        f.write("hello")
+        assert hasattr(f, "__iter__")
+def test_reader_iter_without_with(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    it = iter(opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}"))
+    assert CONTENT_LINES[0] == next(it)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["rb", "rt"])
+def test_reader_close(mode, reader, create_large_file):
+    reader, extension = reader
+    large_file = create_large_file(extension)
+    with reader(large_file, mode=mode) as f:
+        f.readline()
+        time.sleep(0.2)
+    # The subprocess should be properly terminated now
+def test_invalid_gzip_compression_level(gzip_writer, tmp_path):
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+        with gzip_writer(tmp_path / "out.gz", mode="w", compresslevel=17) as f:
+            f.write("hello")  # pragma: no cover
+    assert "compresslevel must be" in e.value.args[0]
+def test_invalid_xz_compression_level(tmp_path):
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+        with PipedXzWriter(tmp_path / "out.xz", mode="w", compresslevel=10) as f:
+            f.write("hello")  # pragma: no cover
+    assert "compresslevel must be" in e.value.args[0]
+def test_invalid_zstd_compression_level(tmp_path):
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
+        with PipedZstdWriter(tmp_path / "out.zst", mode="w", compresslevel=25) as f:
+            f.write("hello")  # pragma: no cover
+    assert "compresslevel must be" in e.value.args[0]
+def test_readers_read(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    with opener(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}", "rt") as f:
+        assert f.read() == CONTENT
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+    sys.platform.startswith("win"),
+    reason="Windows does not have a gzip application by default.",
+def test_concatenated_gzip_function():
+    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("gzip") is True
+    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("pigz") is True
+    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("cat") is False
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+    not hasattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ") or _MAX_PIPE_SIZE is None,
+    reason="Pipe size modifications not available on this platform.",
+def test_pipesize_changed(tmp_path):
+    with xopen(tmp_path / "hello.gz", "wb") as f:
+        assert isinstance(f, PipedCompressionWriter)
+        assert fcntl.fcntl(f._file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETPIPE_SZ) == _MAX_PIPE_SIZE
+def test_pipedcompressionwriter_wrong_mode(tmp_path):
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
+        PipedCompressionWriter(tmp_path / "test", ["gzip"], "xb")
+    error.match("Mode is 'xb', but it must be")
+def test_pipedcompressionwriter_wrong_program(tmp_path):
+    with pytest.raises(OSError):
+        PipedCompressionWriter(tmp_path / "test", ["XVXCLSKDLA"], "wb")
+def test_compression_level(tmp_path, gzip_writer):
+    # Currently only the gzip writers handle compression levels.
+    path = tmp_path / "test.gz"
+    with gzip_writer(path, "wt", 2) as test_h:
+        test_h.write("test")
+    assert gzip.decompress(path.read_bytes()) == b"test"
+def test_iter_method_writers(writer, tmp_path):
+    opener, extension = writer
+    writer = opener(tmp_path / f"test{extension}", "wb")
+    assert iter(writer) == writer
+def test_next_method_writers(writer, tmp_path):
+    opener, extension = writer
+    writer = opener(tmp_path / f"test.{extension}", "wb")
+    with pytest.raises(io.UnsupportedOperation) as error:
+        next(writer)
+    error.match("not readable")
+def test_pipedcompressionreader_wrong_mode():
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
+        PipedCompressionReader("test", ["gzip"], "xb")
+    error.match("Mode is 'xb', but it must be")
+def test_piped_compression_reader_peek_binary(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    filegz = TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}"
+    with opener(filegz, "rb") as read_h:
+        # Peek returns at least the amount of characters but maybe more
+        # depending on underlying stream. Hence startswith not ==.
+        assert read_h.peek(1).startswith(b"T")
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+    sys.platform != "win32", reason="seeking only works on Windows for now"
+def test_piped_compression_reader_seek_and_tell(reader):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    filegz = TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}"
+    with opener(filegz, "rb") as f:
+        original_position = f.tell()
+        assert f.read(4) == b"Test"
+        f.seek(original_position)
+        assert f.read(8) == b"Testing,"
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["r", "rt"])
+def test_piped_compression_reader_peek_text(reader, mode):
+    opener, extension = reader
+    compressed_file = TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{extension}"
+    with opener(compressed_file, mode) as read_h:
+        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
+            read_h.peek(1)
+def writers_and_levels():
+    for writer in PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS:
+        if writer == PipedGzipWriter:
+            # Levels 1-9 are supported
+            yield from ((writer, i) for i in range(1, 10))
+        elif writer == PipedPigzWriter:
+            # Levels 0-9 + 11 are supported
+            yield from ((writer, i) for i in list(range(10)) + [11])
+        elif writer == PipedIGzipWriter or writer == PipedPythonIsalWriter:
+            # Levels 0-3 are supported
+            yield from ((writer, i) for i in range(4))
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                f"Test should be implemented for " f"{writer}"
+            )  # pragma: no cover
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize(["writer", "level"], writers_and_levels())
+def test_valid_compression_levels(writer, level, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / "test.gz"
+    with writer(path, "wb", level) as handle:
+        handle.write(b"test")
+    assert gzip.decompress(path.read_bytes()) == b"test"
+ at pytest.mark.skipif(
+    sys.platform.startswith("win"), reason="cat is not available on Windows"
+def test_compression_writer_unusual_encoding(tmp_path):
+    with PipedCompressionWriter(
+        tmp_path / "out.txt", program_args=["cat"], mode="wt", encoding="utf-16-le"
+    ) as f:
+        f.write("Hello")
+    assert (tmp_path / "out.txt").read_bytes() == b"H\0e\0l\0l\0o\0"
+def test_reproducible_gzip_compression(gzip_writer, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / "file.gz"
+    with gzip_writer(path, mode="wb") as f:
+        f.write(b"hello")
+    data = path.read_bytes()
+    assert (data[3] & gzip.FNAME) == 0, "gzip header contains file name"
+    assert data[4:8] == b"\0\0\0\0", "gzip header contains mtime"
+def test_piped_tool_fails_on_close(tmp_path):
+    # This test exercises the retcode != 0 case in PipedCompressionWriter.close()
+    with pytest.raises(OSError) as e:
+        with PipedCompressionWriter(
+            tmp_path / "out.txt",
+            [
+                sys.executable,
+                "-c",
+                "import sys\nfor line in sys.stdin: pass\nprint()\nsys.exit(5)",
+            ],
+        ) as f:
+            f.write(b"Hello")
+    assert "terminated with exit code 5" in e.value.args[0]

@@ -1,126 +1,36 @@
-import gzip
+Tests for the xopen.xopen function
 import bz2
-import lzma
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+import functools
+import gzip
 import io
+import itertools
+import lzma
 import os
-import random
+from pathlib import Path
 import shutil
-import signal
-import sys
-import time
 import pytest
-from pathlib import Path
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from itertools import cycle
-from xopen import (
-    xopen,
-    PipedCompressionReader,
-    PipedCompressionWriter,
-    PipedGzipReader,
-    PipedGzipWriter,
-    PipedPBzip2Reader,
-    PipedPBzip2Writer,
-    PipedPigzReader,
-    PipedPigzWriter,
-    PipedIGzipReader,
-    PipedIGzipWriter,
-    PipedPythonIsalReader,
-    PipedPythonIsalWriter,
-    _can_read_concatenated_gz,
-    igzip,
-extensions = ["", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"]
+from xopen import xopen, _detect_format_from_content
-    import fcntl
-    if not hasattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ") and sys.platform == "linux":
-        setattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ", 1032)
+    import zstandard
 except ImportError:
-    fcntl = None
-base = "tests/file.txt"
-files = [base + ext for ext in extensions]
-CONTENT_LINES = ['Testing, testing ...\n', 'The second line.\n']
-def available_gzip_readers_and_writers():
-    readers = [
-        klass for prog, klass in [
-            ("gzip", PipedGzipReader),
-            ("pigz", PipedPigzReader),
-            ("igzip", PipedIGzipReader),
-        ]
-        if shutil.which(prog)
-    ]
-    if PipedIGzipReader in readers and not _can_read_concatenated_gz("igzip"):
-        readers.remove(PipedIGzipReader)
-    writers = [
-        klass for prog, klass in [
-            ("gzip", PipedGzipWriter),
-            ("pigz", PipedPigzWriter),
-            ("igzip", PipedIGzipWriter),
-        ]
-        if shutil.which(prog)
-    ]
-    if igzip is not None:
-        readers.append(PipedPythonIsalReader)
-        writers.append(PipedPythonIsalWriter)
-    return readers, writers
-PIPED_GZIP_READERS, PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS = available_gzip_readers_and_writers()
-def available_bzip2_readers_and_writers():
-    if shutil.which("pbzip2"):
-        return [PipedPBzip2Reader], [PipedPBzip2Writer]
-    return [], []
-PIPED_BZIP2_READERS, PIPED_BZIP2_WRITERS = available_bzip2_readers_and_writers()
-ALL_READERS_WITH_EXTENSION = list(zip(PIPED_GZIP_READERS, cycle([".gz"]))) + \
-                             list(zip(PIPED_BZIP2_READERS, cycle([".bz2"])))
-ALL_WRITERS_WITH_EXTENSION = list(zip(PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS, cycle([".gz"]))) + \
-                             list(zip(PIPED_BZIP2_WRITERS, cycle([".bz2"])))
-THREADED_READERS = set([(PipedPigzReader, ".gz"), (PipedPBzip2Reader, ".bz2")]) & \
-                   set(ALL_READERS_WITH_EXTENSION)
- at pytest.fixture(params=PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS)
-def gzip_writer(request):
-    return request.param
- at pytest.fixture(params=extensions)
-def ext(request):
-    return request.param
- at pytest.fixture(params=files)
-def fname(request):
-    return request.param
- at pytest.fixture(params=ALL_READERS_WITH_EXTENSION)
-def reader(request):
-    return request.param
+    zstandard = None
- at pytest.fixture(params=THREADED_READERS)
-def threaded_reader(request):
-    return request.param
- at pytest.fixture(params=ALL_WRITERS_WITH_EXTENSION)
-def writer(request):
-    return request.param
+# TODO this is duplicated in test_piped.py
+TEST_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
+CONTENT_LINES = ["Testing, testing ...\n", "The second line.\n"]
+extensions = ["", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"]
+if shutil.which("zstd") or zstandard:
+    extensions += [".zst"]
+base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "file.txt")
+files = [base + ext for ext in extensions]
@@ -130,18 +40,28 @@ def disable_binary(tmp_path, binary_name):
     the binary with permissions set to 000. If no suitable binary could be found,
     PATH is set to an empty directory
+    binary_path = shutil.which(binary_name)
+    if binary_path:
+        shutil.copy(binary_path, tmp_path)
+        os.chmod(tmp_path / Path(binary_path).name, 0)
+    path = os.environ["PATH"]
-        binary_path = shutil.which(binary_name)
-        if binary_path:
-            shutil.copy(binary_path, str(tmp_path))
-            os.chmod(str(tmp_path / binary_name), 0)
-        path = os.environ["PATH"]
         os.environ["PATH"] = str(tmp_path)
         os.environ["PATH"] = path
+ at pytest.fixture(params=extensions)
+def ext(request):
+    return request.param
+ at pytest.fixture(params=files)
+def fname(request):
+    return request.param
 def lacking_pigz_permissions(tmp_path):
     with disable_binary(tmp_path, "pigz"):
@@ -154,163 +74,138 @@ def lacking_pbzip2_permissions(tmp_path):
- at pytest.fixture(params=[1024, 2048, 4096])
-def create_large_file(tmpdir, request):
-    def _create_large_file(extension):
-        path = str(tmpdir.join(f"large{extension}"))
-        random_text = ''.join(random.choice('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n') for _ in range(1024))
-        # Make the text a lot bigger in order to ensure that it is larger than the
-        # pipe buffer size.
-        random_text *= request.param
-        with xopen(path, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(random_text)
-        return path
-    return _create_large_file
-def create_truncated_file(create_large_file):
-    def _create_truncated_file(extension):
-        large_file = create_large_file(extension)
-        with open(large_file, 'a') as f:
-            f.truncate(os.stat(large_file).st_size - 10)
-        return large_file
-    return _create_truncated_file
+def lacking_xz_permissions(tmp_path):
+    with disable_binary(tmp_path, "xz"):
+        yield
 def xopen_without_igzip(monkeypatch):
     import xopen  # xopen local overrides xopen global variable
     monkeypatch.setattr(xopen, "igzip", None)
     return xopen.xopen
-def test_xopen_text(fname):
-    with xopen(fname, 'rt') as f:
+def test_text(fname):
+    with xopen(fname, "rt") as f:
         lines = list(f)
         assert len(lines) == 2
-        assert lines[1] == 'The second line.\n', fname
+        assert lines[1] == "The second line.\n", fname
-def test_xopen_binary(fname):
-    with xopen(fname, 'rb') as f:
+def test_binary(fname):
+    with xopen(fname, "rb") as f:
         lines = list(f)
         assert len(lines) == 2
-        assert lines[1] == b'The second line.\n', fname
-def test_xopen_binary_no_isal_no_threads(fname, xopen_without_igzip):
-    with xopen_without_igzip(fname, 'rb', threads=0) as f:
+        assert lines[1] == b"The second line.\n", fname
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["b", "", "t"])
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("threads", [None, 0])
+def test_roundtrip(ext, tmp_path, threads, mode):
+    if ext == ".zst" and threads == 0 and zstandard is None:
+        return
+    path = tmp_path / f"file{ext}"
+    data = b"Hello" if mode == "b" else "Hello"
+    with xopen(path, "w" + mode, threads=threads) as f:
+        f.write(data)
+    with xopen(path, "r" + mode, threads=threads) as f:
+        assert f.read() == data
+def test_binary_no_isal_no_threads(fname, xopen_without_igzip):
+    if fname.endswith(".zst") and zstandard is None:
+        return
+    with xopen_without_igzip(fname, "rb", threads=0) as f:
         lines = list(f)
         assert len(lines) == 2
-        assert lines[1] == b'The second line.\n', fname
+        assert lines[1] == b"The second line.\n", fname
-def test_xopen_binary_no_isal(fname, xopen_without_igzip):
-    with xopen_without_igzip(fname, 'rb', threads=1) as f:
+def test_binary_no_isal(fname, xopen_without_igzip):
+    with xopen_without_igzip(fname, "rb", threads=1) as f:
         lines = list(f)
         assert len(lines) == 2
-        assert lines[1] == b'The second line.\n', fname
+        assert lines[1] == b"The second line.\n", fname
 def test_no_context_manager_text(fname):
-    f = xopen(fname, 'rt')
+    f = xopen(fname, "rt")
     lines = list(f)
     assert len(lines) == 2
-    assert lines[1] == 'The second line.\n', fname
+    assert lines[1] == "The second line.\n", fname
     assert f.closed
 def test_no_context_manager_binary(fname):
-    f = xopen(fname, 'rb')
+    f = xopen(fname, "rb")
     lines = list(f)
     assert len(lines) == 2
-    assert lines[1] == b'The second line.\n', fname
+    assert lines[1] == b"The second line.\n", fname
     assert f.closed
-def test_readinto(fname):
-    content = CONTENT.encode('utf-8')
-    with xopen(fname, 'rb') as f:
-        b = bytearray(len(content) + 100)
-        length = f.readinto(b)
-        assert length == len(content)
-        assert b[:length] == content
+def test_bytes_path(fname):
+    path = fname.encode("utf-8")
+    with xopen(path, "rt") as f:
+        lines = list(f)
+        assert len(lines) == 2
+        assert lines[1] == "The second line.\n", fname
-def test_reader_readinto(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    content = CONTENT.encode('utf-8')
-    with opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
+def test_readinto(fname):
+    content = CONTENT.encode("utf-8")
+    with xopen(fname, "rb") as f:
         b = bytearray(len(content) + 100)
         length = f.readinto(b)
         assert length == len(content)
         assert b[:length] == content
-def test_reader_textiowrapper(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    with opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
-        wrapped = io.TextIOWrapper(f)
-        assert wrapped.read() == CONTENT
+def test_detect_format_from_content(ext):
+    detected = _detect_format_from_content(Path(__file__).parent / f"file.txt{ext}")
+    if ext == "":
+        assert detected is None
+    else:
+        assert ext[1:] == detected
-def test_detect_file_format_from_content(ext):
-    with xopen(f"tests/file.txt{ext}.test", "rb") as fh:
+def test_detect_file_format_from_content(ext, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / f"file.txt{ext}.test"
+    shutil.copy(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{ext}", path)
+    with xopen(path, "rb") as fh:
         assert fh.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
 def test_readline(fname):
-    first_line = CONTENT_LINES[0].encode('utf-8')
-    with xopen(fname, 'rb') as f:
+    first_line = CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
+    with xopen(fname, "rb") as f:
         assert f.readline() == first_line
 def test_readline_text(fname):
-    with xopen(fname, 'r') as f:
-        assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0]
-def test_reader_readline(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    first_line = CONTENT_LINES[0].encode('utf-8')
-    with opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}", "rb") as f:
-        assert f.readline() == first_line
-def test_reader_readline_text(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    with opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}", "r") as f:
+    with xopen(fname, "r") as f:
         assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0]
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("threads", [None, 1, 2])
-def test_piped_reader_iter(threads, threaded_reader):
-    opener, extension = threaded_reader
-    with opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}", mode="r", threads=threads) as f:
-        lines = list(f)
-        assert lines[0] == CONTENT_LINES[0]
 def test_next(fname):
     with xopen(fname, "rt") as f:
         _ = next(f)
         line2 = next(f)
-        assert line2 == 'The second line.\n', fname
+        assert line2 == "The second line.\n", fname
-def test_xopen_has_iter_method(ext, tmpdir):
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("out" + ext))
-    with xopen(path, mode='w') as f:
-        assert hasattr(f, '__iter__')
-def test_writer_has_iter_method(tmpdir, writer):
-    opener, extension = writer
-    with opener(str(tmpdir.join(f"out.{extension}"))) as f:
-        assert hasattr(f, '__iter__')
+def test_has_iter_method(ext, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / f"out{ext}"
+    with xopen(path, mode="w") as f:
+        # Writing anything isn’t strictly necessary, but if we don’t, then
+        # pbzip2 causes a delay of one second
+        f.write("hello")
+        assert hasattr(f, "__iter__")
 def test_iter_without_with(fname):
@@ -320,22 +215,6 @@ def test_iter_without_with(fname):
-def test_reader_iter_without_with(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    it = iter(opener(f"tests/file.txt{extension}"))
-    assert CONTENT_LINES[0] == next(it)
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["rb", "rt"])
-def test_reader_close(mode, reader, create_large_file):
-    reader, extension = reader
-    large_file = create_large_file(extension)
-    with reader(large_file, mode=mode) as f:
-        f.readline()
-        time.sleep(0.2)
-    # The subprocess should be properly terminated now
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2"])
 def test_partial_iteration_closes_correctly(extension, create_large_file):
     class LineReader:
@@ -343,8 +222,9 @@ def test_partial_iteration_closes_correctly(extension, create_large_file):
             self.file = xopen(file, "rb")
         def __iter__(self):
-            wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(self.file)
+            wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(self.file, encoding="utf-8")
             yield from wrapper
     large_file = create_large_file(extension)
     f = LineReader(large_file)
@@ -353,19 +233,19 @@ def test_partial_iteration_closes_correctly(extension, create_large_file):
 def test_nonexisting_file(ext):
     with pytest.raises(IOError):
-        with xopen('this-file-does-not-exist' + ext):
+        with xopen("this-file-does-not-exist" + ext):
             pass  # pragma: no cover
 def test_write_to_nonexisting_dir(ext):
     with pytest.raises(IOError):
-        with xopen('this/path/does/not/exist/file.txt' + ext, 'w'):
+        with xopen("this/path/does/not/exist/file.txt" + ext, "w"):
             pass  # pragma: no cover
 def test_invalid_mode(ext):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-        with xopen(f"tests/file.txt.{ext}", mode="hallo"):
+        with xopen(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt.{ext}", mode="hallo"):
             pass  # pragma: no cover
@@ -375,28 +255,18 @@ def test_filename_not_a_string():
             pass  # pragma: no cover
-def test_invalid_compression_level(tmpdir):
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("out.gz"))
+def test_invalid_compression_level(tmp_path):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
-        with xopen(path, mode="w", compresslevel=17) as f:
-            f.write("hello")  # pragma: no cover
-    assert "compresslevel must be" in e.value.args[0]
-def test_invalid_compression_level_writers(gzip_writer, tmpdir):
-    # Currently only gzip writers handle compression levels
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("out.gz"))
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
-        with gzip_writer(path, mode="w", compresslevel=17) as f:
+        with xopen(tmp_path / "out.gz", mode="w", compresslevel=17) as f:
             f.write("hello")  # pragma: no cover
     assert "compresslevel must be" in e.value.args[0]
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", extensions)
-def test_append(ext, tmpdir):
+def test_append(ext, tmp_path):
     text = b"AB"
     reference = text + text
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("the-file" + ext))
+    path = tmp_path / f"the-file{ext}"
     with xopen(path, "ab") as f:
     with xopen(path, "ab") as f:
@@ -409,10 +279,10 @@ def test_append(ext, tmpdir):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("ext", extensions)
-def test_append_text(ext, tmpdir):
+def test_append_text(ext, tmp_path):
     text = "AB"
     reference = text + text
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("the-file" + ext))
+    path = tmp_path / f"the-file{ext}"
     with xopen(path, "at") as f:
     with xopen(path, "at") as f:
@@ -423,91 +293,50 @@ def test_append_text(ext, tmpdir):
         assert appended == reference
-class TookTooLongError(Exception):
-    pass
-class timeout:
-    # copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22348885/715090
-    def __init__(self, seconds=1):
-        self.seconds = seconds
-    def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame):
-        raise TookTooLongError()  # pragma: no cover
-    def __enter__(self):
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout)
-        signal.alarm(self.seconds)
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        signal.alarm(0)
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2"])
+ at pytest.mark.timeout(5)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"])
 def test_truncated_file(extension, create_truncated_file):
     truncated_file = create_truncated_file(extension)
-    with timeout(seconds=2):
-        with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
-            f = xopen(truncated_file, "r")
-            f.read()
-            f.close()  # pragma: no cover
+    with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
+        f = xopen(truncated_file, "r")
+        f.read()
+        f.close()  # pragma: no cover
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2"])
+ at pytest.mark.timeout(5)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"])
 def test_truncated_iter(extension, create_truncated_file):
     truncated_file = create_truncated_file(extension)
-    with timeout(seconds=2):
-        with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
-            f = xopen(truncated_file, 'r')
-            for line in f:
-                pass
-            f.close()  # pragma: no cover
+    with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
+        f = xopen(truncated_file, "r")
+        for line in f:
+            pass
+        f.close()  # pragma: no cover
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2"])
+ at pytest.mark.timeout(5)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"])
 def test_truncated_with(extension, create_truncated_file):
     truncated_file = create_truncated_file(extension)
-    with timeout(seconds=2):
-        with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
-            with xopen(truncated_file, 'r') as f:
-                f.read()
+    with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
+        with xopen(truncated_file, "r") as f:
+            f.read()
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2"])
+ at pytest.mark.timeout(5)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("extension", [".gz", ".bz2", ".xz"])
 def test_truncated_iter_with(extension, create_truncated_file):
     truncated_file = create_truncated_file(extension)
-    with timeout(seconds=2):
-        with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
-            with xopen(truncated_file, 'r') as f:
-                for line in f:
-                    pass
+    with pytest.raises((EOFError, IOError)):
+        with xopen(truncated_file, "r") as f:
+            for line in f:
+                pass
 def test_bare_read_from_gz():
-    with xopen('tests/hello.gz', 'rt') as f:
-        assert f.read() == 'hello'
-def test_readers_read(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    with opener(f'tests/file.txt{extension}', 'rt') as f:
-        assert f.read() == CONTENT
-def test_write_threads(tmpdir, ext):
-    path = str(tmpdir.join(f'out.{ext}'))
-    with xopen(path, mode='w', threads=3) as f:
-        f.write('hello')
-    with xopen(path) as f:
-        assert f.read() == 'hello'
-def test_write_pigz_threads_no_isal(tmpdir, xopen_without_igzip):
-    path = str(tmpdir.join('out.gz'))
-    with xopen_without_igzip(path, mode='w', threads=3) as f:
-        f.write('hello')
-    with xopen_without_igzip(path) as f:
-        assert f.read() == 'hello'
+    hello_file = TEST_DIR / "hello.gz"
+    with xopen(hello_file, "rt") as f:
+        assert f.read() == "hello"
 def test_read_no_threads(ext):
@@ -515,37 +344,59 @@ def test_read_no_threads(ext):
         ".bz2": bz2.BZ2File,
         ".gz": gzip.GzipFile,
         ".xz": lzma.LZMAFile,
+        ".zst": io.BufferedReader,
         "": io.BufferedReader,
+    if ext == ".zst" and zstandard is None:
+        return
     klass = klasses[ext]
-    with xopen(f"tests/file.txt{ext}", "rb", threads=0) as f:
+    with xopen(TEST_DIR / f"file.txt{ext}", "rb", threads=0) as f:
         assert isinstance(f, klass), f
-def test_write_no_threads(tmpdir, ext):
+def test_write_threads(tmp_path, ext):
+    path = tmp_path / f"out.{ext}"
+    with xopen(path, mode="w", threads=3) as f:
+        f.write("hello")
+    with xopen(path) as f:
+        assert f.read() == "hello"
+def test_write_pigz_threads_no_isal(tmp_path, xopen_without_igzip):
+    path = tmp_path / "out.gz"
+    with xopen_without_igzip(path, mode="w", threads=3) as f:
+        f.write("hello")
+    with xopen_without_igzip(path) as f:
+        assert f.read() == "hello"
+def test_write_no_threads(tmp_path, ext):
     klasses = {
         ".bz2": bz2.BZ2File,
         ".gz": gzip.GzipFile,
         ".xz": lzma.LZMAFile,
         "": io.BufferedWriter,
+    if ext == ".zst":
+        # Skip zst because if python-zstandard is not installed,
+        # we fall back to an external process even when threads=0
+        return
     klass = klasses[ext]
-    path = str(tmpdir.join(f"out.{ext}"))
-    with xopen(path, "wb", threads=0) as f:
+    with xopen(tmp_path / f"out{ext}", "wb", threads=0) as f:
         assert isinstance(f, io.BufferedWriter)
         if ext:
             assert isinstance(f.raw, klass), f
-def test_write_gzip_no_threads_no_isal(tmpdir, xopen_without_igzip):
+def test_write_gzip_no_threads_no_isal(tmp_path, xopen_without_igzip):
     import gzip
-    path = str(tmpdir.join("out.gz"))
-    with xopen_without_igzip(path, "wb", threads=0) as f:
+    with xopen_without_igzip(tmp_path / "out.gz", "wb", threads=0) as f:
         assert isinstance(f.raw, gzip.GzipFile), f
 def test_write_stdout():
-    f = xopen('-', mode='w')
+    f = xopen("-", mode="w")
     print("Hello", file=f)
     # ensure stdout is not closed
@@ -554,7 +405,7 @@ def test_write_stdout():
 def test_write_stdout_contextmanager():
     # Do not close stdout
-    with xopen('-', mode='w') as f:
+    with xopen("-", mode="w") as f:
         print("Hello", file=f)
     # ensure stdout is not closed
     print("Still there?")
@@ -562,71 +413,58 @@ def test_write_stdout_contextmanager():
 def test_read_pathlib(fname):
     path = Path(fname)
-    with xopen(path, mode='rt') as f:
+    with xopen(path, mode="rt") as f:
         assert f.read() == CONTENT
 def test_read_pathlib_binary(fname):
     path = Path(fname)
-    with xopen(path, mode='rb') as f:
-        assert f.read() == bytes(CONTENT, 'ascii')
-def test_write_pathlib(ext, tmpdir):
-    path = Path(str(tmpdir)) / ('hello.txt' + ext)
-    with xopen(path, mode='wt') as f:
-        f.write('hello')
-    with xopen(path, mode='rt') as f:
-        assert f.read() == 'hello'
+    with xopen(path, mode="rb") as f:
+        assert f.read() == bytes(CONTENT, "ascii")
-def test_write_pathlib_binary(ext, tmpdir):
-    path = Path(str(tmpdir)) / ('hello.txt' + ext)
-    with xopen(path, mode='wb') as f:
-        f.write(b'hello')
-    with xopen(path, mode='rb') as f:
-        assert f.read() == b'hello'
+def test_write_pathlib(ext, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / f"hello.txt{ext}"
+    with xopen(path, mode="wt") as f:
+        f.write("hello")
+    with xopen(path, mode="rt") as f:
+        assert f.read() == "hello"
-def test_concatenated_gzip_function():
-    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("gzip") is True
-    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("pigz") is True
-    assert _can_read_concatenated_gz("xz") is False
- at pytest.mark.skipif(
-    not hasattr(fcntl, "F_GETPIPE_SZ") or _MAX_PIPE_SIZE is None,
-    reason="Pipe size modifications not available on this platform.")
-def test_pipesize_changed(tmpdir):
-    path = Path(str(tmpdir), "hello.gz")
-    with xopen(path, "wb") as f:
-        assert isinstance(f, PipedCompressionWriter)
-        assert fcntl.fcntl(f._file.fileno(),
-                           fcntl.F_GETPIPE_SZ) == _MAX_PIPE_SIZE
+def test_write_pathlib_binary(ext, tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / f"hello.txt{ext}"
+    with xopen(path, mode="wb") as f:
+        f.write(b"hello")
+    with xopen(path, mode="rb") as f:
+        assert f.read() == b"hello"
-def test_xopen_falls_back_to_gzip_open(lacking_pigz_permissions):
-    with xopen("tests/file.txt.gz", "rb") as f:
+def test_falls_back_to_gzip_open(lacking_pigz_permissions):
+    with xopen(TEST_DIR / "file.txt.gz", "rb") as f:
         assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
-def test_xopen_falls_back_to_gzip_open_no_isal(lacking_pigz_permissions,
-                                               xopen_without_igzip):
-    with xopen_without_igzip("tests/file.txt.gz", "rb") as f:
+def test_falls_back_to_gzip_open_no_isal(lacking_pigz_permissions, xopen_without_igzip):
+    with xopen_without_igzip(TEST_DIR / "file.txt.gz", "rb") as f:
         assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
-def test_xopen_fals_back_to_gzip_open_write_no_isal(lacking_pigz_permissions,
-                                                    xopen_without_igzip,
-                                                    tmp_path):
+def test_fals_back_to_gzip_open_write_no_isal(
+    lacking_pigz_permissions, xopen_without_igzip, tmp_path
     tmp = tmp_path / "test.gz"
     with xopen_without_igzip(tmp, "wb") as f:
     assert gzip.decompress(tmp.read_bytes()) == b"hello"
-def test_xopen_falls_back_to_bzip2_open(lacking_pbzip2_permissions):
-    with xopen("tests/file.txt.bz2", "rb") as f:
+def test_falls_back_to_bzip2_open(lacking_pbzip2_permissions):
+    with xopen(TEST_DIR / "file.txt.bz2", "rb") as f:
+        assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
+def test_falls_back_to_lzma_open(lacking_xz_permissions):
+    with xopen(TEST_DIR / "file.txt.xz", "rb") as f:
         assert f.readline() == CONTENT_LINES[0].encode("utf-8")
@@ -644,83 +482,87 @@ def test_open_many_writers(tmp_path, ext):
-def test_pipedcompressionwriter_wrong_mode(tmpdir):
+def test_override_output_format(tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / "test_gzip_compressed"
+    with xopen(path, mode="wb", format="gz") as f:
+        f.write(b"test")
+    test_contents = path.read_bytes()
+    assert test_contents.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b")  # Gzip magic
+    assert gzip.decompress(test_contents) == b"test"
+def test_override_output_format_unsupported_format(tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / "test_fairy_format_compressed"
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
-        PipedCompressionWriter(tmpdir.join("test"), ["gzip"], "xb")
-    error.match("Mode is 'xb', but it must be")
+        xopen(path, mode="wb", format="fairy")
+    error.match("not supported")
+    error.match("fairy")
-def test_pipedcompressionwriter_wrong_program(tmpdir):
-    with pytest.raises(OSError):
-        PipedCompressionWriter(tmpdir.join("test"), ["XVXCLSKDLA"], "wb")
+def test_override_output_format_wrong_format(tmp_path):
+    path = tmp_path / "not_compressed"
+    path.write_text("I am not compressed.", encoding="utf-8")
+    with pytest.raises(OSError):  # BadGzipFile is a subclass of OSError
+        with xopen(path, "rt", format="gz") as opened_file:
+            opened_file.read()
-def test_compression_level(tmpdir, gzip_writer):
-    # Currently only the gzip writers handle compression levels.
-    with gzip_writer(tmpdir.join("test.gz"), "wt", 2) as test_h:
-        test_h.write("test")
-    assert gzip.decompress(Path(tmpdir.join("test.gz")).read_bytes()) == b"test"
+# Test for threaded and non-threaded.
+OPENERS = (xopen, functools.partial(xopen, threads=0))
-def test_iter_method_writers(writer, tmpdir):
-    opener, extension = writer
-    test_path = tmpdir.join(f"test{extension}")
-    writer = opener(test_path, "wb")
-    assert iter(writer) == writer
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize(
+    ["opener", "extension"], itertools.product(OPENERS, extensions)
+def test_text_encoding_newline_passthrough(opener, extension, tmp_path):
+    if extension == ".zst" and zstandard is None:
+        return
+    # "Eén ree\nTwee reeën\n" latin-1 encoded with \r for as line separator.
+    encoded_text = b"E\xe9n ree\rTwee ree\xebn\r"
+    path = tmp_path / f"test.txt{extension}"
+    with opener(path, "wb") as f:
+        f.write(encoded_text)
+    with opener(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1", newline="\r") as f:
+        result = f.read()
+    assert result == "Eén ree\rTwee reeën\r"
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize(
+    ["opener", "extension"], itertools.product(OPENERS, extensions)
+def test_text_encoding_errors(opener, extension, tmp_path):
+    if extension == ".zst" and zstandard is None:
+        return
+    # "Eén ree\nTwee reeën\n" latin-1 encoded. This is not valid ascii.
+    encoded_text = b"E\xe9n ree\nTwee ree\xebn\n"
+    path = tmp_path / f"test.txt{extension}"
+    with opener(path, "wb") as f:
+        f.write(encoded_text)
+    with opener(path, "rt", encoding="ascii", errors="replace") as f:
+        result = f.read()
+    assert result == "E�n ree\nTwee ree�n\n"
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("compresslevel", [1, 6])
+def test_gzip_compression_is_reproducible_without_piping(tmp_path, compresslevel):
+    # compresslevel 1 should give us igzip and 6 should give us regular gzip
+    path = tmp_path / "test.gz"
+    with xopen(path, mode="wb", compresslevel=compresslevel, threads=0) as f:
+        f.write(b"hello")
+    data = path.read_bytes()
+    assert (data[3] & gzip.FNAME) == 0, "gzip header contains file name"
+    assert data[4:8] == b"\0\0\0\0", "gzip header contains mtime"
-def test_next_method_writers(writer, tmpdir):
-    opener, extension = writer
-    test_path = tmpdir.join(f"test.{extension}")
-    writer = opener(test_path, "wb")
-    with pytest.raises(io.UnsupportedOperation) as error:
-        next(writer)
-    error.match('not readable')
+def test_read_devnull():
+    with xopen(os.devnull):
+        pass
-def test_pipedcompressionreader_wrong_mode():
-    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
-        PipedCompressionReader("test", ["gzip"], "xb")
-    error.match("Mode is 'xb', but it must be")
-def test_piped_compression_reader_peek_binary(reader):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    filegz = Path(__file__).parent / f"file.txt{extension}"
-    with opener(filegz, "rb") as read_h:
-        # Peek returns at least the amount of characters but maybe more
-        # depending on underlying stream. Hence startswith not ==.
-        assert read_h.peek(1).startswith(b"T")
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["r", "rt"])
-def test_piped_compression_reader_peek_text(reader, mode):
-    opener, extension = reader
-    compressed_file = Path(__file__).parent / f"file.txt{extension}"
-    with opener(compressed_file, mode) as read_h:
-        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
-            read_h.peek(1)
-def writers_and_levels():
-    for writer in PIPED_GZIP_WRITERS:
-        if writer == PipedGzipWriter:
-            # Levels 1-9 are supported
-            yield from ((writer, i) for i in range(1, 10))
-        elif writer == PipedPigzWriter:
-            # Levels 0-9 + 11 are supported
-            yield from ((writer, i) for i in list(range(10)) + [11])
-        elif writer == PipedIGzipWriter or writer == PipedPythonIsalWriter:
-            # Levels 0-3 are supported
-            yield from ((writer, i) for i in range(4))
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError(f"Test should be implemented for "
-                                      f"{writer}")  # pragma: no cover
- at pytest.mark.parametrize(["writer", "level"], writers_and_levels())
-def test_valid_compression_levels(writer, level, tmpdir):
-    test_file = tmpdir.join("test.gz")
-    with writer(test_file, "wb", level) as handle:
-        handle.write(b"test")
-    assert gzip.decompress(Path(test_file).read_bytes()) == b"test"
+def test_xopen_zst_fails_when_zstandard_not_available(monkeypatch):
+    import xopen
+    monkeypatch.setattr(xopen, "zstandard", None)
+    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
+        with xopen.xopen(TEST_DIR / "file.txt.zst", mode="rb", threads=0) as f:
+            f.read()

@@ -1,22 +1,31 @@
-envlist = flake8,mypy,py36,py37,py38,py39,pypy3
+envlist = flake8,mypy,py37,py38,py39,py310,py311,pypy3
+isolated_build = True
 deps =
+    pytest-timeout
-setenv = PYTHONDEVMODE = 1
+setenv =
 commands =
     coverage run --branch --source=xopen,tests -m pytest -v --doctest-modules tests
     coverage report
     coverage xml
     coverage html
 deps =
-    pytest
-    coverage
-    isal
+    {[testenv]deps}
+    zstandard
+basepython = python3.7
+deps = black==22.3.0
+skip_install = true
+commands = black --check src/ tests/
 basepython = python3.7
@@ -39,3 +48,4 @@ extend_ignore = E731
 exclude_lines =
     pragma: no cover
     def __repr__
+    @overload

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