[med-svn] [Git][med-team/metaphlan2][upstream] New upstream version 3.0.14
Andreas Tille (@tille)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Feb 17 18:17:22 GMT 2022
Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / metaphlan2
f3802d9f by Andreas Tille at 2022-02-17T19:15:03+01:00
New upstream version 3.0.14
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- metaphlan/metaphlan.py
- metaphlan/strainphlan.py
- metaphlan/utils/calculate_unifrac.R
- metaphlan/utils/external_exec.py
- metaphlan/utils/extract_markers.py
- metaphlan/utils/merge_metaphlan_tables.py
- metaphlan/utils/sample2markers.py
- metaphlan/utils/strain_transmission.py
- setup.py
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ __author__ = ('Francesco Beghini (francesco.beghini at unitn.it),'
'Duy Tin Truong, '
'Francesco Asnicar (f.asnicar at unitn.it), '
'Aitor Blanco Miguez (aitor.blancomiguez at unitn.it)')
-__version__ = '3.0.13'
-__date__ = '27 Jul 2021'
+__version__ = '3.0.14'
+__date__ = '19 Jan 2022'
import sys
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ __author__ = ('Aitor Blanco Miguez (aitor.blancomiguez at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Asnicar (f.asnicar at unitn.it), '
'Moreno Zolfo (moreno.zolfo at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Beghini (francesco.beghini at unitn.it)')
-__version__ = '3.0.13'
-__date__ = '27 Jul 2021'
+__version__ = '3.0.14'
+__date__ = '19 Jan 2022'
import sys
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1],
sys.version_info[2]), exit=True)
-import os, pickle, time, bz2, numpy, collections, tempfile
+import os, pickle, time, bz2, numpy, collections, tempfile, shutil
import argparse as ap
from shutil import copyfile, rmtree, move
from Bio import SeqIO
@@ -68,10 +68,12 @@ def read_params():
help="The number of bases to remove from both ends when trimming markers")
p.add_argument('--marker_in_n_samples', type=int, default=80,
help="Theshold defining the minimum percentage of samples to keep a marker")
- p.add_argument('--sample_with_n_markers', type=int, default=20,
- help="Threshold defining the minimun number of markers to keep a sample")
- p.add_argument('--secondary_sample_with_n_markers', type=int, default=20,
- help="Threshold defining the minimun number of markers to keep a secondary sample")
+ p.add_argument('--sample_with_n_markers', type=int, default=80,
+ help="Threshold defining the minimun percentage of markers to keep a sample")
+ p.add_argument('--secondary_sample_with_n_markers', type=int, default=80,
+ help="Threshold defining the minimun percentage of markers to keep a secondary sample")
+ p.add_argument('--sample_with_n_markers_after_filt', type=int, default=50,
+ help="Threshold defining the minimun percentage of markers to keep a sample after filtering the markers [only for dev]")
p.add_argument('--phylophlan_mode', choices=PHYLOPHLAN_MODES, default='fast',
help="The presets for fast or accurate phylogenetic analysis")
p.add_argument('--phylophlan_configuration', type=str, default=None,
@@ -144,6 +146,8 @@ def check_params(args):
if not args.print_clades_only and not args.output_dir.endswith('/'):
args.output_dir += '/'
+ if args.sample_with_n_markers < 50:
+ args.sample_with_n_markers_after_filt = int(round(args.sample_with_n_markers * 2/3, 0))
return args
@@ -194,7 +198,7 @@ def add_secondary_samples(secondary_samples, cleaned_markers_matrix,
markers_matrix = execute_pool(((get_matrix_for_sample, s, clade_markers) for s in secondary_samples),
for m in markers_matrix:
- if sum(list(m.values())[1:]) >= secondary_samples_with_n_markers:
+ if (sum(list(m.values())[1:]) * 100) / len(list(m.values())[1:]) >= secondary_samples_with_n_markers:
return cleaned_markers_matrix
@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ def add_secondary_references(secondary_references, cleaned_markers_matrix,
clade_markers_file, clade_markers) for s in secondary_references),
for m in markers_matrix:
- if sum(list(m.values())[1:]) >= secondary_samples_with_n_markers:
+ if (sum(list(m.values())[1:]) * 100) / len(list(m.values())[1:]) >= secondary_samples_with_n_markers:
return cleaned_markers_matrix
@@ -289,14 +293,15 @@ a threhold, if not, removes the marker.
samples to keep a marker
:returns: the filtered markers matrix
-def clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
+def clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers, sample_with_n_markers_after_filt,
marker_in_n_samples, messages = True):
# Checks if the percentage of markers of a sample sample reachs a threshold,
- # if not, removes the sample
+ # if not, removes the sample
+ total_markers = len(list(markers_matrix[0])[1:])
cleaned_markers_matrix = []
to_remove = []
for m in markers_matrix:
- if sum(list(m.values())[1:]) < samples_with_n_markers:
+ if (sum(list(m.values())[1:]) * 100) / total_markers < samples_with_n_markers:
cleaned_markers_matrix.append({'sample': m['sample']})
@@ -309,7 +314,7 @@ def clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
error("Phylogeny can not be inferred. Too many samples were discarded",
exit=True, init_new_line=True)
- return []
+ return [], (total_markers * (sample_with_n_markers_after_filt / 100))
# Checks if the percentage of samples that contain a marker reachs a threhold,
# if not, removes the marker
@@ -325,18 +330,18 @@ def clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
counter += 1
# Checks how many markers were deleted
- if len(list(cleaned_markers_matrix[0].values())[1:]) < samples_with_n_markers:
+ if (len(list(cleaned_markers_matrix[0].values())[1:]) * 100) / total_markers < samples_with_n_markers:
if messages:
error("Phylogeny can not be inferred. Too many markers were discarded",
exit=True, init_new_line=True)
- return []
+ return [], (total_markers * (sample_with_n_markers_after_filt / 100))
# Checks again if the percentage of markers of a sample sample is at least 1,
# if not, removes the sample
to_remove = []
for m in cleaned_markers_matrix:
- if sum(list(m.values())[1:]) < 1:
+ if (sum(list(m.values())[1:]) * 100) / total_markers < sample_with_n_markers_after_filt:
for r in to_remove:
@@ -347,9 +352,9 @@ def clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
error("Phylogeny can not be inferred. No enough markers were kept for the samples",
exit=True, init_new_line=True)
- return []
+ return [], (total_markers * (sample_with_n_markers_after_filt / 100))
- return cleaned_markers_matrix
+ return cleaned_markers_matrix, (total_markers * (sample_with_n_markers_after_filt / 100))
@@ -410,7 +415,7 @@ def sample_markers_to_fasta(sample_path, filtered_samples, tmp_dir, filtered_cla
for r in sample:
if r['marker'] in filtered_clade_markers:
marker_name = parse_marker_name(r['marker'])
- seq = SeqRecord(Seq(r['sequence'][trim_sequences:-trim_sequences].replace("*","N").replace("-","N").strip('N')), id=marker_name, description=marker_name)
+ seq = SeqRecord(Seq(r['sequence'][trim_sequences:-trim_sequences].replace("*","-")), id=marker_name, description=marker_name)
SeqIO.write(seq, marker_fna, 'fasta')
@@ -421,8 +426,9 @@ Writes a FASTA file with the sequences of the filtered clade markers
:param tmp_dir: the output temporal directory
:param clade: the threads used for execution
:param clade_markers_file: the FASTA with the clade markers
+:param trim_sequences: the number of bases to remove when trimming markers
-def cleaned_clade_markers_to_fasta(markers, tmp_dir, clade, clade_markers_file):
+def cleaned_clade_markers_to_fasta(markers, tmp_dir, clade, clade_markers_file, trim_sequences):
@@ -433,7 +439,7 @@ def cleaned_clade_markers_to_fasta(markers, tmp_dir, clade, clade_markers_file):
for m in list(markers[0])[1:]:
marker_name = parse_marker_name(m)
with open(tmp_dir+marker_name+'.fna', 'w') as marker_fna:
- seq = SeqRecord(clade_markers.get(m), id=marker_name, description=marker_name)
+ seq = SeqRecord(clade_markers.get(m)[trim_sequences:-trim_sequences], id=marker_name, description=marker_name)
SeqIO.write(seq, marker_fna, 'fasta')
@@ -540,6 +546,7 @@ def get_phylophlan_configuration():
Executes PhyloPhlAn2 to compute phylogeny
+:param samples_list: the list of the primary and secondary metagenomic samples
:param samples_markers_dir: the temporal samples markers directory
:param num_samples: the number of filtered samples
:param tmp_dir: the temporal output directory
@@ -551,8 +558,8 @@ Executes PhyloPhlAn2 to compute phylogeny
:param mutation_rates: whether get the mutation rates for the markers
:param nproc: the number of threads to run phylophlan
-def compute_phylogeny(samples_markers_dir, num_samples, tmp_dir, output_dir, clade,
- marker_in_n_samples, phylophlan_mode, phylophlan_configuration, mutation_rates, nprocs):
+def compute_phylogeny(samples_list, samples_markers_dir, num_samples, tmp_dir, output_dir, clade,
+ marker_in_n_samples, min_markers, phylophlan_mode, phylophlan_configuration, mutation_rates, nprocs):
info("\tCreating PhyloPhlAn 3.0 database...", init_new_line=True)
create_phylophlan_db(tmp_dir, clade[:30])
info("\tDone.", init_new_line=True)
@@ -561,9 +568,10 @@ def compute_phylogeny(samples_markers_dir, num_samples, tmp_dir, output_dir, cla
conf = get_phylophlan_configuration()
phylophlan_configuration = generate_phylophlan_config_file(tmp_dir, conf)
info("\tDone.", init_new_line=True)
+ fake_phylophlan_inputs(output_dir, samples_list, tmp_dir, samples_markers_dir, clade)
info("\tProcessing samples...", init_new_line=True)
min_entries = int(marker_in_n_samples*num_samples/100)
- execute_phylophlan(samples_markers_dir, phylophlan_configuration, min_entries,
+ execute_phylophlan(samples_markers_dir, phylophlan_configuration, min_entries, int(round(min_markers,0)),
tmp_dir, output_dir, clade, phylophlan_mode, mutation_rates, nprocs)
if mutation_rates:
@@ -571,6 +579,31 @@ def compute_phylogeny(samples_markers_dir, num_samples, tmp_dir, output_dir, cla
info("\tDone.", init_new_line=True)
+Fakes the PhyloPhlAn inputs for the reconstructed markers
+:param output_dir: the output_directory
+:param samples_list: the list of the primary and secondary metagenomic samples
+:param tmp_dir: the temporal output directory
+:param samples_markers_dir: the temporal samples markers directory
+:param clade: the clade
+def fake_phylophlan_inputs(output_dir, samples_list, tmp_dir, samples_markers_dir, clade):
+ samples = [s.split('/')[-1].replace('.pkl','') for s in samples_list]
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'markers_dna'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'map_dna'))
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'clean_dna'))
+ for sample in os.listdir(samples_markers_dir):
+ if sample.replace('.fna','') in samples:
+ open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'map_dna', sample.replace('.fna','.b6o.bkp')), 'a').close()
+ open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'map_dna', sample.replace('.fna','.b6o.bz2')), 'a').close()
+ shutil.copy(os.path.join(samples_markers_dir, sample), os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'clean_dna', sample))
+ with bz2.open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'markers_dna', '{}.bz2'.format(sample)), 'wt') as write_file:
+ with open(os.path.join(samples_markers_dir, sample), 'r') as read_file:
+ for line in read_file:
+ write_file.write(line)
Generates a file with the polimorfic rates of the species for each sample
@@ -654,8 +687,8 @@ def write_info(cleaned_markers_matrix, num_markers_for_clade, clade, output_dir,
"\nNumber of available markers for the clade: " +
str(num_markers_for_clade)+"\nFiltering parameters: " +
"\n\tNumber of bases to remove when trimming markers: "+ str(trim_sequences) +
- "\n\tMinimun number of markers to keep a main sample: "+ str(samples_with_n_markers) +
- "\n\tMinimun number of markers to keep a secondary sample: " +
+ "\n\tMinimun percentage of markers to keep a main sample: "+ str(samples_with_n_markers) +
+ "\n\tMinimun percentage of markers to keep a secondary sample: " +
str(secondary_samples_with_n_markers) +
"\n\tMinimum percentage of samples to keep a marker: "+ str(marker_in_n_samples) +
"\nNumber of markers selected after filtering: "+str(len(cleaned_markers_matrix[0].keys())-1) +
@@ -678,7 +711,7 @@ Prints the clades detected in the reconstructed markers
:param marker_in_n_samples: threshold defining the minimum percentage of samples
to keep a marker
-def print_clades(database, samples, samples_with_n_markers, marker_in_n_samples):
+def print_clades(database, samples, samples_with_n_markers, sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, marker_in_n_samples):
sample_id = 0
markers2species = dict()
species2markers = dict()
@@ -714,7 +747,7 @@ def print_clades(database, samples, samples_with_n_markers, marker_in_n_samples)
species_markers_matrix[species][sample_id][r['marker']] = 1
sample_id += 1
for species in species_markers_matrix:
- cleaned_markers_matrix = clean_markers_matrix(species_markers_matrix[species], samples_with_n_markers, marker_in_n_samples, False)
+ cleaned_markers_matrix, _ = clean_markers_matrix(species_markers_matrix[species], samples_with_n_markers, sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, marker_in_n_samples, False)
if len(cleaned_markers_matrix) >= 4:
species2samples[species] = len(cleaned_markers_matrix)
@@ -756,10 +789,10 @@ Executes StrainPhlAn
def strainphlan(database, clade_markers, samples, references, secondary_samples,
secondary_references, clade, output_dir, trim_sequences, samples_with_n_markers,
- marker_in_n_samples, secondary_samples_with_n_markers, phylophlan_mode,
+ marker_in_n_samples, secondary_samples_with_n_markers, sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, phylophlan_mode,
phylophlan_configuration, tmp, mutation_rates, print_clades_only, debug, nprocs):
if print_clades_only:
- print_clades(database, samples, samples_with_n_markers, marker_in_n_samples)
+ print_clades(database, samples, samples_with_n_markers, sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, marker_in_n_samples)
info("Creating temporary directory...", init_new_line=True)
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=output_dir) + "/" if tmp is None else tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp) + "/"
@@ -773,8 +806,8 @@ def strainphlan(database, clade_markers, samples, references, secondary_samples,
markers_matrix, references, nprocs)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
info("Removing bad markers / samples...", init_new_line=True)
- cleaned_markers_matrix = clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
- marker_in_n_samples)
+ cleaned_markers_matrix, min_markers = clean_markers_matrix(markers_matrix, samples_with_n_markers,
+ sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, marker_in_n_samples)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
cleaned_markers_matrix = add_secondary_samples_and_references(secondary_samples,
secondary_references, cleaned_markers_matrix, secondary_samples_with_n_markers,
@@ -785,15 +818,15 @@ def strainphlan(database, clade_markers, samples, references, secondary_samples,
tmp_dir, nprocs)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
info("Writing filtered clade markers as FASTA file...", init_new_line=True)
- cleaned_clade_markers_to_fasta(cleaned_markers_matrix, tmp_dir, clade, clade_markers_file)
+ cleaned_clade_markers_to_fasta(cleaned_markers_matrix, tmp_dir, clade, clade_markers_file, trim_sequences)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
info("Calculating polymorphic rates...", init_new_line=True)
num_markers_for_clade = calculate_polimorfic_rates(samples+secondary_samples, clade_markers_file,
clade, output_dir)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
info("Executing PhyloPhlAn 3.0...", init_new_line=True)
- compute_phylogeny(samples_as_markers_dir, len(cleaned_markers_matrix), tmp_dir,
- output_dir, clade, marker_in_n_samples, phylophlan_mode, phylophlan_configuration,
+ compute_phylogeny(samples+secondary_samples, samples_as_markers_dir, len(cleaned_markers_matrix), tmp_dir,
+ output_dir, clade, marker_in_n_samples, min_markers, phylophlan_mode, phylophlan_configuration,
mutation_rates, nprocs)
info("Done.", init_new_line=True)
info("Writing information file...", init_new_line=True)
@@ -842,7 +875,7 @@ def main():
strainphlan(args.database, args.clade_markers, args.samples, args.references,
args.secondary_samples, args.secondary_references, args.clade, args.output_dir,
args.trim_sequences, args.sample_with_n_markers, args.marker_in_n_samples,
- args.secondary_sample_with_n_markers, args.phylophlan_mode, args.phylophlan_configuration,
+ args.secondary_sample_with_n_markers, args.sample_with_n_markers_after_filt, args.phylophlan_mode, args.phylophlan_configuration,
args.tmp, args.mutation_rates, args.print_clades_only, args.debug, args.nprocs)
exec_time = time.time() - t0
if not args.print_clades_only:
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ mpa_table <- mpa_table[,-1]
mpa_tree <- ape::read.tree(tree_file)
mpa_tree$tip.label <- gsub(".+\\|s__", "", mpa_tree$tip.label)
+removed <- setdiff(rownames(mpa_table), mpa_tree$tip.label)
+ write(paste0('WARNING: ', length(removed), ' species not present in the tree were removed from the input profile.'), stdout())
+ write(paste(removed, colllapse='\n'), stdout())
filt_tree <- ape::keep.tip(mpa_tree, intersect(rownames(mpa_table),mpa_tree$tip.label))
filt_mpa_table <- mpa_table[filt_tree$tip.label,] / 100.0
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Executes PhyloPhlAn
:param mutation_rates: whether get the mutation rates for the markers
:param nproc: the number of threads to run phylophlan
-def execute_phylophlan(samples_markers_dir, conf_file, min_entries, tmp_dir, output_dir,
+def execute_phylophlan(samples_markers_dir, conf_file, min_entries, min_markers, tmp_dir, output_dir,
clade, phylogeny_conf, mutation_rates, nprocs):
accuracy = " --"+phylogeny_conf
@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ def execute_phylophlan(samples_markers_dir, conf_file, min_entries, tmp_dir, out
"params" : "-d "+clade[:30]+" --data_folder "+tmp_dir+
" --databases_folder "+tmp_dir+" -t n -f "+conf_file+
" --diversity low"+accuracy+" --genome_extension fna"+
- " --force_nucleotides --min_num_entries "+str(min_entries),
+ " --force_nucleotides --min_num_entries "+str(min_entries)+
+ " --min_num_markers "+str(min_markers),
"input" : "-i",
"output_path" : "--output_folder",
"output" : "-o",
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ __author__ = ('Aitor Blanco Miguez (aitor.blancomiguez at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Asnicar (f.asnicar at unitn.it), '
'Moreno Zolfo (moreno.zolfo at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Beghini (francesco.beghini at unitn.it)')
-__version__ = '3.0.11'
-__date__ = '07 Jul 2021'
+__version__ = '3.0.14'
+__date__ = '19 Jan 2022'
import sys
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@ def merge( aaastrIn, ostm ):
names = headers[-1].split('#')[1].strip().split('\t')
index_col = [0,1]
- mpaVersion = list(filter(re.compile('#mpa_v[0-9]{2,}_CHOCOPhlAn_[0-9]{0,}').match, headers))
+ mpaVersion = list(filter(re.compile('#mpa_v[0-9]{2,}_CHOCOPhlAn\w*/{0,3}_[0-9]{0,}').match, headers))
if len(mpaVersion):
+ else:
+ print('merge_metaphlan_tables found tables without a header including the database version. Exiting.\n')
+ return
if len(listmpaVersion) > 1:
- print('merge_metaphlan_tables found tables made with different versions of the MetaPhlAn2 database.\nPlease re-run MetaPhlAn2 with the same database.\n')
+ print('merge_metaphlan_tables found tables made with different versions of the MetaPhlAn database.\nPlease re-run MetaPhlAn with the same database.\n')
iIn = pd.read_csv(f,
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ __author__ = ('Aitor Blanco Miguez (aitor.blancomiguez at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Asnicar (f.asnicar at unitn.it), '
'Moreno Zolfo (moreno.zolfo at unitn.it), '
'Francesco Beghini (francesco.beghini at unitn.it)')
-__version__ = '3.0.10'
-__date__ = '15 Jun 2021'
+__version__ = '3.0.14'
+__date__ = '19 Jan 2022'
import sys
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
__author__ = ('Aitor Blanco (aitor.blancomiguez at unitn.it), '
'Mireia Valles-Colomer (mireia.vallescolomer at unitn.it)')
-__version__ = '3.0.10'
-__date__ = '15 Jun 2021'
+__version__ = '3.0.14'
+__date__ = '19 Jan 2022'
import os, time, sys
import argparse as ap
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- version='3.0.13',
+ version='3.0.14',
author='Francesco Beghini',
author_email='francesco.beghini at unitn.it',
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/metaphlan2/-/commit/f3802d9f2ee7a5e4493de7acf4794adaa576a478
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/metaphlan2/-/commit/f3802d9f2ee7a5e4493de7acf4794adaa576a478
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