[med-svn] [Git][med-team/parsnp][upstream] New upstream version 1.7.3+dfsg

Étienne Mollier (@emollier) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jul 7 22:19:52 BST 2022

Étienne Mollier pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / parsnp

0a759e39 by Étienne Mollier at 2022-07-07T22:18:56+02:00
New upstream version 1.7.3+dfsg
- - - - -

3 changed files:

- extend.py
- parsnp
- src/parsnp.cpp


@@ -6,14 +6,37 @@ from glob import glob
 import tempfile
 from pathlib import Path
 import re
+import subprocess
 from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict, Counter
 import os
 from Bio.Align import substitution_matrices
 from itertools import product, combinations
 import numpy as np
 from Bio.AlignIO.MafIO import MafWriter, MafIterator
-from Bio.AlignIO.MauveIO import MauveWriter
+from Bio.AlignIO.MauveIO import MauveWriter, MauveIterator
 from logger import logger
+import pyabpoa as pa
+import time
+def get_ani_cutoff(sequences, cutoff=0, grace_period=5):
+    n = max(len(s) for s in sequences)
+    matches = 0
+    max_matches = 0
+    below_cutoff = 0
+    for i in range(n):
+        pileup = Counter(s[i] for s in sequences)
+        nongaps = sum(pileup[c] for c in pileup if c not in "-")
+        matches += sum(pileup[c]*(pileup[c]-1) for c in pileup if c in "ATGCatgc")
+        matches += sum(pileup[ambig] * (sum(pileup[c] for c in pileup if c in "ATGCatgcNn") - 1) for ambig in "Nn")
+        max_matches += nongaps * (len(sequences) - 1)
+        if matches/max_matches < cutoff:
+            below_cutoff += 1
+            if below_cutoff > grace_period:
+                return (matches, max_matches), i - below_cutoff
+        else: 
+            below_cutoff = 0
+    return (matches, max_matches), n - below_cutoff
@@ -21,7 +44,6 @@ def get_sequence_data(reference, sequence_files, index_files=False):
     fname_to_seqrecord = {}
     fname_contigid_to_length = {}
     fname_contigidx_to_header = {}
-    fname_header_to_gcontigidx = {}
     idx = 0
     for fasta_f in [reference] + sequence_files:
         fname = Path(fasta_f).name
@@ -30,11 +52,11 @@ def get_sequence_data(reference, sequence_files, index_files=False):
             for contig_id, record in fname_to_seqrecord[fname].items():
                 fname_contigid_to_length[fname, contig_id] = len(record)
         for ctg_idx, record in enumerate(SeqIO.parse(fasta_f, 'fasta')):
-            fname_header_to_gcontigidx[fname, record.id] = idx
             idx += 1
-            fname_contigidx_to_header[fname, ctg_idx] = record.id
-            fname_contigid_to_length[fname, record.id] = len(record)
-    return fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord, fname_header_to_gcontigidx
+            record.description = record.description.replace(" ", "^")
+            fname_contigidx_to_header[fname, ctg_idx] = record.description
+            fname_contigid_to_length[fname, record.description] = len(record)
+    return fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord
 # Writes the parsnp output to a MAF file containing. While there are methods
@@ -42,6 +64,7 @@ def get_sequence_data(reference, sequence_files, index_files=False):
 # which is a future addition we would like to have.
 def xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, output_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_contigid_to_length):
     index_to_fname = {}
+    fname_header_to_gcontigidx = {}
     # Avoid loading the whole alignment in memory
     with open(xmfa_file) as parsnp_fd, tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='w') as fasta_out:
         for line in (line.strip() for line in parsnp_fd):
@@ -51,6 +74,9 @@ def xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, output_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_con
                 elif line.startswith("##SequenceFile"):
                     filename = Path(line.split(' ')[1]).name
                     index_to_fname[index] = filename
+                elif line.startswith("##SequenceHeader"):
+                    header = line.split('>')[1].replace(" ", "^")
+                    fname_header_to_gcontigidx[filename, header] = index
             elif line[0] != '=':
                 fasta_out.write(line + "\n")
@@ -68,6 +94,7 @@ def xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, output_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_con
         fname_to_contigid_to_coords = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
         for seqrecord in xmfa_seqs:
             full_header = seqrecord.description
+            # print(full_header)
             groups = header_parser.search(full_header).groups()
             file_idx, gstart, gend, strand, cluster_idx, contig_idx, position_in_contig = groups
             cluster_idx = int(cluster_idx)
@@ -94,6 +121,7 @@ def xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, output_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_con
             # Add annotations to the seqrecord in order to pass to mafwriter
             fname = index_to_fname[int(file_idx)]
             contig_id = fname_contigidx_to_header[fname, contig_idx]
+            # print(contig_id)
             src_size = fname_contigid_to_length[fname, contig_id]
             size = len(str(seqrecord.seq).replace("-", ''))
             seqrecord.id = f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{contig_id}"
@@ -121,7 +149,7 @@ def xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, output_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_con
                 msa_record = MultipleSeqAlignment(curr_cluster_seqs)
                 msa_record._annotations={"pass": curr_cluster_idx}
-    return fname_to_contigid_to_coords
+    return fname_to_contigid_to_coords, fname_header_to_gcontigidx
 def write_intercluster_regions(input_sequences, cluster_directory, fname_to_contigid_to_coords):
     clusterdir_to_adjacent_clusters = defaultdict(set)
@@ -133,7 +161,8 @@ def write_intercluster_regions(input_sequences, cluster_directory, fname_to_cont
         records = SeqIO.parse(fasta_f, 'fasta')
         fname = Path(fasta_f).name
         for record in records:
-            coords = [(0, 0, "+", "START CAP")] + sorted(fname_to_contigid_to_coords[fname][record.id]) + [(len(record), len(record), "+", "END CAP")]
+            record.description = record.description.replace(" ", "^")
+            coords = [(0, 0, "+", "START CAP")] + sorted(fname_to_contigid_to_coords[fname][record.description]) + [(len(record), len(record), "+", "END CAP")]
             for idx, (start, end, strand, cluster_idx) in enumerate(coords[1:-1]):
                 idx += 1
                 prev_end = coords[idx-1][1]
@@ -141,27 +170,23 @@ def write_intercluster_regions(input_sequences, cluster_directory, fname_to_cont
                 fwd, rev = "right", "left"
                 seq = record.seq
                 if strand == "-":
-                    pass
                     fwd, rev = rev, fwd
                     # seq = seq.reverse_complement()
-                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, record.id)][(cluster_idx, rev)] = start - prev_end
-                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, record.id)][(cluster_idx, fwd)] = next_start - end
-                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster[(fname, record.id)][(cluster_idx, rev)] = (coords[idx-1][3], "right" if coords[idx-1][2] == "+" else "left")
-                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster[(fname, record.id)][(cluster_idx, fwd)] = (coords[idx+1][3], "left" if coords[idx+1][2] == "+" else "right")
+                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, record.description)][(cluster_idx, rev)] = start - prev_end
+                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, record.description)][(cluster_idx, fwd)] = next_start - end
+                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster[(fname, record.description)][(cluster_idx, rev)] = (coords[idx-1][3], "right" if coords[idx-1][2] == "+" else "left")
+                fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster[(fname, record.description)][(cluster_idx, fwd)] = (coords[idx+1][3], "left" if coords[idx+1][2] == "+" else "right")
                 clusterdir_to_adjacent_clusters[(cluster_idx, fwd)].add((coords[idx+1][3], "left" if coords[idx+1][2] == "+" else "right"))
                 clusterdir_to_adjacent_clusters[(cluster_idx, rev)].add((coords[idx-1][3], "right" if coords[idx-1][2] == "+" else "left"))
-                seq_to_write = SeqRecord(seq[prev_end:start].reverse_complement(), id=f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{record.id}", description="")
+                seq_to_write = SeqRecord(seq[prev_end:start].reverse_complement(), id=f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{record.description}", description="")
                 with open(f"{cluster_directory}/cluster{cluster_idx}-{rev}.fasta", 'a') as out_f:
                     SeqIO.write([seq_to_write], out_f, "fasta")
-                seq_to_write = SeqRecord(seq[end:next_start], id=f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{record.id}", description="")
+                seq_to_write = SeqRecord(seq[end:next_start], id=f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{record.description}", description="")
                 with open(f"{cluster_directory}/cluster{cluster_idx}-{fwd}.fasta", 'a') as out_f:
                     SeqIO.write([seq_to_write], out_f, "fasta")
     return fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length, fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster
 def get_new_extensions(cluster_files, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_penalty):
-    # mat = substitution_matrices.load("NUC.4.4")
-    # mismatch_multiplier = 1
-    # gap_match = -1
     fname_parser = re.compile(r"^.*/cluster(\d+)-(.*).fasta")
     clusterdir_len = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
     clusterdir_expand = {}
@@ -170,29 +195,36 @@ def get_new_extensions(cluster_files, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_penalty):
         cluster_idx = int(cluster_idx)
         sequences = list(SeqIO.parse(cluster_f, 'fasta'))
         lengths = Counter(len(s) for s in sequences)
-        idx = 0
-        score_list = [0]
-        clusterdir_len[(cluster_idx, direction)] = max(lengths)
-        while idx < max(lengths):
-            bases = Counter(seq[idx].upper() if len(seq) > idx else "-" for seq in sequences if seq)
-            score = 0
-            for n1, n2 in combinations(bases.keys(), r=2):
-                if n1 == "-" or n2 == "-":
-                    score += gap_penalty * bases[n1] * bases[n2]
-                else:
-                    score += mismatch_score * bases[n1] * bases[n2]
-            for nuc in bases.keys():
-                if nuc == "-":
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    score += match_score * bases[nuc] * (bases[nuc] - 1) / 2
-            score_list.append(score_list[-1] + score)
-            idx += 1
+        maxlen = max(lengths)
+        align_all = True
+        if maxlen != 0:
+            bins = np.histogram([len(s) for s in sequences], bins=20)[0]
+            if max(bins)/len(sequences) < 0.99 or lengths.most_common(1)[0][0] == 0:
+                align_all = False
+        if not align_all:
+            idx = 0
+            score_list = [0]
+            clusterdir_len[(cluster_idx, direction)] = max(lengths)
+            while idx < max(lengths):
+                bases = Counter(seq[idx].upper() if len(seq) > idx else "-" for seq in sequences if seq)
+                score = 0
+                for n1, n2 in combinations(bases.keys(), r=2):
+                    if n1 == "-" or n2 == "-":
+                        score += gap_penalty * bases[n1] * bases[n2]
+                    else:
+                        score += mismatch_score * bases[n1] * bases[n2]
+                for nuc in bases.keys():
+                    if nuc == "-":
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        score += match_score * bases[nuc] * (bases[nuc] - 1) / 2
+                score_list.append(score_list[-1] + score)
+                idx += 1
-        extend_by = np.argmax(score_list)
-        # extend_by = lengths.most_common()[0][0] if len(lengths) == 1 else (lengths.most_common()[0][0] if lengths.most_common()[0][0] != 0 else lengths.most_common()[1][0])
-        # print(lengths)
-        # extend_by = min(extend_by, 100)
+            extend_by = np.argmax(score_list)
+        else:
+            extend_by = lengths.most_common(1)[0][0]
         clusterdir_expand[(cluster_idx, direction)] = extend_by
     return clusterdir_expand, clusterdir_len
@@ -200,40 +232,43 @@ def get_new_extensions(cluster_files, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_penalty):
 def write_xmfa_header(extended_xmfa_file, fname_header_to_gcontigidx, fname_contigid_to_length, num_clusters):
-    with open(extended_xmfa_file, 'w') as xmfa_out:
+    with open(extended_xmfa_file, 'w') as xmfa_out:#, open(extended_xmfa_file + ".maf", 'w') as maf_out:
+        # maf_writer = MafWriter(maf_out)
+        # maf_writer.write_header()
         ### Write header
         xmfa_out.write("#FormatVersion Parsnp v1.1\n")
         xmfa_out.write(f"#SequenceCount {len(fname_header_to_gcontigidx)}\n")
         for (fname, header), global_idx in fname_header_to_gcontigidx.items():
-            xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceIndex {global_idx + 1}\n")
+            xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceIndex {global_idx}\n")
             xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceFile {fname}\n")
-            xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceHeader >{header}\n")
+            xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceHeader >{header.replace('^', ' ')}\n")
             xmfa_out.write(f"##SequenceLength {fname_contigid_to_length[(fname, header)]}\n")
         xmfa_out.write(f"##IntervalCount {num_clusters}\n")
 def write_xmfa_cluster(extended_xmfa_file, msa_records, fname_header_to_gcontigidx):
-    with open(extended_xmfa_file, 'a') as xmfa_out:
+    with open(extended_xmfa_file, 'a') as xmfa_out:#, open(extended_xmfa_file + ".maf", 'a') as maf_out:
+        # maf_writer = MafWriter(maf_out)
         ### Write MSA record
         header_parser = re.compile(r"(.+):<-file:contig->:(.+)")
         for msa_record in msa_records:
             cluster = msa_record.annotations['cluster']
+            # maf_writer.write_alignment(msa_record)
             for seq_record in msa_record:
                 fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(seq_record.id).groups()
                 strand = "-" if seq_record.annotations["strand"] == -1 else "+"
                 start = seq_record.annotations['start']
                 size = seq_record.annotations["size"]
-                if strand == "+":
-                    seq_record.id = f"{fname_header_to_gcontigidx[(fname, contig_id)] + 1}:{start}-{start + size}"
+                if strand == "+" or True:
+                    seq_record.id = f"{fname_header_to_gcontigidx[(fname, contig_id)]}:{start}-{start + size - 1}"
-                    seq_record.id = f"{fname_header_to_gcontigidx[(fname, contig_id)] + 1}:{start - size}-{start}"
+                    seq_record.id = f"{fname_header_to_gcontigidx[(fname, contig_id)]}:{start - size}-{start}"
                 seq_record.description = f"{strand} cluster{cluster} s1:p{start}"
             SeqIO.write(msa_record, xmfa_out, "fasta")
 # fname_to_contigid_to_extended = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
 # fname_to_contigid_to_coords[fname][contig_id].append((seqrecord.annotations["start"], seqrecord.annotations["start"] + seqrecord.annotations["size"], strand, cluster_idx))
 def write_extended_xmfa(
@@ -245,27 +280,53 @@ def write_extended_xmfa(
-        fname_contigid_to_length):
+        fname_contigid_to_length,
+        cutoff,
+        indel_cutoff,
+        cpu_count=1): # cutoff is the min ANI 
     header_parser = re.compile(r"(.+):<-file:contig->:(.+)")
     clusters = set()
     for fname, contigid in fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length.keys():
         for cluster, _ in fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contigid)].keys():
-    write_xmfa_header(extended_maf_file, fname_header_to_gcontigidx, fname_contigid_to_length, cluster)
+    write_xmfa_header(extended_maf_file, fname_header_to_gcontigidx, fname_contigid_to_length, len(clusters))
     with open(original_maf_file, 'r') as maf_in:
         maf_iterator = MafIterator(maf_in)
         # maf_writer = MafWriter(maf_out)
         # maf_writer = MauveWriter(maf_out)
         # maf_writer.write_header()
-        for idx, msa_record in enumerate(maf_iterator):
+        old_matches = 0
+        old_max_matches = 0
+        new_matches = 0
+        new_max_matches = 0
+        old_nucs_aligned = 0
+        new_nucs_aligned = 0
+        for idx, msa_record in (enumerate(maf_iterator)):
             fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(msa_record[0].id).groups()
             cluster_idx = int(msa_record._annotations["pass"])
+            (record_matches, record_maxmatches), _ = get_ani_cutoff([record.seq for record in msa_record])
+            old_matches, old_max_matches = record_matches + old_matches, record_maxmatches + old_max_matches
+            old_nucs_aligned += sum(len(record.seq) for record in msa_record)
             for direction in ("right", "left"):
                 expand_by = clusterdir_expand[(cluster_idx, direction)]
+                flanks = []
+                inter_cluster_sequences = SeqIO.index(f"{cluster_directory}/cluster{cluster_idx}-{direction}.fasta", 'fasta')
+                for seq_record in msa_record:
+                    fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(seq_record.id).groups()
+                    cluster_idx = int(cluster_idx)
+                    flanking_seq = inter_cluster_sequences[f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{contig_id}"]
+                    flanks.append(flanking_seq[:fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contig_id)][(cluster_idx, direction)]])
+                lengths = Counter(len(s) for s in flanks)
+                maxlen = max(lengths)
+                if maxlen != 0 and expand_by != 0:
+                    bins = np.histogram([len(s) for s in flanks], bins=20)[0]
+                    if max(bins)/len(flanks) < 0.99 or lengths.most_common(1)[0][0] == 0:
+                        expand_by = lengths.most_common(1)[0][0]
+                cluster_space_left = max(cldir_to_len[(cluster_idx, direction)] for cldir_to_len in fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length.values())
                 expand_by = min(
-                    expand_by, 
-                    max(cldir_to_len[(cluster_idx, direction)] for cldir_to_len in fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length.values())
-                ) 
+                    expand_by,
+                    cluster_space_left
+                )
                 # expand_by = min(expand_by, 7)
                 # expand_by = 10
                 # for seq_record in msa_record:
@@ -274,28 +335,85 @@ def write_extended_xmfa(
                 #     expand_by = min(expand_by, fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contig_id)][(cluster_idx, direction)])
                 if expand_by <= 0:
-                logger.debug(f"Expanding cluster {cluster_idx} to the {direction} by {expand_by}")
-                inter_cluster_sequences = SeqIO.index(f"{cluster_directory}/cluster{cluster_idx}-{direction}.fasta", 'fasta')
+                seqs_to_align = {}
+                # pprint({key: value.seq[:10] for key, value in inter_cluster_sequences.items()})
                 for seq_record in msa_record:
                     fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(seq_record.id).groups()
                     cluster_idx = int(cluster_idx)
+                    # print(contig_id)
                     flanking_seq = inter_cluster_sequences[f"{fname}:<-file:contig->:{contig_id}"]
+                    # print(flanking_seq.seq)
                     flanking_seq = flanking_seq[:fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contig_id)][(cluster_idx, direction)]]
                     if len(flanking_seq) >= expand_by:
                         flanking_seq.seq = flanking_seq.seq[:expand_by]
+                    seqs_to_align[contig_id] = str(flanking_seq.seq)
+                minlen = min(len(s) for s in seqs_to_align.values())
+                for k in seqs_to_align:
+                    seqs_to_align[k] = seqs_to_align[k][:minlen+indel_cutoff]
+                seqlist = list(seqs_to_align.values())
+                empty_seqs = [i for i in range(len(seqlist)) if seqlist[i] == ""]
+                nonempty_seqs = [s for s in seqlist if s != ""]
+                msa_result_temp = []
+                if minlen < 50:
+                    aligner = pa.msa_aligner()
+                    # time.sleep(.25)
+                    res = aligner.msa(nonempty_seqs, out_cons=False, out_msa=True)
+                    msa_result_temp = res.msa_seq
+                else:
+                    nonempty_seq_file = f"{cluster_directory}/cluster{cluster_idx}_{direction}_nonempty.fa"
+                    SeqIO.write(
+                        (SeqIO.SeqRecord(Seq(sequence), id=str(seq_idx)) for seq_idx, sequence in enumerate(nonempty_seqs)),
+                        nonempty_seq_file,
+                        "fasta")
+                    subprocess.check_call(
+                        f"muscle -super5 {nonempty_seq_file} -output {nonempty_seq_file}_aligned.fa -threads {cpu_count}", 
+                        stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
+                        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                        shell=True)
+                    msa_result_temp = [str(record.seq) for record in SeqIO.parse(f"{nonempty_seq_file}_aligned.fa", "fasta")]
+                msa_result = []
+                idx = 0
+                for aligned_seq in msa_result_temp:
+                    while idx in empty_seqs:
+                        msa_result.append("-"*len(msa_result_temp[0]))
+                        idx += 1
+                    msa_result.append(aligned_seq)
+                    idx += 1
+                while idx in empty_seqs:
+                    msa_result.append("-"*len(msa_result_temp[0]))
+                    idx += 1
+                (_, _), ani_cutoff = get_ani_cutoff(msa_result, cutoff)
+                msa_seqs = [seq[:ani_cutoff] for seq in msa_result]
+                # for i, seq in enumerate(msa_seqs):
+                    # print(f">Seq{i}")
+                    # print(seq)
+                expansion_nucs = max(len(s.replace("-", "")) for s in msa_seqs)
+                logger.debug(f"Expanding cluster {cluster_idx} to the {direction} by {expansion_nucs}/{cluster_space_left}")
+                # continue
+                flanking_seqs = {}
+                for idx, seq in enumerate(msa_seqs):
+                    contig_id = list(seqs_to_align.keys())[idx]
+                    flanking_seqs[contig_id] = Seq(seq)
+                for seq_record in msa_record:
+                    fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(seq_record.id).groups()
+                    cluster_idx = int(cluster_idx)
+                    flanking_seq = flanking_seqs[contig_id]
                     if direction == "left":
-                        flanking_seq.seq = flanking_seq.seq.reverse_complement()
-                        flanking_seq.seq = "-"*(expand_by - len(flanking_seq)) + flanking_seq.seq
-                    else:
-                        flanking_seq.seq = flanking_seq.seq + "-"*(expand_by - len(flanking_seq))
-                    seq_record.annotations["size"] += len(str(flanking_seq.seq).replace("-", ''))
+                        flanking_seq = flanking_seq.reverse_complement()
+                        # flanking_seq = "-"*(expand_by - len(flanking_seq)) + flanking_seq
+                    # else:
+                    #     flanking_seq = flanking_seq + "-"*(expand_by - len(flanking_seq))
+                    seq_record.annotations["size"] += len(str(flanking_seq).replace("-", ''))
                     if direction == "right":
-                        seq_record.seq = seq_record.seq + flanking_seq.seq
+                        seq_record.seq = seq_record.seq + flanking_seq
-                        seq_record.seq = flanking_seq.seq + seq_record.seq
-                        seq_record.annotations["start"] -= (expand_by - flanking_seq.seq.count("-"))
+                        seq_record.seq = flanking_seq + seq_record.seq
+                        seq_record.annotations["start"] -= (len(flanking_seq) - flanking_seq.count("-"))
+                        # CHECK IF START > LEN OF SEQ OR SOMETHING
                     adj_cluster_idx, adj_cluster_dir = fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster[(fname, contig_id)][(cluster_idx, direction)]
-                    fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contig_id)][(adj_cluster_idx, adj_cluster_dir)] -= len(str(flanking_seq.seq).replace("-", ''))
+                    fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length[(fname, contig_id)][(adj_cluster_idx, adj_cluster_dir)] -= len(str(flanking_seq).replace("-", ''))
@@ -303,8 +421,14 @@ def write_extended_xmfa(
             #     fname, contig_id = header_parser.match(seq_record.id).groups()
                 # seq_record.id = contig_id
             msa_record.annotations["cluster"] = cluster_idx
+            (record_matches, record_maxmatches), _ = get_ani_cutoff([record.seq for record in msa_record])
+            new_matches, new_max_matches = record_matches + new_matches, record_maxmatches + new_max_matches
+            new_nucs_aligned += sum(len(record.seq) for record in msa_record)
             write_xmfa_cluster(extended_maf_file, [msa_record], fname_header_to_gcontigidx)
             # maf_writer.write_alignment(msa_record)
+    total_length = sum(l for l in fname_contigid_to_length.values())
+    logger.debug(f"COVERAGE {(old_nucs_aligned / total_length) * 100:.3f}% --> {(new_nucs_aligned / total_length)*100:.3f}%")
+    logger.debug(f"ANI {100*(old_matches/old_max_matches):.2f}% --> {100*(new_matches/new_max_matches):.2f}%")
 def check_maf(maf_file, fname_to_seqrecords):
@@ -361,13 +485,56 @@ def validate_coords(contig_to_coords):
 # validate_coords(coords_extended)
 # coords_original = check_maf("parsnp.maf")
+# match_score = 4
+# mismatch_penalty = -8
+# gap_penalty = -10
 # validate = True
-# genome_dir = "sars-100-rev/"
-# sequence_files = glob(f"{genome_dir}/*.fa*")
+# genome_dir = "sars"
+# sequence_files = glob(f"{genome_dir}/*.fa")
 # xmfa_file = f"{genome_dir}/parsnp.xmfa"
-# original_maf_file = f"{genome_dir}/parsnp-original.maf"
-# extended_maf_file = f"{genome_dir}/parsnp-extended.maf"
 # cluster_directory = "clusters/"
+# # ref = f"{genome_dir}/ST-11_RT-078_M120.fa"
+# ref = f"{genome_dir}/GISAID_9381.fa.ref"
+# finalfiles = list(set(sequence_files) - set([ref]))
+# temp_directory = "temp/"
+# original_maf_file = f"{genome_dir}/parsnp.maf"
+# extended_xmfa_file = f"{genome_dir}/parsnp-extended.xmfa"
+# fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord = get_sequence_data(
+#         ref,
+#         finalfiles,
+#         index_files=True)
+# fname_to_contigid_to_coords, fname_header_to_gcontigidx = xmfa_to_maf(
+#         xmfa_file,
+#         original_maf_file,
+#         fname_contigidx_to_header,
+#         fname_contigid_to_length)
+# packed_write_result = write_intercluster_regions(finalfiles + [ref], temp_directory, fname_to_contigid_to_coords)
+# fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length, fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster = packed_write_result
+# cluster_files = glob(f"{temp_directory}/*.fasta")
+# clusterdir_expand, clusterdir_len = get_new_extensions(
+#         cluster_files,
+#         match_score,
+#         mismatch_penalty,
+#         gap_penalty)
+# write_extended_xmfa(
+#         original_maf_file,
+#         extended_xmfa_file,
+#         temp_directory,
+#         clusterdir_expand,
+#         clusterdir_len,
+#         fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length,
+#         fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster,
+#         fname_header_to_gcontigidx,
+#         fname_contigid_to_length)
+# parsnp_output = extended_xmfa_file
 # fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord = get_sequence_data(sequence_files, index_files=validate)
 # fname_to_contigid_to_coords = xmfa_to_maf(xmfa_file, original_maf_file, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_contigid_to_length)
@@ -376,16 +543,21 @@ def validate_coords(contig_to_coords):
 # cluster_files = glob(f"{cluster_directory}/*.fasta")
 # clusterdir_expand, clusterdir_len = get_new_extensions(cluster_files)
 # write_extended_maf(
-        # original_maf_file,
-        # extended_maf_file,
-        # cluster_directory,
-        # clusterdir_expand,
-        # clusterdir_len,
-        # fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length,
-        # fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster)
+#         original_maf_file,
+#         extended_maf_file,
+#         cluster_directory,
+#         clusterdir_expand,
+#         clusterdir_len,
+#         fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length,
+#         fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster)
 # if validate:
-    # coords_extended = check_maf(extended_maf_file, fname_to_seqrecord)
+    # # fname_to_contigid_to_coords = xmfa_to_maf(
+    # #         extended_xmfa_file,
+    # #         extended_xmfa_file + ".maf",
+    # #         fname_contigidx_to_header,
+    # #         fname_contigid_to_length)
+    # coords_extended = check_maf(extended_xmfa_file + ".maf", fname_to_seqrecord)
     # validate_coords(coords_extended)
-    # coords_original = check_maf(original_maf_file, fname_to_seqrecord)
-    # validate_coords(coords_original)
+    # # coords_original = check_maf(original_maf_file, fname_to_seqrecord)
+    # # validate_coords(coords_original)

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from glob import glob
 import extend as ext
-__version__ = "1.7.2"
+__version__ = "1.7.3"
 reroot_tree = True #use --midpoint-reroot
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ def run_command(command,ignorerc=0):
       >>$ {}
       Please veryify input data and restart Parsnp.
       If the problem persists please contact the Parsnp development team..
       {}""".format(command, fstdout, fstderr))
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ def parse_args():
         action = "store_true",
-        help = "Ouput unaligned regions")
+        help = "Output unaligned regions")
     recombination_args = parser.add_argument_group("Recombination filtration")
     #TODO -x was a duplicate flag but no longer parsed as filter-phipack-snps in the current parsnp version
@@ -425,6 +425,16 @@ def parse_args():
         help="Extend the boundaries of LCBs with an ungapped alignment")
+    extend_args.add_argument(
+        "--extend-ani-cutoff",
+        type=float,
+        default=0.95,
+        help="Cutoff ANI for lcb extension")
+    extend_args.add_argument(
+        "--extend-indel-cutoff",
+        type=int,
+        default=50,
+        help="Cutoff for indels in LCB extension region. LCB extension will be at most min(seqs) + cutoff bases")
@@ -592,7 +602,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         missing = missing or (not has_fasttree)
     if missing:
     # Create output dir
     if outputDir == "." or outputDir == "./" or outputDir == "/":
         logger.critical("Specified output dir is current working dir or root dir! will clobber any parsnp.* results")
@@ -626,6 +636,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             logger.error("{} is an invalid sequence file!".format(f))
         if args.extend_lcbs and len(records) > 1:
+            print(f)
             logger.error("Extending LCBs does not currently work with multi-contig inputs yet")
         for record in records:
@@ -792,7 +803,7 @@ SETTINGS:
     allfiles = []
     fnaf_sizes = {}
-    allfile_dict = {} 
+    allfile_dict = {}
     reflen = 0
     fnafiles = []
     if ref == "!":
@@ -810,7 +821,18 @@ SETTINGS:
                 logger.warning("Reference genome sequence %s has '-' in the sequence!"%((ref)))
         reflen = len(seq) - seq.count('\n')
-    for input_file in input_files:
+    for input_file in input_files[:]:
+        try:
+            record = list(SeqIO.parse(input_file, "fasta"))
+            if len(record) == 0:
+                input_files.remove(input_file)
+                logger.error(f"{input_file} is an empty file!")
+                continue
+        except:
+            input_files.remove(input_file)
+            logger.error(f"Could not parse {input_file}!")
+            continue
         ff = open(input_file, 'r')
         hdr = ff.readline()
         seq = ff.read()
@@ -1017,27 +1039,27 @@ SETTINGS:
                     if randomly_selected_ref:
                         logger.warning("You are using a randomly selected genome to recruit genomes from your input...")
                     mash_out = subprocess.check_output([
-                            "mash", "dist", "-t", 
-                            "-d", str(max_mash_dist), 
-                            "-p", str(threads), 
-                            ref, 
+                            "mash", "dist", "-t",
+                            "-d", str(max_mash_dist),
+                            "-p", str(threads),
+                            ref,
                             "-l", all_genomes_fname],
                         stderr=open(os.path.join(outputDir, "mash.err"), 'w')).decode('utf-8')
                     finalfiles = [line.split('\t')[0] for line in mash_out.split('\n')[1:] if line != '' and len(line.split('\t')) > 1 and line.split('\t')[1].strip() != '']
                 elif use_ani:
                     if randomly_selected_ref:
-                                "fastANI", 
-                                "--ql", all_genomes_fname, 
-                                "--rl", all_genomes_fname, 
+                                "fastANI",
+                                "--ql", all_genomes_fname,
+                                "--rl", all_genomes_fname,
                                 "-t", str(threads),
                                 "-o", os.path.join(outputDir, "fastANI.tsv")],
                             stderr=open(os.path.join(outputDir, "fastANI.err"), 'w'))
-                                "fastANI", 
-                                "-q", ref, 
-                                "--rl", all_genomes_fname, 
+                                "fastANI",
+                                "-q", ref,
+                                "--rl", all_genomes_fname,
                                 "-t", str(threads),
                                 "-o", os.path.join(outputDir, "fastANI.tsv")],
                             stderr=open(os.path.join(outputDir, "fastANI.err"), 'w'))
@@ -1048,18 +1070,18 @@ SETTINGS:
                             line = line.split('\t')
                             if float(line[2]) >= min_ani_cutoff:
                         # for g in genome_to_genomes:
                             # print(len(g))
                         ani_ref = max(genome_to_genomes, key=(lambda key: len(genome_to_genomes[key])))
                         if autopick_ref:
                             auto_ref = ani_ref
                         finalfiles = list(genome_to_genomes[ani_ref])
                 # shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
             except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-                    "Recruitment failed with exception {}. More details may be found in the *.err output log".format(str(e))) 
+                    "Recruitment failed with exception {}. More details may be found in the *.err output log".format(str(e)))
                 # shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
@@ -1214,8 +1236,6 @@ Adjust params and rerun. If issue persists please submit a GitHub issue""")
 Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
-    t2 = time.time()
-    elapsed = float(t2)-float(t1)
     #print("-->Getting list of LCBs.."
     allbfiles = glob(os.path.join(blocks_dir, "b*/*"))
     blockfiles = []
@@ -1334,7 +1354,7 @@ Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
         brkeys = list(bedfile_dict.keys())
-        brkeys.sort() 
+        brkeys.sort()
         for key in brkeys:
@@ -1347,16 +1367,16 @@ Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
     if args.extend_lcbs:
         xmfa_file = f"{outputDir}/parsnp.xmfa"
         with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_directory:
-            original_maf_file = f"{temp_directory}/parsnp-original.maf"
+            original_maf_file = f"{outputDir}/parsnp-original.maf"
             extended_xmfa_file = f"{outputDir}/parsnp-extended.xmfa"
-            fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord, fname_header_to_gcontigidx = ext.get_sequence_data(
+            fname_contigid_to_length, fname_contigidx_to_header, fname_to_seqrecord = ext.get_sequence_data(
-                    finalfiles, 
+                    finalfiles,
-            fname_to_contigid_to_coords = ext.xmfa_to_maf(
-                    xmfa_file, 
-                    original_maf_file, 
-                    fname_contigidx_to_header, 
+            fname_to_contigid_to_coords, fname_header_to_gcontigidx = ext.xmfa_to_maf(
+                    xmfa_file,
+                    original_maf_file,
+                    fname_contigidx_to_header,
             packed_write_result = ext.write_intercluster_regions(finalfiles + [ref], temp_directory, fname_to_contigid_to_coords)
             fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_length, fname_contigid_to_cluster_dir_to_adjacent_cluster = packed_write_result
@@ -1375,7 +1395,10 @@ Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
-                    fname_contigid_to_length)
+                    fname_contigid_to_length,
+                    args.extend_ani_cutoff,
+                    args.extend_indel_cutoff,
+                    threads)
             parsnp_output = extended_xmfa_file
@@ -1424,7 +1447,7 @@ Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
                 logger.info("FastTreeMP failed. Trying fasttree...")
                 command = "fasttree -nt -quote -gamma -slow -boot 100 "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.snps.mblocks > "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.tree"
         #7)reroot to midpoint
@@ -1456,6 +1479,8 @@ Please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest""")
                 run_command("harvesttools --midpoint-reroot -u -q -i "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.ggr -o "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.ggr -n %s"%(outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.tree "))
+    t2 = time.time()
+    elapsed = float(t2)-float(t1)
     if float(elapsed)/float(60.0) > 60:
         logger.info("Aligned %d genomes in %.2f hours"%(totseqs,float(elapsed)/float(3600.0)))
     elif float(elapsed) > 60:

@@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@ int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
     dif = difftime (tend,tstart);
     cerr << "Parsnp: Finished core genome alignment" << endl;
-    printf("        See log file for futher details. Total processing time: %.0lf seconds \n\n", dif );
+    printf("        See log file for further details. Total processing time: %.0lf seconds \n\n", dif );

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