[med-svn] [Git][med-team/last-align][master] 5 commits: New upstream version 1389

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jul 14 15:46:03 BST 2022

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / last-align

8e061678 by Andreas Tille at 2022-07-14T16:34:02+02:00
New upstream version 1389
- - - - -
ccce5e22 by Andreas Tille at 2022-07-14T16:34:02+02:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
ba838b1b by Andreas Tille at 2022-07-14T16:34:05+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1389'

Update to upstream version '1389'
with Debian dir a54fe4aa4b0f40c929b5c9ce188b60ea7be97e6b
- - - - -
be7ef576 by Andreas Tille at 2022-07-14T16:39:32+02:00
Update patches

- - - - -
29979bca by Andreas Tille at 2022-07-14T16:43:39+02:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

25 changed files:

- README.rst
- bin/last-train
- bin/maf-convert
- debian/changelog
- debian/patches/helpMakefiles.patch
- debian/patches/simde
- doc/last-cookbook.rst
- doc/lastal.rst
- src/LastalArguments.cc
- src/LastalArguments.hh
- src/LastdbArguments.cc
- src/getoptUtil.hh
- src/lastal.cc
- src/makefile
- src/split/cbrc_split_aligner.cc
- src/split/cbrc_split_aligner.hh
- src/split/last-split-main.cc
- src/split/last-split.cc
- src/split/last-split.hh
- + src/split/last_split_options.cc
- + src/split/last_split_options.hh
- + src/split/mcf_last_splitter.cc
- + src/split/mcf_last_splitter.hh
- test/last-split-test.out
- test/maf-convert-test.out


@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ proteomes).  It's especially good at:
 * Finding rearrangements and recombinations: we believe last-split_
   does that more rigorously than anything else.
-* Finding DNA-versus-protein related regions, especially protein
-  fossils (but introns are not considered).
+* Finding DNA-versus-protein related regions, especially protein_
+  fossils_.
 * Unusual data, e.g. AT-rich DNA, because we can fit_ parameters to
   the data and calculate significance_.
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ apply to older versions of LAST!  You can see your version with::
-Please download the highest version number from
+You can install it from bioconda_ or `Debian Med`_, or like this...
+Download the highest version number from
 https://gitlab.com/mcfrith/last/-/tags.  Using the command line, go
 into the downloaded directory and type::
@@ -63,10 +65,6 @@ up your computer to find them automatically.  Some possible ways:
 You might have to log out and back in before your computer recognizes
 the new programs.
-**Alternative:** Install LAST from bioconda_.  But it might not be the
-latest version: usually that doesn't matter, but it might work
-inferiorly or differently from this documentation.
 Further info
@@ -88,7 +86,10 @@ LAST is brought to you by:
 .. _significance: doc/last-evalues.rst
 .. _cookbook: doc/last-cookbook.rst
 .. _LAST papers: doc/last-papers.rst
+.. _protein: https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2022.3177855
+.. _fossils: https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msac068
 .. _bioconda: https://bioconda.github.io/
+.. _Debian Med: https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med/
 .. _PATH variable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(variable)
 .. _Computational Omics Research Team: https://www.airc.aist.go.jp/en/cort/
 .. _AIRC: https://www.airc.aist.go.jp/en/

@@ -734,6 +734,9 @@ def fixedLastalArgs(opts, lastalProgName):
     if opts.verbose: x.append("-" + "v" * opts.verbose)
     if opts.codon:
+    else:
+        x.append("--split-n")
+        x.append("--split-m=0.01")  # xxx ???
     return x
 def process(args, inStream):
@@ -745,14 +748,6 @@ def versionFromLastal():
     proc = process(args, None)
     return proc.stdout.read().split()[1]
-def lastSplitProcess(opts, proc):
-    splitArgs = ["last-split", "-n", "-m0.01"]  # xxx ???
-    proc = process(splitArgs, proc.stdout)
-    if opts.postmask:
-        maskArgs = ["last-postmask"]
-        proc = process(maskArgs, proc.stdout)
-    return proc
 def doTraining(opts, args):
     lastalProgName = readLastalProgName(args[0])
@@ -781,7 +776,8 @@ def doTraining(opts, args):
         if opts.A: lastalArgs.append("-A" + opts.A)
         if opts.B: lastalArgs.append("-B" + opts.B)
         proc = process(lastalArgs + args, None)
-        proc = lastSplitProcess(opts, proc)
+        if opts.postmask:
+            proc = process(["last-postmask"], proc.stdout)
         if not opts.scale:
             outerScale = scaleFromHeader(proc.stdout)
@@ -836,8 +832,8 @@ def doTraining(opts, args):
         writeGapCosts(opts, delCosts, insCosts, True, proc.stdin)
         writeScoreMatrixFunc(proc.stdin, matScores, "")
-        if not opts.codon:
-            proc = lastSplitProcess(opts, proc)
+        if opts.postmask and not opts.codon:
+            proc = process(["last-postmask"], proc.stdout)
         matProbs, gapProbs = probsFromFile(opts, lastalArgs, maxGapGrowProb,
                                            codonMatches, proc.stdout)

@@ -194,8 +194,10 @@ def mafInput(opts, lines):
                 r = fields[1].upper()
                 for c, x in zip(matrixColumnNames, fields[2:]):
                     opts.scoreMatrix[r, c] = int(x)
-            if opts.isKeepComments:
+            if opts.headerMode == 1:
                 print(line, end="")
+            if opts.headerMode == 2 and line.startswith("# LAST version "):
+                print("@PG\tID:lastal\tPN:lastal\tVN:" + fields[3])
     if sLines: yield aLine, sLines, qLines, pLines
 def isJoinable(opts, oldMaf, newMaf):
@@ -1168,7 +1170,7 @@ def mafConvert(opts, args):
     formatName = args[0].lower()
     fileNames = args[1:]
-    opts.isKeepComments = False
+    opts.headerMode = 0
     opts.bitScoreA = None
     opts.bitScoreB = None
@@ -1179,8 +1181,9 @@ def mafConvert(opts, args):
         if isFormat(formatName, "sam"):
             writeSamHeader(opts, fileNames)
+            opts.headerMode = 2
         if isFormat(formatName, "tabular"):
-            opts.isKeepComments = True
+            opts.headerMode = 1
     if not fileNames:
         fileNames = ["-"]

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+last-align (1389-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Thu, 14 Jul 2022 16:39:54 +0200
 last-align (1356-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 1356

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Description: Propagate variables to Makefile
  alpObj = alp/sls_alignment_evaluer.o alp/sls_pvalues.o		\
  alp/sls_alp_sim.o alp/sls_alp_regression.o alp/sls_alp_data.o	\
-@@ -72,45 +75,45 @@ last8: $(LAST8)
+@@ -73,45 +76,45 @@ last8: $(LAST8)
  indexAllObj4 = $(indexObj0) $(indexObj4)
  ../bin/lastdb: $(indexAllObj4)
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ Description: Propagate variables to Makefile
  .SUFFIXES: .o .c .cc .cpp .o5 .o8
-@@ -156,10 +159,10 @@ fix8 = sed 's/.*\.o/& &5 &8/'
+@@ -157,10 +160,10 @@ fix8 = sed 's/.*\.o/& &5 &8/'
  	sed '/[m][v]/q' makefile > m
--	$(CXX) -MM -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
+-	$(CXX) -MM -I. -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
 -	$(CC) -MM *.c >> m
 -	$(CXX) -MM alp/*.cpp | sed 's|.*:|alp/&|' >> m
 -	$(CXX) -MM -I. split/*.cc | sed 's|.*:|split/&|' | $(fix8) >> m
-+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
++	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -I. -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
 +	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM *.c >> m
 +	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM alp/*.cpp | sed 's|.*:|alp/&|' >> m
 +	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -I. split/*.cc | sed 's|.*:|split/&|' | $(fix8) >> m

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  typedef __m256i SimdInt;
  typedef __m256i SimdUint1;
  typedef __m256d SimdDbl;
-@@ -181,358 +176,6 @@
+@@ -181,358 +176,6 @@ static inline double simdHorizontalAddDb
  static inline SimdInt simdChoose1(SimdInt items, SimdInt choices) {
    return _mm256_shuffle_epi8(items, choices);
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ equivalents automatically
 --- a/src/GappedXdropAligner.cc
 +++ b/src/GappedXdropAligner.cc
-@@ -140,17 +140,13 @@
+@@ -140,17 +140,13 @@ int GappedXdropAligner::align(const ucha
      if (isAffine) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i += simdLen) {
  	SimdInt s = simdSet(
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  	SimdInt y = simdSub(simdLoad(y1+i), mDelGrowCost);
 --- a/src/GappedXdropAlignerPssm.cc
 +++ b/src/GappedXdropAlignerPssm.cc
-@@ -91,17 +91,13 @@
+@@ -91,17 +91,13 @@ int GappedXdropAligner::alignPssm(const
      if (isAffine) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i += simdLen) {
  	SimdInt s = simdSet(
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
  # -fomit-frame-pointer ?
-@@ -56,11 +55,12 @@
+@@ -57,11 +56,12 @@ split/mcf_last_splitter.o split/last-spl
  PPOBJ = last-pair-probs.o last-pair-probs-main.o
  MBOBJ = last-merge-batches.o
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  indexObj5 = $(indexObj4:.o=.o5)
  alignObj5 = $(alignObj4:.o=.o5)
-@@ -74,45 +74,45 @@
+@@ -75,45 +75,45 @@ all: $(ALL)
  last8: $(LAST8)
  indexAllObj4 = $(indexObj0) $(indexObj4)
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  //#include <iostream>  // for debugging
  namespace cbrc {
-@@ -43,12 +41,10 @@
+@@ -43,12 +41,10 @@ int GappedXdropAligner::alignDna(const u
    const SimdUint1 scorer4x4 =
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  		 scorer[3][3], scorer[3][2], scorer[3][1], scorer[3][0],
  		 scorer[2][3], scorer[2][2], scorer[2][1], scorer[2][0],
  		 scorer[1][3], scorer[1][2], scorer[1][1], scorer[1][0],
-@@ -126,7 +122,6 @@
+@@ -126,7 +122,6 @@ int GappedXdropAligner::alignDna(const u
        for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i += simdBytes) {
  	SimdUint1 s = simdSet1(
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ equivalents automatically
-@@ -143,7 +138,6 @@
+@@ -143,7 +138,6 @@ int GappedXdropAligner::alignDna(const u
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ equivalents automatically
-@@ -275,5 +269,3 @@
+@@ -275,5 +269,3 @@ bool GappedXdropAligner::getNextChunkDna
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ equivalents automatically
 --- a/src/Alignment.cc
 +++ b/src/Alignment.cc
-@@ -365,12 +365,10 @@
+@@ -365,12 +365,10 @@ void Alignment::extend( std::vector< Seg
  				  del.openCost, del.growCost,
  				  ins.openCost, ins.growCost,
  				  gap.pairCost, gap.isAffine, maxDrop, smMax)
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ equivalents automatically
      :           aligner.align(seq1, seq2, isForward, globality, sm,
  			      del.openCost, del.growCost,
  			      ins.openCost, ins.growCost,
-@@ -387,14 +385,12 @@
+@@ -387,14 +385,12 @@ void Alignment::extend( std::vector< Seg
        while( greedyAligner.getNextChunk( end1, end2, size ) )
  	chunks.push_back( SegmentPair( end1 - size, end2 - size, size ) );
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ equivalents automatically
  				   del.openCost, del.growCost,
 --- a/src/GappedXdropAligner.hh
 +++ b/src/GappedXdropAligner.hh
-@@ -352,7 +352,6 @@
+@@ -352,7 +352,6 @@ class GappedXdropAligner {
    void initFrame();
    // Everything below here is for alignDna & getNextChunkDna
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ equivalents automatically
    std::vector<TinyScore> xTinyScores;
    std::vector<TinyScore> yTinyScores;
    std::vector<TinyScore> zTinyScores;
-@@ -402,7 +401,6 @@
+@@ -402,7 +401,6 @@ class GappedXdropAligner {
      while (*x2 != target) ++x2;
      bestSeq1position = x2 - x2beg + seq1beg;
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ equivalents automatically
 --- a/src/tantan.cc
 +++ b/src/tantan.cc
-@@ -324,13 +324,9 @@
+@@ -324,13 +324,9 @@ struct Tantan {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i <= maxOffset - simdDblLen; i += simdDblLen) {
        SimdDbl rV = simdSetDbl(
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ equivalents automatically
        SimdDbl fV = simdLoadDbl(fp+i);
        sV = simdAddDbl(sV, fV);
-@@ -368,13 +364,9 @@
+@@ -368,13 +364,9 @@ struct Tantan {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i <= maxOffset - simdDblLen; i += simdDblLen) {
        SimdDbl rV = simdSetDbl(

@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ align them to a genome like this::
   lastdb -P8 -uRY4 mydb genome.fa
   last-train -P8 -Q0 mydb reads.fastq > reads.train
-  lastal -P8 -p reads.train mydb reads.fastq | last-split > out.maf
+  lastal -P8 --split -p reads.train mydb reads.fastq > out.maf
 ``-P8`` makes it faster by running 8 parallel threads, adjust as
 appropriate for your computer.  This has no effect on the results.
@@ -161,14 +161,14 @@ memory use, but also reduces sensitivity.
 ``-Q0`` makes it discard the fastq_ quality information (or you can
 keep-but-ignore it with ``-Qkeep``).
-last-split_ cuts the output of ``lastal`` down to a unique best
-alignment for each part of each read.  It gives each alignment a
-`mismap probability`_, which is high if that part of the read is
-almost equally similar to several parts of the genome.
+``--split`` cuts the output down to a unique best alignment for each
+part of each read.  It gives each alignment a `mismap probability`_,
+which is high if that part of the read is almost equally similar to
+several parts of the genome.
 Here we didn't suppress alignments caused by simple sequence (like
 ``cacacacacacacacacacacaca``), so as not to hide anything from
-last-split_.  You can discard such alignments with last-postmask_
+``--split``.  You can discard such alignments with last-postmask_
 (though they may help to explain each part of a DNA read).
 To make it more sensitive but slow, replace ``RY4`` with ``NEAR``:
@@ -213,10 +213,11 @@ Aligning Illumina DNA reads to a genome
   lastdb -P8 -uNEAR mydb genome.fasta
   last-train -P8 -Q1 mydb reads.fastq.gz > reads.train
-  lastal -P8 -p reads.train mydb reads.fastq.gz | last-split | gzip > out.maf.gz
+  lastal -P8 --split -p reads.train mydb reads.fastq.gz | gzip > out.maf.gz
 Most LAST commands accept ``.gz`` compressed files, and you can
-compress output with ``gzip`` as above.
+compress output with ``gzip`` as above.  You can get faster but
+slightly worse compression with e.g. ``gzip -5``.
 ``-Q1`` makes it use the fastq_ quality information to improve the
 training and alignment.  LAST **assumes** that the qualities reflect
@@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ Aligning paired-end Illumina DNA reads to a genome
 You can use last-split-pe_, or the older last-pair-probs_.  The
 difference is that ``last-split-pe`` allows different parts of one
 read (i.e. one "end") to align to different parts of the genome, like
-``last-split``.  (Or you could align the reads individually, ignoring
-the pair relationships.)
+``--split``.  (Or you could align the reads individually, ignoring the
+pair relationships.)
 Aligning potentially-spliced Illumina reads to a genome
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ is a slow-and-sensitive recipe::
   lastdb -P8 -uNEAR humdb human_no_alt_analysis_set.fa
   last-train -P8 --revsym -E0.05 -C2 humdb chimp.fa > humchi.train
-  lastal -E0.05 -C2 -p humchi.train humdb chimp.fa | last-split -fMAF+ > humchi1.maf
+  lastal -E0.05 -C2 --split-f=MAF+ -p humchi.train humdb chimp.fa > humchi1.maf
 ``--revsym`` makes the substitution rates the same on both strands.
 For example, it makes A→G equal T→C (because A→G on one strand means
@@ -273,9 +274,10 @@ asymmetric "heavy" and "light" strands).
 expected to occur by chance at a rate ≤ 0.05 times per pair of random
 sequences of length 1 billion each.
-``-fMAF+`` makes it show `per-base mismap probabilities`_: the
-probability that each query (chimp) base should be aligned to a
-different part of the reference (human).
+``--split-f=MAF+`` has the same effect as ``--split``, and also makes
+it show `per-base mismap probabilities`_: the probability that each
+query (chimp) base should be aligned to a different part of the
+reference (human).
 The result so far is asymmetric: each part of the chimp genome is
 aligned to at most one part of the human genome, but not vice-versa.

@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ Steps in lastal
 7) Redo the alignments to minimize column ambiguity, using either
    gamma-centroid or LAMA (OFF by default).
+8) Cut the alignments down to a unique best alignment for each part of
+   each query sequence (OFF by default).
@@ -585,6 +588,32 @@ Miscellaneous options
     PSSM is "constructed to the same scale" as the match/mismatch
     scores (SF Altschul et al. 1997, NAR 25(17):3389-402).
+Split options
+    Cut the alignments down to a unique best alignment for each part
+    of each query sequence.  This is useful for DNA queries that cross
+    rearrangement breakpoints.  It's the same as running last-split_
+    with default options.
+    This is similar to ``--split``, but it favors alignments that
+    would be expected due to intron/exon splicing.  So it favors
+    alignments where parts of a query sequence are separated by
+    intron-like gaps with GT-AG splice signals.  This is the same as
+    running last-split_ with option ``-g``.
+--split-f, --split-m, --split-s, --split-n, --split-b
+    These are equivalent to last-split_ options ``-f``, ``-m``,
+    ``-s``, ``-n``, and ``-b``.  If you use one of these, you don't
+    need to also specify ``--split``.
+--split-d, --split-c, --split-t, --split-M, --split-S
+    These are equivalent to last-split_ options ``-d``, ``-c``,
+    ``-t``, ``-M``, and ``-S``.  They imply ``--splice``, so you don't
+    need to also specify ``--splice``.
 Parallel processes and memory sharing

@@ -40,15 +40,6 @@ static void writeIntList(std::ostream &s, const std::vector<int> &v) {
-static int myGetopt( int argc, char** argv, const char* optstring ){
-  if( optind < argc ){
-    std::string nextarg = argv[optind];
-    if( nextarg == "--help"    ) return 'h';
-    if( nextarg == "--version" ) return 'V';
-  }
-  return getopt( argc, argv, optstring );
 static char parseOutputFormat( const char* text ){
   std::string s = text;
   for( size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i ){
@@ -115,7 +106,8 @@ LastalArguments::LastalArguments() :
   temperature(-1),  // depends on the score matrix
-  verbosity(0){}
+  verbosity(0),
+  isSplit(false){}
 void LastalArguments::fromArgs( int argc, char** argv, bool optionsOnly ){
   programName = argv[0];
@@ -124,85 +116,118 @@ void LastalArguments::fromArgs( int argc, char** argv, bool optionsOnly ){
 Find and align similar sequences.\n\
 Cosmetic options:\n\
--h, --help: show all options and their default settings, and exit\n\
--V, --version: show version information, and exit\n\
--v: be verbose: write messages about what lastal is doing\n\
--f: output format: TAB, MAF, BlastTab, BlastTab+ (default=MAF)";
+ -h, --help     show all options and their default settings, and exit\n\
+ -V, --version  show version information, and exit\n\
+ -v             be verbose: write messages about what lastal is doing\n\
+ -f             output format: TAB, MAF, BlastTab, BlastTab+ (default: MAF)";
   std::string help = usage + "\n\
 E-value options (default settings):\n\
--D: query letters per random alignment ("
+ -D  query letters per random alignment ("
     + stringify(queryLettersPerRandomAlignment) + ")\n\
--E: maximum expected alignments per square giga (1e+18/D/refSize/numOfStrands)\n\
+ -E  maximum expected alignments per square giga (1e+18/D/refSize/numOfStrands)\n\
 Score options (default settings):\n\
--r: match score   (2 if -M, else  6 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
--q: mismatch cost (3 if -M, else 18 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
--p: match/mismatch score matrix (protein-protein: BL62, DNA-protein: BL80)\n\
--X: N/X is ambiguous in: 0=neither sequence, 1=reference, 2=query, 3=both ("
+ -r  match score   (2 if -M, else  6 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
+ -q  mismatch cost (3 if -M, else 18 if 1<=Q<=4, else 1 if DNA)\n\
+ -p  match/mismatch score matrix (protein-protein: BL62, DNA-protein: BL80)\n\
+ -X  N/X is ambiguous in: 0=neither sequence, 1=reference, 2=query, 3=both ("
     + stringify(ambiguousLetterOpt) + ")\n\
--a: gap existence cost (DNA: 7, protein: 11, 1<=Q<=4: 21)\n\
--b: gap extension cost (DNA: 1, protein:  2, 1<=Q<=4:  9)\n\
--A: insertion existence cost (a)\n\
--B: insertion extension cost (b)\n\
--c: unaligned residue pair cost (off)\n\
--F: frameshift cost(s) (off)\n\
--x: maximum score drop for preliminary gapped alignments (z)\n\
--y: maximum score drop for gapless alignments (min[t*10, x])\n\
--z: maximum score drop for final gapped alignments (e-1)\n\
--d: minimum score for gapless alignments (min[e, 2500/n query letters per hit])\n\
--e: minimum score for gapped alignments\n\
+ -a  gap existence cost (DNA: 7, protein: 11, 1<=Q<=4: 21)\n\
+ -b  gap extension cost (DNA: 1, protein:  2, 1<=Q<=4:  9)\n\
+ -A  insertion existence cost (a)\n\
+ -B  insertion extension cost (b)\n\
+ -c  unaligned residue pair cost (off)\n\
+ -F  frameshift cost(s) (off)\n\
+ -x  maximum score drop for preliminary gapped alignments (z)\n\
+ -y  maximum score drop for gapless alignments (min[t*10, x])\n\
+ -z  maximum score drop for final gapped alignments (e-1)\n\
+ -d  minimum score for gapless alignments (min[e, 2500/n query letters per hit])\n\
+ -e  minimum score for gapped alignments\n\
 Initial-match options (default settings):\n\
--m: maximum initial matches per query position ("
+ -m  maximum initial matches per query position ("
     + stringify(oneHitMultiplicity) + ")\n\
--l: minimum length for initial matches ("
+ -l  minimum length for initial matches ("
     + stringify(minHitDepth) + ")\n\
--L: maximum length for initial matches (infinity)\n\
--k: use initial matches starting at every k-th position in each query ("
+ -L  maximum length for initial matches (infinity)\n\
+ -k  use initial matches starting at every k-th position in each query ("
     + stringify(queryStep) + ")\n\
--W: use \"minimum\" positions in sliding windows of W consecutive positions\n\
+ -W  use \"minimum\" positions in sliding windows of W consecutive positions\n\
 Miscellaneous options (default settings):\n\
--s: strand: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=both (2 for DNA, 1 for protein)\n\
--S: score matrix applies to forward strand of: 0=reference, 1=query ("
+ -s  strand: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=both (2 for DNA, 1 for protein)\n\
+ -S  score matrix applies to forward strand of: 0=reference, 1=query ("
     + stringify(isQueryStrandMatrix) + ")\n\
--K: omit alignments whose query range lies in >= K others with > score (off)\n\
--C: omit gapless alignments in >= C others with > score-per-length (off)\n\
--P: number of parallel threads ("
+ -K  omit alignments whose query range lies in >= K others with > score (off)\n\
+ -C  omit gapless alignments in >= C others with > score-per-length (off)\n\
+ -P  number of parallel threads ("
     + stringify(numOfThreads) + ")\n\
--i: query batch size (64M if multi-volume, else off)\n\
--M: find minimum-difference alignments (faster but cruder)\n\
--T: type of alignment: 0=local, 1=overlap ("
+ -i  query batch size (64M if multi-volume, else off)\n\
+ -M  find minimum-difference alignments (faster but cruder)\n\
+ -T  type of alignment: 0=local, 1=overlap ("
     + stringify(globality) + ")\n\
--n: maximum gapless alignments per query position (infinity if m=0, else m)\n\
--N: stop after the first N alignments per query strand\n\
--R: lowercase & simple-sequence options (the same as was used by lastdb)\n\
--u: mask lowercase during extensions: 0=never, 1=gapless,\n\
-    2=gapless+postmask, 3=always (2 if lastdb -c and Q!=pssm, else 0)\n\
--w: suppress repeats inside exact matches, offset by <= this distance ("
+ -n  maximum gapless alignments per query position (infinity if m=0, else m)\n\
+ -N  stop after the first N alignments per query strand\n\
+ -R  lowercase & simple-sequence options (the same as was used by lastdb)\n\
+ -u  mask lowercase during extensions: 0=never, 1=gapless,\n\
+     2=gapless+postmask, 3=always (2 if lastdb -c and Q!=pssm, else 0)\n\
+ -w  suppress repeats inside exact matches, offset by <= this distance ("
     + stringify(maxRepeatDistance) + ")\n\
--G: genetic code (" + geneticCodeFile + ")\n\
--t: 'temperature' for calculating probabilities (1/lambda)\n\
--g: 'gamma' parameter for gamma-centroid and LAMA ("
+ -G  genetic code (" + geneticCodeFile + ")\n\
+ -t  'temperature' for calculating probabilities (1/lambda)\n\
+ -g  'gamma' parameter for gamma-centroid and LAMA ("
     + stringify(gamma) + ")\n\
--j: output type: 0=match counts, 1=gapless, 2=redundant gapped, 3=gapped,\n\
-                 4=column ambiguity estimates, 5=gamma-centroid, 6=LAMA,\n\
-                 7=expected counts ("
+ -j  output type: 0=match counts, 1=gapless, 2=redundant gapped, 3=gapped,\n\
+                  4=column ambiguity estimates, 5=gamma-centroid, 6=LAMA,\n\
+                  7=expected counts ("
     + stringify(outputType) + ")\n\
--J: score type: 0=ordinary, 1=full (1 for new-style frameshifts, else 0)\n\
--Q: input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina, prb, pssm\n\
-                  (default=fasta)\n\
+ -J  score type: 0=ordinary, 1=full (1 for new-style frameshifts, else 0)\n\
+ -Q  input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina, prb, pssm\n\
+                   (default: fasta)\n\
+Split options:\n\
+ --split         do split alignment\n\
+ --splice        do spliced alignment\n\
+ --split-f=FMT   " + LastSplitOptions::helpf + "\n\
+ --split-d=D     " + LastSplitOptions::helpd + "\n\
+ --split-c=PROB  " + LastSplitOptions::helpc + "\n\
+ --split-t=PROB  " + LastSplitOptions::helpt + "\n\
+ --split-M=MEAN  " + LastSplitOptions::helpM + "\n\
+ --split-S=SDEV  " + LastSplitOptions::helpS + "\n\
+ --split-m=PROB  " + LastSplitOptions::helpm + "\n\
+ --split-s=INT   " + LastSplitOptions::helps + "\n\
+ --split-n       " + LastSplitOptions::helpn + "\n\
+ --split-b=B     " + LastSplitOptions::helpb + "\n\
-  int c;
-  const char optionString[] =
+  static const char sOpts[] =
-  while( (c = myGetopt(argc, argv, optionString)) != -1 ){
+  static struct option lOpts[] = {
+    { "help",    no_argument,       0, 'h' },
+    { "version", no_argument,       0, 'V' },
+    { "split",   no_argument,       0, 128 + 0 },
+    { "splice",  no_argument,       0, 128 + 1 },
+    { "split-f", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'f' },
+    { "split-d", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'd' },
+    { "split-c", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'c' },
+    { "split-t", required_argument, 0, 128 + 't' },
+    { "split-M", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'M' },
+    { "split-S", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'S' },
+    { "split-m", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'm' },
+    { "split-s", required_argument, 0, 128 + 's' },
+    { "split-n", no_argument,       0, 128 + 'n' },
+    { "split-b", required_argument, 0, 128 + 'b' },
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0}
+  };
+  int c;
+  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sOpts, lOpts, &c)) != -1) {
     case 'h':
       std::cout << help;
@@ -373,9 +398,50 @@ Miscellaneous options (default settings):\n\
       unstringify( inputFormat, optarg );
+    case 128 + 1:
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'f':
+      splitOpts.format = LastSplitOptions::parseOutputFormat(optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'd':
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      unstringify(splitOpts.direction, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'c':
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      unstringify(splitOpts.cis, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 't':
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      unstringify(splitOpts.trans, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'M':
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      unstringify(splitOpts.mean, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'S':
+      splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment = true;
+      unstringify(splitOpts.sdev, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'm':
+      unstringify(splitOpts.mismap, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 's':
+      unstringify(splitOpts.score, optarg);
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'n':
+      splitOpts.no_split = true;
+      break;
+    case 128 + 'b':
+      unstringifySize(splitOpts.bytes, optarg);
+      break;
     case '?':
       ERR( "bad option" );
+    if (c >= 128) isSplit = true;
   if( maskLowercase == 1 && inputFormat == 5 )
@@ -416,6 +482,7 @@ Miscellaneous options (default settings):\n\
       ERR( "please give me a database name and sequence file(s)\n\n" + usage );
     lastdbName = argv[optind++];
     inputStart = optind;
+    if (splitOpts.isSplicedAlignment) splitOpts.genome = lastdbName;
@@ -586,6 +653,17 @@ To proceed without E-values, set a score threshold with option -e.");
     else                  maxDropGapless = int( 10.0 * temperature + 0.5 );
     maxDropGapless = std::min( maxDropGapless, maxDropGapped );
+  if (isSplit) {
+    if (outputFormat != 'm')
+      ERR("can't do split alignment with non-MAF output");
+    if (isTranslated())
+      ERR("can't do split DNA-protein alignment");
+    if (gapPairCost > 0)
+      ERR("can't do split alignment with option -c");
+    if (verbosity > 1) splitOpts.verbose = true;
+    splitOpts.setUnspecifiedValues(minScoreGapped, temperature);
+  }
 void LastalArguments::writeCommented( std::ostream& stream ) const{

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "SequenceFormat.hh"
+#include "split/last_split_options.hh"
 #include <limits.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
@@ -120,6 +121,9 @@ struct LastalArguments{
   std::string geneticCodeFile;
   int verbosity;
+  bool isSplit;
+  LastSplitOptions splitOpts;
   // positional arguments:
   const char* programName;
   std::string lastdbName;

@@ -14,15 +14,6 @@ static void badopt( char opt, const char* arg ){
   ERR( std::string("bad option value: -") + opt + ' ' + arg );
-static int myGetopt( int argc, char** argv, const char* optstring ){
-  if( optind < argc ){
-    std::string nextarg = argv[optind];
-    if( nextarg == "--help"    ) return 'h';
-    if( nextarg == "--version" ) return 'V';
-  }
-  return getopt( argc, argv, optstring );
 using namespace cbrc;
 LastdbArguments::LastdbArguments() :
@@ -56,45 +47,51 @@ Usage: " + std::string(programName) +
 Prepare sequences for subsequent alignment with lastal.\n\
 Main Options:\n\
--h, --help: show all options and their default settings, and exit\n\
--p: interpret the sequences as proteins\n\
--c: soft-mask lowercase letters (in reference *and* query sequences)\n\
--u: seeding scheme (default: YASS for DNA, else exact-match seeds)\n\
--P: number of parallel threads (default: " + stringify(numOfThreads) + ")";
+ -h, --help  show all options and their default settings, and exit\n\
+ -p  interpret the sequences as proteins\n\
+ -c  soft-mask lowercase letters (in reference *and* query sequences)\n\
+ -u  seeding scheme (default: YASS for DNA, else exact-match seeds)\n\
+ -P  number of parallel threads (default: " + stringify(numOfThreads) + ")";
   std::string help = usage + "\n\
 Advanced Options (default settings):\n\
--R: lowercase & simple-sequence options (default: 03 for -q, else 01)\n\
--w: use initial matches starting at every w-th position in each sequence ("
+ -R  lowercase & simple-sequence options (default: 03 for -q, else 01)\n\
+ -w  use initial matches starting at every w-th position in each sequence ("
     + stringify(indexStep) + ")\n\
--W: use \"minimum\" positions in sliding windows of W consecutive positions ("
+ -W  use \"minimum\" positions in sliding windows of W consecutive positions ("
     + stringify(minimizerWindow) + ")\n\
--S: strand: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=both ("
+ -S  strand: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=both ("
     + stringify(strand) + ")\n\
--s: volume size (unlimited)\n\
--Q: input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina (default=fasta)\n\
--q: interpret the sequences as proteins and append */STOP\n\
--m: seed patterns (1=match, 0=anything, @=transition)\n\
--d: DNA seed patterns (N=match, n=anything, R=purine match, etc.)\n\
--a: user-defined alphabet\n\
--i: minimum limit on initial matches per query position ("
+ -s  volume size (unlimited)\n\
+ -Q  input format: fastx, keep, sanger, solexa, illumina (default=fasta)\n\
+ -q  interpret the sequences as proteins and append */STOP\n\
+ -m  seed patterns (1=match, 0=anything, @=transition)\n\
+ -d  DNA seed patterns (N=match, n=anything, R=purine match, etc.)\n\
+ -a  user-defined alphabet\n\
+ -i  minimum limit on initial matches per query position ("
     + stringify(minSeedLimit) + ")\n\
--b: maximum length for buckets\n\
--B: use max bucket length with memory <= (memory for stored positions) / B ("
+ -b  maximum length for buckets\n\
+ -B  use max bucket length with memory <= (memory for stored positions) / B ("
     + stringify(minIndexedPositionsPerBucket) + ")\n\
--C: child table type: 0=none, 1=byte-size, 2=short-size, 3=full ("
+ -C  child table type: 0=none, 1=byte-size, 2=short-size, 3=full ("
     + stringify(childTableType) + ")\n\
--x: just count sequences and letters\n\
--D: print all sequences in lastdb files\n\
--v: be verbose: write messages about what lastdb is doing\n\
--V, --version: show version information, and exit\n\
+ -x  just count sequences and letters\n\
+ -D  print all sequences in lastdb files\n\
+ -v  be verbose: write messages about what lastdb is doing\n\
+ -V, --version  show version information, and exit\n\
   static const char sOpts[] = "hVpqR:cm:d:S:s:w:W:P:u:a:i:b:B:C:xDvQ:";
+  static struct option lOpts[] = {
+    { "help",    no_argument, 0, 'h' },
+    { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' },
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0}
+  };
   int c;
-  while ((c = myGetopt(argc, argv, sOpts)) != -1) {
+  while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sOpts, lOpts, &c)) != -1) {
     case 'h':
       std::cout << help;

@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Martin C. Frith
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2017
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
-inline void resetGetopt() {  // XXX fragile voodoo
-#ifdef __GLIBC__
-  optind = 0;
-  optind = 1;
-  //optreset = 1;  // XXX ???
+inline void resetGetopt() {
+  optind = 1;  // xxx ???

@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "zio.hh"
 #include "stringify.hh"
 #include "threadUtil.hh"
+#include "split/mcf_last_splitter.hh"
 #include <math.h>
 #include <signal.h>
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ typedef unsigned long long countT;
 struct LastAligner {  // data that changes between queries
   Aligners engines;
+  LastSplitter splitter;
   std::vector<int> qualityPssm;
   std::vector<AlignmentText> textAlns;
   std::vector< std::vector<countT> > matchCounts;  // used if outputType == 0
@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ namespace {
   Alphabet queryAlph;  // for translated alignment
   TantanMasker tantanMasker;
   GeneticCode geneticCode;
+  SplitAlignerParams splitParams;
   const unsigned maxNumOfIndexes = 16;
   SubsetSuffixArray suffixArrays[maxNumOfIndexes];
   DnaWordsFinder wordsFinder;
@@ -586,7 +589,7 @@ static void writeAlignment(LastAligner &aligner, const MultiSequence &qrySeqs,
 			      alph, queryAlph,
 			      translationType, geneticCode.getCodonToAmino(),
 			      evaluer, args.outputFormat, extras);
-  if (isCollatedAlignments() || aligners.size() > 1) {
+  if (isCollatedAlignments() || aligners.size() > 1 || args.isSplit) {
   } else {
     std::cout << a.text;
@@ -1119,6 +1122,35 @@ void translateAndScan(LastAligner &aligner, MultiSequence &qrySeqs,
+static void splitAlignments(LastSplitter &splitter,
+			    std::vector<AlignmentText> &textAlns,
+			    bool isQryQual) {
+  if (!args.isSplit) return;
+  unsigned linesPerMaf =
+    3 + isQryQual + (args.outputType > 3) + (args.outputType > 6);
+  splitter.reserve(textAlns.size());
+  std::vector<char *> linePtrs((linesPerMaf + 1) * textAlns.size());
+  char **beg = linePtrs.empty() ? 0 : &linePtrs[0];
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < textAlns.size(); ++i) {
+    char **end = beg;
+    char *text = textAlns[i].text;
+    for (unsigned j = 0; j < linesPerMaf; ++j) {
+      *end++ = text;
+      text = strchr(text, '\n');
+      *text++ = 0;
+    }
+    *end = text;
+    splitter.addMaf(beg, end, false);
+    beg = end + 1;
+  }
+  splitter.split(args.splitOpts, splitParams, false);
+  clearAlignments(textAlns);
 static void alignOneQuery(LastAligner &aligner, MultiSequence &qrySeqs,
 			  size_t qryNum, size_t chunkQryNum,
 			  size_t finalCullingLimit, bool isFirstVolume) {
@@ -1167,15 +1199,17 @@ static void alignOneQuery(LastAligner &aligner, MultiSequence &qrySeqs,
     translateAndScan(aligner, qrySeqs, qryData, chunkQryNum, finalCullingLimit,
 		     args.isQueryStrandMatrix ? revMatrices : fwdMatrices);
-  if (isCollatedAlignments() && numOfVolumes < 2) {
-    sort(textAlns.begin() + oldNumOfAlns, textAlns.end());
+  if (numOfVolumes < 2) {
+    if (isCollatedAlignments()) {
+      sort(textAlns.begin() + oldNumOfAlns, textAlns.end());
+    }
+    splitAlignments(aligner.splitter, textAlns, qrySeqs.qualsPerLetter());
 static size_t alignSomeQueries(size_t chunkNum, unsigned volume) {
   size_t numOfChunks = aligners.size();
   LastAligner &aligner = aligners[chunkNum];
-  std::vector<AlignmentText> &textAlns = aligner.textAlns;
   size_t beg = firstSequenceInChunk(qrySeqsGlobal, numOfChunks, chunkNum);
   size_t end = firstSequenceInChunk(qrySeqsGlobal, numOfChunks, chunkNum + 1);
   bool isMultiVolume = (numOfVolumes > 1);
@@ -1190,8 +1224,11 @@ static size_t alignSomeQueries(size_t chunkNum, unsigned volume) {
 		  finalCullingLimit, isFirstVolume);
   if (isMultiVolume && volume + 1 == numOfVolumes) {
+    std::vector<AlignmentText> &textAlns = aligner.textAlns;
     cullFinalAlignments(textAlns, 0, args.cullingLimitForFinalAlignments);
     sort(textAlns.begin(), textAlns.end());
+    splitAlignments(aligner.splitter, textAlns,
+		    qrySeqsGlobal.qualsPerLetter());
   return beg;
@@ -1215,6 +1252,10 @@ static void scanOneVolume(unsigned volume, unsigned numOfThreadsLeft) {
+    if (!aligner.splitter.isOutputEmpty()) {
+      aligner.splitter.printOutput();
+      aligner.splitter.clearOutput();
+    }
@@ -1246,6 +1287,7 @@ static bool readSequenceData(MultiSequence &qrySeqs) {
 static void runOneThread(unsigned threadNum) {
   LastAligner &aligner = aligners[threadNum];
+  LastSplitter &splitter = aligner.splitter;
   std::vector< std::vector<countT> > &matchCounts = aligner.matchCounts;
   std::vector<AlignmentText> &textAlns = aligner.textAlns;
   MultiSequence qrySeqs;
@@ -1260,7 +1302,13 @@ static void runOneThread(unsigned threadNum) {
       alignOneQuery(aligner, qrySeqs, i, i,
 		    args.cullingLimitForFinalAlignments, true);
-    if (!textAlns.empty()) {
+    if (!splitter.isOutputEmpty()) {
+      {
+	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(outputMutex);
+	splitter.printOutput();
+      }
+      splitter.clearOutput();
+    } else if (!textAlns.empty()) {
 	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockGuard(outputMutex);
@@ -1419,6 +1467,12 @@ void writeHeader(countT numOfRefSeqs, countT refLetters, std::ostream &out) {
       if( args.outputFormat == 'B' ) out << ", query length, subject length";
       out << '\n';
+    if (args.isSplit) {
+      args.splitOpts.print();
+      splitParams.print();
+      std::cout << "#\n";
+    }
@@ -1521,6 +1575,15 @@ void lastal( int argc, char** argv ){
   if (!isMultiVolume) args.minScoreGapless = minScoreGapless;
   if (args.outputType > 0) makeQualityScorers();
+  if (args.isSplit) {
+    setLastSplitParams(splitParams, args.splitOpts, scoreMatrix.cells,
+		       scoreMatrix.rowSymbols.c_str(),
+		       scoreMatrix.colSymbols.c_str(),
+		       args.delOpenCosts[0], args.delGrowCosts[0],
+		       args.insOpenCosts[0], args.insGrowCosts[0],
+		       args.temperature, refLetters, args.inputFormat);
+  }
   if (numOfVolumes + 1 == 0) {
     readIndex(args.lastdbName, numOfRefSeqs);
     numOfVolumes = 1;

@@ -36,19 +36,20 @@ mcf_frameshift_xdrop_aligner.o mcf_gap_costs.o GeneticCode.o		\
 GreedyXdropAligner.o LastEvaluer.o OneQualityScoreMatrix.o		\
 QualityPssmMaker.o TwoQualityScoreMatrix.o gaplessXdrop.o		\
 gaplessPssmXdrop.o gaplessTwoQualityXdrop.o cbrc_linalg.o		\
-mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.o $(alpObj)
+mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.o split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.o		\
+split/last_split_options.o $(alpObj)
 alignObj4 = Alignment.o AlignmentPot.o AlignmentWrite.o Centroid.o	\
 DiagonalTable.o MultiSequence.o MultiSequenceQual.o SegmentPair.o	\
 SegmentPairPot.o SubsetSuffixArray.o SubsetSuffixArraySearch.o		\
+lastal.o split/cbrc_split_aligner.o split/mcf_last_splitter.o
 splitObj0 = Alphabet.o LambdaCalculator.o fileMap.o cbrc_linalg.o	\
 mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.o split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.o		\
+split/last_split_options.o split/last-split-main.o
 splitObj4 = MultiSequence.o split/cbrc_split_aligner.o	\
+split/mcf_last_splitter.o split/last-split.o
 PPOBJ = last-pair-probs.o last-pair-probs-main.o
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ ScoreMatrixData.hh: ../data/*.mat
 	../build/mat-inc.sh ../data/*.mat > $@
 VERSION1 = git describe --dirty
-VERSION2 = echo ' (HEAD -> main, tag: 1356) ' | sed -e 's/.*tag: *//' -e 's/[,) ].*//'
+VERSION2 = echo ' (HEAD -> main, tag: 1389) ' | sed -e 's/.*tag: *//' -e 's/[,) ].*//'
 VERSION = \"`test -e ../.git && $(VERSION1) || $(VERSION2)`\"
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ fix8 = sed 's/.*\.o/& &5 &8/'
 	sed '/[m][v]/q' makefile > m
-	$(CXX) -MM -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
+	$(CXX) -MM -I. -std=c++11 *.cc | $(fix8) >> m
 	$(CC) -MM *.c >> m
 	$(CXX) -MM alp/*.cpp | sed 's|.*:|alp/&|' >> m
 	$(CXX) -MM -I. split/*.cc | sed 's|.*:|split/&|' | $(fix8) >> m
@@ -226,20 +227,25 @@ GreedyXdropAligner.o GreedyXdropAligner.o5 GreedyXdropAligner.o8: GreedyXdropAli
 LambdaCalculator.o LambdaCalculator.o5 LambdaCalculator.o8: LambdaCalculator.cc LambdaCalculator.hh \
 LastalArguments.o LastalArguments.o5 LastalArguments.o8: LastalArguments.cc LastalArguments.hh \
- SequenceFormat.hh stringify.hh getoptUtil.hh version.hh
+ SequenceFormat.hh split/last_split_options.hh stringify.hh getoptUtil.hh \
+ version.hh
 lastal.o lastal.o5 lastal.o8: lastal.cc last.hh Alphabet.hh CyclicSubsetSeed.hh \
  MultiSequence.hh ScoreMatrixRow.hh VectorOrMmap.hh Mmap.hh fileMap.hh \
  stringify.hh SequenceFormat.hh SubsetSuffixArray.hh dna_words_finder.hh \
- qualityScoreUtil.hh LastalArguments.hh QualityPssmMaker.hh \
- OneQualityScoreMatrix.hh mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.hh \
- TwoQualityScoreMatrix.hh LastEvaluer.hh mcf_frameshift_xdrop_aligner.hh \
- mcf_gap_costs.hh alp/sls_alignment_evaluer.hpp alp/sls_pvalues.hpp \
- alp/sls_basic.hpp GeneticCode.hh SubsetMinimizerFinder.hh \
- AlignmentPot.hh Alignment.hh Centroid.hh GappedXdropAligner.hh \
- mcf_contiguous_queue.hh mcf_reverse_queue.hh mcf_simd.hh SegmentPair.hh \
- GreedyXdropAligner.hh SegmentPairPot.hh ScoreMatrix.hh TantanMasker.hh \
- tantan.hh DiagonalTable.hh gaplessXdrop.hh gaplessPssmXdrop.hh \
- gaplessTwoQualityXdrop.hh zio.hh mcf_zstream.hh threadUtil.hh version.hh
+ qualityScoreUtil.hh LastalArguments.hh split/last_split_options.hh \
+ QualityPssmMaker.hh OneQualityScoreMatrix.hh \
+ mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.hh TwoQualityScoreMatrix.hh LastEvaluer.hh \
+ mcf_frameshift_xdrop_aligner.hh mcf_gap_costs.hh \
+ alp/sls_alignment_evaluer.hpp alp/sls_pvalues.hpp alp/sls_basic.hpp \
+ GeneticCode.hh SubsetMinimizerFinder.hh AlignmentPot.hh Alignment.hh \
+ Centroid.hh GappedXdropAligner.hh mcf_contiguous_queue.hh \
+ mcf_reverse_queue.hh mcf_simd.hh SegmentPair.hh GreedyXdropAligner.hh \
+ SegmentPairPot.hh ScoreMatrix.hh TantanMasker.hh tantan.hh \
+ DiagonalTable.hh gaplessXdrop.hh gaplessPssmXdrop.hh \
+ gaplessTwoQualityXdrop.hh zio.hh mcf_zstream.hh threadUtil.hh \
+ split/mcf_last_splitter.hh split/cbrc_split_aligner.hh \
+ split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.hh split/cbrc_int_exponentiator.hh \
+ Alphabet.hh MultiSequence.hh split/last_split_options.hh version.hh
 LastdbArguments.o LastdbArguments.o5 LastdbArguments.o8: LastdbArguments.cc LastdbArguments.hh \
  SequenceFormat.hh stringify.hh getoptUtil.hh version.hh
 lastdb.o lastdb.o5 lastdb.o8: lastdb.cc last.hh Alphabet.hh CyclicSubsetSeed.hh \
@@ -288,7 +294,7 @@ SubsetSuffixArraySearch.o SubsetSuffixArraySearch.o5 SubsetSuffixArraySearch.o8:
 SubsetSuffixArraySort.o SubsetSuffixArraySort.o5 SubsetSuffixArraySort.o8: SubsetSuffixArraySort.cc SubsetSuffixArray.hh \
  CyclicSubsetSeed.hh dna_words_finder.hh VectorOrMmap.hh Mmap.hh \
  fileMap.hh stringify.hh
-tantan.o tantan.o5 tantan.o8: tantan.cc tantan.hh
+tantan.o tantan.o5 tantan.o8: tantan.cc tantan.hh mcf_simd.hh
 TantanMasker.o TantanMasker.o5 TantanMasker.o8: TantanMasker.cc TantanMasker.hh ScoreMatrixRow.hh \
  tantan.hh ScoreMatrix.hh mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.hh
 TwoQualityScoreMatrix.o TwoQualityScoreMatrix.o5 TwoQualityScoreMatrix.o8: TwoQualityScoreMatrix.cc \
@@ -374,8 +380,16 @@ split/cbrc_split_aligner.o split/cbrc_split_aligner.o5 split/cbrc_split_aligner.
 split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.o split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.o5 split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.o8: split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.cc \
 split/last-split.o split/last-split.o5 split/last-split.o8: split/last-split.cc split/last-split.hh \
+ split/last_split_options.hh split/mcf_last_splitter.hh \
  split/cbrc_split_aligner.hh split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.hh \
  split/cbrc_int_exponentiator.hh Alphabet.hh MultiSequence.hh \
  ScoreMatrixRow.hh VectorOrMmap.hh Mmap.hh fileMap.hh stringify.hh
 split/last-split-main.o split/last-split-main.o5 split/last-split-main.o8: split/last-split-main.cc split/last-split.hh \
- stringify.hh version.hh
+ split/last_split_options.hh stringify.hh version.hh
+split/last_split_options.o split/last_split_options.o5 split/last_split_options.o8: split/last_split_options.cc \
+ split/last_split_options.hh
+split/mcf_last_splitter.o split/mcf_last_splitter.o5 split/mcf_last_splitter.o8: split/mcf_last_splitter.cc \
+ split/mcf_last_splitter.hh split/cbrc_split_aligner.hh \
+ split/cbrc_unsplit_alignment.hh split/cbrc_int_exponentiator.hh \
+ Alphabet.hh MultiSequence.hh ScoreMatrixRow.hh VectorOrMmap.hh Mmap.hh \
+ fileMap.hh stringify.hh split/last_split_options.hh

@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
 #include "cbrc_split_aligner.hh"
 #include "mcf_substitution_matrix_stats.hh"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <cassert>
 #include <cctype>
-#include <cstring>  // strcmp
+#include <cmath>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <stdexcept>
-#include <float.h>
 static void err(const std::string& s) {
   throw std::runtime_error(s);
 namespace cbrc {
-template<typename T, int N> T arrayMax(T (&array)[N]) {
-  return *std::max_element(array, array + N);
+static int myMax(const int *b, int s) { return *std::max_element(b, b + s); }
 // Orders candidate alignments by increasing DP start coordinate.
 // Breaks ties by decreasing DP end coordinate.
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ void mergeInto(unsigned* beg1,
-int SplitAligner::score_mat[64][64][numQualCodes];
+int SplitAlignerParams::score_mat[64][64][numQualCodes];
 // The score for a cis-splice with the given distance (i.e. intron length)
-int SplitAligner::calcSpliceScore(double dist) const {
+int SplitAlignerParams::calcSpliceScore(double dist) const {
     double logDist = std::log(dist);
     double d = logDist - meanLogDist;
     double s = spliceTerm1 + spliceTerm2 * d * d - logDist;
@@ -193,37 +193,43 @@ static unsigned spliceEndSignalRev(const uchar *seqPtr,
   return 15 - (n1 * 4 + n2);  // reverse-complement
-unsigned SplitAligner::findScore(unsigned j, long score) const {
+unsigned SplitAligner::findScore(bool isGenome, unsigned j, long score) const {
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) {
     if (dpBeg(i) >= j || dpEnd(i) < j) continue;
     size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
-    if (Vmat[ij] + spliceBegScore(ij) == score) return i;
+    if (Vmat[ij] + spliceBegScore(isGenome, ij) == score) return i;
   return numAlns;
-unsigned SplitAligner::findSpliceScore(unsigned i, unsigned j,
+unsigned SplitAligner::findSpliceScore(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				       unsigned i, unsigned j,
 				       long score) const {
-    assert(splicePrior > 0.0);
+    assert(params.splicePrior > 0.0);
+    const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
     size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
     unsigned iSeq = rnameAndStrandIds[i];
     unsigned iEnd = spliceEndCoords[ij];
-    int iScore = spliceEndScore(ij);
+    int iScore = spliceEndScore(isGenome, ij);
     for (unsigned k = 0; k < numAlns; k++) {
 	if (rnameAndStrandIds[k] != iSeq) continue;
 	if (dpBeg(k) >= j || dpEnd(k) < j) continue;
 	size_t kj = matrixRowOrigins[k] + j;
 	unsigned kBeg = spliceBegCoords[kj];
 	if (iEnd <= kBeg) continue;
-	int s = iScore + spliceBegScore(kj) + spliceScore(iEnd - kBeg);
+	int s = iScore + spliceBegScore(isGenome, kj) +
+	  params.spliceScore(iEnd - kBeg);
 	if (Vmat[kj] + s == score) return k;
     return numAlns;
-long SplitAligner::scoreFromSplice(unsigned i, unsigned j,
+long SplitAligner::scoreFromSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				   unsigned i, unsigned j,
 				   unsigned oldNumInplay,
 				   unsigned& oldInplayPos) const {
+  const unsigned maxSpliceDist = params.maxSpliceDist;
+  const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
   size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
   long score = LONG_MIN;
   unsigned iSeq = rnameAndStrandIds[i];
@@ -245,8 +251,8 @@ long SplitAligner::scoreFromSplice(unsigned i, unsigned j,
     unsigned kBeg = spliceBegCoords[kj];
     if (iEnd <= kBeg) continue;
     if (iEnd - kBeg > maxSpliceDist) continue;
-    score = std::max(score,
-		     Vmat[kj] + spliceBegScore(kj) + spliceScore(iEnd - kBeg));
+    score = std::max(score, Vmat[kj] + spliceBegScore(isGenome, kj) +
+		            params.spliceScore(iEnd - kBeg));
   return score;
@@ -320,7 +326,8 @@ void SplitAligner::updateInplayAlnIndicesB(unsigned& sortedAlnPos,
   newNumInplay = (newEnd - newBeg) + (sortedAlnPos - sortedAlnOldPos);
-long SplitAligner::viterbiSplit() {
+long SplitAligner::viterbiSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+  const int restartScore = params.restartScore;
   unsigned *inplayAlnBeg = &newInplayAlnIndices[0];
   unsigned *inplayAlnEnd = inplayAlnBeg;
   unsigned *sortedAlnPtr = &sortedAlnIndices[0];
@@ -358,7 +365,11 @@ long SplitAligner::viterbiSplit() {
   return maxScore;
-long SplitAligner::viterbiSplice() {
+long SplitAligner::viterbiSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+    const int jumpScore = params.jumpScore;
+    const int restartScore = params.restartScore;
+    const double splicePrior = params.splicePrior;
+    const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
     unsigned sortedAlnPos = 0;
     unsigned oldNumInplay = 0;
     unsigned newNumInplay = 0;
@@ -381,15 +392,15 @@ long SplitAligner::viterbiSplice() {
 	    long s = scoreFromJump;
 	    if (splicePrior > 0.0)
-	      s = std::max(s,
-			   scoreFromSplice(i, j, oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos));
-	    s += spliceEndScore(ij);
+	      s = std::max(s, scoreFromSplice(params, i, j,
+					      oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos));
+	    s += spliceEndScore(isGenome, ij);
 	    s = std::max(s, Vmat[ij] + Smat[ij*2]);
 	    if (alns[i].qstart == j && s < 0) s = 0;
 	    s += Smat[ij*2+1];
 	    Vmat[ij + 1] = s;
-	    sMax = std::max(sMax, s + spliceBegScore(ij + 1));
+	    sMax = std::max(sMax, s + spliceBegScore(isGenome, ij + 1));
 	maxScore = std::max(sMax, maxScore);
 	scoreFromJump = std::max(sMax + jumpScore, maxScore + restartScore);
@@ -413,22 +424,24 @@ unsigned SplitAligner::findEndScore(long score) const {
     return numAlns;
-void SplitAligner::traceBack(long viterbiScore,
+void SplitAligner::traceBack(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			     long viterbiScore,
 			     std::vector<unsigned>& alnNums,
 			     std::vector<unsigned>& queryBegs,
 			     std::vector<unsigned>& queryEnds) const {
+  const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
   unsigned i, j;
-  if (restartProb > 0) {
+  if (params.isSpliced()) {
+    i = findEndScore(viterbiScore);
+    assert(i < numAlns);
+    j = alns[i].qend;
+  } else {
     j = maxEnd;
     long t = cell(Vvec, j);
     if (t == 0) return;
     while (t == cell(Vvec, j-1)) --j;
-    i = findScore(j, t);
-    assert(i < numAlns);
-  } else {
-    i = findEndScore(viterbiScore);
+    i = findScore(isGenome, j, t);
     assert(i < numAlns);
-    j = alns[i].qend;
@@ -438,7 +451,7 @@ void SplitAligner::traceBack(long viterbiScore,
     size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
     long score = Vmat[ij + 1] - Smat[ij*2+1];
-    if (restartProb <= 0 && alns[i].qstart == j && score == 0) {
+    if (params.isSpliced() && alns[i].qstart == j && score == 0) {
@@ -452,18 +465,18 @@ void SplitAligner::traceBack(long viterbiScore,
     bool isStay = (score == Vmat[ij] + Smat[ij*2]);
     if (isStay && alns[i].isForwardStrand()) continue;
-    long s = score - spliceEndScore(ij);
-    long t = s - restartScore;
+    long s = score - spliceEndScore(isGenome, ij);
+    long t = s - params.restartScore;
     if (t == cell(Vvec, j)) {
       if (t == 0) return;
       while (t == cell(Vvec, j-1)) --j;
-      i = findScore(j, t);
+      i = findScore(isGenome, j, t);
     } else {
       if (isStay) continue;
-      unsigned k = findScore(j, s - jumpScore);
-      i = (k < numAlns) ? k : findSpliceScore(i, j, score);
+      unsigned k = findScore(isGenome, j, s - params.jumpScore);
+      i = (k < numAlns) ? k : findSpliceScore(params, i, j, score);
     assert(i < numAlns);
@@ -483,9 +496,12 @@ int SplitAligner::segmentScore(unsigned alnNum,
   return score;
-double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceF(unsigned i, unsigned j,
+double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceF(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				     unsigned i, unsigned j,
 				     unsigned oldNumInplay,
 				     unsigned& oldInplayPos) const {
+  const unsigned maxSpliceDist = params.maxSpliceDist;
+  const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
   size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
   double sum = 0.0;
   unsigned iSeq = rnameAndStrandIds[i];
@@ -507,15 +523,19 @@ double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceF(unsigned i, unsigned j,
     unsigned kBeg = spliceBegCoords[kj];
     if (iEnd <= kBeg) continue;
     if (iEnd - kBeg > maxSpliceDist) continue;
-    sum += Fmat[kj] * spliceBegProb(kj) * spliceProb(iEnd - kBeg);
+    sum += Fmat[kj] * spliceBegProb(isGenome, kj) *
+           params.spliceProb(iEnd - kBeg);
   return sum;
-double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceB(unsigned i, unsigned j,
+double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceB(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				     unsigned i, unsigned j,
 				     unsigned oldNumInplay,
 				     unsigned& oldInplayPos) const {
+  const unsigned maxSpliceDist = params.maxSpliceDist;
+  const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
   size_t ij = matrixRowOrigins[i] + j;
   double sum = 0.0;
   unsigned iSeq = rnameAndStrandIds[i];
@@ -537,13 +557,15 @@ double SplitAligner::probFromSpliceB(unsigned i, unsigned j,
     unsigned kEnd = spliceEndCoords[kj];
     if (kEnd <= iBeg) continue;
     if (kEnd - iBeg > maxSpliceDist) continue;
-    sum += Bmat[kj] * spliceEndProb(kj) * spliceProb(kEnd - iBeg);
+    sum += Bmat[kj] * spliceEndProb(isGenome, kj) *
+           params.spliceProb(kEnd - iBeg);
   return sum;
-void SplitAligner::forwardSplit() {
+void SplitAligner::forwardSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+  const double restartProb = params.restartProb;
   unsigned *inplayAlnBeg = &newInplayAlnIndices[0];
   unsigned *inplayAlnEnd = inplayAlnBeg;
   unsigned *sortedAlnPtr = &sortedAlnIndices[0];
@@ -585,7 +607,10 @@ void SplitAligner::forwardSplit() {
   cell(rescales, maxEnd) = 1 / sumOfProbs;  // makes scaled sumOfProbs equal 1
-void SplitAligner::forwardSplice() {
+void SplitAligner::forwardSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+    const double splicePrior = params.splicePrior;
+    const double jumpProb = params.jumpProb;
+    const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
     unsigned sortedAlnPos = 0;
     unsigned oldNumInplay = 0;
     unsigned newNumInplay = 0;
@@ -612,15 +637,15 @@ void SplitAligner::forwardSplice() {
 	    double p = probFromJump;
 	    if (splicePrior > 0.0)
-	      p += probFromSpliceF(i, j, oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos);
-	    p *= spliceEndProb(ij);
+	      p += probFromSpliceF(params, i, j, oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos);
+	    p *= spliceEndProb(isGenome, ij);
 	    p += Fmat[ij] * Sexp[ij*2];
 	    if (alns[i].qstart == j) p += begprob;
 	    p = p * Sexp[ij*2+1] * rescale;
 	    Fmat[ij + 1] = p;
 	    if (alns[i].qend == j+1) zF += p;
-	    pSum += p * spliceBegProb(ij + 1);
+	    pSum += p * spliceBegProb(isGenome, ij + 1);
 	    rNew += p;
         begprob *= rescale;
@@ -631,7 +656,8 @@ void SplitAligner::forwardSplice() {
     cell(rescales, maxEnd) = 1 / zF;  // this causes scaled zF to equal 1
-void SplitAligner::backwardSplit() {
+void SplitAligner::backwardSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+  const double restartProb = params.restartProb;
   unsigned *inplayAlnBeg = &newInplayAlnIndices[0];
   unsigned *inplayAlnEnd = inplayAlnBeg;
   unsigned *sortedAlnPtr = &sortedAlnIndices[0];
@@ -667,7 +693,10 @@ void SplitAligner::backwardSplit() {
-void SplitAligner::backwardSplice() {
+void SplitAligner::backwardSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
+    const double splicePrior = params.splicePrior;
+    const double jumpProb = params.jumpProb;
+    const bool isGenome = params.isGenome();
     unsigned sortedAlnPos = 0;
     unsigned oldNumInplay = 0;
     unsigned newNumInplay = 0;
@@ -692,8 +721,8 @@ void SplitAligner::backwardSplice() {
 	    double p = probFromJump;
 	    if (splicePrior > 0.0)
-	      p += probFromSpliceB(i, j, oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos);
-	    p *= spliceBegProb(ij);
+	      p += probFromSpliceB(params, i, j, oldNumInplay, oldInplayPos);
+	    p *= spliceBegProb(isGenome, ij);
 	    p += Bmat[ij] * Sexp[ij*2];
 	    if (alns[i].qend == j) p += endprob;
 	    p = p * Sexp[ij*2-1] * rescale;
@@ -705,7 +734,7 @@ void SplitAligner::backwardSplice() {
 	    Bmat[ij - 1] = p;
 	    //if (alns[i].qstart == j-1) zB += p;
-	    pSum += p * spliceEndProb(ij - 1);
+	    pSum += p * spliceEndProb(isGenome, ij - 1);
         endprob *= rescale;
 	probFromJump = pSum * jumpProb;
@@ -737,15 +766,21 @@ SplitAligner::marginalProbs(unsigned queryBeg, unsigned alnNum,
 // The next routine represents affine gap scores in a cunning way.
 // Aij holds scores at query bases, and at every base that is aligned
-// to a gap it gets a score of insExistenceScore + insExtensionScore.
-// Dij holds scores between query bases, and between every pair of
-// bases that are both aligned to gaps it gets a score of
-// -insExistenceScore.  This produces suitable affine gap scores, even
-// if we jump from one alignment to another in the middle of a gap.
-void SplitAligner::calcBaseScores(unsigned i) {
-  const int firstInsScore = insExistenceScore + insExtensionScore;
-  const int tweenInsScore = -insExistenceScore;
+// to a gap it gets a score of insOpenScore + insGrowScore.  Dij holds
+// scores between query bases, and between every pair of bases that
+// are both aligned to gaps it gets a score of -insOpenScore.  This
+// produces suitable affine gap scores, even if we jump from one
+// alignment to another in the middle of a gap.
+void SplitAligner::calcBaseScores(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				  unsigned i) {
+  const int qualityOffset = params.qualityOffset;
+  const int delOpenScore = params.delOpenScore;
+  const int delGrowScore = params.delGrowScore;
+  const int insOpenScore = params.insOpenScore;
+  const int insGrowScore = params.insGrowScore;
+  const int firstInsScore = insOpenScore + insGrowScore;
+  const int tweenInsScore = -insOpenScore;
   const UnsplitAlignment& a = alns[i];
   const size_t origin = matrixRowOrigins[i];
@@ -772,21 +807,21 @@ void SplitAligner::calcBaseScores(unsigned i) {
   while (*qAlign) {
     unsigned char x = *rAlign++;
     unsigned char y = *qAlign++;
-    int q = qQual ? (*qQual++ - qualityOffset) : (numQualCodes - 1);
+    int q = qQual ? (*qQual++ - qualityOffset) : (params.numQualCodes - 1);
     if (x == '-') {  // gap in reference sequence: insertion
       *matBeg++ = delScore + insCompensationScore;
       *matBeg++ = firstInsScore;
       delScore = 0;
       insCompensationScore = tweenInsScore;
     } else if (y == '-') {  // gap in query sequence: deletion
-      if (delScore == 0) delScore = gapExistenceScore;
-      delScore += gapExtensionScore;
+      if (delScore == 0) delScore = delOpenScore;
+      delScore += delGrowScore;
       insCompensationScore = 0;
     } else {
       assert(q >= 0);
-      if (q >= numQualCodes) q = numQualCodes - 1;
+      if (q >= params.numQualCodes) q = params.numQualCodes - 1;
       *matBeg++ = delScore;
-      *matBeg++ = score_mat[x % 64][y % 64][q];
+      *matBeg++ = params.score_mat[x % 64][y % 64][q];
       delScore = 0;
       insCompensationScore = 0;
@@ -848,17 +883,25 @@ static const uchar *seqEnd(const MultiSequence &m, size_t sequenceIndex) {
   return m.seqReader() + m.seqEnd(sequenceIndex);
-void SplitAligner::initSpliceSignals(unsigned i) {
-  const uchar *toUnmasked = alphabet.numbersToUppercase;
-  const UnsplitAlignment& a = alns[i];
-  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(a.rname);
+void SplitAlignerParams::seqEnds(const uchar *&beg, const uchar *&end,
+				 const char *seqName) const {
+  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(seqName);
   if (f == chromosomeIndex.end())
-    err("can't find " + std::string(a.rname) + " in the genome");
+    err("can't find " + std::string(seqName) + " in the genome");
   size_t v = f->second % maxGenomeVolumes();
   size_t c = f->second / maxGenomeVolumes();
-  const uchar *chromBeg = seqBeg(genome[v], c);
-  const uchar *chromEnd = seqEnd(genome[v], c);
+  beg = seqBeg(genome[v], c);
+  end = seqEnd(genome[v], c);
+void SplitAligner::initSpliceSignals(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				     unsigned i) {
+  const uchar *toUnmasked = params.alphabet.numbersToUppercase;
+  const UnsplitAlignment &a = alns[i];
+  const uchar *chromBeg;
+  const uchar *chromEnd;
+  params.seqEnds(chromBeg, chromEnd, a.rname);
   if (a.rend > chromEnd - chromBeg)
     err("alignment beyond the end of " + std::string(a.rname));
@@ -912,32 +955,28 @@ static void decodeSpliceSignal(char *out,
-void SplitAligner::spliceBegSignal(char *out,
-				   unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
-				   bool isSenseStrand) const {
-  const UnsplitAlignment& a = alns[alnNum];
-  bool isForwardStrand = a.isForwardStrand();
-  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(a.rname);
+void SplitAlignerParams::spliceBegSignal(char *out, const char *seqName,
+					 bool isForwardStrand,
+					 bool isSenseStrand,
+					 unsigned coord) const {
+  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(seqName);
   size_t v = f->second % maxGenomeVolumes();
   size_t c = f->second / maxGenomeVolumes();
   uchar signal[2];
-  unsigned coord = cell(spliceBegCoords, alnNum, queryPos);
   if (isForwardStrand) getNextSignal(signal, seqBeg(genome[v], c) + coord);
   else                 getPrevSignal(signal, seqEnd(genome[v], c) - coord);
   decodeSpliceSignal(out, signal, alphabet.decode, alphabet.complement,
 		     isSenseStrand == isForwardStrand);
-void SplitAligner::spliceEndSignal(char *out,
-				   unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
-				   bool isSenseStrand) const {
-  const UnsplitAlignment& a = alns[alnNum];
-  bool isForwardStrand = a.isForwardStrand();
-  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(a.rname);
+void SplitAlignerParams::spliceEndSignal(char *out, const char *seqName,
+					 bool isForwardStrand,
+					 bool isSenseStrand,
+					 unsigned coord) const {
+  StringNumMap::const_iterator f = chromosomeIndex.find(seqName);
   size_t v = f->second % maxGenomeVolumes();
   size_t c = f->second / maxGenomeVolumes();
   uchar signal[2];
-  unsigned coord = cell(spliceEndCoords, alnNum, queryPos);
   if (isForwardStrand) getPrevSignal(signal, seqBeg(genome[v], c) + coord);
   else                 getNextSignal(signal, seqEnd(genome[v], c) - coord);
   decodeSpliceSignal(out, signal, alphabet.decode, alphabet.complement,
@@ -950,7 +989,7 @@ struct RnameAndStrandLess {
   bool operator()(unsigned a, unsigned b) const {
       alns[a].qstrand != alns[b].qstrand ? alns[a].qstrand < alns[b].qstrand :
-      std::strcmp(alns[a].rname, alns[b].rname) < 0;
+      strcmp(alns[a].rname, alns[b].rname) < 0;
   const UnsplitAlignment *alns;
@@ -958,7 +997,7 @@ struct RnameAndStrandLess {
 void SplitAligner::initRnameAndStrandIds() {
-  RnameAndStrandLess less(&alns[0]);
+  RnameAndStrandLess less(alns);
   stable_sort(sortedAlnIndices.begin(), sortedAlnIndices.end(), less);
   unsigned c = 0;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) {
@@ -968,20 +1007,22 @@ void SplitAligner::initRnameAndStrandIds() {
-void SplitAligner::dpExtensionMinScores(int maxJumpScore,
-					size_t& minScore1,
-					size_t& minScore2) const {
-  if (!chromosomeIndex.empty()) maxJumpScore += maxSpliceBegEndScore;
-  assert(maxJumpScore + insExistenceScore <= 0);
-  minScore1 = 1 - (maxJumpScore + insExistenceScore);
-  minScore2 = 1 - (maxJumpScore + maxJumpScore + insExistenceScore);
+void SplitAlignerParams::dpExtensionMinScores(size_t &minScore1,
+					      size_t &minScore2) const {
+  if (jumpProb > 0 || splicePrior > 0) {
+    int maxJumpScore = (splicePrior > 0) ? maxSpliceScore : jumpScore;
+    if (isGenome()) maxJumpScore += maxSpliceBegEndScore;
+    assert(maxJumpScore + insOpenScore <= 0);
+    minScore1 = 1 - (maxJumpScore + insOpenScore);
+    minScore2 = 1 - (maxJumpScore + maxJumpScore + insOpenScore);
+  }
 static size_t dpExtension(size_t maxScore, size_t minScore, size_t divisor) {
   return (maxScore > minScore) ? (maxScore - minScore) / divisor : 0;
-void SplitAligner::initDpBounds() {
+void SplitAligner::initDpBounds(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
   minBeg = -1;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i)
     minBeg = std::min(minBeg, alns[i].qstart);
@@ -1005,20 +1046,18 @@ void SplitAligner::initDpBounds() {
   // length * maxMatchScore
   // An extension of length x must have a (negative) score <=
-  // maxJumpScore + insExistenceScore + insExtensionScore * x
+  // maxJumpScore + insOpenScore + insGrowScore * x
-  assert(insExtensionScore < 0);
+  int maxMatchScore = params.maxMatchScore;
+  assert(params.insGrowScore < 0);
   assert(maxMatchScore >= 0);
-  size_t oldDiv = -insExtensionScore;
-  size_t newDiv = maxMatchScore - insExtensionScore;
+  size_t oldDiv = -params.insGrowScore;
+  size_t newDiv = maxMatchScore - params.insGrowScore;
   size_t minScore1 = -1;
   size_t minScore2 = -1;
-  if (jumpProb > 0.0 || splicePrior > 0.0) {
-    int m = (splicePrior > 0.0) ? maxSpliceScore : jumpScore;
-    dpExtensionMinScores(m, minScore1, minScore2);
-  }
+  params.dpExtensionMinScores(minScore1, minScore2);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) {
     size_t b = alns[i].qstart;
@@ -1047,8 +1086,9 @@ void SplitAligner::initDpBounds() {
-void SplitAligner::layout(std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator beg,
-			  std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator end) {
+void SplitAligner::layout(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			  const UnsplitAlignment *beg,
+			  const UnsplitAlignment *end) {
     assert(end > beg);
     numAlns = end - beg;
     alns = beg;
@@ -1057,30 +1097,31 @@ void SplitAligner::layout(std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator beg,
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) sortedAlnIndices[i] = i;
-    if (restartProb <= 0) {
+    if (params.isSpliced()) {
-      if (splicePrior > 0.0 || !chromosomeIndex.empty()) {
+      if (params.isSpliceCoords()) {
-    initDpBounds();
+    initDpBounds(params);
-size_t SplitAligner::memory(bool isViterbi, bool isBothSpliceStrands) const {
+size_t SplitAligner::memory(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			    bool isViterbi, bool isBothSpliceStrands) const {
   size_t numOfStrands = isBothSpliceStrands ? 2 : 1;
   size_t x = 2 * sizeof(int) + 2 * sizeof(float);
-  if (splicePrior > 0 || !chromosomeIndex.empty()) x += 2 * sizeof(unsigned);
-  if (!chromosomeIndex.empty()) x += 2;
+  if (params.isSpliceCoords()) x += 2 * sizeof(unsigned);
+  if (params.isGenome()) x += 2;
   if (isViterbi) x += sizeof(long) * numOfStrands;
   x += 2 * sizeof(double) * numOfStrands;
   return x * cellsPerDpMatrix();
-void SplitAligner::initMatricesForOneQuery() {
+void SplitAligner::initMatricesForOneQuery(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
   size_t doubleMatrixSize = cellsPerDpMatrix() * 2;
   // The final cell per row is never used, because there's one less
   // Aij than Dij per candidate alignment.
@@ -1089,36 +1130,42 @@ void SplitAligner::initMatricesForOneQuery() {
-  for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; i++) calcBaseScores(i);
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; i++) calcBaseScores(params, i);
-  if (splicePrior > 0.0 || !chromosomeIndex.empty()) {
+  if (params.isSpliceCoords()) {
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) initSpliceCoords(i);
-  if (!chromosomeIndex.empty()) {
+  if (params.isGenome()) {
+    spliceBegScores = params.spliceBegScores;
+    spliceEndScores = params.spliceEndScores;
+    spliceBegProbs = params.spliceBegProbs;
+    spliceEndProbs = params.spliceEndProbs;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) initSpliceSignals(i);
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numAlns; ++i) initSpliceSignals(params, i);
-  std::transform(&Smat[0], &Smat[0] + doubleMatrixSize, &Sexp[0], scaledExp);
+  std::transform(&Smat[0], &Smat[0] + doubleMatrixSize, &Sexp[0],
+		 params.scaledExp);
   // if x/scale < about -745, then exp(x/scale) will be exactly 0.0
-void SplitAligner::flipSpliceSignals() {
+void SplitAligner::flipSpliceSignals(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
-    int j = 15 - ((i%4) * 4 + (i/4));  // reverse-complement
-    std::swap(spliceBegScores[i], spliceEndScores[j]);
-    std::swap(spliceBegProbs[i], spliceEndProbs[j]);
-  }
+  int d = 17 - (spliceBegScores - params.spliceBegScores);
+  spliceBegScores = params.spliceBegScores + d;
+  spliceEndScores = params.spliceEndScores + d;
+  spliceBegProbs = params.spliceBegProbs + d;
+  spliceEndProbs = params.spliceEndProbs + d;
 double SplitAligner::spliceSignalStrandLogOdds() const {
@@ -1147,9 +1194,9 @@ double SplitAligner::spliceSignalStrandLogOdds() const {
 // estimated mean ln[distance] 7.01031
 // estimated standard deviation of ln[distance] 1.72269
-void SplitAligner::setSpliceParams(double splicePriorIn,
-				   double meanLogDistIn,
-				   double sdevLogDistIn) {
+void SplitAlignerParams::setSpliceParams(double splicePriorIn,
+					 double meanLogDistIn,
+					 double sdevLogDistIn) {
   splicePrior = splicePriorIn;
   meanLogDist = meanLogDistIn;
   sdevLogDist = sdevLogDistIn;
@@ -1191,14 +1238,14 @@ void SplitAligner::setSpliceParams(double splicePriorIn,
-void SplitAligner::setParams(int gapExistenceScoreIn, int gapExtensionScoreIn,
-			     int insExistenceScoreIn, int insExtensionScoreIn,
-			     int jumpScoreIn, int restartScoreIn,
-			     double scaleIn, int qualityOffsetIn) {
-  gapExistenceScore = gapExistenceScoreIn;
-  gapExtensionScore = gapExtensionScoreIn;
-  insExistenceScore = insExistenceScoreIn;
-  insExtensionScore = insExtensionScoreIn;
+void SplitAlignerParams::setParams(int delOpenScoreIn, int delGrowScoreIn,
+				   int insOpenScoreIn, int insGrowScoreIn,
+				   int jumpScoreIn, int restartScoreIn,
+				   double scaleIn, int qualityOffsetIn) {
+  delOpenScore = delOpenScoreIn;
+  delGrowScore = delGrowScoreIn;
+  insOpenScore = insOpenScoreIn;
+  insGrowScore = insGrowScoreIn;
   jumpScore = jumpScoreIn;
   restartScore = restartScoreIn;
   scale = scaleIn;
@@ -1208,11 +1255,7 @@ void SplitAligner::setParams(int gapExistenceScoreIn, int gapExtensionScoreIn,
   restartProb = scaledExp(restartScore);
-static int scoreFromProb(double prob, double scale) {
-  return std::floor(scale * std::log(prob) + 0.5);
-void SplitAligner::setSpliceSignals() {
+void SplitAlignerParams::setSpliceSignals() {
   // If an RNA-DNA alignment reaches position i in the DNA, the
   // probability of splicing from i to j is:
   //   P(i & j)  =  d(i) * a(j) * f(j - i),
@@ -1247,7 +1290,7 @@ void SplitAligner::setSpliceSignals() {
   double dAvg = (dGT + dGC + dAT + dNN * 13) / 16;
   double aAvg = (aAG + aAC + aNN * 14) / 16;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < 17 * 2; ++i) {
     spliceBegScores[i] = scoreFromProb(dNN / dAvg, scale);
     spliceEndScores[i] = scoreFromProb(aNN / aAvg, scale);
@@ -1259,15 +1302,22 @@ void SplitAligner::setSpliceSignals() {
   spliceEndScores[0 * 4 + 2] = scoreFromProb(aAG / aAvg, scale);
   spliceEndScores[0 * 4 + 1] = scoreFromProb(aAC / aAvg, scale);
-  for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+    int j = 15 - ((i%4) * 4 + (i/4));  // reverse-complement
+    spliceBegScores[17 + i] = spliceEndScores[j];
+    spliceEndScores[17 + i] = spliceBegScores[j];
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < 17 * 2; ++i) {
     spliceBegProbs[i] = scaledExp(spliceBegScores[i]);
     spliceEndProbs[i] = scaledExp(spliceEndScores[i]);
-  maxSpliceBegEndScore = arrayMax(spliceBegScores) + arrayMax(spliceEndScores);
+  maxSpliceBegEndScore =
+    myMax(spliceBegScores, 17) + myMax(spliceEndScores, 17);
-void SplitAligner::printParameters() const {
+void SplitAlignerParams::print() const {
   if (jumpProb > 0.0) {
     std::cout << "# trans=" << jumpScore << "\n";
@@ -1276,7 +1326,7 @@ void SplitAligner::printParameters() const {
     std::cout << "# cismax=" << maxSpliceDist << "\n";
-  if (!chromosomeIndex.empty()) {
+  if (isGenome()) {
     std::cout << "#"
 	      << " GT=" << spliceBegScores[2 * 4 + 3]
 	      << " GC=" << spliceBegScores[2 * 4 + 1]
@@ -1322,9 +1372,9 @@ static void readPrjFile(const std::string& baseName,
-void SplitAligner::readGenomeVolume(const std::string& baseName,
-				    size_t seqCount,
-				    size_t volumeNumber) {
+void SplitAlignerParams::readGenomeVolume(const std::string &baseName,
+					  size_t seqCount,
+					  size_t volumeNumber) {
   if (seqCount + 1 == 0) err("can't read: " + baseName);
   genome[volumeNumber].fromFiles(baseName, seqCount, 0);
@@ -1339,7 +1389,7 @@ void SplitAligner::readGenomeVolume(const std::string& baseName,
-void SplitAligner::readGenome(const std::string& baseName) {
+void SplitAlignerParams::readGenome(const std::string &baseName) {
   std::string alphabetLetters;
   size_t seqCount, volumes;
   readPrjFile(baseName, alphabetLetters, seqCount, volumes);
@@ -1393,19 +1443,16 @@ static int min(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix) {
 static int matrixLookup(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
-			const std::string& rowNames,
-			const std::string& colNames, char x, char y) {
-  std::string::size_type row = rowNames.find(x);
-  std::string::size_type col = colNames.find(y);
-  if (row == std::string::npos || col == std::string::npos)
-    return min(matrix);
-  else
-    return matrix.at(row).at(col);
+			const char *rowNames,
+			const char *colNames, char x, char y) {
+  const char *r = strchr(rowNames, x);
+  const char *c = strchr(colNames, y);
+  return (r && c) ? matrix.at(r - rowNames).at(c - colNames) : min(matrix);
-void SplitAligner::setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
-			       const std::string& rowNames,
-			       const std::string& colNames) {
+void SplitAlignerParams::setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &sm,
+				     const char *rowNames,
+				     const char *colNames) {
   const std::string bases = "ACGT";
   // Reverse-engineer the abundances of ACGT from the score matrix:
@@ -1415,8 +1462,7 @@ void SplitAligner::setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < blen; ++i) bmat[i] = &bvec[i * blen];
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < blen; ++i)
     for (unsigned j = 0; j < blen; ++j)
-      bmat[i][j] = matrixLookup(matrix, rowNames, colNames,
-				bases[i], bases[j]);
+      bmat[i][j] = matrixLookup(sm, rowNames, colNames, bases[i], bases[j]);
   mcf::SubstitutionMatrixStats stats;
   stats.calcFromScale(&bmat[0], blen, scale);
@@ -1425,7 +1471,7 @@ void SplitAligner::setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
     char x = std::toupper(i);
     for (int j = 64; j < 128; ++j) {
       char y = std::toupper(j);
-      int score = matrixLookup(matrix, rowNames, colNames, x, y);
+      int score = matrixLookup(sm, rowNames, colNames, x, y);
       for (int q = 0; q < numQualCodes; ++q) {
 	std::string::size_type xc = bases.find(x);
 	std::string::size_type yc = bases.find(y);
@@ -1439,7 +1485,7 @@ void SplitAligner::setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
-  maxMatchScore = max(matrix);
+  maxMatchScore = max(sm);

@@ -10,74 +10,142 @@
 #include "Alphabet.hh"
 #include "MultiSequence.hh"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <map>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <climits>
-#include <stddef.h>  // size_t
-#include <map>
 namespace cbrc {
-class SplitAligner {
-    SplitAligner() {
-      setParams(-7, -1, -7, -1, -40, INT_MIN/2, 1.0, 33);  // xxx ???
-      setSpliceParams(0.0, 7.0, 1.7);
-    }
+struct SplitAlignerParams {
+  static int scoreFromProb(double prob, double scale) {
+    return floor(scale * log(prob) + 0.5);
+  }
+  // A   deletion of length k scores: delOpenScore + k * delGrowScore
+  // An insertion of length k scores: insOpenScore + k * insGrowScore
+  // "jumpScore" is the (negative) score for a trans-splice.
+  // "restartScore" is the (negative) score for re-starting an
+  // alignment, in the repeated matches algorithm from chapter 2 of
+  // Durbin, Eddy, et al.  In that book, it is called "-T".
+  // "qualityOffset" is 33 for fastq-sanger or 64 for fastq-illumina
+  void setParams(int delOpenScoreIn, int delGrowScoreIn,
+		 int insOpenScoreIn, int insGrowScoreIn,
+		 int jumpScoreIn, int restartScoreIn, double scaleIn,
+		 int qualityOffsetIn);
+  void setSpliceParams(double splicePriorIn,
+		       double meanLogDistIn, double sdevLogDistIn);
+  void setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &sm,
+		   const char *rowNames, const char *colNames);
-    // A gap of length k scores: gapExistenceScore + k * gapExtensionScore.
+  void readGenome(const std::string &baseName);
-    // We allow for the possibility that insertions get different scores:
-    // insExistenceScore + k * insExtensionScore.
+  // XXX this should allow us to specify scores for gt-ag, at-ac, etc.
+  void setSpliceSignals();
-    // "jumpScore" is the (negative) score for a trans-splice.
+  // Outputs some algorithm parameters on lines starting with "#"
+  void print() const;
-    // "restartScore" is the (negative) score for re-starting an
-    // alignment, in the repeated matches algorithm from chapter 2 of
-    // Durbin, Eddy, et al.  In that book, it is called "-T".
+  static const int numQualCodes = 64;
+  static int score_mat[64][64][numQualCodes];
+  int maxMatchScore;
+  int qualityOffset;
+  int delOpenScore;
+  int delGrowScore;
+  int insOpenScore;
+  int insGrowScore;
+  int jumpScore;
+  int restartScore;
+  double jumpProb;
+  double restartProb;
+  double scale;
+  IntExponentiator scaledExp;  // for fast calculation of exp(x / scale)
-    // "qualityOffset" is 33 for fastq-sanger or 64 for fastq-illumina
+  double splicePrior;
+  double meanLogDist;
+  double sdevLogDist;
+  double spliceTerm1;
+  double spliceTerm2;
+  unsigned maxSpliceDist;
+  int maxSpliceScore;
+  int maxSpliceBegEndScore;
+  std::vector<int> spliceScoreTable;  // lookup table
+  std::vector<double> spliceProbTable;  // lookup table
+  unsigned spliceTableSize;
+  MultiSequence genome[32];
+  Alphabet alphabet;
+  typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned long long> StringNumMap;
+  StringNumMap chromosomeIndex;
+  int spliceBegScores[(4 * 4 + 1) * 2];  // donor score for any dinucleotide
+  int spliceEndScores[(4 * 4 + 1) * 2];  // acceptor score for any dinucleotide
+  double spliceBegProbs[(4 * 4 + 1) * 2];
+  double spliceEndProbs[(4 * 4 + 1) * 2];
-    void setParams(int gapExistenceScoreIn, int gapExtensionScoreIn,
-		   int insExistenceScoreIn, int insExtensionScoreIn,
-		   int jumpScoreIn, int restartScoreIn, double scaleIn,
-		   int qualityOffsetIn);
+  bool isSpliced() const { return restartProb <= 0; }
-    void setSpliceParams(double splicePriorIn,
-			 double meanLogDistIn, double sdevLogDistIn);
+  bool isGenome() const { return !chromosomeIndex.empty(); }
-    void setScoreMat(const std::vector< std::vector<int> >& matrix,
-		     const std::string& rowNames,
-		     const std::string& colNames);
+  bool isSpliceCoords() const { return splicePrior > 0 || isGenome(); }
-    void readGenome(const std::string& baseName);
+  void dpExtensionMinScores(size_t &minScore1, size_t &minScore2) const;
-    // XXX this should allow us to specify scores for gt-ag, at-ac, etc.
-    void setSpliceSignals();
+  void seqEnds(const uchar *&beg, const uchar *&end,
+	       const char *seqName) const;
-    // Outputs some algorithm parameters on lines starting with "#"
-    void printParameters() const;
+  int spliceScore(unsigned d) const
+  { return d < spliceTableSize ? spliceScoreTable[d] : calcSpliceScore(d); }
+  double spliceProb(unsigned d) const
+  { return d < spliceTableSize ? spliceProbTable[d] : calcSpliceProb(d); }
+  void spliceBegSignal(char *out, const char *seqName, bool isForwardStrand,
+		       bool isSenseStrand, unsigned coord) const;
+  void spliceEndSignal(char *out, const char *seqName, bool isForwardStrand,
+		       bool isSenseStrand, unsigned coord) const;
+  int calcSpliceScore(double dist) const;
+  double calcSpliceProb(double dist) const
+  { return scaledExp(calcSpliceScore(dist)); }
+  size_t maxGenomeVolumes() const { return sizeof genome / sizeof *genome; }
+  void readGenomeVolume(const std::string &baseName,
+			size_t seqCount, size_t volumeNumber);
+class SplitAligner {
     // Prepares to analyze some candidate alignments for one query
     // sequence: sets the number of DP matrix cells (and thus memory)
-    void layout(std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator beg,
-		std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator end);
+    void layout(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+		const UnsplitAlignment *beg, const UnsplitAlignment *end);
     // The number of cells in each dynamic programming matrix
     size_t cellsPerDpMatrix() const
     { return matrixRowOrigins[numAlns-1] + dpEnd(numAlns-1) + 1; }
     // Bytes of memory needed for the current query sequence (roughly)
-    size_t memory(bool isViterbi, bool isBothSpliceStrands) const;
+    size_t memory(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+		  bool isViterbi, bool isBothSpliceStrands) const;
     // Call this before viterbi/forward/backward, and after layout
-    void initMatricesForOneQuery();
+    void initMatricesForOneQuery(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
-    long viterbi() {  // returns the optimal split-alignment score
+    // returns the optimal split-alignment score
+    long viterbi(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
-      return (restartProb > 0) ? viterbiSplit() : viterbiSplice();
+      return params.isSpliced() ? viterbiSplice(params) : viterbiSplit(params);
     // Gets the chunks of an optimal split alignment.
@@ -86,7 +154,7 @@ public:
     // 2. The chunk's start coordinate in the query sequence
     // 3. The chunk's end coordinate in the query sequence
     // It gets the chunks in reverse order, from query end to query start.
-    void traceBack(long viterbiScore,
+    void traceBack(const SplitAlignerParams &params, long viterbiScore,
 		   std::vector<unsigned>& alnNums,
 		   std::vector<unsigned>& queryBegs,
 		   std::vector<unsigned>& queryEnds) const;
@@ -95,16 +163,16 @@ public:
     int segmentScore(unsigned alnNum,
 		     unsigned queryBeg, unsigned queryEnd) const;
-    void forwardBackward() {
+    void forwardBackward(const SplitAlignerParams &params) {
-      if (restartProb > 0) {
-	forwardSplit();
-	backwardSplit();
+      if (params.isSpliced()) {
+	forwardSplice(params);
+	backwardSplice(params);
       } else {
-	forwardSplice();
-	backwardSplice();
+	forwardSplit(params);
+	backwardSplit(params);
@@ -113,7 +181,7 @@ public:
 				      unsigned alnBeg, unsigned alnEnd) const;
     // Toggles between forward and reverse-complement splice signals
-    void flipSpliceSignals();
+    void flipSpliceSignals(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
     // This returns log(p / (1-p)), where p is the probability that
     // the query uses splice signals in the orientation currently set
@@ -122,31 +190,27 @@ public:
     // Gets the 2 genome bases immediately downstream of queryPos in
     // alnNum, and writes them into the buffer pointed to by "out"
-    void spliceBegSignal(char *out, unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
-			 bool isSenseStrand) const;
+    void spliceBegSignal(char *out, const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			 unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
+			 bool isSenseStrand) const {
+      const UnsplitAlignment &a = alns[alnNum];
+      params.spliceBegSignal(out, a.rname, a.isForwardStrand(), isSenseStrand,
+			     cell(spliceBegCoords, alnNum, queryPos));
+    }
     // Gets the 2 genome bases immediately upstream of queryPos in
     // alnNum, and writes them into the buffer pointed to by "out"
-    void spliceEndSignal(char *out, unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
-			 bool isSenseStrand) const;
+    void spliceEndSignal(char *out, const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			 unsigned alnNum, unsigned queryPos,
+			 bool isSenseStrand) const {
+      const UnsplitAlignment &a = alns[alnNum];
+      params.spliceEndSignal(out, a.rname, a.isForwardStrand(), isSenseStrand,
+			     cell(spliceEndCoords, alnNum, queryPos));
+    }
-    static const int numQualCodes = 64;
-    static int score_mat[64][64][numQualCodes];
-    int maxMatchScore;
-    int qualityOffset;
-    int gapExistenceScore;
-    int gapExtensionScore;
-    int insExistenceScore;
-    int insExtensionScore;
-    int jumpScore;
-    int restartScore;
-    double jumpProb;
-    double restartProb;
-    double scale;
-    IntExponentiator scaledExp;  // for fast calculation of exp(x / scale)
     unsigned numAlns;  // the number of candidate alignments (for 1 query)
-    std::vector<UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator alns;  // the candidates
+    const UnsplitAlignment *alns;  // the candidates
     unsigned minBeg;  // the minimum query start coordinate of any candidate
     unsigned maxEnd;  // the maximum query end coordinate of any candidate
     std::vector<unsigned> dpBegs;  // dynamic programming begin coords
@@ -182,14 +246,6 @@ private:
     std::vector<unsigned> oldInplayAlnIndices;
     std::vector<unsigned> newInplayAlnIndices;
-    double splicePrior;
-    double meanLogDist;
-    double sdevLogDist;
-    double spliceTerm1;
-    double spliceTerm2;
-    unsigned maxSpliceDist;
-    int maxSpliceScore;
-    int maxSpliceBegEndScore;
     std::vector<unsigned> spliceBegCoords;
     std::vector<unsigned> spliceEndCoords;
     std::vector<unsigned char> spliceBegSignals;
@@ -197,50 +253,26 @@ private:
     std::vector<unsigned> rBegs;  // genomic beg coordinate of each candidate
     std::vector<unsigned> rEnds;  // genomic end coordinate of each candidate
     std::vector<unsigned> rnameAndStrandIds;
-    std::vector<int> spliceScoreTable;  // lookup table
-    std::vector<double> spliceProbTable;  // lookup table
-    unsigned spliceTableSize;
-    MultiSequence genome[32];
-    Alphabet alphabet;
-    typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned long long> StringNumMap;
-    StringNumMap chromosomeIndex;
-    int spliceBegScores[4 * 4 + 1];  // donor score for any dinucleotide
-    int spliceEndScores[4 * 4 + 1];  // acceptor score for any dinucleotide
-    double spliceBegProbs[4 * 4 + 1];
-    double spliceEndProbs[4 * 4 + 1];
-    int spliceBegScore(size_t ij) const {
-      if (chromosomeIndex.empty()) return 0;
-      return spliceBegScores[spliceBegSignals[ij]];
+    const int *spliceBegScores;
+    const int *spliceEndScores;
+    const double *spliceBegProbs;
+    const double *spliceEndProbs;
+    int spliceBegScore(bool isGenome, size_t ij) const {
+      return isGenome ? spliceBegScores[spliceBegSignals[ij]] : 0;
-    int spliceEndScore(size_t ij) const {
-      if (chromosomeIndex.empty()) return 0;
-      return spliceEndScores[spliceEndSignals[ij]];
+    int spliceEndScore(bool isGenome, size_t ij) const {
+      return isGenome ? spliceEndScores[spliceEndSignals[ij]] : 0;
-    double spliceBegProb(size_t ij) const {
-      if (chromosomeIndex.empty()) return 1;
-      return spliceBegProbs[spliceBegSignals[ij]];
+    double spliceBegProb(bool isGenome, size_t ij) const {
+      return isGenome ? spliceBegProbs[spliceBegSignals[ij]] : 1.0;
-    double spliceEndProb(size_t ij) const {
-      if (chromosomeIndex.empty()) return 1;
-      return spliceEndProbs[spliceEndSignals[ij]];
+    double spliceEndProb(bool isGenome, size_t ij) const {
+      return isGenome ? spliceEndProbs[spliceEndSignals[ij]] : 1.0;
-    int calcSpliceScore(double dist) const;
-    int spliceScore(unsigned d) const
-    { return d < spliceTableSize ? spliceScoreTable[d] : calcSpliceScore(d); }
-    double calcSpliceProb(double dist) const
-    { return scaledExp(calcSpliceScore(dist)); }
-    double spliceProb(unsigned d) const
-    { return d < spliceTableSize ? spliceProbTable[d] : calcSpliceProb(d); }
     void initSpliceCoords(unsigned i);
-    void initSpliceSignals(unsigned i);
+    void initSpliceSignals(const SplitAlignerParams &params, unsigned i);
     void initRnameAndStrandIds();
     void initRbegsAndEnds();
-    size_t maxGenomeVolumes() const { return sizeof genome / sizeof *genome; }
-    void readGenomeVolume(const std::string& baseName,
-			  size_t seqCount, size_t volumeNumber);
-    void dpExtensionMinScores(int maxJumpScore,
-			      size_t& minScore1, size_t& minScore2) const;
     void updateInplayAlnIndicesF(unsigned& sortedAlnPos,
 				 unsigned& oldNumInplay,
@@ -250,17 +282,19 @@ private:
 				 unsigned& oldNumInplay,
 				 unsigned& newNumInplay, unsigned j);
-    long viterbiSplit();
-    long viterbiSplice();
+    long viterbiSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
+    long viterbiSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
-    void forwardSplit();
-    void backwardSplit();
-    void forwardSplice();
-    void backwardSplice();
+    void forwardSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
+    void backwardSplit(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
+    void forwardSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
+    void backwardSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params);
-    unsigned findScore(unsigned j, long score) const;
-    unsigned findSpliceScore(unsigned i, unsigned j, long score) const;
-    long scoreFromSplice(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
+    unsigned findScore(bool isGenome, unsigned j, long score) const;
+    unsigned findSpliceScore(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			     unsigned i, unsigned j, long score) const;
+    long scoreFromSplice(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			 unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
 			 unsigned& oldInplayPos) const;
     long endScore() const;
     unsigned findEndScore(long score) const;
@@ -300,14 +334,16 @@ private:
       if (m.size() < s) m.resize(s);
-    double probFromSpliceF(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
+    double probFromSpliceF(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			   unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
 			   unsigned& oldInplayPos) const;
-    double probFromSpliceB(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
+    double probFromSpliceB(const SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			   unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned oldNumInplay,
 			   unsigned& oldInplayPos) const;
-    void calcBaseScores(unsigned i);
-    void initDpBounds();
+    void calcBaseScores(const SplitAlignerParams &params, unsigned i);
+    void initDpBounds(const SplitAlignerParams &params);

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright 2013, 2014 Martin C. Frith
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2013
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 // Parse the command line and run last-split.
@@ -8,47 +9,12 @@
 #include <getopt.h>
-#include <cctype>
 #include <cstdlib>  // EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE
 #include <iostream>
-static size_t defaultBytes(bool isSplicedAlignment) {
-  size_t b = isSplicedAlignment ? 8 : 8 * 1024;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-    size_t n = b * 1024;
-    if (n / 1024 != b) return -1;
-    b = n;
-  }
-  return b;
-static char parseOutputFormat(const char *text) {
-  std::string s = text;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
-    s[i] = std::tolower(s[i]);
-  }
-  if (s == "maf")  return 'm';
-  if (s == "maf+") return 'M';
-  return 0;
 static void run(int argc, char* argv[]) {
   LastSplitOptions opts;
-  opts.format = 0;
-  opts.isTopSeqQuery = false;
-  opts.direction = 1;
-  opts.cis = 0.004;
-  opts.trans = 1e-05;
-  opts.mean = 7.0;
-  opts.sdev = 1.7;
-  opts.mismap = 1.0;
-  opts.score = -1;
-  opts.no_split = false;
-  opts.bytes = 0;
-  opts.verbose = false;
-  opts.isSplicedAlignment = false;
   std::string version = "last-split "
 #include "version.hh"
@@ -62,24 +28,18 @@ come from different parts of the genome.\n\
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit\n\
- -f, --format=FMT   output format: MAF, MAF+ (default: depends on input)\n\
- -r, --reverse      reverse the roles of the 2 sequences in each alignment\n\
- -g, --genome=NAME  lastdb genome name\n\
- -d, --direction=D  RNA direction: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=mixed (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.direction) + ")\n\
- -c, --cis=PROB     cis-splice probability per base (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.cis) + ")\n\
- -t, --trans=PROB   trans-splice probability per base (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.trans) + ")\n\
- -M, --mean=MEAN    mean of ln[intron length] (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.mean) + ")\n\
- -S, --sdev=SDEV    standard deviation of ln[intron length] (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.sdev) + ")\n\
- -m, --mismap=PROB  maximum mismap probability (default="
-    + cbrc::stringify(opts.mismap) + ")\n\
- -s, --score=INT    minimum alignment score (default=e OR e+t*ln[100])\n\
- -n, --no-split     write original, not split, alignments\n\
- -b, --bytes=B      maximum memory (default=8T for split, 8G for spliced)\n\
+ -f, --format=FMT   " + LastSplitOptions::helpf + "\n\
+ -r, --reverse      " + LastSplitOptions::helpr + "\n\
+ -g, --genome=NAME  " + LastSplitOptions::helpg + "\n\
+ -d, --direction=D  " + LastSplitOptions::helpd + "\n\
+ -c, --cis=PROB     " + LastSplitOptions::helpc + "\n\
+ -t, --trans=PROB   " + LastSplitOptions::helpt + "\n\
+ -M, --mean=MEAN    " + LastSplitOptions::helpM + "\n\
+ -S, --sdev=SDEV    " + LastSplitOptions::helpS + "\n\
+ -m, --mismap=PROB  " + LastSplitOptions::helpm + "\n\
+ -s, --score=INT    " + LastSplitOptions::helps + "\n\
+ -n, --no-split     " + LastSplitOptions::helpn + "\n\
+ -b, --bytes=B      " + LastSplitOptions::helpb + "\n\
  -v, --verbose      be verbose\n\
  -V, --version      show version information and exit\n\
@@ -112,7 +72,7 @@ Options:\n\
       std::cout << help;
     case 'f':
-      opts.format = parseOutputFormat(optarg);
+      opts.format = LastSplitOptions::parseOutputFormat(optarg);
     case 'r':
       opts.isTopSeqQuery = true;
@@ -164,8 +124,6 @@ Options:\n\
-  if (!opts.bytes) opts.bytes = defaultBytes(opts.isSplicedAlignment);
   opts.inputFileNames.assign(argv + optind, argv + argc);
   if (opts.inputFileNames.empty()) opts.inputFileNames.push_back("-");

@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
-// Copyright 2013, 2014 Martin C. Frith
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2013
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 #include "last-split.hh"
+#include "mcf_last_splitter.hh"
-#include "cbrc_split_aligner.hh"
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <cassert>
 #include <cctype>
-#include <cmath>
 #include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <stdexcept>
 #include <streambuf>
+using namespace mcf;
 class MyString {
   MyString() : v(1), s(0), e(0) {}
@@ -114,10 +112,6 @@ static bool isSameName(const char *sLine1, const char *sLine2) {
-static int scoreFromProb(double prob, double scale) {
-  return std::floor(scale * std::log(prob) + 0.5);
 static void transpose(std::vector< std::vector<int> > &matrix) {
   size_t rows = matrix.size();
   size_t cols = matrix[0].size();
@@ -131,265 +125,29 @@ static void transpose(std::vector< std::vector<int> > &matrix) {
-// Defines an ordering, for sorting.
-static bool less(const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment& a,
-		 const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment& b) {
-  int qnameCmp = strcmp(a.qname, b.qname);
-  if (qnameCmp  != 0        ) return qnameCmp  < 0;
-  if (a.qstart  != b.qstart ) return a.qstart  < b.qstart;
-  if (a.qend    != b.qend   ) return a.qend    < b.qend;
-  if (a.qstrand != b.qstrand) return a.qstrand < b.qstrand;
-  int qalignCmp = strcmp(a.qalign, b.qalign);
-  if (qalignCmp != 0        ) return qalignCmp < 0;
-  int ralignCmp = strcmp(a.ralign, b.ralign);
-  if (ralignCmp != 0        ) return ralignCmp < 0;
-  return a.linesBeg < b.linesBeg;  // stabilizes the sort
-static int printSense(char *out, double senseStrandLogOdds) {
-  double b = senseStrandLogOdds / std::log(2.0);
-  if (b < 0.1 && b > -0.1) b = 0;
-  else if (b > 10) b = std::floor(b + 0.5);
-  else if (b < -10) b = std::ceil(b - 0.5);
-  int precision = (b < 10 && b > -10) ? 2 : 3;
-  return sprintf(out, " sense=%.*g", precision, b);
-static void doOneAlignmentPart(cbrc::SplitAligner& sa,
-			       const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment& a,
-			       unsigned numOfParts, unsigned partNum,
-			       unsigned alnNum,
-			       unsigned qSliceBeg, unsigned qSliceEnd,
-			       bool isSenseStrand, double senseStrandLogOdds,
-			       const LastSplitOptions& opts,
-			       bool isAlreadySplit) {
-  std::vector<char> outputText;
-  if (qSliceBeg >= a.qend || qSliceEnd <= a.qstart) {
-    return;  // this can happen for spliced alignment!
-  }
-  unsigned qSliceBegTrimmed = qSliceBeg;
-  unsigned qSliceEndTrimmed = qSliceEnd;
-  unsigned alnBeg, alnEnd;
-  cbrc::mafSliceBeg(a.ralign, a.qalign, a.qstart, qSliceBegTrimmed, alnBeg);
-  cbrc::mafSliceEnd(a.ralign, a.qalign, a.qend,   qSliceEndTrimmed, alnEnd);
-  if (qSliceBegTrimmed >= qSliceEndTrimmed) {
-    return;  // I think this can happen for spliced alignment
-  }
-  int score =
-    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceBeg, qSliceEnd) -
-    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceBeg, qSliceBegTrimmed) -
-    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceEndTrimmed, qSliceEnd);
-  if (score < opts.score) return;
-  std::vector<double> p;
-  if (opts.direction != 0) {
-    p = sa.marginalProbs(qSliceBegTrimmed, alnNum, alnBeg, alnEnd);
-  }
-  std::vector<double> pRev;
-  if (opts.direction != 1) {
-    sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-    pRev = sa.marginalProbs(qSliceBegTrimmed, alnNum, alnBeg, alnEnd);
-    sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-  }
-  if (opts.direction == 0) p.swap(pRev);
-  if (opts.direction == 2) {
-    double reverseProb = 1 / (1 + std::exp(senseStrandLogOdds));
-    // the exp might overflow to inf, but that should be OK
-    double forwardProb = 1 - reverseProb;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
-      p[i] = forwardProb * p[i] + reverseProb * pRev[i];
-    }
-  }
-  assert(!p.empty());
-  double mismap = 1.0 - *std::max_element(p.begin(), p.end());
-  mismap = std::max(mismap, 1e-10);
-  if (mismap > opts.mismap) return;
-  int mismapPrecision = 3;
-  std::vector<char> slice;
-  size_t lineLen = cbrc::mafSlice(slice, a, alnBeg, alnEnd, &p[0]);
-  const char *sliceBeg = &slice[0];
-  const char *sliceEnd = sliceBeg + slice.size();
-  const char *pLine = sliceEnd - lineLen;
-  const char *secondLastLine = pLine - lineLen;
-  if (isAlreadySplit && secondLastLine[0] == 'p') {
-    size_t backToSeq = alnEnd - alnBeg + 1;
-    mismap = cbrc::pLinesToErrorProb(pLine - backToSeq, sliceEnd - backToSeq);
-    if (mismap > opts.mismap) return;
-    mismapPrecision = 2;
-  }
-  bool isLastalProbs = (*(secondLastLine - isAlreadySplit * lineLen) == 'p');
-  if (opts.format == 'm' || (opts.format == 0 && !isLastalProbs)) {
-    while (*(sliceEnd - lineLen) == 'p') sliceEnd -= lineLen;
-  }
-  const char *aLineOld = a.linesBeg[0];
-  size_t aLineOldSize = a.linesBeg[1] - a.linesBeg[0] - 1;
-  std::vector<char> aLine(aLineOldSize + 128);
-  char *out = &aLine[0];
-  if (opts.no_split && aLineOld[0] == 'a') {
-    memcpy(out, aLineOld, aLineOldSize);
-    out += aLineOldSize;
-  } else {
-    out += sprintf(out, "a score=%d", score);
-  }
-  out += sprintf(out, " mismap=%.*g", mismapPrecision, mismap);
-  if (opts.direction == 2) out += printSense(out, senseStrandLogOdds);
-  if (!opts.genome.empty() && !opts.no_split) {
-    if (partNum > 0) {
-      out = strcpy(out, isSenseStrand ? " acc=" : " don=") + 5;
-      sa.spliceEndSignal(out, alnNum, qSliceBeg, isSenseStrand);
-      out += 2;
-    }
-    if (partNum + 1 < numOfParts) {
-      out = strcpy(out, isSenseStrand ? " don=" : " acc=") + 5;
-      sa.spliceBegSignal(out, alnNum, qSliceEnd, isSenseStrand);
-      out += 2;
-    }
-  }
-  *out++ = '\n';
-  outputText.insert(outputText.end(), &aLine[0], out);
-  outputText.insert(outputText.end(), sliceBeg, sliceEnd);
-  if (opts.no_split && a.linesEnd[-1][0] == 'c') {
-    outputText.insert(outputText.end(), a.linesEnd[-1], a.linesEnd[0]);
-    outputText.back() = '\n';
-  }
-  outputText.push_back('\n');
-  std::cout.write(&outputText[0], outputText.size());
-static void doOneQuery(std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator beg,
-		       std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator end,
-		       cbrc::SplitAligner& sa, const LastSplitOptions& opts,
-		       bool isAlreadySplit) {
-  if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << beg->qname << "\t" << (end - beg);
-  sa.layout(beg, end);
-  if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\tcells=" << sa.cellsPerDpMatrix();
-  size_t bytes = sa.memory(!opts.no_split, opts.direction == 2);
-  if (bytes > opts.bytes) {
-    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
-    std::cerr << "last-split: skipping sequence " << beg->qname
-	      << " (" << bytes << " bytes)\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  sa.initMatricesForOneQuery();
-  if (opts.direction != 0) {
-    sa.forwardBackward();
-  }
-  if (opts.direction != 1) {
-    sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-    sa.forwardBackward();
-    sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-  }
-  double senseStrandLogOdds =
-    (opts.direction == 2) ? sa.spliceSignalStrandLogOdds() : 0;
-  if (opts.no_split) {
-    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
-    unsigned numOfParts = end - beg;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numOfParts; ++i) {
-      doOneAlignmentPart(sa, beg[i], numOfParts, i, i,
-			 beg[i].qstart, beg[i].qend,
-			 true, senseStrandLogOdds, opts, isAlreadySplit);
-    }
-  } else {
-    long viterbiScore = LONG_MIN;
-    if (opts.direction != 0) {
-      viterbiScore = sa.viterbi();
-      if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\t" << viterbiScore;
-    }
-    long viterbiScoreRev = LONG_MIN;
-    if (opts.direction != 1) {
-      sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-      viterbiScoreRev = sa.viterbi();
-      sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-      if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\t" << viterbiScoreRev;
-    }
-    bool isSenseStrand = (viterbiScore >= viterbiScoreRev);
-    std::vector<unsigned> alnNums;
-    std::vector<unsigned> queryBegs;
-    std::vector<unsigned> queryEnds;
-    if (isSenseStrand) {
-      sa.traceBack(viterbiScore, alnNums, queryBegs, queryEnds);
-    } else {
-      sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-      sa.traceBack(viterbiScoreRev, alnNums, queryBegs, queryEnds);
-      sa.flipSpliceSignals();
-    }
-    std::reverse(alnNums.begin(), alnNums.end());
-    std::reverse(queryBegs.begin(), queryBegs.end());
-    std::reverse(queryEnds.begin(), queryEnds.end());
-    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
-    unsigned numOfParts = alnNums.size();
-    for (unsigned k = 0; k < numOfParts; ++k) {
-      unsigned i = alnNums[k];
-      doOneAlignmentPart(sa, beg[i], numOfParts, k, i,
-			 queryBegs[k], queryEnds[k],
-			 isSenseStrand, senseStrandLogOdds,
-			 opts, isAlreadySplit);
-    }
-  }
 static void doOneBatch(MyString &inputText,
 		       const std::vector<size_t> &lineEnds,
 		       const std::vector<unsigned> &mafEnds,
-		       cbrc::SplitAligner &sa, const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+		       LastSplitter &splitter, const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+		       const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
 		       bool isAlreadySplit) {
   std::vector<char *> linePtrs(lineEnds.size());
   for (size_t i = 0; i < lineEnds.size(); ++i) {
     linePtrs[i] = &inputText[0] + lineEnds[i];
-  std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment> mafs;
-  mafs.reserve(mafEnds.size() - 1);  // saves memory: no excess capacity
-  for (unsigned i = 1; i < mafEnds.size(); ++i)
-    mafs.push_back(cbrc::UnsplitAlignment(&linePtrs[0] + mafEnds[i-1],
-					  &linePtrs[0] + mafEnds[i],
-					  opts.isTopSeqQuery));
-  sort(mafs.begin(), mafs.end(), less);
-  std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator b = mafs.begin();
-  std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment>::const_iterator e = mafs.begin();
-  size_t qendMax = 0;
-  while (e < mafs.end()) {
-    if (e->qend > qendMax) qendMax = e->qend;
-    ++e;
-    if (e == mafs.end() || strcmp(e->qname, b->qname) != 0 ||
-	(e->qstart >= qendMax && !opts.isSplicedAlignment)) {
-      doOneQuery(b, e, sa, opts, isAlreadySplit);
-      b = e;
-      qendMax = 0;
-    }
+  splitter.reserve(mafEnds.size() - 1);  // saves memory: no excess capacity
+  for (unsigned i = 1; i < mafEnds.size(); ++i) {
+    splitter.addMaf(&linePtrs[0] + mafEnds[i-1],
+		    &linePtrs[0] + mafEnds[i], opts.isTopSeqQuery);
-static void printParameters(const LastSplitOptions& opts) {
-  std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << "#"
-	    << " m=" << opts.mismap
-	    << " s=" << opts.score;
-  if (opts.isSplicedAlignment) {
-    std::cout << " d=" << opts.direction
-	      << " c=" << opts.cis
-	      << " t=" << opts.trans
-	      << " M=" << opts.mean
-	      << " S=" << opts.sdev;
+  splitter.split(opts, params, isAlreadySplit);
+  if (!splitter.isOutputEmpty()) {
+    splitter.printOutput();
+    splitter.clearOutput();
-  std::cout << "\n" << std::setprecision(6);
 static void addMaf(std::vector<unsigned> &mafEnds,
@@ -412,12 +170,13 @@ static void eraseOldInput(MyString &inputText,
 void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts) {
-  cbrc::SplitAligner sa;
+  cbrc::SplitAlignerParams params;
+  LastSplitter splitter;
   std::vector< std::vector<int> > scoreMatrix;
   std::string rowNames, colNames;
   std::string word, name, key;
   int state = 0;
-  int sequenceFormat = -1;
+  int sequenceFormat = 1;  // xxx ???
   int gapExistenceCost = -1;
   int gapExtensionCost = -1;
   int insExistenceCost = -1;
@@ -485,36 +244,20 @@ void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts) {
 	      insExistenceCost < 0 || insExtensionCost < 0 ||
 	      lastalScoreThreshold < 0 || scale <= 0 || genomeSize <= 0)
 	    err("can't read the header");
-	  if (sequenceFormat == 2 || sequenceFormat >= 4)
-	    err("unsupported Q format");
-	  if (opts.score < 0)
-	    opts.score = lastalScoreThreshold +
-	      (opts.isSplicedAlignment ? scoreFromProb(100, scale) : 0);
-	  int restartCost =
-	    opts.isSplicedAlignment ? -(INT_MIN/2) : opts.score - 1;
-	  double jumpProb = opts.isSplicedAlignment
-	    ? opts.trans / (2 * genomeSize)  // 2 strands
-	    : 0.0;
-	  int jumpCost =
-	    (jumpProb > 0.0) ? -scoreFromProb(jumpProb, scale) : -(INT_MIN/2);
-	  int qualityOffset =
-            (sequenceFormat == 0) ? 0 : (sequenceFormat == 3) ? 64 : 33;
-	  printParameters(opts);
+	  opts.setUnspecifiedValues(lastalScoreThreshold, scale);
 	  if (opts.isTopSeqQuery) {
 	    std::swap(rowNames, colNames);
 	    std::swap(gapExistenceCost, insExistenceCost);
 	    std::swap(gapExtensionCost, insExtensionCost);
-	  sa.setParams(-gapExistenceCost, -gapExtensionCost,
-		       -insExistenceCost, -insExtensionCost,
-		       -jumpCost, -restartCost, scale, qualityOffset);
-	  double splicePrior = opts.isSplicedAlignment ? opts.cis : 0.0;
-	  sa.setSpliceParams(splicePrior, opts.mean, opts.sdev);
-	  sa.setScoreMat(scoreMatrix, rowNames, colNames);
-	  sa.setSpliceSignals();
-	  if (!opts.genome.empty()) sa.readGenome(opts.genome);
-	  sa.printParameters();
+	  setLastSplitParams(params, opts,
+			     scoreMatrix, rowNames.c_str(), colNames.c_str(),
+			     gapExistenceCost, gapExtensionCost,
+			     insExistenceCost, insExtensionCost,
+			     scale, genomeSize, sequenceFormat);
+	  opts.print();
+	  params.print();
 	  std::cout << "#\n";
 	  state = 1;
@@ -528,7 +271,8 @@ void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts) {
 	} else if (strchr(opts.no_split ? "asqpc" : "sqp", linePtr[0])) {
 	  if (!opts.isTopSeqQuery && linePtr[0] == 's' && sLineCount++ % 2 &&
 	      !isSameName(&inputText[qNameLineBeg], linePtr)) {
-	    doOneBatch(inputText, lineEnds, mafEnds, sa, opts, isAlreadySplit);
+	    doOneBatch(inputText, lineEnds, mafEnds, splitter, opts, params,
+		       isAlreadySplit);
 	    eraseOldInput(inputText, lineEnds, mafEnds);
 	    qNameLineBeg = lineEnds.back();
@@ -539,5 +283,6 @@ void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts) {
   addMaf(mafEnds, lineEnds);
-  doOneBatch(inputText, lineEnds, mafEnds, sa, opts, isAlreadySplit);
+  doOneBatch(inputText, lineEnds, mafEnds, splitter, opts, params,
+	     isAlreadySplit);

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright 2013 Martin C. Frith
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2013
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
 // This routine reads alignments of query sequences to a genome, and
 // estimates which alignment parts represent the source of each query.
@@ -13,28 +14,8 @@
 #ifndef LAST_SPLIT_HH
 #define LAST_SPLIT_HH
-#include <stddef.h>  // size_t
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
+#include "last_split_options.hh"
-struct LastSplitOptions {
-  int format;
-  bool isTopSeqQuery;
-  std::string genome;
-  int direction;
-  double cis;
-  double trans;
-  double mean;
-  double sdev;
-  double mismap;
-  int score;
-  bool no_split;
-  size_t bytes;
-  bool verbose;
-  bool isSplicedAlignment;
-  std::vector<std::string> inputFileNames;
-void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions& opts);
+void lastSplit(LastSplitOptions &opts);

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2022
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "last_split_options.hh"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#define OPT_d 1
+#define OPT_c 0.004
+#define OPT_t 1e-05
+#define OPT_M 7.0
+#define OPT_S 1.7
+#define OPT_m 1.0
+#define MACROS_SUCK(X) #X
+#define STR(X) MACROS_SUCK(X)
+  : format(0),
+    isTopSeqQuery(false),
+    direction(OPT_d),
+    cis(OPT_c),
+    trans(OPT_t),
+    mean(OPT_M),
+    sdev(OPT_S),
+    mismap(OPT_m),
+    score(-1),
+    no_split(false),
+    bytes(0),
+    verbose(false),
+    isSplicedAlignment(false) {}
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpf[] =
+  "output format: MAF, MAF+";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpr[] =
+  "reverse the roles of the 2 sequences in each alignment";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpg[] =
+  "lastdb genome name";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpd[] =
+  "RNA direction: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=mixed (default: " STR(OPT_d) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpc[] =
+  "cis-splice probability per base (default: " STR(OPT_c) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpt[] =
+  "trans-splice probability per base (default: " STR(OPT_t) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpM[] =
+  "mean of ln[intron length] (default: " STR(OPT_M) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpS[] =
+  "standard deviation of ln[intron length] (default: " STR(OPT_S) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpm[] =
+  "maximum mismap probability (default: " STR(OPT_m) ")";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helps[] =
+  "minimum alignment score (default: e OR e+t*ln[100])";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpn[] =
+  "write original, not split, alignments";
+const char LastSplitOptions::helpb[] =
+  "maximum memory (default: 8T for split, 8G for spliced)";
+static size_t defaultBytes(bool isSplicedAlignment) {
+  size_t b = isSplicedAlignment ? 8 : 8 * 1024;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+    size_t n = b * 1024;
+    if (n / 1024 != b) return -1;
+    b = n;
+  }
+  return b;
+void LastSplitOptions::setUnspecifiedValues(int lastalMinScore, double scale) {
+  if (!bytes) bytes = defaultBytes(isSplicedAlignment);
+  if (score < 0) {
+    score = lastalMinScore;
+    if (isSplicedAlignment) score += floor(scale * log(100.0) + 0.5);
+  }
+void LastSplitOptions::print() const {
+  std::streamsize p = std::cout.precision(12);
+  std::cout << '#'
+	    << " m=" << mismap
+	    << " s=" << score;
+  if (isSplicedAlignment) {
+    std::cout << " d=" << direction
+	      << " c=" << cis
+	      << " t=" << trans
+	      << " M=" << mean
+	      << " S=" << sdev;
+  }
+  std::cout << '\n';
+  std::cout.precision(p);
+char LastSplitOptions::parseOutputFormat(const char *text) {
+  std::string s = text;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
+    s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
+  }
+  if (s == "maf")  return 'm';
+  if (s == "maf+") return 'M';
+  return 0;

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2022
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+struct LastSplitOptions {
+  int format;
+  bool isTopSeqQuery;
+  std::string genome;
+  int direction;
+  double cis;
+  double trans;
+  double mean;
+  double sdev;
+  double mismap;
+  int score;
+  bool no_split;
+  size_t bytes;
+  bool verbose;
+  bool isSplicedAlignment;
+  std::vector<std::string> inputFileNames;
+  static const char helpf[];
+  static const char helpr[];
+  static const char helpg[];
+  static const char helpd[];
+  static const char helpc[];
+  static const char helpt[];
+  static const char helpM[];
+  static const char helpS[];
+  static const char helpm[];
+  static const char helps[];
+  static const char helpn[];
+  static const char helpb[];
+  LastSplitOptions();
+  void setUnspecifiedValues(int lastalMinScore, double scale);
+  void print() const;
+  static char parseOutputFormat(const char *text);

@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2013
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "mcf_last_splitter.hh"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <stdexcept>
+// Defines an ordering, for sorting.
+static bool less(const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment& a,
+		 const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment& b) {
+  int qnameCmp = strcmp(a.qname, b.qname);
+  if (qnameCmp  != 0        ) return qnameCmp  < 0;
+  if (a.qstart  != b.qstart ) return a.qstart  < b.qstart;
+  if (a.qend    != b.qend   ) return a.qend    < b.qend;
+  if (a.qstrand != b.qstrand) return a.qstrand < b.qstrand;
+  int qalignCmp = strcmp(a.qalign, b.qalign);
+  if (qalignCmp != 0        ) return qalignCmp < 0;
+  int ralignCmp = strcmp(a.ralign, b.ralign);
+  if (ralignCmp != 0        ) return ralignCmp < 0;
+  return a.linesBeg < b.linesBeg;  // stabilizes the sort
+static int printSense(char *out, double senseStrandLogOdds) {
+  double b = senseStrandLogOdds / log(2.0);
+  if (b < 0.1 && b > -0.1) b = 0;
+  else if (b > 10) b = floor(b + 0.5);
+  else if (b < -10) b = ceil(b - 0.5);
+  int precision = (b < 10 && b > -10) ? 2 : 3;
+  return sprintf(out, " sense=%.*g", precision, b);
+namespace mcf {
+void LastSplitter::doOneAlignmentPart(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+				      const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+				      bool isAlreadySplit,
+				      const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment &a,
+				      unsigned numOfParts, unsigned partNum,
+				      unsigned alnNum,
+				      unsigned qSliceBeg, unsigned qSliceEnd,
+				      bool isSenseStrand,
+				      double senseStrandLogOdds) {
+  if (qSliceBeg >= a.qend || qSliceEnd <= a.qstart) {
+    return;  // this can happen for spliced alignment!
+  }
+  unsigned qSliceBegTrimmed = qSliceBeg;
+  unsigned qSliceEndTrimmed = qSliceEnd;
+  unsigned alnBeg, alnEnd;
+  cbrc::mafSliceBeg(a.ralign, a.qalign, a.qstart, qSliceBegTrimmed, alnBeg);
+  cbrc::mafSliceEnd(a.ralign, a.qalign, a.qend,   qSliceEndTrimmed, alnEnd);
+  if (qSliceBegTrimmed >= qSliceEndTrimmed) {
+    return;  // I think this can happen for spliced alignment
+  }
+  int score =
+    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceBeg, qSliceEnd) -
+    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceBeg, qSliceBegTrimmed) -
+    sa.segmentScore(alnNum, qSliceEndTrimmed, qSliceEnd);
+  if (score < opts.score) return;
+  std::vector<double> p;
+  if (opts.direction != 0) {
+    p = sa.marginalProbs(qSliceBegTrimmed, alnNum, alnBeg, alnEnd);
+  }
+  std::vector<double> pRev;
+  if (opts.direction != 1) {
+    sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+    pRev = sa.marginalProbs(qSliceBegTrimmed, alnNum, alnBeg, alnEnd);
+    sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+  }
+  if (opts.direction == 0) p.swap(pRev);
+  if (opts.direction == 2) {
+    double reverseProb = 1 / (1 + exp(senseStrandLogOdds));
+    // the exp might overflow to inf, but that should be OK
+    double forwardProb = 1 - reverseProb;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
+      p[i] = forwardProb * p[i] + reverseProb * pRev[i];
+    }
+  }
+  assert(!p.empty());
+  double mismap = 1.0 - *std::max_element(p.begin(), p.end());
+  mismap = std::max(mismap, 1e-10);
+  if (mismap > opts.mismap) return;
+  int mismapPrecision = 3;
+  std::vector<char> slice;
+  size_t lineLen = cbrc::mafSlice(slice, a, alnBeg, alnEnd, &p[0]);
+  const char *sliceBeg = &slice[0];
+  const char *sliceEnd = sliceBeg + slice.size();
+  const char *pLine = sliceEnd - lineLen;
+  const char *secondLastLine = pLine - lineLen;
+  if (isAlreadySplit && secondLastLine[0] == 'p') {
+    size_t backToSeq = alnEnd - alnBeg + 1;
+    mismap = cbrc::pLinesToErrorProb(pLine - backToSeq, sliceEnd - backToSeq);
+    if (mismap > opts.mismap) return;
+    mismapPrecision = 2;
+  }
+  bool isLastalProbs = (*(secondLastLine - isAlreadySplit * lineLen) == 'p');
+  if (opts.format == 'm' || (opts.format == 0 && !isLastalProbs)) {
+    while (*(sliceEnd - lineLen) == 'p') sliceEnd -= lineLen;
+  }
+  const char *aLineOld = a.linesBeg[0];
+  size_t aLineOldSize = a.linesBeg[1] - a.linesBeg[0] - 1;
+  std::vector<char> aLine(aLineOldSize + 128);
+  char *out = &aLine[0];
+  if (opts.no_split && aLineOld[0] == 'a') {
+    memcpy(out, aLineOld, aLineOldSize);
+    out += aLineOldSize;
+  } else {
+    out += sprintf(out, "a score=%d", score);
+  }
+  out += sprintf(out, " mismap=%.*g", mismapPrecision, mismap);
+  if (opts.direction == 2) out += printSense(out, senseStrandLogOdds);
+  if (!opts.genome.empty() && !opts.no_split) {
+    if (partNum > 0) {
+      out = strcpy(out, isSenseStrand ? " acc=" : " don=") + 5;
+      sa.spliceEndSignal(out, params, alnNum, qSliceBeg, isSenseStrand);
+      out += 2;
+    }
+    if (partNum + 1 < numOfParts) {
+      out = strcpy(out, isSenseStrand ? " don=" : " acc=") + 5;
+      sa.spliceBegSignal(out, params, alnNum, qSliceEnd, isSenseStrand);
+      out += 2;
+    }
+  }
+  *out++ = '\n';
+  outputText.insert(outputText.end(), &aLine[0], out);
+  outputText.insert(outputText.end(), sliceBeg, sliceEnd);
+  if (opts.no_split && a.linesEnd[-1][0] == 'c') {
+    outputText.insert(outputText.end(), a.linesEnd[-1], a.linesEnd[0]);
+    outputText.back() = '\n';
+  }
+  outputText.push_back('\n');
+void LastSplitter::doOneQuery(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+			      const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			      bool isAlreadySplit,
+			      const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *beg,
+			      const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *end) {
+  if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << beg->qname << "\t" << (end - beg);
+  sa.layout(params, beg, end);
+  if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\tcells=" << sa.cellsPerDpMatrix();
+  size_t bytes = sa.memory(params, !opts.no_split, opts.direction == 2);
+  if (bytes > opts.bytes) {
+    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
+    std::cerr << "last-split: skipping sequence " << beg->qname
+	      << " (" << bytes << " bytes)\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  sa.initMatricesForOneQuery(params);
+  if (opts.direction != 0) {
+    sa.forwardBackward(params);
+  }
+  if (opts.direction != 1) {
+    sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+    sa.forwardBackward(params);
+    sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+  }
+  double senseStrandLogOdds =
+    (opts.direction == 2) ? sa.spliceSignalStrandLogOdds() : 0;
+  if (opts.no_split) {
+    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
+    unsigned numOfParts = end - beg;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numOfParts; ++i) {
+      doOneAlignmentPart(opts, params, isAlreadySplit, beg[i],
+			 numOfParts, i, i, beg[i].qstart, beg[i].qend,
+			 true, senseStrandLogOdds);
+    }
+  } else {
+    long viterbiScore = LONG_MIN;
+    if (opts.direction != 0) {
+      viterbiScore = sa.viterbi(params);
+      if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\t" << viterbiScore;
+    }
+    long viterbiScoreRev = LONG_MIN;
+    if (opts.direction != 1) {
+      sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+      viterbiScoreRev = sa.viterbi(params);
+      sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+      if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\t" << viterbiScoreRev;
+    }
+    bool isSenseStrand = (viterbiScore >= viterbiScoreRev);
+    std::vector<unsigned> alnNums;
+    std::vector<unsigned> queryBegs;
+    std::vector<unsigned> queryEnds;
+    if (isSenseStrand) {
+      sa.traceBack(params, viterbiScore, alnNums, queryBegs, queryEnds);
+    } else {
+      sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+      sa.traceBack(params, viterbiScoreRev, alnNums, queryBegs, queryEnds);
+      sa.flipSpliceSignals(params);
+    }
+    std::reverse(alnNums.begin(), alnNums.end());
+    std::reverse(queryBegs.begin(), queryBegs.end());
+    std::reverse(queryEnds.begin(), queryEnds.end());
+    if (opts.verbose) std::cerr << "\n";
+    unsigned numOfParts = alnNums.size();
+    for (unsigned k = 0; k < numOfParts; ++k) {
+      unsigned i = alnNums[k];
+      doOneAlignmentPart(opts, params, isAlreadySplit, beg[i],
+			 numOfParts, k, i, queryBegs[k], queryEnds[k],
+			 isSenseStrand, senseStrandLogOdds);
+    }
+  }
+void LastSplitter::split(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+			 const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			 bool isAlreadySplit) {
+  sort(mafs.begin(), mafs.end(), less);
+  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *beg = mafs.empty() ? 0 : &mafs[0];
+  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *end = beg + mafs.size();
+  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *mid = beg;
+  size_t qendMax = 0;
+  while (mid < end) {
+    if (mid->qend > qendMax) qendMax = mid->qend;
+    ++mid;
+    if (mid == end || strcmp(mid->qname, beg->qname) != 0 ||
+	(mid->qstart >= qendMax && !opts.isSplicedAlignment)) {
+      doOneQuery(opts, params, isAlreadySplit, beg, mid);
+      beg = mid;
+      qendMax = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  mafs.clear();
+void setLastSplitParams(cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+			const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &scoreMatrix,
+			const char *rowNames, const char *colNames,
+			int delOpenCost, int delGrowCost,
+			int insOpenCost, int insGrowCost,
+			double scale, double genomeSize, int sequenceFormat) {
+  int restartCost =
+    opts.isSplicedAlignment ? -(INT_MIN/2) : opts.score - 1;
+  double jumpProb = opts.isSplicedAlignment
+    ? opts.trans / (2 * genomeSize)  // 2 strands
+    : 0.0;
+  int jumpCost = (jumpProb > 0.0) ?
+    -params.scoreFromProb(jumpProb, scale) : -(INT_MIN/2);
+  if (sequenceFormat == 2 || sequenceFormat == 4 || sequenceFormat == 5) {
+    throw std::runtime_error("unsupported last-split Q format");
+  }
+  int qualityOffset =
+    (sequenceFormat == 1) ? 33 : (sequenceFormat == 3) ? 64 : 0;
+  params.setParams(-delOpenCost, -delGrowCost, -insOpenCost, -insGrowCost,
+		   -jumpCost, -restartCost, scale, qualityOffset);
+  double splicePrior = opts.isSplicedAlignment ? opts.cis : 0.0;
+  params.setSpliceParams(splicePrior, opts.mean, opts.sdev);
+  params.setScoreMat(scoreMatrix, rowNames, colNames);
+  params.setSpliceSignals();
+  if (!opts.genome.empty()) params.readGenome(opts.genome);

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// Author: Martin C. Frith 2022
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+#include "cbrc_split_aligner.hh"
+#include "last_split_options.hh"
+#include <iostream>
+namespace mcf {
+void setLastSplitParams(cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+			const std::vector< std::vector<int> > &scoreMatrix,
+			const char *rowNames, const char *colNames,
+			int delOpenCost, int delGrowCost,
+			int insOpenCost, int insGrowCost,
+			double scale, double genomeSize, int sequenceFormat);
+class LastSplitter {
+  void reserve(size_t s) { mafs.reserve(s); }
+  void addMaf(char **linesBeg, char **linesEnd, bool isTopSeqQuery) {
+    mafs.push_back(cbrc::UnsplitAlignment(linesBeg, linesEnd, isTopSeqQuery));
+  }
+  // Calculate and store output, and clear MAFs
+  void split(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+	     const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params, bool isAlreadySplit);
+  bool isOutputEmpty() const { return outputText.empty(); }
+  void printOutput() const
+  { std::cout.write(&outputText[0], outputText.size()); }
+  void clearOutput() { outputText.clear(); }
+  cbrc::SplitAligner sa;
+  std::vector<cbrc::UnsplitAlignment> mafs;
+  std::vector<char> outputText;
+  void doOneQuery(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+		  const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params, bool isAlreadySplit,
+		  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *beg,
+		  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment *end);
+  void doOneAlignmentPart(const LastSplitOptions &opts,
+			  const cbrc::SplitAlignerParams &params,
+			  bool isAlreadySplit,
+			  const cbrc::UnsplitAlignment &a, unsigned numOfParts,
+			  unsigned partNum, unsigned alnNum,
+			  unsigned qSliceBeg, unsigned qSliceEnd,
+			  bool isSenseStrand, double senseStrandLogOdds);

@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ come from different parts of the genome.
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
- -f, --format=FMT   output format: MAF, MAF+ (default: depends on input)
+ -f, --format=FMT   output format: MAF, MAF+
  -r, --reverse      reverse the roles of the 2 sequences in each alignment
  -g, --genome=NAME  lastdb genome name
- -d, --direction=D  RNA direction: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=mixed (default=1)
- -c, --cis=PROB     cis-splice probability per base (default=0.004)
- -t, --trans=PROB   trans-splice probability per base (default=1e-05)
- -M, --mean=MEAN    mean of ln[intron length] (default=7)
- -S, --sdev=SDEV    standard deviation of ln[intron length] (default=1.7)
- -m, --mismap=PROB  maximum mismap probability (default=1)
- -s, --score=INT    minimum alignment score (default=e OR e+t*ln[100])
+ -d, --direction=D  RNA direction: 0=reverse, 1=forward, 2=mixed (default: 1)
+ -c, --cis=PROB     cis-splice probability per base (default: 0.004)
+ -t, --trans=PROB   trans-splice probability per base (default: 1e-05)
+ -M, --mean=MEAN    mean of ln[intron length] (default: 7.0)
+ -S, --sdev=SDEV    standard deviation of ln[intron length] (default: 1.7)
+ -m, --mismap=PROB  maximum mismap probability (default: 1.0)
+ -s, --score=INT    minimum alignment score (default: e OR e+t*ln[100])
  -n, --no-split     write original, not split, alignments
- -b, --bytes=B      maximum memory (default=8T for split, 8G for spliced)
+ -b, --bytes=B      maximum memory (default: 8T for split, 8G for spliced)
  -v, --verbose      be verbose
  -V, --version      show version information and exit
 # LAST version 356

@@ -11827,6 +11827,7 @@ SRR359290.9033      1 CAAAGTGCTGGGATTGCAGGCATAAGCCACTGTGCGTGGCC     41
 99	16	chrM	8940	70	1X1=1X3=1X1=4X8=1X9=1X13=1X5=1X4=2X15=1X3=1X4=1X1=1X2=1X	*	0	0	ACGCCAAATAGTTTATTATCAAAACCATCAACCTACTCATTCAAACAATAACCCTAACCGTACGCCTAACCGATAATATTATTACAA	############61477?1=/'=';%&*.>B5?:>>B@)+>CBB*B*,.BB*>((;2+B*B39A>*?>(>8B=B>C+=42;'8+ at C:	NM:i:18	AS:i:284
 @HD	VN:1.3	SO:unsorted
+ at PG	ID:lastal	PN:lastal	VN:356
 SRR359290.9001	16	chr1	160106736	255	6=1X9=1X8=1X1=1X6=1X4=1X11=1X23=	*	0	0	TTCTTTCCCAGCATCGGGGTGGTGCGGGGGGCTGCCCTCCTCATCTGCAAGCCCCGCCGCAACTCAGTCTTCCAG	####################################################?EEGGGGGFDGAGGGGGGBGGDF	NM:i:7	AS:i:221	RG:Z:1
 SRR359290.9002	0	chr15	50775673	255	22H4=1X19=29H	*	0	0	ATATTAAACAAAAATGAGTTTTTA	EGEGGGGGGGGFGGGGGFGFGGGG	NM:i:1	AS:i:120	RG:Z:1
@@ -12068,6 +12069,7 @@ SRR359290.9033	0	chr6_ssto_hap7	945118	255	15=1X20=1X4=34H	*	0	0	CAAAGTGCTGGGATT
 @SQ	SN:chrUn_gl000248	LN:39786
 @SQ	SN:chrX	LN:155270560
 @SQ	SN:chrY	LN:59373566
+ at PG	ID:lastal	PN:lastal	VN:356
 SRR359290.9001	16	chr1	160106736	255	6=1X9=1X8=1X1=1X6=1X4=1X11=1X23=	*	0	0	TTCTTTCCCAGCATCGGGGTGGTGCGGGGGGCTGCCCTCCTCATCTGCAAGCCCCGCCGCAACTCAGTCTTCCAG	####################################################?EEGGGGGFDGAGGGGGGBGGDF	NM:i:7	AS:i:221
 SRR359290.9002	0	chr15	50775673	255	22H4=1X19=29H	*	0	0	ATATTAAACAAAAATGAGTTTTTA	EGEGGGGGGGGFGGGGGFGFGGGG	NM:i:1	AS:i:120

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