[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/helper-scripts][master] automatic update

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon May 2 14:42:29 BST 2022

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / helper-scripts

710ace8e by Andreas Tille at 2022-05-02T13:42:23+00:00
automatic update

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian-med-tests.txt
- debian-science-tests.txt
- outdated_med-packages.txt


@@ -1,73 +1,70 @@
-Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
+Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 13:42:04 +0000
  Source                        | Vote   |     Tasks                                           |                                 Tags                                 
  dcmtk                         |    171 | {imaging,covid-19}                                  | 
  orthanc                       |    101 | {imaging,covid-19,practice}                         | 
- orthanc-wsi                   |     52 | {laboratory,practice,imaging,covid-19,oncology,his} | 
- amide                         |     23 | {imaging}                                           | 
- dicom3tools                   |     23 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ orthanc-wsi                   |     51 | {laboratory,practice,imaging,covid-19,oncology,his} | 
+ amide                         |     25 | {imaging}                                           | 
  dcm2niix                      |     21 | {imaging}                                           | 
- dicomscope                    |     20 | {imaging}                                           | 
- orthanc-webviewer             |     18 | {imaging}                                           | 
- orthanc-dicomweb              |     13 | {covid-19,imaging}                                  | 
- mrtrix3                       |     12 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ dicom3tools                   |     21 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ dicomscope                    |     21 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ orthanc-webviewer             |     16 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ mrtrix3                       |     13 | {imaging}                                           | 
  gnumed-server                 |     11 | {practice,covid-19}                                 | 
  minc-tools                    |     11 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ nipype                        |     11 | {imaging,imaging-dev}                               | 
+ orthanc-dicomweb              |     11 | {covid-19,imaging}                                  | 
  gdcm                          |     10 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  invesalius                    |     10 | {imaging}                                           | 
- nipype                        |     10 | {imaging,imaging-dev}                               | 
- oscar                         |     10 | {data,practice,tools}                               | 
  dicomnifti                    |      9 | {imaging}                                           | 
  openslide                     |      9 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
- orthanc-mysql                 |      9 | {imaging}                                           | 
- orthanc-postgresql            |      9 | {imaging}                                           | 
- dicompyler                    |      8 | {oncology}                                          | 
+ oscar                         |      9 | {data,practice,tools}                               | 
  gdcm                          |      8 | {imaging,covid-19}                                  | 
- mia                           |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
- nifti2dicom                   |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
- pixelmed                      |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
- treeview                      |      8 | {bio,bio-phylogeny}                                 | 
+ orthanc-mysql                 |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
  biojava-live                  |      7 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
+ mia                           |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
  nifti2dicom                   |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
- obitools                      |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
- orthanc-gdcm                  |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
- plastimatch                   |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ openslide                     |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ orthanc-postgresql            |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ pixelmed                      |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ treeview                      |      7 | {bio,bio-phylogeny}                                 | 
+ dicompyler                    |      6 | {oncology}                                          | 
  getdata                       |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  jebl2                         |      6 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libncl                        |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  librg-utils-perl              |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  nifticlib                     |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
- openslide                     |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ obitools                      |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
+ plastimatch                   |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
  runcircos-gui                 |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  stacks                        |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  adun.app                      |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  canu                          |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
- embassy-domsearch             |      5 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
- ghmm                          |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
- lamarc                        |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
+ orthanc-gdcm                  |      5 | {imaging}                                           | 
  saint                         |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  salmon                        |      5 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
  staden                        |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  bio-tradis                    |      4 | {bio-dev,bio}                                       | 
- bitseq                        |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  blimps                        |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  cmtk                          |      4 | {imaging}                                           | 
- embassy-domainatrix           |      4 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
+ embassy-domsearch             |      4 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
+ ghmm                          |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  ipig                          |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  king                          |      4 | {imaging,typesetting}                               | 
+ lamarc                        |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  libminc                       |      4 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  mauve-aligner                 |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  melting                       |      4 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  mhap                          |      4 | {bio-ngs,bio}                                       | 
  phyutility                    |      4 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  piler                         |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
- rtax                          |      4 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  sift                          |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  spread-phy                    |      4 | {bio-phylogeny,bio}                                 | 
  anfo                          |      3 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  arden                         |      3 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  beast-mcmc                    |      3 | {bio,bio-phylogeny}                                 | 
+ bitseq                        |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  brig                          |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  cat-bat                       |      3 | {covid-19,bio}                                      | 
  clonalframeml                 |      3 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
@@ -75,6 +72,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
  delly                         |      3 | {covid-19,bio}                                      | 
  dextractor                    |      3 | {covid-19,bio}                                      | 
  elastix                       |      3 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ embassy-domainatrix           |      3 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  embassy-domalign              |      3 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  fastml                        |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  gatb-core                     |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -91,6 +89,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
  pscan-chip                    |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  qcumber                       |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  rdp-classifier                |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
+ rtax                          |      3 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  sga                           |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  sibsim4                       |      3 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  soapaligner                   |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
  zalign                        |      3 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  assemblytics                  |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  bart-view                     |      2 | {imaging}                                           | 
- biomaj3-cli                   |      2 | {cloud}                                             | 
  cufflinks                     |      2 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  emboss-explorer               |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  emmax                         |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -123,6 +121,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
  thesias                       |      2 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
  tophat-recondition            |      2 | {covid-19,bio}                                      | 
  trace2dbest                   |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
+ biomaj3-cli                   |      1 | {cloud}                                             | 
  htscodecs                     |      1 | {covid-19,bio-dev}                                  | 
  libchado-perl                 |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libctapimkt                   |      1 | {practice}                                          | 
@@ -197,5 +196,5 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:03 +0000
  malt                          |     -1 | {bio}                                               | 
  megan-ce                      |     -1 | {bio}                                               | 
  rockhopper                    |     -1 | {bio}                                               | 
-(225 rows)
+(224 rows)

@@ -1,94 +1,97 @@
-Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
+Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 13:42:05 +0000
       Source                             | Vote   |                    Tasks                                                         |                                Tags                                
- gts                                     |   3052 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
- sympy                                   |   1721 | {physics,nanoscale-physics}                                                      | 
+ gts                                     |   3017 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ sympy                                   |   1741 | {physics,nanoscale-physics}                                                      | 
  suitesparse                             |    251 | {mathematics-dev,numericalcomputation}                                           | 
  armadillo                               |    217 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- python-pyqtgraph                        |    135 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
- atlas                                   |     90 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ python-pyqtgraph                        |    128 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ atlas                                   |     89 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  nltk                                    |     81 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
- arpack                                  |     58 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- cypari2                                 |     54 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ arpack                                  |     60 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ cypari2                                 |     53 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  imview                                  |     48 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
  arduino-mk                              |     44 | {robotics}                                                                       | 
  rubiks                                  |     38 | {geometry,mathematics}                                                           | 
- fftw                                    |     35 | {mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev,physics-dev}                                    | 
- flintqs                                 |     32 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
+ fftw                                    |     36 | {mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev,physics-dev}                                    | 
+ flintqs                                 |     33 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
+ eclib                                   |     32 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
  pyzo                                    |     32 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
- eclib                                   |     31 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
+ scalapack                               |     25 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
  feedgnuplot                             |     24 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
- scalapack                               |     24 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
+ geg                                     |     21 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
  guidata                                 |     21 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                                            | 
  guiqwt                                  |     21 | {numericalcomputation,viewing}                                                   | 
  sketch                                  |     21 | {typesetting}                                                                    | 
- vitables                                |     21 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
- geg                                     |     20 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ vitables                                |     20 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
  bossa                                   |     19 | {devices}                                                                        | 
- gts                                     |     19 | {viewing-dev}                                                                    | 
+ neuron                                  |     19 | {neuroscience-modeling,highenergy-physics,simulations}                           | 
  cernlib                                 |     18 | {highenergy-physics}                                                             | 
- neuron                                  |     18 | {neuroscience-modeling,highenergy-physics,simulations}                           | 
- gfsview                                 |     17 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ gts                                     |     18 | {viewing-dev}                                                                    | 
  coinor-symphony                         |     16 | {mathematics,logic,numericalcomputation}                                         | 
  fftw                                    |     16 | {mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev,physics-dev}                                    | 
+ gfsview                                 |     16 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ flann                                   |     15 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                                | 
  ntl                                     |     15 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  cernlib                                 |     14 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  libmatio                                |     14 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  picosat                                 |     14 | {logic}                                                                          | 
- ros-ros-environment                     |     14 | {robotics-dev}                                                                   | 
  auto-07p                                |     13 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
- flann                                   |     13 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                                | 
  form                                    |     13 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
  mathgl                                  |     13 | {viewing}                                                                        | 
+ neuron                                  |     13 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  opencascade                             |     13 | {simulations}                                                                    | 
- ppl                                     |     13 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
- neuron                                  |     12 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
+ libm4ri                                 |     12 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ ppl                                     |     12 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
+ ros-ros-environment                     |     12 | {robotics-dev}                                                                   | 
  apophenia                               |     11 | {statistics}                                                                     | 
- debian-science                          |     11 | {nanoscale-physics,mathematics,physics,economics,machine-learning}               | 
  getdp                                   |     11 | {engineering,simulations,mathematics}                                            | 
- libm4ri                                 |     11 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  opticalraytracer                        |     11 | {physics}                                                                        | 
- rheolef                                 |     11 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
  ros-rosconsole                          |     11 | {robotics-dev}                                                                   | 
  tango                                   |     11 | {dataacquisition}                                                                | 
  toulbar2                                |     11 | {mathematics,numericalcomputation,logic,physics}                                 | 
  uctodata                                |     11 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
- debian-science                          |     10 | {nanoscale-physics,economics,physics,machine-learning}                           | 
- matlab-support                          |     10 | {mathematics,numericalcomputation}                                               | 
+ debian-science                          |     10 | {nanoscale-physics,mathematics,physics,economics,machine-learning}               | 
  polylib                                 |     10 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
- teem                                    |     10 | {imageanalysis}                                                                  | 
+ rheolef                                 |     10 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
  ucto                                    |     10 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  debian-science                          |      9 | {physics,nanoscale-physics,economics,statistics}                                 | 
+ debian-science                          |      9 | {nanoscale-physics,economics,physics,machine-learning}                           | 
  jeuclid                                 |      9 | {viewing,typesetting}                                                            | 
- libcgns                                 |      9 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
  lxi-tools                               |      9 | {engineering,dataacquisition}                                                    | 
  pcl                                     |      9 | {robotics-dev}                                                                   | 
- psurface                                |      9 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
+ teem                                    |      9 | {imageanalysis}                                                                  | 
  libitpp                                 |      8 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                                | 
+ matlab-support                          |      8 | {mathematics,numericalcomputation}                                               | 
  syrthes                                 |      8 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
  tango                                   |      8 | {dataacquisition}                                                                | 
- astk                                    |      7 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
- code-saturne                            |      7 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                                | 
- debian-science                          |      7 | {machine-learning,neuroscience-cognitive}                                        | 
+ cliquer                                 |      7 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
+ dune-uggrid                             |      7 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  ipe-tools                               |      7 | {typesetting}                                                                    | 
+ libcgns                                 |      7 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
  lrcalc                                  |      7 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
+ psurface                                |      7 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
  python-escript                          |      7 | {numericalcomputation,engineering,simulations}                                   | 
- scram                                   |      7 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
+ astk                                    |      6 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
  cimg                                    |      6 | {imageanalysis-dev}                                                              | {x11::library}
- cliquer                                 |      6 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
- debian-science                          |      6 | {electrophysiology}                                                              | 
- dune-uggrid                             |      6 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ code-saturne                            |      6 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                                | 
+ debian-science                          |      6 | {machine-learning,neuroscience-cognitive}                                        | 
  dxsamples                               |      6 | {nanoscale-physics}                                                              | 
  etsf-io                                 |      6 | {nanoscale-physics,physics}                                                      | 
  frog                                    |      6 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  libvigraimpex                           |      6 | {imageanalysis-dev,machine-learning}                                             | 
+ scram                                   |      6 | {engineering}                                                                    | 
  alberta                                 |      5 | {engineering-dev}                                                                | 
- debian-science                          |      5 | {tools}                                                                          | 
+ cliquer                                 |      5 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ debian-science                          |      5 | {electrophysiology}                                                              | 
  dimbl                                   |      5 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  dune-istl                               |      5 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ eclib                                   |      5 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  irstlm                                  |      5 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  libgetdata                              |      5 | {dataacquisition}                                                                | 
+ libm4rie                                |      5 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ libzn-poly                              |      5 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  mbt                                     |      5 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  morse-simulator                         |      5 | {robotics}                                                                       | 
  neuron                                  |      5 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
@@ -100,14 +103,14 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  cbflib                                  |      4 | {nanoscale-physics}                                                              | 
  cernlib                                 |      4 | {highenergy-physics}                                                             | 
  clhep                                   |      4 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
- cliquer                                 |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- coda                                    |      4 | {meteorology-dev}                                                                | 
  coinmp                                  |      4 | {numericalcomputation,logic,mathematics-dev}                                     | 
+ debian-science                          |      4 | {tools}                                                                          | 
  debian-science                          |      4 | {psychophysics}                                                                  | 
- eclib                                   |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- libm4rie                                |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ gf2x                                    |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ iml                                     |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ libhomfly                               |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  libmatheval                             |      4 | {mathematics}                                                                    | 
- libzn-poly                              |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
+ lrcalc                                  |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  mbtserver                               |      4 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  mrmpi                                   |      4 | {tools}                                                                          | 
  muparser                                |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
@@ -119,19 +122,17 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  urdfdom-headers                         |      4 | {robotics-dev}                                                                   | 
  x13as                                   |      4 | {economics}                                                                      | 
  coda                                    |      3 | {meteorology}                                                                    | 
- debian-science                          |      3 | {electrophysiology}                                                              | 
+ coda                                    |      3 | {meteorology-dev}                                                                | 
  debian-science                          |      3 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
+ debian-science                          |      3 | {electrophysiology}                                                              | 
  dune-localfunctions                     |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  dxflib                                  |      3 | {engineering-dev}                                                                | 
- gf2x                                    |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- iml                                     |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  ipe-tools                               |      3 | {typesetting}                                                                    | 
  libgtkdatabox                           |      3 | {engineering-dev,viewing-dev}                                                    | 
- libhomfly                               |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  libmatheval                             |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  looptools                               |      3 | {highenergy-physics}                                                             | 
- lrcalc                                  |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  openstereogram                          |      3 | {tools}                                                                          | 
+ ratpoints                               |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  sardana                                 |      3 | {dataacquisition}                                                                | 
  tango                                   |      3 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                                            | 
  apophenia                               |      2 | {statistics}                                                                     | 
@@ -141,12 +142,10 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  fastjet                                 |      2 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  harp                                    |      2 | {meteorology}                                                                    | 
  hpcc                                    |      2 | {numericalcomputation,distributedcomputing}                                      | 
- libccp4                                 |      2 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
  libcgns                                 |      2 | {engineering-dev}                                                                | 
  libgetdata                              |      2 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                                            | 
  looptools                               |      2 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  newmat                                  |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
- ratpoints                               |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  cernlib                                 |      1 | {highenergy-physics}                                                             | 
  ckon                                    |      1 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  clipper                                 |      1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
@@ -156,6 +155,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  dune-functions                          |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  dune-typetree                           |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  frogdata                                |      1 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
+ libccp4                                 |      1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
  libgetdata                              |      1 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                                            | 
  liblbfgs                                |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 
  liblxi                                  |      1 | {dataacquisition-dev,engineering-dev}                                            | 
@@ -207,9 +207,9 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  calculix-ccx-doc                        |      0 | {simulations,numericalcomputation,engineering}                                   | 
  calculix-ccx-test                       |      0 | {simulations,engineering,numericalcomputation}                                   | 
  cbflib                                  |      0 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                                          | 
+ cernlib                                 |      0 | {highenergy-physics,physics}                                                     | 
  cernlib                                 |      0 | {highenergy-physics}                                                             | 
  cernlib                                 |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
- cernlib                                 |      0 | {highenergy-physics,physics}                                                     | 
  cld2                                    |      0 | {linguistics}                                                                    | 
  clhep                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                                         | 
  coda                                    |      0 | {meteorology-dev}                                                                | 
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 02 May 2022 01:42:04 +0000
  metis-edf                               |      0 | {engineering-dev}                                                                | 
  neartree                                |      0 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics-dev}                                           | 
  ompl                                    |      0 | {robotics}                                                                       | 
- openturns                               |      0 | {engineering-dev,mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev}                                | 
  openturns                               |      0 | {mathematics,statistics,engineering,meteorology-dev,mathematics-dev,meteorology} | 
+ openturns                               |      0 | {engineering-dev,mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev}                                | 
  psurface                                |      0 | {numericalcomputation}                                                           | 
  python-aws-xray-sdk                     |      0 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                                            | 
  qrupdate                                |      0 | {mathematics-dev}                                                                | 

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