[med-svn] [Git][med-team/augur][upstream] New upstream version 15.0.2

Étienne Mollier (@emollier) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun May 15 15:45:47 BST 2022

Étienne Mollier pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / augur

8d0866b2 by Étienne Mollier at 2022-05-15T15:15:19+02:00
New upstream version 15.0.2
- - - - -

21 changed files:

- .github/workflows/ci.yaml
- + .github/workflows/release.yaml
- augur/__version__.py
- augur/align.py
- augur/clades.py
- augur/distance.py
- augur/export_v2.py
- augur/filter.py
- augur/io.py
- augur/titer_model.py
- augur/tree.py
- augur/utils.py
- devel/release
- + docs/api/augur.io.rst
- docs/api/augur.rst
- docs/contribute/DEV_DOCS.md
- tests/functional/export_v2.t
- + tests/functional/export_v2/dataset1_metadata_with_name.tsv
- + tests/functional/export_v2/dataset1_metadata_with_strain.tsv
- + tests/functional/export_v2/dataset1_metadata_without_valid_id.tsv


@@ -54,23 +54,4 @@ jobs:
     needs: [test]
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-      - env:
-          TRAVIS_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TRAVIS_AUTH_TOKEN }}
-        run: |
-          set -euo pipefail
-          echo "Pinging Travis CI to rebuild Docker image"
-          body='{
-            "request": {
-              "branch": "master",
-              "message": "Build triggered from augur"
-            }
-          }'
-          curl -X POST https://api.travis-ci.com/repo/nextstrain%2Fdocker-base/requests \
-            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-            -H "Accept: application/json" \
-            -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
-            -H "Authorization: token $TRAVIS_AUTH_TOKEN" \
-            -d "$body"
+    - run: gh workflow run ci.yml --repo nextstrain/docker-base

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+name: Publish to PyPI
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      version:
+        description: 'New version X.X.X'
+        required: true
+        type: string
+      pypi_instance:
+        # PyPI has a separate instance which can be used for testing purposes.
+        description: 'PyPI instance for publishing'
+        required: true
+        default: 'PyPI'
+        type: choice
+        options:
+        - 'TestPyPI'
+        - 'PyPI'
+  run:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout at v2
+        with:
+          # Fetch all branches and tags.
+          fetch-depth: 0
+      - uses: actions/setup-python at v2
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.10'
+      - name: Set Nextstrain bot as git user
+        run: |
+          git config --global user.email "hello at nextstrain.org"
+          git config --global user.name "Nextstrain bot"
+      - run: python3 -m pip install --upgrade build twine
+      - run: devel/release ${{ github.event.inputs.version}}
+      - run: devel/test
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+        with:
+          name: dist
+          path: dist/
+      - run: git push origin master release tag ${{ github.event.inputs.version}}
+      - name: 'Publish to TestPyPI'
+        if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pypi_instance == 'TestPyPI' }}
+        run: twine upload dist/*
+        env:
+          TWINE_USERNAME: __token__
+          TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
+          TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
+      - name: 'Publish to PyPI'
+        if: ${{ github.event.inputs.pypi_instance == 'PyPI' }}
+        run: twine upload dist/*
+        env:
+          TWINE_USERNAME: __token__
+          TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
+          TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/

@@ -3,6 +3,22 @@
 ## __NEXT__
+## 15.0.2 (5 May 2022)
+### Bug Fixes
+* docs: Fix API documentation rendering and add page for `io` module [#896][] (@joverlee521)
+* CI: Use GitHub Actions for release process [#904][] (@victorlin)
+* utils: Fix branch length annotations in `json_to_tree` function [#908][] (@huddlej)
+* export v2: Use io.read_metadata during export, fixing a bug caused when the user's input metadata does not have any valid strain id columns [#909][] (@huddlej)
+* CI: Call new GitHub Actions workflow to rebuild images [#910][] (@victorlin)
+[#910]: https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/pull/910
+[#909]: https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/pull/909
+[#908]: https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/pull/908
+[#904]: https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/pull/904
+[#896]: https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/pull/896
 ## 15.0.1 (25 April 2022)
 ### Bug Fixes

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-__version__ = '15.0.1'
+__version__ = '15.0.2'
 def is_augur_version_compatible(version):

@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ def strip_non_reference(aln, reference, insertion_csv=None):
         list of trimmed sequences, effectively a multiple alignment
     >>> [s.name for s in strip_non_reference(read_alignment("tests/data/align/test_aligned_sequences.fasta"), "with_gaps")]

@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ def read_in_clade_definitions(clade_file):
     Inheritance is allowed, but needs to be acyclic. Alleles can be overwritten by inheriting clades.
     Sites are 1 indexed in the file, and are converted to 0 indexed in the output
     Empty lines are ignored, comments after # are ignored
-    Format
-    ------
-    clade      gene    site     alt
-    Clade_1    ctpE    81       D
-    Clade_2    nuc     30642    T
-    Clade_3    nuc     444296   A
-    Clade_3    S       1        P
-    \\# Clade_4 inherits from Clade_3
-    Clade_4    clade   Clade_3
-    Clade_4    pks8    634      T
-    \\# Inherited allele can be overwritten
-    Clade_4    S       1        L
+    Format::
+        clade      gene    site     alt
+        Clade_1    ctpE    81       D
+        Clade_2    nuc     30642    T
+        Clade_3    nuc     444296   A
+        Clade_3    S       1        P
+        # Clade_4 inherits from Clade_3
+        Clade_4    clade   Clade_3
+        Clade_4    pks8    634      T
+        # Inherited allele can be overwritten
+        Clade_4    S       1        L
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ def read_in_clade_definitions(clade_file):
     # This way all clades can be reached by traversal
     for clade in df.clade.unique():
         G.add_edge(root, clade)
     # Build inheritance graph
     # For clades that inherit, disconnect from root
     # Add edge from parent
     for _, row in clade_inheritance_rows.iterrows():
         G.remove_edge(root, row.clade)
         G.add_edge(row.site, row.clade)
     if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(G):
         raise ValueError(f"Clade definitions contain cycles {list(nx.simple_cycles(G))}")
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def read_in_clade_definitions(clade_file):
     # Topological sort ensures parents are visited before children
     # islice is used to skip the root node (which has no parent)
     for clade in islice(nx.topological_sort(G),1,None):
-        # Get name of parent clade 
+        # Get name of parent clade
         # G.predecessors(clade) returns iterator, thus next() necessary
         # despite the fact that there should only be one parent
         parent_clade = next(G.predecessors(clade))
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def read_in_clade_definitions(clade_file):
         for _, row in df[(df.clade == clade) & (df.gene != 'clade')].iterrows():
             # Overwrite of parent alleles is possible and happens here
             clades[clade][(row.gene, int(row.site)-1)] = row.alt
     # Convert items from dict[str, dict[(str,int),str]] to dict[str, list[(str,int,str)]]
     clades = {
         clade: [
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def read_in_clade_definitions(clade_file):
         # If clause avoids root (helper) from being emmitted
         if clade != root
     return clades

@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ def read_distance_map(map_file):
     dict :
         Python representation of the distance map JSON
     >>> sorted(read_distance_map("tests/data/distance_map_weight_per_site.json").items())
     [('default', 0), ('map', {'HA1': {144: 1}})]
     >>> sorted(read_distance_map("tests/data/distance_map_weight_per_site_and_sequence.json").items())
@@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ def get_distance_between_nodes(node_a_sequences, node_b_sequences, distance_map,
     float :
         distance between node sequences based on the given map
     >>> node_a_sequences = {"gene": "ACTG"}
     >>> node_b_sequences = {"gene": "ACGG"}
     >>> distance_map = {"default": 0, "map": {}}

@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ import warnings
 import numbers
 import re
 from Bio import Phylo
-from .utils import read_metadata, read_node_data, write_json, read_config, read_lat_longs, read_colors
+from .io import read_metadata
+from .utils import read_node_data, write_json, read_config, read_lat_longs, read_colors
 from .validate import export_v2 as validate_v2, auspice_config_v2 as validate_auspice_config_v2, ValidateError
 # Set up warnings & exceptions
@@ -565,6 +567,7 @@ def set_data_provenance(data_json, config):
     config : dict
         config JSON with an expected ``data_provenance`` key
     >>> config = {"data_provenance": [{"name": "GISAID"}, {"name": "INSDC"}]}
     >>> data_json = {"meta": {}}
     >>> set_data_provenance(data_json, config)
@@ -992,10 +995,16 @@ def run_v2(args):
     if args.metadata is not None:
-            metadata_file, _ = read_metadata(args.metadata)
+            metadata_file = read_metadata(args.metadata).to_dict(orient="index")
+            for strain in metadata_file.keys():
+                if "strain" not in metadata_file[strain]:
+                    metadata_file[strain]["strain"] = strain
         except FileNotFoundError:
-            print(f"ERROR: meta data file ({args.metadata}) does not exist")
+            print(f"ERROR: meta data file ({args.metadata}) does not exist", file=sys.stderr)
+        except Exception as error:
+            print(f"ERROR: {error}", file=sys.stderr)
+            sys.exit(1)
         metadata_file = {}

@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ def filter_by_exclude_all(metadata):
         Empty set of strains
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> filter_by_exclude_all(metadata)
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ def filter_by_exclude(metadata, exclude_file):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as exclude_file:
     ...     characters_written = exclude_file.write(b'strain1')
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ def parse_filter_query(query):
     str :
         Value of column to query
     >>> parse_filter_query("property=value")
     ('property', <built-in function eq>, 'value')
     >>> parse_filter_query("property!=value")
@@ -177,6 +180,7 @@ def filter_by_exclude_where(metadata, exclude_where):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> filter_by_exclude_where(metadata, "region!=Europe")
@@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ def filter_by_query(metadata, query):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> filter_by_query(metadata, "region == 'Africa'")
@@ -256,6 +261,7 @@ def filter_by_ambiguous_date(metadata, date_column="date", ambiguity="any"):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-XX"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-01-02"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> filter_by_ambiguous_date(metadata)
@@ -298,6 +304,7 @@ def filter_by_date(metadata, date_column="date", min_date=None, max_date=None):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-01"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-01-02"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> filter_by_date(metadata, min_date=numeric_date("2020-01-02"))
@@ -352,6 +359,7 @@ def filter_by_sequence_index(metadata, sequence_index):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-01"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-01-02"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> sequence_index = pd.DataFrame([{"strain": "strain1", "ACGT": 28000}]).set_index("strain")
     >>> filter_by_sequence_index(metadata, sequence_index)
@@ -381,6 +389,7 @@ def filter_by_sequence_length(metadata, sequence_index, min_length=0):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-01"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-01-02"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> sequence_index = pd.DataFrame([{"strain": "strain1", "A": 7000, "C": 7000, "G": 7000, "T": 7000}, {"strain": "strain2", "A": 6500, "C": 6500, "G": 6500, "T": 6500}]).set_index("strain")
     >>> filter_by_sequence_length(metadata, sequence_index, min_length=27000)
@@ -417,6 +426,7 @@ def filter_by_non_nucleotide(metadata, sequence_index):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-01"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-01-02"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> sequence_index = pd.DataFrame([{"strain": "strain1", "invalid_nucleotides": 0}, {"strain": "strain2", "invalid_nucleotides": 1}]).set_index("strain")
     >>> filter_by_non_nucleotide(metadata, sequence_index)
@@ -447,6 +457,7 @@ def include(metadata, include_file):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as include_file:
     ...     characters_written = include_file.write(b'strain1')
@@ -479,6 +490,7 @@ def include_by_include_where(metadata, include_where):
         Strains that pass the filter
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa"}, {"region": "Europe"}], index=["strain1", "strain2"])
     >>> include_by_include_where(metadata, "region!=Europe")
@@ -664,6 +676,7 @@ def filter_kwargs_to_str(kwargs):
     str :
         String representation of the kwargs for reporting.
     >>> sequence_index = pd.DataFrame([{"strain": "strain1", "ACGT": 28000}, {"strain": "strain2", "ACGT": 26000}, {"strain": "strain3", "ACGT": 5000}]).set_index("strain")
     >>> exclude_by = [(filter_by_sequence_length, {"sequence_index": sequence_index, "min_length": 27000})]
     >>> filter_kwargs_to_str(exclude_by[0][1])
@@ -718,9 +731,11 @@ def apply_filters(metadata, exclude_by, include_by):
     list[dict] :
         Strains to force-include along with the function that filtered them and the arguments used to run the function.
     For example, filter data by minimum date, but force the include of strains
     from Africa.
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"region": "Africa", "date": "2020-01-01"}, {"region": "Europe", "date": "2020-10-02"}, {"region": "North America", "date": "2020-01-01"}], index=["strain1", "strain2", "strain3"])
     >>> exclude_by = [(filter_by_date, {"min_date": numeric_date("2020-04-01")})]
     >>> include_by = [(include_by_include_where, {"include_where": "region=Africa"})]
@@ -825,6 +840,7 @@ def get_groups_for_subsampling(strains, metadata, group_by=None):
     list :
         A list of dictionaries with strains that were skipped from grouping and the reason why (see also: `apply_filters` output).
     >>> strains = ["strain1", "strain2"]
     >>> metadata = pd.DataFrame([{"strain": "strain1", "date": "2020-01-01", "region": "Africa"}, {"strain": "strain2", "date": "2020-02-01", "region": "Europe"}]).set_index("strain")
     >>> group_by = ["region"]

@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ def read_metadata(metadata_file, id_columns=("strain", "name"), chunk_size=None)
     KeyError :
         When the metadata file does not have any valid index columns.
     For standard use, request a metadata file and get a pandas DataFrame..
     >>> read_metadata("tests/functional/filter/metadata.tsv").index.values[0]
@@ -91,11 +92,13 @@ def read_metadata(metadata_file, id_columns=("strain", "name"), chunk_size=None)
         kwargs["chunksize"] = chunk_size
     # Inspect the first chunk of the metadata, to find any valid index columns.
-    chunk = pd.read_csv(
+    metadata = pd.read_csv(
-    ).read(nrows=1)
+    )
+    chunk = metadata.read(nrows=1)
+    metadata.close()
     id_columns_present = [

@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class TiterCollection(object):
         tuple (dict, list, list)
             tuple of a dict of titer measurements, list of strains, list of sources
         >>> measurements, strains, sources = TiterCollection.load_from_file("tests/data/titer_model/h3n2_titers_subset.tsv")
         >>> type(measurements)
         <class 'dict'>
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ class TiterCollection(object):
             number of measurements per strain
         >>> measurements, strains, sources = TiterCollection.load_from_file("tests/data/titer_model/h3n2_titers_subset.tsv")
         >>> titer_counts = TiterCollection.count_strains(measurements)
         >>> titer_counts["A/Acores/11/2013"]
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ class TiterCollection(object):
             reduced dictionary of titer measurements containing only those were
             test and reference virus are part of the strain list
         >>> measurements, strains, sources = TiterCollection.load_from_file("tests/data/titer_model/h3n2_titers_subset.tsv")
         >>> len(measurements)

@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ def check_conflicting_args(tree_builder_args, defaults):
         When any user-provided arguments match those in the defaults.
     >>> defaults = ("-nt", "-m", "-s")
     >>> check_conflicting_args("-czb -n 2", defaults)
     >>> check_conflicting_args("-czb -nt 2", defaults)

@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ def annotate_parents_for_tree(tree):
     return tree
-def json_to_tree(json_dict, root=True):
+def json_to_tree(json_dict, root=True, parent_cumulative_branch_length=None):
     """Returns a Bio.Phylo tree corresponding to the given JSON dictionary exported
     by `tree_to_json`.
@@ -589,6 +589,17 @@ def json_to_tree(json_dict, root=True):
     >>> tree.clades[0].branch_length > 0
+    Branch lengths should be the length of the branch to each node and not the
+    length from the root. The cumulative branch length from the root gets its
+    own attribute.
+    >>> tip = [tip for tip in tree.find_clades(terminal=True) if tip.name == "USA/2016/FLWB042"][0]
+    >>> round(tip.cumulative_branch_length, 6)
+    0.004747
+    >>> round(tip.branch_length, 6)
+    0.000186
     # Check for v2 JSON which has combined metadata and tree data.
     if root and "meta" in json_dict and "tree" in json_dict:
@@ -602,10 +613,6 @@ def json_to_tree(json_dict, root=True):
         node.name = json_dict["strain"]
-    if "children" in json_dict:
-        # Recursively add children to the current node.
-        node.clades = [json_to_tree(child, root=False) for child in json_dict["children"]]
     # Assign all non-children attributes.
     for attr, value in json_dict.items():
         if attr != "children":
@@ -614,12 +621,27 @@ def json_to_tree(json_dict, root=True):
     # Only v1 JSONs support a single `attr` attribute.
     if hasattr(node, "attr"):
         node.numdate = node.attr.get("num_date")
-        node.branch_length = node.attr.get("div")
+        node.cumulative_branch_length = node.attr.get("div")
         if "translations" in node.attr:
             node.translations = node.attr["translations"]
     elif hasattr(node, "node_attrs"):
-        node.branch_length = node.node_attrs.get("div")
+        node.cumulative_branch_length = node.node_attrs.get("div")
+    node.branch_length = 0.0
+    if parent_cumulative_branch_length is not None and hasattr(node, "cumulative_branch_length"):
+        node.branch_length = node.cumulative_branch_length - parent_cumulative_branch_length
+    if "children" in json_dict:
+        # Recursively add children to the current node.
+        node.clades = [
+            json_to_tree(
+                child,
+                root=False,
+                parent_cumulative_branch_length=node.cumulative_branch_length
+            )
+            for child in json_dict["children"]
+        ]
     if root:
         node = annotate_parents_for_tree(node)
@@ -646,8 +668,8 @@ def read_bed_file(bed_file):
     bed_file : str
         Path to the BED file
-    Returns:
-    --------
+    Returns
+    -------
         Sorted list of unique zero-indexed sites
@@ -677,8 +699,8 @@ def read_mask_file(mask_file):
     mask_file : str
         Path to the masking file
-    Returns:
-    --------
+    Returns
+    -------
         Sorted list of unique zero-indexed sites
@@ -726,7 +748,7 @@ def read_strains(*files, comment_char="#"):
     set of distinct strains.
     Strain names can be commented with full-line or inline comments. For
-    example, the following is a valid strain names file:
+    example, the following is a valid strain names file::
         # this is a comment at the top of the file
         strain1  # exclude strain1 because it isn't sequenced properly

@@ -159,9 +159,8 @@ merge-to-release-branch() {
 build-dist() {
-    rm -rfv dist augur.egg-info
-    python3 setup.py clean
-    python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+    rm -rfv build/ dist/ nextstrain_augur.egg-info
+    python3 -m build
 remind-to-push() {

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+augur.io module
+.. automodule:: augur.io
+   :members:
+   :undoc-members:
+   :show-inheritance:

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Submodules
+   augur.io

@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ Please see the [project board](https://github.com/orgs/nextstrain/projects/6) fo
 We currently target compatibility with Python 3.7 and higher. As Python releases new versions,
 the minimum target compatibility may be increased in the future.
-Versions for this project, Augur, from 3.0.0 onwards aim to follow the
-[Semantic Versioning rules](https://semver.org).
 ### Running local changes
 While you are making code changes, you will want to run augur to see it behavior with those changes.
@@ -158,27 +155,64 @@ We use [codecov](https://codecov.io/) to automatically produce test coverage for
 ### Releasing
-Before you create a new release, run all tests from a fresh conda environment to verify that nothing has broken since the last CI build on GitHub..
-The following commands will setup the equivalent conda environment to the GitHub Actions environment, run unit and integration tests, and deactivate the environment.
+Versions for this project, Augur, from 3.0.0 onwards aim to follow the
+[Semantic Versioning rules](https://semver.org).
+#### Steps
-# Update Conda.
-conda activate base
-conda update conda
+##### 1. Gather PRs and draft release notes
-# Create an Augur environment.
-conda create -n augur -c conda-forge -c bioconda augur
-conda activate augur
-python3 -m pip install -e .[dev]
+1. Compare changes to find PRs and direct commits since the previous tag (e.g. https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/compare/14.1.0...15.0.0, replacing `14.1.0` with previous tag and `15.0.0` with `master`)
+2. Add the PRs to the open GitHub milestone.
+3. Define a new version number `X.X.X` based on changes and Semantic Versioning rules.
+4. Rename the milestone as `<Major|Feature|Patch> release X.X.X`.
+5. Draft changes in the milestone description using Markdown. Keep headers and formatting consistent with [CHANGES.md](../../CHANGES.md).
-# Run tests.
-bash tests/builds/runner.sh
+##### 2. Update change log
-# Clean up.
-conda deactivate
-conda env remove -n augur
+1. Visit [this link](https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/edit/master/CHANGES.md) to open `CHANGES.md` for edit.
+2. Add the milestone description under the `__NEXT__` header.
+3. At the bottom of the page:
+    1. Title: `Update change log for X.X.X`
+    2. Description: leave empty
+    3. Select the option **Commit directly to the `master` branch.**
+4. Select **Commit changes**.
+##### 3. Run build/test/release scripts
+1. Go to [this GitHub Actions workflow](https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/actions/workflows/release.yaml).
+2. Select **Run workflow**. In the new menu:
+    1. Ensure `master` branch is selected.
+    2. In **New version X.X.X**, provide the new version number.
+    3. Set **PyPI instance for publishing** as *PyPI* (default) or *TestPyPI*. [More info](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/using-testpypi)
+    4. Select **Run workflow**.
+3. Ensure workflow runs successfully.
+##### 4. Update GitHub milestones
+1. Close current release milestone.
+2. Create new milestone named `Next release X.X.X`.
+##### 5. Update on Bioconda
+For versions without dependency changes:
+1. Wait for an auto-bump PR in [bioconda-recipes][].
+2. Add a comment `@BiocondaBot please add label`.
+3. Wait for a bioconda maintainer to approve and merge.
+For versions with dependency changes:
+1. Create a new PR in [bioconda-recipes][] following instructions at [nextstrain/bioconda-recipes/README.md](https://github.com/nextstrain/bioconda-recipes/blob/readme/README.md).
+    - [Example](https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/pull/34344)
+2. Add a comment `@BiocondaBot please add label`.
+3. Wait for a bioconda maintainer to approve and merge.
+4. Wait for an auto-bump PR in [bioconda-recipes][].
+5. Add a comment in the auto-bump PR `Please close this in favor of #<your PR number>`.
+[bioconda-recipes]: https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes/pull/34509
+#### Notes
 New releases are tagged in git using an "annotated" tag.  If the git option
 `user.signingKey` is set, the tag will also be [signed][].  Signed tags are

@@ -65,3 +65,49 @@ Export with auspice config JSON with an extensions block
   $ python3 "$TESTDIR/../../scripts/diff_jsons.py"  export_v2/dataset2.json "$TMP/dataset3.json" \
   >   --exclude-paths "root['meta']['updated']"
+Run export with metadata using the default id column of "strain".
+  $ ${AUGUR} export v2 \
+  >  --tree export_v2/tree.nwk \
+  >  --metadata export_v2/dataset1_metadata_with_strain.tsv \
+  >  --node-data export_v2/div_node-data.json export_v2/location_node-data.json \
+  >  --auspice-config export_v2/auspice_config1.json \
+  >  --maintainers "Nextstrain Team" \
+  >  --output "$TMP/dataset1.json" > /dev/null
+  $ python3 "$TESTDIR/../../scripts/diff_jsons.py" export_v2/dataset1.json "$TMP/dataset1.json" \
+  >   --exclude-paths "root['meta']['updated']" "root['meta']['maintainers']"
+  {}
+  $ rm -f "$TMP/dataset1.json"
+Run export with metadata that uses a different id column other than "strain".
+In this case, the column is "name" (one of the default columns expected by Augur's `io.read_metadata` function).
+  $ ${AUGUR} export v2 \
+  >  --tree export_v2/tree.nwk \
+  >  --metadata export_v2/dataset1_metadata_with_name.tsv \
+  >  --node-data export_v2/div_node-data.json export_v2/location_node-data.json \
+  >  --auspice-config export_v2/auspice_config1.json \
+  >  --maintainers "Nextstrain Team" \
+  >  --output "$TMP/dataset1.json" > /dev/null
+  $ python3 "$TESTDIR/../../scripts/diff_jsons.py" export_v2/dataset1.json "$TMP/dataset1.json" \
+  >   --exclude-paths "root['meta']['updated']" "root['meta']['maintainers']"
+  {}
+  $ rm -f "$TMP/dataset1.json"
+Run export with metadata that uses an invalid id column.
+This should fail with a helpful error message.
+  $ ${AUGUR} export v2 \
+  >  --tree export_v2/tree.nwk \
+  >  --metadata export_v2/dataset1_metadata_without_valid_id.tsv \
+  >  --node-data export_v2/div_node-data.json export_v2/location_node-data.json \
+  >  --auspice-config export_v2/auspice_config1.json \
+  >  --maintainers "Nextstrain Team" \
+  >  --output "$TMP/dataset1.json" > /dev/null
+  ERROR: None of the possible id columns (('strain', 'name')) were found in the metadata's columns ('invalid_id', 'div', 'mutation_length')
+  [1]
+  $ popd > /dev/null

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+name	div	mutation_length
+tipA	1	1
+tipB	3	1
+tipC	3	1
+tipD	8	3
+tipE	9	4
+tipF	6	1

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+strain	div	mutation_length
+tipA	1	1
+tipB	3	1
+tipC	3	1
+tipD	8	3
+tipE	9	4
+tipF	6	1

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+invalid_id	div	mutation_length
+tipA	1	1
+tipB	3	1
+tipC	3	1
+tipD	8	3
+tipE	9	4
+tipF	6	1

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/augur/-/commit/8d0866b27f6a3fbc1d37124947793fd4d8085fd7

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/augur/-/commit/8d0866b27f6a3fbc1d37124947793fd4d8085fd7
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