[med-svn] [Git][med-team/proteinortho][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 6.1.2+dfsg

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Nov 4 20:06:57 GMT 2022

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / proteinortho

9c332f8f by Andreas Tille at 2022-11-04T20:46:12+01:00
New upstream version 6.1.2+dfsg
- - - - -
c7ff67a3 by Andreas Tille at 2022-11-04T20:46:12+01:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
99b021eb by Andreas Tille at 2022-11-04T20:46:13+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/6.1.2+dfsg'

Update to upstream version '6.1.2+dfsg'
with Debian dir 6e396d4447e320234862eb14e394871f4bfd25b8
- - - - -
3d6b4c81 by Andreas Tille at 2022-11-04T20:46:26+01:00
Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit.

Changes-By: lintian-brush

- - - - -

16 changed files:

- .gitignore
- Makefile
- debian/changelog
- debian/upstream/metadata
- proteinortho6.pl
- src/.gitlab-ci.yml
- src/chk_test.pl
- src/proteinortho2html.pl
- src/proteinortho_clustering.cpp
- + test/K5.blast-graph
- + test/P3_K5.blast-graph
- + test/P4.blast-graph
- + test/myproject.blast-graph
- + test/ring4_K5.blast-graph


@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

@@ -352,3 +352,16 @@
 		- proteinortho_summary.pl improved output logs
 		- improved README, --help output
 		- improved proteinortho_history including now the *.info parameters
+	22. Sept (6030) v6.1.2
+		- new make test cases for step=3
+		- removed -purity from proteinortho6.pl
+		- proteinortho_clustering: 
+			- removed purity (now purity is determined automatically), 
+			- impoved clustering based on purity threshold (groupZero is now added back to the QUEUE)
+			- BUGFIX: for the rare case that the +/- components of the fiedlervector are not connected (~1%)
+			- BUGFIX: for clustering without purity (previously one cluster was omitted)
+	24. Sept (6040) v6.1.2
+		- new: automatic prurity detetection (proteinortho_clustering)
+		- BUGFIX: remove.graph was missing edges removed from purity
+	24. Okt (6041) v6.1.2
+		- BUGFIX: proteinortho2html some times got the , wrong in the pop-up window.
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1 +1 @@

@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 # Run 'make' for compiling everything in the current directory (using the installed version of lapack in e.g. /usr/lib/, you can install lapack with e.g. apt-get install libatlas3-base or liblapack3)
 # Run 'make STATIC=TRUE' for a static version
-# Run 'make USELAPACK=FALSE' for a version without(!) LAPACK (only power iteration is used)
 # Run 'make USEPRECOMPILEDLAPACK=FALSE' for directly recompiling the provided lapack version 3.8.0 and linking dynamically
 # Run 'make CXX=g++-7' for using the g++-7 compiler. See Flags below for more informations
@@ -46,9 +45,9 @@ endif
 ifdef installdir
-ifdef LAPACK
+#ifdef LAPACK
 # normalize true and TRUE
 ifeq ($(MTUNEARCH),true)
@@ -57,9 +56,9 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(STATIC),true)
-ifeq ($(USELAPACK),true)
+#ifeq ($(USELAPACK),true)
 ifeq ($(DEPLOY),true)
@@ -165,8 +164,8 @@ echoENV:
 	@echo $(LDLIBS)
 	@echo -n "STATIC = "
 	@echo $(STATIC)
-	@echo -n "USELAPACK = "
-	@echo $(USELAPACK)
+#	@echo -n "USELAPACK = "
+#	@echo $(USELAPACK)
 # 1. Try to compile statically with LAPACK
 # 2. try to compile dynamically with the given lapack lib in src/
@@ -179,7 +178,6 @@ ifeq ($(DEPLOY),TRUE)
 	@echo "[ 20%] Building **proteinortho_clustering** with LAPACK (static linking, no mtune,march , for gitlab)";
 	@echo "$(CXX) -static $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -pthread -Wl,--whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lquadmath" && $(CXX) -static $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -pthread -Wl,--whole-archive -lpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lquadmath && ([ $$? -eq 0 ] && $@ -test && [ $$? -eq 0 ] ) 
 ifeq ($(STATIC),TRUE)
 	@echo "[ 20%] Building **proteinortho_clustering** with LAPACK (static linking)";
@@ -223,13 +221,13 @@ else
 	@echo "[ 20%] Building **proteinortho_clustering** with LAPACK (dynamic linking)";
 	@echo "$(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ $< -Isrc/lapack-3.8.0/build/include/ -Lsrc/lapack-3.8.0/build/lib/ -llapack -lblas $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -lgfortran" && $(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ $< -Isrc/lapack-3.8.0/build/include/ -Lsrc/lapack-3.8.0/build/lib/ -llapack -lblas $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -lgfortran;
-	@echo "[ 20%] Building **proteinortho_clustering** WITHOUT(!) LAPACK";
-	@echo "$(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -static" && $(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -static && ([ $$? -eq 0 ] ) || ( \
-		echo "......$(ORANGE)static linking failed of proteinortho_clustering_nolapack, now i switch to dynamic linking.$(NC)"; \
-		echo "$(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)" && $(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) && echo "......OK dynamic linking was successful for proteinortho_clustering_nolapack!"; )
+#	@echo "[ 20%] Building **proteinortho_clustering** WITHOUT(!) LAPACK";
+#	@echo "$(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -static" && $(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -static && ([ $$? -eq 0 ] ) || ( \
+#		echo "......$(ORANGE)static linking failed of proteinortho_clustering_nolapack, now i switch to dynamic linking.$(NC)"; \
+#		echo "$(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)" && $(CXX) -std=c++11 -O3 -funroll-loops $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(MTUNEARCHFLAGS) -fopenmp -o $@ src/proteinortho_clustering_nolapack.cpp $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) && echo "......OK dynamic linking was successful for proteinortho_clustering_nolapack!"; )
 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_cleanupblastgraph: src/cleanupblastgraph.cpp
@@ -273,7 +271,7 @@ install: proteinortho6.pl proteinortho $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_extract_from_gra
 	@echo "If needed you can add $(INSTALLDIR) to \$$PATH with 'export PATH=\$$PATH:$(INSTALLDIR)'."
 .PHONY: test
-test: proteinortho6.pl test_clean test_step2 test_step3 test_clean2
+test: proteinortho6.pl test_clean test_step2 test_clean2 test_step3 test_step3_ring4_K5_power test_step3_ring4_K5_lapack test_step3_P3_K5 test_step3_P4 test_step3_K5
 	@echo "[TEST] All tests $(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
 .PHONY: test_step2
@@ -389,28 +387,65 @@ test_step2: proteinortho6.pl
 .PHONY: test_step3
-test_step3: proteinortho6.pl test_step2
+test_step3: proteinortho6.pl
+	./proteinortho6.pl -silent -force -project=test_blastp -p=blastp test/*.faa;
 	@echo "[TEST] 2. -step=3 tests (proteinortho_clustering) "
-	@echo -n " [1/2] various test functions of proteinortho_clustering (if this fails, try make clean first): "; \
+	@echo -n " [1/3] various test functions of proteinortho_clustering (if this fails, try make clean first): "; \
 	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -test> /dev/null 2>&1
 	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
-	@echo -n " [2/2] Compare results of 'with lapack' and 'without lapack': "; \
-	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -epsilon 0 test_blastp.blast-graph> /dev/null 2>&1; \
-	sort remove.graph -o test.A> /dev/null 2>&1; \
-	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -epsilon 0 -lapack 0 test_blastp.blast-graph> /dev/null 2>&1; \
-	sort remove.graph -o test.B> /dev/null 2>&1; \
-	set -e ; diff test.A test.B;
+	@echo -n " [2/3] Test proteinortho_clustering using lapack: "; \
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 2 test_blastp.blast-graph -debug 1 2>test_lapack.err >test_lapack.proteinortho.tsv ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_lapack.proteinortho.tsv; 
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+	@perl -lne 'print join "\t", sort split("\t",$$_)' remove.graph | sort > test.A; 
+	@echo -n " [3/3] Test proteinortho_clustering using power: "; \
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 0 test_blastp.blast-graph -debug 1 2>test_power.err >test_power.proteinortho.tsv; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_power.proteinortho.tsv;
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+	#@perl -lne 'print join "\t", sort split("\t",$$_)' remove.graph | sort > test.B; 
+	#@echo -n " [4/4] Test differences between 'using lapack' and 'using power': "; \
+	#set -e ; diff test.A test.B;
+	#@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+.PHONY: test_step3_ring4_K5_power
+test_step3_ring4_K5_power: proteinortho6.pl
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 0 test/ring4_K5.blast-graph >test_power_ring4_K5.proteinortho.tsv 2>/dev/null ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_power_ring4_K5.proteinortho.tsv "ring4_K5"; 
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+.PHONY: test_step3_ring4_K5_lapack
+test_step3_ring4_K5_lapack: proteinortho6.pl
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 2 test/ring4_K5.blast-graph >test_lapack_ring4_K5.proteinortho.tsv 2>/dev/null ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_lapack_ring4_K5.proteinortho.tsv "ring4_K5"; 
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+.PHONY: test_step3_P3_K5
+test_step3_P3_K5: proteinortho6.pl
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 2 test/P3_K5.blast-graph >test_lapack_P3_K5.proteinortho.tsv 2>/dev/null ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_lapack_P3_K5.proteinortho.tsv "P3_K5"; 
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+.PHONY: test_step3_P4
+test_step3_P4: proteinortho6.pl
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 2 test/P4.blast-graph >test_lapack_P4.proteinortho.tsv 2>/dev/null ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_lapack_P4.proteinortho.tsv "P4"; 
+	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
+.PHONY: test_step3_K5
+test_step3_K5: proteinortho6.pl
+	OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $(BUILDDIR)/proteinortho_clustering -lapack 2 test/K5.blast-graph >test_lapack_K5.proteinortho.tsv 2>/dev/null ; \
+	set -e ; ./src/chk_test.pl test_lapack_K5.proteinortho.tsv "K5"; 
 	@echo "$(GREEN)passed$(NC)"
 .PHONY: test_clean
 	@echo "[TEST] Clean up all test files..."; \
-	rm -rf proteinortho_cache_test_* test.* test_* test/C.faa.* test/E.faa.* test/C2.faa.* test/L.faa.* test/M.faa.*> /dev/null 2>&1;
+	rm -rf remove.graph proteinortho_cache_test_* test.* test_* test/C.faa.* test/E.faa.* test/C2.faa.* test/L.faa.* test/M.faa.*> /dev/null 2>&1;
 .PHONY: test_clean2
 	@echo "[TEST] Clean up all test files..."; \
-	rm -rf proteinortho_cache_test_* test.* test_* test/C.faa.* test/E.faa.* test/C2.faa.* test/L.faa.* test/M.faa.*> /dev/null 2>&1;
+	rm -rf remove.graph proteinortho_cache_test_* test.* test_* test/C.faa.* test/E.faa.* test/C2.faa.* test/L.faa.* test/M.faa.*> /dev/null 2>&1;
 .PHONY: clean

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+proteinortho (6.1.2+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Fri, 04 Nov 2022 20:46:12 +0100
 proteinortho (6.1.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Bug-Database: https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/issues
-Bug-Submit: https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/issues/new
+Bug-Database: https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/-/issues
+Bug-Submit: https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/-/issues/new
  Author: >
   Marcus Lechner and Sven Findeiß and Lydia Steiner and Manja Marz and

@@ -244,14 +244,11 @@ PoFF: weight of adjacencies vs. sequence similarity
 report singleton genes without any hit
-=item B<--purity>=float (default: 1e-7)
-avoid spurious graph assignments
 =item B<--conn>=float (default: 0.1)
 min. algebraic connectivity
-This is the main parameter for the clustering step. Choose larger values then more splits are done, resulting in more and smaller clusters. (There are still cluster with an alg. conn. below this given threshold allowed if the protein to species ratio is good enough, see -minspecies option below)
+This is the main parameter for the clustering step. 
+Choose larger values then more splits are done, resulting in more and smaller clusters. (There are still cluster with an alg. conn. below this given threshold allowed if the protein to species ratio is good enough, see -minspecies option below)
 =item B<--minspecies>=float (default: 1, must be >=0)
@@ -492,6 +489,8 @@ Lechner, M., Findeisz, S., Steiner, L., Marz, M., Stadler, P. F., & Prohaska, S.
 # enables the mcl algorithm for clustering instead of power iteration or lapacks routine. (needs mcl to be installed, call 'mcl' to test if you installed mcl correctly)
 # =item B<--ram>=number (default: 75% of free memory)
 # maximal used ram threshold for LAPACK and the input graph in MB. By default 75% of the free memory is used
+# =item B<--purity>=float (>0, default: choose value automatically)
+# avoid spurious graph assignments, the lower the purity threshold the more uncertain edges are cut
 # Imports
@@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ use POSIX;
 # Variables
-our $version = "6.1.1";
+our $version = "6.1.2";
 our $step = 0;    # 0/1/2/3 -> do all / only apply step 1 / only apply step 2 / only apply step 3
 our $verbose = 1; # 0/1   -> don't / be verbose
 our $core = 0; 
@@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ our $alpha = 0.5; # Alpha value for src/proteinortho_ffadj_mcs.py
 our $connectivity = "0.1"; # min algebraic connectivity (normal eigenvalue) for clustering step (-step=3), not the evalue cutoff for convergence
 our $cpus   = 0;  # 0 = autodetect
 our $evalue = "1e-05"; # evalue cutoff for blast step (-step=2), different to the clustering evalue cutoff (set in proteinortho_clustering.cpp)
-our $purity = "1e-07"; # for clustering step: if entries (absolute value) of the vector are blow the purity -> treated as '0'
+our $purity = "-1"; # for clustering step: if entries (absolute value) of the vector are blow the purity -> treated as '0'
 our $coverage = 50; # Percent coverage threshold for two proteins
 our $identity = 25; # Percent identity threshold for two proteins
 our $blastmode = "diamond";
@@ -652,7 +651,7 @@ foreach my $option (@ARGV) {
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?hmm_?evalue=([0-9\.eE+-]+)$/)     { $hmm_search_evalue = $1; }
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?hmm_?e=([0-9\.eE+-]+)$/)     { $hmm_search_evalue = $1; }
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?hmm_?minprots?=([0-9]+)$/)     { $hmm_minprots = $1; }
-  elsif ($option =~ m/^--?purity=([0-9\.]+)$/)      { $purity = $1; }
+  elsif ($option =~ m/^--?purity=([0-9\.]+)$/)      { print STDERR "$ORANGE"."[WARNING]$NC The --memory option is deprecated\n"; } # $purity = $1; 
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?report=([0-9]+)$/)      { $report = $1; }
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?minspecies=([0-9.]+)$/)       { if($1>=0){$minspecies = $1;}else{&Error("the argument -minspecies=$1 is invalid.$RED minspecies needs to be >=0!$NC\nminspecies: the min. number of genes per species. If a group is found with up to (minspecies) genes/species, it wont be split again (regardless of the connectivity).");} }
   elsif ($option =~ m/^--?conn=([0-9\.]+)$/)      { $connectivity = $1; }
@@ -1047,9 +1046,9 @@ if ($step == 0 || $step == 2) {
   }# ok all db files exists
   if($verbose){print STDERR "\n$GREEN**Step 2**$NC using $blastmode ";
-  if($synteny || $selfblast){print STDERR "with :";}
-  if($synteny){print STDERR " synteny";}
-  if($selfblast){print STDERR " selfblast";}
+  if($verbose && ($synteny || $selfblast)){print STDERR "with :";}
+  if($verbose && $synteny){print STDERR " synteny";}
+  if($verbose && $selfblast){print STDERR " selfblast";}
   print STDERR "\n"; }
   &init_graph_output; # Initiate Output file(s)
@@ -1345,19 +1344,14 @@ sub cluster {
-    my $cmd="OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity -purity $purity ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -rmgraph '$rm_simgraph' '$simgraph'* >'$simtable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null");
+    #-purity $purity 
+    my $cmd="OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -rmgraph '$rm_simgraph' '$simgraph'* >'$simtable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null");
     if($debug>0){ print STDERR "$cmd\n"; }
     if ($? != 0) {
-      #if($verbose){print STDERR "$ORANGE"."[NOTE]$NC I restart proteinortho_clustering, it seems like the OMP_PROC_BIND flag is not compatible with the system (this has no effect on the output)$NC\n";} 
-      #$ENV{'OMP_NUM_THREADS'}=1;
-      #system ("OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity -purity $purity ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -rmgraph '$rm_simgraph' '$simgraph'* >'$simtable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null"));
-      #if ($? != 0) {
-        &Error("'proteinortho_clustering' failed with code $?.$NC (Please visit https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/wikis/Error%20Code)\nMaybe your operating system does not support the statically compiled version, please try recompiling proteinortho with 'make clean' and 'make' (and 'make install PREFIX=...').");
-      #}
+      &Error("'proteinortho_clustering' failed with code $?.$NC (Please visit https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/wikis/Error%20Code)\nMaybe your operating system does not support the statically compiled version, please try recompiling proteinortho with 'make clean' and 'make' (and 'make install PREFIX=...').");
     my $stderrout = `$po_path/proteinortho_do_mcl.pl $cpus $simgraph*`;
@@ -1424,16 +1418,11 @@ sub cluster {
-      system ("OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity -purity $purity -rmgraph '$rm_syngraph' '$syngraph'* >'$syntable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null"));
+      #-purity $purity 
+      system ("OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity -rmgraph '$rm_syngraph' '$syngraph'* >'$syntable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null"));
-      #if($verbose){print STDERR "$ORANGE"."[NOTE]$NC I restart proteinortho_clustering, it seems like the OMP_PROC_BIND flag is not compatible with the system (this has no effect on the output)$NC\n";} 
       if ($? != 0) {
-        #if($verbose){print STDERR "$ORANGE"."[NOTE]$NC I restart proteinortho_clustering, it seems like the OMP_PROC_BIND flag is not compatible with the system (this has no effect on the output)$NC\n";} 
-        #$ENV{'OMP_NUM_THREADS'}=1;
-        #system ("OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $po_path/proteinortho_clustering ".($core?"-core -coreMinSpecies $coreMinSpecies -coreMaxProts $coreMaxProts ":"")."$cluster_verbose_level ".($clusterOptions ne "" ? "$clusterOptions" : "" )." -minspecies $minspecies -cpus $cpus -weighted 1 -conn $connectivity -purity $purity -rmgraph '$rm_syngraph' '$syngraph'* >'$syntable' ".($verbose >= 1 ? "" : "2>/dev/null"));
-        #if ($? != 0) {
-          &Error("proteinortho_clustering failed with code $?.$NC (Please visit https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/wikis/Error%20Code)\nDid you use a static version? Maybe your operating system does not support the static compiled version, please recompile 'make clean' and 'make' or 'make USEPRECOMPILEDLAPACK=FALSE'.");
-        #}
+        &Error("proteinortho_clustering failed with code $?.$NC (Please visit https://gitlab.com/paulklemm_PHD/proteinortho/wikis/Error%20Code)\nDid you use a static version? Maybe your operating system does not support the static compiled version, please recompile 'make clean' and 'make' or 'make USEPRECOMPILEDLAPACK=FALSE'.");
       system($po_path.'/proteinortho_do_mcl.pl '.$cpus.' '.$syngraph.'*');
@@ -1579,7 +1568,6 @@ Options:
                       Choose larger values then more splits are done, resulting in more and smaller clusters. 
                       (There are still cluster with an alg. conn. below this given threshold allowed if the protein to species ratio is good enough, see -minspecies option below)
          -xml         produces an OrthoXML formatted file of the *.proteinortho.tsv file.
-         -purity=     avoid spurious graph assignments, the higher the more uncertain edges are cut [0-1, default: 1e-07]
          -nograph     do not generate .proteinortho-graph file (pairwise orthology relations)
          -core        stop clustering if a split would result in groups that do not span across all species of the inital connected component. Overrules the -conn threshold.
@@ -1608,9 +1596,9 @@ Do you have suggestions or need more help: write a mail to lechner\@staff.uni-ma
 # -mcl         enables the mcl algorithm for clustering instead of power iteration or lapacks routine. (needs mcl to be installed) 
 # DEPRECATED -ram=        maximal used ram threshold for LAPACK and the input graph in MB [default: 75% of the free memory]
 # -memory=     the amount of ram used for partioning in MB [default 75% of the total memory]
+# -purity=     avoid spurious graph assignments, the lower the purity threshold the more uncertain edges are cut [>0, default: choose value automatically]
 sub init_graph_output {
 # if (-e $graph) {
@@ -2209,7 +2197,7 @@ sub get_legal_matches {
     if ($alignment_length < $length{$query_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)     {if ($debug>1) {print STDERR "!$query_id -> $subject_id is removed because of coverage threshold (alignment_length=$alignment_length<".( $length{$query_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)."=$length{$query_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)=length{query_id}*(coverage/100)+0.5,$query_id)\n";} next;}
-    if ($alignment_length < $length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)     {if ($debug>1) {print STDERR "!$query_id -> $subject_id is removed because of coverage threshold (alignment_length=$alignment_length<".( $length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)."=$length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)=length{subject_id}*(coverage/100)+0.5,$subject_id)\n";} next;}
+    if ($alignment_length < $length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)   {if ($debug>1) {print STDERR "!$query_id -> $subject_id is removed because of coverage threshold (alignment_length=$alignment_length<".( $length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)."=$length{$subject_id}*($coverage/100)+0.5)=length{subject_id}*(coverage/100)+0.5,$subject_id)\n";} next;}
     if($isoform ne ""){

@@ -107,23 +107,23 @@ gcc-latest-diamond:
   - rm *info; 
   - for f in myproject.*; do if [ "$(grep -v '#' $f | wc -l | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n')" -lt 10 ]; then echo "$f failed size check, output should be more than 10 lines..."; exit 1; fi; done
-  image: gcc
-  stage: test
-  script:
-  - echo "installing diamond"
-  - wget http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/releases/download/v2.0.6/diamond-linux64.tar.gz 2>/dev/null
-  - tar xzf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
-  - cp diamond $HOME
-  - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME"
-  - echo "start proteinortho tests"
-  - gcc --version
-  - make clean
-  - make LAPACK=FALSE
-  - make test
-  - perl proteinortho*pl test/*faa || exit 1
-  - rm *info; 
-  - for f in myproject.*; do if [ "$(grep -v '#' $f | wc -l | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n')" -lt 10 ]; then echo "$f failed size check, output should be more than 10 lines..."; exit 1; fi; done
+#  image: gcc
+#  stage: test
+#  script:
+#  - echo "installing diamond"
+#  - wget http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/releases/download/v2.0.6/diamond-linux64.tar.gz 2>/dev/null
+#  - tar xzf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
+#  - cp diamond $HOME
+#  - export PATH="$PATH:$HOME"
+#  - echo "start proteinortho tests"
+#  - gcc --version
+#  - make clean
+#  - make LAPACK=FALSE
+#  - make test
+#  - perl proteinortho*pl test/*faa || exit 1
+#  - rm *info; 
+#  - for f in myproject.*; do if [ "$(grep -v '#' $f | wc -l | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n')" -lt 10 ]; then echo "$f failed size check, output should be more than 10 lines..."; exit 1; fi; done
 #  image: gcc:5

@@ -3,11 +3,28 @@
 use warnings;
 use strict;
+my $check_case="";
+if(scalar @ARGV == 2){
+	$check_case=$ARGV[1];
 open(FILE,"<$ARGV[0]") || die("Error, could not open file $ARGV[0]: $!");
 my @in = <FILE>;
-if (scalar(@in) < 15) {
+if($check_case eq "ring4_K5"){
+	# check if there are 4 groups with 5 species and 5 proteins (ring of 4*K5)
+	exit( 4 != (scalar grep {my @arr=split("\t",$_); scalar @arr >2 && $arr[0] == 5 && $arr[1] == 5 } grep {$_=~m/^[^#]/} @in));
+}elsif($check_case eq "P3_K5"){
+	# check if there are 3 groups with 5 species and 5 proteins (Path of 3*K5)
+	exit( 3 != (scalar grep {my @arr=split("\t",$_); scalar @arr >2 && $arr[0] == 5 && $arr[1] == 5 } grep {$_=~m/^[^#]/} @in));
+}elsif($check_case eq "P4"){
+	# check if there is 1 groups with all entries
+	exit( 1 != (scalar grep {my @arr=split("\t",$_); scalar @arr >2 && $arr[0] == 4 && $arr[1] == 4 } grep {$_=~m/^[^#]/} @in));
+}elsif($check_case eq "K5"){
+	# check if there is 1 groups with all entries
+	exit( 1 != (scalar grep {my @arr=split("\t",$_); scalar @arr >2 && $arr[0] == 5 && $arr[1] == 5 } grep {$_=~m/^[^#]/} @in));
+}elsif (scalar(@in) < 15) {
 	print STDERR "Outputfile $ARGV[0] is smaller than expected. Test failed!\n";
 	exit 1;

@@ -204,19 +204,19 @@ a!=c[b];c[b]=a;return d}};return p});
 		function showpopup(id) {
-		  var popup = document.getElementById("myPopupText"+id);
-		  if(popup.style.display=="inline-block"){
-		  	popup.style.display="none";
-		  }else{
-		  	popup.style.display="inline-block";
-		  }
+			var popup = document.getElementById("myPopupText"+id);
+			if(popup.style.display=="inline-block"){
+				popup.style.display="none";
+			}else{
+				popup.style.display="inline-block";
+			}
-		  var popupbutton = document.getElementById("myPopup"+id);
-		  if(popupbutton.innerHTML.includes(\'(+)\')){
-		 	 popupbutton.innerHTML = popupbutton.innerHTML.replace( /\(\+\)/,\'(-)\');
-		  }else{
-		  	 popupbutton.innerHTML = popupbutton.innerHTML.replace( /\(\-\)/,\'(+)\');
-		  }
+			var popupbutton = document.getElementById("myPopup"+id);
+			if(popupbutton.innerHTML.includes(\'(+)\')){
+				popupbutton.innerHTML = popupbutton.innerHTML.replace( /\(\+\)/,\'(-)\');
+			}else{
+				 popupbutton.innerHTML = popupbutton.innerHTML.replace( /\(\-\)/,\'(+)\');
+			}
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ print '<script type="text/javascript">
 					my @ar=split(",",$k); 
-						print "<td>".$ar[0];
+					print "<td>".$ar[0];
@@ -829,8 +829,7 @@ print '<script type="text/javascript">
 							if($hiddentext ne ""){
 								$hiddentext.=", ";
-								$hiddentext.=$ar[$ii];
+							$hiddentext.=$ar[$ii];
 						print '<div class="popup" onclick="showpopup(\\\''.$rowi."_".$coli.'\\\')" id="myPopup'.$rowi."_".$coli.'"><font color="blue">(+)</font></div><div class="popuptext" id="myPopupText'.$rowi."_".$coli.'"> '.$hiddentext.'</div>';
@@ -1119,7 +1118,7 @@ print '
 		    		if(genes!="" && genes.slice(-1)!=","){
-		    		genes+=tds[i].innerHTML.replace(/([<]([^>]+)[>])/ig,"").replace(/([(]([+-]+)[)])/ig,",").replace(/[^()]+[(]([^)]+)[)]/ig,"$1,").replace(/ /ig,"").replace(/,$/ig,"").replace(/,,+/ig,",").replace(/[()]/g,"");
+		    		genes+=tds[i].innerHTML.replace(/([<]([^>]+)[>])/ig,"").replace(/[^()]+[(]([^)]+)[)]/ig,"$1,").replace(/ /ig,"").replace(/,$/ig,"").replace(/([(]([+-]+)[)])/ig,",").replace(/,,+/ig,",").replace(/[()]/g,"");

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  *	Reads edge list and splits connected components
  *	according to algebraic connectivity threshold
- *	Last updated: 2022/06/28
+ *	Last updated: 2022/09/21
  *	Author: Marcus Lechner, Paul Klemm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 //#define DEBUG
-//#define timeAnalysis //if set : need -std=c++11 for compiling
+//#define timeAnalysis
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
@@ -75,19 +75,16 @@ void parse_file(string);
 // void remove_edge_index(const unsigned int, const unsigned int);
 float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int>*,bool,vector<float>*);
 double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int>*,bool,vector<double>*);
-void clear_edges(vector<unsigned int>&);
 void partition_graph(void);
 void print_header(void);
 void sort_species(void);
 void stats(unsigned int,unsigned int,bool);
 string getTime(void);
-// Parameters (prefix param_*)
 	bool param_verbose 		= true;
 	bool param_core 		  = false;
 	float param_con_threshold 	= 0.1;		// as a reference: a chain a-b-c-d has 0.25
 	unsigned int debug_level	= 0;
-	float param_sep_purity 	= 1e-7;		// as a reference: a-b-c will give +/-0.707107 and 2.34857e-08 
+	float param_sep_purity 	= -1;		// as a reference: a-b-c will give +/-0.707107 and 2.34857e-08 
 	unsigned int param_max_nodes	= 16777216; // 2^24
 	float param_min_species	= 1;
 	string param_rmgraph            = "remove.graph";
@@ -97,16 +94,14 @@ string getTime(void);
 	unsigned int param_coreMinSpecies = 0;
 //	bool param_useKmereHeuristic = false; // deprecated
 //	unsigned int param_maxRam_inKB = 16777216; // = 16 GB of memory, deprecated
-	bool param_useLapack = true;
+	int param_useLapack = 1;
 // min/max number of alg con iterations
 unsigned int critical_min_nodes = 16777216;
 const unsigned int min_iter = 16;			// below this value, results may vary
 unsigned int param_max_iter = 8192;			// below this value, results may vary
 float param_epsilon = 1e-8; // analog to http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_src/power_method/power_method_prb.c
-const unsigned int kmereHeuristic_minNodes = 1048576; //2^20
-const unsigned int kmereHeuristic_protPerSpecies = 1;
-const unsigned int kmereHeuristic_minNumberOfGroups = 3;
+int param_double = 1;
 unsigned int param_max_nodes_weight = 1048576; //2^20
 float param_lapack_power_threshold_d = -1;//2048; //2^8
@@ -314,10 +309,8 @@ void dispatch_queue::start(){
-	if(debug_level>0)
-	  std::cerr << "Destructor: Destroying dispatch threads... threads:" << threads_.size() << " q:" << q_.size() << "\n";
+	if(debug_level>0) std::cerr << getTime() << " Destructor: Destroying dispatch threads... threads:" << threads_.size() << " q:" << q_.size() << "\n";
   // Signal to dispatch threads that it's time to wrap up
   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
@@ -333,16 +326,17 @@ dispatch_queue::~dispatch_queue()
- 	  cerr << "~dispatch_queue done" << endl;
+ 	  cerr << getTime() << " ~dispatch_queue done" << endl;
 void dispatch_queue::waitTilDone(){
-    sleep(1);
     bool all_idle=true;
     for (map<size_t,bool>::iterator it=is_computing.begin() ; it != is_computing.end(); it++) {
     if(all_idle && q_.size()==0 && q_allCores_.size()==0){break;}
+    sleep(1);
@@ -351,6 +345,7 @@ void dispatch_queue::dispatch(fp_t&& op){
 void dispatch_queue::dispatch_allCores(fp_t&& op){
   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
@@ -430,7 +425,7 @@ void dispatch_queue::dispatch_thread_handler(size_t tid){
 // Main
 void printHelp() {
-	cerr << "proteinortho_clustering - Spectral partitioning algorithm (last updated with proteinortho v6.1.1)" << "\n";
+	cerr << "proteinortho_clustering - Spectral partitioning algorithm (last updated with proteinortho v6.1.2)" << "\n";
 	cerr << "-----------------------------------------------------" << "\n";
 	cerr << "This tool is part of Proteinortho" << "\n";
 	cerr << "" << "\n";
@@ -441,17 +436,17 @@ void printHelp() {
 	cerr << "         -core             stop clustering if a split would result in groups that do not span across all species of the inital connected component (unless the connectivity is very low). This overrules the -conn threshold.\n";
 	cerr << "         -rmgraph STRING   output file name for the graph" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -seed int         seed value for srand [current unix time]" << "\n";
-	cerr << "         -lapack bool      use the lapack package for the computation of the algebraic connectivity ["<<param_useLapack<<"]" << "\n";
+	cerr << "         -lapack int       use the lapack package for the computation of the algebraic connectivity. 0=no, 1=yes if applicable, 2=always ["<<param_useLapack<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -cpus int         the number of threads used for openMP ["<<num_cpus<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -coreMaxProts int  the maximum number of proteins per species for -core ["<<param_coreMaxProteinsPerSpecies<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -coreMinSpecies int  the minimum number of species for -core ["<<param_coreMinSpecies<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "\ntechnical parameters:" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -test             various test-functions are called first [not set]" << "\n";
-	cerr << "         -purity float     threshold for purity: treat float values between -purity and purity as 0 ["<<param_sep_purity<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -maxnodes int     only consider connected component with up to maxnodes nodes ["<<param_max_nodes<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -maxweight int    only use the edge weights for connected components with maxweight nodes ["<<param_max_nodes_weight<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -epsilon float    convergence threshold ["<<param_epsilon<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -weighted bool    the spectral partition is calculated using the bitscores ["<<param_useWeights<<"]" << "\n";
+	cerr << "         -double int      always use double precision. 0=no, 1=yes if applicable, 2=always ["<<param_double<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -minOpenmp int    the minimum number of nodes for parallel power iteration ["<<param_minOpenmp<<"]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -powLapD | -power_d float	    the maximal graph density for the power iteration method, lapacks (d|s)syevr is used otherwise [adaptively choose optimal cutoff]" << "\n";
 	cerr << "         -maxRunsConvergence int    the maximum number of runs for the calculation of the algebraic connectivity ["<<param_max_iter<<"]" << "\n";
@@ -459,6 +454,7 @@ void printHelp() {
 // deprecated: 	
 // cerr << "         -ram int          maximal used ram threshold for LAPACK and the input graph in MB [16384]" << "\n";
 // cerr << "         -kmere bool	    use the kmere-split heuristic ["<<param_useKmereHeuristic<<"]" << "\n";
+// cerr << "         -purity float     threshold for purity: treat float values between -purity and purity as 0. -1=adaptively choose ["<<param_sep_purity<<"]" << "\n";
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
@@ -509,11 +505,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 				param_con_threshold = string2float(string(argv[paras]));
 				if(param_con_threshold<0 || param_con_threshold>1){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
-			else if (parameter == "-purity") {
-				paras++;
-				param_sep_purity = string2float(string(argv[paras]));
-				if(param_sep_purity<0){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
-			}
+//			else if (parameter == "-purity") {
+//				paras++;
+//				param_sep_purity = string2float(string(argv[paras]));
+//				if(param_sep_purity<0 && param_sep_purity!=-1){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
+//			}
 //			else if (parameter == "-ram") {
 //				paras++;
 //				param_maxRam_inKB = string2float(string(argv[paras]))*1e+3;
@@ -529,6 +525,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 			else if(parameter == "-lapack"){
 				param_useLapack = int(string2float(string(argv[paras])));
+				if(param_useLapack!=0 && param_useLapack!=1 && param_useLapack!=2){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
 			else if (parameter == "-maxnodes") {
@@ -552,6 +549,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 				param_epsilon = string2float(string(argv[paras]));
 				if(param_epsilon<0||param_epsilon>1){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
+			else if (parameter == "-double") {
+				paras++;
+				param_double = string2float(string(argv[paras]));
+				if(param_double!=0 && param_double!=1 && param_double!=2){cerr << string("Error: invalid value '"+string(argv[paras])+" for argument "+parameter+"'!").c_str() << "\n";throw;}
+			}
 			else if (parameter == "-minOpenmp") {
 				param_minOpenmp = int(string2float(string(argv[paras])));
@@ -615,10 +617,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 		if(getEnvVar("OMP_NUM_THREADS") != "1"){
-			cerr << "Error: Please set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1.\n";
-			throw;
-			// setenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS","1",1); // -> does not work...
-			// -> setenv does not work, since the BLAS is not a direct child of this program 
+			// restart with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
+			string cmd="OMP_NUM_THREADS=1";
+			for (paras = 0; paras < argc; paras++)
+				cmd += " "+string(argv[paras]);
+			return system(cmd.c_str());
 		// Parse files
@@ -660,20 +663,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 		// Open graph-removal file
-		string allRMgraphNames="";
-		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < num_cpus ; i ++){
-			stringstream ss;
-			ss << i;
-			allRMgraphNames+=(param_rmgraph+ss.str())+" ";
+		// string allRMgraphNames="";
+		// for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < num_cpus ; i ++){
+		// 	stringstream ss;
+		// 	ss << i;
+		// 	allRMgraphNames+=(param_rmgraph+ss.str())+" ";
 		// 	graph_clean.push_back(make_shared<ofstream>((param_rmgraph+ss.str()).c_str()));
-		}
+		// }
 		// // Clustering
 		// if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]   Clustering" << "\n";
-		if(debug_level>0)
-			cerr << "outside partition" << endl;
+		if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << "[DEBUG] done with clustering" << endl;
 		// concat the remove graph output files
 		ofstream OFS((param_rmgraph).c_str());
@@ -694,6 +696,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+		if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << "[DEBUG] done <ofstream>graph_clean" << endl;
 		for(map<size_t,shared_ptr<ofstream> > ::iterator it = proteinorthotmp_clean.begin() ; it != proteinorthotmp_clean.end() ; ++it){
 			it->second->close(); // close ofstream
 			// dump to STDOUT
@@ -711,9 +715,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 			int r = system(("rm '"+param_rmgraph+"_proteinortho_tmp_"+to_string(it->first)+"'").c_str());
+		if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << "[DEBUG] done <ofstream>proteinorthotmp_clean" << endl;
 		for(map<size_t,shared_ptr<ofstream> > ::iterator it = tmp_debug.begin() ; it != tmp_debug.end() ; ++it){
 			it->second->close(); // close ofstream
+		if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << "[DEBUG] done done" << endl;
 		// if(system(("cat "+allRMgraphNames+" >"+param_rmgraph).c_str())!=0 || system(("rm "+allRMgraphNames).c_str())!=0){
 		// 	cerr << "[ERROR]   cannot concatenate remove graphs" << "\n";
@@ -739,6 +747,26 @@ unsigned int numberOfNodesToMemoryUsageLaplacian_inKB(unsigned int n){
 	return (unsigned int)n*(unsigned int)n*sizeof(float)/1e+3;
+string getCCid(vector<unsigned int> nodes){
+	unsigned int n = nodes.size();
+	double id=0;
+	if(n==0){return "0";}
+	map<unsigned int,unsigned int> mapping;
+	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {mapping[nodes[i]] = i;}
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
+		unsigned int from = nodes[i]; 
+		if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
+		unsigned int sum = 0;			
+		for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+			unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+			if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
+			//id+=to_string(from)+"-"+to_string(graph[from].edges[j].edge)+":"+to_string(graph[from].edges[j].weight)+",";
+			id+=(from+1)*(graph[from].edges[j].edge+1)*graph[from].edges[j].weight;
+		}
+	}
+	return to_string((unsigned int)id);
 class ConnectedComponent // A graph representation (as vector of idx of the induced subgraph of 'graph') with some graph attributes (graph density, sum of node degrees)
@@ -792,12 +820,15 @@ class ConnectedComponent // A graph representation (as vector of idx of the indu
 	void push_back(unsigned int i) { 
+void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent, dispatch_queue *, bool, unsigned int);
+void find_CCs(dispatch_queue*);
+void find_CCs_givenNodes(dispatch_queue*,vector<unsigned int>);
 void print_group(ConnectedComponent& , float, size_t, bool);
 float calc_group(vector<unsigned int>*);
-ConnectedComponent BFS(vector<bool> * done, unsigned int cur_node ){
+ConnectedComponent BFS(map<unsigned int, bool> * done, unsigned int cur_node ){
 	ConnectedComponent ret; //return vector
 	list<unsigned int> q;
@@ -812,6 +843,7 @@ ConnectedComponent BFS(vector<bool> * done, unsigned int cur_node ){
 			cur_node = *it;
+			(*done)[cur_node] = true;
 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < graph[cur_node].edges.size(); i++) {
@@ -820,11 +852,8 @@ ConnectedComponent BFS(vector<bool> * done, unsigned int cur_node ){
 				if(adjacency_node > graph.size()){
 					cerr << string("[ERROR] : Input graph is invalid. The node "+graph[cur_node].full_name +" is reporting an edge/adjacent node, that is not present in the graph.").c_str() << "\n";throw;
-				if(adjacency_node > (*done).size()){ 
-					cerr << string("[ERROR] : Input graph is invalid. The node "+graph[cur_node].full_name +" is not present in done vector.").c_str() << "\n";throw;
-				}
-				if( !(*done)[adjacency_node] ){
+				if( !done->count(adjacency_node) || !(*done)[adjacency_node] ){
 					(*done)[adjacency_node] = true;
@@ -841,128 +870,87 @@ ConnectedComponent BFS(vector<bool> * done, unsigned int cur_node ){
 	return ret;
-unsigned int BFS_not_critical( vector<unsigned int> * done_withBacktrack, unsigned int start_node, unsigned int end_node ){
-	ConnectedComponent ret; //return vector
-	list<unsigned int> q;
-	q.push_back(start_node);
-	(*done_withBacktrack)[start_node]=true;
-	while(q.size()>0){
-		list<unsigned int> q_new;
-		for(list<unsigned int>::iterator it = q.begin() ; it != q.end() ; ++it){
-			unsigned int cur_node = *it;
-			ret.push_back(cur_node);
-			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < graph[cur_node].edges.size(); i++) {
-				unsigned int adjacency_node = graph[cur_node].edges[i].edge;
-				if(adjacency_node > graph.size()){
-					cerr << string("[ERROR] : Input graph is invalid. The node "+graph[cur_node].full_name +" is reporting an edge/adjacent node, that is not present in the graph.").c_str() << "\n";throw;
-				}
-				if(adjacency_node > (*done_withBacktrack).size()){
-					cerr << string("[ERROR] : Input graph is invalid. The node "+graph[cur_node].full_name +" is not present in done vector.").c_str() << "\n";throw;
-				}
+struct compare_ConnectedComponents { //sort from large to small
+	bool operator() (const ConnectedComponent &a, const ConnectedComponent &b) const {
+		return a.density < b.density;
+	}
-				if(cur_node==start_node && adjacency_node == end_node)
-					continue;
+void find_CCs_givenNodes(dispatch_queue *q, vector<unsigned int> todo_work ){
-				if( !(*done_withBacktrack)[adjacency_node] ){
+	map<unsigned int, bool> done;	// Keep track on what was done (for each node)
+	bool allNodesAreDone = false;
-					(*done_withBacktrack)[adjacency_node] = cur_node;
-					q_new.push_back(adjacency_node);
-				}
+	vector<ConnectedComponent> CC; // vector of all connected components found
+	//unsigned int min_i=0;
-				if(cur_node != start_node && adjacency_node == end_node )
-					return adjacency_node;
-			}
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < todo_work.size() ; i++) {
+		unsigned int from = todo_work[i]; 
+		done[ from ] = 0;
+	}
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < todo_work.size() ; i++) {
+		unsigned int from = todo_work[i]; 
+		for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+			if(!done.count(graph[from].edges[j].edge))
+				done[ graph[from].edges[j].edge ]=1;
-		q=q_new;
-	return start_node;
-bool criticalHeuristic(ConnectedComponent *cur_cc){
+	while( true ){ // CC.size() < num_cpus / gather up to num_cpus connected components
-	bool foundSomeCriticalEdge = false;
-	map<pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>, bool> done_edges;
-	unsigned int ce_counter=0;
+		allNodesAreDone = true;
-	//if((*cur_cc).size()==283)throw 1;else return false;
+		for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < todo_work.size() ; i++) {
+			unsigned int protein_id=todo_work[i];
+			if ( done.count(protein_id) && done[protein_id] ){continue;}// We were here already
-	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < ( (*cur_cc).size()<100?(*cur_cc).size():100 ) ; i++) { //(*cur_cc).size()
-		unsigned int node_a = (*cur_cc)[(rand() % (*cur_cc).size())];
+			//min_i=protein_id;
-		if(graph[node_a].edges.size() < 3)continue; // dont test simple pathgraph (subgraph)
-		for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[node_a].edges.size() ; j++) {
-			unsigned int node_b = graph[node_a].edges[j].edge;
+			done[protein_id]=true; // mark this node
+			ConnectedComponent cur_cc = BFS(&done,protein_id); // get the CC of the current node (protein_id) 
-			if(graph[node_b].edges.size() < 3)continue; // dont test simple pathgraph (subgraph)
-			pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> key_cur_edge;
-			if(node_a < node_b) key_cur_edge = make_pair(node_a,node_b);
-			else key_cur_edge = make_pair(node_b,node_a);
+			// Do not report singles
+			if (cur_cc.size() < 2) {continue;} // singletons are from no interest
-			if(!done_edges.count(key_cur_edge)){
-				done_edges[key_cur_edge] = true;
+			if(debug_level>0) cerr << "ConnectedComponent: @"<< getCCid(todo_work) << "=>" << cur_cc.size() << "@" << getCCid(cur_cc.m_content_CC) << endl;
-				vector<unsigned int> done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack = vector<unsigned int> (graph.size(), 0);	// Keep track on what was done (for each node)
-				done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[node_a]=node_a; // mark this node
+			// Skip those that are too large (try critical edge heuristic)
+			if (cur_cc.size() > param_max_nodes || cur_cc.size() > critical_min_nodes) {
-				unsigned int ret = BFS_not_critical(&done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack,node_a,node_b);
+				if(cur_cc.size() > param_max_nodes)
+					cerr << " [WARNING]  Found a very large connected component that contains " << cur_cc.size() << ">" << param_max_nodes << " (maxnodes) elements. This behavior can be adjusted using -maxnodes, still you better consider a higher e-value or coverage thresholds. Now using the Critical-Heuristic: try to identify and remove critical edges." << "\n";
+				else
+					cerr << " [WARNING]  Found a rather large connected component that contains " << cur_cc.size() << ">" << critical_min_nodes << " (critical_min_nodes) elements. Now using the Critical-Heuristic: try to identify and remove critical edges." << "\n";
-				if(ret == node_a){ // == IT IS CRITICAL
-					vector<wedge>::iterator it = graph[node_a].edges.begin();
-					for(it = graph[node_a].edges.begin() ; it != graph[node_a].edges.end() ; ++it){
-						if((*it).edge == node_b){
-							graph[node_a].edges.erase(it);
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					it = graph[node_b].edges.begin();
-					for(it = graph[node_b].edges.begin() ; it != graph[node_b].edges.end() ; ++it){
-						if((*it).edge == node_a){
-							graph[node_b].edges.erase(it);
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					ce_counter++;
-					foundSomeCriticalEdge = true;
-				}else{
-					//backtrack all edges in the loop
-					unsigned int v=ret;
-					while(done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[v]!=v){
-						if(v < done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[v]) key_cur_edge = make_pair(v,done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[v]);
-						else key_cur_edge = make_pair(done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[v],v);
-						done_edges[key_cur_edge] = true;
-						done_nodes_BFS_withBacktrack[v]=v;
-					}
+				if(cur_cc.size() > param_max_nodes){
+					cerr << " [WARNING]  The very large connected component that contains " << cur_cc.size() << " elements, did not have any critical edges." << "\n";
+					cerr << " [WARNING]  Skipping this connected component. This behavior can be adjusted using -maxnodes, still you better consider a higher e-value or coverage thresholds." << "\n";
+					continue;	
-		}
-	}
-	if(ce_counter>0){
-		cerr << " [WARNING] (critical edge heuristic)  Found and removed "<<ce_counter<<" critical edge(s)." << "\n";
-		//throw 1;
-	}
-	return foundSomeCriticalEdge;
+			if(param_core && cur_cc.species_num==0){
+				if(cur_cc.size()<param_coreMinSpecies){allNodesAreDone=false;break;} // if there are less nodes than wanted species -> skip
+				map<unsigned int,bool>cc_species;
+				for (int i = 0; i < cur_cc.size(); ++i){ cc_species[graph[cur_cc[i]].species_id]=true; }
+				cur_cc.species_num=cc_species.size();
+				if(cc_species.size()<param_coreMinSpecies){allNodesAreDone=false;break;} // less species as wanted -> skip
+			}
+			cur_cc.calc_dsum();
+			cur_cc.calc_density();
+			if(cur_cc.density > 1){ cerr << "[WARNING] : The input graph has duplicated edges, this lead to an invalid graph density of " << cur_cc.density << " (should be <1). Please clean the .blast-graph with 'proteinortho.pl --cleanblast --step=3 --project=...' or use the cleanupblastgraph tool in src/ to remove the duplicated edges." << "\n"; throw; }
+			if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] Found connected component: " << cur_cc.size() << " proteins (ID: " << protein_id << "), graph density="<< cur_cc.density << ", sum of degrees="<< cur_cc.d_sum << "\n";
-struct compare_ConnectedComponents { //sort from large to small
-	bool operator() (const ConnectedComponent &a, const ConnectedComponent &b) const {
-		return a.density < b.density;
+			q->dispatch([cur_cc,q]{ partition_CC(cur_cc,q,true,false); });
+			allNodesAreDone=false;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(allNodesAreDone)break; // no additional CC can be found -> done
 void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack, unsigned int restarted){
 	size_t tid=std::hash<std::thread::id>{}(std::this_thread::get_id());
@@ -970,6 +958,9 @@ void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack,
 	vector<float> x_hat;
 	float connectivity;
+	if( param_double == 2 && restarted==0 ){restarted=1;} // force double
+	if( param_double == 0 && restarted>0  ){return;} // force float
 	if(cur_cc.size()==0){return;} // sanity check
@@ -1031,6 +1022,8 @@ void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack,
 	if(param_core && cur_cc.species_num < param_coreMinSpecies){return;}
+	if(debug_level>0) cerr << "ConnectedComponent: @"<< getCCid(cur_cc.m_content_CC) << " connectivity=" << connectivity << endl;
 	if (connectivity < 0 || connectivity > param_con_threshold) {
 		// cerr << " [DEBUG] done "<<connectivity<<"\n";
@@ -1057,35 +1050,246 @@ void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack,
 	// Store data about two groups (Zero cannot be assigned with certainty)
 	ConnectedComponent groupA, groupB, groupZero;
 	map<unsigned int,bool> groupB_set;
+	map<unsigned int,bool> groupZero_set;
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
-		if(abs(x_hat[i]) < param_sep_purity) {
-			groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
-			//groupZero[nodes[i]] = true;
+	if(param_sep_purity==-1){
+		// automatic purity detection
+		unsigned int n = cur_cc.size();
+		map<unsigned int,unsigned int> mapping;
+		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++){ mapping[cur_cc[i]] = i; }
+		/*
+		 * Automatic prurity detetection (v6.1.2)
+		 * purity = threshold of nodes that are neither part of the bisection result of the current split (negative vs positive x_hat entries)
+		 *
+		 * purity is imporatant if there are multiple clusters that can be split or there is no good split
+		 * identified nodes (in purity boundary) are put back to the queue stack (=groupZero)
+		 * 
+		 * maximal purity = 0.1 -> get all nodes with |x_hat(v)|<0.1
+		 * identify all possible purity thresholds 
+		 * each purity threshold is evaluated with the total sum of edge weights that are removed with this cut
+		 * find most optimal purity cut-off
+		 */
+		float new_purity=0;
+		float best_cut=0;
+		float cut_value=0;
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+			if(x_hat[i] < 0) {
+				unsigned int from=cur_cc[i];
+				for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+					unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+					if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
+					if(x_hat[mapping[to]] > 0) {
+						best_cut += graph[from].edges[j].weight;							
+					}
+				}
+			}
-		else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
-			groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
-			//groupA[nodes[i]] = true;
+		if(debug_level>0)	cerr << " initial purity=0 best_cut=" << best_cut << endl;
+		for(unsigned int pi = 0; pi < (unsigned int)n; pi++){
+			unsigned int from = cur_cc[pi];
+			if(!mapping.count(from) || abs(x_hat[ mapping[from] ])>0.1 ){continue;}
+			float test_purity = abs(x_hat[ mapping[from] ]);
+			float cut_value=0;
+			unsigned int num_nodes=0;
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+				if(abs(x_hat[i]) <= test_purity) {
+					num_nodes++;
+					unsigned int from=cur_cc[i];
+					for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+						unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+						if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
+						if(abs(x_hat[mapping[to]]) > test_purity) {
+							cut_value+=graph[from].edges[j].weight;							
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if( cut_value>0 && (best_cut==-1 || best_cut>cut_value) && num_nodes>1){
+				new_purity=test_purity;
+				best_cut=cut_value;
+				if(debug_level>0)	cerr << " initial purity="<<new_purity<<" best_cut=" << best_cut << endl;
+			}
-		else { // x_hat[i] > 0
-			groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
-			groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+		if(new_purity>0.1){new_purity=0;} // if there are no impure nodes -> disable
+		unsigned int num_impure_nodes=0;
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) { if(abs(x_hat[i]) < new_purity) { num_impure_nodes++; } }
+		if(debug_level>0)	cerr << " num_impure_nodes" << num_impure_nodes << endl;
+		if(num_impure_nodes<2 && new_purity > 0.001){new_purity=0; } // disable if there is only one node that is impure with a high purity threshold
+		if(debug_level>0)	cerr << " [DEBUG]  detected a purity of "<< (new_purity==0 ? "<disabled>":to_string(new_purity)) << "\n";
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+			if(abs(x_hat[i]) <= new_purity) {
+				groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+				groupZero_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+			}
+			else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
+				groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+			}
+			else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+				groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+				groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+			}
-	}
-	if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
-		cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue without purity." << "\n";
-		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupZero.size(); i++) {
-			if (groupZero[i] < 0) {
-				groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+		if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
+			cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue without purity." << "\n";
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupZero.size(); i++) {
+				if (x_hat[ groupZero[i] ] < 0) {
+					groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+				}
+				else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+					groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+			if(abs(x_hat[i]) < param_sep_purity) {
+				groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+				groupZero_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+			}
+			else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
+				groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
 			else { // x_hat[i] > 0
-				groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+				groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+				groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+			}
+		}
+		if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
+			cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue purity/2." << "\n";
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+				if(abs(x_hat[i]) < param_sep_purity/2) {
+					groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+					groupZero_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+				}
+				else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
+					groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+				}
+				else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+					groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+					groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+				}
+			}
+			if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
+				cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue purity/10." << "\n";
+				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+					if(abs(x_hat[i]) < param_sep_purity/10) {
+						groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+						groupZero_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+					}
+					else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
+						groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+					}
+					else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+						groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+						groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+					}
+				}
+				if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
+					cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue purity/100." << "\n";
+					for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
+						if(abs(x_hat[i]) < param_sep_purity/100) {
+							groupZero.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+							groupZero_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+						}
+						else if (x_hat[i] < 0) {
+							groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+						}
+						else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+							groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(cur_cc[i]);
+							groupB_set[cur_cc[i]] = true;
+						}
+					}
+					if( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) ){
+						cerr << " [WARNING]  All nodes are below the purity threshold. Continue without purity." << "\n";
+						for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupZero.size(); i++) {
+							if (x_hat[ groupZero[i] ] < 0) {
+								groupA.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+							}
+							else { // x_hat[i] > 0
+								groupB.m_content_CC.push_back(groupZero[i]);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
-	if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] splitting into ("<<groupA.size()<<","<<groupB.size()<<","<<groupZero.size()<<") sized groups!"<< "\n";
+	string id;
+	string idA;
+	string idB;
+	string idZ;
+	if(debug_level==15){
+		unsigned int n = cur_cc.size();
+		id=getCCid(cur_cc.m_content_CC);
+		idA=getCCid(groupA.m_content_CC);
+		idB=getCCid(groupB.m_content_CC);
+		idZ=getCCid(groupZero.m_content_CC);
+		map<unsigned int,unsigned int> mapping;
+		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {mapping[cur_cc[i]] = i;}
+		{
+			ofstream OFS(("cluster_n"+to_string(n)+"_id"+id+".edgelist").c_str());
+			OFS << "source\ttarget\tweight"<<endl;
+			map<pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>,unsigned int> knownedges;
+			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
+				unsigned int from = cur_cc[i]; 
+				unsigned int sum = 0;
+				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
+				for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+					unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+					if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
+					pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> key_cur_edge;
+					if(from < to) key_cur_edge = make_pair(from,to);
+					else key_cur_edge = make_pair(to,from);
+					if(!knownedges.count(key_cur_edge)){
+						knownedges[key_cur_edge] = true;
+						OFS << graph[from].full_name << "\t" << graph[to].full_name << "\t" << graph[from].edges[j].weight << endl;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			OFS.close();
+			string id=getCCid(cur_cc.m_content_CC);
+		}
+		{
+			ofstream OFS(("cluster_n"+to_string(n)+"_id"+id+"_ci0_conn"+to_string(connectivity)+".nodeweight").c_str());
+			OFS << "id\teigenvector"<<endl;
+			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
+				OFS << graph[cur_cc[i]].full_name << "\t" << x_hat[i] << endl;
+			}
+			OFS.close();
+		}
+		{
+			ofstream OFS(("cluster_n"+to_string(n)+"_id"+id+"_ci0_conn"+to_string(connectivity)+".split").c_str());
+			OFS << "id\tsplit"<<endl;
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupZero.size(); i++) { OFS << graph[groupZero[i]].full_name << "\t0" << endl; }
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupA.size(); i++) { OFS << graph[groupA[i]].full_name << "\t1" << endl; }
+			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupB.size(); i++) { OFS << graph[groupB[i]].full_name << "\t-1" << endl; }
+			OFS.close();
+		}
+	}
+	if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] splitting CC with "<<cur_cc.size()<<" nodes "<<(debug_level==15 ? "@"+id+"" : "")<< " into ("<<groupA.size()<<""<<(debug_level==15 ? " @"+idA+"" : "")<< ","<<groupB.size()<<""<<(debug_level==15 ? " @"+idB+"" : "")<< ","<<groupZero.size()<<""<<(debug_level==15 ? " @"+idZ+"" : "")<< ") sized groups!"<< "\n";
 	// Catch error in laplacien calcs
 	if ( (groupA.size() == 0 && groupB.size() == 0) || 
@@ -1110,10 +1314,20 @@ void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack,
 		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < groupA.size() ; i++){
-			protein node_i = graph[i];
+			protein node_i = graph[groupA[i]];
 			for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[groupA[i]].edges.size() ; j++){
 				protein node_j = graph[graph[groupA[i]].edges[j].edge];
-				if(groupB_set.count(graph[groupA[i]].edges[j].edge)){
+				if(groupB_set.count(graph[groupA[i]].edges[j].edge) || 
+					groupZero_set.count(graph[groupA[i]].edges[j].edge) ){
+					(*graph_clean[tid]) << node_i.full_name << "\t" << species[node_i.species_id] << "\t" << node_j.full_name << "\t" << species[node_j.species_id] << "\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < groupB.size() ; i++){
+			protein node_i = graph[groupB[i]];
+			for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[groupB[i]].edges.size() ; j++){
+				protein node_j = graph[graph[groupB[i]].edges[j].edge];
+				if(groupZero_set.count(graph[groupB[i]].edges[j].edge)){
 					(*graph_clean[tid]) << node_i.full_name << "\t" << species[node_i.species_id] << "\t" << node_j.full_name << "\t" << species[node_j.species_id] << "\n";
@@ -1132,40 +1346,44 @@ void partition_CC(ConnectedComponent cur_cc, dispatch_queue *q, bool do_lapack,
 					param_coreMaxProteinsPerSpecies*cur_cc.species_num > cur_cc.size()){
-				if(groupA.species_num >= param_coreMinSpecies)
+				if(groupA.species_num >= param_coreMinSpecies && groupA.size()>1)
 					q->dispatch([groupA,q]{ partition_CC(groupA,q,true,0); });
-				if(groupB.species_num >= param_coreMinSpecies)
+				if(groupB.species_num >= param_coreMinSpecies && groupB.size()>1)
 					q->dispatch([groupB,q]{ partition_CC(groupB,q,true,0); });
-		if(groupA.size()>0)
-			q->dispatch([groupA,q]{ partition_CC(groupA,q,true,false); });
-		if(groupB.size()>0)
-			q->dispatch([groupB,q]{ partition_CC(groupB,q,true,false); });
+		if(groupA.size()>1)
+			//q->dispatch([groupA,q]{ partition_CC(groupA,q,true,false); });
+			q->dispatch([groupA,q]{ find_CCs_givenNodes(q,groupA.m_content_CC); });
+		if(groupB.size()>1)
+			//q->dispatch([groupB,q]{ partition_CC(groupB,q,true,false); });
+			q->dispatch([groupB,q]{ find_CCs_givenNodes(q,groupB.m_content_CC); });
+		if(groupZero.size()>1)
+			q->dispatch([groupZero,q]{ find_CCs_givenNodes(q,groupZero.m_content_CC); });
 void find_CCs(dispatch_queue *q){
-	vector<bool> done;	// Keep track on what was done
-	done = vector<bool> (graph.size(), false);	// Keep track on what was done (for each node)
+	map<unsigned int, bool> done;	// Keep track on what was done (for each node)
 	bool allNodesAreDone = false;
 	vector<ConnectedComponent> CC; // vector of all connected components found
-	unsigned int min_i=0;
+	//unsigned int min_i=0;
 	while( true ){ // CC.size() < num_cpus / gather up to num_cpus connected components
 		allNodesAreDone = true;
-		for (unsigned int protein_id = min_i ; protein_id < graph.size() ; protein_id++) {
+		for (unsigned int protein_id = 0 ; protein_id < graph.size() ; protein_id++) {
-			if (done[protein_id]){continue;}// We were here already
+			if (done.count(protein_id) && done[protein_id]){continue;}// We were here already
-			min_i=protein_id;
+			if(debug_level>0) cerr << "find_CCs:start at "<< protein_id << "<" << graph.size() << endl;
+			//min_i=protein_id;
 			done[protein_id]=true; // mark this node
 			ConnectedComponent cur_cc = BFS(&done,protein_id); // get the CC of the current node (protein_id) 
@@ -1184,7 +1402,6 @@ void find_CCs(dispatch_queue *q){
 				if(cur_cc.size() > param_max_nodes){
 					cerr << " [WARNING]  The very large connected component that contains " << cur_cc.size() << " elements, did not have any critical edges." << "\n";
 					cerr << " [WARNING]  Skipping this connected component. This behavior can be adjusted using -maxnodes, still you better consider a higher e-value or coverage thresholds." << "\n";
-					//clear_edges(cur_cc.m_content_CC);
@@ -1200,11 +1417,9 @@ void find_CCs(dispatch_queue *q){
 			if(cur_cc.density > 1){ cerr << "[WARNING] : The input graph has duplicated edges, this lead to an invalid graph density of " << cur_cc.density << " (should be <1). Please clean the .blast-graph with 'proteinortho.pl --cleanblast --step=3 --project=...' or use the cleanupblastgraph tool in src/ to remove the duplicated edges." << "\n"; throw; }
-			if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] Found connected component: " << cur_cc.size() << " proteins (ID: " << protein_id << "), graph density="<< cur_cc.density << ", sum of degrees="<< cur_cc.d_sum << "\n";
+			if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:find_CCs] Found connected component: " << cur_cc.size() << " proteins (ID: " << protein_id << "), graph density="<< cur_cc.density << ", sum of degrees="<< cur_cc.d_sum << " ini from " << graph[protein_id].full_name<< "\n";
 			q->dispatch([cur_cc,q]{ partition_CC(cur_cc,q,true,false); });
@@ -1212,7 +1427,6 @@ void find_CCs(dispatch_queue *q){
 // Major partioning algorithm
@@ -1226,37 +1440,15 @@ void partition_graph() {
 	q.dispatch([&q]{ find_CCs(&q); });
-	if(debug_level>0)
-		cerr << "done with ini" << endl;
+	if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] done with ini dispatch_queue" << endl;
-	if(debug_level>0)
-		cerr << "quit" << endl;
+	if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG] quit dispatch_queue" << endl;
-// Basic Graph functions
-// Remove all edges from the given list of protein ids 
-void clear_edges(vector<unsigned int>& nodes) {
-	#ifdef timeAnalysis
-		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
-	#endif
-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
-		graph[nodes[i]].edges.clear();
-		vector<wedge>().swap(graph[nodes[i]].edges);
-	}
-	#ifdef timeAnalysis
-		if(!t_master.count("clear_edges")) t_master["clear_edges"]=0;
-		t_master["clear_edges"] += (float)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ) - t_tmp ).count()/1e+9;
-	#endif
 // File parser
@@ -1326,6 +1518,8 @@ void parse_file(string file) {
 				// 5.16 do not point to yourself
 				if (!fields[0].compare(fields[1])) {continue;}
+				//if(debug_level>0) cerr << "parse_file:(" << fields[0]<<","<<fields[1] << ") -> " << (protein2id.find(fields[0]) == protein2id.end()) << endl;
 				// A new protein
 				if (protein2id.find(fields[0]) == protein2id.end())	{
 					protein a;
@@ -1390,6 +1584,8 @@ void parse_file(string file) {
 				unsigned int a_id = protein2id[fields[0]];
 				unsigned int b_id = protein2id[fields[1]];
+				if(!param_useWeights){bitscore_avg=1;}
 				// 5.17, add weight
 				wedge w;
@@ -1414,7 +1610,6 @@ void parse_file(string file) {
 	// graph_ram_total_inKB += graph_ram_total/1e+3;
 	// if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]  Expected Memory Usage of the current input graph: " << graph_ram_total_inKB << " KB = "  << graph_ram_total_inKB/1e+3 << " MB. (current input graph are all the currently loaded files)" << "\n";
@@ -1461,7 +1656,7 @@ void stats(unsigned int lapack,unsigned int power,bool active_status) {
 		last_stat_act = active_status;
 		if(debug_level==0) cerr << '\r';
 		else cerr << endl;
-		cerr << "Clustering: working on (" << lapack << (lapack==1 ? "@find_CC" : "@lapack")<<(active_status?"*":"")<<" + " << power << "@power"<<(!active_status?"*":"")<<") connected component"<< (lapack+power>1?"s":"") <<"          " << std::flush ;
+		cerr << "Clustering: working on (" << lapack << (lapack==1 ? "@BFS/lapack" : "@lapack")<<(active_status?"*":"")<<" + " << power << "@power"<<(!active_status?"*":"")<<") connected component"<< (lapack+power>1?"s":"") <<"          " << std::flush ;
 		if(lapack==0 && power==0){ cerr << '\r'<<"Clustering: done                                                       \n"; }
@@ -1475,10 +1670,8 @@ void print_header() {
 	cout << "\n";
-struct protein_degree
-	inline bool operator() (const pair<string,int> & p1, const pair<string,int>& p2)
-	{
+struct protein_degree{
+	inline bool operator() (const pair<string,int> & p1, const pair<string,int>& p2){
 		return (p1.second > p2.second);
@@ -1490,6 +1683,26 @@ void print_group(ConnectedComponent& nodes, float connectivity, size_t tid, bool
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
+	if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime()<< " [DEBUG] print_group start"<< endl;
+	if(nodes.size()<2){return;}
+	map<unsigned int, bool> done;	// Keep track on what was done (for each node)
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nodes.size() ; i++) {
+		unsigned int from = nodes[i]; 
+		done[ from ] = 0;
+	}
+	for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nodes.size() ; i++) {
+		unsigned int from = nodes[i]; 
+		for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
+			if(!done.count(graph[from].edges[j].edge))
+				done[ graph[from].edges[j].edge ]=1;
+		}
+	}
+	ConnectedComponent cur_cc = BFS(&done,nodes[0]); // get the CC of the current node (protein_id)#
+	if((int)cur_cc.size() - (int)nodes.size() != 0){return;}
@@ -1507,8 +1720,8 @@ void print_group(ConnectedComponent& nodes, float connectivity, size_t tid, bool
 		line[current_species].push_back(make_pair( graph[current_protein].full_name , graph[current_protein].edges.size() ));
-	(*proteinorthotmp_clean[tid]) << species_number << "\t" << nodes.size() << "\t" << setprecision (3) << (connectivity < 0 ? -connectivity : connectivity) << (failed ? "*": "");
-// cerr << species_number << "\t" << nodes.size() << "\t" << setprecision (3) << connectivity;
+	(*proteinorthotmp_clean[tid]) << species_number << "\t" << nodes.size() << "\t" << (debug_level>0 ? "@"+getCCid(nodes.m_content_CC)+":":"") << setprecision (3) << (connectivity < 0 ? -connectivity : connectivity) << (failed ? "*": "");
+	// cerr << species_number << "\t" << nodes.size() << "\t" << setprecision (3) << connectivity;
 	// List group data
 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < species_counter; i++) {
@@ -1531,11 +1744,13 @@ void print_group(ConnectedComponent& nodes, float connectivity, size_t tid, bool
 		// output
 		(*proteinorthotmp_clean[tid]) << "\t" << return_line;
-// cerr << "\t" << return_line;
+		// cerr << "\t" << return_line;
 	(*proteinorthotmp_clean[tid]) << "\n";
-// cerr << "\n";
+	// cerr << "\n";
+	if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime()<< " [DEBUG] print_group @"<<getCCid(nodes.m_content_CC)<<" ERROR="<< ((int)cur_cc.size() - (int)nodes.size()) << endl;
@@ -1556,7 +1771,7 @@ float calc_group(vector<unsigned int>* nodes) {
 	return speciesids.size()==0 ? 99999 : ((float)nodes->size())/((float)speciesids.size()); // 99999 such that if the species information is missing, then the criterion always fails and the splits are only made based on the alg. connectivity
+	/* SEG FAIL:
 	vector<unsigned int> line(species_counter,0);	// Species vector
 	unsigned int species_number = 0;
 	// For each protein in group, count species
@@ -1621,7 +1836,7 @@ void tokenize(const string& str, vector<string>& tokens, const string& delimiter
 // Return maximum degree of given protein_ids -- openMP A ML
 unsigned int max_of_diag(vector<unsigned int>& nodes, vector<unsigned int>& diag) {
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] max_of_diag start" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] max_of_diag start" << endl;
 	unsigned int max = 0;
@@ -1632,7 +1847,7 @@ unsigned int max_of_diag(vector<unsigned int>& nodes, vector<unsigned int>& diag
 		if (diag[i] > max) max = diag[i] ;
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] max_of_diag end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] max_of_diag end" << endl;
 	return max;
@@ -1642,7 +1857,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> generate_random_vector(const unsigned int size) {
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] generate_random_vector start" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] generate_random_vector start" << endl;
 	vector<T> x(size);
@@ -1652,7 +1867,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> generate_random_vector(const unsigned int size) {
 		if (x[i] == x[i-1]) x[i] /= 3;		// Check: at least one value must be different from the others but still within 0 and 1
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] generate_random_vector end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] generate_random_vector end" << endl;
 	#ifdef timeAnalysis
 		if(!t_master.count("partition_graph::convergence::generate_random_vector")) t_master["partition_graph::convergence::generate_random_vector"]=0;
@@ -1669,22 +1884,22 @@ template<class T> vector<T> get_new_x(vector<T>*x, vector<unsigned int>& nodes,
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] get_new_x start" << endl; 
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] get_new_x start" << endl; 
 	vector<T> x_new(x->size(),0);
 	bool useOpenMpFlag = (nodes.size() > param_minOpenmp);
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] get_new_x done ini " << useOpenMpFlag << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] get_new_x done ini " << useOpenMpFlag << endl;
 		#pragma omp parallel for if (useOpenMpFlag)
 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
 			// go through adjacency list of node 
 			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[nodes[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
 				// y points to z, so take entry z from x
 				unsigned int abs_target = graph[nodes[i]].edges[j].edge;
+				if(!mapping.count(abs_target)){continue;}
 				unsigned int rel_target = mapping[abs_target];
 				x_new[i] += (*x)[rel_target]*(T)graph[nodes[i]].edges[j].weight;
@@ -1700,6 +1915,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> get_new_x(vector<T>*x, vector<unsigned int>& nodes,
 			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[nodes[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
 				// y points to z, so take entry z from x
 				unsigned int abs_target = graph[nodes[i]].edges[j].edge;
+				if(!mapping.count(abs_target)){continue;}
 				unsigned int rel_target = mapping[abs_target];
 				x_new[i] += (*x)[rel_target];
@@ -1707,7 +1923,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> get_new_x(vector<T>*x, vector<unsigned int>& nodes,
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] get_new_x end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] get_new_x end" << endl;
 	#ifdef timeAnalysis
 		if(!t_master.count("partition_graph::convergence::get_new_x")) t_master["partition_graph::convergence::get_new_x"]=0;
@@ -1723,7 +1939,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> makeOrthogonal(vector<T> x) {
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] makeOrthogonal start" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] makeOrthogonal start" << endl;
 	T sum = 0;
@@ -1742,7 +1958,7 @@ template<class T> vector<T> makeOrthogonal(vector<T> x) {
 		t_master["partition_graph::convergence::makeOrthogonal"] += (T)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ) - t_tmp ).count()/1e+9;
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] makeOrthogonal end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] makeOrthogonal end" << endl;
 	return x;
@@ -1753,7 +1969,7 @@ template<class T> void normalize(vector<T> *x, T *length) {
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] normalize start" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] normalize start" << endl;
 	T sum = 0;
 	bool useOpenMpFlag = (x->size() > param_minOpenmp);
@@ -1772,14 +1988,14 @@ template<class T> void normalize(vector<T> *x, T *length) {
 		t_master["partition_graph::convergence::normalize"] += (T)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ) - t_tmp ).count()/1e+9;
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] normalize end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] normalize end" << endl;
 	//return x;
 // Qx, Formula (5) -- openMP A ML
 template<class T> vector<T> getY(T max_degree, vector<T> x_hat, vector<T>* x_new, vector<unsigned int>& nodes, vector<unsigned int>& diag){
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] getY start" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] getY start" << endl;
 	#ifdef timeAnalysis
 		auto t_tmp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
@@ -1788,34 +2004,19 @@ template<class T> vector<T> getY(T max_degree, vector<T> x_hat, vector<T>* x_new
 	#pragma omp parallel for if (useOpenMpFlag)
 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x_hat.size(); i++) {
 		x_hat[i] *= ((T)2*max_degree - (T)diag[i]);
 		x_hat[i] += (*x_new)[i];
 	#ifdef timeAnalysis
 		if(!t_master.count("partition_graph::convergence::getY")) t_master["partition_graph::convergence::getY"]=0;
 		t_master["partition_graph::convergence::getY"] += (T)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ) - t_tmp ).count()/1e+9;
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] getY end" << endl;
+	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] getY end" << endl;
 	return x_hat;
-unsigned int sumOutDegs(const vector<unsigned int>& nodes) {
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] sumOutDegs start" << endl;
-	unsigned int sum = 0;
-	for (unsigned int a = 0; a < nodes.size(); a++) {
-		unsigned int from = nodes[a];
-		sum += graph[from].edges.size();
-	}
-	if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] sumOutDegs end" << endl;
-	return sum/2;
 double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<double> *x_hat) {
 	bool useWeights = (param_useWeights && nodes->size() <= param_max_nodes_weight); //param_useWeights = user input whether weights should be used or not. useWeights = the true value, that is true if param_useWeights is true and the maximum number of nodes are not exeeded for the weighted algorithm (param_max_nodes_weight)
@@ -1833,7 +2034,8 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 	double connectivity = -1;
 	*x_hat = vector<double>(n);
-	if( n < 32768 && useLapack ){
+	if( ( n < 32768 && useLapack && param_useLapack == 1 ) || param_useLapack == 2 ){
+		if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]@double using LAPACK" << endl;
 		// maximal number of nodes 32768 (2^15 = SHRT_MAX) -> laplace matrix 2^15*2^15=2^30 (max vector size) entries 
 		// max vector size = std::vector<int> myvector; cout << myvector.max_size() << "\n"; -> 2^30
@@ -1934,14 +2136,15 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 			connectivity = eigenvalues[0]/((double)n);
 		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++)
-			(*x_hat)[i]=eigenvectors[i];
+			(*x_hat)[i]=-eigenvectors[i];
 		// deallocate
 		delete [] eigenvectors;	
+		if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]@double using POWER" << endl;
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] start" << endl;
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] start" << endl;
 		if(param_useWeights && !useWeights){
 			cerr << " [INFO] The maximum number of nodes for the weighted algorithm is exeeded. Continue now with the faster unweighted algorithm." << "\n";
@@ -1952,22 +2155,29 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
+				unsigned int from = (*nodes)[i]; 
+				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
 				for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
+					unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+					if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
 					diag[i] += graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
 					if(useWeights && maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
-		}else{
-			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
-				diag[i]=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size();
-				if(useWeights)
-					for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
-						if(maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
-					}
-			}
+		// else{
+		// 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
+		// 		diag[i]=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size();
+		// 		if(useWeights)
+		// 			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
+		// 				if(maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
+		// 			}
+		// 	}
+		// }
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] ini done" << endl;
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] ini done" << endl;
 		// Get max degree / sum of weights of nodes
 		unsigned int max_d = max_of_diag((*nodes),diag);	
@@ -1991,7 +2201,7 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 		while(++iter < param_max_iter) { 
-			if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] iter:" << iter << endl;
+			if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] iter:" << iter << endl;
 			last_length = current_length;
@@ -2009,7 +2219,7 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 			if ( abs(current_length-last_length) < param_epsilon && iter >= min_iter ) break;	// prevent convergence by chance, converge to param_epsilon
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] post while" << endl;
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] post while" << endl;
 		#ifdef timeAnalysis
 			if(!t_master.count("partition_graph::convergence")) t_master["partition_graph::convergence"]=0;
@@ -2027,9 +2237,8 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 			connectivity = (-current_length+(double)2*max_d)/((double)n);
-		normalize(x_hat, &current_length);
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9] post last norm" << endl;
+		// normalize(x_hat, &current_length);
+		//if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9] post last norm" << endl;
 		// 5.17 catch hardly-converging groups
 		if (iter >= param_max_iter) {
@@ -2037,7 +2246,6 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 	if (debug_level > 1){
 		cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]   Connectivity score:" << connectivity;
 		if ( (debug_level > 1 && (unsigned int)n<100 ) || debug_level > 2 ){
@@ -2069,7 +2277,7 @@ double getConnectivity_double(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vecto
 	return connectivity;
-float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<float> *x_hat) {
+float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<float> *x_hat){
 	if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " getConnectivity_float"<< endl;
@@ -2088,7 +2296,9 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 	float connectivity = -1;
 	*x_hat = vector<float>(n);
-	if( n < 32768 && useLapack ){
+	if( ( n < 32768 && useLapack && param_useLapack == 1 ) || param_useLapack == 2 ){
+		if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float using LAPACK" << endl;
 		// maximal number of nodes 32768 (2^15 = SHRT_MAX) -> laplace matrix 2^15*2^15=2^30 (max vector size) entries 
 		// max vector size = std::vector<int> myvector; cout << myvector.max_size() << "\n"; -> 2^30
@@ -2096,30 +2306,6 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 		float * laplacian = (float*)calloc( (unsigned int)n*(unsigned int)n,sizeof(float) );
-		if(debug_level==15){
-			unsigned int id=0;
-			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
-				unsigned int from = (*nodes)[i]; 
-				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
-				unsigned int sum = 0;
-				for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
-					id+=graph[from].edges[j].weight;
-				}
-			}
-			ofstream OFS(("cluster_n"+to_string(n)+"_id"+to_string(id)+".edgelist").c_str());
-			OFS << "source\ttarget\tweight"<<endl;
-			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
-				unsigned int from = (*nodes)[i]; 
-				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
-				unsigned int sum = 0;
-				for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
-					unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
-					OFS << from << "\t" << to << "\t" << graph[from].edges[j].weight << endl;
-				}
-			}
-			OFS.close();
-		}
 		bool fill_laplacian_return=1; // return value of the fill algorithm -> true : all fine, false : ERROR
 		// fill laplacian
 		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
@@ -2131,7 +2317,6 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 			for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
 				unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
 				unsigned int vector_idx = mapping[from] + mapping[to]*n; //transform the 2-d coordinate (i,j) of the nxn matrix to 1-d vector coordinate i+j*n of the 2n vector
@@ -2171,7 +2356,7 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 			float eigenvalues[(unsigned int)n]; // need only 1 eigenvalue
 			il = 2; //that is the second one (il=1 -> the first one, il=2 the second one)
 			iu = 2; 
-			if(debug_level==15){ iu = 5; } // generate more vectors for debug 15
+			//if(debug_level==15){ iu = 5; } // generate more vectors for debug 15
 			float * eigenvectors = (float*)malloc( (unsigned int)ldz*(unsigned int)m*(iu-il+1)*sizeof(float) ); 
 			float eps=param_epsilon;
@@ -2213,35 +2398,15 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 			connectivity = eigenvalues[0]/((float)n);
 		for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++)
-			(*x_hat)[i]=eigenvectors[i];
+			(*x_hat)[i]=-eigenvectors[i];
-		if(debug_level==15){
-			unsigned int id=0;
-			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
-				unsigned int from = (*nodes)[i]; 
-				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
-				unsigned int sum = 0;
-				for(unsigned int j = 0 ; j < graph[from].edges.size() ; j++){
-					id+=graph[from].edges[j].weight;
-				}
-			}
-			for(unsigned int ci = 0 ; ci < 5 ; ci++){
-				ofstream OFS(("cluster_n"+to_string(n)+"_id"+to_string(id)+"_ci"+to_string(ci)+".nodeweight").c_str());
-				OFS << "id\teigenvector"<<endl;
-				for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)n ; i++){
-					OFS << (*nodes)[i] <<"\t" << eigenvectors[i+n*ci] << endl;
-				}
-				OFS.close();
-			}
-		}
-		// deallocate
 		delete [] eigenvectors;	
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9]@float start" << endl;
+		if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float using POWER" << endl;
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float start" << endl;
 		if(param_useWeights && !useWeights){
 			cerr << " [INFO] The maximum number of nodes for the weighted algorithm is exeeded. Continue now with the faster unweighted algorithm." << "\n";
@@ -2250,27 +2415,31 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 		vector<unsigned int> diag(n);
-			#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max: maxWeight)
 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
+				unsigned int from = (*nodes)[i]; 
+				if(!mapping.count(from)){continue;}
 				for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
+					unsigned int to = graph[from].edges[j].edge;
+					if(!mapping.count(to)){continue;}
 					diag[i] += graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
 					if(useWeights && maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
-		}else{
-			#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max: maxWeight)
-			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
-				diag[i]=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size();
-				if(useWeights)
-					for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
-						if(maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
-					}
-			}
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9]@float ini done" << endl;
+		// else{
+		// 	#pragma omp parallel for reduction(max: maxWeight)
+		// 	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)n; i++) {
+		// 		diag[i]=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size();
+		// 		if(useWeights)
+		// 			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges.size(); j++) {
+		// 				if(maxWeight<graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight)maxWeight=graph[(*nodes)[i]].edges[j].weight;
+		// 			}
+		// 	}
+		// }
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float ini done" << endl;
 		// Get max degree / sum of weights of nodes
 		unsigned int max_d = max_of_diag((*nodes),diag);	
@@ -2294,7 +2463,7 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 		while(++iter < param_max_iter) { 
-			if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9]@float iter:" << iter << endl;
+			if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float iter:" << iter << endl;
 			last_length = current_length;
@@ -2312,7 +2481,7 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 			if ( abs(current_length-last_length) < param_epsilon && iter >= min_iter ) break;	// prevent convergence by chance, converge to param_epsilon
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9]@float post while" << endl;
+		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float post while" << endl;
 		#ifdef timeAnalysis
 			if(!t_master.count("partition_graph::convergence")) t_master["partition_graph::convergence"]=0;
@@ -2330,16 +2499,18 @@ float getConnectivity_float(vector<unsigned int> *nodes, bool useLapack, vector<
 			connectivity = (-current_length+(float)2*max_d)/((float)n);
-		normalize(x_hat, &current_length);
-		if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [debug:9]@float post last norm" << endl;
+		//normalize(x_hat, &current_length);
+		//if(debug_level==9) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG:9]@float post last norm" << endl;
 		// 5.17 catch hardly-converging groups
 		if (iter >= param_max_iter) {
 			if (debug_level > 0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]   Connectivity score of connected component with " << n << " elements did not converge perfectly in time." << "\n";
+		if(debug_level>0) cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]   length:" << current_length << endl;
+	//float cl = 0;
+	//normalize(x_hat, &cl);
 	if (debug_level > 1){
 		cerr << getTime() << " [DEBUG]   Connectivity score:" << connectivity;
@@ -2720,5 +2891,4 @@ bool test__getY(){
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# file_a	file_b
+# a	b	evalue_ab	bitscore_ab	evalue_ba	bitscore_ba
+# A	B
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	b1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# A	C
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	c1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# A	D
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	d1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# A	E
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	e1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# B	C
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	c1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# B	D
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	d1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# B	E
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	e1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# C	D
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	d1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# C	E
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	e1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# D	E
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+d1	e1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# file_a	file_b
+# a	b	evalue_ab	bitscore_ab	evalue_ba	bitscore_ba
+# A	B
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	b1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	b2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	b3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	C
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	c1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	c2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	c3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a1	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	C
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	c1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	c2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	c3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# C	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# C	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# D	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+d1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+d2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+d3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# file_a	file_b
+# a	b	evalue_ab	bitscore_ab	evalue_ba	bitscore_ba
+# A	B
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	b1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# B	C
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	c1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+# C	D
+# 7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	d1	7.9e-34	138.3	7.9e-34	138.3

@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# file_a	file_b
+# a	b	evalue_ab	bitscore_ab	evalue_ba	bitscore_ba
+# E.faa	C.faa
+# 3.60017e-123	437.95	3.80065e-124	440.45
+E_10	C_10	7.2e-123	430.6	7.6e-124	434.1
+E_11	C_11	1.7e-50	189.1	1.6e-49	186.0
+E_13	C_13	1.5e-26	109.0	7.9e-26	106.7
+E_14	C_14	8.0e-162	560.5	6.7e-162	560.8
+E_15	C_15	7.8e-99	350.5	2.0e-100	355.9
+E_16	C_16	2.7e-45	171.8	6.0e-46	174.1
+E_17	C_17	5.2e-184	634.4	2.8e-180	622.1
+E_18	C_64	1.3e-62	229.9	7.1e-64	234.2
+E_19	C_22	1.4e-29	118.6	6.8e-30	119.8
+E_19	C_63	1.9e-31	124.8	6.1e-31	123.2
+E_313	C_12	1.6e-130	456.4	2.3e-129	452.6
+E_315	C_12	3.4e-127	445.3	1.3e-127	446.8
+E_317	C_1	9.4e-134	467.2	6.1e-134	468.0
+E_366	C_1	2.6e-128	449.1	6.4e-131	458.0
+E_368	C_1	3.6e-133	465.3	1.5e-132	463.4
+E_437	C_1	3.3e-129	452.2	1.7e-128	449.9
+# C2.faa	L.faa
+# 5.5e-128	446.8	1.9e-130	449.9
+C_10	L_10	5.5e-128	446.8	1.9e-130	449.9
+# C2.faa	E.faa
+# 7.6e-124	434.1	1e-124	430.6
+C_10	E_10	7.6e-124	434.1	1.0e-124	430.6
+# C2.faa	C.faa
+# 0	1382.5	0	1382.5
+C_10	C_10	0.0e+00	1382.5	0.0e+00	1382.5
+# C2.faa	M.faa
+# 3.6e-127	444.1	3.4e-129	445.7
+C_10	M_10	3.6e-127	444.1	3.4e-129	445.7
+# L.faa	C.faa
+# 5.5e-94	360.75	1.05e-94	362.85
+L_10	C_10	1.3e-128	449.9	5.5e-128	446.8
+L_11	C_11	1.8e-58	215.7	3.0e-57	210.7
+L_14	C_14	3.6e-121	425.2	2.3e-123	431.8
+L_15	C_15	4.3e-86	308.1	2.1e-87	311.6
+L_16	C_16	1.1e-41	159.8	3.4e-42	160.6
+L_17	C_17	6.0e-169	584.3	1.3e-167	578.9
+L_18	C_64	1.7e-64	236.1	1.4e-65	238.8
+L_19	C_63	8.0e-28	112.8	1.8e-28	114.0
+L_2	C_164	3.3e-93	331.6	3.8e-93	330.5
+L_2	C_166	2.2e-89	318.9	1.0e-90	322.4
+L_2	C_167	9.8e-90	320.1	1.5e-89	318.5
+L_2	C_2	1.1e-93	333.2	2.1e-94	334.7
+L_20	C_20	8.1e-171	590.5	2.2e-170	588.2
+L_313	C_12	1.8e-115	406.4	2.3e-114	401.7
+L_313	C_21	5.1e-110	388.3	4.2e-111	391.0
+L_323	C_1	5.1e-135	471.5	3.0e-134	468.0
+L_336	C_1	1.9e-131	459.5	3.1e-131	458.0
+L_621	C_13	1.9e-34	135.2	1.5e-33	131.3
+L_627	C_1	3.9e-135	471.9	2.3e-134	468.4
+L_631	C_1	6.0e-136	474.6	2.6e-138	481.5
+# M.faa	C.faa
+# 1.9e-117	412.9	2.3e-117	411.8
+M_10	C_10	2.4e-127	445.7	3.6e-127	444.1
+M_11	C_11	4.5e-57	211.1	1.3e-55	205.3
+M_14	C_14	3.6e-127	445.3	2.8e-129	451.4
+M_15	C_15	2.7e-83	298.9	3.3e-85	304.3
+M_16	C_16	1.1e-35	139.8	8.1e-36	139.4
+M_17	C_17	5.4e-154	534.6	1.7e-154	535.4
+M_18	C_64	1.5e-68	249.6	8.1e-69	249.6
+M_19	C_63	3.1e-24	100.9	1.6e-24	100.9
+M_2	C_164	2.7e-92	328.6	4.7e-91	323.6
+M_2	C_166	1.1e-90	323.2	1.4e-90	322.0
+M_2	C_167	1.7e-94	335.9	3.8e-93	330.5
+M_2	C_2	2.5e-93	332.0	8.8e-93	329.3
+M_20	C_20	1.1e-170	590.1	2.2e-170	588.2
+M_313	C_12	1.9e-117	412.9	2.3e-117	411.8
+M_323	C_1	9.5e-134	467.2	2.2e-132	461.8
+M_331	C_1	9.3e-129	450.7	4.5e-130	454.1
+M_336	C_1	1.0e-132	463.8	8.8e-134	466.5
+M_621	C_13	6.4e-38	146.7	3.7e-37	143.3
+M_630	C_1	8.7e-127	444.1	1.6e-127	445.7
+M_632	C_1	2.3e-132	462.6	1.6e-130	455.7
+M_636	C_1	4.1e-129	451.8	6.5e-129	450.3
+# M.faa	L.faa
+# 0	1370.1	0	1372.1
+M_10	L_10	0.0e+00	1219.1	0.0e+00	1220.7
+M_11	L_11	1.9e-163	563.5	3.2e-163	562.8
+M_14	L_14	0.0e+00	1298.9	0.0e+00	1296.6
+M_15	L_15	4.8e-262	891.7	6.3e-262	891.3
+M_16	L_16	4.0e-135	469.2	2.6e-135	469.9
+M_17	L_17	0.0e+00	1630.2	0.0e+00	1638.2
+M_18	L_18	4.4e-213	728.8	2.2e-212	726.5
+M_19	L_19	2.5e-73	263.1	7.3e-73	261.5
+M_2	L_2	9.4e-230	784.3	1.1e-228	780.8
+M_20	L_20	0.0e+00	1698.3	0.0e+00	1697.6
+M_3	L_3	3.6e-212	725.7	4.8e-212	725.3
+M_313	L_313	0.0e+00	1370.1	0.0e+00	1372.1
+M_317	L_317	0.0e+00	1414.1	0.0e+00	1412.5
+M_319	L_319	0.0e+00	1478.0	0.0e+00	1473.0
+M_323	L_323	0.0e+00	1545.0	0.0e+00	1542.3
+M_328	L_328	0.0e+00	1474.5	0.0e+00	1473.8
+M_331	L_331	0.0e+00	1559.7	0.0e+00	1560.8
+M_333	L_333	0.0e+00	1568.5	0.0e+00	1566.6
+M_336	L_336	0.0e+00	1464.5	0.0e+00	1469.5
+M_4	L_4	0.0e+00	1321.6	0.0e+00	1315.8
+M_5	L_5	0.0e+00	1607.4	0.0e+00	1607.8
+M_6	L_6	0.0e+00	1629.4	0.0e+00	1625.9
+M_617	L_617	0.0e+00	1484.9	0.0e+00	1483.4
+M_619	L_619	2.1e-82	293.5	6.3e-82	292.0
+M_621	L_621	2.0e-99	350.1	1.2e-99	350.9
+M_623	L_623	4.9e-109	382.1	2.2e-109	383.3
+M_627	L_627	0.0e+00	1313.1	0.0e+00	1323.1
+M_632	L_631	0.0e+00	1248.4	0.0e+00	1235.3
+M_632	L_633	0.0e+00	1232.6	0.0e+00	1226.1
+M_634	L_635	0.0e+00	1309.7	0.0e+00	1314.7
+M_636	L_635	0.0e+00	1347.0	0.0e+00	1352.8
+M_636	L_637	0.0e+00	1297.3	0.0e+00	1297.3
+M_638	L_637	0.0e+00	1344.7	0.0e+00	1343.6
+M_638	L_639	0.0e+00	1343.2	0.0e+00	1338.9
+M_640	L_641	0.0e+00	1488.0	0.0e+00	1488.0
+M_640	L_643	0.0e+00	1479.9	0.0e+00	1481.5
+M_642	L_641	0.0e+00	1505.7	0.0e+00	1496.1
+M_642	L_643	0.0e+00	1528.5	0.0e+00	1521.5
+M_644	L_645	0.0e+00	1691.8	0.0e+00	1692.2
+M_644	L_647	0.0e+00	1627.8	0.0e+00	1630.9
+M_646	L_645	0.0e+00	1702.6	0.0e+00	1700.6
+M_646	L_647	0.0e+00	1662.9	0.0e+00	1663.7
+M_649	L_641	0.0e+00	1444.1	0.0e+00	1442.6
+M_8	L_8	0.0e+00	1667.1	0.0e+00	1672.5
+M_9	L_9	2.0e-103	363.6	5.0e-102	359.0
+# L.faa	E.faa
+# 1.70000000085e-145	520.8	3.500145e-149	523.85
+L_10	E_10	9.0e-128	447.2	5.6e-127	443.4
+L_11	E_11	2.1e-65	238.8	8.4e-65	235.7
+L_14	E_14	2.6e-162	562.0	9.9e-164	565.8
+L_15	E_15	4.2e-103	364.8	4.6e-103	363.6
+L_16	E_16	1.6e-59	219.2	1.3e-59	218.4
+L_17	E_17	1.2e-199	686.4	1.4e-201	691.8
+L_18	E_18	7.0e-80	287.3	2.6e-80	287.7
+L_19	E_19	5.3e-30	120.2	3.9e-31	122.9
+L_313	E_313	8.0e-178	613.6	1.2e-177	612.1
+L_317	E_437	1.7e-154	536.2	2.9e-153	531.2
+L_323	E_368	1.4e-180	622.9	3.5e-180	620.5
+L_617	E_432	3.4e-145	505.4	7.0e-149	516.5
+L_621	E_13	1.5e-37	145.6	3.7e-37	143.3
+L_623	E_13	3.7e-39	151.0	7.5e-38	145.6
+L_627	E_368	6.4e-184	634.0	2.3e-184	634.4
+L_631	E_317	1.5e-169	586.3	2.3e-171	591.3
+L_631	E_368	1.4e-175	606.3	1.9e-178	614.8
+L_635	E_317	3.1e-175	605.1	3.1e-173	597.4
+# M.faa	E.faa
+# 2e-163	565.8	2.3e-163	564.7
+M_10	E_10	2.6e-127	445.7	2.1e-126	441.4
+M_11	E_11	5.8e-63	230.7	2.3e-62	227.6
+M_14	E_14	5.1e-164	567.8	1.5e-164	568.5
+M_15	E_15	1.2e-102	363.2	3.6e-103	364.0
+M_16	E_16	2.2e-50	188.7	1.5e-50	188.3
+M_17	E_17	9.4e-197	676.8	2.1e-200	688.0
+M_18	E_18	1.8e-80	289.3	3.5e-80	287.3
+M_19	E_19	1.3e-28	115.5	3.6e-29	116.3
+M_313	E_313	1.8e-177	612.5	6.9e-178	612.8
+M_319	E_367	6.9e-156	540.8	2.6e-156	541.2
+M_323	E_317	2.3e-170	589.0	2.0e-167	578.2
+M_323	E_368	6.9e-175	604.0	1.9e-173	598.2
+M_328	E_432	2.7e-152	528.9	2.0e-151	525.0
+M_331	E_368	3.0e-170	588.6	1.6e-172	595.1
+M_336	E_317	2.0e-163	565.8	4.6e-164	567.0
+M_336	E_366	2.9e-165	572.0	8.9e-165	569.3
+M_336	E_368	1.6e-171	592.8	3.2e-173	597.4
+M_621	E_13	3.5e-42	161.0	5.0e-42	159.5
+M_627	E_368	2.1e-176	609.0	2.3e-179	617.8
+M_632	E_368	1.6e-176	609.4	4.5e-175	603.6
+M_634	E_317	4.2e-164	568.2	2.3e-163	564.7
+M_636	E_317	3.5e-163	565.1	2.5e-162	561.2
+M_636	E_366	2.0e-158	549.3	9.0e-157	542.7

@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# file_a	file_b
+# a	b	evalue_ab	bitscore_ab	evalue_ba	bitscore_ba
+# A	B
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	b1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	b2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	b3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a4	b4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	C
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	c1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	c2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	c3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a4	c4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a1	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	d4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a4	d4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a4	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# A	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+a1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+a4	e4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	C
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	c1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	c2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	c3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b4	c4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b4	d4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# B	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+b1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+b4	e4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# C	D
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	d1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c2	d2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c3	d3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c4	d4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# C	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+c1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+c4	e4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+# D	E
+# 2.3e-31	132.9	7.9e-34	138.3
+d1	e1	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+d2	e2	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+d3	e3	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1
+d4	e4	3.2e-54	208.8	3.4e-57	216.1

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