[med-svn] [Git][med-team/fastqtl][upstream] 2 commits: New upstream version 2.184v7

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Oct 5 10:46:59 BST 2022

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / fastqtl

1fb0a51c by Andreas Tille at 2022-10-05T10:32:03+02:00
New upstream version 2.184v7
- - - - -
6c34ffd0 by Andreas Tille at 2022-10-05T11:10:55+02:00
New upstream version 2.184v7+dfsg
- - - - -

18 changed files:

- Makefile
- + R/calculateSignificanceFastQTL.R
- + README.md
- + python/annotate_outputs.py
- + python/merge_chunks.py
- + python/run_FastQTL_threaded.py
- + python/run_chunk.py
- + python/sort_index_pairs.py
- − script/calulateNominalPvalueThresholds.R
- src/analysisNominal.cpp
- + src/analysisNominalBest.cpp
- src/analysisPermutation.cpp
- src/data.h
- src/fastQTL.cpp
- src/management.cpp
- src/readCovariates.cpp
- src/readGenotypes.cpp


@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #PLEASE SPECIFY THE R path here where you built the R math library standalone 
+CXX=g++ -std=c++11
 #internal paths
 VPATH=$(shell for file in `find src -name *.cpp`; do echo $$(dirname $$file); done)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ INC_MACX=-I/usr/local/include/
 #LIB_BASE=-lm -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lz -lgsl -lblas
-LIB_BASE=-lm -lz -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lgsl -lblas
+LIB_BASE=-lm -lz -lbz2 -lboost_iostreams -lboost_program_options -lgslcblas -lgsl -lblas

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+# Description: This is a post-processing function for FastQTL. It calculates 
+# q-values (Storey) and p-value thresholds for all genes in the permutation results file.
+# parse inputs
+p <- arg_parser("Annotates FastQTL permutation output and runs qvalue")
+p <- add_argument(p, "fastqtlOutput", help="")
+p <- add_argument(p, "fdr", type="numeric", help="")
+p <- add_argument(p, "outfile", help="")
+p <- add_argument(p, "--lambda", type="numeric", help="", default=NULL)
+args <- parse_args(p)
+cat("Processing FastQTL output (", args$fastqtlOutput, "), with FDR=", args$fdr, "\n", sep="")
+# input files have no headers
+D <- read.table(args$fastqtlOutput, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+if (dim(D)[2]==17) {
+    colnames(D) <- c('gene_id', 'num_var', 'beta_shape1', 'beta_shape2', 'true_df', 'pval_true_df', 'variant_id', 'tss_distance',
+        'minor_allele_samples', 'minor_allele_count', 'maf', 'ref_factor',
+        'pval_nominal', 'slope', 'slope_se', 'pval_perm', 'pval_beta')
+} else {
+    stop("FastQTL output in unrecognized format (mismatched number of columns).")
+# remove genes w/o variants
+nanrows <- is.na(D[, 'pval_beta'])
+D <- D[!nanrows, ]
+cat("  * Number of genes tested: ", nrow(D), " (excluding ", sum(nanrows), " genes w/o variants)\n", sep="")
+cat("  * Correlation between Beta-approximated and empirical p-values: ", round(cor(D[, 'pval_perm'], D[, 'pval_beta']), 4), "\n", sep="")
+# calculate q-values
+if (is.null(args$lambda) || is.na(args$lambda)) {
+    Q <- qvalue(D[, 'pval_beta'])
+} else {
+    cat("  * Calculating q-values with lambda = ", args$lambda, "\n", sep="")
+    Q <- qvalue(D[, 'pval_beta'], lambda=args$lambda)
+D$qval <- signif(Q$qvalues, 6)
+cat("  * Proportion of significant phenotypes (1-pi0): " , round((1 - Q$pi0), 2), "\n", sep="")
+cat("  * eGenes @ FDR ", args$fdr, ":   ", sum(D[, 'qval']<args$fdr), "\n", sep="")
+# determine global min(p) significance threshold and calculate nominal p-value threshold for each gene
+ub <- sort(D[D$qval > args$fdr, 'pval_beta'])[1]  # smallest p-value above FDR
+lb <- -sort(-D[D$qval <= args$fdr, 'pval_beta'])[1]  # largest p-value below FDR
+pthreshold <- (lb+ub)/2
+cat("  * min p-value threshold @ FDR ", args$fdr, ": ", pthreshold, "\n", sep="")
+D[, 'pval_nominal_threshold'] <- signif(qbeta(pthreshold, D[, 'beta_shape1'], D[, 'beta_shape2'], ncp=0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE), 6)
+write.table(D, gzfile(args$outfile), quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep="\t")

README deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Documentation can be found here: http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## FastQTL
+This repository contains a modified version of the [FastQTL](http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/) QTL mapping software, with the following enhancements:
+1. Options for filtering by minor allele frequency and minor allele sample count
+2. Python wrapper for multi-threaded execution
+3. Calculation of q-values (Storey) for FDR estimation (requires R)
+4. Minor allele information reported in output
+For documentation and the original version, see: http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/
+#### Running multi-threaded analyses
+Nominal pass:
+run_FastQTL_threaded.py ${genotypes}.vcf.gz ${phenotypes}.bed.gz ${prefix} --covariates ${covariates}.txt.gz --window 1e6 --ma_sample_threshold 10 --maf_threshold 0.01 --chunks 100 --threads 10
+Permutation pass:
+run_FastQTL_threaded.py ${genotypes}.vcf.gz ${phenotypes}.bed.gz ${prefix} --covariates ${covariates}.txt.gz --permute 1000 10000 --window 1e6 --ma_sample_threshold 10 --maf_threshold 0.01 --chunks 100 --threads 10
+These minor allele filters result in inclusion of genotypes with minor allele frequency ≥ 0.01 and with at least 10 samples containing the minor allele.

@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+import gzip
+from datetime import datetime
+import subprocess
+import io
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Filter significant SNP-gene pairs from FastQTL results using FDR cutoff')
+parser.add_argument('permutation_results', help='FastQTL output')
+parser.add_argument('fdr', type=np.double, help='False discovery rate (e.g., 0.05)')
+parser.add_argument('annotation_gtf', help='Annotation in GTF format')
+parser.add_argument('--snp_lookup', default='', help='Tab-delimited file with columns: chr, variant_pos, variant_id, ref, alt, num_alt_per_site, rs_id_dbSNP...')
+parser.add_argument('--nominal_results', default='', help='FastQTL output from nominal pass')
+parser.add_argument('--nominal_results_unnormalized', nargs=2, default='', help='FastQTL output file (nominal pass), and units')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='.', help='Output directory')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# 1. eGenes (permutation output): add gene and variant information
+gene_dict = {}
+print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Parsing GTF', flush=True)
+# add: gene_name, gene_chr, gene_start, gene_end, strand
+with open(args.annotation_gtf) as gtf:
+    for row in gtf:
+        row = row.strip().split('\t')
+        if row[0][0]=='#' or row[2]!='gene': continue
+        # get gene_id and gene_name from attributes
+        attr = dict([i.split() for i in row[8].replace('"','').split(';') if i!=''])
+        gene_dict[attr['gene_id']] = [attr['gene_name'], row[0], row[3], row[4], row[6]]
+print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Annotating permutation results (eGenes)', flush=True)
+gene_df = pd.read_csv(args.permutation_results, sep='\t', index_col=0)
+gene_info = pd.DataFrame(data=[gene_dict[i] for i in gene_df.index], columns=['gene_name', 'gene_chr', 'gene_start', 'gene_end', 'strand'], index=gene_df.index)
+gene_df = pd.concat([gene_info, gene_df], axis=1)
+assert np.all(gene_df.index==gene_info.index)
+col_order = ['gene_name', 'gene_chr', 'gene_start', 'gene_end', 'strand',
+    'num_var', 'beta_shape1', 'beta_shape2', 'true_df', 'pval_true_df', 'variant_id', 'tss_distance']
+if args.snp_lookup:
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Adding variant annotations from lookup table', flush=True)
+    # intersect lookup table with variant_ids (col 7 in permutation_results; col 3 in snp_lookup)
+    cmd = "awk 'NR==FNR {v[$7]; next} $3 in v' <(zcat "+args.permutation_results+") <(zcat "+args.snp_lookup+")"
+    s = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+    snp_lookup_df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode()), index_col=2, sep='\t',
+        dtype={'chr':str, 'variant_pos':np.int64, 'variant_id':str, 'ref':str, 'alt':str, 'num_alt_per_site':np.int32})
+    gene_df = gene_df.join(snp_lookup_df, on='variant_id')  # add variant information
+    col_order += list(snp_lookup_df.columns)
+col_order += ['minor_allele_samples', 'minor_allele_count', 'maf', 'ref_factor',
+    'pval_nominal', 'slope', 'slope_se', 'pval_perm', 'pval_beta', 'qval', 'pval_nominal_threshold']
+gene_df = gene_df[col_order]
+outname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, os.path.split(args.permutation_results)[1].split('.txt.gz')[0]+'.annotated.txt.gz')
+with gzip.open(outname, 'wt') as f:
+    gene_df.to_csv(f, sep='\t', float_format='%.6g')
+# 2. variant-gene pairs: output new file with all significant pairs
+if args.nominal_results:
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Filtering significant variant-gene pairs', flush=True)
+    # eGenes (apply FDR threshold)
+    egene_df = gene_df.loc[gene_df['qval']<=args.fdr, ['pval_nominal_threshold', 'pval_nominal', 'pval_beta']].copy()
+    egene_df.rename(columns={'pval_nominal': 'min_pval_nominal'}, inplace=True)
+    egene_ids = set(egene_df.index)
+    threshold_dict = egene_df['pval_nominal_threshold'].to_dict()
+    # process by chunks to reduce memory usage
+    signif_df = []
+    mask = []
+    for i,chunk in enumerate(pd.read_csv(args.nominal_results, sep='\t', iterator=True, chunksize=1000000, index_col=1,
+        dtype={'gene_id':str, 'variant_id':str, 'tss_distance':np.int32,
+            'ma_samples':np.int32, 'ma_count':np.int32, 'maf':np.float32,
+            'pval_nominal':np.float64, 'slope':np.float32, 'slope_se':np.float32})):
+        chunk = chunk[chunk['gene_id'].isin(egene_ids)]
+        m = chunk['pval_nominal']<chunk['gene_id'].apply(lambda x: threshold_dict[x])
+        signif_df.append(chunk[m])
+        mask.append(m)
+        print('Chunks processed: {0:d}'.format(i+1), end='\r', flush=True)
+    signif_df = pd.concat(signif_df, axis=0)
+    if args.nominal_results_unnormalized:
+        signif_raw_df = []
+        print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Filtering significant variant-gene pairs (unnormalized)', flush=True)
+        for i,chunk in enumerate(pd.read_csv(args.nominal_results_unnormalized[0], sep='\t', iterator=True, chunksize=1000000,
+            usecols=['gene_id', 'variant_id', 'slope', 'slope_se'], index_col=1, dtype={'gene_id':str, 'variant_id':str, 'slope':np.float32, 'slope_se':np.float32})):
+            chunk = chunk[chunk['gene_id'].isin(egene_ids)]
+            signif_raw_df.append(chunk[mask[i]])
+            print('Chunks processed: {0:d}'.format(i+1), end='\r', flush=True)
+        signif_raw_df = pd.concat(signif_raw_df, axis=0)
+        signif_raw_df.rename(columns={'slope':'slope_'+args.nominal_results_unnormalized[1], 'slope_se':'slope_'+args.nominal_results_unnormalized[1]+'_se'}, inplace=True)
+        assert np.all(signif_df.index==signif_raw_df.index)
+        signif_df = pd.concat([signif_df, signif_raw_df[signif_raw_df.columns[1:]]], axis=1)
+    signif_df = signif_df.merge(egene_df, left_on='gene_id', right_index=True)
+    outname = os.path.join(args.output_dir, os.path.split(args.nominal_results)[1].split('.allpairs.txt.gz')[0]+'.signifpairs.txt.gz')
+    with gzip.open(outname, 'wt') as f:
+        signif_df.to_csv(f, sep='\t', float_format='%.6g')
+print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Completed annotation', flush=True)

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+import argparse
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import subprocess
+import gzip
+import contextlib
+from datetime import datetime
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def cd(cd_path):
+    saved_path = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(cd_path)
+    yield
+    os.chdir(saved_path)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run FastQTL')
+parser.add_argument('chunk_list', help='List of chunks')
+parser.add_argument('log_list', help='List of chunks')
+parser.add_argument('prefix', help='Prefix for output file name')
+parser.add_argument('--permute', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('--fdr', default=0.05, type=np.double)
+parser.add_argument('--lambda_qvalue', default=None, help='lambda parameter for pi0est in qvalue.')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='.', help='Output directory')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+fastqtl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
+if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
+    os.makedirs(args.output_dir)
+with cd(args.output_dir):
+    if args.permute:
+        # merge chunks
+        print('Merging chunks ... ', end='', flush=True)
+        cmd = 'xargs zcat < '+args.chunk_list+' | gzip -c -1 > '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        cmd = 'xargs cat < '+args.log_list+' > '+args.prefix+'.egenes.log'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        print('done.', flush=True)
+        # calculate q-values (R script also adds header)
+        print('Calculating q-values', flush=True)
+        cmd = 'Rscript '+os.path.join(fastqtl_dir, 'R', 'calculateSignificanceFastQTL.R')\
+            +' '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz '+str(args.fdr)+' '+args.prefix+'.egenes.txt.gz'
+        if args.lambda_qvalue is not None:
+            cmd += ' --lambda '+args.lambda_qvalue
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        os.remove(args.prefix+'.txt.gz')
+    else:
+        # merge chunks
+        print('Merging chunks ... ', end='', flush=True)
+        with gzip.open('header_chunk.txt.gz', 'wb') as f:  # order from analysisNominal.cpp
+            f.write(('\t'.join([
+                'gene_id',
+                'variant_id',
+                'tss_distance',
+                'ma_samples',
+                'ma_count',
+                'maf',
+                'pval_nominal',
+                'slope',
+                'slope_se',
+            ])+'\n').encode('utf-8'))
+        cmd = 'zcat header_chunk.txt.gz <(xargs cat < '+args.chunk_list+') | gzip -c -1 > '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        os.remove('header_chunk.txt.gz')
+        cmd = 'xargs cat < '+args.log_list+' > '+args.prefix+'.allpairs.log'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        print('done.', flush=True)
+        os.rename(args.prefix+'.txt.gz', args.prefix+'.allpairs.txt.gz')

@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+import argparse
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import subprocess
+import gzip
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import contextlib
+from datetime import datetime
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def cd(cd_path):
+    saved_path = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(cd_path)
+    yield
+    os.chdir(saved_path)
+def get_cmd(args, chunk):
+    cmd = os.path.join(fastqtl_dir, 'bin', 'fastQTL')+' --vcf '+args.vcf+' --bed '+args.bed+' --window '+args.window\
+        +' --maf-threshold '+args.maf_threshold+' --ma-sample-threshold '+args.ma_sample_threshold
+    if args.covariates:
+        cmd += ' --cov '+args.covariates
+    if args.threshold:
+        cmd += ' --threshold'+args.threshold
+    if args.permute:
+        cmd += ' --permute '+' '.join([str(p) for p in args.permute])
+    if args.best_variant_only:
+        cmd += ' --report-best-only'
+    if args.seed:
+        cmd += ' --seed '+args.seed
+    if args.exclude_samples:
+        cmd += ' --exclude-samples '+args.exclude_samples
+    cmd += ' --chunk '+str(chunk)+' '+args.chunks\
+        + ' --out '+args.prefix+'_chunk{0:03d}.txt.gz'.format(chunk)\
+        + ' --log '+args.prefix+'_chunk{0:03d}.log'.format(chunk)
+    return cmd
+def perm_worker(inputs):
+    args = inputs[0]
+    chunk = inputs[1]
+    cmd = get_cmd(args, chunk)
+    print('Processing chunk '+str(chunk), flush=True)
+    s = subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
+    print('Finished chunk '+str(chunk), flush=True)
+    return s
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run FastQTL')
+parser.add_argument('vcf', help='Genotypes in VCF 4.1 format')
+parser.add_argument('bed', help='Phenotypes in UCSC BED extended format')
+parser.add_argument('prefix', help='Prefix for output file name')
+parser.add_argument('--covariates', default='', help='Covariates')
+parser.add_argument('--chunks', default='100', help='Number of chunks, minimum: #chromosomes')
+parser.add_argument('--permute', default=None, type=str, nargs='+', help='Number of permutations, e.g. [1000, 10000] (adaptive). Default: None (run nominal pass)')
+parser.add_argument('--best_variant_only', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('--window', default='1e6', help='Cis-window size. Default values is 1Mb (1e6).')
+parser.add_argument('--threshold', default='', help='Output only significant phenotype-variant pairs with a p-value below threshold (default 1)')
+parser.add_argument('--maf_threshold', default='0.0', help='Include only genotypes with minor allele frequency >=maf_threshold (default 0)')
+parser.add_argument('--ma_sample_threshold', default='0', help='Include only genotypes with >=ma_sample_threshold samples carrying the minor allele (default 0)')
+parser.add_argument('--fdr', default=0.05, type=np.double)
+parser.add_argument('--seed', default=None, help='Random number generator seed')
+parser.add_argument('--exclude_samples', default=None, help='')
+parser.add_argument('--qvalue_lambda', default=None, help='lambda parameter for pi0est in qvalue.')
+parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', default=8, type=int, help='Number of threads')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='.', help='Output directory')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+fastqtl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
+if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
+    os.makedirs(args.output_dir)
+with cd(args.output_dir):
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Running FastQTL on {0:d} threads.'.format(args.threads), flush=True)
+    with mp.Pool(processes=args.threads) as pool:
+        pdata_res = [pool.map_async(perm_worker, ((args,k),)) for k in np.arange(1,int(args.chunks)+1)]
+        pool.close()
+        pool.join()
+    for res in pdata_res:  # check exit status
+        assert res.get()[0]==0
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Done.', flush=True)
+    if args.permute:
+        # merge chunks
+        print('Merging chunks ... ', end='', flush=True)
+        cmd = 'zcat '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.txt.gz | gzip -c -1 > '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz && rm '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.txt.gz'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        cmd = 'cat '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.log > '+args.prefix+'.egenes.log && rm '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.log'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        print('done.', flush=True)
+        # calculate q-values (R script also adds header)
+        print('Calculating q-values', flush=True)
+        cmd = 'Rscript '+os.path.join(fastqtl_dir, 'R', 'calculateSignificanceFastQTL.R')\
+            +' '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz '+str(args.fdr)+' '+args.prefix+'.egenes.txt.gz'
+        if args.qvalue_lambda is not None:
+            cmd += ' --lambda '+args.qvalue_lambda
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        os.remove(args.prefix+'.txt.gz')
+    else:
+        # merge chunks
+        print('Merging chunks ... ', end='', flush=True)
+        with gzip.open('header_chunk.txt.gz', 'wb') as f:  # order from analysisNominal.cpp
+            f.write(('\t'.join([
+                'gene_id',
+                'variant_id',
+                'tss_distance',
+                'ma_samples',
+                'ma_count',
+                'maf',
+                'pval_nominal',
+                'slope',
+                'slope_se',
+            ])+'\n').encode('utf-8'))
+        cmd = 'zcat header_chunk.txt.gz '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.txt.gz | gzip -c -1 > '+args.prefix+'.txt.gz && rm '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.txt.gz'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        os.remove('header_chunk.txt.gz')
+        cmd = 'cat '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.log > '+args.prefix+'.allpairs.log && rm '+args.prefix+'_chunk*.log'
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+        print('done.', flush=True)
+        os.rename(args.prefix+'.txt.gz', args.prefix+'.allpairs.txt.gz')

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+import contextlib
+from datetime import datetime
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def cd(cd_path):
+    saved_path = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(cd_path)
+    yield
+    os.chdir(saved_path)
+def get_cmd(args):
+    cmd = os.path.join(fastqtl_dir, 'bin', 'fastQTL')+' --vcf '+args.vcf+' --bed '+args.bed+' --window '+args.window\
+        +' --maf-threshold '+args.maf_threshold+' --ma-sample-threshold '+args.ma_sample_threshold
+    if args.covariates:
+        cmd += ' --cov '+args.covariates
+    if args.threshold:
+        cmd += ' --threshold'+args.threshold
+    if args.permute:
+        cmd += ' --permute '+' '.join([str(p) for p in args.permute])
+    if args.best_variant_only:
+        cmd += ' --report-best-only'
+    if args.seed:
+        cmd += ' --seed '+args.seed
+    if args.exclude_samples:
+        cmd += ' --exclude-samples '+args.exclude_samples
+    cmd += ' --chunk {} {}'.format(*args.chunk)\
+        + ' --out '+args.prefix+'_chunk{0:03d}.txt.gz'.format(args.chunk[0])\
+        + ' --log '+args.prefix+'_chunk{0:03d}.log'.format(args.chunk[0])
+    return cmd
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run FastQTL')
+parser.add_argument('vcf', help='Genotypes in VCF 4.1 format')
+parser.add_argument('bed', help='Phenotypes in UCSC BED extended format')
+parser.add_argument('prefix', help='Prefix for output file name')
+parser.add_argument('chunk', type=int, nargs=2, help='Chunk and total number of chunks, e.g., 1 100')
+parser.add_argument('--covariates', default='', help='Covariates')
+parser.add_argument('--permute', default=None, type=str, nargs='+', help='Number of permutations, e.g. [1000, 10000] (adaptive). Default: None (run nominal pass)')
+parser.add_argument('--best_variant_only', action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('--window', default='1e6', help='Cis-window size. Default values is 1Mb (1e6).')
+parser.add_argument('--threshold', default='', help='Output only significant phenotype-variant pairs with a p-value below threshold (default 1)')
+parser.add_argument('--maf_threshold', default='0.0', help='Include only genotypes with minor allele frequency >=maf_threshold (default 0)')
+parser.add_argument('--ma_sample_threshold', default='0', help='Include only genotypes with >=ma_sample_threshold samples carrying the minor allele (default 0)')
+parser.add_argument('--seed', default=None, help='Random number generator seed')
+parser.add_argument('--exclude_samples', default=None, help='')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='.', help='Output directory')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+fastqtl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
+if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
+    os.makedirs(args.output_dir)
+with cd(args.output_dir):
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Processing chunk {}/{}'.format(*args.chunk), flush=True)
+    s = subprocess.check_call(get_cmd(args), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+    assert s==0
+    print('['+datetime.now().strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S")+'] Done.', flush=True)

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Author: Francois Aguet
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='')
+parser.add_argument('fastqtl_pairs_file', help='FastQTL output from nominal pass')
+parser.add_argument('--tmp_dir', default='', help='tmp directory for sorting')
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_dir', default='.', help='Output directory')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+print('Sorting and indexing '+args.fastqtl_pairs_file+' (tabix) ... ', end='', flush=True)
+file_base = os.path.split(args.fastqtl_pairs_file)[1].split('.txt.gz')[0]
+file_name = os.path.join(args.output_dir, file_base+'.sorted.txt.gz')
+cmd = 'cat <(echo -e "#chr\tpos\tvariant_id\tgene_id\ttss_distance\tpval_nominal\tslope\tslope_se") \
+    <(zcat '+args.input_file+' | tail -n+2 | awk \'{print $2,$1,$3,$4,$5,$6}\' OFS="\t" | awk -F"_" \'{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$0}\')'
+if args.tmp_dir:
+    cmd += ' | sort -T '+args.tmp_dir+' -n -k1,1 -k2,2 | bgzip -c > '+file_name
+    cmd += ' | sort -n -k1,1 -k2,2 | bgzip -c > '+file_name
+subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
+subprocess.check_call('tabix -f -b 2 -e 2 '+file_name, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')

script/calulateNominalPvalueThresholds.R deleted
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-ifile = args[1]
-fdr = as.numeric(args[2]);
-cat("Processing fastQTL concatenated output [", ifile, "] controlling for FDR =", fdr * 100, "%\n");
-#Read data
-D = read.table(ifile, hea=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
-D = D[which(!is.na(D[, 11])),]
-cat("  * Number of molecular phenotypes =" , nrow(D), "\n")
-cat("  * Correlation between Beta approx. and Empirical p-values =", round(cor(D[, 9], D[, 10]), 4), "\n")
-#Run qvalue on pvalues for best signals
-Q = qvalue(D[, 11])
-D$qval = Q$qvalue
-cat("  * Proportion of significant phenotypes =" , round((1 - Q$pi0) * 100, 2), "%\n")
-#Determine significance threshold
-set0 = D[which(D$qval <= fdr),] 
-set1 = D[which(D$qval > fdr),]
-pthreshold = (sort(set1$V11)[1] - sort(-1.0 * set0$V11)[1]) / 2
-cat("  * Corrected p-value threshold = ", pthreshold, "\n")
-#Calculate nominal pvalue thresholds
-D$nthresholds = qbeta(pthreshold, D$V3, D$V4, ncp = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
-#Write output
-write.table(D[, c(1, 13, 12)], args[3], quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

@@ -19,51 +19,59 @@
 void data::runNominal(string fout, double threshold) {
-	//0. Prepare genotypes
-	vector < double > genotype_sd = vector < double > (genotype_count, 0.0);
-	vector < double > phenotype_sd = vector < double > (phenotype_count, 0.0);
-	if (covariate_count > 0) {
-		LOG.println("\nCorrecting genotypes & phenotypes for covariates");
-		covariate_engine->residualize(genotype_orig);
-		covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_orig);
-	}
-	for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) genotype_sd[g] = RunningStat(genotype_orig[g]).StandardDeviation();
-	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) phenotype_sd[p] = RunningStat(phenotype_orig[p]).StandardDeviation();
-	normalize(genotype_orig);
-	normalize(phenotype_orig);
+    //0. Prepare genotypes
+    vector < double > genotype_sd = vector < double > (genotype_count, 0.0);
+    vector < double > phenotype_sd = vector < double > (phenotype_count, 0.0);
+    if (covariate_count > 0) {
+        LOG.println("\nCorrecting genotypes & phenotypes for covariates");
+        covariate_engine->residualize(genotype_orig);
+        covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_orig);
+    }
+    for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) genotype_sd[g] = RunningStat(genotype_orig[g]).StandardDeviation();
+    for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) phenotype_sd[p] = RunningStat(phenotype_orig[p]).StandardDeviation();
+    normalize(genotype_orig);
+    normalize(phenotype_orig);
-	//1. Loop over phenotypes
-	ofile fdo (fout);
-	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+    //1. Loop over phenotypes
+    ofile fdo (fout);
+    for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		LOG.println("\nProcessing gene [" + phenotype_id[p] + "]");
+        LOG.println("\nProcessing gene [" + phenotype_id[p] + "]");
-		//1.1. Enumerate all genotype-phenotype pairs within cis-window
-		vector < int > targetGenotypes, targetDistances;
-		for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
-			int cisdistance = genotype_pos[g] - phenotype_start[p];
-			if (abs(cisdistance) <= cis_window) {
-				targetGenotypes.push_back(g);
-				targetDistances.push_back(cisdistance);
-			}
-		}
-		LOG.println("  * Number of variants in cis = " + sutils::int2str(targetGenotypes.size()));
+        //1.1. Enumerate all genotype-phenotype pairs within cis-window
+        vector < int > targetGenotypes, targetDistances;
+        for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
+            int cisdistance = genotype_pos[g] - phenotype_start[p];
+            if (abs(cisdistance) <= cis_window) {
+                targetGenotypes.push_back(g);
+                targetDistances.push_back(cisdistance);
+            }
+        }
+        LOG.println("  * Number of variants in cis = " + sutils::int2str(targetGenotypes.size()));
-		//1.2. Nominal pass: scan cis-window & compute statistics
-		for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
-			double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_orig[p]);
-			double pval = getPvalue(corr, sample_count - 2 - covariate_count);
-			double slope = getSlope(corr, phenotype_sd[p], genotype_sd[targetGenotypes[g]]);
-			if (pval <= threshold ) {
-				fdo << phenotype_id[p];
-				fdo << " " << genotype_id[targetGenotypes[g]];
-				fdo << " " << targetDistances[g];
-				fdo << " " << pval;
-				fdo << " " << slope;
-				fdo << endl;
-			}
-		}
-		LOG.println("  * Progress = " + sutils::double2str((p+1) * 100.0 / phenotype_count, 1) + "%");
-	}
-	fdo.close();
+        //1.2. Nominal pass: scan cis-window & compute statistics
+        for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
+            double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_orig[p]);
+            double df = sample_count - 2 - covariate_count;
+            double tstat2 = getTstat2(corr, df);
+            double pval = getPvalueFromTstat2(tstat2, df);
+            double slope = getSlope(corr, phenotype_sd[p], genotype_sd[targetGenotypes[g]]);
+            double slope_se = abs(slope) / sqrt(tstat2);
+            if (pval <= threshold ) {
+                fdo << phenotype_id[p];
+                int gi = targetGenotypes[g];
+                fdo << "\t" << genotype_id[gi];
+                fdo << "\t" << targetDistances[g];  // indexed by g
+                fdo << "\t" << genotype_ma_samples[gi];
+                fdo << "\t" << genotype_ma_count[gi];
+                fdo << "\t" << genotype_maf[gi];
+                fdo << "\t" << pval;
+                fdo << "\t" << slope;
+                fdo << "\t" << slope_se;
+                fdo << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        LOG.println("  * Progress = " + sutils::double2str((p+1) * 100.0 / phenotype_count, 1) + "%");
+    }
+    fdo.close();

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+//FastQTL: Fast and efficient QTL mapper for molecular phenotypes
+//Copyright (C) 2015 Olivier DELANEAU, Alfonso BUIL, Emmanouil DERMITZAKIS & Olivier DELANEAU
+//This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+//(at your option) any later version.
+//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//GNU General Public License for more details.
+//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "data.h"
+void data::runNominalBest(string fout) {
+	//0. Prepare genotypes
+	vector < double > genotype_sd = vector < double > (genotype_count, 0.0);
+	vector < double > phenotype_sd = vector < double > (phenotype_count, 0.0);
+	if (covariate_count > 0) {
+		LOG.println("\nCorrecting genotypes & phenotypes for covariates");
+		covariate_engine->residualize(genotype_orig);
+		covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_orig);
+	}
+	for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) genotype_sd[g] = RunningStat(genotype_orig[g]).StandardDeviation();
+	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) phenotype_sd[p] = RunningStat(phenotype_orig[p]).StandardDeviation();
+	normalize(genotype_orig);
+	normalize(phenotype_orig);
+	double df = sample_count - 2 - covariate_count;
+	//1. Loop over phenotypes
+	ofile fdo (fout);
+	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+		LOG.println("\nProcessing gene [" + phenotype_id[p] + "]");
+		//1.1. Enumerate all genotype-phenotype pairs within cis-window
+		vector < int > targetGenotypes, targetDistances;
+		for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
+			int cisdistance = genotype_pos[g] - phenotype_start[p];
+			if (abs(cisdistance) <= cis_window) {
+				targetGenotypes.push_back(g);
+				targetDistances.push_back(cisdistance);
+			}
+		}
+		LOG.println("  * Number of variants in cis = " + sutils::int2str(targetGenotypes.size()));
+		//1.2. Nominal pass: scan cis-window for best variant & compute statistics
+		int min_idx = 0;
+		double min_pval = 1.0;
+		double opt_corr = 0.0;
+		double opt_tstat2 = 0.0;
+		for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
+			double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_orig[p]);
+			double tstat2 = getTstat2(corr, df);
+			double pval = getPvalueFromTstat2(tstat2, df);
+			if (pval<min_pval) {
+				min_idx = g;
+				min_pval = pval;
+				opt_corr = corr;
+				opt_tstat2 = tstat2;
+			}
+		}
+		if (targetGenotypes.size()>0) {
+			double slope = getSlope(opt_corr, phenotype_sd[p], genotype_sd[targetGenotypes[min_idx]]);
+			double slope_se = abs(slope) / sqrt(opt_tstat2);
+			fdo << phenotype_id[p];
+			fdo << "\t" << genotype_id[targetGenotypes[min_idx]];
+			fdo << "\t" << targetDistances[min_idx];
+			fdo << "\t" << min_pval;
+			fdo << "\t" << slope;
+			fdo << "\t" << slope_se;
+			fdo << endl;
+		}
+		LOG.println("  * Progress = " + sutils::double2str((p+1) * 100.0 / phenotype_count, 1) + "%");
+	}
+	fdo.close();

@@ -19,118 +19,127 @@
 void data::runPermutation(string fout, vector < int > nPermutations) {
-	//0. Prepare genotypes
-	vector < double > genotype_sd = vector < double > (genotype_count, 0.0);
-	vector < double > phenotype_sd = vector < double > (phenotype_count, 0.0);
-	if (covariate_count > 0) {
-		LOG.println("\nCorrecting genotypes for covariates");
-		covariate_engine->residualize(genotype_orig);
-	}
-	for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) genotype_sd[g] = RunningStat(genotype_orig[g]).StandardDeviation();
-	normalize(genotype_orig);
+    //0. Prepare genotypes
+    vector < double > genotype_sd = vector < double > (genotype_count, 0.0);
+    vector < double > phenotype_sd = vector < double > (phenotype_count, 0.0);
+    if (covariate_count > 0) {
+        LOG.println("\nCorrecting genotypes for covariates");
+        covariate_engine->residualize(genotype_orig);
+    }
+    for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) genotype_sd[g] = RunningStat(genotype_orig[g]).StandardDeviation();
+    normalize(genotype_orig);
-	//1. Loop over phenotypes
-	ofile fdo (fout);
-	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+    //1. Loop over phenotypes
+    ofile fdo (fout);
+    for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		LOG.println("\nProcessing gene [" + phenotype_id[p] + "]");
+        LOG.println("\nProcessing gene [" + phenotype_id[p] + "]");
-		//1.1. Enumerate all genotype-phenotype pairs within cis-window
-		vector < int > targetGenotypes, targetDistances;
-		for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
-			int cisdistance = genotype_pos[g] - phenotype_start[p];
-			if (abs(cisdistance) <= cis_window) {
-				targetGenotypes.push_back(g);
-				targetDistances.push_back(cisdistance);
-			}
-		}
-		LOG.println("  * Number of variants in cis = " + sutils::int2str(targetGenotypes.size()));
+        //1.1. Enumerate all genotype-phenotype pairs within cis-window
+        vector < int > targetGenotypes, targetDistances;
+        for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
+            int cisdistance = genotype_pos[g] - phenotype_start[p];
+            if (abs(cisdistance) <= cis_window) {
+                targetGenotypes.push_back(g);
+                targetDistances.push_back(cisdistance);
+            }
+        }
+        LOG.println("  * Number of variants in cis = " + sutils::int2str(targetGenotypes.size()));
-		//1.2. Copy original data
-		vector < float > phenotype_curr = phenotype_orig[p];
-		if (covariate_count > 0) covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_curr);
-		phenotype_sd[p] = RunningStat(phenotype_curr).StandardDeviation();
-		normalize(phenotype_curr);
+        //1.2. Copy original data
+        vector < float > phenotype_curr = phenotype_orig[p];
+        if (covariate_count > 0) covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_curr);
+        phenotype_sd[p] = RunningStat(phenotype_curr).StandardDeviation();
+        normalize(phenotype_curr);
-		//1.3. Nominal pass: scan cis-window & compute statistics
-		double bestCorr = 0.0;
-		int bestDistance = ___LI___, bestIndex = -1;
-		for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
-			double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_curr);
-			if (abs(corr) > abs(bestCorr) || (abs(corr) == abs(bestCorr) && abs(targetDistances[g]) < bestDistance)) {
-				bestCorr = corr;
-				bestDistance = targetDistances[g];
-				bestIndex = targetGenotypes[g];
-			}
-		}
-		if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) LOG.println("  * Best correlation = " + sutils::double2str(bestCorr, 4));
+        //1.3. Nominal pass: scan cis-window & compute statistics
+        double bestCorr = 0.0;
+        int bestDistance = ___LI___, bestIndex = -1;
+        for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
+            double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_curr);
+            if (abs(corr) > abs(bestCorr) || (abs(corr) == abs(bestCorr) && abs(targetDistances[g]) < bestDistance)) {
+                bestCorr = corr;
+                bestDistance = targetDistances[g];
+                bestIndex = targetGenotypes[g];
+            }
+        }
+        if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) LOG.println("  * Best correlation = " + sutils::double2str(bestCorr, 4));
-		//1.4. Permutation pass:
-		bool done = false;
-		int countPermutations = 0, nBetterCorrelation = 0;
-		vector < double > permCorr;
-		do {
-			double bestCperm = 0.0;
-			phenotype_curr = phenotype_orig[p];
-			random_shuffle(phenotype_curr.begin(), phenotype_curr.end());
-			if (covariate_count > 0) covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_curr);
-			normalize(phenotype_curr);
-			for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
-				double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_curr);
-				if (abs(corr) > abs(bestCperm)) bestCperm = corr;
-			}
-			if (abs(bestCperm) >= abs(bestCorr)) nBetterCorrelation++;
-			permCorr.push_back(bestCperm);
-			countPermutations++;
+        //1.4. Permutation pass:
+        bool done = false;
+        int countPermutations = 0, nBetterCorrelation = 0;
+        vector < double > permCorr;
+        do {
+            double bestCperm = 0.0;
+            phenotype_curr = phenotype_orig[p];
+            random_shuffle(phenotype_curr.begin(), phenotype_curr.end());
+            if (covariate_count > 0) covariate_engine->residualize(phenotype_curr);
+            normalize(phenotype_curr);
+            for (int g = 0 ; g < targetGenotypes.size() ; g ++) {
+                double corr = getCorrelation(genotype_orig[targetGenotypes[g]], phenotype_curr);
+                if (abs(corr) > abs(bestCperm)) bestCperm = corr;
+            }
+            if (abs(bestCperm) >= abs(bestCorr)) nBetterCorrelation++;
+            permCorr.push_back(bestCperm);
+            countPermutations++;
-			if (nPermutations.size() == 1 && countPermutations >= nPermutations[0]) done = true;
-			if (nPermutations.size() == 2 && (nBetterCorrelation >= nPermutations[0] || countPermutations >= nPermutations[1])) done = true;
-			if (nPermutations.size() == 3 && (countPermutations >= nPermutations[0]) && (nBetterCorrelation >= nPermutations[1] || countPermutations >= nPermutations[2])) done = true;
-		} while (!done);
-		if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) LOG.println("  * Number of permutations = " + sutils::int2str(nBetterCorrelation) + " / " + sutils::int2str(countPermutations));
+            if (nPermutations.size() == 1 && countPermutations >= nPermutations[0]) done = true;
+            if (nPermutations.size() == 2 && (nBetterCorrelation >= nPermutations[0] || countPermutations >= nPermutations[1])) done = true;
+            if (nPermutations.size() == 3 && (countPermutations >= nPermutations[0]) && (nBetterCorrelation >= nPermutations[1] || countPermutations >= nPermutations[2])) done = true;
+        } while (!done);
+        if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) LOG.println("  * Number of permutations = " + sutils::int2str(nBetterCorrelation) + " / " + sutils::int2str(countPermutations));
-		//1.5. Calculate effective DFs & Beta distribution parameters
-		vector < double > permPvalues;
-		double true_df = sample_count - 2 - ((covariate_count>0)?covariate_engine->nCovariates():0);
-		double mean = 0.0, variance = 0.0, beta_shape1 = 1.0, beta_shape2 = 1.0;
-		fdo << phenotype_id[p] << " " << targetGenotypes.size();
-		if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) {
-			//Estimate number of degrees of freedom
-			if (putils::variance(permCorr, putils::mean(permCorr)) != 0.0) {
-				learnDF(permCorr, true_df);
-				//LOG.println("  * Effective degree of freedom = " + sutils::double2str(true_df, 4));
-			}
-			//Compute mean and variance of p-values
-			for (int c = 0 ; c < permCorr.size() ; c ++) permPvalues.push_back(getPvalue(permCorr[c], true_df));
-			for (int pv = 0 ; pv < permPvalues.size() ; pv++) mean += permPvalues[pv];
-			mean /= permPvalues.size();
-			for (int pv = 0 ; pv < permPvalues.size() ; pv++) variance += (permPvalues[pv] - mean) * (permPvalues[pv] - mean);
-			variance /= (permPvalues.size() - 1);
-			//Estimate shape1 & shape2
-			if (targetGenotypes.size() > 1 && mean != 1.0) {
-				beta_shape1 = mean * (mean * (1 - mean ) / variance - 1);
-				beta_shape2 = beta_shape1 * (1 / mean - 1);
-				if (targetGenotypes.size() > 10) mleBeta(permPvalues, beta_shape1, beta_shape2);	//ML estimate if more than 10 variant in cis
-			}
-			LOG.println("  * Beta distribution parameters = " + sutils::double2str(beta_shape1, 4) + " " + sutils::double2str(beta_shape2, 4));
-			fdo << " " << beta_shape1 << " " << beta_shape2 << " " << true_df;
-		} else fdo << " NA NA NA";
+        //1.5. Calculate effective DFs & Beta distribution parameters
+        vector < double > permPvalues;
+        double true_df = sample_count - 2 - ((covariate_count>0)?covariate_engine->nCovariates():0);
+        double mean = 0.0, variance = 0.0, beta_shape1 = 1.0, beta_shape2 = 1.0;
+        fdo << phenotype_id[p] << "\t" << targetGenotypes.size();
+        if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0) {
+            //Estimate number of degrees of freedom
+            if (putils::variance(permCorr, putils::mean(permCorr)) != 0.0) {
+                learnDF(permCorr, true_df);
+                //LOG.println("  * Effective degree of freedom = " + sutils::double2str(true_df, 4));
+            }
+            //Compute mean and variance of p-values
+            for (int c = 0 ; c < permCorr.size() ; c ++) permPvalues.push_back(getPvalue(permCorr[c], true_df));
+            for (int pv = 0 ; pv < permPvalues.size() ; pv++) mean += permPvalues[pv];
+            mean /= permPvalues.size();
+            for (int pv = 0 ; pv < permPvalues.size() ; pv++) variance += (permPvalues[pv] - mean) * (permPvalues[pv] - mean);
+            variance /= (permPvalues.size() - 1);
+            //Estimate shape1 & shape2
+            if (targetGenotypes.size() > 1 && mean != 1.0) {
+                beta_shape1 = mean * (mean * (1 - mean ) / variance - 1);
+                beta_shape2 = beta_shape1 * (1 / mean - 1);
+                if (targetGenotypes.size() > 10) mleBeta(permPvalues, beta_shape1, beta_shape2);	//ML estimate if more than 10 variant in cis
+            }
+            LOG.println("  * Beta distribution parameters = " + sutils::double2str(beta_shape1, 4) + " " + sutils::double2str(beta_shape2, 4));
+            fdo << "\t" << beta_shape1 << "\t" << beta_shape2 << "\t" << true_df;
+        } else fdo << "\tNA\tNA\tNA";
-		//1.6. Writing results
-		if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0 && bestIndex >= 0) {
-			double pval_fdo = getPvalue(bestCorr, true_df);
-			double pval_nom = getPvalue(bestCorr, sample_count - 2 - ((covariate_count>0)?covariate_engine->nCovariates():0));
-			double pval_slope = getSlope(bestCorr, phenotype_sd[p], genotype_sd[bestIndex]);
-			fdo << " " << genotype_id[bestIndex];
-			fdo << " " << bestDistance;
-			fdo << " " << pval_nom;
-			fdo << " " << pval_slope;
-			fdo << " " << (nBetterCorrelation + 1) * 1.0 / (countPermutations + 1.0);
-			fdo << " " << pbeta(pval_fdo, beta_shape1, beta_shape2, 1, 0);
-		} else fdo << " NA NA NA NA NA NA";
-		fdo << endl;
+        //1.6. Writing results
+        if (targetGenotypes.size() > 0 && bestIndex >= 0) {
+            double pval_fdo = getPvalue(bestCorr, true_df);
+            double df = sample_count - 2 - ((covariate_count>0)?covariate_engine->nCovariates():0);
+            double tstat2 = getTstat2(bestCorr, df);
+            double pval_nom = getPvalueFromTstat2(tstat2, df);
+            double pval_slope = getSlope(bestCorr, phenotype_sd[p], genotype_sd[bestIndex]);
+            double slope_se = abs(pval_slope) / sqrt(tstat2);
+            fdo << "\t" << pval_fdo;
+            fdo << "\t" << genotype_id[bestIndex];
+            fdo << "\t" << bestDistance;
+            fdo << "\t" << genotype_ma_samples[bestIndex];
+            fdo << "\t" << genotype_ma_count[bestIndex];
+            fdo << "\t" << genotype_maf[bestIndex];
+            fdo << "\t" << genotype_ref_factor[bestIndex];
+            fdo << "\t" << pval_nom;
+            fdo << "\t" << pval_slope;
+            fdo << "\t" << slope_se;
+            fdo << "\t" << (nBetterCorrelation + 1) * 1.0 / (countPermutations + 1.0);
+            fdo << "\t" << pbeta(pval_fdo, beta_shape1, beta_shape2, 1, 0);
+        } else fdo << "\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA";
+        fdo << endl;
-		LOG.println("  * Progress = " + sutils::double2str((p+1) * 100.0 / phenotype_count, 1) + "%");
-	}
-	fdo.close();
+        LOG.println("  * Progress = " + sutils::double2str((p+1) * 100.0 / phenotype_count, 1) + "%");
+    }
+    fdo.close();

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 class data {
 	set < string > sample_inclusion;
 	set < string > sample_exclusion;
 	set < string > genotype_inclusion;
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ public:
 	region regionPhenotype;
 	region regionGenotype;
 	float cis_window;
+	float maf_threshold;								// minor allele frequency threshold
+	int ma_sample_threshold;							// minor allele sample threshold
+	float global_af_threshold;
 	int sample_count;									//sample number
@@ -55,12 +58,16 @@ public:
 	vector < string > genotype_chr;						//variant site chromosome
 	vector < string > genotype_id;						//variant site IDs
 	vector < int > genotype_pos;						//variant site positions
+	vector < float > genotype_maf;						//variant minor allele frequency
+	vector < int > genotype_ma_count;					//variant minor allele count
+	vector < int > genotype_ma_samples;					//variant minor allele samples
+	vector < int > genotype_ref_factor;					//variant minor allele reference factor: 1 if ALT is MA; -1 if REF is MA
 	int phenotype_count;								//phenotype number
 	vector < vector < float > > phenotype_orig;			//original phenotype values
 	vector < string > phenotype_id;						//phenotype ids
-	vector < string > phenotype_grp;						//phenotype groups
+	vector < string > phenotype_grp;					//phenotype groups
 	vector < string > phenotype_chr;					//phenotype chromosomes
 	vector < int > phenotype_start;						//phenotype start positions
 	vector < int > phenotype_end;						//phenotype end positions
@@ -112,7 +119,7 @@ public:
 	void clusterizePhenotypes(int);
 	void imputeGenotypes();
-    void imputePhenotypes();
+	void imputePhenotypes();
 	void normalTranformPhenotypes();
 	void initResidualizer();
 	void rankTranformPhenotypes();
@@ -126,12 +133,15 @@ public:
 	double getCorrelation(vector < float > &, vector < float > &);
 	double getCorrelation(vector < float > &, vector < float > &, vector < int > &);
+	double getTstat2(double, double);
+	double getPvalueFromTstat2(double, double);
 	double getPvalue(double, double);
 	double getPvalue(double, vector < double > &);
 	double getSlope(double, double, double);
 	void runNominal(string, double);
+	void runNominalBest(string);
 	void runPermutation(string, vector < int >);
 	void runPermutation(string, string);
 	void runPermutationPerGroup(string, vector < int >);
@@ -192,6 +202,14 @@ inline double data::getCorrelation(vector < float > & vec1, vector < float > & v
 	return corr;
+inline double data::getTstat2(double corr, double df) {
+	return df * corr * corr / (1 - corr * corr);
+inline double data::getPvalueFromTstat2(double tstat2, double df) {
+	return pf(tstat2, 1, df, 0, 0);
 inline double data::getPvalue(double corr, double df) {
 	return pf(df * corr * corr / (1 - corr * corr), 1, df,0,0);

@@ -53,7 +53,10 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
 		("normal", "Normal transform the phenotypes.")
 		("window,W", bpo::value< double >()->default_value(1e6), "Cis-window size.")
-		("threshold, T", bpo::value< double >()->default_value(1.0), "P-value threshold used in nominal pass of association");
+		("threshold,T", bpo::value< double >()->default_value(1.0), "P-value threshold used in nominal pass of association")
+		("maf-threshold", bpo::value< double >()->default_value(0.0), "Minor allele frequency threshold used when parsing genotypes")
+		("ma-sample-threshold", bpo::value< int >()->default_value(0), "Minimum number of samples carrying the minor allele; used when parsing genotypes")
+		("global-af-threshold", bpo::value< double >()->default_value(0.0), "AF threshold for all samples in VCF (used to filter AF in INFO field)");
 	bpo::options_description opt_modes ("\33[33mModes\33[0m");
@@ -61,7 +64,8 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
 		("psequence", bpo::value< string >(), "Permutation sequence.")
 		("map", bpo::value< string >(), "Map best QTL candidates per molecular phenotype.")
 		("map-full", "Scan full cis-window to discover independent signals.")
-		("interaction", bpo::value< string >(), "Test for interactions with variable specified in file.");
+		("interaction", bpo::value< string >(), "Test for interactions with variable specified in file.")
+		("report-best-only", bpo::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "Report best variant only (nominal mode)");
 	bpo::options_description opt_parallel ("\33[33mParallelization\33[0m");
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
 		cout << "  * Authors : Olivier DELANEAU, Halit ONGEN, Alfonso BUIL & Manolis DERMITZAKIS" << endl;
 		cout << "  * Contact : olivier.delaneau at gmail.com" << endl;
 		cout << "  * Webpage : http://fastqtl.sourceforge.net/" << endl;
-		cout << "  * Version : v2.0" << endl;
+		cout << "  * Version : v2.184_gtex" << endl;
 		if (options.count("help")) { cout << descriptions<< endl; exit(1); }
@@ -201,6 +205,18 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
 	if (options["window"].as < double > () > 1e9) LOG.error ("Cis-window cannot be larger than 1e9bp");
 	LOG.println("  * Considering variants within " + sutils::double2str(options["window"].as < double > ()) + " bp of the MPs");
 	D.cis_window = options["window"].as < double > ();
+	D.maf_threshold = options["maf-threshold"].as < double > ();
+	if (D.maf_threshold < 0.0 || D.maf_threshold >= 0.5) LOG.error("Incorrect --maf-threshold value  :  0 <= X < 0.5");
+	LOG.println("  * Using minor allele frequency threshold = " + sutils::double2str(D.maf_threshold, 4));
+	D.ma_sample_threshold = options["ma-sample-threshold"].as < int > ();
+	if (D.ma_sample_threshold < 0) LOG.error("Incorrect --ma-sample-threshold  :  0 <= X");
+	LOG.println("  * Using minor allele sample threshold = " + sutils::int2str(D.ma_sample_threshold));
+	D.global_af_threshold = options["global-af-threshold"].as < double > ();
+	if (D.global_af_threshold < 0.0 || D.global_af_threshold >= 0.5) LOG.error("Incorrect --global-af-threshold value  :  0 <= X < 0.5");
+	LOG.println("  * Using INFO field AF threshold = " + sutils::double2str(D.global_af_threshold, 4));
 	if (options.count("chunk")) {
 		vector < int > nChunk = options["chunk"].as < vector < int > > ();
@@ -273,10 +289,13 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
 		else if (options.count("permute")) {
 			if (options.count("psequence")) D.runPermutation(options["out"].as < string > (), options["psequence"].as < string > ());
 			else D.runPermutation(options["out"].as < string > (), options["permute"].as < vector < int > > ());
-		} else if (options.count("map"))
+		} else if (options.count("map")) {
 			D.runMapping(options["out"].as < string > (), options.count("map-full"));
-		else
+		} else if (options["report-best-only"].as<bool>()) {
+			D.runNominalBest(options["out"].as < string > ());
+		} else {
 			D.runNominal(options["out"].as < string > (), options["threshold"].as < double > ());
+		}

@@ -19,234 +19,253 @@
 #include "data.h"
 #include "utils/ranker.h"
+#include <map>
 data::data() {
-	sample_count = 0;
-	genotype_count = 0;
-	phenotype_count = 0;
-	covariate_count = 0;
-	covariate_engine = NULL;
+    sample_count = 0;
+    genotype_count = 0;
+    phenotype_count = 0;
+    covariate_count = 0;
+    covariate_engine = NULL;
 void data::clear() {
-	sample_count = 0;
-	sample_id.clear();
-	genotype_count = 0;
-	genotype_orig.clear();
-	genotype_curr.clear();
-	genotype_chr.clear();
-	genotype_id.clear();
-	genotype_pos.clear();
-	phenotype_count = 0;
-	phenotype_orig.clear();
-	phenotype_id.clear();
-	phenotype_chr.clear();
-	phenotype_start.clear();
-	phenotype_end.clear();
-	covariate_count = 0;
-	covariate_val.clear();
-	covariate_id.clear();
+    sample_count = 0;
+    sample_id.clear();
+    genotype_count = 0;
+    genotype_orig.clear();
+    genotype_curr.clear();
+    genotype_chr.clear();
+    genotype_id.clear();
+    genotype_pos.clear();
+    genotype_maf.clear();
+    genotype_ma_count.clear();
+    genotype_ma_samples.clear();
+    genotype_ref_factor.clear();
+    phenotype_count = 0;
+    phenotype_orig.clear();
+    phenotype_id.clear();
+    phenotype_chr.clear();
+    phenotype_start.clear();
+    phenotype_end.clear();
+    covariate_count = 0;
+    covariate_val.clear();
+    covariate_id.clear();
 bool data::checkSample(string & id, bool checkDuplicate) {
-	bool included = ((sample_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:sample_inclusion.count(id));
-	bool excluded = ((sample_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:sample_exclusion.count(id));
-	if (!included || excluded) return false;
-	if (checkDuplicate) for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_id.size() ; s++) if (id == sample_id[s]) LOG.error("Duplicate sample id [" + id +"]");
-	return true;
+    bool included = ((sample_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:sample_inclusion.count(id));
+    bool excluded = ((sample_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:sample_exclusion.count(id));
+    if (!included || excluded) return false;
+    if (checkDuplicate) for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_id.size() ; s++) if (id == sample_id[s]) LOG.error("Duplicate sample id [" + id +"]");
+    return true;
 bool data::checkGenotype(string & id) {
-	bool included = ((genotype_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:genotype_inclusion.count(id));
-	bool excluded = ((genotype_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:genotype_exclusion.count(id));
-	if (!included || excluded) return false;
-	//for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_id.size() ; g++) if (id == genotype_id[g]) LOG.error("Duplicate variant site id [" + id + "]");
-	return true;
+    bool included = ((genotype_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:genotype_inclusion.count(id));
+    bool excluded = ((genotype_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:genotype_exclusion.count(id));
+    if (!included || excluded) return false;
+    //for (int g = 0 ; g < genotype_id.size() ; g++) if (id == genotype_id[g]) LOG.error("Duplicate variant site id [" + id + "]");
+    return true;
 bool data::checkPhenotype(string & id, bool include) {
-	if (include) {
-		bool included = ((phenotype_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:phenotype_inclusion.count(id));
-		bool excluded = ((phenotype_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:phenotype_exclusion.count(id));
-		if (!included || excluded) return false;
-	}
-	for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_id.size() ; p++) if (id == phenotype_id[p]) LOG.error("Duplicate phenotype id [" + id + "]");
-	return true;
+    if (include) {
+        bool included = ((phenotype_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:phenotype_inclusion.count(id));
+        bool excluded = ((phenotype_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:phenotype_exclusion.count(id));
+        if (!included || excluded) return false;
+    }
+    for (int p = 0 ; p < phenotype_id.size() ; p++) if (id == phenotype_id[p]) LOG.error("Duplicate phenotype id [" + id + "]");
+    return true;
 bool data::checkCovariate(string & id) {
-	bool included = ((covariate_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:covariate_inclusion.count(id));
-	bool excluded = ((covariate_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:covariate_exclusion.count(id));
-	if (!included || excluded) return false;
-	for (int c = 0 ; c < covariate_id.size() ; c++) if (id == covariate_id[c]) LOG.error("Duplicate covariate id [" + id + "]");
-	return true;
+    bool included = ((covariate_inclusion.size() == 0)?true:covariate_inclusion.count(id));
+    bool excluded = ((covariate_exclusion.size() == 0)?false:covariate_exclusion.count(id));
+    if (!included || excluded) return false;
+    for (int c = 0 ; c < covariate_id.size() ; c++) if (id == covariate_id[c]) LOG.error("Duplicate covariate id [" + id + "]");
+    return true;
 void data::clusterizePhenotypes(int K) {
-	//check K
-	if (K < 1) LOG.error("Number of chunks needs to be > 0");
-	if (K > phenotype_count) LOG.error("Number of chunks (" + sutils::int2str(K) + ") is greater than the number of phenotypes (" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_count) + ")");
-	//initialise (1 cluster = 1 chromosome)
-	phenotype_cluster = vector < vector < int > > (1, vector < int > (1, 0));
-	for (int p = 1 ; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		if (phenotype_chr[p] != phenotype_chr[p-1]) phenotype_cluster.push_back(vector < int > (1, p));
-		else phenotype_cluster.back().push_back(p);
-	}
-	//iterate (split cluster in the middle until K clusters are built)
-	if (phenotype_cluster.size() > K) LOG.error("Number of chunks needs to be > #chr");
-	if (phenotype_cluster.size() < K) {
-		int max_idx, max_val, max_mid;
-		do {
-			max_idx = -1;
-			max_val = +1;
-			max_mid = -1;
-			for (int k = 0 ; k < phenotype_cluster.size() ; k ++) {
-				if (phenotype_cluster[k].size() > max_val) {
-					max_val = phenotype_cluster[k].size();
-					max_idx = k;
-				}
-			}
-			if (max_idx >= 0) {
-				max_mid = max_val / 2;
-				while (max_mid > 1 && phenotype_end[phenotype_cluster[max_idx][max_mid-1]] >= phenotype_start[phenotype_cluster[max_idx][max_mid]]) max_mid --;
-				phenotype_cluster.push_back(vector < int > (phenotype_cluster[max_idx].begin() + max_mid, phenotype_cluster[max_idx].end()));
-				phenotype_cluster[max_idx].erase(phenotype_cluster[max_idx].begin() + max_mid, phenotype_cluster[max_idx].end());
-			}
-		} while (phenotype_cluster.size() < K && max_idx >= 0);
-	}
+    //check K
+    if (K < 1) LOG.error("Number of chunks needs to be > 0");
+    if (K > phenotype_count) LOG.error("Number of chunks (" + sutils::int2str(K) + ") is greater than the number of phenotypes (" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_count) + ")");
+    // count number of phenotypes per chromosome
+    std::map<std::string,int> num_pheno;
+    for (int p=0; p<phenotype_count; ++p) {
+        num_pheno[phenotype_chr[p]]++;
+    }
+    if (num_pheno.size() > K) LOG.error("Number of chunks needs to be > #chr");
+    // initialize chunk size to all phenotypes
+    std::map<std::string,int> chunk_size(num_pheno);
+    // each chr must have at least 1 chunk
+    std::map<std::string,int> num_chunks;
+    for(const auto &kv : num_pheno) {
+        num_chunks[kv.first] = 1;
+    }
+    // determine number of chunks for each chr
+    for (auto i=0;i<K-num_pheno.size(); ++i) {
+        // find largest chunk size
+        int max_chunk = 0;
+        std::string max_key;
+        for(const auto &kv : chunk_size) {
+            if (kv.second>max_chunk) {
+                max_chunk = kv.second;
+                max_key = kv.first;
+            }
+        }
+        num_chunks[max_key] += 1;  // add chunk for this chr
+        chunk_size[max_key] = ceil((double)num_pheno[max_key]/(double)num_chunks[max_key]);  // adjust chunk size
+    }
+    // now, split according to chr and chunk size
+    phenotype_cluster = vector < vector < int > > (1, vector < int > (1, 0));  // first phenotype already stored (index 0)
+    int chr_offset = 0;
+    for (int p=1; p<phenotype_count; ++p) {
+        if (phenotype_chr[p]!=phenotype_chr[p-1]) {  // new chr --> new chunk
+            chr_offset += num_pheno[phenotype_chr[p-1]];
+            phenotype_cluster.push_back(vector < int > (1, p));
+        } else if (((p-chr_offset) % chunk_size[phenotype_chr[p]])==0) {  // new chunk
+            phenotype_cluster.push_back(vector < int > (1, p));
+        } else {  // add to current chunk
+            phenotype_cluster.back().push_back(p);
+        }
+    }
 bool data::setPhenotypeRegion(string reg) {
-	return regionPhenotype.set(reg);
+    return regionPhenotype.set(reg);
 void data::setPhenotypeRegion(int k) {
-	regionPhenotype.chr = phenotype_chr[phenotype_cluster[k][0]];
-	regionPhenotype.start = phenotype_start[phenotype_cluster[k][0]];
-	regionPhenotype.end = phenotype_end[phenotype_cluster[k].back()];
+    regionPhenotype.chr = phenotype_chr[phenotype_cluster[k][0]];
+    regionPhenotype.start = phenotype_start[phenotype_cluster[k][0]];
+    regionPhenotype.end = phenotype_end[phenotype_cluster[k].back()];
 string data::getPhenotypeRegion(int k) {
-	return string (phenotype_chr[phenotype_cluster[k][0]] + ":" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_start[phenotype_cluster[k][0]]) + "-" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_end[phenotype_cluster[k].back()]));
+    return string (phenotype_chr[phenotype_cluster[k][0]] + ":" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_start[phenotype_cluster[k][0]]) + "-" + sutils::int2str(phenotype_end[phenotype_cluster[k].back()]));
 void data::deduceGenotypeRegion(int W) {
-	regionGenotype.chr = regionPhenotype.chr;
-	regionGenotype.start = regionPhenotype.start - W;
-	if (regionGenotype.start < 0) regionGenotype.start = 0;
-	regionGenotype.end = regionPhenotype.end + W;
+    regionGenotype.chr = regionPhenotype.chr;
+    regionGenotype.start = regionPhenotype.start - W;
+    if (regionGenotype.start < 0) regionGenotype.start = 0;
+    regionGenotype.end = regionPhenotype.end + W;
 void data::imputeGenotypes() {
-	LOG.println("\nImputing missing genotypes");
-	for (int g = 0; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
-		double mean = 0.0;
-		int c_mean = 0;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
-			if (genotype_orig[g][s] >= 0) {
-				mean += genotype_orig[g][s];
-				c_mean ++;
-			}
-		}
-		mean /= c_mean;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) if (genotype_orig[g][s] < 0) genotype_orig[g][s] = mean;
-	}
+    LOG.println("\nImputing missing genotypes");
+    for (int g = 0; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
+        double mean = 0.0;
+        int c_mean = 0;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
+            if (genotype_orig[g][s] >= 0) {
+                mean += genotype_orig[g][s];
+                c_mean ++;
+            }
+        }
+        mean /= c_mean;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) if (genotype_orig[g][s] < 0) genotype_orig[g][s] = mean;
+    }
 void data::imputePhenotypes() {
-	LOG.println("\nImputing missing phenotypes");
-	for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		double mean = 0.0;
-		int c_mean = 0;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count; s ++) {
-			if (!isnan(phenotype_orig[p][s])) {
-				mean += phenotype_orig [p][s];
-				c_mean ++;
-			}
-		}
-		mean /= c_mean;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) if (isnan(phenotype_orig[p][s])) phenotype_orig[p][s] = mean;
-	}
+    LOG.println("\nImputing missing phenotypes");
+    for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+        double mean = 0.0;
+        int c_mean = 0;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count; s ++) {
+            if (!isnan(phenotype_orig[p][s])) {
+                mean += phenotype_orig [p][s];
+                c_mean ++;
+            }
+        }
+        mean /= c_mean;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) if (isnan(phenotype_orig[p][s])) phenotype_orig[p][s] = mean;
+    }
 void data::normalTranformPhenotypes() {
-	string method = "average";
-	LOG.println("\nQuantile normalise phenotypes to Normal distribution");
-	for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		vector < float > R;
+    string method = "average";
+    LOG.println("\nQuantile normalise phenotypes to Normal distribution");
+    for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+        vector < float > R;
         myranker::rank(phenotype_orig[p], R, method);
-		double max = 0;
-		for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
-			R[s] = R[s] - 0.5;
-			if (R[s] > max) max = R[s];
-		}
-		max = max + 0.5;
-		for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
-			R[s] /= max;
-			phenotype_orig[p][s] = qnorm(R[s], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0);
-		}
-	}
+        double max = 0;
+        for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
+            R[s] = R[s] - 0.5;
+            if (R[s] > max) max = R[s];
+        }
+        max = max + 0.5;
+        for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
+            R[s] /= max;
+            phenotype_orig[p][s] = qnorm(R[s], 0.0, 1.0, 1, 0);
+        }
+    }
 void data::initResidualizer() {
-	LOG.println("\nInitialize covariate ");
-	covariate_engine = new residualizer (sample_count);
-	for (int c = 0 ; c < covariate_count ; c ++) covariate_engine->pushHard(covariate_val[c]);
-	if (interaction_val.size() > 0) covariate_engine->pushHard(interaction_val);
+    LOG.println("\nInitialize covariate ");
+    covariate_engine = new residualizer (sample_count);
+    for (int c = 0 ; c < covariate_count ; c ++) covariate_engine->pushHard(covariate_val[c]);
+    if (interaction_val.size() > 0) covariate_engine->pushHard(interaction_val);
 void data::rankTranformPhenotypes() {
-	string method = "average";
-	LOG.println("\nRanking phenotypes");
-	for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
-		vector < float > R;
+    string method = "average";
+    LOG.println("\nRanking phenotypes");
+    for (int p = 0; p < phenotype_count ; p ++) {
+        vector < float > R;
         myranker::rank(phenotype_orig[p], R, method);
-		phenotype_orig[p] = R;
-	}
+        phenotype_orig[p] = R;
+    }
 void data::rankTranformGenotypes() {
-	string method = "average";
-	LOG.println("\nRanking genotypes");
-	for (int g = 0; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
-		vector < float > R;
+    string method = "average";
+    LOG.println("\nRanking genotypes");
+    for (int g = 0; g < genotype_count ; g ++) {
+        vector < float > R;
         myranker::rank(genotype_orig[g], R, method);
-		genotype_orig[g] = R;
-	}
+        genotype_orig[g] = R;
+    }
 void data::normalize(vector < float > & X) {
-	double mean = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
-	for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) mean += X[s];
-	mean /= sample_count;
-	for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
-		X[s] -= mean;
-		sum += X[s] * X[s];
-	}
-	sum = sqrt(sum);
-	if (sum == 0) sum = 1;
-	for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) X[s] /= sum;
+    double mean = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
+    for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) mean += X[s];
+    mean /= sample_count;
+    for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
+        X[s] -= mean;
+        sum += X[s] * X[s];
+    }
+    sum = sqrt(sum);
+    if (sum == 0) sum = 1;
+    for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) X[s] /= sum;
 void data::normalize(vector < vector < float > > & X) {
-	for (int x = 0 ; x < X.size() ; x++) {
-		double mean = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) mean += X[x][s];
-		mean /= sample_count;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
-			X[x][s] -= mean;
-			sum += X[x][s] * X[x][s];
-		}
-		sum = sqrt(sum);
-		if (sum == 0) sum = 1;
-		for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) X[x][s] /= sum;
-	}
+    for (int x = 0 ; x < X.size() ; x++) {
+        double mean = 0.0, sum = 0.0;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) mean += X[x][s];
+        mean /= sample_count;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) {
+            X[x][s] -= mean;
+            sum += X[x][s] * X[x][s];
+        }
+        sum = sqrt(sum);
+        if (sum == 0) sum = 1;
+        for (int s = 0; s < sample_count ; s ++) X[x][s] /= sum;
+    }
 void data::correct(vector < float > & X, vector < float > & Y) {
-	double corr = getCorrelation(X, Y);
-	for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) Y[s] = Y[s] - corr * X[s];
+    double corr = getCorrelation(X, Y);
+    for (int s = 0 ; s < sample_count ; s ++) Y[s] = Y[s] - corr * X[s];

@@ -35,33 +35,34 @@ void data::readCovariates(string fcov) {
 	if (buffer.size() == 0) LOG.error("No header line detected!");
 	sutils::tokenize(buffer, str, "\t");
 	for (int t = 1 ; t < str.size() ; t ++) {
-		if (checkSample(str[t], false)) {
+		string istr = sutils::remove_spaces(str[t]);
+		if (checkSample(istr, false)) {
 			int idx_sample = -1;
-			for (int i = 0 ; i < sample_count && idx_sample < 0 ; i++) if (sample_id[i] == sutils::remove_spaces(str[t])) idx_sample = i;
+			for (int i = 0 ; i < sample_count && idx_sample < 0 ; i++) if (sample_id[i] == istr) idx_sample = i;
 			if (idx_sample >= 0) n_includedS ++;
 			else n_missingS ++;
-        } else {
-            mappingS.push_back(-1);
-            n_excludedS ++;
-        }
+		} else {
+			mappingS.push_back(-1);
+			n_excludedS ++;
+		}
 	if (n_includedS != sample_count) LOG.error("Number of overlapping samples in covariate file is " + sutils::int2str(n_includedS) + " and should be " + sutils::int2str(sample_count));
 	//Read covariates
 	//int n_type0 = 0, n_type1 = 0;
 	while(getline(fd, buffer)) {
-        if (buffer.size() == 0) continue;
+		if (buffer.size() == 0) continue;
 		sutils::tokenize(buffer, str, "\t");
 		if (str.size() < 2) LOG.error("Wrong genotype covariate file format");
 		if (checkCovariate(str[0])) {
 			covariate_val.push_back(vector < string > (sample_count, "0"));
 			for (int t = 1 ; t < str.size() ; t ++) {
 				if (mappingS[t-1] >= 0) {
-                    covariate_val.back()[mappingS[t-1]] = str[t];
+					covariate_val.back()[mappingS[t-1]] = sutils::remove_spaces(str[t]);
-            n_includedC ++;
+			n_includedC ++;
 		} else n_excludedC ++;

@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ void data::readGenotypesVCF(string fvcf) {
 	int n_excludedF = 0;
 	int n_includedS = 0;
 	int n_excludedS = 0;
+	int n_excludedMAF = 0;
+	int n_excludedMAFglobal = 0;
 	int n_missingS = 0;
 	int n_parsed = 0;
 	vector < int > mappingS;
@@ -58,48 +60,116 @@ void data::readGenotypesVCF(string fvcf) {
 	if (!fd.setRegion(regionGenotype.str())) LOG.error("Failed to get region " + regionGenotype.str() + " in [" + fvcf + "]");
 	LOG.println("  * region = " + regionGenotype.str());
 	while (fd.getNextLine(buffer)) {
-        if (buffer.size() == 0) continue;
+		if (buffer.size() == 0) continue;
 		sutils::tokenize(buffer, str);
 		if (checkGenotype(str[2])) {
 			//Check VCF format
 			bool gt_field = false;
 			int idx_field = -1;
-			sutils::tokenize(str[8], field, ":");
-			for (int f = 0 ; f < field.size() ; f ++) if (field[f] == "DS") idx_field = f;
+			sutils::tokenize(str[8], field, ":");  // FORMAT field
+			for (int f = 0 ; f < field.size() ; f ++) if (field[f] == "DS") idx_field = f;  // check if DS present, else use GT
 			if (idx_field < 0) { for (int f = 0 ; f < field.size() ; f ++) if (field[f] == "GT") idx_field = f; gt_field = true; }
+			bool passed_AF = true;
+			if (global_af_threshold>0.0) {
+				// apply AF filter
+				sutils::tokenize(str[7], field, ";");  // INFO field
+				for (int f=0; f<field.size(); ++f) {
+					size_t p = field[f].find("=");
+					if (field[f].substr(0, p)=="AF") {
+						double val = std::stod(field[f].substr(p+1, string::npos));
+						if ((val<global_af_threshold) | (val>1.0-global_af_threshold)) {
+							passed_AF = false;
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
 			//Read data is format is correct
 			if (idx_field >= 0) {
-				genotype_id.push_back(str[2]);
-				genotype_chr.push_back(str[0]);
-				genotype_pos.push_back(atoi(str[1].c_str()));
-				genotype_orig.push_back(vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0));
-				genotype_curr.push_back(vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0));
-				for (int t = 9 ; t < str.size() ; t ++) {
-					if (mappingS[t-9] >= 0) {
-						sutils::tokenize(str[t], field, ":");
-						if (str[t] == "." || str[t] == "NN" || str[t] == "NA") genotype_orig.back()[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
-						else if (!gt_field) {
-							if (field[idx_field][0] == '.') genotype_orig.back()[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
-							else {
-                                float dosage = atof(field[idx_field].c_str());
-                                //if (dosage < 0 || dosage > 2) LOG.error("Dosages must be between 0 and 2, check: " + field[idx_field]);
-                                genotype_orig.back()[mappingS[t-9]] = dosage;
+				if (passed_AF) {
+					vector < float > genotype_vec = vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0);
+					for (int t = 9 ; t < str.size() ; t ++) {
+						if (mappingS[t-9] >= 0) {  // if sample is in include list
+							sutils::tokenize(str[t], field, ":");
+							if (str[t] == "." || str[t] == "NN" || str[t] == "NA") genotype_vec[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
+							else if (!gt_field) {
+								if (field[idx_field][0] == '.') genotype_vec[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
+								else {
+									float dosage = atof(field[idx_field].c_str());
+									//if (dosage < 0 || dosage > 2) LOG.error("Dosages must be between 0 and 2, check: " + field[idx_field]);
+									genotype_vec[mappingS[t-9]] = dosage;
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (field[idx_field][0] == '.' || field[idx_field][2] == '.') genotype_vec[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
+								else {
+									int a0 = atoi(field[idx_field].substr(0, 1).c_str());
+									int a1 = atoi(field[idx_field].substr(2, 1).c_str());
+									int dosage = a0 + a1;
+									if (dosage < 0 || dosage > 2) LOG.error("Genotypes must be 00, 01, or 11, check: " + field[idx_field]);
+									genotype_vec[mappingS[t-9]] = dosage;
+								}
-						} else {
-							if (field[idx_field][0] == '.' || field[idx_field][2] == '.') genotype_orig.back()[mappingS[t-9]] = -1.0;
-							else {
-								int a0 = atoi(field[idx_field].substr(0, 1).c_str());
-								int a1 = atoi(field[idx_field].substr(2, 1).c_str());
-                                int dosage = a0 + a1;
-                                if (dosage < 0 || dosage > 2) LOG.error("Genotypes must be 00, 01, or 11, check: " + field[idx_field]);
-                                genotype_orig.back()[mappingS[t-9]] = dosage;
+						}
+					}
+					// calculate minor allele frequency
+					// for now, replicate previous approach
+					// in the future, use alt_alleles = sum(dosages)
+					int c0 = 0;
+					int c1 = 0;
+					int c2 = 0;
+					int r;
+					for (int i=0; i<genotype_vec.size(); ++i) {
+						if (genotype_vec[i]!=-1.0) {
+							r = round(genotype_vec[i]);
+							if (r==0) {
+								c0++;
+							} else if (r==1) {
+								c1++;
+							} else if (r==2) {
+								c2++;
+							} else {
+								LOG.error("Dosage values must be between 0 and 2");
-				}
-				n_includedG ++;
-			} else n_excludedF ++;
-		} else n_excludedG ++;
+					float ref_alleles = 2*c0 + c1;
+					float alt_alleles = c1 + 2*c2;
+					float maf;
+					int ma_samples;
+					int ma_count;
+					int num_samples = c0+c1+c2;
+					int ref_factor;
+					if (ref_alleles >= alt_alleles) {
+						maf = alt_alleles / (float)(2*num_samples);
+						ma_samples = c1+c2;
+						ma_count = alt_alleles;
+						ref_factor = 1;
+					} else {
+						maf = ref_alleles / (float)(2*num_samples);
+						ma_samples = c0+c1;
+						ma_count = ref_alleles;
+						ref_factor = -1;
+					}
+					if (maf>=maf_threshold && ma_samples>=ma_sample_threshold) {
+						genotype_id.push_back(str[2]);
+						genotype_chr.push_back(str[0]);
+						genotype_pos.push_back(atoi(str[1].c_str()));
+						genotype_orig.push_back(genotype_vec);
+						genotype_curr.push_back(vector < float > (sample_count, 0.0));
+						genotype_maf.push_back(maf);
+						genotype_ma_count.push_back(ma_count);
+						genotype_ma_samples.push_back(ma_samples);
+						genotype_ref_factor.push_back(ref_factor);
+						n_includedG++;
+					} else {
+						n_excludedMAF++;
+					}
+				} else n_excludedMAFglobal++;
+			} else n_excludedF++;
+		} else n_excludedG++;
 		if (n_parsed % 100000 == 0) LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_parsed) + " lines parsed");
@@ -113,5 +183,7 @@ void data::readGenotypesVCF(string fvcf) {
 	LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_includedG) + " sites included");
 	if (n_excludedG > 0) LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_excludedG) + " sites excluded");
 	if (n_excludedF > 0) LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_excludedF) + " sites excluded because of missing GT/DS field");
-    if (n_includedG <= 0) LOG.error("No genotypes in this region: " + regionPhenotype.str());
+	if (n_excludedMAF > 0) LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_excludedMAF) + " sites excluded because below minor allele thresholds for selected samples");
+	if (n_excludedMAFglobal > 0) LOG.println("  * " + sutils::int2str(n_excludedMAFglobal) + " sites excluded because global minor allele frequency < " + sutils::double2str(global_af_threshold));
+	if (n_includedG <= 0) LOG.error("No genotypes in this region: " + regionPhenotype.str());

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