[med-svn] [Git][med-team/q2-feature-classifier][master] 6 commits: routine-update: New upstream version

Mohd Bilal (@rmb) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Sep 7 14:36:42 BST 2022

Mohd  Bilal pushed to branch master at Debian Med / q2-feature-classifier

48abbdd1 by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:11:48+00:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
49dba318 by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:11:49+00:00
New upstream version 2022.8.0
- - - - -
99813c05 by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:11:51+00:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2022.8.0'

Update to upstream version '2022.8.0'
with Debian dir e405bafec4ac00757b0b71ef2e27dee72a0b6213
- - - - -
54b5921c by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:20:58+00:00
drop patch

Not needed anymore

- - - - -
792870e6 by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:22:08+00:00
Update dependency on qiime/q2-* >= 2022.8.0

- - - - -
e8969670 by Mohammed Bilal at 2022-09-07T11:23:47+00:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

14 changed files:

- ci/recipe/meta.yaml
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- − debian/patches/series
- − debian/patches/vsearch.patch
- q2_feature_classifier/_blast.py
- q2_feature_classifier/_consensus_assignment.py
- q2_feature_classifier/_version.py
- q2_feature_classifier/_vsearch.py
- q2_feature_classifier/tests/__init__.py
- + q2_feature_classifier/tests/data/blast6-format.tsv
- + q2_feature_classifier/tests/data/query-seqs.fasta
- q2_feature_classifier/tests/data/se-dna-sequences.fasta
- q2_feature_classifier/tests/test_consensus_assignment.py


@@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ requirements:
     - python {{ python }}
-    - scikit-learn ==0.24.1
+    - scikit-learn {{ scikit_learn }}
     - joblib
-    - scikit-bio
-    - biom-format >=2.1.5,<2.2.0
+    - scikit-bio {{ scikit_bio }}
+    - biom-format {{ biom_format }}
     - blast >=2.6.0
-    # There are issues with 2.8.2, and no OS X builds exist after 2.7.0
-    - vsearch <=2.7.0
+    - vsearch
     - qiime2 {{ qiime2_epoch }}.*
     - q2-types {{ qiime2_epoch }}.*
     - q2-quality-control {{ qiime2_epoch }}.*

@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+q2-feature-classifier (2022.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream version 2022.8.0
+  * drop vsearch patch
+  * Update dependency on qiime/q2-* >= 2022.8.0
+ -- Mohammed Bilal <mdbilal at disroot.org>  Wed, 07 Sep 2022 11:22:16 +0000
 q2-feature-classifier (2022.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.

@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
-               qiime (>= 2021.8.0),
-               q2-types (>= 2021.8.0),
-               q2-quality-control (>= 2021.8.0),
-               q2-taxa (>= 2021.8.0),
-               q2-feature-table (>= 2021.8.0)
+               qiime (>= 2022.8.0),
+               q2-types (>= 2022.8.0),
+               q2-quality-control (>= 2022.8.0),
+               q2-taxa (>= 2022.8.0),
+               q2-feature-table (>= 2022.8.0)
 Standards-Version: 4.6.1
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/q2-feature-classifier
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/q2-feature-classifier.git
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         qiime (>= 2021.8.0),
-         q2-types (>= 2021.8.0),
-         q2-quality-control (>= 2021.8.0),
-         q2-taxa (>= 2021.8.0),
-         q2-feature-table (>= 2021.8.0)
+         qiime (>= 2022.8.0),
+         q2-types (>= 2022.8.0),
+         q2-quality-control (>= 2022.8.0),
+         q2-taxa (>= 2022.8.0),
+         q2-feature-table (>= 2022.8.0)
 Description: QIIME 2 plugin supporting taxonomic classification
  QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis
  package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables

debian/patches/series deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

debian/patches/vsearch.patch deleted
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Description: fix failure to invoke vsearch --search_exact
-Author: Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier at mailoo.org>
-Forwarded: https://github.com/qiime2/q2-feature-classifier/pull/170
-Last-Update: 2021-01-27
-This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
---- q2-feature-classifier.orig/q2_feature_classifier/_vsearch.py
-+++ q2-feature-classifier/q2_feature_classifier/_vsearch.py
-@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
-            '--threads', str(threads)]
-     if search_exact:
-         cmd[1] = '--search_exact'
-+        # These options are not compatible with a --search_exact command.
-+        for pop_arg in ['--id', '--maxaccepts', '--maxrejects', '--query_cov']:
-+            pop_idx = cmd.index(pop_arg)
-+            cmd.pop(pop_idx)
-+            cmd.pop(pop_idx)
-     if top_hits_only:
-         cmd.append('--top_hits_only')
-     if output_no_hits:

@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
 # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import subprocess
 import pandas as pd
 from q2_types.feature_data import (
-    FeatureData, Taxonomy, Sequence, DNAFASTAFormat)
-from qiime2.plugin import Int, Str, Float, Choices, Range
+    FeatureData, Taxonomy, Sequence, DNAFASTAFormat, DNAIterator, BLAST6,
+    BLAST6Format)
+from qiime2.plugin import Int, Str, Float, Choices, Range, Bool
 from .plugin_setup import plugin, citations
-from ._consensus_assignment import (_consensus_assignments,
-                                    _get_default_unassignable_label)
+from ._consensus_assignment import (
+    min_consensus_param, min_consensus_param_description,
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
 # Reason for num_thread not being exposed.
@@ -25,68 +28,190 @@ from ._consensus_assignment import (_consensus_assignments,
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
-def classify_consensus_blast(
-        query: DNAFASTAFormat, reference_reads: DNAFASTAFormat,
-        reference_taxonomy: pd.Series, maxaccepts: int = 10,
-        perc_identity: float = 0.8, query_cov: float = 0.8,
-        strand: str = 'both', evalue: float = 0.001,
-        min_consensus: float = 0.51,
-        unassignable_label: str = _get_default_unassignable_label(),
-        ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+# Specify default settings for various functions
+# NOTE FOR THE FUTURE: should this be called blastn? would it be possible to
+# eventually generalize to e.g., blastp or blastx? or will this be too
+# challenging, e.g., to detect the format internally? A `mode` parameter could
+# be added and TypeMapped to the input type, a bit cumbersome but one way to
+# accomplish this without code bloat. But the question is: would we want to
+# expose different parameters etc? My feeling is let's call this `blast` for
+# now and then cross that bridge when we come to it.
+def blast(query: DNAFASTAFormat,
+          reference_reads: DNAFASTAFormat,
+          maxaccepts: int = DEFAULTMAXACCEPTS,
+          perc_identity: float = DEFAULTPERCENTID,
+          query_cov: float = DEFAULTQUERYCOV,
+          strand: str = DEFAULTSTRAND,
+          evalue: float = DEFAULTEVALUE,
+          output_no_hits: bool = DEFAULTOUTPUTNOHITS) -> pd.DataFrame:
     perc_identity = perc_identity * 100
     query_cov = query_cov * 100
     seqs_fp = str(query)
     ref_fp = str(reference_reads)
+    # TODO: generalize to support other blast types?
+    output = BLAST6Format()
     cmd = ['blastn', '-query', seqs_fp, '-evalue', str(evalue), '-strand',
-           strand, '-outfmt', '7', '-subject', ref_fp, '-perc_identity',
+           strand, '-outfmt', '6', '-subject', ref_fp, '-perc_identity',
            str(perc_identity), '-qcov_hsp_perc', str(query_cov),
-           '-max_target_seqs', str(maxaccepts), '-out']
-    consensus = _consensus_assignments(
-        cmd, reference_taxonomy, unassignable_label=unassignable_label,
-        min_consensus=min_consensus, output_no_hits=True,
-        exp_seq_ids=seqs_fp)
+           '-max_target_seqs', str(maxaccepts), '-out', str(output)]
+    _run_command(cmd)
+    # load as dataframe to quickly validate (note: will fail now if empty)
+    result = output.view(pd.DataFrame)
+    # blast will not report reads with no hits. We will report this
+    # information here, so that it is explicitly reported to the user.
+    if output_no_hits:
+        ids_with_hit = set(result['qseqid'].unique())
+        query_ids = {seq.metadata['id'] for seq in query.view(DNAIterator)}
+        missing_ids = query_ids - ids_with_hit
+        if len(missing_ids) > 0:
+            # we will mirror vsearch behavior and annotate unassigneds as '*'
+            # and fill other columns with 0 values (np.nan makes format error).
+            missed = pd.DataFrame(columns=result.columns)
+            missed = missed.append(
+                [{'qseqid': i, 'sseqid': '*'} for i in missing_ids]).fillna(0)
+            # Do two separate appends to make sure that fillna does not alter
+            # any other contents from the original search results.
+            result = result.append(missed, ignore_index=True)
+    return result
+def classify_consensus_blast(ctx,
+                             query,
+                             reference_reads,
+                             reference_taxonomy,
+                             maxaccepts=DEFAULTMAXACCEPTS,
+                             perc_identity=DEFAULTPERCENTID,
+                             query_cov=DEFAULTQUERYCOV,
+                             strand=DEFAULTSTRAND,
+                             evalue=DEFAULTEVALUE,
+                             output_no_hits=DEFAULTOUTPUTNOHITS,
+                             min_consensus=DEFAULTMINCONSENSUS,
+                             unassignable_label=DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL):
+    search_db = ctx.get_action('feature_classifier', 'blast')
+    lca = ctx.get_action('feature_classifier', 'find_consensus_annotation')
+    result, = search_db(query=query, reference_reads=reference_reads,
+                        maxaccepts=maxaccepts, perc_identity=perc_identity,
+                        query_cov=query_cov, strand=strand, evalue=evalue,
+                        output_no_hits=output_no_hits)
+    consensus, = lca(search_results=result,
+                     reference_taxonomy=reference_taxonomy,
+                     min_consensus=min_consensus,
+                     unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
+    # New: add BLAST6Format result as an output. This could just as well be a
+    # visualizer generated from these results (using q2-metadata tabulate).
+    # Would that be more useful to the user that the QZA?
+    return consensus, result
+# Replace this function with QIIME2 API for wrapping commands/binaries,
+# pending https://github.com/qiime2/qiime2/issues/224
+def _run_command(cmd, verbose=True):
+    if verbose:
+        print("Running external command line application. This may print "
+              "messages to stdout and/or stderr.")
+        print("The command being run is below. This command cannot "
+              "be manually re-run as it will depend on temporary files that "
+              "no longer exist.")
+        print("\nCommand:", end=' ')
+        print(" ".join(cmd), end='\n\n')
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+inputs = {'query': FeatureData[Sequence],
+          'reference_reads': FeatureData[Sequence]}
+input_descriptions = {'query': 'Query sequences.',
+                      'reference_reads': 'Reference sequences.'}
-    return consensus
+classification_output = ('classification', FeatureData[Taxonomy])
+classification_output_description = {
+    'classification': 'Taxonomy classifications of query sequences.'}
+parameters = {'evalue': Float,
+              'maxaccepts': Int % Range(1, None),
+              'perc_identity': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
+              'query_cov': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
+              'strand': Str % Choices(['both', 'plus', 'minus']),
+              'output_no_hits': Bool,
+              }
+parameter_descriptions = {
+    'evalue': 'BLAST expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits.',
+    'strand': ('Align against reference sequences in forward ("plus"), '
+               'reverse ("minus"), or both directions ("both").'),
+    'maxaccepts': ('Maximum number of hits to keep for each query. BLAST will '
+                   'choose the first N hits in the reference database that '
+                   'exceed perc_identity similarity to query. NOTE: the '
+                   'database is not sorted by similarity to query, so these '
+                   'are the first N hits that pass the threshold, not '
+                   'necessarily the top N hits.'),
+    'perc_identity': ('Reject match if percent identity to query is lower.'),
+    'query_cov': 'Reject match if query alignment coverage per high-'
+                 'scoring pair is lower. Note: this uses blastn\'s '
+                 'qcov_hsp_perc parameter, and may not behave identically '
+                 'to the query_cov parameter used by classify-consensus-'
+                 'vsearch.',
+    'output_no_hits': 'Report both matching and non-matching queries. '
+                      'WARNING: always use the default setting for this '
+                      'option unless if you know what you are doing! If '
+                      'you set this option to False, your sequences and '
+                      'feature table will need to be filtered to exclude '
+                      'unclassified sequences, otherwise you may run into '
+                      'errors downstream from missing feature IDs. Set to '
+                      'FALSE to mirror default BLAST search.',
+blast6_output = ('search_results', FeatureData[BLAST6])
+blast6_output_description = {'search_results': 'Top hits for each query.'}
+# Note: name should be changed to blastn if we do NOT generalize this function
+    function=blast,
+    inputs=inputs,
+    parameters=parameters,
+    outputs=[blast6_output],
+    input_descriptions=input_descriptions,
+    parameter_descriptions=parameter_descriptions,
+    output_descriptions=blast6_output_description,
+    name='BLAST+ local alignment search.',
+    description=('Search for top hits in a reference database via local '
+                 'alignment between the query sequences and reference '
+                 'database sequences using BLAST+. Returns a report '
+                 'of the top M hits for each query (where M=maxaccepts).'),
+    citations=[citations['camacho2009blast+']]
-    inputs={'query': FeatureData[Sequence],
-            'reference_reads': FeatureData[Sequence],
+    inputs={**inputs,
             'reference_taxonomy': FeatureData[Taxonomy]},
-    parameters={'evalue': Float,
-                'maxaccepts': Int % Range(1, None),
-                'perc_identity': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
-                'query_cov': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
-                'strand': Str % Choices(['both', 'plus', 'minus']),
-                'min_consensus': Float % Range(0.5, 1.0, inclusive_end=True,
-                                               inclusive_start=False),
+    parameters={**parameters,
+                **min_consensus_param,
                 'unassignable_label': Str},
-    outputs=[('classification', FeatureData[Taxonomy])],
-    input_descriptions={'query': 'Sequences to classify taxonomically.',
-                        'reference_reads': 'reference sequences.',
+    outputs=[classification_output, blast6_output],
+    input_descriptions={**input_descriptions,
                         'reference_taxonomy': 'reference taxonomy labels.'},
-        'evalue': 'BLAST expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits.',
-        'strand': ('Align against reference sequences in forward ("plus"), '
-                   'reverse ("minus"), or both directions ("both").'),
-        'maxaccepts': ('Maximum number of hits to keep for each query. Must '
-                       'be in range [1, infinity]. BLAST will choose the '
-                       'first N hits in the reference database that exceed '
-                       'perc_identity similarity to query.'),
-        'perc_identity': ('Reject match if percent identity to query is '
-                          'lower. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0].'),
-        'query_cov': 'Reject match if query alignment coverage per high-'
-                     'scoring pair is lower. Note: this uses blastn\'s '
-                     'qcov_hsp_perc parameter, and may not behave identically '
-                     'to the query_cov parameter used by classify-consensus-'
-                     'vsearch. Must be in range [0.0, 1.0].',
-        'min_consensus': ('Minimum fraction of assignments must match top '
-                          'hit to be accepted as consensus assignment. Must '
-                          'be in range (0.5, 1.0].')
+        **parameter_descriptions,
+        **min_consensus_param_description,
+        'unassignable_label': 'Annotation given to sequences without any hits.'
-    output_descriptions={
-        'classification': 'Taxonomy classifications of query sequences.'},
+    output_descriptions={**classification_output_description,
+                         **blast6_output_description},
     name='BLAST+ consensus taxonomy classifier',
     description=('Assign taxonomy to query sequences using BLAST+. Performs '
                  'BLAST+ local alignment between query and reference_reads, '

@@ -6,246 +6,219 @@
 # The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software.
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
+from collections import Counter
+from math import ceil
 import pandas as pd
-from os.path import isfile
-from collections import Counter, defaultdict
-import qiime2
-def _get_default_unassignable_label():
-    return "Unassigned"
-def _consensus_assignments(
-        cmd, ref_taxa, min_consensus=0.51, output_no_hits=False,
-        exp_seq_ids=None,
-        unassignable_label=_get_default_unassignable_label()):
-    '''Run command line subprocess and find consensus taxonomy.'''
-    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as output:
-        cmd = cmd + [output.name]
-        _run_command(cmd)
-        obs_taxa = _import_blast_format_assignments(
-            output.name, ref_taxa, unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
-        consensus = _compute_consensus_annotations(
-            obs_taxa, min_consensus=min_consensus,
-            unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
-        # If output_no_hits=True, find/add query IDs missing from consensus
-        if output_no_hits is True:
-            consensus = _output_no_hits(
-                consensus, exp_seq_ids, unassignable_label)
-        # if there are no consensus results (no hits for any query), default
-        # to empty result file (must create empty dict or fail on pd error)
-        if not consensus:
-            consensus = {'': ('', '')}
-        result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(consensus, 'index')
-        result.index.name = 'Feature ID'
-        result.columns = ['Taxon', 'Consensus']
-        return result
-def _output_no_hits(obs_taxa, exp_seq_ids,
-                    unassignable_label=_get_default_unassignable_label()):
-    '''If a query ID has no hits, report as unassigned.'''
-    # extract list of query sequence IDs
-    exp = _open_list_or_file(exp_seq_ids)
-    exp = [line.strip('>') for line in exp if line.startswith('>')]
-    # iterate over expected IDs, add as unassigned to obs_taxa if missing
-    for _id in exp:
-        if _id not in obs_taxa:
-            obs_taxa[_id] = (unassignable_label, 0.0)
-    return obs_taxa
-# Replace this function with QIIME2 API for wrapping commands/binaries,
-# pending https://github.com/qiime2/qiime2/issues/224
-def _run_command(cmd, verbose=True):
-    if verbose:
-        print("Running external command line application. This may print "
-              "messages to stdout and/or stderr.")
-        print("The command being run is below. This command cannot "
-              "be manually re-run as it will depend on temporary files that "
-              "no longer exist.")
-        print("\nCommand:", end=' ')
-        print(" ".join(cmd), end='\n\n')
-    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
-def _import_blast_format_assignments(
+from qiime2.plugin import Str, Float, Range
+from .plugin_setup import plugin
+from q2_types.feature_data import FeatureData, Taxonomy, BLAST6
+min_consensus_param = {'min_consensus': Float % Range(
+    0.5, 1.0, inclusive_end=True, inclusive_start=False)}
+min_consensus_param_description = {
+    'min_consensus': 'Minimum fraction of assignments must match top '
+                     'hit to be accepted as consensus assignment.'}
+def find_consensus_annotation(search_results: pd.DataFrame,
+                              reference_taxonomy: pd.Series,
+                              min_consensus: int = 0.51,
+                              unassignable_label: str =
+                              DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL
+                              ) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    '''Find consensus taxonomy from BLAST6Format alignment summary.
+    search_results: pd.dataframe
+        BLAST6Format search results with canonical headers attached.
+    reference_taxonomy: pd.Series
+        Annotations of reference database used for original search.
+    min_consensus : float
+        The minimum fraction of the annotations that a specfic annotation
+        must be present in for that annotation to be accepted. Current
+        lower boundary is 0.51.
+    unassignable_label : str
+        The label to apply if no acceptable annotations are identified.
+    '''
+    # load and convert blast6format results to dict of taxa hits
+    obs_taxa = _blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists(
+        search_results, reference_taxonomy,
+        unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
+    # TODO: is it worth allowing early stopping if maxaccepts==1?
+    # compute consensus annotations
+    result = _compute_consensus_annotations(
+        obs_taxa, min_consensus=min_consensus,
+        unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
+    result.index.name = 'Feature ID'
+    return result
+    function=find_consensus_annotation,
+    inputs={'search_results': FeatureData[BLAST6],
+            'reference_taxonomy': FeatureData[Taxonomy]},
+    parameters={
+        **min_consensus_param,
+        'unassignable_label': Str},
+    outputs=[('consensus_taxonomy', FeatureData[Taxonomy])],
+    input_descriptions={
+        'search_results': 'Search results in BLAST6 output format',
+        'reference_taxonomy': 'reference taxonomy labels.'},
+    parameter_descriptions={
+        **min_consensus_param_description,
+        'unassignable_label': 'Annotation given when no consensus is found.'
+    },
+    output_descriptions={
+        'consensus_taxonomy': 'Consensus taxonomy and scores.'},
+    name='Find consensus among multiple annotations.',
+    description=('Find consensus annotation for each query searched against '
+                 'a reference database, by finding the least common ancestor '
+                 'among one or more semicolon-delimited hierarchical '
+                 'annotations. Note that the annotation hierarchy is assumed '
+                 'to have an even number of ranks.'),
+def _blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists(
         assignments, ref_taxa,
-        unassignable_label=_get_default_unassignable_label()):
-    '''import observed assignments in blast6 or blast7 format to dict of lists.
+        unassignable_label=DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL):
+    '''import observed assignments in blast6 format to series of lists.
-    assignments: path or list
-        Taxonomy observation map in blast format 6 or 7. Each line consists of
+    assignments: pd.DataFrame
+        Taxonomy observation map in blast format 6. Each line consists of
         taxonomy assignments of a query sequence in tab-delimited format:
-            <query_id>    <assignment_id>   <...other columns are ignored>
+            <query_id>    <subject-seq-id>   <...other columns are ignored>
-    ref_taxa: dict or pd.Series
+    ref_taxa: pd.Series
         Reference taxonomies in tab-delimited format:
-            <accession ID>  kingdom;phylum;class;order;family;genus;species
+            <accession ID>  Annotation
+        The accession IDs in this taxonomy should match the subject-seq-ids in
+        the "assignment" input.
-    obs_taxa = defaultdict(list)
-    lines = _open_list_or_file(assignments)
-    for line in lines:
-        if not line.startswith('#') or line == "":
-            fields = line.split('\t')
-            # if vsearch fails to find assignment, it reports '*' as the
-            # accession ID, which is completely useless and unproductive..
-            if fields[1] == '*':
-                t = [unassignable_label]
-            else:
-                id_ = fields[1]
-                try:
-                    t = ref_taxa[id_]
-                except KeyError:
-                    raise KeyError((
-                        'Identifier {0} was reported in taxonomic search '
-                        'results, but was not present in the reference '
-                        'taxonomy.').format(str(id_)))
-                try:
-                    t = t.split(';')
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise ValueError((
-                        'Reference taxonomy {0} (id: {1}) is incorrectly '
-                        'formatted.').format(t, str(id_)))
-            obs_taxa[fields[0]].append(t)
-    return obs_taxa
-def _open_list_or_file(infile):
-    if isinstance(infile, list):
-        lines = infile
-    elif isfile(infile):
-        with open(infile, "r") as inputfile:
-            lines = [line.strip() for line in inputfile]
-    return lines
-# This code has been ported and adapted from QIIME 1.9.1 with permission from
-# @gregcaporaso.
+    taxa_hits = assignments.set_index('qseqid')['sseqid']
+    # validate that assignments are present in reference taxonomy
+    # (i.e., that the correct reference taxonomy was used).
+    # Note that we drop unassigned labels from this set.
+    missing_ids = set(taxa_hits.values) - set(ref_taxa.index) - {'*', ''}
+    if len(missing_ids) > 0:
+        raise KeyError('Reference taxonomy and search results do not match. '
+                       'The following identifiers were reported in the search '
+                       'results but are not present in the reference taxonomy:'
+                       ' {0}'.format(', '.join(str(i) for i in missing_ids)))
+    # if vsearch fails to find assignment, it reports '*' as the
+    # accession ID, so we will add this mapping to the reference taxonomy.
+    ref_taxa['*'] = unassignable_label
+    # map accession IDs to taxonomy
+    taxa_hits.replace(ref_taxa, inplace=True)
+    # convert to dict of {accession_id: [annotations]}
+    taxa_hits = taxa_hits.groupby(taxa_hits.index).apply(list)
+    return taxa_hits
 def _compute_consensus_annotations(
         query_annotations, min_consensus,
-        unassignable_label=_get_default_unassignable_label()):
+        unassignable_label=DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL):
-        query_annotations : dict of lists
-            Keys are query identifiers, and values are lists of all
+        query_annotations : pd.Series of lists
+            Indices are query identifiers, and values are lists of all
             taxonomic annotations associated with that identfier.
-        dict
-            Keys are query identifiers, and values are the consensus of the
-            input taxonomic annotations.
+        pd.DataFrame
+            Indices are query identifiers, and values are the consensus of the
+            input taxonomic annotations, and the consensus score.
-    result = {}
-    for query_id, annotations in query_annotations.items():
-        consensus_annotation, consensus_fraction = \
-            _compute_consensus_annotation(annotations, min_consensus,
-                                          unassignable_label)
-        result[query_id] = (
-            ';'.join(consensus_annotation), consensus_fraction)
-    return result
+    # define function to apply to each list of taxa hits
+    # Note: I am setting this up to open the possibility to define other
+    # functions later (e.g., not simple threshold consensus)
+    def _apply_consensus_function(taxa, min_consensus=min_consensus,
+                                  unassignable_label=unassignable_label,
+                                  _consensus_function=_lca_consensus):
+        # if there is no consensus, skip consensus calculation
+        if len(taxa) == 1:
+            taxa, score = taxa.pop(), 1.
+        else:
+            taxa = _taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa)
+            # apply and score consensus
+            taxa, score = _consensus_function(
+                taxa, min_consensus, unassignable_label)
+        # return as a series so that the outer apply returns a dataframe
+        # (i.e., consensus scores get inserted as an additional column)
+        return pd.Series([taxa, score], index=['Taxon', 'Consensus'])
+    # If func returns a Series object the result will be a DataFrame.
+    return query_annotations.apply(_apply_consensus_function)
+# first split semicolon-delimited taxonomies by rank
+# and iteratively join ranks, so that: ['a;b;c', 'a;b;d', 'a;g;g'] -->
+# [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'], ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;d'], ['a', 'a;g', 'a;g;g']]
+# this is to avoid issues where e.g., the same species name may occur
+# in different taxonomic lineages.
+def _taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa):
+    """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        taxa : list or str
+            List of semicolon-delimited taxonomic labels.
+            e.g., ['a;b;c', 'a;b;d']
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list of lists of str
+            Lists of cumulative taxonomic ranks for each input str
+            e.g., [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'], ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;d']]
+    """
+    return [[';'.join(t.split(';')[:n + 1])
+             for n in range(t.count(';') + 1)]
+            for t in taxa]
-# This code has been ported from QIIME 1.9.1 with permission from @gregcaporaso
-def _compute_consensus_annotation(annotations, min_consensus,
-                                  unassignable_label):
+# Find the LCA by consensus threshold. Return label and the consensus score.
+def _lca_consensus(annotations, min_consensus, unassignable_label):
     """ Compute the consensus of a collection of annotations
         annotations : list of lists
-            Taxonomic annotations to compute the consensus of.
+            Taxonomic annotations to form consensus.
         min_consensus : float
             The minimum fraction of the annotations that a specfic annotation
-            must be present in for that annotation to be accepted. This must
-            be greater than or equal to 0.51.
+            must be present in for that annotation to be accepted. Current
+            lower boundary is 0.51.
         unassignable_label : str
             The label to apply if no acceptable annotations are identified.
-        consensus_annotation
-            List containing the consensus assignment
-        consensus_fraction
+        consensus_annotation: str
+            The consensus assignment
+        consensus_fraction: float
             Fraction of input annotations that agreed at the deepest
             level of assignment
-    if min_consensus <= 0.5:
-        raise ValueError("min_consensus must be greater than 0.5.")
-    num_input_annotations = len(annotations)
-    consensus_annotation = []
-    # if the annotations don't all have the same number
-    # of levels, the resulting annotation will have a max number
-    # of levels equal to the number of levels in the assignment
-    # with the fewest number of levels. this is to avoid
-    # a case where, for example, there are n assignments, one of
-    # which has 7 levels, and the other n-1 assignments have 6 levels.
-    # A 7th level in the result would be misleading because it
-    # would appear to the user as though it was the consensus
-    # across all n assignments.
-    num_levels = min([len(a) for a in annotations])
-    # iterate over the assignment levels
-    for level in range(num_levels):
-        # count the different taxonomic assignments at the current level..
-        # the counts are computed based on the current level and all higher
-        # levels to reflect that, for example, 'p__A; c__B; o__C' and
-        # 'p__X; c__Y; o__C' represent different taxa at the o__ level (since
-        # they are different at the p__ and c__ levels).
-        current_level_annotations = \
-            Counter([tuple(e[:level + 1]) for e in annotations])
-        # identify the most common taxonomic assignment, and compute the
-        # fraction of annotations that contained it. it's safe to compute the
-        # fraction using num_assignments because the deepest level we'll
-        # ever look at here is num_levels (see above comment on how that
-        # is decided).
-        tax, max_count = current_level_annotations.most_common(1)[0]
-        max_consensus_fraction = max_count / num_input_annotations
-        # check whether the most common taxonomic assignment is observed
-        # in at least min_consensus of the sequences
-        if max_consensus_fraction >= min_consensus:
-            # if so, append the current level only (e.g., 'o__C' if tax is
-            # 'p__A; c__B; o__C', and continue on to the next level
-            consensus_annotation.append((tax[-1], max_consensus_fraction))
-        else:
-            # if not, there is no assignment at this level, and we're
-            # done iterating over levels
-            break
-    # construct the results
-    # determine the number of levels in the consensus assignment
-    consensus_annotation_depth = len(consensus_annotation)
-    if consensus_annotation_depth > 0:
-        # if it's greater than 0, generate a list of the
-        # taxa assignments at each level
-        annotation = [a[0] for a in consensus_annotation]
-        # and assign the consensus_fraction_result as the
-        # consensus fraction at the deepest level
-        consensus_fraction_result = \
-            consensus_annotation[consensus_annotation_depth - 1][1]
-    else:
-        # if there are zero assignments, indicate that the taxa is
-        # unknown
-        annotation = [unassignable_label]
-        # and assign the consensus_fraction_result to 1.0 (this is
-        # somewhat arbitrary, but could be interpreted as all of the
-        # assignments suggest an unknown taxonomy)
-        consensus_fraction_result = 1.0
-    return annotation, consensus_fraction_result
-def _annotate_method(taxa, method):
-    taxa = taxa.view(pd.DataFrame)
-    taxa['Method'] = method
-    return qiime2.Artifact.import_data('FeatureData[Taxonomy]', taxa)
+    # count total number of labels to get consensus threshold
+    n_annotations = len(annotations)
+    threshold = ceil(n_annotations * min_consensus)
+    # zip together ranks and count frequency of each unique label.
+    # This assumes that a hierarchical taxonomy with even numbers of
+    # ranks was used.
+    taxa_comparison = [Counter(rank) for rank in zip(*annotations)]
+    # interate rank comparisons in reverse
+    # to find rank with consensus count > threshold
+    for rank in taxa_comparison[::-1]:
+        # grab most common label and its count
+        label, count = rank.most_common(1)[0]
+        # TODO: this assumes that min_consensus >= 0.51 (current lower bound)
+        # but could fail to find ties if we allow lower min_consensus scores
+        if count >= threshold:
+            return label, round(count / n_annotations, 3)
+    # if we reach this point, no consensus was ever found at any rank
+    return unassignable_label, 0.0

@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ def get_keywords():
     # setup.py/versioneer.py will grep for the variable names, so they must
     # each be defined on a line of their own. _version.py will just call
     # get_keywords().
-    git_refnames = " (tag: 2022.2.0)"
-    git_full = "265439e4cac3fe8eb63d5193aa6ddb00ff175b98"
-    git_date = "2022-02-18 19:15:48 +0000"
+    git_refnames = " (tag: 2022.8.0)"
+    git_full = "6f7c334d5b36ff20ac088e88c1c13746bf883f76"
+    git_date = "2022-08-23 17:28:47 +0000"
     keywords = {"refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full, "date": git_date}
     return keywords

@@ -7,49 +7,76 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 import tempfile
-import pandas as pd
 import qiime2
+import pandas as pd
 from q2_types.feature_data import (
-    FeatureData, Taxonomy, Sequence, DNAFASTAFormat)
+    FeatureData, Taxonomy, Sequence, DNAFASTAFormat, BLAST6, BLAST6Format)
 from .plugin_setup import plugin, citations
 from qiime2.plugin import Int, Str, Float, Choices, Range, Bool
-from ._consensus_assignment import (_consensus_assignments, _run_command,
-                                    _get_default_unassignable_label,
-                                    _annotate_method)
+from ._blast import (_run_command)
+from ._consensus_assignment import (DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL,
+                                    min_consensus_param,
+                                    min_consensus_param_description)
 from ._taxonomic_classifier import TaxonomicClassifier
 from .classifier import _classify_parameters, _parameter_descriptions
+# Specify default settings for various functions
-def classify_consensus_vsearch(query: DNAFASTAFormat,
-                               reference_reads: DNAFASTAFormat,
-                               reference_taxonomy: pd.Series,
-                               maxaccepts: int = 10,
-                               perc_identity: float = 0.8,
-                               query_cov: float = 0.8,
-                               strand: str = 'both',
-                               min_consensus: float = 0.51,
-                               unassignable_label: str =
-                               _get_default_unassignable_label(),
-                               search_exact: bool = False,
-                               top_hits_only: bool = False,
-                               maxhits: int = 'all',
-                               maxrejects: int = 'all',
-                               output_no_hits: bool = True,
-                               weak_id: float = 0.,
-                               threads: str = 1) -> pd.DataFrame:
+def vsearch_global(query: DNAFASTAFormat,
+                   reference_reads: DNAFASTAFormat,
+                   maxaccepts: int = DEFAULTMAXACCEPTS,
+                   perc_identity: float = DEFAULTPERCENTID,
+                   query_cov: float = DEFAULTQUERYCOV,
+                   strand: str = DEFAULTSTRAND,
+                   search_exact: bool = DEFAULTSEARCHEXACT,
+                   top_hits_only: bool = DEFAULTTOPHITS,
+                   maxhits: int = DEFAULTMAXHITS,
+                   maxrejects: int = DEFAULTMAXREJECTS,
+                   output_no_hits: bool = DEFAULTOUTPUTNOHITS,
+                   weak_id: float = DEFAULTWEAKID,
+                   threads: str = DEFAULTTHREADS) -> BLAST6Format:
     seqs_fp = str(query)
     ref_fp = str(reference_reads)
     if maxaccepts == 'all':
         maxaccepts = 0
     if maxrejects == 'all':
         maxrejects = 0
-    cmd = ['vsearch', '--usearch_global', seqs_fp, '--id', str(perc_identity),
-           '--query_cov', str(query_cov), '--strand', strand, '--maxaccepts',
-           str(maxaccepts), '--maxrejects', str(maxrejects), '--db', ref_fp,
-           '--threads', str(threads)]
     if search_exact:
-        cmd[1] = '--search_exact'
+        cmd = [
+            'vsearch',
+            '--search_exact', seqs_fp,
+            '--strand', strand,
+            '--db', ref_fp,
+            '--threads', str(threads),
+        ]
+    else:
+        cmd = [
+            'vsearch',
+            '--usearch_global', seqs_fp,
+            '--id', str(perc_identity),
+            '--query_cov', str(query_cov),
+            '--strand', strand,
+            '--maxaccepts', str(maxaccepts),
+            '--maxrejects', str(maxrejects),
+            '--db', ref_fp,
+            '--threads', str(threads),
+        ]
     if top_hits_only:
     if output_no_hits:
@@ -58,11 +85,52 @@ def classify_consensus_vsearch(query: DNAFASTAFormat,
         cmd.extend(['--weak_id', str(weak_id)])
     if maxhits != 'all':
         cmd.extend(['--maxhits', str(maxhits)])
-    cmd.append('--blast6out')
-    consensus = _consensus_assignments(
-        cmd, reference_taxonomy, min_consensus=min_consensus,
-        unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
-    return consensus
+    output = BLAST6Format()
+    cmd.extend(['--blast6out', str(output)])
+    _run_command(cmd)
+    return output
+def classify_consensus_vsearch(ctx,
+                               query,
+                               reference_reads,
+                               reference_taxonomy,
+                               maxaccepts=DEFAULTMAXACCEPTS,
+                               perc_identity=DEFAULTPERCENTID,
+                               query_cov=DEFAULTQUERYCOV,
+                               strand=DEFAULTSTRAND,
+                               search_exact=DEFAULTSEARCHEXACT,
+                               top_hits_only=DEFAULTTOPHITS,
+                               maxhits=DEFAULTMAXHITS,
+                               maxrejects=DEFAULTMAXREJECTS,
+                               output_no_hits=DEFAULTOUTPUTNOHITS,
+                               weak_id=DEFAULTWEAKID,
+                               threads=DEFAULTTHREADS,
+                               min_consensus=DEFAULTMINCONSENSUS,
+                               unassignable_label=DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL):
+    search_db = ctx.get_action('feature_classifier', 'vsearch_global')
+    lca = ctx.get_action('feature_classifier', 'find_consensus_annotation')
+    result, = search_db(query=query, reference_reads=reference_reads,
+                        maxaccepts=maxaccepts, perc_identity=perc_identity,
+                        query_cov=query_cov, strand=strand,
+                        search_exact=search_exact, top_hits_only=top_hits_only,
+                        maxhits=maxhits, maxrejects=maxrejects,
+                        output_no_hits=output_no_hits, weak_id=weak_id,
+                        threads=threads)
+    consensus, = lca(search_results=result,
+                     reference_taxonomy=reference_taxonomy,
+                     min_consensus=min_consensus,
+                     unassignable_label=unassignable_label)
+    # New: add BLAST6Format result as an output. This could just as well be a
+    # visualizer generated from these results (using q2-metadata tabulate).
+    # Would that be more useful to the user that the QZA?
+    return consensus, result
+def _annotate_method(taxa, method):
+    taxa = taxa.view(pd.DataFrame)
+    taxa['Method'] = method
+    return qiime2.Artifact.import_data('FeatureData[Taxonomy]', taxa)
 def classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(ctx,
@@ -70,17 +138,17 @@ def classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(ctx,
-                                    maxaccepts=10,
+                                    maxaccepts=DEFAULTMAXACCEPTS,
-                                    query_cov=0.8,
-                                    strand='both',
-                                    min_consensus=0.51,
-                                    maxhits='all',
-                                    maxrejects='all',
+                                    query_cov=DEFAULTQUERYCOV,
+                                    strand=DEFAULTSTRAND,
+                                    min_consensus=DEFAULTMINCONSENSUS,
+                                    maxhits=DEFAULTMAXHITS,
+                                    maxrejects=DEFAULTMAXREJECTS,
-                                    threads=1,
+                                    threads=DEFAULTTHREADS,
@@ -108,11 +176,13 @@ def classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(ctx,
                 perc_query_aligned=query_cov, threads=threads)
     # find exact matches, perform LCA consensus classification
-    taxa1, = ccv(query=query, reference_reads=reference_reads,
-                 reference_taxonomy=reference_taxonomy, maxaccepts=maxaccepts,
-                 strand=strand, min_consensus=min_consensus,
-                 search_exact=True, threads=threads, maxhits=maxhits,
-                 maxrejects=maxrejects, output_no_hits=True)
+    # note: we only keep the taxonomic assignments, not the search report
+    taxa1, _, = ccv(
+        query=query, reference_reads=reference_reads,
+        reference_taxonomy=reference_taxonomy, maxaccepts=maxaccepts,
+        strand=strand, min_consensus=min_consensus, search_exact=True,
+        threads=threads, maxhits=maxhits, maxrejects=maxrejects,
+        output_no_hits=True)
     # Annotate taxonomic assignments with classification method
     taxa1 = _annotate_method(taxa1, 'VSEARCH')
@@ -121,7 +191,7 @@ def classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(ctx,
     # filter out unassigned seqs
         query, = filter_seqs(sequences=query, taxonomy=taxa1,
-                             include=_get_default_unassignable_label())
+                             include=DEFAULTUNASSIGNABLELABEL)
     except ValueError:
         # get ValueError if all sequences are filtered out.
         # so if no sequences are unassigned, return exact match results
@@ -140,26 +210,24 @@ def classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(ctx,
     return taxa
-output_descriptions = {
-    'classification': 'The resulting taxonomy classifications.'}
 parameters = {'maxaccepts': Int % Range(1, None) | Str % Choices(['all']),
               'perc_identity': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
               'query_cov': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True),
               'strand': Str % Choices(['both', 'plus']),
-              'min_consensus': Float % Range(0.5, 1.0, inclusive_end=True,
-                                             inclusive_start=False),
               'threads': Int % Range(1, None),
               'maxhits': Int % Range(1, None) | Str % Choices(['all']),
               'maxrejects': Int % Range(1, None) | Str % Choices(['all'])}
+extra_params = {'search_exact': Bool,
+                'top_hits_only': Bool,
+                'output_no_hits': Bool,
+                'weak_id': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True)}
 inputs = {'query': FeatureData[Sequence],
-          'reference_reads': FeatureData[Sequence],
-          'reference_taxonomy': FeatureData[Taxonomy]}
+          'reference_reads': FeatureData[Sequence]}
-input_descriptions = {'query': 'Sequences to classify taxonomically.',
-                      'reference_reads': 'reference sequences.',
-                      'reference_taxonomy': 'reference taxonomy labels.'}
+input_descriptions = {'query': 'Query Sequences.',
+                      'reference_reads': 'Reference sequences.'}
 parameter_descriptions = {
     'strand': 'Align against reference sequences in forward ("plus") '
@@ -184,8 +252,6 @@ parameter_descriptions = {
     'query_cov': 'Reject match if query alignment coverage per high-'
                  'scoring pair is lower.',
-    'min_consensus': 'Minimum fraction of assignments must match top '
-                     'hit to be accepted as consensus assignment.',
     'threads': 'Number of threads to use for job parallelization.',
     'maxhits': 'Maximum number of hits to show once the search is terminated.',
     'maxrejects': 'Maximum number of non-matching target sequences to '
@@ -193,55 +259,92 @@ parameter_descriptions = {
                   'pair with maxaccepts (see maxaccepts description for '
-outputs = [('classification', FeatureData[Taxonomy])]
+extra_param_descriptions = {
+    'search_exact': 'Search for exact full-length matches to the query '
+                    'sequences. Only 100% exact matches are reported and this '
+                    'command is much faster than the default. If True, the '
+                    'perc_identity, query_cov, maxaccepts, and maxrejects '
+                    'settings are ignored. Note: query and reference reads '
+                    'must be trimmed to the exact same DNA locus (e.g., '
+                    'primer site) because only exact matches will be '
+                    'reported.',
+    'top_hits_only': 'Only the top hits between the query and reference '
+                     'sequence sets are reported. For each query, the top '
+                     'hit is the one presenting the highest percentage of '
+                     'identity. Multiple equally scored top hits will be '
+                     'used for consensus taxonomic assignment if '
+                     'maxaccepts is greater than 1.',
+    'output_no_hits': 'Report both matching and non-matching queries. '
+                      'WARNING: always use the default setting for this '
+                      'option unless if you know what you are doing! If '
+                      'you set this option to False, your sequences and '
+                      'feature table will need to be filtered to exclude '
+                      'unclassified sequences, otherwise you may run into '
+                      'errors downstream from missing feature IDs.',
+    'weak_id': 'Show hits with percentage of identity of at least N, '
+               'without terminating the search. A normal search stops as '
+               'soon as enough hits are found (as defined by maxaccepts, '
+               'maxrejects, and perc_identity). As weak_id reports weak '
+               'hits that are not deduced from maxaccepts, high '
+               'perc_identity values can be used, hence preserving both '
+               'speed and sensitivity. Logically, weak_id must be smaller '
+               'than the value indicated by perc_identity, otherwise this '
+               'option will be ignored.',
+classification_output = ('classification', FeatureData[Taxonomy])
+classification_output_description = {
+    'classification': 'Taxonomy classifications of query sequences.'}
+blast6_output = ('search_results', FeatureData[BLAST6])
+blast6_output_description = {'search_results': 'Top hits for each query.'}
 ignore_prefilter = ' This parameter is ignored if `prefilter` is disabled.'
-    function=classify_consensus_vsearch,
+    function=vsearch_global,
-                'unassignable_label': Str,
-                'search_exact': Bool,
-                'top_hits_only': Bool,
-                'output_no_hits': Bool,
-                'weak_id': Float % Range(0.0, 1.0, inclusive_end=True)},
-    outputs=outputs,
+                **extra_params},
+    outputs=[blast6_output],
-        'search_exact': 'Search for exact full-length matches to the query '
-                        'sequences. Only 100% exact matches are reported and '
-                        'this command is much faster than the default. If '
-                        'True, the perc_identity and query_cov settings are '
-                        'ignored. Note: query and reference reads must be '
-                        'trimmed to the exact same DNA locus (e.g., primer '
-                        'site) because only exact matches will be reported.',
-        'top_hits_only': 'Only the top hits between the query and reference '
-                         'sequence sets are reported. For each query, the top '
-                         'hit is the one presenting the highest percentage of '
-                         'identity. Multiple equally scored top hits will be '
-                         'used for consensus taxonomic assignment if '
-                         'maxaccepts is greater than 1.',
-        'output_no_hits': 'Report both matching and non-matching queries. '
-                          'WARNING: always use the default setting for this '
-                          'option unless if you know what you are doing! If '
-                          'you set this option to False, your sequences and '
-                          'feature table will need to be filtered to exclude '
-                          'unclassified sequences, otherwise you may run into '
-                          'errors downstream from missing feature IDs.',
-        'weak_id': 'Show hits with percentage of identity of at least N, '
-                   'without terminating the search. A normal search stops as '
-                   'soon as enough hits are found (as defined by maxaccepts, '
-                   'maxrejects, and perc_identity). As weak_id reports weak '
-                   'hits that are not deduced from maxaccepts, high '
-                   'perc_identity values can be used, hence preserving both '
-                   'speed and sensitivity. Logically, weak_id must be smaller '
-                   'than the value indicated by perc_identity, otherwise this '
-                   'option will be ignored.',
+        **extra_param_descriptions,
+    },
+    output_descriptions=blast6_output_description,
+    name='VSEARCH global alignment search',
+    description=('Search for top hits in a reference database via global '
+                 'alignment between the query sequences and reference '
+                 'database sequences using VSEARCH. Returns a report of the '
+                 'top M hits for each query (where M=maxaccepts or maxhits).'),
+    citations=[citations['rognes2016vsearch']]
+    function=classify_consensus_vsearch,
+    inputs={**inputs,
+            'reference_taxonomy': FeatureData[Taxonomy]},
+    parameters={**parameters,
+                **extra_params,
+                **min_consensus_param,
+                'unassignable_label': Str,
+                },
+    outputs=[classification_output, blast6_output],
+    input_descriptions={**input_descriptions,
+                        'reference_taxonomy': 'Reference taxonomy labels.'},
+    parameter_descriptions={
+        **parameter_descriptions,
+        **extra_param_descriptions,
+        **min_consensus_param_description,
+        'unassignable_label': 'Annotation given to sequences without any hits.'
-    output_descriptions=output_descriptions,
+    output_descriptions={**classification_output_description,
+                         **blast6_output_description},
     name='VSEARCH-based consensus taxonomy classifier',
     description=('Assign taxonomy to query sequences using VSEARCH. Performs '
                  'VSEARCH global alignment between query and reference_reads, '
@@ -256,21 +359,26 @@ plugin.methods.register_function(
-    inputs={**inputs, 'classifier': TaxonomicClassifier},
+    inputs={**inputs,
+            'reference_taxonomy': FeatureData[Taxonomy],
+            'classifier': TaxonomicClassifier},
+                **min_consensus_param,
                 'reads_per_batch': _classify_parameters['reads_per_batch'],
                 'confidence': _classify_parameters['confidence'],
                 'read_orientation': _classify_parameters['read_orientation'],
                 'prefilter': Bool,
                 'sample_size': Int % Range(1, None),
                 'randseed': Int % Range(0, None)},
-    outputs=outputs,
+    outputs=[classification_output],
+                        'reference_taxonomy': 'Reference taxonomy labels.',
                         'classifier': 'Pre-trained sklearn taxonomic '
                                       'classifier for classifying the reads.'},
         **{k: parameter_descriptions[k] for k in [
-            'strand', 'maxaccepts', 'min_consensus', 'threads']},
+            'strand', 'maxaccepts', 'threads']},
+        **min_consensus_param_description,
         'perc_identity': 'Percent sequence similarity to use for PREFILTER. ' +
                          parameter_descriptions['perc_identity'] + ' Set to a '
                          'lower value to perform a rough pre-filter.' +
@@ -301,7 +409,7 @@ plugin.pipelines.register_function(
                     'the same output, which is useful for replicability. Set '
                     'to 0 to use a pseudo-random seed.' + ignore_prefilter,
-    output_descriptions=output_descriptions,
+    output_descriptions=classification_output_description,
     name='ALPHA Hybrid classifier: VSEARCH exact match + sklearn classifier',
     description=('NOTE: THIS PIPELINE IS AN ALPHA RELEASE. Please report bugs '
                  'to https://forum.qiime2.org!\n'

@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ from qiime2.plugin.testing import TestPluginBase
 class FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase(TestPluginBase):
+    package = 'q2_feature_classifier.tests'
     def setUp(self):
             from q2_feature_classifier.plugin_setup import plugin

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1111561	1111561	100.000	75	0	0	1	75	44	118	7.50e-34	139
+1111561	574274	92.308	78	2	4	1	75	44	120	2.11e-24	108
+835097	835097	100.000	80	0	0	1	80	52	131	1.36e-36	148

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@


@@ -7,96 +7,197 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 import pandas as pd
+import pandas.testing as pdt
 from qiime2.sdk import Artifact
-from qiime2.plugins import feature_classifier
 from q2_feature_classifier._skl import _specific_fitters
-from q2_feature_classifier._blast import classify_consensus_blast
-from q2_feature_classifier._vsearch import classify_consensus_vsearch
 from q2_feature_classifier._consensus_assignment import (
-    _compute_consensus_annotation,
+    _lca_consensus,
-    _import_blast_format_assignments,
-    _output_no_hits)
+    _blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists,
+    _taxa_to_cumulative_ranks)
 from q2_types.feature_data import DNAFASTAFormat
 from . import FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase
+from qiime2.plugins import feature_classifier as qfc
-class ConsensusAssignmentsTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
-    package = 'q2_feature_classifier.tests'
+class SequenceSearchTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
     def setUp(self):
-        taxonomy = Artifact.import_data(
-            'FeatureData[Taxonomy]', self.get_data_path('taxonomy.tsv'))
-        self.taxonomy = taxonomy.view(pd.Series)
-        # TODO: use `Artifact.import_data` here once we have a transformer
-        # for DNASequencesDirectoryFormat -> DNAFASTAFormat
-        self.reads_fp = self.get_data_path('se-dna-sequences.fasta')
-        self.reads = DNAFASTAFormat(self.reads_fp, mode='r')
+        self.query = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Sequence]', self.get_data_path('query-seqs.fasta'))
+        self.ref = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Sequence]',
+            self.get_data_path('se-dna-sequences.fasta'))
-    # Make sure blast and vsearch produce expected outputs
-    # but there is no "right" taxonomy assignment.
     def test_blast(self):
-        result = classify_consensus_blast(self.reads, self.reads,
-                                          self.taxonomy)
-        res = result.Taxon.to_dict()
-        tax = self.taxonomy.to_dict()
-        right = 0.
-        for taxon in res:
-            right += tax[taxon].startswith(res[taxon])
-        self.assertGreater(right/len(res), 0.5)
+        result, = qfc.actions.blast(
+            self.query, self.ref, maxaccepts=3, perc_identity=0.9)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({
+            'qseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '1111561', 2: '1111561', 3: '835097',
+                       4: 'junk'},
+            'sseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '574274', 2: '149351', 3: '835097',
+                       4: '*'},
+            'pident': {0: 100.0, 1: 92.308, 2: 91.781, 3: 100.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'length': {0: 75.0, 1: 78.0, 2: 73.0, 3: 80.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'mismatch': {0: 0.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'gapopen': {0: 0.0, 1: 4.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'qstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'qend': {0: 75.0, 1: 75.0, 2: 71.0, 3: 80.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'sstart': {0: 24.0, 1: 24.0, 2: 24.0, 3: 32.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'send': {0: 98.0, 1: 100.0, 2: 96.0, 3: 111.0, 4: 0.0},
+            'evalue': {0: 8.35e-36, 1: 2.36e-26, 2: 3.94e-24,
+                       3: 1.5000000000000002e-38, 4: 0.0},
+            'bitscore': {0: 139.0, 1: 108.0, 2: 100.0, 3: 148.0, 4: 0.0}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(result.view(pd.DataFrame), exp)
+    def test_blast_no_output_no_hits(self):
+        result, = qfc.actions.blast(
+            self.query, self.ref, maxaccepts=3, perc_identity=0.9,
+            output_no_hits=False)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({
+            'qseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '1111561', 2: '1111561', 3: '835097'},
+            'sseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '574274', 2: '149351', 3: '835097'},
+            'pident': {0: 100.0, 1: 92.308, 2: 91.781, 3: 100.0},
+            'length': {0: 75.0, 1: 78.0, 2: 73.0, 3: 80.0},
+            'mismatch': {0: 0.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 0.0},
+            'gapopen': {0: 0.0, 1: 4.0, 2: 2.0, 3: 0.0},
+            'qstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 1.0},
+            'qend': {0: 75.0, 1: 75.0, 2: 71.0, 3: 80.0},
+            'sstart': {0: 24.0, 1: 24.0, 2: 24.0, 3: 32.0},
+            'send': {0: 98.0, 1: 100.0, 2: 96.0, 3: 111.0},
+            'evalue': {0: 8.35e-36, 1: 2.36e-26, 2: 3.94e-24,
+                       3: 1.5000000000000002e-38},
+            'bitscore': {0: 139.0, 1: 108.0, 2: 100.0, 3: 148.0}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(result.view(pd.DataFrame), exp)
+    def test_vsearch_global(self):
+        result, = qfc.actions.vsearch_global(
+            self.query, self.ref, maxaccepts=3, perc_identity=0.9)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({
+            'qseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097', 2: 'junk'},
+            'sseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097', 2: '*'},
+            'pident': {0: 100.0, 1: 100.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'length': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'mismatch': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'gapopen': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'qstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'qend': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'sstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'send': {0: 150.0, 1: 150.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'evalue': {0: -1.0, 1: -1.0, 2: -1.0},
+            'bitscore': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(
+            result.view(pd.DataFrame), exp, check_names=False)
+    def test_vsearch_global_no_output_no_hits(self):
+        result, = qfc.actions.vsearch_global(
+            self.query, self.ref, maxaccepts=3, perc_identity=0.9,
+            output_no_hits=False)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({
+            'qseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097'},
+            'sseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097'},
+            'pident': {0: 100.0, 1: 100.0},
+            'length': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0},
+            'mismatch': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0},
+            'gapopen': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0},
+            'qstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0},
+            'qend': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0},
+            'sstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0},
+            'send': {0: 150.0, 1: 150.0},
+            'evalue': {0: -1.0, 1: -1.0},
+            'bitscore': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(
+            result.view(pd.DataFrame), exp, check_names=False)
+    def test_vsearch_global_permissive(self):
+        result, = qfc.actions.vsearch_global(
+            self.query, self.ref, maxaccepts=1, perc_identity=0.8,
+            query_cov=0.2)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({
+            'qseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097', 2: 'junk'},
+            'sseqid': {0: '1111561', 1: '835097', 2: '4314518'},
+            'pident': {0: 100.0, 1: 100.0, 2: 90.0},
+            'length': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0, 2: 20.0},
+            'mismatch': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 2.0},
+            'gapopen': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0},
+            'qstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0},
+            'qend': {0: 75.0, 1: 80.0, 2: 100.0},
+            'sstart': {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 1.0},
+            'send': {0: 150.0, 1: 150.0, 2: 95.0},
+            'evalue': {0: -1.0, 1: -1.0, 2: -1.0},
+            'bitscore': {0: 0.0, 1: 0.0, 2: 0.0}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(
+            result.view(pd.DataFrame), exp, check_names=False)
+# setting up utility test for comparing series below
+def series_is_subset(expected, observed):
+    # join observed and expected results to compare
+    joined = pd.concat([expected, observed], axis=1, join='inner')
+    # check that all observed results are at least a substring of expected
+    # (this should usually be the case, unless if consensus classification
+    # did very badly, e.g., resulting in unclassified)
+    compared = joined.apply(lambda x: x[0].startswith(x[1]), axis=1)
+    # in the original tests we set a threshold of 50% for subsets... most
+    # should be but in some cases misclassification could occur, or dodgy
+    # annotations that screw up the LCA. So just check that we have at least
+    # as many             TRUE     as                 FALSE.
+    return len(compared[compared]) >= len(compared[~compared])
-    def test_vsearch(self):
-        result = classify_consensus_vsearch(self.reads, self.reads,
-                                            self.taxonomy)
-        res = result.Taxon.to_dict()
-        tax = self.taxonomy.to_dict()
-        right = 0.
-        for taxon in res:
-            right += tax[taxon].startswith(res[taxon])
-        self.assertGreater(right/len(res), 0.5)
-    def test_vsearch_search_exact(self):
-        result = classify_consensus_vsearch(self.reads, self.reads,
-                                            self.taxonomy, search_exact=True)
-        res = result.Taxon.to_dict()
-        tax = self.taxonomy.to_dict()
-        right = 0.
-        for taxon in res:
-            right += tax[taxon].startswith(res[taxon])
-        self.assertGreater(right/len(res), 0.5)
+class ConsensusAssignmentsTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
-    def test_vsearch_top_hits_only(self):
-        result = classify_consensus_vsearch(self.reads, self.reads,
-                                            self.taxonomy, top_hits_only=True)
-        res = result.Taxon.to_dict()
-        tax = self.taxonomy.to_dict()
-        right = 0.
-        for taxon in res:
-            right += tax[taxon].startswith(res[taxon])
-        self.assertGreater(right/len(res), 0.5)
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.taxonomy = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Taxonomy]', self.get_data_path('taxonomy.tsv'))
+        self.reads = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Sequence]',
+            self.get_data_path('se-dna-sequences.fasta'))
+        self.exp = self.taxonomy.view(pd.Series)
+    # Make sure blast and vsearch produce expected outputs
+    # but there is no "right" taxonomy assignment.
+    # TODO: the results should be deterministic, so we should check expected
+    # search and/or taxonomy classification outputs.
+    def test_classify_consensus_blast(self):
+        result, _, = qfc.actions.classify_consensus_blast(
+            self.reads, self.reads, self.taxonomy)
+        self.assertTrue(series_is_subset(self.exp, result.view(pd.Series)))
+    def test_classify_consensus_vsearch(self):
+        result, _, = qfc.actions.classify_consensus_vsearch(
+            self.reads, self.reads, self.taxonomy)
+        self.assertTrue(series_is_subset(self.exp, result.view(pd.Series)))
+    # search_exact with all other exposed params to confirm compatibility
+    # in future releases of vsearch
+    def test_classify_consensus_vsearch_search_exact(self):
+        result, _, = qfc.actions.classify_consensus_vsearch(
+            self.reads, self.reads, self.taxonomy, search_exact=True,
+            top_hits_only=True, output_no_hits=True, weak_id=0.9, maxhits=10)
+        self.assertTrue(series_is_subset(self.exp, result.view(pd.Series)))
+    def test_classify_consensus_vsearch_top_hits_only(self):
+        result, _, = qfc.actions.classify_consensus_vsearch(
+            self.reads, self.reads, self.taxonomy, top_hits_only=True)
+        self.assertTrue(series_is_subset(self.exp, result.view(pd.Series)))
     # make sure weak_id and other parameters do not conflict with each other.
     # This test just makes sure the command runs okay with all options.
     # We are not in the business of debugging VSEARCH, but want to have this
     # test as a canary in the coal mine.
-    def test_vsearch_the_works(self):
-        result = classify_consensus_vsearch(self.reads, self.reads,
-                                            self.taxonomy, top_hits_only=True,
-                                            maxhits=1, maxrejects=10,
-                                            weak_id=0.8, perc_identity=0.99,
-                                            output_no_hits=False)
-        res = result.Taxon.to_dict()
-        tax = self.taxonomy.to_dict()
-        right = 0.
-        for taxon in res:
-            right += tax[taxon].startswith(res[taxon])
-        self.assertGreater(right/len(res), 0.5)
+    def test_classify_consensus_vsearch_the_works(self):
+        result, _, = qfc.actions.classify_consensus_vsearch(
+            self.reads, self.reads, self.taxonomy, top_hits_only=True,
+            maxhits=1, maxrejects=10, weak_id=0.8, perc_identity=0.99,
+            output_no_hits=False)
+        self.assertTrue(series_is_subset(self.exp, result.view(pd.Series)))
 class HybridClassiferTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
-    package = 'q2_feature_classifier.tests'
     def setUp(self):
@@ -110,7 +211,7 @@ class HybridClassiferTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
         reads = DNAFASTAFormat(reads_fp, mode='r')
         self.reads = Artifact.import_data('FeatureData[Sequence]', reads)
-        fitter = getattr(feature_classifier.methods,
+        fitter = getattr(qfc.methods,
                          'fit_classifier_' + _specific_fitters[0][0])
         self.classifier = fitter(self.reads, self.taxartifact).classifier
@@ -124,11 +225,11 @@ class HybridClassiferTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
     def test_classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn_all_exact_match(self):
-        result, = feature_classifier.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
+        result, = qfc.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
             query=self.reads, reference_reads=self.reads,
             reference_taxonomy=self.taxartifact, classifier=self.classifier,
-        result, = feature_classifier.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
+        result, = qfc.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
             query=self.reads, reference_reads=self.reads,
             reference_taxonomy=self.taxartifact, classifier=self.classifier)
         result = result.view(pd.DataFrame)
@@ -141,7 +242,7 @@ class HybridClassiferTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
     def test_classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn_mixed_query(self):
-        result, = feature_classifier.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
+        result, = qfc.actions.classify_hybrid_vsearch_sklearn(
             query=self.query, reference_reads=self.reads,
             reference_taxonomy=self.taxartifact, classifier=self.classifier,
             prefilter=True, read_orientation='same', randseed=1001)
@@ -159,80 +260,104 @@ class HybridClassiferTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
 class ImportBlastAssignmentTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
-    def test_import_blast_format_assignments(self):
-        in_ = ['# This is a blast comment line',
-               's1\t111\t100.000\t1428\t0\t0\t1\t1428\t1\t1428\t0.0\t2638',
-               's1\t112\t100.000\t1479\t0\t0\t1\t1479\t1\t1479\t0.0\t2732',
-               's2\t113\t100.000\t1336\t0\t0\t1\t1336\t1\t1336\t0.0\t2468',
-               's2\t114\t100.000\t1402\t0\t0\t1\t1402\t1\t1402\t0.0\t2582']
-        ref = {'111': 'Aa;Bb;Cc',
-               '112': 'Aa;Bb;Cc',
-               '113': 'Aa;Dd;Ee',
-               '114': 'Aa;Dd;Ff'}
-        ref = pd.Series(ref)
-        obs = _import_blast_format_assignments(in_, ref)
-        exp = {'s1': [['Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc'], ['Aa', 'Bb', 'Cc']],
-               's2': [['Aa', 'Dd', 'Ee'], ['Aa', 'Dd', 'Ff']]}
-        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
-# This code has been ported from QIIME 1.9.1 with permission from @gregcaporaso
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        result = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[BLAST6]', self.get_data_path('blast6-format.tsv'))
+        self.result = result.view(pd.DataFrame)
+        taxonomy = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Taxonomy]', self.get_data_path('taxonomy.tsv'))
+        self.taxonomy = taxonomy.view(pd.Series)
+    def test_blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists(self):
+        # and add in a query without any hits, to check that it is parsed
+        self.result.loc[3] = ['junk', '*'] + [''] * 10
+        obs = _blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists(self.result, self.taxonomy)
+        exp = pd.Series(
+            {'1111561': [
+                'k__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria; c__Gammaproteobacteria; '
+                'o__Legionellales; f__; g__; s__',
+                'k__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria; c__Gammaproteobacteria; '
+                'o__Legionellales; f__Coxiellaceae; g__; s__'],
+             '835097': [
+                'k__Bacteria; p__Chloroflexi; c__SAR202; o__; f__; g__; s__'],
+             'junk': ['Unassigned']},
+            name='sseqid')
+        exp.index.name = 'qseqid'
+        pdt.assert_series_equal(exp, obs)
+    # should fail when hit IDs are missing from reference taxonomy
+    # in this case 1128818 is missing
+    def test_blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists_fail_on_missing_ids(self):
+        # add a bad idea
+        self.result.loc[3] = ['junk', 'lost-id'] + [''] * 10
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, "results do not match.*lost-id"):
+            _blast6format_df_to_series_of_lists(self.result, self.taxonomy)
 class ConsensusAnnotationTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
+    def test_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(self):
+        taxa = ['a;b;c', 'a;b;d', 'a;g;g']
+        exp = [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'], ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;d'],
+               ['a', 'a;g', 'a;g;g']]
+        self.assertEqual(_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa), exp)
+    def test_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks_with_uneven_ranks(self):
+        taxa = ['a;b;c', 'a;b;d', 'a;g;g;somemoregarbage']
+        exp = [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'], ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;d'],
+               ['a', 'a;g', 'a;g;g', 'a;g;g;somemoregarbage']]
+        self.assertEqual(_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa), exp)
+    def test_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks_with_one_entry(self):
+        taxa = ['a;b;c']
+        exp = [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c']]
+        self.assertEqual(_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa), exp)
+    def test_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks_with_empty_list(self):
+        taxa = ['']
+        exp = [['']]
+        self.assertEqual(_taxa_to_cumulative_ranks(taxa), exp)
     def test_varied_min_fraction(self):
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Jk']]
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;De'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg'], 2. / 3.)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc;Fg', 0.667)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
         # increased min_consensus_fraction yields decreased specificity
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.99, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc'], 1.0)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.99, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc', 1.0)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
     def test_single_annotation(self):
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De']]
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;De']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 1.0, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'], 1.0)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 1.0, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc;De', 1.0)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.501, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'], 1.0)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.501, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc;De', 1.0)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
     def test_no_consensus(self):
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'],
-               ['Cd', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ef', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Jk']]
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;De'],
+               ['Cd', 'Cd;Bc', 'Cd;Bc;Fg', 'Cd;Bc;Fg;Hi'],
+               ['Ef', 'Ef;Bc', 'Ef;Bc;Fg', 'Ef;Bc;Fg;Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Unassigned'], 1.)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Unassigned', 0.)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(
+        actual = _lca_consensus(
                     in_, 0.51, unassignable_label="Hello world!")
-        expected = (['Hello world!'], 1.)
+        expected = ('Hello world!', 0.)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-    def test_invalid_min_consensus_fraction(self):
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Jk']]
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _compute_consensus_annotation, in_,
-                          0.50, "Unassigned")
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _compute_consensus_annotation, in_,
-                          0.00, "Unassigned")
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _compute_consensus_annotation, in_,
-                          -0.1, "Unassigned")
     def test_overlapping_names(self):
         # here the 3rd level is different, but the 4th level is the same
         # across the three assignments. this can happen in practice if
@@ -240,11 +365,11 @@ class ConsensusAnnotationTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
         # an unnamed species
         # (e.g., f__x;g__A;s__, f__x;g__B;s__, f__x;g__B;s__)
         # in this case, the assignment should be f__x.
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'De', 'Jk'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Jk'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Hi', 'Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc'], 1.)
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;De', 'Ab;Bc;De;Jk'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Jk'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Hi;Jk']]
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc', 1.)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
         # here the third level is the same in 4/5 of the
@@ -252,94 +377,83 @@ class ConsensusAnnotationTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
         # different taxa since the higher levels are different.
         # the consensus value should be 3/5, not 4/5, to
         # reflect that.
-        in_ = [['a', 'b', 'c'],
-               ['a', 'd', 'e'],
-               ['a', 'b', 'c'],
-               ['a', 'b', 'c'],
-               ['z', 'y', 'c']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['a', 'b', 'c'], 0.6)
+        in_ = [['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'],
+               ['a', 'a;d', 'a;d;e'],
+               ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'],
+               ['a', 'a;b', 'a;b;c'],
+               ['z', 'z;y', 'z;y;c']]
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('a;b;c', 0.6)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
     def test_adjusts_resolution(self):
         # max result depth is that of shallowest assignment
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi', 'Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg'], 1.0)
+        # Reading this test now, I am not entirely sure that this is how
+        # such cases should be handled. Technically such a case should not
+        # arise (as the dbs should have even ranks) so we can leave this for
+        # now, and it is arguable, but in this case I think that majority
+        # should rule. We use `zip` but might want to consider `zip_longest`.
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi;Jk']]
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc;Fg', 1.0)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-        in_ = [['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi', 'Jk'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi', 'Jk'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi', 'Jk'],
-               ['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg', 'Hi', 'Jk']]
+        in_ = [['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi;Jk'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi;Jk'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi;Jk'],
+               ['Ab', 'Ab;Bc', 'Ab;Bc;Fg', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi', 'Ab;Bc;Fg;Hi;Jk']]
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotation(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
-        expected = (['Ab', 'Bc', 'Fg'], 1.0)
+        actual = _lca_consensus(in_, 0.51, "Unassigned")
+        expected = ('Ab;Bc;Fg', 1.0)
         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-# This code has been ported from QIIME 1.9.1 with permission from @gregcaporaso
+# More edge cases are tested for the internals above, so the tests here are
+# made slim to just test the overarching functions.
 class ConsensusAnnotationsTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
     def test_varied_fraction(self):
-        in_ = {'q1': [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
-                      ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E']],
-               'q2': [['A', 'H', 'I', 'J'],
-                      ['A', 'H', 'K', 'L', 'M'],
-                      ['A', 'H', 'I', 'J']],
-               'q3': [[]],
-               'q4': [[]],
-               'q5': [[]]}
-        expected = {'q1': ('A;B;C', 1.0),
-                    'q2': ('A;H;I;J', 2. / 3.),
-                    'q3': ('Unassigned', 1.0),
-                    'q4': ('Unassigned', 1.0),
-                    'q5': ('Unassigned', 1.0)}
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotations(in_, 0.51)
-        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-        expected = {'q1': ('A;B;C', 1.0),
-                    'q2': ('A;H', 1.0),
-                    'q3': ('Unassigned', 1.0),
-                    'q4': ('Unassigned', 1.0),
-                    'q5': ('Unassigned', 1.0)}
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotations(in_, 0.99)
-        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-    def test_varied_label(self):
-        in_ = {'q1': [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
-                      ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E']],
-               'q2': [['A', 'H', 'I', 'J'],
-                      ['A', 'H', 'K', 'L', 'M'],
-                      ['A', 'H', 'I', 'J']],
-               'q3': [[]],
-               'q4': [[]],
-               'q5': [[]]}
-        expected = {'q1': ('A;B;C', 1.0),
-                    'q2': ('A;H;I;J', 2. / 3.),
-                    'q3': ('x', 1.0),
-                    'q4': ('x', 1.0),
-                    'q5': ('x', 1.0)}
-        actual = _compute_consensus_annotations(in_, 0.51, "x")
-        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
-class OutputNoHitsTests(FeatureClassifierTestPluginBase):
-    def test_output_no_hits(self):
-        exp = ['>A111', 'ACGTGTGATCGA',
-               '>A112', 'ACTGTCATGTGA',
-               '>A113', 'ACTGTGTCGTGA']
-        obs = {'A111': ('A;B;C;D', 1.0)}
-        res = {'A111': ('A;B;C;D', 1.0),
-               'A112': ('Unassigned', 0.0),
-               'A113': ('Unassigned', 0.0)}
-        consensus = _output_no_hits(obs, exp)
-        self.assertEqual(consensus, res)
+        in_ = pd.Series({'q1': ['A;B;C;D', 'A;B;C;E'],
+                         'q2': ['A;H;I;J', 'A;H;K;L;M', 'A;H;I;J'],
+                         'q3': ['A', 'A', 'B'],
+                         'q4': ['A', 'B'],
+                         'q5': []})
+        expected = pd.DataFrame({
+            'Taxon': {'q1': 'A;B;C', 'q2': 'A;H;I;J', 'q3': 'A',
+                      'q4': 'Unassigned', 'q5': 'Unassigned'},
+            'Consensus': {
+                'q1': 1.0, 'q2': 0.667, 'q3': 0.667, 'q4': 0.0, 'q5': 0.0}})
+        actual = _compute_consensus_annotations(in_, 0.51, 'Unassigned')
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
+        expected = pd.DataFrame({
+            'Taxon': {'q1': 'A;B;C', 'q2': 'A;H', 'q3': 'Unassigned',
+                      'q4': 'Unassigned', 'q5': 'Unassigned'},
+            'Consensus': {
+                'q1': 1.0, 'q2': 1.0, 'q3': 0.0, 'q4': 0.0, 'q5': 0.0}})
+        actual = _compute_consensus_annotations(in_, 0.99, 'Unassigned')
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
+    def test_find_consensus_annotation(self):
+        result = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[BLAST6]', self.get_data_path('blast6-format.tsv'))
+        taxonomy = Artifact.import_data(
+            'FeatureData[Taxonomy]', self.get_data_path('taxonomy.tsv'))
+        consensus, = qfc.actions.find_consensus_annotation(result, taxonomy)
+        obs = consensus.view(pd.DataFrame)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame(
+            {'Taxon': {
+                '1111561': 'k__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria; '
+                           'c__Gammaproteobacteria; o__Legionellales',
+                '835097': 'k__Bacteria; p__Chloroflexi; c__SAR202; o__; f__; '
+                          'g__; s__'},
+             'Consensus': {'1111561': '1.0', '835097': '1.0'}})
+        pdt.assert_frame_equal(exp, obs, check_names=False)

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