[med-svn] [Git][med-team/macs][upstream] New upstream version
Michael R. Crusoe (@crusoe)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Aug 9 11:33:09 BST 2023
Michael R. Crusoe pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / macs
9388a902 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2023-08-09T11:46:34+02:00
New upstream version
- - - - -
27 changed files:
- + .github/workflows/build-and-test-MACS2-macos12.yml
- + .github/workflows/build-and-test-MACS2-non-x64.yml
- + .github/workflows/build-and-test-MACS2-x64.yml
- + .github/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml
- − .travis.yml
- ChangeLog
- MACS2/Constants.py
- − MACS2/IO/BedGraph.c
- − MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.c
- − MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.c
- − MACS2/IO/FixWidthTrack.c
- − MACS2/IO/PairedEndTrack.c
- − MACS2/IO/Parser.c
- − MACS2/IO/PeakIO.c
- − MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.c
- − MACS2/PeakDetect.c
- − MACS2/PeakModel.c
- − MACS2/Pileup.c
- − MACS2/Prob.c
- − MACS2/Signal.c
- − MACS2/Statistics.c
- pyproject.toml
- requirements.txt
- setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions
+name: MACS2 Testing MacOS 12
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: macos-12
+ name: Build on MacOS 12 with Python 3.11
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout MACS
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - name: Cache pip
+ uses: actions/cache at v3
+ with:
+ # This path is specific to Ubuntu
+ path: ~/.cache/pip
+ # Look to see if there is a cache hit for the corresponding requirements file
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}
+ restore-keys: |
+ ${{ runner.os }}-pip-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-
+ - name: Setup venv
+ run: |
+ # create venv
+ python3 -m venv macs2venv
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ # make sure pip is the lastest
+ source macs2venv/bin/activate
+ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip3 install pytest
+ if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt; fi
+ - name: Install MACS
+ run: |
+ # we use pip install instead of old fashion setup.py install
+ source macs2venv/bin/activate
+ pip install .
+ - name: Test with pytest
+ run: |
+ source macs2venv/bin/activate
+ pytest --runxfail && cd test && ./cmdlinetest macs2test
+ - name: Build sdist
+ run: |
+ source macs2venv/bin/activate
+ python setup.py sdist
+ - name: Archive sdist
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+ with:
+ name: sdist file
+ path: |
+ dist/*.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions
+name: MACS2 Testing non x64
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build_job:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ name: Build on ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - arch: armv7
+ distro: bullseye
+ - arch: aarch64
+ distro: bullseye
+ - arch: ppc64le
+ distro: bullseye
+ - arch: s390x
+ distro: bullseye
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout MACS
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - name: Set up arch and run (bullseye Python 3.9)
+ uses: uraimo/run-on-arch-action at v2
+ id: build
+ with:
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ distro: ${{ matrix.distro }}
+ githubToken: ${{ github.token }}
+ # The shell to run commands with in the container
+ shell: /bin/bash
+ # Mount the current working directory (with checked-out codes) as /MACS3 in the container
+ dockerRunArgs: |
+ -v "${PWD}:/MACS2" -u macs2
+ # Create an artifacts directory on runner
+ # Install some dependencies in the container. This speeds up builds if
+ # you are also using githubToken. Any dependencies installed here will
+ # be part of the container image that gets cached, so subsequent
+ # builds don't have to re-install them. The image layer is cached
+ # publicly in your project's package repository, so it is vital that
+ # no secrets are present in the container state or logs.
+ install: |
+ useradd -m macs2
+ mkdir -p /MACS2
+ chown -R macs2:macs2 /MACS2
+ # install dependencies
+ apt-get update -qq -y
+ apt-get install apt-utils
+ apt-get install -yq libblas3 liblapack3 libblas-dev liblapack-dev
+ apt-get install -yq python3 python3-pip python3-wheel
+ apt-get install -yq procps zlib1g zlib1g-dev gfortran
+ run: |
+ echo `uname -a`
+ cd /home/macs2/
+ cp -r /MACS2 .
+ cd MACS2
+ export PATH="/home/macs2/.local/bin:${PATH}"
+ pip3 install --no-cache-dir --user --upgrade pip
+ pip3 install --user --upgrade -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
+ pip3 install --user . --no-cache-dir
+ # run test
+ pytest --runxfail && cd test && ./cmdlinetest macs2
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions
+name: MACS2 Testing CI x64
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.7, 3.11]
+ arch: ['x64']
+ name: Build on x64 with Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout MACS
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ ref: macs_v2
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python at v3
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ architecture: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ - name: Cache pip
+ uses: actions/cache at v3
+ with:
+ # This path is specific to Ubuntu
+ path: ~/.cache/pip
+ # Look to see if there is a cache hit for the corresponding requirements file
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('requirements.txt') }}
+ restore-keys: |
+ ${{ runner.os }}-pip-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip install pytest
+ if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt; fi
+ - name: Install MACS
+ run: |
+ pip install .
+ - name: Test with pytest
+ run: |
+ pytest --runxfail
+ cd test
+ ./cmdlinetest macs2
+ cd ..
+ - name: Build sdist
+ run: |
+ python setup.py sdist
+ - name: Archive sdist
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact at v3
+ with:
+ name: sdist file
+ path: |
+ dist/*.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This workflows will upload a Python Package using Twine when a release is created
+# For more information see: https://help.github.com/en/actions/language-and-framework-guides/using-python-with-github-actions#publishing-to-package-registries
+name: MACS2 Upload to PYPI
+ release:
+ types: [created]
+ deploy:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out MACS2 with submodules
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3 # does macs2 have actions set up ...?
+ with:
+ submodules: 'true'
+ - name: Set up Python
+ uses: actions/setup-python at v3 #does macs2 have actions set up ... ?
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.11'
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt; fi
+ # setuptools, wheel and twine are needed to upload to pypi
+ pip install setuptools wheel twine
+ - name: Build and publish
+ env:
+ run: |
+ python setup.py sdist
+ twine upload dist/*
.travis.yml deleted
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-language: python
-os: linux
-dist: bionic
- include:
- # i386: Intel 32-bit
- # Python is determined by test/Dockerfile
- # Since the docker uses default bionic, python 3.6 is used for this test.
- - name: i386_py3.6
- language: shell
- install: |
- docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes &&
- docker build --rm --build-arg BASE_IMAGE="i386/ubuntu:bionic" -t macs -f test/Dockerfile .
- script: |
- docker run --rm -t macs bash -cx "pytest --runxfail && cd test && ./cmdlinetest macs2"
- - name: amd64_py3.8
- arch: amd64
- python: 3.8
- - name: amd64_py3.7
- arch: amd64
- python: 3.7
- - name: amd64_py3.6
- arch: amd64
- python: 3.6
- - name: arm64_py3.8
- arch: arm64
- python: 3.8
- - name: ppc64le_py3.8
- arch: ppc64le
- python: 3.8
- - name: s390x_py3.8
- arch: s390x
- python: 3.8
- allow_failures:
- # - name: i386_py3.6
- # this one may time out depending on the load on travis CI
- - name: arm64_py3.8
- # - name: ppc64le_py3.8
- # - name: s390x_py3.8
- fast_finish: true
- - pip install --upgrade pip
- - pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
- - python setup.py install
- - pytest --runxfail
- - cd test
- - ./cmdlinetest macs2
- - cd ..
- provider: pypi
- username:
- secure: lguBZWd+H2u4jqWgq4xFrlDnTniJtGm4eGddGpXGWFrhX4qno2YdJMd5S6L+FVUezrwTXLptyWcKSrJRcddAzR5vvXIX0ibpMThiVjXRrQGtlGkuffAXjiCleIk0QxsOafTElHW4zzGXf3us8ECLcdHwcJdJOjJPUSVLjeWJsTVPJqxySq1eWT9I7E8Wh0yeaZ/WiA3Val5Brc7B6P0ZpDnS5Y0bpSDgWb4uCvbkCJhf74Owj7D2yrbrsfM6H/QZRR2zr97d4w8/mserFQSIdM5GnhNyxbWrtgVUDIoNB4o7X+2og+jfvZUEaZu0xEtST39W2Z89++5NxRXYrn7t3Zsr8+V2+mnspQD1ktdeCJtzrgIcuGtLzVIEVS0vu+358qGXaCnjjxxlGymG8sodsUc0c51GfcPxeqla9aYEgasUATRA43NGFBQNZrusN2Ov+bPKST37lVVRJXEVUtYRVcrJz8AJN1Gdim12luQDHBfhjBq2w4Rl2aBBUDWkL5KuE5TQffdzpIqp/47QKVgxqACUG7CJElNwhHoyHP6GhyMnGHMC4hl4FidqXdq9qJOJtZbKJU/kGYPpclnMa82GU9nYb6JEesItVWAtudlbU7Df4X/JHxUfi0E3VgkrZG6XDHFAkU4LBBUBaeMhP4UVlBMyjv6TNhd0LWBqA17Y1zk=
- password:
- secure: 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
- on:
- repo: taoliu/MACS
- tags: true
- condition: $TRAVIS_JOB_NAME =~ ^amd64_py3.8$
- skip_existing: true
- distributions: sdist
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
+2020-07-21 Tao Liu <vladimir.liu at gmail.com>
+ MACS version
+ * Bug fix:
+ Cython has a major upgrade to 3.0, and can't work directly with
+ MACS2 codes, so we changed the requirement for Cython to 0.29.*.
+ Python support has been changed to 3.7 to 3.11. Numpy >=0.19.
+ We tested MACS2 on Mac OS12 through Github Actions as well.
+ Thank @jemajet! #569
+2023-05-12 Philippa Doherty <philippa.doherty at roswellpark.org>
+ MACS version 2.2.8
+ * Bug fix:
+ MACS2 typo in `setup.py`: `numpy>=>=1.17` -> `numpy>=1.17`
+ PR #543, issues #535, #541, #544
+ Now test on and support Python 3.6/3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11
2020-04-11 Tao Liu <vladimir.liu at gmail.com>
MACS version
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Time-stamp: <2019-12-12 13:26:11 taoliu>
+Time-stamp: <2023-07-20 10:26:11 taoliu>
Please check the following instructions to complete your installation.
## Prerequisites
-MACS v2.2.x requires Python3. We have tested MACS in Python3.6, 3.7
-and 3.8.
+MACS v2.2.x requires Python3. We have tested MACS in Python 3.7 to
-MACS also requires [Numpy](http://www.scipy.org/Download) (>=1.17).
+MACS also requires [Numpy](http://www.scipy.org/Download) (>=1.19).
GCC is required to compile `.c` codes in MACS v2 package, and python
header files are needed. If you are using Mac OSX, I recommend you
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ install Xcode; if you are using Linux, you need to make sure
`python-dev` package is installed -- the actual package name depends
on the Linux OS distribution, you are using.
-[Cython](http://cython.org/) is **NOT** required although most of MACS
-codes are written in Cython. But if you plan to generate `.c` files
-from `.pyx` by yourself, you can install Cython (>=0.29), then use
-`setup.py` script.
+[Cython](http://cython.org/) is required to translate .pyx codes to .c
+code. The version of Cython has to be >=0.29 but lower than 3.0.
+If you use `pip` to install MACS2, the installer script will check the
+dependencies and install them when necessary.
## Prepare a virtual Python environment
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ as described before, your `pip` command will install everything under
the folder you specified previously through `python3 -m env` command.
Then under the command line, type `pip install macs2`. PyPI will
-install Numpy automatically if it is absent.
+install Cython and Numpy automatically when necessary.
To upgrade MACS2, type `pip install --upgrade macs2`. It will check
currently installed MACS2, compare the version with the one on PyPI
@@ -62,37 +63,20 @@ kind of Supper Cow Powers.
## Install from source
-MACS uses Python's [setuptools](https://setuptools.readthedocs.io) for
-source code installations. To install a source distribution of MACS,
-unpack the distribution tarball, or clone Git repository with `git
-clone git at github.com:taoliu/MACS.git`. Go to the directory where you
-unpacked MACS, and simply run the install script:
+MACS uses `pip` for source code installations. To install a source
+distribution of MACS, unpack the distribution tarball. Go to the
+directory where you cloned MACS from github, and simply run the
+install command:
- `$ python setup.py install`
+ `$ pip install .`
By default, the script will install python library and executable
codes according to the environment. When you run the command under
-virtualenv, the script will install to the virtual environment
-instead. When you run it without virtual environment, you may need to
-be root or administrator of the machine so as to complete the
-installation. Please contact the system administrator if you want
-their help. If you need to provide a nonstandard install prefix, or
-any other nonstandard options, you can provide many command line
-options to the install script. Use the `--help` option to see a brief
-list of available options:
- `$ python setup.py --help`
-For example, if I want to install everything under my own HOME
-directory, use this command:
- `$ python setup.py install --prefix /home/taoliu/`
-As mentioned in *Prerequisites*, you don't need to install Cython in
-order to install MACS. When Cython is available, this setup script
-will regenerate C codes from Pyx codes when necessary. When Cython is
-not available, this setup script will just use the C codes included in
-the release package (or your Github clone) for installation.
+virtualenv or conda environment, the script will install to the virtual
+environment instead. When you run the command without virtual environment,
+you may need to be root or administrator of the machine so as to
+complete the installation. Please contact the system administrator
+if you want their help.
## Configure environment variables
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FILTERDUP_VERSION = "1.0.0 20140616"
RANDSAMPLE_VERSION = "1.0.0 20120703"
MACS2/IO/BedGraph.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/FixWidthTrack.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/PairedEndTrack.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/Parser.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/PeakIO.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/PeakDetect.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/PeakModel.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/Pileup.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/Prob.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/Signal.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
MACS2/Statistics.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
include README.md LICENSE ChangeLog INSTALL.md MANIFEST.in setup.py bin/macs2 MACS2/cPosValCalculation.c
recursive-include MACS2 *.py *.pyx *.pxd *.c *.h
exclude .gitignore .travis.yml
+global-exclude .ipynb_checkpoints/*
prune test
prune .github
prune DOCKER
@@ -28,7 +28,30 @@ applied to any "DNA enrichment assays" if the question to be asked is
simply: *where we can find significant reads coverage than the random
-## Recent Changes for MACS (
+*Note: new development on MACS has been moved to MACS3 repository,
+we will only fix installation issues on MACS2.*
+## Recent Changes for MACS (
+ * Bug fix:
+ Cython has a major upgrade to 3.0, and can't work directly with
+ MACS2 codes, so we changed the requirement for Cython to 0.29.*.
+ Python support has been changed to 3.7 to 3.11. Numpy >=0.19.
+ We tested MACS2 on Mac OS12 through Github Actions as well.
+ Thank @jemajet! #569
+### 2.2.8
+ * Bug fix:
+ MACS2 typo in 'setup.py': 'numpy>=>=1.17' -> 'numpy>=1.17'
+ PR #543, issues #535, #541, #544
+ Now test on and support Python 3.6/3.7/3.8/3.9/3.10/3.11
* hotfix:
@@ -108,7 +131,11 @@ background*.
## Install
-Please check the file 'INSTALL.md' in the distribution.
+Please check the file 'INSTALL.md' in the distribution. In general,
+you can install through PyPI as `pip install macs2`. To use virtual
+environment is highly recommended. Or you can install after
+unzipping the released package downloaded from Github, then use
+`pip install .` command.
## Usage
@@ -123,7 +150,7 @@ Control.bam -f BAM -g hs -n test -B -q 0.01`
Example for broad peak calling: `macs2 callpeak -t ChIP.bam -c
Control.bam --broad -g hs --broad-cutoff 0.1`
-There are twelve functions available in MAC2S serving as sub-commands.
+There are twelve functions available in MACS2 serving as sub-commands.
Subcommand | Description
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-requires=['pip', 'setuptools>=41.2', 'numpy>=1.17', 'cython>=0.29', 'wheel' ]
+requires=['pip>=21', 'setuptools>=41.2', 'numpy>=1.19', 'Cython~=0.29', 'wheel' ]
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Time-stamp: <2019-12-12 13:04:02 taoliu>
+# Time-stamp: <2023-07-20 09:58:20 Tao Liu>
@@ -12,43 +12,55 @@ the distribution).
import sys
import os
+import re
from setuptools import setup, Extension
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from Cython.Build import cythonize
import subprocess
+import sysconfig
+import numpy
-numpy_requires = '>=1.17'
-install_requires = [f"numpy>={numpy_requires}",]
+install_requires = [ "numpy>=1.19",
+ "cykhash>=2.0,<3.0",
+ "Cython~=0.29" ]
-def main():
- if float(sys.version[:3])<3.6:
- sys.stderr.write("CRITICAL: Python version must >= 3.6!\n")
- sys.exit(1)
+# classifiers
+classifiers =[\
+ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+ 'Environment :: Console',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
+ 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
+ 'Operating System :: POSIX',
+ 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11',
+ 'Programming Language :: Cython',
+ ]
- cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+install_requires = [ "numpy>=1.19",
+ "Cython~=0.29" ]
- # install required numpy
- p = subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", 'pip', 'install', f'numpy{numpy_requires}'],cwd=cwd)
- if p != 0:
- # Could be due to a too old pip version and build isolation, check that
- try:
- # Note, pip may not be installed or not have been used
- import pip
- if LooseVersion(pip.__version__) < LooseVersion('18.0.0'):
- raise RuntimeError("Installing requirements failed. Possibly due "
- "to `pip` being too old, found version {}, "
- "needed is >= 18.0.0.".format(pip.__version__))
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Installing requirements failed!")
- except ImportError:
- raise RuntimeError("Installing requirement failed! `pip` has to be installed!")
+tests_requires = [ 'pytest' ]
+def main():
+ if sys.version_info < (3,7):
+ sys.stderr.write("CRITICAL: Python version must >= 3.7!\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
- from numpy import get_include as numpy_get_include
- numpy_include_dir = [numpy_get_include()]
+ # NumPy include dir
+ numpy_include_dir = [ numpy.get_include() ]
# I intend to use -Ofast, however if gcc version < 4.6, this option is unavailable so...
extra_c_args = ["-w","-O3","-ffast-math","-g0"] # for C, -Ofast implies -O3 and -ffast-math
- ext_modules = [Extension("MACS2.Prob", ["MACS2/Prob.pyx"], libraries=["m"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args ),
+ ext_modules = [ \
+ Extension("MACS2.Prob", ["MACS2/Prob.pyx"], libraries=["m"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args ),
Extension("MACS2.IO.Parser",["MACS2/IO/Parser.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.Pileup", ["MACS2/Pileup.pyx","MACS2/cPosValCalculation.c"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args ),
Extension("MACS2.PeakModel", ["MACS2/PeakModel.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
@@ -61,42 +73,29 @@ def main():
Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraph", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraph.pyx"], libraries=["m"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.ScoreTrack", ["MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args ),
Extension("MACS2.IO.CallPeakUnit", ["MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
- #Extension("MACS2.Statistics", ["MACS2/Statistics.pyx"], libraries=["m"], include_dirs=["MACS2/",numpy_get_include()], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
- ]
+ ]
with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
long_description = fh.read()
- version="",
+ version=MACS_VERSION,
description="Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data",
long_description = long_description,
author='Tao Liu',
author_email='vladimir.liu at gmail.com',
- url='http://github.com/taoliu/MACS/',
+ url = 'http://github.com/macs3-project/MACS/',
package_dir={'MACS2' : 'MACS2'},
packages=['MACS2', 'MACS2.IO'],
scripts=['bin/macs2', ],
- classifiers=[
- 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
- 'Environment :: Console',
- 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
- 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
- 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
- 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
- 'Operating System :: POSIX',
- 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
- 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
- 'Programming Language :: Cython',
- ],
+ classifiers=classifiers,
- setup_requires=install_requires,
- python_requires='>=3.6',
- ext_modules = ext_modules
+ setup_requires=install_requires,
+ tests_require = tests_requires,
+ python_requires='>=3.7',
+ ext_modules = cythonize( ext_modules ),
if __name__ == '__main__':
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