[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/helper-scripts][master] automatic update

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 10 14:43:10 BST 2023

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / helper-scripts

e21be7fc by Andreas Tille at 2023-08-10T13:42:54+00:00
automatic update

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- debian-med-tests.txt
- debian-science-tests.txt
- outdated_med-packages.txt
- python-team-tests.txt


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:04 +0000
  Source                        | Vote   |     Tasks                                           |                                 Tags                                 
@@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  orthanc-wsi                   |     56 | {laboratory,oncology,covid-19,imaging,practice,his} | 
  amide                         |     23 | {imaging}                                           | 
  dicomscope                    |     22 | {imaging}                                           | 
- orthanc-webviewer             |     20 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ orthanc-webviewer             |     21 | {imaging}                                           | 
  orthanc-dicomweb              |     12 | {imaging,covid-19}                                  | 
  gnumed-server                 |      9 | {covid-19,practice}                                 | 
  orthanc-postgresql            |      9 | {imaging}                                           | 
  oscar                         |      9 | {tools,data,practice}                               | 
+ libminc                       |      8 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  orthanc-mysql                 |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
  adun.app                      |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  king                          |      7 | {imaging,typesetting}                               | 
- libminc                       |      7 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
- pixelmed                      |      7 | {imaging}                                           | 
- bart-view                     |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
  mia                           |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
- mrtrix3                       |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
  orthanc-gdcm                  |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ pixelmed                      |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
  stacks                        |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
- biojava-live                  |      5 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
+ bart-view                     |      5 | {imaging}                                           | 
  librg-utils-perl              |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  melting                       |      5 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
+ mrtrix3                       |      5 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ biojava-live                  |      4 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  bio-tradis                    |      4 | {bio-dev,bio}                                       | 
  jebl2                         |      4 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  orthanc-python                |      4 | {covid-19}                                          | 
@@ -84,13 +84,11 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  embassy-domalign              |      1 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  embassy-domsearch             |      1 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  hinge                         |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
- htscodecs                     |      1 | {bio-dev,covid-19}                                  | 
  insighttoolkit5               |      1 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  ipig                          |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
  jmodeltest                    |      1 | {bio-phylogeny,bio}                                 | 
  kmerresistance                |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
  lamarc                        |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
- libbio-mage-utils-perl        |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libbpp-core                   |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libdivsufsort                 |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libgenome                     |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
@@ -134,6 +132,8 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  elastix                       |      0 | {imaging}                                           | 
  fis-gtm                       |      0 | {his}                                               | 
  gatk-bwamem                   |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
+ htscodecs                     |      0 | {bio-dev,covid-19}                                  | 
+ libbio-mage-utils-perl        |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libbioparser-dev              |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libbiosoup-dev                |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libbpp-phyl                   |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 

@@ -1,110 +1,111 @@
-Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:07 +0000
        Source                              | Vote   |             Tasks                                                   |                                Tags                                
- gts                                       |   3734 | {viewing}                                                           | 
- sympy                                     |   3234 | {nanoscale-physics,physics}                                         | 
- nltk                                      |   1307 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
- opencascade                               |    317 | {simulations}                                                       | 
- python-pyqtgraph                          |    152 | {viewing}                                                           | 
- suitesparse                               |    148 | {mathematics-dev,numericalcomputation}                              | 
- spacenavd                                 |    146 | {tools}                                                             | 
- armadillo                                 |    132 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- cypari2                                   |    106 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- atlas                                     |     93 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- arpack                                    |     80 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ gts                                       |   3767 | {viewing}                                                           | 
+ sympy                                     |   3257 | {nanoscale-physics,physics}                                         | 
+ nltk                                      |   1320 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
+ opencascade                               |    319 | {simulations}                                                       | 
+ python-pyqtgraph                          |    153 | {viewing}                                                           | 
+ suitesparse                               |    151 | {mathematics-dev,numericalcomputation}                              | 
+ spacenavd                                 |    148 | {tools}                                                             | 
+ armadillo                                 |    133 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ cypari2                                   |    101 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ atlas                                     |     94 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ arpack                                    |     82 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  scalapack                                 |     43 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
- imview                                    |     39 | {viewing}                                                           | 
- fftw                                      |     34 | {physics-dev,meteorology-dev,mathematics-dev}                       | 
- arduino-mk                                |     32 | {robotics}                                                          | 
+ imview                                    |     40 | {viewing}                                                           | 
+ fftw                                      |     36 | {physics-dev,meteorology-dev,mathematics-dev}                       | 
+ arduino-mk                                |     31 | {robotics}                                                          | 
  ntl                                       |     29 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- flintqs                                   |     20 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
- rubiks                                    |     20 | {geometry,mathematics}                                              | 
- libmatio                                  |     19 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ flintqs                                   |     22 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
+ rubiks                                    |     22 | {geometry,mathematics}                                              | 
+ amp                                       |     18 | {chemistry}                                                         | 
  bossa                                     |     18 | {devices}                                                           | 
+ libmatio                                  |     18 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  setzer                                    |     18 | {typesetting}                                                       | 
- libm4ri                                   |     16 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ fftw                                      |     16 | {mathematics-dev,physics-dev,meteorology-dev}                       | 
  ppl                                       |     16 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
- amp                                       |     15 | {chemistry}                                                         | 
+ sketch                                    |     16 | {typesetting}                                                       | 
  cernlib                                   |     15 | {highenergy-physics}                                                | 
  dune-uggrid                               |     15 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  flann                                     |     15 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                   | 
+ libm4ri                                   |     15 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ mbpoll                                    |     15 | {simulations}                                                       | 
  pyzo                                      |     15 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
- sketch                                    |     15 | {typesetting}                                                       | 
- fftw                                      |     14 | {mathematics-dev,physics-dev,meteorology-dev}                       | 
  matlab-support                            |     14 | {mathematics,numericalcomputation}                                  | 
+ cliquer                                   |     13 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  feedgnuplot                               |     13 | {viewing}                                                           | 
- mbpoll                                    |     13 | {simulations}                                                       | 
- cliquer                                   |     12 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
- gts                                       |     12 | {viewing-dev}                                                       | 
+ gts                                       |     13 | {viewing-dev}                                                       | 
  ros-ros-environment                       |     12 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
+ vitables                                  |     12 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  cliquer                                   |     11 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ guiqwt                                    |     11 | {viewing,numericalcomputation}                                      | 
  iml                                       |     11 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- libitpp                                   |     11 | {engineering-dev,mathematics-dev}                                   | 
- vitables                                  |     11 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  gf2x                                      |     10 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- guiqwt                                    |     10 | {viewing,numericalcomputation}                                      | 
  libhomfly                                 |     10 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- geg                                       |      9 | {viewing}                                                           | 
+ libitpp                                   |     10 | {engineering-dev,mathematics-dev}                                   | 
+ coinor-symphony                           |      9 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics,logic}                            | 
  libm4rie                                  |      9 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  libzn-poly                                |      9 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  lrcalc                                    |      9 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  ratpoints                                 |      9 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- coinor-symphony                           |      8 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics,logic}                            | 
- muparser                                  |      8 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ geg                                       |      8 | {viewing}                                                           | 
+ lxi-tools                                 |      8 | {dataacquisition,engineering}                                       | 
  picosat                                   |      8 | {logic}                                                             | 
- ros-rosconsole                            |      8 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  teem                                      |      8 | {imageanalysis}                                                     | 
  alberta                                   |      7 | {engineering-dev}                                                   | 
  dune-istl                                 |      7 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- lxi-tools                                 |      7 | {dataacquisition,engineering}                                       | 
+ form                                      |      7 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
+ muparser                                  |      7 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ ros-rosconsole                            |      7 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  tango                                     |      7 | {dataacquisition}                                                   | 
  urdfdom-headers                           |      7 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  auto-07p                                  |      6 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  cernlib                                   |      6 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  dxsamples                                 |      6 | {nanoscale-physics}                                                 | 
- form                                      |      6 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  mathgl                                    |      6 | {viewing}                                                           | 
  cernlib                                   |      5 | {highenergy-physics}                                                | 
  coinmp                                    |      5 | {mathematics-dev,numericalcomputation,logic}                        | 
+ debian-science                            |      5 | {physics,machine-learning,economics,nanoscale-physics}              | 
  etsf-io                                   |      5 | {nanoscale-physics,physics}                                         | 
+ getdp                                     |      5 | {engineering,mathematics,simulations}                               | 
+ gfsview                                   |      5 | {viewing}                                                           | 
  hpcc                                      |      5 | {distributedcomputing,numericalcomputation}                         | 
  libcgns                                   |      5 | {engineering}                                                       | 
- debian-science                            |      4 | {physics,machine-learning,economics,nanoscale-physics}              | 
+ metis-edf                                 |      5 | {numericalcomputation,engineering}                                  | 
+ opencascade                               |      5 | {simulations}                                                       | 
+ python-escript                            |      5 | {numericalcomputation,engineering,simulations}                      | 
+ apophenia                                 |      4 | {statistics}                                                        | 
+ debian-science                            |      4 | {nanoscale-physics,economics,mathematics,machine-learning,physics}  | 
  dune-localfunctions                       |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  feff85exafs                               |      4 | {chemistry}                                                         | 
- gfsview                                   |      4 | {viewing}                                                           | 
- libmatheval                               |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  libmatheval                               |      4 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
- metis-edf                                 |      4 | {numericalcomputation,engineering}                                  | 
- opencascade                               |      4 | {simulations}                                                       | 
+ libmatheval                               |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  openstereogram                            |      4 | {tools}                                                             | 
  persalys                                  |      4 | {mathematics,engineering,statistics}                                | 
- python-escript                            |      4 | {numericalcomputation,engineering,simulations}                      | 
  qd                                        |      4 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ syrthes                                   |      4 | {engineering}                                                       | 
  tango                                     |      4 | {dataacquisition}                                                   | 
- apophenia                                 |      3 | {statistics}                                                        | 
+ toulbar2                                  |      4 | {physics,mathematics,numericalcomputation,logic}                    | 
  clipper                                   |      3 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
- debian-science                            |      3 | {nanoscale-physics,economics,mathematics,machine-learning,physics}  | 
- getdp                                     |      3 | {engineering,mathematics,simulations}                               | 
+ debian-science                            |      3 | {economics,nanoscale-physics,physics,statistics}                    | 
  libccp4                                   |      3 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
  libcgns                                   |      3 | {engineering-dev}                                                   | 
  libvigraimpex                             |      3 | {machine-learning,imageanalysis-dev}                                | 
- libxsmm                                   |      3 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  mmdb                                      |      3 | {highenergy-physics-dev,nanoscale-physics-dev}                      | 
  ompl                                      |      3 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
- openctm                                   |      3 | {physics-dev}                                                       | 
  openigtlink                               |      3 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  openmx                                    |      3 | {nanoscale-physics,physics}                                         | 
  pcl                                       |      3 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  persalys                                  |      3 | {engineering,statistics,mathematics}                                | 
  polylib                                   |      3 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
+ psurface                                  |      3 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  qwtplot3d                                 |      3 | {viewing-dev}                                                       | 
  rheolef                                   |      3 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  ros-vcstool                               |      3 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
- syrthes                                   |      3 | {engineering}                                                       | 
+ scram                                     |      3 | {engineering}                                                       | 
  tango                                     |      3 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                               | 
- toulbar2                                  |      3 | {physics,mathematics,numericalcomputation,logic}                    | 
  ucto                                      |      3 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  uctodata                                  |      3 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  apertium-eval-translator                  |      2 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
@@ -114,10 +115,9 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  cld2                                      |      2 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  clhep                                     |      2 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  coda                                      |      2 | {meteorology-dev}                                                   | 
- debian-science                            |      2 | {economics,nanoscale-physics,physics,statistics}                    | 
- debian-science                            |      2 | {physics}                                                           | 
  debian-science                            |      2 | {machine-learning,neuroscience-cognitive}                           | 
  debian-science                            |      2 | {electrophysiology}                                                 | 
+ debian-science                            |      2 | {physics}                                                           | 
  dune-functions                            |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  dune-typetree                             |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  fastjet                                   |      2 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
@@ -126,13 +126,14 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  jhdf                                      |      2 | {engineering}                                                       | 
  liblbfgs                                  |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  libvigraimpex                             |      2 | {imageanalysis-dev,machine-learning}                                | 
+ libxsmm                                   |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
+ lrcalc                                    |      2 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  mrmpi                                     |      2 | {tools}                                                             | 
  newmat                                    |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- psurface                                  |      2 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
+ openctm                                   |      2 | {physics-dev}                                                       | 
  robot-testing-framework                   |      2 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  ros-opencv-apps                           |      2 | {robotics}                                                          | 
  sardana                                   |      2 | {dataacquisition}                                                   | 
- scram                                     |      2 | {engineering}                                                       | 
  taurus                                    |      2 | {dataacquisition}                                                   | 
  veccore                                   |      2 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  vlfeat                                    |      2 | {imageanalysis-dev}                                                 | 
@@ -145,8 +146,8 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  code-saturne                              |      1 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev}                                   | 
  collada-dom                               |      1 | {viewing-dev}                                                       | 
  cqrlib                                    |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- debian-science                            |      1 | {economics}                                                         | 
  debian-science                            |      1 | {psychophysics}                                                     | 
+ debian-science                            |      1 | {economics}                                                         | 
  debian-science                            |      1 | {tools}                                                             | 
  dxflib                                    |      1 | {engineering-dev}                                                   | 
  gemmlowp                                  |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
@@ -160,7 +161,6 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  libpysal                                  |      1 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  looptools                                 |      1 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  looptools                                 |      1 | {highenergy-physics}                                                | 
- lrcalc                                    |      1 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  meshsdfilter                              |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  mpi4py-fft                                |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  mseed2sac                                 |      1 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                               | 
@@ -173,10 +173,11 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-aws-xray-sdk                       |      1 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                               | 
  quadrule                                  |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  schroedinger-coordgenlibs                 |      1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev,chemistry}                                   | 
+ sdpb                                      |      1 | {highenergy-physics,numericalcomputation}                           | 
  sparskit                                  |      1 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  spfft                                     |      1 | {meteorology-dev,physics-dev,mathematics-dev,nanoscale-physics-dev} | 
- ssm                                       |      1 | {nanoscale-physics}                                                 | 
  ssm                                       |      1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
+ ssm                                       |      1 | {nanoscale-physics}                                                 | 
  toon                                      |      1 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  toontag                                   |      1 | {numericalcomputation}                                              | 
  tulip                                     |      1 | {viewing-dev}                                                       | 
@@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  apertium-urd-hin                          |      0 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  calculix-ccx-doc                          |      0 | {engineering,simulations,numericalcomputation}                      | 
  calculix-ccx-test                         |      0 | {simulations,numericalcomputation,engineering}                      | 
- cernlib                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  cernlib                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics}                                                | 
+ cernlib                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  cernlib                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics,physics}                                        | 
  ckon                                      |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  clhep                                     |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
@@ -203,9 +204,9 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  code-saturne                              |      0 | {engineering}                                                       | 
  coinor-bonmin                             |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  cvector                                   |      0 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
- debian-science                            |      0 | {neuroscience-cognitive}                                            | 
- debian-science                            |      0 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
  debian-science                            |      0 | {electrophysiology}                                                 | 
+ debian-science                            |      0 | {nanoscale-physics-dev}                                             | 
+ debian-science                            |      0 | {neuroscience-cognitive}                                            | 
  dimbl                                     |      0 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  dune-grid-glue                            |      0 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  dune-pdelab                               |      0 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
@@ -226,8 +227,8 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  libsdsl                                   |      0 | {dataacquisition-dev}                                               | 
  looptools                                 |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  magma                                     |      0 | {mathematics-dev,numericalcomputation}                              | 
- mbdyn                                     |      0 | {meteorology-dev}                                                   | 
  mbdyn                                     |      0 | {meteorology}                                                       | 
+ mbdyn                                     |      0 | {meteorology-dev}                                                   | 
  mbt                                       |      0 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  mbtserver                                 |      0 | {linguistics}                                                       | 
  mclibs                                    |      0 | {highenergy-physics}                                                | 
@@ -242,8 +243,8 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-opcodes                            |      0 | {tools}                                                             | 
  qrupdate                                  |      0 | {mathematics-dev}                                                   | 
  ros-collada-urdf                          |      0 | {robotics}                                                          | 
- ros-metapackages                          |      0 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  ros-metapackages                          |      0 | {robotics}                                                          | 
+ ros-metapackages                          |      0 | {robotics-dev}                                                      | 
  sac2mseed                                 |      0 | {geography}                                                         | 
  sagemath-database-combinatorial-designs   |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  sagemath-database-conway-polynomials      |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
@@ -252,7 +253,6 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  sagemath-database-graphs                  |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  sagemath-database-polytopes               |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 
  schroedinger-maeparser                    |      0 | {chemistry,nanoscale-physics-dev}                                   | 
- sdpb                                      |      0 | {highenergy-physics,numericalcomputation}                           | 
  siscone                                   |      0 | {highenergy-physics-dev}                                            | 
  slicot                                    |      0 | {engineering-dev,robotics-dev}                                      | 
  tachyon                                   |      0 | {mathematics}                                                       | 

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -1,232 +1,227 @@
-Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:42:10 +0000
      Source                             | Vote   |                          Tags                          
- fail2ban                               |  22960 | 
- python-repoze.lru                      |   5622 | 
- python-pyasn1-modules                  |   5245 | 
- python-pampy                           |   4482 | 
- feedparser                             |   4178 | 
- netifaces                              |   4081 | 
- python-tinycss                         |   4034 | 
- websocket-client                       |   2594 | 
- ipython-genutils                       |   2513 | 
- python-notify2                         |   2235 | 
- dockerpty                              |   2170 | 
- python-babel                           |   2125 | 
- sphinx-rtd-theme                       |   2032 | 
- constantly                             |   1997 | 
- hyperlink                              |   1996 | 
- python-babel                           |   1829 | 
- traitlets                              |   1816 | 
- sortedcontainers                       |   1654 | 
- python-argcomplete                     |   1360 | 
- ghp-import                             |   1302 | 
- python-lunr                            |   1294 | 
- ujson                                  |   1251 | 
- humanfriendly                          |   1174 | 
- ruamel.yaml.clib                       |   1102 | 
- python-rsa                             |   1063 | 
- python-pandocfilters                   |    982 | 
- python-invoke                          |    886 | 
- python-mysqldb                         |    880 | 
- python-toml                            |    856 | 
- menulibre                              |    801 | 
- python-gssapi                          |    800 | 
- python-geoip                           |    797 | 
- kazam                                  |    758 | 
- sphinx-rtd-theme                       |    674 | 
- powerline                              |    670 | 
- u-msgpack-python                       |    668 | 
- python-webob                           |    664 | 
- asn1crypto                             |    661 | 
- powerline                              |    654 | 
- powerline                              |    646 | 
- aiosignal                              |    625 | 
- pdfarranger                            |    625 | 
- frozenlist                             |    613 | 
- python-hpack                           |    589 | 
- python-hyperframe                      |    589 | 
+ fail2ban                               |  22952 | 
+ python-repoze.lru                      |   5624 | 
+ python-pyasn1-modules                  |   5270 | 
+ python-pampy                           |   4503 | 
+ feedparser                             |   4195 | 
+ netifaces                              |   4104 | 
+ python-tinycss                         |   4052 | 
+ websocket-client                       |   2597 | 
+ ipython-genutils                       |   2516 | 
+ python-notify2                         |   2241 | 
+ dockerpty                              |   2173 | 
+ python-babel                           |   2137 | 
+ sphinx-rtd-theme                       |   2053 | 
+ constantly                             |   2014 | 
+ hyperlink                              |   2012 | 
+ python-babel                           |   1842 | 
+ traitlets                              |   1833 | 
+ sortedcontainers                       |   1677 | 
+ python-argcomplete                     |   1368 | 
+ ghp-import                             |   1316 | 
+ python-lunr                            |   1306 | 
+ ujson                                  |   1269 | 
+ humanfriendly                          |   1180 | 
+ ruamel.yaml.clib                       |   1106 | 
+ python-rsa                             |   1061 | 
+ python-pandocfilters                   |    993 | 
+ python-invoke                          |    896 | 
+ python-mysqldb                         |    881 | 
+ python-toml                            |    865 | 
+ python-geoip                           |    804 | 
+ python-gssapi                          |    802 | 
+ menulibre                              |    794 | 
+ kazam                                  |    768 | 
+ sphinx-rtd-theme                       |    680 | 
+ asn1crypto                             |    673 | 
+ powerline                              |    672 | 
+ u-msgpack-python                       |    669 | 
+ python-webob                           |    662 | 
+ powerline                              |    652 | 
+ powerline                              |    644 | 
+ pdfarranger                            |    631 | 
+ aiosignal                              |    629 | 
+ frozenlist                             |    618 | 
+ python-hpack                           |    591 | 
+ python-hyperframe                      |    591 | 
  python-mechanize                       |    548 | 
- catfish                                |    493 | 
- python-zeroconf                        |    464 | 
- singledispatch                         |    405 | 
- webtest                                |    402 | 
- python-ntlm-auth                       |    359 | 
- python-requests-ntlm                   |    357 | 
+ catfish                                |    498 | 
+ python-zeroconf                        |    460 | 
+ singledispatch                         |    404 | 
+ webtest                                |    401 | 
+ python-ntlm-auth                       |    366 | 
+ python-requests-ntlm                   |    364 | 
  python-anyjson                         |    349 | 
  pygtkspellcheck                        |    345 | 
- python-gevent                          |    345 | 
- django-stronghold                      |    297 | 
- python-ewmh                            |    280 | 
- python-requests-oauthlib               |    252 | 
- helpdev                                |    217 | 
- qdarkstyle                             |    212 | 
+ python-gevent                          |    344 | 
+ django-stronghold                      |    294 | 
+ python-ewmh                            |    275 | 
+ python-requests-oauthlib               |    247 | 
+ helpdev                                |    225 | 
+ qdarkstyle                             |    220 | 
+ cairocffi                              |    211 | 
  python-ldap3                           |    211 | 
- cairocffi                              |    209 | 
+ pipenv                                 |    176 | 
  firmware-microbit-micropython          |    173 | 
- pipenv                                 |    173 | 
- python-s3transfer                      |    160 | 
- python-whoosh                          |    149 | 
- mypaint                                |    142 | 
- smartypants                            |    136 | 
- python-smmap                           |    132 | 
- pystache                               |    125 | 
- pymacaroons                            |    116 | 
- pytoolconfig                           |    113 | 
- audioread                              |    111 | 
- pssh                                   |    111 | 
- autokey                                |    101 | 
+ python-s3transfer                      |    165 | 
+ python-whoosh                          |    143 | 
+ mypaint                                |    141 | 
+ smartypants                            |    134 | 
+ python-smmap                           |    133 | 
+ pystache                               |    127 | 
+ pymacaroons                            |    115 | 
+ pytoolconfig                           |    114 | 
+ pssh                                   |    112 | 
+ audioread                              |    110 | 
+ autokey                                |     98 | 
  lollypop                               |     96 | 
  mugshot                                |     95 | 
- rabbitvcs                              |     94 | 
+ rabbitvcs                              |     95 | 
+ pywavelets                             |     91 | 
  ansible-lint                           |     90 | 
  python-consul                          |     90 | 
- pywavelets                             |     90 | 
- python-click-repl                      |     87 | 
- kivy                                   |     85 | 
+ python-click-repl                      |     89 | 
+ kivy                                   |     87 | 
  python-colour                          |     84 | 
  pymediainfo                            |     82 | 
- numpy-stl                              |     70 | 
  python-trio-websocket                  |     70 | 
- python-ansible-compat                  |     67 | 
- pymacs                                 |     66 | 
- trac                                   |     66 | 
- python-uritools                        |     63 | 
- powerline-gitstatus                    |     60 | 
- khard                                  |     56 | 
+ python-ansible-compat                  |     69 | 
+ numpy-stl                              |     68 | 
+ trac                                   |     65 | 
+ pymacs                                 |     64 | 
+ python-uritools                        |     64 | 
+ khard                                  |     58 | 
+ powerline-gitstatus                    |     58 | 
  timekpr-next                           |     49 | 
- pylibmc                                |     48 | 
- itstool                                |     46 | 
- fabric                                 |     45 | 
- mitmproxy                              |     45 | 
- ueberzug                               |     39 | 
- sshtunnel                              |     38 | 
- yq                                     |     38 | 
- python-pgspecial                       |     37 | 
- codespell                              |     34 | 
- pdfposter                              |     34 | 
- pelican                                |     34 | 
- voluptuous                             |     34 | 
- pyquery                                |     33 | 
- python-scrypt                          |     33 | 
- webpy                                  |     31 | 
- cppman                                 |     30 | 
- rabbitvcs                              |     30 | 
- membernator                            |     29 | 
+ fabric                                 |     47 | 
+ pylibmc                                |     47 | 
+ mitmproxy                              |     46 | 
+ itstool                                |     45 | 
+ ueberzug                               |     40 | 
+ yq                                     |     39 | 
+ sshtunnel                              |     37 | 
+ python-pgspecial                       |     36 | 
+ codespell                              |     33 | 
+ pdfposter                              |     33 | 
+ voluptuous                             |     33 | 
+ pelican                                |     32 | 
+ pyquery                                |     32 | 
+ python-scrypt                          |     31 | 
+ rabbitvcs                              |     31 | 
+ membernator                            |     30 | 
+ webpy                                  |     30 | 
+ cppman                                 |     29 | 
  weasyprint                             |     29 | 
- python-kyotocabinet                    |     28 | 
- python-statsd                          |     28 | 
- show-in-file-manager                   |     26 | 
+ python-kyotocabinet                    |     27 | 
+ python-statsd                          |     27 | 
+ show-in-file-manager                   |     27 | 
  rst2pdf                                |     25 | 
  flask-principal                        |     24 | 
  python-i3ipc                           |     24 | 
- python-args                            |     23 | 
  mayavi2                                |     22 | 
+ python-args                            |     22 | 
+ python-dbussy                          |     22 | 
  python-flasgger                        |     22 | 
- enzyme                                 |     21 | 
  flask-security                         |     21 | 
- python-clint                           |     21 | 
- python-dbussy                          |     21 | 
- python-sdnotify                        |     19 | 
- python-simpy                           |     19 | 
- alot                                   |     18 | 
+ enzyme                                 |     20 | 
+ python-clint                           |     20 | 
+ python-sdnotify                        |     20 | 
+ python-simpy                           |     20 | 
  python-path-and-address                |     18 | 
- python-translationstring               |     18 | 
  ripe-atlas-sagan                       |     18 | 
- subliminal                             |     18 | 
+ alot                                   |     17 | 
+ python-translationstring               |     17 | 
+ subliminal                             |     17 | 
+ pssh                                   |     16 | 
+ txt2tags                               |     16 | 
  beancount                              |     15 | 
  debiancontributors                     |     15 | 
- pssh                                   |     15 | 
  python-numpysane                       |     15 | 
- python-venusian                        |     15 | 
  straight.plugin                        |     15 | 
- txt2tags                               |     15 | 
  ansi                                   |     14 | 
- pyp                                    |     14 | 
- python-demjson                         |     14 | 
- python-hupper                          |     14 | 
- policyd-rate-limit                     |     13 | 
- rabbitvcs                              |     13 | 
+ python-venusian                        |     14 | 
+ fabric                                 |     13 | 
+ pyp                                    |     13 | 
+ python-demjson                         |     13 | 
+ python-hupper                          |     13 | 
  clustershell                           |     12 | 
- fabric                                 |     12 | 
  flask-babelex                          |     12 | 
- pass-git-helper                        |     12 | 
- taskw                                  |     12 | 
- mercurial-evolve                       |     11 | 
+ policyd-rate-limit                     |     12 | 
+ rabbitvcs                              |     12 | 
+ pass-git-helper                        |     11 | 
  pykwalify                              |     11 | 
  python-pyscss                          |     11 | 
  python-rangehttpserver                 |     11 | 
  social-auth-core                       |     11 | 
+ taskw                                  |     11 | 
  btchip-python                          |     10 | 
+ mercurial-evolve                       |     10 | 
  django-environ                         |      9 | 
  flask-paranoid                         |      9 | 
  junos-eznc                             |      9 | 
- pyjokes                                |      9 | 
- pytest-django                          |      9 | 
  pytest-runner                          |      9 | 
  python-etcd                            |      9 | 
  python-openstep-plist                  |      9 | 
  python-pyld                            |      9 | 
- slimit                                 |      9 | 
  speaklater                             |      9 | 
- backoff                                |      8 | 
  beancount                              |      8 | 
  certipy                                |      8 | 
  depthcharge-tools                      |      8 | 
+ django-impersonate                     |      8 | 
  jupyterhub                             |      8 | 
  jupyter-telemetry                      |      8 | 
  pamela                                 |      8 | 
- pybik                                  |      8 | 
- pyjokes                                |      8 | 
+ pytest-django                          |      8 | 
  python-versioneer                      |      8 | 
+ slimit                                 |      8 | 
+ todoman                                |      8 | 
+ backoff                                |      7 | 
  cram                                   |      7 | 
- django-impersonate                     |      7 | 
  django-sass                            |      7 | 
- faker                                  |      7 | 
- htmlmin                                |      7 | 
- pdfkit                                 |      7 | 
- pyjunitxml                             |      7 | 
+ pybik                                  |      7 | 
+ pyjokes                                |      7 | 
  python-networkmanager                  |      7 | 
- sen                                    |      7 | 
- todoman                                |      7 | 
  typogrify                              |      7 | 
  django-modeltranslation                |      6 | 
- httpcode                               |      6 | 
+ faker                                  |      6 | 
+ htmlmin                                |      6 | 
+ pdfkit                                 |      6 | 
+ pyjokes                                |      6 | 
+ pyjunitxml                             |      6 | 
  pylint-common                          |      6 | 
  pyqt-builder                           |      6 | 
  pytaglib                               |      6 | 
  python-ansicolors                      |      6 | 
  python-bitbucket-api                   |      6 | 
- python-parse-type                      |      6 | 
  python-pem                             |      6 | 
  python-pyalsa                          |      6 | 
+ python-srp                             |      6 | 
  restrictedpython                       |      6 | 
+ sen                                    |      6 | 
  sphinx-intl                            |      6 | 
  syllabipy                              |      6 | 
  vcversioner                            |      6 | 
  django-model-utils                     |      5 | 
  enlighten                              |      5 | 
- etm                                    |      5 | 
  fava                                   |      5 | 
  graphql-relay                          |      5 | 
- hatchling                              |      5 | 
+ httpcode                               |      5 | 
  jaraco.itertools                       |      5 | 
- panoramisk                             |      5 | 
  pwntools                               |      5 | 
  python-log-symbols                     |      5 | 
+ python-parse-type                      |      5 | 
  python-spinners                        |      5 | 
- python-srp                             |      5 | 
  python-text-unidecode                  |      5 | 
  clustershell                           |      4 | 
  dotdrop                                |      4 | 
- extension-helpers                      |      4 | 
+ etm                                    |      4 | 
  flufl.testing                          |      4 | 
- hachoir                                |      4 | 
+ hatchling                              |      4 | 
  panoramisk                             |      4 | 
- pykwalify                              |      4 | 
  pylint-celery                          |      4 | 
- pypass                                 |      4 | 
  python-btrees                          |      4 | 
  python-crcelk                          |      4 | 
  python-dbus-next                       |      4 | 
@@ -239,55 +234,55 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-repoze.tm2                      |      4 | 
  python-smoke-zephyr                    |      4 | 
  python-thriftpy                        |      4 | 
- python-xdo                             |      4 | 
  python-zc.customdoctests               |      4 | 
  telegram-send                          |      4 | 
- traittypes                             |      4 | 
  unearth                                |      4 | 
  wchartype                              |      4 | 
  zodbpickle                             |      4 | 
  confusable-homoglyphs                  |      3 | 
+ django-paintstore                      |      3 | 
  errbot                                 |      3 | 
+ extension-helpers                      |      3 | 
  flask-api                              |      3 | 
  flask-session                          |      3 | 
  jpylyzer                               |      3 | 
- jsonrpclib-pelix                       |      3 | 
  portio                                 |      3 | 
  py3exiv2                               |      3 | 
  pyclamd                                |      3 | 
+ pykwalify                              |      3 | 
  pynliner                               |      3 | 
+ pypass                                 |      3 | 
  python-bottle-sqlite                   |      3 | 
  python-deepmerge                       |      3 | 
  python-getdns                          |      3 | 
  python-libnacl                         |      3 | 
- python-miio                            |      3 | 
  python-nine                            |      3 | 
  python-pgbouncer                       |      3 | 
+ python-pmw                             |      3 | 
  python-scruffy                         |      3 | 
  python-simpy                           |      3 | 
+ python-xdo                             |      3 | 
  s3ql                                   |      3 | 
- slimit                                 |      3 | 
- vf1                                    |      3 | 
+ traittypes                             |      3 | 
  aiomysql                               |      2 | 
  brebis                                 |      2 | 
  django-dbbackup                        |      2 | 
  django-jinja                           |      2 | 
  django-organizations                   |      2 | 
- django-paintstore                      |      2 | 
  django-render-block                    |      2 | 
+ django-session-security                |      2 | 
  django-templated-email                 |      2 | 
  django-wkhtmltopdf                     |      2 | 
  django-xmlrpc                          |      2 | 
  drf-yasg-nonfree                       |      2 | 
  flask-mongoengine                      |      2 | 
  flask-testing                          |      2 | 
+ hachoir                                |      2 | 
  mypy-protobuf                          |      2 | 
  omgifol                                |      2 | 
  pdm                                    |      2 | 
- purl                                   |      2 | 
  pyfltk                                 |      2 | 
  py-macaroon-bakery                     |      2 | 
- pypass                                 |      2 | 
  pytest-pep8                            |      2 | 
  python-altair                          |      2 | 
  python-commentjson                     |      2 | 
@@ -302,14 +297,14 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-markuppy                        |      2 | 
  python-miio                            |      2 | 
  python-pgpdump                         |      2 | 
- python-pmw                             |      2 | 
  python-py-zipkin                       |      2 | 
  python-rfc6555                         |      2 | 
  python-simpy3                          |      2 | 
- python-webdavclient                    |      2 | 
  python-zstd                            |      2 | 
+ slimit                                 |      2 | 
  stardicter                             |      2 | 
  utidylib                               |      2 | 
+ vf1                                    |      2 | 
  voltron                                |      2 | 
  zzzeeksphinx                           |      2 | 
  aptly-api-client                       |      1 | 
@@ -333,7 +328,6 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  django-pipeline                        |      1 | 
  django-redis-sessions                  |      1 | 
  django-select2                         |      1 | 
- django-session-security                |      1 | 
  django-simple-redis-admin              |      1 | 
  django-yarnpkg                         |      1 | 
  extra-data                             |      1 | 
@@ -341,19 +335,21 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  flask-paginate                         |      1 | 
  glean-parser                           |      1 | 
  haproxy-log-analysis                   |      1 | 
- humanfriendly                          |      1 | 
  imap-tools                             |      1 | 
  jpy                                    |      1 | 
+ jsonrpclib-pelix                       |      1 | 
  karabo-bridge                          |      1 | 
  kivy                                   |      1 | 
  librouteros                            |      1 | 
  milksnake                              |      1 | 
  moviepy                                |      1 | 
+ nbclassic                              |      1 | 
  numpy-stl                              |      1 | 
  okasha                                 |      1 | 
- power                                  |      1 | 
  proglog                                |      1 | 
+ purl                                   |      1 | 
  pydrive2                               |      1 | 
+ pypass                                 |      1 | 
  pyprind                                |      1 | 
  pytest-expect                          |      1 | 
  python-aiohttp-security                |      1 | 
@@ -363,7 +359,6 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-django-contact-form             |      1 | 
  python-django-etcd-settings            |      1 | 
  python-django-registration             |      1 | 
- python-easy-ansi                       |      1 | 
  python-flask-seeder                    |      1 | 
  python-funcy                           |      1 | 
  python-gnuplotlib                      |      1 | 
@@ -378,6 +373,7 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-schroot                         |      1 | 
  python-shade                           |      1 | 
  python-srsly                           |      1 | 
+ python-webdavclient                    |      1 | 
  python-yubiotp                         |      1 | 
  requests-aws                           |      1 | 
  securestring                           |      1 | 
@@ -439,7 +435,6 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  mssql-django                           |      0 | 
  mwoauth                                |      0 | 
  mypaint                                |      0 | 
- nbclassic                              |      0 | 
  nbgitpuller                            |      0 | 
  okasha                                 |      0 | 
  onetimepass                            |      0 | 
@@ -449,6 +444,7 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  pelican                                |      0 | 
  polyline                               |      0 | 
  postgresfixture                        |      0 | 
+ power                                  |      0 | 
  powerline                              |      0 | 
  powerline-gitstatus                    |      0 | 
  pwntools                               |      0 | 
@@ -483,6 +479,7 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  python-django-etcd-settings            |      0 | 
  python-django-registration             |      0 | 
  python-dnsq                            |      0 | 
+ python-easy-ansi                       |      0 | 
  python-envs                            |      0 | 
  python-ewmh                            |      0 | 
  python-flanker                         |      0 | 
@@ -558,5 +555,5 @@ Last-Update: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 01:42:05 +0000
  refnx                                  |     -1 | 
  s3ql                                   |     -1 | 
  txdbus                                 |     -1 | 
-(574 rows)
+(571 rows)

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