[med-svn] [Git][med-team/nipy][master] 5 commits: d/control: build depends on pybuild-plugin-pyproject.
Étienne Mollier (@emollier)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 17 20:10:49 BST 2023
Étienne Mollier pushed to branch master at Debian Med / nipy
cdcb104a by Étienne Mollier at 2023-08-17T21:01:54+02:00
d/control: build depends on pybuild-plugin-pyproject.
- - - - -
df190faf by Étienne Mollier at 2023-08-17T21:03:05+02:00
nibabel5.1.0.patch: new: resolve test failures.
These test failures are related to the introduction of the newer
nibabel version in Debian, which deprecates a couple of functions,
resulting in some build time test errors in nipy.
Closes: #1042053
- - - - -
ac3a6f50 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-08-17T21:04:58+02:00
standard-gifty-support.patch: new: fix gifti error.
- - - - -
c620ecbb by Étienne Mollier at 2023-08-17T21:06:23+02:00
remove-imagefileerror.patch: new: remove obsolete import.
- - - - -
ce3ea4a2 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-08-17T21:09:21+02:00
ready to upload to unstable.
- - - - -
6 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/patches/nibabel5.1.0.patch
- + debian/patches/remove-imagefileerror.patch
- debian/patches/series
- + debian/patches/standard-gifty-support.patch
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
-nipy (0.5.0-8) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+nipy (0.5.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
* removed myself and Michael since we have not attended to this package for
- -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org> Sat, 04 Feb 2023 15:07:02 +0100
+ [ Étienne Mollier ]
+ * nibabel5.0.0.patch: update following review upstream.
+ Thanks to Chris Markiewicz and Yaroslav Halchenko
+ * d/control: build depends on pybuild-plugin-pyproject.
+ * nibabel5.1.0.patch: new: resolve test failures.
+ These test failures are related to the introduction of the newer
+ nibabel version in Debian, which deprecates a couple of functions,
+ resulting in some build time test errors in nipy. (Closes: #1042053)
+ * standard-gifty-support.patch: new: fix gifti error.
+ * remove-imagefileerror.patch: new: remove obsolete import.
+ -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org> Thu, 17 Aug 2023 21:07:20 +0200
nipy (0.5.0-7) unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-python
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
+ pybuild-plugin-pyproject,
@@ -0,0 +1,3372 @@
+Description: fix deprecation errors in reverse dependencies.
+ Calls to nibabel.onetime.setattr_on_read are deprecated since nibabel 3.2,
+ and raise an ExpiredDeprecationError since nibabel 5.0, causing test failures
+ in reverse dependencies such as nipype. This patch migrates the code to the
+ documented replacement nibabel.onetime.auto_attr.
+Author: Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1042133
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2023-08-17
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/image.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/image.py
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ import numpy as np
+-from nibabel.onetime import setattr_on_read
++from nibabel.onetime import auto_attr
+ # These imports are used in the fromarray and subsample functions only, not in
+ # Image
+@@ -80,27 +80,27 @@
+ np.diag([3,5,7,1]))
+ _doc['coordmap'] = "Affine transform mapping from axes coordinates to reference coordinates."
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def shape(self):
+ return self._data.shape
+ _doc['shape'] = "Shape of data array."
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def ndim(self):
+ return len(self._data.shape)
+ _doc['ndim'] = "Number of data dimensions."
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def reference(self):
+ return self.coordmap.function_range
+ _doc['reference'] = "Reference coordinate system."
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def axes(self):
+ return self.coordmap.function_domain
+ _doc['axes'] = "Axes of image."
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def affine(self):
+ if hasattr(self.coordmap, "affine"):
+ return self.coordmap.affine
+@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@
+ order = [self.axes.index(s) for s in order]
+ new_cmap = self.coordmap.reordered_domain(order)
+ # Only transpose if we have to so as to avoid calling
+- # self.get_data
++ # self.get_fdata
+ if order != list(range(self.ndim)):
+- new_data = np.transpose(self.get_data(), order)
++ new_data = np.transpose(self.get_fdata(), order)
+ else:
+ new_data = self._data
+ return self.__class__.from_image(self,
+@@ -344,19 +344,19 @@
+ def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+ """Setting values of an image, set values in the data array."""
+ warnings.warn("Please don't use ``img[x] = y``; use "
+- "``img.get_data()[x] = y`` instead",
++ "``img.get_fdata()[x] = y`` instead",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2)
+ self._data[index] = value
+ def __array__(self):
+ """Return data as a numpy array."""
+- warnings.warn('Please use get_data instead - will be deprecated',
++ warnings.warn('Please use get_fdata instead - will be deprecated',
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2)
+- return self.get_data()
++ return self.get_fdata()
+- def get_data(self):
++ def get_fdata(self):
+ """Return data as a numpy array."""
+ return np.asanyarray(self._data)
+@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img_subsampled: Image
+- An Image with data self.get_data()[slice_object] and an
++ An Image with data self.get_fdata()[slice_object] and an
+ appropriately corrected CoordinateMap.
+ Examples
+@@ -380,10 +380,10 @@
+ >>> from nipy.testing import funcfile
+ >>> im = load_image(funcfile)
+ >>> frame3 = im[:,:,:,3]
+- >>> np.allclose(frame3.get_data(), im.get_data()[:,:,:,3])
++ >>> np.allclose(frame3.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata()[:,:,:,3])
+ True
+ """
+- data = self.get_data()[slice_object]
++ data = self.get_fdata()[slice_object]
+ g = ArrayCoordMap(self.coordmap, self.shape)[slice_object]
+ coordmap = g.coordmap
+ if coordmap.function_domain.ndim > 0:
+@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ and self.shape == other.shape
+- and np.all(self.get_data() == other.get_data())
++ and np.all(self.get_fdata() == other.get_fdata())
+ and np.all(self.affine == other.affine)
+ and (self.axes.coord_names == other.axes.coord_names))
+@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img_subsampled: Image
+- An Image with data img.get_data()[slice_object] and an appropriately
++ An Image with data img.get_fdata()[slice_object] and an appropriately
+ corrected CoordinateMap.
+ Examples
+@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
+ >>> from nipy.core.api import subsample, slice_maker
+ >>> im = load_image(funcfile)
+ >>> frame3 = subsample(im, slice_maker[:,:,:,3])
+- >>> np.allclose(frame3.get_data(), im.get_data()[:,:,:,3])
++ >>> np.allclose(frame3.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata()[:,:,:,3])
+ True
+ """
+ warnings.warn('subsample is deprecated, please use image '
+@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
+ rimg = rollimg(img, axis)
+ for i in range(rimg.shape[0]):
+ if asarray:
+- yield rimg[i].get_data()
++ yield rimg[i].get_fdata()
+ else:
+ yield rimg[i]
+@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@
+ This allows us to test for something that is duck-typing an image.
+ For now an array must have a 'coordmap' attribute, and a callable
+- 'get_data' attribute.
++ 'get_fdata' attribute.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+@@ -890,4 +890,4 @@
+ '''
+ if not hasattr(obj, 'coordmap') or not hasattr(obj, 'metadata'):
+ return False
+- return callable(getattr(obj, 'get_data'))
++ return callable(getattr(obj, 'get_fdata'))
+--- nipy.orig/examples/compute_fmri_contrast.py
++++ nipy/examples/compute_fmri_contrast.py
+@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
+ # Show Z-map image
+ mean_map = multi_session_model.means[0]
+ z_map.get_affine(),
+- anat=mean_map.get_data(),
++ anat=mean_map.get_fdata(),
+ anat_affine=mean_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ threshold=2.5,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/core/parcel_generator.py
++++ nipy/examples/core/parcel_generator.py
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ BG_IMAGE_FNAME = pjoin(DATA_PATH, 'mni_basal_ganglia.nii.gz')
+ bg_img = nipy.load_image(BG_IMAGE_FNAME)
+-bg_data = bg_img.get_data()
++bg_data = bg_img.get_fdata()
+ """
+ I happen to know that the image has these codes:
+--- nipy.orig/examples/data/README_mni_basal_ganglia.rst
++++ nipy/examples/data/README_mni_basal_ganglia.rst
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ 'AtlasGrey.mnc')
+ atlas_img = nib.load(atlas_fname)
+ # Data is in fact uint8, but with trivial float scaling
+- data = atlas_img.get_data().astype(np.uint8)
++ data = atlas_img.get_fdata().astype(np.uint8)
+ bg_data = np.zeros_like(data)
+ for code in (14, 16, 39, 53): # LR striatum, LR caudate
+ in_mask = data == code
+--- nipy.orig/examples/ds105/ds105_example.py
++++ nipy/examples/ds105/ds105_example.py
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
+ # time as the first dimension, i.e. fmri[t] gives the t-th volume.
+ fmri_im = futil.get_fmri(path_info) # an Image
+ fmri_im = rollimg(fmri_im, 't')
+- fmri = fmri_im.get_data() # now, it's an ndarray
++ fmri = fmri_im.get_fdata() # now, it's an ndarray
+ nvol, volshape = fmri.shape[0], fmri.shape[1:]
+ nx, sliceshape = volshape[0], volshape[1:]
+@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@
+ fixed_effect = 0
+ fixed_var = 0
+ for effect, sd in results[con]:
+- effect = load_image(effect).get_data()
+- sd = load_image(sd).get_data()
++ effect = load_image(effect).get_fdata()
++ sd = load_image(sd).get_fdata()
+ var = sd ** 2
+ # The optimal, in terms of minimum variance, combination of the
+@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@
+ for s in subj_con_dirs:
+ sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
+ effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
+- sds.append(sd_img.get_data())
+- Ys.append(effect_img.get_data())
++ sds.append(sd_img.get_fdata())
++ Ys.append(effect_img.get_fdata())
+ sd = array(sds)
+ Y = array(Ys)
+@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
+ vector of signs
+ """
+ if api.is_image(mask):
+- maska = mask.get_data()
++ maska = mask.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ maska = np.asarray(mask)
+ maska = maska.astype(np.bool)
+@@ -438,8 +438,8 @@
+ for s in subj_con_dirs:
+ sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
+ effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
+- sds.append(sd_img.get_data()[maska])
+- Ys.append(effect_img.get_data()[maska])
++ sds.append(sd_img.get_fdata()[maska])
++ Ys.append(effect_img.get_fdata()[maska])
+ sd = np.array(sds)
+ Y = np.array(Ys)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/ds105/ds105_util.py
++++ nipy/examples/ds105/ds105_util.py
+@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
+ # Get information for this subject and run
+ path_dict = path_info_run(subj, run)
+ # Get mask
+- msk = load_image(mask_fname).get_data().copy().astype(bool)
++ msk = load_image(mask_fname).get_fdata().copy().astype(bool)
+ # Get results directories for this run
+ rootdir = path_dict['rootdir']
+ res_dir = pjoin(rootdir, 'results_run%03d' % run)
+@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@
+ if not exists(other_fname):
+ print(this_fname, 'present but ', other_fname, 'missing')
+ continue
+- this_arr = load_image(this_fname).get_data()
+- other_arr = load_image(other_fname).get_data()
++ this_arr = load_image(this_fname).get_fdata()
++ other_arr = load_image(other_fname).get_fdata()
+ ok = np.allclose(this_arr[msk], other_arr[msk])
+ if not ok and froot in ('effect', 'sd', 't'): # Maybe a sign flip
+ ok = np.allclose(this_arr[msk], -other_arr[msk])
+--- nipy.orig/examples/fiac/fiac_example.py
++++ nipy/examples/fiac/fiac_example.py
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
+ # time as the first dimension, i.e. fmri[t] gives the t-th volume.
+ fmri_im = futil.get_fmri(path_info) # an Image
+ fmri_im = rollimg(fmri_im, 't')
+- fmri = fmri_im.get_data() # now, it's an ndarray
++ fmri = fmri_im.get_fdata() # now, it's an ndarray
+ nvol, volshape = fmri.shape[0], fmri.shape[1:]
+ nx, sliceshape = volshape[0], volshape[1:]
+@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@
+ fixed_effect = 0
+ fixed_var = 0
+ for effect, sd in results[con]:
+- effect = load_image(effect).get_data()
+- sd = load_image(sd).get_data()
++ effect = load_image(effect).get_fdata()
++ sd = load_image(sd).get_fdata()
+ var = sd ** 2
+ # The optimal, in terms of minimum variance, combination of the
+@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@
+ for s in subj_con_dirs:
+ sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
+ effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
+- sds.append(sd_img.get_data())
+- Ys.append(effect_img.get_data())
++ sds.append(sd_img.get_fdata())
++ Ys.append(effect_img.get_fdata())
+ sd = array(sds)
+ Y = array(Ys)
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
+ vector of signs
+ """
+ if api.is_image(mask):
+- maska = mask.get_data()
++ maska = mask.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ maska = np.asarray(mask)
+ maska = maska.astype(np.bool)
+@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
+ for s in subj_con_dirs:
+ sd_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "sd.nii"))
+ effect_img = load_image(pjoin(s, "effect.nii"))
+- sds.append(sd_img.get_data()[maska])
+- Ys.append(effect_img.get_data()[maska])
++ sds.append(sd_img.get_fdata()[maska])
++ Ys.append(effect_img.get_fdata()[maska])
+ sd = np.array(sds)
+ Y = np.array(Ys)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/fiac/fiac_util.py
++++ nipy/examples/fiac/fiac_util.py
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
+ # Get information for this subject and run
+ path_dict = path_info_run(subj, run)
+ # Get mask
+- msk = load_image(mask_fname).get_data().copy().astype(bool)
++ msk = load_image(mask_fname).get_fdata().copy().astype(bool)
+ # Get results directories for this run
+ rootdir = path_dict['rootdir']
+ res_dir = pjoin(rootdir, 'results_%02d' % run)
+@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@
+ if not exists(other_fname):
+ print(this_fname, 'present but ', other_fname, 'missing')
+ continue
+- this_arr = load_image(this_fname).get_data()
+- other_arr = load_image(other_fname).get_data()
++ this_arr = load_image(this_fname).get_fdata()
++ other_arr = load_image(other_fname).get_fdata()
+ ok = np.allclose(this_arr[msk], other_arr[msk])
+ if not ok and froot in ('effect', 'sd', 't'): # Maybe a sign flip
+ ok = np.allclose(this_arr[msk], -other_arr[msk])
+--- nipy.orig/examples/image_from_array.py
++++ nipy/examples/image_from_array.py
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ #
+ # Use one of our test files to get an array and affine (as numpy array) from.
+ img = load_image(anatfile)
+-arr = img.get_data()
++arr = img.get_fdata()
+ affine_array = img.coordmap.affine.copy()
+ # 1) Create a CoordinateMap from the affine transform which specifies
+@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@
+ # Reload and verify the data and affine were saved correctly.
+ img_back = load_image('an_image.nii.gz')
+-assert np.allclose(img_back.get_data(), img.get_data())
++assert np.allclose(img_back.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ assert np.allclose(img_back.coordmap.affine, img.coordmap.affine)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/interfaces/process_ds105.py
++++ nipy/examples/interfaces/process_ds105.py
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ return sorted(preferred)
+-def get_data(data_path, subj_id):
++def get_fdata(data_path, subj_id):
+ data_path = abspath(data_path)
+ data_def = {}
+ subject_path = pjoin(data_path, 'sub%03d' % subj_id)
+@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
+ def get_subjects(data_path, subj_ids, study_def, ana_def):
+ ddefs = []
+ for subj_id in subj_ids:
+- ddefs.append(get_data(data_path, subj_id))
++ ddefs.append(get_fdata(data_path, subj_id))
+ return ddefs
+@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
+ else:
+ subj_ids = range(1, 7)
+ for subj_id in subj_ids:
+- ddef = get_data(data_path, subj_id)
++ ddef = get_fdata(data_path, subj_id)
+ assert len(ddef['functionals']) in (11, 12)
+ process_subject(ddef, STUDY_DEF, {})
+--- nipy.orig/examples/interfaces/process_fiac.py
++++ nipy/examples/interfaces/process_fiac.py
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ fltcols)
+-def get_data(data_path, subj_id):
++def get_fdata(data_path, subj_id):
+ data_def = {}
+ subject_path = pjoin(data_path, 'fiac%s' % subj_id)
+ data_def['functionals'] = sorted(
+@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
+ def process_subjects(data_path, subj_ids):
+ for subj_id in subj_ids:
+- ddef = get_data(data_path, subj_id)
++ ddef = get_fdata(data_path, subj_id)
+ process_subject(ddef)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/example_glm.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/example_glm.py
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+ ########################################
+ # GLM fit
+-Y = fmri_data.get_data().reshape(np.prod(shape), n_scans)
++Y = fmri_data.get_fdata().reshape(np.prod(shape), n_scans)
+ glm = GeneralLinearModel(X)
+ glm.fit(Y.T)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/demo_blob_from_image.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/demo_blob_from_image.py
+@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
+ # prepare the data
+ nim = load(input_image)
+-mask_image = Nifti1Image((nim.get_data() ** 2 > 0).astype('u8'),
++mask_image = Nifti1Image((nim.get_fdata() ** 2 > 0).astype('u8'),
+ nim.get_affine())
+ domain = grid_domain_from_image(mask_image)
+-data = nim.get_data()
++data = nim.get_fdata()
+ values = data[data != 0]
+ # compute the nested roi object
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/demo_roi.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/demo_roi.py
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ nim = load(input_image)
+ affine = nim.get_affine()
+ shape = nim.shape
+-data = nim.get_data()
++data = nim.get_fdata()
+ values = data[data != 0]
+ # compute the nested roi object
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+ # --- 2.d make a set of ROIs from all the blobs
+ roi = mroi.subdomain_from_image(blobPath)
+-data = load(input_image).get_data().ravel()
++data = load(input_image).get_fdata().ravel()
+ feature_activ = [data[roi.select_id(id, roi=False)] for id in roi.get_id()]
+ roi.set_feature('activ', feature_activ)
+ roi.plot_feature('activ')
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/demo_ward_clustering.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/demo_ward_clustering.py
+@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
+ mkdir(write_dir)
+ # read the data
+-mask = load(mask_image).get_data() > 0
++mask = load(mask_image).get_fdata() > 0
+ ijk = np.array(np.where(mask)).T
+ nvox = ijk.shape[0]
+-data = load(input_image).get_data()[mask]
++data = load(input_image).get_fdata()[mask]
+ image_field = Field(nvox)
+ image_field.from_3d_grid(ijk, k=6)
+ image_field.set_field(data)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/example_roi_and_glm.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/example_roi_and_glm.py
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+ get_second_level_dataset()
+ mask = load(mask_path)
+-mask_array, affine = mask.get_data() > 0, mask.get_affine()
++mask_array, affine = mask.get_fdata() > 0, mask.get_affine()
+ # timing
+ n_scans = 128
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+ # Get the FMRI data
+ #######################################
+ fmri_data = surrogate_4d_dataset(mask=mask, dmtx=X)[0]
+-Y = fmri_data.get_data()[mask_array]
++Y = fmri_data.get_fdata()[mask_array]
+ # artificially added signal in ROIs to make the example more meaningful
+ activation = 30 * (X.T[1] + .5 * X.T[0])
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/first_level_fiac.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/first_level_fiac.py
+@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
+ # make a snapshot of the contrast activation
+ if contrast_id == 'Effects_of_interest':
+- vmax = max(- z_map.get_data().min(), z_map.get_data().max())
++ vmax = max(- z_map.get_fdata().min(), z_map.get_fdata().max())
+ vmin = - vmax
+- plot_map(z_map.get_data(), z_map.get_affine(),
+- anat=mean_map.get_data(), anat_affine=mean_map.get_affine(),
++ plot_map(z_map.get_fdata(), z_map.get_affine(),
++ anat=mean_map.get_fdata(), anat_affine=mean_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/glm_beta_and_variance.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/glm_beta_and_variance.py
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
+ ########################################
+ beta_hat = fmri_glm.glms[0].get_beta() # Least-squares estimates of the beta
+ variance_hat = fmri_glm.glms[0].get_mse() # Estimates of the variance
+-mask = fmri_glm.mask.get_data() > 0
++mask = fmri_glm.mask.get_fdata() > 0
+ # output beta images
+ beta_map = np.tile(mask.astype(np.float)[..., np.newaxis], dim)
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/histogram_fits.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/histogram_fits.py
+@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
+ # Read the mask
+ nim = load(mask_image)
+-mask = nim.get_data()
++mask = nim.get_fdata()
+ # read the functional image
+ rbeta = load(input_image)
+-beta = rbeta.get_data()
++beta = rbeta.get_fdata()
+ beta = beta[mask > 0]
+ mf = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 5))
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/localizer_glm_ar.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/localizer_glm_ar.py
+@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@
+ save(z_map, image_path)
+ # Create snapshots of the contrasts
+- vmax = max(- z_map.get_data().min(), z_map.get_data().max())
++ vmax = max(- z_map.get_fdata().min(), z_map.get_fdata().max())
+ if index > 0:
+ plt.clf()
+- plot_map(z_map.get_data(), z_map.get_affine(),
++ plot_map(z_map.get_fdata(), z_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=- vmax,
+ vmax=vmax,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/one_sample_t_test.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/one_sample_t_test.py
+@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
+ save(z_map, path.join(write_dir, 'one_sample_z_map.nii'))
+ # look at the result
+-vmax = max(- z_map.get_data().min(), z_map.get_data().max())
++vmax = max(- z_map.get_fdata().min(), z_map.get_fdata().max())
+ vmin = - vmax
+-plot_map(z_map.get_data(), z_map.get_affine(),
++plot_map(z_map.get_fdata(), z_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/tmin_statistic.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/tmin_statistic.py
+@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
+ # these dimensions correspond to 'left' and 'right'
+ # Create snapshots of the contrasts
+-vmax = max(- z_map.get_data().min(), z_map.get_data().max())
+-plot_map(z_map.get_data(), fmri_glm.affine,
++vmax = max(- z_map.get_fdata().min(), z_map.get_fdata().max())
++plot_map(z_map.get_fdata(), fmri_glm.affine,
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=- vmax,
+ vmax=vmax,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/viz.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/viz.py
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ # First example, with a anatomical template
+ img = load(os.path.join(data_dir, 'spmT_0029.nii.gz'))
+-data = img.get_data()
++data = img.get_fdata()
+ affine = img.get_affine()
+ viz.plot_map(data, affine, cut_coords=(-52, 10, 22),
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ try:
+ anat_img = load(example_data.get_filename('neurospin', 'sulcal2000',
+ 'nobias_anubis.nii.gz'))
+- anat = anat_img.get_data()
++ anat = anat_img.get_fdata()
+ anat_affine = anat_img.get_affine()
+ except OSError as e:
+ # File does not exist: the data package is not installed
+--- nipy.orig/examples/labs/need_data/viz3d.py
++++ nipy/examples/labs/need_data/viz3d.py
+@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
+ get_second_level_dataset()
+ brain_map = load(input_image)
+-vmin, vmax = brain_map.get_data().min(), brain_map.get_data().max()
++vmin, vmax = brain_map.get_fdata().min(), brain_map.get_fdata().max()
+ # make a simple 2D plot
+-plot_map(brain_map.get_data(), brain_map.get_affine(),
++plot_map(brain_map.get_fdata(), brain_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ # More plots using 3D
+ if True: # replace with False to skip this
+- plot_map(brain_map.get_data(), brain_map.get_affine(),
++ plot_map(brain_map.get_fdata(), brain_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ from nipy.labs import viz3d
+ try:
+- viz3d.plot_map_3d(brain_map.get_data(), brain_map.get_affine(),
++ viz3d.plot_map_3d(brain_map.get_fdata(), brain_map.get_affine(),
+ cmap=cm.cold_hot,
+ vmin=vmin,
+ vmax=vmax,
+--- nipy.orig/examples/tissue_classification.py
++++ nipy/examples/tissue_classification.py
+@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
+ ngb_size = int(get_argument('ngb_size', 6))
+ # Perform tissue classification
+-mask = mask_img.get_data() > 0
+-S = BrainT1Segmentation(img.get_data(), mask=mask, model='5k',
++mask = mask_img.get_fdata() > 0
++S = BrainT1Segmentation(img.get_fdata(), mask=mask, model='5k',
+ niters=niters, beta=beta, ngb_size=ngb_size)
+ # Save label image
+@@ -95,6 +95,6 @@
+ gold_ppm_img = (args.probc, args.probg, args.probw)
+ for k in range(3):
+ img = load_image(gold_ppm_img[k])
+- gold_ppm[..., k] = img.get_data()
+- d = fuzzy_dice(gold_ppm, S.ppm, np.where(mask_img.get_data() > 0))
++ gold_ppm[..., k] = img.get_fdata()
++ d = fuzzy_dice(gold_ppm, S.ppm, np.where(mask_img.get_fdata() > 0))
+ print('Fuzzy Dice indices: %s' % d)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/screens.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/screens.py
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+ '''
+ if img4d.ndim != 4:
+ raise ValueError('Expecting a 4d image')
+- data = img4d.get_data()
++ data = img4d.get_fdata()
+ cmap = img4d.coordmap
+ # Get numerical index for time axis in data array
+ time_axis = input_axis_index(cmap, time_axis)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/tests/test_screen.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/tests/test_screen.py
+@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
+ ['max', 'mean', 'min',
+ 'pca', 'pca_res',
+ 'std', 'ts_res'])
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ # Check summary images
+- assert_array_equal(np.max(data, axis=-1), res['max'].get_data())
+- assert_array_equal(np.mean(data, axis=-1), res['mean'].get_data())
+- assert_array_equal(np.min(data, axis=-1), res['min'].get_data())
+- assert_array_equal(np.std(data, axis=-1), res['std'].get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(np.max(data, axis=-1), res['max'].get_fdata())
++ assert_array_equal(np.mean(data, axis=-1), res['mean'].get_fdata())
++ assert_array_equal(np.min(data, axis=-1), res['min'].get_fdata())
++ assert_array_equal(np.std(data, axis=-1), res['std'].get_fdata())
+ pca_res = pca(data, axis=-1, standardize=False, ncomp=10)
+ # On windows, there seems to be some randomness in the PCA output vector
+ # signs; this routine sets the basis vectors to have first value positive,
+@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@
+ # Test that screens accepts and uses time axis
+ data_mean = data.mean(axis=-1)
+ res = screen(img, time_axis='t')
+- assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_fdata())
+ _check_pca(res, pca_res)
+ _check_ts(res, data, 3, 2)
+ res = screen(img, time_axis=-1)
+- assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_fdata())
+ _check_pca(res, pca_res)
+ _check_ts(res, data, 3, 2)
+ t0_img = rollimg(img, 't')
+@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
+ res = screen(t0_img, time_axis='t')
+ t0_pca_res = pca(t0_data, axis=0, standardize=False, ncomp=10)
+ t0_pca_res = res2pos1(t0_pca_res)
+- assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_fdata())
+ _check_pca(res, t0_pca_res)
+ _check_ts(res, t0_data, 0, 3)
+ res = screen(t0_img, time_axis=0)
+- assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data_mean, res['mean'].get_fdata())
+ _check_pca(res, t0_pca_res)
+ _check_ts(res, t0_data, 0, 3)
+ # Check screens uses slice axis
+@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
+ # And is the expected analysis
+ # Very oddly on scipy 0.9 32 bit - at least - results differ between
+ # runs, so we need assert_almost_equal
+- assert_almost_equal(pca_pos(res['pca'].get_data()),
+- pca_pos(exp_res['pca'].get_data()))
++ assert_almost_equal(pca_pos(res['pca'].get_fdata()),
++ pca_pos(exp_res['pca'].get_fdata()))
+ assert_array_equal(res['ts_res']['slice_mean_diff2'],
+ exp_res['ts_res']['slice_mean_diff2'])
+ # Turn off warnings, also get expected analysis
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/tests/test_time_difference.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/tests/test_time_difference.py
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+ # Test time and slice axes work as expected
+ fimg = load_image(funcfile)
+ # Put into array
+- data = fimg.get_data()
++ data = fimg.get_fdata()
+ orig_results = tsd.time_slice_diffs(data)
+ t0_data = np.rollaxis(data, 3)
+ t0_results = tsd.time_slice_diffs(t0_data, 0)
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+ def test_against_matlab_results():
+ fimg = load_image(funcfile)
+- results = tsd.time_slice_diffs(fimg.get_data())
++ results = tsd.time_slice_diffs(fimg.get_fdata())
+ # struct as record only to avoid deprecation warning
+ tsd_results = sio.loadmat(pjoin(TEST_DATA_PATH, 'tsdiff_results.mat'),
+ struct_as_record=True, squeeze_me=True)
+@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@
+ 'volume_means'):
+ assert_array_equal(arr_res[key], img_res[key])
+ for key in ('slice_diff2_max_vol', 'diff2_mean_vol'):
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr_res[key], img_res[key].get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr_res[key], img_res[key].get_fdata())
+ def test_tsd_image():
+ # Test image version of time slice diff
+ fimg = load_image(funcfile)
+- data = fimg.get_data()
++ data = fimg.get_fdata()
+ tsda = tsd.time_slice_diffs
+ tsdi = tsd.time_slice_diffs_image
+ arr_results = tsda(data)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/timediff.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/diagnostics/timediff.py
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
+ raise AxisError('Cannot identify matching input output axes with "%s"'
+ % slice_axis)
+ vol_coordmap = drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, time_axis)
+- results = time_slice_diffs(img.get_data(), time_in_ax, slice_in_ax)
++ results = time_slice_diffs(img.get_fdata(), time_in_ax, slice_in_ax)
+ for key in ('slice_diff2_max_vol', 'diff2_mean_vol'):
+ vol = img_class(results[key], vol_coordmap)
+ results[key] = vol
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/group/parcel_analysis.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/group/parcel_analysis.py
+@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
+ smooth_fn = _smooth_spm
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unknown smoothing method')
+- con = con_img.get_data()
++ con = con_img.get_fdata()
+ if vcon_img is not None:
+- vcon = con_img.get_data()
++ vcon = con_img.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ vcon = None
+ msk = np.isnan(con)
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
+ and the second, parcel values, i.e., corresponding
+ intensities in the associated parcel image. By default,
+ parcel values are taken as
+- `np.unique(parcel_img.get_data())` and parcel names are
++ `np.unique(parcel_img.get_fdata())` and parcel names are
+ these values converted to strings.
+ msk_img: nipy-like image, optional
+ Binary mask to restrict analysis. By default, analysis is
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
+ if msk_img is None:
+ self.msk = None
+ else:
+- self.msk = msk_img.get_data().astype(bool).squeeze()
++ self.msk = msk_img.get_fdata().astype(bool).squeeze()
+ self.res_path = res_path
+ # design matrix
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
+ # load the parcellation and resample it at the appropriate
+ # resolution
+ self.reference = parcel_img.reference
+- self.parcel_full_res = parcel_img.get_data().astype('uintp').squeeze()
++ self.parcel_full_res = parcel_img.get_fdata().astype('uintp').squeeze()
+ self.affine_full_res = xyz_affine(parcel_img)
+ parcel_img = make_xyz_image(self.parcel_full_res,
+ self.affine_full_res,
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
+ reference=(self.con_imgs[0].shape,
+ self.affine),
+ interp_order=0)
+- self.parcel = parcel_img_rsp.get_data().astype('uintp').squeeze()
++ self.parcel = parcel_img_rsp.get_fdata().astype('uintp').squeeze()
+ if self.msk is None:
+ self.msk = self.parcel > 0
+@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
+ 'scon' + str(i) + '.nii.gz'))
+ _save_image(svcon, join(self.res_path,
+ 'svcon' + str(i) + '.nii.gz'))
+- cons += [scon.get_data()[self.msk]]
+- vcons += [svcon.get_data()[self.msk]]
++ cons += [scon.get_fdata()[self.msk]]
++ vcons += [svcon.get_fdata()[self.msk]]
+ self.cons = np.array(cons)
+ self.vcons = np.array(vcons)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/group/tests/test_parcel_analysis.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/group/tests/test_parcel_analysis.py
+@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(parcel_mu_img), AFFINE)
+ assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.shape, SIZE)
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(parcel_prob_img), AFFINE)
+- assert parcel_prob_img.get_data().max() <= 1
+- assert parcel_prob_img.get_data().min() >= 0
+- outside = parcel_img.get_data() == 0
+- assert_array_equal(t_map_img.get_data()[outside], 0)
+- assert_array_equal(parcel_mu_img.get_data()[outside], 0)
+- assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.get_data()[outside], 0)
++ assert parcel_prob_img.get_fdata().max() <= 1
++ assert parcel_prob_img.get_fdata().min() >= 0
++ outside = parcel_img.get_fdata() == 0
++ assert_array_equal(t_map_img.get_fdata()[outside], 0)
++ assert_array_equal(parcel_mu_img.get_fdata()[outside], 0)
++ assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.get_fdata()[outside], 0)
+ def test_parcel_analysis():
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
+ design_matrix=X,
+ cvect=c,
+ fwhm=0)
+- t_map = g.t_map().get_data()
++ t_map = g.t_map().get_fdata()
+ m_error = np.abs(np.mean(t_map))
+ v_error = np.abs(np.var(t_map) - (NSUBJ - 5) / float(NSUBJ - 7))
+ print('Errors: %f (mean), %f (var)' % (m_error, v_error))
+@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(parcel_mu_img), AFFINE)
+ assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.shape, SIZE)
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(parcel_prob_img), AFFINE)
+- assert parcel_prob_img.get_data().max() <= 1
+- assert parcel_prob_img.get_data().min() >= 0
+- outside = parcel_img.get_data() == 0
+- assert_array_equal(parcel_mu_img.get_data()[outside], 0)
+- assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.get_data()[outside], 0)
++ assert parcel_prob_img.get_fdata().max() <= 1
++ assert parcel_prob_img.get_fdata().min() >= 0
++ outside = parcel_img.get_fdata() == 0
++ assert_array_equal(parcel_mu_img.get_fdata()[outside], 0)
++ assert_array_equal(parcel_prob_img.get_fdata()[outside], 0)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/interpolation.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/interpolation.py
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ return self._order
+ def _buildknots(self):
+- data = np.nan_to_num(self.image.get_data()).astype(np.float64)
++ data = np.nan_to_num(self.image.get_fdata()).astype(np.float64)
+ if self.order > 1:
+ if self.mode in ('nearest', 'grid-constant'):
+ # See: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/13600
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/kernel_smooth.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/kernel_smooth.py
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
+ nslice = 1
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('expecting either 3 or 4-d image')
+- in_data = inimage.get_data()
++ in_data = inimage.get_fdata()
+ for _slice in range(nslice):
+ if in_data.ndim == 4:
+ data = in_data[_slice]
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/groupwise_registration.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/groupwise_registration.py
+@@ -144,19 +144,19 @@
+ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
+ self._data = data
+ self._shape = data.shape
+- self._get_data = None
++ self._get_fdata = None
+ self._init_timing_parameters()
+ else:
+ self._data = None
+ self._shape = None
+- self._get_data = data
++ self._get_fdata = data
+ def _load_data(self):
+- self._data = self._get_data()
++ self._data = self._get_fdata()
+ self._shape = self._data.shape
+ self._init_timing_parameters()
+- def get_data(self):
++ def get_fdata(self):
+ if self._data is None:
+ self._load_data()
+ return self._data
+@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
+ return (t - corr) / self.tr
+ def free_data(self):
+- if self._get_data is not None:
++ if self._get_fdata is not None:
+ self._data = None
+@@ -267,12 +267,12 @@
+ if time_interp:
+ self.timestamps = im4d.tr * np.arange(self.nscans)
+ self.scanner_time = im4d.scanner_time
+- self.cbspline = _cspline_transform(im4d.get_data())
++ self.cbspline = _cspline_transform(im4d.get_fdata())
+ else:
+ self.cbspline = np.zeros(self.dims, dtype='double')
+ for t in range(self.dims[3]):
+ self.cbspline[:, :, :, t] =\
+- _cspline_transform(im4d.get_data()[:, :, :, t])
++ _cspline_transform(im4d.get_fdata()[:, :, :, t])
+ # The reference scan conventionally defines the head
+ # coordinate system
+@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
+ # inbetween sessions.
+ for im in images:
+ xyz_img = as_xyz_image(im)
+- self._runs.append(Image4d(xyz_img.get_data,
++ self._runs.append(Image4d(xyz_img.get_fdata,
+ xyz_affine(xyz_img),
+ tr,
+ slice_times=slice_times,
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/histogram_registration.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/histogram_registration.py
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
+ # Clamping of the `from` image. The number of bins may be
+ # overriden if unnecessarily large.
+- data, from_bins_adjusted = clamp(from_img.get_data(), from_bins,
++ data, from_bins_adjusted = clamp(from_img.get_fdata(), from_bins,
+ mask=from_mask)
+ if not similarity == 'slr':
+ from_bins = from_bins_adjusted
+@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
+ if self._smooth < 0:
+ raise ValueError('smoothing kernel cannot have negative scale')
+ elif self._smooth > 0:
+- data = smooth_image(to_img.get_data(), xyz_affine(to_img),
++ data = smooth_image(to_img.get_fdata(), xyz_affine(to_img),
+ self._smooth)
+ else:
+- data = to_img.get_data()
++ data = to_img.get_fdata()
+ data, to_bins_adjusted = clamp(data, to_bins, mask=to_mask)
+ if not similarity == 'slr':
+ to_bins = to_bins_adjusted
+@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@
+ size = self._from_img.shape
+ # Adjust spacing to match desired field of view size
+ if spacing is not None:
+- fov_data = self._from_img.get_data()[
++ fov_data = self._from_img.get_fdata()[
+ self._slicer(corner, size, spacing)]
+ else:
+- fov_data = self._from_img.get_data()[
++ fov_data = self._from_img.get_fdata()[
+ self._slicer(corner, size, [1, 1, 1])]
+ spacing = ideal_spacing(fov_data, npoints=npoints)
+- fov_data = self._from_img.get_data()[
++ fov_data = self._from_img.get_fdata()[
+ self._slicer(corner, size, spacing)]
+ self._from_data = fov_data
+ self._from_npoints = (fov_data >= 0).sum()
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/resample.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/resample.py
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
+ ref_aff = xyz_affine(reference)
+ if not len(ref_shape) == 3 or not ref_aff.shape == (4, 4):
+ raise ValueError('Input image should be 3D')
+- data = moving.get_data()
++ data = moving.get_fdata()
+ if dtype is None:
+ dtype = data.dtype
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_fmri_realign4d.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_fmri_realign4d.py
+@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
+ def test_scanner_time():
+- im4d = Image4d(IM.get_data(), IM.affine, tr=3.,
++ im4d = Image4d(IM.get_fdata(), IM.affine, tr=3.,
+ slice_times=(0, 1, 2))
+ assert_equal(im4d.scanner_time(0, 0), 0.)
+ assert_equal(im4d.scanner_time(0, im4d.tr), 1.)
+ def test_slice_info():
+- im4d = Image4d(IM.get_data(), IM.affine, tr=3.,
++ im4d = Image4d(IM.get_fdata(), IM.affine, tr=3.,
+ slice_times=(0, 1, 2), slice_info=(2, -1))
+ assert_equal(im4d.slice_axis, 2)
+ assert_equal(im4d.slice_direction, -1)
+@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
+ def test_slice_timing():
+ affine = np.eye(4)
+ affine[0:3, 0:3] = IM.affine[0:3, 0:3]
+- im4d = Image4d(IM.get_data(), affine, tr=2., slice_times=0.0)
++ im4d = Image4d(IM.get_fdata(), affine, tr=2., slice_times=0.0)
+ x = resample4d(im4d, [Rigid() for i in range(IM.shape[3])])
+- assert_array_almost_equal(im4d.get_data(), x)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(im4d.get_fdata(), x)
+ def test_realign4d_no_time_interp():
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
+ aff = xyz_affine(IM)
+ aff2 = aff.copy()
+ aff2[0:3, 3] += 5
+- im2 = make_xyz_image(IM.get_data(), aff2, 'scanner')
++ im2 = make_xyz_image(IM.get_fdata(), aff2, 'scanner')
+ runs = [IM, im2]
+ R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=2., slice_times='ascending', slice_info=2)
+ R.estimate(refscan=None, loops=1, between_loops=1, optimizer='steepest')
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_histogram_registration.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_histogram_registration.py
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
+ def _test_similarity_measure(simi, val):
+ I = make_xyz_image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+- J = make_xyz_image(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
++ J = make_xyz_image(I.get_fdata().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
+ R.subsample(spacing=[2, 1, 3])
+ R.similarity = simi
+@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@
+ def test_joint_hist_eval():
+ I = make_xyz_image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+- J = make_xyz_image(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
++ J = make_xyz_image(I.get_fdata().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+ # Obviously the data should be the same
+- assert_array_equal(I.get_data(), J.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(I.get_fdata(), J.get_fdata())
+ # Instantiate default thing
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
+ R.similarity = 'cc'
+@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@
+ """ Test the histogram registration class.
+ """
+ I = make_xyz_image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+- J = make_xyz_image(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
++ J = make_xyz_image(I.get_fdata().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
+ assert_raises(ValueError, R.subsample, spacing=[0, 1, 3])
+ def test_set_fov():
+ I = make_xyz_image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+- J = make_xyz_image(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
++ J = make_xyz_image(I.get_fdata().copy(), dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
+ R.set_fov(npoints=np.prod(I.shape))
+ assert_equal(R._from_data.shape, I.shape)
+@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@
+ mask[10:20, 10:20, 10:20] = True
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J, to_mask=mask, from_mask=mask)
+ sim1 = R.eval(Affine())
+- I = make_xyz_image(I.get_data()[mask].reshape(10, 10, 10),
++ I = make_xyz_image(I.get_fdata()[mask].reshape(10, 10, 10),
+ dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+- J = make_xyz_image(J.get_data()[mask].reshape(10, 10, 10),
++ J = make_xyz_image(J.get_fdata()[mask].reshape(10, 10, 10),
+ dummy_affine, 'scanner')
+ R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
+ sim2 = R.eval(Affine())
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_resample.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_resample.py
+@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
+ img = Image(arr, vox2mni(np.eye(4)))
+ for i in interp_orders:
+ img2 = resample(img, T, interp_order=i)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ img_aff = as_xyz_image(img)
+ img2 = resample(img, T, reference=(img_aff.shape, xyz_affine(img_aff)),
+ interp_order=i)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ def test_resample_dtypes():
+@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
+ aff_obj = Affine((.5, .5, .5, .1, .1, .1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ for transform in aff_obj, ApplyAffine(aff_obj.as_affine()):
+ img2 = resample(img, transform)
+- assert(np.min(img2.get_data()) >= 0)
+- assert(np.max(img2.get_data()) < 255)
++ assert(np.min(img2.get_fdata()) >= 0)
++ assert(np.max(img2.get_fdata()) < 255)
+ def test_resample_outvalue():
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+ for order in (1, 3):
+ # Default interpolation outside is constant == 0
+ img2 = resample(img, transform, interp_order=order)
+- arr2 = img2.get_data()
++ arr2 = img2.get_fdata()
+ exp_arr = np.zeros_like(arr)
+ exp_arr[:-1,:,:] = arr[1:,:,:]
+ assert_array_equal(arr2, exp_arr)
+@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@
+ mode='constant', cval=0.)
+ exp_arr = np.zeros(arr.shape)
+ exp_arr[:-1, :, :] = arr[1:, :, :]
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ # Test constant value of 1
+ img2 = resample(img, transform, interp_order=order,
+ mode='constant', cval=1.)
+ exp_arr[-1, :, :] = 1
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ # Test nearest neighbor
+ img2 = resample(img, transform, interp_order=order,
+ mode='nearest')
+ exp_arr[-1, :, :] = arr[-1, :, :]
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_slice_timing.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/registration/tests/test_slice_timing.py
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+ stc.estimate(refscan=None, loops=1, between_loops=1, optimizer='steepest')
+ # Check no motion estimated
+ assert_array_equal([t.param for t in stc._transforms[0]], 0)
+- corrected = stc.resample()[0].get_data()
++ corrected = stc.resample()[0].get_fdata()
+ # check we approximate first time slice with correction
+ assert_false(np.allclose(acquired_signal, corrected, rtol=1e-3,
+ atol=0.1))
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/resample.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/resample.py
+@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
+ TV2IV = compose(image.coordmap.inverse(), TV2IW)
+ if isinstance(TV2IV, AffineTransform): # still affine
+ A, b = to_matvec(TV2IV.affine)
+- idata = affine_transform(image.get_data(), A,
++ idata = affine_transform(image.get_fdata(), A,
+ offset=b,
+ output_shape=shape,
+ order=order,
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/segmentation/tests/test_segmentation.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/segmentation/tests/test_segmentation.py
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ from ....testing import anatfile
+ anat_img = load_image(anatfile)
+-anat_mask = anat_img.get_data() > 0
++anat_mask = anat_img.get_fdata() > 0
+ DIMS = (30, 30, 20)
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ def _test_brain_seg(model, niters=3, beta=0, ngb_size=6, init_params=None,
+ convert=True):
+- S = BrainT1Segmentation(anat_img.get_data(), mask=anat_mask,
++ S = BrainT1Segmentation(anat_img.get_fdata(), mask=anat_mask,
+ model=model, niters=niters, beta=beta,
+ ngb_size=ngb_size, init_params=init_params,
+ convert=convert)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/tests/test_kernel_smooth.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/tests/test_kernel_smooth.py
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ sanat = smoother.smooth(anat)
+ assert_equal(sanat.shape, anat.shape)
+ assert_equal(sanat.coordmap, anat.coordmap)
+- assert_false(np.allclose(sanat.get_data(), anat.get_data()))
++ assert_false(np.allclose(sanat.get_fdata(), anat.get_fdata()))
+ def test_funny_coordmap():
+@@ -36,23 +36,23 @@
+ cmap_rot = AffineTransform(cmap.function_range,
+ cmap.function_range,
+ aff)
+- func_rot = Image(func.get_data(), compose(cmap_rot, cmap))
++ func_rot = Image(func.get_fdata(), compose(cmap_rot, cmap))
+ func1 = func_rot[...,1] # 5x4 affine
+ smoother = LinearFilter(func1.coordmap, func1.shape)
+ sfunc1 = smoother.smooth(func1) # OK
+ # And same as for 4x4 affine
+ cmap3d = drop_io_dim(cmap, 't')
+- func3d = Image(func1.get_data(), cmap3d)
++ func3d = Image(func1.get_fdata(), cmap3d)
+ smoother = LinearFilter(func3d.coordmap, func3d.shape)
+ sfunc3d = smoother.smooth(func3d)
+ assert_equal(sfunc1.shape, sfunc3d.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(sfunc1.get_data(), sfunc3d.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(sfunc1.get_fdata(), sfunc3d.get_fdata())
+ # And same with no rotation
+ func_fresh = func[...,1] # 5x4 affine, no rotation
+ smoother = LinearFilter(func_fresh.coordmap, func_fresh.shape)
+ sfunc_fresh = smoother.smooth(func_fresh)
+ assert_equal(sfunc1.shape, sfunc_fresh.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(sfunc1.get_data(), sfunc_fresh.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(sfunc1.get_fdata(), sfunc_fresh.get_fdata())
+ def test_func_smooth():
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+ kernel = LinearFilter(coordmap, shape,
+ fwhm=randint(50, 100 + 1) / 10.)
+ # smoothed normalized 3D array
+- ssignal = kernel.smooth(signal).get_data()
++ ssignal = kernel.smooth(signal).get_fdata()
+ ssignal[:] *= kernel.norms[kernel.normalization]
+ # 3 points * signal.size array
+ I = np.indices(ssignal.shape)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/tests/test_resample.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/tests/test_resample.py
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ fimg = load_image(funcfile)
+ aimg = load_image(anatfile)
+ resimg = resample_img2img(fimg, fimg)
+- yield assert_true, np.allclose(resimg.get_data(), fimg.get_data())
++ yield assert_true, np.allclose(resimg.get_fdata(), fimg.get_fdata())
+ yield assert_raises, ValueError, resample_img2img, fimg, aimg
+@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@
+ g2 = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.7,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,100)), g)
+ # This sets the image data by writing into the array
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.array([[0,1,0],
+ [1,0,0],
+ [0,0,1]], np.float)
+ ir = resample(i, g2, a, (100, 100))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data().T, i.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata().T, i.get_fdata())
+ def test_rotate2d2():
+@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
+ g2 = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.7,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,80)), g)
+ # This sets the image data by writing into the array
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.array([[0,1,0],
+ [1,0,0],
+ [0,0,1]], np.float)
+ ir = resample(i, g2, a, (80,100))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data().T, i.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata().T, i.get_fdata())
+ def test_rotate2d3():
+@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('xy', 'ij', np.diag([0.5,0.7,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,80)), g)
+ # This sets the image data by writing into the array
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.identity(3)
+ g2 = AffineTransform.from_params('xy', 'ij', np.array([[0,0.5,0],
+ [0.7,0,0],
+ [0,0,1]]))
+ ir = resample(i, g2, a, (80,100))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data().T, i.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata().T, i.get_fdata())
+ def test_rotate3d():
+@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
+ g2 = AffineTransform.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.7,0.6,1]))
+ shape = (100,90,80)
+ i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
+ a = np.array([[1,0,0,0],
+ [0,0,1,0],
+ [0,1,0,0],
+ [0,0,0,1.]])
+ ir = resample(i, g2, a, (100,80,90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(np.transpose(ir.get_data(), (0,2,1)),
+- i.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(np.transpose(ir.get_fdata(), (0,2,1)),
++ i.get_fdata())
+ def test_resample2d():
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ # This mapping describes a mapping from the "target" physical
+ # coordinates to the "image" physical coordinates. The 3x3 matrix
+ # below indicates that the "target" physical coordinates are related
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ a = np.identity(3)
+ a[:2,-1] = 4.
+ ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
+ def test_resample2d1():
+@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
+ # an AffineTransform instance
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.identity(3)
+ a[:2,-1] = 4.
+ A = np.identity(2)
+@@ -127,19 +127,19 @@
+ def mapper(x):
+ return np.dot(x, A.T) + b
+ ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, mapper, (100,90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
+ def test_resample2d2():
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.identity(3)
+ a[:2,-1] = 4.
+ A = np.identity(2)
+ b = np.ones(2)*4
+ ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, (A, b), (100,90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
+ def test_resample2d3():
+@@ -147,18 +147,18 @@
+ # the transform: here it is an (A,b) pair
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ij', 'xy', np.diag([0.5,0.5,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ a = np.identity(3)
+ a[:2,-1] = 4.
+ ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata()[42:47,32:47], 3.)
+ def test_resample3d():
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
+ shape = (100,90,80)
+ i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
+ # This mapping describes a mapping from the "target" physical
+ # coordinates to the "image" physical coordinates. The 4x4 matrix
+ # below indicates that the "target" physical coordinates are related
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
+ a = np.identity(4)
+ a[:3,-1] = [3,4,5]
+ ir = resample(i, i.coordmap, a, (100,90,80))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data()[44:49,32:47,20:23], 3.)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata()[44:49,32:47,20:23], 3.)
+ def test_resample_outvalue():
+@@ -193,25 +193,25 @@
+ order=order, mode='constant', cval=0.)
+ exp_arr = np.zeros(arr.shape)
+ exp_arr[:-1, :, :] = arr[1:, :, :]
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ # Test constant value of 1
+ img2 = resample(img, coordmap, mapping, img.shape,
+ order=order, mode='constant', cval=1.)
+ exp_arr[-1, :, :] = 1
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ # Test nearest neighbor
+ img2 = resample(img, coordmap, mapping, img.shape,
+ order=order, mode='nearest')
+ exp_arr[-1, :, :] = arr[-1, :, :]
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ # Test img2img
+ target_coordmap = vox2mni(aff)
+ target = Image(arr, target_coordmap)
+ img2 = resample_img2img(img, target, 3, 'nearest')
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ img2 = resample_img2img(img, target, 3, 'constant', cval=1.)
+ exp_arr[-1, :, :] = 1
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), exp_arr)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), exp_arr)
+ def test_nonaffine():
+@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
+ in_names, out_names, tin_names, tout_names = names
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params(in_names, out_names, np.identity(3))
+ img = Image(np.ones((100,90)), g)
+- img.get_data()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
++ img.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55] = 3.
+ tcoordmap = AffineTransform.from_start_step(
+ tin_names,
+ tout_names,
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+ pylab.gca().set_ylim([0,99])
+ pylab.gca().set_xlim([0,89])
+ pylab.figure(num=4)
+- pylab.plot(ir.get_data())
++ pylab.plot(ir.get_fdata())
+ def test_2d_from_3d():
+@@ -252,11 +252,11 @@
+ shape = (100,90,80)
+ g = AffineTransform.from_params('ijk', 'xyz', np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
+ i = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
+- i.get_data()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
++ i.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3.
+ a = np.identity(4)
+ g2 = ArrayCoordMap.from_shape(g, shape)[10]
+ ir = resample(i, g2.coordmap, a, g2.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data(), i[10].get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata(), i[10].get_fdata())
+ def test_slice_from_3d():
+@@ -270,23 +270,23 @@
+ 'xyz',
+ np.diag([0.5,0.5,0.5,1]))
+ img = Image(np.ones(shape), g)
+- img.get_data()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3
++ img.get_fdata()[50:55,40:55,30:33] = 3
+ I = np.identity(4)
+ zsl = slices.zslice(26,
+ ((0,49.5), 100),
+ ((0,44.5), 90),
+ img.reference)
+ ir = resample(img, zsl, I, (100, 90))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data(), img[:,:,53].get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata(), img[:,:,53].get_fdata())
+ ysl = slices.yslice(22,
+ ((0,49.5), 100),
+ ((0,39.5), 80),
+ img.reference)
+ ir = resample(img, ysl, I, (100, 80))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data(), img[:,45,:].get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata(), img[:,45,:].get_fdata())
+ xsl = slices.xslice(15.5,
+ ((0,44.5), 90),
+ ((0,39.5), 80),
+ img.reference)
+ ir = resample(img, xsl, I, (90, 80))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_data(), img[32,:,:].get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(ir.get_fdata(), img[32,:,:].get_fdata())
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/utils/pca.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/utils/pca.py
+@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@
+ if not mask.coordmap.similar_to(drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, axis)):
+ raise ValueError("Mask should have matching coordmap to `img` "
+ "coordmap with dropped axis %s" % axis)
+- data = work_img.get_data()
++ data = work_img.get_fdata()
+ if mask is not None:
+- mask_data = mask.get_data()
++ mask_data = mask.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ mask_data = None
+ # do the PCA
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/utils/tests/test_pca.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/utils/tests/test_pca.py
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+ def setup():
+ img = load_image(funcfile)
+- arr = img.get_data()
++ arr = img.get_fdata()
+ #arr = np.rollaxis(arr, 3)
+ data['nimages'] = arr.shape[3]
+ data['fmridata'] = arr
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/utils/tests/test_pca_image.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/utils/tests/test_pca_image.py
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ # Below, I am just making a mask because I already have img, I know I can do
+ # this. In principle, though, the pca function will just take another Image
+ # as a mask
+- img_data = t0_img.get_data()
++ img_data = t0_img.get_fdata()
+ mask_cmap = drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, 't')
+ first_frame = img_data[0]
+ mask = Image(np.greater(first_frame, 500).astype(np.float64),
+@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
+ data_dict['fmridata'] = img
+ data_dict['mask'] = mask
+- # print data_dict['mask'].shape, np.sum(data_dict['mask'].get_data())
++ # print data_dict['mask'].shape, np.sum(data_dict['mask'].get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(data_dict['mask'].shape, (17, 21, 3))
+- assert_almost_equal(np.sum(data_dict['mask'].get_data()), 1071.0)
++ assert_almost_equal(np.sum(data_dict['mask'].get_fdata()), 1071.0)
+ def _rank(p):
+ return p['basis_vectors'].shape[1]
+@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
+ def test_5d():
+ # What happened to a 5d image? We should get 4d images back
+ img = data_dict['fmridata']
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ # Make a last input and output axis called 'v'
+ vcs = CS('v')
+ xtra_cmap = AffineTransform(vcs, vcs, np.eye(2))
+@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
+ data_5d = data.reshape(data.shape + (1,))
+ fived = Image(data_5d, cmap_5d)
+ mask = data_dict['mask']
+- mask_data = mask.get_data()
++ mask_data = mask.get_fdata()
+ mask_data = mask_data.reshape(mask_data.shape + (1,))
+ cmap_4d = cm_product(mask.coordmap, xtra_cmap)
+ mask4d = Image(mask_data, cmap_4d)
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
+ fived = Image(data_5d, cmap_5d)
+ # Give the mask a 't' dimension, but no group dimension
+ mask = data_dict['mask']
+- mask_data = mask.get_data()
++ mask_data = mask.get_fdata()
+ mask_data = mask_data.reshape(mask_data.shape + (1,))
+ # We need to replicate the time scaling of the image cmap, hence the 2. in
+ # the affine
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
+ axis = res['axis']
+ bvs = res[bv_key]
+ bps_img = res['basis_projections']
+- bps = bps_img.get_data()
++ bps = bps_img.get_fdata()
+ signs = np.sign(bvs[0])
+ res[bv_key] = bvs * signs
+ new_axes = [None] * bps.ndim
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
+ ncomp = 5
+ img = data_dict['fmridata']
+ in_coords = list(img.axes.coord_names)
+- img_data = img.get_data()
++ img_data = img.get_fdata()
+ for axis_no, axis_name in enumerate('ijkt'):
+ p = pca_image(img, axis_name, ncomp=ncomp)
+ n = img.shape[axis_no]
+@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
+ pos_dp = res2pos1(dp)
+ img_bps = pos_p['basis_projections']
+ assert_almost_equal(pos_dp['basis_vectors'], pos_p[bv_key])
+- assert_almost_equal(pos_dp['basis_projections'], img_bps.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(pos_dp['basis_projections'], img_bps.get_fdata())
+ # And we've replaced the expected axis
+ exp_coords = in_coords[:]
+ exp_coords[exp_coords.index(axis_name)] = 'PCA components'
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/image_list.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/image_list.py
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ images : iterable
+ an iterable object whose items are meant to be images; this is
+ checked by asserting that each has a `coordmap` attribute and a
+- ``get_data`` method. Note that Image objects are not iterable by
++ ``get_fdata`` method. Note that Image objects are not iterable by
+ default; use the ``from_image`` classmethod or ``iter_axis`` function
+ to convert images to image lists - see examples below for the latter.
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+ False
+ >>> np.asarray(sublist).shape
+ (3, 17, 21, 3)
+- >>> newimg.get_data().shape
++ >>> newimg.get_fdata().shape
+ (17, 21, 3)
+ """
+ if images is None:
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
+ for img in iter_axis(image, in_ax):
+ if dropout:
+ cmap = drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, out_ax_name)
+- img = Image(img.get_data(), cmap, img.metadata)
++ img = Image(img.get_fdata(), cmap, img.metadata)
+ imlist.append(img)
+ return klass(imlist)
+@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
+ v = np.empty(tmp_shape)
+ # first put the data in an array, with list dimension in the first axis
+ for i, im in enumerate(self.list):
+- v[i] = im.get_data() # get_data method of an image has no axis
++ v[i] = im.get_fdata() # get_fdata method of an image has no axis
+ # then roll (and rock?) the axis to have axis in the right place
+ if axis < 0:
+ axis += out_dim
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image.py
+@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@
+ def test_init():
+- data = gimg.get_data()
++ data = gimg.get_fdata()
+ new = Image(data, gimg.coordmap)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(gimg.get_data(), new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(gimg.get_fdata(), new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(new.coordmap, gimg.coordmap)
+ assert_raises(TypeError, Image)
+ assert_raises(TypeError, Image, data)
+ def test_maxmin_values():
+- y = gimg.get_data()
++ y = gimg.get_fdata()
+ assert_equal(y.shape, tuple(gimg.shape))
+ assert_equal(y.max(), 23)
+ assert_equal(y.min(), 0.0)
+@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@
+ assert_equal(x.shape, newshape)
+-def test_get_data():
+- # get_data always returns an array
+- x = gimg.get_data()
++def test_get_fdata():
++ # get_fdata always returns an array
++ x = gimg.get_fdata()
+ assert_true(isinstance(x, np.ndarray))
+ assert_equal(x.shape, gimg.shape)
+ assert_equal(x.ndim, gimg.ndim)
+@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@
+ assert_equal(img_slice.shape, (3,2))
+ tmp = np.zeros(gimg.shape)
+ write_data(tmp, enumerate(iter_axis(gimg, 0, asarray=True)))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(tmp, gimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(tmp, gimg.get_fdata())
+ tmp = np.zeros(gimg.shape)
+ g = iter_axis(gimg, 0, asarray=True)
+ write_data(tmp, enumerate(g))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(tmp, gimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(tmp, gimg.get_fdata())
+ def test_parcels1():
+- parcelmap = gimg.get_data().astype(np.int32)
++ parcelmap = gimg.get_fdata().astype(np.int32)
+ test = np.zeros(parcelmap.shape)
+ v = 0
+ for i, d in data_generator(test, parcels(parcelmap)):
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+ def test_parcels3():
+ rho = gimg[0]
+- parcelmap = rho.get_data().astype(np.int32)
++ parcelmap = rho.get_fdata().astype(np.int32)
+ labels = np.unique(parcelmap)
+ test = np.zeros(rho.shape)
+ v = 0
+@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@
+ img = image.Image(obj, coordmap)
+ assert_equal(img.ndim, 3)
+ assert_equal(img.shape, (2,3,4))
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img.get_data(), 1)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img.get_fdata(), 1)
+ # Test that the array stays with the image, so we can assign the array
+ # in-place, at least in this case
+- img.get_data()[:] = 4
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), 4)
++ img.get_fdata()[:] = 4
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), 4)
+ def test_defaults_ND():
+@@ -217,31 +217,31 @@
+ coordmap = AffineTransform.from_params('xyz', 'ijk', np.eye(4))
+ img = Image(arr, coordmap, metadata={'field': 'value'})
+ img2 = Image.from_image(img)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), img2.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), img2.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, img2.coordmap)
+ assert_equal(img.metadata, img2.metadata)
+ assert_false(img.metadata is img2.metadata)
+ # optional inputs - data
+ arr2 = arr + 10
+ new = Image.from_image(img, arr2)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(new.coordmap, coordmap)
+ new = Image.from_image(img, data=arr2)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(new.coordmap, coordmap)
+ # optional inputs - coordmap
+ coordmap2 = AffineTransform.from_params('pqr', 'ijk', np.eye(4))
+ new = Image.from_image(img, arr2, coordmap2)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(new.coordmap, coordmap2)
+ new = Image.from_image(img, coordmap=coordmap2)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr, new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr, new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(new.coordmap, coordmap2)
+ # Optional inputs - metadata
+ assert_equal(new.metadata, img.metadata)
+ another_meta = {'interesting': 'information'}
+ new = Image.from_image(img, arr2, coordmap2, another_meta)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(arr2, new.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(another_meta, new.metadata)
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
+ im_scrambled = im.reordered_axes('iljk').reordered_reference('xtyz')
+ im_unscrambled = image.synchronized_order(im_scrambled, im)
+ assert_equal(im_unscrambled.coordmap, im.coordmap)
+- assert_almost_equal(im_unscrambled.get_data(), im.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(im_unscrambled.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(im_unscrambled, im)
+ assert_true(im_unscrambled == im)
+ assert_false(im_unscrambled != im)
+@@ -311,19 +311,19 @@
+ # 'l' can appear both as an axis and a reference coord name
+ im_unamb = Image(data, AffineTransform.from_params('ijkl', 'xyzl', np.diag([1,2,3,4,1])))
+ im_rolled = image.rollaxis(im_unamb, 'l')
+- assert_almost_equal(im_rolled.get_data(),
+- im_unamb.get_data().transpose([3,0,1,2]))
++ assert_almost_equal(im_rolled.get_fdata(),
++ im_unamb.get_fdata().transpose([3,0,1,2]))
+ for i, o, n in zip('ijkl', 'xyzt', range(4)):
+ im_i = image.rollaxis(im, i)
+ im_o = image.rollaxis(im, o)
+ im_n = image.rollaxis(im, n)
+- assert_almost_equal(im_i.get_data(), im_o.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(im_i.get_fdata(), im_o.get_fdata())
+ assert_almost_equal(im_i.affine, im_o.affine)
+- assert_almost_equal(im_n.get_data(), im_o.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(im_n.get_fdata(), im_o.get_fdata())
+ for _im in [im_n, im_o, im_i]:
+ im_n_inv = image.rollaxis(_im, n, inverse=True)
+ assert_almost_equal(im_n_inv.affine, im.affine)
+- assert_almost_equal(im_n_inv.get_data(), im.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(im_n_inv.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata())
+ def test_is_image():
+@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
+ assert_true(is_image(img))
+ assert_false(is_image(object()))
+ class C(object):
+- def get_data(self): pass
++ def get_fdata(self): pass
+ c = C()
+ assert_false(is_image(c))
+ c.coordmap = None
+@@ -357,21 +357,21 @@
+ assert_equal(im1.coordmap, rollimg(im, -3).coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im1.coordmap,
+ AT('jikl', 'xyzt', aff[:, (1, 0, 2, 3, 4)]))
+- assert_array_equal(im1.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 1))
++ assert_array_equal(im1.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 1))
+ im2 = rollimg(im, 2)
+ assert_equal(im2.coordmap, rollimg(im, 'k').coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im2.coordmap, rollimg(im, 'z').coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im2.coordmap, rollimg(im, -2).coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im2.coordmap,
+ AT('kijl', 'xyzt', aff[:, (2, 0, 1, 3, 4)]))
+- assert_array_equal(im2.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 2))
++ assert_array_equal(im2.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 2))
+ im3 = rollimg(im, 3)
+ assert_equal(im3.coordmap, rollimg(im, 'l').coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im3.coordmap, rollimg(im, 't').coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im3.coordmap, rollimg(im, -1).coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im3.coordmap,
+ AT('lijk', 'xyzt', aff[:, (3, 0, 1, 2, 4)]))
+- assert_array_equal(im3.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 3))
++ assert_array_equal(im3.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 3))
+ # We can roll to before a specified axis
+ im31 = rollimg(im, 3, 1)
+ assert_equal(im31.coordmap, rollimg(im, 'l', 'j').coordmap)
+@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
+ assert_equal(im31.coordmap, rollimg(im, -1, -3).coordmap)
+ assert_equal(im31.coordmap,
+ AT('iljk', 'xyzt', aff[:, (0, 3, 1, 2, 4)]))
+- assert_array_equal(im31.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 3, 1))
++ assert_array_equal(im31.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 3, 1))
+ # Check that ambiguous axes raise an exception; 'l' appears both as an axis
+ # and a reference coord name and in different places
+ im_amb = Image(data, AT('ijkl', 'xylt', np.diag([1,2,3,4,1])))
+@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@
+ # reference coord name
+ im_unamb = Image(data, AT('ijkl', 'xyzl', np.diag([1,2,3,4,1])))
+ im_rolled = rollimg(im_unamb, 'l')
+- assert_array_equal(im_rolled.get_data(),
+- im_unamb.get_data().transpose([3,0,1,2]))
++ assert_array_equal(im_rolled.get_fdata(),
++ im_unamb.get_fdata().transpose([3,0,1,2]))
+ # Zero row / col means we can't find an axis mapping, when fix0 is false
+ aff_z = np.diag([1, 2, 3, 0, 1])
+ im_z = Image(data, AT('ijkl', 'xyzt', aff_z))
+@@ -419,15 +419,15 @@
+ im_i = rollimg(im, i)
+ im_o = rollimg(im, o)
+ im_n = rollimg(im, n)
+- assert_array_equal(im_i.get_data(), im_o.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(im_i.get_fdata(), im_o.get_fdata())
+ assert_array_equal(im_i.affine, im_o.affine)
+- assert_array_equal(im_n.get_data(), im_o.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(im_n.get_fdata(), im_o.get_fdata())
+ for _im in [im_n, im_o, im_i]:
+ # We're rollimg back. We want to roll the new axis 0 back to where
+ # it started, which was position n
+ im_n_inv = rollimg(_im, 0, n + 1)
+ assert_array_equal(im_n_inv.affine, im.affine)
+- assert_array_equal(im_n_inv.get_data(), im.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(im_n_inv.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata())
+ def test_rollimg_rollaxis():
+@@ -439,11 +439,11 @@
+ for axis in chain(range(4), range(-3, -1)):
+ rdata = np.rollaxis(data, axis)
+ rimg = rollimg(img, axis)
+- assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_fdata())
+ for start in chain(range(4), range(-3, -1)):
+ rdata = np.rollaxis(data, axis, start)
+ rimg = rollimg(img, axis, start)
+- assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_fdata())
+ def test_rollaxis_inverse():
+@@ -455,6 +455,6 @@
+ for axis in chain(range(4), range(-3, -1)):
+ rimg = image.rollaxis(img, axis)
+ rdata = np.rollaxis(data, axis)
+- assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(rdata, rimg.get_fdata())
+ rrimg = image.rollaxis(rimg, axis, inverse=True)
+- assert_array_equal(data, rrimg.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data, rrimg.get_fdata())
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image_list.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image_list.py
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ new_cmap = AffineTransform(CoordinateSystem('ijkl'),
+ FIMG.coordmap.function_range,
+ FIMG.coordmap.affine)
+- fimg2 = Image(FIMG.get_data(), new_cmap)
++ fimg2 = Image(FIMG.get_fdata(), new_cmap)
+ assert_equal(len(ImageList.from_image(fimg2, axis='t')), 20)
+ assert_equal(len(ImageList.from_image(fimg2, axis='l')), 20)
+ assert_raises(AxisError, ImageList.from_image, FIMG, 'q')
+@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
+ assert_true(isinstance(sublist.get_list_data(axis=0), np.ndarray))
+ # Test __setitem__
+ sublist[2] = sublist[0]
+- assert_equal(sublist[0].get_data().mean(),
+- sublist[2].get_data().mean())
++ assert_equal(sublist[0].get_fdata().mean(),
++ sublist[2].get_fdata().mean())
+ # Test iterator
+ for x in sublist:
+ assert_true(isinstance(x, Image))
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image_spaces.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/tests/test_image_spaces.py
+@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
+ img_r = as_xyz_image(tmap)
+ assert_false(tmap is img_r)
+ assert_equal(img, img_r)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), img_r.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), img_r.get_fdata())
+ img_t0 = rollimg(img, 't')
+ assert_false(is_xyz_affable(img_t0))
+ img_t0_r = as_xyz_image(img_t0)
+ assert_false(img_t0 is img_t0_r)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), img_t0_r.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), img_t0_r.get_fdata())
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, img_t0_r.coordmap)
+ # Test against nibabel image
+ nimg = nib.Nifti1Image(arr.astype('float'), np.diag([2,3,4,1]))
+@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
+ aff = np.diag([2,3,4,1])
+ img = make_xyz_image(arr, aff, 'mni')
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, vox2mni(aff, 1.0))
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), arr)
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), arr)
+ img = make_xyz_image(arr, aff, 'talairach')
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, vox2talairach(aff, 1.0))
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), arr)
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), arr)
+ img = make_xyz_image(arr, aff, talairach_space)
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, vox2talairach(aff, 1.0))
+ # Unknown space as string raises SpaceError
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/image/tests/test_rollimg.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/image/tests/test_rollimg.py
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+ axis_name = img.axes.coord_names[0]
+ output_axes = list(img.axes.coord_names)
+ output_axes.remove(axis_name)
+- newdata = reduce_op(img.get_data())
++ newdata = reduce_op(img.get_fdata())
+ return Image(newdata, drop_io_dim(img.coordmap, axis))
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
+ """
+ rolled_img = rollimg(img, inaxis)
+ inaxis = rolled_img.axes.coord_names[0] # now it's a string
+- newdata = function(rolled_img.get_data())
++ newdata = function(rolled_img.get_fdata())
+ new_coordmap = rolled_img.coordmap.renamed_domain({inaxis: outaxis})
+ new_image = Image(newdata, new_coordmap)
+ # we have to roll the axis back
+@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
+ with a modified copy of img._data.
+ """
+ rolled_img = rollimg(img, axis)
+- data = rolled_img.get_data().copy()
++ data = rolled_img.get_fdata().copy()
+ for d in data:
+ modify(d)
+ import copy
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(im), xyz_affine(newim))
+ assert_equal(newim.axes.coord_names, tuple('ijk'))
+ assert_equal(newim.shape, (3, 5, 7))
+- assert_almost_equal(newim.get_data(), x.sum(3))
++ assert_almost_equal(newim.get_fdata(), x.sum(3))
+ im_nd = Image(x, AT(CS('ijkq'), MNI4, np.array(
+ [[0, 1, 2, 0, 10],
+ [3, 4, 5, 0, 11],
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(im), xyz_affine(newim))
+ assert_equal(newim.axes.coord_names, tuple('ijk'))
+ assert_equal(newim.shape, (3, 5, 7))
+- assert_almost_equal(newim.get_data(), x.sum(3))
++ assert_almost_equal(newim.get_fdata(), x.sum(3))
+ def test_call():
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(im), xyz_affine(newim))
+ assert_equal(newim.axes.coord_names, tuple('ijk') + ('out',))
+ assert_equal(newim.shape, (3, 5, 7, 6))
+- assert_almost_equal(newim.get_data(), x[:,:,:,::2])
++ assert_almost_equal(newim.get_fdata(), x[:,:,:,::2])
+ def test_modify():
+@@ -242,16 +242,16 @@
+ for a in i, o, n:
+ nullim = image_modify(im, nullmodify, a)
+ meanim = image_modify(im, meanmodify, a)
+- assert_array_equal(nullim.get_data(), im.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(nullim.get_fdata(), im.get_fdata())
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(im), xyz_affine(nullim))
+ assert_equal(nullim.axes, im.axes)
+ # yield assert_equal, nullim, im
+ assert_array_equal(xyz_affine(im), xyz_affine(meanim))
+ assert_equal(meanim.axes, im.axes)
+ # Make sure that meanmodify works as expected
+- d = im.get_data()
++ d = im.get_fdata()
+ d = np.rollaxis(d, n)
+- meand = meanim.get_data()
++ meand = meanim.get_fdata()
+ meand = np.rollaxis(meand, n)
+ for i in range(d.shape[0]):
+ assert_almost_equal(meand[i], d[i].mean())
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/core/utils/generators.py
++++ nipy/nipy/core/utils/generators.py
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : image or array-like
+- Either an image (with ``get_data`` method returning ndarray) or an
++ Either an image (with ``get_fdata`` method returning ndarray) or an
+ array-like
+ labels : iterable, optional
+ A sequence of labels for which to return indices within `data`. The
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ """
+ # Get image data or make array from array-like
+ try:
+- data = data.get_data()
++ data = data.get_fdata()
+ except AttributeError:
+ data = np.asarray(data)
+ if labels is None:
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/files.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/files.py
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
+ # All done
+ io_dtype = None
+ elif dt_from_is_str and dtype_from == 'data':
+- io_dtype = img.get_data().dtype
++ io_dtype = img.get_fdata().dtype
+ else:
+ io_dtype = np.dtype(dtype_from)
+ # make new image
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/nifti_ref.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/nifti_ref.py
+@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
+ data = None
+ if data_dtype is None:
+ if in_hdr is None:
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ data_dtype = data.dtype
+ else:
+ data_dtype = in_hdr.get_data_dtype()
+@@ -361,12 +361,12 @@
+ # Done if we only have 3 input dimensions
+ n_ns = coordmap.ndims[0] - 3
+ if n_ns == 0: # No non-spatial dimensions
+- return nib.Nifti1Image(img.get_data(), xyz_affine, hdr)
++ return nib.Nifti1Image(img.get_fdata(), xyz_affine, hdr)
+ elif n_ns > 4:
+ raise NiftiError("Too many dimensions to convert")
+ # Go now to data, pixdims
+ if data is None:
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ rzs, trans = to_matvec(img.coordmap.affine)
+ ns_pixdims = list(np.sqrt(np.sum(rzs[3:, 3:] ** 2, axis=0)))
+ in_ax, out_ax, tl_name = _find_time_like(coordmap, fix0)
+@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
+ affine = hdr.get_best_affine()
+ else:
+ affine = affine.copy()
+- data = ni_img.get_data()
++ data = ni_img.get_fdata()
+ shape = list(ni_img.shape)
+ ndim = len(shape)
+ if ndim < 3:
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/tests/test_image_io.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/tests/test_image_io.py
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ @if_templates
+ def test_maxminmean_values():
+ # loaded array values from SPM
+- y = gimg.get_data()
++ y = gimg.get_fdata()
+ yield assert_equal, y.shape, tuple(gimg.shape)
+ yield assert_array_almost_equal, y.max(), 1.000000059
+ yield assert_array_almost_equal, y.mean(), 0.273968048
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
+ img = Image(data, vox2mni(np.eye(4)))
+ # The dtype_from dtype won't be visible until the image is loaded
+ newimg = save_image(img, name, dtype_from=out_dtype)
+- return newimg.get_data(), data
++ return newimg.get_fdata(), data
+ def test_scaling_io_dtype():
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+ # Check the data is within reasonable bounds. The exact bounds
+ # are a little annoying to calculate - see
+ # nibabel/tests/test_round_trip for inspiration
+- data_back = img.get_data().copy() # copy to detach from file
++ data_back = img.get_fdata().copy() # copy to detach from file
+ del img
+ top = np.abs(data - data_back)
+ nzs = (top !=0) & (data !=0)
+@@ -227,11 +227,11 @@
+ def test_file_roundtrip():
+ img = load_image(anatfile)
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ with InTemporaryDirectory():
+ save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
+ img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
+- data2 = img2.get_data()
++ data2 = img2.get_fdata()
+ # verify data
+ assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
+ assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
+ with InTemporaryDirectory():
+ save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
+ img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
+- data2 = img2.get_data()
++ data2 = img2.get_fdata()
+ # verify data
+ assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
+ assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
+@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
+ img1 = as_image(six.text_type(funcfile)) # unicode
+ img2 = as_image(img)
+ assert_equal(img.affine, img1.affine)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), img1.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), img1.get_fdata())
+ assert_true(img is img2)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/tests/test_nifti_ref.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/tests/test_nifti_ref.py
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ # Make a fresh copy of a image stored in a file
+ img = load(fname)
+ hdr = img.metadata['header'].copy()
+- return Image(img.get_data().copy(),
++ return Image(img.get_fdata().copy(),
+ copy(img.coordmap),
+ {'header': hdr})
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ # Go from nipy image to header and data for nifti
+ fimg = copy_of(funcfile)
+ hdr = fimg.metadata['header']
+- data = fimg.get_data()
++ data = fimg.get_fdata()
+ # Header is preserved
+ # Put in some information to check header is preserved
+ hdr['slice_duration'] = 0.25
+@@ -63,35 +63,35 @@
+ assert_false(hdr is new_hdr)
+ # Check information preserved
+ assert_equal(hdr['slice_duration'], new_hdr['slice_duration'])
+- assert_array_equal(data, ni_img.get_data())
++ assert_array_equal(data, ni_img.get_fdata())
+ # Shape obviously should be same
+ assert_equal(ni_img.shape, fimg.shape)
+ def test_xyz_affines():
+ fimg = copy_of(funcfile)
+- data = fimg.get_data()
++ data = fimg.get_fdata()
+ # Check conversion to xyz affable
+ # Roll time to front in array
+ fimg_t0 = fimg.reordered_axes((3, 0, 1, 2))
+ # Nifti conversion rolls it back
+- assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(fimg_t0).get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(fimg_t0).get_fdata(), data)
+ # Roll time to position 1
+ fimg_t0 = fimg.reordered_axes((0, 3, 1, 2))
+- assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(fimg_t0).get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(fimg_t0).get_fdata(), data)
+ # Check bad names cause NiftiError
+ out_coords = fimg.reference.coord_names
+ bad_img = fimg.renamed_reference(**{out_coords[0]: 'not a known axis'})
+ assert_raises(NiftiError, nipy2nifti, bad_img)
+ # Check xyz works for not strict
+ bad_img = fimg.renamed_reference(**dict(zip(out_coords, 'xyz')))
+- assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(bad_img, strict=False).get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(bad_img, strict=False).get_fdata(), data)
+ # But fails for strict
+ assert_raises(NiftiError, nipy2nifti, bad_img, strict=True)
+ # 3D is OK
+ aimg = copy_of(anatfile)
+- adata = aimg.get_data()
+- assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(aimg).get_data(), adata)
++ adata = aimg.get_fdata()
++ assert_array_equal(nipy2nifti(aimg).get_fdata(), adata)
+ # For now, always error on 2D (this depends on as_xyz_image)
+ assert_raises(NiftiError, nipy2nifti, aimg[:, :, 1])
+ assert_raises(NiftiError, nipy2nifti, aimg[:, 1, :])
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
+ assert_equal(hdr.get_dim_info(), (None, None, None))
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(fimg)
+ assert_equal(get_header(ni_img).get_dim_info(), (None, None, None))
+- data = fimg.get_data()
++ data = fimg.get_fdata()
+ cmap = fimg.coordmap
+ for i in range(3):
+ for order, name in enumerate(('freq', 'phase', 'slice')):
+@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
+ # Whether xyzt_unit field gets set correctly
+ fimg_orig = copy_of(funcfile)
+ # Put time in output, input and both
+- data = fimg_orig.get_data()
++ data = fimg_orig.get_fdata()
+ hdr = fimg_orig.metadata['header']
+ aff = fimg_orig.coordmap.affine
+ out_names = fimg_orig.reference.coord_names
+@@ -334,17 +334,17 @@
+ img = Image(data, cmap)
+ # Time-like in correct position
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(img)
+- assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_fdata(), data)
+ assert_array_equal(get_header(ni_img).get_zooms(), (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
+ # Time-like needs reordering
+ cmap = AT(in_cs, CS(xyz_names + ('q', time_like, 'r')), aff)
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(Image(data, cmap))
+- assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 4, 3))
++ assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 4, 3))
+ assert_array_equal(get_header(ni_img).get_zooms(), (2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7))
+ # And again
+ cmap = AT(in_cs, CS(xyz_names + ('q', 'r', time_like)), aff)
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(Image(data, cmap))
+- assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_data(), np.rollaxis(data, 5, 3))
++ assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_fdata(), np.rollaxis(data, 5, 3))
+ assert_array_equal(get_header(ni_img).get_zooms(), (2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6))
+@@ -432,12 +432,12 @@
+ for time_like in ('t', 'hz', 'ppm', 'rads'):
+ cmap = AT(in_cs, CS(xyz_names + (time_like, 'q', 'r')), aff)
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(Image(data, cmap))
+- assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_fdata(), data)
+ # But there is if no time-like
+ for no_time in ('random', 'words', 'I', 'thought', 'of'):
+ cmap = AT(in_cs, CS(xyz_names + (no_time, 'q', 'r')), aff)
+ ni_img = nipy2nifti(Image(data, cmap))
+- assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_data(), data[:, :, :, None, :, :])
++ assert_array_equal(ni_img.get_fdata(), data[:, :, :, None, :, :])
+ def test_save_spaces():
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+ aff = np.diag([2., 3, 4, 1])
+ ni_img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, aff)
+ img = nifti2nipy(ni_img)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), data)
+ def test_expand_to_3d():
+@@ -553,13 +553,13 @@
+ exp_aff = np.dot(np.diag(diag), full_aff)
+ exp_cmap = AT(in_cs, out_cs, exp_aff)
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, exp_cmap)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), data)
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), data)
+ # Even if the image axis length is 1, we keep out time dimension, if
+ # there is specific scaling implying time-like
+ ni_img_t = nib.Nifti1Image(reduced_data, xyz_aff, hdr)
+ img = nifti2nipy(ni_img_t)
+ assert_equal(img.coordmap, exp_cmap)
+- assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), reduced_data)
++ assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), reduced_data)
+ def test_load_no_time():
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/tests/test_save.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/tests/test_save.py
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+ img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
+ assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine, img2.affine)
+ assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ del img2
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+ img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
+ assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine, img2.affine)
+ assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ del img2
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
+ img2 = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
+ assert_array_almost_equal(img.affine, img2.affine)
+ assert_equal(img.shape, img2.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_data(), img.get_data())
++ assert_array_almost_equal(img2.get_fdata(), img.get_fdata())
+ del img2
+@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
+ save_image(img, TMP_FNAME)
+ tmp = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
+ # Detach image from file so we can delete it
+- data = tmp.get_data().copy()
++ data = tmp.get_fdata().copy()
+ img2 = api.Image(data, tmp.coordmap, tmp.metadata)
+ del tmp
+ assert_equal(tuple([img.shape[l] for l in [3,2,1,0]]), img2.shape)
+- a = np.transpose(img.get_data(), [3,2,1,0])
++ a = np.transpose(img.get_fdata(), [3,2,1,0])
+ assert_false(np.allclose(img.affine, img2.affine))
+- assert_true(np.allclose(a, img2.get_data()))
++ assert_true(np.allclose(a, img2.get_fdata()))
+ def test_save4():
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
+ with InTemporaryDirectory():
+ save_image(img, TMP_FNAME)
+ tmp = load_image(TMP_FNAME)
+- data = tmp.get_data().copy()
++ data = tmp.get_fdata().copy()
+ # Detach image from file so we can delete it
+ img2 = api.Image(data, tmp.coordmap, tmp.metadata)
+ del tmp
+@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
+ assert_equal(img.shape[::-1], img2.shape)
+ # data should be transposed because coordinates are reversed
+ assert_array_almost_equal(
+- np.transpose(img2.get_data(),[3,2,1,0]),
+- img.get_data())
++ np.transpose(img2.get_fdata(),[3,2,1,0]),
++ img.get_fdata())
+ # coordinate names should be reversed as well
+ assert_equal(img2.coordmap.function_domain.coord_names,
+ img.coordmap.function_domain.coord_names[::-1])
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/converters.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/converters.py
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ copy = False
+ if isinstance(obj, SpatialImage):
+- data = obj.get_data()
++ data = obj.get_fdata()
+ affine = get_affine(obj)
+ header = dict(get_header(obj))
+ fname = obj.file_map['image'].filename
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
+ for key, value in obj.metadata.items():
+ if key in hdr:
+ hdr[key] = value
+- img = nib.Nifti1Image(obj.get_data(),
++ img = nib.Nifti1Image(obj.get_fdata(),
+ obj.affine,
+ header=hdr)
+ nib.save(img, filename)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/tests/test_volume_grid.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/tests/test_volume_grid.py
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
+ # Resample an image on itself: it shouldn't change much:
+ img = img1.resampled_to_img(img1)
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, img.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, img.get_fdata()
+ # Check that if I 'resampled_to_img' on an VolumeImg, I get an
+ # VolumeImg, and vice versa
+@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
+ yield nose.tools.assert_true, isinstance(image2, VolumeGrid)
+ # Check that the data are all the same: we have been playing only
+ # with identity mappings
+- yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, volume_image2.get_data(), \
+- image2.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, volume_image2.get_fdata(), \
++ image2.get_fdata()
+ def test_as_volume_image():
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/tests/test_volume_img.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/tests/test_volume_img.py
+@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
+ affine[:3, -1] = 0.5 * np.array(shape[:3])
+ ref_im = VolumeImg(data, affine, 'mine')
+ rot_im = ref_im.as_volume_img(affine, interpolation='nearest')
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, rot_im.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, rot_im.get_fdata()
+ # Now test when specifying only a 3x3 affine
+ #rot_im = ref_im.as_volume_img(affine[:3, :3], interpolation='nearest')
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, rot_im.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, rot_im.get_fdata()
+ reordered_im = rot_im.xyz_ordered()
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, reordered_im.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, reordered_im.get_fdata()
+ def test_downsample():
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ downsampled = data[::2, ::2, ::2, ...]
+ x, y, z = downsampled.shape[:3]
+ np.testing.assert_almost_equal(downsampled,
+- rot_im.get_data()[:x, :y, :z, ...])
++ rot_im.get_fdata()[:x, :y, :z, ...])
+ def test_resampling_with_affine():
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
+ for angle in (0, np.pi, np.pi/2, np.pi/4, np.pi/3):
+ rot = rotation(0, angle)
+ rot_im = img.as_volume_img(affine=rot)
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, np.max(data), np.max(rot_im.get_data())
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, np.max(data), np.max(rot_im.get_fdata())
+ def test_reordering():
+@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@
+ rot_im = ref_im.as_volume_img(affine=new_affine)
+ yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, rot_im.affine, \
+ new_affine
+- yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, rot_im.get_data().shape, \
++ yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, rot_im.get_fdata().shape, \
+ shape
+ reordered_im = rot_im.xyz_ordered()
+ yield np.testing.assert_array_equal, reordered_im.affine[:3, :3], \
+ np.eye(3)
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, reordered_im.get_data(), \
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, reordered_im.get_fdata(), \
+ data
+ # Check that we cannot swap axes for non spatial axis:
+@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
+ # Check that as_volume_img with no arguments returns the same image
+ yield nose.tools.assert_equal, ref_im, ref_im.as_volume_img()
+ copy_im = copy.copy(ref_im)
+- copy_im.get_data()[0, 0, 0] *= -1
++ copy_im.get_fdata()[0, 0, 0] *= -1
+ yield nose.tools.assert_not_equal, ref_im, copy_im
+ copy_im = copy.copy(ref_im)
+ copy_im.affine[0, 0] *= -1
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
+ data = np.random.random(shape)
+ affine = np.eye(4)
+ ref_im = VolumeImg(data, affine, 'mine')
+- x, y, z = np.indices(ref_im.get_data().shape[:3])
++ x, y, z = np.indices(ref_im.get_fdata().shape[:3])
+ values = ref_im.values_in_world(x, y, z)
+ np.testing.assert_almost_equal(values, data)
+@@ -199,9 +199,9 @@
+ affine = np.random.random((4, 4))
+ ref_im = VolumeImg(data, affine, 'mine')
+ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, \
+- ref_im.as_volume_img(affine=ref_im.affine).get_data()
++ ref_im.as_volume_img(affine=ref_im.affine).get_fdata()
+ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, \
+- ref_im.resampled_to_img(ref_im).get_data()
++ ref_im.resampled_to_img(ref_im).get_fdata()
+ # Check that we cannot resample to another image in a different
+ # world.
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
+ # Resample an image on itself: it shouldn't change much:
+ img = img1.resampled_to_img(img1)
+- yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, img.get_data()
++ yield np.testing.assert_almost_equal, data, img.get_fdata()
+ def test_get_affine():
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_data.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_data.py
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ The data is stored in an undefined way: prescalings might need to
+ be applied to it before using it, or the data might be loaded on
+ demand. The best practice to access the data is not to access the
+- _data attribute, but to use the `get_data` method.
++ _data attribute, but to use the `get_fdata` method.
+ """
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Public attributes -- VolumeData interface
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- def get_data(self):
++ def get_fdata(self):
+ """ Return data as a numpy array.
+ """
+ return np.asanyarray(self._data)
+@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
+ def __copy__(self):
+- return self.like_from_data(self.get_data().copy())
++ return self.like_from_data(self.get_fdata().copy())
+ def __deepcopy__(self, option):
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return ( self.world_space == other.world_space
+ and self.get_transform() == other.get_transform()
+- and np.all(self.get_data() == other.get_data())
++ and np.all(self.get_fdata() == other.get_fdata())
+ and self.interpolation == other.interpolation
+ )
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_grid.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_grid.py
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ The data is stored in an undefined way: prescalings might need to
+ be applied to it before using it, or the data might be loaded on
+ demand. The best practice to access the data is not to access the
+- _data attribute, but to use the `get_data` method.
++ _data attribute, but to use the `get_fdata` method.
+ If the transform associated with the image has no inverse
+ mapping, data corresponding to a given world space position cannot
+@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
+ # See: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/64
+ if coords.dtype == np.dtype(np.intp):
+ coords = coords.astype(np.dtype(coords.dtype.str))
+- data = self.get_data()
++ data = self.get_fdata()
+ data_shape = list(data.shape)
+ n_dims = len(data_shape)
+ if n_dims > 3:
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_img.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/datasets/volumes/volume_img.py
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ The data is stored in an undefined way: prescalings might need to
+ be applied to it before using it, or the data might be loaded on
+ demand. The best practice to access the data is not to access the
+- _data attribute, but to use the `get_data` method.
++ _data attribute, but to use the `get_fdata` method.
+ """
+ # most attributes are given by the VolumeField interface
+@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
+ 'The two images are not embedded in the same world space')
+ if isinstance(target_image, VolumeImg):
+ return self.as_volume_img(affine=target_image.affine,
+- shape=target_image.get_data().shape[:3],
++ shape=target_image.get_fdata().shape[:3],
+ interpolation=interpolation)
+ else:
+ # IMPORTANT: Polymorphism can be implemented by walking the
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
+ return self
+ if affine is None:
+ affine = self.affine
+- data = self.get_data()
++ data = self.get_fdata()
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = data.shape[:3]
+ shape = list(shape)
+@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
+ # Now make sure the affine is positive
+ pixdim = np.diag(A).copy()
+- data = img.get_data()
++ data = img.get_fdata()
+ if pixdim[0] < 0:
+ b[0] = b[0] + pixdim[0]*(data.shape[0] - 1)
+ pixdim[0] = -pixdim[0]
+@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
+ if (axis1 > 2) or (axis2 > 2):
+ raise ValueError('Can swap axis only on spatial axis. '
+ 'Use np.swapaxes of the data array.')
+- reordered_data = np.swapaxes(self.get_data(), axis1, axis2)
++ reordered_data = np.swapaxes(self.get_fdata(), axis1, axis2)
+ new_affine = self.affine
+ order = np.array((0, 1, 2, 3))
+ order[axis1] = axis2
+@@ -335,13 +335,13 @@
+ new_v2w_transform = \
+ self.get_transform().composed_with(w2w_transform)
+ if hasattr(new_v2w_transform, 'affine'):
+- new_img = self.__class__(self.get_data(),
++ new_img = self.__class__(self.get_fdata(),
+ new_v2w_transform.affine,
+ new_v2w_transform.output_space,
+ metadata=self.metadata,
+ interpolation=self.interpolation)
+ else:
+- new_img = VolumeGrid(self.get_data(),
++ new_img = VolumeGrid(self.get_fdata(),
+ transform=new_v2w_transform,
+ metadata=self.metadata,
+ interpolation=self.interpolation)
+@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+- and np.all(self.get_data() == other.get_data())
++ and np.all(self.get_fdata() == other.get_fdata())
+ and np.all(self.affine == other.affine)
+ and (self.world_space == other.world_space)
+ and (self.interpolation == other.interpolation)
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/mask.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/mask.py
+@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
+ for index, filename in enumerate(input_filename):
+ nim = load(filename)
+ if index == 0:
+- first_volume = nim.get_data().squeeze()
++ first_volume = nim.get_fdata().squeeze()
+ mean_volume = first_volume.copy().astype(np.float32)
+ header = get_header(nim)
+ affine = get_affine(nim)
+ else:
+- mean_volume += nim.get_data().squeeze()
++ mean_volume += nim.get_fdata().squeeze()
+ mean_volume /= float(len(list(input_filename)))
+ del nim
+ if np.isnan(mean_volume).any():
+@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@
+ """
+ mask, mean = None, None
+ for index, session in enumerate(session_images):
+- if hasattr(session, 'get_data'):
+- mean = session.get_data()
++ if hasattr(session, 'get_fdata'):
++ mean = session.get_fdata()
+ if mean.ndim > 3:
+ mean = mean.mean(-1)
+ this_mask = compute_mask(mean, None, m=m, M=M, cc=cc,
+@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
+ for this_mask in input_masks:
+ if isinstance(this_mask, string_types):
+ # We have a filename
+- this_mask = load(this_mask).get_data()
++ this_mask = load(this_mask).get_fdata()
+ if grp_mask is None:
+ grp_mask = this_mask.copy().astype(np.int)
+ else:
+@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
+ # We have a 4D nifti file
+ data_file = load(filenames)
+ header = get_header(data_file)
+- series = data_file.get_data()
++ series = data_file.get_fdata()
+ if ensure_finite:
+ # SPM tends to put NaNs in the data outside the brain
+ series[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(series))] = 0
+@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
+ series = np.zeros((mask.sum(), nb_time_points), dtype=dtype)
+ for index, filename in enumerate(filenames):
+ data_file = load(filename)
+- data = data_file.get_data()
++ data = data_file.get_fdata()
+ if ensure_finite:
+ # SPM tends to put NaNs in the data outside the brain
+ data[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(data))] = 0
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/bsa_io.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/bsa_io.py
+@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
+ # Read the masks and compute the "intersection"
+ # mask = np.reshape(intersect_masks(mask_images), ref_dim).astype('u8')
+ if isinstance(mask_images, string_types):
+- mask = load(mask_images).get_data()
++ mask = load(mask_images).get_fdata()
+ elif isinstance(mask_images, Nifti1Image):
+- mask = mask_images.get_data()
++ mask = mask_images.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ # mask_images should be a list of strings or images
+ mask = intersect_masks(mask_images).astype('u8')
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+ # read the functional images
+ stats = []
+ for stat_image in stat_images:
+- beta = np.reshape(load(stat_image).get_data(), ref_dim)
++ beta = np.reshape(load(stat_image).get_fdata(), ref_dim)
+ stats.append(beta[mask > 0])
+ stats = np.array(stats).T
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/discrete_domain.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/discrete_domain.py
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
+ iim = load(mim)
+ else:
+ iim = mim
+- return domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_data(), get_affine(iim), nn)
++ return domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_fdata(), get_affine(iim), nn)
+ def grid_domain_from_binary_array(mask, affine=None, nn=0):
+@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
+ iim = load(mim)
+ else:
+ iim = mim
+- return grid_domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_data(), get_affine(iim), nn)
++ return grid_domain_from_binary_array(iim.get_fdata(), get_affine(iim), nn)
+ def grid_domain_from_shape(shape, affine=None):
+@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
+ if (get_affine(nim) != self.affine).any():
+ raise ValueError('nim and self do not have the same referential')
+- data = nim.get_data()
++ data = nim.get_fdata()
+ feature = data[self.ijk[:, 0], self.ijk[:, 1], self.ijk[:, 2]]
+ if fid is not '':
+ self.features[fid] = feature
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/mroi.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/mroi.py
+@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@
+ else:
+ data = -np.ones(self.label.size, dtype=np.int32)
+ tmp_image = self.domain.to_image()
+- mask = tmp_image.get_data().copy().astype(bool)
++ mask = tmp_image.get_fdata().copy().astype(bool)
+ if not roi:
+ # write a feature
+ if fid not in self.features:
+@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@
+ else:
+ iim = mim
+- return subdomain_from_array(iim.get_data(), get_affine(iim), nn)
++ return subdomain_from_array(iim.get_fdata(), get_affine(iim), nn)
+ def subdomain_from_position_and_image(nim, pos):
+@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@
+ coord = np.array([tmp.domain.coord[tmp.label == k].mean(0)
+ for k in range(tmp.k)])
+ idx = ((coord - pos) ** 2).sum(1).argmin()
+- return subdomain_from_array(nim.get_data() == idx, get_affine(nim))
++ return subdomain_from_array(nim.get_fdata() == idx, get_affine(nim))
+ def subdomain_from_balls(domain, positions, radii):
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_mroi.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_mroi.py
+@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@
+ # Test example runs correctly
+ eg_img = pjoin(dirname(__file__), 'some_blobs.nii')
+ nim = load(eg_img)
+- arr = nim.get_data() ** 2 > 0
++ arr = nim.get_fdata() ** 2 > 0
+ mask_image = Nifti1Image(arr.astype('u1'), get_affine(nim))
+ domain = grid_domain_from_image(mask_image)
+- data = nim.get_data()
++ data = nim.get_fdata()
+ values = data[data != 0]
+ # parameters
+@@ -229,10 +229,10 @@
+ assert_equal(average_activation, nroi.representative_feature('activation'))
+ # Binary image is default
+ bin_wim = nroi.to_image()
+- bin_vox = bin_wim.get_data()
++ bin_vox = bin_wim.get_fdata()
+ assert_equal(np.unique(bin_vox), [0, 1])
+ id_wim = nroi.to_image('id', roi=True, descrip='description')
+- id_vox = id_wim.get_data()
++ id_vox = id_wim.get_fdata()
+ mask = bin_vox.astype(bool)
+ assert_equal(id_vox[~mask], -1)
+ ids = nroi.get_id()
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
+ # Test activation
+ wim = nroi.to_image('activation', roi=True, descrip='description')
+ # Sadly, all cast to int
+- assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_data().astype(np.int32)), [-1, 3, 4, 5])
++ assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_fdata().astype(np.int32)), [-1, 3, 4, 5])
+ # end blobs or leaves
+ lroi = nroi.copy()
+ lroi.reduce_to_leaves()
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_parcel_io.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_parcel_io.py
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ shape = (10, 10, 10)
+ mask_image = Nifti1Image(np.ones(shape).astype('u1'), np.eye(4))
+ wim = mask_parcellation(mask_image, n_parcels)
+- assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_data()), np.arange(n_parcels))
++ assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_fdata()), np.arange(n_parcels))
+ def test_mask_parcel_multi_subj():
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ mask_images.append(path)
+ wim = mask_parcellation(mask_images, n_parcels)
+- assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_data()), np.arange(n_parcels))
++ assert_equal(np.unique(wim.get_fdata()), np.arange(n_parcels))
+ def test_parcel_intra_from_3d_image():
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/statistical_mapping.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/statistical_mapping.py
+@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@
+ """
+ # Masking
+ if len(mask.shape) > 3:
+- xyz = np.where((mask.get_data() > 0).squeeze())
+- zmap = zimg.get_data().squeeze()[xyz]
++ xyz = np.where((mask.get_fdata() > 0).squeeze())
++ zmap = zimg.get_fdata().squeeze()[xyz]
+ else:
+- xyz = np.where(mask.get_data() > 0)
+- zmap = zimg.get_data()[xyz]
++ xyz = np.where(mask.get_fdata() > 0)
++ zmap = zimg.get_fdata()[xyz]
+ xyz = np.array(xyz).T
+ nvoxels = np.size(xyz, 0)
+@@ -183,12 +183,12 @@
+ """
+ # Masking
+ if mask is not None:
+- bmask = mask.get_data().ravel()
+- data = image.get_data().ravel()[bmask > 0]
++ bmask = mask.get_fdata().ravel()
++ data = image.get_fdata().ravel()[bmask > 0]
+ xyz = np.array(np.where(bmask > 0)).T
+ else:
+ shape = image.shape
+- data = image.get_data().ravel()
++ data = image.get_fdata().ravel()
+ xyz = np.reshape(np.indices(shape), (3, np.prod(shape))).T
+ affine = get_affine(image)
+@@ -235,12 +235,12 @@
+ # Compute xyz coordinates from mask
+ xyz = np.array(np.where(mask > 0))
+ # Prepare data & vardata arrays
+- data = np.array([(d.get_data()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]]).squeeze()
++ data = np.array([(d.get_fdata()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]]).squeeze()
+ for d in data_images]).squeeze()
+ if vardata_images is None:
+ vardata = None
+ else:
+- vardata = np.array([(d.get_data()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]]).squeeze()
++ vardata = np.array([(d.get_fdata()[xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]]).squeeze()
+ for d in vardata_images]).squeeze()
+ return data, vardata, xyz, mask
+@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
+ self.xyz = None
+ self.axis = len(data[0].shape) - 1
+ else:
+- self.xyz = np.where(mask.get_data() > 0)
++ self.xyz = np.where(mask.get_fdata() > 0)
+ self.axis = 1
+ self.spatial_shape = data[0].shape[0: -1]
+@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@
+ if not isinstance(design_matrix[i], np.ndarray):
+ raise ValueError('Invalid design matrix')
+ if nomask:
+- Y = data[i].get_data()
++ Y = data[i].get_fdata()
+ else:
+- Y = data[i].get_data()[self.xyz]
++ Y = data[i].get_fdata()[self.xyz]
+ X = design_matrix[i]
+ self.glm.append(glm(Y, X, axis=self.axis,
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/tests/test_mask.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/tests/test_mask.py
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+ with InTemporaryDirectory():
+ # Make a 4D file from the anatomical example
+ img = nib.load(anatfile)
+- arr = img.get_data()
++ arr = img.get_fdata()
+ a2 = np.zeros(arr.shape + (2, ))
+ a2[:, :, :, 0] = arr
+ a2[:, :, :, 1] = arr
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
+ with InTemporaryDirectory():
+ # Make a 4D file from the anatomical example
+ img = nib.load(anatfile)
+- arr = img.get_data()
++ arr = img.get_fdata()
+ a2 = np.zeros(arr.shape + (2, ))
+ a2[:, :, :, 0] = arr
+ a2[:, :, :, 1] = arr
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/utils/reproducibility_measures.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/utils/reproducibility_measures.py
+@@ -680,9 +680,9 @@
+ group_con = []
+ group_var = []
+ for s in range(nsubj):
+- group_con.append(load(contrast_images[s]).get_data()[mask])
++ group_con.append(load(contrast_images[s]).get_fdata()[mask])
+ if len(variance_images) > 0:
+- group_var.append(load(variance_images[s]).get_data()[mask])
++ group_var.append(load(variance_images[s]).get_fdata()[mask])
+ group_con = np.squeeze(np.array(group_con)).T
+ group_con[np.isnan(group_con)] = 0
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/utils/simul_multisubject_fmri_dataset.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/utils/simul_multisubject_fmri_dataset.py
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
+ if mask is not None:
+ shape = mask.shape
+- mask_data = mask.get_data()
++ mask_data = mask.get_fdata()
+ else:
+ mask_data = np.ones(shape)
+@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
+ if mask is not None:
+ shape = mask.shape
+ affine = get_affine(mask)
+- mask_data = mask.get_data().astype('bool')
++ mask_data = mask.get_fdata().astype('bool')
+ else:
+ affine = np.eye(4)
+ mask_data = np.ones(shape).astype('bool')
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/utils/tests/test_simul_multisubject_fmri_dataset.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/utils/tests/test_simul_multisubject_fmri_dataset.py
+@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
+ mask = np.random.rand(*shape) > 0.5
+ mask_img = Nifti1Image(mask.astype(np.uint8), np.eye(4))
+ imgs = surrogate_4d_dataset(mask=mask_img)
+- mean_image = imgs[0].get_data()[mask].mean()
+- assert_true((imgs[0].get_data()[mask == 0] < mean_image / 2).all())
++ mean_image = imgs[0].get_fdata()[mask].mean()
++ assert_true((imgs[0].get_fdata()[mask == 0] < mean_image / 2).all())
+ def test_surrogate_array_4d_dmtx():
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/viz_tools/anat_cache.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/viz_tools/anat_cache.py
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
+ 'required to plot anatomy, see the nipy documentation '
+ 'installaton section for how to install template files.')
+ anat_im = load(filename)
+- anat = anat_im.get_data()
++ anat = anat_im.get_fdata()
+ anat = anat.astype(np.float)
+ anat_mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(anat > 0)
+ anat = np.ma.masked_array(anat, np.logical_not(anat_mask))
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/viz_tools/slicers.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/viz_tools/slicers.py
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ def _xyz_order(map, affine):
+ img = VolumeImg(map, affine=affine, world_space='mine')
+ img = img.xyz_ordered(resample=True, copy=False)
+- map = img.get_data()
++ map = img.get_fdata()
+ affine = img.affine
+ return map, affine
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmri.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmri.py
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ images : iterable
+ an iterable object whose items are meant to be images; this is
+ checked by asserting that each has a `coordmap` attribute and a
+- ``get_data`` method. Note that Image objects are not iterable by
++ ``get_fdata`` method. Note that Image objects are not iterable by
+ default; use the ``from_image`` classmethod or ``iter_axis`` function
+ to convert images to image lists - see examples below for the latter.
+ volume_start_times: None or float or (N,) ndarray
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/model.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/model.py
+@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
+ volume_start_times=None):
+ self.fmri_image = fmri_image
+ try:
+- self.data = fmri_image.get_data()
++ self.data = fmri_image.get_fdata()
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.data = fmri_image.get_list_data(axis=0)
+ self.formula = formula
+@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
+ formula : :class:`nipy.algorithms.statistics.formula.Formula`
+ rho : ``Image``
+ image of AR(1) coefficients. Returning data from
+- ``rho.get_data()``, and having attribute ``coordmap``
++ ``rho.get_fdata()``, and having attribute ``coordmap``
+ outputs :
+ volume_start_times :
+ """
+@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@
+ volume_start_times=None):
+ self.fmri_image = fmri_image
+ try:
+- self.data = fmri_image.get_data()
++ self.data = fmri_image.get_fdata()
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.data = fmri_image.get_list_data(axis=0)
+ self.formula = formula
+ self.outputs = outputs
+ # Cleanup rho values, truncate them to a scale of 0.01
+ g = copy.copy(rho.coordmap)
+- rho = rho.get_data()
++ rho = rho.get_fdata()
+ m = np.isnan(rho)
+ r = (np.clip(rho,-1,1) * 100).astype(np.int) / 100.
+ r[m] = np.inf
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
+ iterable = parcels(self.rho, exclude=[np.inf])
+ def model_params(i):
+- return (self.rho.get_data()[i].mean(),)
++ return (self.rho.get_fdata()[i].mean(),)
+ # Generates indexer, data, model
+ m = model_generator(self.formula, self.data,
+ self.volume_start_times,
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/tests/test_iterables.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/tests/test_iterables.py
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ FIMG = load_image(funcfile)
+ # Put time on first axis
+ FIMG = rollimg(FIMG, 't')
+-FDATA = FIMG.get_data()
++FDATA = FIMG.get_fdata()
+ FIL = FmriImageList.from_image(FIMG)
+ # I think it makes more sense to use FDATA instead of FIL for GLM
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/tests/test_model.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/fmristat/tests/test_model.py
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ assert_raises(ValueError, moi.__getitem__, 0)
+ new_img = load_image(fname)
+ for i in range(shape[0]):
+- assert_array_equal(new_img[i].get_data(), i)
++ assert_array_equal(new_img[i].get_fdata(), i)
+ del new_img
+@@ -80,17 +80,17 @@
+ ar.execute()
+ f_img = load_image('F_out.nii')
+ assert_equal(f_img.shape, one_vol.shape)
+- f_data = f_img.get_data()
++ f_data = f_img.get_fdata()
+ assert_true(np.all((f_data>=0) & (f_data<30)))
+ resid_img = load_image('resid_AR_out.nii')
+ assert_equal(resid_img.shape, funcim.shape)
+- assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(resid_img.get_data()), 0, 3)
++ assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(resid_img.get_fdata()), 0, 3)
+ e_img = load_image('T_out_effect.nii')
+ sd_img = load_image('T_out_sd.nii')
+ t_img = load_image('T_out_t.nii')
+- t_data = t_img.get_data()
++ t_data = t_img.get_fdata()
+ assert_array_almost_equal(t_data,
+- e_img.get_data() / sd_img.get_data())
++ e_img.get_fdata() / sd_img.get_fdata())
+ assert_true(np.all(np.abs(t_data) < 6))
+ # Need to delete to help windows delete temporary files
+ del rho, resid_img, f_img, e_img, sd_img, t_img, f_data, t_data
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/glm.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/glm.py
+@@ -461,10 +461,10 @@
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(13)[1]] * 2)
+ # The number of voxels with p < 0.001 given by ...
+- print(np.sum(z_image.get_data() > 3.09))
++ print(np.sum(z_image.get_fdata() > 3.09))
+ """
+ # manipulate the arguments
+- if isinstance(fmri_data, string_types) or hasattr(fmri_data, 'get_data'):
++ if isinstance(fmri_data, string_types) or hasattr(fmri_data, 'get_fdata'):
+ fmri_data = [fmri_data]
+ if isinstance(design_matrices, (string_types, np.ndarray)):
+ design_matrices = [design_matrices]
+@@ -519,16 +519,16 @@
+ """
+ from nibabel import Nifti1Image
+ # get the mask as an array
+- mask = self.mask.get_data().astype(np.bool)
++ mask = self.mask.get_fdata().astype(np.bool)
+ self.glms, self.means = [], []
+ for fmri, design_matrix in zip(self.fmri_data, self.design_matrices):
+ if do_scaling:
+ # scale the data
+- data, mean = data_scaling(fmri.get_data()[mask].T)
++ data, mean = data_scaling(fmri.get_fdata()[mask].T)
+ else:
+- data, mean = (fmri.get_data()[mask].T,
+- fmri.get_data()[mask].T.mean(0))
++ data, mean = (fmri.get_fdata()[mask].T,
++ fmri.get_fdata()[mask].T.mean(0))
+ mean_data = mask.astype(np.int16)
+ mean_data[mask] = mean
+ self.means.append(Nifti1Image(mean_data, self.affine))
+@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
+ contrast_.z_score()
+ # Prepare the returned images
+- mask = self.mask.get_data().astype(np.bool)
++ mask = self.mask.get_fdata().astype(np.bool)
+ do_outputs = [output_z, output_stat, output_effects, output_variance]
+ estimates = ['z_score_', 'stat_', 'effect', 'variance']
+ descrips = ['z statistic', 'Statistical value', 'Estimated effect',
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/tests/test_fmri.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/tests/test_fmri.py
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+ img_shape = img.shape
+ exp_shape = (img_shape[0],) + img_shape[2:]
+ j = 0
+- for i, d in axis0_generator(img.get_data()):
++ for i, d in axis0_generator(img.get_fdata()):
+ j += 1
+ assert_equal(d.shape, exp_shape)
+ del(i); gc.collect()
+@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
+ def test_labels1():
+ img = load_image(funcfile)
+- data = img.get_data()
+- parcelmap = Image(img[0].get_data(), AfT('kji', 'zyx', np.eye(4)))
+- parcelmap = (parcelmap.get_data() * 100).astype(np.int32)
++ data = img.get_fdata()
++ parcelmap = Image(img[0].get_fdata(), AfT('kji', 'zyx', np.eye(4)))
++ parcelmap = (parcelmap.get_fdata() * 100).astype(np.int32)
+ v = 0
+ for i, d in axis0_generator(data, parcels(parcelmap)):
+ v += d.shape[1]
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/modalities/fmri/tests/test_glm.py
++++ nipy/nipy/modalities/fmri/tests/test_glm.py
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ multi_session_model.fit()
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[1]] * 2)
+ assert_array_equal(get_affine(z_image), get_affine(load(mask_file)))
+- assert_true(z_image.get_data().std() < 3.)
++ assert_true(z_image.get_fdata().std() < 3.)
+ # Delete objects attached to files to avoid WindowsError when deleting
+ # temporary directory
+ del z_image, fmri_files, multi_session_model
+@@ -71,28 +71,28 @@
+ multi_session_model = FMRILinearModel(fmri_data, design_matrices, mask=None)
+ multi_session_model.fit()
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[1]] * 2)
+- assert_equal(np.sum(z_image.get_data() == 0), 0)
++ assert_equal(np.sum(z_image.get_fdata() == 0), 0)
+ # compute the mask
+ multi_session_model = FMRILinearModel(fmri_data, design_matrices,
+ m=0, M=.01, threshold=0.)
+ multi_session_model.fit()
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[1]] * 2)
+- assert_true(z_image.get_data().std() < 3. )
++ assert_true(z_image.get_fdata().std() < 3. )
+ # with mask
+ multi_session_model = FMRILinearModel(fmri_data, design_matrices, mask)
+ multi_session_model.fit()
+ z_image, effect_image, variance_image= multi_session_model.contrast(
+ [np.eye(rk)[:2]] * 2, output_effects=True, output_variance=True)
+- assert_array_equal(z_image.get_data() == 0., load(mask).get_data() == 0.)
++ assert_array_equal(z_image.get_fdata() == 0., load(mask).get_fdata() == 0.)
+ assert_true(
+- (variance_image.get_data()[load(mask).get_data() > 0, 0] > .001).all())
++ (variance_image.get_fdata()[load(mask).get_fdata() > 0, 0] > .001).all())
+ # without scaling
+ multi_session_model.fit(do_scaling=False)
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[1]] * 2)
+- assert_true(z_image.get_data().std() < 3. )
++ assert_true(z_image.get_fdata().std() < 3. )
+ def test_high_level_glm_contrasts():
+@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
+ contrast_type='tmin-conjunction')
+ z1, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[:1]] * 2)
+ z2, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[1:2]] * 2)
+- assert_true((z_image.get_data() < np.maximum(
+- z1.get_data(), z2.get_data())).all())
++ assert_true((z_image.get_fdata() < np.maximum(
++ z1.get_fdata(), z2.get_fdata())).all())
+ def test_high_level_glm_null_contrasts():
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
+ single_session_model.fit()
+ z1, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[:1], np.zeros((1, rk))])
+ z2, = single_session_model.contrast([np.eye(rk)[:1]])
+- np.testing.assert_almost_equal(z1.get_data(), z2.get_data())
++ np.testing.assert_almost_equal(z1.get_fdata(), z2.get_fdata())
+ def ols_glm(n=100, p=80, q=10):
+@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
+ multi_session_model.fit()
+ z_image, = multi_session_model.contrast([np.eye(13)[1]] * 2)
+ # Check number of voxels with p < 0.001
+- assert_equal(np.sum(z_image.get_data() > 3.09), 671)
++ assert_equal(np.sum(z_image.get_fdata() > 3.09), 671)
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/tests/test_scripts.py
++++ nipy/nipy/tests/test_scripts.py
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
+ cmd = ['nipy_3dto4d'] + imgs_3d + ['--out-4d=' + out_4d]
+ run_command(cmd)
+ fimg_back = load_image(out_4d)
+- assert_almost_equal(fimg.get_data(), fimg_back.get_data())
++ assert_almost_equal(fimg.get_fdata(), fimg_back.get_fdata())
+ del fimg_back
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/statistics/models/model.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/statistics/models/model.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ from scipy.stats import t as t_distribution
+-from nibabel.onetime import setattr_on_read
++from nibabel.onetime import auto_attr
+ from ...utils.matrices import pos_recipr
+@@ -121,14 +121,14 @@
+ # put this as a parameter of LikelihoodModel
+ self.df_resid = self.df_total - self.df_model
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def logL(self):
+ """
+ The maximized log-likelihood
+ """
+ return self.model.logL(self.theta, self.Y, nuisance=self.nuisance)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def AIC(self):
+ """
+ Akaike Information Criterion
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+ p = self.theta.shape[0]
+ return -2 * self.logL + 2 * p
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def BIC(self):
+ """
+ Schwarz's Bayesian Information Criterion
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/algorithms/statistics/models/regression.py
++++ nipy/nipy/algorithms/statistics/models/regression.py
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ from scipy import stats
+ import scipy.linalg as spl
+-from nibabel.onetime import setattr_on_read
++from nibabel.onetime import auto_attr
+ from nipy.algorithms.utils.matrices import matrix_rank, pos_recipr
+@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
+ """
+ return X
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def has_intercept(self):
+ """
+ Check if column of 1s is in column space of design
+@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
+ return True
+ return False
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def rank(self):
+ """ Compute rank of design matrix
+ """
+@@ -715,14 +715,14 @@
+ self.wY = wY
+ self.wresid = wresid
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def resid(self):
+ """
+ Residuals from the fit.
+ """
+ return self.Y - self.predicted
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def norm_resid(self):
+ """
+ Residuals, normalized to have unit length.
+@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@
+ """
+ return self.resid * pos_recipr(np.sqrt(self.dispersion))
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def predicted(self):
+ """ Return linear predictor values from a design matrix.
+ """
+@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
+ X = self.model.design
+ return np.dot(X, beta)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def R2_adj(self):
+ """Return the R^2 value for each row of the response Y.
+@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
+ d *= ((self.df_total - 1.) / self.df_resid)
+ return 1 - d
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def R2(self):
+ """
+ Return the adjusted R^2 value for each row of the response Y.
+@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@
+ d = self.SSE / self.SST
+ return 1 - d
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def SST(self):
+ """Total sum of squares. If not from an OLS model this is "pseudo"-SST.
+ """
+@@ -791,34 +791,34 @@
+ "SST inappropriate")
+ return ((self.wY - self.wY.mean(0)) ** 2).sum(0)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def SSE(self):
+ """Error sum of squares. If not from an OLS model this is "pseudo"-SSE.
+ """
+ return (self.wresid ** 2).sum(0)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def SSR(self):
+ """ Regression sum of squares """
+ return self.SST - self.SSE
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def MSR(self):
+ """ Mean square (regression)"""
+ return self.SSR / (self.df_model - 1)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def MSE(self):
+ """ Mean square (error) """
+ return self.SSE / self.df_resid
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def MST(self):
+ """ Mean square (total)
+ """
+ return self.SST / (self.df_total - 1)
+- @setattr_on_read
++ @auto_attr
+ def F_overall(self):
+ """ Overall goodness of fit F test,
+ comparing model to a model with just an intercept.
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Description: remove check for ImageFileError.
+ This error class completely disappeared from the library it is imported from.
+ Reading the comment around the code, it seems to be in use fo legacy support
+ of said library, so shouldn't be a problem in Debian context.
+ .
+ This patch contributes to resolve partially nipy test failures at build time.
+Author: Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1042053
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2023-08-17
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/io/tests/test_image_io.py
++++ nipy/nipy/io/tests/test_image_io.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ import numpy as np
+ import nibabel as nib
+-from nibabel.spatialimages import ImageFileError, HeaderDataError
++from nibabel.spatialimages import HeaderDataError
+ from nibabel import Nifti1Header
+ from ..api import load_image, save_image, as_image
+@@ -41,13 +41,11 @@
+ def test_badfile():
+ filename = "bad_file.foo"
+- # nibabel prior 2.1.0 was throwing a ImageFileError for the not-recognized
+- # file type. >=2.1.0 give a FileNotFoundError.
+ try:
+ from numpy.compat.py3k import FileNotFoundError
+ except ImportError:
+ FileNotFoundError = IOError
+- assert_raises((ImageFileError, FileNotFoundError), load_image, filename)
++ assert_raises(FileNotFoundError, load_image, filename)
+ @if_templates
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ local-mathjax.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Description: explicitly cast data format to gifti.
+ The newer GiftiDataArray now works only with float32 (and various integer
+ types) but receives float64 matrices from NumPy, thus it is necessary to
+ indicate the datatype to the operator.
+ .
+ This patch contributes to resolve nipy test failures at package build time.
+Author: Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1042053
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2023-08-17
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- nipy.orig/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_discrete_domain.py
++++ nipy/nipy/labs/spatial_models/tests/test_discrete_domain.py
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
+ [0, 1, 3],
+ [0, 2, 3],
+ [1, 2, 3]])
+- darrays = [nbg.GiftiDataArray(coords)] + [nbg.GiftiDataArray(triangles)]
++ darrays = [nbg.GiftiDataArray(coords, datatype='float32')] + [nbg.GiftiDataArray(triangles, datatype='float32')]
+ toy_image = nbg.GiftiImage(darrays=darrays)
+ domain = domain_from_mesh(toy_image)
+ # if we get there, we could build the domain, and that's what we wanted.
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nipy/-/compare/12a4fbea8c99c1e5dc07ee81bc3da1a450617050...ce3ea4a238fa50b95648598a1074ab039cfa74f7
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/nipy/-/compare/12a4fbea8c99c1e5dc07ee81bc3da1a450617050...ce3ea4a238fa50b95648598a1074ab039cfa74f7
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