[med-svn] [Git][med-team/daligner][master] 6 commits: routine-update: New upstream version
Étienne Mollier (@emollier)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Dec 30 10:41:01 GMT 2023
Étienne Mollier pushed to branch master at Debian Med / daligner
aae9505f by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:25:16+01:00
routine-update: New upstream version
- - - - -
6ccb5459 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:26:10+01:00
New upstream version 1.0+git20231217.518d4c2
- - - - -
591967a3 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:26:10+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.0+git20231217.518d4c2'
Update to upstream version '1.0+git20231217.518d4c2'
with Debian dir 22230a7c9fca5c58df89962131189951ea294033
- - - - -
bd766493 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:32:08+01:00
cross.patch: document issue open that would ease crossbuilds.
- - - - -
3e93b8be by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:39:32+01:00
typos.patch: forwarded upstream.
- - - - -
518386ee by Étienne Mollier at 2023-12-30T11:40:10+01:00
ready to upload to unstable.
- - - - -
6 changed files:
- LAshow.c
- align.c
- align.h
- debian/changelog
- debian/patches/cross.patch
- debian/patches/typos.patch
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#include "align.h"
static char *Usage[] =
- { "[-caroUF] [-i<int(4)>] [-w<int(100)>] [-b<int(10)>] ",
+ { "[-caroU] [-i<int(4)>] [-w<int(100)>] [-b<int(10)>] ",
" <src1:db|dam> [ <src2:db|dam> ] <align:las> [ <reads:FILE> | <reads:range> ... ]"
@@ -39,17 +39,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Alignment _aln, *aln = &_aln;
FILE *input;
- int sameDB;
int64 novl;
int tspace, tbytes, small;
int reps, *pts;
int input_pts;
- int FLIP, MAP;
int ISTWO;
+ int dam1, dam2;
+ int *amap, *alen, *actg, nascaff, amaxlen, actgmax;
+ int *bmap, *blen, *bctg, nbscaff, bmaxlen, bctgmax;
// Process options
{ int i, j, k;
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
switch (argv[i][1])
{ default:
- ARG_FLAGS("caroUFM")
+ ARG_FLAGS("caroU")
case 'i':
@@ -88,8 +90,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
REFERENCE = flags['r'];
OVERLAP = flags['o'];
UPPERCASE = flags['U'];
- FLIP = flags['F'];
- MAP = flags['M'];
if (argc <= 2)
{ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s %s\n",Prog_Name,Usage[0]);
@@ -111,29 +111,28 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Open trimmed DB or DB pair
- { int status;
- char *pwd, *root;
+ { char *pwd, *root;
FILE *input;
+ int s, r;
struct stat stat1, stat2;
ISTWO = 0;
- status = Open_DB(argv[1],db1);
- if (status < 0)
+ dam1 = Open_DB(argv[1],db1);
+ if (dam1 < 0)
exit (1);
if (db1->part > 0)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot be called on a block: %s\n",Prog_Name,argv[1]);
exit (1);
- sameDB = 1;
if (argc > 3)
{ pwd = PathTo(argv[3]);
root = Root(argv[3],".las");
if ((input = fopen(Catenate(pwd,"/",root,".las"),"r")) != NULL)
{ ISTWO = 1;
- status = Open_DB(argv[2],db2);
- if (status < 0)
+ dam2 = Open_DB(argv[2],db2);
+ if (dam2 < 0)
exit (1);
if (db2->part > 0)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cannot be called on a block: %s\n",Prog_Name,argv[2]);
@@ -141,18 +140,93 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- if (stat1.st_ino != stat2.st_ino)
- sameDB = 0;
- Trim_DB(db2);
+ if (stat1.st_ino == stat2.st_ino)
+ { db2 = db1;
+ dam2 = dam1;
+ ISTWO = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ Trim_DB(db2);
- db2 = db1;
+ { db2 = db1;
+ dam2 = dam1;
+ }
- db2 = db1;
+ { db2 = db1;
+ dam2 = dam1;
+ }
+ if (dam1)
+ { amap = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*3*db1->treads,"Allocating scaffold map");
+ if (amap == NULL)
+ exit (1);
+ alen = amap + db1->treads;
+ actg = alen + db1->treads;
+ s = -1;
+ amaxlen = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < db1->treads; r++)
+ { if (db1->reads[r].fpulse == 0)
+ { s += 1;
+ actg[s] = r;
+ }
+ alen[s] = db1->reads[r].fpulse + db1->reads[r].rlen;
+ amap[r] = s;
+ if (alen[s] > amaxlen)
+ amaxlen = alen[s];
+ }
+ nascaff = s+1;
+ actgmax = 0;
+ for (r = db1->treads-1; r >= 0; r--)
+ { alen[r] = alen[amap[r]];
+ actg[r] = r - actg[amap[r]];
+ if (actg[r] > actgmax)
+ actgmax = actg[r];
+ }
+ }
+ if (dam2)
+ { if ( ISTWO)
+ { bmap = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*3*db2->treads,"Allocating scaffold map");
+ if (bmap == NULL)
+ exit (1);
+ blen = bmap + db2->treads;
+ bctg = blen + db2->treads;
+ s = -1;
+ bmaxlen = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < db2->treads; r++)
+ { if (db2->reads[r].fpulse == 0)
+ { s += 1;
+ bctg[s] = r;
+ }
+ blen[s] = db2->reads[r].fpulse + db2->reads[r].rlen;
+ bmap[r] = s;
+ if (blen[s] > bmaxlen)
+ bmaxlen = blen[s];
+ }
+ nbscaff = s+1;
+ bctgmax = 0;
+ for (r = db2->treads-1; r >= 0; r--)
+ { blen[r] = blen[bmap[r]];
+ bctg[r] = r - bctg[bmap[r]];
+ if (bctg[r] > bctgmax)
+ bctgmax = bctg[r];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { bmap = amap;
+ blen = alen;
+ bctg = actg;
+ nbscaff = nascaff;
+ bctgmax = actgmax;
+ bmaxlen = amaxlen;
+ }
+ }
// Process read index arguments into a sorted list of read ranges
@@ -327,9 +401,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int in, npt, idx, ar;
int64 tps;
+ int aread, bread;
+ int aoffs, boffs;
+ int alens, blens;
char *abuffer, *bbuffer;
int ar_wide, br_wide;
int ai_wide, bi_wide;
+ int ac_wide, bc_wide;
int mn_wide, mx_wide;
int tp_wide;
int blast, match, seen, lhalf, rhalf;
@@ -355,12 +433,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
npt = pts[0];
idx = 1;
- ar_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->nreads);
- br_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->nreads);
- ai_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->maxlen);
- bi_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->maxlen);
+ if (dam1)
+ { ar_wide = Number_Digits((int64) nascaff);
+ ai_wide = Number_Digits((int64) amaxlen);
+ ac_wide = Number_Digits((int64) actgmax);
+ }
+ else
+ { ar_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->nreads);
+ ai_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->maxlen);
+ }
+ if (dam2)
+ { br_wide = Number_Digits((int64) nbscaff);
+ bi_wide = Number_Digits((int64) bmaxlen);
+ bc_wide = Number_Digits((int64) bctgmax);
+ }
+ else
+ { br_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->nreads);
+ bi_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->maxlen);
+ }
if (db1->maxlen < db2->maxlen)
- { mn_wide = ai_wide;
+ { mn_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->maxlen);
mx_wide = bi_wide;
if (tspace > 0)
tp_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db1->maxlen/tspace+2);
@@ -368,7 +460,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tp_wide = 0;
- { mn_wide = bi_wide;
+ { mn_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->maxlen);
mx_wide = ai_wide;
if (tspace > 0)
tp_wide = Number_Digits((int64) db2->maxlen/tspace+2);
@@ -382,12 +474,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
mn_wide += (mn_wide-1)/3;
tp_wide += (tp_wide-1)/3;
- if (FLIP)
- { int x;
- x = ar_wide; ar_wide = br_wide; br_wide = x;
- x = ai_wide; ai_wide = bi_wide; bi_wide = x;
- }
// For each record do
blast = -1;
@@ -408,18 +494,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ovl->path.trace = (void *) trace;
- if (ovl->aread >= db1->nreads)
+ aread = ovl->aread;
+ bread = ovl->bread;
+ if (aread >= db1->nreads)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: A-read is out-of-range of DB %s\n",Prog_Name,argv[1]);
exit (1);
- if (ovl->bread >= db2->nreads)
+ if (bread >= db2->nreads)
{ fprintf(stderr,"%s: B-read is out-of-range of DB %s\n",Prog_Name,argv[1+ISTWO]);
exit (1);
// Determine if it should be displayed
- ar = ovl->aread+1;
+ ar = aread+1;
if (in)
{ while (ar > npt)
{ npt = pts[idx++];
@@ -443,44 +532,36 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (!in)
- // If -o check display only overlaps
- aln->alen = db1->reads[ovl->aread].rlen;
- aln->blen = db2->reads[ovl->bread].rlen;
+ aln->alen = db1->reads[aread].rlen;
+ aln->blen = db2->reads[bread].rlen;
+ if (dam1)
+ { aoffs = db1->reads[aread].fpulse;
+ alens = alen[aread];
+ }
+ else
+ { aoffs = 0;
+ alens = aln->alen;
+ }
+ if (dam2)
+ { boffs = db2->reads[bread].fpulse;
+ blens = blen[bread];
+ }
+ else
+ { boffs = 0;
+ blens = aln->blen;
+ }
aln->flags = ovl->flags;
tps = ovl->path.tlen/2;
+ // If -o check display only overlaps
- { if (ovl->path.abpos != 0 && ovl->path.bbpos != 0)
+ { if (ovl->path.abpos+aoffs != 0 && ovl->path.bbpos+boffs != 0)
- if (ovl->path.aepos != aln->alen && ovl->path.bepos != aln->blen)
+ if (ovl->path.aepos+aoffs != alens && ovl->path.bepos+boffs != blens)
- // If -M option then check the completeness of the implied mapping
- if (MAP)
- { while (ovl->bread != blast)
- { if (!match && seen && !(lhalf && rhalf))
- { printf("Missing ");
- Print_Number((int64) blast+1,br_wide+1,stdout);
- printf(" %d ->%lld\n",db2->reads[blast].rlen,db2->reads[blast].coff);
- }
- match = 0;
- seen = 0;
- lhalf = rhalf = 0;
- blast += 1;
- }
- seen = 1;
- if (ovl->path.abpos == 0)
- rhalf = 1;
- if (ovl->path.aepos == aln->alen)
- lhalf = 1;
- if (ovl->path.bbpos != 0 || ovl->path.bepos != aln->blen)
- continue;
- match = 1;
- }
// Display it
@@ -493,47 +574,49 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
else if (CHAIN_NEXT(ovl->flags))
printf(" -");
- if (FLIP)
- { Flip_Alignment(aln,0);
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->bread+1,ar_wide+1,stdout);
- printf(" ");
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->aread+1,br_wide+1,stdout);
+ if (dam1)
+ { Print_Number((int64) amap[aread]+1,ar_wide+1,stdout);
+ printf(".%0*d",ac_wide,actg[aread]+1);
- { Print_Number((int64) ovl->aread+1,ar_wide+1,stdout);
- printf(" ");
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->bread+1,br_wide+1,stdout);
+ Print_Number((int64) aread+1,ar_wide+1,stdout);
+ printf(" ");
+ if (dam2)
+ { Print_Number((int64) bmap[bread]+1,br_wide+1,stdout);
+ printf(".%0*d",bc_wide,bctg[bread]+1);
+ else
+ Print_Number((int64) bread+1,br_wide+1,stdout);
if (COMP(ovl->flags))
printf(" c");
printf(" n");
- if (ovl->path.abpos == 0)
+ if (ovl->path.abpos+aoffs == 0)
printf(" <");
printf(" [");
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.abpos,ai_wide,stdout);
+ Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.abpos+aoffs,ai_wide,stdout);
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.aepos,ai_wide,stdout);
- if (ovl->path.aepos == aln->alen)
+ Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.aepos+aoffs,ai_wide,stdout);
+ if (ovl->path.aepos+aoffs == alens)
printf("> x ");
printf("] x ");
- if (ovl->path.bbpos == 0)
+ if (ovl->path.bbpos+boffs == 0)
if (COMP(ovl->flags))
- { Print_Number((int64) (aln->blen - ovl->path.bbpos),bi_wide,stdout);
+ { Print_Number((int64) (blens - (ovl->path.bbpos+boffs)),bi_wide,stdout);
- Print_Number((int64) (aln->blen - ovl->path.bepos),bi_wide,stdout);
+ Print_Number((int64) (blens - (ovl->path.bepos+boffs)),bi_wide,stdout);
- { Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.bbpos,bi_wide,stdout);
+ { Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.bbpos+boffs,bi_wide,stdout);
- Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.bepos,bi_wide,stdout);
+ Print_Number((int64) ovl->path.bepos+boffs,bi_wide,stdout);
- if (ovl->path.bepos == aln->blen)
+ if (ovl->path.bepos+boffs == blens)
@@ -542,9 +625,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf(" ~ %5.2f%% ",(200.*ovl->path.diffs) /
((ovl->path.aepos - ovl->path.abpos) + (ovl->path.bepos - ovl->path.bbpos)) );
printf(" (");
- Print_Number(aln->alen,ai_wide,stdout);
+ Print_Number(alens,ai_wide,stdout);
printf(" x ");
- Print_Number(aln->blen,bi_wide,stdout);
+ Print_Number(blens,bi_wide,stdout);
printf(" bps,");
{ Print_Number(tps,tp_wide,stdout);
@@ -564,12 +647,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int bmin, bmax;
int self;
- if (FLIP)
- Flip_Alignment(aln,0);
if (small)
- self = sameDB && (ovl->aread == ovl->bread) && !COMP(ovl->flags);
+ self = (ISTWO == 0) && (aread == bread) && !COMP(ovl->flags);
amin = ovl->path.abpos - BORDER;
if (amin < 0) amin = 0;
@@ -594,9 +675,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- aseq = Load_Subread(db1,ovl->aread,amin,amax,abuffer,0);
+ aseq = Load_Subread(db1,aread,amin,amax,abuffer,0);
if (!self)
- bseq = Load_Subread(db2,ovl->bread,bmin,bmax,bbuffer,0);
+ bseq = Load_Subread(db2,bread,bmin,bmax,bbuffer,0);
bseq = aseq;
@@ -614,17 +695,28 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ }
- if (FLIP)
- { if (COMP(aln->flags))
- { Complement_Seq(aseq,amax-amin);
- Complement_Seq(bseq,bmax-bmin);
- aln->aseq = aseq - (aln->alen - amax);
- aln->bseq = bseq - bmin;
- }
- Flip_Alignment(aln,1);
- }
+ aln->path->abpos += aoffs;
+ aln->path->aepos += aoffs;
+ aln->alen = alens;
+ aln->path->bbpos += boffs;
+ aln->path->bepos += boffs;
+ aln->blen = blens;
+ { int *trace = aln->path->trace;
+ int tlen = aln->path->tlen;
+ int i;
+ aln->aseq -= aoffs;
+ aln->bseq -= boffs;
+ for (i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
+ if (trace[i] < 0)
+ trace[i] -= aoffs;
+ else
+ trace[i] += boffs;
@@ -642,6 +734,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if (ISTWO && dam2)
+ free(bmap);
+ free(amap);
if (ISTWO)
@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ void Free_Work_Data(Work_Data *ework)
// 2*TRIM_LEN edits are prefix-positive at rate ave_corr*f(bias)
// (max value is 20)
+#define DUB_TRIM 45 // = 3*TRIM_LEN
#define PATH_LEN 60 // Follow the last PATH_LEN columns/edges (max value is 63)
// Derivative fixed parameters
@@ -236,6 +238,8 @@ Align_Spec *New_Align_Spec(double ave_corr, int trace_space, float *freq, int re
spec->freq[3] = freq[3];
match = freq[0] + freq[3];
+ if ((match <= 0.) == (match > 0.)) // frequencies accidentally undefined?
+ match = .5;
if (match > .5)
match = 1.-match;
bias = (int) ((match+.025)*20.-1.);
@@ -1729,6 +1733,7 @@ Path *Local_Alignment(Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework, Align_Spec *espec,
int aoff, boff;
int minp, maxp;
int selfie;
+ int fshort, rshort;
{ int alen, blen;
int maxtp, wsize;
@@ -1765,6 +1770,9 @@ Path *Local_Alignment(Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework, Align_Spec *espec,
selfie = (align->aseq == align->bseq);
+ while (((anti-hgh) >> 1) < 0)
+ hgh -= 1;
if (lbord < 0)
{ if (selfie && low >= 0)
@@ -1799,9 +1807,11 @@ Path *Local_Alignment(Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework, Align_Spec *espec,
if (forward_wave(work,spec,align,bpath,&low,hgh,anti,minp,maxp,aoff,boff))
+ fshort = ((apath->aepos + apath->bepos) - anti < DUB_TRIM);
printf("F1 (%d,%d) ~ %d => (%d,%d) %d\n",
- (2*anti+(low+hgh))/4,(anti-(low+hgh))/4,hgh-low,
+ (2*anti+(low+hgh))/4,(2*anti-(low+hgh))/4,hgh-low,
@@ -1813,6 +1823,37 @@ Path *Local_Alignment(Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework, Align_Spec *espec,
+ rshort = (anti - (apath->abpos + apath->bbpos) < DUB_TRIM);
+ if (fshort)
+ { if (rshort)
+ { apath->aepos = apath->abpos = (apath->abpos+apath->aepos)/2;
+ apath->bepos = apath->bbpos = (apath->bbpos+apath->bepos)/2;
+ bpath->aepos = bpath->abpos = (bpath->abpos+bpath->aepos)/2;
+ bpath->bepos = bpath->bbpos = (bpath->bbpos+bpath->bepos)/2;
+ apath->tlen = 0;
+ bpath->tlen = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { low = apath->abpos - apath->bbpos;
+ anti = apath->abpos + apath->bbpos;
+ apath->tlen = bpath->tlen = 0;
+ if (forward_wave(work,spec,align,bpath,&low,low,anti,minp,maxp,aoff,boff))
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if (rshort)
+ { low = apath->aepos - apath->bepos;
+ anti = apath->aepos + apath->bepos;
+ apath->tlen = bpath->tlen = 0;
+ apath->diffs = 0;
+ if (reverse_wave(work,spec,align,bpath,low,low,anti,minp,maxp,aoff,boff))
+ }
+ }
bpath->diffs = apath->diffs;
if (ACOMP(align->flags))
{ uint16 *trace = (uint16 *) apath->trace;
@@ -3389,19 +3430,18 @@ int Print_Alignment(FILE *file, Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework,
b = align->bseq - 1;
o = 0;
- i = j = 1;
+ i = align->path->abpos;
+ j = align->path->bbpos;
- prefa = align->path->abpos;
- prefb = align->path->bbpos;
+ prefa = 0;
+ for (prefa = 0; prefa < border && a[i] != 4; prefa++)
+ i -= 1;
+ i += 1;
- if (prefa > border)
- { i = prefa-(border-1);
- prefa = border;
- }
- if (prefb > border)
- { j = prefb-(border-1);
- prefb = border;
- }
+ prefb = 0;
+ for (prefb = 0; prefb < border && b[j] != 4; prefb++)
+ j -= 1;
+ j += 1;
sa = i-1;
sb = j-1;
@@ -3652,19 +3692,18 @@ int Print_Reference(FILE *file, Alignment *align, Work_Data *ework,
b = align->bseq - 1;
o = 0;
- i = j = 1;
- prefa = align->path->abpos;
- prefb = align->path->bbpos;
- if (prefa > border)
- { i = prefa-(border-1);
- prefa = border;
- }
- if (prefb > border)
- { j = prefb-(border-1);
- prefb = border;
- }
+ i = align->path->abpos;
+ j = align->path->bbpos;
+ prefa = 0;
+ for (prefa = 0; prefa < border && a[i] != 4; prefa++)
+ i -= 1;
+ i += 1;
+ prefb = 0;
+ for (prefb = 0; prefb < border && b[j] != 4; prefb++)
+ j -= 1;
+ j += 1;
s0 = i;
sa = i-1;
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ typedef struct
An alignment is modeled by an Alignment record, which in addition to a *pointer* to a
'path', gives pointers to the A and B sequences, their lengths, and indicates whether
- the B-sequence needs to be complemented ('comp' non-zero if so). The 'trace' pointer
- of the 'path' subrecord can be either NULL, a list of pass-through points, or an exact
+ the B- or A-sequence needs to be complemented ('comp' non-zero if so). The 'trace' pointer
+ of the 'path' subrecord can be either NULL, a list of trace points, or an exact
trace depending on what routines have been called on the record.
One can (1) compute a trace, with Compute_Trace, either from scratch if 'path.trace' = NULL,
- or using the sequence of pass-through points in trace, (2) print an ASCII representation
+ or using the sequence of trace points in trace, (2) print an ASCII representation
of an alignment, or (3) reverse the roles of A and B, and (4) complement a sequence
(which is a reversible process).
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ void Complement_Seq(char *a, int n);
(b) it passes through one of the points (anti+k)/2,(anti-k)/2 for k in [low,hgh] within
the underlying dynamic programming matrix (i.e. the points on diagonals low to hgh
on anti-diagonal anti or anti-1 (depending on whether the diagonal is odd or even)),
- (c) if lbord >= 0, then the alignment is always above diagonal low-lbord, and
- (d) if hbord >= 0, then the alignment is always below diagonal hgh+hbord.
+ (c) if lbord >= 0, then the alignment is always above or on diagonal low-lbord, and
+ (d) if hbord >= 0, then the alignment is always below or on diagonal hgh+hbord.
The path record of 'align' has its 'trace' filled from the point of view of an overlap
between the aread and the bread. In addition a Path record from the point of view of the
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void Complement_Seq(char *a, int n);
Compute_Trace_PTS computes a trace by computing the trace between successive trace points.
It is much, much faster than Compute_Alignment below but at the tradeoff of not necessarily
- being optimal as pass-through points are not all perfect. Compute_Trace_MID computes a trace
+ being optimal as trace points are not all perfect. Compute_Trace_MID computes a trace
by computing the trace between the mid-points of alignments between two adjacent pairs of trace
points. It is generally twice as slow as Compute_Trace_PTS, but it produces nearer optimal
alignments. Both these routines return 1 if an error occurred and 0 otherwise.
@@ -307,7 +307,8 @@ void Complement_Seq(char *a, int n);
Flip_Alignment modifies align so the roles of A and B are reversed. If full is off then
the trace is ignored, otherwise the trace must be to a full alignment trace and this trace
- is also appropriately inverted.
+ is also appropriately inverted. Similarly, Complement_Alignment switches which sequence
+ is complemented when an alignment involves said, and does nothing otherwise.
void Alignment_Cartoon(FILE *file, Alignment *align, int indent, int coord);
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+daligner (1.0+git20231217.518d4c2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version
+ * cross.patch: document issue open that would ease crossbuilds.
+ * typos.patch: forwarded upstream.
+ -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org> Sat, 30 Dec 2023 11:39:48 +0100
daligner (1.0+git20230620.f9a35a8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version 1.0+git20230620.f9a35a8
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 07:24:26 +0200
From: Helmut Grohne <helmut at subdivi.de>
Description: Do not hard code gcc
+Bug: https://github.com/thegenemyers/DALIGNER/pull/54
Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/968434
--- a/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Description: fix a couple of typos caught by lintian.
Author: Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
-Forwarded: no
+Forwarded: https://github.com/thegenemyers/DALIGNER/pull/95
Last-Update: 2023-07-20
This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/daligner/-/compare/f3b985d7f529118c592576dd36926f553c8cc845...518386eef4e6d13464270b59d0fc5839676e0860
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/daligner/-/compare/f3b985d7f529118c592576dd36926f553c8cc845...518386eef4e6d13464270b59d0fc5839676e0860
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