[med-svn] [Git][med-team/gnumed-server][upstream] New upstream version 22.18

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jan 4 13:21:55 GMT 2023

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / gnumed-server

c1271f1d by Andreas Tille at 2023-01-04T11:05:24+01:00
New upstream version 22.18
- - - - -

15 changed files:

- server/bootstrap/bootstrap_gm_db_system.py
- server/bootstrap/fixup_db-v22.conf
- server/bootstrap/update_db-v21_v22.conf
- server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema-no_audit.dot
- server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
- server/gm-zip+sign_backups.sh
- server/pycommon/gmCfg.py
- server/pycommon/gmDateTime.py
- server/pycommon/gmDispatcher.py
- server/pycommon/gmExceptions.py
- server/pycommon/gmMimeLib.py
- server/pycommon/gmPG2.py
- server/pycommon/gmTools.py
- + server/sql/v21-v22/fixups/v22-gm-concat_table_structure_v19_and_up-fixup.sql
- server/sql/v21-v22/fixups/v22-release_notes-fixup.sql


@@ -759,6 +759,8 @@ class database:
 		curs.execute("alter database %s set check_function_bodies to on" % self.name)
 		# we want checking of data checksums if available
 		curs.execute("alter database %s set ignore_checksum_failure to off" % self.name)
+		# tighten permissions on schema public
+		curs.execute("revoke create on schema public from public")
@@ -780,9 +782,19 @@ class database:
 			curs.execute("alter database %s set track_commit_timestamp to on" % self.name)
 			_log.exception(u'PostgreSQL version < 9.5 does not support <track_commit_timestamp> OR <track_commit_timestamp> cannot be set at runtime')
+		curs.close()
+		self.conn.commit()
+		# set owner of schema public to new role "pg_database_owner",
+		# as suggested by PG 15 release notes
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		try:
+			curs.execute("alter schema public owner to pg_database_owner")
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u'PostgreSQL versions < 15 do not yet support role <pg_database_owner>')
 		curs = self.conn.cursor()
 		gmConnectionPool.log_pg_settings(curs = curs)
@@ -833,7 +845,7 @@ class database:
 	def __create_db(self):
+		_log.info('creating database')
 		# verify template database hash
 		template_version = cfg_get(self.section, 'template version')
 		if template_version is None:
@@ -843,6 +855,7 @@ class database:
 			if not converted:
 				_log.error(u'invalid template database definition: %s', template_version)
 				return False
 			if not gmPG2.database_schema_compatible(link_obj = self.conn, version = version):
 				_log.error(u'invalid [%s] schema structure in GNUmed template database [%s]', template_version, self.template_db)
 				return False

@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ v22-clin-v_candidate_diagnoses-fixup.sql

@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ v22-clin-v_candidate_diagnoses-fixup.sql

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
 #  47 12,19 * * * * /usr/bin/gm-zip+sign_backups.sh
-# It is useful to have a PROCMAIL rule for the GNotary server replies
-# piping them into the stoarage area where the backups are kept.
@@ -60,10 +57,9 @@ shopt -s -q nullglob				# no glob matches -> ""
-# find any leftover, untested tar files
+# find any leftover untested tar files
 # and test them so they can be compressed
 for TAR_UNTESTED in "${BACKUP_BASENAME}"-*.tar.untested ; do
 	# test
 	tar --extract --to-stdout --file="${TAR_UNTESTED}" > /dev/null
@@ -72,7 +68,6 @@ for TAR_UNTESTED in "${BACKUP_BASENAME}"-*.tar.untested ; do
 	# rename to final archive name
 	TAR_FINAL=$(basename "${TAR_UNTESTED}" .untested)
 	mv --force "${TAR_UNTESTED}" "${TAR_FINAL}"
@@ -84,7 +79,34 @@ for TAR_UNTESTED in "${BACKUP_BASENAME}"-*.tar.untested ; do
 	chown "${BACKUP_OWNER}" "${TAR_FINAL}"
+# find any leftover untested bz2 files and test
+# them so they are not re-compressed unnecessarily
+for BZ2_UNTESTED in "${BACKUP_BASENAME}"-*.tar.bz2.untested ; do
+	# verify compressed archive
+	bzip2 --quiet --test "${BZ2_UNTESTED}"
+	RESULT="$?"
+	if test "${RESULT}" != "0" ; then
+		echo "Verifying compressed archive [${BZ2_UNTESTED}] failed (${RESULT}). Removing."
+		rm --force "${BZ2_UNTESTED}"
+		continue
+	fi
+	# rename to final archive name
+	BZ2_FINAL=$(basename "${BZ2_UNTESTED}" .untested)
+	mv --force "${BZ2_UNTESTED}" "${BZ2_FINAL}"
+	RESULT="$?"
+	if test "${RESULT}" != "0" ; then
+		echo "Renaming tested compressed archive [${BZ2_UNTESTED}] to [${BZ2_FINAL}] failed (${RESULT}). Skipping."
+		continue
+	fi
+	TAR_FINAL=$(basename "${BZ2_UNTESTED}" .bz2.untested)
+	rm --force "${TAR_FINAL}"
+	chmod "${BACKUP_MASK}" "${BZ2_FINAL}"
+	chown "${BACKUP_OWNER}" "${BZ2_FINAL}"
@@ -133,37 +155,9 @@ for TAR_FINAL in "${BACKUP_BASENAME}"-*.tar ; do
 	rm --force "${TAR_FINAL}"
 	chmod "${BACKUP_MASK}" "${BZ2_FINAL}"
 	chown "${BACKUP_OWNER}" "${BZ2_FINAL}"
-	# GNotary support
-	if test -n "${GNOTARY_TAN}" ; then
-		LOCAL_MAILER=$(which mail)
-		#SHA512="SHA 512:"`sha512sum -b ${BACKUP_FILENAME}.tar.bz2`
-		SHA512=$(openssl dgst -sha512 -hex "${BZ2_FINAL}")
-		RMD160=$(openssl dgst -ripemd160 -hex "${BZ2_FINAL}")
-		# send mail
-		(
-			echo " "
-			echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>"
-			echo "<message>"
-			echo "	<tan>$GNOTARY_TAN</tan>"
-			echo "	<action>notarize</action>"
-			echo "	<hashes number=\"2\">"
-			echo "		<hash file=\"${BZ2_FINAL}\" modified=\"${TS}\" algorithm=\"SHA-512\">${SHA512}</hash>"
-			echo "		<hash file=\"${BZ2_FINAL}\" modified=\"${TS}\" algorithm=\"RIPE-MD-160\">${RMD160}</hash>"
-			echo "	</hashes>"
-			echo "</message>"
-			echo " "
-		) | $LOCAL_MAILER -s "gnotarize" "$GNOTARY_SERVER"
-	fi

@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ limit 1""" % where_clause
 		elif isinstance(value, list):
 			# there can be different syntaxes for list types so don't try to cast them
-		elif isinstance(value, buffer):
+		elif isinstance(value, (bytes, memoryview)):
 			# can go directly into bytea

@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ def format_pregnancy_weeks(age):
 	return '%s%s%s%s' % (
-		interval.days,
+		days,
@@ -1700,11 +1700,12 @@ def __numbers_only(str2parse):
 	if not regex.match("^(\s|\t)*\d{1,4}(\s|\t)*$", str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE):
 		return []
-	now = pydt_now_here()
 	val = int(regex.findall('\d{1,4}', str2parse, flags = regex.UNICODE)[0])
+	if val == 0:
+		return []
+	now = pydt_now_here()
 	matches = []
 	# today in that year
 	if (1850 < val) and (val < 2100):
 		target_date = cFuzzyTimestamp (
@@ -2385,7 +2386,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 	def test_get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date():
 		dt = pydt_now_here()
-		print('weekday', base_dt.isoweekday(), '(2day):', dt)
+		print('weekday', dt.isoweekday(), '(2day):', dt)
 		for weekday in range(8):
 			dt = get_date_of_weekday_in_week_of_date(weekday)
 			print('weekday', weekday, '(same):', dt)
@@ -2400,6 +2401,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
 		except ValueError as exc:
+	#-------------------------------------------------
+	def test__numbers_only():
+		for val in range(-1, 35):
+			matches = __numbers_only(str(val))
+			print(val, ':')
+			for m in matches:
+				print('  ', m)
+			input()
 	# GNUmed libs
@@ -2408,7 +2418,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
-	test_str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches()
+	#test_str2fuzzy_timestamp_matches()
@@ -2419,5 +2429,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+	test__numbers_only()

@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ def _call(receiver, **kwds):
 		acceptable_args = func_code_def.co_varnames[0:func_code_def.co_argcount]
 		_log.error('<%s> must be instance, method or function, but is [%s]', str(receiver), type(receiver))
-		raise TypeError('DISPATCHER ERROR: _call(): <%s> must be instance, method or function, but is []' % (str(receiver), type(receiver)))
+		raise TypeError('DISPATCHER ERROR: _call(): <%s> must be instance, method or function, but is [%s]' % (str(receiver), type(receiver)))
 	# 0x08: bit for whether func uses **kwds syntax
 	if not (func_code_def.co_flags & 0x08):

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class AccessDenied(Exception):
 	def __repr__(self):
 		txt = self.errmsg
 		if self.source is not None:
-			txt += '\nSource: %s' % source
+			txt += '\nSource: %s' % self.source
 		if self.code is not None:
 			txt += '\nCode: %s' % self.code
 		if self.details is not None:

@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def guess_ext_by_mimetype(mimetype=''):
 	if ext is not None:
-		_log.debug('<%s>: %s (%s)' % (mimetype, ext, candidate))
+		_log.debug('<%s>: %s' % (mimetype, ext))
 		return ext
 	_log.error("<%s>: no suitable file extension found in config files" % mimetype)

@@ -373,33 +373,153 @@ def request_login_params(setup_pool=False):
 # =======================================================================
 # netadata API
 # =======================================================================
+SQL__concat_table_structure_v19_and_up = """
+create or replace function gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()
+	returns text
+	language 'plpgsql'
+	security definer
+	as '
+	_table_desc record;
+	_pk_desc record;
+	_column_desc record;
+	_constraint_def record;
+	_total text;
+	_total := '''';
+	-- find relevant tables
+	for _table_desc in
+		select * from information_schema.tables tabs where
+			tabs.table_schema in (''dem'', ''clin'', ''blobs'', ''cfg'', ''ref'', ''i18n'', ''bill'')
+				and
+			tabs.table_type = ''BASE TABLE''
+		order by
+			decode(md5(tabs.table_schema || tabs.table_name), ''hex'')
+	-- loop over tables
+	loop
+		-- where are we at ?
+		_total := _total || ''TABLE:'' || _table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name || E''\\n'';
+		-- find PKs of that table
+		for _pk_desc in
+			select * from (
+				select
+					pg_class.oid::regclass || ''.'' || pg_attribute.attname || ''::'' || format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) AS primary_key_column
+				from
+					pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute
+				where
+					--pg_class.oid = ''TABLENAME''::regclass
+					pg_class.oid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
+						AND 
+					indrelid = pg_class.oid
+						AND
+					pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
+						AND
+					pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)
+						AND
+					indisprimary
+				) AS PKs
+			order by
+				decode(md5(PKs.primary_key_column), ''hex'')
+		-- and loop over those PK columns
+		loop
+			_total := _total || ''PK:'' || _pk_desc.primary_key_column	|| E''\\n'';
+		end loop;
+		-- find columns of that table
+		for _column_desc in
+			select *
+			from information_schema.columns cols
+			where
+				cols.table_name = _table_desc.table_name
+					and
+				cols.table_schema = _table_desc.table_schema
+			order by
+				decode(md5(cols.column_name || cols.data_type), ''hex'')
+		-- and loop over those columns
+		loop
+			-- add columns in the format "schema.table.column::data_type"
+			_total := _total || ''COL:''
+				|| _column_desc.table_schema || ''.''
+				|| _column_desc.table_name || ''.''
+				|| _column_desc.column_name || ''::''
+				|| _column_desc.udt_name || E''\\n'';
+		end loop;
+		-- find and loop over CONSTRAINTs of that table
+		for _constraint_def in
+			select * from
+				(select
+					tbl.contype,
+					''CONSTRAINT:type=''
+						|| tbl.contype::TEXT || '':''
+						|| replace(pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(tbl.oid, true), '' '', ''_'')
+						|| ''::active=''
+						|| tbl.convalidated::TEXT
+					 as condef
+				from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tbl
+				where
+					tbl.conrelid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
+					-- include FKs only because we may have to add/remove
+					-- other (say, check) constraints in a minor release
+					-- for valid reasons which we do not want to affect
+					-- the hash, if however we need to modify a foreign
+					-- key that would, indeed, warrant a hash change
+						AND
+					tbl.contype = ''f''
+				) as CONSTRAINTs
+			order by
+				CONSTRAINTs.contype,
+				decode(md5(CONSTRAINTs.condef), ''hex'')
+		loop
+			_total := _total || _constraint_def.condef || E''\\n'';
+		end loop;
+	end loop;		-- over tables
+	return _total;
+select md5(gm.concat_table_structure(%(ver)s::integer)) AS md5;
 def database_schema_compatible(link_obj=None, version=None, verbose=True):
 	expected_hash = known_schema_hashes[version]
 	if version == 0:
 		args = {'ver': 9999}
 		args = {'ver': version}
-	rows, idx = run_ro_queries (
-		link_obj = link_obj,
-		queries = [{
-			'cmd': 'select md5(gm.concat_table_structure(%(ver)s::integer)) as md5',
-			'args': args
-		}]
-	)
-	if rows[0]['md5'] != expected_hash:
-		_log.error('database schema version mismatch')
-		_log.error('expected: %s (%s)' % (version, expected_hash))
-		_log.error('detected: %s (%s)' % (get_schema_version(link_obj=link_obj), rows[0]['md5']))
-		if verbose:
-			_log.debug('schema dump follows:')
-			for line in get_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj).split():
-				_log.debug(line)
-			_log.debug('schema revision history dump follows:')
-			for line in get_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj):
-				_log.debug(' - '.join(line))
-		return False
-	_log.info('detected schema version [%s], hash [%s]' % (map_schema_hash2version[rows[0]['md5']], rows[0]['md5']))
-	return True
+	SQL = 'select md5(gm.concat_table_structure(%(ver)s::integer)) as md5'
+	try:
+		rows, idx = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL, 'args': args}])
+	except dbapi.errors.AmbiguousFunction as exc:
+		gmConnectionPool.log_pg_exception_details(exc)
+		if not hasattr(exc, 'diag'):
+			raise
+		if 'gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()' not in exc.diag.context:
+			raise
+		rows = None
+	if rows is None:
+		_log.error('gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() failed, retrying with updated function')
+		rows, idx = run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': SQL__concat_table_structure_v19_and_up, 'args': args}])
+	if rows[0]['md5'] == expected_hash:
+		_log.info('detected schema version [%s], hash [%s]' % (map_schema_hash2version[rows[0]['md5']], rows[0]['md5']))
+		return True
+	_log.error('database schema version mismatch')
+	_log.error('expected: %s (%s)' % (version, expected_hash))
+	_log.error('detected: %s (%s)' % (get_schema_version(link_obj=link_obj), rows[0]['md5']))
+	if verbose:
+		_log.debug('schema dump follows:')
+		for line in get_schema_structure(link_obj = link_obj).split():
+			_log.debug(line)
+		_log.debug('schema revision history dump follows:')
+		for line in get_schema_revision_history(link_obj = link_obj):
+			_log.debug(' - '.join(line))
+	return False
 def get_schema_version(link_obj=None):
@@ -2620,9 +2740,9 @@ SELECT to_timestamp (foofoo,'YYMMDD.HH24MI') FROM (
-	test_row_locks()
+	#test_row_locks()
-	#test_get_db_fingerprint()
+	test_get_db_fingerprint()
 # ======================================================================

@@ -690,10 +690,10 @@ def old_unicode_csv_reader(unicode_csv_data, dialect=csv.excel, encoding='utf-8'
 		if is_dict_reader is not True:
 			raise KeyError
 		kwargs['restkey'] = default_csv_reader_rest_key
-		csv_reader = csv.DictReader(unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
+		csv_reader = csv.DictReader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
 	except KeyError:
 		is_dict_reader = False
-		csv_reader = csv.reader(unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
+		csv_reader = csv.reader(old_unicode2charset_encoder(unicode_csv_data), dialect=dialect, **kwargs)
 	for row in csv_reader:
 		# decode ENCODING back to Unicode, cell by cell:
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ def get_unique_filename(prefix=None, suffix=None, tmp_dir=None, include_timestam
 def __make_symlink_on_windows(physical_name, link_name):
 	import ctypes
 	#windows_create_symlink = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW
-	kernel32 = ctype.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error = True)
+	kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error = True)
 	windows_create_symlink = kernel32.CreateSymbolicLinkW
 	windows_create_symlink.argtypes = (ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_uint32)
 	windows_create_symlink.restype = ctypes.c_ubyte
@@ -1873,6 +1873,7 @@ def get_icon(wx=None):
 	if found_as is None:
 		_log.warning('no icon file found, falling back to builtin (ugly) icon')
 		icon_bmp_data = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(__icon_serpent)))
+		icon = wx.Icon()
 		_log.debug('icon found in [%s]', found_as)

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+-- ==============================================================
+-- GNUmed database schema change script
+-- License: GPL v2 or later
+-- Author: karsten.hilbert at gmx.net
+-- ==============================================================
+-- force terminate + exit(3) on errors if non-interactive
+--set default_transaction_read_only to off;
+set check_function_bodies to on;
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+create or replace function gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up()
+	returns text
+	language 'plpgsql'
+	security definer
+	as '
+	_table_desc record;
+	_pk_desc record;
+	_column_desc record;
+	_constraint_def record;
+	_total text;
+	_total := '''';
+	-- find relevant tables
+	for _table_desc in
+		select * from information_schema.tables tabs where
+			tabs.table_schema in (''dem'', ''clin'', ''blobs'', ''cfg'', ''ref'', ''i18n'', ''bill'')
+				and
+			tabs.table_type = ''BASE TABLE''
+		order by
+			decode(md5(tabs.table_schema || tabs.table_name), ''hex'')
+	-- loop over tables
+	loop
+		-- where are we at ?
+		_total := _total || ''TABLE:'' || _table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name || E''\n'';
+		-- find PKs of that table
+		for _pk_desc in
+			select * from (
+				select
+					pg_class.oid::regclass || ''.'' || pg_attribute.attname || ''::'' || format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) AS primary_key_column
+				from
+					pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute
+				where
+					--pg_class.oid = ''TABLENAME''::regclass
+					pg_class.oid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
+						AND 
+					indrelid = pg_class.oid
+						AND
+					pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
+						AND
+					pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey)
+						AND
+					indisprimary
+				) AS PKs
+			order by
+				decode(md5(PKs.primary_key_column), ''hex'')
+		-- and loop over those PK columns
+		loop
+			_total := _total || ''PK:'' || _pk_desc.primary_key_column	|| E''\n'';
+		end loop;
+		-- find columns of that table
+		for _column_desc in
+			select *
+			from information_schema.columns cols
+			where
+				cols.table_name = _table_desc.table_name
+					and
+				cols.table_schema = _table_desc.table_schema
+			order by
+				decode(md5(cols.column_name || cols.data_type), ''hex'')
+		-- and loop over those columns
+		loop
+			-- add columns in the format "schema.table.column::data_type"
+			_total := _total || ''COL:''
+				|| _column_desc.table_schema || ''.''
+				|| _column_desc.table_name || ''.''
+				|| _column_desc.column_name || ''::''
+				|| _column_desc.udt_name || E''\n'';
+		end loop;
+		-- find and loop over CONSTRAINTs of that table
+		for _constraint_def in
+			select * from
+				(select
+					tbl.contype,
+					''CONSTRAINT:type=''
+						|| tbl.contype::TEXT || '':''
+						|| replace(pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(tbl.oid, true), '' '', ''_'')
+						|| ''::active=''
+						|| tbl.convalidated::TEXT
+					 as condef
+				from pg_catalog.pg_constraint tbl
+				where
+					tbl.conrelid = (_table_desc.table_schema || ''.'' || _table_desc.table_name)::regclass
+					-- include FKs only because we may have to add/remove
+					-- other (say, check) constraints in a minor release
+					-- for valid reasons which we do not want to affect
+					-- the hash, if however we need to modify a foreign
+					-- key that would, indeed, warrant a hash change
+						AND
+					tbl.contype = ''f''
+				) as CONSTRAINTs
+			order by
+				CONSTRAINTs.contype,
+				decode(md5(CONSTRAINTs.condef), ''hex'')
+		loop
+			_total := _total || _constraint_def.condef || E''\n'';
+		end loop;
+	end loop;		-- over tables
+	return _total;
+comment on function gm.concat_table_structure_v19_and_up() is
+	'new concat_table_structure() starting with gnumed_v19,
+	 works on dem, clin, blobs, cfg, ref, i18n, bill,
+	 includes primary keys and constraints,
+	 sorts properly by bytea';
+-- ==============================================================
+select gm.log_script_insertion('v22-gm-concat_table_structure_v19_and_up-fixup.sql', '22.18');

@@ -17,19 +17,26 @@ INSERT INTO dem.message_inbox (
 	(select pk from dem.staff where db_user = 'any-doc'),
 	(select pk_type from dem.v_inbox_item_type where type = 'memo' and category = 'administrative'),
-	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.8.7 (database v22.17)',
-	'GNUmed 1.8.7 Release Notes:
+	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.8.8 (database v22.18)',
+	'GNUmed 1.8.8 Release Notes:
-	1.8.7
+	1.8.8
-FIX: export area: dumping encrypted/PDFed image to disk
-FIX: top panel: heart rate display
-FIX: paperwork: recalls list LaTeX template
+IMPROVED: PACS: better image/image buttons placement
-	22.17
+FIX: py3.10+ *requires* ints for rescaling images [thanks henrique]
+FIX: patient tags: do not crash when rescaling image fails [thanks henrique]
+FIX: fix a number of errors found by pyflakes3
+FIX: lists: no more wx.LIST_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT in wxPython 4.2 [thanks jonas]
+FIX: date/time input: exception on entering "0"
+	22.18
+IMPROVED: bootstrapper: schema "public" permissions and ownership as per PG 15
+IMPROVED: backup: avoid unnecessary recompression
+FIX: bootstrapper: schema hash function in v19+ databases
 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
-select gm.log_script_insertion('v22-release_notes-fixup.sql', '22.17 at 1.8.7');
+select gm.log_script_insertion('v22-release_notes-fixup.sql', '22.18 at 1.8.8');

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gnumed-server/-/commit/c1271f1d42cb3d601741c8d7b048589d7984e93a

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gnumed-server/-/commit/c1271f1d42cb3d601741c8d7b048589d7984e93a
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