[med-svn] [Git][med-team/python-leidenalg][master] 6 commits: routine-update: New upstream version
Étienne Mollier (@emollier)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Jan 14 20:04:49 GMT 2023
Étienne Mollier pushed to branch master at Debian Med / python-leidenalg
fa49bcde by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T20:55:51+01:00
routine-update: New upstream version
- - - - -
6b0df18a by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T20:55:52+01:00
New upstream version 0.9.1
- - - - -
dd9307b1 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T20:55:53+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.9.1'
Update to upstream version '0.9.1'
with Debian dir 32136088511135e86125a85f8e981fdffcbc9cc2
- - - - -
20e5ae11 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T20:55:53+01:00
routine-update: Standards-Version: 4.6.2
- - - - -
301837ea by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T21:00:51+01:00
d/copyright: bump copyright years.
- - - - -
9c8acb79 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-01-14T21:03:46+01:00
ready to upload to unstable.
- - - - -
17 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- include/GraphHelper.h
- include/MutableVertexPartition.h
- include/python_partition_interface.h
- src/leidenalg/CPMVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/GraphHelper.cpp
- src/leidenalg/ModularityVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/MutableVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/Optimiser.cpp
- src/leidenalg/RBConfigurationVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/RBERVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/SignificanceVertexPartition.cpp
- src/leidenalg/VertexPartition.py
- src/leidenalg/python_partition_interface.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+- Allow node sizes to be float (PR #115)
+- Added correct_self_loops argument to CPMVertexPartition
- Update C core to 0.10.1
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+python-leidenalg (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version
+ * Standards-Version: 4.6.2 (routine-update)
+ * d/copyright: bump copyright years.
+ -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org> Sat, 14 Jan 2023 21:01:12 +0100
python-leidenalg (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Étienne Mollier ]
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
python3-ddt <!nocheck>,
python3-igraph (>= 0.10) <!nocheck>,
python3-wheel <!nocheck>
-Standards-Version: 4.6.1
+Standards-Version: 4.6.2
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-leidenalg
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-leidenalg.git
Homepage: https://github.com/vtraag/leidenalg
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Copyright: 2014-2020 Vincent Traag
License: GPL-3+
Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 2021 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Copyright: 2021-2022 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+ 2022-2023 Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
License: GPL-3+
License: GPL-3+
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include <exception>
#include <deque>
+#include <cstdbool>
//#ifdef DEBUG
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
@@ -67,30 +69,31 @@ class Graph
Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes,
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes,
vector<double> const& node_self_weights, int correct_self_loops);
Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes,
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes,
vector<double> const& node_self_weights);
Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops);
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops);
Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes);
- Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights, int correct_self_loops);
- Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights);
- Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<size_t> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops);
- Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<size_t> const& node_sizes);
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes);
Graph(igraph_t* graph, int correct_self_loops);
Graph(igraph_t* graph);
+ static Graph* GraphFromEdgeWeights(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights, int correct_self_loops);
+ static Graph* GraphFromEdgeWeights(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights);
+ static Graph* GraphFromNodeSizes(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops);
+ static Graph* GraphFromNodeSizes(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& node_sizes);
int has_self_loops();
- size_t possible_edges();
- size_t possible_edges(size_t n);
+ double possible_edges();
+ double possible_edges(double n);
Graph* collapse_graph(MutableVertexPartition* partition);
@@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ class Graph
inline size_t vcount() { return igraph_vcount(this->_graph); };
inline size_t ecount() { return igraph_ecount(this->_graph); };
inline double total_weight() { return this->_total_weight; };
- inline size_t total_size() { return this->_total_size; };
+ inline double total_size() { return this->_total_size; };
inline int is_directed() { return this->_is_directed; };
inline double density() { return this->_density; };
inline int correct_self_loops() { return this->_correct_self_loops; };
@@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ class Graph
// Get size of node based on attribute (or 1.0 if there is none).
- inline size_t node_size(size_t v)
+ inline double node_size(size_t v)
{ return this->_node_sizes[v]; };
// Get self weight of node based on attribute (or set to 0.0 if there is none)
@@ -170,7 +173,6 @@ class Graph
int _remove_graph;
- private:
igraph_t* _graph;
igraph_vector_int_t _temp_igraph_vector;
@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ class Graph
vector<size_t> _degree_all;
vector<double> _edge_weights; // Used for the weight of the edges.
- vector<size_t> _node_sizes; // Used for the size of the nodes.
+ vector<double> _node_sizes; // Used for the size of the nodes.
vector<double> _node_self_weights; // Used for the self weight of the nodes.
void cache_neighbours(size_t v, igraph_neimode_t mode);
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ class Graph
vector<size_t> _cached_neigh_edges_all; size_t _current_node_cache_neigh_edges_all;
double _total_weight;
- size_t _total_size;
+ double _total_size;
int _is_weighted;
bool _is_directed;
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class MutableVertexPartition
inline size_t membership(size_t v) { return this->_membership[v]; };
inline vector<size_t> const& membership() const { return this->_membership; };
- size_t csize(size_t comm);
+ double csize(size_t comm);
size_t cnodes(size_t comm);
vector<size_t> get_community(size_t comm);
vector< vector<size_t> > get_communities();
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class MutableVertexPartition
Graph* graph;
// Community size
- vector< size_t > _csize;
+ vector<double> _csize;
// Number of nodes in community
vector< size_t > _cnodes;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ MutableVertexPartition* create_partition_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, char* m
Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes);
Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights);
-Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights, int check_positive_weight);
+Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights, bool check_positive_weight, bool correct_self_loops);
vector<size_t> create_size_t_vector(PyObject* py_list);
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ double CPMVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "w_from_new: " << w_from_new << endl;
- size_t nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
+ double nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "nsize: " << nsize << endl;
- size_t csize_old = this->csize(old_comm);
+ double csize_old = this->csize(old_comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "csize_old: " << csize_old << endl;
- size_t csize_new = this->csize(new_comm);
+ double csize_new = this->csize(new_comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "csize_new: " << csize_new << endl;
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ double CPMVertexPartition::quality(double resolution_parameter)
double mod = 0.0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < this->n_communities(); c++)
- size_t csize = this->csize(c);
+ double csize = this->csize(c);
double w = this->total_weight_in_comm(c);
- size_t comm_possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(csize);
+ double comm_possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(csize);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "Comm: " << c << ", w_c=" << w << ", n_c=" << csize << ", comm_possible_edges=" << comm_possible_edges << ", p=" << this->graph->density() << "." << endl;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ double KLL(double q, double p)
Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes,
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes,
vector<double> const& node_self_weights, int correct_self_loops)
this->_graph = graph;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes,
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes,
vector<double> const& node_self_weights)
this->_graph = graph;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops)
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops)
this->_graph = graph;
this->_remove_graph = false;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
vector<double> const& edge_weights,
- vector<size_t> const& node_sizes)
+ vector<double> const& node_sizes)
this->_graph = graph;
this->_remove_graph = false;
@@ -161,72 +161,76 @@ Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph,
-Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights, int correct_self_loops)
+Graph* Graph::GraphFromEdgeWeights(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights, int correct_self_loops)
- this->_graph = graph;
- this->_remove_graph = false;
- this->_correct_self_loops = correct_self_loops;
- if (edge_weights.size() != this->ecount())
+ Graph* g = new Graph(graph, correct_self_loops);
+ if (edge_weights.size() != g->ecount())
throw Exception("Edge weights vector inconsistent length with the edge count of the graph.");
- this->_edge_weights = edge_weights;
- this->_is_weighted = true;
- this->set_default_node_size();
- igraph_vector_int_init(&this->_temp_igraph_vector, this->vcount());
- this->init_admin();
- this->set_self_weights();
+ g->_edge_weights = edge_weights;
+ g->_is_weighted = true;
+ g->set_default_node_size();
+ igraph_vector_int_init(&g->_temp_igraph_vector, g->vcount());
+ g->init_admin();
+ g->set_self_weights();
+ return g;
-Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights)
+Graph* Graph::GraphFromEdgeWeights(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& edge_weights)
- this->_graph = graph;
- this->_remove_graph = false;
- if (edge_weights.size() != this->ecount())
- throw Exception("Edge weights vector inconsistent length with the edge count of the graph.");
- this->_edge_weights = edge_weights;
- this->_is_weighted = true;
- this->_correct_self_loops = this->has_self_loops();
+ Graph* g = new Graph(graph);
- this->set_default_node_size();
- igraph_vector_int_init(&this->_temp_igraph_vector, this->vcount());
- this->init_admin();
- this->set_self_weights();
+ if (edge_weights.size() != g->ecount())
+ throw Exception("Edge weights vector inconsistent length with the edge count of the graph.");
+ g->_edge_weights = edge_weights;
+ g->_is_weighted = true;
+ g->set_default_node_size();
+ igraph_vector_int_init(&g->_temp_igraph_vector, g->vcount());
+ g->init_admin();
+ g->set_self_weights();
+ return g;
-Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<size_t> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops)
+Graph* Graph::GraphFromNodeSizes(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& node_sizes, int correct_self_loops)
- this->_graph = graph;
- this->_remove_graph = false;
- this->_correct_self_loops = correct_self_loops;
+ Graph* g = new Graph(graph, correct_self_loops);
- if (node_sizes.size() != this->vcount())
+ if (node_sizes.size() != g->vcount())
throw Exception("Node size vector inconsistent length with the vertex count of the graph.");
- this->_node_sizes = node_sizes;
- this->set_default_edge_weight();
- this->_is_weighted = false;
- igraph_vector_int_init(&this->_temp_igraph_vector, this->vcount());
- this->init_admin();
- this->set_self_weights();
+ g->_node_sizes = node_sizes;
+ g->set_default_edge_weight();
+ g->_is_weighted = false;
+ igraph_vector_int_init(&g->_temp_igraph_vector, g->vcount());
+ g->init_admin();
+ g->set_self_weights();
+ return g;
-Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph, vector<size_t> const& node_sizes)
+Graph* Graph::GraphFromNodeSizes(igraph_t* graph, vector<double> const& node_sizes)
- this->_graph = graph;
- this->_remove_graph = false;
- this->set_defaults();
- this->_is_weighted = false;
+ Graph* g = new Graph(graph);
- if (node_sizes.size() != this->vcount())
+ g->_graph = graph;
+ g->_remove_graph = false;
+ g->set_defaults();
+ g->_is_weighted = false;
+ if (node_sizes.size() != g->vcount())
throw Exception("Node size vector inconsistent length with the vertex count of the graph.");
- this->_node_sizes = node_sizes;
+ g->_node_sizes = node_sizes;
- this->_correct_self_loops = this->has_self_loops();
+ g->_correct_self_loops = g->has_self_loops();
- igraph_vector_int_init(&this->_temp_igraph_vector, this->vcount());
- this->init_admin();
- this->set_self_weights();
+ igraph_vector_int_init(&g->_temp_igraph_vector, g->vcount());
+ g->init_admin();
+ g->set_self_weights();
+ return g;
Graph::Graph(igraph_t* graph, int correct_self_loops)
@@ -284,14 +288,14 @@ int Graph::has_self_loops()
return has_self_loops;
-size_t Graph::possible_edges()
+double Graph::possible_edges()
return this->possible_edges(this->vcount());
-size_t Graph::possible_edges(size_t n)
+double Graph::possible_edges(double n)
- size_t possible_edges = n*(n-1);
+ double possible_edges = n*(n-1);
if (!this->is_directed())
possible_edges /= 2;
if (this->correct_self_loops())
@@ -413,7 +417,7 @@ void Graph::init_admin()
// Calculate density;
double w = this->total_weight();
- size_t n_size = this->total_size();
+ double n_size = this->total_size();
// For now we default to not correcting self loops.
// this->_correct_self_loops = false; (remove this as this is set in the constructor)
@@ -747,7 +751,7 @@ Graph* Graph::collapse_graph(MutableVertexPartition* partition)
throw Exception("Something went wrong with collapsing the graph.");
// Calculate new node sizes
- vector<size_t> csizes(n_collapsed, 0);
+ vector<double> csizes(n_collapsed, 0);
for (size_t c = 0; c < partition->n_communities(); c++)
csizes[c] = partition->csize(c);
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ double ModularityVertexPartition::quality()
double w_out = this->total_weight_from_comm(c);
double w_in = this->total_weight_to_comm(c);
#ifdef DEBUG
- size_t csize = this->csize(c);
+ double csize = this->csize(c);
cerr << "\t" << "Comm: " << c << ", size=" << csize << ", w=" << w << ", w_out=" << w_out << ", w_in=" << w_in << "." << endl;
mod += w - w_out*w_in/((this->graph->is_directed() ? 1.0 : 4.0)*this->graph->total_weight());
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void MutableVertexPartition::clean_mem()
-size_t MutableVertexPartition::csize(size_t comm)
+double MutableVertexPartition::csize(size_t comm)
if (comm < this->_csize.size())
return this->_csize[comm];
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ void MutableVertexPartition::init_admin()
this->_total_possible_edges_in_all_comms = 0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < this->_n_communities; c++)
- size_t n_c = this->csize(c);
- size_t possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(n_c);
+ double n_c = this->csize(c);
+ double possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(n_c);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "c=" << c << ", n_c=" << n_c << ", possible_edges=" << possible_edges << endl;
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ void MutableVertexPartition::relabel_communities(vector<size_t> const& new_comm_
vector<double> new_total_weight_in_comm(nbcomms, 0.0);
vector<double> new_total_weight_from_comm(nbcomms, 0.0);
vector<double> new_total_weight_to_comm(nbcomms, 0.0);
- vector<size_t> new_csize(nbcomms, 0);
+ vector<double> new_csize(nbcomms, 0);
vector<size_t> new_cnodes(nbcomms, 0);
// Relabel community admin
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ vector<size_t> MutableVertexPartition::rank_order_communities(vector<MutableVert
vector<size_t*> csizes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_comms; i++)
- size_t csize = 0;
+ double csize = 0;
for (size_t layer = 0; layer < nb_layers; layer++)
csize += partitions[layer]->csize(i);
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ void MutableVertexPartition::move_node(size_t v,size_t new_comm)
// Keep track of all possible edges in all communities;
- size_t node_size = this->graph->node_size(v);
+ double node_size = this->graph->node_size(v);
size_t old_comm = this->_membership[v];
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "Node size: " << node_size << ", old comm: " << old_comm << ", new comm: " << new_comm << endl;
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ double Optimiser::move_nodes(vector<MutableVertexPartition*> partitions, vector<
size_t max_comm = v_comm;
double max_improv = (0 < max_comm_size && max_comm_size < partitions[0]->csize(v_comm)) ? -INFINITY : 10*DBL_EPSILON;
- size_t v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
+ double v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
for (size_t comm : comms)
// reset comm_added to all false
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ double Optimiser::merge_nodes(vector<MutableVertexPartition*> partitions, vector
size_t max_comm = v_comm;
double max_improv = (0 < max_comm_size && max_comm_size < partitions[0]->csize(v_comm)) ? -INFINITY : 0;
- size_t v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
+ double v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
for (size_t comm : comms)
// Do not create too-large communities.
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ double Optimiser::move_nodes_constrained(vector<MutableVertexPartition*> partiti
size_t max_comm = v_comm;
double max_improv = (0 < max_comm_size && max_comm_size < partitions[0]->csize(v_comm)) ? -INFINITY : 10*DBL_EPSILON;
- size_t v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
+ double v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
for (size_t comm : comms)
// Do not create too-large communities.
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ double Optimiser::merge_nodes_constrained(vector<MutableVertexPartition*> partit
size_t max_comm = v_comm;
double max_improv = (0 < max_comm_size && max_comm_size < partitions[0]->csize(v_comm)) ? -INFINITY : 0;
- size_t v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
+ double v_size = graphs[0]->node_size(v);
for (size_t comm : comms)
// reset comm_added to all false
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ double RBConfigurationVertexPartition::quality(double resolution_parameter)
double w_out = this->total_weight_from_comm(c);
double w_in = this->total_weight_to_comm(c);
#ifdef DEBUG
- size_t csize = this->csize(c);
+ double csize = this->csize(c);
cerr << "\t" << "Comm: " << c << ", size=" << csize << ", w=" << w << ", w_out=" << w_out << ", w_in=" << w_in << "." << endl;
mod += w - resolution_parameter*w_out*w_in/((this->graph->is_directed() ? 1.0 : 4.0)*this->graph->total_weight());
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ double RBERVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "w_from_new: " << w_from_new << endl;
- size_t nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
+ double nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "nsize: " << nsize << endl;
- size_t csize_old = this->csize(old_comm);
+ double csize_old = this->csize(old_comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "csize_old: " << csize_old << endl;
- size_t csize_new = this->csize(new_comm);
+ double csize_new = this->csize(new_comm);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "csize_new: " << csize_new << endl;
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ double RBERVertexPartition::quality(double resolution_parameter)
double mod = 0.0;
for (size_t c = 0; c < this->n_communities(); c++)
- size_t csize = this->csize(c);
+ double csize = this->csize(c);
double w = this->total_weight_in_comm(c);
- size_t comm_possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(csize);
+ double comm_possible_edges = this->graph->possible_edges(csize);
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "\t" << "Comm: " << c << ", w_c=" << w << ", n_c=" << csize << ", comm_possible_edges=" << comm_possible_edges << ", p=" << this->graph->density() << "." << endl;
@@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
cerr << "virtual double SignificanceVertexPartition::diff_move(" << v << ", " << new_comm << ")" << endl;
size_t old_comm = this->membership(v);
- size_t nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
+ double nsize = this->graph->node_size(v);
double diff = 0.0;
if (new_comm != old_comm)
double normalise = (2.0 - this->graph->is_directed());
double p = this->graph->density();
#ifdef DEBUG
- size_t n = this->graph->total_size();
+ double n = this->graph->total_size();
cerr << "\t" << "Community: " << old_comm << " => " << new_comm << "." << endl;
cerr << "\t" << "n: " << n << ", m: " << this->graph->total_weight() << ", p: " << p << "." << endl;
//Old comm
- size_t n_old = this->csize(old_comm);
- size_t N_old = this->graph->possible_edges(n_old);
+ double n_old = this->csize(old_comm);
+ double N_old = this->graph->possible_edges(n_old);
double m_old = this->total_weight_in_comm(old_comm);
double q_old = 0.0;
if (N_old > 0)
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
<< ", KL: " << KL(q_old, p) << "." << endl;
// Old comm after move
- size_t n_oldx = n_old - nsize; // It should not be possible that this becomes negative, so no need for ptrdiff_t here.
- size_t N_oldx = this->graph->possible_edges(n_oldx);
+ double n_oldx = n_old - nsize; // It should not be possible that this becomes negative, so no need for ptrdiff_t here.
+ double N_oldx = this->graph->possible_edges(n_oldx);
double sw = this->graph->node_self_weight(v);
// Be careful to exclude the self weight here, because this is include in the weight_to_comm function.
double wtc = this->weight_to_comm(v, old_comm) - sw;
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
// New comm
- size_t n_new = this->csize(new_comm);
- size_t N_new = this->graph->possible_edges(n_new);
+ double n_new = this->csize(new_comm);
+ double N_new = this->graph->possible_edges(n_new);
double m_new = this->total_weight_in_comm(new_comm);
double q_new = 0.0;
if (N_new > 0)
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::diff_move(size_t v, size_t new_comm)
// New comm after move
- size_t n_newx = n_new + nsize;
- size_t N_newx = this->graph->possible_edges(n_newx);
+ double n_newx = n_new + nsize;
+ double N_newx = this->graph->possible_edges(n_newx);
wtc = this->weight_to_comm(v, new_comm);
wfc = this->weight_from_comm(v, new_comm);
sw = this->graph->node_self_weight(v);
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::quality()
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "double SignificanceVertexPartition::quality()";
- size_t n = this->graph->total_size();
+ double n = this->graph->total_size();
double S = 0.0;
double p = this->graph->density();
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ double SignificanceVertexPartition::quality()
for (size_t c = 0; c < this->n_communities(); c++)
- size_t n_c = this->csize(c);
+ double n_c = this->csize(c);
double m_c = this->total_weight_in_comm(c);
double p_c = 0.0;
size_t N_c = this->graph->possible_edges(n_c);
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ class CPMVertexPartition(LinearResolutionParameterVertexPartition):
resolution-limit-free community detection. Physical Review E, 84(1),
016114. `10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016114 <http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016114>`_
- def __init__(self, graph, initial_membership=None, weights=None, node_sizes=None, resolution_parameter=1.0):
+ def __init__(self, graph, initial_membership=None, weights=None, node_sizes=None, resolution_parameter=1.0, correct_self_loops=None):
@@ -935,8 +935,11 @@ class CPMVertexPartition(LinearResolutionParameterVertexPartition):
# Make sure it is a list
node_sizes = list(node_sizes)
+ if correct_self_loops is None:
+ correct_self_loops = any(graph.is_loop())
self._partition = _c_leiden._new_CPMVertexPartition(pygraph_t,
- initial_membership, weights, node_sizes, resolution_parameter)
+ initial_membership, weights, node_sizes, resolution_parameter, correct_self_loops)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes)
- return create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, NULL, true);
+ return create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, NULL, true, false);
Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights)
- return create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, py_weights, true);
+ return create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, py_weights, true, false);
-Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights, int check_positive_weight)
+Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyObject* py_weights, bool check_positive_weight, bool correct_self_loops)
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "create_graph_from_py" << endl;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyO
size_t n = igraph_vcount(py_graph);
size_t m = igraph_ecount(py_graph);
- vector<size_t> node_sizes;
+ vector<double> node_sizes;
vector<double> weights;
if (py_node_sizes != NULL && py_node_sizes != Py_None)
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyO
for (size_t v = 0; v < n; v++)
PyObject* py_item = PyList_GetItem(py_node_sizes, v);
- if (PyNumber_Check(py_item) && PyIndex_Check(py_item))
+ if (PyNumber_Check(py_item))
- size_t e = PyLong_AsSize_t(PyNumber_Long(py_item));
+ double e = PyFloat_AsDouble(py_item);
node_sizes[v] = e;
- throw Exception("Expected integer value for node sizes vector.");
+ throw Exception("Expected numerical values for node sizes vector.");
@@ -97,19 +97,17 @@ Graph* create_graph_from_py(PyObject* py_obj_graph, PyObject* py_node_sizes, PyO
- // TODO: Pass correct_for_self_loops as parameter
- int correct_self_loops = false;
if (node_sizes.size() == n)
if (weights.size() == m)
graph = new Graph(py_graph, weights, node_sizes, correct_self_loops);
- graph = new Graph(py_graph, node_sizes, correct_self_loops);
+ graph = Graph::GraphFromNodeSizes(py_graph, node_sizes, correct_self_loops);
if (weights.size() == m)
- graph = new Graph(py_graph, weights, correct_self_loops);
+ graph = Graph::GraphFromEdgeWeights(py_graph, weights, correct_self_loops);
graph = new Graph(py_graph, correct_self_loops);
@@ -317,17 +315,18 @@ extern "C"
PyObject* py_weights = NULL;
PyObject* py_node_sizes = NULL;
double resolution_parameter = 1.0;
+ int correct_self_loops = false;
- static const char* kwlist[] = {"graph", "initial_membership", "weights", "node_sizes", "resolution_parameter", NULL};
+ static const char* kwlist[] = {"graph", "initial_membership", "weights", "node_sizes", "resolution_parameter", "correct_self_loops", NULL};
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "O|OOOd", (char**) kwlist,
- &py_obj_graph, &py_initial_membership, &py_weights, &py_node_sizes, &resolution_parameter))
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, keywds, "O|OOOdp", (char**) kwlist,
+ &py_obj_graph, &py_initial_membership, &py_weights, &py_node_sizes, &resolution_parameter, &correct_self_loops))
return NULL;
- Graph* graph = create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, py_weights, false);
+ Graph* graph = create_graph_from_py(py_obj_graph, py_node_sizes, py_weights, false, correct_self_loops);
CPMVertexPartition* partition = NULL;
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