[med-svn] [Git][python-team/packages/python-wordcloud][upstream] New upstream version
Andreas Tille (@tille)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jan 18 15:49:08 GMT 2023
Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Python Team / packages / python-wordcloud
7a5f5a34 by Andreas Tille at 2023-01-18T16:43:44+01:00
New upstream version
- - - - -
10 changed files:
- − .circleci/config.yml
- − .travis.yml
- − appveyor.yml
- − scikit-ci.yml
- test/test_wordcloud.py
- test/test_wordcloud_cli.py
- wordcloud/_version.py
- wordcloud/wordcloud.py
- wordcloud/wordcloud_cli.py
.circleci/config.yml deleted
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-version: 2
- ci_steps: &ci_steps
- working_directory: /work
- steps:
- - checkout
- - run:
- name: Run CI
- command: |
- #
- # Set UPLOAD_SDIST environment variable
- #
- export UPLOAD_SDIST=$(echo ${CIRCLE_JOB} | cut -d"_" -f3)
- #
- # Run CI
- #
- export MANYLINUX_PYTHON=$(echo ${CIRCLE_JOB} | cut -d"_" -f2)
- /opt/python/${MANYLINUX_PYTHON}/bin/pip install scikit-ci
- /opt/python/${MANYLINUX_PYTHON}/bin/ci
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: ./
- paths:
- - dist
- x64_build_job: &x64_build_job
- docker:
- - image: dockcross/manylinux1-x64
- <<: *ci_steps
- x86_build_job: &x86_build_job
- docker:
- - image: dockcross/manylinux1-x86
- <<: *ci_steps
- deploy_website_command: &deploy_website_command
- name: Deploy website
- command: |
- source_sha=$(cat doc/_build/html/.buildinfo | grep sha | cut -d: -f2)
- doc/deploy-website.sh $repo_slug $source_sha --html-dir doc/_build/html
- no_filters: &no_filters
- filters:
- tags:
- only: /.*/
- # x64
- manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27m:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27mu:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- manylinux-x64_cp36-cp36m_upload-sdist:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- manylinux-x64_cp37-cp37m:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- manylinux-x64_cp38-cp38:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- manylinux-x64_cp39-cp39:
- <<: *x64_build_job
- # x86
- #manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27m:
- # <<: *x86_build_job
- #manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27mu:
- # <<: *x86_build_job
- #manylinux-x86_cp36-cp36m:
- # <<: *x86_build_job
- #manylinux-x86_cp37-cp37m:
- # <<: *x86_build_job
- #manylinux-x86_cp38-cp38:
- # <<: *x86_build_job
- build-website_cp37-cp37m:
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7.0-stretch
- steps:
- - checkout
- - attach_workspace:
- at: ./
- - run:
- name: Build website
- command: |
- export MANYLINUX_PYTHON=$(echo ${CIRCLE_JOB} | cut -d"_" -f2)
- python -m venv ../venv
- . ../venv/bin/activate
- pip install ./dist/*${MANYLINUX_PYTHON}*x86_64.whl
- doc/build-website.sh
- - persist_to_workspace:
- root: ./
- paths:
- - doc/_build/html
- deploy-master:
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7.0-stretch
- steps:
- - checkout
- - attach_workspace:
- at: ./
- - run:
- name: Deploy master
- command: |
- echo "Deploy master (not implemented)"
- - run:
- <<: *deploy_website_command
- deploy-release:
- docker:
- - image: circleci/python:3.7.0-stretch
- steps:
- - checkout
- - attach_workspace:
- at: ./
- - run:
- name: Deploy release
- command: |
- echo "Deploy release"
- python -m venv ../venv
- . ../venv/bin/activate
- pip install twine
- ls dist
- twine upload -u $PYPI_USER -p $PYPI_PASSWORD --skip-existing dist/*
- - run:
- <<: *deploy_website_command
- version: 2
- build-test-deploy:
- jobs:
- # x64
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27m:
- <<: *no_filters
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27mu:
- <<: *no_filters
- - manylinux-x64_cp36-cp36m_upload-sdist:
- <<: *no_filters
- - manylinux-x64_cp37-cp37m:
- <<: *no_filters
- - manylinux-x64_cp38-cp38:
- <<: *no_filters
- - manylinux-x64_cp39-cp39:
- <<: *no_filters
- # x86
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27m:
- # <<: *no_filters
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27mu:
- # <<: *no_filters
- #- manylinux-x86_cp36-cp36m:
- # <<: *no_filters
- #- manylinux-x86_cp37-cp37m:
- # <<: *no_filters
- #- manylinux-x86_cp38-cp38:
- # <<: *no_filters
- - build-website_cp37-cp37m:
- requires:
- - manylinux-x64_cp37-cp37m
- <<: *no_filters
- - deploy-master:
- requires:
- # x64
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27m
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27mu
- - manylinux-x64_cp36-cp36m_upload-sdist
- - manylinux-x64_cp37-cp37m
- - manylinux-x64_cp38-cp38
- - manylinux-x64_cp39-cp39
- # x86
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27mu
- #- manylinux-x86_cp36-cp36m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp37-cp37m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp38-cp38
- # misc
- - build-website_cp37-cp37m
- filters:
- branches:
- only: master
- - deploy-release:
- requires:
- # x64
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27m
- - manylinux-x64_cp27-cp27mu
- - manylinux-x64_cp36-cp36m_upload-sdist
- - manylinux-x64_cp37-cp37m
- - manylinux-x64_cp38-cp38
- - manylinux-x64_cp39-cp39
- # x86
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp27-cp27mu
- #- manylinux-x86_cp36-cp36m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp37-cp37m
- #- manylinux-x86_cp38-cp38
- # misc
- - build-website_cp37-cp37m
- filters:
- tags:
- only: /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\.post[0-9]+)?$/
- branches:
- ignore: /.*/
.travis.yml deleted
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- only:
- - master
- - /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\.post[0-9]+)?$/
-language: python
- include:
- - os: osx
- language: generic
- env:
- - os: osx
- language: generic
- env:
- - os: osx
- language: generic
- env:
- - os: osx
- language: generic
- env:
- - os: osx
- language: generic
- env:
- directories:
- - $HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.9.0
- - $HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.8.0
- - $HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0
- - $HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.6.5
- - $HOME/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15
- - $HOME/downloads
- - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then mkdir $HOME/bin; ln -s $(which pip2) $HOME/bin/pip; ln -s $(which python2) $HOME/bin/python; fi
- - python -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --upgrade pip
- - pip install -U scikit-ci scikit-ci-addons
- - ci_addons --install ../addons
- - ci install
- - ci test
- - ci after_test
- # deploy-release
- - provider: script
- script: pwd && ls dist;echo "deploy-release" && ~/.pyenv/versions/${PYTHON_VERSION}/bin/twine upload -u $PYPI_USER -p $PYPI_PASSWORD --skip-existing dist/*
- skip_cleanup: true
- on:
- tags: true
- # deploy-master
- - provider: script
- script: pwd && ls dist;echo "deploy-master" && echo "not implemented"
- skip_cleanup: true
- on:
- branch: master
@@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
[](https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud/blob/master/LICENSE)
[](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/21369/amueller/word_cloud)
-| | Linux | macOS | Windows |
-| PyPI | [![CircleCI][circleci_image]][circleci_link] | [![TravisCI][travisci_image]][travisci_link] | [![AppVeyor][appveyor_image]][appveyor_link] |
-[circleci_link]: https://circleci.com/gh/amueller/word_cloud/tree/master
-[circleci_image]: https://circleci.com/gh/amueller/word_cloud/tree/master.svg?style=svg
-[travisci_link]: https://travis-ci.org/amueller/word_cloud
-[travisci_image]: https://travis-ci.org/amueller/word_cloud.svg?branch=master
-[appveyor_link]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/amueller/word-cloud/branch/master
-[appveyor_image]: https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/amueller/word-cloud/master.svg
appveyor.yml deleted
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- only:
- - master
- - /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\.post[0-9]+)?$/
-version: "0.0.1.{build}"
- matrix:
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python27"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python27-x64"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python36"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python36-x64"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python37"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python37-x64"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python38"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python38-x64"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python38"
- BLOCK: "0"
- - PYTHON_DIR: "C:\\Python38-x64"
- BLOCK: "0"
- secure: deKM8MvS0hJbOBqZmBym0Q==
- secure: FE4sZ/hIsAVxu408qFzrVw==
- - python -m pip install -U scikit-ci scikit-ci-addons
- - python -m ci_addons --install ../addons
- - python -m ci install
- - python -m ci build
- - python -m ci test
- - python -m ci after_test
- - ps: ../addons/appveyor/enable-worker-remote-access.ps1 -check_for_block
- - ps: |
- if ($env:appveyor_repo_tag -eq $true -and $env:appveyor_repo_tag_name –match "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\.post[0-9]+)?$") {
- Write-Host "deploy release"
- $env:PATH="$env:PYTHON_DIR/Scripts/;$env:PATH"
- twine upload -u $env:PYPI_USER -p $env:PYPI_PASSWORD --skip-existing dist/*
- } elseif ($env:appveyor_repo_branch -eq "master") {
- Write-Host "deploy master (not implemented)"
- } else {
- Write-Host "nothing to deploy"
- }
- fast_finish: false
scikit-ci.yml deleted
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-schema_version: "0.5.0"
-# $<RUN_ENV> wrapper
-# Steps expecting to compile some code must be wrapped using $<RUN_ENV>, doing so
-# ensures the environment is properly set (e.g path to visual studio, ...)
- appveyor:
- environment:
- RUN_ENV: .\\..\\addons\\appveyor\\run-with-visual-studio.cmd
- commands:
- - python ../addons/appveyor/patch_vs2008.py
- circle:
- environment:
- PATH: /opt/python/$<MANYLINUX_PYTHON>/bin:$<PATH>
- travis:
- osx:
- environment:
- PATH: $<HOME>/.pyenv/versions/$<PYTHON_VERSION>/bin:$<PATH>
- SETUP_BDIST_WHEEL_ARGS: --plat-name macosx-10.6-x86_64
- commands:
- - python ../addons/travis/install_pyenv.py
- commands:
- - python --version
- - python -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check --upgrade pip
- - $<RUN_ENV> pip install -U -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
- commands:
- - flake8
- commands:
- - python --version
- - python -c "import numpy; print('numpy %s' % numpy.__version__)"
- # Source distribution
- - python setup.py sdist
- # Built distribution (wheel)
- - $<RUN_ENV> python setup.py bdist_wheel $<SETUP_BDIST_WHEEL_ARGS>
- # Install locally to support tests
- - $<RUN_ENV> pip install -e .
- # Cleanup
- - python: |
- import glob, os
- if os.environ.get("UPLOAD_SDIST", "") == "":
- sdist=(glob.glob("dist/*.tar.gz") + glob.glob("dist/*.zip"))[0]
- print("Deleting [%s]" % sdist)
- os.remove(sdist)
- circle:
- commands:
- - |
- # Since there are no external shared libraries to bundle into the wheels
- # this step will fixup the wheel switching from 'linux' to 'manylinux1' tag
- for whl in dist/*$(python -c "import wheel.pep425tags as w; print(w.get_platform())").whl; do
- auditwheel repair $whl -w ./dist/
- rm $whl
- done
- commands:
- - pytest
- # TODO: Update setup.py to use "entry_points" and test execution of wordcloud_cli on all platforms
-# commands:
-# - codecov -X gcov --required --file ./test/coverage.xml
@@ -185,8 +185,6 @@ def test_writing_to_file(tmpdir):
def test_check_errors():
wc = WordCloud()
- with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
- wc.to_html()
@@ -479,3 +477,28 @@ def test_plural_stopwords():
w = WordCloud(collocations=False).generate(x)
assert w.words_['wa'] < 1
+def test_max_font_size_as_mask_height():
+ # test if max font size will respect the mask height
+ x = '''hello hello hello
+ bye'''
+ # Get default wordcloud size
+ wcd = WordCloud()
+ default_size = (wcd.height, wcd.width)
+ # Make sure the size we are using is larger than the default size
+ size = (default_size[0] * 2, default_size[1] * 2)
+ # using mask, all drawable
+ mask = np.zeros(size, dtype=np.int)
+ mask[:, :] = 0
+ wc = WordCloud(mask=mask, random_state=42)
+ wc.generate(x)
+ # no mask
+ wc2 = WordCloud(width=size[1], height=size[0], random_state=42)
+ wc2.generate(x)
+ # Check if the biggest element has the same font size
+ assert wc.layout_[0][1] == wc2.layout_[0][1]
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import os
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
+import contextlib
import wordcloud as wc
from wordcloud import wordcloud_cli as cli
@@ -161,13 +162,9 @@ def test_cli_writes_to_stdout(tmpdir, tmp_text_file):
tmp_text_file.write(b'some text')
- originalBuffer = sys.stdout.buffer
- sys.stdout.buffer = tmp_image_file.open('wb+')
- args, text, image_file = cli.parse_args(['--text', str(tmp_text_file)])
- cli.main(args, text, image_file)
- sys.stdout.buffer = originalBuffer
+ with contextlib.redirect_stdout(tmp_image_file.open('w+')):
+ args, text, image_file = cli.parse_args(['--text', str(tmp_text_file)])
+ cli.main(args, text, image_file)
# expecting image to be written to stdout
assert tmp_image_file.size() > 0
@@ -187,8 +184,8 @@ def test_cli_regexp_invalid(tmp_text_file, capsys):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("command,expected_output, expected_exit_code", [
("wordcloud_cli --help", "usage: wordcloud_cli", 0),
- ("python -m wordcloud --help", "usage: __main__", 0),
- ("python %s/../wordcloud/wordcloud_cli.py --help" % os.path.dirname(__file__), "To execute the CLI", 1),
+ ("%s -m wordcloud --help" % sys.executable, "usage: __main__", 0),
+ ("%s %s/../wordcloud/wordcloud_cli.py --help" % (sys.executable, os.path.dirname(__file__)), "To execute the CLI", 1),
def test_cli_as_executable(command, expected_output, expected_exit_code, tmpdir, capfd, no_cover_compat):
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ def get_keywords():
# setup.py/versioneer.py will grep for the variable names, so they must
# each be defined on a line of their own. _version.py will just call
# get_keywords().
- git_refnames = " (HEAD -> master, tag: 1.8.1)"
- git_full = "b6f48e108224f84b0b1659cea8558c86ccfc9898"
- git_date = "2020-11-11 13:35:51 -0800"
+ git_refnames = " (tag:, refs/pull/683/head, different_workflow)"
+ git_full = "d8c6624e9547587d6c57d27c97fb7fea717455e7"
+ git_date = "2022-06-23 17:03:26 -0700"
keywords = {"refnames": git_refnames, "full": git_full, "date": git_date}
return keywords
@@ -290,13 +290,15 @@ class WordCloud(object):
.. versionchanged: 2.0
``words_`` is now a dictionary
- ``layout_`` : list of tuples (string, int, (int, int), int, color))
- Encodes the fitted word cloud. Encodes for each word the string, font
- size, position, orientation and color.
+ ``layout_`` : list of tuples ((string, float), int, (int, int), int, color))
+ Encodes the fitted word cloud. For each word, it encodes the string,
+ normalized frequency, font size, position, orientation, and color.
+ The frequencies are normalized by the most commonly occurring word.
+ The color is in the format of 'rgb(R, G, B).'
- Larger canvases with make the code significantly slower. If you need a
+ Larger canvases make the code significantly slower. If you need a
large word cloud, try a lower canvas size, and set the scale parameter.
The algorithm might give more weight to the ranking of the words
@@ -365,6 +367,11 @@ class WordCloud(object):
self.min_word_length = min_word_length
self.collocation_threshold = collocation_threshold
+ # Override the width and height if there is a mask
+ if mask is not None:
+ self.width = mask.shape[1]
+ self.height = mask.shape[0]
def fit_words(self, frequencies):
"""Create a word_cloud from words and frequencies.
@@ -739,9 +746,6 @@ class WordCloud(object):
return self.to_array()
- def to_html(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("FIXME!!!")
def to_svg(self, embed_font=False, optimize_embedded_font=True, embed_image=False):
"""Export to SVG.
@@ -223,6 +223,8 @@ def parse_args(arguments):
# prog = 'python wordcloud_cli.py'
parser = make_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(arguments)
+ if args.background_color == 'None':
+ args.background_color = None
if args.colormask and args.color:
raise ValueError('specify either a color mask or a color function')
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python-wordcloud/-/commit/7a5f5a34611d1c88c512ace11f6f4cc3e9373a98
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python-wordcloud/-/commit/7a5f5a34611d1c88c512ace11f6f4cc3e9373a98
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-------------- next part --------------
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