[med-svn] [Git][med-team/htseq][upstream] New upstream version 2.0.2

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Jan 20 21:25:16 GMT 2023

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / htseq

3eaeb299 by Andreas Tille at 2023-01-20T21:59:16+01:00
New upstream version 2.0.2
- - - - -

7 changed files:

- HTSeq/_version.py
- HTSeq/scripts/count_features/count_features_per_file.py
- + HTSeq/scripts/count_old.py
- setup.py
- src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx


@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = "2.0.1"
\ No newline at end of file
+__version__ = "2.0.2"
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ def count_reads_single_file(
-            # todo can move this into a function, but not necessary.
-            #  this basically try to get the interval/read sequence.
+            #  get the interval/read sequence.
             if not read_io_obj.pe_mode:
                 skip_read = _assess_non_pe_read(
@@ -141,10 +140,11 @@ def count_reads_single_file(
                 iv_seq = _get_iv_seq_non_pe_read(com, r, stranded)
-                # todo these assessor used to be at the bottom, after creating
-                # the iv_seq and checking whether the first element of the
-                # paired end is aligned. Kind of nuts really as it wastes time?
-                # need more testing though
+                # NOTE: the logic here is a little arbitrary and might benefit
+                # from an optional arg. If the reads are paired-end but one of
+                # the two is missing, ATM we rely on the other one for info,
+                # however the data is technically inconsistent and we might
+                # want to let the user choose.
                 skip_read = _assess_pe_read(
@@ -341,7 +341,12 @@ def _assess_pe_read(
-    if (read_sequence[0] is None) or not (read_sequence[0].aligned):
+    # NOTE: Sometimes read1 is None or not aligned but read2 is fine, in that
+    # case we should not exclude the entire pair but rather use the interval
+    # of the second read
+    read1_miss = (read_sequence[0] is None) or (not read_sequence[0].aligned)
+    read2_miss = (read_sequence[1] is None) or (not read_sequence[1].aligned)
+    if read1_miss and read2_miss:
         return True

@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+import sys
+import argparse
+import operator
+import itertools
+import warnings
+import traceback
+import os.path
+import multiprocessing
+import numpy as np
+import pysam
+import random
+import HTSeq
+from HTSeq.scripts.utils import (
+    UnknownChrom,
+    my_showwarning,
+    invert_strand,
+    _write_output,
+def count_reads_single_file(
+        isam,
+        sam_filename,
+        features,
+        feature_attr,
+        order,
+        max_buffer_size,
+        stranded,
+        overlap_mode,
+        multimapped_mode,
+        secondary_alignment_mode,
+        supplementary_alignment_mode,
+        feature_type,
+        id_attribute,
+        additional_attributes,
+        quiet,
+        minaqual,
+        samout_format,
+        samout_filename,
+        ):
+    def write_to_samout(r, assignment, samoutfile, template=None):
+        if samoutfile is None:
+            return
+        if not pe_mode:
+            r = (r,)
+        for read in r:
+            if read is not None:
+                read.optional_fields.append(('XF', assignment))
+                if template is not None:
+                    samoutfile.write(read.to_pysam_AlignedSegment(template))
+                elif samout_format in ('SAM', 'sam'):
+                    samoutfile.write(read.get_sam_line() + "\n")
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        'BAM/SAM output: no template and not a test SAM file',
+                    )
+    try:
+        if sam_filename == "-":
+            read_seq_file = HTSeq.BAM_Reader(sys.stdin)
+        else:
+            read_seq_file = HTSeq.BAM_Reader(sam_filename)
+        # Get template for output BAM/SAM if possible
+        if samout_filename is None:
+            template = None
+            samoutfile = None
+        elif samout_format in ('bam', 'BAM'):
+            template = read_seq_file.get_template()
+            samoutfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(
+                    samout_filename, 'wb',
+                    template=template,
+                    )
+        elif (samout_format in ('sam', 'SAM')) and \
+                hasattr(read_seq_file, 'get_template'):
+            template = read_seq_file.get_template()
+            samoutfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(
+                    samout_filename, 'w',
+                    template=template,
+                    )
+        else:
+            template = None
+            samoutfile = open(samout_filename, 'w')
+        read_seq_iter = iter(read_seq_file)
+        # Catch empty BAM files
+        try:
+            first_read = next(read_seq_iter)
+            pe_mode = first_read.paired_end
+        # FIXME: catchall can hide subtle bugs
+        except:
+            first_read = None
+            pe_mode = False
+        if first_read is not None:
+            read_seq = itertools.chain([first_read], read_seq_iter)
+        else:
+            read_seq = []
+    except:
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "Error occured when reading beginning of SAM/BAM file.\n")
+        raise
+    # CIGAR match characters (including alignment match, sequence match, and
+    # sequence mismatch
+    com = ('M', '=', 'X')
+    counts = {key: 0 for key in feature_attr}
+    try:
+        if pe_mode:
+            if ((supplementary_alignment_mode == 'ignore') and
+               (secondary_alignment_mode == 'ignore')):
+                primary_only = True
+            else:
+                primary_only = False
+            if order == "name":
+                read_seq = HTSeq.pair_SAM_alignments(
+                        read_seq,
+                        primary_only=primary_only)
+            elif order == "pos":
+                read_seq = HTSeq.pair_SAM_alignments_with_buffer(
+                        read_seq,
+                        max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size,
+                        primary_only=primary_only)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Illegal order specified.")
+        empty = 0
+        ambiguous = 0
+        notaligned = 0
+        lowqual = 0
+        nonunique = 0
+        i = 0
+        for r in read_seq:
+            if i > 0 and i % 100000 == 0 and not quiet:
+                sys.stderr.write(
+                    "%d alignment record%s processed.\n" %
+                    (i, "s" if not pe_mode else " pairs"))
+                sys.stderr.flush()
+            i += 1
+            if not pe_mode:
+                if not r.aligned:
+                    notaligned += 1
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, "__not_aligned", samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                    continue
+                if ((secondary_alignment_mode == 'ignore') and
+                   r.not_primary_alignment):
+                    continue
+                if ((supplementary_alignment_mode == 'ignore') and
+                   r.supplementary):
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    if r.optional_field("NH") > 1:
+                        nonunique += 1
+                        write_to_samout(
+                                r,
+                                "__alignment_not_unique",
+                                samoutfile,
+                                template)
+                        if multimapped_mode == 'none':
+                            continue
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                if r.aQual < minaqual:
+                    lowqual += 1
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, "__too_low_aQual", samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                    continue
+                if stranded != "reverse":
+                    iv_seq = (co.ref_iv for co in r.cigar if co.type in com
+                              and co.size > 0)
+                else:
+                    iv_seq = (invert_strand(co.ref_iv)
+                              for co in r.cigar if (co.type in com and
+                                                    co.size > 0))
+            else:
+                if r[0] is not None and r[0].aligned:
+                    if stranded != "reverse":
+                        iv_seq = (co.ref_iv for co in r[0].cigar
+                                  if co.type in com and co.size > 0)
+                    else:
+                        iv_seq = (invert_strand(co.ref_iv) for co in r[0].cigar
+                                  if co.type in com and co.size > 0)
+                else:
+                    iv_seq = tuple()
+                if r[1] is not None and r[1].aligned:
+                    if stranded != "reverse":
+                        iv_seq = itertools.chain(
+                                iv_seq,
+                                (invert_strand(co.ref_iv) for co in r[1].cigar
+                                if co.type in com and co.size > 0))
+                    else:
+                        iv_seq = itertools.chain(
+                                iv_seq,
+                                (co.ref_iv for co in r[1].cigar
+                                 if co.type in com and co.size > 0))
+                else:
+                    if (r[0] is None) or not (r[0].aligned):
+                        write_to_samout(
+                                r, "__not_aligned", samoutfile,
+                                template)
+                        notaligned += 1
+                        continue
+                if secondary_alignment_mode == 'ignore':
+                    if (r[0] is not None) and r[0].not_primary_alignment:
+                        continue
+                    elif (r[1] is not None) and r[1].not_primary_alignment:
+                        continue
+                if supplementary_alignment_mode == 'ignore':
+                    if (r[0] is not None) and r[0].supplementary:
+                        continue
+                    elif (r[1] is not None) and r[1].supplementary:
+                        continue
+                try:
+                    if ((r[0] is not None and r[0].optional_field("NH") > 1) or
+                       (r[1] is not None and r[1].optional_field("NH") > 1)):
+                        nonunique += 1
+                        write_to_samout(
+                                r, "__alignment_not_unique", samoutfile,
+                                template)
+                        if multimapped_mode == 'none':
+                            continue
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                if ((r[0] and r[0].aQual < minaqual) or
+                   (r[1] and r[1].aQual < minaqual)):
+                    lowqual += 1
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, "__too_low_aQual", samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                    continue
+            try:
+                if overlap_mode == "union":
+                    fs = set()
+                    for iv in iv_seq:
+                        if iv.chrom not in features.chrom_vectors:
+                            raise UnknownChrom
+                        for iv2, fs2 in features[iv].steps():
+                            fs = fs.union(fs2)
+                elif overlap_mode in ("intersection-strict",
+                                      "intersection-nonempty"):
+                    fs = None
+                    for iv in iv_seq:
+                        if iv.chrom not in features.chrom_vectors:
+                            raise UnknownChrom
+                        for iv2, fs2 in features[iv].steps():
+                            if ((len(fs2) > 0) or
+                               (overlap_mode == "intersection-strict")):
+                                if fs is None:
+                                    fs = fs2.copy()
+                                else:
+                                    fs = fs.intersection(fs2)
+                else:
+                    sys.exit("Illegal overlap mode.")
+                if fs is None or len(fs) == 0:
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, "__no_feature", samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                    empty += 1
+                elif len(fs) > 1:
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, "__ambiguous[" + '+'.join(sorted(fs)) + "]",
+                            samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                    ambiguous += 1
+                else:
+                    write_to_samout(
+                            r, list(fs)[0], samoutfile,
+                            template)
+                if fs is not None and len(fs) > 0:
+                    if multimapped_mode == 'none':
+                        if len(fs) == 1:
+                            counts[list(fs)[0]] += 1
+                    elif multimapped_mode == 'all':
+                        for fsi in list(fs):
+                            counts[fsi] += 1
+                    elif multimapped_mode == 'fraction':
+                        for fsi in list(fs):
+                            counts[fsi] += 1.0 / len(fs)
+                    elif multimapped_mode == 'random':
+                        fsi = random.choice(list(fs))
+                        counts[fsi] += 1
+                    else:
+                        sys.exit("Illegal multimap mode.")
+            except UnknownChrom:
+                write_to_samout(
+                        r, "__no_feature", samoutfile,
+                        template)
+                empty += 1
+    except:
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "Error occured when processing input (%s):\n" %
+            (read_seq_file.get_line_number_string()))
+        raise
+    if not quiet:
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "%d %s processed.\n" %
+            (i, "alignments " if not pe_mode else "alignment pairs"))
+        sys.stderr.flush()
+    if samoutfile is not None:
+        samoutfile.close()
+    return {
+        'isam': isam,
+        'counts': counts,
+        'empty': empty,
+        'ambiguous': ambiguous,
+        'lowqual': lowqual,
+        'notaligned': notaligned,
+        'nonunique': nonunique,
+    }
+def count_reads_in_features(
+        sam_filenames,
+        gff_filename,
+        order,
+        max_buffer_size,
+        stranded,
+        overlap_mode,
+        multimapped_mode,
+        secondary_alignment_mode,
+        supplementary_alignment_mode,
+        feature_type,
+        id_attribute,
+        additional_attributes,
+        add_chromosome_info,
+        quiet,
+        minaqual,
+        samouts,
+        samout_format,
+        output_delimiter,
+        output_filename,
+        output_append,
+        nprocesses,
+        feature_query,
+        counts_output_sparse,
+        ):
+    '''Count reads in features, parallelizing by file'''
+    # Never use more CPUs than files
+    nprocesses = min(nprocesses, len(sam_filenames))
+    if samouts != []:
+        if len(samouts) != len(sam_filenames):
+            raise ValueError(
+                    'Select the same number of input and output files')
+        # Try to open samout files early in case any of them has issues
+        if samout_format in ('SAM', 'sam'):
+            for samout in samouts:
+                with open(samout, 'w'):
+                    pass
+        else:
+            # We don't have a template if the input is stdin
+            if (len(sam_filenames) != 1) or (sam_filenames[0] != '-'):
+                for sam_filename, samout in zip(sam_filenames, samouts):
+                    with pysam.AlignmentFile(sam_filename, 'r') as sf:
+                        with pysam.AlignmentFile(samout, 'w', template=sf):
+                            pass
+    else:
+        samouts = [None for x in sam_filenames]
+    # Try to open samfiles to fail early in case any of them is not there
+    if (len(sam_filenames) != 1) or (sam_filenames[0] != '-'):
+        for sam_filename in sam_filenames:
+            with pysam.AlignmentFile(sam_filename, 'r') as sf:
+                pass
+    # Deal with custom id_attribute lists. This is never shorter than 1 because
+    # gene_id is the default. However, if the option was called at least once,
+    # that should _override_ the default, which means skipping the first
+    # element (i.e., gene_id).
+    if len(id_attribute) > 1:
+        del id_attribute[0]
+    # Prepare features
+    gff = HTSeq.GFF_Reader(gff_filename)
+    feature_scan = HTSeq.make_feature_genomicarrayofsets(
+        gff,
+        id_attribute,
+        feature_type=feature_type,
+        feature_query=feature_query,
+        additional_attributes=additional_attributes,
+        stranded=stranded != 'no',
+        verbose=not quiet,
+        add_chromosome_info=add_chromosome_info,
+        )
+    features = feature_scan['features']
+    attributes = feature_scan['attributes']
+    feature_attr = sorted(attributes.keys())
+    if len(feature_attr) == 0:
+        sys.stderr.write(
+            "Warning: No features of type '%s' found.\n" % feature_type)
+    # Prepare arguments for counting function
+    args = []
+    for isam, (sam_filename, samout_filename) in enumerate(zip(sam_filenames, samouts)):
+        args.append((
+            isam,
+            sam_filename,
+            features,
+            feature_attr,
+            order,
+            max_buffer_size,
+            stranded,
+            overlap_mode,
+            multimapped_mode,
+            secondary_alignment_mode,
+            supplementary_alignment_mode,
+            feature_type,
+            id_attribute,
+            additional_attributes,
+            quiet,
+            minaqual,
+            samout_format,
+            samout_filename,
+            ))
+    # Count reads in parallel
+    if nprocesses > 1:
+        with multiprocessing.Pool(nprocesses) as pool:
+            results = pool.starmap(count_reads_single_file, args)
+        results.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('isam'))
+    else:
+        results = list(itertools.starmap(count_reads_single_file, args))
+    # Merge and write output
+    _write_output(
+        results,
+        sam_filenames,
+        attributes,
+        additional_attributes,
+        output_filename,
+        output_delimiter,
+        output_append,
+        sparse=counts_output_sparse,
+        dtype=np.float32,
+    )
+def main():
+    pa = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        usage="%(prog)s [options] alignment_file gff_file",
+        description="This script takes one or more alignment files in SAM/BAM " +
+        "format and a feature file in GFF format and calculates for each feature " +
+        "the number of reads mapping to it. See " +
+        "http://htseq.readthedocs.io/en/master/count.html for details.",
+        epilog="Written by Simon Anders (sanders at fs.tum.de), " +
+        "European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Fabio Zanini " +
+        "(fabio.zanini at unsw.edu.au), UNSW Sydney. (c) 2010-2020. " +
+        "Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. " +
+        "Part of the 'HTSeq' framework, version %s." % HTSeq.__version__)
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--version", action="store_true",
+            help='Show software version and exit')
+    args, argv = pa.parse_known_args()
+    # Version is the only case where the BAM and GTF files are optional
+    if args.version:
+        print(HTSeq.__version__)
+        sys.exit()
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "samfilenames", nargs='+', type=str,
+            help="Path to the SAM/BAM files containing the mapped reads. " +
+            "If '-' is selected, read from standard input")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "featuresfilename", type=str,
+            help="Path to the GTF file containing the features")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-f", "--format", dest="samtype",
+            choices=("sam", "bam", "auto"), default="auto",
+            help="Type of <alignment_file> data. DEPRECATED: " +
+            "file format is detected automatically. This option is ignored.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-r", "--order", dest="order",
+            choices=("pos", "name"), default="name",
+            help="'pos' or 'name'. Sorting order of <alignment_file> (default: name). Paired-end sequencing " +
+            "data must be sorted either by position or by read name, and the sorting order " +
+            "must be specified. Ignored for single-end data.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--max-reads-in-buffer", dest="max_buffer_size", type=int,
+            default=30000000,
+            help="When <alignment_file> is paired end sorted by position, " +
+            "allow only so many reads to stay in memory until the mates are " +
+            "found (raising this number will use more memory). Has no effect " +
+            "for single end or paired end sorted by name")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-s", "--stranded", dest="stranded",
+            choices=("yes", "no", "reverse"), default="yes",
+            help="Whether the data is from a strand-specific assay. Specify 'yes', " +
+            "'no', or 'reverse' (default: yes). " +
+            "'reverse' means 'yes' with reversed strand interpretation")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-a", "--minaqual", type=int, dest="minaqual",
+            default=10,
+            help="Skip all reads with MAPQ alignment quality lower than the given " +
+            "minimum value (default: 10). MAPQ is the 5th column of a SAM/BAM " +
+            "file and its usage depends on the software used to map the reads.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-t", "--type", type=str, dest="featuretype",
+            default="exon",
+            help="Feature type (3rd column in GTF file) to be used, " +
+            "all features of other type are ignored (default, suitable for Ensembl " +
+            "GTF files: exon)")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-i", "--idattr", type=str, dest="idattr",
+            action='append',
+            default=["gene_id"],
+            help="GTF attribute to be used as feature ID (default, " +
+            "suitable for Ensembl GTF files: gene_id). All feature of the " +
+            "right type (see -t option) within the same GTF attribute will " +
+            "be added together. The typical way of using this option is to " +
+            "count all exonic reads from each gene and add the exons " +
+            "but other uses are possible as well. You can call this option " +
+            "multiple times: in that case, the combination of all attributes " +
+            "separated by colons (:) will be used as a unique identifier, " +
+            "e.g. for exons you might use -i gene_id -i exon_number.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--additional-attr", type=str,
+            action='append',
+            default=[],
+            help="Additional feature attributes (default: none, " +
+            "suitable for Ensembl GTF files: gene_name). Use multiple times " +
+            "for more than one additional attribute. These attributes are " +
+            "only used as annotations in the output, while the determination " +
+            "of how the counts are added together is done based on option -i.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--add-chromosome-info", action='store_true',
+            help="Store information about the chromosome of each feature as " +
+            "an additional attribute (e.g. colunm in the TSV output file).",
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-m", "--mode", dest="mode",
+            choices=("union", "intersection-strict", "intersection-nonempty"),
+            default="union",
+            help="Mode to handle reads overlapping more than one feature " +
+            "(choices: union, intersection-strict, intersection-nonempty; default: union)")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--nonunique", dest="nonunique", type=str,
+            choices=("none", "all", "fraction", "random"), default="none",
+            help="Whether and how to score reads that are not uniquely aligned " +
+            "or ambiguously assigned to features " +
+            "(choices: none, all, fraction, random; default: none)")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--secondary-alignments", dest="secondary_alignments", type=str,
+            choices=("score", "ignore"), default="ignore",
+            help="Whether to score secondary alignments (0x100 flag)")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--supplementary-alignments", dest="supplementary_alignments", type=str,
+            choices=("score", "ignore"), default="ignore",
+            help="Whether to score supplementary alignments (0x800 flag)")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-o", "--samout", type=str, dest="samouts",
+            action='append',
+            default=[],
+            help="Write out all SAM alignment records into " +
+            "SAM/BAM files (one per input file needed), annotating each line " +
+            "with its feature assignment (as an optional field with tag 'XF')" +
+            ". See the -p option to use BAM instead of SAM.")
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-p", '--samout-format', type=str, dest='samout_format',
+            choices=('SAM', 'BAM', 'sam', 'bam'), default='SAM',
+            help="Format to use with the --samout option."
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-d", '--delimiter', type=str, dest='output_delimiter',
+            default='\t',
+            help="Column delimiter in output (default: TAB)."
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-c", '--counts_output', type=str, dest='output_filename',
+            default='',
+            help="Filename to output the counts to instead of stdout."
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "--counts-output-sparse", action='store_true',
+            help="Store the counts as a sparse matrix (mtx, h5ad, loom)."
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            '--append-output', action='store_true', dest='output_append',
+            help='Append counts output to an existing file instead of ' +
+            'creating a new one. This option is useful if you have ' +
+            'already creates a TSV/CSV/similar file with a header for your ' +
+            'samples (with additional columns for the feature name and any ' +
+            'additionl attributes) and want to fill in the rest of the file.'
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-n", '--nprocesses', type=int, dest='nprocesses',
+            default=1,
+            help="Number of parallel CPU processes to use (default: 1). " +
+            "This option is useful to process several input files at once. " +
+            "Each file will use only 1 CPU. It is possible, of course, to " +
+            "split a very large input SAM/BAM files into smaller chunks " +
+            "upstream to make use of this option."
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            '--feature-query', type=str, dest='feature_query',
+            default=None,
+            help='Restrict to features descibed in this expression. Currently ' +
+            'supports a single kind of expression: attribute == "one attr" to ' +
+            'restrict the GFF to a single gene or transcript, e.g. ' +
+            '--feature-query \'gene_name == "ACTB"\' - notice the single ' +
+            'quotes around the argument of this option and the double ' +
+            'quotes around the gene name. Broader queries might become ' +
+            'available in the future.',
+            )
+    pa.add_argument(
+            "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
+            help="Suppress progress report")  # and warnings" )
+    args = pa.parse_args()
+    warnings.showwarning = my_showwarning
+    try:
+        count_reads_in_features(
+                args.samfilenames,
+                args.featuresfilename,
+                args.order,
+                args.max_buffer_size,
+                args.stranded,
+                args.mode,
+                args.nonunique,
+                args.secondary_alignments,
+                args.supplementary_alignments,
+                args.featuretype,
+                args.idattr,
+                args.additional_attr,
+                args.add_chromosome_info,
+                args.quiet,
+                args.minaqual,
+                args.samouts,
+                args.samout_format,
+                args.output_delimiter,
+                args.output_filename,
+                args.output_append,
+                args.nprocesses,
+                args.feature_query,
+                args.counts_output_sparse,
+                )
+    except:
+        sys.stderr.write("  %s\n" % str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
+        sys.stderr.write("  [Exception type: %s, raised in %s:%d]\n" %
+                         (sys.exc_info()[1].__class__.__name__,
+                          os.path.basename(traceback.extract_tb(
+                              sys.exc_info()[2])[-1][0]),
+                          traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])[-1][1]))
+        sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: HTSeq
-Version: 2.0.1
+Version: 2.0.2
 Summary: A framework to process and analyze data from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) assays
 Home-page: https://github.com/htseq
 Author: Simon Anders, Fabio Zanini
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Author-email: fabio.zanini at unsw.edu.au
 Maintainer: Fabio Zanini
 Maintainer-email: fabio.zanini at unsw.edu.au
 License: GPL3
-Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics
 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
@@ -122,5 +121,3 @@ A virtual environment is created in the `.venv` folder and `HTSeq` is installed
 - 2021-: Givanna Putri ([ghar1821](https://github.com/ghar1821))
 - 2016-: Fabio Zanini ([iosonofabio](https://github.com/iosonofabio))@ https://fabilab.org
 - 2010-2015: Simon Anders ([simon-anders](https://github.com/simon-anders)), Wolfgang Huber

@@ -1 +1 @@

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ def update_version():
             output = output.decode().strip('\n')
         if output.startswith('release_'):
             version = output.split('_')[1]
+        print('VERSION updated: '+version)

@@ -790,6 +790,13 @@ cdef class GenomicArray(object):
     def __reduce__(self):
         return (_GenomicArray_unpickle, (self.stranded, self.typecode, self.chrom_vectors))
+    def __contains__(self, iv):
+        '''Check if the GenomicArray contains a certain interval
+        TODO: this is not implemented yet and will throw NotImplementedError.
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError
     def write_bedgraph_file(

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