[med-svn] [Git][med-team/concurrentqueue][master] 5 commits: New upstream version 1.0.4+ds

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jul 11 16:00:34 BST 2023

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / concurrentqueue

1db216a0 by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-04T11:37:35+02:00
New upstream version 1.0.4+ds
- - - - -
9a5d8c7f by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-04T11:37:35+02:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
aa76cf5d by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-04T11:37:35+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.0.4+ds'

Update to upstream version '1.0.4+ds'
with Debian dir c2ef37a95fa921ed7e199320b1dae98d59c6a114
- - - - -
8fda6902 by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-04T11:37:35+02:00
routine-update: Standards-Version: 4.6.2

- - - - -
b34403ea by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-04T15:42:01+02:00
Refresh patches

- - - - -

19 changed files:

- .gitignore
- CMakeLists.txt
- benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp
- + benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp
- blockingconcurrentqueue.h
- build/makefile
- c_api/concurrentqueue.cpp
- c_api/concurrentqueue.h
- concurrentqueue.h
- + concurrentqueueConfig.cmake.in
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/patches/dontBuildBenchmark.patch
- debian/patches/fix-defs.patch
- debian/patches/hardening.patch
- lightweightsemaphore.h
- samples.md
- tests/unittests/unittests.cpp


@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ build/msvc12/obj/

@@ -2,11 +2,73 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9)
 project(concurrentqueue VERSION 1.0.0)
-target_include_directories(concurrentqueue INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+        INTERFACE 
-install(FILES blockingconcurrentqueue.h concurrentqueue.h lightweightsemaphore.h LICENSE.md
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake
+    COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion
+                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake
+                ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}/
+                ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets
+        FILE
+                ${PROJECT_NAME}Targets.cmake
+        NAMESPACE 
+                "${PROJECT_NAME}::"
+                ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}
+        COMPONENT
+                Devel
+        FILES
+                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake
+                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}ConfigVersion.cmake
+                ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/${PROJECT_NAME}
+        COMPONENT
+                Devel
+        FILES 
+                blockingconcurrentqueue.h 
+                concurrentqueue.h 
+                lightweightsemaphore.h 
+                LICENSE.md
+                ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/moodycamel
+set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Cameron Desrochers <cameron at moodycamel.com>")
+set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "An industrial-strength lock-free queue for C++.")
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ The entire queue's implementation is contained in **one header**, [`concurrentqu
 Simply download and include that to use the queue. The blocking version is in a separate header,
 [`blockingconcurrentqueue.h`][blockingconcurrentqueue.h], that depends on [`concurrentqueue.h`][concurrentqueue.h] and
 [`lightweightsemaphore.h`][lightweightsemaphore.h]. The implementation makes use of certain key C++11 features,
-so it requires a fairly recent compiler (e.g. VS2012+ or g++ 4.8; note that g++ 4.6 has a known bug with `std::atomic`
+so it requires a relatively recent compiler (e.g. VS2012+ or g++ 4.8; note that g++ 4.6 has a known bug with `std::atomic`
 and is thus not supported). The algorithm implementations themselves are platform independent.
 Use it like you would any other templated queue, with the exception that you can use
@@ -99,14 +99,16 @@ it from many threads at once :-)
 Simple example:
-    #include "concurrentqueue.h"
-    moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
-    q.enqueue(25);
-    int item;
-    bool found = q.try_dequeue(item);
-    assert(found && item == 25);
+#include "concurrentqueue.h"
+moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
+int item;
+bool found = q.try_dequeue(item);
+assert(found && item == 25);
 Description of basic methods:
 - `ConcurrentQueue(size_t initialSizeEstimate)`
@@ -128,8 +130,12 @@ There's usually two versions of each method, one "explicit" version that takes a
 per-consumer token, and one "implicit" version that works without tokens. Using the explicit methods is almost
 always faster (though not necessarily by a huge factor). Apart from performance, the primary distinction between them
 is their sub-queue allocation behaviour for enqueue operations: Using the implicit enqueue methods causes an
-automatically-allocated thread-local producer sub-queue to be allocated (it is marked for reuse once the thread exits).
-Explicit producers, on the other hand, are tied directly to their tokens' lifetimes (and are also recycled as needed).
+automatically-allocated thread-local producer sub-queue to be allocated.
+Explicit producers, on the other hand, are tied directly to their tokens' lifetimes (but are recycled internally).
+In order to avoid the number of sub-queues growing without bound, implicit producers are marked for reuse once
+their thread exits. However, this is not supported on all platforms. If using the queue from short-lived threads,
+it is recommended to use explicit producer tokens instead.
 Full API (pseudocode):
@@ -176,31 +182,33 @@ in use either, but it can be easier to coordinate the cleanup.)
 Blocking example:
-    #include "blockingconcurrentqueue.h"
-    moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<int> q;
-    std::thread producer([&]() {
-        for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
-            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(i % 10));
-            q.enqueue(i);
-        }
-    });
-    std::thread consumer([&]() {
-        for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
-            int item;
-            q.wait_dequeue(item);
+#include "blockingconcurrentqueue.h"
+moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<int> q;
+std::thread producer([&]() {
+    for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
+        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(i % 10));
+        q.enqueue(i);
+    }
+std::thread consumer([&]() {
+    for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) {
+        int item;
+        q.wait_dequeue(item);
+        assert(item == i);
+        if (q.wait_dequeue_timed(item, std::chrono::milliseconds(5))) {
+            ++i;
             assert(item == i);
-            if (q.wait_dequeue_timed(item, std::chrono::milliseconds(5))) {
-                ++i;
-                assert(item == i);
-            }
-    });
-    producer.join();
-    consumer.join();
-    assert(q.size_approx() == 0);
+    }
+assert(q.size_approx() == 0);
 ## Advanced features
@@ -212,15 +220,17 @@ You can create a consumer token and/or a producer token for each thread or task
 (tokens themselves are not thread-safe), and use the methods that accept a token
 as their first parameter:
-    moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
-    moodycamel::ProducerToken ptok(q);
-    q.enqueue(ptok, 17);
-    moodycamel::ConsumerToken ctok(q);
-    int item;
-    q.try_dequeue(ctok, item);
-    assert(item == 17);
+moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
+moodycamel::ProducerToken ptok(q);
+q.enqueue(ptok, 17);
+moodycamel::ConsumerToken ctok(q);
+int item;
+q.try_dequeue(ctok, item);
+assert(item == 17);
 If you happen to know which producer you want to consume from (e.g. in
 a single-producer, multi-consumer scenario), you can use the `try_dequeue_from_producer`
@@ -249,16 +259,18 @@ Thanks to the [novel design][blog] of the queue, it's just as easy to enqueue/de
 items as it is to do one at a time. This means that overhead can be cut drastically for
 bulk operations. Example syntax:
-    moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
+moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int> q;
-    int items[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
-    q.enqueue_bulk(items, 5);
-    int results[5];     // Could also be any iterator
-    size_t count = q.try_dequeue_bulk(results, 5);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
-        assert(results[i] == items[i]);
-    }
+int items[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+q.enqueue_bulk(items, 5);
+int results[5];     // Could also be any iterator
+size_t count = q.try_dequeue_bulk(results, 5);
+for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) {
+    assert(results[i] == items[i]);
 #### Preallocation (correctly using `try_enqueue`)
@@ -272,7 +284,7 @@ in order to obtain an effective number of pre-allocated element slots is non-obv
 First, be aware that the count passed is rounded up to the next multiple of the block size. Note that the
 default block size is 32 (this can be changed via the traits). Second, once a slot in a block has been
-enqueued to, that slot cannot be re-used until the rest of the block has completely been completely filled
+enqueued to, that slot cannot be re-used until the rest of the block has been completely filled
 up and then completely emptied. This affects the number of blocks you need in order to account for the
 overhead of partially-filled blocks. Third, each producer (whether implicit or explicit) claims and recycles
 blocks in a different manner, which again affects the number of blocks you need to account for a desired number of
@@ -285,20 +297,35 @@ integer division (in order for `ceil()` to work).
 For explicit producers (using tokens to enqueue):
 For implicit producers (no tokens):
-    (ceil(N / BLOCK_SIZE) - 1 + 2 * MAX_NUM_PRODUCERS) * BLOCK_SIZE
 When using mixed producer types:
 If these formulas seem rather inconvenient, you can use the constructor overload that accepts the minimum
 number of elements (`N`) and the maximum number of explicit and implicit producers directly, and let it do the
 computation for you.
+In addition to blocks, there are other internal data structures that require allocating memory if they need to resize (grow).
+If using `try_enqueue` exclusively, the initial sizes may be exceeded, causing subsequent `try_enqueue` operations to fail.
+Specifically, the `INITIAL_IMPLICIT_PRODUCER_HASH_SIZE` trait limits the number of implicit producers that can be active at once
+before the internal hash needs resizing. Along the same lines, the `IMPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE` trait limits the number of
+unconsumed elements that an implicit producer can insert before its internal hash needs resizing. Similarly, the
+`EXPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE` trait limits the number of unconsumed elements that an explicit producer can insert before its
+internal hash needs resizing. In order to avoid hitting these limits when using `try_enqueue`, it is crucial to adjust the
+initial sizes in the traits appropriately, in addition to sizing the number of blocks properly as outlined above.
 Finally, it's important to note that because the queue is only eventually consistent and takes advantage of
 weak memory ordering for speed, there's always a possibility that under contention `try_enqueue` will fail
 even if the queue is correctly pre-sized for the desired number of elements. (e.g. A given thread may think that
@@ -320,7 +347,7 @@ so be sure to reserve enough capacity in the target container first if you do th
 The guarantees are presently as follows:
 - Enqueue operations are rolled back completely if an exception is thrown from an element's constructor.
   For bulk enqueue operations, this means that elements are copied instead of moved (in order to avoid
-  having only some of the objects be moved in the event of an exception). Non-bulk enqueues always use
+  having only some objects moved in the event of an exception). Non-bulk enqueues always use
   the move constructor if one is available.
 - If the assignment operator throws during a dequeue operation (both single and bulk), the element(s) are
   considered dequeued regardless. In such a case, the dequeued elements are all properly destructed before
@@ -339,12 +366,14 @@ and the memory allocation and deallocation functions that are to be used by the
 to providing your own traits is to create a class that inherits from the default traits
 and override only the values you wish to change. Example:
-    struct MyTraits : public moodycamel::ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits
-    {
-    	static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 256;		// Use bigger blocks
-    };
-    moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int, MyTraits> q;
+struct MyTraits : public moodycamel::ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits
+	static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 256;		// Use bigger blocks
+moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<int, MyTraits> q;
 #### How to dequeue types without calling the constructor
@@ -356,44 +385,48 @@ workaround: Create a wrapper class that copies the memory contents of the object
 is assigned by the queue (a poor man's move, essentially). Note that this only works if
 the object contains no internal pointers. Example:
-    struct MyObjectMover {
-        inline void operator=(MyObject&& obj) {
-            std::memcpy(data, &obj, sizeof(MyObject));
-            // TODO: Cleanup obj so that when it's destructed by the queue
-            // it doesn't corrupt the data of the object we just moved it into
-        }
+struct MyObjectMover {
+    inline void operator=(MyObject&& obj) {
+        std::memcpy(data, &obj, sizeof(MyObject));
+        // TODO: Cleanup obj so that when it's destructed by the queue
+        // it doesn't corrupt the data of the object we just moved it into
+    }
-        inline MyObject& obj() { return *reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(data); }
+    inline MyObject& obj() { return *reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(data); }
-    private:
-        align(alignof(MyObject)) char data[sizeof(MyObject)];
-    };
+    align(alignof(MyObject)) char data[sizeof(MyObject)];
 A less dodgy alternative, if moves are cheap but default construction is not, is to use a
 wrapper that defers construction until the object is assigned, enabling use of the move
-    struct MyObjectMover {
-        inline void operator=(MyObject&& x) {
-            new (data) MyObject(std::move(x));
-            created = true;
-        }
+struct MyObjectMover {
+    inline void operator=(MyObject&& x) {
+        new (data) MyObject(std::move(x));
+        created = true;
+    }
-        inline MyObject& obj() {
-            assert(created);
-            return *reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(data);
-        }
+    inline MyObject& obj() {
+        assert(created);
+        return *reinterpret_cast<MyObject*>(data);
+    }
-        ~MyObjectMover() {
-            if (created)
-                obj().~MyObject();
-        }
+    ~MyObjectMover() {
+        if (created)
+            obj().~MyObject();
+    }
-    private:
-        align(alignof(MyObject)) char data[sizeof(MyObject)];
-        bool created = false;
-    };
+    align(alignof(MyObject)) char data[sizeof(MyObject)];
+    bool created = false;
 ## Samples
@@ -406,9 +439,11 @@ See my blog post for some [benchmark results][benchmarks] (including versus `boo
 or run the benchmarks yourself (requires MinGW and certain GnuWin32 utilities to build on Windows, or a recent
 g++ on Linux):
-    cd build
-    make benchmarks
-    bin/benchmarks
+cd build
+make benchmarks
 The short version of the benchmarks is that it's so fast (especially the bulk methods), that if you're actually
 using the queue to *do* anything, the queue won't be your bottleneck.
@@ -426,6 +461,19 @@ written to be platform-independent, however, and should work across all processo
 Due to the complexity of the implementation and the difficult-to-test nature of lock-free code in general,
 there may still be bugs. If anyone is seeing buggy behaviour, I'd like to hear about it! (Especially if
 a unit test for it can be cooked up.) Just open an issue on GitHub.
+## Using vcpkg
+You can download and install `moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue` using the [vcpkg](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) dependency manager:
+git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
+cd vcpkg
+./vcpkg integrate install
+vcpkg install concurrentqueue
+The `moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue` port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please [create an issue or pull request](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) on the vcpkg repository.
 ## License
@@ -474,6 +522,7 @@ of the queue itself, followed lastly by the free-standing swap functions.
 [source]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue
 [concurrentqueue.h]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue/blob/master/concurrentqueue.h
 [blockingconcurrentqueue.h]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue/blob/master/blockingconcurrentqueue.h
+[lightweightsemaphore.h]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue/blob/master/lightweightsemaphore.h
 [unittest-src]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue/tree/master/tests/unittests
 [benchmarks]: http://moodycamel.com/blog/2014/a-fast-general-purpose-lock-free-queue-for-c++#benchmarks
 [benchmark-src]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue/tree/master/benchmarks

@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@
 #include "lockbasedqueue.h"
 #include "simplelockfree.h"
 #include "boostqueue.h"
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
+// this uses an old version of OS memory fences on OSX
 #include "tbbqueue.h"
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
 #include "stdqueue.h"
 #include "dlibqueue.h"
 #include "../tests/common/simplethread.h"
@@ -260,6 +266,9 @@ struct Traits : public moodycamel::ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits
 	// block size will improve throughput (which is mostly what
 	// we're after with these benchmarks).
 	static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
+	// Reuse blocks once allocated.
+	static const bool RECYCLE_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS = true;
@@ -963,7 +972,6 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 	case bench_only_enqueue_bulk: {
 		TQueue q;
-		item_t item = 1;
 		item_t item_rec;
 		std::vector<counter_t> data;
 		for (counter_t i = 0; i != BULK_BATCH_SIZE; ++i) {
@@ -1024,7 +1032,6 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 	case bench_mostly_enqueue_bulk: {
 		// Measures the average speed of enqueueing in bulk under light contention
 		TQueue q;
-		item_t item = 1;
 		item_t item_rec;
 		std::vector<counter_t> data;
 		for (counter_t i = 0; i != BULK_BATCH_SIZE; ++i) {
@@ -1100,7 +1107,6 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 	case bench_only_dequeue_bulk: {
 		// Measures the average speed of dequeueing in bulk when all threads are consumers
 		TQueue q;
-		item_t item = 1;
 		item_t item_rec;
 			// Fill up the queue first
@@ -1191,7 +1197,6 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 	case bench_mostly_dequeue_bulk: {
 		// Measures the average speed of dequeueing in bulk under light contention
 		TQueue q;
-		item_t item = 1;
 		item_t item_rec;
 		auto enqueueThreads = std::max(1, nthreads / 4);
 		out_opCount = maxOps * BULK_BATCH_SIZE * enqueueThreads;
@@ -1502,11 +1507,10 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 		// (that eight separate threads had at one point enqueued to)
 		out_opCount = maxOps * 2 * nthreads;
 		TQueue q;
-		item_t item = 1;
 		item_t item_rec;
 		if (nthreads == 1) {
 			// No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
-			int item;
+			int item = 0;
 			auto start = getSystemTime();
 			if (useTokens) {
 				typename TQueue::producer_token_t prodTok(q);
@@ -1535,7 +1539,7 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 					while (ready.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != nthreads)
-					int item;
+					int item = 0;
 					auto start = getSystemTime();
 					if (useTokens) {
 						typename TQueue::producer_token_t prodTok(q);
@@ -1582,7 +1586,7 @@ double runBenchmark(benchmark_type_t benchmark, int nthreads, bool useTokens, un
 				auto start = getSystemTime();
 				if (id < 2) {
 					// Alternate
-					int item;
+					int item = 0;
 					if (useTokens) {
 						typename TQueue::consumer_token_t consTok(q);
 						typename TQueue::producer_token_t prodTok(q);
@@ -2017,7 +2021,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
 					int maxThreads = QUEUE_MAX_THREADS[queue];
 					std::vector<BenchmarkResult> results(ITERATIONS);
 					for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
-						double elapsed;
+						double elapsed = 0.0;
 						counter_t ops = 0;
 						switch ((queue_id_t)queue) {

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014  Davis E. King (davis at dlib.net)
+// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
+#include "test_for_odr_violations.h"
+extern "C"
+// The point of this block of code is to cause a link time error that will prevent a user
+// from compiling part of their application with DLIB_ASSERT enabled and part with them
+// disabled since doing that would be a violation of C++'s one definition rule. 
+    const int USER_ERROR__inconsistent_build_configuration__see_dlib_faq_1 = 0;
+    const int USER_ERROR__inconsistent_build_configuration__see_dlib_faq_1_ = 0;
+// The point of this block of code is to cause a link time error if someone builds dlib via
+// cmake as a separately installable library, and therefore generates a dlib/config.h from
+// cmake, but then proceeds to use the default unconfigured dlib/config.h from version
+// control.  It should be obvious why this is bad, if it isn't you need to read a book
+// about C++.  Moreover, it can only happen if someone manually copies files around and
+// messes things up.  If instead they run `make install` or `cmake --build .  --target
+// install` things will be setup correctly, which is what they should do.  To summarize: DO
+// Or even better, don't install dlib at all and instead build your program as shown in
+// examples/CMakeLists.txt
+    const int USER_ERROR__inconsistent_build_configuration__see_dlib_faq_2 = 0;

@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ public:
 	// Returns true if the underlying atomic variables used by
 	// the queue are lock-free (they should be on most platforms).
 	// Thread-safe.
-	static bool is_lock_free()
+	static constexpr bool is_lock_free()
 		return ConcurrentQueue::is_lock_free();

@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
 	PLATFORM_OPTS = -static
+	UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
+	ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
+	endif
 	# -fsanitize=address seems to have a slow memory leak when creating/destroying a lot of threads
 	#DEBUG_OPTS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address
@@ -38,9 +41,9 @@ bin/fuzztests$(EXT): ../concurrentqueue.h ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp ../te
 	test -d bin || mkdir bin
 	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp -o bin/fuzztests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
-bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp makefile
+bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp makefile
 	test -d bin || mkdir bin
-	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
+	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
 bin/libtbb.a: makefile
 	test -d bin || mkdir bin

@@ -31,4 +31,9 @@ int moodycamel_cq_try_dequeue(MoodycamelCQHandle handle, MoodycamelValue* value)
 	return reinterpret_cast<MoodycamelCQPtr>(handle)->try_dequeue(*value) ? 1 : 0;
+size_t moodycamel_cq_size_approx(MoodycamelCQHandle handle)
+    return reinterpret_cast<MoodycamelCQPtr>(handle)->size_approx();

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #pragma once
+#include <stddef.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -13,10 +15,10 @@ extern "C" {
 #define MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
 typedef void* MoodycamelCQHandle;
 typedef void* MoodycamelBCQHandle;
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_cq_create(MoodycamelCQHandle* handle);
 MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_cq_destroy(MoodycamelCQHandle handle);
 MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_cq_enqueue(MoodycamelCQHandle handle, MoodycamelValue value);
 MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_cq_try_dequeue(MoodycamelCQHandle handle, MoodycamelValue* value);
+MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT size_t moodycamel_cq_size_approx(MoodycamelCQHandle handle);
 MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_bcq_create(MoodycamelBCQHandle* handle);
 MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT int moodycamel_bcq_destroy(MoodycamelBCQHandle handle);

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #pragma once
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
 // Disable -Wconversion warnings (spuriously triggered when Traits::size_t and
 // Traits::index_t are set to < 32 bits, causing integer promotion, causing warnings
 // upon assigning any computed values)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 #include <climits>		// for CHAR_BIT
 #include <array>
 #include <thread>		// partly for __WINPTHREADS_VERSION if on MinGW-w64 w/ POSIX threading
+#include <mutex>        // used for thread exit synchronization
 // Platform-specific definitions of a numeric thread ID type and an invalid value
 namespace moodycamel { namespace details {
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ namespace moodycamel { namespace details {
 	static const thread_id_t invalid_thread_id2 = 0xFFFFFFFFU;	// Not technically guaranteed to be invalid, but is never used in practice. Note that all Win32 thread IDs are presently multiples of 4.
 	static inline thread_id_t thread_id() { return static_cast<thread_id_t>(::GetCurrentThreadId()); }
 } }
-#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(__aarch64__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_IPHONE)
+#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(__aarch64__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && TARGET_OS_IPHONE) || defined(__MVS__) || defined(MOODYCAMEL_NO_THREAD_LOCAL)
 namespace moodycamel { namespace details {
 	static_assert(sizeof(std::thread::id) == 4 || sizeof(std::thread::id) == 8, "std::thread::id is expected to be either 4 or 8 bytes");
@@ -216,9 +217,9 @@ namespace moodycamel { namespace details {
 // VS2013 doesn't support `thread_local`, and MinGW-w64 w/ POSIX threading has a crippling bug: http://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/bugs/445
 // g++ <=4.7 doesn't support thread_local either.
 // Finally, iOS/ARM doesn't have support for it either, and g++/ARM allows it to compile but it's unconfirmed to actually work
-#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900) && (!defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__) || !defined(__WINPTHREADS_VERSION)) && (!defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) && (!defined(__APPLE__) || !TARGET_OS_IPHONE) && !defined(__arm__) && !defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(__aarch64__)
+#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900) && (!defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__) || !defined(__WINPTHREADS_VERSION)) && (!defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) && (!defined(__APPLE__) || !TARGET_OS_IPHONE) && !defined(__arm__) && !defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(__MVS__)
 // Assume `thread_local` is fully supported in all other C++11 compilers/platforms
-//#define MOODYCAMEL_CPP11_THREAD_LOCAL_SUPPORTED    // always disabled for now since several users report having problems with it on
+#define MOODYCAMEL_CPP11_THREAD_LOCAL_SUPPORTED    // tentatively enabled for now; years ago several users report having problems with it on
@@ -378,7 +379,14 @@ struct ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits
 	// consumer threads exceeds the number of idle cores (in which case try 0-100).
 	// Only affects instances of the BlockingConcurrentQueue.
 	static const int MAX_SEMA_SPINS = 10000;
+	// Whether to recycle dynamically-allocated blocks into an internal free list or
+	// not. If false, only pre-allocated blocks (controlled by the constructor
+	// arguments) will be recycled, and all others will be `free`d back to the heap.
+	// Note that blocks consumed by explicit producers are only freed on destruction
+	// of the queue (not following destruction of the token) regardless of this trait.
+	static const bool RECYCLE_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS = false;
 	// Memory allocation can be customized if needed.
@@ -468,15 +476,10 @@ namespace details
 	template<typename T>
 	static inline bool circular_less_than(T a, T b)
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4554)
 		static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value && !std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed, "circular_less_than is intended to be used only with unsigned integer types");
-		return static_cast<T>(a - b) > static_cast<T>(static_cast<T>(1) << static_cast<T>(sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT - 1));
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(pop)
+		return static_cast<T>(a - b) > static_cast<T>(static_cast<T>(1) << (static_cast<T>(sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT - 1)));
+		// Note: extra parens around rhs of operator<< is MSVC bug: https://developercommunity2.visualstudio.com/t/C4554-triggers-when-both-lhs-and-rhs-is/10034931
+		//       silencing the bug requires #pragma warning(disable: 4554) around the calling code and has no effect when done here.
 	template<typename U>
@@ -555,6 +558,8 @@ namespace details
 	typedef RelacyThreadExitListener ThreadExitListener;
 	typedef RelacyThreadExitNotifier ThreadExitNotifier;
+	class ThreadExitNotifier;
 	struct ThreadExitListener
 		typedef void (*callback_t)(void*);
@@ -562,22 +567,29 @@ namespace details
 		void* userData;
 		ThreadExitListener* next;		// reserved for use by the ThreadExitNotifier
+		ThreadExitNotifier* chain;		// reserved for use by the ThreadExitNotifier
 	class ThreadExitNotifier
 		static void subscribe(ThreadExitListener* listener)
 			auto& tlsInst = instance();
+			std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex());
 			listener->next = tlsInst.tail;
+			listener->chain = &tlsInst;
 			tlsInst.tail = listener;
 		static void unsubscribe(ThreadExitListener* listener)
-			auto& tlsInst = instance();
+			std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex());
+			if (!listener->chain) {
+				return;  // race with ~ThreadExitNotifier
+			}
+			auto& tlsInst = *listener->chain;
+			listener->chain = nullptr;
 			ThreadExitListener** prev = &tlsInst.tail;
 			for (auto ptr = tlsInst.tail; ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
 				if (ptr == listener) {
@@ -597,7 +609,9 @@ namespace details
 			// This thread is about to exit, let everyone know!
 			assert(this == &instance() && "If this assert fails, you likely have a buggy compiler! Change the preprocessor conditions such that MOODYCAMEL_CPP11_THREAD_LOCAL_SUPPORTED is no longer defined.");
+			std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex());
 			for (auto ptr = tail; ptr != nullptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
+				ptr->chain = nullptr;
@@ -608,6 +622,13 @@ namespace details
 			static thread_local ThreadExitNotifier notifier;
 			return notifier;
+		static inline std::mutex& mutex()
+		{
+			// Must be static because the ThreadExitNotifier could be destroyed while unsubscribe is called
+			static std::mutex mutex;
+			return mutex;
+		}
 		ThreadExitListener* tail;
@@ -789,7 +810,7 @@ public:
 	// queue is fully constructed before it starts being used by other threads (this
 	// includes making the memory effects of construction visible, possibly with a
 	// memory barrier).
-	explicit ConcurrentQueue(size_t capacity = 6 * BLOCK_SIZE)
+	explicit ConcurrentQueue(size_t capacity = 32 * BLOCK_SIZE)
 		: producerListTail(nullptr),
@@ -1314,7 +1335,7 @@ public:
 	// Returns true if the underlying atomic variables used by
 	// the queue are lock-free (they should be on most platforms).
 	// Thread-safe.
-	static bool is_lock_free()
+	static constexpr bool is_lock_free()
 			details::static_is_lock_free<bool>::value == 2 &&
@@ -1538,7 +1559,7 @@ private:
 	struct Block
-			: next(nullptr), elementsCompletelyDequeued(0), freeListRefs(0), freeListNext(nullptr), shouldBeOnFreeList(false), dynamicallyAllocated(true)
+			: next(nullptr), elementsCompletelyDequeued(0), freeListRefs(0), freeListNext(nullptr), dynamicallyAllocated(true)
 			owner = nullptr;
@@ -1655,7 +1676,6 @@ private:
 		std::atomic<std::uint32_t> freeListRefs;
 		std::atomic<Block*> freeListNext;
-		std::atomic<bool> shouldBeOnFreeList;
 		bool dynamicallyAllocated;		// Perhaps a better name for this would be 'isNotPartOfInitialBlockPool'
@@ -1810,12 +1830,7 @@ private:
 				auto block = this->tailBlock;
 				do {
 					auto nextBlock = block->next;
-					if (block->dynamicallyAllocated) {
-						destroy(block);
-					}
-					else {
-						this->parent->add_block_to_free_list(block);
-					}
+					this->parent->add_block_to_free_list(block);
 					block = nextBlock;
 				} while (block != this->tailBlock);
@@ -1998,7 +2013,7 @@ private:
 					// block size (in order to get a correct signed block count offset in all cases):
 					auto headBase = localBlockIndex->entries[localBlockIndexHead].base;
 					auto blockBaseIndex = index & ~static_cast<index_t>(BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
-					auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(blockBaseIndex - headBase) / BLOCK_SIZE);
+					auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(blockBaseIndex - headBase) / static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(BLOCK_SIZE));
 					auto block = localBlockIndex->entries[(localBlockIndexHead + offset) & (localBlockIndex->size - 1)].block;
 					// Dequeue
@@ -2259,7 +2274,7 @@ private:
 					auto headBase = localBlockIndex->entries[localBlockIndexHead].base;
 					auto firstBlockBaseIndex = firstIndex & ~static_cast<index_t>(BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
-					auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(firstBlockBaseIndex - headBase) / BLOCK_SIZE);
+					auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(firstBlockBaseIndex - headBase) / static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(BLOCK_SIZE));
 					auto indexIndex = (localBlockIndexHead + offset) & (localBlockIndex->size - 1);
 					// Iterate the blocks and dequeue
@@ -2906,13 +2921,15 @@ private:
 			else if (!new_block_index()) {
 				return false;
-			localBlockIndex = blockIndex.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-			newTail = (localBlockIndex->tail.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1) & (localBlockIndex->capacity - 1);
-			idxEntry = localBlockIndex->index[newTail];
-			assert(idxEntry->key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == INVALID_BLOCK_BASE);
-			idxEntry->key.store(blockStartIndex, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-			localBlockIndex->tail.store(newTail, std::memory_order_release);
-			return true;
+			else {
+				localBlockIndex = blockIndex.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+				newTail = (localBlockIndex->tail.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1) & (localBlockIndex->capacity - 1);
+				idxEntry = localBlockIndex->index[newTail];
+				assert(idxEntry->key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == INVALID_BLOCK_BASE);
+				idxEntry->key.store(blockStartIndex, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+				localBlockIndex->tail.store(newTail, std::memory_order_release);
+				return true;
+			}
 		inline void rewind_block_index_tail()
@@ -2940,7 +2957,7 @@ private:
 			assert(tailBase != INVALID_BLOCK_BASE);
 			// Note: Must use division instead of shift because the index may wrap around, causing a negative
 			// offset, whose negativity we want to preserve
-			auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(index - tailBase) / BLOCK_SIZE);
+			auto offset = static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(index - tailBase) / static_cast<typename std::make_signed<index_t>::type>(BLOCK_SIZE));
 			size_t idx = (tail + offset) & (localBlockIndex->capacity - 1);
 			assert(localBlockIndex->index[idx]->key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == index && localBlockIndex->index[idx]->value.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != nullptr);
 			return idx;
@@ -3052,7 +3069,12 @@ private:
 		block->owner = nullptr;
-		freeList.add(block);
+		if (!Traits::RECYCLE_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS && block->dynamicallyAllocated) {
+			destroy(block);
+		}
+		else {
+			freeList.add(block);
+		}
 	inline void add_blocks_to_free_list(Block* block)
@@ -3203,12 +3225,6 @@ private:
 	ProducerBase* recycle_or_create_producer(bool isExplicit)
-	{
-		bool recycled;
-		return recycle_or_create_producer(isExplicit, recycled);
-	}
-	ProducerBase* recycle_or_create_producer(bool isExplicit, bool& recycled)
 		debug::DebugLock lock(implicitProdMutex);
@@ -3219,13 +3235,11 @@ private:
 				bool expected = true;
 				if (ptr->inactive.compare_exchange_strong(expected, /* desired */ false, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
 					// We caught one! It's been marked as activated, the caller can have it
-					recycled = true;
 					return ptr;
-		recycled = false;
 		return add_producer(isExplicit ? static_cast<ProducerBase*>(create<ExplicitProducer>(this)) : create<ImplicitProducer>(this));
@@ -3396,7 +3410,7 @@ private:
 			// Look for the id in this hash
 			auto index = hashedId;
 			while (true) {		// Not an infinite loop because at least one slot is free in the hash table
-				index &= hash->capacity - 1;
+				index &= hash->capacity - 1u;
 				auto probedKey = hash->entries[index].key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
 				if (probedKey == id) {
@@ -3409,15 +3423,14 @@ private:
 					if (hash != mainHash) {
 						index = hashedId;
 						while (true) {
-							index &= mainHash->capacity - 1;
-							probedKey = mainHash->entries[index].key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+							index &= mainHash->capacity - 1u;
 							auto empty = details::invalid_thread_id;
 							auto reusable = details::invalid_thread_id2;
-							if ((probedKey == empty    && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)) ||
-								(probedKey == reusable && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(reusable, id, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_acquire))) {
+							if (mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed) ||
+								mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(reusable, id, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
-							if ((probedKey == empty    && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed))) {
+							if (mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
 								mainHash->entries[index].value = value;
@@ -3446,7 +3459,7 @@ private:
 				// locked block).
 				mainHash = implicitProducerHash.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
 				if (newCount >= (mainHash->capacity >> 1)) {
-					auto newCapacity = mainHash->capacity << 1;
+					size_t newCapacity = mainHash->capacity << 1;
 					while (newCount >= (newCapacity >> 1)) {
 						newCapacity <<= 1;
@@ -3479,15 +3492,11 @@ private:
 			// to finish being allocated by another thread (and if we just finished allocating above, the condition will
 			// always be true)
 			if (newCount < (mainHash->capacity >> 1) + (mainHash->capacity >> 2)) {
-				bool recycled;
-				auto producer = static_cast<ImplicitProducer*>(recycle_or_create_producer(false, recycled));
+				auto producer = static_cast<ImplicitProducer*>(recycle_or_create_producer(false));
 				if (producer == nullptr) {
 					implicitProducerHashCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
 					return nullptr;
-				if (recycled) {
-					implicitProducerHashCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-				}
 				producer->threadExitListener.callback = &ConcurrentQueue::implicit_producer_thread_exited_callback;
@@ -3497,17 +3506,17 @@ private:
 				auto index = hashedId;
 				while (true) {
-					index &= mainHash->capacity - 1;
-					auto probedKey = mainHash->entries[index].key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+					index &= mainHash->capacity - 1u;
 					auto empty = details::invalid_thread_id;
 					auto reusable = details::invalid_thread_id2;
-					if ((probedKey == empty    && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed)) ||
-						(probedKey == reusable && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(reusable, id, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_acquire))) {
-					if ((probedKey == empty    && mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_relaxed, std::memory_order_relaxed))) {
+					if (mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(reusable, id, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+						implicitProducerHashCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);  // already counted as a used slot
+						mainHash->entries[index].value = producer;
+						break;
+					}
+					if (mainHash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(empty,    id, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
 						mainHash->entries[index].value = producer;
@@ -3526,9 +3535,6 @@ private:
 	void implicit_producer_thread_exited(ImplicitProducer* producer)
-		// Remove from thread exit listeners
-		details::ThreadExitNotifier::unsubscribe(&producer->threadExitListener);
 		// Remove from hash
 		debug::DebugLock lock(implicitProdMutex);
@@ -3544,10 +3550,9 @@ private:
 		for (; hash != nullptr; hash = hash->prev) {
 			auto index = hashedId;
 			do {
-				index &= hash->capacity - 1;
-				probedKey = hash->entries[index].key.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-				if (probedKey == id) {
-					hash->entries[index].key.store(details::invalid_thread_id2, std::memory_order_release);
+				index &= hash->capacity - 1u;
+				probedKey = id;
+				if (hash->entries[index].key.compare_exchange_strong(probedKey, details::invalid_thread_id2, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
@@ -3737,6 +3742,6 @@ inline void swap(typename ConcurrentQueue<T, Traits>::ImplicitProducerKVP& a, ty
 #pragma warning(pop)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/@PROJECT_NAME at Targets.cmake)

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+concurrentqueue (1.0.4+ds-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream version
+  * Standards-Version: 4.6.2 (routine-update)
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:37:35 +0200
 concurrentqueue (1.0.3+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>
 Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13), cmake
-Standards-Version: 4.5.1
+Standards-Version: 4.6.2
 Section: libs
 Homepage: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/concurrentqueue

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Description: Do not build benchmarks
 --- a/build/makefile
 +++ b/build/makefile
-@@ -27,23 +27,23 @@
+@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ default: tests benchmarks
  tests: bin/unittests$(EXT) bin/fuzztests$(EXT)
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ Description: Do not build benchmarks
 +	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin
  	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp -o bin/fuzztests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
- bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp makefile
+ bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp makefile
 -	test -d bin || mkdir bin
 +	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin
- 	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
+ 	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
  bin/libtbb.a: makefile
 -	test -d bin || mkdir bin

@@ -3,20 +3,21 @@ Author: Nilesh Patra <nilesh at debian.org>
 Last-Update: 2021-04-22
 --- a/c_api/concurrentqueue.h
 +++ b/c_api/concurrentqueue.h
-@@ -5,16 +5,6 @@
+@@ -7,17 +7,7 @@ extern "C" {
 -#ifdef _WIN32
 -#if defined(MOODYCAMEL_STATIC) //preferred way
 -#elif defined(DLL_EXPORT)
 -#define MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
 -#define MOODYCAMEL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+ typedef void* MoodycamelCQHandle;

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Author: Nilesh Patra <nilesh at debian.org>
 Last-Update: 2021-04-22
 --- a/build/makefile
 +++ b/build/makefile
-@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include makefile.inc
  BASE_OPTS = -pthread
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ Last-Update: 2021-04-22
-@@ -31,19 +32,19 @@
+@@ -34,19 +35,19 @@ benchmarks:
  bin/unittests$(EXT): ../concurrentqueue.h ../blockingconcurrentqueue.h ../lightweightsemaphore.h ../tests/unittests/unittests.cpp ../tests/unittests/mallocmacro.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/corealgos.h ../tests/unittests/minitest.h ../c_api/blockingconcurrentqueue.cpp ../c_api/concurrentqueue.cpp makefile
  	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin
 -	g++ -c -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic -Wconversion -DMOODYCAMEL_STATIC $(OPTS) -fno-elide-constructors -fno-exceptions ../c_api/blockingconcurrentqueue.cpp ../c_api/concurrentqueue.cpp
 -	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic -Wconversion -DMOODYCAMEL_STATIC $(OPTS) -fno-elide-constructors ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/unittests/unittests.cpp blockingconcurrentqueue.o concurrentqueue.o -o bin/unittests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
 +	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic -Wconversion -DMOODYCAMEL_STATIC $(OPTS) -fno-elide-constructors -fno-exceptions ../c_api/blockingconcurrentqueue.cpp ../c_api/concurrentqueue.cpp
-+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic -Wconversion -DMOODYCAMEL_STATIC $(OPTS) -fno-elide-constructors ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/unittests/unittests.cpp blockingconcurrentqueue.o concurrentqueue.o -o bin/unittests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS) $(LDFLAGS)
++	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic -Wconversion -DMOODYCAMEL_STATIC $(OPTS) -fno-elide-constructors ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/unittests/unittests.cpp blockingconcurrentqueue.o concurrentqueue.o -o bin/unittests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
  bin/fuzztests$(EXT): ../concurrentqueue.h ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/corealgos.h makefile
  	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin
 -	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp -o bin/fuzztests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
-+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp -o bin/fuzztests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS) $(LDFLAGS)
++	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../tests/fuzztests/fuzztests.cpp -o bin/fuzztests$(EXT) $(LD_OPTS)
- bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp makefile
+ bin/benchmarks$(EXT): bin/libtbb.a ../concurrentqueue.h ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp ../benchmarks/cpuid.h ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../benchmarks/lockbasedqueue.h ../benchmarks/simplelockfree.h ../tests/common/simplethread.h ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.h ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp makefile
  	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin
--	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
-+	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS) $(LDFLAGS)
+-	g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
++	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Wpedantic $(BENCH_OPTS) -I../benchmarks ../benchmarks/cpuid.cpp ../tests/common/simplethread.cpp ../tests/common/systemtime.cpp ../benchmarks/dlib/test_for_odr_violations.cpp ../benchmarks/benchmarks.cpp -o bin/benchmarks$(EXT) -Lbin -ltbb $(LD_OPTS)
  bin/libtbb.a: makefile
  	test -d bin || mkdir -p bin

@@ -24,8 +24,16 @@ extern "C" {
 #elif defined(__MACH__)
 #include <mach/mach.h>
+#elif defined(__MVS__)
+#include <zos-semaphore.h>
 #elif defined(__unix__)
 #include <semaphore.h>
+#if defined(__GLIBC_PREREQ) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
+#if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,30)
 namespace moodycamel
@@ -159,9 +167,9 @@ public:
-#elif defined(__unix__)
+#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__MVS__)
-// Semaphore (POSIX, Linux)
+// Semaphore (POSIX, Linux, zOS)
 class Semaphore
@@ -209,7 +217,11 @@ public:
 		struct timespec ts;
 		const int usecs_in_1_sec = 1000000;
 		const int nsecs_in_1_sec = 1000000000;
+		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
 		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
 		ts.tv_sec += (time_t)(usecs / usecs_in_1_sec);
 		ts.tv_nsec += (long)(usecs % usecs_in_1_sec) * 1000;
 		// sem_timedwait bombs if you have more than 1e9 in tv_nsec
@@ -221,7 +233,11 @@ public:
 		int rc;
 		do {
+			rc = sem_clockwait(&m_sema, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
 			rc = sem_timedwait(&m_sema, &ts);
 		} while (rc == -1 && errno == EINTR);
 		return rc == 0;

@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i != ProducerCount; ++i) {
 for (int i = 0; i != ConsumerCount; ++i) {
 	consumers[i] = std::thread([&]() {
 		Item item;
-		while (promisedElementsRemaining.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+		while (promisedElementsRemaining.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0) {

@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ struct MallocTrackingTraits : public ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits
 	static inline void free(void* ptr) { tracking_allocator::free(ptr); }
-template<std::size_t BlockSize = ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::BLOCK_SIZE, std::size_t InitialIndexSize = ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::EXPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE>
+template<std::size_t BlockSize = ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::BLOCK_SIZE, std::size_t InitialIndexSize = ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::EXPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE, bool RecycleBlocks = ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::RECYCLE_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS>
 struct TestTraits : public MallocTrackingTraits
 	typedef std::size_t size_t;
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ struct TestTraits : public MallocTrackingTraits
 	static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = BlockSize;
 	static const size_t EXPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE = InitialIndexSize;
 	static const size_t IMPLICIT_INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE = InitialIndexSize * 2;
+	static const bool RECYCLE_ALLOCATED_BLOCKS = RecycleBlocks;
 	static inline void reset() { _malloc_count() = 0; _free_count() = 0; }
 	static inline std::atomic<int>& _malloc_count() { static std::atomic<int> c; return c; }
@@ -348,12 +349,14 @@ public:
+		REGISTER_TEST(implicit_producer_churn);
@@ -991,8 +994,10 @@ public:
 	bool block_alloc()
 		typedef TestTraits<2> Traits;
+		typedef TestTraits<2, 32, true> RecycleTraits;
+		// Explicit
 			ConcurrentQueue<int, Traits> q(7);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.initialBlockPoolSize == 4);
@@ -1000,71 +1005,121 @@ public:
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 1);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
-			ProducerToken tok(q);
+			{
+				ProducerToken tok(q);
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 3);		// one for producer, one for its block index
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+				// Enqueue one item too many (force extra block allocation)
+				for (int i = 0; i != 9; ++i) {
+					ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(tok, i));
+				}
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+				// Still room for one more...
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(tok, 9));
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+				// No more room without further allocations
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_enqueue(tok, 10));
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+				// Check items were enqueued properly
+				int item;
+				for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) {
+					ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.try_dequeue_from_producer(tok, item));
+					ASSERT_OR_FAIL(item == i);
+				}
+				// Queue should be empty, but not freed
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_dequeue_from_producer(tok, item));
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			}
+			// Explicit producers are recycled, so block should still be allocated
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+		}
+		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
+		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 4);
+		// Implicit
+		Traits::reset();
+		{
+			ConcurrentQueue<int, Traits> q(7);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.initialBlockPoolSize == 4);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(39));
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 3);		// one for producer, one for its block index
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Enqueue one item too many (force extra block allocation)
-			for (int i = 0; i != 9; ++i) {
-				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(tok, i));
+			for (int i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(i));
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Still room for one more...
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(tok, 9));
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.enqueue(8));
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
 			// No more room without further allocations
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_enqueue(tok, 10));
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_enqueue(9));
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Check items were enqueued properly
 			int item;
-			for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) {
-				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.try_dequeue_from_producer(tok, item));
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.try_dequeue(item));
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(item == 39);
+			for (int i = 0; i != 9; ++i) {
+				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.try_dequeue(item));
 				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(item == i);
-			// Queue should be empty, but not freed
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_dequeue_from_producer(tok, item));
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			// Queue should be empty, and extra block freed
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(!q.try_dequeue(item));
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 1);
 		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
 		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 4);
 		// Implicit
-		Traits::reset();
+		RecycleTraits::reset();
-			ConcurrentQueue<int, Traits> q(7);
+			ConcurrentQueue<int, RecycleTraits> q(7);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(q.initialBlockPoolSize == 4);
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 3);		// one for producer, one for its block index
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::malloc_count() == 3);		// one for producer, one for its block index
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Enqueue one item too many (force extra block allocation)
 			for (int i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::malloc_count() == 4);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Still room for one more...
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::malloc_count() == 4);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 0);
 			// No more room without further allocations
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::malloc_count() == 4);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 0);
 			// Check items were enqueued properly
 			int item;
@@ -1075,13 +1130,12 @@ public:
 				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(item == i);
-			// Queue should be empty, but not freed
+			// Queue should be empty, but extra block not freed
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 0);
-		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::malloc_count() == 4);
-		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 4);
+		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::malloc_count() == 4);
+		ASSERT_OR_FAIL(RecycleTraits::free_count() == 4);
 		// Super-aligned
@@ -1125,9 +1179,9 @@ public:
 				ASSERT_OR_FAIL(VeryAligned::errors == 0);
-			// Queue should be empty, but not freed
+			// Queue should be empty, and extra block freed
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 0);
+			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(Traits::free_count() == 1);
 			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(VeryAligned::errors == 0);
@@ -3026,6 +3080,29 @@ public:
 		return true;
+	bool implicit_producer_churn()
+	{
+		typedef TestTraits<4> Traits;
+		for (int i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
+			std::vector<SimpleThread> threads(32);
+			ConcurrentQueue<int, Traits> q;
+			for (auto& thread : threads) {
+				thread = SimpleThread([&] {
+					int x;
+					for (int j = 0; j != 16; ++j) {
+						q.enqueue(0);
+						q.try_dequeue(x);
+					}
+				});
+			}
+			for (auto& thread : threads) {
+				thread.join();
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
 	bool test_threaded()
@@ -3643,9 +3720,9 @@ public:
 		// is_lock_free()
-			bool lockFree = ConcurrentQueue<Foo, Traits>::is_lock_free();
+			constexpr bool lockFree = ConcurrentQueue<Foo, Traits>::is_lock_free();
 #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_PPC) || defined(__powerpc__)
-			ASSERT_OR_FAIL(lockFree);
+			static_assert(lockFree, "is_lock_free should be true");

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