[med-svn] [Git][med-team/mmseqs2][master] Fix detached HEAD

Nilesh Patra (@nilesh) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Jul 28 19:45:06 BST 2023

Nilesh Patra pushed to branch master at Debian Med / mmseqs2

b554b291 by Nilesh Patra at 2023-07-28T18:43:47+00:00
Fix detached HEAD

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- util/mmseqs_wrapper.bat


@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
- at echo off
-if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto installBusyBox )
-goto mmseqs
-"%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe" --install -s "%~dp0\bin" > nul 2>&1
-if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto installBusyBoxUAC )
-goto mmseqs
-echo MMseqs2 will now request administrator permissions to install helper tools through Busybox in a subdirectory.
-echo WScript.Sleep 2000 > "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
-echo set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
-echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe", "--install -s ""%~dp0\bin""", , "runas", 0 >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
-echo WScript.Sleep 2000 >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
-cscript "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs" > nul 2>&1
-del /Q /F "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
-if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto noBusyBox )
-goto mmseqs
-"%~dp0\bin\mmseqs.exe" %*
-exit /b 0
-echo Error: Could not install BusyBox helper tools. Please execute the following command manually: >&2
-echo "%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe" --install -s "%~dp0\bin" >&2
-exit /b 1
+ at echo off
+if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto installBusyBox )
+goto mmseqs
+"%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe" --install -s "%~dp0\bin" > nul 2>&1
+if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto installBusyBoxUAC )
+goto mmseqs
+echo MMseqs2 will now request administrator permissions to install helper tools through Busybox in a subdirectory.
+echo WScript.Sleep 2000 > "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
+echo set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
+echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe", "--install -s ""%~dp0\bin""", , "runas", 0 >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
+echo WScript.Sleep 2000 >> "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
+cscript "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs" > nul 2>&1
+del /Q /F "%temp%\~ElevateBusyBox.vbs"
+if not exist "%~dp0\bin\bash" ( goto noBusyBox )
+goto mmseqs
+"%~dp0\bin\mmseqs.exe" %*
+exit /b 0
+echo Error: Could not install BusyBox helper tools. Please execute the following command manually: >&2
+echo "%~dp0\bin\busybox.exe" --install -s "%~dp0\bin" >&2
+exit /b 1

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/mmseqs2/-/commit/b554b29126e69b03c51badd0686d1cdef221dd13

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/mmseqs2/-/commit/b554b29126e69b03c51badd0686d1cdef221dd13
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