[med-svn] [Git][med-team/bedtools][upstream] New upstream version 2.31.1+dfsg

Étienne Mollier (@emollier) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Nov 24 11:16:53 GMT 2023

Étienne Mollier pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / bedtools

8c3c0378 by Étienne Mollier at 2023-11-24T12:07:56+01:00
New upstream version 2.31.1+dfsg
- - - - -

8 changed files:

- docs/content/tools/summary.rst
- src/utils/FileRecordTools/Records/Record.h
- src/utils/NewChromsweep/NewChromsweep.cpp
- src/utils/NewChromsweep/NewChromsweep.h
- src/utils/general/ParseTools.cpp
- src/utils/general/ParseTools.h
- src/utils/version/version_release.txt


@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ Details
 First created through urgency and adrenaline by Aaron Quinlan Spring 2009. 
 Maintained by the Quinlan Laboratory at the University of Virginia.
-1. **Lead developers**:           Aaron Quinlan, Hao Hoou, Brent Pedersen, Neil Kindlon
-2. **Significant contributions**: Hao Hou, John Marshall, Assaf Gordon, Royden Clark,  Brent Pedersen, Ryan Dale
+1. **Lead developers**:           Aaron Quinlan, Hao Hou, Brent Pedersen, Neil Kindlon
+2. **Significant contributions**: John Marshall, Assaf Gordon, Royden Clark, Ryan Dale
 3. **Repository**:                https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2
 4. **Stable releases**:           https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases
 5. **Documentation**:             http://bedtools.readthedocs.org

@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 Genomics experiments have numerous sources of both technical and biological variation 
 that can confound analysis and interpretation. Therefore, one of the most important steps
 in genomics data analysis is generating high-level summary stats of one's data to ask if the 
-basic observations are in line with the expectation.  Doing such quality control as early 
+basic observations align with the expectation.  Doing such quality control as early 
 as possible in the analysis workflow helps to head off unnecessary time spent chasing 
-technical artifacts that masquerade as biological signal.  **This quality control
+technical artifacts that masquerade as biological signals.  **This quality control
 is the motivation behind the** ``bedtools summary`` **command.**
 Given an input interval file in standard formats, as well as a genome file defining
 the chromosome names and lengths relevant to your data, ``bedtools summary`` will compute 
-a number of summary statistics detailing, for each chromosome, the number of intervals, 
+several summary statistics detailing, for each chromosome, the number of intervals, 
 the total number of base pairs, and the fraction of intervals and base pairs observed 
 in your input file. From these summary measures, one can get a quick sense of questions like:
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ in your input file. From these summary measures, one can get a quick sense of qu
     - Which chromosomes are outliers?
 For example, the following plot was generated directly from the output of ``bedtools summary``.
-It depicts, for each chromosome, the the fraction of all intervals in the RepeatMasker track from UCSC
+It depicts, for each chromosome, the fraction of all intervals in the RepeatMasker track from UCSC
 **observed** on each chromosome versus the fraction of RepeatMasker intervals that are **expected**
 for each chromosome, based on the fraction of the genome that each chromosome represents.
-This plot highlights that ``chr19``, ``chrM``, and ``chrMT`` (the different mitochindrial reference genomes) are outliers. 
+This plot highlights that ``chr19``, ``chrM``, and ``chrMT`` (the different mitochondrial reference genomes) are outliers. 
 Chromosome 19 has more than 1.5 times the intervals that are expected based upon the length of
-the chromosome. ChrM has no intervals, making the observed to expected ratio be 0. 
+the chromosome. ChrM has no intervals, making the observed-to-expected ratio be 0. 
 This former is because the repeat content of chromosome 19 "is approximately 55%, more than 10% higher 
-than the genome-wide average" (``Grimwood J, et al. Nature. 2004;428:529–35``). The latter because
+than the genome-wide average" (``Grimwood J, et al. Nature. 2004;428:529–35``). The latter is because
 are indeed no repeat annotations provided by UCSC for the mitochondrial genome.
-In this case, the extremes in obersved versus expected ratios make sense. However,
-**this tool provides the ability to detect cases that do not and are either artifacts or
-biological signal**.
+In this case, the extremes in observed versus expected ratios make sense. However,
+**this tool allows one to detect cases that do not and are either artifacts or
+biological signals**.
 .. image:: ../images/tool-glyphs/summary.png 
     :width: 600pt 
@@ -100,23 +100,23 @@ Now, let's make a "genome" file for GRCh38 from the `chromInfo` table at UCSC
 .. code-block:: bash
-    curl -s http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/chromInfo.txt.gz \
+    curl -s http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/database/chromInfo.txt.gz \
         | gzcat \
         | cut -f 1-2 \
         | grep -v -E 'Un|fix|random|alt|hap' \
         > grch38.genome.txt
     head grch38.genome.txt
-    chr1	249250621
-    chr2	243199373
-    chr3	198022430
-    chr4	191154276
-    chr5	180915260
-    chr6	171115067
-    chr7	159138663
-    chrX	155270560
-    chr8	146364022
-    chr9	141213431
+    chr1	248956422
+    chr2	242193529
+    chr3	198295559
+    chr4	190214555
+    chr5	181538259
+    chr6	170805979
+    chr7	159345973
+    chrX	156040895
+    chr8	145138636
+    chr9	138394717
 Now, let's run ``bedtools summary``.
@@ -124,33 +124,32 @@ Now, let's run ``bedtools summary``.
     bedtools summary -i simrep.grch38.bed -g grch38.genome.txt | column -t
     chrom  chrom_length  num_ivls  total_ivl_bp  chrom_frac_genome  frac_all_ivls  frac_all_bp  min  max     mean
-    chr1   249250621     74548     15557884      0.080514834        0.077210928    0.048725518  25   124438  208.696195740
-    chr2   243199373     74474     14493548      0.078560114        0.077134284    0.045392139  25   336509  194.612186803
-    chr3   198022430     56894     13946854      0.063966714        0.058926309    0.043679955  25   500000  245.137518895
-    chr4   191154276     56685     10160257      0.061748110        0.058709844    0.031820766  25   136950  179.240663315
-    chr5   180915260     53887     16801740      0.058440625        0.055811896    0.052621133  25   500000  311.795794904
-    chr6   171115067     51802     11222841      0.055274892        0.053652418    0.035148658  25   500000  216.648797344
-    chr7   159138663     55972     20054618      0.051406183        0.057971375    0.062808775  25   150228  358.297327235
-    chrX   155270560     50432     27398336      0.050156679        0.052233481    0.085808462  25   500000  543.272842640
-    chr8   146364022     45937     15650021      0.047279621        0.047577915    0.049014080  25   500000  340.684437382
-    chr9   141213431     39329     10932158      0.045615838        0.040733870    0.034238272  25   159861  277.966843805
-    chr10  135534747     45074     11407694      0.043781466        0.046684087    0.035727596  25   110000  253.088121755
-    chr11  135006516     41279     14127024      0.043610833        0.042753526    0.044244227  25   500000  342.232709126
-    chr12  133851895     44151     13878240      0.043237859        0.045728117    0.043465064  25   356015  314.335802134
-    chr13  115169878     29907     9423815       0.037203051        0.030975307    0.029514313  25   110000  315.103989033
-    chr14  107349540     27973     9245970       0.034676866        0.028972223    0.028957323  25   173523  330.531941515
-    chr15  102531392     25557     9565023       0.033120471        0.026469921    0.029956561  25   110000  374.262354736
-    chr16  90354753      35288     11959674      0.029187080        0.036548522    0.037456334  25   138208  338.916175470
-    chr17  81195210      32093     16264416      0.026228295        0.033239393    0.050938295  25   132210  506.790141152
-    chr18  78077248      23966     18684937      0.025221107        0.024822089    0.058519091  25   500000  779.643536677
-    chr20  63025520      22608     12620160      0.020358983        0.023415580    0.039524901  25   500000  558.216560510
-    chrY   59373566      15130     4564760       0.019179301        0.015670458    0.014296307  25   227093  301.702577660
-    chr19  59128983      30854     11391752      0.019100294        0.031956135    0.035677667  25   396802  369.214753355
-    chr22  51304566      16760     10691540      0.016572792        0.017358684    0.033484683  25   498537  637.920047733
-    chr21  48129895      14911     9253172       0.015547285        0.015443636    0.028979879  25   499939  620.560123399
-    chrM   16571         0         0             0.000005353        0.000000000    0.000000000  -1   -1      -1
-    chrMT  16569         0         0             0.000005352        0.000000000    0.000000000  -1   -1      -1
-    all    3095710552    965511    319296434     1.0                1.0            1.0          25   500000  330.702015824
+    chr1   248956422     74548     15557884      0.080613126        0.077210928    0.048725518  25   124438  208.696195740
+    chr2   242193529     74474     14493548      0.078423273        0.077134284    0.045392139  25   336509  194.612186803
+    chr3   198295559     56894     13946854      0.064208928        0.058926309    0.043679955  25   500000  245.137518895
+    chr4   190214555     56685     10160257      0.061592265        0.058709844    0.031820766  25   136950  179.240663315
+    chr5   181538259     53887     16801740      0.058782844        0.055811896    0.052621133  25   500000  311.795794904
+    chr6   170805979     51802     11222841      0.055307687        0.053652418    0.035148658  25   500000  216.648797344
+    chr7   159345973     55972     20054618      0.051596890        0.057971375    0.062808775  25   150228  358.297327235
+    chrX   156040895     50432     27398336      0.050526692        0.052233481    0.085808462  25   500000  543.272842640
+    chr8   145138636     45937     15650021      0.046996495        0.047577915    0.049014080  25   500000  340.684437382
+    chr9   138394717     39329     10932158      0.044812786        0.040733870    0.034238272  25   159861  277.966843805
+    chr11  135086622     41279     14127024      0.043741611        0.042753526    0.044244227  25   500000  342.232709126
+    chr10  133797422     45074     11407694      0.043324163        0.046684087    0.035727596  25   110000  253.088121755
+    chr12  133275309     44151     13878240      0.043155100        0.045728117    0.043465064  25   356015  314.335802134
+    chr13  114364328     29907     9423815       0.037031646        0.030975307    0.029514313  25   110000  315.103989033
+    chr14  107043718     27973     9245970       0.034661202        0.028972223    0.028957323  25   173523  330.531941515
+    chr15  101991189     25557     9565023       0.033025172        0.026469921    0.029956561  25   110000  374.262354736
+    chr16  90338345      35288     11959674      0.029251932        0.036548522    0.037456334  25   138208  338.916175470
+    chr17  83257441      32093     16264416      0.026959106        0.033239393    0.050938295  25   132210  506.790141152
+    chr18  80373285      23966     18684937      0.026025204        0.024822089    0.058519091  25   500000  779.643536677
+    chr20  64444167      22608     12620160      0.020867290        0.023415580    0.039524901  25   500000  558.216560510
+    chr19  58617616      30854     11391752      0.018980628        0.031956135    0.035677667  25   396802  369.214753355
+    chrY   57227415      15130     4564760       0.018530475        0.015670458    0.014296307  25   227093  301.702577660
+    chr22  50818468      16760     10691540      0.016455232        0.017358684    0.033484683  25   498537  637.920047733
+    chr21  46709983      14911     9253172       0.015124887        0.015443636    0.028979879  25   499939  620.560123399
+    chrM   16569         0         0             0.000005365        0.000000000    0.000000000  -1   -1      -1
+    all    3088286401    965511    319296434     1.0                1.0            1.0          25   500000  330.702015824
 Notice the following:

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
 	virtual void printNull(string &) const {}
 	friend ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const Record &record);
-	virtual const Record & operator=(const Record &);
+	const Record & operator=(const Record &);
 	virtual bool isZeroBased() const {return true;};

@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ NewChromSweep::NewChromSweep(ContextIntersect *context)
+     _runToDbEnd(false),
-     _testLastQueryRec(false),
-     _runToDbEnd(false)
+     _testLastQueryRec(false)
 	_runToDbEnd = context->shouldRunToDbEnd();

@@ -90,8 +90,7 @@ protected:
     string _currQueryChromName;
     string _prevQueryChromName;
     bool _runToQueryEnd;
-	bool _runToDbEnd;
+    bool _runToDbEnd;
     virtual void masterScan(RecordKeyVector &retList);

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include <climits>
 #include <cctype>
 #include <cstring>
+#include <cstdint>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
 #include <sstream>

@@ -16,11 +16,10 @@
 #include "string.h"
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
+#include "BedtoolsTypes.h"
 using namespace std;
-typedef int64_t CHRPOS;
 bool isNumeric(const string &str);
 bool isInteger(const string &str);
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ void int2str(U number, T& buffer, bool appendToBuf = false)
 	bool neg = number < 0;
 	if(neg) number = -number;
-	uint32_t n;
+	unsigned int n;
 	for(n = 0; number; number /= 10)
 		tmp[12 - ++n] = number % 10 + '0';
 	if(neg) tmp[12 - ++n] = '-';

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# This file was auto-generated by running "make setversion VERSION=v2.31.0"
-# on Fri Apr 28 06:08:59 MDT 2023 .
+# This file was auto-generated by running "make setversion VERSION=v2.31.1"
+# on Tue Nov  7 16:23:24 MST 2023 .
 # Please do not edit or commit this file manually.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bedtools/-/commit/8c3c03786c2b8f63ca6c8fe01ea2e97637fd023d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bedtools/-/commit/8c3c03786c2b8f63ca6c8fe01ea2e97637fd023d
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