[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/helper-scripts][master] automatic update
Andreas Tille (@tille)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Nov 29 13:42:57 GMT 2023
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / helper-scripts
5240531c by Andreas Tille at 2023-11-29T13:42:47+00:00
automatic update
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- debian-med-tests.txt
- debian-science-tests.txt
- outdated_med-packages.txt
- python-team-tests.txt
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
-Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:42:05 +0000
Source | Vote | Tasks | Tags
- amide | 21 | {imaging} |
- dicomscope | 20 | {imaging} |
+ amide | 22 | {imaging} |
+ dicomscope | 18 | {imaging} |
gnumed-server | 12 | {covid-19,practice} |
oscar | 11 | {tools,data,practice} |
orthanc-gdcm | 9 | {imaging} |
+ biojava-live | 8 | {bio-dev} |
mrtrix3 | 8 | {imaging} |
orthanc-mysql | 8 | {imaging} |
- biojava-live | 7 | {bio-dev} |
orthanc-postgresql | 7 | {imaging} |
adun.app | 6 | {bio} |
- icb-utils | 6 | {bio-dev} |
bart-view | 5 | {imaging} |
+ icb-utils | 5 | {bio-dev} |
+ libminc | 5 | {imaging-dev} |
+ bio-tradis | 4 | {bio,bio-dev} |
ghmm | 4 | {bio} |
jebl2 | 4 | {bio-dev} |
king | 4 | {imaging,typesetting} |
- libminc | 4 | {imaging-dev} |
melting | 4 | {bio,cloud} |
mia | 4 | {imaging} |
obitools | 4 | {bio} |
piler | 4 | {bio} |
- pixelmed | 4 | {imaging} |
staden | 4 | {bio} |
treeview | 4 | {bio-phylogeny,bio} |
biojava6-live | 3 | {bio-dev} |
- bio-tradis | 3 | {bio,bio-dev} |
dextractor | 3 | {bio,covid-19} |
getdata | 3 | {bio} |
libdivsufsort | 3 | {bio-dev} |
+ librg-utils-perl | 3 | {bio} |
microbegps | 3 | {bio} |
phyutility | 3 | {cloud,bio} |
+ pixelmed | 3 | {imaging} |
proalign | 3 | {bio-phylogeny,bio} |
sibsim4 | 3 | {bio,cloud} |
spread-phy | 3 | {bio-phylogeny,bio} |
@@ -45,9 +46,10 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
clonalorigin | 2 | {bio} |
fastml | 2 | {bio} |
hinge | 2 | {bio} |
+ libbio-mage-utils-perl | 2 | {bio-dev} |
librdp-taxonomy-tree-java | 2 | {bio-dev} |
- librg-utils-perl | 2 | {bio} |
mauve-aligner | 2 | {bio} |
+ mhap | 2 | {bio-ngs,bio} |
pigx-rnaseq | 2 | {covid-19,bio} |
plasmidid | 2 | {bio,covid-19} |
pscan-chip | 2 | {bio} |
@@ -84,10 +86,10 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
jmodeltest | 1 | {bio-phylogeny,bio} |
kmerresistance | 1 | {bio} |
lamarc | 1 | {bio} |
- libbio-mage-utils-perl | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libbpp-core | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libbpp-phyl | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libbpp-seq | 1 | {bio-dev} |
+ libchado-perl | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libgenome | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libjloda-java | 1 | {bio-dev} |
libpal-java | 1 | {bio-dev} |
@@ -96,9 +98,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
malt | 1 | {bio} |
megan-ce | 1 | {bio} |
metaphlan | 1 | {bio} |
- mhap | 1 | {bio-ngs,bio} |
ncbi-igblast | 1 | {bio} |
- opencfu | 1 | {laboratory} |
papyrus | 1 | {imaging-dev} |
pique | 1 | {bio} |
placnet | 1 | {bio} |
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
libbpp-popgen | 0 | {bio-dev} |
libbpp-raa | 0 | {bio-dev} |
libbpp-seq-omics | 0 | {bio-dev} |
- libchado-perl | 0 | {bio-dev} |
libctapimkt | 0 | {practice} |
libgkarrays | 0 | {bio-dev} |
libhmsbeagle | 0 | {bio-dev} |
@@ -156,6 +155,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
mia | 0 | {imaging-dev} |
milib | 0 | {covid-19,bio-dev} |
ncbi-vdb | 0 | {bio-dev} |
+ opencfu | 0 | {laboratory} |
orthanc-imagej | 0 | {imaging} |
pbcopper | 0 | {bio-dev} |
pbseqlib | 0 | {bio-dev} |
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:42:09 +0000
Source | Vote | Tasks | Tags
- sympy | 4522 | {nanoscale-physics,physics} |
- gts | 4309 | {viewing} |
- nltk | 2354 | {linguistics} |
- opencascade | 464 | {simulations} |
- suitesparse | 186 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics-dev} |
- armadillo | 170 | {mathematics-dev} |
- python-pyqtgraph | 164 | {viewing} |
- spacenavd | 153 | {tools} |
- cypari2 | 140 | {mathematics-dev} |
- arpack | 110 | {mathematics-dev} |
- atlas | 92 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ sympy | 4549 | {nanoscale-physics,physics} |
+ gts | 4321 | {viewing} |
+ nltk | 2375 | {linguistics} |
+ opencascade | 471 | {simulations} |
+ suitesparse | 182 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics-dev} |
+ armadillo | 172 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ python-pyqtgraph | 163 | {viewing} |
+ spacenavd | 154 | {tools} |
+ cypari2 | 141 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ arpack | 113 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ atlas | 90 | {mathematics-dev} |
imview | 39 | {viewing} |
- scalapack | 38 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
fftw | 37 | {meteorology-dev,mathematics-dev,physics-dev} |
+ scalapack | 36 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
arduino-mk | 32 | {robotics} |
- ntl | 32 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ ntl | 30 | {mathematics-dev} |
pyzo | 28 | {numericalcomputation} |
flintqs | 26 | {mathematics} |
flann | 25 | {mathematics-dev,engineering-dev} |
- libmatio | 24 | {mathematics-dev} |
ppl | 24 | {numericalcomputation} |
+ libmatio | 23 | {mathematics-dev} |
libm4ri | 20 | {mathematics-dev} |
- mbpoll | 19 | {simulations} |
- cliquer | 18 | {mathematics} |
+ mbpoll | 20 | {simulations} |
+ cliquer | 19 | {mathematics} |
+ sketch | 19 | {typesetting} |
+ bossa | 18 | {devices} |
dune-uggrid | 18 | {mathematics-dev} |
guiqwt | 18 | {viewing,numericalcomputation} |
- sketch | 18 | {typesetting} |
- bossa | 17 | {devices} |
- feedgnuplot | 15 | {viewing} |
+ feedgnuplot | 16 | {viewing} |
fftw | 15 | {physics-dev,mathematics-dev,meteorology-dev} |
rubiks | 15 | {mathematics,geometry} |
matlab-support | 14 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics} |
@@ -64,17 +64,19 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
debian-science | 7 | {physics,mathematics,economics,nanoscale-physics,machine-learning} |
dune-istl | 7 | {mathematics-dev} |
etsf-io | 7 | {nanoscale-physics,physics} |
- geg | 7 | {viewing} |
persalys | 7 | {statistics,engineering,mathematics} |
debian-science | 6 | {statistics,physics,nanoscale-physics,economics} |
dxsamples | 6 | {nanoscale-physics} |
form | 6 | {mathematics} |
+ geg | 6 | {viewing} |
iml | 6 | {mathematics-dev} |
libm4rie | 6 | {mathematics-dev} |
opencascade | 6 | {simulations} |
polylib | 6 | {mathematics} |
psurface | 6 | {numericalcomputation} |
+ uctodata | 6 | {linguistics} |
apophenia | 5 | {statistics} |
+ coinmp | 5 | {numericalcomputation,logic,mathematics-dev} |
dune-localfunctions | 5 | {mathematics-dev} |
getdp | 5 | {mathematics,engineering,simulations} |
libmatheval | 5 | {mathematics} |
@@ -82,11 +84,9 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
mpi4py-fft | 5 | {mathematics-dev} |
sdpb | 5 | {highenergy-physics,numericalcomputation} |
toulbar2 | 5 | {physics,logic,mathematics,numericalcomputation} |
- uctodata | 5 | {linguistics} |
apertium-streamparser | 4 | {linguistics} |
auto-07p | 4 | {mathematics} |
coda | 4 | {meteorology} |
- coinmp | 4 | {numericalcomputation,logic,mathematics-dev} |
hpcc | 4 | {numericalcomputation,distributedcomputing} |
ipe-tools | 4 | {typesetting} |
jeuclid | 4 | {viewing,typesetting} |
@@ -97,25 +97,26 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
metis-edf | 4 | {engineering,numericalcomputation} |
openigtlink | 4 | {robotics-dev} |
python-escript | 4 | {engineering,numericalcomputation,simulations} |
+ qd | 4 | {mathematics-dev} |
rheolef | 4 | {mathematics} |
syrthes | 4 | {engineering} |
coda | 3 | {meteorology-dev} |
debian-science | 3 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
dune-functions | 3 | {mathematics-dev} |
dune-typetree | 3 | {mathematics-dev} |
- harp | 3 | {meteorology} |
+ gemmlowp | 3 | {mathematics-dev} |
ipe-tools | 3 | {typesetting} |
jhdf | 3 | {engineering} |
libcgns | 3 | {engineering} |
newmat | 3 | {mathematics-dev} |
ompl | 3 | {robotics-dev} |
- qd | 3 | {mathematics-dev} |
qwtplot3d | 3 | {viewing-dev} |
scram | 3 | {engineering} |
ssm | 3 | {nanoscale-physics} |
toon | 3 | {numericalcomputation} |
toontag | 3 | {numericalcomputation} |
tulip | 3 | {viewing-dev} |
+ ucto | 3 | {linguistics} |
apophenia | 2 | {statistics} |
apriltag | 2 | {robotics-dev} |
clhep | 2 | {highenergy-physics-dev} |
@@ -123,15 +124,15 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
code-saturne | 2 | {engineering-dev,mathematics-dev} |
coinor-bonmin | 2 | {mathematics} |
debian-science | 2 | {physics} |
- debian-science | 2 | {machine-learning,neuroscience-cognitive} |
debian-science | 2 | {economics} |
+ debian-science | 2 | {machine-learning,neuroscience-cognitive} |
fastjet | 2 | {highenergy-physics-dev} |
- gemmlowp | 2 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ harp | 2 | {meteorology} |
itsol | 2 | {mathematics-dev} |
liblbfgs | 2 | {mathematics-dev} |
libvigraimpex | 2 | {machine-learning,imageanalysis-dev} |
- looptools | 2 | {highenergy-physics} |
looptools | 2 | {highenergy-physics-dev} |
+ looptools | 2 | {highenergy-physics} |
mmdb | 2 | {nanoscale-physics-dev,highenergy-physics-dev} |
neartree | 2 | {numericalcomputation,mathematics-dev} |
nrn-iv | 2 | {biology} |
@@ -144,7 +145,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
sparskit | 2 | {mathematics-dev} |
spfft | 2 | {meteorology-dev,nanoscale-physics-dev,physics-dev,mathematics-dev} |
taurus | 2 | {dataacquisition} |
- ucto | 2 | {linguistics} |
ufo-core | 2 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
x13as | 2 | {economics} |
apache-opennlp | 1 | {linguistics} |
@@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
cld2 | 1 | {linguistics} |
clipper | 1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
cqrlib | 1 | {mathematics-dev} |
- debian-science | 1 | {electrophysiology} |
- debian-science | 1 | {psychophysics} |
debian-science | 1 | {tools} |
+ debian-science | 1 | {psychophysics} |
+ debian-science | 1 | {electrophysiology} |
dimbl | 1 | {linguistics} |
dxflib | 1 | {engineering-dev} |
+ frog | 1 | {linguistics} |
frogdata | 1 | {linguistics} |
hepmc3 | 1 | {nanoscale-physics-dev,highenergy-physics-dev} |
- irstlm | 1 | {linguistics} |
jhdf | 1 | {engineering-dev} |
libdogleg | 1 | {mathematics-dev} |
libgtkdatabox | 1 | {engineering-dev,viewing-dev} |
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
dune-pdelab | 0 | {mathematics-dev} |
etsf-io | 0 | {nanoscale-physics-dev} |
fastjet | 0 | {highenergy-physics-dev} |
- frog | 0 | {linguistics} |
glpk-java | 0 | {mathematics-dev} |
+ irstlm | 0 | {linguistics} |
libcvd | 0 | {imageanalysis} |
libcvd | 0 | {imageanalysis-dev} |
libfolia | 0 | {linguistics} |
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -1,181 +1,181 @@
-Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
+Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 13:42:12 +0000
Source | Vote | Tags
- fail2ban | 23363 |
- python-repoze.lru | 6016 |
- python-pyasn1-modules | 6002 |
- python-pampy | 5117 |
- netifaces | 4725 |
- feedparser | 4457 |
- sphinx-rtd-theme | 3174 |
- python-babel | 2981 |
- ipython-genutils | 2805 |
- traitlets | 2632 |
- python-babel | 2524 |
- sortedcontainers | 2444 |
- python-notify2 | 2390 |
- ghp-import | 2336 |
- python-lunr | 2325 |
- hyperlink | 2147 |
- constantly | 2140 |
- ujson | 2001 |
- websocket-client | 1623 |
- humanfriendly | 1322 |
- ruamel.yaml.clib | 1311 |
- python-pandocfilters | 1247 |
- python-toml | 1231 |
- frozenlist | 1179 |
- aiosignal | 1176 |
- python-rsa | 1139 |
- python-invoke | 1059 |
- python-mysqldb | 920 |
- python-gssapi | 883 |
- menulibre | 860 |
- python-geoip | 840 |
- python-hpack | 839 |
- python-hyperframe | 838 |
- pdfarranger | 835 |
- python-webob | 793 |
- dockerpty | 791 |
- kazam | 791 |
- u-msgpack-python | 757 |
- sphinx-rtd-theme | 747 |
- powerline | 714 |
- powerline | 694 |
- powerline | 687 |
- asn1crypto | 622 |
- python-mechanize | 590 |
- singledispatch | 525 |
- python-zeroconf | 504 |
- python-tinycss | 491 |
- catfish | 489 |
+ fail2ban | 23360 |
+ python-pyasn1-modules | 6029 |
+ python-repoze.lru | 6019 |
+ python-pampy | 5134 |
+ netifaces | 4716 |
+ feedparser | 4479 |
+ sphinx-rtd-theme | 3195 |
+ python-babel | 2990 |
+ ipython-genutils | 2813 |
+ traitlets | 2654 |
+ python-babel | 2546 |
+ sortedcontainers | 2467 |
+ python-notify2 | 2384 |
+ ghp-import | 2353 |
+ python-lunr | 2343 |
+ hyperlink | 2169 |
+ constantly | 2161 |
+ ujson | 2018 |
+ websocket-client | 1645 |
+ humanfriendly | 1319 |
+ ruamel.yaml.clib | 1314 |
+ python-pandocfilters | 1276 |
+ python-toml | 1226 |
+ frozenlist | 1180 |
+ aiosignal | 1177 |
+ python-rsa | 1133 |
+ python-invoke | 1055 |
+ python-mysqldb | 926 |
+ python-gssapi | 884 |
+ menulibre | 857 |
+ python-hpack | 848 |
+ pdfarranger | 847 |
+ python-hyperframe | 847 |
+ python-geoip | 846 |
+ dockerpty | 807 |
+ kazam | 797 |
+ python-webob | 791 |
+ u-msgpack-python | 766 |
+ sphinx-rtd-theme | 750 |
+ powerline | 710 |
+ powerline | 695 |
+ powerline | 688 |
+ asn1crypto | 627 |
+ python-mechanize | 591 |
+ singledispatch | 527 |
+ python-tinycss | 497 |
+ python-zeroconf | 496 |
+ catfish | 486 |
firmware-microbit-micropython | 479 |
- helpdev | 465 |
- qdarkstyle | 455 |
- python-ntlm-auth | 406 |
- python-requests-ntlm | 402 |
- python-anyjson | 398 |
+ helpdev | 477 |
+ qdarkstyle | 467 |
+ python-ntlm-auth | 409 |
+ python-requests-ntlm | 405 |
+ python-anyjson | 400 |
python-gevent | 386 |
- pygtkspellcheck | 354 |
- python-ewmh | 318 |
- python-requests-oauthlib | 309 |
- pytoolconfig | 293 |
- django-stronghold | 272 |
- python-ldap3 | 232 |
- cairocffi | 218 |
- httpie | 170 |
- pystache | 167 |
- python-whoosh | 160 |
- python-s3transfer | 159 |
+ pygtkspellcheck | 355 |
+ python-ewmh | 320 |
+ python-requests-oauthlib | 308 |
+ pytoolconfig | 300 |
+ django-stronghold | 274 |
+ python-ldap3 | 236 |
+ cairocffi | 221 |
+ httpie | 172 |
+ pystache | 168 |
+ python-whoosh | 161 |
+ python-s3transfer | 157 |
python-smmap | 145 |
smartypants | 144 |
python-click-repl | 127 |
- mypaint | 125 |
- rabbitvcs | 116 |
- kivy | 115 |
- lollypop | 115 |
- pymacaroons | 114 |
- ansible-lint | 111 |
- python-trio-websocket | 111 |
- python-consul | 100 |
- pssh | 98 |
- autokey | 96 |
- mugshot | 96 |
- pymediainfo | 95 |
+ mypaint | 123 |
+ lollypop | 117 |
+ rabbitvcs | 115 |
+ python-trio-websocket | 114 |
+ ansible-lint | 113 |
+ pymacaroons | 113 |
+ kivy | 111 |
+ python-consul | 102 |
+ pssh | 99 |
+ autokey | 98 |
+ pymediainfo | 97 |
+ mugshot | 95 |
numpy-stl | 81 |
- python-colour | 72 |
+ python-colour | 73 |
timekpr-next | 71 |
- python-uritools | 67 |
+ python-uritools | 66 |
pywavelets | 63 |
- trac | 61 |
- khard | 54 |
- pymacs | 53 |
- itstool | 52 |
- powerline-gitstatus | 52 |
+ trac | 62 |
+ pymacs | 56 |
+ khard | 55 |
+ powerline-gitstatus | 54 |
yq | 52 |
- fabric | 50 |
- sshtunnel | 48 |
+ itstool | 51 |
+ fabric | 49 |
ueberzug | 48 |
- pylibmc | 44 |
+ sshtunnel | 47 |
+ mitmproxy | 46 |
codespell | 43 |
- mitmproxy | 43 |
- python-scp | 43 |
- rabbitvcs | 41 |
- show-in-file-manager | 41 |
- membernator | 38 |
+ pylibmc | 43 |
+ rabbitvcs | 43 |
+ python-scp | 42 |
+ show-in-file-manager | 42 |
weasyprint | 38 |
blockdiag | 37 |
- python-statsd | 37 |
+ membernator | 37 |
+ python-statsd | 36 |
+ python-pgspecial | 35 |
voluptuous | 35 |
- python-pgspecial | 34 |
- pelican | 31 |
+ pelican | 33 |
+ pdfposter | 31 |
python-scrypt | 31 |
- enzyme | 30 |
+ enzyme | 29 |
rst2pdf | 29 |
- pdfposter | 28 |
- python-i3ipc | 28 |
- subliminal | 28 |
mayavi2 | 27 |
+ python-i3ipc | 27 |
+ subliminal | 27 |
pyquery | 26 |
- subliminal | 25 |
certipy | 24 |
cppman | 24 |
python-flasgger | 24 |
+ subliminal | 24 |
flask-principal | 23 |
pamela | 23 |
python-dbussy | 23 |
- python-kyotocabinet | 23 |
python-sdnotify | 23 |
webtest | 23 |
jupyterhub | 22 |
+ python-kyotocabinet | 22 |
webpy | 22 |
- beancount | 21 |
pssh | 21 |
+ beancount | 20 |
flask-security | 20 |
+ python-path-and-address | 20 |
python-fire | 19 |
- python-path-and-address | 19 |
ripe-atlas-sagan | 19 |
+ fabric | 18 |
alot | 17 |
- fabric | 17 |
flask-babelex | 17 |
python-args | 16 |
- python-demjson | 16 |
python-simpy | 16 |
beancount | 15 |
mercurial-evolve | 15 |
+ pyp | 15 |
+ python-demjson | 15 |
python-pyscss | 15 |
python-translationstring | 15 |
rabbitvcs | 15 |
- pyp | 14 |
python-pyalsa | 14 |
+ straight.plugin | 14 |
btchip-python | 13 |
+ clustershell | 13 |
debiancontributors | 13 |
python-clint | 13 |
speaklater | 13 |
- straight.plugin | 13 |
- clustershell | 12 |
flask-paranoid | 12 |
python-rangehttpserver | 12 |
+ python-venusian | 12 |
depthcharge-tools | 11 |
policyd-rate-limit | 11 |
- pybik | 11 |
+ pwntools | 11 |
pykwalify | 11 |
python-etcd | 11 |
- python-venusian | 11 |
+ python-hupper | 11 |
slimit | 11 |
txt2tags | 11 |
- python-hupper | 10 |
python-numpysane | 10 |
- sen | 10 |
- typogrify | 10 |
ansi | 9 |
django-environ | 9 |
junos-eznc | 9 |
pdfkit | 9 |
- pwntools | 9 |
+ pybik | 9 |
python-openstep-plist | 9 |
python-pyld | 9 |
+ sen | 9 |
+ taskw | 9 |
trac-wysiwyg | 9 |
traittypes | 9 |
backoff | 8 |
@@ -187,15 +187,17 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
python-ansicolors | 8 |
python-lsp-isort | 8 |
python-versioneer | 8 |
- taskw | 8 |
telegram-send | 8 |
+ typogrify | 8 |
+ unearth | 8 |
+ clustershell | 7 |
pdm | 7 |
pytest-django | 7 |
python-networkmanager | 7 |
python-parse-type | 7 |
python-pem | 7 |
+ python-xdo | 7 |
sphinx-intl | 7 |
- unearth | 7 |
vcversioner | 7 |
cram | 6 |
django-sass | 6 |
@@ -205,10 +207,8 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
pyjokes | 6 |
pyjunitxml | 6 |
pytest-runner | 6 |
- python-xdo | 6 |
txdbus | 6 |
- clustershell | 5 |
- faker | 5 |
+ etm | 5 |
flask-mongoengine | 5 |
flask-session | 5 |
hatchling | 5 |
@@ -235,10 +235,12 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
django-modeltranslation | 4 |
django-model-utils | 4 |
dotdrop | 4 |
- etm | 4 |
extension-helpers | 4 |
+ faker | 4 |
graphql-relay | 4 |
jaraco.itertools | 4 |
+ kconfiglib | 4 |
+ librouteros | 4 |
proglog | 4 |
pyclamd | 4 |
pyqt-builder | 4 |
@@ -246,6 +248,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
python-btrees | 4 |
python-http-parser | 4 |
python-miio | 4 |
+ python-pmw | 4 |
python-repoze.tm2 | 4 |
python-scruffy | 4 |
s3ql | 4 |
@@ -261,11 +264,10 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
htmlmin | 3 |
httpcode | 3 |
jsonrpclib-pelix | 3 |
- kconfiglib | 3 |
- librouteros | 3 |
moviepy | 3 |
omgifol | 3 |
panoramisk | 3 |
+ purl | 3 |
pynliner | 3 |
python-altair | 3 |
python-commentjson | 3 |
@@ -279,7 +281,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
python-openid-cla | 3 |
python-pgbouncer | 3 |
python-pgpdump | 3 |
- python-pmw | 3 |
python-py-zipkin | 3 |
python-shade | 3 |
python-simpy | 3 |
@@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
python-zc.customdoctests | 3 |
restrictedpython | 3 |
storm | 3 |
+ trac-xmlrpc | 3 |
utidylib | 3 |
voltron | 3 |
confusable-homoglyphs | 2 |
@@ -308,7 +310,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
numpy-stl | 2 |
okasha | 2 |
panoramisk | 2 |
- purl | 2 |
pydrive2 | 2 |
pyfltk | 2 |
pypass | 2 |
@@ -338,9 +339,9 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
sphinx-paramlinks | 2 |
stardicter | 2 |
testrepository | 2 |
- trac-xmlrpc | 2 |
wchartype | 2 |
wikitrans | 2 |
+ cplay-ng | 1 |
customidenticon | 1 |
d2to1 | 1 |
django-ajax-selects | 1 |
@@ -364,7 +365,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
errbot | 1 |
exam | 1 |
extra-data | 1 |
- faker | 1 |
flake8-black | 1 |
humanfriendly | 1 |
jpy | 1 |
@@ -425,7 +425,6 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
celery-progress | 0 |
codicefiscale | 0 |
concurrent-log-handler | 0 |
- cplay-ng | 0 |
django-dbbackup | 0 |
django-dynamic-preferences | 0 |
django-favicon-plus-reloaded | 0 |
@@ -441,6 +440,7 @@ Last-Update: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:42:05 +0000
enlighten | 0 |
escapism | 0 |
etm | 0 |
+ faker | 0 |
firmware-microbit-micropython | 0 |
flask-paginate | 0 |
flask-security | 0 |
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