[med-svn] [Git][med-team/khmer][master] 2 commits: Add support for Python 3.12

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Nov 29 14:51:08 GMT 2023

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / khmer

30c5f78d by Andreas Tille at 2023-11-29T15:39:17+01:00
Add support for Python 3.12

- - - - -
c7d0662b by Andreas Tille at 2023-11-29T15:50:20+01:00
Apply second patch belonging to Python3.12 port

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/close-opened-files.patch
- + debian/patches/python3.12-support.patch
- debian/patches/series


@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+khmer (3.0.0~a3+dfsg-6) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  [ Olivier Gayot ]
+  * Add support for Python 3.12
+    Closes: #1055687 (LP: #2044383)
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:38:38 +0100
 khmer (3.0.0~a3+dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team Upload.

@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+Description: ensure that Python scripts close files that they open for writing 
+ Python scripts under scripts/ in the source tree do not consistently close
+ files that they open for writing. While some of the scripts use context
+ managers, most of them do not (or do so inconsistently).
+ In previous releases of Ubuntu, this apparently was not much of a concern.
+ However, Python 3.12 seems to be much less forgiving when files are not
+ properly closed. When running the test suite, many of the files that are not
+ explicitly closed appear truncated. This leads to various tests failing or
+ hanging and causing FTBFS when the test suite runs at build time.
+ .
+ Furthermore, khmer defines the get_file_writer() function, but it cannot be
+ consistently used as a context manager because it sometimes closes the
+ underlying file descriptor ; and sometimes does not depending on the
+ arguments.
+ .
+ Fixed by defining a new FileWriter context manager and ensuring that
+ each call to open() / get_file_writer() frees up resources properly.
+Author: Olivier Gayot <olivier.gayot at canonical.com>
+Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/2044383
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1055687
+Forwarded: https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/pull/1922
+Last-Update: 2023-11-26
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/abundance-dist.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/abundance-dist.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/abundance-dist.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+ Use '-h' for parameter help.
+ """
++import contextlib
+ import sys
+ import csv
+ import khmer
+@@ -143,26 +144,28 @@
+         sys.exit(1)
+     if args.output_histogram_filename in ('-', '/dev/stdout'):
+-        countgraph_fp = sys.stdout
++        countgraph_ctx = contextlib.nullcontext(enter_result=sys.stdout)
+     else:
+-        countgraph_fp = open(args.output_histogram_filename, 'w')
+-    countgraph_fp_csv = csv.writer(countgraph_fp)
+-    # write headers:
+-    countgraph_fp_csv.writerow(['abundance', 'count', 'cumulative',
+-                                'cumulative_fraction'])
+-    sofar = 0
+-    for _, i in enumerate(abundances):
+-        if i == 0 and not args.output_zero:
+-            continue
++        countgraph_ctx = open(args.output_histogram_filename, 'w')
+-        sofar += i
+-        frac = sofar / float(total)
++    with countgraph_ctx as countgraph_fp:
++        countgraph_fp_csv = csv.writer(countgraph_fp)
++        # write headers:
++        countgraph_fp_csv.writerow(['abundance', 'count', 'cumulative',
++                                    'cumulative_fraction'])
++        sofar = 0
++        for _, i in enumerate(abundances):
++            if i == 0 and not args.output_zero:
++                continue
+-        countgraph_fp_csv.writerow([_, i, sofar, round(frac, 3)])
++            sofar += i
++            frac = sofar / float(total)
+-        if sofar == total:
+-            break
++            countgraph_fp_csv.writerow([_, i, sofar, round(frac, 3)])
++            if sofar == total:
++                break
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/abundance-dist-single.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/abundance-dist-single.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/abundance-dist-single.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -218,6 +218,10 @@
+     log_info('wrote to: {output}', output=args.output_histogram_filename)
++    # Ensure that the output files are properly written. Python 3.12 seems to
++    # be less forgiving here ..
++    hist_fp.close()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     main()
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/do-partition.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/do-partition.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/do-partition.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
+         worker_q.put((nodegraph, _, start, end))
+     print('enqueued %d subset tasks' % n_subsets, file=sys.stderr)
+-    open('%s.info' % args.graphbase, 'w').write('%d subsets total\n'
+-                                                % (n_subsets))
++    with open('%s.info' % args.graphbase, 'w') as info_fp:
++        info_fp.write('%d subsets total\n' % (n_subsets))
+     if n_subsets < args.threads:
+         args.threads = n_subsets
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-long-sequences.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/extract-long-sequences.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-long-sequences.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ import sys
+ from khmer import __version__
+ from khmer.utils import write_record
+-from khmer.kfile import add_output_compression_type, get_file_writer
++from khmer.kfile import add_output_compression_type, FileWriter
+ from khmer.khmer_args import sanitize_help, KhmerArgumentParser
+@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
+ def main():
+     args = sanitize_help(get_parser()).parse_args()
+-    outfp = get_file_writer(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-    for filename in args.input_filenames:
+-        for record in screed.open(filename):
+-            if len(record['sequence']) >= args.length:
+-                write_record(record, outfp)
+-    print('wrote to: ' + args.output.name, file=sys.stderr)
++    with FileWriter(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip) as outfp:
++        for filename in args.input_filenames:
++            for record in screed.open(filename):
++                if len(record['sequence']) >= args.length:
++                    write_record(record, outfp)
++        print('wrote to: ' + args.output.name, file=sys.stderr)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/khmer/kfile.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/khmer/kfile.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/khmer/kfile.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
+ """File handling/checking utilities for command-line scripts."""
++import contextlib
+ import os
+ import sys
+ import errno
+@@ -252,3 +253,37 @@
+         ofile = file_handle
+     return ofile
++ at contextlib.contextmanager
++def FileWriter(file_handle, do_gzip, do_bzip, *, steal_ownership=False):
++    """Alternative to get_file_writer that requires the use of a with block.
++    The intent is to address an inherent problem with get_file_writer() that
++    makes it difficult to use as a context manager. When get_file_writer() is
++    called with both gzip=False and bzip=False, the underlying file handle is
++    returned. As a consequence, doing:
++    >  with get_file_writer(sys.stdout, bzip=False, gzip=False) as fh:
++    >      pass
++    ends up closing sys.stdout when the with block is exited. Using the
++    function without a context manager avoids the issue, but then it results in
++    leaked open files when either bzip=True or gzip=True.
++    FileWriter must be used as a context manager, but it ensures that resources
++    are closed upon exiting the with block. Furthermore, it can be explicitly
++    requested to close the underlying file_handle."""
++    ofile = None
++    if do_gzip and do_bzip:
++        raise ValueError("Cannot specify both bzip and gzip compression!")
++    if do_gzip:
++        ofile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=file_handle, mode='w')
++    elif do_bzip:
++        ofile = bz2.open(file_handle, mode='w')
++    else:
++        ofile = contextlib.nullcontext(enter_result=file_handle)
++    with ofile as x:
++        yield x
++    if steal_ownership:
++        file_handle.close()
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-paired-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ Reads FASTQ and FASTA input, retains format for output.
+ """
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import sys
+ import os.path
+ import textwrap
+@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
+ from khmer.khmer_args import sanitize_help, KhmerArgumentParser
+ from khmer.khmer_args import FileType as khFileType
+ from khmer.kfile import add_output_compression_type
+-from khmer.kfile import get_file_writer
++from khmer.kfile import FileWriter
+ from khmer.utils import broken_paired_reader, write_record, write_record_pair
+@@ -132,39 +133,40 @@
+     # OVERRIDE default output file locations with -p, -s
+     if args.output_paired:
+-        paired_fp = get_file_writer(args.output_paired, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        out2 = paired_fp.name
++        paired_ctx = FileWriter(args.output_paired, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out2 = args.output_paired.name
+     else:
+         # Don't override, just open the default filename from above
+-        paired_fp = get_file_writer(open(out2, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        paired_ctx = FileWriter(open(out2, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                                steal_ownership=True)
+     if args.output_single:
+-        single_fp = get_file_writer(args.output_single, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        single_ctx = FileWriter(args.output_single, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+         out1 = args.output_single.name
+     else:
+         # Don't override, just open the default filename from above
+-        single_fp = get_file_writer(open(out1, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        single_ctx = FileWriter(open(out1, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                                steal_ownership=True)
+-    print('reading file "%s"' % infile, file=sys.stderr)
+-    print('outputting interleaved pairs to "%s"' % out2, file=sys.stderr)
+-    print('outputting orphans to "%s"' % out1, file=sys.stderr)
+-    n_pe = 0
+-    n_se = 0
+-    reads = ReadParser(infile)
+-    for index, is_pair, read1, read2 in broken_paired_reader(reads):
+-        if index % 100000 == 0 and index > 0:
+-            print('...', index, file=sys.stderr)
+-        if is_pair:
+-            write_record_pair(read1, read2, paired_fp)
+-            n_pe += 1
+-        else:
+-            write_record(read1, single_fp)
+-            n_se += 1
+-    single_fp.close()
+-    paired_fp.close()
++    with paired_ctx as paired_fp, single_ctx as single_fp:
++        print('reading file "%s"' % infile, file=sys.stderr)
++        print('outputting interleaved pairs to "%s"' % out2,
++              file=sys.stderr)
++        print('outputting orphans to "%s"' % out1, file=sys.stderr)
++        n_pe = 0
++        n_se = 0
++        reads = ReadParser(infile)
++        for index, is_pair, read1, read2 in broken_paired_reader(reads):
++            if index % 100000 == 0 and index > 0:
++                print('...', index, file=sys.stderr)
++            if is_pair:
++                write_record_pair(read1, read2, paired_fp)
++                n_pe += 1
++            else:
++                write_record(read1, single_fp)
++                n_se += 1
+     if n_pe == 0:
+         raise TypeError("no paired reads!? check file formats...")
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-partitions.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/extract-partitions.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/extract-partitions.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -301,10 +301,10 @@
+                                    args.max_size)
+     if args.output_unassigned:
+-        ofile = open('%s.unassigned.%s' % (args.prefix, suffix), 'wb')
+-        unassigned_fp = get_file_writer(ofile, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        extractor.process_unassigned(unassigned_fp)
+-        unassigned_fp.close()
++        with open('%s.unassigned.%s' % (args.prefix, suffix), 'wb') as ofile:
++            unassigned_fp = get_file_writer(ofile, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++            extractor.process_unassigned(unassigned_fp)
++            unassigned_fp.close()
+     else:
+         extractor.process_unassigned()
+@@ -320,13 +320,21 @@
+         print('nothing to output; exiting!', file=sys.stderr)
+         return
++    to_close = []
+     # open a bunch of output files for the different groups
+     group_fps = {}
+     for index in range(extractor.group_n):
+         fname = '%s.group%04d.%s' % (args.prefix, index, suffix)
+-        group_fp = get_file_writer(open(fname, 'wb'), args.gzip,
++        back_fp = open(fname, 'wb')
++        group_fp = get_file_writer(back_fp, args.gzip,
+                                    args.bzip)
+         group_fps[index] = group_fp
++        # It feels more natural to close the writer before closing the
++        # underlying file. fp.close() is theoretically idempotent, so it should
++        # be fine even though sometimes get_file_writer "steals" ownership of
++        # the underlying stream.
++        to_close.append(group_fp)
++        to_close.append(back_fp)
+     # write 'em all out!
+     # refresh the generator
+@@ -351,6 +359,9 @@
+            args.prefix,
+            suffix), file=sys.stderr)
++    for fp in to_close:
++        fp.close()
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     main()
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+ import sys
+ import screed
+ from khmer import __version__
+-from khmer.kfile import (add_output_compression_type, get_file_writer,
++from khmer.kfile import (add_output_compression_type, FileWriter,
+                          describe_file_handle)
+ from khmer.utils import write_record
+ from khmer.khmer_args import sanitize_help, KhmerArgumentParser
+@@ -74,21 +74,21 @@
+     args = sanitize_help(get_parser()).parse_args()
+     print('fastq from ', args.input_sequence, file=sys.stderr)
+-    outfp = get_file_writer(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-    n_count = 0
+-    for n, record in enumerate(screed.open(args.input_sequence)):
+-        if n % 10000 == 0:
+-            print('...', n, file=sys.stderr)
+-        sequence = record['sequence']
+-        if 'N' in sequence:
+-            if not args.n_keep:
+-                n_count += 1
+-                continue
++    with FileWriter(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip) as outfp:
++        n_count = 0
++        for n, record in enumerate(screed.open(args.input_sequence)):
++            if n % 10000 == 0:
++                print('...', n, file=sys.stderr)
++            sequence = record['sequence']
++            if 'N' in sequence:
++                if not args.n_keep:
++                    n_count += 1
++                    continue
+-        del record['quality']
+-        write_record(record, outfp)
++            del record['quality']
++            write_record(record, outfp)
+     print('\n' + 'lines from ' + args.input_sequence, file=sys.stderr)
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-abund.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/filter-abund.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-abund.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ Use '-h' for parameter help.
+ """
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import sys
+ import os
+ import textwrap
+@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
+                               sanitize_help, check_argument_range)
+ from khmer.khmer_args import FileType as khFileType
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_input_files, check_space,
+-                         add_output_compression_type, get_file_writer)
++                         add_output_compression_type, FileWriter)
+ from khmer.khmer_logger import (configure_logging, log_info, log_error,
+                                 log_warn)
+ from khmer.trimming import (trim_record)
+@@ -137,31 +138,38 @@
+     if args.single_output_file:
+         outfile = args.single_output_file.name
+-        outfp = get_file_writer(args.single_output_file, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out_single_ctx = FileWriter(args.single_output_file, args.gzip,
++                                    args.bzip)
++    else:
++        out_single_ctx = nullcontext()
++    with out_single_ctx as out_single_fp:
++        # the filtering loop
++        for infile in infiles:
++            log_info('filtering {infile}', infile=infile)
++            if not args.single_output_file:
++                outfile = os.path.basename(infile) + '.abundfilt'
++                out_ctx = FileWriter(open(outfile, 'wb'), args.gzip,
++                                     args.bzip, steal_ownership=True)
++            else:
++                out_ctx = nullcontext(enter_result=out_single_fp)
++            paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(infile),
++                                               min_length=ksize,
++                                               force_single=True)
++            with out_ctx as outfp:
++                for n, is_pair, read1, read2 in paired_iter:
++                    assert not is_pair
++                    assert read2 is None
++                    trimmed_record, _ = trim_record(countgraph, read1, args.cutoff,
++                                                    args.variable_coverage,
++                                                    args.normalize_to)
++                    if trimmed_record:
++                        write_record(trimmed_record, outfp)
+-    # the filtering loop
+-    for infile in infiles:
+-        log_info('filtering {infile}', infile=infile)
+-        if not args.single_output_file:
+-            outfile = os.path.basename(infile) + '.abundfilt'
+-            outfp = open(outfile, 'wb')
+-            outfp = get_file_writer(outfp, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(infile),
+-                                           min_length=ksize,
+-                                           force_single=True)
+-        for n, is_pair, read1, read2 in paired_iter:
+-            assert not is_pair
+-            assert read2 is None
+-            trimmed_record, _ = trim_record(countgraph, read1, args.cutoff,
+-                                            args.variable_coverage,
+-                                            args.normalize_to)
+-            if trimmed_record:
+-                write_record(trimmed_record, outfp)
+-        log_info('output in {outfile}', outfile=outfile)
++                log_info('output in {outfile}', outfile=outfile)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-abund-single.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/filter-abund-single.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-abund-single.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_input_files, check_space,
+                          check_space_for_graph,
+                          add_output_compression_type,
+-                         get_file_writer)
++                         FileWriter)
+ from khmer.khmer_logger import (configure_logging, log_info, log_error,
+                                 log_warn)
+ from khmer.trimming import (trim_record)
+@@ -160,22 +160,23 @@
+         outfile = os.path.basename(args.datafile) + '.abundfilt'
+     else:
+         outfile = args.outfile
+-    outfp = open(outfile, 'wb')
+-    outfp = get_file_writer(outfp, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-    paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(args.datafile),
+-                                       min_length=graph.ksize(),
+-                                       force_single=True)
+-    for n, is_pair, read1, read2 in paired_iter:
+-        assert not is_pair
+-        assert read2 is None
+-        trimmed_record, _ = trim_record(graph, read1, args.cutoff,
+-                                        args.variable_coverage,
+-                                        args.normalize_to)
+-        if trimmed_record:
+-            write_record(trimmed_record, outfp)
++    with FileWriter(open(outfile, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                    steal_ownership=True) as outfp:
++        paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(args.datafile),
++                                           min_length=graph.ksize(),
++                                           force_single=True)
++        for n, is_pair, read1, read2 in paired_iter:
++            assert not is_pair
++            assert read2 is None
++            trimmed_record, _ = trim_record(graph, read1, args.cutoff,
++                                            args.variable_coverage,
++                                            args.normalize_to)
++            if trimmed_record:
++                write_record(trimmed_record, outfp)
+     log_info('output in {outfile}', outfile=outfile)
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-stoptags.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/filter-stoptags.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/filter-stoptags.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -108,10 +108,9 @@
+         print('filtering', infile, file=sys.stderr)
+         outfile = os.path.basename(infile) + '.stopfilt'
+-        outfp = open(outfile, 'w')
+-        tsp = ThreadedSequenceProcessor(process_fn)
+-        tsp.start(verbose_loader(infile), outfp)
++        with open(outfile, 'w') as outfp:
++            tsp = ThreadedSequenceProcessor(process_fn)
++            tsp.start(verbose_loader(infile), outfp)
+         print('output in', outfile, file=sys.stderr)
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/interleave-reads.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/interleave-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/interleave-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ from khmer.kfile import check_input_files, check_space
+ from khmer.khmer_args import sanitize_help, KhmerArgumentParser
+ from khmer.khmer_args import FileType as khFileType
+-from khmer.kfile import (add_output_compression_type, get_file_writer,
++from khmer.kfile import (add_output_compression_type, FileWriter,
+                          describe_file_handle)
+ from khmer.utils import (write_record_pair, check_is_left, check_is_right,
+                          check_is_pair)
+@@ -109,42 +109,41 @@
+     print("Interleaving:\n\t%s\n\t%s" % (s1_file, s2_file), file=sys.stderr)
+-    outfp = get_file_writer(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-    counter = 0
+-    screed_iter_1 = screed.open(s1_file)
+-    screed_iter_2 = screed.open(s2_file)
+-    for read1, read2 in zip_longest(screed_iter_1, screed_iter_2):
+-        if read1 is None or read2 is None:
+-            print(("ERROR: Input files contain different number"
+-                   " of records."), file=sys.stderr)
+-            sys.exit(1)
+-        if counter % 100000 == 0:
+-            print('...', counter, 'pairs', file=sys.stderr)
+-        counter += 1
+-        name1 = read1.name
+-        name2 = read2.name
+-        if not args.no_reformat:
+-            if not check_is_left(name1):
+-                name1 += '/1'
+-            if not check_is_right(name2):
+-                name2 += '/2'
+-            read1.name = name1
+-            read2.name = name2
+-            if not check_is_pair(read1, read2):
+-                print("ERROR: This doesn't look like paired data! "
+-                      "%s %s" % (read1.name, read2.name), file=sys.stderr)
++    with FileWriter(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip) as outfp:
++        counter = 0
++        screed_iter_1 = screed.open(s1_file)
++        screed_iter_2 = screed.open(s2_file)
++        for read1, read2 in zip_longest(screed_iter_1, screed_iter_2):
++            if read1 is None or read2 is None:
++                print(("ERROR: Input files contain different number"
++                       " of records."), file=sys.stderr)
+                 sys.exit(1)
+-        write_record_pair(read1, read2, outfp)
++            if counter % 100000 == 0:
++                print('...', counter, 'pairs', file=sys.stderr)
++            counter += 1
++            name1 = read1.name
++            name2 = read2.name
++            if not args.no_reformat:
++                if not check_is_left(name1):
++                    name1 += '/1'
++                if not check_is_right(name2):
++                    name2 += '/2'
++                read1.name = name1
++                read2.name = name2
++                if not check_is_pair(read1, read2):
++                    print("ERROR: This doesn't look like paired data! "
++                          "%s %s" % (read1.name, read2.name), file=sys.stderr)
++                    sys.exit(1)
++            write_record_pair(read1, read2, outfp)
+-    print('final: interleaved %d pairs' % counter, file=sys.stderr)
+-    print('output written to', describe_file_handle(outfp), file=sys.stderr)
++        print('final: interleaved %d pairs' % counter, file=sys.stderr)
++        print('output written to', describe_file_handle(outfp), file=sys.stderr)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/normalize-by-median.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/normalize-by-median.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/normalize-by-median.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+ Use '-h' for parameter help.
+ """
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import sys
+ import screed
+ import os
+@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@
+ import argparse
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_space, check_space_for_graph,
+                          check_valid_file_exists, add_output_compression_type,
+-                         get_file_writer, describe_file_handle)
++                         FileWriter, describe_file_handle)
+ from khmer.utils import (write_record, broken_paired_reader, ReadBundle,
+                          clean_input_reads)
+ from khmer.khmer_logger import (configure_logging, log_info, log_error)
+@@ -360,39 +361,43 @@
+     output_name = None
+     if args.single_output_file:
+-        outfp = get_file_writer(args.single_output_file, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out_single_ctx = FileWriter(args.single_output_file, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+     else:
++        out_single_ctx = nullcontext()
+         if '-' in filenames or '/dev/stdin' in filenames:
+             print("Accepting input from stdin; output filename must "
+                   "be provided with '-o'.", file=sys.stderr)
+             sys.exit(1)
+-    #
+-    # main loop: iterate over all files given, do diginorm.
+-    #
+-    for filename, require_paired in files:
+-        if not args.single_output_file:
+-            output_name = os.path.basename(filename) + '.keep'
+-            outfp = open(output_name, 'wb')
+-            outfp = get_file_writer(outfp, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        # failsafe context manager in case an input file breaks
+-        with catch_io_errors(filename, outfp, args.single_output_file,
+-                             args.force, corrupt_files):
+-            screed_iter = clean_input_reads(screed.open(filename))
+-            reader = broken_paired_reader(screed_iter, min_length=args.ksize,
+-                                          force_single=force_single,
+-                                          require_paired=require_paired)
+-            # actually do diginorm
+-            for record in with_diagnostics(reader, filename):
+-                if record is not None:
+-                    write_record(record, outfp)
+-            log_info('output in {name}', name=describe_file_handle(outfp))
++    with out_single_ctx as out_single_fp:
++        #
++        # main loop: iterate over all files given, do diginorm.
++        #
++        for filename, require_paired in files:
+             if not args.single_output_file:
+-                outfp.close()
++                output_name = os.path.basename(filename) + '.keep'
++                out_ctx = FileWriter(open(output_name, 'wb'), args.gzip,
++                                     args.bzip, steal_ownership=True)
++            else:
++                out_ctx = nullcontext(enter_result=out_single_fp)
++            with out_ctx as outfp:
++                # failsafe context manager in case an input file breaks
++                with catch_io_errors(filename, outfp, args.single_output_file,
++                                     args.force, corrupt_files):
++                    screed_iter = clean_input_reads(screed.open(filename))
++                    reader = broken_paired_reader(screed_iter,
++                                                  min_length=args.ksize,
++                                                  force_single=force_single,
++                                                  require_paired=require_paired)
++                    # actually do diginorm
++                    for record in with_diagnostics(reader, filename):
++                        if record is not None:
++                            write_record(record, outfp)
++                    log_info('output in {name}',
++                             name=describe_file_handle(outfp))
+     # finished - print out some diagnostics.
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/partition-graph.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/partition-graph.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/partition-graph.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@
+         worker_q.put((nodegraph, _, start, end))
+     print('enqueued %d subset tasks' % n_subsets, file=sys.stderr)
+-    open('%s.info' % basename, 'w').write('%d subsets total\n' % (n_subsets))
++    with open('%s.info' % basename, 'w') as info_fp:
++        info_fp.write('%d subsets total\n' % (n_subsets))
+     n_threads = args.threads
+     if n_subsets < n_threads:
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/sample-reads-randomly.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/sample-reads-randomly.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/sample-reads-randomly.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ """
+ import argparse
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import os.path
+ import random
+ import textwrap
+@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
+ from khmer import __version__
+ from khmer import ReadParser
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_input_files, add_output_compression_type,
+-                         get_file_writer)
++                         FileWriter)
+ from khmer.khmer_args import sanitize_help, KhmerArgumentParser
+ from khmer.utils import write_record, broken_paired_reader
+@@ -201,27 +202,27 @@
+         print('Writing %d sequences to %s' %
+               (len(reads[0]), output_filename), file=sys.stderr)
+-        output_file = args.output_file
+-        if not output_file:
+-            output_file = open(output_filename, 'wb')
+-        output_file = get_file_writer(output_file, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        for records in reads[0]:
+-            write_record(records[0], output_file)
+-            if records[1] is not None:
+-                write_record(records[1], output_file)
++        output_back_ctx = nullcontext(args.output_file)
++        if not args.output_file:
++            output_back_ctx = open(output_filename, 'wb')
++        with output_back_ctx as output_back_fp:
++            with FileWriter(output_back_fp, args.gzip, args.bzip) as output_fp:
++                for records in reads[0]:
++                    write_record(records[0], output_fp)
++                    if records[1] is not None:
++                        write_record(records[1], output_fp)
+     else:
+         for n in range(num_samples):
+             n_filename = output_filename + '.%d' % n
+             print('Writing %d sequences to %s' %
+                   (len(reads[n]), n_filename), file=sys.stderr)
+-            output_file = get_file_writer(open(n_filename, 'wb'), args.gzip,
+-                                          args.bzip)
+-            for records in reads[n]:
+-                write_record(records[0], output_file)
+-                if records[1] is not None:
+-                    write_record(records[1], output_file)
++            with FileWriter(open(n_filename, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                            steal_ownership=True) as output_fp:
++                for records in reads[n]:
++                    write_record(records[0], output_fp)
++                    if records[1] is not None:
++                        write_record(records[1], output_fp)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/split-paired-reads.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/split-paired-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/split-paired-reads.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.911485747 +0100
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
+ Reads FASTQ and FASTA input, retains format for output.
+ """
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import sys
+ import os
+ import textwrap
+@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
+                          UnpairedReadsError)
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_input_files, check_space,
+                          add_output_compression_type,
+-                         get_file_writer, describe_file_handle)
++                         FileWriter, describe_file_handle)
+ def get_parser():
+@@ -145,22 +146,26 @@
+     # OVERRIDE output file locations with -1, -2
+     if args.output_first:
+-        fp_out1 = get_file_writer(args.output_first, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        out1 = fp_out1.name
++        out1_ctx = FileWriter(args.output_first, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out1 = args.output_first.name
+     else:
+         # Use default filename created above
+-        fp_out1 = get_file_writer(open(out1, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out1_ctx = FileWriter(open(out1, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                              steal_ownership=True)
+     if args.output_second:
+-        fp_out2 = get_file_writer(args.output_second, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        out2 = fp_out2.name
++        out2_ctx = FileWriter(args.output_second, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out2 = args.output_second.name
+     else:
+         # Use default filename created above
+-        fp_out2 = get_file_writer(open(out2, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out2_ctx = FileWriter(open(out2, 'wb'), args.gzip, args.bzip,
++                              steal_ownership=True)
+     # put orphaned reads here, if -0!
+     if args.output_orphaned:
+-        fp_out0 = get_file_writer(args.output_orphaned, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        out0_ctx = FileWriter(args.output_orphaned, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+         out0 = describe_file_handle(args.output_orphaned)
++    else:
++        out0_ctx = nullcontext()
+     counter1 = 0
+     counter2 = 0
+@@ -171,23 +176,24 @@
+     paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(infile),
+                                        require_paired=not args.output_orphaned)
+-    try:
+-        for index, is_pair, record1, record2 in paired_iter:
+-            if index % 10000 == 0:
+-                print('...', index, file=sys.stderr)
+-            if is_pair:
+-                write_record(record1, fp_out1)
+-                counter1 += 1
+-                write_record(record2, fp_out2)
+-                counter2 += 1
+-            elif args.output_orphaned:
+-                write_record(record1, fp_out0)
+-                counter3 += 1
+-    except UnpairedReadsError as e:
+-        print("Unpaired reads found starting at {name}; exiting".format(
+-            name=e.read1.name), file=sys.stderr)
+-        sys.exit(1)
++    with out0_ctx as fp_out0, out1_ctx as fp_out1, out2_ctx as fp_out2:
++        try:
++            for index, is_pair, record1, record2 in paired_iter:
++                if index % 10000 == 0:
++                    print('...', index, file=sys.stderr)
++                if is_pair:
++                    write_record(record1, fp_out1)
++                    counter1 += 1
++                    write_record(record2, fp_out2)
++                    counter2 += 1
++                elif args.output_orphaned:
++                    write_record(record1, fp_out0)
++                    counter3 += 1
++        except UnpairedReadsError as e:
++            print("Unpaired reads found starting at {name}; exiting".format(
++                name=e.read1.name), file=sys.stderr)
++            sys.exit(1)
+     print("DONE; split %d sequences (%d left, %d right, %d orphans)" %
+           (counter1 + counter2, counter1, counter2, counter3), file=sys.stderr)
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/trim-low-abund.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/scripts/trim-low-abund.py	2023-11-26 20:23:39.915485717 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/scripts/trim-low-abund.py	2023-11-26 20:28:16.389478687 +0100
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ Use -h for parameter help.
+ """
++from contextlib import nullcontext
+ import csv
+ import sys
+ import os
+@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
+ from khmer.utils import write_record, broken_paired_reader, ReadBundle
+ from khmer.kfile import (check_space, check_space_for_graph,
+                          check_valid_file_exists, add_output_compression_type,
+-                         get_file_writer)
++                         get_file_writer, FileWriter)
+ from khmer.khmer_logger import configure_logging, log_info, log_error
+ from khmer.trimming import trim_record
+@@ -374,108 +375,111 @@
+     # only create the file writer once if outfp is specified; otherwise,
+     # create it for each file.
+     if args.output:
+-        trimfp = get_file_writer(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++        trim_ctx = FileWriter(args.output, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++    else:
++        trim_ctx = nullcontext()
+     pass2list = []
+-    for filename in args.input_filenames:
+-        # figure out temporary filename for 2nd pass
+-        pass2filename = filename.replace(os.path.sep, '-') + '.pass2'
+-        pass2filename = os.path.join(tempdir, pass2filename)
+-        pass2fp = open(pass2filename, 'w')
+-        # construct output filenames
+-        if args.output is None:
+-            # note: this will be saved in trimfp.
+-            outfp = open(os.path.basename(filename) + '.abundtrim', 'wb')
+-            # get file handle w/gzip, bzip
+-            trimfp = get_file_writer(outfp, args.gzip, args.bzip)
+-        # record all this info
+-        pass2list.append((filename, pass2filename, trimfp))
+-        # input file stuff: get a broken_paired reader.
+-        paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(filename), min_length=K,
+-                                           force_single=args.ignore_pairs)
+-        # main loop through the file.
+-        n_start = trimmer.n_reads
+-        save_start = trimmer.n_saved
+-        watermark = REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
+-        for read in trimmer.pass1(paired_iter, pass2fp):
+-            if (trimmer.n_reads - n_start) > watermark:
+-                log_info("... {filename} {n_saved} {n_reads} {n_bp} "
+-                         "{w_reads} {w_bp}", filename=filename,
+-                         n_saved=trimmer.n_saved, n_reads=trimmer.n_reads,
+-                         n_bp=trimmer.n_bp, w_reads=written_reads,
+-                         w_bp=written_bp)
+-                watermark += REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
+-            # write out the trimmed/etc sequences that AREN'T going to be
+-            # revisited in a 2nd pass.
+-            write_record(read, trimfp)
+-            written_bp += len(read)
+-            written_reads += 1
+-        pass2fp.close()
+-        log_info("{filename}: kept aside {kept} of {total} from first pass",
+-                 filename=filename, kept=trimmer.n_saved - save_start,
+-                 total=trimmer.n_reads - n_start)
+-    # first pass goes across all the data, so record relevant stats...
+-    n_reads = trimmer.n_reads
+-    n_bp = trimmer.n_bp
+-    n_skipped = trimmer.n_skipped
+-    bp_skipped = trimmer.bp_skipped
+-    save_pass2_total = trimmer.n_saved
+-    # ### SECOND PASS. ###
+-    # nothing should have been skipped yet!
+-    assert trimmer.n_skipped == 0
+-    assert trimmer.bp_skipped == 0
+-    if args.single_pass:
+-        pass2list = []
+-    # go back through all the files again.
+-    for _, pass2filename, trimfp in pass2list:
+-        log_info('second pass: looking at sequences kept aside in {pass2}',
+-                 pass2=pass2filename)
+-        # note that for this second pass, we don't care about paired
+-        # reads - they will be output in the same order they're read in,
+-        # so pairs will stay together if not orphaned.  This is in contrast
+-        # to the first loop.  Hence, force_single=True below.
+-        read_parser = ReadParser(pass2filename)
+-        paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(read_parser,
+-                                           min_length=K,
+-                                           force_single=True)
+-        watermark = REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
+-        for read in trimmer.pass2(paired_iter):
+-            if (trimmer.n_reads - n_start) > watermark:
+-                log_info('... x 2 {a} {b} {c} {d} {e} {f} {g}',
+-                         a=trimmer.n_reads - n_start,
+-                         b=pass2filename, c=trimmer.n_saved,
+-                         d=trimmer.n_reads, e=trimmer.n_bp,
+-                         f=written_reads, g=written_bp)
+-                watermark += REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
+-            write_record(read, trimfp)
+-            written_reads += 1
+-            written_bp += len(read)
+-        read_parser.close()
+-        log_info('removing {pass2}', pass2=pass2filename)
+-        os.unlink(pass2filename)
+-        # if we created our own trimfps, close 'em.
+-        if not args.output:
+-            trimfp.close()
++    with trim_ctx as trimfp:
++        for filename in args.input_filenames:
++            # figure out temporary filename for 2nd pass
++            pass2filename = filename.replace(os.path.sep, '-') + '.pass2'
++            pass2filename = os.path.join(tempdir, pass2filename)
++            pass2fp = open(pass2filename, 'w')
++            # construct output filenames
++            if args.output is None:
++                # note: this will be saved in trimfp.
++                outfp = open(os.path.basename(filename) + '.abundtrim', 'wb')
++                # get file handle w/gzip, bzip
++                trimfp = get_file_writer(outfp, args.gzip, args.bzip)
++            # record all this info
++            pass2list.append((filename, pass2filename, trimfp))
++            # input file stuff: get a broken_paired reader.
++            paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(ReadParser(filename), min_length=K,
++                                               force_single=args.ignore_pairs)
++            # main loop through the file.
++            n_start = trimmer.n_reads
++            save_start = trimmer.n_saved
++            watermark = REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
++            for read in trimmer.pass1(paired_iter, pass2fp):
++                if (trimmer.n_reads - n_start) > watermark:
++                    log_info("... {filename} {n_saved} {n_reads} {n_bp} "
++                             "{w_reads} {w_bp}", filename=filename,
++                             n_saved=trimmer.n_saved, n_reads=trimmer.n_reads,
++                             n_bp=trimmer.n_bp, w_reads=written_reads,
++                             w_bp=written_bp)
++                    watermark += REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
++                # write out the trimmed/etc sequences that AREN'T going to be
++                # revisited in a 2nd pass.
++                write_record(read, trimfp)
++                written_bp += len(read)
++                written_reads += 1
++            pass2fp.close()
++            log_info("{filename}: kept aside {kept} of {total} from first pass",
++                     filename=filename, kept=trimmer.n_saved - save_start,
++                     total=trimmer.n_reads - n_start)
++        # first pass goes across all the data, so record relevant stats...
++        n_reads = trimmer.n_reads
++        n_bp = trimmer.n_bp
++        n_skipped = trimmer.n_skipped
++        bp_skipped = trimmer.bp_skipped
++        save_pass2_total = trimmer.n_saved
++        # ### SECOND PASS. ###
++        # nothing should have been skipped yet!
++        assert trimmer.n_skipped == 0
++        assert trimmer.bp_skipped == 0
++        if args.single_pass:
++            pass2list = []
++        # go back through all the files again.
++        for _, pass2filename, trimfp in pass2list:
++            log_info('second pass: looking at sequences kept aside in {pass2}',
++                     pass2=pass2filename)
++            # note that for this second pass, we don't care about paired
++            # reads - they will be output in the same order they're read in,
++            # so pairs will stay together if not orphaned.  This is in contrast
++            # to the first loop.  Hence, force_single=True below.
++            read_parser = ReadParser(pass2filename)
++            paired_iter = broken_paired_reader(read_parser,
++                                               min_length=K,
++                                               force_single=True)
++            watermark = REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
++            for read in trimmer.pass2(paired_iter):
++                if (trimmer.n_reads - n_start) > watermark:
++                    log_info('... x 2 {a} {b} {c} {d} {e} {f} {g}',
++                             a=trimmer.n_reads - n_start,
++                             b=pass2filename, c=trimmer.n_saved,
++                             d=trimmer.n_reads, e=trimmer.n_bp,
++                             f=written_reads, g=written_bp)
++                    watermark += REPORT_EVERY_N_READS
++                write_record(read, trimfp)
++                written_reads += 1
++                written_bp += len(read)
++            read_parser.close()
++            log_info('removing {pass2}', pass2=pass2filename)
++            os.unlink(pass2filename)
++            # if we created our own trimfps, close 'em.
++            if not args.output:
++                trimfp.close()
+     try:
+         log_info('removing temp directory & contents ({temp})', temp=tempdir)

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Description: Add support for Python 3.12
+ Ever since Python 3.2, configparser.SafeConfigParser has been deprecated in
+ favor of configparser.ConfigParser. An alias existed for backward
+ compatibility but the alias was dropped from Python 3.12. Let us now use
+ ConfigParser explicitly, and use .read_file() instead of .readfp() which was
+ dropped too.
+ .
+ The imp module has also been dropped, but a similar behavior can be achieved
+ using importlib.
+Author: Olivier Gayot <olivier.gayot at canonical.com>
+Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/2044383
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/1055687
+Forwarded: https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/pull/1922
+Last-Update: 2023-11-26
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/versioneer.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/versioneer.py	2019-03-13 14:42:12.000000000 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/versioneer.py	2023-11-23 15:19:50.025827413 +0100
+@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
+     # configparser.NoOptionError (if it lacks "VCS="). See the docstring at
+     # the top of versioneer.py for instructions on writing your setup.cfg .
+     setup_cfg = os.path.join(root, "setup.cfg")
+-    parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
++    parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
+     with open(setup_cfg, "r") as f:
+         parser.readfp(f)
+     VCS = parser.get("versioneer", "VCS")  # mandatory
+Index: khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/tests/test_sandbox_scripts.py
+--- khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg.orig/tests/test_sandbox_scripts.py	2023-11-26 15:33:13.654983243 +0100
++++ khmer-3.0.0~a3+dfsg/tests/test_sandbox_scripts.py	2023-11-26 15:33:13.650983273 +0100
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ from io import StringIO
+ import traceback
+ import glob
+-import imp
++import importlib
+ import pytest
+@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", _sandbox_scripts())
+ def test_import_succeeds(filename, tmpdir, capsys):
+     try:
+-        mod = imp.load_source('__zzz', filename)
++        loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('__zzz', filename)
++        mod = loader.load_module()
+     except:
+         print(traceback.format_exc())
+         raise AssertionError("%s cannot be imported" % (filename,))

@@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ bz2.patch

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/khmer/-/compare/a87e26dbb28e49f595447311e0194b82dc794c73...c7d0662b057724ef642049986859d5934d927959

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/khmer/-/compare/a87e26dbb28e49f595447311e0194b82dc794c73...c7d0662b057724ef642049986859d5934d927959
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