[med-svn] [Git][med-team/stacks][master] 5 commits: routine-update: New upstream version

Lance Lin (@linqigang) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Aug 10 13:22:21 BST 2024

Lance Lin pushed to branch master at Debian Med / stacks

e8b8c9b8 by Lance Lin at 2024-08-10T18:43:14+07:00
routine-update: New upstream version

- - - - -
fded9fa1 by Lance Lin at 2024-08-10T18:43:35+07:00
New upstream version 2.67+dfsg
- - - - -
6b5ada8f by Lance Lin at 2024-08-10T18:43:36+07:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.67+dfsg'

Update to upstream version '2.67+dfsg'
with Debian dir 6d5ea5b09f39d5e60be37ee615cb787bd5a03220
- - - - -
014a80f7 by Lance Lin at 2024-08-10T18:43:36+07:00
routine-update: Standards-Version: 4.7.0

- - - - -
eb484bbc by Lance Lin at 2024-08-10T19:12:14+07:00
d/patches: Refresh patches (change_program_exit_to_success.patch, fix_spelling_errors.patch, script-exe-paths)

- - - - -

27 changed files:

- ChangeLog
- Makefile.am
- configure.ac
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/patches/change_program_exit_to_success.patch
- debian/patches/fix_spelling_errors.patch
- debian/patches/script-exe-paths
- scripts/denovo_map.pl
- scripts/stacks-dist-extract
- + scripts/stacks-private-alleles
- src/Seq.h
- src/clean.cc
- src/clean.h
- src/clone_filter.cc
- src/constants.h
- src/cstacks.cc
- src/file_io.cc
- src/file_io.h
- src/populations.cc
- src/populations.h
- src/process_radtags.cc
- src/process_radtags.h
- src/process_shortreads.cc
- src/sstacks.cc
- src/ustacks.cc
- src/write.cc


@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+Stacks 2.67 - July 18, 2024
+    Feature: Added the --min-gt-depth filter to populations. Requires a called SNP to be supported
+             by a minimum number of reads, otherwise it is marked as missing data.
+    Feature: Added processing of UMI field to process_radtags. Raw Illumina data may include
+             an extra field in the FASTQ header which represents a unique molecular
+	     identifier (UMI).
+    Feature: Added detection for runs of G nucleotides to process_radtags. In recent two-color
+             chemistries from Illumina, 'no signal' can be mistaken for high quality runs of 'G'.
+             This feature detects high quality of runs of G nucleotides at the 3' end of the read
+             and drops reads containing this loss of signal (if there are 10 or more Gs present).
+    Feature: Added the --basename option to process_radtags so a user can sepcify an output 
+             filename when processing individual input files (i.e. -f, or -1/-2). (Useful, 
+             e.g., when processing individual samples from SRA.)
+    Bugfix: Corrected a bug in process_radtags when run with multiple threads: if more than one
+            barcode mapped to the same output file it could crash due to a lack of thread
+            synchronization. Code now assigns all barcodes pointing to the same output files to
+            the same output thread.
+    Bugfix: Corrected a bug in filtering adapter sequence in process_radtags that occurred
+            when a barcode was part of the adaptor sequence, but near the end of that adaptor
+            sequence, it could cause a read to be inadvertantly discarded.
+    Bugfix: Corrected a regression in process_radtags where FASTQ custom
+            headers (e.g. from the Sequence Read Archive) were not properly parsed.
+            Also added a check to ensure "/1" and/or "/2" are removed from the header
+            if present so as not to be duplciated after processing.
+    Bugfix: Corrected stacks-private-alleles to work properly with denovo
+            data.
 Stacks 2.66 - December 5, 2023
     Feature: Rewrote stacks-dist-extract in Python including new support for partial

@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ kmer_filter_LDADD        = $(LDADD) libclean.a
 populations_LDADD        = $(LDADD) libpop.a
 dist_bin_SCRIPTS = scripts/denovo_map.pl scripts/ref_map.pl \
-	scripts/stacks-integrate-alignments scripts/stacks-dist-extract scripts/stacks-gdb \
+	scripts/stacks-integrate-alignments scripts/stacks-dist-extract scripts/stacks-private-alleles \
+	scripts/stacks-gdb \
 	scripts/stacks-samtools-tview scripts/stacks-count-reads-per-sample-per-locus \
 	scripts/stacks-hist2d-loci-samples-coverage # scripts/denovo_map.py

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT([Stacks], [2.66])
+AC_INIT([Stacks], [2.67])
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign parallel-tests subdir-objects])

@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+stacks (2.67+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream version
+  * Standards-Version: 4.7.0 (routine-update)
+  * d/patches: Refresh patches (change_program_exit_to_success.patch,
+    fix_spelling_errors.patch, script-exe-paths)
+ -- Lance Lin <lq27267 at gmail.com>  Sat, 10 Aug 2024 18:43:14 +0700
 stacks (2.66+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
-Standards-Version: 4.6.2
+Standards-Version: 4.7.0
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/stacks
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/stacks.git
 Homepage: https://creskolab.uoregon.edu/stacks/

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/sstacks.cc
 +++ b/src/sstacks.cc
-@@ -1428,13 +1428,13 @@
+@@ -1429,13 +1429,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
  void help() {
 -    cerr << "sstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
 +    cout << "sstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-               << "sstacks -P dir -M popmap [-p n_threads]" << "\n"
-               << "sstacks -c catalog_path -s sample_path [-s sample_path ...] -o path [-p n_threads]" << "\n"
+               << "sstacks -P dir -M popmap [-t n_threads]" << "\n"
+               << "sstacks -c catalog_path -s sample_path [-s sample_path ...] -o path [-t n_threads]" << "\n"
                << "  -P,--in-path: path to the directory containing Stacks files.\n"
-@@ -1450,10 +1450,10 @@
+@@ -1451,10 +1451,10 @@
  #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/process_radtags.cc
 +++ b/src/process_radtags.cc
-@@ -2462,13 +2462,13 @@
+@@ -2564,13 +2564,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
  	 << "process_radtags -p in_dir [-P] [-b barcode_file] -o out_dir -e enz [--threads num] [-c] [-q] [-r] [-t len]\n"
           << "process_radtags -f in_file [-b barcode_file] -o out_dir -e enz [--threads num] [-c] [-q] [-r] [-t len]\n"
           << "process_radtags --in-path in_dir [--paired] [--barcodes barcode_file] --out-path out_dir --renz-1 enz [--renz-2 enz] [--threads num] [-c] [-q] [-r] [-t len]\n"
-@@ -2510,20 +2510,20 @@
+@@ -2611,20 +2611,20 @@
      uint cnt = renz_cnt.size();
      it = renz_cnt.begin();
      for (uint i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) {
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
           << "  Protocol-specific options:\n"
           << "    --bestrad: library was generated using BestRAD, check for restriction enzyme on either read and potentially tranpose reads.\n"
  	 << "    --methylrad: library was generated using enzymatic methyl-seq (EM-seq) or bisulphite sequencing.\n\n"
-@@ -2544,5 +2544,5 @@
+@@ -2649,5 +2649,5 @@
           << "    --barcode-dist-1: the number of allowed mismatches when rescuing single-end barcodes (default 1).\n"
           << "    --barcode-dist-2: the number of allowed mismatches when rescuing paired-end barcodes (defaults to --barcode-dist-1).\n";
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/clone_filter.cc
 +++ b/src/clone_filter.cc
-@@ -1309,13 +1309,13 @@
+@@ -1311,13 +1311,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
                << "clone_filter [-f in_file | -p in_dir [-P] [-I] | -1 pair_1 -2 pair_2] -o out_dir [-i type] [-y type] [-D] [-h]\n"
                << "  f: path to the input file if processing single-end sequences.\n"
                << "  p: path to a directory of files.\n"
-@@ -1340,5 +1340,5 @@
+@@ -1342,5 +1342,5 @@
                << "    --inline-index:  random oligo is inline with sequence on single-end read and second oligo occurs in FASTQ header.\n"
                << "    --index-inline:  random oligo occurs in FASTQ header (Illumina i5 or i7 read) and is inline with sequence on single-end read (if single read data) or paired-end read (if paired data).\n\n";
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/cstacks.cc
 +++ b/src/cstacks.cc
-@@ -1998,13 +1998,13 @@
+@@ -1999,13 +1999,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
  void help() {
 -    cerr << "cstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
 +    cout << "cstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-               << "cstacks -P in_dir -M popmap [-n num_mismatches] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
-               << "cstacks -s sample1_path [-s sample2_path ...] -o path [-n num_mismatches] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
+               << "cstacks -P in_dir -M popmap [-n num_mismatches] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
+               << "cstacks -s sample1_path [-s sample2_path ...] -o path [-n num_mismatches] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
                << "\n"
-@@ -2025,5 +2025,5 @@
+@@ -2026,5 +2026,5 @@
                << "  --k-len <len>: specify k-mer size for matching between between catalog loci (automatically calculated by default).\n"
                << "  --report-mmatches: report query loci that match more than one catalog locus.\n";
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/populations.cc
 +++ b/src/populations.cc
-@@ -4347,5 +4347,5 @@
+@@ -4374,5 +4374,5 @@
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/process_shortreads.cc
 +++ b/src/process_shortreads.cc
-@@ -1117,13 +1117,13 @@
+@@ -1119,13 +1119,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
                << "process_shortreads [-f in_file | -p in_dir [-P] [-I] | -1 pair_1 -2 pair_2] -b barcode_file -o out_dir [-i type] [-y type] [-c] [-q] [-r] [-E encoding] [-t len] [-D] [-w size] [-s lim] [-h]\n"
                << "  f: path to the input file if processing single-end seqeunces.\n"
                << "  i: input file type, either 'bustard' for the Illumina BUSTARD format, 'bam', 'fastq' (default), or 'gzfastq' for gzipped FASTQ.\n"
-@@ -1167,5 +1167,5 @@
+@@ -1169,5 +1169,5 @@
                << "    --mate-pair: raw reads are circularized mate-pair data, first read will be reverse complemented.\n"
                << "    --no-overhang: data does not contain an overhang nucleotide between barcode and seqeunce.\n";
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
 --- a/src/ustacks.cc
 +++ b/src/ustacks.cc
-@@ -3017,13 +3017,13 @@
+@@ -3013,13 +3013,13 @@
  void version() {
@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ Last-Update: 2024-01-19
  void help() {
 -    cerr << "ustacks " << VERSION << "\n"
 +    cout << "ustacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-          << "ustacks -f file_path -o path [-M max_dist] [-m min_cov] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
-          << "  f: input file path.\n"
-          << "  o: output path to write results.\n"
-@@ -3059,5 +3059,5 @@
+          << "ustacks -f in_path -o out_path [-M max_dist] [-m min_reads] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
+          << "  -f,--file: input file path.\n"
+          << "  -o,--out-path: output path to write results.\n"
+@@ -3055,5 +3055,5 @@
           << "\n"
           << "  h: display this help message.\n";

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
                << "    --normalize <depth>: normalize read depth according to k-mer coverage.\n\n"
 --- a/src/process_shortreads.cc
 +++ b/src/process_shortreads.cc
-@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
+@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
          return 0;
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
      init_log(log, argc, argv);
-@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
+@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@
                << "  D: capture discarded reads to a file.\n"
                << "  w: set the size of the sliding window as a fraction of the read length, between 0 and 1 (default 0.15).\n"
                << "  s: set the score limit. If the average score within the sliding window drops below this value, the read is discarded (default 10).\n"
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
          qloc = i->second;
 --- a/src/clone_filter.cc
 +++ b/src/clone_filter.cc
-@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@
+@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@
                << "  o: path to output the processed files.\n"
                << "  y: output type, either 'fastq', 'fasta', 'gzfasta', or 'gzfastq' (default same as input type).\n"
                << "  D: capture discarded reads to a file.\n"
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
                << "  --dprime-threshold <val>: if D' values fall above <val>, set the D' to 1, otherwise set D' to 0.\n\n"
 --- a/src/populations.cc
 +++ b/src/populations.cc
-@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@
+@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@
          do {
              int rv = this->_fasta_reader.next_seq(seq);
              if (rv == 0) {
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
                       << rv << "; cloc_id: " << cloc_id << "\n";
                  throw exception();
-@@ -4233,7 +4233,7 @@
+@@ -4260,7 +4260,7 @@
      if (merge_sites == true && enz.length() == 0) {
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
-@@ -4260,7 +4260,7 @@
+@@ -4287,7 +4287,7 @@
           << "populations -P dir [-O dir] [-M popmap] (filters) [--fstats] [-k [--sigma=150000] [--bootstrap [-N 100]]] (output formats)\n"
           << "populations -V vcf -O dir [-M popmap] (filters) [--fstats] [-k [--sigma=150000] [--bootstrap [-N 100]]] (output formats)\n"
           << "\n"
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
           << "  -V,--in-vcf: path to a standalone input VCF file.\n"
           << "  -O,--out-path: path to a directory where to write the output files. (Required by -V; otherwise defaults to value of -P.)\n"
           << "  -M,--popmap: path to a population map. (Format is 'SAMPLE1 \\t POP1 \\n SAMPLE2 ...'.)\n"
-@@ -4335,7 +4335,7 @@
+@@ -4363,7 +4363,7 @@
           << "  --map-format: mapping program format to write, 'joinmap', 'onemap', and 'rqtl' are currently supported.\n"
           << "\n"
           << "Additional options:\n"
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
          "Reference-based mode:\n"
 --- a/src/ustacks.cc
 +++ b/src/ustacks.cc
-@@ -2985,7 +2985,7 @@
+@@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@
      if (in_file_type == FileT::unknown) {
          in_file_type = guess_file_type(in_file);
          if (in_file_type == FileT::unknown) {
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
-@@ -3037,7 +3037,7 @@
-          << "  H: disable calling haplotypes from secondary reads.\n"
+@@ -3033,7 +3033,7 @@
+          << "  -H: disable calling haplotypes from secondary reads.\n"
           << "\n"
           << "  Stack assembly options:\n"
 -         << "    --force-diff-len: allow raw input reads of different lengths, e.g. after trimming (default: ustacks perfers raw input reads of uniform length).\n"
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Date: 2023-08-29
           << "    --keep-high-cov: disable the algorithm that removes highly-repetitive stacks and nearby errors.\n"
           << "    --high-cov-thres: highly-repetitive stacks threshold, in standard deviation units (default: 3.0).\n"
           << "    --max-locus-stacks <num>: maximum number of stacks at a single de novo locus (default 3).\n"
-@@ -3057,7 +3057,7 @@
+@@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@
           << "    For the Fixed model:\n"
           << "      --bc-err-freq <num>: specify the barcode error frequency, between 0 and 1.0.\n"
           << "\n"

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Last-Update: 2016-10-21
 This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
 --- a/Makefile.am
 +++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
+@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@
  	$(MAKE) all "CXXFLAGS=-g3 -Wall -DDEBUG -Og"

@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ sub execute_stacks {
-        $cmd = $exe_path . "ustacks -t $sample->{'fmt'} -f $sample->{'path'} -o $out_path" . $minc;
+        $cmd = $exe_path . "ustacks --in-type $sample->{'fmt'} --file $sample->{'path'} --out-path $out_path" . $minc;
         if ($sample->{'path'} !~ /$sample->{'file'}.$sample->{'suffix'}$/) {
             # Guessing the sample name from the input path won't work.
@@ -808,12 +808,12 @@ sub parse_command_line {
 	elsif ($_ =~ /^--catalog-popmap$/) { $cpopmap_path = shift @ARGV; }
 	elsif ($_ =~ /^-T$/ || $_ =~ /^--threads/) {
             $arg = shift @ARGV;
-            push(@_ustacks, "-p " . $arg);
-            push(@_cstacks, "-p " . $arg);
-            push(@_sstacks, "-p " . $arg);
-            push(@_tsv2bam, "-t " . $arg);
-            push(@_gstacks, "-t " . $arg);
-            push(@_populations, "-t " . $arg);
+            push(@_ustacks, "--threads " . $arg);
+            push(@_cstacks, "--threads " . $arg);
+            push(@_sstacks, "--threads " . $arg);
+            push(@_tsv2bam, "--threads " . $arg);
+            push(@_gstacks, "--threads " . $arg);
+            push(@_populations, "--threads " . $arg);
         } elsif ($_ =~ /^-M$/) {
             $ustacks_mismatch = shift(@ARGV);

@@ -133,13 +133,16 @@ def find_section(sections, section):
 def pretty_print(stream):
     colcnts = []
     for line in stream:
+        if line[0] == '#':
+            continue
         cols = line.split('\t')
         while len(colcnts) < len(cols):
         for i in range(len(cols)):
-            if cols[i][0] != "#" and colcnts[i] < len(cols[i]):
+            if colcnts[i] < len(cols[i]):
                 colcnts[i] = len(cols[i])
     s = ""

@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2021-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+# This file is part of Stacks.
+# Stacks is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Stacks is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Stacks.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import os
+import math
+from datetime import datetime
+from enum import Enum
+from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
+# Constant values
+# Global configuration variables.
+sumstats_path = ""
+vcf_path      = ""
+popmap_path   = ""
+popmap_used   = False
+out_path      = ""
+ref_aligned   = True
+ctg_limit     = 500000
+polarize      = False
+plots         = False
+smooth        = False
+sigma         = 150000.0
+verbose       = False
+class Strand(Enum):
+    plus  = 0
+    minus = 1
+class SmoothStat:
+    def __init__(self, loc_id, pop, col, chr, bp, allele_cnt, stat):
+        self.id   = loc_id
+        self.pop  = pop
+        self.col  = col
+        self.chr  = chr
+        self.bp   = bp
+        self.cnt  = allele_cnt
+        self.stat = stat
+        self.smoothed = 0.0
+class Pop:
+    def __init__(self, pop, p, q, cnt, priv):
+        self.pop       = pop
+        self.p_freq    = p
+        self.q_freq    = q
+        self.cnt       = cnt
+        self.private   = priv
+        self.priv_all  = None # If there is a private allele, which one is it?
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "{} - p freq: {:.3f}; q freq: {:.3f}; sample cnt: {}; private? {}".format(
+            self.pop, self.p_freq, self.q_freq, self.cnt, self.private)
+        if self.private == True:
+            s += " [allele: '{}']".format(self.priv_all)
+        return s            
+class SNP:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.bp       = 0
+        self.col      = 0
+        self.p_allele = ""
+        self.q_allele = ""
+        self.pops     = {}    # Includes parental populations and 'vcf' for all VCF samples.
+        self.indvpops = {}    # Indexed by population name; includes individual populations from VCF.
+        self.priv_pop = False # True if there is a private allele in one or more of the populations at this site.
+        self.priv_hyb = False # Is the private allele present in the hybrids?
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = "Column {}; P allele: '{}', Q allele '{}', private? {}".format(self.col, self.p_allele, self.q_allele, self.priv_pop)
+        return s
+class Locus:
+    def __init__(self, id):
+        self.id       = id
+        self.chr      = None
+        self.bp       = 0
+        self.snps     = {}    # Indexed by column.
+        self.private  = False # At least one SNP at this locus contains a private allele.
+    def __str__(self):
+        s  = "Locus {}".format(self.id)
+        if self.chr != None:
+            s += " [{}:{}:{}]".format(self.chr, self.bp, self.strand)
+        s +="; {} snp(s)\n".format(len(self.snps))
+        for snp in self.snps:
+            s += "  "
+            s += self.snps[snp].__str__() + "\n"
+            for pop in self.snps[snp].pops:
+                s += "    "
+                s += self.snps[snp].pops[pop].__str__() + "\n"
+        return s
+def parse_command_line():
+    global sumstats_path
+    global vcf_path
+    global popmap_path, popmap_used
+    global out_path
+    global polarize
+    global plots, smooth, sigma
+    global verbose
+    desc = '''Supply the populations.sumstats.tsv file containing the 'parental' populations \
+    which were used to define private alleles. Supply a VCF file from the 'hybrid' \
+    populations which may contain those private alleles. Optionally export a set of VCF \
+    files, one per parental population, that list SNPs with the non-private allele as \
+    'REF' and the private allele as 'ALT' for plotting.'''
+    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
+    #
+    # Add options.
+    #
+    p.add_argument("--sumstats", type=str, metavar="path", required=True,
+                   help="path to parental populations sumstats file.")
+    p.add_argument("--vcf", type=str, metavar="path", required=True,
+                   help="path to hybrids VCF file.")
+    p.add_argument("--popmap", type=str, metavar="path",
+                   help="path to a population map used to generate the VCF file.")
+    p.add_argument("--polarize", action="store_true",
+                   help="Export a set of VCF files, one per parent population, with private alleles polarized.")
+    p.add_argument("--plots", action="store_true",
+                   help="Write a file for plotting private allele frequencies along the genome.")
+    p.add_argument("--smooth", action="store_true",
+                   help="Smooth private allele values in plotting files, if data are referenced aligned.")
+    p.add_argument("--sigma", type=float, metavar="size",
+                   help="Control the smoothing. Default 75000bp, increase to smooth more, decrease to smooth less.")
+    p.add_argument("-o", "--out-path", type=str, metavar="prefix", required=True,
+                   help="prefix path for writing output files.")
+    p.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
+                   help="Ouput a summary of each locus.")
+    #
+    # Parse the command line
+    #
+    args = p.parse_args()
+    if args.vcf != None:
+        vcf_path = args.vcf
+    if args.popmap != None:
+        popmap_path = args.popmap
+        popmap_used = True
+    if args.sumstats != None:
+        sumstats_path = args.sumstats
+    if args.out_path != None:
+        out_path = args.out_path
+    if args.verbose != None:
+        verbose = args.verbose
+    if args.polarize != None:
+        polarize = args.polarize
+    if args.plots != None:
+        plots = args.plots
+    if args.smooth != None:
+        smooth = args.smooth
+    if args.sigma != None:
+        sigma = args.sigma
+    if len(sumstats_path) == 0:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "You must specify the path to the sumstats file."
+        p.print_help()
+        sys.exit()
+    if len(vcf_path) == 0:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "You must specify the path to the hybrids VCF file."
+        p.print_help()
+        sys.exit()
+    if len(out_path) == 0:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "You must specify a path prefix to output files."
+        p.print_help()
+        sys.exit()
+def complement(nuc):
+    if nuc == 'A':
+        return 'T'
+    elif nuc == 'C':
+        return 'G'
+    elif nuc == 'G':
+        return 'C'
+    elif nuc == 'T':
+        return 'A'
+    elif nuc == 'a':
+        return 't'
+    elif nuc == 'c':
+        return 'g'
+    elif nuc == 'g':
+        return 'c'
+    elif nuc == 't':
+        return 'a'
+def parse_popmap_file(path, vcfpops, vcfpops_rev):
+    fh = open(path, "r")
+    lineno = 0
+    for line in fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        if line[0] == "#":
+            continue
+        parts = line.split("\t")
+        if len(parts) < 2:
+            print("Error parsing popmap '{}' at line {}".format(path, lineno), file=sys.stderr)
+            exit()
+        if parts[1] not in vcfpops:
+            vcfpops[parts[1]] = []
+            vcfpops[parts[1]].append(parts[0])
+        vcfpops_rev[parts[0]] = parts[1]
+    print("  Found {} samples in {} populations.".format(len(vcfpops_rev), len(vcfpops)), file=sys.stderr)
+    return
+def parse_sumstats_file(path, loci, populations_key):
+    global ref_aligned, ctg_limit, smooth, plots
+    fh = open(path, "r")
+    #
+    # Parse the sumstats header and extract the population names/sample names
+    #
+    lineno = 0
+    for line in fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        if line[0] != "#" or line[0:10] == "# Locus ID":
+            break
+        parts    = line.split("\t")
+        pop_name = parts[0][2:]
+        populations_key[pop_name] = parts[1].split(",")
+    #
+    # Parse SNP records.
+    #
+    for line in fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        if line[0] == "#":
+            continue
+        parts = line.split("\t")
+        if len(parts) != SUMSTATS_COLS:
+            print("Error parsing '{}' on line {}, incorrect number of columns ('{}'), file not in correct format.".format(
+                path, lineno, len(parts)), file=sys.stderr)
+            exit()
+        locus_id = int(parts[0])
+        column   = int(parts[3])
+        popul    = parts[4]
+        p_allele = parts[5]
+        q_allele = parts[6]
+        all_cnt  = int(parts[7]) * 2
+        p_freq   = float(parts[8])
+        q_freq   = 1 - p_freq
+        private  = True if parts[20] == "1" else False
+        pop = Pop(popul, p_freq, q_freq, all_cnt, private)
+        #
+        # Have we already seen this locus and SNP?
+        #
+        if locus_id in loci:
+            loc = loci[locus_id]
+        else:
+            loc = Locus(locus_id)
+            loci[locus_id] = loc
+        #if parts[1] != "un":
+        loc.chr = parts[1]
+        loc.bp  = int(parts[2])
+        if private == True:
+            loc.private = True
+        if column in loc.snps:
+            snp = loc.snps[column]
+        else:
+            snp = SNP()
+            snp.bp  = int(parts[2])
+            snp.col = column
+            loc.snps[column] = snp
+        if p_allele != "-":
+            snp.p_allele = p_allele
+        if q_allele != "-":
+            snp.q_allele = q_allele
+        if private:
+            snp.priv_pop = True
+        snp.pops[popul] = pop
+    fh.close()
+    snp_cnt = 0
+    for l in loci:
+        loc = loci[l]
+        snp_cnt += len(loc.snps)
+        #
+        # Find which allele, or alleles, was/were the private one.
+        # In most cases, a single allele will be private between the parent populations.
+        # However, there can be alternative, private alleles where each parent population
+        # has a unique allele.
+        #
+        if loc.private == False:
+            continue
+        for col in loc.snps:
+            snp     = loc.snps[col]
+            alleles = {snp.p_allele: 0, snp.q_allele: 0}
+            for p in snp.pops:
+                pop = snp.pops[p]
+                if pop.p_freq > 0:
+                    alleles[snp.p_allele] += 1
+                if pop.q_freq > 0:
+                    alleles[snp.q_allele] += 1
+            for p in snp.pops:
+                pop = snp.pops[p]
+                if pop.private == True:
+                    if alleles[snp.p_allele] == 1 and pop.p_freq > 0:
+                        pop.priv_all = snp.p_allele
+                    elif alleles[snp.q_allele] == 1 and pop.q_freq > 0:
+                        pop.priv_all = snp.q_allele
+    print("  Read {} loci containing {} SNPs.".format(len(loci), snp_cnt), file=sys.stderr)
+    l = next(iter(loci))
+    if loci[l].chr == "un" or loci[l].chr == None:
+        ref_aligned = False
+        ctg_limit   = 1
+        if smooth == True or plots == True:
+            smooth = False
+            plots  = False
+            print("Warning: unable to generate plots or smooth them without reference-aligned data.", file=sys.stderr)
+def parse_hybrid_vcf(path, loci, populations_key, vcfpops, vcfpops_rev, chrs_list):
+    global ref_aligned
+    fh = open(path, "r")
+    not_found = 0
+    snp_cnt   = 0
+    locus_cnt = set()
+    #
+    # Parse the chromosome names and lengths from the VCF header, if available.
+    #
+    lineno = 0
+    parts  = []
+    for line in fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        #
+        # Skip the file definition lines, but record the contig lengths.
+        #
+        if line[0:8] == "##contig":
+            line = line[13:-1]
+            chr, chrlen = line.split(",")
+            chrlen = chrlen[7:]
+            chrs_list.append( (chr, int(chrlen)) )
+        if line[0:6] == "#CHROM":
+            parts = line.split("\t")
+            break
+    if ref_aligned == False:
+        chrs_list.append( ("un", 1) )
+    #
+    # List of sample names, to be taken from the VCF header.
+    #
+    populations_key['vcf'] = []
+    sample_cols = {}
+    pop_cols    = {}
+    if popmap_used == True:
+        for p in vcfpops:
+            pop_cols[p] = []
+    #
+    # Parse the sample names from the VCF header and record which columns the samples from
+    # each population occur in.
+    #
+    popmap_samples_found = 0
+    for i in range(9, len(parts)):
+        populations_key['vcf'].append(parts[i])
+        if popmap_used and parts[i] in vcfpops_rev:
+            popmap_samples_found += 1
+            sample_cols[i] = vcfpops_rev[parts[i]]
+            pop_cols[vcfpops_rev[parts[i]]].append(i)
+    if popmap_used == True:
+        print("  Found {} samples from population map in VCF file.".format(popmap_samples_found), file=sys.stderr)
+    for line in fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        parts = line.split("\t")
+        #
+        # If referenced aligned, column 3 contains the locus ID, column of the SNP within the
+        # locus and the strand, e.g. '152:79:-'
+        # Otherwise, if contains just the locus ID and column of the SNP.
+        # 
+        if ref_aligned == True:
+            locus_id, column, strand = parts[2].split(":")
+        else:
+            locus_id, column = parts[2].split(":")
+            strand = "+"
+        locus_id = int(locus_id)
+        column   = int(column)
+        strand   = Strand.minus if strand == "-" else Strand.plus
+        if locus_id not in loci:
+            not_found += 1
+            continue
+        if column not in loci[locus_id].snps:
+            not_found += 1
+            continue
+        locus_cnt.add(locus_id)
+        snp_cnt += 1
+        snp = loci[locus_id].snps[column]
+        vcfpop = Pop("vcf", 0.0, 0.0, 0, False)
+        if popmap_used:
+            indv_pops = {}
+            for p in pop_cols:
+                indv_pops[p] = Pop(p, 0.0, 0.0, 0, False)
+        ref_allele = parts[3]
+        alt_allele = parts[4]
+        if strand == Strand.minus:
+            ref_allele = complement(ref_allele)
+            alt_allele = complement(alt_allele)
+        if ((ref_allele != snp.p_allele and ref_allele != snp.q_allele) or
+            (alt_allele != snp.p_allele and alt_allele != snp.q_allele)):
+            print("Error parsing VCF file on line {}; ref/alt alleles {}/{} do not match sumstats file ({}/{}).\n".format(
+                lineno, ref_allele, alt_allele, snp.p_allele, snp.q_allele), file=sys.stderr)
+            exit(1)
+        genotypes = []
+        for i in range(VCF_SAMP_STRT, len(parts)):
+            fields = parts[i].split(",")
+            gtype  = fields[0].split(":")[0]
+            if gtype == "./.":
+                sample_gtype = ( None, None )
+            elif gtype == "0/0":
+                sample_gtype = (ref_allele, ref_allele) 
+            elif gtype == "0/1":
+                sample_gtype = (ref_allele, alt_allele)
+            elif gtype == "1/0":
+                sample_gtype = (ref_allele, alt_allele)
+            elif gtype == "1/1":
+                sample_gtype = (alt_allele, alt_allele)
+            genotypes.append(sample_gtype)
+        for i in range(0, len(genotypes)):
+            gtype = genotypes[i]
+            if gtype[0] != None:
+                vcfpop.cnt += 1
+                if gtype[0] == snp.p_allele:
+                    vcfpop.p_freq += 1.0
+                else:
+                    vcfpop.q_freq += 1.0
+            if gtype[1] != None:
+                vcfpop.cnt += 1
+                if gtype[1] == snp.p_allele:
+                    vcfpop.p_freq += 1.0
+                else:
+                    vcfpop.q_freq += 1.0
+            if popmap_used:
+                indvpop = indv_pops[sample_cols[i + VCF_SAMP_STRT]]
+                if gtype[0] != None:
+                    indvpop.cnt += 1
+                    if gtype[0] == snp.p_allele:
+                        indvpop.p_freq += 1.0
+                    else:
+                        indvpop.q_freq += 1.0
+                if gtype[1] != None:
+                    indvpop.cnt += 1
+                    if gtype[1] == snp.p_allele:
+                        indvpop.p_freq += 1.0
+                    else:
+                        indvpop.q_freq += 1.0
+        if vcfpop.cnt > 0:
+            vcfpop.p_freq = vcfpop.p_freq / vcfpop.cnt
+            vcfpop.q_freq = vcfpop.q_freq / vcfpop.cnt
+        if popmap_used:
+            for p in indv_pops:
+                indvpop = indv_pops[p]
+                if indvpop.cnt > 0:
+                    indvpop.p_freq = indvpop.p_freq / indvpop.cnt
+                    indvpop.q_freq = indvpop.q_freq / indvpop.cnt
+        if snp.priv_pop == True:
+            for p in snp.pops:
+                pop = snp.pops[p]
+                if pop.private == True:
+                    if pop.priv_all == snp.p_allele and vcfpop.p_freq > 0:
+                        snp.priv_hyb = True
+                    elif pop.priv_all == snp.q_allele and vcfpop.q_freq > 0:
+                        snp.priv_hyb = True
+        snp.pops[vcfpop.pop] = vcfpop
+        if popmap_used:
+            for p in indv_pops:
+                snp.indvpops[p] = indv_pops[p]
+    fh.close()
+    print("  Read {} loci, {} snps, from {} samples.".format(
+        len(locus_cnt), snp_cnt, len(populations_key['vcf'])), file=sys.stderr)
+def order_loci(chrs_list, loci, ordered_loci):
+    global ref_aligned
+    #
+    # Sort loci containing private alleles onto their respective chromosomes.
+    #
+    for loc_id in loci:
+        loc = loci[loc_id]
+        if loc.chr == None:
+            continue
+        if loc.private == False:
+            continue
+        if loc.chr not in ordered_loci:
+            ordered_loci[loc.chr] = []
+        ordered_loci[loc.chr].append(loc)
+    for chr in ordered_loci:
+        ordered_loci[chr].sort(key=attrgetter('bp'))
+    #
+    # Sort the chromosomes by length
+    #
+    chrs_list.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
+def write_private_allele_summary(chrs_list, ordered_loci, populations_key, vcfpops, out_path):
+    datestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
+    #
+    # Open the output file.
+    #
+    out_fh = open(out_path + "_private_alleles.tsv", 'w')
+    out_fh.write("# Generated by stacks-private-alleles, date {}\n# {}\n".format(datestamp, " ".join(sys.argv)))
+    out_fh.write("# Chr\tBP\tLocus\tColumn\tPrivAllele\tParentPop\tParentFreq\tTotCnt\tPrivCnt\tVCF-Freq\tTotCnt\tPrivCnt")
+    if popmap_used:
+        for p in vcfpops:
+            out_fh.write("\t{}-Freq\tTotCnt\tPrivCnt".format(p))
+    out_fh.write("\n")
+    print("\nWriting a summary of private alleles: \n    {}\n".format(out_path + "_private_alleles.tsv"), file=sys.stderr)
+    tot_snps_per_pop = {}
+    priv_pop = {}
+    priv_hyb = {}
+    chrno    = 0
+    #
+    # Iterate over chromosomes/scaffolds, longest to shortest.
+    #
+    for chr, chrlen in chrs_list:
+        if chr not in ordered_loci:
+            continue
+        if chrlen < ctg_limit:
+            continue
+        chrno += 1
+        if chrno <= 3 or verbose == True:
+            print("{}: {} ({:.2f}Mbp): {} private loci".format(
+                chrno, chr, chrlen/1000000.0, len(ordered_loci[chr])), file=sys.stderr)
+        #
+        # Initialize counters.
+        #
+        for p in populations_key:
+            if p == "vcf":
+                continue
+            priv_pop[p] = 0
+            priv_hyb[p] = 0
+            tot_snps_per_pop[p] = 0
+        loc_cnt  = 0
+        snp_cnt  = 0
+        missing_hybrid_cnt = 0
+        priv_allele_hybrid_freq = []
+        for loc in ordered_loci[chr]:
+            loc_cnt += 1
+            snp_cnt += len(loc.snps)
+            for snpcol in loc.snps:
+                snp = loc.snps[snpcol]
+                if "vcf" not in snp.pops:
+                    missing_hybrid_cnt += 1
+                #
+                # Record total number of SNPs found in each parent population
+                # as well as the number of populations that have private alleles from those SNPs.
+                #
+                for p in snp.pops:
+                    if p == "vcf":
+                        continue
+                    tot_snps_per_pop[p] += 1
+                    if snp.pops[p].private == True:
+                        priv_pop[p] += 1
+                #
+                # Was this private allele found in the hybrid/vcf population? If so, print it.
+                #
+                if snp.priv_hyb == True:
+                    for p in snp.pops:
+                        pop = snp.pops[p]
+                        if pop.private == True:
+                            priv_hyb[p] += 1
+                            if pop.priv_all == snp.p_allele:
+                                priv_allele_hybrid_freq.append(snp.pops['vcf'].p_freq)
+                                s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}".format(
+                                    loc.chr, snp.bp, loc.id, snpcol,
+                                    pop.priv_all, pop.pop, pop.p_freq, pop.cnt,
+                                    round(pop.p_freq * pop.cnt),
+                                    snp.pops['vcf'].p_freq, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt,
+                                    round(snp.pops['vcf'].p_freq * snp.pops['vcf'].cnt))
+                                if popmap_used:
+                                    for p in vcfpops:
+                                        if p in snp.indvpops:
+                                            s += "\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}".format(
+                                                snp.indvpops[p].p_freq, snp.indvpops[p].cnt,
+                                                round(snp.indvpops[p].p_freq * snp.indvpops[p].cnt))
+                                        else:
+                                            s += "\t{}\t{}\t{}".format('-','-','-','-')
+                            elif pop.priv_all == snp.q_allele:
+                                priv_allele_hybrid_freq.append(snp.pops['vcf'].q_freq)
+                                s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}".format(
+                                    loc.chr, snp.bp, loc.id, snpcol,
+                                    pop.priv_all, pop.pop, pop.q_freq, pop.cnt,
+                                    round(pop.q_freq * pop.cnt),
+                                    snp.pops['vcf'].q_freq, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt,
+                                    round(snp.pops['vcf'].q_freq * snp.pops['vcf'].cnt))
+                                if popmap_used:
+                                    for p in vcfpops:
+                                        if p in snp.indvpops:
+                                            s += "\t{:.3f}\t{}\t{}".format(
+                                                snp.indvpops[p].q_freq, snp.indvpops[p].cnt,
+                                                round(snp.indvpops[p].q_freq * snp.indvpops[p].cnt))
+                                        else:
+                                            s += "\t{}\t{}\t{}".format('-','-','-','-')
+                            s += "\n"
+                            out_fh.write(s)
+        if chrno <= 3 or verbose == True:
+            print("{} loci, including {} SNPs, analyzed; in {} cases SNP present in hybrid/VCF population.".format(
+                loc_cnt, snp_cnt, snp_cnt - missing_hybrid_cnt), file=sys.stderr)
+            for p in priv_pop:
+                print(" '{}' had {} SNPs present; private alleles occured within {} of those SNPs ({:.2f}%)".format(
+                    p, tot_snps_per_pop[p], priv_pop[p], (priv_pop[p] / float(tot_snps_per_pop[p]) * 100)), file=sys.stderr)
+                print("    Private allele found in {} SNPs of hybrid/VCF population ({:.2f}%)".format(
+                    priv_hyb[p], (priv_hyb[p] / float(tot_snps_per_pop[p]) * 100)), file=sys.stderr)
+            print(file=sys.stderr)
+    print("Specify --verbose for details on more chromosomes.", file=sys.stderr)    
+    out_fh.close()
+def invert_refalt_fields(fields):
+    #
+    # Invert the REF and ALT alleles for this VCF line; alter the downstream genotypes to reflect this change.
+    #
+    invf = []
+    invf += fields[0:3]    # CHROM,POS,ID
+    invf.append(fields[4]) # ALT -> REF
+    invf.append(fields[3]) # REF -> ALT
+    invf += fields[5:9]    # QUAL,FILTER,INFO,FORMAT
+    for sampleno in range(9, len(fields)):
+        gt = fields[sampleno]
+        if gt[0:3] == "0/0":
+            gt = "1/1" + gt[3:]
+        elif gt[0:3] == "1/1":
+            gt = "0/0" + gt[3:]
+        invf.append(gt)
+    return invf
+def write_polarized_vcfs(chrs_list, loci, populations_key, vcf_path, out_path):
+    datestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
+    #
+    # Write out a VCF file for each 'parental' population
+    #
+    vcf_fhs = {}
+    for pop in populations_key:
+        if pop == 'vcf':
+            continue
+        path = out_path + "_" + pop + ".polarized.snps.vcf"
+        print("   {}".format(path), file=sys.stderr)
+        vcf_fhs[pop] = open(path, "w")
+    #
+    # Open the VCF input file again.
+    #
+    in_fh = open(vcf_path, "r")
+    lineno = 0
+    parts  = []
+    #
+    # Write the VCF header
+    #
+    for line in in_fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        if line[0:2] == "##":
+            if line[0:10] == "##fileDate":
+                line = "##fileDate={}\n".format(datestamp)
+            if line[0:8] == "##source":
+                line = "##source={}\n".format("\"stacks-private-alleles\"")
+            for pop in vcf_fhs:
+                vcf_fhs[pop].write(line)
+        if line[0:6] == "#CHROM":
+            # Write the final line containint the column headings.
+            for pop in vcf_fhs:
+                vcf_fhs[pop].write(line)
+            break
+    for line in in_fh:
+        lineno += 1
+        line    = line.strip("\n")
+        parts   = line.split("\t")
+        if ref_aligned == True:
+            locus_id, column, strand = parts[2].split(":")
+        else:
+            locus_id, column = parts[2].split(":")
+            strand = "+"
+        locus_id = int(locus_id)
+        column   = int(column)
+        strand   = Strand.minus if strand == "-" else Strand.plus
+        ref_all = parts[3]
+        alt_all = parts[4]
+        # print("Looking at locus {}, snp {}, ref: {}, alt: {}".format(locus_id, column, ref_all, alt_all), file=sys.stderr)
+        if locus_id not in loci:
+            continue
+        loc = loci[locus_id]
+        if column not in loc.snps:
+            continue
+        snp = loc.snps[column]
+        if snp.priv_hyb == False:
+            continue
+        for popname in vcf_fhs:
+            #
+            # Does this population possess a private allele at this SNP?
+            #
+            if popname not in snp.pops:
+                continue
+            pop = snp.pops[popname]
+            if pop.private == True:
+                #
+                # If so, check if the private allele is the REF allele; if
+                # so, swap the REF/ALT alleles so that private alleles for this
+                # focal population are always ALT alleles.
+                #
+                if pop.priv_all == ref_all:
+                    invparts = invert_refalt_fields(parts)
+                    vcf_fhs[popname].write("\t".join(invparts) + "\n")
+                else:
+                    vcf_fhs[popname].write("\t".join(parts) + "\n")
+    for pop in vcf_fhs:
+        vcf_fhs[pop].close()
+    in_fh.close()
+    return
+def calc_weights(sigma):
+    #
+    # Calculate weights for window smoothing operations.
+    #
+    limit = 3 * int(sigma)
+    weights = [0.0] * (limit + 1)
+    for i in range(0, limit):
+        weights[i] = math.exp((-1 * math.pow(i, 2)) / (2 * math.pow(sigma, 2)))
+    return weights
+def determine_window_limits(sites, limit, center_bp, pos_l, pos_u):
+    limit_l = center_bp - limit if center_bp - limit > 0 else 0
+    limit_u = center_bp + limit
+    while pos_l < len(sites):
+        if sites[pos_l].bp < limit_l:
+            pos_l += 1
+        else:
+            break
+    while pos_u < len(sites):
+        if sites[pos_u].bp < limit_u:
+            pos_u += 1
+        else:
+            break
+    return pos_l, pos_u
+def smooth_chromosome(sites):
+    #
+    # To generate smooth genome-wide distributions of Fst, we calculate a kernel-smoothing
+    # moving average of Fst values along each ordered chromosome.
+    #
+    # For each genomic region centered on a nucleotide position c, the contribution of the population
+    # genetic statistic at position p to the region average was weighted by the Gaussian function:
+    #   exp( (-1 * (p - c)^2) / (2 * sigma^2))
+    #
+    # In addition, we weight each position according to (n_k - 1), where n_k is the number of alleles
+    # sampled at that location.
+    #
+    # By default, sigma = 150Kb, for computational efficiency, only calculate average out to 3sigma.
+    #
+    dist  = 0
+    pos_l = 0
+    pos_u = 0
+    sum          = 0.0
+    final_weight = 0.0
+    allele_cnt   = 0.0
+    weights = calc_weights(sigma)
+    for pos_c in range(0, len(sites)):
+        c = sites[pos_c]
+        sum = 0.0
+        pos_l, pos_u = determine_window_limits(sites, int(3*sigma), c.bp, pos_l, pos_u)
+        # print("c.bp: {}, pos_c: {}, pos_l: {}, pos_u: {}; sites len: {}".format(c.bp, pos_c, pos_l, pos_u, len(sites)), file=sys.stderr)
+        for pos_p in range(pos_l, pos_u):
+            p = sites[pos_p]
+            if p.bp > c.bp:
+                dist = p.bp - c.bp
+            else:
+                dist = c.bp - p.bp
+            final_weight = (c.cnt - 1.0) * weights[dist]
+            c.smoothed   = c.smoothed + (p.stat * final_weight)
+            sum         += final_weight
+        c.smoothed = c.smoothed / sum;
+    return
+def write_plot_values(fh, pop_1, pop_2):
+    i = 0
+    j = 0
+    p1_len = len(pop_1)
+    p2_len = len(pop_2)
+    while i < p1_len or j < p2_len:
+        if j < p2_len:
+            while i < p1_len and pop_1[i].bp <= pop_2[j].bp:
+                if smooth:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{:.5f}".format(pop_1[i].chr, pop_1[i].bp, pop_1[i].pop, pop_1[i].stat, pop_1[i].smoothed)
+                else:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}".format(pop_1[i].chr, pop_1[i].bp, pop_1[i].pop, pop_1[i].stat)
+                fh.write(s + "\n")
+                i += 1
+        else:
+            while i < p1_len:
+                if smooth:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{:.5f}".format(pop_1[i].chr, pop_1[i].bp, pop_1[i].pop, pop_1[i].stat, pop_1[i].smoothed)
+                else:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}".format(pop_1[i].chr, pop_1[i].bp, pop_1[i].pop, pop_1[i].stat)
+                fh.write(s + "\n")
+                i += 1
+        if i < p1_len:
+            while j < p2_len and pop_2[j].bp < pop_1[i].bp:
+                if smooth:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{:.5f}".format(pop_2[j].chr, pop_2[j].bp, pop_2[j].pop, (-1 * pop_2[j].stat), (-1 * pop_2[j].smoothed))
+                else:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}".format(pop_2[j].chr, pop_2[j].bp, pop_2[j].pop, (-1 * pop_2[j].stat))
+                fh.write(s + "\n")
+                j += 1
+        else:
+            while j < p2_len:
+                if smooth:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}\t{:.5f}".format(pop_2[j].chr, pop_2[j].bp, pop_2[j].pop, (-1 * pop_2[j].stat), (-1 * pop_2[j].smoothed))
+                else:
+                    s = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{:.3f}".format(pop_2[j].chr, pop_2[j].bp, pop_2[j].pop, (-1 * pop_2[j].stat))
+                fh.write(s + "\n")
+                j += 1
+def write_plots(chrs_list, ordered_loci, populations_key, vcfpops, out_path):
+    datestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
+    #
+    # If requested, write a file to plot private allele frequencies in the VCF population.
+    # The y-axis scales from 1 to -1, the x-axis is the genome coordinates
+    #   The first population is positive on the y-axis, the second negative;
+    #   The frequency of the private allele in the VCF population is the y value.
+    #
+    plot_pops = list(populations_key)
+    plot_fhs  = {}
+    plot_fhs['vcf'] = open(out_path + "_plot_by_chromosome-all.tsv", 'w')
+    print("   {}".format(out_path + "_plot_by_chromosome-all.tsv"), file=sys.stderr)
+    plot_fhs['vcf'].write("# Generated by stacks-private-alleles, {}\n# {}\n".format(datestamp, " ".join(sys.argv)))
+    plot_fhs['vcf'].write("#   Population '{}': positive values\n#   Population '{}': negative values\n".format(plot_pops[0], plot_pops[1]))
+    if smooth:
+        plot_fhs['vcf'].write("# Chr\tBP\tPopulation\tVCF-PrivateAlleleFreq\tVCF-Smoothed\n")
+    else:
+        plot_fhs['vcf'].write("# Chr\tBP\tPopulation\tVCF-PrivateAlleleFreq\n")
+    if popmap_used == True:
+        for p in vcfpops:
+            plot_fhs[p] = open(out_path + "_plot_by_chromosome-" + p + ".tsv", 'w')
+            print("   {}".format(out_path + "_plot_by_chromosome-" + p +".tsv"), file=sys.stderr)
+            plot_fhs[p].write("# Generated by stacks-private-alleles, date {}\n# {}\n".format(datestamp, " ".join(sys.argv)))
+            plot_fhs[p].write("#   Population '{}': positive values\n#   Population '{}': negative values\n".format(plot_pops[0], plot_pops[1]))
+            if smooth:
+                plot_fhs[p].write("# Chr\tBP\tPopulation\t{}-PrivateAlleleFreq\t{}-Smoothed\n".format(p,p))
+            else:
+                plot_fhs[p].write("# Chr\tBP\tPopulation\t{}-PrivateAlleleFreq\n".format(p))
+    if smooth:
+        print("   Smoothing values", file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True)
+    #
+    # Iterate over chromosomes/scaffolds, longest to shortest.
+    #
+    for chr, chrlen in chrs_list:
+        if chr not in ordered_loci:
+            continue
+        if chrlen < ctg_limit:
+            continue
+        #
+        # Create arrays to hold SmoothStat objects to do the plot smoothing.
+        #
+        pop_1 = []
+        pop_2 = []
+        pop_1_vcfpops = {}
+        pop_2_vcfpops = {}
+        if popmap_used == True:
+            for p in vcfpops:
+                pop_1_vcfpops[p] = []
+                pop_2_vcfpops[p] = []
+        for loc in ordered_loci[chr]:
+            for snpcol in loc.snps:
+                snp = loc.snps[snpcol]
+                #
+                # Was this private allele found in the hybrid/vcf population? If so, print it.
+                #
+                if snp.priv_hyb == True:
+                    for p in snp.pops:
+                        pop = snp.pops[p]
+                        if pop.private == True:
+                            if pop.priv_all == snp.p_allele:
+                                if pop.pop == plot_pops[0]:
+                                    pop_1.append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt, snp.pops['vcf'].p_freq))
+                                    if popmap_used == True:
+                                        for p in vcfpops:
+                                            if snp.indvpops[p].cnt > 0:
+                                                pop_1_vcfpops[p].append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.indvpops[p].cnt, snp.indvpops[p].p_freq))
+                                elif pop.pop == plot_pops[1]:
+                                    pop_2.append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt, snp.pops['vcf'].p_freq))
+                                    if popmap_used == True:
+                                        for p in vcfpops:
+                                            if snp.indvpops[p].cnt > 0:
+                                                pop_2_vcfpops[p].append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.indvpops[p].cnt, snp.indvpops[p].p_freq))
+                            elif pop.priv_all == snp.q_allele:
+                                if pop.pop == plot_pops[0]:
+                                    pop_1.append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt, snp.pops['vcf'].q_freq))
+                                    if popmap_used == True:
+                                        for p in vcfpops:
+                                            if snp.indvpops[p].cnt > 0:
+                                                pop_1_vcfpops[p].append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.indvpops[p].cnt, snp.indvpops[p].q_freq))
+                                elif pop.pop == plot_pops[1]:
+                                    pop_2.append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.pops['vcf'].cnt, snp.pops['vcf'].q_freq))
+                                    if popmap_used == True:
+                                        for p in vcfpops:
+                                            if snp.indvpops[p].cnt > 0:
+                                                pop_2_vcfpops[p].append(SmoothStat(loc.id, pop.pop, snp.col, loc.chr, snp.bp, snp.indvpops[p].cnt, snp.indvpops[p].q_freq))
+        pop_1.sort(key=attrgetter("bp"))
+        pop_2.sort(key=attrgetter("bp"))
+        if popmap_used == True:
+            for p in vcfpops:
+                pop_1_vcfpops[p].sort(key=attrgetter("bp"))
+                pop_2_vcfpops[p].sort(key=attrgetter("bp"))
+        #
+        # Smooth the values.
+        #
+        if smooth == True:
+            smooth_chromosome(pop_1)
+            smooth_chromosome(pop_2)
+            if popmap_used == True:
+                for p in vcfpops:
+                    smooth_chromosome(pop_1_vcfpops[p])
+                    smooth_chromosome(pop_2_vcfpops[p])
+            print(".", file=sys.stderr, end='', flush=True)
+        #
+        # Write the values.
+        #
+        write_plot_values(plot_fhs['vcf'], pop_1, pop_2)
+        if popmap_used == True:
+            for p in vcfpops:
+                write_plot_values(plot_fhs[p], pop_1_vcfpops[p], pop_2_vcfpops[p])
+    for f in plot_fhs:
+        plot_fhs[f].close()
+    if smooth == True:
+        print(file=sys.stderr)
+    return
+def main():
+    loci         = {}
+    ordered_loci = {}
+    chrs_list    = []
+    #
+    # List of populations, and ordered sample names for each.
+    #
+    populations_key = {}
+    parse_command_line()
+    vcfpops     = {}
+    vcfpops_rev = {}
+    if popmap_used:
+        print("Parsing population map: '{}'...".format(popmap_path), file=sys.stderr)
+        parse_popmap_file(popmap_path, vcfpops, vcfpops_rev)
+    print("Parsing sumstats file: '{}'...".format(sumstats_path), file=sys.stderr)
+    parse_sumstats_file(sumstats_path, loci, populations_key)
+    print("Parsing VCF file: '{}'...".format(vcf_path), file=sys.stderr)
+    parse_hybrid_vcf(vcf_path, loci, populations_key, vcfpops, vcfpops_rev, chrs_list)
+    order_loci(chrs_list, loci, ordered_loci)
+    write_private_allele_summary(chrs_list, ordered_loci, populations_key, vcfpops, out_path)
+    if polarize == True:
+        print("\nWriting polarized VCF files:", file=sys.stderr)
+        write_polarized_vcfs(chrs_list, loci, populations_key, vcf_path, out_path)
+        print("done.", file=sys.stderr)
+    if plots == True:
+        print("\nGenerating plotting files:", file=sys.stderr)
+        write_plots(chrs_list, ordered_loci, populations_key, vcfpops, out_path)
+        print("done.", file=sys.stderr)
+#                                                                              #
+#                                                                              #
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ void Seq::reserve(size_t n, bool with_qual) {
         seq = new char[capacity + 1];
         *seq = '\0';
         if (with_qual) {
-            delete qual;
+            delete [] qual;
             qual = new char[capacity + 1];
             *qual = '\0';
         } else if (qual != NULL) {
             // Delete it to keep the capacity predictable.
-            delete qual;
+            delete [] qual;
             qual = NULL;

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2011-2021, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2011-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -107,11 +107,16 @@ parse_input_record(Seq *s, RawRead *r)
     uint  lim;
     // Count the number of colons to differentiate Illumina version.
-    // CASAVA 1.8+ has a FASTQ header like this:
+    //
+    // Illumina's BCL Convert program or CASAVA 1.8+ has a FASTQ header like this:
     //  @HWI-ST0747:155:C01WHABXX:8:1101:6455:26332 1:N:0:
+    // 
     // Or, with the embedded barcode:
     //  @HWI-ST1233:67:D12GNACXX:7:2307:14604:78978 1:N:0:ATCACG
-    //
+    // 
+    // Or, with a UMI (unique molecular identifier -- for PCR duplicate control):
+    //  @LH00346:7:22CH5TLT3:5:1101:1407:1032:rTACCCAGT 1:N:0:ACATTGCG
+    //   -the 'r' in the UMI field indicates it is reverse complemented.
     // Or, parse FASTQ header from previous versions that looks like this:
     //  @HWI-ST0747_0141:4:1101:1240:2199#0/1
@@ -126,16 +131,16 @@ parse_input_record(Seq *s, RawRead *r)
         hash_cnt  += *q == '#' ? 1 : 0;
-    if (colon_cnt == 9 && hash_cnt == 0) {
+    if ((colon_cnt >= 9 && colon_cnt <= 10) && hash_cnt == 0) {
         r->fastq_type = illv2_fastq;
-        // According to Illumina manual, "CASAVA v1.8 User Guide" page 41:
+        // Colon_cnt == 9; According to Illumina manual, "CASAVA v1.8 User Guide" page 41:
         // @<instrument>:<run number>:<flowcell ID>:<lane>:<tile>:<x-pos>:<y-pos> <read>:<is filtered>:<control number>:<index sequence>
         for (p = s->id, q = p; *q != ':' && q < stop; q++);
         if (q < stop) {
             *q = '\0';
-            strcpy(r->machine, p);
+            r->machine(p);
             *q = ':';
@@ -172,12 +177,28 @@ parse_input_record(Seq *s, RawRead *r)
             *q = ':';
-        for (p = q+1, q = p; *q != ' ' && q < stop; q++);
-        if (q < stop) {
-            *q = '\0';
-            r->y = atoi(p);
-            *q = ' ';
-        }
+	for (p = q+1, q = p; *q != ' ' && q < stop; q++);
+	if (q < stop) {
+	    *q = '\0';
+	    r->y = atoi(p);
+	}
+	if (colon_cnt == 10) {
+	    //
+	    // According to Illumina's BCL Convert program an extra field occurs containing the UMI:
+	    // @<instrument>:<run number>:<flowcell ID>:<lane>:<tile>:<x-pos>:<y-pos>:<UMI> <read>:<is filtered>:<control number>:<index sequence>
+	    //
+	    *q = ';';
+	    r->fastq_type = illv3_fastq;
+	    for (p = q + 1, q = p; *q != ':' && q < stop; q++);
+	    if (q < stop) {
+		*q = '\0';
+		strncpy(r->umi, p, id_len);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (q < stop)
+	    *q = ' ';
         for (p = q+1, q = p; *q != ':' && q < stop; q++);
         if (q < stop) {
@@ -270,7 +291,7 @@ parse_input_record(Seq *s, RawRead *r)
         for (p = s->id, q = p; *q != ':' && q < stop; q++);
         if (q < stop) {
             *q = '\0';
-            strcpy(r->machine, p);
+            r->machine(p);
             *q = ':';
@@ -315,8 +336,16 @@ parse_input_record(Seq *s, RawRead *r)
     } else {
         r->fastq_type = generic_fastq;
-        strncpy(r->machine, s->id, id_len);
-        r->machine[id_len] = '\0';
+        //
+        // Check if the header already contains a "/1" or "/2" notation at the end,
+        // from previous parsing of the file (e.g. Sequence Read Archve data). Remove
+        // if present.
+        //
+        char *p = s->id + strlen(s->id);
+        if (*(p - 2) == '/' && (*(p - 1) == '1' || *(p - 1) == '2'))
+            *(p - 2) = '\0';
+        r->machine(s->id);
     uint len = strlen(s->seq);
@@ -451,6 +480,14 @@ check_quality_scores(RawRead *href, int qual_offset, int score_limit, int len_li
     //   |         |         |         |         |
     //  64        74        84        94       104
     //   0        10(90%)   20(99%)   30(99.9%) 40(99.99%)
+    //
+    // Illumina 1.8+ encodes phred scores between ASCII values 33 (0 quality) and 74 (41 quality)
+    //
+    //   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJK
+    //   |         |         |         |          |
+    //  33        43        53        63         73
+    //   0        10(90%)   20(99%)   30(99.9%)  40(99.99%)
     // Drop sequence if the average phred quality score drops below a threshold within a sliding window.
@@ -459,12 +496,9 @@ check_quality_scores(RawRead *href, int qual_offset, int score_limit, int len_li
     // Convert the encoded quality scores to their integer values
-    // cerr << "Integer scores: ";
     for (uint j = 0; j < href->len; j++) {
         href->int_scores[j] = href->phred[j] - qual_offset;
-        // cerr << href->int_scores[j] << " ";
-    // cerr << "\n";
     const int *p, *q;
     double mean        = 0.0;
@@ -530,6 +564,71 @@ check_quality_scores(RawRead *href, int qual_offset, int score_limit, int len_li
     return 1;
+check_poly_g_run(RawRead *href, int offset, int len_limit)
+    //
+    // Search for a run of G nucleotides at the 3' end of the read. In Illumina machines with
+    // two-color chemistry, no color signal is interpreted as a 'G'. However, when sequencing of
+    // a cluster has failed, and no signal is returned, that is also interpreted as a G and
+    // will receive a very high quality score. If we see a run of these Gs at the end of the
+    // sequence, drop the seqeunce.
+    //
+    const int run_limit       = 10;
+    const int polyg_phred_lim = 35;
+    const int exception_lim   = 2;
+    //
+    // Set a stop index to the first element of the sequence, not including any barcode.
+    //
+    int stop = offset;
+    //
+    // We will look for a run of a certain length (run_len) while allowing for a small number
+    // of exceptions to the run, either with a different base or a lowerer phred score.
+    int run_len       = 0;
+    int exception_len = 0;
+    //
+    // Set j to be the last element in the sequence.
+    //
+    int j = href->len - 1;
+    // cerr << "Start: " << j << "; Stop: " << stop << "\n";
+    while (j >= stop) {
+        // cerr << "  Col: " << j << "; Nuc: " << href->seq[j] << "; Phred: " << href->phred[j] << "; Int: " << href->int_scores[j] << "\n";
+        if (href->seq[j] == 'G' && href->int_scores[j] >= polyg_phred_lim)
+            run_len++;
+        else
+            exception_len++;
+        if (exception_len >= exception_lim) {
+            // cerr << "Returning 1; run_len: " << run_len << "; exception_len: " << exception_len << "\n";
+            // cerr << "    " << href->seq << "\n    " << href->phred << "\n";
+            return 1;
+        }
+        if (run_len >= run_limit) {
+            // cerr << "Returning -1; run_len: " << run_len << "; exception_len: " << exception_len << "\n";
+            // cerr << "    " << href->seq << "\n    " << href->phred << "\n";
+            if (j < len_limit) {
+                return 0;
+            } else {
+                href->len      = j + 1;
+                href->seq[j]   = '\0';
+                href->phred[j] = '\0';
+                return -1;
+            }
+        }
+        j--;
+    }
+    return 1;
 correct_barcode(set<string> &bcs, RawRead *href, seqt type, int num_errs)
@@ -619,8 +718,9 @@ filter_adapter_seq(RawRead *href, char *adapter, int adp_len, AdapterHash &adp_k
                    int kmer_size, int distance, int len_limit)
     vector<pair<int, int> > hits;
-    int   num_kmers = href->len - kmer_size + 1;
-    const char *p   = href->seq;
+    int  query_stop = href->inline_bc_len;
+    int   num_kmers = href->len - query_stop - kmer_size + 1;
+    const char *p   = href->seq + query_stop;
     string kmer;
@@ -651,13 +751,17 @@ filter_adapter_seq(RawRead *href, char *adapter, int adp_len, AdapterHash &adp_k
         // cerr << "Starting comparison at i: "<< i << "; j: " << j << "\n";
-        while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
+        while (i >= query_stop && j >= 0) {
             if (href->seq[i] != adapter[j])
+        while (j > 0) {
+            mismatches++;
+            j--;
+        }
         if (mismatches > distance)

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2011-2023, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at uoregon.edu>
+// Copyright 2011-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at uoregon.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -30,14 +30,18 @@
 #include "input.h"
 #include "kmers.h"
-enum fastqt   {generic_fastq, illv1_fastq, illv2_fastq};
+enum fastqt   {generic_fastq, illv1_fastq, illv2_fastq, illv3_fastq};
 enum barcodet {null_null,
                null_inline,   null_index,
                inline_null,   index_null,
                inline_inline, index_index,
                inline_index,  index_inline};
-enum seqt {single_end, paired_end};
+enum seqt     {single_end, paired_end};
+enum machinet {genome_analyzer_iix, miseq,
+               hiseq, nextseq, novaseq, miniseq, unknown};
 typedef unordered_map<string, vector<int>, std::hash<string> > AdapterHash;
@@ -143,34 +147,37 @@ public:
 class RawRead {
-    fastqt fastq_type;
-    char  *inline_bc;
-    char  *index_bc;
-    char  *se_bc;
-    char  *pe_bc;
-    char  *machine;
-    int    run;
-    int    lane;
-    int    tile;
-    int    x;
-    int    y;
-    int    index;
-    int    read;
-    char  *seq;
-    char  *phred;
-    int   *int_scores;
-    bool   filter;
-    int    inline_bc_len;
-    int    retain;
-    uint   size;
-    uint   len;
-    double win_len;
-    double stop_pos;
+    fastqt   fastq_type;
+    char    *inline_bc;
+    char    *index_bc;
+    char    *se_bc;
+    char    *pe_bc;
+    char    *_machine;
+    machinet machine_type;
+    char    *umi;
+    int      run;
+    int      lane;
+    int      tile;
+    int      x;
+    int      y;
+    int      index;
+    int      read;
+    char    *seq;
+    char    *phred;
+    int     *int_scores;
+    bool     filter;
+    int      inline_bc_len;
+    int      retain;
+    uint     size;
+    uint     len;
+    double   win_len;
+    double   stop_pos;
     RawRead(uint buf_len, int read, int barcode_size, double win_size) {
         this->inline_bc     = new char[id_len  + 1];
         this->index_bc      = new char[id_len  + 1];
-        this->machine       = new char[id_len  + 1];
+        this->_machine      = new char[id_len  + 1];
+	this->umi           = new char[id_len  + 1];
         this->seq           = new char[buf_len + 1];
         this->phred         = new char[buf_len + 1];
         this->int_scores    = new  int[buf_len];
@@ -189,10 +196,18 @@ public:
         this->inline_bc[0] = '\0';
         this->index_bc[0]  = '\0';
-        this->machine[0]   = '\0';
+        this->_machine[0]  = '\0';
+	this->umi[0]       = '\0';
         this->seq[0]       = '\0';
         this->phred[0]     = '\0';
+	this->inline_bc[id_len] = '\0';
+        this->index_bc[id_len]  = '\0';
+	this->_machine[id_len]  = '\0';
+	this->umi[id_len]       = '\0';
+        this->detect_machine_type();
         this->se_bc = NULL;
@@ -241,7 +256,8 @@ public:
     ~RawRead() {
         delete [] this->inline_bc;
         delete [] this->index_bc;
-        delete [] this->machine;
+        delete [] this->_machine;
+	delete [] this->umi;
         delete [] this->seq;
         delete [] this->phred;
         delete [] this->int_scores;
@@ -259,6 +275,63 @@ public:
         return 0;
+    void detect_machine_type() {
+        const char *p = this->_machine;
+        switch(*p) {
+        case 'A':
+            if (*(p+1) == 'A')
+                this->machine_type = nextseq;
+            else
+                this->machine_type = novaseq;
+            break;
+        case 'N':
+        case 'V':
+            this->machine_type = nextseq;
+            break;
+        case 'C':
+        case 'D':
+        case 'J':
+        case 'K':
+            this->machine_type = hiseq;
+            break;
+        case 'H':
+            if (*(p+1) != 'W')
+                this->machine_type = novaseq;
+            else if (strncmp(p, "HWI-M", 5) == 0)
+                this->machine_type = miseq;
+            else if (strncmp(p, "HWUSI", 5) == 0)
+                this->machine_type = genome_analyzer_iix;
+            else if (strncmp(p, "HWI-C", 5) == 0)
+                this->machine_type = hiseq;
+            else if (strncmp(p, "HWI-D", 5) == 0)
+                this->machine_type = hiseq;
+            break;
+        case 'M':
+            if (*(p+1) == 'N')
+                this->machine_type = miniseq;
+            else
+                this->machine_type = miseq;
+            break;
+        default:
+            this->machine_type = unknown;
+            break;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    void machine(const char *p) {
+        strncpy(this->_machine, p, id_len);
+        this->detect_machine_type();
+    }
+    const char *machine() {
+        return this->_machine;
+    }
+    bool check_poly_g() {
+        if (this->machine_type == machinet::novaseq || this->machine_type == machinet::nextseq)
+            return true;
+        return false;
+    }
     int set_len(uint buf_len) {
         if (buf_len == this->len)
             return 0;
@@ -333,6 +406,7 @@ int  filter_adapter_seq(RawRead *, char *, int, AdapterHash &, int, int, int);
 int  init_adapter_seq(int, char *, int &, AdapterHash &);
 int  check_quality_scores(RawRead *, int, int, int, int);
+int  check_poly_g_run(RawRead *, int, int);
 // Templated function to process barcodes.

@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@
 FileT    in_file_type  = FileT::unknown;
 FileT    out_file_type = FileT::unknown;
+InputT   in_path_type  = InputT::files;
 string   in_file;
 string   in_file_p1;
 string   in_file_p2;
 string   in_path_1;
 string   in_path_2;
+string   out_basename;
 string   out_path;
 bool     discards      = false;
 bool     interleaved   = false;

@@ -177,6 +177,14 @@ enum class FileT {unknown,
     vcf, gzvcf
+// Supported file types
+enum class InputT {unknown,
+    directory,
+    files
 int stacks_handle_exceptions(const exception& e);
 string remove_suffix(FileT, const string&);

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2010-2023, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2010-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -1869,24 +1869,24 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         static struct option long_options[] = {
             {"help",            no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
             {"version",         no_argument, NULL, 1000},
-            {"uniq-haplotypes", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"uniq_haplotypes", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
-            {"report-mmatches", no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, {"report_mmatches", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
-            {"disable-gapped",  no_argument, NULL, 'G'}, {"disable_gapped",  no_argument, NULL, 'G'},
-            {"max-gaps",        required_argument, NULL, 'X'}, {"max_gaps",        required_argument, NULL, 'X'},
-            {"min-aln-len",     required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {"min_aln_len",     required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
-            {"ctag-dist",       required_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"ctag_dist",       required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
-            {"k-len",           required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"k_len",           required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
-            {"in-path",         required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"in_path",         required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
+            {"uniq-haplotypes", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
+            {"report-mmatches", no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
+            {"disable-gapped",  no_argument, NULL, 'G'},
+            {"max-gaps",        required_argument, NULL, 'X'},
+            {"min-aln-len",     required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, 
+            {"ctag-dist",       required_argument, NULL, 'n'}, 
+            {"k-len",           required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, 
+            {"in-path",         required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, 
             {"popmap",          required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
             {"catalog",         required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
             {"sample",          required_argument, NULL, 's'},
-            {"out-path",        required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"out_path",        required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
-            {"threads",         required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
+            {"out-path",        required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, 
+            {"threads",         required_argument, NULL, 't'}, 
             {0, 0, 0, 0}
         int option_index = 0;
-        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvuRGX:x:o:s:c:p:n:k:P:M:", long_options, &option_index);
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvuRGX:x:o:s:c:p:t:n:k:P:M:", long_options, &option_index);
         // Detect the end of the options.
         if (c == -1)
@@ -1931,6 +1931,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 'p':
+        case 't':
             num_threads = is_integer(optarg);
         case 'P':
@@ -2005,13 +2006,13 @@ void version() {
 void help() {
     cerr << "cstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-              << "cstacks -P in_dir -M popmap [-n num_mismatches] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
-              << "cstacks -s sample1_path [-s sample2_path ...] -o path [-n num_mismatches] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
+              << "cstacks -P in_dir -M popmap [-n num_mismatches] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
+              << "cstacks -s sample1_path [-s sample2_path ...] -o path [-n num_mismatches] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
               << "\n"
               << "  -P,--in-path: path to the directory containing Stacks files.\n"
               << "  -M,--popmap: path to a population map file.\n"
               << "  -n: number of mismatches allowed between sample loci when build the catalog (default 1; suggested: set to ustacks -M)." << "\n"
-              << "  -p,--threads: enable parallel execution with num_threads threads.\n"
+              << "  -t,--threads: enable parallel execution with num_threads threads.\n"
               << "  -s: sample prefix from which to load loci into the catalog." << "\n"
               << "  -o,--outpath: output path to write results." << "\n"
               << "  -c,--catalog <path>: add to an existing catalog.\n"

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2012-2021, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2012-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
 // file_io.cc -- common routines for opening groups of files and processing barcode lists.
-// Julian Catchen
-// jcatchen at uoregon.edu
-// University of Oregon
 #include "file_io.h"
@@ -56,8 +52,10 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
     BarcodePair bc;
     // If the size of the barcodes vector is 0, then no barcodes
-    // were submitted. In this case, we want to open output files
-    // of the same name as input files, but in out_path.
+    // were submitted. In this case, we want to either:
+    //   1. open output files using out_basename, if supplied by the user, or
+    //   2. open output files of the same name as input files,
+    // in both cases opening the files in out_path.
     if (barcodes.size() == 0 && merge == false) {
@@ -69,22 +67,26 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
             if (paired)
                 bc.pe = files[i].second;
-            path = out_path + files[i].first;
-            //
-            // Check that the file has a proper suffix for the output type.
-            //
-            pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
-            if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
-            } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos);
-                pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_1;
             } else {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                path = out_path + files[i].first;
+                //
+                // Check that the file has a proper suffix for the output type.
+                //
+                pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
+                if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos);
+                    pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                } else {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                }
             if (stat((in_path_1 + files[i].first).c_str(), &sb_1) == -1) {
                 cerr << "Unable to stat input file '" << in_path_1 + files[i].first << "'\n";
@@ -107,19 +109,25 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
             if (paired) {
                 file = interleaved ? files[i].first : files[i].second;
-                path = out_path + file;
-                pos = path.find_last_of(".");
-                if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
-                } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos);
-                    pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_2;
                 } else {
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    path = out_path + file;
+                    pos = path.find_last_of(".");
+                    if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    } else {
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    }
                 if (stat((in_path_2 + file).c_str(), &sb_1) == -1) {
                     cerr << "Unable to stat input file '" << in_path_2 + file << "'\n";
@@ -140,17 +148,22 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
-                filepath = files[i].first;
-                pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_1;
+                } else {
+                    filepath = files[i].first;
                     pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
-                } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    }
+                    path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_1;
-                path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_1;
                 fh = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
                 rem_1_fhs[bc] = fh;
@@ -159,17 +172,22 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
-                filepath = file;
-                pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_2;
+                } else {
+                    filepath = file;
                     pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
-                } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    }
+                    path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_2;
-                path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_2;
                 fh = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
                 rem_2_fhs[bc] = fh;
@@ -184,7 +202,12 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
     } else if (barcodes.size() == 0 && merge == true) {
-        path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_1;
+        if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+            path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_1;
+        } else {
+            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_1;
+        }
         fh   = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
         if (fh->fail()) {
@@ -200,7 +223,12 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
         if (paired) {
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_2;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_2;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_2;
+            }
             fh   = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
             if (fh->fail()) {
@@ -214,7 +242,12 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
                 pair_2_fhs[bc] = fh;
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_1;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_1;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_1;
+            }
             fh   = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
             if (fh->fail()) {
@@ -228,7 +261,12 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
                 rem_1_fhs[bc] = fh;
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_2;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_2;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_2;
+            }
             fh   = new ofstream(path.c_str(), ifstream::out);
             if (fh->fail()) {
@@ -334,8 +372,10 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
     BarcodePair bc;
     // If the size of the barcodes vector is 0, then no barcodes
-    // were submitted. In this case, we want to open output files
-    // of the same name as input files, but in out_path.
+    // were submitted. In this case, we want to either:
+    //   1. open output files using out_basename, if supplied by the user, or
+    //   2. open output files of the same name as input files,
+    // in both cases opening the files in out_path.
     if (barcodes.size() == 0 && merge == false) {
@@ -347,20 +387,24 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
             if (paired)
                 bc.pe = files[i].second;
-            path = out_path + files[i].first;
-            //
-            // Check that the file has a proper suffix for the output type.
-            //
-            pos = path.find_last_of(".");
-            if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
-            } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos);
-                pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_1;
             } else {
-                path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                path = out_path + files[i].first;
+                //
+                // Check that the file has a proper suffix for the output type.
+                //
+                pos = path.find_last_of(".");
+                if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos);
+                    pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                } else {
+                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_1;
+                }
             if (stat((in_path_1 + files[i].first).c_str(), &sb_1) == -1) {
@@ -385,18 +429,24 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
             if (paired) {
-                file = interleaved ? files[i].first : files[i].second;
-                path = out_path + file;
-                pos = path.find_last_of(".");
-                if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    path.replace(pos, 4, suffix_2);
-                } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos);
-                    pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_2;
                 } else {
-                    path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    file = interleaved ? files[i].first : files[i].second;
+                    path = out_path + file;
+                    pos = path.find_last_of(".");
+                    if (path.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        path.replace(pos, 4, suffix_2);
+                    } else if (path.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos  = path.find_last_of(".");
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    } else {
+                        path = path.substr(0, pos) + suffix_2;
+                    }
                 if (stat((in_path_2 + file).c_str(), &sb_1) == -1) {
@@ -420,17 +470,22 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
-                filepath = files[i].first;
-                pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_1;
+                } else {
+                    filepath = files[i].first;
                     pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
-                } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    }
+                    path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_1;
-                path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_1;
                 fh  = new gzFile;
                 *fh = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
                 rem_1_fhs[bc] = fh;
@@ -440,17 +495,22 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
-                filepath = file;
-                pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                    path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_2;
+                } else {
+                    filepath = file;
                     pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
-                } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
-                    filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".gz") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                        pos      = filepath.find_last_of(".");
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    } else if (filepath.substr(pos) == ".bam") {
+                        filepath = filepath.substr(0, pos);
+                    }
+                    path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_2;
-                path = out_path + filepath + ".rem" + suffix_2;
                 fh  = new gzFile;
                 *fh = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
                 rem_2_fhs[bc] = fh;
@@ -463,9 +523,14 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
         return 0;
     } else if (barcodes.size() == 0 && merge == true) {
-        path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_1;
+        if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+            path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_1;
+        } else {
+            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_1;
+        }
         fh   = new gzFile;
         *fh  = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
@@ -482,7 +547,11 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
         if (paired) {
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_2;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + suffix_2;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded" + suffix_2;
+            }
             fh   = new gzFile;
             *fh  = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
@@ -497,7 +566,11 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
                 pair_2_fhs[bc] = fh;
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_1;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_1;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_1;
+            }
             fh   = new gzFile;
             *fh  = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
@@ -512,7 +585,11 @@ open_files(vector<pair<string, string> > &files,
                 rem_1_fhs[bc] = fh;
-            path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_2;
+            if (out_basename.length() > 0) {
+                path = out_path + out_basename + ".rem" + suffix_2;
+            } else {
+                path = out_path + "sample_unbarcoded.rem" + suffix_2;
+            }
             fh   = new gzFile;
             *fh  = gzopen(path.c_str(), "wb");
@@ -909,10 +986,10 @@ load_barcodes(string barcode_file, vector<BarcodePair> &barcodes,
 build_file_list(vector<pair<string, string> > &files)
-    //
-    // Scan a directory for a list of files.
-    //
-    if (in_path_1.length() > 0) {
+    if (in_path_type == InputT::directory) {
+        //
+        // Scan a directory for a list of files.
+        //
         string file, paired_file;
         const char *p, *q, *end;
         struct dirent *direntry;

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2012, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at uoregon.edu>
+// Copyright 2012-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -46,11 +46,13 @@
 extern FileT     in_file_type;
 extern FileT     out_file_type;
+extern InputT    in_path_type;
 extern barcodet  barcode_type;
 extern bool      paired;
 extern bool      interleaved;
 extern bool      merge;
 extern string    out_path;
+extern string    out_basename;
 extern string    in_file;
 extern string    in_file_p1;
 extern string    in_file_p2;

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2012-2023, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2012-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -43,10 +43,13 @@ string    bl_file;
 string    wl_file;
 string    bs_wl_file;
 string    enz;
-double    sigma             = 150000.0;
 double    min_samples_overall   = 0.0;
 double    min_samples_per_pop   = 0.0;
 int       min_populations       = 1;
+size_t    min_gt_depth          = 0;
+double    minor_allele_freq     = 0.0;
+long      minor_allele_cnt      = 0;
+double    max_obs_het           = 1.0;
 bool      filter_haplotype_wise = false;
 int       batch_size        = 10000;
 bool      calc_fstats       = false;
@@ -70,12 +73,9 @@ bool      mapping_cross     = false;
 CrossT    mapcross_type     = CrossT::unk;
 FormatT   mapcross_format   = FormatT::unk;
 bool      verbose           = false;
-size_t    min_gt_depth      = 0;
 double    merge_prune_lim   = 1.0;
-double    minor_allele_freq = 0.0;
-long      minor_allele_cnt  = 0;
-double    max_obs_het       = 1.0;
 double    p_value_cutoff    = 0.05;
+double    sigma             = 150000.0;
 corr_type fst_correction    = no_correction;
 set<string> debug_flags;
@@ -305,6 +305,10 @@ try {
     Timer timer;
     logger->x << "\nBEGIN batch_progress\n";
+    if (verbose)
+        logger->x << "# List of individual sites filtered.\n"
+                  << "action\tlocus\tchr\tbp\tcol\treason\t[sample]\n";
     while (true) {
         // Read the next set of loci to process.
@@ -322,7 +326,7 @@ try {
             logger->x << bloc.chr();
         } else {
             cout << "Batch " << bloc.next_batch_number() - 1 << " " << flush;
-            logger->x << "Batch " << bloc.next_batch_number() - 1;
+            logger->x << "# Batch " << bloc.next_batch_number() - 1;
         logger->x << ": analyzed "
                   << filter.batch_total() << " loci; filtered "
@@ -427,6 +431,8 @@ try {
         cout << "    " << n_sites << " genomic sites, of which "
              << n_multiloci_sites <<  " were covered by multiple loci ("
              << as_percentage(n_multiloci_sites, n_sites) << ").\n";
+    if (min_gt_depth > 0)
+        cout << "Filtered " << filter.filtered_genotypes() << " genotypes that fell below the minimum genotype depth threshold.\n";
     if (filter.total_sites() == 0) {
         cerr << "Error: All data has been filtered out.\n";
         throw exception();
@@ -1266,7 +1272,7 @@ LocusFilter::apply_filters_stacks(LocBin& loc, ostream& log_fh, const MetaPopInf
     // Filter genotypes for depth.
-    this->gt_depth_filter(loc.d, loc.cloc);
+    this->gt_depth_filter(loc.d, loc.cloc, log_fh);
     // Identify individual SNPs that are below the -r threshold or the minor allele
@@ -1358,26 +1364,45 @@ LocusFilter::filter(const MetaPopInfo *mpopi, Datum **d, CSLocus *cloc)
-LocusFilter::gt_depth_filter(Datum** data, const CSLocus* cloc)
+LocusFilter::gt_depth_filter(Datum** data, const CSLocus* cloc, ostream &log_fh)
     if (min_gt_depth == 0)
     else if (cloc->snps.empty())
-    for (size_t spl=0; spl<this->_sample_cnt; ++spl) {
-        Datum* d = data[spl];
+    for (size_t s = 0; s < this->_sample_cnt; s++) {
+        Datum *d = data[s];
+        if (d == NULL) continue;
         assert(d->obshap.size() == 2);
-        assert(strlen(d->obshap[0]) == cloc->snps.size()
-            && strlen(d->obshap[1]) == cloc->snps.size());
-        for (size_t snp=0; snp<cloc->snps.size(); ++snp) {
+        assert(strlen(d->obshap[0]) == cloc->snps.size() &&
+               strlen(d->obshap[1]) == cloc->snps.size());
+        for (size_t snp = 0; snp < cloc->snps.size(); snp++) {
             size_t col = cloc->snps[snp]->col;
             if (d->model[col] == 'U')
+            //
             // Check this genotype's depth.
+            //
             if (d->snpdata[snp].tot_depth < min_gt_depth) {
                 d->model[col] = 'U';
-                for(size_t i=0; i<2; ++i)
+                this->_filtered_genotypes++;
+                for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                     d->obshap[i][snp] = 'N';
+                if (verbose) {
+                    log_fh << "pruned_polymorphic_site\t"
+                           << cloc->id << "\t"
+                           << cloc->loc.chr() << "\t"
+                           << cloc->sort_bp(col) +1 << "\t"
+                           << col << "\t"
+                           << "genotype_depth" << "\t"
+                           << mpopi.samples()[s].name << "\n";
+                }
@@ -1403,10 +1428,11 @@ LocusFilter::init(MetaPopInfo *mpopi)
     this->_samples    = new size_t [this->_sample_cnt];
     this->_pop_tot    = new size_t [this->_pop_cnt];
-    this->_filtered_loci  = 0;
-    this->_total_loci     = 0;
-    this->_filtered_sites = 0;
-    this->_total_sites    = 0;
+    this->_filtered_loci      = 0;
+    this->_total_loci         = 0;
+    this->_filtered_sites     = 0;
+    this->_filtered_genotypes = 0;
+    this->_total_sites        = 0;
     size_t pop_sthg = 0;
@@ -3704,8 +3730,9 @@ output_parameters(ostream &fh)
     fh << "populations parameters selected:\n";
     if (input_mode == InputMode::vcf)
         fh << "  Input mode: VCF\n";
-    fh
-        << "  Percent samples limit per population: " << min_samples_per_pop << "\n"
+    if (min_gt_depth > 0)
+        fh << "  Minimum read depth to include genotype: " << min_gt_depth << "\n";
+    fh << "  Percent samples limit per population: " << min_samples_per_pop << "\n"
         << "  Locus Population limit: " << min_populations << "\n"
         << "  Percent samples overall: " << min_samples_overall << "\n"
         << "  Minor allele frequency cutoff: " << minor_allele_freq << "\n"
@@ -3785,7 +3812,7 @@ parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[])
             {"whitelist",         required_argument, NULL, 'W'},
             {"blacklist",         required_argument, NULL, 'B'},
             {"batch-size",        required_argument, NULL, 1999},
-            {"dbg-min-gt-depth",  required_argument, NULL, 2001},
+            {"min-gt-depth",      required_argument, NULL, 2001},
             {"write-single-snp",  no_argument,       NULL, 'I'}, 
             {"write-random-snp",  no_argument,       NULL, 'j'}, 
             {"no-hap-exports",    no_argument,       NULL, 1012}, 
@@ -3851,7 +3878,7 @@ parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[])
             batch_size = is_integer(optarg);
         case 2001:
-            min_gt_depth = stol(optarg);
+            min_gt_depth = is_integer(optarg);
         case 'O':
             out_path = optarg;
@@ -4277,6 +4304,7 @@ void help() {
          << "  --min-maf [float]: specify a minimum minor allele frequency required to process a SNP (0 < min_maf < 0.5; applied to the metapopulation).\n"
          << "  --min-mac [int]: specify a minimum minor allele count required to process a SNP (applied to the metapopulation).\n"
          << "  --max-obs-het [float]: specify a maximum observed heterozygosity required to process a SNP (applied ot the metapopulation).\n"
+         << "  --min-gt-depth [int]: specify a minimum number of reads to include a called SNP (otherwise marked as missing data).\n"
          << "\n"
          << "  --write-single-snp: restrict data analysis to only the first SNP per locus (implies --no-haps).\n"
          << "  --write-random-snp: restrict data analysis to one random SNP per locus (implies --no-haps).\n"
@@ -4342,7 +4370,6 @@ void help() {
          #ifdef DEBUG
          << "\n"
          << "DEBUG:\n"
-         << "  --dbg-min-gt-depth\n"
          << "  --genepop-haps-3digits: Use 3-digit alleles in the genepop haps output (default is 2-digit).\n"

@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ public:
         this->_batch_total_loci    = 0;
         this->_batch_seen_loci     = 0;
         this->_filtered_sites      = 0;
+        this->_filtered_genotypes  = 0;
         this->_total_sites         = 0;
         this->_variant_sites       = 0;
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ public:
     void   filter_snps(LocBin& loc, const MetaPopInfo& mpopi, ostream &log_fh);
     void   filter_haps(LocBin& loc, const MetaPopInfo& mpopi, ostream &log_fh);
     void   filter_fixed_sites(LocBin& loc, const MetaPopInfo& mpopi, ostream &log_fh);
-    void   gt_depth_filter(Datum **d, const CSLocus *cloc);
+    void   gt_depth_filter(Datum **d, const CSLocus *cloc, ostream &log_fh);
     void   keep_single_snp(CSLocus* cloc, Datum** d, size_t n_samples, const LocTally* t) const;
     void   keep_random_snp(CSLocus* cloc, Datum** d, size_t n_samples, const LocTally* t) const;
@@ -266,6 +267,7 @@ public:
     size_t batch_seen()     const { return this->_batch_seen_loci; }
     size_t batch_total()    const { return this->_batch_total_loci; }
     size_t filtered_sites() const { return this->_filtered_sites; }
+    size_t filtered_genotypes() const { return this->_filtered_genotypes; }
     size_t total_sites()    const { return this->_total_sites; }
     size_t variant_sites()  const { return this->_variant_sites; }
     void   locus_seen();
@@ -291,6 +293,7 @@ private:
     size_t  _batch_total_loci;
     size_t  _batch_seen_loci;
     size_t  _filtered_sites;
+    size_t  _filtered_genotypes;
     size_t  _total_sites;
     size_t  _variant_sites;

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2011-2023, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2011-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ using namespace std;
 FileT  in_file_type  = FileT::unknown;
 FileT  out_file_type = FileT::unknown;
+InputT in_path_type  = InputT::files;
 string in_file;
 string in_file_p1;
 string in_file_p2;
 string in_path_1;
 string in_path_2;
 string out_path;
+string out_basename;
 string barcode_file;
 string renz_1;
 string renz_2;
@@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ bool     discards        = false;
 bool     overhang        = false;
 bool     filter_illumina = false;
 bool     check_radtag    = true;
+bool     check_poly_g    = false;
+bool     force_poly_g    = false;
 uint     truncate_seq    = 0;
 int      barcode_dist_1  = 1;
 int      barcode_dist_2  = -1;
@@ -147,6 +151,10 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
         cerr << "Processing single-end data.\n";
     cerr << "Using Phred+" << qual_offset << " encoding for quality scores.\n";
+    if (force_poly_g)
+        check_poly_g ?
+            cerr << "Checks for poly-G runs have been forced.\n" :
+            cerr << "Checks for poly-G runs have been disabled.\n";
     if (truncate_seq > 0)
         cerr << "Reads will be truncated to " << truncate_seq << "bp\n";
     if (filter_illumina)
@@ -206,7 +214,11 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
     int result = 1;
     for (uint i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
-        cerr << "Processing file " << i+1 << " of " << files.size() << " [" << files[i].first.c_str() << "]\n";
+        if (paired)
+            cerr << "Processing file-pair " << i+1 << " of " << files.size() << "\n";
+        else
+            cerr << "Processing file " << i+1 << " of " << files.size() << "\n";
@@ -268,8 +280,10 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
         cerr << "-" << counters[files[i].first]["ambiguous"]   << " ambiguous barcodes; "
              << "-" << counters[files[i].first]["noradtag"]    << " ambiguous RAD-Tags; "
              << "+" << counters[files[i].first]["recovered"]   << " recovered; "
-             << "-" << counters[files[i].first]["low_quality"] << " low quality reads; "
-             << counters[files[i].first]["retained"] << " retained reads.\n";
+             << "-" << counters[files[i].first]["low_quality"] << " low quality reads; ";
+        if (check_poly_g)
+            cerr << "-" << counters[files[i].first]["poly_g"]  << " reads with poly-G runs; ";
+        cerr << counters[files[i].first]["retained"] << " retained reads.\n";
         if (filter_adapter)
             cerr << "    "
                  << counters[files[i].first]["adapter"] << " reads with adapter sequence.\n";
@@ -298,7 +312,7 @@ int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
     cerr << "done.\n";
-    print_results(argc, argv, barcodes, counters, barcode_log);
+    print_results(argc, argv, out_basename, barcodes, counters, barcode_log);
     cerr << "process_radtags is done.\n";
@@ -337,6 +351,7 @@ initialize_counters(map<string, long> &counter)
     counter["ill_filtered"] = 0;
     counter["adapter"]      = 0;
     counter["low_quality"]  = 0;
+    counter["poly_g"]       = 0;
     counter["noradtag"]     = 0;
     counter["ambiguous"]    = 0;
     counter["retained"]     = 0;
@@ -357,6 +372,7 @@ consolidate_counters(map<string, long> &counter,
 	counter["ill_filtered"] += cntr["ill_filtered"];
 	counter["adapter"]      += cntr["adapter"];
 	counter["low_quality"]  += cntr["low_quality"];
+        counter["poly_g"]       += cntr["poly_g"];
 	counter["noradtag"]     += cntr["noradtag"];
 	counter["ambiguous"]    += cntr["ambiguous"];
 	counter["retained"]     += cntr["retained"];
@@ -381,12 +397,14 @@ consolidate_barcode_logs(map<BarcodePair, map<string, long>> &barcode_log,
 		barcode_log[bc]["noradtag"] = 0;
 		barcode_log[bc]["total"]    = 0;
 		barcode_log[bc]["low_qual"] = 0;
+                barcode_log[bc]["poly_g"]   = 0;
 		barcode_log[bc]["retained"] = 0;
 		barcode_log[bc]["proppair"] = 0;
 	    barcode_log[bc]["noradtag"] += it->second["noradtag"];
 	    barcode_log[bc]["total"]    += it->second["total"];
 	    barcode_log[bc]["low_qual"] += it->second["low_qual"];
+            barcode_log[bc]["poly_g"]   += it->second["poly_g"];
 	    barcode_log[bc]["retained"] += it->second["retained"];
 	    barcode_log[bc]["proppair"] += it->second["proppair"];
@@ -473,7 +491,7 @@ process_paired_reads(string prefix_1,
     r_1 = new RawRead(strlen(s_1->seq), 1, min_bc_size_1, win_size);
     r_2 = new RawRead(strlen(s_2->seq), 2, min_bc_size_2, win_size);
     // Set len_limit so that if we encounter reads already shorter than truncate_seq limit
     // they will be discarded.
@@ -508,6 +526,8 @@ process_paired_reads(string prefix_1,
         parse_input_record(s_2, r_2);
         counter["total"] += 2;
+        if (force_poly_g == false && r_1->check_poly_g()) check_poly_g = true;
         // If a BestRAD protocol was used, check which read the barcode/restriction cutsite is on
         // and transpose the reads if necessary.
@@ -748,9 +768,18 @@ process_paired_reads_parallel(string prefix_1,
     map<BarcodePair, int> output_thread_map;
-    uint k = 0;
+    //
+    // We must take care because multiple barcodes can point to the same output file,
+    // so we must assign all barcodes for a single output file to the same thread for writing.
+    //
+    map<fhType *, vector<BarcodePair>> rev_fh_map;
     for (auto it = pair_1_fhs.begin(); it != pair_1_fhs.end(); it++) {
-	output_thread_map[it->first] = (k % num_output_threads) + num_input_threads;
+        rev_fh_map[it->second].push_back(it->first);
+    }
+    uint k = 0;
+    for (auto it = rev_fh_map.begin(); it != rev_fh_map.end(); it++) {
+        for (uint j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++)
+            output_thread_map[it->second[j]] = (k % num_output_threads) + num_input_threads;
@@ -998,11 +1027,13 @@ process_paired_reads_parallel(string prefix_1,
 		r_1 = new RawRead(seq_init_len_1, 1, min_bc_size_1, win_size);
 		r_2 = new RawRead(seq_init_len_2, 2, min_bc_size_2, win_size);
 		parse_input_record(s_1, r_1);
 		parse_input_record(s_2, r_2);
 		cntr["total"] += 2;
+                if (force_poly_g == false && r_1->check_poly_g()) check_poly_g = true;
 		// If a BestRAD protocol was used, check which read the barcode/restriction cutsite is on
 		// and transpose the reads if necessary.
@@ -1170,7 +1201,7 @@ process_reads(string prefix,
     r = new RawRead(strlen(s->seq), 1, min_bc_size_1, win_size);
     BarcodePair bc;
     // If no barcodes were specified, set the barcode object to be the input file name so
@@ -1201,6 +1232,8 @@ process_reads(string prefix,
         parse_input_record(s, r);
+        if (force_poly_g == false && r->check_poly_g()) check_poly_g = true;
         if (barcode_type == inline_null ||
             barcode_type == index_null)
@@ -1345,9 +1378,18 @@ process_reads_parallel(string prefix,
     map<BarcodePair, int> output_thread_map;
-    uint k = 0;
+    //
+    // We must take care because multiple barcodes can point to the same output file,
+    // so we must assign all barcodes for a single output file to the same thread for writing.
+    //
+    map<fhType *, vector<BarcodePair>> rev_fh_map;
     for (auto it = pair_1_fhs.begin(); it != pair_1_fhs.end(); it++) {
-	output_thread_map[it->first] = (k % num_output_threads) + num_input_threads;
+        rev_fh_map[it->second].push_back(it->first);
+    }
+    uint k = 0;
+    for (auto it = rev_fh_map.begin(); it != rev_fh_map.end(); it++) {
+        for (uint j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j++)
+            output_thread_map[it->second[j]] = (k % num_output_threads) + num_input_threads;
@@ -1557,6 +1599,8 @@ process_reads_parallel(string prefix,
 		parse_input_record(s, r);
+                if (force_poly_g == false && r->check_poly_g()) check_poly_g = true;
 		bc = new BarcodePair();
 		// If no barcodes were specified, set the barcode object to be the input file name so
@@ -1708,6 +1752,20 @@ process_singlet(RawRead *href,
         return 0;
+    //
+    // Drop this sequence if it has a run of poly-Gs at the 3' end.
+    //   Either the user has forced the check on, and check_poly_g is true, or we turned it on
+    //   internally via href->check_poly_g because of the machine type that generated the data.
+    //
+    if ((check_poly_g || href->check_poly_g()) &&
+        check_poly_g_run(href, href->inline_bc_len, len_limit) <= 0) {
+        counter["poly_g"]++;
+        if (barcode_type != null_null)
+            bc_log["poly_g"]++;
+        href->retain = 0;
+        return 0;
+    }
     // Drop this sequence if it contains adapter sequence.
@@ -1896,6 +1954,7 @@ int dist(const char *res_enz, char *seq) {
 print_results(int argc, char **argv,
+              string out_basename,
               vector<BarcodePair> &barcodes,
               map<string, map<string, long> > &counters,
               map<BarcodePair, map<string, long> > &barcode_log)
@@ -1903,9 +1962,12 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
     map<string, map<string, long> >::iterator it;
     string log_path = out_path + "process_radtags.log";
-    if (!in_path_1.empty()) {
+    if (in_path_type == InputT::directory) {
+        //
         // In directory mode, use `$out_path/process_radtags.$(basename $in_path).log`.
         // For consistency we always use realpath().
+        //
         char abspath [PATH_MAX];
         char* rv = realpath(in_path_1.c_str(), abspath);
         if (rv == NULL) {
@@ -1917,6 +1979,13 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
         size_t p = abspath_s.find_last_of('/');
         string in_dir_name = abspath_s.substr(p+1);
         log_path = out_path + "process_radtags." + in_dir_name + ".log";
+    } else if (in_path_type == InputT::files && out_basename.length() > 0) {
+        //
+        // We are executing on a single (-f) or pair of files (-1/-2), and user has
+        // supplied an output basename.
+        //
+        log_path = out_path + out_basename + ".log";
     ofstream log(log_path.c_str());
@@ -1943,8 +2012,10 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
         log << "Adapter Seq" << "\t";
     if (bestrad)
 	log << "Transposed Reads" << "\t";
-    log << "Low Quality\t"
-        << "Barcode Not Found\t"
+    log << "Low Quality\t";
+    if (check_poly_g)
+        log << "Poly-G\t";
+    log << "Barcode Not Found\t"
         << "RAD cutsite Not Found\t"
         << "Total\n";
@@ -1957,8 +2028,10 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
             log << it->second["adapter"] << "\t";
 	if (bestrad)
 	    log << it->second["transposed"] << "\t";
-        log << it->second["low_quality"] << "\t"
-            << it->second["ambiguous"]   << "\t"
+        log << it->second["low_quality"] << "\t";
+        if (check_poly_g)
+            log << it->second["poly_g"] << "\t";
+        log << it->second["ambiguous"]   << "\t"
             << it->second["noradtag"]    << "\t"
             << it->second["total"]       << "\n";
@@ -1967,6 +2040,7 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
     map<string, long> c;
     c["total"]        = 0;
     c["low_quality"]  = 0;
+    c["poly_g"]       = 0;
     c["adapter"]      = 0;
     c["ill_filtered"] = 0;
     c["ambiguous"]    = 0;
@@ -1981,6 +2055,7 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
         c["total"]        += it->second["total"];
         c["ill_filtered"] += it->second["ill_filtered"];
         c["low_quality"]  += it->second["low_quality"];
+        c["poly_g"]       += it->second["poly_g"];
         c["adapter"]      += it->second["adapter"];
         c["ambiguous"]    += it->second["ambiguous"];
         c["noradtag"]     += it->second["noradtag"];
@@ -2005,6 +2080,7 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
         print_nreads(c["adapter"], "reads contained adapter sequence");
     print_nreads(c["ambiguous"], "barcode not found drops");
     print_nreads(c["low_quality"], "low quality read drops");
+    print_nreads(c["poly_g"], "poly-G run drops");
     print_nreads(c["noradtag"], "RAD cutsite not found drops");
     print_nreads(c["retained"], "retained reads");
@@ -2031,8 +2107,10 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
     if (filter_adapter)
         log << "Reads containing adapter sequence\t" << c["adapter"] << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["adapter"] / c["total"]) << "\n";
     log << "Barcode Not Found\t"     << c["ambiguous"]   << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["ambiguous"] / c["total"]) << "\n"
-        << "Low Quality\t"           << c["low_quality"] << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["low_quality"] / c["total"]) << "\n"
-        << "RAD Cutsite Not Found\t" << c["noradtag"]    << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["noradtag"] / c["total"]) << "\n"
+        << "Low Quality\t"           << c["low_quality"] << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["low_quality"] / c["total"]) << "\n";
+    if (check_poly_g)
+        log << "Poly-G Runs\t"       << c["poly_g"]      << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["poly_g"]   / c["total"]) << "\n";
+    log << "RAD Cutsite Not Found\t" << c["noradtag"]    << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["noradtag"] / c["total"]) << "\n"
         << "Retained Reads\t"        << c["retained"]    << "\t" << as_percentage((double) c["retained"] / c["total"]) << "\n";
     if (paired)    
 	log << "Properly Paired\t"   << c["proppair"]    << "\t" << as_percentage(((double) c["proppair"]*2.0) / c["total"]) << "\n";
@@ -2060,8 +2138,10 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
         log << "Filename\t";
     log << "Total\t"
         << "RAD Cutsite Not Found\t"
-        << "Low Quality\t"
-        << "Retained Reads\t"
+        << "Low Quality\t";
+    if (check_poly_g)
+        log << "Poly-G Runs\t";
+    log << "Retained Reads\t"
 	<< "Pct Retained\t";
     if (paired)
 	log << "Properly Paired\t"
@@ -2078,11 +2158,13 @@ print_results(int argc, char **argv,
             log << barcodes[i].name << "\t";
         if (barcode_log.count(barcodes[i]) == 0)
-            log << "0\t" << "0\t" << "0\t" << "0\n";
+            log << "0\t" << "0\t" << "0\t" << "0\t" << "0\n";
         else {
             log << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["total"]    << "\t"
-                << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["noradtag"] << "\t"
-                << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["low_qual"] << "\t"
+                << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["noradtag"] << "\t";
+            if (check_poly_g)
+                log << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["poly_g"] << "\t";
+            log << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["low_qual"] << "\t"
                 << barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["retained"] << "\t"
 		<< as_percentage((double) barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["retained"] / barcode_log[barcodes[i]]["total"]) << "\t";
 	    if (paired)
@@ -2142,6 +2224,8 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             {"interleaved",          no_argument, NULL, 'I'},
             {"merge",                no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
             {"disable-rad-check",    no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, {"disable_rad_check",    no_argument, NULL, 'R'},
+            {"disable-poly-g-check", no_argument, NULL, 1004},
+            {"force-poly-g-check",   no_argument, NULL, 1005},
             {"filter-illumina",      no_argument, NULL, 'F'},
             {"retain-header",        no_argument, NULL, 'H'},
             {"bestrad",              no_argument, NULL, 1000},
@@ -2160,6 +2244,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             {"file",           required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
             {"file-p1",        required_argument, NULL, '1'}, {"file_p1",        required_argument, NULL, '1'},
             {"file-p2",        required_argument, NULL, '2'}, {"file_p2",        required_argument, NULL, '2'},
+            {"basename",       required_argument, NULL, 1003},
             {"in-path",        required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
             {"out-path",       required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
             {"truncate",       required_argument, NULL, 't'},
@@ -2224,8 +2309,9 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             in_file = optarg;
         case 'p':
-            in_path_1 = optarg;
-            in_path_2 = in_path_1;
+            in_path_1  = optarg;
+            in_path_2  = in_path_1;
+            in_path_type = InputT::directory;
         case '1':
             paired     = true;
@@ -2235,6 +2321,9 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             paired     = true;
             in_file_p2 = optarg;
+        case 1003:
+            out_basename = optarg;
+            break;
         case 'P':
             paired = true;
@@ -2293,6 +2382,14 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 'R':
             check_radtag = false;
+        case 1004:
+            force_poly_g = true;
+            check_poly_g = false;
+            break;
+        case 1005:
+            force_poly_g = true;
+            check_poly_g = true;
+            break;
         case 'F':
             filter_illumina = true;
@@ -2388,6 +2485,11 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
     if (in_path_2.length() > 0 && in_path_2.at(in_path_2.length() - 1) != '/')
         in_path_2 += "/";
+    if (in_path_1.length() > 0 && out_basename.length() > 0) {
+        cerr << "You can only specify --basename with the -f or -1/-2 options.\n";
+        help();
+    }
     if (out_path.length() == 0)
         out_path = ".";
@@ -2477,19 +2579,18 @@ void help() {
          << "  -p,--in-path: path to a directory of files.\n"
          << "  -P,--paired: files contained within the directory are paired.\n"
          << "  -I,--interleaved: specify that the paired-end reads are interleaved in single files.\n"
-         << "  -i,--in-type: input file type, either 'fastq', 'gzfastq' (gzipped fastq), 'bam', or 'bustard' (default: guess, or gzfastq if unable to).\n"
          << "  -b,--barcodes: path to a file containing barcodes for this run, omit to ignore any barcoding or for already demultiplexed data.\n"
-         << "  -o,--out-path: path to output the processed files.\n"
          << "  -f: path to the input file if processing single-end sequences.\n"
          << "  -1: first input file in a set of paired-end sequences.\n"
          << "  -2: second input file in a set of paired-end sequences.\n"
+         << "  -o,--out-path: path to output the processed files.\n"
+         << "    --basename: specify the prefix of the output files when using -f or -1/-2.\n\n"
 	 << "  --threads: number of threads to run.\n"
          << "  -c,--clean: clean data, remove any read with an uncalled base ('N').\n"
          << "  -q,--quality: discard reads with low quality (phred) scores.\n"
          << "  -r,--rescue: rescue barcodes and RAD-Tag cut sites.\n"
          << "  -t,--truncate: truncate final read length to this value.\n"
          << "  -D,--discards: capture discarded reads to a file.\n"
-         << "  -y,--out-type: output type, either 'fastq', 'gzfastq', 'fasta', or 'gzfasta' (default: match input type).\n"
          << "\n"
          << "  Barcode options:\n"
          << "    --inline-null:   barcode is inline with sequence, occurs only on single-end read (default).\n"
@@ -2531,12 +2632,16 @@ void help() {
          << "    --adapter-1 <sequence>: provide adaptor sequence that may occur on the single-end read for filtering.\n"
          << "    --adapter-2 <sequence>: provide adaptor sequence that may occur on the paired-read for filtering.\n"
          << "      --adapter-mm <mismatches>: number of mismatches allowed in the adapter sequence.\n\n"
-         << "  Output options:\n"
+         << "  Input/Output options:\n"
+         << "    --in-type: input file type, either 'fastq', 'gzfastq' (gzipped fastq), 'bam', or 'bustard' (default: guess, or gzfastq if unable to).\n"
+         << "    --out-type: output type, either 'fastq', 'gzfastq', 'fasta', or 'gzfasta' (default: match input type).\n"
          << "    --retain-header: retain unmodified FASTQ headers in the output.\n"
          << "    --merge: if no barcodes are specified, merge all input files into a single output file.\n\n"
          << "  Advanced options:\n"
          << "    --filter-illumina: discard reads that have been marked by Illumina's chastity/purity filter as failing.\n"
          << "    --disable-rad-check: disable checking if the RAD cut site is intact.\n"
+         << "    --force-poly-g-check: force a check for runs of poly-Gs (default: autodetect based on machine type in FASTQ header).\n"
+         << "    --disable-poly-g-check: disable checking for runs of poly-Gs (default: autodetect based on machine type in FASTQ header).\n"
 	 << "    --encoding: specify how quality scores are encoded, 'phred33' (Illumina 1.8+/Sanger, default) or 'phred64' (Illumina 1.3-1.5).\n"
          << "    --window-size: set the size of the sliding window as a fraction of the read length, between 0 and 1 (default 0.15).\n"
          << "    --score-limit: set the phred score limit. If the average score within the sliding window drops below this value, the read is discarded (default 10).\n"

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int  check_for_transposed_reads(RawRead *, RawRead *, string);
 int  correct_radtag(RawRead *, string, map<string, long> &);
 int  check_quality_scores(RawRead *, bool);
 int  dist(const char *, char *);
-int  print_results(int, char **, vector<BarcodePair> &, map<string, map<string, long> > &, map<BarcodePair, map<string, long> > &);
+int  print_results(int, char **, string, vector<BarcodePair> &, map<string, map<string, long> > &, map<BarcodePair, map<string, long> > &);
 int  compare_barcodes(pair<BarcodePair, int>, pair<BarcodePair, int>);

@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@
 FileT  in_file_type  = FileT::unknown;
 FileT  out_file_type = FileT::unknown;
+InputT in_path_type  = InputT::files;
 string in_file;
 string in_file_p1;
 string in_file_p2;
 string in_path_1;
 string in_path_2;
 string out_path;
+string out_basename;
 string barcode_file;
 char  *adapter_1;
 char  *adapter_2;

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // -*-mode:c++; c-style:k&r; c-basic-offset:4;-*-
-// Copyright 2010-2023, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
+// Copyright 2010-2024, Julian Catchen <jcatchen at illinois.edu>
 // This file is part of Stacks.
@@ -1298,21 +1298,21 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             {"help",              no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
             {"version",           no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
             {"aligned",           no_argument, NULL, 'g'},
-            {"verify-hap",        no_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {"verify_hap",        no_argument, NULL, 'x'},
-            {"uniq-haplotypes",   no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"uniq_haplotypes",   no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
-            {"disable-gapped",    no_argument, NULL, 'G'}, {"disable_gapped",    no_argument, NULL, 'G'},
-            {"threads",     required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
+            {"verify-hap",        no_argument, NULL, 'x'},
+            {"uniq-haplotypes",   no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
+            {"disable-gapped",    no_argument, NULL, 'G'},
+            {"threads",     required_argument, NULL, 't'},
             {"catalog",     required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
             {"sample",      required_argument, NULL, 's'},
-            {"out-path",    required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"out_path",    required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
-            {"in-path",     required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"in_path",     required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
+            {"out-path",    required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
+            {"in-path",     required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
             {"popmap",      required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
             {"write-all-matches", no_argument, NULL, 2001},
             {0, 0, 0, 0}
         int option_index = 0;
-        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hgGxuvs:c:o:p:P:M:", long_options, &option_index);
+        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hgGxuvs:c:o:p:t:P:M:", long_options, &option_index);
         // Detect the end of the options.
         if (c == -1)
@@ -1323,6 +1323,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 'p':
+        case 't':
             num_threads = atoi(optarg);
         case 's':
@@ -1435,13 +1436,13 @@ void version() {
 void help() {
     cerr << "sstacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-              << "sstacks -P dir -M popmap [-p n_threads]" << "\n"
-              << "sstacks -c catalog_path -s sample_path [-s sample_path ...] -o path [-p n_threads]" << "\n"
+              << "sstacks -P dir -M popmap [-t n_threads]" << "\n"
+              << "sstacks -c catalog_path -s sample_path [-s sample_path ...] -o path [-t n_threads]" << "\n"
               << "  -P,--in-path: path to the directory containing Stacks files.\n"
               << "  -M,--popmap: path to a population map file from which to take sample names.\n"
               << "  -s,--sample: filename prefix from which to load sample loci." << "\n"
               << "  -c,--catalog: path to the catalog." << "\n"
-              << "  -p,--threads: enable parallel execution with n_threads threads.\n"
+              << "  -t,--threads: enable parallel execution with n_threads threads.\n"
               << "  -o,--out-path: output path to write results." << "\n"
               << "  -x: don't verify haplotype of matching locus." << "\n"
               << "\n"

@@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ calc_coverage_distribution(map<int, MergedStack *> &merged,
     tot_depth = 0.0;
     size_t not_blacklisted = 0;
-    for (const pair<int, MergedStack*>& mtag : merged) {
+    for (const pair<const int, MergedStack*>& mtag : merged) {
         if (mtag.second->blacklisted)
@@ -2305,7 +2305,7 @@ calc_coverage_distribution(map<int, MergedStack *> &merged,
     mean = tot_depth / not_blacklisted;
-    for (const pair<int, MergedStack*>& mtag : merged)
+    for (const pair<const int, MergedStack*>& mtag : merged)
         if (!mtag.second->blacklisted)
             stdev += pow(mtag.second->count - mean, 2);
     stdev /= not_blacklisted;
@@ -2785,30 +2785,30 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         static struct option long_options[] = {
             {"help",             no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
             {"version",          no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
-            {"infile-type",      required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"infile_type",      required_argument, NULL, 't'},
+            {"in-type",          required_argument, NULL, 't'},  {"infile-type",      required_argument, NULL, 't'},
             {"file",             required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
-            {"outpath",          required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
-            {"name",             required_argument, NULL, 1002},
+            {"out-path",         required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
+            {"name",             required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
             {"id",               required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
-            {"min-cov",          required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"min_cov",          required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
-            {"max-dist",         required_argument, NULL, 'M'}, {"max_dist",         required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
-            {"max-sec-dist",     required_argument, NULL, 'N'}, {"max_sec_dist",     required_argument, NULL, 'N'},
-            {"max-locus-stacks", required_argument, NULL, 'K'}, {"max_locus_stacks", required_argument, NULL, 'K'},
-            {"k-len",            required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"k_len",            required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
-            {"num-threads",      required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"num_threads",      required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
+            {"min-cov",          required_argument, NULL, 'm'},  {"min_cov",          required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
+            {"max-dist",         required_argument, NULL, 'M'},  {"max_dist",         required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
+            {"max-sec-dist",     required_argument, NULL, 'N'},  {"max_sec_dist",     required_argument, NULL, 'N'},
+            {"max-locus-stacks", required_argument, NULL, 'K'},  {"max_locus_stacks", required_argument, NULL, 'K'},
+            {"k-len",            required_argument, NULL, 'k'},  {"k_len",            required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
+            {"threads",          required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
             {"deleverage",       no_argument,       NULL, 'd'},
             {"keep-high-cov",    no_argument,       NULL, 1000}, {"keep_high_cov",    no_argument,       NULL, 1000},
             {"high-cov-thres",   required_argument, NULL, 1001}, {"high_cov_thres",   required_argument, NULL, 1001},
-            {"retain-rem",       no_argument,       NULL, 'R'}, {"retain_rem",       no_argument,       NULL, 'R'},
+            {"retain-rem",       no_argument,       NULL, 'R'},  {"retain_rem",       no_argument,       NULL, 'R'},
             {"graph",            no_argument,       NULL, 'g'},
-            {"sec-hapl",         no_argument,       NULL, 'H'}, {"sec_hapl",         no_argument,       NULL, 'H'},
+            {"sec-hapl",         no_argument,       NULL, 'H'},  
             {"disable-gapped",   no_argument,       NULL, 'G'},
-            {"max-gaps",         required_argument, NULL, 'X'}, {"max_gaps",         required_argument, NULL, 'X'},
-            {"min-aln-len",      required_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {"min_aln_len",      required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
-            {"model-type",       required_argument, NULL, 'T'}, {"model_type",       required_argument, NULL, 'T'},
-            {"bc-err-freq",      required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"bc_err_freq",      required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
-            {"bound-low",        required_argument, NULL, 'L'}, {"bound_low",        required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
-            {"bound-high",       required_argument, NULL, 'U'}, {"bound_high",       required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
+            {"max-gaps",         required_argument, NULL, 'X'},  
+            {"min-aln-len",      required_argument, NULL, 'x'},  
+            {"model-type",       required_argument, NULL, 'T'},  
+            {"bc-err-freq",      required_argument, NULL, 'e'},  
+            {"bound-low",        required_argument, NULL, 'L'},  
+            {"bound-high",       required_argument, NULL, 'U'},  
             {"alpha",            required_argument, NULL, 'A'},
             {"r-deprecated",     no_argument,       NULL, 'r'},
             {"force-diff-len",   no_argument,       NULL, 1003}, {"force_diff_len",   no_argument,       NULL, 1003},
@@ -2818,7 +2818,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         // getopt_long stores the option index here.
         int option_index = 0;
-        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "GhHvdrgRA:L:U:f:o:s:i:m:e:p:t:M:N:K:k:T:X:x:", long_options, &option_index);
+        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "GhHvdrgRA:L:U:f:o:s:i:m:n:e:p:t:M:N:K:k:T:X:x:", long_options, &option_index);
         // Detect the end of the options.
         if (c == -1)
@@ -2828,7 +2828,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 'h':
-        case 't':
+        case 'i':
             if (strcmp(optarg, "tsv") == 0)
                 in_file_type = FileT::tsv;
             else if (strcmp(optarg, "fasta") == 0)
@@ -2848,11 +2848,9 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 'o':
             out_path = optarg;
-        case 1002:
+        case 'n':
             sample_name = optarg;
-        case 'i':
-            break;
         case 'm':
             min_merge_cov = is_integer(optarg);
@@ -2925,6 +2923,7 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
             call_sec_hapl = false;
         case 'p':
+        case 't':
             num_threads = is_integer(optarg);
         case 'v':
@@ -2933,9 +2932,6 @@ int parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[]) {
         case 1003:
             force_diff_len = true;
-        case 'r': // deprecated Dec 2016, v1.45
-            cerr << "Warning: Ignoring deprecated option -r (this has become the default).\n";
-            break;
         case '?':
             // getopt_long already printed an error message.
@@ -3024,29 +3020,29 @@ void version() {
 void help() {
     cerr << "ustacks " << VERSION << "\n"
-         << "ustacks -f file_path -o path [-M max_dist] [-m min_cov] [-p num_threads]" << "\n"
-         << "  f: input file path.\n"
-         << "  o: output path to write results.\n"
-         << "  M: Maximum distance (in nucleotides) allowed between stacks (default 2).\n"
-         << "  m: Minimum depth of coverage required to create a stack (default 3).\n"
-         << "  N: Maximum distance allowed to align secondary reads to primary stacks (default: M + 2).\n"
-         << "  p: enable parallel execution with num_threads threads.\n"
-         << "  t: input file type. Supported types: fasta, fastq, gzfasta, or gzfastq (default: guess).\n"
-         << "  --name: a name for the sample (default: input file name minus the suffix).\n"
-         << "  R: retain unused reads.\n"
-         << "  H: disable calling haplotypes from secondary reads.\n"
+         << "ustacks -f in_path -o out_path [-M max_dist] [-m min_reads] [-t num_threads]" << "\n"
+         << "  -f,--file: input file path.\n"
+         << "  -o,--out-path: output path to write results.\n"
+         << "  -M: Maximum distance (in nucleotides) allowed between stacks (default 2).\n"
+         << "  -m: Minimum number of reads to seed a new stack (default 3).\n"
+         << "  -N: Maximum distance allowed to align secondary reads to primary stacks (default: M + 2).\n"
+         << "  -t,--threads: enable parallel execution with num_threads threads.\n"
+         << "  -i,--in-type: input file type. Supported types: fasta, fastq, gzfasta, or gzfastq (default: guess).\n"
+         << "  -n,--name: a name for the sample (default: input file name minus the suffix).\n"
+         << "  -R: retain unused reads.\n"
+         << "  -H: disable calling haplotypes from secondary reads.\n"
          << "\n"
          << "  Stack assembly options:\n"
          << "    --force-diff-len: allow raw input reads of different lengths, e.g. after trimming (default: ustacks perfers raw input reads of uniform length).\n"
          << "    --keep-high-cov: disable the algorithm that removes highly-repetitive stacks and nearby errors.\n"
          << "    --high-cov-thres: highly-repetitive stacks threshold, in standard deviation units (default: 3.0).\n"
          << "    --max-locus-stacks <num>: maximum number of stacks at a single de novo locus (default 3).\n"
-         << "     --k-len <len>: specify k-mer size for matching between alleles and loci (automatically calculated by default).\n"
+         << "    --k-len <len>: specify k-mer size for matching between alleles and loci (automatically calculated by default).\n"
          << "    --deleverage: enable the Deleveraging algorithm, used for resolving over merged tags.\n\n"
          << "  Gapped assembly options:\n"
          << "    --max-gaps: number of gaps allowed between stacks before merging (default: 2).\n"
-         << "    --min-aln-len: minimum length of aligned sequence in a gapped alignment (default: 0.80).\n\n"
-         << "    --disable-gapped: do not preform gapped alignments between stacks (default: gapped alignements enabled).\n"
+         << "    --min-aln-len: minimum length of aligned sequence in a gapped alignment (default: 0.80).\n"
+         << "    --disable-gapped: do not preform gapped alignments between stacks (default: gapped alignements enabled).\n\n"
          << "  Model options:\n"
          << "    --model-type: either 'snp' (default), 'bounded', or 'fixed'\n"
          << "    For the SNP or Bounded SNP model:\n"

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ write_fasta(ofstream *fh, RawRead *href, bool overhang) {
             href->seq + offset << "\n";
         *fh <<
-            ">" << href->machine <<
+            ">" << href->machine() <<
             "/" << href->read << "\n" <<
             href->seq + offset << "\n";
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ write_fasta(gzFile *fh, RawRead *href, bool overhang) {
             href->seq + offset << "\n";
         sstr <<
-            ">" << href->machine <<
+            ">" << href->machine() <<
             "/" << href->read << "\n" <<
             href->seq + offset << "\n";
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ write_fastq(ofstream *fh, RawRead *href, bool overhang) {
             href->phred + offset << "\n";
         *fh <<
-            "@" << href->machine <<
+            "@" << href->machine() <<
             "/" << href->read << "\n" <<
             href->seq + offset << "\n" <<
             "+\n" <<
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ write_fastq(gzFile *fh, RawRead *href, bool overhang) {
             href->phred + offset << "\n";
         sstr <<
-            "@" << href->machine <<
+            "@" << href->machine() <<
             "/" << href->read << "\n" <<
             href->seq + offset << "\n" <<
             "+\n" <<

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