[med-svn] [Git][med-team/phast][master] 6 commits: New upstream version 1.7+dfsg

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Dec 6 20:35:49 GMT 2024

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / phast

204a70ae by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:26:04+01:00
New upstream version 1.7+dfsg
- - - - -
5db9636f by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:26:04+01:00
New upstream version

- - - - -
2033d1fc by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:26:07+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.7+dfsg'

Update to upstream version '1.7+dfsg'
with Debian dir 0f980ac9fa47253a95471767a69236466f29c676
- - - - -
ed071d6d by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:26:11+01:00
Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog (routine-update)

- - - - -
52cdc94c by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:33:11+01:00
Refresh patches

- - - - -
7ba14524 by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-06T21:34:56+01:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

13 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- − debian/patches/fix_test_makefile.patch
- debian/patches/gcc-14.patch
- debian/patches/pcre2.patch
- debian/patches/series
- include/phast/fit_column.h
- src/dless/Makefile
- src/lib/base/phast_misc.c
- src/lib/phylo/phast_fit_column.c
- src/lib/phylo/phast_fit_feature.c
- src/prequel/Makefile
- test/Makefile
- test/hmrc_summary_correct


@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+phast (1.7+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version
+  * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog (routine-update)
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Fri, 06 Dec 2024 21:33:23 +0100
 phast (1.6+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=medium
   * gcc-14.patch: fix build failure with gcc 14. (Closes: #1075383)
@@ -24,7 +31,7 @@ phast (1.6+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Provide alternative Build-Depends to liblapack-dev and libblas-dev
   * Standards-Version: 4.6.2 (routine-update)
   * Upstream email removed from d/copyright since its bouncing
   [ Sébastien Villemot ]
   * Complete migration away from ATLAS
     Closes: #1056681

debian/patches/fix_test_makefile.patch deleted
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Last-Update: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 18:16:40 +0200
-Description: Test suite makefile has syntax errors and there
- was at least one buggy data file which was fixed.
- .
- With these changes `make msa_view` works but other targets are
- throwing errors.  This needs to be investigated
-Forwarded: https://github.com/CshlSiepelLab/phast/issues/47
---- a/test/Makefile
-+++ b/test/Makefile
-@@ -7,30 +7,30 @@ all: msa_view phyloFit phastCons
- msa_view:
- 	@echo "*** Testing msa_view ***"
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --end 10000 > hmrc.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.fa -o PHYLIP > hmrc.ph
- 	msa_view hmrc.ph -i PHYLIP > hmrc.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.ph --out-format MPM --in-format PHYLIP > hmrc.mpm
- 	msa_view hmrc.mpm --in-format MPM > hmrc.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.fa -o SS > hmrc_short_a.ss
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss --end 10000 -i SS -o SS > hmrc_short_b.ss
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_short_[ab].ss` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_short_[ab].ss ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view --seqs human,cow hmrc_short_a.ss -i SS -o SS | msa_view - -i SS > hm_a.fa
- 	msa_view --seqs human,cow hmrc.fa > hm_b.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hm_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hm_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss --gap-strip ANY -i SS -o SS | msa_view - -i SS > hmrc_nogaps_a.fa
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS | msa_view - --gap-strip ANY > hmrc_nogaps_b.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.fa --seqs human,cow --gap-strip ALL > hm_a.fa
- 	msa_view hmrc_short_a.ss --seqs human,cow -i SS --gap-strip ALL > hm_b.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hm_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hm_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss --start 10000 --end 20000 -i SS > hmrc_sub_a.fa
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS | msa_view - --start 10000 --end 20000 > hmrc_sub_b.fa
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_sub_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_sub_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss --summary -i SS > hmrc_summary
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_summary hmrc_summary_correct` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief -b hmrc_summary hmrc_summary_correct ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
- 	@rm -f hmrc.ph hmrc.fa hmrc.mpm hmrc_short_[ab].ss hm_[ab].fa hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa hmrc_sub_[ab].fa hmrc_summary
-@@ -43,40 +43,40 @@ msa_view:
- phyloFit:
- 	@echo "*** Testing phyloFit ***"
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod JC69 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; then echo "Rounding errors found" ; diff -u phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod JC69 --tree "((((human,chimp), (mouse,rat)), cow), chicken)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod F81 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod f81.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod f81.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod UNREST --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS -k 4 --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-dg.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-dg.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS -k 4 --quiet 
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-dg.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-dg.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --EM --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-em.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-em.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --EM --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-em.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-em.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hpmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(hg16, (mm3,rn3), galGal2)" -i SS --gaps-as-bases --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-gaps.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-gaps.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV -i SS --init-model rev.mod --post-probs --lnl --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-lnl.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.postprob rev.postprob` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-lnl.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.postprob rev.postprob ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat))" -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --seqs human,mouse,rat --unordered -o SS > hmr.ss
- 	phyloFit hmr.ss -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr2.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  # FIXME: rev-hmr.mod and rev-hmr2.mod should be equal (eq freqs being obtained from all seqs)
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr2.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  # FIXME: rev-hmr.mod and rev-hmr2.mod should be equal (eq freqs being obtained from all seqs)
- 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --seqs human,mouse --unordered -o SS > hm.ss
- 	phyloFit hm.ss -i SS --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hm.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hm.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
- 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod UNREST --tree "((human, mouse), cow)" -i SS --ancestor cow --quiet
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest-cow-anc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest-cow-anc.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
- 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
- 	@rm -f phyloFit.mod phyloFit.postprob hmr.ss hm.ss
-@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ phyloFit:
- phastCons:
- 	@echo "*** Testing phastCons ***"
- 	phastCons hpmrc.ss hpmrc-rev-dg-global.mod --nrates 20 --transitions .08,.008 --quiet --viterbi elements.bed --seqname chr22 > cons.dat
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief cons.dat cons_correct.dat` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief elements.bed elements_correct.bed` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-+	if ! diff --brief cons.dat cons_correct.dat ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-+	if ! diff --brief elements.bed elements_correct.bed ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
- 	tree_doctor hpmrc-rev-dg-global.mod --prune galGal2 > hpmr.mod
- 	phastCons hpmrc.ss hpmr.mod --nrates 20 --transitions .08,.008 --quiet --viterbi elements-4way.bed --seqname chr22 > cons-4way.dat
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief cons-4way.dat cons-4way_correct.dat` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
--	@if [[ -n `diff --brief elements-4way.bed elements-4way_correct.bed` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-+	if ! diff --brief cons-4way.dat cons-4way_correct.dat ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-+	if ! diff --brief elements-4way.bed elements-4way_correct.bed ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
- 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
- 	@rm -f cons.dat cons-4way.dat elements.bed elements-4way.bed hpmr.mod
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ phyloP:
- 	phyloP --null 10 phyloFit.mod > phyloP_null_test.txt
- 	phyloP -i SS phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_sph_test.txt
- 	phyloP -i SS --method LRT phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_test.txt
--        phyloP -i SS --method LRT --mode CONACC phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_conacc_test.txt
-+	phyloP -i SS --method LRT --mode CONACC phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_conacc_test.txt
- 	phyloP -i SS --method GERP phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_gerp_test.txt
- 	phyloP -i SS --method SCORE phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_score_test.txt
- 	phyloP -i SS --method LRT --wig-scores phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_wig_test.wig
---- a/test/hmrc_summary_correct
-+++ b/test/hmrc_summary_correct
-@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
--descrip.                     A         C         G         T       G+C    length  all_gaps some_gaps
- descrip.                      A          C          G          T        G+C     length   all_gaps  some_gaps
--hmrc.ss                 0.3258    0.1913    0.1827    0.3001    0.3740     95927         0     82185
- hmrc.ss                 0.3258     0.1913     0.1827     0.3001     0.3740      95927          0      82185

@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Forwarded: no
 Last-Update: 2024-07-31
 This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
---- phast.orig/include/phast/stringsplus.h
-+++ phast/include/phast/stringsplus.h
-@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
+--- a/include/phast/stringsplus.h
++++ b/include/phast/stringsplus.h
+@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ int str_split(String *s, const char* del
     expression syntax.
     @result Newly allocated and compiled Regex object.
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
  /** Free resources associated with regular expression object. 
      @param re Regex object to free
---- phast.orig/src/lib/base/phast_stringsplus.c
-+++ phast/src/lib/base/phast_stringsplus.c
-@@ -463,12 +463,12 @@
+--- a/src/lib/base/phast_stringsplus.c
++++ b/src/lib/base/phast_stringsplus.c
+@@ -463,12 +463,12 @@ int str_ends_with_charstr(String *s, con
    return (strncmp(&s->chars[s->length - len], substr, len) == 0);
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
    if (re == NULL) {
      die("ERROR: cannot compile regular expression '%s' (%d): %d\n",
  	re_str, erroffset, errorcode);
-@@ -529,13 +529,13 @@
+@@ -529,13 +529,13 @@ int str_re_match_sub(String *s, pcre2_co
  int str_re_match(String *s, pcre2_compile_context *re, List *l, int nsubexp) {

@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Forwarded: https://github.com/CshlSiepelLab/phast/issues/49
 --- a/src/lib/base/phast_misc.c
 +++ b/src/lib/base/phast_misc.c
-@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ int draw_index(double *p, int size) {
+@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ int draw_index(double *p, int size) {
     character as well as "->" to indicate mapping.  */
  struct hash_table *make_name_hash(char *mapstr) {
    Hashtable *retval = hsh_new(20);

@@ -3,6 +3,5 @@ do_not_install_to_opt.patch

@@ -143,9 +143,8 @@ double col_likelihood_wrapper_1d(double x, void *data);
   @note Uses log rather than log2
-double col_compute_log_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
-                                  double **scratch);
+double col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
+		                                   double **scratch);
 /** Compute and return the likelihood of a tree model with respect
    to a single column tuple in an alignment.
@@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ double col_scale_derivs(ColFitData *d, double *first_deriv,
 /** Compute the first and (optionally) second derivatives with respect
    to the scale parameters for the single-column log likelihood
-   function (col_compute_log_likelihood).
+   function (col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood).
    @param[in] d Column Data to analyze
    @param[out] gradient gradient from first partial derivative
    @param[out] hessian (optional) second order partial derivative

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PHAST := ${PHAST}/..
 #EXEC = $(addprefix ${BIN}/,$(notdir ${PWD}))
 PROGS = dless dlessP
-MODULES = bd_phylo_hmm
+MODULES = phast_bd_phylo_hmm
 EXEC = $(addprefix ${BIN}/,${PROGS})
 # assume all *.c files are source

@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ double normalize_probs(double *p, int size) {
   int i;
   double sum = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) sum += p[i];
+  if(sum == 0) return sum;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) p[i] /= sum;  
   return sum;

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
    perform single-base LRTs, score tests, phyloP, etc. */
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <float.h>
 #include <phast/fit_column.h>
 #include <phast/sufficient_stats.h>
 #include <phast/tree_likelihoods.h>
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
    sufficient stats already available.  Note that this function uses
    natural log rather than log2.  This function does allow for rate
    variation. */
-double col_compute_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
+double col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
                                   double **scratch) {
   int i, j, k, nodeidx, rcat;
@@ -46,15 +47,17 @@ double col_compute_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
   double total_prob = 0;
   List *traversal = tr_postorder(mod->tree);
   double **pL = NULL;
+  double log_scale = 0;
+  double scaling_threshold = DBL_MIN;
   if (msa->ss->tuple_size != 1)
-    die("ERROR col_compute_likelihood: need tuple size 1, got %i\n",
+    die("ERROR col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood: need tuple size 1, got %i\n",
   if (mod->order != 0)
-    die("ERROR col_compute_likelihood: got mod->order of %i, expected 0\n",
+    die("ERROR col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood: got mod->order of %i, expected 0\n",
   if (!mod->allow_gaps)
-    die("ERROR col_compute_likelihood: need mod->allow_gaps to be TRUE\n");
+    die("ERROR col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood: need mod->allow_gaps to be TRUE\n");
   /* allocate memory or use scratch if avail */
   if (scratch != NULL)
@@ -93,8 +96,14 @@ double col_compute_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
           for (k = 0; k < nstates; k++)
             totr += pL[k][n->rchild->id] *
               mm_get(rsubst_mat, i, k);
-          pL[i][n->id] = totl * totr;
+          if (totl * totr < scaling_threshold) {
+            pL[i][n->id] = (totl / scaling_threshold) * totr;
+            log_scale -= log(scaling_threshold);
+          }
+          else {
+            pL[i][n->id] = totl * totr;
+          }
@@ -110,20 +119,9 @@ double col_compute_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
-  return(total_prob);
-/* See col_compute_likelihood above for notes.
-   Note that this function uses natural log rather than log2
- */
-double col_compute_log_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx,
-                                  double **scratch) {
-  return log(col_compute_likelihood(mod, msa, tupleidx, scratch));
+  return log(total_prob) - log_scale;
 /* version of col_scale_derivs_subst that allows for the general case
    of complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
 void col_scale_derivs_subst_complex(ColFitData *d) {
@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ void col_scale_derivs_subst(ColFitData *d) {
 /* Compute the first and (optionally) second derivatives with respect
    to the scale parameter for the single-column log likelihood
-   function (col_compute_log_likelihood).  This version assumes a
+   function (col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood).  This version assumes a
    single scale parameter; see below for the subtree case.  Return
    value is log likelihood, which is computed as a by-product.  Derivs
    will be stored in *first_deriv and *second_deriv.  If second_deriv
@@ -449,7 +447,7 @@ double col_scale_derivs(ColFitData *d, double *first_deriv,
 /* Compute the first and (optionally) second derivatives with respect
    to the scale parameters for the single-column log likelihood
-   function (col_compute_log_likelihood).  This version assumes scale
+   function (col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood).  This version assumes scale
    parameters for the whole tree and for the subtree.  Return value is
    log likelihood, which is computed as a by-product.  Derivs will be
    stored in *gradient and *hessian.  If hessian == NULL,
@@ -679,8 +677,8 @@ double col_likelihood_wrapper(Vector *params, void *data) {
   /* reestimate subst models on edges */
-  return -1 * col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                         d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  return -1 * col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                                d->fels_scratch[0]);
 /* Wrapper for likelihood function for use in parameter estimation;
@@ -695,8 +693,8 @@ double col_likelihood_wrapper_1d(double x, void *data) {
   /* reestimate subst models on edges */
-  return -1 * col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                         d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  return -1 * col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                                d->fels_scratch[0]);
 /* Wrapper for gradient function for use in parameter estimation */
@@ -771,7 +769,7 @@ void col_lrts(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, mode_type mode, double *tuple_pvals,
       /* compute log likelihoods under null and alt hypotheses */
-      null_lnl = col_compute_log_likelihood(mod, msa, i, d->fels_scratch[0]);
+      null_lnl = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(mod, msa, i, d->fels_scratch[0]);
       vec_set(d->params, 0, d->init_scale);
       d->tupleidx = i;
@@ -1368,16 +1366,16 @@ void col_scale_derivs_num(ColFitData *d, double *first_deriv,
   double orig_scale = d->mod->scale;
   d->mod->scale += (2*DERIV_EPSILON);
-  lnl1 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl1 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                           d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale + DERIV_EPSILON;
-  lnl2 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl2 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                           d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale;
-  lnl3 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl3 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                           d->fels_scratch[0]);
   *first_deriv = (lnl2 - lnl3) / DERIV_EPSILON;
   *second_deriv = (lnl1 - 2*lnl2 + lnl3) / (DERIV_EPSILON * DERIV_EPSILON);
@@ -1391,37 +1389,37 @@ void col_scale_derivs_subtree_num(ColFitData *d, Vector *gradient,
   d->mod->scale += (2*DERIV_EPSILON);
-  lnl00 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl00 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                            d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale + DERIV_EPSILON;
-  lnl0 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl0 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                           d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale + DERIV_EPSILON;
   d->mod->scale_sub = orig_scale_sub + DERIV_EPSILON;
-  lnl01 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl01 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                            d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale;
   d->mod->scale_sub = orig_scale_sub + DERIV_EPSILON;
-  lnl1 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl1 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                           d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale;
   d->mod->scale_sub = orig_scale_sub + (2*DERIV_EPSILON);
-  lnl11 = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl11 = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                            d->fels_scratch[0]);
   d->mod->scale = orig_scale;
   d->mod->scale_sub = orig_scale_sub;
-  lnl = col_compute_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
-                                    d->fels_scratch[0]);
+  lnl = col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(d->mod, d->msa, d->tupleidx,
+                                          d->fels_scratch[0]);
   gradient->data[0] = (lnl0 - lnl) / DERIV_EPSILON;
   gradient->data[1] = (lnl1 - lnl) / DERIV_EPSILON;
@@ -1628,4 +1626,4 @@ int col_has_data_sub(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, int tupleidx, List *inside,
     return TRUE;
   return FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
    parameters (currently affects 1d parameter estimation only) */
 /* Compute and return the log likelihood of a tree model with respect
-   to a given feature.  Calls col_compute_log_likelihood for each
+   to a given feature.  Calls col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood for each
    column */ 
 double ff_compute_log_likelihood(TreeModel *mod, MSA *msa, GFF_Feature *feat,
                                  double **scratch) {
   double retval = 0;
   int i;
   for (i = feat->start-1; i < feat->end; i++) /* offset of one */
-    retval += col_compute_log_likelihood(mod, msa, msa->ss->tuple_idx[i], 
-                                         scratch);
+    retval += col_compute_scaled_log_likelihood(mod, msa, msa->ss->tuple_idx[i], 
+                                                scratch);
   return retval;

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PHAST := ${PHAST}/..
 # assume executable name is given by directory name
 PROGS = pbsDecode pbsEncode pbsScoreMatrix pbsTrain prequel
-MODULES = simplex_grid pbs_code
+MODULES = phast_simplex_grid phast_pbs_code
 EXEC = $(addprefix ${BIN}/,${PROGS})
 # assume all *.c files are source

@@ -7,30 +7,30 @@ all: msa_view phyloFit phastCons
 	@echo "*** Testing msa_view ***"
 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --end 10000 > hmrc.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.fa -o PHYLIP > hmrc.ph
 	msa_view hmrc.ph -i PHYLIP > hmrc.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.ph --out-format MPM --in-format PHYLIP > hmrc.mpm
 	msa_view hmrc.mpm --in-format MPM > hmrc.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc.fa hmrc_correct.fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.fa -o SS > hmrc_short_a.ss
 	msa_view hmrc.ss --end 10000 -i SS -o SS > hmrc_short_b.ss
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_short_[ab].ss` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_short_[ab].ss ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view --seqs human,cow hmrc_short_a.ss -i SS -o SS | msa_view - -i SS > hm_a.fa
 	msa_view --seqs human,cow hmrc.fa > hm_b.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hm_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hm_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.ss --gap-strip ANY -i SS -o SS | msa_view - -i SS > hmrc_nogaps_a.fa
 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS | msa_view - --gap-strip ANY > hmrc_nogaps_b.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.fa --seqs human,cow --gap-strip ALL > hm_a.fa
 	msa_view hmrc_short_a.ss --seqs human,cow -i SS --gap-strip ALL > hm_b.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hm_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hm_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.ss --start 10000 --end 20000 -i SS > hmrc_sub_a.fa
 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS | msa_view - --start 10000 --end 20000 > hmrc_sub_b.fa
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_sub_[ab].fa` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief hmrc_sub_[ab].fa ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.ss --summary -i SS > hmrc_summary
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief hmrc_summary hmrc_summary_correct` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief -b hmrc_summary hmrc_summary_correct ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
 	@rm -f hmrc.ph hmrc.fa hmrc.mpm hmrc_short_[ab].ss hm_[ab].fa hmrc_nogaps_[ab].fa hmrc_sub_[ab].fa hmrc_summary
@@ -43,40 +43,40 @@ msa_view:
 	@echo "*** Testing phyloFit ***"
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod JC69 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; then echo "Rounding errors found" ; diff -u phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod JC69 --tree "((((human,chimp), (mouse,rat)), cow), chicken)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod jc.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod F81 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod f81.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod f81.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod UNREST --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS -k 4 --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-dg.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-dg.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS -k 4 --quiet 
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-dg.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-dg.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod HKY85 --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --EM --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-em.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod hky-em.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat), cow)" -i SS --EM --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-em.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-em.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hpmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(hg16, (mm3,rn3), galGal2)" -i SS --gaps-as-bases --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-gaps.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-gaps.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV -i SS --init-model rev.mod --post-probs --lnl --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-lnl.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.postprob rev.postprob` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-lnl.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.postprob rev.postprob ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod REV --tree "(human, (mouse,rat))" -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --seqs human,mouse,rat --unordered -o SS > hmr.ss
 	phyloFit hmr.ss -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr2.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  # FIXME: rev-hmr.mod and rev-hmr2.mod should be equal (eq freqs being obtained from all seqs)
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hmr2.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  # FIXME: rev-hmr.mod and rev-hmr2.mod should be equal (eq freqs being obtained from all seqs)
 	msa_view hmrc.ss -i SS --seqs human,mouse --unordered -o SS > hm.ss
 	phyloFit hm.ss -i SS --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hm.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod rev-hm.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
 	phyloFit hmrc.ss --subst-mod UNREST --tree "((human, mouse), cow)" -i SS --ancestor cow --quiet
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest-cow-anc.mod` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
+	if ! diff --brief phyloFit.mod unrest-cow-anc.mod ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi
 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
 	@rm -f phyloFit.mod phyloFit.postprob hmr.ss hm.ss
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ phyloFit:
 	@echo "*** Testing phastCons ***"
 	phastCons hpmrc.ss hpmrc-rev-dg-global.mod --nrates 20 --transitions .08,.008 --quiet --viterbi elements.bed --seqname chr22 > cons.dat
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief cons.dat cons_correct.dat` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief elements.bed elements_correct.bed` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
+	if ! diff --brief cons.dat cons_correct.dat ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
+	if ! diff --brief elements.bed elements_correct.bed ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
 	tree_doctor hpmrc-rev-dg-global.mod --prune galGal2 > hpmr.mod
 	phastCons hpmrc.ss hpmr.mod --nrates 20 --transitions .08,.008 --quiet --viterbi elements-4way.bed --seqname chr22 > cons-4way.dat
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief cons-4way.dat cons-4way_correct.dat` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
-	@if [[ -n `diff --brief elements-4way.bed elements-4way_correct.bed` ]] ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
+	if ! diff --brief cons-4way.dat cons-4way_correct.dat ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
+	if ! diff --brief elements-4way.bed elements-4way_correct.bed ; then echo "ERROR" ; exit 1 ; fi  
 	@echo -e "Passed all tests.\n"
 	@rm -f cons.dat cons-4way.dat elements.bed elements-4way.bed hpmr.mod
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ phyloP:
 	phyloP --null 10 phyloFit.mod > phyloP_null_test.txt
 	phyloP -i SS phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_sph_test.txt
 	phyloP -i SS --method LRT phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_test.txt
-        phyloP -i SS --method LRT --mode CONACC phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_conacc_test.txt
+	phyloP -i SS --method LRT --mode CONACC phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_lrt_conacc_test.txt
 	phyloP -i SS --method GERP phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_gerp_test.txt
 	phyloP -i SS --method SCORE phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_score_test.txt
 	phyloP -i SS --method LRT --wig-scores phyloFit.mod hmrc.ss > phyloP_wig_test.wig

@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-descrip.                     A         C         G         T       G+C    length  all_gaps some_gaps
 descrip.                      A          C          G          T        G+C     length   all_gaps  some_gaps
-hmrc.ss                 0.3258    0.1913    0.1827    0.3001    0.3740     95927         0     82185
 hmrc.ss                 0.3258     0.1913     0.1827     0.3001     0.3740      95927          0      82185

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