[med-svn] [Git][med-team/mosdepth][upstream] New upstream version 0.3.10+ds

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Dec 13 15:24:44 GMT 2024

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / mosdepth

0ba1c572 by Andreas Tille at 2024-12-13T16:05:21+01:00
New upstream version 0.3.10+ds
- - - - -

8 changed files:

- + .github/FUNDING.yml
- + .github/workflows/build.yml
- depthstat.nim
- functional-tests.sh
- mosdepth.nim
- mosdepth.nimble


@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+github:  [brentp]
+patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
+open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
+ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
+tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
+community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
+liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
+issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
+otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
+lfx_crowdfunding: # Replace with a single LFX Crowdfunding project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
+custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# copied from Daniel Cook's Seq collection
+name: Build
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - master
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - master
+  build:
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        os: [ubuntu-20.04, macos-13]
+        version:
+        - 1.6.18
+        - 2.0.2
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout at v4
+    # Caching
+    - name: Cache choosenim
+      id: cache-choosenim
+      uses: actions/cache at v4
+      with:
+        path: ~/.choosenim
+        key: ${{ runner.os }}-choosenim-stable
+    - name: Cache nimble
+      id: cache-nimble
+      uses: actions/cache at v4
+      with:
+        path: ~/.nimble
+        key: ${{ runner.os }}-nimble-stable
+    - name: Cache htslib
+      id: cache-htslib
+      uses: actions/cache at v4
+      with:
+        path: $HOME/htslib
+        key: ${{ runner.os }}-htslib-1.10
+    # Install Dependencies
+    - name: Install dependencies (Linux)
+      if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+      run: |
+        sudo apt-get update
+        sudo apt-get -qy install bwa make build-essential cmake libncurses-dev ncurses-dev libbz2-dev lzma-dev liblzma-dev \
+             curl libssl-dev libtool autoconf automake libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev
+    # Setup htslib
+    - name: Install htslib (linux)
+      if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+      run: |
+        cd
+        git clone -b 1.18 --recursive https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git
+        cd htslib && autoheader && autoconf && ./configure --enable-libcurl
+        sudo make -j 4 install
+        sudo ldconfig
+        #echo "::set-env name=LD_LIBRARY_PATH::${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${HOME}/htslib"
+        #ls -lh $HOME/htslib/*.so
+    - name: Install hstlib (macos)
+      if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+      run: |
+        brew install htslib
+    - name: Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
+      if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+      run: |
+          echo "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(brew --prefix htslib)/lib" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+    - name: Install d4 
+      run: |
+        #export HTSLIB=system
+        git clone https://github.com/38/d4-format
+        echo 'location' >> ~/.curlrc # https://github.com/38/d4-format/pull/77#issuecomment-2044438359
+        cd d4-format
+        cargo build --release --all-features --package=d4binding
+        sudo cp target/release/libd4binding.* /usr/local/lib
+        sudo cp d4binding/include/d4.h /usr/local/include/
+        sudo ldconfig || true
+    - uses: iffy/install-nim at v5
+      with:
+        version: ${{ matrix.version }}
+    - name: Rust Toolchain
+      uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain at nightly
+      with:
+        toolchain: stable
+    # Build and Test
+    - name: Build test executable
+      run: nimble build -Y mosdepth.nimble
+    - name: "Copy binary"
+      run: chmod +x mosdepth && mkdir bin && cp mosdepth bin/mosdepth_debug_${{ matrix.os }}
+    - name: "Build and Copy release binary"
+      run: nim c --mm:refc -d:danger -d:release -o:bin/mosdepth_${{ matrix.os }} mosdepth
+    - name: Functional Tests
+      env:
+        TERM: "xterm"
+      run: |
+        bash ./functional-tests.sh
+    - name: Unit Tests
+      run: |
+        nim c -r tests/all.nim
+    - name: Upload Artifact
+      if: success()
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact at v4
+      with:
+        name: mosdepth_${{ matrix.os }}_nim${{ matrix.version }}_executable
+        path: bin/

@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
++ write sfi index in d4 files (#243)
++ fix d4 output (#237)
++ mosdepth is now much faster on bams/crams with a large number of contigs (#229)
++ support CRAM v3.1. only updates htslib that binary is built with to v1.19.1 (#224)
 + allow filtering on fragment length thanks @LudvigOlsen for implementing! (#214)

@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for **WGS**, **exome**, or **targeted sequencing
 ![logo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1739/29678184-da1f384c-88ba-11e7-9d98-df4fe3a59924.png "logo")
+[![Build](https://github.com/brentp/mosdepth/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/brentp/mosdepth/actions/workflows/build.yml) [![citation](https://img.shields.io/badge/cite-open%20access-orange.svg)](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx699/4583630?guestAccessKey=35b55064-4566-4ab3-a769-32916fa1c6e6)
 `mosdepth` can output:
@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ when appropriate, the output files are bgzipped and indexed for ease of use.
 ## usage
-mosdepth 0.3.4
+mosdepth 0.3.9
   Usage: mosdepth [options] <prefix> <BAM-or-CRAM>
@@ -33,8 +31,7 @@ Arguments:
   <prefix>       outputs: `{prefix}.mosdepth.global.dist.txt`
-                          `{prefix}.mosdepth.region.dist.txt` (if --by is specified)
-                          `{prefix}.per-base.bed.gz|per-base.d4` (unless -n/--no-per-base is specified)
+                          `{prefix}.per-base.bed.gz` (unless -n/--no-per-base is specified)
                           `{prefix}.regions.bed.gz` (if --by is specified)
                           `{prefix}.quantized.bed.gz` (if --quantize is specified)
                           `{prefix}.thresholds.bed.gz` (if --thresholds is specified)
@@ -43,29 +40,29 @@ Arguments:
 Common Options:
-  -t --threads <threads>     number of BAM decompression threads. (use 4 or fewer) [default: 0]
+  -t --threads <threads>     number of BAM decompression threads [default: 0]
   -c --chrom <chrom>         chromosome to restrict depth calculation.
   -b --by <bed|window>       optional BED file or (integer) window-sizes.
   -n --no-per-base           dont output per-base depth. skipping this output will speed execution
                              substantially. prefer quantized or thresholded values if possible.
-  -f --fasta <fasta>         fasta file for use with CRAM files.
-  --d4                       output per-base depth in d4 format. This is much faster.
+  -f --fasta <fasta>         fasta file for use with CRAM files [default: ].
+  --d4                       output per-base depth in d4 format.
 Other options:
-  -F --flag <FLAG>              exclude reads with any of the bits in FLAG set [default: 1796]
-  -i --include-flag <FLAG>      only include reads with any of the bits in FLAG set. default is unset. [default: 0]
-  -x --fast-mode                dont look at internal cigar operations or correct mate overlaps (recommended for most use-cases).
-  -q --quantize <segments>      write quantized output see docs for description.
-  -Q --mapq <mapq>              mapping quality threshold. reads with a mapping quality less than this are ignored [default: 0]
-  -T --thresholds <thresholds>  for each interval in --by, write number of bases covered by at
-                                least threshold bases. Specify multiple integer values separated
-                                by ','.
-  -m --use-median               output median of each region (in --by) instead of mean.
-  -R --read-groups <string>     only calculate depth for these comma-separated read groups IDs.
-  -h --help                     show help
+  -F --flag <FLAG>                  exclude reads with any of the bits in FLAG set [default: 1796]
+  -i --include-flag <FLAG>          only include reads with any of the bits in FLAG set. default is unset. [default: 0]
+  -x --fast-mode                    dont look at internal cigar operations or correct mate overlaps (recommended for most use-cases).
+  -q --quantize <segments>          write quantized output see docs for description.
+  -Q --mapq <mapq>                  mapping quality threshold. reads with a quality less than this value are ignored [default: 0]
+  -l --min-frag-len <min-frag-len>  minimum insert size. reads with a smaller insert size than this are ignored [default: -1]
+  -u --max-frag-len <max-frag-len>  maximum insert size. reads with a larger insert size than this are ignored. [default: -1]
+  -T --thresholds <thresholds>      for each interval in --by, write number of bases covered by at
+                                    least threshold bases. Specify multiple integer values separated
+                                    by ','.
+  -m --use-median                   output median of each region (in --by) instead of mean.
+  -R --read-groups <string>         only calculate depth for these comma-separated read groups IDs.
+  -h --help                         show help
 If you use mosdepth please cite [the publication in bioinformatics](https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx699/4583630?guestAccessKey=35b55064-4566-4ab3-a769-32916fa1c6e6)

@@ -15,12 +15,10 @@ proc initCountStat*[T](size:int=32768): CountStat[T] =
 proc add*[T](c: var CountStat, value: T) {.inline.} =
-  if value.int > c.counts.high.int:
-    c.counts[c.counts.high].inc
-  elif value < 0:
+  if value < 0:
     raise newException(IndexDefect, "error setting negative depth value:" & $value)
-    c.counts[value].inc
+    c.counts[min(c.counts.high.T, value)].inc
 proc median*[T](c: CountStat[T]): int {.inline.} =
   var stop_n = int(0.5 + c.n.float64 * 0.5)

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ set -o nounset
 set -e
-nim c --boundChecks:on -x:on mosdepth.nim
-nim c -r tests/funcs.nim
+nim c --boundChecks:on -x:on -d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert --lineDir:on --debuginfo --mm:refc mosdepth.nim
+nim c -x:on --mm:refc -d:useSysAssert -d:useGcAssert --lineDir:on --debuginfo -r tests/funcs.nim
 set +e
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ rm -f t.*
 #regions and global should not be the same when -b is specified
 run regions $exe t_regions -n -b 100 tests/empty-tids.bam 
-assert_equal $(diff -u t_regions.mosdepth.region.dist.txt t_regions.mosdepth.global.dist.txt | wc -l) 1447
+assert_equal $(diff -u t_regions.mosdepth.region.dist.txt t_regions.mosdepth.global.dist.txt | wc -l) 1436
 rm -f t_regions.*
 run overlappingPairs $exe t tests/overlapping-pairs.bam

@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ iterator regions(bam: hts.Bam, region: region_t, tid: int, targets: seq[hts.Targ
 proc bed_line_to_region(line: string): region_t =
-     cse = line.strip().split('\t', 5)
+     cse = line.split('\t', 5)
    if len(cse) < 3:
      stderr.write_line("[mosdepth] skipping bad bed line:", line.strip())
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ proc bed_line_to_region(line: string): region_t =
      reg = region_t(chrom: cse[0], start: uint32(s), stop: uint32(e))
    doAssert s <= e, "[slivar] ERROR: start > end in bed line:" & line
    if len(cse) > 3:
-     reg.name = cse[3]
+     reg.name = cse[3].strip()
    return reg
 proc region_line_to_region*(region: string): region_t =
@@ -212,10 +212,14 @@ proc region_line_to_region*(region: string): region_t =
       result.chrom = w
-proc get_tid(tgts: seq[hts.Target], chrom: string): int =
+proc get_tid(tgts: seq[hts.Target], chrom: string, last_tid:var int): int =
+  if tgts[last_tid + 1].name == chrom:
+      last_tid = tgts[last_tid + 1].tid
+      return last_tid
   for t in tgts:
     if t.name == chrom:
-      return t.tid
+      last_tid = t.tid
+      return last_tid
 proc init(arr: var coverage_t, tlen:int) =
   ## try to re-use the array.
@@ -229,19 +233,18 @@ proc init(arr: var coverage_t, tlen:int) =
   zeroMem(arr[0].addr, len(arr) * sizeof(arr[0]))
-proc coverage(bam: hts.Bam, arr: var coverage_t, region: var region_t, mapq:int= -1, min_len:int= -1, max_len:int=int.high, eflag: uint16=1796, iflag:uint16=0, read_groups:seq[string]=(@[]), fast_mode:bool=false): int =
+proc coverage(bam: hts.Bam, arr: var coverage_t, region: var region_t, targets: seq[Target], mapq:int= -1, min_len:int= -1, max_len:int=int.high, eflag: uint16=1796, iflag:uint16=0, read_groups:seq[string]=(@[]), fast_mode:bool=false, last_tid: var int = -1): int =
   # depth updates arr in-place and yields the tid for each chrom.
   # returns -1 if the chrom is not found in the bam header
   # returns -2 if the chrom was found in the header, but there was no data for it
   # otherwise returns the tid.
-    targets = bam.hdr.targets
     tgt: hts.Target
     mate: Record
     seen = newTable[string, Record]()
     has_read_groups = read_groups.len > 0
-  var tid = if region != nil: get_tid(targets, region.chrom) else: -1
+  var tid = if region != nil: get_tid(targets, region.chrom, last_tid) else: -1
   if tid == -1:
     return -1
@@ -335,8 +338,7 @@ proc bed_to_table(bed: string): TableRef[string, seq[region_t]] =
     var v = bed_line_to_region($kstr.s)
     if v == nil: continue
-    discard bed_regions.hasKeyOrPut(v.chrom, new_seq[region_t]())
-    bed_regions[v.chrom].add(v)
+    bed_regions.mgetOrPut(v.chrom, new_seq[region_t]()).add(v)
   # since it is read into mem, can also well sort.
   for chrom, ivs in bed_regions.mpairs:
@@ -414,7 +416,7 @@ proc write_distribution(chrom: string, d: var seq[int64], fh:File) =
     if irev > 300 and v == 0: continue
     cum += float64(v) / float64(sum)
     if cum < 8e-5: continue
-    fh.write_line(chrom, "\t", $irev & "\t" & su.format_float(cum, ffDecimal, precision=precision))
+    fh.write_line(chrom, "\t", irev, "\t", su.format_float(cum, ffDecimal, precision=precision))
   # reverse it back because we use to update the full genome
@@ -456,8 +458,8 @@ proc sum_into(afrom: seq[int64], ato: var seq[int64]) =
     for i in b..ato.high:
       ato[i] = 0
-  for i in 0..afrom.high:
-    ato[i] += afrom[i]
+  for i, d in afrom:
+    ato[i] += d
 proc get_quantize_args*(qa: string) : seq[int] =
   if qa == "nil":
@@ -502,7 +504,8 @@ proc write_thresholds(fh:BGZI, tid:int, arr:var coverage_t, thresholds:seq[int],
   var counts = new_seq[int](len(thresholds))
-  shallow(arr)
+  when NimMajor < 2:
+      shallow(arr)
   # iterate over the region and count bases >= request cutoffs.
   for v in arr[start..<stop]:
@@ -584,15 +587,16 @@ proc main(bam: hts.Bam, chrom: region_t, mapq: int, min_len: int, max_len: int,
-  var region_distribution = new_seq[int64](1000)
-  var global_distribution = new_seq[int64](1000)
+  var region_distribution = new_seq[int64](512)
+  var global_distribution = new_seq[int64](512)
   if $args["--read-groups"] != "nil":
     for r in ($args["--read-groups"]).split(','):
   var levels = get_min_levels(targets)
-  var chrom_region_distribution, chrom_global_distribution: seq[int64]
+  var chrom_region_distribution = newSeq[int64](region_distribution.len)
+  var chrom_global_distribution = newSeq[int64](global_distribution.len)
   if not skip_per_base:
     # can't use set-threads when indexing on the fly so this must
@@ -627,19 +631,26 @@ proc main(bam: hts.Bam, chrom: region_t, mapq: int, min_len: int, max_len: int,
       window = uint32(S.parse_int(region))
       bed_regions = bed_to_table(region)
-  shallow(arr)
+  when NimMajor < 2:
+      shallow(arr)
   var cs = initCountStat[uint32](size=if use_median: 65536 else: 0)
+  var ii = 0
+  var last_tid = -1
   for target in sub_targets:
-    chrom_global_distribution = new_seq[int64](1000)
+    if ii > 0 and ii mod 100_000 == 0:
+        stderr.write_line("[mosdepth] on contig:", ii, ". percent of contigs completed:", su.format_float(100 * ii/sub_targets.len, ffDecimal, precision=2))
+    ii += 1
+    zeroMem(chrom_global_distribution[0].addr, len(chrom_global_distribution) * sizeof(chrom_global_distribution[0]))
     if region != "":
-      chrom_region_distribution = new_seq[int64](1000)
+      zeroMem(chrom_region_distribution[0].addr, len(chrom_region_distribution) * sizeof(chrom_region_distribution[0]))
     # if we can skip per base and there's no regions from this chrom we can avoid coverage calc.
     if skip_per_base and thresholds.len == 0 and quantize.len == 0 and bed_regions != nil and not bed_regions.contains(target.name):
     rchrom = region_t(chrom: target.name)
-    var tid = coverage(bam, arr, rchrom, mapq, min_len, max_len, eflag, iflag, read_groups=read_groups, fast_mode=fast_mode)
+    var tid = coverage(bam, arr, rchrom, targets, mapq, min_len, max_len, eflag, iflag, read_groups=read_groups, fast_mode=fast_mode, last_tid=last_tid)
     if tid == -1: continue # -1 means that chrom is not even in the bam
     if tid != -2: # -2 means there were no reads in the bam
@@ -667,6 +678,7 @@ proc main(bam: hts.Bam, chrom: region_t, mapq: int, min_len: int, max_len: int,
             chrom_region_distribution.inc(arr, r.start, r.stop)
         write_thresholds(fthresholds, tid, arr, thresholds, r)
     if tid != -2:
       chrom_global_distribution.inc(arr, uint32(0), uint32(len(arr) - 1))
       chrom_stat = newDepthStat(arr[0..<len(arr)-1])
@@ -750,6 +762,7 @@ proc main(bam: hts.Bam, chrom: region_t, mapq: int, min_len: int, max_len: int,
   when defined(d4):
     if use_d4:
+      doAssert index_build_sfi(prefix & ".per-base.d4")
   if fbase != nil and close(fbase) != 0:
       stderr.write_line("[mosdepth] error writing per-base file\n")
@@ -782,7 +795,7 @@ when(isMainModule):
   when not defined(release) and not defined(lto):
     stderr.write_line "[mosdepth] WARNING: built in debug mode; will be slow"
-  let version = "mosdepth 0.3.6"
+  let version = "mosdepth 0.3.10"
   let env_fasta = getEnv("REF_PATH")
   var doc = format("""
@@ -791,7 +804,7 @@ when(isMainModule):
-  <prefix>       outputs: `{prefix}.mosdepth.dist.txt`
+  <prefix>       outputs: `{prefix}.mosdepth.global.dist.txt`
                           `{prefix}.per-base.bed.gz` (unless -n/--no-per-base is specified)
                           `{prefix}.regions.bed.gz` (if --by is specified)

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Package
-version       = "0.3.6"
+version       = "0.3.10"
 author        = "Brent Pedersen"
 description   = "fast depth"
 license       = "MIT"
 # Dependencies
-requires "hts >= 0.3.22", "docopt == 0.7.0", "nim >= 1.0.0", "https://github.com/brentp/d4-nim >= 0.0.3"
+requires "hts >= 0.3.22", "docopt == 0.7.1", "nim >= 1.0.0", "https://github.com/brentp/d4-nim >= 0.0.5"
 bin = @["mosdepth"]
 skipDirs = @["tests"]

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/mosdepth/-/commit/0ba1c572ff9b8df67fd5a3786aeea97b00dca570

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/mosdepth/-/commit/0ba1c572ff9b8df67fd5a3786aeea97b00dca570
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