[med-svn] [Git][med-team/hinge][master] 4 commits: Added readme for networkx patch references
Israel Komolehin (@Komolehin)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Feb 7 11:24:56 GMT 2024
Israel Komolehin pushed to branch master at Debian Med / hinge
e88e39d7 by Komolehin Israel Timilehin at 2024-02-07T11:05:32+00:00
Added readme for networkx patch references
- - - - -
90310140 by Komolehin Israel Timilehin at 2024-02-07T11:06:07+00:00
Added patch for networkx implementation
- - - - -
11818c26 by Komolehin Israel Timilehin at 2024-02-07T11:06:07+00:00
Updated test readme
- - - - -
848bc659 by Komolehin Israel Timilehin at 2024-02-07T11:20:26+00:00
Updated readme
- - - - -
4 changed files:
- + debian/README.md
- + debian/patches/networkx_update
- debian/patches/series
- debian/tests/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+### networkx_update patch references
+- [AttributeError: 'DiGraph' object has no attribute 'edge'](https://github.com/DerwenAI/pytextrank/issues/10)
+- [dict_keyiterator' has no len()](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53584341/len-throws-with-dict-keyiterator-has-no-len-when-calculating-outgoing-and-in)
+- [TypeError: 'dict_keyiterator' object is not subscriptable ](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60331374/typeerror-dict-keyiterator-object-is-not-subscriptable-python-2)
+- [RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11941817/how-can-i-avoid-runtimeerror-dictionary-changed-size-during-iteration-error)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+--- a/scripts/pruning_and_clipping.py
++++ b/scripts/pruning_and_clipping.py
+@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
+ print('----0')
+ print(st_node)
+- if len(H.successors(st_node)) == 1:
+- cur_node = H.successors(st_node)[0]
++ if len(list(H.successors(st_node))) == 1:
++ cur_node = next(H.successors(st_node))
+ if print_debug:
+ print('----1')
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
+ if print_debug:
+ print(cur_node)
+- cur_node = H.successors(cur_node)[0]
++ cur_node = next(H.successors(cur_node))
+ if len(cur_path) > threshold + 1:
+ break
+@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
+ except:
+ continue
+- for sec_node in H.successors(st_node):
++ for sec_node in list(H.successors(st_node)):
+ if H.out_degree(st_node) == 1:
+ break
+@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@
+ while H.in_degree(cur_node) == 1 and H.out_degree(cur_node) == 1:
+- cur_path.append([cur_node,H.successors(cur_node)[0]])
+- cur_node = H.successors(cur_node)[0]
++ cur_path.append([cur_node, next(H.successors(cur_node))])
++ cur_node = next(H.successors(cur_node))
+ if len(cur_path) > threshold + 1:
+ break
+@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@
+ for edge in cur_path:
+- G0.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]['z'] = 1
+- G0.edge[rev_node(edge[1])][rev_node(edge[0])]['z'] = 1
++ G0.adj[edge[0]][edge[1]]['z'] = 1
++ G0.adj[rev_node(edge[1])][rev_node(edge[0])]['z'] = 1
+ try:
+ H.remove_edge(edge[0],edge[1])
+@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@
+ for j in range(len(cur_path)-1):
+- G0.node[cur_path[j][1]]['z'] = 1
+- G0.node[rev_node(cur_path[j][1])]['z'] = 1
++ G0._node[cur_path[j][1]]['z'] = 1
++ G0._node[rev_node(cur_path[j][1])]['z'] = 1
+ try:
+ H.remove_node(cur_path[j][1])
+@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
+ in_node = g.in_edges(node)[0][0]
+ out_node = g.out_edges(node)[0][1]
+- if g.node[node]['hinge']==0 and g.node[in_node]['hinge']==0 and g.node[out_node]['hinge']==0:
++ if g._node[node]['hinge']==0 and g._node[in_node]['hinge']==0 and g._node[out_node]['hinge']==0:
+ if g.out_degree(in_node) == 1 and g.in_degree(out_node) == 1:
+ if in_node != node and out_node != node and in_node != out_node:
+ bad_node=False
+@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
+ # if we got here, we probably have a Y, and not a collapsed repeat
+ for vert in H.successors(st_node):
+- if H.node[vert]['CFLAG'] == True:
++ if H._node[vert]['CFLAG'] == True:
+ try:
+ H.remove_edge(st_node,vert)
+@@ -896,35 +896,35 @@
+ # print node_base
+ #print node
+- g.node[node]['normpos'] = 0
++ g._node[node]['normpos'] = 0
+ if node_base in mapping:
+- g.node[node]['chr'] = mapping[node_base][0][2]+1
+- g.node[node]['aln_start'] = min (mapping[node_base][0][0],mapping[node_base][0][1])
+- g.node[node]['aln_end'] = max(mapping[node_base][0][1],mapping[node_base][0][0])
++ g._node[node]['chr'] = mapping[node_base][0][2]+1
++ g._node[node]['aln_start'] = min (mapping[node_base][0][0],mapping[node_base][0][1])
++ g._node[node]['aln_end'] = max(mapping[node_base][0][1],mapping[node_base][0][0])
+- # max_chr = max(g.node[node]['chr'],max_chr)
++ # max_chr = max(g._node[node]['chr'],max_chr)
+ # mapped_nodes+=1
+ else:
+ # pass
+- g.node[node]['chr'] = 0
+- g.node[node]['aln_start'] = 1
+- g.node[node]['aln_end'] = 1
+-# g.node[node]['aln_strand'] = 0
++ g._node[node]['chr'] = 0
++ g._node[node]['aln_start'] = 1
++ g._node[node]['aln_end'] = 1
++# g._node[node]['aln_strand'] = 0
+ if node in in_hinges or node in out_hinges:
+- g.node[node]['hinge'] = 1
++ g._node[node]['hinge'] = 1
+ else:
+- g.node[node]['hinge'] = 0
++ g._node[node]['hinge'] = 0
+- if g.node[node]['chr'] in chr_length_dict:
+- chr_length_dict[g.node[node]['chr']] = max(g.node[node]['aln_end'], chr_length_dict[g.node[node]['chr']])
++ if g._node[node]['chr'] in chr_length_dict:
++ chr_length_dict[g._node[node]['chr']] = max(g._node[node]['aln_end'], chr_length_dict[g._node[node]['chr']])
+ else:
+- chr_length_dict[g.node[node]['chr']] = max(g.node[node]['aln_end'], 1)
++ chr_length_dict[g._node[node]['chr']] = max(g._node[node]['aln_end'], 1)
+ chr_list = sorted(list(chr_length_dict.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+- max_chr_len1 = max([g.node[x]['aln_end'] for x in g.nodes()])
++ max_chr_len1 = max([g._node[x]['aln_end'] for x in g.nodes()])
+ max_chr_multiplier = 10**len(str(max_chr_len1))
+ print([x for x in chr_list])
+ chr_set =[x [0] for x in chr_list]
+@@ -936,11 +936,11 @@
+ for colour in colour_list:
+ print(matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(colour))
+ for index, chrom in enumerate(chr_set):
+- node_set = set([x for x in g.nodes() if g.node[x]['chr'] == chrom])
++ node_set = set([x for x in g.nodes() if g._node[x]['chr'] == chrom])
+ print(chrom)
+- max_chr_len = max([g.node[x]['aln_end'] for x in g.nodes() if g.node[x]['chr'] == chrom])
++ max_chr_len = max([g._node[x]['aln_end'] for x in g.nodes() if g._node[x]['chr'] == chrom])
+ # max_chr_multiplier = 10**len(str(max_chr_len))
+@@ -962,40 +962,40 @@
+ print(red,blue,green)
+ for node in node_set:
+- g.node[node]['normpos'] = g.node[node]['chr'] * max_chr_multiplier + (g.node[node]['aln_end']/float(max_chr_len))*max_chr_multiplier
+- lamda = (g.node[node]['aln_end']/max_chr_len)
++ g._node[node]['normpos'] = g._node[node]['chr'] * max_chr_multiplier + (g._node[node]['aln_end']/float(max_chr_len))*max_chr_multiplier
++ lamda = (g._node[node]['aln_end']/max_chr_len)
+ nd_red = (1-lamda)*red + lamda*red_bk
+ nd_green = (1-lamda)*green + lamda*green_bk
+ nd_blue = (1-lamda)*blue + lamda*blue_bk
+- g.node[node]['color'] = rgb2hex(nd_red, nd_green, nd_blue)
+- g.node[node]['color_r'] = nd_red
+- g.node[node]['color_g'] = nd_green
+- g.node[node]['color_b'] = nd_blue
++ g._node[node]['color'] = rgb2hex(nd_red, nd_green, nd_blue)
++ g._node[node]['color_r'] = nd_red
++ g._node[node]['color_g'] = nd_green
++ g._node[node]['color_b'] = nd_blue
+ # max_chr_len = len(str(max_chr))
+ # div_num = float(10**(max_chr_len))
+ # for node in g.nodes():
+- # g.node[node]['normpos'] = (g.node[node]['chr'] + g.node[node]['aln_end']/float(chr_length_dict[g.node[node]['chr']]))/div_num
++ # g._node[node]['normpos'] = (g._node[node]['chr'] + g._node[node]['aln_end']/float(chr_length_dict[g._node[node]['chr']]))/div_num
+ for edge in g.edges_iter():
+ in_node=edge[0]
+ out_node=edge[1]
+-# if ((g.node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[out_node]['aln_start'] and
+-# g.node[out_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[in_node]['aln_end']) or
+-# (g.node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[out_node]['aln_end'] and
+-# g.node[out_node]['aln_end'] < g.node[in_node]['aln_end'])):
++# if ((g._node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[out_node]['aln_start'] and
++# g._node[out_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[in_node]['aln_end']) or
++# (g._node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[out_node]['aln_end'] and
++# g._node[out_node]['aln_end'] < g._node[in_node]['aln_end'])):
+ # g.edge[in_node][out_node]['false_positive']=0
+ # else:
+ # g.edge[in_node][out_node]['false_positive']=1
+- if ((g.node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[out_node]['aln_start'] and
+- g.node[out_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[in_node]['aln_end']) or
+- (g.node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g.node[out_node]['aln_end'] and
+- g.node[out_node]['aln_end'] < g.node[in_node]['aln_end'])):
++ if ((g._node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[out_node]['aln_start'] and
++ g._node[out_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[in_node]['aln_end']) or
++ (g._node[in_node]['aln_start'] < g._node[out_node]['aln_end'] and
++ g._node[out_node]['aln_end'] < g._node[in_node]['aln_end'])):
+ g.edge[in_node][out_node]['false_positive']=0
+ else:
+ g.edge[in_node][out_node]['false_positive']=1
+@@ -1015,8 +1015,8 @@
+ e1 = (lines1[0] + "_" + lines1[3], lines1[1] + "_" + lines1[4])
+ if e1 in G.edges():
+- G.edge[lines1[0] + "_" + lines1[3]][lines1[1] + "_" + lines1[4]]['skipped'] = 1
+- G.edge[lines1[1] + "_" + str(1-int(lines1[4]))][lines1[0] + "_" + str(1-int(lines1[3]))]['skipped'] = 1
++ G.adj[lines1[0] + "_" + lines1[3]][lines1[1] + "_" + lines1[4]]['skipped'] = 1
++ G.adj[lines1[1] + "_" + str(1-int(lines1[4]))][lines1[0] + "_" + str(1-int(lines1[3]))]['skipped'] = 1
+@@ -1027,11 +1027,11 @@
+ for node in g.nodes():
+ if node in in_hinges:
+- g.node[node]['hinge'] = 1
++ g._node[node]['hinge'] = 1
+ elif node in out_hinges:
+- g.node[node]['hinge'] = -1
++ g._node[node]['hinge'] = -1
+ else:
+- g.node[node]['hinge'] = 0
++ g._node[node]['hinge'] = 0
+ return g
+@@ -1044,9 +1044,9 @@
+ slf_flags = None
+ for node in g.nodes():
+- g.node[node]['CFLAG'] = False
++ g._node[node]['CFLAG'] = False
+ if slf_flags != None:
+- g.node[node]['SFLAG'] = False
++ g._node[node]['SFLAG'] = False
+ node_set = set(g.nodes())
+ num_bad_cov_reads = 0
+@@ -1061,8 +1061,8 @@
+ print(node_name + ' is not symmetrically present in the graph input.')
+ raise
+ if node_name+'_0' in node_set:
+- g.node[node_name+'_0']['CFLAG'] = True
+- g.node[node_name+'_1']['CFLAG'] = True
++ g._node[node_name+'_0']['CFLAG'] = True
++ g._node[node_name+'_1']['CFLAG'] = True
+ num_bad_cov_reads += 1
+ print(str(num_bad_cov_reads) + ' bad coverage reads.')
+@@ -1078,8 +1078,8 @@
+ print(node_name + ' is not symmetrically present in the graph input.')
+ raise
+ if node_name+'_0' in node_set:
+- g.node[node_name+'_0']['SFLAG'] = True
+- g.node[node_name+'_1']['SFLAG'] = True
++ g._node[node_name+'_0']['SFLAG'] = True
++ g._node[node_name+'_1']['SFLAG'] = True
+ num_bad_slf_reads += 1
+ print(str(num_bad_slf_reads) + ' bad self aligned reads.')
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ libspdlog-14.0.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
## Hinge Autopkgtest
- The test breaks at line 55 of `run-demo` due to `networkx` with the following error:
-- **AttributeError: 'DiGraph' object has no attribute 'node'. Did you mean: '_node'?**
-- Suggestions on resolving the error can be found [here](https://github.com/victorlei/smop/issues/165)
+**Traceback (most recent call last):**
+ **File "/usr/bin/../lib/hinge/pruning_and_clipping.py", line 1407, in <module>**
+ **Gs = random_condensation_sym(G1,1000)**
+ **File "/usr/bin/../lib/hinge/pruning_and_clipping.py", line 452, in random_condensation_sym**
+ **node = g.nodes()[random.randrange(len(g.nodes()))]**
+ **File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/networkx/classes/reportviews.py", line 194, in __getitem__**
+ **return self._nodes[n]**
+**KeyError: 819**
\ No newline at end of file
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/hinge/-/compare/2dbe3b422f155efee99196d521a7bc99fd6083c3...848bc6599fff98336e711bb5e81aad8408a82888
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/hinge/-/compare/2dbe3b422f155efee99196d521a7bc99fd6083c3...848bc6599fff98336e711bb5e81aad8408a82888
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