[med-svn] [Git][med-team/hyphy][upstream] New upstream version 2.5.62+dfsg

Étienne Mollier (@emollier) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Jun 2 09:59:47 BST 2024

Étienne Mollier pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / hyphy

be6449bd by Étienne Mollier at 2024-06-02T10:23:49+02:00
New upstream version 2.5.62+dfsg
- - - - -

30 changed files:

- Examples/Simulation/RelativeRatePBS.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/GARD.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/MSS-joint-fitter.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/SelectionAnalyses/BUSTED.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/SelectionAnalyses/aBSREL.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/SelectionAnalyses/modules/shared-load-file.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/libv3/all-terms.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/libv3/tasks/alignments.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/libv3/tasks/estimators.bf
- res/TemplateBatchFiles/libv3/tasks/mpi.bf
- src/core/batchlan.cpp
- src/core/batchlan2.cpp
- src/core/calcnode.cpp
- src/core/formula.cpp
- src/core/fstring.cpp
- src/core/global_things.cpp
- src/core/include/batchlan.h
- src/core/include/defines.h
- src/core/include/formula.h
- src/core/include/likefunc.h
- src/core/include/parser.h
- src/core/include/variable.h
- src/core/likefunc.cpp
- src/core/likefunc2.cpp
- src/core/matrix.cpp
- src/core/parser.cpp
- src/core/parser2.cpp
- src/core/tree.cpp
- src/core/variable.cpp
- src/core/variablecontainer.cpp


@@ -1 +1 @@
/* This is an example HY-PHY Batch File.

   It reads a 3 taxa dataset "data/3.seq", performs

   an HKY85 relative rate analysis on the data.

   Having finished that, the code simulates 100 replicates of the data

   using MLE of the parameters under the null hypothesis of equal  

   rates, conducts an HKY relative rate analysis on each of the 

   replicates and then tabulates the distribution of resulting

   likelihood ratio statistic.



   Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond and Spencer V. Muse 

   December 1999. 


/* 1. Read in the data and store the result in a DataSet variable.*/

DataSet 		nucleotideSequences = ReadDataFile ("data/3.seq");


/* 2. Filter the data, specifying that all of the data is to be used

	  and that it is to be treated as nucleotides. */


DataSetFilter	filteredData = CreateFilter (nucleotideSequences,1);

/* 3. Collect observed nucleotide frequencies from the filtered data. observedFreqs will

	  store the vector of frequencies. */

HarvestFrequencies (observedFreqs, filteredData, 1, 1, 1);

/* 4. Define the HKY substitution matrix. '*' is defined to be -(sum of off-diag row elements) */

HKY85RateMatrix  = 






/*5.  Define the HKY85 model, by combining the substitution matrix with the vector of observed (equilibrium)

	  frequencies. */


Model HKY85	 = (HKY85RateMatrix, observedFreqs);

/*6.  Now we can define the simple three taxa tree. */


Tree	threeTaxaTree = (a,b,og);

/*7.  Since all the likelihood function ingredients (data, tree, equilibrium frequencies) have been defined we are ready to construct the likelihood function. */


LikelihoodFunction  theLnLik = (filteredData, threeTaxaTree);

/*8.  Maximize the likelihood function, storing parameter values in the matrix paramValues. We also store the resulting ln-lik. */

Optimize (paramValues, theLnLik);

unconstrainedLnLik = paramValues[1][0];

fprintf  (stdout, "\n----ORIGINAL DATA----");


fprintf  (stdout, "\n 0).UNCONSTRAINED MODEL:", theLnLik);

/*10. We now constrain the rate of evolution to be equal along the branches leading to a and b and repeat the optimization. We will impose the constraint: both rates are equal.



threeTaxaTree.b.trst := threeTaxaTree.a.trst;

threeTaxaTree.b.trvs := threeTaxaTree.a.trvs;

Optimize (paramValues, theLnLik);

obslnlikDelta = 2 (unconstrainedLnLik-paramValues[1][0]);

/* 2df test since we constrain ts and tv rates.... */

obsPval = 1-CChi2 (obslnlikDelta, 2); 

fprintf (stdout, "\n\t 1). Both rates test. LR Statistic = ", obslnlikDelta,"\n", theLnLik,"\n  p-val (Chi-2) = ",obsPval,"\n\n");

/*11. Now we set up the simulation loop.

      First, we create another copy of the tree which will

	serve as the tree for simulated data sets. Since we will also use 	observed frequencies from the simulated data sets in our 	substitution model, we create a new Model. We will create a 	vector simFreqs to store the frequencies (the values will be 	saved in simFreqs inside the sim loop. We will count the number 	of significant LR tests using sigtests.*/


simFreqs = {{0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25}}; /* Just needed to create simFreqs*/

Model simHKY85	 = (HKY85RateMatrix, simFreqs);

Tree	simulatedTree = (a,b,og);

sigtests = 0;

/*12. This is a formatting stepm which sets print width for all numbers to 12 and prints the table header */


fprintf (stdout, 

"\n|------------|------------|\n|  Simul. #  |LR Test Stat|\n|------------|------------|");

for (simCounter = 1; simCounter<=100; simCounter = simCounter+1)


/*13. Simulate a data set of the same size as the original set using the constrained MLE (the current values are still attached to theLnLik)of all the parameters */

	DataSet	simulatedData = SimulateDataSet (theLnLik);

/*14. Repeat the same steps as for the original data to obtain simulated ln-likelihood ratios*/


	DataSetFilter    filteredSimData = CreateFilter(simulatedData,1);

/*15. Collect observed nucleotide frequencies from the filtered data. observedFreqs will store the vector of frequencies. */

	HarvestFrequencies (simFreqs, filteredSimData, 1, 1, 1);

	LikelihoodFunction simLik = (filteredSimData, simulatedTree);

	Optimize (simParamValues, simLik);

	unconstrainedLnLik = simParamValues[1][0];

	fprintf (stdout, "\n|", simCounter);

	/* Rate test */

	simulatedTree.b.trst := simulatedTree.a.trst;

	simulatedTree.b.trvs := simulatedTree.a.trvs;

	Optimize (paramValues, simLik);

	lnlikDelta = 2 (unconstrainedLnLik-paramValues[1][0]);

      if (lnlikDelta > obslnlikDelta) 


		sigtests = sigtests + 1;


	fprintf (stdout, "|", lnlikDelta,"|");

	ClearConstraints (simulatedTree);


fprintf (stdout, "\n|------------|------------|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n|Chi2 P-val= |",obsPval,"|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n| PBS P-val= |",sigtests/100,"|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n|------------|------------|");


\ No newline at end of file
/* This is an example HY-PHY Batch File.

   It reads a 3 taxa dataset "data/3.seq", performs

   an HKY85 relative rate analysis on the data.

   Having finished that, the code simulates 100 replicates of the data

   using MLE of the parameters under the null hypothesis of equal  

   rates, conducts an HKY relative rate analysis on each of the 

   replicates and then tabulates the distribution of resulting

   likelihood ratio statistic.



   Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond and Spencer V. Muse 

   December 1999. 


/* 1. Read in the data and store the result in a DataSet variable.*/

DataSet 		nucleotideSequences = ReadDataFile ("data/3.seq");


/* 2. Filter the data, specifying that all of the data is to be used

	  and that it is to be treated as nucleotides. */


DataSetFilter	filteredData = CreateFilter (nucleotideSequences,1);

/* 3. Collect observed nucleotide frequencies from the filtered data. observedFreqs will

	  store the vector of frequencies. */

HarvestFrequencies (observedFreqs, filteredData, 1, 1, 1);

/* 4. Define the HKY substitution matrix. '*' is defined to be -(sum of off-diag row elements) */

HKY85RateMatrix  = 






/*5.  Define the HKY85 model, by combining the substitution matrix with the vector of observed (equilibrium)

	  frequencies. */


Model HKY85	 = (HKY85RateMatrix, observedFreqs);

/*6.  Now we can define the simple three taxa tree. */


Tree	threeTaxaTree = (a,b,og);

/*7.  Since all the likelihood function ingredients (data, tree, equilibrium frequencies) have been defined we are ready to construct the likelihood function. */


LikelihoodFunction  theLnLik = (filteredData, threeTaxaTree);

/*8.  Maximize the likelihood function, storing parameter values in the matrix paramValues. We also store the resulting ln-lik. */

Optimize (paramValues, theLnLik);

unconstrainedLnLik = paramValues[1][0];

fprintf  (stdout, "\n----ORIGINAL DATA----");


fprintf  (stdout, "\n 0).UNCONSTRAINED MODEL:", theLnLik);

/*10. We now constrain the rate of evolution to be equal along the branches leading to a and b and repeat the optimization. We will impose the constraint: both rates are equal.



threeTaxaTree.b.trst := threeTaxaTree.a.trst;

threeTaxaTree.b.trvs := threeTaxaTree.a.trvs;

Optimize (paramValues, theLnLik);

obslnlikDelta = 2 (unconstrainedLnLik-paramValues[1][0]);

/* 2df test since we constrain ts and tv rates.... */

obsPval = 1-CChi2 (obslnlikDelta, 2); 

fprintf (stdout, "\n\t 1). Both rates test. LR Statistic = ", obslnlikDelta,"\n", theLnLik,"\n  p-val (Chi-2) = ",obsPval,"\n\n");

/*11. Now we set up the simulation loop.

      First, we create another copy of the tree which will

	serve as the tree for simulated data sets. Since we will also use 	observed frequencies from the simulated data sets in our 	substitution model, we create a new Model. We will create a 	vector simFreqs to store the frequencies (the values will be 	saved in simFreqs inside the sim loop. We will count the number 	of significant LR tests using sigtests.*/


simFreqs = {{0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25}}; /* Just needed to create simFreqs*/

Model simHKY85	 = (HKY85RateMatrix, simFreqs);

Tree	simulatedTree = (a,b,og);

sigtests = 0;

/*12. This is a formatting stepm which sets print width for all numbers to 12 and prints the table header */


fprintf (stdout, 

"\n|------------|------------|\n|  Simul. #  |LR Test Stat|\n|------------|------------|");

for (simCounter = 1; simCounter<=100; simCounter = simCounter+1) {

/*13. Simulate a data set of the same size as the original set using the constrained MLE (the current values are still attached to theLnLik)of all the parameters */

	DataSet	simulatedData = SimulateDataSet (theLnLik);

/*14. Repeat the same steps as for the original data to obtain simulated ln-likelihood ratios*/


	DataSetFilter    filteredSimData = CreateFilter(simulatedData,1);

/*15. Collect observed nucleotide frequencies from the filtered data. observedFreqs will store the vector of frequencies. */

	HarvestFrequencies (simFreqs, filteredSimData, 1, 1, 1);

	LikelihoodFunction simLik = (filteredSimData, simulatedTree);

	Optimize (simParamValues, simLik);

	unconstrainedLnLik = simParamValues[1][0];

	fprintf (stdout, "\n|", simCounter);

	/* Rate test */

	simulatedTree.b.trst := simulatedTree.a.trst;

	simulatedTree.b.trvs := simulatedTree.a.trvs;

	Optimize (paramValues, simLik);

	lnlikDelta = 2 (unconstrainedLnLik-paramValues[1][0]);

    if (lnlikDelta > obslnlikDelta) {
		sigtests = sigtests + 1;

	fprintf (stdout, "|", lnlikDelta,"|");

	ClearConstraints (simulatedTree);


fprintf (stdout, "\n|------------|------------|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n|Chi2 P-val= |",obsPval,"|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n| PBS P-val= |",sigtests/100,"|");

fprintf (stdout, "\n|------------|------------|");


\ No newline at end of file

@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ if (fastRunMode) {
 gard.queue = mpi.CreateQueue (
                             "LikelihoodFunctions" : {{"gard.exportedModel"}},
-                            "Headers" : {{"libv3/all-terms.bf"}},
+                            "Headers" : {{"libv3/all-terms.bf","libv3/tasks/estimators.bf"}},
                             "Variables" : {{"gard.globalParameterCount", "gard.numSites", "gard.alignment", "gard.variableSiteMap", "gard.dataType", "terms.gard.codon","OPTIMIZE_SUMMATION_ORDER_PARTITION", "OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION"}}

@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ function mss.MSS_generator (type) {
     return model;
-mss.tree_objects = {};
-mss.fit_objects = {};
+mss.tree_objects  = {};
+mss.fit_objects   = {};
 mss.lf_components = {   
@@ -285,11 +285,15 @@ for (mss.counter, mss_selector.path; in; mss_selector.file_list) {
      estimators.ApplyExistingEstimates.set_globals = {};
+     mss.bl_scaler = "mss.bl_scaler_" + mss.counter; 
+     parameters.DeclareGlobal (mss.bl_scaler, None);
      mss.constraint_count =  estimators.ApplyExistingEstimatesToTree (mss.lf_components[2 * mss.counter + 1], 
                                               (initial_values [terms.branch_length])[0],
-                                              terms.model.branch_length_constrain,
-                                              TRUE);
+                                              mss.bl_scaler,
+                                              {});
      if (mss.omega_option == "Fix") {
         models.FixParameterSetRegExp (terms.parameters.omega_ratio, ^(mss.model_name));

@@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ if (busted.run_full_mg94) {
-busted.save_intermediate_fits = None;
 io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "codon-refit", "* " + selection.io.report_fit (busted.final_partitioned_mg_results, 0, busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size]));
@@ -466,7 +465,10 @@ if (busted.error_sink) {
      parameters.SetRange  (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.background.bsrel_model , terms.AddCategory (utility.getGlobalValue("terms.mixture.mixture_aux_weight"), 1)),terms.range_small_fraction);
-parameters.SetRange (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.test.bsrel_model , terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,busted.rate_classes)), terms.range_gte1);
+busted.omega_eds_parameter = terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,busted.rate_classes);
+busted.omega_eds_w_parameter = terms.AddCategory (utility.getGlobalValue("terms.mixture.mixture_aux_weight"), busted.rate_classes-1);
+parameters.SetRange (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.test.bsrel_model , busted.omega_eds_parameter), terms.range_gte1);
 busted.branch_length_string = busted.test.bsrel_model [terms.model.branch_length_string];
 busted.model_parameters = busted.test.bsrel_model[terms.parameters];
@@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ busted.initial_grid = {};
 busted.initial_grid_presets = {"0" : 0.1};
 busted.initial_ranges = {};
-busted.init_grid_setup (busted.distribution, busted.error_sink);
+busted.init_grid_setup (busted.distribution, busted.error_sink, busted.rate_classes);
 /** setup parameter optimization groups */
@@ -493,7 +495,7 @@ if (busted.has_background) {
     busted.model_object_map = { "busted.background" : busted.background.bsrel_model,
                                 "busted.test" :       busted.test.bsrel_model };
     busted.background_distribution = models.codon.BS_REL.ExtractMixtureDistribution(busted.background.bsrel_model);
-    busted.init_grid_setup (busted.background_distribution, busted.error_sink);
+    busted.init_grid_setup (busted.background_distribution, busted.error_sink, busted.rate_classes);
     //PARAMETER_GROUPING + busted.background_distribution["rates"];
     //PARAMETER_GROUPING + busted.background_distribution["weights"];
@@ -535,7 +537,7 @@ if (busted.do_srv)  {
     //PARAMETER_GROUPING + busted.srv_distribution["weights"];
     PARAMETER_GROUPING + utility.Concat (busted.srv_distribution["rates"],busted.srv_distribution["weights"]);
-    busted.init_grid_setup (busted.srv_distribution, FALSE);    
+    busted.init_grid_setup (busted.srv_distribution, FALSE, busted.synonymous_rate_classes);    
 if (busted.do_srv_hmm) {
@@ -560,6 +562,7 @@ for (busted.partition_index = 0; busted.partition_index < busted.partition_count
 busted.initial.test_mean    = ((selection.io.extract_global_MLE_re (busted.final_partitioned_mg_results, "^" + terms.parameters.omega_ratio + ".+test.+"))["0"])[terms.fit.MLE];
 busted.initial_grid         = estimators.LHC (busted.initial_ranges,busted.initial_grid.N);
 busted.initial_grid = utility.Map (busted.initial_grid, "_v_", 
@@ -598,568 +601,775 @@ io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "main", "Performing the full (dN/dS > 1 al
-busted.nm.precision = Max (-0.00001*busted.final_partitioned_mg_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood],0.5);
+busted.nm.precision = Max (-0.0001*busted.final_partitioned_mg_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood],0.5);
 debug.checkpoint = utility.GetEnvVariable ("DEBUG_CHECKPOINT");
-if (Type (debug.checkpoint) != "String") {
-    // constrain nucleotide rate parameters
-    // copy global nucleotide parameter estimates to busted.test.bsrel_model)
-    busted.tmp_fixed = models.FixParameterSetRegExpFromReference (terms.nucleotideRatePrefix,busted.test.bsrel_model, busted.final_partitioned_mg_results[terms.global]);
-    busted.grid_search.results =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.final_partitioned_mg_results, busted.model_object_map,                    
-        {
-            terms.run_options.retain_lf_object: TRUE,
-            terms.run_options.proportional_branch_length_scaler : 
-                                                    busted.global_scaler_list,
-            terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
-                {
-                    "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "nedler-mead",
-                    "MAXIMUM_OPTIMIZATION_ITERATIONS" : 500,
-                    "OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : busted.nm.precision
-                } ,
-            terms.search_grid     : busted.initial_grid,
-            terms.search_restarts : busted.N.initial_guesses
-        }
-    );
-    parameters.RemoveConstraint (busted.tmp_fixed );
-    //console.log (busted.tmp_fixed);
-    PARAMETER_GROUPING + Columns (busted.tmp_fixed);
+busted.converged = FALSE;
+busted.restart_optimization = None;
-    busted.full_model =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.grid_search.results, busted.model_object_map, {
-            "retain-lf-object": TRUE,
-            terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
-                {
-                    "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "hybrid",
-                    //"OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : 1.
-                } 
+busted.use_cached_full_model = FALSE;
+if (Type (busted.save_intermediate_fits) == "AssociativeList") {
+    if (None != busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.value"]) {
+        if (utility.Has (busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.value"], "BUSTED-alt", "AssociativeList")) {
+            busted.full_model_res =  busted.final_partitioned_mg_results;
+            busted.full_model_res * (busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.value"])["BUSTED-alt"];
+            // check to see which *global* variables have no initial values
+            busted.missing = {};
+            busted.cache_set = {};
+            busted.use_model_prefix = {};
+            busted.variable_overlap = {};
+            for (model_name, m; in; busted.model_object_map) {
+                for (d, p; in; (m[terms.parameters])[terms.global]) {
+                    busted.variable_overlap[d] += 1;
+                    busted.check_id = "[`model_name`] `d`";
+                    if (busted.full_model_res[terms.global] / busted.check_id != 0) {
+                        busted.use_model_prefix [model_name] += 1;
+                    } 
+                }
+            }
+            function busted._get_cache_name (model_name, parameter) {
+                if (busted.variable_overlap[parameter] > 1) {
+                    if (busted.use_model_prefix [model_name] > 0) {
+                        return "[" + model_name + "] " + parameter;
+                    }
+                }
+                return parameter;
+            }
+            for (model_name, m; in; busted.model_object_map) {
+                for (d, p; in; (m[terms.parameters])[terms.global]) {
+                    busted.check_id = busted._get_cache_name (model_name, d);
+                    if (busted.full_model_res[terms.global] / busted.check_id == 0) {
+                        busted.missing[busted.check_id] = p;
+                    } else {
+                        busted.cache_set[p] = ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.check_id])[terms.fit.MLE];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (Abs (busted.missing) > 0) {
+                if (busted.error_sink) {
+                    if (Abs (busted.missing) == 2 * (1 + busted.has_background)) {
+                        if (busted.missing /  busted._get_cache_name ("busted.test", busted.omega_eds_parameter) && busted.missing/busted._get_cache_name ("busted.test", busted.omega_eds_w_parameter)) {
+                            if (busted.has_background) {
+                                busted.use_cached_full_model = busted.missing /  busted._get_cache_name ("busted.background", busted.omega_eds_parameter) && busted.missing/busted._get_cache_name ("busted.background", busted.omega_eds_w_parameter);
+                                busted.use_cached_full_model = TRUE;
+                            }  else {
+                                busted.use_cached_full_model = TRUE;
+                            }                         
+                            if (busted.use_cached_full_model) {
+                                for (d, k; in; busted.missing) {
+                                    (busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[d] = {
+                                        terms.id : k,
+                                        terms.fit.MLE : 0.
+                                    };
+                                }
+                                function busted._swap_estimates (model_name) {
+                                    for (k = busted.rate_classes; k > 1; k+=(-1)) {
+                                        busted.cat_k   = busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,k));
+                                        busted.cat_k_1 =  busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,k-1));
+                                        ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k])[terms.fit.MLE] = 
+                                            ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k_1])[terms.fit.MLE];
+                                        busted.cache_set [((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k])[terms.id]] =
+                                            busted.cache_set [((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k_1])[terms.id]];     
+                                    }
+                                    for (k = busted.rate_classes-1; k > 1; k+=(-1)) {
+                                        busted.cat_k   = busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.mixture.mixture_aux_weight,k));
+                                        busted.cat_k_1 =  busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.mixture.mixture_aux_weight,k-1));
+                                        ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k])[terms.fit.MLE] = 
+                                            ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k_1])[terms.fit.MLE];
+                                        busted.cache_set [((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k])[terms.id]] =
+                                            busted.cache_set [((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k_1])[terms.id]];     
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                function busted._delete_cat_1 (model_name) {
+                                    busted.cat_k = busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,1));
+                                    busted.cat_k_1 = busted._get_cache_name (model_name, terms.AddCategory (terms.mixture.mixture_aux_weight,1));
-        });
+                                    busted.cache_set - ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k])[terms.id];
+                                    busted.cache_set - ((busted.full_model_res[terms.global])[busted.cat_k_1])[terms.id];
-   //io.SpoolJSON (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function] + ".trace"),"/Users/sergei/Desktop/optimization_log.json");
-} else {
-    ExecuteAFile (debug.checkpoint);
-    GetString (lf, LikelihoodFunction, 0);
-    busted.full_model = estimators.ExtractMLEs (lf, busted.model_object_map);
-    busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function] = lf;
-    busted.full_model [terms.fit.log_likelihood] = estimators.ComputeLF(lf);
-// recover ancestral states
-busted.json [^"terms.substitutions"] = {};
-for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
-    busted.ancestral_info = ancestral.build (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function],0+_partition_,FALSE);
-    (busted.json [^"terms.substitutions"] )[_partition_] = ancestral.ComputeCompressedSubstitutions (busted.ancestral_info);
-    DeleteObject (busted.ancestral_info);
-KeywordArgument ("save-fit", "Save BUSTED model fit to this file (default is not to save)", "/dev/null");
-io.SpoolLFToPath(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], io.PromptUserForFilePath ("Save BUSTED model fit to this file ['/dev/null' to skip]"));
-io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* " + selection.io.report_fit (busted.full_model, 9, busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size]));
-io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* For *test* branches, the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
-selection.io.stopTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Unconstrained BUSTED model fitting");
-busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
-busted.inferred_test_distribution = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw  % 0;
-busted.has_selection_support = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[Rows(busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw)-1][-1];
-busted.has_selection_support = busted.has_selection_support[0] * busted.has_selection_support[1] > 1e-8;
-busted.distribution_for_json = {busted.FG : utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                         "_index_",
-                                                         "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
-                                                           terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}")
-                                };
+                                    //busted.full_model_res[terms.global] - busted.cat_k;
+                                    //busted.full_model_res[terms.global] - busted.cat_k_1;
+                                }
-busted.tree_ids = estimators.LFObjectGetTrees (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
-busted.EFV_ids = estimators.LFObjectGetEFV (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
-(busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+                                busted._swap_estimates ("busted.test");
+                                busted._delete_cat_1  ("busted.test");
-busted.report_multi_hit  (busted.full_model, busted.distribution_for_json, "MultiHit", "alt-mh", busted.branch_length_string, busted.model_parameters);
-if (busted.error_sink) {
-    selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.inferred_test_distribution, busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[0][0], busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[0][1]);
-} else {
-    selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_test_distribution);
+                                if (busted.has_background) {
+                                    busted._swap_estimates ("busted.background");
+                                    busted._delete_cat_1  ("busted.background");
+                                }
+                             }
+                        }
+                }
+              }
+            } else {
+                busted.use_cached_full_model = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
-if (busted.has_background) {
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* For *background* branches, the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
-    busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.background_distribution);
-    busted.inferred_background_distribution  =  busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw % 0;
-    if (busted.error_sink) {
-        selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.inferred_background_distribution, busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw[0][0], busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw[0][1]);
+while (!busted.converged) {
+    if (Type (debug.checkpoint) != "String") {
+        // constrain nucleotide rate parameters
+        // copy global nucleotide parameter estimates to busted.test.bsrel_model)
+        if (None == busted.restart_optimization) {
+            if (busted.use_cached_full_model) {
+                for (k,d;in;busted.initial_grid) {
+                    if (+k < 5 ) {
+                        for (v,mle; in; d) {
+                                if (busted.cache_set / v) {
+                                    ((busted.initial_grid[k])[v])[terms.fit.MLE] = busted.cache_set[v];
+                                } else {
+                                    ((busted.initial_grid[k])[v])[terms.fit.MLE] = Random (0.0,1e-6);
+                                }
+                            }
+                    } else {
+                        if (Random (0,1) < 0.6) {
+                            for (v,mle; in; d) {
+                                if (busted.cache_set / v) {
+                                    ((busted.initial_grid[k])[v])[terms.fit.MLE] = busted.cache_set[v];
+                                } 
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                busted.full_model_grid =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.full_model_res, busted.model_object_map, {
+                        "retain-lf-object": TRUE,
+                        terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
+                            {
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "nedler-mead",
+                                "MAXIMUM_OPTIMIZATION_ITERATIONS" : 500,
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : busted.nm.precision
+                            } ,
+                        terms.search_grid     : busted.initial_grid,
+                        terms.search_restarts : busted.N.initial_guesses
+                });
+                busted.full_model =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.full_model_grid, busted.model_object_map, {
+                        "retain-lf-object": TRUE,
+                        terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
+                            {
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "hybrid",
+                                //"OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : 1.
+                            } 
+                    });
+                busted.use_cached_full_model = FALSE;
+            } else {
+                busted.tmp_fixed = models.FixParameterSetRegExpFromReference (terms.nucleotideRatePrefix,busted.test.bsrel_model, busted.final_partitioned_mg_results[terms.global]);
+                busted.grid_search.results =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.final_partitioned_mg_results, busted.model_object_map,                    
+                    {
+                        terms.run_options.retain_lf_object: TRUE,
+                        terms.run_options.proportional_branch_length_scaler : 
+                                                                busted.global_scaler_list,
+                        terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
+                            {
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "nedler-mead",
+                                "MAXIMUM_OPTIMIZATION_ITERATIONS" : 500,
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : busted.nm.precision
+                            } ,
+                        terms.search_grid     : busted.initial_grid,
+                        terms.search_restarts : busted.N.initial_guesses
+                    }
+                );
+                parameters.RemoveConstraint (busted.tmp_fixed );
+                //console.log (busted.tmp_fixed);
+                PARAMETER_GROUPING + Columns (busted.tmp_fixed);
+                //PRODUCE_OPTIMIZATION_LOG        = 1;
+                busted.full_model =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.grid_search.results, busted.model_object_map, {
+                        "retain-lf-object": TRUE,
+                        terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
+                            {
+                                "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "hybrid",
+                                //"OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : 1.
+                            } 
+                    });
+            }
+       } else {
+            busted.full_model =  estimators.FitLF (busted.filter_names, busted.trees, busted.model_map, busted.restart_optimization, busted.model_object_map, {
+                    "retain-lf-object": TRUE,
+                    terms.run_options.optimization_settings : 
+                        {
+                            "OPTIMIZATION_METHOD" : "hybrid",
+                            //"OPTIMIZATION_PRECISION" : 1.
+                        } 
+                });
+       }
+       if (Type (busted.save_intermediate_fits) == "AssociativeList") {  
+            if (!busted.error_sink) {
+               (busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.value"])["BUSTED-alt"] = busted.full_model;
+               io.SpoolJSON (busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.value"],busted.save_intermediate_fits[^"terms.data.file"]);   
+            }  
+       }       
     } else {
-        selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_background_distribution);
+        ExecuteAFile (debug.checkpoint);
+        GetString (lf, LikelihoodFunction, 0);
+        busted.full_model = estimators.ExtractMLEs (lf, busted.model_object_map);
+        busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function] = lf;
+        busted.full_model [terms.fit.log_likelihood] = estimators.ComputeLF(lf);
-    busted.distribution_for_json [busted.BG] = utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                         "_index_",
-                                                         "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
-                                                           terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}");
-if (busted.do_srv) {
+    // recover ancestral states
-    if (busted.do_srv_hmm) {
-        busted.hmm_lambda = selection.io.extract_global_MLE (busted.full_model, terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda);
-        busted.hmm_lambda.CI = parameters.GetProfileCI(((busted.full_model[terms.global])[terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda])[terms.id],
-                                    busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], 0.95);
-        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " +  Format (busted.hmm_lambda, 8, 3));
-        io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " + Format (busted.hmm_lambda,8,4) + 
-                        " (95% profile CI " + Format ((busted.hmm_lambda.CI )[terms.lower_bound],8,4) + "-" + Format ((busted.hmm_lambda.CI )[terms.upper_bound],8,4) + ")");
-        busted.distribution_for_json [terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda] = busted.hmm_lambda.CI;
+    busted.json [^"terms.substitutions"] = {};
+    for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
+        busted.ancestral_info = ancestral.build (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function],0+_partition_,FALSE);
+        (busted.json [^"terms.substitutions"] )[_partition_] = ancestral.ComputeCompressedSubstitutions (busted.ancestral_info);
+        DeleteObject (busted.ancestral_info);
-    if (busted.do_bs_srv) {
-        busted.srv_info = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution ( busted.srv_rate_reporting) % 0
+    KeywordArgument ("save-fit", "Save BUSTED model fit to this file (default is not to save)", "/dev/null");
+    io.SpoolLFToPath(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], io.PromptUserForFilePath ("Save BUSTED model fit to this file ['/dev/null' to skip]"));
+    io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* " + selection.io.report_fit (busted.full_model, 9, busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size]));
+    //VERBOSITY_LEVEL = 101;
+    io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* For *test* branches, the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
+    selection.io.stopTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Unconstrained BUSTED model fitting");
+    busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
+    busted.inferred_test_distribution = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw  % 0;
+    busted.has_selection_support = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[Rows(busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw)-1][-1];
+    busted.has_selection_support = busted.has_selection_support[0] * busted.has_selection_support[1] > 1e-8;
+    busted.distribution_for_json = {busted.FG : utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
+                                                             "_index_",
+                                                             "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
+                                                               terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}")
+                                    };
+    busted.tree_ids = estimators.LFObjectGetTrees (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+    busted.EFV_ids = estimators.LFObjectGetEFV (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+    (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+    busted.report_multi_hit  (busted.full_model, busted.distribution_for_json, "MultiHit", "alt-mh", busted.branch_length_string, busted.model_parameters);
+    if (busted.error_sink) {
+        selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.inferred_test_distribution, busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[0][0], busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw[0][1]);
     } else {
-        busted.srv_info = Transpose((rate_variation.extract_category_information(busted.test.bsrel_model))["VALUEINDEXORDER"][0])%0;
+        selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_test_distribution);
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following rate distribution for site-to-site **synonymous** rate variation was inferred");
-    selection.io.report_distribution (busted.srv_info);
-    busted.distribution_for_json [busted.SRV] = (utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.synonymous_rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                             "_index_",
-                                                             "{terms.json.rate :busted.srv_info [_index_][0],
-                                                               terms.json.proportion : busted.srv_info [_index_][1]}"));
-    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]));
-    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx_weights, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]), WEIGHTS);
-    busted.cmx_weighted         = (busted.cmx_weights[-1][0]) $ busted.cmx; // taking the 1st column fixes a bug with multiple partitions 
-    busted.column_weights       = {1, Rows (busted.cmx_weights)}["1"] * busted.cmx_weighted;
-    busted.column_weights       = busted.column_weights["1/_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_"];
-    (busted.json [busted.json.srv_posteriors]) =  busted.cmx_weighted $ busted.column_weights;
-    if (busted.do_srv_hmm ) {
-        ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx_viterbi, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]), SHORT);
-        (busted.json [busted.json.srv_viterbi]) = busted.cmx_viterbi;
-        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following switch points for synonymous rates were inferred");
-        selection.io.report_viterbi_path (busted.cmx_viterbi);
+    if (busted.has_background) {
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* For *background* branches, the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
+        busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.background_distribution);
+        busted.inferred_background_distribution  =  busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw % 0;
+        if (busted.error_sink) {
+            selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.inferred_background_distribution, busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw[0][0], busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw[0][1]);
+        } else {
+            selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_background_distribution);
+        }
+        busted.distribution_for_json [busted.BG] = utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
+                                                             "_index_",
+                                                             "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
+                                                               terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}");
-busted.stashLF = estimators.TakeLFStateSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
-if (busted.has_selection_support || busted.error_sink) {
-    utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", TRUE);
-    busted.er_report.tagged_branches = {};
-    busted.er_report.tagged_sites    = {};
-    for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
-        busted.branch_level_ER = {};
-        busted.branch_site_level_ER = {};
-        busted.current_weights = {};
-        for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
-            busted.current_weights  [_value_] = Eval (_key_);
-        }
+    if (busted.do_srv) {
-        busted.tested_branches = {};
-        busted.full_to_short = {};
-        for (_b_,_class_; in; _selection_) {
-            if (_class_ == terms.tree_attributes.test) {
-                 busted.node_name = busted.tree_ids[+_partition_] + '.' + _b_;
-                 busted.tested_branches [busted.node_name] = 1;
-                 busted.full_to_short  [busted.node_name] = _b_;
-            } else {
-                busted.branch_level_ER  [_b_] = None;
-            }
+        if (busted.do_srv_hmm) {
+            busted.hmm_lambda = selection.io.extract_global_MLE (busted.full_model, terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda);
+            busted.hmm_lambda.CI = parameters.GetProfileCI(((busted.full_model[terms.global])[terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda])[terms.id],
+                                        busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], 0.95);
+            io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " +  Format (busted.hmm_lambda, 8, 3));
+            io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " + Format (busted.hmm_lambda,8,4) + 
+                            " (95% profile CI " + Format ((busted.hmm_lambda.CI )[terms.lower_bound],8,4) + "-" + Format ((busted.hmm_lambda.CI )[terms.upper_bound],8,4) + ")");
+            busted.distribution_for_json [terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda] = busted.hmm_lambda.CI;
-        busted.tested_branches = Rows (busted.tested_branches);    
-        utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", TRUE);
-        SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, ^busted.er_model);
-        utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", None);
-        for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
-            for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
-                ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  busted.current_weights [_value_];
-            }
+        if (busted.do_bs_srv) {
+            busted.srv_info = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution ( busted.srv_rate_reporting) % 0
+        } else {
+            busted.srv_info = Transpose((rate_variation.extract_category_information(busted.test.bsrel_model))["VALUEINDEXORDER"][0])%0;
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following rate distribution for site-to-site **synonymous** rate variation was inferred");
+        selection.io.report_distribution (busted.srv_info);
+        busted.distribution_for_json [busted.SRV] = (utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.synonymous_rate_classes, 0, 1),
+                                                                 "_index_",
+                                                                 "{terms.json.rate :busted.srv_info [_index_][0],
+                                                                   terms.json.proportion : busted.srv_info [_index_][1]}"));
+        ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]));
+        ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx_weights, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]), WEIGHTS);
-        busted.weight_matrix = {1,busted.rate_classes-1};
+        busted.cmx_weighted         = (busted.cmx_weights[-1][0]) $ busted.cmx; // taking the 1st column fixes a bug with multiple partitions 
+        busted.column_weights       = {1, Rows (busted.cmx_weights)}["1"] * busted.cmx_weighted;
+        busted.column_weights       = busted.column_weights["1/_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_"];
+        (busted.json [busted.json.srv_posteriors]) =  busted.cmx_weighted $ busted.column_weights;
-        for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
-            ^_value_ =^_key_;
-        }
-        for (busted.i = 1; busted.i < busted.rate_classes; busted.i += 1)  {
-            busted.weight_matrix[busted.i-1] = Eval (busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i));
+        if (busted.do_srv_hmm ) {
+            ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.cmx_viterbi, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]), SHORT);
+            (busted.json [busted.json.srv_viterbi]) = busted.cmx_viterbi;
+            io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following switch points for synonymous rates were inferred");
+            selection.io.report_viterbi_path (busted.cmx_viterbi);
+    }
+    busted.stashLF = estimators.TakeLFStateSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+    if (busted.has_selection_support || busted.error_sink) {
+        utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", TRUE);
-        busted.weight_matrix = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistributionWeigths (busted.weight_matrix);
-        io.ReportProgressBar("", "Computing branch and site level posterior probabilities");
-        LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_START_COMPUTE);
-        //GetString (exp_counter, MATRIX_EXPONENTIALS_COMPUTED,0);
-        //console.log ("\n\n" + exp_counter + "\n\n");
+        busted.er_report.tagged_branches = {};
+        busted.er_report.tagged_sites    = {};
-        for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
-            io.ReportProgressBar("", "Profiling partition " + (+_partition_ + 1) + "/branch " + busted.full_to_short [_b_]);
-            // set all weight parameters to 0; this will yield the weight for the N-1 class
+        for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
+            busted.branch_level_ER = {};
+            busted.branch_site_level_ER = {};
+            busted.current_weights = {};
-            busted.branchPP = {busted.rate_classes,1};
             for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
-                ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  0;
+                busted.current_weights  [_value_] = Eval (_key_);
+            busted.tested_branches = {};
+            busted.full_to_short = {};
+            for (_b_,_class_; in; _selection_) {
+                if (_class_ == terms.tree_attributes.test) {
+                     busted.node_name = busted.tree_ids[+_partition_] + '.' + _b_;
+                     busted.tested_branches [busted.node_name] = 1;
+                     busted.full_to_short  [busted.node_name] = _b_;
+                } else {
+                    busted.branch_level_ER  [_b_] = None;
+                }
+            }
+            busted.tested_branches = Rows (busted.tested_branches);    
-            LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
-            ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
-            busted.all_siteLL = {busted.rate_classes, Columns (busted.siteLL)};
-            busted.all_siteLL [busted.rate_classes-1][0] = busted.siteLL;
-            busted.branchPP [busted.rate_classes-1] = logl;
+            utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", TRUE);
+            SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, ^busted.er_model);
+            utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", None);
-            for (busted.i = 1; busted.i < busted.rate_classes; busted.i += 1) {
-                if (busted.i > 1) {
-                    ^(_b_ + "." + busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i-1)) = 0;
+            for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
+                for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
+                    ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  busted.current_weights [_value_];
-                ^(_b_ + "." + busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i)) = 1;
-                LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
-                ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
-                busted.all_siteLL [busted.i-1][0] = busted.siteLL;
-                busted.branchPP [busted.i-1] = logl;
+            busted.weight_matrix = {1,busted.rate_classes-1};
             for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
-                ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  busted.current_weights [_value_];
+                ^_value_ =^_key_;
+            }
+            for (busted.i = 1; busted.i < busted.rate_classes; busted.i += 1)  {
+                busted.weight_matrix[busted.i-1] = Eval (busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i));
-            busted.branch_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]]      = busted.mixture_site_logl (busted.branchPP,busted.weight_matrix );
-            busted.branch_site_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.mixture_site_logl (busted.all_siteLL,busted.weight_matrix );
+            busted.weight_matrix = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistributionWeigths (busted.weight_matrix);
-            busted.branch_site_level_BF = (busted.mixture_site_BF (busted.branch_site_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]], busted.weight_matrix))[busted.rate_classes - 1][-1];
-            busted.tagged_sites         = busted.branch_site_level_BF ["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_>busted.site_BF_reporting"];
-            busted.tagged_site_count    = +busted.tagged_sites;
+            io.ReportProgressBar("", "Computing branch and site level posterior probabilities");
+            LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_START_COMPUTE);
+            //GetString (exp_counter, MATRIX_EXPONENTIALS_COMPUTED,0);
+            //console.log ("\n\n" + exp_counter + "\n\n");
-            if (busted.tagged_site_count ) {
-                busted.er_report.tagged_branches [_partition_ + ":" + _b_] = busted.tagged_site_count;
-                for (_site_;in;(busted.tagged_sites["(1+_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_)*_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_"])[busted.tagged_sites]) {
-                    _site_tag_ = _partition_ + ":" + _site_;
-                    if ( busted.er_report.tagged_sites / _site_tag_ == FALSE) {
-                         busted.er_report.tagged_sites [_site_tag_] = {};
+            for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
+                io.ReportProgressBar("", "Profiling partition " + (+_partition_ + 1) + "/branch " + busted.full_to_short [_b_]);
+                // set all weight parameters to 0; this will yield the weight for the N-1 class
+                busted.branchPP = {busted.rate_classes,1};
+                for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
+                    ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  0;
+                }
+                LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
+                ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
+                busted.all_siteLL = {busted.rate_classes, Columns (busted.siteLL)};
+                busted.all_siteLL [busted.rate_classes-1][0] = busted.siteLL;
+                busted.branchPP [busted.rate_classes-1] = logl;
+                for (busted.i = 1; busted.i < busted.rate_classes; busted.i += 1) {
+                    if (busted.i > 1) {
+                        ^(_b_ + "." + busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i-1)) = 0;
-                    busted.er_report.tagged_sites [_site_tag_] + _b_;
+                    ^(_b_ + "." + busted.branch_weight_prefix + (busted.i)) = 1;
+                    LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
+                    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
+                    busted.all_siteLL [busted.i-1][0] = busted.siteLL;
+                    busted.branchPP [busted.i-1] = logl;
-            }
+                for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.mixture_weights_parameters) {
+                    ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) =  busted.current_weights [_value_];
+                }
+                busted.branch_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]]      = busted.mixture_site_logl (busted.branchPP,busted.weight_matrix );
+                busted.branch_site_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.mixture_site_logl (busted.all_siteLL,busted.weight_matrix );
+                busted.branch_site_level_BF = (busted.mixture_site_BF (busted.branch_site_level_ER  [busted.full_to_short [_b_]], busted.weight_matrix))[busted.rate_classes - 1][-1];
+                busted.tagged_sites         = busted.branch_site_level_BF ["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_>busted.site_BF_reporting"];
+                busted.tagged_site_count    = +busted.tagged_sites;
+                if (busted.tagged_site_count ) {
+                    busted.er_report.tagged_branches [_partition_ + ":" + _b_] = busted.tagged_site_count;
+                    for (_site_;in;(busted.tagged_sites["(1+_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_)*_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_"])[busted.tagged_sites]) {
+                        _site_tag_ = _partition_ + ":" + _site_;
+                        if ( busted.er_report.tagged_sites / _site_tag_ == FALSE) {
+                             busted.er_report.tagged_sites [_site_tag_] = {};
+                        }
+                        busted.er_report.tagged_sites [_site_tag_] + _b_;
+                    }
+                }
+                //GetString (exp_counter2, MATRIX_EXPONENTIALS_COMPUTED,0);
+                //console.log ("\n\n" + (exp_counter2-exp_counter) + "\n\n");
+                exp_counter = exp_counter2;
+            }	   
             //GetString (exp_counter2, MATRIX_EXPONENTIALS_COMPUTED,0);
             //console.log ("\n\n" + (exp_counter2-exp_counter) + "\n\n");
-            exp_counter = exp_counter2;
+            LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_DONE_COMPUTE);
+            SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, busted.test);
+            estimators.RestoreLFStateFromSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.stashLF);
+            selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
+                                                 _partition_,
+                                                 busted.branch_level_ER);
+            selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.bsER, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.bsER],
+                                                 _partition_,
+                                                 busted.branch_site_level_ER);
+            //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_branches);
+            //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_sites);
+       }
+       io.ClearProgressBar();
+       utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", None);
-        }	   
-        //GetString (exp_counter2, MATRIX_EXPONENTIALS_COMPUTED,0);
-        //console.log ("\n\n" + (exp_counter2-exp_counter) + "\n\n");
-        LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_DONE_COMPUTE);
-	    SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, busted.test);
-        estimators.RestoreLFStateFromSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.stashLF);
-        selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
-                                             _partition_,
-                                             busted.branch_level_ER);
-        selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.bsER, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.bsER],
-                                             _partition_,
-                                             busted.branch_site_level_ER);
-        //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_branches);
-        //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_sites);
-   }
-   io.ClearProgressBar();
-   utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", None);
-if (utility.Array1D (busted._mh_parameters)) {
-    utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", TRUE);
-    busted.do2H = (^busted.double_hit_parameter) > 0;
-    busted.do3H = FALSE;
-    if (busted._mh_parameter_map / ^'terms.parameters.triple_hit_rate') {
-        busted.do3H = (^busted.triple_hit_parameter) > 0;
-    }
+    } 
-    if (busted.do2H || busted.do3H ) {
-        for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
-            busted.branch_site_level_ER = {};
+    if (utility.Array1D (busted._mh_parameters)) {
+        utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", TRUE);
-            busted.tested_branches = {};
-            busted.full_to_short = {};
-            for (_b_,_class_; in; _selection_) {
-                if (_class_ == terms.tree_attributes.test) {
-                     busted.node_name = busted.tree_ids[+_partition_] + '.' + _b_;
-                     busted.tested_branches [busted.node_name] = 1;
-                     busted.full_to_short  [busted.node_name] = _b_;
-                } 
-            }
-            busted.tested_branches = Rows (busted.tested_branches);
-            utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", TRUE);
-            SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, ^busted.mh_er_model);
-            utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", None);
+        busted.do2H = (^busted.double_hit_parameter) > 0;
+        busted.do3H = FALSE;
-            for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
-                for (_key_, _value_; in; busted._mh_parameters) {
-                    ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) = ^_key_;
-                }
-            }
+        if (busted._mh_parameter_map / ^'terms.parameters.triple_hit_rate') {
+            busted.do3H = (^busted.triple_hit_parameter) > 0;
+        }
+        if (busted.do2H || busted.do3H ) {
-            io.ReportProgressBar("", "Computing ER for multiple-hits at branch/site level");
-            LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_START_COMPUTE);
+            for (_partition_, _selection_; in; busted.selected_branches) {
+                busted.branch_site_level_ER = {};
-            busted.branch2H = {};
-            busted.branch3H = {};
-            busted.branch23H = {};
-            for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
-                io.ReportProgressBar("", "Profiling partition " + (+_partition_ + 1) + "/branch " + busted.full_to_short [_b_]);
-                // set all weight parameters to 0; this will yield the weight for the N-1 class
+                busted.tested_branches = {};
+                busted.full_to_short = {};
+                for (_b_,_class_; in; _selection_) {
+                    if (_class_ == terms.tree_attributes.test) {
+                         busted.node_name = busted.tree_ids[+_partition_] + '.' + _b_;
+                         busted.tested_branches [busted.node_name] = 1;
+                         busted.full_to_short  [busted.node_name] = _b_;
+                    } 
+                }
+                busted.tested_branches = Rows (busted.tested_branches);
+                utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", TRUE);
+                SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, ^busted.mh_er_model);
+                utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("SET_MODEL_KEEP_LOCALS", None);
+                for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
+                    for (_key_, _value_; in; busted._mh_parameters) {
+                        ^(_b_ + "." + _value_ ) = ^_key_;
+                    }
+                }
-                LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
-                ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
+                io.ReportProgressBar("", "Computing ER for multiple-hits at branch/site level");
+                LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_START_COMPUTE);
+                busted.branch2H = {};
+                busted.branch3H = {};
+                busted.branch23H = {};
-                if (busted.do2H) {
-                    busted.er_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.multiple_hit_rate']);
-                    ^busted.er_parameter  = 0;
-                    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLLConstrained, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
-                    ^busted.er_parameter  = ^busted.double_hit_parameter;
-                    busted.branch2H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
-                }
-                if (busted.do3H) {
-                    busted.er_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.triple_hit_rate']);
-                    ^busted.er_parameter  = 0;
-                    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLLConstrained, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
-                    busted.branch3H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
+                for (_b_; in;  busted.tested_branches) {
+                    io.ReportProgressBar("", "Profiling partition " + (+_partition_ + 1) + "/branch " + busted.full_to_short [_b_]);
+                    // set all weight parameters to 0; this will yield the weight for the N-1 class
+                    LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),logl);
+                    ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLL, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
                     if (busted.do2H) {
-                        busted.er2_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.multiple_hit_rate']);
-                        ^busted.er2_parameter  = 0;
+                        busted.er_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.multiple_hit_rate']);
+                        ^busted.er_parameter  = 0;
+                        ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLLConstrained, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
+                        ^busted.er_parameter  = ^busted.double_hit_parameter;
+                        busted.branch2H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
+                    }
+                    if (busted.do3H) {
+                        busted.er_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.triple_hit_rate']);
+                        ^busted.er_parameter  = 0;
                         ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLLConstrained, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
-                        ^busted.er2_parameter  = ^busted.double_hit_parameter;
-                        busted.branch23H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
+                        busted.branch3H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
+                        if (busted.do2H) {
+                            busted.er2_parameter =  (_b_ + "." + busted._mh_parameter_map[^'terms.parameters.multiple_hit_rate']);
+                            ^busted.er2_parameter  = 0;
+                            ConstructCategoryMatrix (busted.siteLLConstrained, ^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]) , SITE_LOG_LIKELIHOODS, {{+_partition_}});
+                            ^busted.er2_parameter  = ^busted.double_hit_parameter;
+                            busted.branch23H [busted.full_to_short [_b_]] = busted.FilteredEvidenceRatios (busted.siteLL, busted.siteLLConstrained, 1);
+                        }
+                        ^busted.er_parameter  = ^busted.triple_hit_parameter;
+                }	   
+                LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_DONE_COMPUTE);
+                SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, busted.test);
+                estimators.RestoreLFStateFromSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.stashLF);
-                    ^busted.er_parameter  = ^busted.triple_hit_parameter;
+                if (busted.do2H) {
+                    selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER2H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
+                                                         _partition_,
+                                                         busted.branch2H);
-            }	   
-            LFCompute (^(busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]),LF_DONE_COMPUTE);
-            SetParameter ( busted.tested_branches , MODEL, busted.test);
-            estimators.RestoreLFStateFromSnapshot (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.stashLF);
-            if (busted.do2H) {
-                selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER2H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
-                                                     _partition_,
-                                                     busted.branch2H);
-            }
-            if (busted.do3H) {
-                selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER3H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
-                                                     _partition_,
-                                                     busted.branch3H);
-            }
-            if (busted.do2H && busted.do3H) {
-                selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER23H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
-                                                     _partition_,
-                                                     busted.branch23H);
+                if (busted.do3H) {
+                    selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER3H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
+                                                         _partition_,
+                                                         busted.branch3H);
+                }
+                if (busted.do2H && busted.do3H) {
+                    selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.ER23H, terms.json.branch_annotations, busted.display_orders[busted.ER],
+                                                         _partition_,
+                                                         busted.branch23H);
+                }
-            //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_branches);
-            //console.log (busted.er_report.tagged_sites);
-        }
-   }
-   io.ClearProgressBar();
-   utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", None);
+       }
+       io.ClearProgressBar();
+       utility.ToggleEnvVariable ("KEEP_OPTIMAL_ORDER", None);
+    } 
-selection.io.json_store_lf (busted.json,
-                            "Unconstrained model",
-                            busted.full_model[terms.fit.log_likelihood],
-                            busted.full_model[terms.parameters] + 9 , // +9 comes from CF3x4
-                            busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size],
-                            busted.distribution_for_json,
-                            busted.display_orders[busted.unconstrained]);
-if (busted.error_sink) {
-    busted.run_test = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [busted.rate_classes-1][0] > 1 && busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [busted.rate_classes-1][1] > 0;
-} else {
-    busted.run_test = busted.inferred_test_distribution [busted.rate_classes-1][0] > 1 && busted.inferred_test_distribution [busted.rate_classes-1][1] > 0;
-for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.filter_specification) {
-    selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.unconstrained, terms.branch_length, 0,
-                                             _key_,
-                                             selection.io.extract_branch_info((busted.full_model[terms.branch_length])[_key_], "selection.io.branch.length"));
-busted.max_site = None;
-if (!busted.run_test) {
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "Results", "No evidence for episodic diversifying positive selection under the unconstrained model, skipping constrained model fitting");
-    busted.json [terms.json.test_results] = busted.ComputeLRT (0, 0);
-} else {
-    selection.io.startTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Constrained BUSTED model fitting", 3);
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "test", "Performing the constrained (dN/dS > 1 not allowed) model fit");
-    parameters.SetConstraint (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.test.bsrel_model , terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,busted.rate_classes)), terms.parameters.one, terms.global);
-    (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.constrained] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
-    busted.null_results = estimators.FitExistingLF (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.model_object_map);
-    (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
-    busted.site_ll_diff = Transpose (((busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained] - (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null])*2);
-    busted.site_ll_sum = +busted.site_ll_diff;
-    busted.site_ll_diff = ({Rows (busted.site_ll_diff), 2})["(_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_==0)*busted.site_ll_diff[_MATRIX_ELEMENT_ROW_]+(_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_==1)_MATRIX_ELEMENT_ROW_"] % 0;
+    selection.io.json_store_lf (busted.json,
+                                "Unconstrained model",
+                                busted.full_model[terms.fit.log_likelihood],
+                                busted.full_model[terms.parameters] + 9 , // +9 comes from CF3x4
+                                busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size],
+                                busted.distribution_for_json,
+                                busted.display_orders[busted.unconstrained]);
-    busted.max_site = busted.site_ll_diff [Rows (busted.site_ll_diff)-1][-1];
-    if (busted.max_site[0] >= 0.8 * busted.site_ll_sum ) {
-        busted.max_site = busted.max_site [1] + 1;
+    if (busted.error_sink) {
+        busted.run_test = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [busted.rate_classes-1][0] > 1 && busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [busted.rate_classes-1][1] > 0;
     } else {
-        busted.max_site = None;
+        busted.run_test = busted.inferred_test_distribution [busted.rate_classes-1][0] > 1 && busted.inferred_test_distribution [busted.rate_classes-1][1] > 0;
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "test", "* " + selection.io.report_fit (busted.null_results, 9, busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size]));
-    busted.LRT = busted.ComputeLRT (busted.full_model[terms.fit.log_likelihood], busted.null_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood]);
-    busted.json [terms.json.test_results] = busted.LRT;
-    selection.io.stopTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Constrained BUSTED model fitting");
-    utility.ForEachPair (busted.filter_specification, "_key_", "_value_",
-        'selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.constrained, terms.branch_length, 1,
+    for (_key_, _value_; in; busted.filter_specification) {
+        selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.unconstrained, terms.branch_length, 0,
-                                                 selection.io.extract_branch_info((busted.null_results[terms.branch_length])[_key_], "selection.io.branch.length"));');
-    io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "test", "* For *test* branches under the null (no dN/dS > 1 model), the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
-    busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
-    busted.inferred_test_distribution = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw  % 0;
-    busted.distribution_for_json = {busted.FG : utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                         "_index_",
-                                                         "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
-                                                           terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}")};
-    busted.report_multi_hit  (busted.null_results, busted.distribution_for_json, "MultiHit", "null-mh",busted.branch_length_string, busted.model_parameters);
-    busted.null_distro_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
+                                                 selection.io.extract_branch_info((busted.full_model[terms.branch_length])[_key_], "selection.io.branch.length"));
+    }
-    if (busted.error_sink) {
-        selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.null_distro_raw % 0, busted.null_distro_raw[0][0], busted.null_distro_raw[0][1]);
+    busted.max_site = None;
+    if (!busted.run_test) {
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "Results", "No evidence for episodic diversifying positive selection under the unconstrained model, skipping constrained model fitting");
+        busted.json [terms.json.test_results] = busted.ComputeLRT (0, 0);
+        busted.converged = TRUE;
     } else {
-        selection.io.report_dnds (busted.null_distro_raw % 0);
-    }
-    if (busted.has_background) {
-        busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.background_distribution);
-        //selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_background_distribution);
-        busted.distribution_for_json [busted.BG] = utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                             "_index_",
-                                                             "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
-                                                               terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}");
-    }
-    if (busted.do_srv) {
-        if (busted.do_bs_srv) {
-            busted.srv_info = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution ( busted.srv_rate_reporting) % 0;
+        selection.io.startTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Constrained BUSTED model fitting", 3);
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "test", "Performing the constrained (dN/dS > 1 not allowed) model fit");
+        parameters.SetConstraint (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.test.bsrel_model , terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,busted.rate_classes)), terms.parameters.one, terms.global);
+        (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.constrained] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+        busted.null_results = estimators.FitExistingLF (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function], busted.model_object_map);
+        (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null] = busted.ComputeSiteLikelihoods (busted.full_model[terms.likelihood_function]);
+        busted.site_ll_diff = Transpose (((busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained] - (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null])*2);
+        busted.site_ll_sum = +busted.site_ll_diff;
+        busted.site_ll_diff = ({Rows (busted.site_ll_diff), 2})["(_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_==0)*busted.site_ll_diff[_MATRIX_ELEMENT_ROW_]+(_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_==1)_MATRIX_ELEMENT_ROW_"] % 0;
+        busted.max_site = busted.site_ll_diff [Rows (busted.site_ll_diff)-1][-1];
+        if (busted.max_site[0] >= 0.8 * busted.site_ll_sum ) {
+            busted.max_site = busted.max_site [1] + 1;
         } else {
-            busted.srv_info = Transpose((rate_variation.extract_category_information(busted.test.bsrel_model))["VALUEINDEXORDER"][0])%0;
+            busted.max_site = None;
-        if (busted.do_srv_hmm) {
-            busted.hmm_lambda = selection.io.extract_global_MLE (busted.full_model, terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda);
-            io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " +  Format (busted.hmm_lambda, 8, 3));
-            busted.distribution_for_json [terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda] = busted.hmm_lambda;
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD ("BUSTED", "test", "* " + selection.io.report_fit (busted.null_results, 9, busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size]));
+        busted.LRT = busted.ComputeLRT (busted.full_model[terms.fit.log_likelihood], busted.null_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood]);
+        busted.json [terms.json.test_results] = busted.LRT;
+        selection.io.stopTimer (busted.json [terms.json.timers], "Constrained BUSTED model fitting");
+        utility.ForEachPair (busted.filter_specification, "_key_", "_value_",
+            'selection.io.json_store_branch_attribute(busted.json, busted.constrained, terms.branch_length, 1,
+                                                     _key_,
+                                                     selection.io.extract_branch_info((busted.null_results[terms.branch_length])[_key_], "selection.io.branch.length"));');
+        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "test", "* For *test* branches under the null (no dN/dS > 1 model), the following rate distribution for branch-site combinations was inferred");
+        busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
+        busted.inferred_test_distribution = busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw  % 0;
+        busted.distribution_for_json = {busted.FG : utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
+                                                             "_index_",
+                                                             "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
+                                                               terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_test_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}")};
+        busted.report_multi_hit  (busted.null_results, busted.distribution_for_json, "MultiHit", "null-mh",busted.branch_length_string, busted.model_parameters);
+        busted.null_distro_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.distribution);
+        if (busted.error_sink) {
+            selection.io.report_dnds_with_sink (busted.null_distro_raw % 0, busted.null_distro_raw[0][0], busted.null_distro_raw[0][1]);
+        } else {
+            selection.io.report_dnds (busted.null_distro_raw % 0);
-        io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following rate distribution for site-to-site **synonymous** rate variation was inferred");
-        selection.io.report_distribution (busted.srv_info);
-        busted.distribution_for_json [busted.SRV] = (utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.synonymous_rate_classes, 0, 1),
+        if (busted.has_background) {
+            busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution (busted.background_distribution);
+            //selection.io.report_dnds (busted.inferred_background_distribution);
+            busted.distribution_for_json [busted.BG] = utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.rate_classes, 0, 1),
-                                                                 "{terms.json.rate :busted.srv_info [_index_][0],
-                                                                   terms.json.proportion : busted.srv_info [_index_][1]}"));
-    }
+                                                                 "{terms.json.omega_ratio : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][0],
+                                                                   terms.json.proportion : busted.inferred_background_distribution_raw [_index_][1]}");
+        }
-    selection.io.json_store_lf (busted.json,
-                            "Constrained model",
-                            busted.null_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood],
-                            busted.null_results[terms.parameters] + 9 , // +9 comes from CF3x4
-                            busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size],
-                            busted.distribution_for_json,
-                            busted.display_orders[busted.constrained]);
-    (busted.json [busted.json.evidence_ratios])[busted.constrained] = busted.EvidenceRatios ( (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained],  (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.constrained]);
-    (busted.json [busted.json.evidence_ratios ])[busted.optimized_null] = busted.EvidenceRatios ( (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained],  (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null]);
+        if (busted.do_srv) {
+            if (busted.do_bs_srv) {
+                busted.srv_info = parameters.GetStickBreakingDistribution ( busted.srv_rate_reporting) % 0;
+            } else {
+                busted.srv_info = Transpose((rate_variation.extract_category_information(busted.test.bsrel_model))["VALUEINDEXORDER"][0])%0;
+            }
+            if (busted.do_srv_hmm) {
+                busted.hmm_lambda = selection.io.extract_global_MLE (busted.full_model, terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda);
+                io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* HMM switching rate = " +  Format (busted.hmm_lambda, 8, 3));
+                busted.distribution_for_json [terms.rate_variation.hmm_lambda] = busted.hmm_lambda;
+            }
+            io.ReportProgressMessageMD("BUSTED", "main", "* The following rate distribution for site-to-site **synonymous** rate variation was inferred");
+            selection.io.report_distribution (busted.srv_info);
+            busted.distribution_for_json [busted.SRV] = (utility.Map (utility.Range (busted.synonymous_rate_classes, 0, 1),
+                                                                     "_index_",
+                                                                     "{terms.json.rate :busted.srv_info [_index_][0],
+                                                                       terms.json.proportion : busted.srv_info [_index_][1]}"));
+        }
+        selection.io.json_store_lf (busted.json,
+                                "Constrained model",
+                                busted.null_results[terms.fit.log_likelihood],
+                                busted.null_results[terms.parameters] + 9 , // +9 comes from CF3x4
+                                busted.codon_data_info[terms.data.sample_size],
+                                busted.distribution_for_json,
+                                busted.display_orders[busted.constrained]);
+        (busted.json [busted.json.evidence_ratios])[busted.constrained] = busted.EvidenceRatios ( (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained],  (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.constrained]);
+        (busted.json [busted.json.evidence_ratios ])[busted.optimized_null] = busted.EvidenceRatios ( (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.unconstrained],  (busted.json [busted.json.site_logl])[busted.optimized_null]);
+        if (busted.LRT[terms.LRT] < -0.01) {
+            parameters.RemoveConstraint (model.generic.GetGlobalParameter (busted.test.bsrel_model , terms.AddCategory (terms.parameters.omega_ratio,busted.rate_classes)));
+            console.log ("----\n## Negative test LRT (convergence problem). Refitting the alternative model using the null model as a start.\n----\n");
+            busted.restart_optimization = busted.null_results;
+        } else {
+            busted.converged = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
@@ -1385,14 +1595,14 @@ lfunction busted.mixture_site_BF (ll, p) {
-function busted.init_grid_setup (omega_distro, error_sink) {
+function busted.init_grid_setup (omega_distro, error_sink, rate_count) {
    for (_index_,_name_; in; omega_distro[terms.parameters.rates]) {
-        if (_index_ < busted.rate_classes - 1) { // not the last rate
+        if (_index_ < rate_count - 1) { // not the last rate
             busted.initial_grid  [_name_] = {
                     0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.75
-            }["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_^(busted.rate_classes-_index_-1)"];
+            }["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_VALUE_^(rate_count-_index_-1)"];
             busted.initial_grid_presets [_name_] = 0;
@@ -1416,7 +1626,8 @@ function busted.init_grid_setup (omega_distro, error_sink) {
             busted.initial_ranges [_name_] = {
                 terms.lower_bound : 1,
-                terms.upper_bound : 10
+                terms.upper_bound : 100,
+                terms.range_transform : "Sqrt(`terms.range_transform_variable`)"
             busted.initial_grid_presets [_name_] = 2;
@@ -1438,12 +1649,14 @@ function busted.init_grid_setup (omega_distro, error_sink) {
              busted.initial_ranges [_name_] = {
                 terms.lower_bound : 0,
-                terms.upper_bound : 0.005,
+                terms.upper_bound : Sqrt (0.005),
+                terms.range_transform : "`terms.range_transform_variable`^2"
         } else { 
             busted.initial_ranges [_name_] = {
-                terms.lower_bound : 0,
-                terms.upper_bound : 1
+                terms.lower_bound : 1e-6,
+                terms.upper_bound : 0.999,
+                terms.range_transform : "Sqrt(`terms.range_transform_variable`)"

@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ absrel.json    = {
 selection.io.startTimer (absrel.json [terms.json.timers], "Overall", 0);
+KeywordArgument ("blb", "[Advanced option] Bag of little bootstrap alignment resampling rate", 1.0);
+absrel.blb = io.PromptUser ("[Advanced option] Bag of little bootstrap alignment resampling rate", 1.0, 0.01, 1, FALSE);
     Key word arguments
@@ -110,9 +112,14 @@ KeywordArgument ("branches",  "Branches to test", "All");
     Continued Analysis Setup
 namespace absrel {
     LoadFunctionLibrary ("modules/shared-load-file.bf");
-    load_file ("absrel");
+    load_file ({
+                utility.getGlobalValue("terms.prefix"): "absrel", 
+                utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.blb_subsample") : blb
+               });
 KeywordArgument ("multiple-hits",  "Include support for multiple nucleotide substitutions", "None");
@@ -147,6 +154,7 @@ if (absrel.do_srv) {
     absrel.synonymous_rate_classes = io.PromptUser ("The number omega rate classes to include in the model", absrel.synonymous_rate_classes, 1, 10, TRUE);
 selection.io.json_store_setting  (absrel.json, "srv", absrel.do_srv);

@@ -154,11 +154,12 @@ function load_file (prefix) {
     settings = None;
     multiple_files = FALSE;
+    blb = 1.0;
     if (Type (prefix) == "AssociativeList") {
         multiple_files  = prefix [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.multiple_files")];
-        settings        = prefix[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.settings")];
+        settings        = prefix [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.settings")];
+        blb             = prefix [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.blb_subsample")];
         prefix          = prefix [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.prefix")];
@@ -199,6 +200,10 @@ function load_file (prefix) {
     } else {
         datasets = prefix+".codon_data";
         codon_data_info = alignments.PromptForGeneticCodeAndAlignment(datasets, prefix+".codon_filter");
+        if (blb < 1 && blb > 0) {
+            console.log (blb);
+            codon_data_info [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.blb_subsample")] = blb;
+        }
         /** example output
             "sequences": 13,

@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ namespace terms{
     confidence_interval = "confidence interval";
     lower_bound = "LB";
     upper_bound = "UB";
+    range_transform = "range-transform";
+    range_transform_variable = "__rtx";
     range01 = {
         lower_bound: "0",
         upper_bound: "1"
@@ -206,6 +211,7 @@ namespace terms{
         characters     = "characters";
         pattern_id     = "pattern id";
         filename_to_index = "filename-to-index";
+        blb_subsample  = "blb-subsample"

@@ -418,6 +418,8 @@ function alignments.LoadCodonDataFile(dataset_name, datafilter_name, data_info)
         io.CheckAssertion("`datafilter_name`.sites*3==`dataset_name`.sites", "The input alignment must have the number of sites that is divisible by 3 and must not contain stop codons");
     data_info[terms.data.sites] = ^ "`datafilter_name`.sites";
     data_info[terms.data.dataset] = dataset_name;
     data_info[terms.data.datafilter] = datafilter_name;
@@ -548,6 +550,7 @@ lfunction alignments.DefineFiltersForPartitions(partitions, source_data, prefix,
     part_count = utility.Array1D(partitions);
     filters = {};
     if (utility.CheckKey(data_info, utility.getGlobalValue("terms.code"), "Matrix")) {
         for (i = 0; i < part_count; i += 1) {
@@ -563,6 +566,17 @@ lfunction alignments.DefineFiltersForPartitions(partitions, source_data, prefix,
             diff = test.sites - 3 * ^ (this_filter[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.name")] + ".sites");
             io.CheckAssertion("`&diff` == 0", "Partition " + this_filter[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.name")] + " is either has stop codons or is not in frame");
+            if (utility.Has (data_info, ^"terms.data.blb_subsample", "Number")) { 
+                datafilter_name = (this_filter[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.name")]);
+                blb_size = (^ "`datafilter_name`.sites") ^ (data_info[^"terms.data.blb_subsample"]) $ 1;
+                if (blb_size > 1 && i < ^"`datafilter_name`.sites") {
+                    console.log (">Subsampling/upsampling using bag of little bootstraps with sample size `blb_size`.");
+                    DataSetFilter test = Bootstrap (^datafilter_name, {"BLB_size": blb_size, "BLB_sampler" : ""});
+                    DataSetFilter ^datafilter_name = CreateFilter (test,3,"","", data_info[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.stop_codons")]);
+                }
+            }
             this_filter[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.coverage")] = utility.DictToArray(utility.Map(utility.Filter( ^ (this_filter[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.data.name")] + ".site_map"), "_value_", "_value_%3==0"), "_value_", "_value_$3"));
             filters + this_filter;

@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ function estimators.CopyFrequencies(model_name, model_decription) {
     (estimators.ExtractMLEs.results[terms.efv_estimate])[model_name] = model_decription[terms.efv_estimate];
+estimators._global_do_not_set = {};
 function estimators.SetGlobals2(key2, value) {
@@ -191,11 +192,15 @@ function estimators.SetGlobals2(key2, value) {
     if (Type(__init_value) == "AssociativeList") {
         if (__init_value[terms.fix]) {
             estimators.ApplyExistingEstimates.df_correction += parameters.IsIndependent(value);
-            ExecuteCommands("`value` := " + __init_value[terms.fit.MLE]);
+            if (estimators._global_do_not_set / value == 0) {
+                ExecuteCommands("`value` := " + __init_value[terms.fit.MLE]);
+            }
             //_did_set [value] = 1;
         } else {
             if (parameters.IsIndependent (value)) {
-                ExecuteCommands("`value` = " + __init_value[terms.fit.MLE]);
+                if (estimators._global_do_not_set / value == 0) {
+                    ExecuteCommands("`value` = " + __init_value[terms.fit.MLE]);
+                } 
                 //_did_set [value] = 1;
             } else {
                 messages.log (value + " was already constrained in estimators.SetGlobals2");
@@ -593,7 +598,6 @@ function estimators.ApplyExistingEstimates(likelihood_function_id, model_descrip
     // copy global variables first
     estimators.ApplyExistingEstimates.results[terms.global] = {};
     // the above line traverses all model descriptions and sets
@@ -824,7 +828,9 @@ lfunction estimators.FitLF(data_filter, tree, model_map, initial_values, model_o
             best_value   = Max (grid_results, 1);
             parameters.SetValues ((run_options [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.search_grid")])[best_value["key"]]);
             //console.log ((run_options [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.search_grid")])[best_value["key"]]);
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = (run_options [utility.getGlobalValue("terms.search_grid")])[best_value["key"]];
             estimators.ApplyExistingEstimatesOverride (&likelihoodFunction, model_objects, initial_values,  run_options[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.proportional_branch_length_scaler")]);
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = {};
@@ -842,9 +848,12 @@ lfunction estimators.FitLF(data_filter, tree, model_map, initial_values, model_o
         io.ReportProgressBar("", "Working on crude initial optimizations");
         bestlog    = -1e100;
         for (i = 0; i < Abs (can_do_restarts); i += 1) {
             parameters.SetValues (can_do_restarts[i]);        
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = can_do_restarts[i];
             estimators.ApplyExistingEstimatesOverride (&likelihoodFunction, model_objects, initial_values,  run_options[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.proportional_branch_length_scaler")]);
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = {};
             if (utility.Has (run_options,utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.optimization_settings"),"AssociativeList")) {
                  Optimize (mles, likelihoodFunction, run_options[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.optimization_settings")]);
             } else {
@@ -862,6 +871,7 @@ lfunction estimators.FitLF(data_filter, tree, model_map, initial_values, model_o
     } else {
         if (utility.Has (run_options,utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.optimization_settings"),"AssociativeList")) {
             Optimize (mles, likelihoodFunction, run_options[utility.getGlobalValue("terms.run_options.optimization_settings")]);
         } else {
@@ -1494,6 +1504,7 @@ lfunction estimators.LHC (ranges, samples) {
 	    var_def [v][1] = ((ranges[var_names[v]])[^"terms.upper_bound"] - var_def [v][0]) / (samples-1);
 	    var_samplers[v] = Random ({1,samples}["_MATRIX_ELEMENT_COLUMN_"], 0);
     result = {};
@@ -1507,6 +1518,18 @@ lfunction estimators.LHC (ranges, samples) {
         result + entry;
+    for (v = 0; v < var_count; v += 1) {
+        if (utility.Has (ranges[var_names[v]], ^"terms.range_transform", "String")) {
+            rtf = (ranges[var_names[v]])[ ^"terms.range_transform"];
+            for (i = 0; i < samples; i+=1) {
+                utility.ExecuteInGlobalNamespace ( ^"terms.range_transform_variable" + " = " +  
+                    ((result[i])[var_names[v]])[^"terms.fit.MLE"]);
+                ((result[i])[var_names[v]])[^"terms.fit.MLE"] = utility.EvalInGlobalNamespace (rtf);
+            }
+        }
+    }
     return result;

@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ namespace mpi {
         //#profile START;
         LFCompute (^lf_id, LF_START_COMPUTE);
         results = {};
         task_ids = utility.Keys (tasks);
@@ -347,12 +348,9 @@ namespace mpi {
         for (i = 0; i < task_count; i+=1) {
             parameters.SetValues (tasks[task_ids[i]]);
-            //console.log (tasks[task_ids[i]]);
-            //console.log (values[1]);
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = tasks[task_ids[i]];
             estimators.ApplyExistingEstimates (lf_id, values[0], values[1], values[2]);
-            //GetInformation (i, ^"busted._shared_srv.rv_gdd");
-            //fprintf (stdout, ^lf_id);
-            //assert (0);
+            ^"estimators._global_do_not_set" = {};
             LFCompute (^lf_id, ll);
             results [task_ids[i]] = ll;
             io.ReportProgressBar("", "Grid result "  + i  + " = " + ll + " (best = " + Max (results, 0)[^"terms.data.value"] + ")");

@@ -1245,9 +1245,9 @@ _String  const     _ExecutionList::GetFileName     (void)  const {
-void _ExecutionList::BuildListOfDependancies   (_AVLListX & collection, bool recursive) {
+void _ExecutionList::BuildListOfDependancies   (_AVLListX & collection, bool recursive, bool help_mode) {
   for (unsigned long step = 0UL; step < lLength; step++) {
-    ((_ElementaryCommand*)GetItem(step))->BuildListOfDependancies (collection, recursive, *this);
+    ((_ElementaryCommand*)GetItem(step))->BuildListOfDependancies (collection, recursive, *this, help_mode);
@@ -1413,7 +1413,8 @@ HBLObjectRef       _ExecutionList::Execute     (_ExecutionList* parent, bool ign
             profileCounter->theData[instCounter*2+1] += 1.0;
         } else {
-            (((_ElementaryCommand**)list_data)[currentCommand])->Execute(*this);
+            GetIthCommand(currentCommand)->Execute(*this);
+            //(((_ElementaryCommand**)list_data)[currentCommand])->Execute(*this);
         if (terminate_execution) {
@@ -4769,6 +4770,7 @@ bool    _ElementaryCommand::ConstructDataSetFilter (_StringBuffer&source, _Execu
         } else if (operation_type == kBootstrap) {
             datafilter_command = new _ElementaryCommand(28);
         } else {
             throw _String ("Expected: DataSetFilter	  dataSetFilterid = CreateFilter (datasetid,unit,vertical partition,horizontal partition,alphabet exclusions); or Permute/Bootstrap (dataset/filter,<atom>,<column partition>)");

@@ -1302,8 +1302,8 @@ void _ElementaryCommand::ScanStringExpressionForHBLFunctions (_String* expressio
   long     parseCode = Parse(&f,*expression,fpc,&f2);
   if (parseCode != HY_FORMULA_FAILED ) {
-    f.ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (collection, recursive, !help_mode);
-    f2.ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions(collection, recursive, !help_mode);
+    f.ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (collection, recursive, !help_mode, help_mode);
+    f2.ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions(collection, recursive, !help_mode, help_mode);

@@ -589,6 +589,9 @@ bool        _CalcNode::RecomputeMatrix  (long categID, long totalCategs, _Matrix
                     _Variable * model_var = LocateVar (ref_idx);
                     if (!model_var -> IsIndependent()) {
                         _Variable * param_var = LocateVar (var_idx);
+                        if (useGlobalUpdateFlag) {
+                            model_var->varFlags &= HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED_CLEAR & HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED_CLEAR & HY_DEP_V_INSPECTED_CLR;
+                        }
                         if (param_var->IsIndependent()) {

@@ -2414,107 +2414,108 @@ hyFloat _Formula::ComputeSimple (_SimpleFormulaDatum* stack, _SimpleFormulaDatum
         if (!simpleExpressionStatus) {
             HandleApplicationError("Internal error, calling _Formula::ComputeSimple on a standard _Formula object");
-        }
-        long stackTop = 0;
-        unsigned long upper_bound = NumberOperations();
-        const hyFloat * constants = (hyFloat*)theStack.theStack._getStatic();
-        for (unsigned long i=0UL; i<upper_bound; i++) {
+        } else {
+            long stackTop = 0;
+            unsigned long upper_bound = NumberOperations();
-            if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] >= 0L) {
-                stack[stackTop++] = varValues[simpleExpressionStatus[i]];
-            } else {
-                if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] <= -2L && simpleExpressionStatus[i] >= -32L) {
-                    stack[stackTop++].value = constants[-simpleExpressionStatus[i] - 2L];
+            const hyFloat * constants = (hyFloat*)theStack.theStack._getStatic();
+            for (unsigned long i=0UL; i<upper_bound; i++) {
+                if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] >= 0L) {
+                    stack[stackTop++] = varValues[simpleExpressionStatus[i]];
                 } else {
-                    if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] == -1L) {
-                        stack[stackTop++].value = ((_Operation**)theFormula.list_data)[i]->theNumber->Value();
+                    if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] <= -2L && simpleExpressionStatus[i] >= -32L) {
+                        stack[stackTop++].value = constants[-simpleExpressionStatus[i] - 2L];
                     } else {
-                        if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] <= -10000L) {
-                            stackTop--;
-                            switch (-simpleExpressionStatus[i] - 10000L) {
-                                case HY_OP_CODE_ADD:
-                                    stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value + stack[stackTop].value;
-                                    break;
-                                case HY_OP_CODE_SUB:
-                                    stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value - stack[stackTop].value;
-                                    break;
-                                case HY_OP_CODE_MUL:
-                                    stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value * stack[stackTop].value;
-                                    break;
-                                case HY_OP_CODE_DIV:
-                                    stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value / stack[stackTop].value;
-                                    break;
-                                case HY_OP_CODE_POWER: {
-                                    //stack[stackTop-1].value = pow (stack[stackTop-1].value, stack[stackTop].value);
-                                    if (stack[stackTop-1].value==0.0) {
-                                      if (stack[stackTop].value > 0.0) {
-                                        return 0.0;
-                                      } else {
-                                        return 1.0;
-                                      }
-                                    }
-                                    stack[stackTop-1].value =  pow (stack[stackTop-1].value, stack[stackTop].value);
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                                default:
-                                    HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - unsupported shortcut operation.)", true);
-                                    return 0.0;
-                            }
+                        if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] == -1L) {
+                            stack[stackTop++].value = ((_Operation**)theFormula.list_data)[i]->theNumber->Value();
                         } else {
-                            _Operation const* thisOp = ItemAt (i);
-                            stackTop--;
-                            if (thisOp->numberOfTerms==2) {
-                                hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyFloat, hyFloat);
-                                theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyFloat,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
-                                if (stackTop<1L) {
-                                    HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow.)", true);
-                                    return 0.0;
-                                }
-                                stack[stackTop-1].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop-1].value,stack[stackTop].value);
-                            } else {
-                                switch (thisOp->numberOfTerms) {
-                                    case -2 : {
-                                        hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyPointer,hyFloat);
-                                        theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyPointer,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
-                                        if (stackTop<1L) {
-                                            HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow.)", true);
-                                            return 0.0;
-                                        }
-                                        stack[stackTop-1].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop-1].reference,stack[stackTop].value);
+                            if (simpleExpressionStatus[i] <= -10000L) {
+                                stackTop--;
+                                switch (-simpleExpressionStatus[i] - 10000L) {
+                                    case HY_OP_CODE_ADD:
+                                        stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value + stack[stackTop].value;
-                                    }
-                                    case -3 : {
-                                        void  (*theFunc) (hyPointer,hyFloat,hyFloat);
-                                        theFunc = (void(*)(hyPointer,hyFloat,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
-                                        if (stackTop != 2 || i != theFormula.lLength - 1) {
-                                            HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow or MCoord command is not the last one.)", true);
-                                            return 0.0;
+                                    case HY_OP_CODE_SUB:
+                                        stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value - stack[stackTop].value;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HY_OP_CODE_MUL:
+                                        stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value * stack[stackTop].value;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HY_OP_CODE_DIV:
+                                        stack[stackTop-1].value = stack[stackTop-1].value / stack[stackTop].value;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HY_OP_CODE_POWER: {
+                                        //stack[stackTop-1].value = pow (stack[stackTop-1].value, stack[stackTop].value);
+                                        if (stack[stackTop-1].value==0.0) {
+                                            if (stack[stackTop].value > 0.0) {
+                                                return 0.0;
+                                            } else {
+                                                return 1.0;
+                                            }
-                                        //stackTop = 0;
-                                        // value, reference, index
-                                        (*theFunc)(stack[1].reference,stack[2].value, stack[0].value);
+                                        stack[stackTop-1].value =  pow (stack[stackTop-1].value, stack[stackTop].value);
-                                    default: {
-                                        hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyFloat);
-                                        theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
-                                        stack[stackTop].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop].value);
-                                        ++stackTop;
+                                    default:
+                                        HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - unsupported shortcut operation.)", true);
+                                        return 0.0;
+                                }
+                            } else {
+                                _Operation const* thisOp = ItemAt (i);
+                                stackTop--;
+                                if (thisOp->numberOfTerms==2) {
+                                    hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyFloat, hyFloat);
+                                    theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyFloat,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
+                                    if (stackTop<1L) {
+                                        HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow.)", true);
+                                        return 0.0;
+                                    }
+                                    stack[stackTop-1].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop-1].value,stack[stackTop].value);
+                                } else {
+                                    switch (thisOp->numberOfTerms) {
+                                        case -2 : {
+                                            hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyPointer,hyFloat);
+                                            theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyPointer,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
+                                            if (stackTop<1L) {
+                                                HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow.)", true);
+                                                return 0.0;
+                                            }
+                                            stack[stackTop-1].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop-1].reference,stack[stackTop].value);
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                        case -3 : {
+                                            void  (*theFunc) (hyPointer,hyFloat,hyFloat);
+                                            theFunc = (void(*)(hyPointer,hyFloat,hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
+                                            if (stackTop != 2 || i != theFormula.lLength - 1) {
+                                                HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in _Formula::ComputeSimple - stack underflow or MCoord command is not the last one.)", true);
+                                                return 0.0;
+                                            }
+                                            //stackTop = 0;
+                                            // value, reference, index
+                                            (*theFunc)(stack[1].reference,stack[2].value, stack[0].value);
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                        default: {
+                                            hyFloat  (*theFunc) (hyFloat);
+                                            theFunc = (hyFloat(*)(hyFloat))thisOp->opCode;
+                                            stack[stackTop].value = (*theFunc)(stack[stackTop].value);
+                                            ++stackTop;
+                                        }
+            return stack[0].value;
-        return stack[0].value;
     return 0.0;
@@ -2563,15 +2564,13 @@ bool _Formula::HasChanged (bool ingoreCats) {
     if (simpleExpressionStatus) {
         HandleApplicationError("Internal error. Called _Formula::HasChanged on a compiled formula");
     unsigned long const upper_bound = NumberOperations();
     for (unsigned long i=0UL; i<upper_bound; i++) {
         long data_id;
         _Operation * this_op = ItemAt (i);
-        if (this_op->IsAVariable()) {
+        if (this_op->theData >= 0 || this_op->theData < -2 || this_op->IsAVariable()) {
             data_id = this_op->GetAVariable();
             if (data_id>=0) {
                 if (((_Variable*)(((BaseRef*)(variablePtrs.list_data))[data_id]))->HasChanged(ingoreCats)) {
@@ -2600,17 +2599,17 @@ bool _Formula::HasChanged (bool ingoreCats) {
-void _Formula::ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (_AVLListX& collection , bool recursive, bool simplify) {
+void _Formula::ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (_AVLListX& collection , bool recursive, bool simplify, bool help_mode) {
-  auto handle_function_id = [&collection, recursive] (const long hbl_id) -> void {
+  auto handle_function_id = [&collection, recursive,help_mode] (const long hbl_id) -> void {
     if (IsBFFunctionIndexValid(hbl_id)) {
       _String function_name = GetBFFunctionNameByIndex(hbl_id);
       if (collection.Find(&function_name) < 0) {
         collection.Insert (new _String (function_name), HY_BL_HBL_FUNCTION, false, false);
         if (recursive) {
-          GetBFFunctionBody(hbl_id).BuildListOfDependancies(collection, true);
+          GetBFFunctionBody(hbl_id).BuildListOfDependancies(collection, true, help_mode);
@@ -3013,7 +3012,11 @@ void    _Formula::ConvertToTree (bool err_msg) {
             if (nodeStack.lLength!=1) {
-                throw ((_String)"The expression '" & toRPN (kFormulaStringConversionNormal) & "' has " & (long)nodeStack.lLength & " terms left on the stack after evaluation");
+                if (err_msg) {
+                    throw ((_String)"The expression '" & toRPN (kFormulaStringConversionNormal) & "' has " & (long)nodeStack.lLength & " terms left on the stack after evaluation");
+                } else {
+                    throw (_String("Evaluation error (no error report mode)"));
+                }
             } else {
                 theTree = (node<long>*)nodeStack(0);
@@ -3064,7 +3067,7 @@ bool       _Formula::ProcessFormulaForConverstionToSimple (long& stack_length,
                                                            bool run_all)  {
     if (run_all || AmISimple(stack_length,var_list)) {
-        _String * formula_string = (_String*)toStr(kFormulaStringConversionNormal, nil,true);
+        auto formula_string = toStr(kFormulaStringConversionNormal, nil,true);
         long      fref = formula_strings.Insert(formula_string,new_formulas.lLength);
         if (fref < 0) {
             references << formula_strings.GetXtra (-fref-1);

@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ HBLObjectRef _FString::SubstituteAndSimplify(HBLObjectRef arguments, HBLObjectRe
-      _String * simplified = ((_String*)evaluator.toStr(kFormulaStringConversionNormal));
+      auto simplified = ((_String*)evaluator.toStr(kFormulaStringConversionNormal));
       return _returnStringOrUseCache(simplified, cache);

@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ namespace hy_global {
                      kErrorStringMatrixExportError    ("Export matrix called with a non-polynomial matrix argument"),
                      kErrorStringNullOperand          ("Attempting to operate on an undefined value; this is probably the result of an earlier 'soft' error condition"),
                      kErrorNumerical                   ("To treat numerical errors as warnings, please specify \"ENV=TOLERATE_NUMERICAL_ERRORS=1;\" as the command line argument. This often resolves the issue, which is indicative of numerical instability."),
-                     kHyPhyVersion  = _String ("2.5.61"),
+                     kHyPhyVersion  = _String ("2.5.62"),
                     kNoneToken = "None",
                     kNullToken = "null",

@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public:
-    void        BuildListOfDependancies   (_AVLListX & collection, bool recursive = true);
+    void        BuildListOfDependancies   (_AVLListX & collection, bool recursive = true, bool help_mode = false);

 #define  HY_VARIABLE_CHANGED                        0x0002
 #define  HY_VARIABLE_CHANGED_CLEAR                  0xFFFD
 #define  HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED                          0x0004
+#define  HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED_CLEAR                    0xFFFB
 #define  HY_DEP_V_INSPECTED                         0x0008
 #define  HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED                          0x0010
+#define  HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED_CLEAR                    0xFFEF
 #define  HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED_CATS                     0x0020
 #define  HY_VC_NO_CHECK                             0x0040 // do not check this variable container in
 // NeedToExponentiate

@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ public:
     static      _Formula*        PatchFormulasTogether (const _Formula& op1, const _Formula& op2, const char op_code);
     static      _Formula*        PatchFormulasTogether (const _Formula& op1, HBLObjectRef op2, const char op_code);
-    void        ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (_AVLListX& collection , bool recursive, bool simplify = true);
+    void        ScanFormulaForHBLFunctions (_AVLListX& collection , bool recursive, bool simplify = true, bool help_mode = false);
         Process a formula as a part of a batch to convert to simple formulas

@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ protected:
     void            ComputeParameterPenalty     (void);
-    bool            SendOffToMPI                (long);
+    bool            SendOffToMPI                (long, void * = nil);
     void            InitMPIOptimizer            (void);
     void            CleanupMPIOptimizer         (void);
     void            ComputeBlockInt1            (long,hyFloat&,_TheTree*,_DataSetFilter*, char);

@@ -231,5 +231,6 @@ extern      hyFloat  pi_const, tolerance;
 extern      bool        useGlobalUpdateFlag;
+extern      _AVLList    *_keepTrackOfDepVars;

@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ public:
 long    DereferenceVariable (long index, _MathObject const *  context, char reference_type);
 long    DereferenceString   (HBLObjectRef, _MathObject const * context, char reference_type);
+void    ResetDepComputedFlags (_SimpleList const& vars);
 _String const WrapInNamespace (_String const&, _String const*);

@@ -1896,11 +1896,11 @@ void    _LikelihoodFunction::ZeroSiteResults        (void)
 #ifndef __HYPHYMPI__
-bool      _LikelihoodFunction::SendOffToMPI       (long)
+bool      _LikelihoodFunction::SendOffToMPI       (long, void * )
     return false;
-bool      _LikelihoodFunction::SendOffToMPI       (long index) {
+bool      _LikelihoodFunction::SendOffToMPI       (long index, void * request) {
 // dispatch an MPI task to node 'index+1'
 /* 20170404 SLKP Need to check if the decision to recompute a partition is made correctly.
@@ -1908,21 +1908,37 @@ bool      _LikelihoodFunction::SendOffToMPI       (long index) {
     bool                sendToSlave = (computationalResults.get_used() < parallelOptimizerTasks.lLength);
     _SimpleList     *   slaveParams = (_SimpleList*)parallelOptimizerTasks(index);
+    //_SimpleList dpv;
+    //_keepTrackOfDepVars = new _AVLList (&dpv);
+    //useGlobalUpdateFlag = true;
+    long offset = index * varTransferMatrix.GetVDim();
     for (unsigned long varID = 0UL; varID < slaveParams->lLength; varID++) {
         _Variable * aVar = LocateVar (slaveParams->list_data[varID]);
         if (aVar->IsIndependent()) {
-            varTransferMatrix.theData[varID] = aVar->Value();
+            varTransferMatrix.theData[offset+varID] = aVar->Value();
         } else {
-            varTransferMatrix.theData[varID] = aVar->Compute()->Value();
+            varTransferMatrix.theData[offset+varID] = aVar->Compute()->Value();
         //printf ("%s => %g\n", aVar->GetName()->sData, varTransferMatrix.theData[varID]);
         sendToSlave = sendToSlave || aVar->HasChanged();
+    //ResetDepComputedFlags (dpv);
+    //DeleteAndZeroObject(_keepTrackOfDepVars);
+    //useGlobalUpdateFlag = false;
     if (sendToSlave) {
-        ReportMPIError(MPI_Send(varTransferMatrix.theData, slaveParams->lLength, MPI_DOUBLE, index+1 , HYPHY_MPI_VARS_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD),true);
+        if (request) {
+            ReportMPIError(MPI_Isend(varTransferMatrix.theData + offset, slaveParams->lLength, MPI_DOUBLE, index+1 , HYPHY_MPI_VARS_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, (MPI_Request*)request), true);
+        } else {
+            ReportMPIError(MPI_Send(varTransferMatrix.theData + offset, slaveParams->lLength, MPI_DOUBLE, index+1 , HYPHY_MPI_VARS_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD),true);
+        }
     return sendToSlave;
@@ -1980,12 +1996,15 @@ bool    _LikelihoodFunction::PreCompute         (void) {
         useGlobalUpdateFlag = false;
         // mod 20060125 to only update large globals once
+        ResetDepComputedFlags (*arrayToCheck);
+        /*
         for (unsigned long j=0UL; j < i; j++) {
             _Variable* cornholio = LocateVar(arrayToCheck->list_data[j]);
             if (cornholio->varFlags&HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED) {
                 cornholio->varFlags -= HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED;
+        */
         return (i==arrayToCheck->lLength);
@@ -2281,6 +2300,8 @@ hyFloat  _LikelihoodFunction::Compute        (void)
         if (hyphyMPIOptimizerMode == _hyphyLFMPIModeSiteTemplate && hy_mpi_node_rank == 0) {
             long    totalSent = 0,
                     blockPatternSize = PartitionLengths (0);
             for (long blockID = 0; blockID < parallelOptimizerTasks.lLength; blockID ++) {
                 bool sendToSlave = SendOffToMPI (blockID);
                 if (sendToSlave) {
@@ -2373,22 +2394,40 @@ hyFloat  _LikelihoodFunction::Compute        (void)
 #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
             if (hy_mpi_node_rank == 0) {
                 long    totalSent = 0;
+                void ** requests = new void* [parallelOptimizerTasks.lLength];
+                _SimpleList dpv;
+                _keepTrackOfDepVars = new _AVLList (&dpv);
+                useGlobalUpdateFlag = true;
                 for (long blockID = 0; blockID < parallelOptimizerTasks.lLength; blockID ++) {
-                    //printf ("Master sending block %d off...\n", blockID);
-                    bool sendToSlave = SendOffToMPI (blockID);
+                    MPI_Request * req_record = new  MPI_Request;
+                    bool sendToSlave = SendOffToMPI (blockID, req_record);
                     //printf ("Send result (result size %d): %d\n", computationalResults.GetSize(), sendToSlave);
                     if (sendToSlave) {
-                        totalSent++;
+                       //printf ("\nMaster sending block %d off...\n", blockID);
+                       totalSent++;
+                       requests[blockID] = req_record;
                     } else {
+                        delete req_record;
+                        requests[blockID] = nil;
                         result += computationalResults[blockID];
+                ResetDepComputedFlags (dpv);
+                DeleteAndZeroObject(_keepTrackOfDepVars);
+                useGlobalUpdateFlag = false;
                 while (totalSent) {
                     MPI_Status      status;
                     hyFloat      blockRes;
                     ReportMPIError(MPI_Recv (&blockRes, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE , HYPHY_MPI_DATA_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status),true);
-                    //printf ("Got %g from block %d \n", blockRes, status.MPI_SOURCE-1);
+                    //printf ("\nGot %15.12g from block %d \n", blockRes, status.MPI_SOURCE-1);
                     result            += blockRes;
                     /*if (status.MPI_SOURCE == 1 && computationalResults.GetUsed()) {
@@ -2397,6 +2436,14 @@ hyFloat  _LikelihoodFunction::Compute        (void)
                     UpdateBlockResult (status.MPI_SOURCE-1, blockRes);
+                //printf ("Overall result = %15.12g\n", result);
+                for (long blockID = 0; blockID < parallelOptimizerTasks.lLength; blockID ++) {
+                    if (requests[blockID]) {
+                        //MPI_Wait((MPI_Request *)requests[blockID], MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
+                        delete (MPI_Request *)requests[blockID];
+                    }
+                }
                 done = true;
@@ -3314,8 +3361,7 @@ inline hyFloat sqr (hyFloat x)
-void    _LikelihoodFunction::InitMPIOptimizer (void)
+void    _LikelihoodFunction::InitMPIOptimizer (void) {
 #ifdef __HYPHYMPI__
     transferrableVars  = 0;
@@ -3656,7 +3702,7 @@ void    _LikelihoodFunction::InitMPIOptimizer (void)
                     DeleteObject (mapString);
-                _Matrix::CreateMatrix (&varTransferMatrix, 1, transferrableVars, false, true, false);
+                _Matrix::CreateMatrix (&varTransferMatrix, slaveNodes, transferrableVars, false, true, false);
                 ReportWarning(_String("[MPI] InitMPIOptimizer:Finished with the setup. Maximum of ") & transferrableVars & " transferrable parameters.");
@@ -6691,8 +6737,8 @@ hyFloat    _LikelihoodFunction::ConjugateGradientDescent (hyFloat step_precision
     if (gradL > 0.0) {
-        current_direction   = gradient;// * (1./gradL);
-        //gradient = current_direction;
+        current_direction   = gradient * (1./gradL);
+        gradient = current_direction;
         for (long index = 0; index< MAX (dim, 10) && index < iterationLimit; index++, currentPrecision*=0.25) {
@@ -6719,11 +6765,11 @@ hyFloat    _LikelihoodFunction::ConjugateGradientDescent (hyFloat step_precision
             ComputeGradient (gradient, gradientStep, bestVal, freeze, 1, false);
             gradL = gradient.AbsValue ();
-            /*if (CheckEqual(gradL,0.0)) {
+            if (CheckEqual(gradL,0.0)) {
             } else {
                 gradient *= 1./gradL;
-            }*/
+            }
             previous_direction = current_direction;
             hyFloat beta = 0., scalar_product = 0.;
@@ -7136,6 +7182,7 @@ void    _LikelihoodFunction::GradientDescent (hyFloat& gPrecision, _Matrix& best
             maxSoFar = middleValue;
         } else {
           SetAllIndependent (&current_best_vector);
           maxSoFar    = Compute();
           if (verbosity_level > 50) {
             char buf [256];

@@ -1442,8 +1442,7 @@ long RetrieveMPICount (char)
     return size;
-void MPISwitchNodesToMPIMode (long totalNodeCount)
+void MPISwitchNodesToMPIMode (long totalNodeCount) {
     _String message = mpiLoopSwitchToOptimize & hyphyMPIOptimizerMode;
     // send a context switch signal

@@ -2992,7 +2992,6 @@ HBLObjectRef   _Matrix::EvaluateSimple (_Matrix* existing_storage) {
         result = new _Matrix (hDim, vDim, bool (theIndex), true);
     for (long i=0L; i<cmd->varIndex.lLength; i++) {
         _Variable* curVar = LocateVar(cmd->varIndex.list_data[i]);
         if (curVar->ObjectClass () != MATRIX) {
@@ -3005,7 +3004,7 @@ HBLObjectRef   _Matrix::EvaluateSimple (_Matrix* existing_storage) {
             cmd->varValues[i].reference = (hyPointer)((_Matrix*)LocateVar (cmd->varIndex.list_data[i])->Compute())->theData;
     for (long f = 0L; f < cmd->formulasToEval.lLength; f++) {
         cmd->formulaValues [f] = ((_Formula*)cmd->formulasToEval.list_data[f])->ComputeSimple(cmd->theStack, cmd->varValues);

@@ -83,11 +83,13 @@ _SimpleList     freeSlots,
                 *deferSetFormula = nil;
-_AVLList       *deferClearConstraint = nil;
+_AVLList       *deferClearConstraint = nil,
+               *_keepTrackOfDepVars  = nil;
 bool            useGlobalUpdateFlag = false;
 _String         HalfOps (":<>=!&|");
 _Trie           UnOps;

@@ -1147,11 +1147,7 @@ long        Parse (_Formula* f, _String& s, _FormulaParsingContext& parsingConte
-        if (s.get_char(i) == '{') // a matrix
-            /* 20090803 SLKP:
-                 fixed the code to deal with
-            */
-        {
+        if (s.get_char(i) == '{') { // a matrix
             parsingContext.isVolatile() = true;

@@ -2730,6 +2730,10 @@ void        _TheTree::ExponentiateMatrices  (_List& expNodes, long tc, long catI
     //long b4 = mes_counter;
+    _SimpleList dpv;
+    _keepTrackOfDepVars = new _AVLList (&dpv);
+    useGlobalUpdateFlag = true;
     for (unsigned long nodeID = 0; nodeID < expNodes.lLength; nodeID++) {
         long didIncrease = matrixQueue.lLength;
         _CalcNode* thisNode = (_CalcNode*) expNodes(nodeID);
@@ -2751,9 +2755,15 @@ void        _TheTree::ExponentiateMatrices  (_List& expNodes, long tc, long catI
                 nodesToDo << thisNode;
+    //ObjectToConsole(_keepTrackOfDepVars);
+    //NLToConsole();
+    ResetDepComputedFlags (dpv);
+    DeleteAndZeroObject(_keepTrackOfDepVars);
+    useGlobalUpdateFlag = false;
     _List * computedExponentials = hasExpForm? new _List (matrixQueue.lLength) : nil;

@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ HBLObjectRef  _Variable::Compute (void) {
             if (varValue && new_value->ObjectClass () == NUMBER) {
                 if (varValue->ObjectClass () == NUMBER && varValue->CanFreeMe()) {
+                    return;
             DeleteObject (varValue);
@@ -301,10 +302,11 @@ HBLObjectRef  _Variable::Compute (void) {
             if ((varFlags & HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED) && varValue) {
                 varFlags &= HY_VARIABLE_COMPUTING_CLR;
                 return varValue;
-            } else {
-                update_var_value ();
+            update_var_value ();
+            if (_keepTrackOfDepVars) {
+                _keepTrackOfDepVars->Insert ((BaseRef)theIndex);
+            }
             varFlags |= HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED;
         } else {
@@ -799,11 +801,32 @@ bool  _Variable::HasChanged (bool ignoreCats, _AVLListX *) {
     if (varFormula) {
-        if (useGlobalUpdateFlag && (varFlags&HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED)) {
-            return false;
+        if (__builtin_expect (useGlobalUpdateFlag, 0)) {
+            //bool report = IsGlobal() && VerbosityLevel() == 13;
+            if ( varFlags & HY_DEP_V_INSPECTED) {
+                //if (report) {
+                //    printf (">INSPECTED %s result = %d\n", GetName()->get_str(), varFlags & HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED);
+                //}
+                return varFlags & HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED;
+            }
+            varFlags = varFlags | HY_DEP_V_INSPECTED;
+            if (_keepTrackOfDepVars) {
+                _keepTrackOfDepVars->Insert ((BaseRef)theIndex);
+            }
+            bool res =  !varValue || varFormula->HasChanged(ignoreCats) ;
+            if (res) {
+                varFlags = varFlags | HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED;
+            }
+            //if (report) {
+            //    printf (">COMPUTED %s result = %d/%d\n", GetName()->get_str(), varFlags & HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED, res);
+            //}
+            return res;
-       return  !varValue || varFormula->HasChanged(ignoreCats) ;
+        return   !varValue || varFormula->HasChanged(ignoreCats) ;
     } else {
         if (varValue && varValue->IsVariable()) {
@@ -899,3 +922,10 @@ long    DereferenceVariable (long index, _MathObject const * context, char refer
     return  DereferenceString (FetchObjectFromVariableByTypeIndex(index, STRING), context, reference_type);
+void    ResetDepComputedFlags (_SimpleList const& vars) {
+    vars.Each([] (long var_index, unsigned long) -> void {
+        LocateVar(var_index)->varFlags &= (HY_DEP_V_COMPUTED_CLEAR & HY_DEP_V_MODIFIED_CLEAR & HY_DEP_V_INSPECTED_CLR);
+    });

@@ -927,7 +927,9 @@ void      _VariableContainer::CopyModelParameterValue (long var_idx, long ref_id
             model_var->SetValue (LocateVar (var_idx)->Compute(),true,true,NULL);
+            if (VerbosityLevel() == 13) {
                 fprintf (stderr, "[_CalcNode::RecomputeMatrix] Node %s, var %s, value = %15.12g\n", LocateVar (var_idx)->GetName()->get_str(), model_var->GetName()->get_str(), model_var->Compute()->Value());
+            }

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