[med-svn] [Git][med-team/hdmf][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 3.14.5

Étienne Mollier (@emollier) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Nov 2 14:26:06 GMT 2024

Étienne Mollier pushed to branch master at Debian Med / hdmf

14ca7830 by Étienne Mollier at 2024-11-02T15:19:36+01:00
New upstream version 3.14.5
- - - - -
b1fd80bc by Étienne Mollier at 2024-11-02T15:20:02+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.14.5'

Update to upstream version '3.14.5'
with Debian dir 687fac28d2558727f0adb688500da43e3f9fd077
- - - - -
b2c6e1fe by Étienne Mollier at 2024-11-02T15:23:39+01:00
d/s/lintian-overrides: delete: false positive has been fixed.

- - - - -
0536be3b by Étienne Mollier at 2024-11-02T15:25:30+01:00
d/changelog: ready for upload to unstable.

- - - - -

12 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- − debian/source/lintian-overrides
- src/hdmf/_version.py
- src/hdmf/backends/hdf5/h5tools.py
- src/hdmf/build/objectmapper.py
- src/hdmf/container.py
- src/hdmf/utils.py
- src/hdmf/validate/validator.py
- tests/unit/build_tests/test_io_map.py
- tests/unit/test_io_hdf5_h5tools.py


@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
 # HDMF Changelog
+## HDMF 3.14.5 (October 6, 2024)
+### Enhancements
+- Added support for overriding backend configurations of `h5py.Dataset` objects in `Container.set_data_io`. @pauladkisson [#1172](https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/pull/1172)
+### Bug fixes
+- Fixed bug in writing of string arrays to an HDF5 file that were read from an HDF5 file that was introduced in 3.14.4. @rly @stephprince
+  [#1189](https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/pull/1189)
+- Fixed export of scalar datasets with a compound data type. @stephprince [#1185](https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/pull/1185)
+- Fixed mamba-related error in conda-based GitHub Actions. @rly [#1194](https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/pull/1194)
 ## HDMF 3.14.4 (September 4, 2024)
 ### Enhancements

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.3
 Name: hdmf
-Version: 3.14.4
+Version: 3.14.5
 Summary: A hierarchical data modeling framework for modern science data standards
 Project-URL: Homepage, https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf
 Project-URL: Bug Tracker, https://github.com/hdmf-dev/hdmf/issues

@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+hdmf (3.14.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version 3.14.5
+  * d/s/lintian-overrides: delete: false positive has been fixed.
+ -- Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>  Sat, 02 Nov 2024 15:25:18 +0100
 hdmf (3.14.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 3.14.4

debian/source/lintian-overrides deleted
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# False positive caused by #1077324.
-uses-deprecated-python-stdlib uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [*container.py:*]

@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ __version__: str
 __version_tuple__: VERSION_TUPLE
 version_tuple: VERSION_TUPLE
-__version__ = version = '3.14.4'
-__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (3, 14, 4)
+__version__ = version = '3.14.5'
+__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (3, 14, 5)

@@ -700,6 +700,10 @@ class HDF5IO(HDMFIO):
                 kwargs['dtype'] = d.dtype
             elif h5obj.dtype.kind == 'V':  # scalar compound data type
                 kwargs['data'] = np.array(scalar, dtype=h5obj.dtype)
+                cpd_dt = h5obj.dtype
+                ref_cols = [check_dtype(ref=cpd_dt[i]) or check_dtype(vlen=cpd_dt[i]) for i in range(len(cpd_dt))]
+                d = BuilderH5TableDataset(h5obj, self, ref_cols)
+                kwargs['dtype'] = HDF5IO.__compound_dtype_to_list(h5obj.dtype, d.dtype)
                 kwargs["data"] = scalar

@@ -602,7 +602,10 @@ class ObjectMapper(metaclass=ExtenderMeta):
     def __convert_string(self, value, spec):
         """Convert string types to the specified dtype."""
         def __apply_string_type(value, string_type):
-            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, DataIO)):
+            # NOTE: if a user passes a h5py.Dataset that is not wrapped with a hdmf.utils.StrDataset,
+            # then this conversion may not be correct. Users should unpack their string h5py.Datasets
+            # into a numpy array (or wrap them in StrDataset) before passing them to a container object.
+            if hasattr(value, '__iter__') and not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)):
                 return [__apply_string_type(item, string_type) for item in value]
                 return string_type(value)

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import types
 from abc import abstractmethod
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from copy import deepcopy
-from typing import Type
+from typing import Type, Optional
 from uuid import uuid4
 from warnings import warn
 import os
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import h5py
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
-from .data_utils import DataIO, append_data, extend_data
+from .data_utils import DataIO, append_data, extend_data, AbstractDataChunkIterator
 from .utils import docval, get_docval, getargs, ExtenderMeta, get_data_shape, popargs, LabelledDict
 from .term_set import TermSet, TermSetWrapper
@@ -826,7 +826,14 @@ class Container(AbstractContainer):
         out += '\n' + indent + right_br
         return out
-    def set_data_io(self, dataset_name: str, data_io_class: Type[DataIO], data_io_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs):
+    def set_data_io(
+        self,
+        dataset_name: str,
+        data_io_class: Type[DataIO],
+        data_io_kwargs: dict = None,
+        data_chunk_iterator_class: Optional[Type[AbstractDataChunkIterator]] = None,
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs
+    ):
         Apply DataIO object to a dataset field of the Container.
@@ -838,9 +845,18 @@ class Container(AbstractContainer):
             Class to use for DataIO, e.g. H5DataIO or ZarrDataIO
         data_io_kwargs: dict
             keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the DataIO class.
+        data_chunk_iterator_class: Type[AbstractDataChunkIterator]
+            Class to use for DataChunkIterator. If None, no DataChunkIterator is used.
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs: dict
+            keyword arguments passed to the constructor of the DataChunkIterator class.
             DEPRECATED. Use data_io_kwargs instead.
             kwargs are passed to the constructor of the DataIO class.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        If data_chunk_iterator_class is not None, the data is wrapped in the DataChunkIterator before being wrapped in
+        the DataIO. This allows for rewriting the backend configuration of hdf5 datasets.
         if kwargs or (data_io_kwargs is None):
@@ -851,8 +867,11 @@ class Container(AbstractContainer):
             data_io_kwargs = kwargs
         data = self.fields.get(dataset_name)
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs = data_chunk_iterator_kwargs or dict()
         if data is None:
             raise ValueError(f"{dataset_name} is None and cannot be wrapped in a DataIO class")
+        if data_chunk_iterator_class is not None:
+            data = data_chunk_iterator_class(data=data, **data_chunk_iterator_kwargs)
         self.fields[dataset_name] = data_io_class(data=data, **data_io_kwargs)
@@ -896,7 +915,13 @@ class Data(AbstractContainer):
         dataio.data = self.__data
         self.__data = dataio
-    def set_data_io(self, data_io_class: Type[DataIO], data_io_kwargs: dict) -> None:
+    def set_data_io(
+        self,
+        data_io_class: Type[DataIO],
+        data_io_kwargs: dict,
+        data_chunk_iterator_class: Optional[Type[AbstractDataChunkIterator]] = None,
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs: dict = None,
+    ) -> None:
         Apply DataIO object to the data held by this Data object.
@@ -906,8 +931,21 @@ class Data(AbstractContainer):
             The DataIO to apply to the data held by this Data.
         data_io_kwargs: dict
             The keyword arguments to pass to the DataIO.
+        data_chunk_iterator_class: Type[AbstractDataChunkIterator]
+            The DataChunkIterator to use for the DataIO. If None, no DataChunkIterator is used.
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs: dict
+            The keyword arguments to pass to the DataChunkIterator.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        If data_chunk_iterator_class is not None, the data is wrapped in the DataChunkIterator before being wrapped in
+        the DataIO. This allows for rewriting the backend configuration of hdf5 datasets.
-        self.__data = data_io_class(data=self.__data, **data_io_kwargs)
+        data_chunk_iterator_kwargs = data_chunk_iterator_kwargs or dict()
+        data = self.__data
+        if data_chunk_iterator_class is not None:
+            data = data_chunk_iterator_class(data=data, **data_chunk_iterator_kwargs)
+        self.__data = data_io_class(data=data, **data_io_kwargs)
     @docval({'name': 'func', 'type': types.FunctionType, 'doc': 'a function to transform *data*'})
     def transform(self, **kwargs):

@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ class LabelledDict(dict):
 class StrDataset(h5py.Dataset):
-    """Wrapper to decode strings on reading the dataset"""
+    """Wrapper to decode strings on reading the dataset. Use only for h5py 3+."""
     def __init__(self, dset, encoding, errors='strict'):
         self.dset = dset
         if encoding is None:

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def get_type(data, builder_dtype=None):
     # Case for h5py.Dataset and other I/O specific array types
         # Compound dtype
-        if builder_dtype and len(builder_dtype) > 1:
+        if builder_dtype and isinstance(builder_dtype, list):
             dtypes = []
             string_formats = []
             for i in range(len(builder_dtype)):
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class DatasetValidator(BaseStorageValidator):
             except EmptyArrayError:
                 # do not validate dtype of empty array. HDMF does not yet set dtype when writing a list/tuple
-        if builder.dtype is not None and len(builder.dtype) > 1 and len(np.shape(builder.data)) == 0:
+        if isinstance(builder.dtype, list) and len(np.shape(builder.data)) == 0:
             shape = ()  # scalar compound dataset
         elif isinstance(builder.dtype, list):
             shape = (len(builder.data), )  # only 1D datasets with compound types are supported

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from hdmf.utils import docval, getargs
+from hdmf.utils import StrDataset, docval, getargs
 from hdmf import Container, Data
 from hdmf.backends.hdf5 import H5DataIO
 from hdmf.build import (GroupBuilder, DatasetBuilder, ObjectMapper, BuildManager, TypeMap, LinkBuilder,
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ from hdmf.build import (GroupBuilder, DatasetBuilder, ObjectMapper, BuildManager
 from hdmf.spec import (GroupSpec, AttributeSpec, DatasetSpec, SpecCatalog, SpecNamespace, NamespaceCatalog, RefSpec,
 from hdmf.testing import TestCase
+import h5py
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
 from tests.unit.helpers.utils import CORE_NAMESPACE, create_test_type_map
+H5PY_3 = h5py.__version__.startswith('3')
 class Bar(Container):
@@ -460,6 +463,132 @@ class TestMapStrings(TestCase):
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('data').data, str_array_3d)
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('attr_array'), str_array_3d)
+    @unittest.skipIf(not H5PY_3, "Use StrDataset only for h5py 3+")
+    def test_build_1d_h5py_3_dataset(self):
+        bar_spec = GroupSpec(
+            doc='A test group specification with a data type',
+            data_type_def='Bar',
+            datasets=[
+                DatasetSpec(
+                    doc='an example dataset',
+                    dtype='text',
+                    name='data',
+                    shape=(None, ),
+                    attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr2', doc='an example integer attribute', dtype='int')],
+                )
+            ],
+            attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr_array', doc='an example array attribute', dtype='text',
+                                      shape=(None, ))],
+        )
+        type_map = self.customSetUp(bar_spec)
+        type_map.register_map(Bar, BarMapper)
+        # create in-memory hdf5 file that is discarded after closing
+        with h5py.File("test.h5", "w", driver="core", backing_store=False) as f:
+            str_array_1d = np.array(
+                ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd'],
+                dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
+            )
+            # wrap the dataset in a StrDataset to mimic how HDF5IO would read this dataset with h5py 3+
+            dataset = StrDataset(f.create_dataset('data', data=str_array_1d), None)
+            bar_inst = Bar('my_bar', dataset, 'value1', 10, attr_array=dataset)
+            builder = type_map.build(bar_inst)
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('data').data, dataset[:])
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('attr_array'), dataset[:])
+    @unittest.skipIf(not H5PY_3, "Use StrDataset only for h5py 3+")
+    def test_build_3d_h5py_3_dataset(self):
+        bar_spec = GroupSpec(
+            doc='A test group specification with a data type',
+            data_type_def='Bar',
+            datasets=[
+                DatasetSpec(
+                    doc='an example dataset',
+                    dtype='text',
+                    name='data',
+                    shape=(None, None, None),
+                    attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr2', doc='an example integer attribute', dtype='int')],
+                )
+            ],
+            attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr_array', doc='an example array attribute', dtype='text',
+                                      shape=(None, None, None))],
+        )
+        type_map = self.customSetUp(bar_spec)
+        type_map.register_map(Bar, BarMapper)
+        # create in-memory hdf5 file that is discarded after closing
+        with h5py.File("test.h5", "w", driver="core", backing_store=False) as f:
+            str_array_3d = np.array(
+                [[['aa', 'bb'], ['cc', 'dd']], [['ee', 'ff'], ['gg', 'hh']]],
+                dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
+            )
+            # wrap the dataset in a StrDataset to mimic how HDF5IO would read this dataset with h5py 3+
+            dataset = StrDataset(f.create_dataset('data', data=str_array_3d), None)
+            bar_inst = Bar('my_bar', dataset, 'value1', 10, attr_array=dataset)
+            builder = type_map.build(bar_inst)
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('data').data, dataset[:])
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('attr_array'), dataset[:])
+    @unittest.skipIf(H5PY_3, "Create dataset differently for h5py < 3")
+    def test_build_1d_h5py_2_dataset(self):
+        bar_spec = GroupSpec(
+            doc='A test group specification with a data type',
+            data_type_def='Bar',
+            datasets=[
+                DatasetSpec(
+                    doc='an example dataset',
+                    dtype='text',
+                    name='data',
+                    shape=(None, ),
+                    attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr2', doc='an example integer attribute', dtype='int')],
+                )
+            ],
+            attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr_array', doc='an example array attribute', dtype='text',
+                                      shape=(None, ))],
+        )
+        type_map = self.customSetUp(bar_spec)
+        type_map.register_map(Bar, BarMapper)
+        # create in-memory hdf5 file that is discarded after closing
+        with h5py.File("test.h5", "w", driver="core", backing_store=False) as f:
+            str_array_1d = np.array(
+                ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd'],
+                dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
+            )
+            dataset = f.create_dataset('data', data=str_array_1d)
+            bar_inst = Bar('my_bar', dataset, 'value1', 10, attr_array=dataset)
+            builder = type_map.build(bar_inst)
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('data').data, dataset[:])
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('attr_array'), dataset[:])
+    @unittest.skipIf(H5PY_3, "Create dataset differently for h5py < 3")
+    def test_build_3d_h5py_2_dataset(self):
+        bar_spec = GroupSpec(
+            doc='A test group specification with a data type',
+            data_type_def='Bar',
+            datasets=[
+                DatasetSpec(
+                    doc='an example dataset',
+                    dtype='text',
+                    name='data',
+                    shape=(None, None, None),
+                    attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr2', doc='an example integer attribute', dtype='int')],
+                )
+            ],
+            attributes=[AttributeSpec(name='attr_array', doc='an example array attribute', dtype='text',
+                                      shape=(None, None, None))],
+        )
+        type_map = self.customSetUp(bar_spec)
+        type_map.register_map(Bar, BarMapper)
+        # create in-memory hdf5 file that is discarded after closing
+        with h5py.File("test.h5", "w", driver="core", backing_store=False) as f:
+            str_array_3d = np.array(
+                [[['aa', 'bb'], ['cc', 'dd']], [['ee', 'ff'], ['gg', 'hh']]],
+                dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)
+            )
+            dataset = f.create_dataset('data', data=str_array_3d)
+            bar_inst = Bar('my_bar', dataset, 'value1', 10, attr_array=dataset)
+            builder = type_map.build(bar_inst)
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('data').data, dataset[:])
+            np.testing.assert_array_equal(builder.get('attr_array'), dataset[:])
     def test_build_dataio(self):
         bar_spec = GroupSpec('A test group specification with a data type',

@@ -3801,6 +3801,11 @@ class TestContainerSetDataIO(TestCase):
                 self.data2 = kwargs["data2"]
         self.obj = ContainerWithData("name", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], None)
+        self.file_path = get_temp_filepath()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        if os.path.exists(self.file_path):
+            os.remove(self.file_path)
     def test_set_data_io(self):
         self.obj.set_data_io("data1", H5DataIO, data_io_kwargs=dict(chunks=True))
@@ -3823,6 +3828,31 @@ class TestContainerSetDataIO(TestCase):
         self.assertIsInstance(self.obj.data1, H5DataIO)
+    def test_set_data_io_h5py_dataset(self):
+        file = File(self.file_path, 'w')
+        data = file.create_dataset('data', data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], chunks=(3,))
+        class ContainerWithData(Container):
+            __fields__ = ('data',)
+            @docval(
+                {"name": "name", "doc": "name", "type": str},
+                {'name': 'data', 'doc': 'field1 doc', 'type': h5py.Dataset},
+            )
+            def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+                super().__init__(name=kwargs["name"])
+                self.data = kwargs["data"]
+        container = ContainerWithData("name", data)
+        container.set_data_io(
+            "data",
+            H5DataIO,
+            data_io_kwargs=dict(chunks=(2,)),
+            data_chunk_iterator_class=DataChunkIterator,
+        )
+        self.assertIsInstance(container.data, H5DataIO)
+        self.assertEqual(container.data.io_settings["chunks"], (2,))
+        file.close()
 class TestDataSetDataIO(TestCase):
@@ -3831,8 +3861,30 @@ class TestDataSetDataIO(TestCase):
         self.data = MyData("my_data", [1, 2, 3])
+        self.file_path = get_temp_filepath()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        if os.path.exists(self.file_path):
+            os.remove(self.file_path)
     def test_set_data_io(self):
         self.data.set_data_io(H5DataIO, dict(chunks=True))
         assert isinstance(self.data.data, H5DataIO)
         assert self.data.data.io_settings["chunks"]
+    def test_set_data_io_h5py_dataset(self):
+        file = File(self.file_path, 'w')
+        data = file.create_dataset('data', data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], chunks=(3,))
+        class MyData(Data):
+            pass
+        my_data = MyData("my_data", data)
+        my_data.set_data_io(
+            H5DataIO,
+            data_io_kwargs=dict(chunks=(2,)),
+            data_chunk_iterator_class=DataChunkIterator,
+        )
+        self.assertIsInstance(my_data.data, H5DataIO)
+        self.assertEqual(my_data.data.io_settings["chunks"], (2,))
+        file.close()

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/hdmf/-/compare/fa968f39a0e1a02f44d46800b3923be4e11b8261...0536be3b8bce2a1559c0dad3059fe1ba8a6d72a7

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