[med-svn] [Git][med-team/spades][master] 3 commits: Remove listed license files (ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/COPYING) from copyright.

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Feb 16 10:38:48 GMT 2025

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / spades

1aa75580 by Andreas Tille at 2025-02-15T16:51:15+00:00
Remove listed license files (ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/COPYING) from copyright.

Changes-By: lintian-brush
Fixes: lintian: license-file-listed-in-debian-copyright
See-also: https://lintian.debian.org/tags/license-file-listed-in-debian-copyright.html

- - - - -
a2c956c6 by Andreas Tille at 2025-02-16T11:28:34+01:00
Seems unit test needs to run in same dir as config files.  Move these to examples and enable users running it locally

- - - - -
dafceccd by Andreas Tille at 2025-02-16T11:36:22+01:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

29 changed files:

- + debian/README.test
- debian/changelog
- + debian/configs/README
- + debian/configs/careful_mda_mode.info
- + debian/configs/careful_mode.info
- + debian/configs/config.info
- + debian/configs/construction.info
- + debian/configs/detail_info_printer.info
- + debian/configs/distance_estimation.info
- + debian/configs/hmm_mode.info
- + debian/configs/isolate_mode.info
- + debian/configs/large_genome_mode.info
- + debian/configs/mda_mode.info
- + debian/configs/meta_mode.info
- + debian/configs/metaplasmid_mode.info
- + debian/configs/metaviral_mode.info
- + debian/configs/pe_params.info
- + debian/configs/plasmid_mode.info
- + debian/configs/rna_mode.info
- + debian/configs/rnaviral_mode.info
- + debian/configs/sewage_mode.info
- + debian/configs/simplification.info
- + debian/configs/toy.info
- debian/copyright
- debian/docs
- + debian/examples
- debian/tests/control
- + debian/tests/run-unit-test
- − debian/tests/run-upstreams-tests


@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Notes on how this package can be tested.
+This package can be tested by running the provided test:
+    sh run-unit-test
+in order to confirm its integrity.

@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+spades (4.0.0+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  Remove listed license files (ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/COPYING) from copyright.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Sun, 16 Feb 2025 11:28:59 +0100
 spades (4.0.0+dfsg1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Team upload

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+These configs were created using
+    spades --test
+and copied here from the resulting spades_test/K21/configs

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_relative_coverage		1.1	; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+    }
+    ; complex bulge remover
+    cbr
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    final_tc
+    {
+        condition               ""
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    final_br
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    init_clean
+    {
+        early_it_only   true
+        activation_cov  -1.
+        ier
+        {
+            enabled                     false
+        }
+        tip_condition   ""
+        ec_condition    ""
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_relative_coverage       0.5     ; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        ; parallel false
+    }
+    ; complex bulge remover
+    cbr
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    final_br
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    ; relative coverage erroneous component remover:
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    init_clean
+    {
+        early_it_only   true
+        activation_cov  -1.
+        ier
+        {
+            enabled                     false
+        }
+        tip_condition   ""
+        ec_condition    ""
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+; input options:
+#include "simplification.info"
+#include "construction.info"
+#include "distance_estimation.info"
+#include "detail_info_printer.info"
+#include "pe_params.info"
+K 21
+;FIXME introduce isolate mode
+mode base
+dataset /home/andreas/debian-maintain/salsa/med-team/spades/spades_test/dataset.info
+log_filename    log.properties
+output_base /home/andreas/debian-maintain/salsa/med-team/spades/spades_test
+tmp_dir /home/andreas/debian-maintain/salsa/med-team/spades/spades_test/tmp/spades_czd68ryh
+main_iteration false
+; iterative mode switcher, activates additional contigs usage
+use_additional_contigs false
+additional_contigs	tmp_contigs.fasta
+load_from /home/andreas/debian-maintain/salsa/med-team/spades/spades_test/K21/saves
+; Multithreading options
+temp_bin_reads_dir	.bin_reads/
+max_threads 16
+max_memory 62
+buffer_size     512; in Megabytes
+entry_point read_conversion
+;entry_point construction
+;entry_point simplification
+;entry_point hybrid_aligning
+;entry_point late_pair_info_count
+;entry_point distance_estimation
+;entry_point repeat_resolving
+checkpoints none
+developer_mode false
+sewage false
+sewage_matrix /usr/share/spades/sewage/usher_barcodes.csv
+scaffold_correction_mode false
+; enabled (1) or disabled (0) repeat resolution (former "paired_mode")
+rr_enable false
+; 0 for graph N50
+min_edge_length_for_is_count 0
+; Whether GFA v1.2 (jump links) or GFA v1.1 (scaffold segments) graphs is written
+gfa11 false
+;preserve raw paired index after distance estimation
+preserve_raw_paired_index false
+; two-step pipeline
+two_step_rr false
+; enables/disables usage of intermediate contigs in two-step pipeline
+use_intermediate_contigs false
+;use single reads for rr (all | only_single_libs | none )
+single_reads_rr only_single_libs
+; The following parameters are used ONLY if developer_mode is true
+; whether to output dot-files with pictures of graphs - ONLY in developer mode
+output_pictures true
+; whether to output resulting contigs after intermediate stages - ONLY in developer mode
+output_nonfinal_contigs true
+; whether to compute number of paths statistics   - ONLY in developer mode
+compute_paths_number false
+; End of developer_mode parameters
+;if true simple mismatches are corrected
+correct_mismatches false
+; set it true to get statistics, such as false positive/negative, perfect match, etc.
+paired_info_statistics false
+; set it true to get statistics for pair information (over gaps), such as false positive/negative, perfect match, etc.
+paired_info_scaffolder false
+;the only option left from repeat resolving
+max_repeat_length 8000
+; repeat resolving mode (none path_extend)
+resolving_mode path_extend
+use_scaffolder  true
+avoid_rc_connections true
+calculate_coverage_for_each_lib false
+strand_specificity {
+    ss_enabled false
+    antisense false
+contig_output {
+    contigs_name    final_contigs
+    scaffolds_name  scaffolds
+    ; none  --- do not output broken scaffolds | break_gaps --- break only by N steches | break_all --- break all with overlap < k
+    output_broken_scaffolds     break_gaps
+;position handling
+    max_mapping_gap 0 ; in terms of K+1 mers value will be K + max_mapping_gap
+    max_gap_diff 0
+	contigs_for_threading ./data/debruijn/contigs.fasta
+    contigs_to_analyze ./data/debruijn/contigs.fasta
+	late_threading true
+	careful_labeling true
+gap_closer_enable false
+    minimal_intersection	10
+    ;before_raw_simplify and before_simplify are mutually exclusive
+    before_raw_simplify    		true
+    before_simplify		false
+    after_simplify 		true
+    weight_threshold		2.0
+    max_dist_to_tip		5000
+kmer_coverage_model {
+    probability_threshold 0.05
+    strong_probability_threshold 0.999
+    use_coverage_threshold false
+    coverage_threshold 10.0
+; low covered edges remover
+    lcer_enabled                     false
+    lcer_coverage_threshold          0.0
+pacbio_processor ;commented frozen constants default assinged in hpp
+    internal_length_cutoff 200
+;align and traverse.
+;    compression_cutoff 0.6
+;    path_limit_stretching 1.3
+;    path_limit_pressing 0.7
+    max_path_in_dijkstra 15000
+    max_vertex_in_dijkstra 2000
+    rna_filtering   false
+    long_seq_limit 400
+    enable_gap_closing true
+    pacbio_min_gap_quantity 2
+    contigs_min_gap_quantity 1
+    max_contigs_gap_length 10000
+;    match 5
+;    mismatch -4
+;    gap_open -8
+;    gap_extend -6
+;    gap_open_second -10
+;    gap_extend_second -4
+;TODO move out!
+	enable false
+	output_dir corrected_contigs/
+	binary true
+    debug false
+    min_contig_len 0
+;flanking coverage range
+flanking_range 55
+series_analysis ""
+save_gp false
+ss_coverage_splitter {
+    enabled           false
+    bin_size          50
+    min_edge_len      200
+    min_edge_coverage 5
+    min_flanking_coverage 2
+    coverage_margin   5
+time_tracer {
+  time_tracer_enabled false
+  granularity 500
+hybrid_aligner {
+  trusted_aligner {
+        long_read_threshold       1000
+        long_read_fuzzy_coverage  0.95
+        short_read_fuzzy_coverage 0.90
+  }

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+; construction
+	; mode of construction: extension (construct hash map of kmers to extentions), old (construct set of k+1-mers)
+	mode extension
+	; enable keeping in graph perfect cycles. This slows down condensing but some plasmids can be lost if this is turned off.
+	keep_perfect_loops true
+	; size of buffer for each thread in MB, 0 for autodetection
+	read_buffer_size 0
+        ; read median coverage threshold
+        read_cov_threshold 0
+	early_tip_clipper
+	{
+		; tip clipper can be enabled only in extension mode
+		enable true
+		; optional parameter. By default tips of length rl-k are removed
+;		length_bound 10
+	}

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+    default
+    {
+       basic_stats                      false
+       lib_info                         false
+       save_all                         false
+       save_full_graph                  false
+       save_graph_pack                  false
+       extended_stats                   false
+       detailed_dot_write               false
+       write_components                 false
+       components_for_genome_pos        "" ; (k+1)-mers starting on this positions will be investigated
+	   components_for_kmer              ""
+       write_components_along_genome    false
+       write_components_along_contigs   false
+       write_error_loc                  false
+       write_full_graph                 false
+       write_full_nc_graph              false
+    }
+	before_first_gap_closer
+    {
+    }
+	before_simplification
+    {
+    }
+    before_post_simplification    
+    {
+    }
+    final_simplified
+    {
+    }
+    final_gap_closed
+    {
+    }
+    before_repeat_resolution
+    {
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+; distance estimator:
+    linkage_distance_coeff    	0.0
+    max_distance_coeff        	2.0
+    max_distance_coeff_scaff  	2000.0
+    clustered_filter_threshold	2.0
+    raw_filter_threshold	2
+    rounding_coeff              0.5 ; rounding : min(de_max_distance * rounding_coeff, rounding_thr)
+    rounding_threshold          0
+    ;data dividing
+        threshold          80 ;maximal distance between two points in cluster
+    ;local maximum seeking
+        range_coeff          0.2 ;data_length*range_coeff := width of the averaging window
+        delta_coeff          0.4 ;data_length*delta_coeff := maximal difference between possible distance and real peak on the graph
+    ;fft smoothing
+        percentage          0.01 ;percent of data for baseline subraction
+        cutoff              3 ;the number of the lowest freqs in fourier decomp being taken
+    ;other
+        min_peak_points       3 ;the minimal number of points in cluster to be considered
+        inv_density         5.0 ;maximal inverse density of points in cluster to be considered
+    ;hard_mode arguments
+        derivative_threshold  0.2 ;threshold for derivative in hard mode
+; ambiguous pair info checker parameters 
+amb_de {
+    enabled                         false
+    haplom_threshold                500
+    relative_length_threshold       0.8
+    relative_seq_threshold          0.5

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+hmm_match {
+  set_of_hmms none
+  component_size_part 10
+  start_only_from_tips false
+  set_copynumber false

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mode isolate
+#include "careful_mode.info"

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;FIXME do we still need this mode?
+mode large_genome
+pe {
+debug_output false
+params {
+    scaffolding_mode old_pe_2015

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+mode    mda
+    ; enable advanced ec removal algo
+    topology_simplif_enabled true 
+    ; tip clipper:
+    tc
+    {
+        ; rctc: tip_cov < rctc * not_tip_cov
+        ; tc_lb: max_tip_length = max((min(k, read_length / 2) * tc_lb), read_length);
+        condition               "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb 1000000, rctc 2.0 }"
+	}
+	; erroneous connections remover:
+	ec
+	{
+       ; ec_lb: max_ec_length = k + ec_lb
+       ; icb: iterative coverage bound
+       ; condition               "{ ec_lb 30, icb 20.0 }"
+       condition               "{ ec_lb 30, icb auto }"
+    }
+    final_tc
+    {
+        condition               "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb 100000, rctc 10000 }"
+    }
+	; bulge remover:
+	final_br
+	{
+        enabled true
+		max_coverage			1000000.0
+		max_relative_coverage		100000.		; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+	}
+    ; relative coverage erroneous component remover:
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled true
+        coverage_gap    10.
+        max_length_coeff    2.0
+        max_length_with_tips_coeff   3.0
+        max_vertex_cnt      30
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   30
+        max_coverage_coeff  5.0
+    }
+    ; complex bulge remover
+    cbr
+    {
+        enabled true
+    }
+    ; hidden ec remover
+    her
+    {
+        enabled                     true
+        uniqueness_length           1500
+        unreliability_threshold     0.2
+        relative_threshold          5
+    }
+    init_clean
+    {
+        activation_cov  -1.
+        ier
+        {
+            enabled false
+        }
+        tip_condition   ""
+        ec_condition    ""
+    }
+    raw_filter_threshold	0
+    rounding_threshold          0
+pe {
+params {
+    normalize_weight        true
+    scaffolding_mode old
+    ; extension selection
+    extension_options
+    {
+        single_threshold           0.3
+        weight_threshold           0.6
+        max_repeat_length          8000
+    }
+long_reads {
+    pacbio_reads {
+        unique_edge_priority 10.0
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+mode    meta
+; two-step pipeline
+two_step_rr true
+min_edge_length_for_is_count 900
+; enables/disables usage of intermediate contigs in two-step pipeline
+use_intermediate_contigs true
+;flanking coverage range
+flanking_range 30
+    cycle_iter_count 3
+    ; enable advanced ec removal algo
+    topology_simplif_enabled false
+    ; erroneous connections remover:
+    ec
+    {
+       ; ec_lb: max_ec_length = k + ec_lb
+       ; icb: iterative coverage bound
+       ; condition               "{ ec_lb 30, icb 20.0 }"
+       condition               "{ ec_lb 30, icb 2.5 }"
+    }
+    ; tip clipper:
+    tc
+    {
+        ; rctc: tip_cov < rctc * not_tip_cov
+        ; tc_lb: max_tip_length = max((min(k, read_length / 2) * tc_lb), read_length);
+        condition               "{ rl 0.2 } { rlmk 2., rctc 2.0 }"
+    }
+    ; relative coverage erroneous component remover:
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled true
+        coverage_gap    5.
+        max_length_coeff    3.0
+        max_length_with_tips_coeff   5.0
+        max_vertex_cnt      100
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   300
+        max_coverage_coeff  -1.0
+    }
+    ; complex tip clipper
+    complex_tc
+    {
+        enabled               true
+    }
+    ; relative edge disconnector:
+    red
+    {
+        enabled true
+        diff_mult  10.
+        unconditional_diff_mult 50.
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_coverage			1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage		5.		; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			10
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+        dijkstra_vertex_limit   3000
+        parallel true
+    }
+    ; final tip clipper:
+    final_tc
+    {
+        condition               "{ lb 500, rctc 0.4 } { lb 850, rctc 0.2 }"
+    }
+    ; final bulge remover:
+    final_br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        main_iteration_only true
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient    30.     ; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_coverage            1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage       0.5     ; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta 45
+        max_relative_delta 0.1
+        min_identity 0.7
+    }
+    ; suspecies bulge remover:
+    subspecies_br
+    {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    ; complex bulge remover
+    cbr
+    {
+        enabled true
+    }
+    ; hidden ec remover
+    her
+    {
+        ; TODO NB config used in special meta mode version (always enabled)
+        enabled                     false
+        uniqueness_length           1500
+        unreliability_threshold     -1.
+        relative_threshold          3.     
+    }
+    init_clean
+    {
+        activation_cov  -1.
+        early_it_only   false
+        ier
+        {
+            enabled true
+        }
+        ;Disable if it does not help the br performance much!
+        tip_condition   "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb 2.1 }"
+        ;ec_condition is here only to speed-up future br on early iterations
+        ec_condition    "{ ec_lb 10, cb 1.5 }"
+        disconnect_flank_cov    -1.
+    }
+;TODO rename
+    init_clean
+    {
+        tip_condition   "loop 2 { rlmk 1., cb 1.2, mmm 2 } { rlmk 1., cb 1.2, mmm 0.05 } { rl 0.2, cb 1.2 }"
+        ec_condition    "{ ec_lb 0, cb 0.9 }"
+        disconnect_flank_cov    0.8
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_coverage			1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage		0.5		; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			10
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+    }
+    ; Currently will not work even if enabled. Left for experiments.
+    ; relative edge disconnector
+    red
+    {
+        enabled false
+        diff_mult  10.
+        unconditional_diff_mult 100.
+    }
+; undo single cell config changes, enforce filtering
+    raw_filter_threshold	1
+    rounding_coeff              0.5 ; rounding : min(de_max_distance * rounding_coeff, rounding_thr)
+    rounding_threshold          0
+;NB decsends from sc_pe
+pe {
+long_reads {
+    pacbio_reads {
+        filtering   1.9
+        weight_priority    20.0
+        unique_edge_priority 10.0
+        min_significant_overlap 1000
+    }
+params {
+    overlap_removal {
+        enabled true
+        cut_all true
+    }
+    scaffolding_mode old_pe_2015
+    normalize_weight     true
+    ; extension selection
+    extension_options
+    {
+        single_threshold           0.3
+        weight_threshold           0.6
+        priority_coeff             1.5
+        max_repeat_length          1000000 
+    }
+    use_coordinated_coverage true
+    coordinated_coverage
+    {
+       min_path_len           10000
+    }
+prelim_pe {
+params {
+    scaffolding_mode old
+    overlap_removal {
+        enabled false
+    }
+    use_coordinated_coverage false
+    remove_overlaps     false
+    scaffolding2015 {
+        min_unique_length 100000000
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+mode metaextrachromosomal
+two_step_rr false

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+mode metaextrachromosomal
+two_step_rr false
+    ; suspecies bulge remover:
+    subspecies_br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        main_iteration_only true
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient    30.     ; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_coverage            1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage       15     ; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta 45
+        max_relative_delta 0.2
+        min_identity 0.7
+    }
+    long_edge_length 1000
+    edge_length_for_median 10000
+    relative_coverage 0.3
+    small_component_size 10000
+    small_component_relative_coverage 1.5
+    min_component_length 10000
+    min_isolated_length 1000
+;   reference_removal replace this with path to reference and uncomment for reference based filtration
+    iterative_coverage_elimination true
+    additive_step 5
+    relative_step 1.3
+    max_length 1000000
+    output_linear true
+    min_circular_length 1000
+    min_linear_length 500

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+pe {
+; output options
+debug_output    false
+output {
+    write_overlaped_paths   true
+    write_paths             true
+visualize {
+    print_overlaped_paths   true
+    print_paths             true
+params {
+    multi_path_extend   false
+    ; old | 2015 | combined | old_pe_2015
+    scaffolding_mode old_pe_2015
+    overlap_removal {
+        enabled true
+        end_start_only  false
+        cut_all false
+    }
+    normalize_weight     true
+    ; extension selection
+    extension_options
+    {
+        single_threshold           0.1
+        weight_threshold           0.5
+        priority_coeff             1.5
+        ;TODO remove from here
+        max_repeat_length          8000
+    }    
+    mate_pair_options
+    {
+        single_threshold           30
+        weight_threshold           0.5
+        priority_coeff             1.5
+        ;TODO remove from here
+        max_repeat_length          8000
+    }
+    scaffolder {
+        enabled       true
+        cutoff        2
+        hard_cutoff   0
+        rel_cov_cutoff    0.0
+        sum_threshold 3  
+        cluster_info  true
+        cl_threshold  0
+        fix_gaps       true
+        use_la_gap_joiner true
+        ;next param should be 0.51 - 1.0 if use_old_score = true and 3.0 otherwise
+        min_gap_score   0.7
+        max_can_overlap   1.
+        short_overlap     6
+        artificial_gap    10
+        min_overlap_length 10
+        flank_multiplication_coefficient .5
+        flank_addition_coefficient 5
+        var_coeff 3.0
+        basic_overlap_coeff 2.0
+    }
+    path_cleaning_presets ""
+    use_coordinated_coverage false
+    coordinated_coverage
+    {
+       max_edge_length_repeat 300
+       delta                  0.5
+       min_path_len           1000
+    }
+    simple_coverage_resolver {
+        enabled false
+        coverage_margin 2
+        min_upper_coverage 5
+        max_coverage_variation 5
+    }
+    scaffolding2015 {
+        ; (median * (1+variation) > unique > median * (1 - variation))
+        relative_weight_cutoff 2.0
+        unique_length_upper_bound 2000   ; max(unique_length_upper_bound, max_is(all libs))
+        unique_length_lower_bound 500    ; max(unique_length_lower_bound, unique_length_step)
+        unique_length_step 300
+        graph_connectivity_max_edges 200000
+    }
+    scaffold_graph {
+        construct    false
+        output       false
+        always_add   40         ; connection with read count >= always_add are always added to the graph
+        never_add     5         ; connection with read count < never_add are never added to the graph
+        relative_threshold 0.25 ; connection with read count >= max_read_count * relative_threshod are added to the graph if satisfy condition above, max_read_count is calculated amond all alternatives
+        use_graph_connectivity false
+        max_path_length 10000
+    }
+    genome_consistency_checker {
+        max_gap 1000
+        relative_max_gap 0.2
+        use_main_storage true ; if set to true, next two parameters are set to min_unique_length
+        unresolvable_jump 1000 ; length of unresolvable repeats
+        unique_length 500  ; spelling genome in the alphabet of edges longer than this          
+    }
+    uniqueness_analyser {
+        enabled        true
+        unique_coverage_variation 0.5
+        nonuniform_coverage_variation 50
+        uniformity_fraction_threshold 0.8
+    }
+    loop_traversal
+    {
+        min_edge_length         1000
+        max_component_size      10
+        max_path_length         1000
+    }
+long_reads {
+    pacbio_reads {
+        filtering   2.5
+        weight_priority    1.2
+        unique_edge_priority 5.0
+        min_significant_overlap 0
+    }
+    single_reads {
+        filtering  1.25 
+        weight_priority    5.0
+        unique_edge_priority 10000.0
+        min_significant_overlap 0
+    }
+    contigs {
+        filtering   0.0
+        weight_priority    1.5
+        unique_edge_priority 2.0
+        min_significant_overlap 0
+    }
+    meta_untrusted_contigs {
+        filtering   0.0
+        weight_priority    10000.0
+        unique_edge_priority 10000.0
+        min_significant_overlap 200
+    }
+    rna_long_reads {
+        filtering   0.1
+        weight_priority    1.1
+        unique_edge_priority 2.0
+        min_significant_overlap 0
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+mode    plasmid
+    long_edge_length 1000
+    edge_length_for_median 10000
+    relative_coverage 0.3
+    small_component_size 10000
+    small_component_relative_coverage 1.5
+    min_component_length 10000
+    min_isolated_length 1000
+;   reference_removal replace this with path to reference and uncomment for reference based filtration
+    iterative_coverage_elimination true
+    additive_step 5
+    relative_step 1.3
+    max_length 1000000
+    output_linear false
+    min_circular_length 1000
+    min_linear_length 500

@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+mode rna
+preserve_raw_paired_index true
+min_edge_length_for_is_count 500
+calculate_coverage_for_each_lib true
+strand_specificity {
+    ss_enabled false
+    antisense false
+ss_coverage_splitter {
+    enabled           true
+    bin_size          50   
+    min_edge_len      200
+    min_edge_coverage 5
+    min_flanking_coverage 2
+    coverage_margin   5
+    internal_length_cutoff 100
+;align and traverse.
+;    compression_cutoff 0.6
+;    path_limit_stretching 1.3
+;    path_limit_pressing 0.7
+    max_path_in_dijkstra 5000
+    max_vertex_in_dijkstra 1000
+    rna_filtering   true
+    long_seq_limit 100
+    enable_gap_closing false
+    enable_fl_gap_closing true
+    pacbio_min_gap_quantity 2
+    contigs_min_gap_quantity 1
+    max_contigs_gap_length 10000
+contig_output {
+    scaffolds_name  transcripts
+    ; none  --- do not output broken scaffolds | break_gaps --- break only by N steches | break_all --- break all with overlap < k
+    output_broken_scaffolds     none
+    ;all topology based erroneous connection removers are off
+    topology_simplif_enabled false
+    tc
+    {
+        ; rctc: tip_cov < rctc * not_tip_cov
+        ; tc_lb: max_tip_length = max((min(k, read_length / 2) * tc_lb), read_length);
+        condition  "{ mmm 3 tc_lb 4, cb 100000, rctc 0.5 } { tc_lb 2, cb 1, rctc 10000 }"
+    }
+    dead_end
+    {
+        enabled true
+        condition  "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb 2 }"
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_additive_length_coefficient 100
+        max_coverage            1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage       100000.0 ; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+    }
+    ; erroneous connections remover:
+    ec
+    { 
+       ; ec_lb: max_ec_length = k + ec_lb
+       ; icb: iterative coverage bound
+       ; to_ec_lb: max_ec_length = 2*tip_length(to_ec_lb) - 1
+       ; nbr: use not bulge erroneous connections remover 
+       ; condition               "{ ec_lb 9, icb 40.0, nbr }"
+       condition               "{ ec_lb 30, icb 200, rcec_cb 1.0 }"
+    }
+    ; relative coverage erroneous connections remover:
+    rcec
+    {
+        rcec_lb 30
+        rcec_cb 1.0
+        enabled true
+    }
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled true
+        coverage_gap    20.
+    }
+    ; hidden ec remover
+    her
+    {
+        ; TODO NB config also used in special rna mode version (always enabled)
+        enabled                     false
+        uniqueness_length           1500
+        unreliability_threshold     0.2
+        relative_threshold          5
+    }
+    ier
+    {
+        enabled                       true
+        use_rl_for_max_length         true ; max_length will be taken max with read_length
+        use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov false ; use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov will be taken max with read_length
+        max_length                    80
+        max_coverage                  2
+        max_length_any_cov            0
+        rl_threshold_increase         2 ; add this value to read length if used, i.e. flags above are set
+    }
+; disable filtering in rna mode
+    raw_filter_threshold	0
+pe {
+debug_output    true
+params {
+    multi_path_extend   true
+    scaffolding_mode old
+    overlap_removal {
+        enabled false
+        end_start_only  true
+        cut_all true
+    }
+    extension_options
+    {
+        single_threshold           0.05
+    }
+    scaffolder {
+        cutoff        1
+        hard_cutoff   5
+        rel_cov_cutoff    0.1
+        cluster_info false
+        min_overlap_for_rna_scaffolding 8
+    }
+    path_cleaning_presets "default soft hard"
+    ; All length cutoffs presented in nucleotides
+    ; So edges less than or equal to (relative cutoff * RL - K) or (absolute cutoff - K) will be deleted
+    path_cleaning
+    {
+        enabled true
+        min_length  110
+        isolated_min_length 130
+        isolated_min_cov 4
+        min_length_for_low_covered 140
+        rel_cutoff 1.3
+        rel_isolated_cutoff 1.5
+        rel_low_covered_cutoff 1.6
+        min_coverage 2
+    }
+    ; All length cutoffs presented in nucleotides
+    hard_path_cleaning
+    {
+        enabled true
+        min_length  130
+        isolated_min_length 180
+        isolated_min_cov 8
+        min_length_for_low_covered 180
+        rel_cutoff 1.5
+        rel_isolated_cutoff 2.0
+        rel_low_covered_cutoff 2.0
+        min_coverage 3
+    }
+    ; All length cutoffs presented in nucleotides
+    soft_path_cleaning
+    {
+        enabled true
+        min_length  85
+        isolated_min_length 100
+        isolated_min_cov 2
+        min_length_for_low_covered 130
+        rel_cutoff 1.05
+        rel_isolated_cutoff 1.2
+        rel_low_covered_cutoff 1.5
+        min_coverage 1
+    }
+    use_coordinated_coverage false
+    coordinated_coverage {
+       max_edge_length_repeat 1000
+       delta                  0.5
+       min_path_len           300
+    }
+    simple_coverage_resolver {
+        enabled true
+        coverage_margin 2  
+        min_upper_coverage 2
+        max_coverage_variation 10
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+mode rnaviral
+two_step_rr false
+    ; suspecies bulge remover:
+    subspecies_br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        main_iteration_only true
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient    30.     ; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_coverage            1000000.0
+        max_relative_coverage       15     ; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta 45
+        max_relative_delta 0.2
+        min_identity 0.9
+    }
+     red
+     {
+         enabled true
+         diff_mult  10.
+         unconditional_diff_mult 50.
+         edge_sum 0
+     }
+     final_br
+     {
+         enabled false
+     }

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+simp {
+        ; bulge remover:
+        br
+        {
+            enabled true
+            max_coverage			10.0
+            max_relative_coverage		0.05		; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+            max_delta			10
+            max_relative_delta		0.1
+            dijkstra_vertex_limit   3000
+            parallel true
+        }
+       ; final bulge remover:
+       final_br
+       {
+        	enabled false
+       }
+       ; complex bulge remover
+       cbr
+       {
+           enabled false
+       }
+    ; relative coverage erroneous component remover:
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled true
+        coverage_gap    15.
+        max_length_coeff    3.0
+        max_length_with_tips_coeff   5.0
+        max_vertex_cnt      100
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   300
+        max_coverage_coeff  -1.0
+    }
+    ; tip clipper:
+    tc
+    {
+        ; rctc: tip_cov < rctc * not_tip_cov
+        ; tc_lb: max_tip_length = max((min(k, read_length / 2) * tc_lb), read_length);
+        condition               "{ rl 0.2, cb 10.0 } { rlmk 1.1, rctc 2.0, cb 10.0 }"
+    }
+     final_tc
+     {
+     condition ""
+     }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled true
+        max_coverage			500.0
+        max_relative_coverage		0.5		; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			10
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+; simplification
+    ; ==== RAW SIMPLIFICATION ==== 
+    init_clean
+    {
+        self_conj_condition "{ ec_lb 100, cb 1.0 }"
+        early_it_only   false
+        ; will be enabled only if average coverage >= activate_cov
+        ; if value < 0 check not performed
+        activation_cov  10.
+        ; isolated edges remover
+        ier
+        {
+            enabled                     true
+            use_rl_for_max_length         false ; max_length will be taken max with read_length
+            use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov true ; use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov will be taken max with read_length
+            max_length                  0 ; will be taken max with read_length if option above is set
+            max_coverage                0
+            max_length_any_cov          0 ; will be taken max with read_length if option above is set
+            rl_threshold_increase       0 ; add this value to read length if used, i.e. flags above are set
+        }
+        tip_condition   "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb auto }"
+        ec_condition    "{ ec_lb 10, cb 2.0 }"
+        ; edges with flank cov around alternative less than value will be disconnected 
+        ; negative value to disable
+        disconnect_flank_cov    -1.0
+    }
+    ; ==== SIMPLIFICATION CYCLE ==== 
+    ; number of iterations in basic simplification cycle
+    cycle_iter_count 10
+    ; tip clipper:
+    tc
+    {
+        ; rctc: tip_cov < rctc * not_tip_cov
+        ; tc_lb: max_tip_length = max((min(k, read_length / 2) * tc_lb), read_length);
+        ; todo think about params one more time
+        condition               "{ tc_lb 3.5, cb 1000000, rctc 2.0 } { tc_lb 10., cb auto }"
+    }
+    ; bulge remover:
+    br
+    {
+        enabled				true
+        main_iteration_only false
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient	3.	; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_additive_length_coefficient 100
+        max_coverage			1000.0
+        max_relative_coverage		1.1	; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			3
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+        max_number_edges        1000
+        dijkstra_vertex_limit   3000
+        parallel true
+        buff_size 10000
+        buff_cov_diff 2.
+        buff_cov_rel_diff 0.2
+        min_identity 0.0
+    }
+	; erroneous connections remover:
+	ec
+	{
+       ; ec_lb: max_ec_length = k + ec_lb
+       ; icb: iterative coverage bound
+       ; to_ec_lb: max_ec_length = 2*tip_length(to_ec_lb) - 1
+        condition               "{ to_ec_lb 5, icb auto }"
+       ; condition               "{ ec_lb 9, icb 40.0 }"
+    }
+    dead_end {
+        enabled false
+        condition ""
+    }
+    ; ==== POST-SIMPLIFICATION ==== 
+    ; relative coverage erroneous connections remover:
+    rcec
+    {
+        enabled false
+        rcec_lb 30
+        rcec_cb 0.5
+    }
+    ; relative coverage erroneous component remover:
+    rcc
+    {
+        enabled false
+        coverage_gap    5.
+        max_length_coeff    2.0
+        max_length_with_tips_coeff   3.0
+        max_vertex_cnt      30
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   30
+        max_coverage_coeff  2.0
+    }
+    ; relative edge disconnector:
+    red
+    {
+        enabled false
+        diff_mult  20.
+        edge_sum   10000
+        unconditional_diff_mult 0. ; 0. to disable
+    }
+    ; final tip clipper:
+    final_tc
+    {
+        condition               ""
+    }
+    ; final bulge remover:
+    final_br
+    {
+        enabled				false
+        main_iteration_only false
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient	3.	; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_additive_length_coefficient 100
+        max_coverage			1000.0
+        max_relative_coverage		1.1	; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			3
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+        max_number_edges        1000
+        dijkstra_vertex_limit   3000
+        parallel true
+        buff_size 10000
+        buff_cov_diff 2.
+        buff_cov_rel_diff 0.2
+        min_identity 0.0
+    }
+    ; subspecies bulge remover:
+    subspecies_br
+    {
+        enabled				false
+        main_iteration_only false
+        max_bulge_length_coefficient	3.	; max_bulge_length = max_bulge_length_coefficient * k
+        max_additive_length_coefficient 100
+        max_coverage			1000.0
+        max_relative_coverage		1.1	; bulge_cov < this * not_bulge_cov
+        max_delta			3
+        max_relative_delta		0.1
+        max_number_edges        1000
+        dijkstra_vertex_limit   3000
+        parallel true
+        buff_size 10000
+        buff_cov_diff 2.
+        buff_cov_rel_diff 0.2
+        min_identity 0.0
+    }
+    ; complex tip clipper
+    complex_tc
+    {
+        enabled               false
+        max_relative_coverage -1
+        max_edge_len          100
+        condition             "{ tc_lb 3.5 }"
+    }  
+    ; complex bulge remover
+    cbr
+    {
+        enabled false
+        max_relative_length 5.
+        max_length_difference   5
+    }
+    ; isolated edges remover
+    ier
+    {
+        enabled                     true
+        use_rl_for_max_length         false ; max_length will be taken max with read_length
+        use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov true ; use_rl_for_max_length_any_cov will be taken max with read_length
+        max_length                  0 ; will be taken max with read_length if option above is set
+        max_coverage                2
+        max_length_any_cov          150 ; will be taken max with read_length if option above is set
+        rl_threshold_increase       0 ; add this value to read length if used, i.e. flags above are set
+    }
+    ; hidden ec remover
+    her
+    {
+        enabled                     false
+        uniqueness_length           1500
+        unreliability_threshold     4
+        relative_threshold          5
+    }
+    ; ==== ADVANCED EC REMOVAL ALGO ==== 
+    ; enable advanced ec removal algo
+    topology_simplif_enabled false
+    ; topology based erroneous connection remover
+    tec
+    {
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   55  ; max_ec_length = k + max_ec_length_coefficient
+        uniqueness_length       1500
+        plausibility_length     200
+    }
+    ; topology and reliability based erroneous connection remover
+    trec
+    {
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   100 ; max_ec_length = k + max_ec_length_coefficient
+        uniqueness_length       1500
+        unreliable_coverage     2.5
+    }
+    ; interstrand erroneous connection remover (thorn remover)
+    isec
+    {
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   100 ; max_ec_length = k + max_ec_length_coefficient
+        uniqueness_length       1500
+        span_distance       15000
+    }
+    ; max flow erroneous connection remover
+    mfec
+    {
+        enabled false
+        max_ec_length_coefficient   30  ; max_ec_length = k + max_ec_length_coefficient
+        uniqueness_length       1500
+        plausibility_length     200
+    }
+    ; topology tip clipper:
+    ttc
+    {
+        length_coeff    3.5
+        plausibility_length 250
+        uniqueness_length   1500
+    }

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+reads	toy.yaml
+single_cell	false
+; RL	100

@@ -239,8 +239,7 @@ Files: ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/*
 Copyright: 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
 License: Expat or X11
-Files: ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/COPYING
-       ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c
+Files: ext/src/hmmer/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c
 Copyright: 2003-2008 Yuta Mori
 License: Expat

@@ -1 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Tests: run-upstreams-tests
+Tests: run-unit-test
 Depends: @,bwa
 Restrictions: allow-stderr

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+set -e
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+if [ "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}" = "" ] ; then
+  AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2064
+cp -a /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/examples/* "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}"
+cd "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}"/configs
+spades --test
+coronaspades --test
+metaspades --test
+plasmidspades --test
+rnaspades --test

debian/tests/run-upstreams-tests deleted
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# autopkgtest check: Run the spades tests for each tool. 
-# Author: Sascha Steinbiss <satta at debian.org>
-set -ex
-WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
-spades --test
-coronaspades --test
-metaspades --test
-plasmidspades --test
-rnaspades --test
-# truspades is deprecated in v3.15 and may fail its own test suite.
-if command -v truspades > /dev/null
-	if ! truspades --test
-	then echo 'W: truspades failed its self-test suite.'
-	fi
-	echo 'W: truspades is not provided upstream anymore.'

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/spades/-/compare/dba0a18a8ae6f5b027bebc923ef4c1f97051abdd...dafceccdb6696d3ec132a5ca4af53121bb791ddf

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/spades/-/compare/dba0a18a8ae6f5b027bebc923ef4c1f97051abdd...dafceccdb6696d3ec132a5ca4af53121bb791ddf
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