[Debian-med-packaging] Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to "/usr/bin/c++" to match that imported from ITK.

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 19:34:49 UTC 2008

Dear Debian-Med Packaging Team,

First of all many thanks for packaging Insight TK into Debian repository.
I have one question though.
When I try to compile my programs I am getting the messages below.
What should I do to fix that?

Thanks in advance,



 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to "/usr/bin/c++" to match
that imported from ITK.  This is required because
 C++ projects must use the same compiler.  If this message appears for more
than one imported project, you have conflicting
 C++ compilers and will have to re-build one of those projects. Was set to

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG to "-g" to match that
imported from ITK.  If this message appears for more
 than one imported project, you have conflicting options and will have to
re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE to "-O3 -DNDEBUG" to match
that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL to "-Os -DNDEBUG" to
match that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO to "-O2 -g" to match
that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG to "-g" to match that
imported from ITK.  If this message appears for more
 than one imported project, you have conflicting options and will have to
re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE to "-O3 -DNDEBUG" to
match that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL to "-Os -DNDEBUG" to
match that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.

 Warning: CMake is forcing CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO to "-O2 -g" to
match that imported from ITK.  If this message
 appears for more than one imported project, you have conflicting options
and will have to re-build one of those projects.
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