[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#533896: FTBFS: Probably because of missing build dependency

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Wed Jun 24 05:39:18 UTC 2009

On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Onkar Shinde wrote:

> @Andreas,
> Did you try to build it in pbuilder.


> I added the build dependency
> ant-optional and built modified package in pbuilder. It builds fine.

Here is the patch I injected into packaging SVN:


It might be that


will be resolved by different JDKs.  I'm no Java expert at all but I
have the feeling that this might be the source of the problem.  I attached
the full build log of the build which leaded to an error on my side.

> @Peter,
> You forgot to actually add the patch. :-)

Well, this was actually no problem.

Kind regards


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