[Debian-med-packaging] ATTENTION?

simon Ridley simonridley00562 at msn.com
Tue May 26 14:07:23 UTC 2009

I the undersigned Mr. Simon Ridley Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Standard Bank South Africa, hereby wish to inform you that Mr. Mohammad Imran passed away on 27th May 2008 in car accident. Mr. Imran is currently based in South Africa however his country of birth is Karachi Pakistan, he is a trusted and loyal client in our bank. Mr. Imran did not leave or narrate or dictate a will to anybody within the bank so as to allow us to dispose of his assets. As per the South African Legislature, all assets from a deceased party who does not possess a will will be taken over by government after two years (2yrs) if not claimed by direct blood related relations or next of kin. Investigations were carried out by reliable government officials to ascertain whether or not Mr. Imran had any living relatives in South Africa and abroad. The findings were that you had been in contact with Mr. Imran on several occasions; therefore I have decided to contact you to enable you to become the sole beneficiary. Mr. Imran has a total sum of $6.500, 000, 98 US dollars in cash. Kindly keep this matter confidential as we shall share the money (50/50) and I will assist you to process the relevant documents accordingly. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I may provide you with the correct and appropriate steps to take so as to secure the abovementioned sum. 
I trust that you will find all the above to be in order and I look forward to your response herein. 
My Personal Email simonridley001 at gmail.com 
  My Cell phone. +27736353131 
Thanks from Simon Ridley CFO Standard Bank South Africa 
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