Mrs. Tina Faso mrs.tinafaso at o2.pl
Mon Aug 29 23:26:30 UTC 2011

Attention: Beneficiary.

I am Mrs. Tina Faso from Ministry Of Finance Burkina Faso (Head office). This is to bring to you notice that after the conference meeting we had, The Government of this country realized that you are among those that involved in scam victim we have in our list to Compensate by the government of this country as instructions from United Nation(UN).The Governor of this state, Ouagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso has instructed this office to forward your file to WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER DEPARTMENT to pay you the sum of US$800,000.00 through WESTERN UNION .

His Excellence the GOVERNOR has instructed the WESTERN payment department Dr.Alester Midori to send the sum of $800,000.00 through his custody for easy receiver of your funds. You are to contact them now to ensure that your fund will be transferring to you once you send them the needed information to avoid wrong transaction.According to the demands of WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER you are to receive your fund at the instalment rate of $5,000.00 daily until the $800,000.00 is completely transferred to you accordingly. You are to contact them now with the bellow information to avoid wrong transaction.

Reconfirm your address

(1)Your Full name: ................

(2)Your Phone number: ...................

(3)Your Contact address: ..................

(4)Your Age: ....................................

Listen very carefully, tell Dr.Alester Midori that you advise to contact him by Mrs. Tina Faso from Ministry Of Finance here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso;Bellow is their Contact Information.

Contact with this information below:


Phone number: +226 79 56 96 36

EMAIL: address :( westernunion20 at voila.fr )

Address: 12 Avenue Akpakpa streets, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Please, do not forget to update me as soon as you receive your first payment.

Best regards.

Mrs. Tina Faso.

F.A in Ministry of Finance

Burkina Faso.
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