[Debian-med-packaging] Andreas pimping Ensembl packages

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 7 19:08:53 UTC 2011

On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 04:32:57PM +0000, William Spooner wrote:
> > Is there any chance to file a bug report against ensembl upstream
> > somehow.  Even if it is not trivial it should be done somehow sooner or
> > later because not doing so will strike back at some point in time.  This
> > question is totally independant from Debian packaging or not (and it's
> > not political but rather technical).
> Ensembl are aware of the issue, and will fix in due course, unless we (Eagle) fix it first and Ensembl accept the patch. Sadly it is not a trivial fix; can we blame libwww-perl for breaking their interface between releases?

Sure you can blame libwww-perl for beeing guilty - but I doubt this wil
finally help. :-)  However, it might be motivating and keep you happy
while coding a proper patch if you are pretty sure who is the bad guy.
> > and what not.  I would like to keep a record in the mailing list which
> > somehow says: libwww-perl5.808 is needed for the time beeing.  It would
> > be great to add a link to the ensembl bug tracker (I can perfectly open
> > a ticket if needed if you give me a hint how to do this).
> I will raise a ticket with Ensembl helpdesk that can perhaps be used for this purpose.

Posting a link to this ticket to the Debian Med list will help us
following the issue. 

Kind regards



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