[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#653408: Bug#653408: [ITR] templates://biomaj/{templates}
Olivier Sallou
olivier.sallou at irisa.fr
Thu Dec 29 08:41:57 UTC 2011
Le 12/29/11 8:53 AM, Christian PERRIER a écrit :
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> The Debian internationalisation team and the Debian English
> localisation team will soon begin the review of the debconf
> templates used in biomaj.
> This review takes place for all packages that use debconf to interact with
> users and its aims are:
> - to improve the use of English in all debconf templates;
> - to make the wording of debconf templates more consistent;
> - to encourage more translations of templates.
> Even if your first language is English, this process is likely to help
> track down typos or errors, and improve consistency between the
> debconf templates of your package and that of other packages in the
> distribution.
> The process involves both debian-l10n-english contributors and
> Debian translators.
> The details of the process are given in
> http://wiki.debian.org/I18n/SmithDebconfReviewProcess.
> I will act as the coordinator of this activity for biomaj.
> The first step of the process is to review the debconf source
> template file(s) of biomaj. This review will start on Sunday, January 01, 2012, or
> as soon as you acknowledge this mail with an agreement for us to
> carry out this process.
> All parts of the process will be carried out in close collaboration
> with you, and, unless you explicitely ask for it, no upload nor NMU
> will happen for biomaj.
> If you approve this process, please let us know by replying to this
> mail. If some work in progress on your side would conflict with such a
> rewrite (such as adding or removing debconf templates), please say so,
> and we will defer the review to later in the development cycle.
Process can go. However I started to update templates file to add longer
description to the fields.
I join the file if you want to. Else, file is up-to-date on Alioth SVN.
> Thank you for your attention.
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Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE
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