[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#653408: [RFR] templates://biomaj/{templates}

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Thu Dec 29 16:13:07 UTC 2011

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the biomaj source package.

This review will last from Thursday, December 29, 2011 to Sunday, January 08, 2012.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, a summary will be sent to the review bug report,
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

--- biomaj.old/debian/templates	2011-12-27 22:20:05.845944392 +0100
+++ biomaj/debian/templates	2011-12-29 17:09:55.323508195 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
 Template: biomaj/jdk_home
 Type: string
-_Description: The JDK home directory:
+_Description: JDK home directory:
+ Please enter the directory where the Java Development Kit,
+ which is used by BioMAJ, is installed.

Give more details. I however wonder why this has to be
configured. Shouldn't the package depends on a JDK and therefore
"know" where it is installed?
 Template: biomaj/mysql
 Type: boolean
-_Description: Want to configure MySQL connection now ?
+_Description: Configure MySQL connection now?
+ Please choose whether you want to configure connection
+ parameters for the BioMAJ MySQL database.
+ .
+ Please note that the database has to be created and configured
+ before it can be used.

Use "BioMAJ" as this seems to be the "official" way to write the
software name?

 Template: biomaj/mysql_host
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter MySQL server address:
+_Description: MySQL server:
+ Please enter the hostname or IP address of the
+ MySQL server you want to use.

 Template: biomaj/mysql_login
 Type: string
-_Description: User login for biomaj database:
+_Description: MySQL login for BioMAJ database:
+ Please enter the login to use when connecting to the MySQL database
+ server to access the biomaj_log database.
 Template: biomaj/mysql_passwd
 Type: password
-_Description: User password for biomaj database:
+_Description: MySQL password for BioMAJ database:
+ Please enter the password to use when connecting to the MySQL database
+ server to access the biomaj_log database.

"biomaj_log" comes from your own proposal for templates.

--- biomaj.old/debian/control	2011-12-27 22:20:05.845944392 +0100
+++ biomaj/debian/control	2011-12-29 08:58:46.776705863 +0100
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
  libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-logging-java,libjets3t-java, perl,
 Suggests: ncbi-tools-bin, blast2
-Description: Biological banks updater
- BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, check their status and apply transformation
- workflows, with consistent state,to provide ready-to-use data to biologists and
+Description: biological banks updater
+ BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies transformation
+ workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use data to biologists and
  bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform original fasta files to blast 
  indexes. It is very flexible and post-processes can be extended very easily.

No leading uppercase in synopsis.

Some grammar corrections.
@@ -38,6 +38,6 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Description: bank properties file examples
  This package contains a set of bank properties that can be used as
- examples for biomaj. It contains many existing banks descriptions
- with or without workflows to transform data.  Some files may required
- additional programs for post processes (blast..).
+ examples for BioMAJ. It contains many existing banks descriptions
+ with or without workflows to transform data.  Some files may require
+ additional programs for post-processes such as blast.

Proper spelling of BioMAJ. Spelling correction.


-------------- next part --------------
Template: biomaj/jdk_home
Type: string
_Description: JDK home directory:
 Please enter the directory where the Java Development Kit,
 which is used by BioMAJ, is installed.

Template: biomaj/mysql
Type: boolean
_Description: Configure MySQL connection now?
 Please choose whether you want to configure connection
 parameters for the BioMAJ MySQL database.
 Please note that the database has to be created and configured
 before it can be used.

Template: biomaj/mysql_host
Type: string
_Description: MySQL server:
 Please enter the hostname or IP address of the
 MySQL server you want to use.

Template: biomaj/mysql_login
Type: string
_Description: MySQL login for BioMAJ database:
 Please enter the login to use when connecting to the MySQL database
 server to access the biomaj_log database.

Template: biomaj/mysql_passwd
Type: password
_Description: MySQL password for BioMAJ database:
 Please enter the password to use when connecting to the MySQL database
 server to access the biomaj_log database.
-------------- next part --------------
--- biomaj.old/debian/templates	2011-12-27 22:20:05.845944392 +0100
+++ biomaj/debian/templates	2011-12-29 17:09:55.323508195 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
 Template: biomaj/jdk_home
 Type: string
-_Description: The JDK home directory:
+_Description: JDK home directory:
+ Please enter the directory where the Java Development Kit,
+ which is used by BioMAJ, is installed.
 Template: biomaj/mysql
 Type: boolean
-_Description: Want to configure MySQL connection now ?
+_Description: Configure MySQL connection now?
+ Please choose whether you want to configure connection
+ parameters for the BioMAJ MySQL database.
+ .
+ Please note that the database has to be created and configured
+ before it can be used.
 Template: biomaj/mysql_host
 Type: string
-_Description: Enter MySQL server address:
+_Description: MySQL server:
+ Please enter the hostname or IP address of the
+ MySQL server you want to use.
 Template: biomaj/mysql_login
 Type: string
-_Description: User login for biomaj database:
+_Description: MySQL login for BioMAJ database:
+ Please enter the login to use when connecting to the MySQL database
+ server to access the biomaj_log database.
 Template: biomaj/mysql_passwd
 Type: password
-_Description: User password for biomaj database:
+_Description: MySQL password for BioMAJ database:
+ Please enter the password to use when connecting to the MySQL database
+ server to access the biomaj_log database.
--- biomaj.old/debian/control	2011-12-27 22:20:05.845944392 +0100
+++ biomaj/debian/control	2011-12-29 08:58:46.776705863 +0100
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
  libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-logging-java,libjets3t-java, perl,
 Suggests: ncbi-tools-bin, blast2
-Description: Biological banks updater
- BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, check their status and apply transformation
- workflows, with consistent state,to provide ready-to-use data to biologists and
+Description: biological banks updater
+ BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies transformation
+ workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use data to biologists and
  bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform original fasta files to blast 
  indexes. It is very flexible and post-processes can be extended very easily.
@@ -38,6 +38,6 @@
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 Description: bank properties file examples
  This package contains a set of bank properties that can be used as
- examples for biomaj. It contains many existing banks descriptions
- with or without workflows to transform data.  Some files may required
- additional programs for post processes (blast..).
+ examples for BioMAJ. It contains many existing banks descriptions
+ with or without workflows to transform data.  Some files may require
+ additional programs for post-processes such as blast.
-------------- next part --------------
Source: biomaj
Section: science
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Olivier Sallou <olivier.sallou at irisa.fr>
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/biomaj/trunk/
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/biomaj/trunk/?rev=0&sc=0
Homepage: http://biomaj.genouest.org
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.1)
Build-Depends-Indep: debconf, po-debconf, openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|sun-java6-jdk, ant, libhsqldb-java, ant-contrib,
 liblog4j1.2-java, libcommons-net2-java, libcommons-dbcp-java, libgnumail-java, libcommons-pool-java,
 libgnujaf-java, libjgoodies-forms-java, liboro-java, libregexp-java, 
 libjcommon-java, libjsch-java, libjdom1-java, junit4, libsaxonb-java, libjdepend-java,
 javahelper (>=0.25), libcommons-cli-java, libcommons-codec-java, libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-logging-java,
Standards-Version: 3.9.2

Package: biomaj
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${java:Depends},
 openjdk-6-jdk|default-jdk|sun-java6-jdk, ant, libmysql-java, debconf, 
 libhsqldb-java,ant-contrib,liblog4j1.2-java,libcommons-net2-java (>= 2.2),libcommons-dbcp-java (>= 1.2),
 libgnumail-java, libcommons-pool-java (>= 1.5), libgnujaf-java, libjgoodies-forms-java (>= 1.2),
 liboro-java (>= 2.0),libregexp-java (>= 1.4),libjcommon-java (>= 1.0),libjsch-java (>= 0.1.42),
 libjdom1-java (>= 1.1),junit4,libsaxonb-java (>= 0.9), libcommons-cli-java, libcommons-codec-java,
 libcommons-httpclient-java, libcommons-logging-java,libjets3t-java, perl,
Suggests: ncbi-tools-bin, blast2
Description: biological banks updater
 BioMAJ downloads remote data banks, checks their status and applies transformation
 workflows, with consistent state, to provide ready-to-use data to biologists and
 bioinformaticians. For example, it can transform original fasta files to blast 
 indexes. It is very flexible and post-processes can be extended very easily.

Package: biomaj-properties
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Description: bank properties file examples
 This package contains a set of bank properties that can be used as
 examples for BioMAJ. It contains many existing banks descriptions
 with or without workflows to transform data.  Some files may require
 additional programs for post-processes such as blast.
-------------- next part --------------
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